A01 Logbook final

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[A01] logbook final submission evangeline browne - 698273

Constructing Environments – Week 1 logbook entry Loads & Structures, MASS, Introduction to materials ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Medium! density! fibre! board!! After!tiers!of!solid! foundations,!gradual! movements!inwards! occur!

Square! base!

Double!layered!wall!for!more!solid!structure! taking!into!account!the!lack!of!strength!in!this! material!compared!to!a!material!such!as!steel!

Pressure! placed!to!one! side!!

Small! base!=! narrow! structure!!

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Loads : Loads can arise in many forms and contain different reactions. Within the construction industry loads on buildings is a key point of interest in catering for all these different types of loads and ensuring the dwelling is safe for all stakeholders. Specifically speaking, loads on buildings can refer to mainly static and dynamic loads. Static loads are applied slower than that of dynamic loads, which in contrast are applied suddenly to a structure. Examples of static loads include dead loads, which are comprised of a structures existing material such as beams applying downward pressure. Such instances of dead loads include the building of the mass tower (W1 Studio) in which each tier became a new dead load on the already existing structure. Contrary to this Dynamic loads, because of their sudden occurrence are usually natural and most commonly linked to wind loads and earthquake loads. Because of the lack of control of such events, planning must occur to take into account flutter (effect of wind) and earthquakes.

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Forces: Is any influence that produces a change in the shape or movement of a body (Ching, 2008). Newtons second law states that for every force acting on a body there is a reaction of equal magnitude acting against the original force, this causing equilibrium and a greater chance of a structure holding together. This could be seen in the mass tower when a new block was placed on an existing block/s they were both able to stay upright when a larger surface area of block was being supported. This can also be called a uniformly distributed load as support is carried evenly throughout the whole block. When compared to placing a block onto two blocks with a large gap in between, an unequal magnitude is present between the load and force, causing instability and possible collapse. This is called concentrated load as only a small area of the supporting element was present. (Ching 2008)

Glossary: Load path: Is the direction a load is transferred to reach the ground through connecting structural elements. Beam: Structural member, usually horizontal, whose main function is to carry loads transverse to its longitudinal axis. Masonry: Refers to building with units of various natural or manufactured products, such as brick, stone or concrete, usually with the use of mortar as a bonding agent. Compression: A condition caused by the action of squeezing or shortening of a component. Reaction force: The force or moment developed at the points of a support. Point load: Occurs when an element is supported with a structural element by which contact is only a small surface area between the two elements. eg Beams and columns.

References: Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons. Joist and structural glossary.(1996). Hancock Joist. Retrieved from http://www.hancockjoist.com/glossary.htm. Clare Newton. Introduction to construction. Contruction overview. March 2014 Clare Newton. Materials. Introduction to Materials. March 2014 Clare Newton. Load and forces. Load paths. March 2014

Load path

Planning phase: Structure must have multiple contact points on the ground (4) allows for 3 contact points if structure becomes unstable. Structure similar to radio towers allowing direct load path to ground.

One strip of balsa wood added at a time until more support needed


Glued Cable stayed steel trustle masts. Structurae. (2014). http://structurae.net/structures/stype/index.cfm?id=1068

Extra contact point to balance out unequal magnitude on one side

Balsa wood

Radio towers support usually made from cable anchored to ground

Joints taped together

Joints not holding together


Frame “tower” challenge: The structural system erected included the superstructure, which were the vertical extensions of the building (balsa wood raised to form cable like “truss” structure). Usually cables are made from steel or strong materials, anchored down to the ground allowing resistance in one direction of the cable. As Balsa wood was used, firstly the material was weaker and unable to allow rotation. Secondly, only glue and masking tape were used for constructing these “cable like” tiers and for that reason no anchorage was present and not even the two structural elements being the base or tier and the new cable could be securely joined together. A fixed joint or pin joint would be needed to secure these elements together. For frame tower a substructure (underlying structure) was included as a foundation for the remaining structural system to be placed on it. The substructure consisted of a base with 4 contact points to the ground with overlapping elements to promote further strength. This allowed for the structure to still remain erected even if balance was thrown off and one point lifted off the ground. The material itself (balsa wood) is used in this case as a frame/skeleton. Due to the availability of timber in Australia many buildings contain frames/skeletons for its structure. In saying this because of the lighter weight of Balsa wood, load transfer was more difficult as material would snap when more weight was placed upon it. In addition links to each piece of balsa wood was difficult as proper joints could not be applied such as pin or fixed joints. Creating the truss framework did however allow for a more efficient load transfer to the ground.

Comparison: • Larger substructure • Taller superstructure allowing overall more height • Stronger links and connections forced bending in material which may later snap • Triangular shape allows for 3 load paths from apex

Glossary: !

