E List June 2018

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ISSN 2058-2196

In & Around London’S NEW EAST

June 2018 No 61

East London’s Newest Theatre & Arts Festival Joy Division • The Estilo String Quartet

Fellowship is Life


AFROPUNK.com has termed your work surrealist. Is that how you would describe it? That’s what people have said. To tell the truth I haven’t got a clue what it means. I don’t even label myself as an artist. I’m self taught, having stopped drawing at school when they told me you can’t make a living drawing! Being both dyslexic and not a great talker, I would describe my work as documenting my inner thoughts in a way that is natural to me. My intention is to evoke emotions, change perceptions and to make the viewer question themselves and the society in which they live. What are the themes that inspire you? The love of life, the love of nature, my life and that of Africans living in the diaspora. Talk to us about pencils! What do you love about working in graphite. We would always have pencils around the house when I was growing up. They were not bought for me to draw, they were just there. I could always find a pencil to express my thoughts especially as I couldn’t read or write very well. I was always ignored by my teachers because my hand writing was so poor and being left handed I’d always smudge the words I’d written by dragging my hand across it. Instead of teaching me what I was doing wrong they would just ignore me. Black Lives Matter

I love the affects you can get out of this one single medium. When I first started I drew with whatever I could get hold of. HB pencils are free in Ikea and most betting shops, so I have a free lifetime supply, and I am not at all restricted to when I have money to be able to draw.

Tell us about your piece called The First Lady (see page 2). It’s an important piece for you isn’t it? The First Lady came about when I read the story of a fossilised skeleton of an African female found in Ethiopia in 1974, which dated back 3.2 million years. …continues page 2.

All artwork © Rohan Clarke


This page and cover: Deeper than the shade of my skin.


Tell us about getting to exhibit in New York! It was a long shot, I answered an artist call for work depicting what was happening in America at the time and was selected! The show was The Power Protest and Resistance exhibition, The Art of a Revolution at the Skylight gallery in Brooklyn. It was good, people loved the work. The feedback was great it brought some viewers to tears. But I think what I most loved was that it started a conversation and people questioning themselves and our society. My ambition is to now find a gallery in the UK where I can show my work.

You often have music playing as you work. You mention Miles davis, Anderson .Paak and Kamasi Washington. What role does music have in your work? Music is very important to me. Sound and music reaches parts of the mind and soul modern day medicines can’t. Music evokes emotions, both good and bad, so it can change my mind set instantly depending on what I choose to listen to. Who are you listening to at the moment? Childish Gambino’s This Is America and Queen Ifrica Thanks for talking to the E List rohan. The Art of Rohan Clarke Questions by Paul Lindt

The First Lady

The Hands of Time.

Originally she was named Dinkinesh, meaning “you are marvellous” but then renamed Lucy – to my mind to hide her true origins of being African. I call her The First Lady because at the time she was found Dinkinesh was the oldest discovery of a human being, and being the oldest lady, I see her as being the creator of all, hence why we call it mother Earth, mother nature, mother Africa. Not man because the woman is the true God we all talk and pray about, – the creator of all. Your images contain a complex mix of elements and messages. How do your ideas originate? The images come from many sources, listening to the youth, or my elders talk about their story. Their journey getting here and what they have to do, not to live but just to survive. But my images come to me from anywhere. A conversation, the news, a piece of music I could be listening to, and a lot of the time in my sleep.

Sometimes you work standing over your drawing which is on the floor. How does that work? When you have limited space you adapt, you find a way, and by doing this I can look at my work from a totally different perspective. 2

All artwork © Rohan Clarke

I always start with the eyes, as this conveys so much emotion, and let the work evolve from there. Virtually every time I try to control what I want the drawing and the outcome to be, but I always have to concede, and let the pencil choose its own destiny.









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To paraphrase Chuck Berry roll over Hoxton and Shoreditch, tell Stoke Newington the news. London’s NEW East is here. As places like Hoxton once became the focus of London’s rich cultural and artistic life as it was squeezed from places like Notting Hill and Hampstead in the 60s and 70s, so that heart beat is now here in the emerging vibrant areas of north and east London, what we’re calling London’s New East. If you want theatre festivals, small independent music venues and studios, galleries and art trails and proper community pubs, then they’re all here nestling round the ends of the underground lines and those exotic destinations on the bus routes. That’s why E List exists. The New East is where people are creating, innovating and crafting wonderful things. Here are London’s new work and studio spaces where you’ll find London’s most exciting start-ups. But also here are some of London’s most vibrant and caring communities. You could say the community spirit is in the very blood of the East End, created by a ‘terrace’ mentality, cheek by jowl with your neighbours. And it’s here that real politics is a participant sport, where people see problems and issues and decide to take them on, often when those who should won’t or can’t. Hence over 60 E List Local Heroes to date. But to keep celebrating these new and often ignored areas E List needs to know the word on the street, what’s happening and where. Bill and I are deluded enough to think we have a good handle on what’s going down and popping up on the streets of Walthamstow. But we’re always looking for new artists, makers, cultural icons, fascinating tales and historical eccentricities from other leading lights of the New East from Clapton to Canning Town, Leyton to Loughton and Woodford to Dagenham. So please get in touch by emailing me at editor@theelist.co.uk. In this issue we see a brand new theatre and arts festival, From The Forest, which is running for 10 days at the end of the month with an incredible 36 different shows. For just a taster of what’s planned see page 6. E List thanks Neil Meads for his story on page 13 remembering when Joy Division played a Walthamstow Youth Club for the princely sum of 50p! Special thanks also go to Martin Comey of support band SX for letting E List print some supremely candid photos of Ian Curtis and Bernard Sumner crashing afterwards. Finally if you haven’t had the chance yet to fill in our 2018 E List Readers Survey then please visit tinyurl.com/theelist-survey It will help us improve and hopefully win yourself one of four £50 prizes. Paul Lindt, Editor editor@theelist.co.uk


The E List

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For the latest listings, a digital version of the E List magazine and back issues

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The Estilo String Quartet



Joy Division in the front room


Leaders Exhibition


The News From Nowhere Club

Inside this issue… From The Forest - Theatre & Arts Festival


The Flock Theatre Company


E~LICIOUS: Brü Coffee Shop


The Estilo String Quartet


Leytonstone Festival 2018


When Joy Division Came To Stay


We are the leaders we have been waiting for - the exhibition 18

The E List is available for FREE at approx 100 venues across E17, E11, E12, E10 and E4. See theelist.co.uk for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly we aim to restock the most popular venues during the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email listings@theelist.co.uk Editor and design: Paul Lindt editor@theelist.co.uk Contributors: Paul Lindt, Bill Foster, Rupert Colley, Paul Tucker, Penny Fielding, Tom Gaul, Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor, Neil Meads, Mark Burton, Adam Taylor, Simon Goodwin. Listings: Danny Coope danny@theelist.co.uk Advertising: Bill Foster ads@ theelist.co.uk

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Theatre & Arts Festival


E~DEN: The Home Directory


House Doctor – Room for Rent


Local Hero – Alexis Michaelides


Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife


E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory




Peculiar Times: From country retreats to bustling streets


The News From Nowhere Club


2 poems by Graham Clifford




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BEST IN SHOW This month sees the launch of London’s newest festival. From The Forest - Theatre & Arts Festival will see 36 different shows take place across six venues in Walthamstow, Leyton and Leytonstone. Co-Producer Phil Poole spoke to The E list about what we can expect.. The festival promises to be really exciting, with so many great and talented acts taking to the stage. We chose people on the quality of their work and their reputation as performers, yet 70 per cent of the shows feature artists that live or work in Waltham Forest. So it’s great proof of the number of amazing performers we have in the borough. Some of the local artists include Rob Auton, “a genuine original”, according to The Guardian, and the award winning Willis & Vere, known for their ‘Comedians After Hours’ podcast. Nasi Voutsas and Bertrand Lesca, known for their critically acclaimed dark comedies, will be bringing the

multi-award winning Palmyra to their home borough for a one-off performance. The multi-award winning Longsight Theatre are debuting their brand new show, Young Hot Bloods, inspired by the recent centenary of women’s suffrage, which is really exciting. We started by calling out to local creatives. We hosted a networking event, used all the major social media platforms and sent out an email to a Council-based database of creatives and theatre makers based in Waltham Forest. We received nearly a hundred applications. We were genuinely surprised. There’s clearly a real appetite for this type of event.

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In 2016, our company Beartuza, produced a pilot festival at Mirth in Walthamstow, which has acted as a catalyst for this bigger event. 18 months down the line, it’s really lovely that we’ve got some acts returning from the pilot as well as many great new acts. Returning from the pilot is local resident Maria Ferguson. Blending theatre, storytelling and killer moves, Maria will be presenting the last ever London performance of her award winning debut show Fat Girls Don’t Dance and just the second ever performance of her new show, Essex Girl.

Waltham Forest is a great place to be right now when it comes to theatre and the arts. We set up just over three years ago and have seen a real growth in the number of opportunities for local creatives. For us at Beartuza, an important part of what we do is about sustainability. We’ve always wanted to create events that can continue happening and grow over the years, which we hope to continue. It’s no use putting in all this work and receiving this support from the Council to create an event that only happens once.

We see providing opportunities for young people as an integral part of what all arts organisations should do. We’re currently working with Sir George Monoux Sixth Form College and participants of our own Youth Projects to provide work experience opportunities for 14-18 year olds. It’s important to make sure that local young people are involved. This year’s festival is based in Walthamstow, Leyton and Leytonstone. We decided it would be best to start off by working with venues that we already have a relationship with. But in future, we want to expand the festival to include venues all across the borough, and we’re already talking to new venues about joining the line up next year. We’re also keen to create performance spaces in buildings/venues that aren’t usually used in that way. In future years, we plan to add workshops to the line up so that people have the opportunity to participate and engage rather than simply

watching something as an audience member. To further this, we’re exploring the idea of street theatre and really taking performances to the audiences. We hope this will be the first outing of an event that can become a permanent fixture on the borough’s cultural calendar. In the future, we hope to not only continue to provide a platform for local creatives but also attract acts from further afield to come and share their work in one of our amazing venues.

From The Forest Theatre & Arts Festival 21 June – 1 July Tickets prices start at £5 with family tickets and double bill discount tickets available.

To find out more about the shows and to book tickets


Facing page: Left – Young Hot Bloods, Longsight Theatre; Right – A Really Really Big Modern TV, Stokes and Summers. This page: Top left – A Serious Play about World War II, Willis & Vere; Top right – The Talk Show, Rob Auton; Bottom right – Palmyra: Bertand Lesca & Nasi Voutsas

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themselves. A question society often asks of people who have experienced #metoo is whether their story is true. In fairy tales we are often left to wonder; where does the truth lie? Who do we believe?”

New all-female theatre ensemble Flock premier This is a Blizzard with four performances in June as part of the From The Forest Festival (featured on page 6). Flock Artistic Director, Ana Brothers speaks to Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor. Photos Anton Short. “As head of Drama at Connaught School for Girls I found myself struggling year after year to find scripts with exciting and fulfilling female roles for my students. Most female roles often only exist to aid the story of the main male protagonist e.g. Mother, sister, girlfriend. I wanted to do something about that,” says Ana. “Also as a trained actor myself and as a theatregoer, I was more and more frustrated at only seeing half of the human experience represented on stage.” Ana put out an open call for actors last August and formed the company Flock after receiving over 200 responses. “On the one hand I was surprised that so many people replied for a brand new company, but on the other, it reinforced that I wasn’t alone in my frustration at the lack of decent parts for women on stage.” The final

nine selected now form Flock – an ‘Ensemble. A catalyst for change; a movement.’ “Our ensemble comprises many different cultural heritages; Ghanaian, Norwegian, Irish, Indian – to name just a few,” says Ana, originally from New Zealand. “We are a devising company, making all our work together, from scratch. We meet every week, at The William Morris Gallery or Leytonstone Library, both generously give us free rehearsal space, and for new companies, that’s gold dust. The William Morris Gallery asked us to create a theatrical piece for the opening of their May Morris: A Life exhibition in November. This short performance was called That’s Mine. This was a great opportunity for us to connect with the local community.” “Waltham Forest really does feel like the best place to be as

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an artist right now especially as we’ve won The Borough of Culture for 2019. We won a grant from the Council which was a great first step for us, this and the other early grassroots support was essential.” The company now also benefit from Arts Council Funding. Flock formed before the explosion of the #metoo movement but of course this worldwide conversation was one they couldn’t ignore. This is a Blizzard (a modern day fairy tale) evolved as a response to this. “Fairy tales are such great vehicles for delivering story; they’re a delicious mix of playfulness, innocence and dark violence, so seemed like an obvious choice – to draw on the rich stories from all of our cultures and taking inspiration from true stories that came from the actors

For details and tickets of This is a Blizzard ftffestival.com


Photos © Anton Short


Of course these stories, Ana says, are not just for women. “It is important to stress that if a story has lead characters who are all women, it doesn’t mean that it is synonymous with being ‘anti-men’. You are simply asking an audience to see the world through the eyes of those female characters. It is ridiculous and patronising to assume that men can’t enjoy a piece of theatre unless it has a male lead. Any story where we are offered the rare privilege of seeing the world from a perspective that isn’t the majority view – whether that be BME, differentlyabled, LGBTQI+, faith, class or female perspective – it feels noticeably different, because sadly, it still feels quite rare. Theatre has a particularly bad rep when it comes to diversity and as a result, I think it puts potential audiences off. That’s been a motivator for our company which deliberately celebrates our “otherness” - it can alter the lens through which we see one another which encourages empathy – we could all do with a bit more of that right now.”