Structural Joint: Is the connection between two structural elements usually via a third element or material such as bolts, glue or pins. Stability: In a construction sense; involves a building or structure to be stable hence upright and secure through correct integration of elements. Tension: Involves the tightening between two elements Frame: Is the skeletal superstructure of a building or element that encloses a structure, which allows for efficient load transfer. Bracing: Ties & rods used for supporting and strengthening various part Of a building Used for lateral stability for columns and beams. (Engineering dictionary, 2008) Column: Are rigid, relatively slender structural members designed primarily to support axial compressive loads applied to the ends of the members. (Ching, 2011) References: Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons. Clare Newton. Structural systems. Structural systems and forms. March 2014. Clare Newton. Construction systems. March 2014. Clare Newton. ESD and selecting materials. March 2014. Clare Newton. Structural connections. March 2014. Column. Engineering dictionary. (2008). Retrieved from http://www.engineeringdictionary.org/


Footings and foundations. Beams and Columns

Reinforced Concrete

Timber Beam with Truss

Steel beam

As seen in at the loft 6 Cafe, a major structural element can be the combination of columns and beams which can be made from materials such as timber and reinforced concrete (lot 6). Strut beams like these ones running horizontally are used as a compression element as compression occurs tension is additionally created to balance these two forces. Columns on run vertically and are used to support the dead and live loads placed upon it this can be in forms of a srut or tie with struts thicker and a compression element while tie’s are are a tension element. Timber and steel are also a materials that can be used for beams with the arts west building exhibiting the mixture of both materials. A truss within beams adds an extra element of support for dead loads placed upon it.

Structural Beams

Structural columns

Footings and foundations are designed to avoid the effects of Basement

settlement and ensure that sinking of an entire building occurs evenly on the earths surface and bearing capacity of soil is not exceeded. Shallow footing refer to when the soil conditions are unstable where deep footing is where bearing capacity is inadequate. Strip footings (loads from wall or series of columns) and rafts (Individual strips bound together as single map) can assist in avoiding these issues. Retaining and foundation walls are used in excavated sites to create basements or where changes in site levels need to be stabilised to prevent walls from overturning. This can be seen in Lot 6 and the new architecture and planning building at unimelb. 

Pin Joints

Basement Carpark

Reinforced concrete to avoid cracking

Retaining walls

asset in forming walls, arches and paving most commonly. They once were handmade but changes in technology have seen them machine moulded/pressed and now extruded and wire cut. Bricks can be laid in three types of courses; Stretcher, header, brick on edge and soldier. Mortar joints are typically 10mm in width. Joint finishing includes; Raced, Ironed, weather, struck and flushed. Properties of Bricks; • • • • • • •

Hollow columns for drainage


Angled for drainage

Supported by cable

Force calculations

Bricks are rectangular solid prisms usually made out of clay to

Hardess: Medium/high - Scratched w/metal Fragile: Medium - Can be broken Very low ductility Low flexibility Med/low porosity - Only when soaked for prolonged periods in water Medium Density Durable, reusable, locally produced and cost effective

Glossary: Moment: Refers to force and the measurement of the tendency to cause a body to rotate in a way thats at a specific point or axis. Retaining Wall: A solid wall used to resist the lateral pressure of soil being retained. Pad Footing: Pad foundation refers to the foundation which is intended for sustaining concentrated loads from a single point load such as structural columns.
 Strip Footing: Strip foundation is used to support a line of loads such as loadbearing walls. Slab on ground: Acts as a floor and foundation system to create further support and stability from the earths pressure and dead and live loads that will be placed upon it.
 Substructure: Is the structural elements placed below the earths surface such as slab foundations that support dead loads above.


Architectonics. Moments. (1998). Chris H. Luebkeman. Retrived from http://web.mit.edu/4.441/1_lectures/1_lecture5/1_lecture5.html. Civil engineering portal. (2011). Foundations. Retrieved from http://www.engineeringcivil.com/what-is-the-difference-between-padfoundation-strip-foundation-and-raft-foundation.html Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons. Clare Newton. Foundations and footing. Week 3 e-learning. March 2014



floor systems and horizontal elements


floor systems Concrete: Most commonly in the form of concrete slabs; One way slab - Reinforced in one direction and cast integrally with parallel supporting beams. One way joist - Closer spaced joists, supported by parallel sets of beams, suited for heavier loads. Others include: • Two way slab and beam • Two way waffle slab • Two way flat plate • Two way flat slab

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Timber: Timber flooring is supported by woods beams and structural planking or decking is placed unto, allowing for use. Beams can be supported by load bearing walls, girders Spaces and spanning (Joists)

! (Studio TM, 2010)

Timber flooring is used in many dwellings especially in corridors where temperature does not need as much regulation. The inclusion of timber flooring is displayed in the Sports pavilion of Melbourne uni as corridor between facilities whereby only block walls are used rather than structural walls around the flooring. Represented as F10.!

Solid beams

One way slab

Concrete poured over

Joists:! May be supported by wood std framing, wood or steal beams, or a bearing wall of concrete or masonry. Joist span is related to the magnitude of applied loads, joint size and spacing, species and grade of lumber used as well as deflection allowable for intended use. The stiffness of the joist under stress so more critical than its strength.

(Archiexpo, 2014)

Steel joist

Double joist vertically

Steel: Structural girders, beams and columns can all be used to construct a skeleton frame. Steel framing is most efficient when the girder and beam supports are laid out on a grid. Most Common systems: One way beam system:

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Two way beam: • Includes primary and secondary beam • Girders or trusses support this primary beam • Long spanning members used • Often used when a large column free space is required

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(Ninive, 2011)

concrete Artificial stone often highly polished Cement mixed with water and aggregate binds to make hard solid material that is concrete. Hydration is a chemical reaction to make concrete that is strong yet workable. Plastic before set, which is able to undergo formwork.

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Hollow! cross section allowing for increased depth without increasing weight = More efficient in taking larger magnitude with same amount of materials etc

Box Girder

In situ:! Concrete cast in place, arrives on site as liquid. Labour intensive on site. Cured on building site (setting, process of hydration). Limited amounted of time after it is poured that is is workable hence vibration must occur and it must be reinforced quickly.


Steel Beams: Finding the lightest steel section that will resist bending and shear forces within allowable limits of stress and without excessive deflection for intended use is a challenge yet absolutely necessary for successful construction.

Pictures of uses and process Usually in situ concrete involves reinforcement in which steel reinforcers are laid

(Construction manager, reinforcement)! (Construction manager, curing)

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Concrete is poured and then worked to the design desired and then left which is known as “curing” for up to 28 days for maximum strength.

 Are made offsite in shapes and sizes required. Are then transported to the site through large trucks/trailers and usually put in place by crane. ! Can be found in forms of walls, columns and beams.! Such examples include the walls and columns of the architecture and planning building, currently under construction.! Less labour intensive and less issues surrounding quality control. Construction joints naturally occur when elements meet. Structural joints may include brackets.!

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Joist: Complete a frame by joining two element together allowing lateral stability Steel decking: Most commonly used for reinforcement such as under slabs to create a reinforced concrete slab Span: Distance measured between two structural points. Girder: A series of welded plates that support other structural elements in-between is own structure, increasing resistance to forces. Concrete plank: Equivalent to a concrete slab in which a a hollow structure is placed, in resistance to the earths surfed and supports

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Annotations:! Are given on plans to increase understanding of complex ideas or detail that is difficult to convey through symbols and drawing alone.! These include items to remain such as the flag pole as well as specific features like range hoods and fire rated walls.!

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Comparison; Doors and windows!


(Latux blog)

Crane used

Scale:! Scale provides readers of information regarding the size actual size of con structure relative to the size of the images given to them. The pavilions floor plans are drawn at 1:100.!

Other features of the pavilion plan:! • Room size (m^2)! • Legend! • Recognised symbols!


Elevations:! Shows the exterior of the pavilion which highlights the overall size of the building and the positioning of structures as well as the materials to be used. ! Demesions are given in metres above datum. e.g.) FFL 47.100! Levels:!

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Section:! Provides all the information of the positioning of the rooms and their size in relation to the entire pavilion in 3 sections.!

! Material representation:! !



Details:! Walls, roof, facade, windows, fireplace, canopy, stairs.! The break lines are used to represent these details as they signal that further information about these detailed concepts are


Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton. Floor systems and horizontal elements. Week 4 e-learning. March 2014

Bonds and shields contracting and repairing. (2014). Retrieved from http://bondsandshields.com/repairing.php Archiexpo. (2014). Retrieved from http://img.archiexpo.com/images_ae/photo-g/permanent-formworks-voided-slabs-reinforced-concrete-cast-inplace-52772-6098339.jpg Ninive.Segmental box girder forms. (2011). http://www.ninive.it/bridge-formwork/segmental-box-girder-forms/ Studio Tm. Building in Vancouver. (2010). Retrieved from http://studio-tm.com/constructionblog/?cat=224 Construction manager. Reinforcement. Retrieved from http://www.construction-manager.co.uk/client_media/imagecontent/bamtec-reinforcement.jpg Latux blog. Precast concrete. Retrieved from http://latuxdbd.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/precast-concrete.jpg Unimelb. Spac and spanning. Retrieved from https://app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2004/SPAN%20AND %20SPACING.pdf

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[W5] Balsa wood strips

columns, grids and wall systems

Angled roof structure

Glue and masking tape

No equaliser or load bearing structure

Scotch tape

Gathering of materials - Structural system made of balsa wood - Light weight and easy to create joinery with super glue

Scale used was 1:20 from here each element was measured and cut to the actual length needed. Joining the elements together involved both super glue and sticky tape to hold the pieces in place before drying.

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Room system was made with round wood pieces in which sheets of cardboard were supposed to be placed upon the structure to create an enclosed structure or complete roof system. Unable to create correct angle

Due to lack limited time, structure was erected quickly and manually held together (roof structure and wall structure). No support was available for the structure to stand up by itself.

Bound with sticky tape

Columns unable to support magnitude of structure

Scale appears larger than 1:10

Joints stronger - No sticky tape used

2 contact point with ground

Cardboard foundation Pre cut balsa

Replication of Sports pavilion structure: The structure replicated is of a section of the wall detail of the pavilion. The actual wall system, as shown on the plans consists of stud wall with timber cladding and plywood covering the load bearing elements themselves. Within the load bearing wall system lies a truss system, aimed at transferring the loads more effectively from the superstructure all the way to the substructure which is made of concrete. The use of Balsa wood in the model of the wall proved to be the best choice as opposed to round sticks of timber which were not able to be cut to size easily and sculpted into their appropriate positions to carry loads placed upon them. Other groups, as seen above, were able to erect models quicker through pre preparation, and as a result, were able to produce the model that could bear the total loads place on them such as the roof system. Wall Systems: Structural Frames: • Includes concrete frames with a grid of reinforced concrete columns and beams • Steel columns connected to steel girders and beams • Timber frames composed of posts and poles connected to timber beams Concrete and masonry walls - load bearing walls: • Concrete in situ or pre cast, linked to other panels and elements • Masonry - reinforcement in core blocks, often 2 skins with waterproofing in-between