E~LICIOUS a Guide to Fine things to Eat, Drink and Savour E List Promotion

Café Society What do Paris, community, sweet waffles, and shared moments have in common? Well, they all play a part in Brü Coffee Shop on Hoe Street in E17. E List met with co-owner Sameera (right) and found out that there’s more to Brü than meets the eye. Sameera was seven years old when she visited a coffee shop for the first time. She was on a family holiday to Paris and marvelled at the highly polished coffee machine, vividly coloured cakes, and the rich aroma of coffee which hung in the air. That magical visit sparked an idea, a dream to run a coffee shop herself one day. She didn’t go straight in to the café trade though, she worked in a corporate environment and waited for the right opportunity to come along. She found that opportunity in the shape of Brü, a franchise café that started life in Leicestershire. Ten months ago, Brü Walthamstow was born. Brü was founded by a gentlemen called Hamza, and has become much more than a coffee shop, which is what attracted Sameera to them. Hamza discovered a small dairy that made incredible ice cream and asked them to supply the original Brü in Leicester. The dairy was already at capacity, so Hamza worked with the farmer to set up a new venture and expand his business. Sameera told me “Giving back and supporting the community is important to us, so Brü seemed like the perfect fit” What can you expect from Brü, well there’s the incredible coffee which is made from 100% Arabica beans (the recipe is top secret), 20 fruit teas, 40 flavours of ice cream, and of course the sweet waffles. But Sameera wanted Brü to be much more than just a coffee shop “I and the other

co-owners were all born and bred in Walthamstow. It was important to all of us to open something in our home town that could be used by our community,” She went on to say “We love the diversity and cosmopolitan atmosphere here. People from all walks of life are welcome in Walthamstow, and our café reflects the same feeling”. Sameera and the team actively encourage community groups to use the coffee shop. They have a number of Church groups meeting there, a writers group, a charity and voluntary organisations. They also run a weekly board game night, and are part of the Little Free Library book sharing network. “Brü is a safe space” Sameera told me “we open late at night and often have groups of ladies meeting here because they feel safe and comfortable. During our board game night people often arrive as strangers but leave as friends, we really like that.” Taking the theme of giving back one step further, the team at Brü recently partnered with Café Arts, who work with people affected by homelessness. A wall at Brü was given over as exhibition space for art work created by people who are or have been homeless, and proceeds raised from the sale of any work goes back to the artist.

I asked Sameera why they had got involved with Café Arts, she told me “This exhibition not only raises money, it also raises awareness about homelessness. We want to embed ourselves in the community and become a force for change. We want to bring people of all backgrounds together, break down barriers, and create a cohesive community. Exhibitions like that by Café Arts are key to helping us achieve those goals” When Brü opened, I, like many thought it was just another chain, but it is so much more. The owners have created a coffee shop for sure, but they have also created a shared space, a community asset if you like. A place where moments can be shared, and stories can be created. Brü want to take on the world and change it one coffee at a time, and having met Sameera, I think they might just do it.

Brü Coffee & Gelato 223 Hoe St, Walthamstow E17 9PP

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Strung out on Rihanna

The Estilo String Quartet is one of the busiest string quartets working in the UK, and have played in many of the country’s most beautiful and prestigious venues. Now, they are looking to work more collaboratively and creatively, with more focus on concerts and recordings.

Founded in 2003, the Estilo String Quartet consists of Robert Simmons and Paul Barrett (violins), Emma Owens (viola) and Verity Simmons (cello). The E List’s Paul Lindt went to see Robert at his home in Leyton, where, along with his wife and cellist, Verity, he acts as the business brains behind Estilo. Estilo means ‘style’ in Spanish. As Robert says, “we always try to play with a great sense of style while striving for modernity and uniqueness”. Estilo are an acoustic string quartet so they play everything you might expect from the rich chamber music genre: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven, to the modernist, minimalist works of

Philip Glass, Terry Riley, Steve Reich and Arvo Pärt. Robert enthuses about Minimalism: “It is stripped down music, often with hypnotic rhythm and loops. Melodies might be simple but repetitive which means any subsequent change to that melody or rhythm can have a striking impact. Its very repetitiveness can be very hypnotic.” What makes them unique, however, are their renditions of pop classics, such as Rihanna’s Umbrella and Father John Misty’s Chateau Lobby #4. They have an epic library of stunning modern arrangements all written for them by Michelle Taylor-Cohen, a North London based composer and arranger.

Many of the tracks contain themes of defiance, protest, love and fear, from David Bowie’s Heroes (written about the Berlin Wall), to Radiohead’s Creep and The Beatles’ Blackbird. 10 July sees the release of their latest album, Alternative Tracks, a play on Donald Trump’s infamous phrase, “alternative facts”. Recorded at Hackney Road Studios, it’s already available on iTunes/ Apple Music/Spotify etc but, as Robert says, everyone knows that music sounds better on CD. The artwork, designed by their long-term designer, Rebecca Richards, is amazing.

Many of the tracks contain themes of defiance, protest, love and fear; from David Bowie’s Heroes (written about the Berlin Wall), to Radiohead’s Creep and The Beatles’ Blackbird. “The tracks are more experimental and eclectic than our previous work,” says Robert. “Not just in our choices, but in terms of structure and some of the sound worlds we’ve created. The album incorporates foot

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tapping, whistling, percussive noises, and ends with some beautiful birdsong from an old crackly vinyl seven inch.” Robert believes Michelle’s arrangements get better and better and she’s great at knowing their individual strengths. Umbrella is a special arrangement: the melody is there, but everything else, harmonically and structurally, is turned on its head and it is magical to hear. “It’s avant garde and atonal in places,” says Robert, “but also beautiful, delicate and intimate.” The quartet has had some great success in the iTunes Classical Chart. Four recent singles all made it into the Top 5: Fairytale of New York, Come What May, Pompeii and Ed Sheeran’s Tenerife Sea, not to mention the astronomical streaming figures!

Modern classical musicians have portfolio careers. This means they have to diversify and play with a variety of groups to thrive and survive. Robert plays with the Birmingham Royal Ballet, Verity for various West End shows, and Emma and Paul freelance for shows and groups as diverse as the Heritage Orchestra and the Bristol Ensemble. But Estilo remains the integral and fun part of their playing careers. They work regularly with many of the UKs best event planners, including Planned 2 Perfection, and Liz Linkleter, based in East London. “We played for Scouting for Girls’ Greg Churchouse‘s wedding a few years ago, performing a nice medley of their tracks for the signing of the register! But the most fun wedding was being flown out

to Port de Pollença in Mallorca and playing at the stunning La Fortaleza where ‘The Night Manager’ was filmed.” And what about the future? The quartet has got some exciting plans, says Robert. They’re currently in consultation with Charlotte Harding, a Londonbased composer, about creating a string quartet score for a ballet, a potentially collaborative and exciting project. They are hoping to have a residency somewhere as “having a sense of place and a home is important to make things happen”. Robert hopes to get involved in the Waltham Forest London Borough of Culture. “We’re East London and proud!” as he says. On 10 July the Estilo String Quartet is having a small launch concert for their new album at


THE BEST LITTLE FESTIVAL Planning for July 2018’s Leytonstone Festival is now well underway. That time of year is fast approaching when we showcase new and familiar talent and work with venues around Leytonstone to share what great things are happening on our patch of East London. The official Opening Event will take place at St John’s Church Leytonstone High Road on Saturday 7 July with an afternoon of music and song plus a range of local market stalls. The 2017 Festival was a great success and featured over 70 events across 20 Leytonstone venues. For 2018, apart from all the old favourites, new venues have joined us including The Birds, Leytonstone High Road and the Heathcote and Star, on Grove Green Road.

Performances already lined up are diverse as a comic opera, a major punk event, a production of Chekov’s ‘The Seagull’, a roaring big band playing the hits of Basie and Ellington, an afternoon BBQ featuring the performance of a gospel choir and a two day Hitchcock Film Festival!

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However, the Festival will only be successful with the participation of you – the local community. We need you to support the host venues and the performers who are ready to take part and create events for your enjoyment, edification and most importantly, pleasure and fun. It is a major challenge to coordinate a festival on this scale

Phlox Books on Francis Road, Leyton, a fantastic bookshop with lovely staff, great coffee and a bar. “We live just down the road so it seemed the perfect place.” There, they’ll perform all the tracks from the album, each one introduced by journalist Rachael Taylor. “There’ll be bright sunshine, the wine will flow and the concert is nice and short,” says Robert. “And it’s free! So do come along!”

Alternative Tracks Album launch 7.30pm 10 July Phlox Books 159 Francis Road E10 6NT


and with ever limited funding we need to be more and more innovative every year. However, with a wide range of applicants and their understanding and support we aim to keep the expenses within our budget and still provide a packed festival full of events which we know you will enjoy. This festival is possible because of the generous funding given by Waltham Forest Ward Forums. We would like to thank Cann Hall, Forest, Cathall and Leytonstone wards who are providing much of the funding to make the Festival happen. Finally a huge thanks must go to The Stow Brothers (Estate Agents) who are again providing all our promotion material for free. We are very grateful!

Leytonstone Festival 2018 6-15 July Full details and programme

leytonstonefestival.org.uk leytonstonefestival

Almost forty years on and Jasmine Hooper - who organised the gig - is chuckling at the response to the poster, while simultaneously making me some porridge and gesticulating out her back window to where ‘Walthamstow Youth Centre’ once stood, literally at the bottom of her garden. “I got into so much trouble over that poster... my manager, understandably, went berserk... she said, ‘Do you know what this is!?’ I rather naively said, ‘well, the kids designed it, it’s fine’, to which I was told: ‘It’s a German tank! You’re going to upset a lot of people, get it down now!!’. The ‘kids’ responsible were local lads, Martin Comey and Dave Jones, from the group SX (as in Essex) who supported Joy Division on the night. Jones would go on to roadie for the band, changing his name to Dave Pils along the way. Martin: “We cut some pictures out of a magazine called ‘Purnell’s History of the Second World War’, and collaged them together. So the tanks are in North Africa, the blokes walking in front are in Russia and so on”. A photograph of the collage was then taken and a handful of A3 copies developed onto photographic paper in the youth club’s dark room.

The controversial poster for Joy Division’s 1979 Walthamstow gig.

WHEN Joy Division CAME TO STAY “There’s f***ing Nazi’s riding on the f***ing tank!” was Peter Hook’s reported reaction to the poster for Joy Division’s 1979 appearance in Walthamstow. Neil Meads looks back at how Joy Division and New Order become affectionately intertwined with E17, despite a slightly inauspicious start.

Dave Pils was one of the first punks who came into the youth club, which at that point mostly catered for working-class East End kids. Jasmine loved music and so did the youngsters hanging out at the club, so she began organising gigs. Pils also became her lodger, arriving with a few small bags of clothes and a huge army kit bag bursting with music magazines. It was Dave who insisted Jasmine HAD to see a new group called Joy Division at their first London gig, in Islington. “They just blew everyone in the room away,” says Martin, “all 8 of us and the 3 people behind the bar”. Jasmine was similarly impressed: “Ian (Curtis) was just mesmerising. I thought I have to get them down to the youth club. I HAVE to go and ask them”. Martin takes up the story: “Jasmine went up to their manager and said I’ve got a youth club in Walthamstow, would you like to play there and he said ‘yeah’, just like that! there was no, ‘I’ll just phone the office and check the diary’, or ‘where the hell’s Walthamstow!’”

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Ian Curtis (left) and Steve (Stephen Morris) and Barney (Bernard Sumner) at Jasmine’s, near St. James Street, Walthamstow 1979. Photos © Martin Comey

A date was set and as the band were skint, they gladly accepted Jasmine’s offer to crash at hers, as well as the ‘in-house’ support act, SX. “We put an advert in one of the music papers” recalls Martin, “they misprinted it as ‘Joy Davidson’ as though it was an opera singer... so it’s hardly a surprise no one came”. A portable stage of a dozen boxes was set up at one end of the hall and the tube lights above the band switched off to temper the Victorian school halls uniform glare. “I don’t remember what they played,” Jasmine tells me, “but I remember thinking, Dave, your PA is rubbish!! There was so much feedback”. In his book Unknown Pleasures - Inside Joy Division, Peter Hook notes, “It was a weird crowd, very young kids running about, ignoring us”. Jasmine explains, “We had a junior section of under 12’s and we’d dashed around trying to get rid of them but they didn’t want to leave”. Comey was left in awe and with a new understanding of SX’s place in the world: “Just because it was a youth club, full of kids, they played as though their lives depended on it. And they were something! The legend deserves to be legend!”. “When we played with them, we realised that whatever it was they had... we didn’t have!” After the gig, Jasmine sheepishly apologised to their manager for the lack of takings on the door and everyone headed back to hers. “I didn’t have any furniture or carpet, just some cheap rush matting, a few mattresses and cushions. So we just laid everything out and everyone slept on the floor”. According to Jasmine, Ian Curtis was tired and a little stressed so headed to bed almost immediately.

The next morning, however, Peter Hook was up early and playing tricks. Gesturing at the sink, Jasmine elaborates, “You see those sponges? They put butter and stuff on them, so they looked like toast. When Dave came down, he took a bite and freaked out”. Martin remembers Barney, Hookey and Steve wanting to go shopping for clothes, “I didn’t, so I stuck them on a bus at St. James Street with instructions on how to get to Brick Lane”. Recordings for their debut LP, ‘Unknown Pleasures’ would begin the next day at Strawberry Studios in Stockport. Jasmine says “Our relationship with the band became more like friends... It wasn’t so much – I’m booking you for a gig. It was more like - the house is open, you wanna come, come stay. I think they valued that as they were just starting out and didn’t have a lot of cash”. Returning to Walthamstow in March 2018 for a talk about his career, Peter Hook echoed Jasmine’s feelings: “We’d never met anyone like Jasmine before, she actually helped people! She was a youth worker looking out for young kids. We didn’t have people like her where we came from.” The Youth Centre hosted Joy Division again on August 22nd, 1979, a night that’s best known for an aftershow meeting.

“Ian (Curtis) was just mesmerising. I thought I have to get them down to the youth club. I HAVE to go and ask them”.

manner of a man who’s fairly sure my jaw had better get acquainted with the floor. “You might recognise these people” he deadpans, handing me a photograph of Ian Curtis, cigarette in hand, sat on Jasmine’s floor with a purple blanket wrapped around his shoulders. “I found a film with hardly any prints left but quite a lot of negatives. So I scanned the negs and out of the past emerged a picture of Ian”. Another photo shows a relaxed Steve and Barney shooting the breeze with some of Martin’s school friends. Ahead of their European tour in January 1980, Joy Division were back and according to the book, ‘Disorder and other Unknown Pleasures’, having a row. Bernard Sumner: “We were at our friend Jasmine’s house and Frank Sinatra came on the telly. Ian said, ‘Frank Sinatra’s great.’ Either me or Rob went, ‘No, he’s shit.’ ‘No, he’s great.’ ‘No, he’s f***ng SHIT!’ And the whole argument escalated. I think Ian sang like Frank Sinatra on ‘Love Will Tear Us Apart’ to f*** us off.” Understandably Jasmine doesn’t want to dwell on Ian’s death. “It was such a traumatic time for them. They were on the cusp of something and their key

“Annik was here you know,” Jasmine says with perhaps a hint of dolefulness in her voice. Aspiring Belgian music journalist Annik Honoré interviewed the band for some say, “a marathon four hours”. The married Curtis and Honoré connected. “Annik was only here that one time” points out Jasmine, “but I suppose that was when all the damage started”. While talking to SX’s Martin Comey he casually mentions finding some photos I “might be interested in”. This is said in the

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Martin Comey

Jasmine and Peter Hook. Photo © Robert Shiret

figure... disintegrated really and everything collapsed around him”. Dave Pils was due to fly to America the next day for the groups first US tour. Out of the tragedy, huge commercial success somehow followed, and in September ‘81, New Order swapped the school hall for Walthamstow’s Grade II listed Assembly Hall. I’m reliably informed that pre-gig they signed copies of their ‘Procession’ single at Small Wonder Records on Hoe Street before heading en masse to the Dhaka Tandoori for lunch.

In 1983, Comey recalls Hook taking Dave and him for a spin in his new bright red Audi Coupé. “Hooky was verrrry proud of that car. We must have made a peculiar sight in austere early eighties Walthamstow. Three punk rockers in black leathers in a brand new supercar: some rebellion!” When Dave Pils finally stopped working for New Order, they honoured him by inscribing “GOODBYE DAVY PILS C 27.12.78 - 5.6.87” in the run-out groove of their multiple million-selling ‘Substance’ LP.

During his appearance at the ‘Walthamstow Rock’n’roll Book Club, Hook talked warmly about Jasmine (and Dave), “Everytime we were in London we’d crash at hers, for years. It only ended when we got really rich… Obviously then we told Jasmine she could f*** right off!’ At the back of the room, Jasmine grins, pleased to be in the company of her old friend again. A longer version of this article is available at musiclikedirt.com

Walthamstow Youth centre then and now

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Photograph by Antonio Olmos, from the series, Landscape of Murder

‘We are the Leaders we have been waiting for.’ An exhibition protesting violence against young people Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane, E17 6DS Opening night: 6-9pm Saturday 2 June Artist talk: 3-4pm Sunday 3 June Our community has responded with overwhelming creativity and positive energy in the aftermath of the terrible acts of violence recently committed in East London. Please join Gnome House as we stand together, as one, unified community. The exhibition features both local and International artists exhibiting alongside schools, community groups and activists.

The Screaming Boy, by Daniel Bulvans, Rushcroft Foundation School 18 To advertise your business contact ads@theelist.co.uk

Self portraits by students from Rushcroft Foundation School. One of five schools in the exhibition.

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“Dad’s, home from home” Happy Father’s Day 17.06.18

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THE DRIVE, WALTHAMSTOW | Guide Price £885,000 to £935,000

Positioned on a pleasant tree lined street within a short stroll of Walthamstow Central, Wood Street and Walthamstow Village is this impressive 1920’s built double fronted semi detached four bedroom two reception family home enjoying an extensive rear garden and a detached garage via its private driveway. Filled with charm including stripped floorboards to the reception rooms, original doors throughout plus a charming dresser in the kitchen diner this home is truly a one off and has to be seen to appreciate its true charm and further potential. This location has become one of Walthamstow’s most desirable locations being conveniently positioned for local outstanding Ofsted rated primary schools as well as the social scene with the Ravenswood Industrial Estate coming into its own with Gods Own Junkyard, The Wild Card Brewery Tap Bar and “Mother’s ruin Gin Palace” a stroll away plus Wood Street and Orford Road (Walthamstow Village) offering many feature restaurants, pubs and themed cafés.



141 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3AL

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House Doctor

Penny Fielding offers creative solutions to everyday niggles you may have with your home. Whether you have sprawling lawns or a tiny patio, your outside space is precious. In the warmer weather especially, it is extra living room and with summer on its way, now is the time to get your garden prepared for enjoying the outdoors. If you are considering laying a terrace area: decking, tiles, limestone whatever you choose, this area needs to be way bigger than you think. My experience is that most people underestimate by at least a metre. What’s going on the terrace? Table and chairs, loungers, bar-b-que, pots etc. You need room to walk around all these things with ease. Before you lay the terrace, walk the space and give yourself plenty of room to spread out. If you have the room, consider constructing a pergola, (sun umbrellas don’t ever seem to shade the right bit). This doesn’t have


to be grand, but by making a shaded and sheltered area to sit, eat or work in, you are creating a user-friendly space that also gives your garden more interest. Light the terrace/garden so it can be seen from the inside at night, this really helps to extend the house into the outside. Even basic solar/fairy lights can do the trick. Lighting the terrace and the very end of the garden will connect the two and create a sense of length. If the room leading onto the garden is a light colour, consider painting the wall or fence directly extending from the house the same. This will help attach the garden to the house. Garden walls don’t have to be white. I’ve used a light grey-blue to great effect, it works very well with the different greens of foliage. Remember your garden is another room in your home – it just doesn’t have a roof- so like all rooms, style into and across the space, not just the perimeter. This surprisingly helps the area feel larger. So, don those shorts, put on your shades and enjoy… What niggles you about your home? Email penfielding@gmail.com with your thoughts. To book a session with the House Doctor please email: penfielding@ gmail.com or call 07725 645 359.


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Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street where a number of large manor houses were used as weekend or summer retreats. Samuel Pepys’ bosses had houses here, and after visiting one of them Pepys described how they had drunk wine from a local vineyard and “the whole company said they never drank better foreign wine [than this one] in their lives”.

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for the advice given, the exact amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it will be £495 or 1%.

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17 June gallery

020 8520 9300 estates17.co.uk

Bishop's Close E17 1 bed flat for sale Offers in excess of £440,000

Eden Grove E17 2 bed semi-detached house for sale Offers in region of £640,000

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A tremendously stylish two bedroom flat in this heritage building with fantastic refurbished living accommodation. A highly sought-after area in the heart of Walthamstow Village, just a moments walk to the numerous shops, cafes, restaurants and pubs. On your doorstep is Orford Road (no, it really is – well, at the end of the front garden anyway), where you can stock up on wine at In Vino Veritas, or cheese in Froth and Rind.

Church End E17 3 bed terraced house to rent £2,100 pcm Greenacre Gardens E17 2 bed flat to rent £1,300 pcm

10 June gallery

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We could just imagine being curled up on the sofa, illuminated by the light pouring in from the sash window, as we lost ourselves in a good book. It’s worth taking a moment outside the house before you venture inside, as this property has bags of kerb appeal...

Morley Road, Leyton E10 3 bed terraced house to rent £1,650 pcm Francis Road, Leyton E10 2 bed flat to rent £1,400 pcm let agreed

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June gallery

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Alexis Michaelides Alexis Michaelides is Managing Director of Big Creative Training and founded the Big Creative Education school near Blackhorse Road. Adam Taylor tracks his journey from festival organiser to headteacher to entrepreneur. Photo by Paul Tucker. So your journey started in hedonistic 90s Brighton? It sure did – a free-thinking and gentle place to develop a sense of self. I met people from different backgrounds from around the world and discovered my entrepreneurial side putting on student club nights and a festival called Earth Energy. I bet you’ve got some dodgy pics. So, next was the inevitable leap to London? Back to London, actually. I grew up in Hackney - the most transformed borough, full of diversity, culture, interesting people and families. So, why hop to the Stow? A community group asked me to create a course about event promotion for young people from the Oliver Close Estate in Leyton [five 60s tower blocks, since demolished]. They wanted to do more than the standard youth club activities of the time. I ran a 10-week course and the young people staged a great event.

Photo © www.paultucker.co.uk

Did this serve as the inspiration for your Dv8 company? Yes, it led to starting Dv8 in Walthamstow, which provided training for 16 to 18-year-olds. We wanted to offer

learning opportunities for young people, regardless of their starting point and provide them with a safe and supportive environment. We were for those who hadn’t achieved in mainstream education and faced barriers to learning and achieving. Since 2008 and austerity there are fewer places to socialise and engage in creative pastimes. This is where organisations like Dv8 came in. We have always worked closely with the local community and the police tackling wider social issues. The next part of your story is Big Creative Academy? Yes. In 2012 the government were encouraging people with experience in education to apply to open free schools. We wanted to offer another one or two years of education for young people that were benefitting from their studies with us. Big Creative Academy was a lot of work to set up, in partnership with Principal Sacha Corcoran, but profoundly worth the

effort. The more time we spend with our learners, the greater the impact. The Academy is on the old Willowfield School site? Yes, spread across two campuses, with an exciting building programme to come. We plan to be at the forefront of the new Blackhorse creative hub. How do you counter any ongoing opposition to Academies? Do they meet a local and wider need for young people in London that want a world-class creative education? If the answer is yes, then that must be good. We reach over 600 students feeding the creative film, digital, music and fashion industries. So what’s your mission statement? It’s 20 years since we launched. Our new BCE Mission is ‘Develop Talent, Transform Lives, Create Careers’. And, you’re offering creative sessions for 10-16 year olds? Yes, the NXT courses. We’re really pleased we can now open up our creative space to run weekend and evening creative sessions for younger learners. You don’t stop moving. Tell us about your next project above Gnome House ‘Creative Works’? Funded by GLA, Charity Bank and Big Issue Invest, we’re setting up a co-work space for creative freelancers and small and medium enterprises. The 29

USP is that our creative tenants can take on talented apprentices and trainees to support their business. It’s the next phase of offering development opportunities to our students. Amazing work. Your co-founders and colleagues are two of your best mates, Ian Morton and Ben Jolly. How do you manage that? It’s built on shared values, commitment and trust. You must be satisfied with your hard work and accomplishments? I don’t think about it too much but it’s a privilege to wake up and be enthused and motivated to go to work. It was great when one of my students approached me for a chat at the swimming pool the other day. Have any students found fame and fortune? MoStack is big on the urban scene with Top 10 remixes. How do you view the wider change happening in E17? Exciting. It’s about time Waltham Forest got its share of the development and regeneration that’s gone into East London. The council are doing a good job taking the vision forward. It’s transforming into a really exciting place to work, study and live. Who would want to argue with that, or Alexis’ ideas and energy to ensure it happens?