… Metal and wood stud walls: • Light gauge steel framing - more cost effective than timber • Studs carry vertical load while diagonal bracing stiffens the plane of wall • Cavities can contain insulation and services




Concrete beams are designed to act together with lateral and vertical reinforcement in resisting applied forces. Lateral reinforcement restrains vertical reinforcement and strengthens the column against buckling. Vertical reinforcement augments the ability of a concrete column to carry compressive loads, resist tensile forces when the column is subject to lateral load. Steel Columns consist of a few different shapes but the most frequently used is the wide-flange (W) shape, which is suitable for connections to beams in two directions. Allowable load depends on its cross sectional area and slenderness ratio. Wood columns may be solid, built up or spaced. Wood columns and posts are loaded axially in compression. Failure can rest from crushing of the wood fibres if the maximum unit stress exceeds the allowable uni stress in compression parallel to the grain.


Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton. Walls, grids and columns. Week 5 e-learning. April 2014 Clare Newton.Timber. Week 5 e-learning. April 2014 Unimelb. Short and long columns. April 2014. Retrieved https:// app.lms.unimelb.edu.au/bbcswebdav/courses/ ENVS10003_2014_SM1/WEEK%2005/SHORT%20AND%20LONG %20COLUMNS.pdf Group Four. Loadcell glossary. 2014. Retrieved from http:// www.groupfourtransducers.com/legacy/loadcellglossary.html About. Garages. 2014. Retrieved fromhttp://garages.about.com/ od/glossary/g/StudGlossary.htm lexic.ua. 2014. Retrieved from http://garages.about.com/od/ glossary/g/StudGlossary.htm

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Glossary Stud: In construction, a vertical framing member used to create walls and partitions. (about, 2014) Nogging: A horizontal beam used in the construction of a building, especially to strengthen upright posts. (lexic, 2014) Lintel: A horizontal piece of material (acting as masonry) which allows loads to be assisted and supported usually under windows or doors. Axial loading: A load applied along or parallel to and concentric with the primary axis. (Group four, 2014) Buckling: Occurs when the load force applied to a column outweighs the strength of the cross sectional area, causing the structure to bend outwards. Seasoned timber: Process of wind drying timber by leaving timber to air dry for around 6 moths to dry moisture out. (nEWTON, 2014)


spanning and enclosing spaces Girder, reducing and supporting truss system. *Similar* (builder-bill, 2009)

Load bearing brick wall of garage *Similar*! (Tim & Tina, 2010)! Load path through the doubled layered brick column

Roofing strategies and systems: The roof system functions as the primary sheltering element for the interior of a building. The construction of a roof should also control the passage of moisture vapour, the infiltration of air, and the flow of heat and solar radiation. (Ching, 2010). The must also be able to reduce the spread of fire. Its structural layout must be carfullt thought out as to what loads and forces the structure will undergo, e.g. winds and snow. Roof slopes Allow for water drainage. 3 Types of roof slopes are most commonly used.

Flat Roofs:

Sloping roofs: Categorised into low-sloped roofs an medium to hi sloped roofs. Low sloped roofs require continuous membrane roofing where as medium-high can have tiles, shingles or sheet material.


Sloping roofs shed rainwater easily to other eaves. Sloping roofs may have the structure of: • Wood or steal rafters and sheathing • Timber beams, purlins, and decking • Timber or steel trusses


• Require continuous membrane roofing material • Slope can be achieved by inclining the structural members of roof deck or tampering with thermal layer • Slope usually leads to interior drain • Can consist of reinforced concrete slabs, flat timber or steel trusses, timber or steel beams and decking, wood or steal joist and sheathing

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Trusses: Steel trusses: Generally fabricated by welding or bolting structural angles together to form the triangulated framework. Truss systems are used to create overall structural stability when adding an enclosing layer e.g. the roof. Thus a a truss systems allows for spanning to hold the roof system. Basic Steel truss:

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Most common types;

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Wood trusses;

Concrete: (In situ) - Features

! ! ! ! ! Concept map - Roof systems and important consideration STUDIO


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Metals: Linked to technological eras (copper, bronze, iron age). Pure metals found in nature (minerals) On metals (ferrous) One element only where as alloys are two or more metals - ferrous alloys contains iron Properties Depends of hardness on which type of metal Low fragility High deductibility Medium plasticity Imperamble High density and very good conductivity Durable, reusable, possibly recyclable

Glossary: Other non ferrous metal includes: -Tin -Lead -Titanium -Bronze -Brass (copper + zinc)



Ferrous metals: Iron - types: Wrought Iron heated and hammered Cast Iron - formed when iron is melted and molten is poured into moulds and cooled Steel - Alloy of Iron and carbon -Strong material, transfers heat and electricity and also long lasting Used for framing: -Hot rolled -Cold formed -Reinforcing bars Steel sheeting Used for cladding and roofing, must be protected from weather


Reinforcing bar - Ferrous metal - (PH1NZ, 2012)


Non Ferrous Metals: Aluminium - Light, non magnetic, easily formed and machined Used for window frames Cast and used for door handles Copper -Roofing material (develops green vetina) -Used for hot and cold water and heating pipework Zinc Used as expensive cladding system, protection or rusting, galvanising roofing materials.