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for East London’s people watchers.

From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram tomgaul_doodles

www.tomgaul.com 30

bigcreative.education bigcreative.education/nxt creativeworks.space

E~VOLVE a Directory for a Healthy Mind & Body Fitness & Sport Sundays This Mum Runs Walthamstow Meet in Lloyd Park, Forest Rd E17 4PP Free women’s group run! We are an award-winning community inspiring thousands of women to run together every week. Join us for a 30min run at the speed of chat. Your time. Your space. Your pace. 8-9am. FREE. thismumruns.co.uk Wednesdays This Mum Runs Leytonstone / Wanstead Meet on Wanstead Green, Wanstead E11 2NT As above but different day, time and venue. 7.30-8pm. FREE.

Thursdays ChutneySOCA Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF Exciting new mix of (SPICY) SOCA, Bollywood and Bhangra; the perfect, most unique fusion of fitness, fun and well-being currently taking Canadians by storm. You’ll smile so much that your face gets a workout too! Water provided. Wear comfortable clothing. 6.45-7.30pm. £8.50 drop-in, or £5. khyalarts.org.uk/chutney-soca-fitnessclass Tuesdays & Fridays Women-Only Outdoor Bootcamp Chestnuts Field, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF Fitness bootcamp with different exercises each session. Boxing, circuit etc all round fitness session. 6.30-7.15am. £6. Jackie 07717 330993 wegrantfitnessandhealth.co.uk

Tuesdays Box & Core Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill E17 9RZ Combining technique drills and core strengthening exercises to appeal to Thursdays both the novice looking for fun and Women-Only Boxercise Class a release of tension as well as the St Andrews Church, St Andrews Road amateur boxer wanting to improve E17 6AR their skills and stamina. Gloves provided Boxercise is a non-contact boxing PT studio, 5 minutes from Lloyd but you’re welcome to bring your own. class. Newbies will be taught the 8.15-9.15pm. £7 or 10 for £60. Park basics and still have fun. Please bring Chloe 07903 629636 a mat and arrive ten minutes early to thebodypeople.co.uk fill in a physical health questionnaire.

7.30-8.30pm. £8, students/OAP/ unemployed £4. Jackie 07717 330993 wegrantfitnessandhealth.co.uk

Saturdays LBT (Legs, Bums & Tums) Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF LBT is a fantastic way to tone your entire body with of course, special attention focused on your legs, glutes and abdominal muscles. Combining conditioning and aerobic exercises to reduce fat whilst shaping your body. 11.15am-12.15pm. £7 or 10 for £60. Chloe 07903 629636 TheBodyPeople.co.uk

Thursdays HIIT E17 Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN High Intensity Interval Training in Walthamstow. 6.45-7.30pm. £10, discounts for block bookings. hiite17.co.uk

Tuesdays Sazzercise: Dance Aerobics & Body Conditioning Leyton Youth Centre, Crawley Road E10 6PY Energizing exercise classes in Leyton. Aerobics, body conditioning and dance. 7-8pm. £8, 5 classes for £30 or bring a friend and pay just £4 each. Sarah Robertson 07710 834240 sazzercise.co.uk

Saturdays Zumba Fitness Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF Wear low tread, supportive trainers and bring a bottle of water to enjoy this exhilarating dance fitness class in a low pressure atmosphere! 9-10am. £7 or 10 classes for £60. Chloe 07903 629636 TheBodyPeople.co.uk

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Saturdays Park Run Wanstead Flats Playing Fields, Harrow Road E11 3QD and Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road, Walthamstow E17 4HR Weekly 5km run against your own clock with an optional post-run coffee. 9am. FREE, but first-timers please register to get your barcode. parkrun.org.uk/wansteadflats parkrun.org.uk/walthamstow

Yoga, Meditation & Tai Chi Wednesdays NEW Pre-natal Pilates Quaker Meeting House Walthamstow, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Weekly Pilates class designed to support your body through pregnancy and prepare you for birth. 7-8pm. £12. Block booking or drop in available booking essential. Lily Dettmer 07941 862972 lilydpilates@gmail.com lilydpilates.com Mondays Baby Massage and Yoga Quaker Meeting House Walthamstow, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Calling all yogimamas, yogipapas and yogibabies. Fun and frolics on the yogamats. Mums get a stretch, baby gets in the groove with yoga moves, then blissful relaxation with massage. They sleep like logs afterwards. 12.451.30pm. £10. 07587 638154 joredmonde17@gmail.com thehealthworks.co.uk Tuesdays Yoga for Seniors (over 60s) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR A restorative yoga class for the over 60s focused on improving balance and strength, making use of props and chairs to ensure yoga postures are accessible. Beginners welcome, but please consult with your GP first. 10.30-11.15am. £4. Gill 07713462419 yogaannie.org/schedule Tuesdays Meet the Diviner WF Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Meet the Diviner Freya Ingva, a visiting consultant of the Waltham Forest Reiki Project. 7-9pm. FREE but donations welcome for WF Reiki Project. freyaingva.com Mondays & Saturdays Flow Yoga Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY Postures are linked with continuous movement and rhythmic breathing, maintaining heat in the body, warming the muscles. We breathe better, oxygenate the body, calm the mind. Ending with restorative postures, so you feel zen! Mondays 7-8am, Saturdays 3-4pm. £7. Gill 07713 462419 yogaannie.org/schedule

Mondays Pregnancy Yoga: Restore & Relax Host of Leyton, 658 High Road Leyton E10 6JP Recharge your batteries with yoga moves to help you feel more comfortable in your pregnancy, breathing techniques for a calm confident birth and up to date antenatal education. No prior yoga experience required. 7-8.30pm. £15, first class £10. Katie Stockdale 07854 108193 lushtums.co.uk/london Wednesdays Yoga in South Chingford St Edmund’s Church, Larkswood Road E4 7EN Slow paced all levels asana practice with focus on breath, safe alignment and body awareness. Mats, blocks and straps are provided, but feel free to bring your own. 7.30-8.30pm. First class FREE then £7 or £20 for 3. kate@findtheom.com Sundays Gentle Flow Yoga Sunday Mornings Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Energise the body gently with flow yoga, and calm the mind with rhythmic breathing. You’ll step off the mat feeling revived and zen. Beginners welcome. 10.30-11.30am. £7. yogaannie.org/schedule Saturdays Weekly Saturday Morning Yoga Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Details as above except different time/venue. 11am-12pm. £7. yogaannie.org/schedule Fridays (term-time only) Dru Yoga Class North Chingford Methodist Church, 49 Station Road E4 7BU Flowing yoga with visualisation, breath work and sequences. Suitable for both novice and experienced yogis. 9.3010.45am. £11.50, book 6 get 1 FREE. eyespyyoga.co.uk Fridays Friday Night Yoga Class Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Postures are linked with continuous movement and rhythmic breathing, maintaining heat in the body, warming the muscles. We breathe better, oxygenate the body, calm the mind. Ending with restorative postures, so you feel zen! Beginners welcome. 7-7.45pm. £7. Gill 07713 462419 yogaannie.org/schedule

For more dance and fitness classes please visit theelist.co.uk

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Streetview Every day of every week our Bill is out and about, looking, listening and generally pondering all aspects of life here in our corner of London. What he sees sometimes makes him happy, sometimes angry, but his views are always food for thought. A few weeks ago I was asked if I’d be happy to be interviewed on East London Radio. Hmm, let me think, a chance to talk about the E List, my blog, and all things East London, of course I’d be happy, sign me up, I’m ready for my close up! We agreed a date, and on the 17th of May I jumped on my push bike and headed over to the studio in Leytonstone. I was expecting to find something a bit like the capital radio building, but smaller. What I actually found was a small back room packed with equipment, and two of the friendliest people I’ve met in a while. East London Radio was set up just a few months after the 2012 Olympics and is entirely run by volunteers. The volunteers do everything from tech support to presenting shows. It was one of these volunteer presenters who interviewed me when I visited the station. Mary Katherine hosts a show called Lifting Yourself Up, which airs between 10am-12pm every weekday. She was fantastic, and immediately put me at ease when I arrived. She was ably assisted by ELR MD, Ian, who was running the technical bits of the broadcast. Both of them were friendly and very obviously enjoying what they were doing. They may be based in a small room off Leytonstone High Road, but I’d bet there’s more enthusiasm in that back room than there is in the entire capital radio building. I love organisations like this, or more to the point, people like this. People who have an idea, and find a way of making it happen. People who give their time and effort to something, not because of financial gains, but because of the sheer enjoyment of it. I left that small studio feeling inspired by Mary, Ian, and the volunteers who keep this community station running. What an amazing thing to have achieved. If you’d like to know more or to listen on demand check out the East London Radio website https://eastlondonradio.org.uk Bill Foster

Definition: things that are strange; queer; odd; uncommon; unusual; distinctive in nature or character from others; characteristic of; belonging exclusively to an area. Architectural historian, Karen Averby seeks out such things from this corner of London’s rich and varied past

Way back when powdered wigs and snuff were de rigeur amongst London’s high society, country retreats for London’s wealthy became increasingly popular. Leyton was amongst the desirable Essex rural idylls which caught the eye of merchants, bankers, and professionals as a ‘pretty retiring place from London.’ Large mansions were constructed in extensive grounds, most in the centre and north of the parish, especially around the village of Low Leyton; to the north-east the forest was also attractive. Some of the houses were the centre of large estates, including the manorial estate of Leyton Grange which had impressive expansive formal gardens (right). Other fine houses included Etloe House and Leyton House both at Church Lane, Suffolk House in Capworth Street, and Forest Edge to the northeast. The area’s pleasant rural character was enhanced by acres of farmland and ordered market gardens, but this abruptly changed forever from the mid-nineteenth century with the advent of the railway. Stations at Lea Bridge (1840), Low Leyton (later Leyton) and Leytonstone (1856) heralded the age of the commuter.

Leyton Grange and Grounds

But this was the exception and although the district council attempted to redress the balance between 1909 and The age of the speculative builder was also at hand, 1911 by using the unemployed and as the wealthy classes moved away, the former to plant thousands of trees in grand estates were appropriated by Land Societies the new streets, ‘leafy Leyton’ and individual builders and divided into building plots. was now unrecognisable. Other Development began in and around Lea Bridge station, than protected forest land in the and the ensuing fifty years, especially accelerating extreme north east, by 1912 after 1870, saw rapid urban expansion, with streets only 250 acres of undeveloped and streets of terraced housing encroaching on former building land remained, at the open spaces. By the 1890s most remaining estates Barclay Park estate and Lea were sold and Bridge nursery ground, but these Etloe House, Church Road, Leyton. the land built upon. too were built over in the 1920s. House Histories The last developments were The only open areas were council playing fields and one at the Have you ever wondered who in the early 1900s including Drapers Company school. used to live in your house, or the Warner estate west of how it has changed over time? Twentieth century municipal redevelopment on vacant and cleared Markhouse Road. sites in the post-war years culminated in the tower blocks at Leyton In the 1880s a small antidote Grange Estate in the 1960s. to the march of speculative Although the rural idyll has vanished and the grand houses development had sprung obliterated, a glimpse of this bygone era can be seen in the up at Lea Bridge Gardens, Packages telling the story of your house available eighteenth century survivor, Etloe House, although this has to suit all budgets. west of Lea Bridge Station; a For a FREE consultation email Karen Averby subsequently been much altered. Looking at historic maps and bungalow town of 69 shacks info@archangelheritage.co.uk engravings may therefore be the only way to appreciate Leyton’s www.archangelheritage.co.uk/house-histories housed families who reared rural past…but it’s a very nice way to spend an afternoon. discount for EList readers ducks and grew vegetables.




Karen is currently away so this article first appeared in E List January 2016. To see other back issues visit theelist.co.uk

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News From Nowhere… Near You Cast yourself back to an age before television and the internet, and learning for adults was typically a communal experience. People would meet in lofty Victorian halls to nobly further knowledge and understanding. Doesn’t sound such a bad idea? Well, it’s still going on... ‘The News From Nowhere Club’ is a Waltham Forest group named after William Morris’s best-known novel. The group’s mission is put simply, ‘to challenge the commercialisation and isolation of modern life’. It’s apt. Morris’s book was a vision of a socialist world, free of barriers between art, work and life. The modern-day club started as a community canteen in neighbours’ houses in Leytonstone. By 1996 it had morphed into a forum for presentations and discussion, boasting Lord Hennessy, a leading historian on government and a Walthamstow resident, as patron. They’re still meeting monthly, bringing in expert speakers to cogitate on history and the arts, plus local and topical issues. Organiser Ros Kane says, “We are a different type of Saturday night. Somewhere to come if you don’t fancy a night out in a pub or party, but fancy some mental enrichment.

Saturday 9 June Allotment Gardens: A Surprising History Speaker: Dr Lesley Acton Saturday 14 July The Vi Gostling Memorial Lecture Radical Hospitality, Personalism and Freedom of Movement: A Catholic Worker Perspective Speaker: Nora Ziegler Saturday 11 August Is Local Press All Over? Speaker: James Cracknell, Waltham Forest Echo

Sat 13 Oct Paupers, Priests & Progressives: A Personal History of the Salvation Army Speaker: Captain Josh Selfe Sat 10 Nov Lest We Forget: Cycling the Iron Curtain the Borders of a Divided Europe Speakers: Katherine & Tom Marshall Sat 8 Dec How Far Away Are We From a World Free of Nuclear Weapons? Speaker: Stephanie Clark


“You can turn up alone. You can get to know people or just be quiet by yourself. We very much follow the William Morris maxim ‘fellowship is life’.” The club meets monthly on a Saturday evening at the Epicentre, West Street, Leytonstone, E11 4JL. It starts from 7.30pm with a buffet (please bring something veggie if you can). Talk and discussion 8-10pm and then back to the buffet until 10.30pm. No need to book just come along. Entry is free, but donations are welcome, with a voluntary membership of £5 a year.

Saturday 8 September I Ain’t F***ing Doing That! Working with People No One Wants to Work With Speaker: Charlie Weinberg

This month’s talk features the history of allotments.

34 To advertise your business contact ads@theelist.co.uk




2 0 1 8

2 Poems by Graham Clifford

Swallows These birds, each only a slim book’s weight, are strong, years old and flick about dusk like black flames.




They have shoulders and attitude. Tensing their sector of umbrella jerks them across the path, passing my face so close I feel the chill from air sliced. They seem to want to cut me up. It is as if they’re bitter and are demonstrating the impatience of fathers sick of working smoking bitumen into holes in roofs or tar into roads. I’m doing nothing to them but it’s as if my leisure looks like disrespect and I am, therefore, asking for it.

Moth You leave the light on. A moth comes to tremble on the window ecstatic, or giggling replaying over and over the one about crane flies having the most deadly venom but no fangs or stinger with which to deliver it.

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Blackness presses the moth to the glass. Its neat grid-eyes. The clever antlers. We let it in. On the back of your hand it becomes nothing much, a furred scrap of impulses I wish I was; little mind. Need and urge and only that. Graham Clifford is a poet and head teacher. Swallows is taken from his collection, The Hitting Game, published by Seren. Read more at www.grahamclifford.co.uk

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This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts, Crafts & Film 16 & 17 June NEW Upper Walthamstow Open Studios 15 Upper Walthamstow Road E17 3QG Three artists, one venue. Behind the scenes of abstract painting and photography and sculpture. Sharon Drew - sloshing/spreading/slipping/ sliding; Mark Sowden - finding/ taking/placing/making; Daryl Brown scavenging/sorting/assembling/shaping. Access via narrow uneven passage to rear garden. 12-6pm. FREE. sharondrew.com

Events marked

1-30 June NEW Reflections: Jeff Cox Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP We live in a complex and fragmented world. Does painting help? Does art improve our knowledge and understanding? Through painting, Jeff aims to express his ideas visually, as he explores the answers to these questions. Private view 7 June, 6.30-8.30pm. TuesSat 9am-5.30pm. FREE. 7 June-15 July NEW Jason Hawkridge: Geometric Works Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ A selection of Hawkridge’s big, bright, geometric canvases, which will be featured in our next issue. Private view 7 June, 7-9pm Street-facing gallery, 7 days a week, visible daylight hours, lit until midnight. FREE. wvwg.co.uk

4-6 June NEW How Come We Didn’t Know?: The Corporate Take-over of Our NHS Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 5EQ A photographic exhibition by Marian Macalpine focusing on the global corporations rapidly buying into our health service - unless we campaign to renationalise our NHS. Late opening Monday 4 June, 7-9pm. Sponsored by Waltham Forest Save Our NHS. FREE. wfsonhs.wordpress.com Until 24 June Untitled by Sotirakis Charalambou The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Works constructed from paper particles propelled onto a surface to form layered structures of different densities. Some include mohair fibres which coalesce with the paper to produce airy, transparent, three dimensional forms. See feature in May issue. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. thestonespace.wordpress.com

9, 10 and 16 June NEW Lloyd Park Studio Artists: Summer Show Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 5EQ Lloyd Park studio artists Pen Dalton, Linda Green, Raewyn Harrison, Lorraine Huddle, Andrea Humphries, Jonathan O’Dea, Sue Royle and Matt Sefton invite you to view current work in the stunning Winns Gallery. 11am-6pm. FREE.

kid friendly

36 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.


Take part in our readers’ survey

tinyurl.com/theelist-survey It takes approx 5 minutes and as a thank you you could win one of four prizes of £50.

15 June-23 September NEW Weaving New Worlds William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP 15 women artists from the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand and Japan use traditional techniques to weave tapestries telling the stories of our time: the possibilities, the hopes and lost chances. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. wmgallery.org.uk

16 June-23 September NEW Tatsuo Miyajima William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Tatsuo Miyajima is one of Japan’s foremost contemporary artists. For his latest work, he has collaborated with William Morris, using his iconic Bird fabric from 1878 to create a new work in the series. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. wmgallery.org.uk

15-17 June NEW Blackhorse Lane Open Studios 114 Blackhorse Lane E17 6AA Blackhorse Lane Open Studios is a unique creative experience. Meet contemporary artists and see original art in a variety of styles. Includes silent auction. Fri 6-9pm, Sat/Sun 1-6pm. FREE. Level access to ground floor only. barbicanartsgrouptrust.co.uk

17 June-3 August NEW The Mill: Our Story So Far The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Our exhibition is up to celebrate The Mill! Take a step back to see how far we’ve come, where we are now and what the future could possibly bring. Become part of our story. 9.30am-6pm Tues-Fri, 10am-2pm Sat-Sun. FREE. themill-coppermill.org

28 June-28 July NEW At Night In The Wetlands and Other Images E17 Art House, 54-56 Hoe Street E17 4PG An exhibition of linocuts, etchings and paintings by E17 artist printmaker Kirsten Schmidt, celebrating the magic of Walthamstow’s green spaces. Private view 28 June, 6.30-8.30pm. Tues-Sat 10am-6pm. FREE. e17arthouse.com

Until 2 June All Power to the Imagination: The Art of Protest Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 5EQ Revolutionary events in May ‘68 inspired and influenced a generation and continues to do so today. This exhibition showcases the artwork of some of them. See feature in May issue. Daily 10am-6pm. FREE.

28 June-22 July NEW \’Delimitations\’ by Rob Reed and Miguel Souto The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Paintings by Rob Reed and photography by Miguel Souto which invite reflection on the concepts of limits and space in the urban environment. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. thestonespace.wordpress.com

Events marked

Sundays until 8 July NEW Henna Painting Classes Brü Coffee & Gelato, 223 Hoe Street E17 9PP Try your hand at henna painting with an accomplished artist with a passion to teach. All materials provided. 12.30pm2pm. £7.50. Sameera Seedat 020 8509 9626 dc@brucoffee.co.uk brucoffee.co.uk

kid friendly

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ART Until 2 Sept The In-Between: An Ode to Epping Forest Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Artist Rachel Lillie’s exhibition revealing the history of Epping Forest and the hidden stories that have shaped its landscape. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. vestryhousemuseum.org.uk/visit

Music, Theatre & Singing Mondays until 25 June NEW Traditional Irish Music Session The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Debbie Fink & Friends perform Irish ballads, popular standards and tunes with voices, flute, whistle, banjo, mandolin, piano-accordion and bodhrán. All competent musicians are encouraged to join in. An early start, so pop in after work. 6-10pm. FREE. facebook.com/ploughE11 Saturdays Audio Sushi Saturdays The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE Audio Sushi DJs join The Bell for a weekly night of ska, mod, reggae with rock, country, bluegrass, blues and other music for uplifting gormandizers. 8pm-1am. FREE. JLR@audiosushi.com belle17.com 21-24 June NEW This Is A Blizzard The CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB See feature page 8. A playfully dark 21st century fairy tale devised in the wake of #MeToo and #TimesUp. Physical and fantastical storytelling by an ensemble cast, where the women get all the best lines! Part of From the Forest Festival. Thurs, Sat & Sun 7.15-8.15pm, Friday 8.40-9.45pm. £10, £8 conc. ftffestival.com/tickets/blizzard Wednesdays & Fridays until 14 July Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: Amateur Production Open Call Waltham Forest College, Forest Road, E17 4JB Friendly, local, amateur theatre group welcomes performers of all ages to join as principals and ensemble for an amateur production of the popular musical this summer. 7.30-10pm. FREE. victoriafowler@live.co.uk collegeoperatic.co.uk Thursdays The Singing Room St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Welcoming, fun, weekly workshops in a capella and harmony singing. Suitable for beginners and singers wishing to further develop their skills. Wide variety of songs. Regular performing opportunities. No auditions and first session is free! 7.30-9.15pm. £9, or 10 for £70. Anna Williams 07931 372996 thesingingroom.org



27-30 June NEW Shakespeare’s As You Like It Open-Air Greek Theatre, Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill (entrance in Woodbury Road E17 9RZ Shakespeare’s much-loved romantic comedy. The one where brother is set against brother and girls pretend to be boys pretending to be girls. Four weddings, no funeral, two fights and one deer, music and songs aplenty. Bring cushions and come early for refreshments. Gates from 6.50pm; performances 7.30 -10.30pm plus matinée Saturday 3pm. £9, £7 conc, students £3, WGS students FREE with lanyard. Tickets on the door only. greektheatreplayers.co.uk Tuesdays East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Weekly modern jazz club featuring the UK’s best jazz musicians in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. 8.30-11pm. £7, cash on the door only. eastsidejazzclub.blogspot.com Wednesdays (term time only) WAVE Community Choir Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY We’re funky, jazzy and recruiting. All welcome, no auditions. Jazz, gospel, classical, folk etc. 7.30-9.30pm. First rehearsal FREE, then £10, £8 conc. Virginia Firnberg 07813 116505 wave-choir.com Mondays (term time only) Sing17 Community Choir Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Join our thriving 4 year old choir. All abilities, absolutely no auditions. Drop in and join in. Inclusive, informal, fun. 7.30-9pm. £8, £7 in adv, FREE taster. Laura 07813 686980 sing17.com

Outdoors Wednesdays until 4 July NEW Horticulture for Health & Wellbeing Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Learn the basics of garden maintenance and caring for herbaceous plants. Use your skills to conserve the Vestry House Museum’s beautiful gardens. A community course organised by Waltham Forest Adult Education Service in partnership with Vestry House Museum. 1am-4pm. FREE. 020 8496 4391 lbwfadultlearning.co.uk Thursdays Lloyd Park Volunteer Gardening Meet in the William Morris Garden, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Help keep the park looking beautiful, improve your health and well-being, meet new people and gain news skills. 10am-1pm. FREE. Ellie Mortimer 020 8496 2822 walthamforest.gov.uk/content/lloyd-park

DANCE/FITNESS Wednesdays until 6 June Chingford Conservation Volunteers’ Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road Chingford E4 6XU As above except different venue and time. 10am-1pm. FREE.