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Rafter: A roofing timber that defines the slope of a roof. It is set at right angles to the wall plate and rises to the ridge board. (builder-bill, 2009) Purlin: A horizontal roof member, steel or timber, sitting on the principal rafter of a truss or propped off a wall to support the rafters. (builder-bill, 2009) Cantilever: Projecting horizontal beam fixed at one end only. (Lexic, 2014) Portal frame: Portal frames are generally low-rise structures, comprising columns and horizontal or pitched rafters, connected by moment-resisting connections. (steel construction, 2013) Eave: The lower part of a sloping roof, the part of a roof which overhangs the walls. (builder-bill, 2009)
 Alloy: A material that has metallic properties and is composed of two or more chemical elements of which at least one is a metal. (about, 2002) Soffit:The visible underside of an arch, balcony, beam, cornice, staircase, vault or any other architectural element. (Lexic, 2014)

Copper roofing - (builder-bill, 2009)

References: Builder-bill. Graphical Construction Glossary. 2009. Retrieved from http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/common-rafter.html Steel construction. Portal frames. 2013. http:// www.steelconstruction.info/Portal_frames Lexic. Cantilever. 2014. http://www.lexic.us/definition-of/cantilever about.com. Metals. 2002. http://metals.about.com/bldef-Alloy.htm PH1NZ. Concrete floor slab. 2012. http:// passivehouse1nz.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/concrete-floor-slabsecond-pour.html Builder-bill. Copper roofing. 2009. http://www.builderbill-diyhelp.com/copper-roofing.html T&T. February 2010. Framework. http://tim-andtina.blogspot.com.au/2010_03_01_archive.html builder-bill. 2009. Roof truss. http://www.builderbill-diy-help.com/ image-files/girder.jpg Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton.Ferrous & Non-ferrous metal. Week 6 elearning. April 2014



detailing strategies 1

detailing for heat and moisture: Moisture Prevention Water penetration occurs under these conditions: 1. An opening is present 2. Water is present at an opening 3. A force is present that moves water through opening Prevention of these conditions occurring assists in removing moisture away from dwellings.

Openings Planned openings - Windows and doors Unplanned openings - Poor construction and deterioration of materials Solutions Silicates

Keeping water away from openings • 1. Sloping roof Forces water away from openings

Creates barrier to inside

Angling (grading) down

Box gutter

Waterproof silicate

Controlling forces that move water

Bonds and shields (2014)

• Gravity Slopes • Surface Tension Drip or breaks between surfaces to prevent water clinging to underside of surfaces • Momentum Wind and snow moves moisture through gaps. To inhibit movement gaps can be constructed in more complex labyrinth shapes, slowing momentum of moisture and deflecting water away from gap. (sketch 1.0 below) • Air pressure differential

• 3. Sloping ground

• 2. Overlapping

Deflect the kinetic energy of wind driven raindrops

(continued)…internal side of labyrinth, a ventilated and drained pressure equalisation chamber. (sketch 1.1 below)

Sketch 1.0 - momentum

In a wet area moisture is best dealt with through waterproofing the basement through a membrane, a technique known as tanking. In dry areas tanking is not used but instead double skin walls and ran screen systems can be used to equalise forces that could create moisture. Roofs carry water away from openings and eaves are used to further keep this water away especially iN wet areas. Placement of joints is critical as windows and walls contain many openings through these use of joints. Controlling Air leakage Strategies • Eliminate causes (openings, air presence, air moment) • Wrapping the building in polyethylene, reflective foil • Weather stripping around doors and windows

Sketch 1.1 - Air pressure differential

Controlling Heat Heat loss occurs when; • Heat is conducted through the building envelope • The building envelope elements are subject to radiant heat sources • Thermal mass is used to regulate the flow of heat through the building envelope Strategies Conduction: • Thermal insulation (Figure 1.0 below) • Thermal breaks made from low conductive materials • Double glazing (Sketch 1.2) Radiation: • Reflective surfaces • Shading systems Thermal mass: • Masonry • Concrete • Water bodies Mineral slag wool Lines


Drip: Breaks the surface tension that causes water to cling Vapour barrier: A vapour barrier is a plastic membrane laid under the slab to improve its performance against rising damp. Gutter: Are vertical containers placed at the end of sloping roofs to collect water runoff to transfer to down pipes Parapet: A parapet is a low wall projecting from the edge of a platform, terrace, or roof Down pipe: Sends water from gutter to ground surface and further drainage areas Flashing: Installed to prevent the passage of water into a structure from an angle or joint. (Ching, 2011) Insulation: Used to absorb heat and regulate interior temperatures Sealant: Provides a barrier against the passage to water.