Quizzes, Games & Social Tuesdays NEW Games Night Brü Coffee & Gelato, 223 Hoe Street E17 9PP Bringing the fun back with retro board games. Play with friends or other customers while enjoying our delicious offerings. 7-10pm. FREE, with 20% off food and drink for players. brucoffee.co.uk Wednesdays NEW Lloyd Park Sharing Heritage Lloyd Park, Community Bowls Pavilion, Forest Road E17 4PP A friendly daytime group for the over 50s meeting weekly to explore the nature and cultural heritage of Lloyd Park. Currently working on a ‘Listening Project, Memories of Lloyd Park’. 10am-12pm. FREE. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 v.peet@tcv.org.uk Alternate Sundays Plough & Harrow Fun Jackpot Quiz Plough and Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone E11 4JU In the front bar, rounds of the SERIOUS and the SILLY and with a very winnable JACKPOT of over £100! 8-10pm. £1. ploughe11.co.uk Sundays General Knowledge Quiz Night The Victoria, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Weekly quiz night from Neil’s Big Quiz. General knowledge and specialist rounds including an interval round and Play Your Cards Right. Cash jackpot. 8.30-11pm. £1.50 per person. Tuesdays General Knowledge Quiz The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL Can you beat the cards? Will you be lucky 7? Or will you be taking home the spoon? Quiz night with cash and wine to be won with Neil’s Big Quiz. 8.3011pm. £1.50. village-walthamstow.com Thursdays Neil’s Music Quiz The Flowerpot Pub, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX Weekly music quiz hosted by Neil’s Big Quiz. Includes picture and table rounds. How many bonus points will you get for the connection? Cash jackpot! 9-11pm. £1. flowerpotlivemusic.com

Events marked



Fridays Seniors Club Walthamstow Toy Library (behind Comely Bank surgery) 46 Ravenswood Road E17 9LY Make new friends at this friendly over 60s group. We have tea and biccies, play bingo; games; organise trips and more. 2.30-4pm. £2, includes refreshments. Sandra 020 8223 0707 wfchub.org

Family & Young People Tuesdays & Thursdays Magic Box: Interactive Storytelling Sessions for 2-ish to 5-year Olds Mothers’ Hub, 133 Wood Street E17 3LX What’s inside the Magic Box today? Join a host of different characters, from Dahlia the Dinosaur to Captain Wonkynose, as they lead you on exciting and interactive storytelling adventures! Coffee and cake included. 10-11am. £5 per child, or £8 for two. magicboxstories.com Tuesdays Magic Box: Interactive Storytelling Sessions for 18 months-5 Year Olds Mothers’ Hub, 133 Wood Street E17 3LX As above, except 1.15-2.15pm. £5, £8 for two kids. Under 18 months FREE. magicboxstories.com Mondays Mini Musicians for Children aged 4-6 Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Children will experience and enjoy music as listeners, creators and performers, whilst laying the foundation for future instrumental and vocal training. 4-4.45pm. £58 for 10 week term, £29 for those on low income. walthamforest.gov.uk/music-service Saturdays Junior Choir Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG For children of all abilities aged 6+. Through a wide range of songs from classical to pop, musicals and world music, we cover all aspects of vocal technique to build a solid foundation for singers. 10.30-11.30am. £2.90 per session or £1.40 for low income families. walthamforest.gov.uk/music-service Tuesdays 17 July NEW Fun French Classes for the Under 5s Kukoolala, 3 Marsh Lane, Leyton E10 7BL Interactive and engaging classes using songs, finger rhymes, puppets and more! For kids under 5 (and their parents or carers). 10.15-10.50am. £6 or £5.50 in adv. Sibling discounts available. funfrenchlondon@gmail.com funfrenchlondon.com

kid friendly

38 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.







e g d i r k w a H n o s Ja

Geometric Works

7 June 7-9pm Preview Evening Thursday

7 June-15 July 2018

Viewable daylight hours & lit until midnight - 7 days a week

Tuesdays Trombone classes for 9-14 yr olds Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Special offer on beginner trombone lessons. Includes instrument hire. Give it a try. 5.30-6pm. £30 for 10 weeks. walthamforest.gov.uk/music-service Thursdays 14 June-12 July Junior Art Club The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A series of 5 sessions for kids 6 years and over with David, Mo, Stella and Jane. Get creative with paint, printing, clay or collage. Can be messy but a fun way to find out about art. Places are limited so please book ahead. Under 8s must be accompanied. 4-5pm. £2. themill-coppermill.org

Food, markets & shopping Saturdays Leyton Jubilee Park Outdoor Market KukooLaLa, 3 Marsh Lane, Leyton E10 7BL A new weekly Saturday market for selling bric-a-brac, pre-loved clothes, handmade items, crafts, artisan goods. Free entry to the public and free to vendors. For table hire, please contact us 2 days in advance. 10am-4pm. FREE. Joy 020 8539 0732 kukoolala.com/market

Thurs, Fri & Sat during June NEW Charlie’s Bar at Wood St Coffee Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Charlie’s Bar is taking over Wood St Coffee Thursday-Saturday evenings throughout June. Pop-up food such as Tangy’s Tasty Stuff on Fridays and Saturdays. Cocktails just £5 on Thursdays. 7-11pm. FREE entry. Email to book a table. charlie@charliesbar.co.uk 15-17 June NEW TACOCHEFLEW Locus of Walthamstow, 1 Chingford Road E17 4PW 3-day pop-up of tacos and Tequila cocktails by Walthamstow native pop-up chef and YouTuber Lewis Sully. Friday 6-11pm, Saturday 12-11pm, Sunday 12-7pm. All taco plates and cocktails under £10. stowcheflew@gmail.com instagram.com/stowcheflew

22-23 June NEW WAFFLECHEFLEW Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU 2-day pop-up of sweet and savoury waffles by Lewis Sully with liquid concoctions by Hucks. Friday 6-11pm, Saturday 12-11pm, Sunday 12-7pm. All waffle plates under £10. stowcheflew@gmail.com instagram.com/stowcheflew

Hanoi Ca Phe Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Fresh and delicious Vietnamese food is served up by Gina of Hanoi Ca Phe in residence at the Gin Palace. 6-9.30pm. Dish prices vary, approx £10 per meal. Repeated Sat 2 June. mothersruin.net

Calendar of events

Saturday Stitching Club in Leytonstone WFDRC Centre, 90 Crownfield Rd (use entrance in Amethyst Road) E15 2BG Our friendly club on the first Saturday each month welcomes beginners, disabled and experienced sewers. Just come along. Tea and biscuits provided. 11am-3pm. £6. p.stanley@wfdrc.org.uk

Friday 1 SOAS Showcase St Mary’s Music Hall, Church End E17 9RL Special concert featuring four ensembles from different musical traditions. On the bill are Reylon Yount playing Chinese Yangqin; leading Egyptian ensemble Oxford Maqam; upcoming Indian raga singer Budhaditya Bhattacharyya and Stornelli performing Tuscan folk songs. 6.3010.30pm. £12, £10 conc. stmarysmusichall.co.uk Rush Job The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF All the usual suspects and much singing along. 8.30-11pm. FREE. coppermillpub.wordpress.com

Events marked

Saturday 2

Wanstead Vintage Fashion & Brocante Fair Wanstead United Reformed Church, Nightingale Lane E11 2HD Our 8th Anniversary event “Everything you need for your home and wardrobe.” Two halls filled with vintage fashions and accessories, furniture, homewares, collectables and brocante “A simply fabulous vintage fair”. 11am-5pm. £2.50, £1.50 conc. Under 14s FREE. lovevintage.co.uk

kid friendly

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Saturday 2 continued Stones Throw Market St John’s Church, Leytonstone High Road/ Church Lane E11 1HH On the first Saturday of the month. Designer-maker; retro and vintage wares with over 20 stalls including jewellery, local honey, handmade ceramics and lots more. Delicious homemade cakes and tea and coffee. 11am-4pm. FREE. Gail Lockwood 07963 422231 Life Class ArtWorks Project Space, Barbican Arts Group Trust, 114 Blackhorse Lane E17 6AA Two hour life drawing session where participants will view the male nude body in a variety of poses. Price includes all art materials and cold refreshments. 11am-1pm. £10. Amanda Whittle 07533 381277 asw67@hotmail.co.uk amandawhittle.co.uk E17 Designers’ Summer Market Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Super Summer Market: art, accessories, fashion, kidswear, stationery, cakes, all handmade; all on offer in the fantastic foyer of the old cinema, 5 minutes walk from Walthamstow Central. 12-4pm. FREE entry. e17designers.co.uk We Are the Leaders We Have Been Waiting For Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS All are welcome to the opening night for an exhibition protesting violence against young people. 6-9pm. FREE. gnomehouse.org.uk Hanoi Ca Phe Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Details as Fri 1 June. Henri Herbert & The Fury: Live in Da Stow Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Henri Herbert and The Fury (ex-Jim Jones Revue); support from The Electric Shakes and The Curse. 7-11pm. £12.50. Texas Boogie The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Excellent blues-rock 3-piece with a hard-edged rhythm’n’blues attitude. 8.30-11pm. FREE. coppermillpub.wordpress.com

Sunday 3 Get Drawing! The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A relaxing, fortnightly two hours of drawing for adults - sorry no children. An opportunity to work on still-life. All abilities welcome, some tuition available or do your own thing. Basic materials provided. 11am-1pm. £4. themille17.org Events marked

kid friendly


We Are the Leaders We Have Been Waiting For: Artist Talk Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Artists involved in the ‘Leaders’ exhibition discuss creative responses to violence. All welcome. 2-4pm. FREE. gnomehouse.org.uk Lucy Ward at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Lucy has firmly established herself as one of the key young folk performers in the country. Great songs, wonderful performance and charisma. That’s our Lucy! 7.30-10.30pm. £10, £8 conc.

Monday 4 Red Imp Previews: Zoe Lyons & Jen Brister Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Preview season kicks off with these two hilarious lasses. Both have rocked Live at the Apollo and Radio 4’s The News Quiz. Not to be missed. 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com Open Mic Night The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Come down and play a tune or have a jam in a chilled, relaxed and enthusiastic setting. FREE high quality audio recording for every performer. 8.30-11pm. FREE. coppermillpub.wordpress.com

Tuesday 5 Red Imp Previews: Reginald D. Hunter & Sally Anne Hayward Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Larger than life and funny as hell Reg returns with his work in progress along with Sally Anne a delightfully acerbic circuit veteran. 8.30-10.45pm. £13.50. redimpcomedy.com

Wednesday 6 Under 5s, Lloyd Park Nature Explorers: Ramadan and Summer Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP We’ll begin inside with a simple craft related to our monthly theme with books and toys available followed by a ramble in the park before going back inside for stories and a healthy snack. 10am-12.30pm. FREE, but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 v.peet@tcv.org.uk Crochet Workshop Caro Wood Street - Art Cafe, Shop 23-24 Wood Street Indoor Market E17 3HX Learn to make the most popular and versatile crochet pattern: the granny square. Suitable for beginners. Yarn provided but bring your own 4mm hook or buy one there. Refreshments available to buy from the cafe. 11am-1pm. £15. carowoodstreet.com

DANCE/FITNESS La Leche League Waltham Forest: Coffee Morning Lloyd Park Children’s Centre, Lloyd Park (Winns Avenue entrance) E17 5JW Relaxed coffee morning-style meeting on the first Wednesday of the month for mothers and babies with a La Leche League (breastfeeding) counsellor present. This warm group offers support for individuals with or without current breastfeeding challenges. 10am-12pm. £1 donation welcome. lllwf.elizabeth@gmail.com Red Imp Previews: Simon Evans & Angela Barnes Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Both of these excellent acts are all over Radio 4; Simon’s had several series and Angela presents Newsjack. It’ll be a belter. 8.30-10.45pm. £12. redimpcomedy.com Ol’ Savannah / Horatio James What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Ol’ Savannah are a Montreal-based folk/roots band. Their style has been compared to a mix of Tom Waits, Roscoe Holcomb, Muddy Waters and The Pogues. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk



Red Imp Previews: Jo Caulfield & Michael Legge Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA After 15 years of sold out shows at every Edinburgh festival Jo guarantees a quality gig and Legge rocked last time he was at Red Imp. Great line up. 8.3010.45pm. £12. redimpcomedy.com

Friday 8 Baby Gospel Family Concert CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Suitable for all ages 0+. An uplifting family concert of soul, Motown and gospel music, featuring the astonishing vocal talents of London’s CK Gospel Choir. Doors 10.45am, 11-11.45am. Adults £12, up to 3 kids FREE. Booking advised, fee applies online. babybroadway.co.uk Horsemeat Sandwich: Punk & Post-Punk Misbehaviour Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU An evening of live, dirty DIY punk rock’n’roll. Tonight’s lineup: The Chain Of Panic (Hardcore); Storm The Gates (Post-Hardcore/Alt-rock); Static Personality (Post-rock); Meat Spoon (Punk rock hosted by London R’n’R circuit MC Vis The Spoon. 8-11pm. FREE. facebook.com/SinbinE11

Got an event? Tell us about it!

Red Imp Previews: Lucy Porter & Simon Munnery Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Two of our favourite regulars return to Red Imp. If you like sweet or weird or both, this is the one for you. 8.3010.45pm. £12. redimpcomedy.com

Simply submit online at theelist.co.uk

Stow Film Lounge presents COCO (2017, Cert PG) Centre17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB This animated story follows a young boy who is accidentally transported to the colourful Land of the Dead. He seeks the help of his deceased musician great-great-grandfather to return him to his family among the living. Doors 10.30am for crafts, film 11am. £6 (inc crafts), £12.50 party package, acc adults £4.50, under 2s FREE. Buy online or on the door. stowfilmlounge.com

Thursday 7 Jason Hawkridge: Geometric Works - Preview Event Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ Enjoy a sunlit drinks evening, marking the opening of Jason Hawkridge’s show of big, bright, geometric canvases. Largely outdoor event so please dress for the weather. Kids and dogs welcome. 7-9pm. Donation bar or BYO. wvwg.co.uk Last Frame: UK Premiere, Land of the Free Centre17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Film following three ex-convicts and their loved ones, in the 2 years after their release from prison, as they strive to find a new place in society. Please bring your own booze. Doors 7pm, film 7.30-9.30pm. Tickets £6. info@lastframeclub.com lastframeclub.com

Saturday 9

Family Day at Leyton Jubilee Park Market KukooLaLa cafe, 3 Marsh Lane, Leyton E10 7BL Alongside our regular market we’ve got a jam-packed day of FREE events to keep the little ones happy so that the big ones can relax! Bouncy castle, glitter tattoos, face painting, silly storyline, crafting etc. 10am-4pm. FREE. Kukoolala cafe 020 8539 0732

40 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Flamingo Fairs Father’s Day and More Fair Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road E11 2RQ Bargains galore from local artists and craftspeople. Also vintage and shabby chic furniture, haberdashery, jewellery etc. Something for everyone at this busy child-friendly fair. 11am-4pm. FREE. events2visit@gmail.com Citizen Science Habitat Survey Meet by stables building next to tennis courts, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP A bug hunt and pond dip for adults. We’ll explore and survey the wildlife areas of Lloyd Park using OPAL citizen science resources to identify and record our finds. 1-3pm. FREE, donations welcome. No children please. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 From Monoux and Morris to Beer and Bacon Jam William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Guided two hour walk with Joanna Moncrieff exploring E17’s fascinating history. Stories include the Dickens’ plagiarist and the hidden Greek theatre opened by Sybil Thorndike. 2-4pm. £12 with £1 from each ticket goes to Prostate Cancer UK. bit.ly/E17MoncrieffWalk

Events marked

kid friendly


The Lockwood Summer Session Wildcard Brewery, 2 Lockwood Way (off Blackhorse Lane) E17 5RB One day event at the Lockwood site - eclectic DJ sets from local and Londonwide selectors, guest beer selection from Manchester’s Cloudwater Brew Co, and street food to keep you going too. 2pmmidnight. FREE. twitter.com/wildcardbrewery Allotment Gardens: A Surprising History The Epicentre, 41 West Street, Leytonstone E11 4LJ See feature page 34. News From Nowhere Talk: Dr Lesley Acton, a specialist and writer, gives a fascinating history. Buffet until 10.30pm, please bring veggie item if you can. 7.3010.30pm. FREE. newsfromnowhereweb.wordpress.com Red Imp Previews: Paul Foot & Laura Kightlinger Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Finally managed to get Paul with his bizarre, surreal and utterly brilliant style. Laura is a comic and star of Will & Grace. Larry David said, “If Bukowski had a sister, it would be Kightlinger.” 8.30-10.45pm. £12. redimpcomedy.com




Sunday 10

Monday 11

Hoe St Market The Trades Hall, 6163 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Art, gifts, plants, homeware, jewellery, cakes and hot food - all made by local designers, makers, bakers and small traders. Shop and dine in comfort and enjoy a drink from the very cheap bar. 12-4pm. FREE entry, FREE parking. Follow @hoestmarket on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram

Red Imp Previews: Hal Cruttenden & Jared Christmas Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Star of Live at The Apollo, the Royal Variety and his own Radio 4 series ‘Hal’, Hal or “Hal” returns to E17 after raising the roof last time. “Brilliant” wrote the Evening Standard. 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com

Teacups at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA This a capella foursome have been creating a storm across the UK festival circuit in the past few years. This is a very rare chance to see them in a folk club setting. 7.30-10.30pm. £8. walthamstowfolk.co.uk Stow Film Lounge presents FIVE EASY PIECES (1971, Cert 15) Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH A key movie of Hollywood’s 1970s New Wave. A disaffected oil field worker (Jack Nicholson in his first major role) and his girlfriend (Karen Black) embark on an uneasy, emotional road trip. Doors 2.15pm, film 2.30pm, close 4.30pm. Tickets £7.50/£5.50 conc. Buy online or on the door. stowfilmlounge.com

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Tuesday 12 Colour Analysis Workshop Colours by Eleanor, 88 Bedford Road E17 4PU Monthly colour workshops giving an introduction to colour analysis for clothing and make-up. Learn what colour analysis is and about your individual colouring while trying out new make-up colours. Time is flexible, duration two hours. 11am-1pm. £15. Eleanor 07891 136851 eleanormitchell.com Storytelling Club Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Join in our storytelling circle where we tell each other stories from long ago or yesterday. Bring a story or just come to listen. All are welcome. Refreshments provided. 7.30-9.30pm. £5, £4 conc. Mike Forbes 07837 308703 stowtellers@yahoo.co.uk Family History Talk Spruce Hill Baptist Church Hall, Brookscroft Road E17 4JP ‘Keepers, Cockneys and Kitchen Maids’; local author Georgina Green describes the people who have lived and worked in Epping Forest over the years. Wheelchair accessible. 8-9.30pm. FREE. wffhs.org.uk Red Imp Previews: Andrew Maxwell & Laura Pattison Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Double Edinburgh Award nominee and star of Live at The Apollo, Andrew returns after a Red Imp stormer last year. Fast rising star Lauren won Best Newcomer in 2017. An incredible bill. 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com

Wednesday 13 La Leche League Waltham Forest: Beyond Babyhood Lloyd Park Children’s Centre, via Winns Terrace, Lloyd Park E17 5JW Details as Weds 6 June. Uncaged London presents: VaudeVillainy Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU VaudeVillains don’t hide in the shadows - intrigued to explore the sexy side of wickedness? 8-11pm. £15, £10 earlybird. Red Imp Previews: Abandoman & Gordon Southern Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Fresh from supporting Ed Sheeran on tour, award-winning Abandoman make their E17 debut with improvised rap. No, really. A Red Imp fave Gordon never fails to deliver. Not to be missed this one. 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com Events marked


Matt Woods & The Natural Disasters / The Blue Highways What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB A Knoxville, Tennessee-based songwriter. Some call it Outlaw Country or Americana, some classic Country. But it’s all grounded in greasy rock’n’roll. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk

Thursday 14 Creative Kids: Animal Ceramics William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Explore De Morgan’s love for animals with ceramics and make your own tile to take home. Creative Kids is a hands-on session for under 5s, on the second Thursday of every month. Two sessions: 10-11.30am and 1-2.30pm. FREE but booking essential 020 8496 4390 wmgallery.org.uk Epping Forest ‘Thrown Open’: People, Pollards and Place Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH In 1878, the Epping Forest Act gave legal protection to East London’s ancient forest. Epping Forest’s Museum and Heritage Manager Sophie Lillington weaves a tale or two about how the Forest was saved. 7-9pm. £6, £3 conc. Search eventbrite.co.uk for tickets Jazz at the Larder, Wanstead The Larder, 39 High Street, Wanstead E11 2AA The Emily O’Hara Duo take you on a musical journey with an intimate set at the Larder. Book and pay via the website. 7.30-11pm. £6 plus food and drink. eat@worldslarder.co.uk larderlondon.co.uk Dennis Bovell: In Conversation & DJ Set The Victoria, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH General Echo and the Walthamstow Rock’n’Roll Book Club present the UK reggae legend talking about his life and work with Janine Rainforth of Maximum Joy, plus DJ set afterwards. 7.30pmmidnight. £12. Tickets available from eventbrite.com Red Imp Previews: Ayesha Hazarika & Dana Alexander Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Labour spin doctor turned political commentator and comedian Ayesha brings her amazing hilarious tales to E17. Dana is an award-winning Canadian comic. Get in! 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com


Friday 15 Gingo Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Brace yourself they’re back with their heady mix of gin and bingo. Gingo! Expect filth, hilarity, bad behaviour and cr#p prizes. 7-11pm. FREE. mothersruin.net Disco Rani: My Desi Girl Party Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Exotic mix of Mujra, Bollywood, Bhangra and R’n’B by Britain’s First Out Muslim Drag Queen, Asifa Lahore, Birmingham’s darling Miss Paro and Luton’s first desi lady, Miss Neelu. 10pm-late. £10, drag queens FREE. facebook.com/discoraniclub

Saturday 16 Past & Present Vintage, Antique & Craft Fair Christchurch Hall, Wanstead Place E11 2SW Collectibles, antiques, vintage jewellery, perfumes and handbags, household items, toys, curios, greeting cards and lots more. In two halls, lots of stalls and a great friendly atmosphere. Come and find a unique item or gift. Homemade refreshments. 10am-4.30pm. £1, under 16’s FREE. events2visit@gmail.com Inspiration Sale with Fair Trade St Andrews Church, 153 Colworth Road, Leytonstone E11 1JD A sale of Fair Trade goods with a Fair Trade cafe. Stalls with bric a brac and plants. 10am-2pm. Stall hire £6. Val Vivier 020 8558 3976 standrewsleytonstone.org Pop Up Vintage Fairs London Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Over 50 vintage stalls selling original vintage fashion, menswear, jewellery, accessories, homewares, small furniture, posters, collectables and more! Plus live music, vintage hair salon, tea room and licensed bar. 125pm. £2, NUS £1. popupvintagefairs.co.uk Pregnancy, Baby and Toddler Event Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Get a taste of what fabulous Waltham Forest has on offer for families - from Forest School to reflexology, from singing to slinging. Fantastic tasters, discounts, raffle and refreshments. 2-5pm. FREE but pre-book tasters and talks via ticketlab.co.uk/series/id/21. facebook.com/PBTEventE17



Brahms’ German Requiem Chingford Parish Church, The Green, Chingford, E4 7EN London Forest Choir and soloists perform this passionate work in its original version with two pianos. 7.3010pm. £12 in adv, £14 on the door, £7 students/benefits. londonforestchoir.org Dial M for Music Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Road E11 1NP This month features the Len Price 3 at this regular music club with visuals, vintage stuff and free raffles. 7.4511pm. FREE, with collection. thehitchcockhotel.com Red Imp Previews: Daliso Chaponda & Charmian Hughes Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Runner up of Britain’s Got Talent Daliso “golden buzzer” Chaponda has been on a sold out tour of the UK all year, storming it. The most excellent Charmian supports. This will be a proper belter. 8.30-10.45pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com The Bikini Beach Band What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB The UK’s Kings of Surf-Noir instrumentals, flamboyant surf guitar instrumentalists The Bikini Beach Band are purely and simply the best band you can get for your twang! 8.3011pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk

Sunday 17 Cheney Row Dawn Chorus Cheney Row Open Space, Cheney Row (near Billet Road) E17 5ED Get up super early to join this dawn walk with local bird enthusiast Tim Harris. Followed by a light breakfast and natural bird feeder making. 5-7.30am. FREE. v.peet@tcv.org.uk Get Drawing! The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A relaxing, fortnightly drawing session for adults. See 3 June for details. Summer Singaround at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Tonight we’ll make our own entertainment! Bring a song, story or poem to share. 7.30-10.30pm. FREE. walthamstowfolk.co.uk Red Imp Previews: Matinée Robin Ince Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Star of Radio 4’s Infinite Monkey Cage Robin returns with his 1000mph frantic hilariousness. Once again he’ll try and fit 2 shows into one. Come watch him fret. It’ll be brilliant. NB No support act. 2-3pm. £10. redimpcomedy.com

kid friendly

42 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve. Kings Road E4 7HR Spend quality time together, make delicious food with your under 5s and enjoy nature at the Hornbeam’s Learning Lodge. In partnership with Walk the Loop. 2-4pm. FREE, donations welcome. hornbeam.org.uk/events/learning-lodge

Tuesday 19 2018 Art Exhibition at Frederick Bremer School Frederick Bremer School, Siddeley Road E17 4EY Fantastic artworks including paintings, sculpture, photography and mixed media by our Year 10 and 11 GCSE students. Plus a ceramics installation produced in collaboration with Central St Martins. All welcome. 4-7pm. FREE. bremer.org.uk

Wednesday 20 The Mediaeval London Tourist St Johns Church Hall, High Road Leytonstone E11 1HH John Clark will address the Leyton and Leytonstone Historical Society. Coffee served from 7.15 p.m. 7.45-9.45pm. £2, FREE to L&LHS members. leytonhistorysociety.org.uk Events marked


La Leche League Waltham Forest: Series Meeting Lloyd Park Children’s Centre, via Winns Terrace, Lloyd Park E17 5JW Details as Weds 13 Music in the Village: Artist in Residence Showcase Inky Cuttlefish Studios, Lower Ground Floor, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Showcase of sketches, intaglio, woodcuts, linocuts and wood engravings responding to classical concerts held in St Mary’s Church, Walthamstow - by Anna Alcock, ‘Music in the Village’artist-in-residence since October 2017. 6.30-8.30pm. FREE. annaalcock.com A ‘Son et Lumiére’ for the Summer Solstice St Michael and All Angels, Northcote Rd, Walthamstow E17 6PQ Wander in, enjoy a moment of peace or meditation, and soak up the atmosphere of this wonderful building, lit by over 500 candles, to the sound of Ensemble Organum’s recording of 18th century plainchant from the Cathédrale D’Auxerre. Donations to the building repair fund gratefully received. 9.15-10.15pm. FREE. petermccarthy-violone.co.uk/music-inthe-village