Absorbs heat

Figure 1.0 - Thermal insulation

(The guardian, 2014)


Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons. Bonds and shields contracting and repairing. (2014). Retrieved from http://bondsandshields.com/ repairing.php The guardian energy audit. (2014). Retrieved from http://www.theguardian.com/anglian-home-improvements/ anglian-energy-audit Build right concrete slab. (2013). Retrieved from https://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/toolbox/buildright/content/ bcgbc4010a/10_floor_systems/01_concrete_slab_general/page_007.htm Jackie Craven. about.com architecture. (2012). Retrieved from http://architecture.about.com/od/ buildingparts/g/parapet.htm Clare Newton. Building detail 1. Week 7 e-learning. April 2014 Joe Cuhaj. How to choose a roof for your home. (October, 2009). Retrieved from http:// www.todayshomeowner.com/choosing-a-roof/

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strategies for openings 

Functioning parapet

Section - Function room north 03

Packing Metal deck roof

Flashing Joint sealant with backing rod Thermal insulation Steel angle

Acoustic insulation

Vapour barrier

Thermal roof insulation Down pipe Cement cladding

Gutter bracket Box gutter

Thermal insulation external walls


Sloping roof - slate

Flashing is located on the sports pavilion’s roof and is used to direct water to gutters and away from opening where water can seep through. As seen on the sketch above, the flashing is located within the sloping metal roof similarly like this one (left) with the exception of materials. (Content injection, 2011)

Door operations

Windows & doors

Doors and doorways provide access from the outside into the interior of a building as well as passage between interior spaces. (Ching, 2011) Doorways should therefore: • Be large enough to move through easily • Be located to allow for ease of movement and passage between areas • Should provide weathertight seals when closed to maintain thermal insulation • Should offer acoustic privacy • Meet codes for fire resistance, emergencies


Door designs can be flushed, glass, vision, narrow light, full-louvered, or a combination. Hingers act as joint between a wall and the door.

Windows affects the ventilation, physical appearance, Top rail Feature panel Mid rail

Bottom rail

views, lighting and spatial quality of a dwelling. Windows are usually factory made and purchased on stockists. Windows can to be fixed, casement, awning & hopper, sliding, double hanging, jalousie or pivoting. Timber, aluminium, and steel window frames are all commonly used. Curtain walls are also an option however, loads must be carried around windows not through.

Inertia and Deformation: Beams, when applied with forces can undergo movement known as deflection due to bending. Therefore beams can change shape due to these forces. Glossary Window Sash: A window sash is the framed part of the window which holds the sheets of glass in place. Most commonly, though, window sash refers to that part of the window which moves. (about, 2014) Deflection: Is the perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates from a true course under its transverse loading. (Ching, 2011) Moment of Inertia: Sum of all the products of each element of an area and the square of its distance from a coplanar axis of rotation. (Ching 2011) Door Furniture: Are the fixtures and fittings associated to Doors such as door handles, door nobs, hinges etc. Stress: Is a combination of compressive and tension stresses developed at a cross section of a structural member to resist a transverse force. (Ching, 2011) Shear Force: Is forces within the materials resisting against each other. References: Content injection. 2011. Money saving waterproofing methods. Retrieved from http://contentinjection.com/money-savingweatherproofing-methods/ about.homerenovations. 2014. Window sash. Retrieved from http:// homerenovations.about.com/od/glossary/g/gloswindowsash.htm Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton. Strategies for openings. Week 8 e-learning. March 2014 Cox architects. 2012. 3D render of University of Melbourne Oval Pavilion. Grady Joinery. 2014. Glazing options. Retrieved from http:// www.gradyjoinery.com/windows/glazing-options/

" " Double glazed window - (Grady joinery, 2014)"


detailing strategies 

SWANSTON SQUARE | 34 stories | 536 apartments + retail | pro build | ARM architects Structural systems - Use of concrete reinforcing

Reinforced concrete acts as the main structural system with slabs and columns transferring loads throughout the building along with shear concrete walls. Level by level, built up with supporting columns, with backbone of building (services, lifts and stairwell) built first followed by the rest of the floor. Pre cast concrete used for columns (Crane present) while in situ is used for slabs and shear wall. The Terrace level combines the use of metal reinforces and post tension metal which are tightened ones majority of the concrete is poured, to allow for stability in the slab. The combination of these two strategies is more cost effective and efficient as less material is used and complete metal reinforcing is not needed on the entire floor.

Pulled in shoe lace motion

Concrete poured over

Post tension

Only placed around edge

Metal reinforcement

Used for vanity as steel unable to hold the load

Only Timber framing used

Tiling in kitchen - easy to clean hygienic around food prep


Joints and connections:

Between the reinforced and precast concrete displayed on the swanston square construction site are joints containing 12 large metal fixed joints that screw into the holes provided at the other end of the column. For materials such as the steel framework for doors and walls, welding occurs to hold the structure together. Between different materials and structural elements, a range of joints and connections can be observed. The plasterboard used requires glueing, hoisting and screws to the steel framing. Mortar beds are used between the skirting board and the wall as well as with tiles to the concrete floor, although waterproofing also takes place during this exercise. Carpet is layer onto the concrete slab and is stabilised through a metal strip used between the tiles and carpet to compress and hold the materials closer, avoiding gaps between the two materials.


Acoustic insulation used between tile and concrete slabs - synthetic fibreglass material

Movement joints are used to cater for materials that expand and contract in response to normal changes in temperature. This includes swelling and shrinkage due to moisture. Movement joints are also responsive to deflection due to loading. Movement joints include; Expansion joints, control joints and isolation joints. They all create a complete break through the structure which is usually filled with a compressive material. May be in the form of a joint sealant.

Carpet almost last material/ finish in construction process as easily dirties Steel frame for doorways - cost effective than timber Concrete/slab acts as under flooring


Construction detailing involves multiple trades and experts woking together to discuss and compromise on the most effective and efficient detailing that should be used. Swanston square involved the designer and builder working together to use materials and details that were cost effective for the client yet delivered quality, usability and ease of introduction into the building. Constructability refers to how easy details are to assemble, how forgivable the details are if mistakes occur e.g.) how easily can things be adjusted around it. Lastly, it requires efficiency of the use of labour, construction facilities and tools.


Fire resistant plasterboard

Health, safety and comfort in detailing: Detailing must meet a fire safety rating which may include the use of gypsum plaster which us fire resistant and added to plaster walls. Safe stairs must also be introduced with regulations on the slope of stairs and the inclusion of banisters. Acoustic rating must also be adhered to with insulation in both the ceiling and walls. This can be achieved through padding or sound compressing materials in-between materials or two elements such as tiles and concrete or timber framework.


Consideration of ageing: Deterioration occurs in every building, but the intensity of this depends on the location of the dwelling and for this reason, materials hence detailing must be carefully considered. For example cooper is a material that gets better with time while glossy materials can lose their shine quickly. Depending on the use of dwellings, surfaces should be also be carefully considered on repairability and resistance to damage.

For example Hospitals need surfaces that can be easily cleaned and this can come in the form of a cove Cove flooring.



Skirting boards can act as harder surface, easily replaced if damaged through scuffing etc. Corners require corner beads or trims which are most vulnerable to damage.

Glossary: Sandwich panel: Multi layered structure with different mechanical properties for each layer, including one of insulation. (Kingspan) Bending: Is the combination of compressive and tensile stresses due to internal stressors. (SAFAS, 2011) Skirting: A vertical piece of material, usually wood, that is placed between the wall and floor as detailing to protect the must vulnerable part of the wall. Composite Beam: Is the combination of two different types of materials or elements that act together to support loads. Eg a steel beam and concrete slab. Cornice: Is a moulded projection that crowns a wall or divides it horizontally for compositional purposes. (Ching, 2011)

References: SAFAS. 2011. Fundamentals. Retrived from http://legacy.caus.vt.edu/setareh/archresearch/ 007_fdmtl_14_tension_compression_and_bending_stresses_and_strains.html Kingspan. Sandwich panels. Retrieved from http://panels.kingspan.in/Insulated-SandwichPanel-%7C-Insulated-Wall-Panels-%7C-Insulated-Roof-Panels-%7C-India--13261.html Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton.Ferrous & Non-ferrous metal. Week 9 e-learning. May 2014



when things go wrong 

Steel decking/roof

Insulating Wall


The inclusion of a vapour barrier ensures that condensation that is caused by the interception of cold and hot air is stopped. Moist warm air entering the dwelling will cause condensation that can cause damage to services or materials including paintwork. Providing this barrier keeps air temperatures more separated.

Detailing decisions and purposes: The decisions regarding details on the Oval pavilion redevelopment can be observed throughout with many of these detailing decisions based around water resistance and quality measures. Flashing for example has been included to ensure openings, possibly emerging between the cornices of joints, are covered, which keeps water out of openings but its sloping nature also keeps the water away from the opening and into the box gutter where water can exit. Without this waterproofing, water can enter the building and this is where things can go wrong as services can be ruined etc. The decision to have a flat roof for some part of the pavilion may be due to aesthetic purposes yet it is paired with the decision to slightly slope the roof which is hardy noticeable, yet gradient enough that water is directed away from openings and drained properly, to avoid water damage to any materials or elements. Further waterproofing can be observed with the use of joint sealants with backing rod. The secondary sealant ensures water can find no way of entering and that heat loss does not occur. Therefore the use of this system, allows for multiple problems or possible concerns to be solved with one solution.

Continuation of Pavilion detailing and reasoning… Aluminium is used on much of the external roof section of the oval pavilion. Many reasons for the use of aluminium can be identified due to its properties. Aluminium is very resistant to harsh external conditions and therefore suffers less corrosion then many other materials such as steel and timber. Aluminium is also less effected by rust then steel. This makes aluminium an economical and efficient choice now and also in the long run when looking at repair costs etc. Economic implications of decisions… Decisions made on details are often in the best interest of all parties to be made together as construction is an investment made to be lasted well into the future in most cases. Finding a balance between quality and cost is essential provided a strict budget is given (which in most cases including the pavilion - it is). Choosing materials that are cost effective is one thing but weighing up whether they will last and wether replacement will outweigh the initial cost is critical. The cost benefit analysis is designed to weigh up all these factors. For example, insulating the entire pavilion, walls and ceilings is a costly exercise, yet over time, the saving on heating and cooling bills will outweigh this initial cost. Similarly, providing proper waterproofing including sealants, water resistant materials, vapour barriers and insulation between metal, ensures water damage wont occur down the track which will create large bills for the client to repair. Where and why things go wrong… Things go wrong when thorough planning and detail has been neglected. A designer must carefully think about the purpose of the building and the users within that building and their impact on the dwelling and also the location of the building. Cracks will occur in concrete walls if live loads are present to a degree that was not initially anticipated. In addition, water will destroy the building if a designer fails to cater for the hot moisture caused by showers or hot people on a cold morning. In a coastal setting, salt is deposited on dwellings and for this reason materials must be used that are easy to clean and do not corrode from salt. Salt can break down glue materials.

Lateral Forces: On billboard Earthquake - Moves whole structure Wind - Moved parts of structure with least contact point to ground (top of billboard) Water Tower Earthquake - Substantial movement Wind - Little movement Thus, earthquake and wind loads have different forces, wind forces are a function on the exposed area where as earthquake forces are a function of the mass. Bracing can assist in the lateral forces of a building as too diaphragms and shear walls,moment resisting frames.