BABY #03 Live Bands! DJ’s! Zines! The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH This month we’re having three more bands, including Warren from Meatraffle and Smiling Disease playing their first show in ages! Come down for more glitter and disco balls. 8pmmidnight. £5. facebook.com/babytheclub The Calamity Cubes! / Tom Parkes What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB The Calamity Cubes! are a 4-piece Kansas thrashicana band. They sing about love, drinking and murder, themes not unlike those found in the Bible. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk

Thursday 21 Summer Solstice Party Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Join us for a night of revelry. Live folk band, food from Tegan the Vegan, bar, DJ and dancing. Come dressed in your best Solstice costume, or make your own headdress at our craft stall! 6-11pm. £5, under 16s FREE. Tickets via eventbrite.co.uk blackhorseworkshop.co.uk


Highams Park Live The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB Presenting a regular acoustic evening of live music performance with an eclectic programme of local songwriters, poets and storytellers. Email in advance if you’d like to perform. 7.30-11pm. FREE. info@highamsparklive.co.uk highamsparklive.co.uk Hornbeam Nights: Open Decks The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH A great vibe for amateurs and DJs alike to play 20 mins each of great music on vinyl - yours or ours. Arrive by 8pm to get your name on the board. 7.3011.30pm. FREE. Check website for date changes hornbeam.org.uk/events

Friday 22 Art & Cocktails at Hucks Cafe Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU Opening night drinks. New work from Robert Jackson as part of ‘Art around the Village’ mini trail. 7-10pm.

kid friendly

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Friday 22 Variety In The Village Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Maggie Regan presents her successful charity show for the Grand Order of Water Rats. Starring Maggie, Duncan Norvelle, Moon Williams, Bergit Beer, Chas McDevitt. Food available from Sham’s Kitchen. 7.30-10.30pm. £10. gowr.net

Saturday 23 Church Hill Summer Fair Church Hill Nursery School , 47 Woodbury Road E17 9SB Family fun day: retro games, bouncy castle, fabulous raffle, cakes, crafts, face painting, henna tattoos and Walthamstow School for Girls’ Steel Band. Fun for all the family and the best summer fair food in Walthamstow. 11am-2pm. £1, kids FREE but games tickets £1 per strip. churchhillchildren.org Leyton&Stone Designers Market St John’s Church, Leytonstone, High Road/Church Lane E11 1HH Outdoor market in the lovely St. John’s churchyard in Leytonstone. Arts and crafts, homemade cakes, chocolates and savouries, local honey and jam, handmade gifts, pottery, prints, cards, clothing, jewellery, leather bags, facepainting. 12-4pm. FREE entry. leytonandstonedesigners.co.uk Walthamstow International Film Festival 2018 – Day 1 Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Short films programme, suitable for family viewing. All 5 minutes and under from professional, student and amateur film makers from around the corner and from around the world. 12-5.30pm. FREE. walthamstowinternationalfilmfestival. com Stow Film Lounge & Walthamstow International Film Festival present HIGH HOPES (1988, Cert 15) Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH An early film by award-winning director Mike Leigh about a working class couple living in London and their complicated relationships with other members of the family. Cast includes Phil Davis, Ruth Sheen, Edna Doré and Lesley Manville. Doors 7.30pm, film 8pm, close 10.30pm. Tickets £6/£5 conc. Buy online or on the door. stowfilmlounge.com

Events marked

kid friendly





Julian Marc Stringle Quartet Loughton Methodist Church, 260 High Road, Loughton IG10 1RB The Julian Marc Stringle Quartet play a fundraising concert for the National Jazz Archive, featuring music made famous by Benny Goodman, Buddy de Franco and Artie Shaw, among others. Doors 2pm, 2.30-4.30pm. £15. nationaljazzarchive.co.uk/events

Stoneydown Park Festival Stoneydown Park, Pretoria Avenue E17 6JY You’re all welcome to join in with the Friends of Stoneydown at the 8th music festival in our lovely park. Amazing music from local artists, tasty food, crafts, beer, cake and more! 2-6pm. FREE entry. facebook.com/friendsofstoneydownpark

Tiro Williams & The Wild Cowboys / Lachlan Bryan And The Wildes / Dime Box What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB International triple bill of country rock’n’roll musical mayhem from Brazil, Australia and the USA. 8-11pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk

Sunday 24

Super Fun Wrestling: This Way Madness Lies The London Mat Room, 424 Hoe Street (opposite Clarendon Road) E17 9AA Nothing beats the experience of live independent pro wrestling! The action is right in front of you and you feel part of a community in an exciting and visceral way. We guarantee super fun! 2.30-5.30pm. £10. londonmatroom.co.uk

Thursday 28

Walthamstow International Film Festival 2018 – Day 2 Walthamstow Empire, The Scene, 267 High St, Walthamstow E17 7FD Shortlist of the best short film entries of Animation, Drama, Documentary, Experimental, Young Persons and Silent Films.11am-1pm. FREE. walthamstowinternationalfilmfestival. com Midsummer Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Come to our ‘Our Story so Far’ exhibition. Take part in our art installation. Craft work by our sewing group who will be answering your sewing queries. Refreshments and cakes by Mill Bakers on sale. 11am-2pm. FREE, £2.50 for coffee/tea & cake. themill-coppermill.org

Chingford Conservation Volunteers’ Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road Chingford E4 6XU Monthly opportunity to get out in the great outdoors - relieving stress whilst getting physically active and meeting new people through conservation of the natural environment. 10am-1pm. FREE.

Street Party with Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Finishing off our season with our now traditional E17 Folk Street Party! 1-6pm, music from 1.30pm. FREE. walthamstowfolk.co.uk Sunday Afternoon Jazz The William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Road E17 4JD Laid back jazz from the Paul Kaufman quartet and guests. Enjoy great food and company while chilling out in this stylish bar. 1.30-4.30pm. FREE entry. Fundraising Acoustic Music Afternoon The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB For Sue’s House Cancer Support charity of Ilford. Performances by musicians, poets and comics. Close to the overground station but NB venue is upstairs. 2-6.30pm. FREE entry, donations welcome. davehughesmp@yahoo.com Forest Philharmonic plays Beethoven, Strauss, Ravel Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Tonight’s concert features Ravel’s Alborada del gracioso, Beethoven’s Violin Concerto and Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra. Mark Shanahan conducts, with Tim Crawford on violin. Free pre-concert talk 5.30pm. 6.30-9.30pm. £12, £10 conc, under 25s £5, family tickets available. forestjun18.eventbrite.co.uk

Tuesday 26

Wednesday 27 Baby & Children’s Clothes Swap KukooLaLa Cafe, 3 Marsh Lane E10 7BL Bring the clothes that your babies and older children have grown out of and swap them for ones that fit. Additional items cost £1 each with proceeds going to Haven House Children’s Hospice. Good quality items, sorted into age groups are appreciated. 11.30am-2.30pm. FREE. Nina Scholar 07714 762 753 facebook.com/clothesswapleyton Floral Art Society Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN Monthly meeting for anyone who loves flowers. 7.30-9.30pm. Members £2, non-members £10. Ann Young 07778 202871 walthamstowfloralart.wordpress.com Infinitease Series 5, Heat 9 Ye Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Infinitease returns in its fifth fantastic season, bringing the UK’s best new burlesque performers together in the quest for new stars! Minimum age 18, ID required. 8-11pm. £15, earlybird £10. behindburlesque.co.uk

Private View for Kirsten Schmidt’s At Night In The Wetlands and Other Images E17 Art House, 54-56 Hoe Street E17 4PG Opening event for this exhibition of linocuts, etchings and paintings by E17 artist printmaker Kirsten Schmidt, celebrating the magic of Walthamstow’s green spaces. 6.308.30pm. FREE. e17arthouse.com St Mary’s Music Hall: First Birthday St Mary’s Music Hall, Church End E17 9RL Help us celebrate 12 months of hosting the best music from around the world! Expect 70’s-style Brazilian samba party vibes from Big Ben Jorge, plus Cameroonian-inspired Sawa blues music from Waltham Forest’s own Muntu Valdo. 6.30-10.30pm. £8. Free glass of punch included. stmarysmusichall.co.uk Forest Writers Writing Group Taster Session Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY We are welcoming new members to our bi-monthly meetings. We read from recent projects and offer constructive criticism. It’s great for testing your writing on a real audience. All genres welcomed. Please email in advance. 8-10pm. £3. forestwriters@hotmail.co.uk biroco.com/forestwriters

Friday 29 You Should Be Dancing! Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Dolores Rocket’s now legendary club night for people who cut their dancing teeth in the 70s/80s. Expect soul, funk, pop and disco from the 60s to the mid-90s. Younger friends welcome and there’s BINGO too! 8pm-midnight. £7, £5 in advance. doloresrocket.com/ysbd.html

Saturday 30 Low Hall Nursery School Summer Fair Low Hall Nursery School, Low Hall Lane E17 8BE Family fun day with bouncy castle, fabulous raffle, cakes, face painting, henna tattoos, arts and crafts, retro games for all the family and the best summer fair barbecue in Walthamstow. 10am-1pm. £1, children FREE. Games tickets £1 per strip. lowhallnurseryschool.org.uk

44 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Open Church Weekend St Mary’s Church Walthamstow, Church End/Church Hill E17 9RL Explore the oldest building in Waltham Forest and hear fascinating stories from the past. See how historic bell artefacts have been transformed by local artists. Family trails and refreshments. Tower tours (weather permitting) for 8 years and over. No disabled access. 11am5pm. FREE, tower tours by donation. Jacqueline Baker 07591 392786 walthamstowchurch.org.uk Holy Family Catholic School & Sixth Form Summer Fair 1 Shernhall Street (Next to Thorpe Coombe Hospital) E17 3EA Join us for games, bouncy castle, home made cakes, refreshments, football shootouts, driving school and Holy Family’s Got Talent! Limited stalls available, £10, please email to book one. 12-4pm. 50p, conc 20p. Emily Mara 020 8520 0482 t.friends@holyfamily.waltham.sch.uk Family Day: Weaving New Worlds William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Join award-winning weaver Rezia Wahid MBE to explore the summer exhibition ‘Weaving New Worlds’ and have a go yourself. 1-4pm. FREE no need to book. wmgallery.org.uk


E17 Puppet Project presents The Vote CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Experience a family friendly romp through the history of women’s fight to obtain the vote, with a rare combination of playful puppets and pummeling the patriarchy that will leave you raring to fight injustice yourself! 3-4pm. £8, conc/children £6. ftffestival.com/tickets/vote The BIG Youth Debate Walthamstow Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF A panel of young people and professionals will be debating on the issues that young people face especially with the rise in youth crime. We will come together as a community to find solutions. 5.30-9pm. FREE tickets via eventbrite.com Kasima 07535 280467 info.breakthacycle@gmail.com The Funny Side of Leytonstone Comedy Club The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Gareth Kane, Markus Garvey and Steve Harvey are one of the hottest sketch acts on the circuit. After a storming Edinburgh Festival they’re back with some new sketches and some old favourites. Your host is ‘Moanin’ Martyn Hill. 8-11pm. £10. thefunnyside.info



Errol Linton’s Blues Vibe What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Reggae flavoured R’n’B with a slice of dub. The harmonica maestro returns to What’s Cookin’ with his ace band. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. whatscookin.co.uk

Sunday 1 July Thuso Garden Party 37 Grosvenor Park Road E17 9PD Annual party fundraising for educational projects in South Africa. Delicious food including vegetarian and vegan, and entertainment from Senegalese musician Abdoulaye Samb and more. Updates about the work of the local charity, Thuso. 1-5pm. £10 incl. lunch and one drink. Kids £3, under 5s FREE. thuso.org

Courses Mondays until 25 June NEW West African Drumming Circle Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A friendly group that meets weekly to learn djembe rhythms and jam with Gambian drummer Seneke Sillah. Suitable for all levels. Classes are drop in but please book djembe hire in advance. 7.30-9pm. £5. mbillaarts.co.uk


Mondays 25 June -13 Aug NEW Photography Summer Course Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU 8 week course of photography, 2 hours a week. Learn about your camera, technical terms and everything from basic to fairly complicated. 8-10pm. £10, includes 1 year’s club membership. 0208 521 6958 andycharles247@yahoo.co.uk Wednesdays 5-String Banjo Classes Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Whether you’re a complete beginner or have been playing a while there’s a class to suit your experience in a friendly environment. You’ll need your own instrument! £15 per class, paid termly. Check website for times. banjosmith.co.uk

For the latest up-to-date listings please visit theelist.co.uk Events marked

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit www.theelist.co.uk and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact ads@theelist.co.uk 45

Sunday 24 June 2018 Waltham Forest’s annual cycling event Leyton Jubilee Park, E10 7BL Discover the borough along routes to suit the whole community Leisure 7.5 km

Explore 12 km

Adventure 18 km

Sign up at enjoywalthamforest.co.uk

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