Bracing for earthquake

(Avalin, 2004)


References Avalin construction. 2004. Cripple walls. Retrieved from http:// www.boltusa.com/cripplewalls.html Ching, F. D. (2011). Building construction illustrated. John Wiley & Sons Clare Newton.Lateral Loads. Week 10 e-learning. May 2014 Association of bay area governments. 2014. Soft story buildings. Retrieved from http://quake.abag.ca.gov/housing/softstory/ Wilmott Dixon. 2008. Life cycle costing. Retrived from http:// www.willmottdixongroup.co.uk/assets/b/r/briefing-note-12-whatis-wlc-lca-and-lcc.pdf NAVSEA. 2008. Corrosion. Retrived from http:// www.nstcenter.biz/writeup.aspx?title=What+is +Corrosion&page=TechResourcesACorrosionPrimer.html


Glossary: Shear wall: A wood, concrete or masonry wall capable of resisting changes in shape and transferring lateral loads to the ground foundation. (Ching, 2011) Soft story: A soft-story residential building is one that has open parking or commercial space on the first floor and housing on higher floors built prior to recent codes. (Association of bay area governments, 2014) Braced frame: A timber or steel frame braced with diagonal members. (Ching, 2011) Lifecycle: This is the cost of an asset, or its part throughout its cycle life, while fulfilling the performance requirements. (Willmott Dixon, 2008) Defect: An imperfection of something that can lead to the lack of performance of that element. Corrosion: Corrosion is the decaying or destruction of a material caused by the environment in which the material resides. (NAVSEA, 2008) IEQ: Indoor environmental quality, is the combination of efficiency within a dwelling that maintains a healthy and liveable state

[CW] Construction Phase Materials: 3 X Pine pieces (35X35X1200mm) 1 X Plywood piece (18X40X1200)


Tape measurer Nails (long and short) Screws Screw driver Saw Wooden blocks for sawing Hammer


Objective: To create a beam that can take the most load force possible


Time: 45 Minutes to complete

construction workshop Overlapping pinewood given joint with 2 screws

Process 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

Gather materials 5 Minute brainstorm on a beam structure that could hold the largest force possible Sketch design Measure Wood and dedicate the sizes needed to complete the truss design chosen Saw wood to size using saw and sawing blocks Screw joints of pine wood Nail joints of plywood

Must ensure joints are not screwed so much that it splits the wood

Splitting in the wood creates weakness

Typically, a truss system is used to efficiently transfer loads. It allows for various contact point or compression and tension to stabilise. A truss system was adopted in the beam challenge, however the time constraints did not allow for a complete structure. Instead, plywood was nailed onto the pine framework, only on one side.


Joints can sometimes weaken a structure as the strength in the wood grains are disrupted and tension and compression can cause stress that cannot be supported, causing collapse of failure.



Pinewood framework

Only top screw !

Nail joints

Plywood works best in a horizontal motion, because grains run horizontally, meaning more force can be opposed on the lateral side. Vertically placed plywood will cause buckling and lead to collapse as the grains are in the opposing direction.

Horizontal grains No bottom screw! avoid weakening

Applied force

Destructive Testing phase The destructive testing phase involves each group placing their beam in a testing cradle which increasingly applies force to the structure. The cradle measures the force applied (weight kg) and also the deflection that occurs due to the force. Deflection being how far the beam bends as a result of the force, measured in mm.

Deflection - bending away from force

Measurements Plywood joints first elements to collapse



The competitors:

3 Tiered pine wood steps

Split wood

Joints failed

Horizontal plywood

Sandwiched horizontal plywood

Sandwiched pine wood

2 X Horizontal plywood

Competitor one/ comparer

Pine wood legs

Plywood - bend and snaps

Results, how and why !? Our truss beam was the weakest structure built, as it only managed to take a maximum load of 165kg before completely collapsing and being unable to take anymore weight. As force was applied the structure began to deflect more and more with the deflection ending on 100mm. This meaning that the structure bent of deflected 100mm from its original starting point at the centre of the structure where force was applied. The reasoning for the collapse was that he plywood attached ran diagonally to the point of infliction. This meant that the plywood was no support to opposing the force as plywood performs best when completely horizontal to the force as grains run this way. The attachment of this plywood therefore was actually a weakness as nails were used in the structure which weakens the pine wood, causing further vulnerability. Perhaps the truss system would have been more effective then the competitors had it been carries through. However, because of the beams hollowness and lack of supporting elements compared to the computers more solid structures, loads could not be transferred correctly causing joints to be stressed and collapsing to occur.


When comparing to the structure noted in yellow above (comparer), their structure was able to resist force up to 610kg. The reasoning for this was because of the strategic placement of elements to best transfer loads and maximise their use. The decision to create a tier of 3 blocks os pine wood on top of each other allows for loads to be transferred efficiently with support under each element. This more sold structure was therefore able to carry heavier loads. In addition to this, the use of the plywood in-between the solid line wood, run horizontally to the force, creates extra strength and can oppose greater force. In saying this, the plywood was the first element to collapse die to major bending and then collapse. The more solid structure created deflection of 34mm compared to our 100mm.

[fin] evangeline browne - 698273

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