The E List - March 2018

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No 58 March 2018

Women’s Issue

E list

ISSN 2058-2196


Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow, Highams Park, Leytonstone and Leyton

Celebrating old wives tales, proverbs and superstitions with illustrator Alice Pattullo Motorcycle diaries – Beryl Swain a racing pioneer Visionary artist Madge Gill remembered The People’s Forest with Gayle Chong Kwan It’s a world party with Nadia Al Faghih Hasan The other side of cancer with Penny Rutterford

Fellowship is Life

COVER STAR Alice Pattullo

What sort of artist are you? I work mainly as an illustrator, represented by the Central Illustration Agency (CIA). I produce work for all sorts of projects like packaging to branding and book covers to editorial. My main bread and butter however seems to come from food illustration (literally sometimes drawing bread and butter!). Alongside commissions I have my own personal work which tends to be quite narrative driven; often inspired by themes of tradition, superstition and folklore – an endless source of intrigue and inspiration for me. Many of these then become limited edition screen prints produced with The Print Block in Whitstable. Your work evokes a peculiarly English take on places like the home and countryside. Yes, I guess it does;

I think this largely comes from the artists that inspire me. I have always been particularly interested in mid-century British designers, as many straddled both the fine art and commercial worlds. I think it’s these two sides of their work which makes it so interesting and vibrant. People like Edward Bawden, Eric Ravilious, Barnett Freedman, John Nash, Barbara Jones, Enid Marx etc. These artists would be both producing painted murals and watercolour landscapes, and at the same time bold graphic advertising schemes for people like Shell, the railway companies and the GPO. Their personal work and use of colour was influenced by the constraints of the printing processes they encountered in their commercial work.

I also love that their ‘work’ seemed to encompass other aspects of their lives. Enid Marx and Barbara Jones in particular both collected, researched, drew and wrote about their collections of folk and popular art and this influenced their own creative style. I like to think I have a similar approach, but I guess I am also taking advantage of their own well catalogued and illustrated collections for my own inspiration too. You have already mentioned folklore, superstitions and forgotten rhymes as inspiration. What do you love about them? I am actually not really a superstitious person, and am generally probably considered a bit of a cynic, but I think this is what actually draws me to them! I think I find the idea of these beliefs and practices often so amusing but equally quite poignant, that I want to celebrate them in someway. I love the idea of talismans or charms and imbuing an object with such emotive power. Perhaps I feel the need to capture them in my work as I haven’t actually got my own superstitions or talismans to believe in.

I do like wordplay and rhymes too; just words and phrases that slip off the tongue in a pleasing way more than anything… There’s a great book, ‘Ounce, Dice, Trice’ written by Alistair Reid and illustrated by Ben Shahn (a wonderful collaboration) that really celebrates this; some pages are just lists of themed words! I encourage people to go out and find a copy. Old wives tales crop up too… Yes I am always sort of subconsciously ‘collecting’ stories or tales that I find amusing or interesting in some way, and note them down. Recently I enjoyed researching some of the more domestic old wives tales, proverbs and superstitions for my show at Yorkshire Sculpture Park culminating in the series ‘Home Lore’. A few of my favourites are: ‘An apple pie without some cheese, is like a kiss without a squeeze’ ‘Hawthorn bloom and elderflowers fill the house with evil powers’ ‘Place a slice of lemon under a chair to ensure a friendship’

I like that with these more domestic ones, people relate to them, having their own kitchen beliefs, or remembering proverbs of grandparents, and I often get told of them as a result. As well as word play your work features a lot of patterns. Where did your love of patterns come from? Surprisingly, considering my piles of sketchbooks are solely black and white drawings, I do love colour and pattern and detail and surround myself with colourful images torn from magazines, postcards, scraps of fabric and packaging. I think this interest in pattern and ‘surface’ probably stems from being surrounded by fabric and textiles as a child (my mother is a textile artist) and being encouraged by her to look closely at the details in the fabric. At one point I only dressed in 1940s/50s patterned dresses, as I love the bold and limited colour combinations of the screen printed fabric designs (and the designers behind them) and liked to think my work and myself evoked each other, but after a traumatic mass moth attack one year I decided the vintage wardrobe had to go!

Do you have a favourite commission? A recent favourite was the cover and binding design for The Folio Society’s Book of Food and Drink. The Society are a brilliant publisher for celebrating and championing the work of illustrators in the design of their books so it was a pleasure to work with them. A favourite ‘commissioner’ (to use the word loosely) would be Design For Today (DFT), who I’ve collaborated with on several lovely 1

projects; Brick House, Heads Bodies and Legs, A Bloomsbury Souvenir, and most recently The Print Shop which all celebrate our shared love of the lithographic process emulated from favourite 1940s children’s books and in particular the Puffin Picture Books. The foxes on this month’s E List cover were produced as part of a screen printed counting book that will be available with one of DFT’s future publications. Visit to see more of my work with them.

The resulting exhibition ‘Of House and Home’ was an exploration of home and garden and the associated lore, history and traditions surrounding the domestic everyday. Looking at talismanic protection for the home, historical pastimes of the parlour, the remedial uses of garden plants and general everyday kitchen folklore, the exhibition became a culmination of domestic delights to intrigue and educate the modern day house dweller.

In 2017 you created an extensive print collection for the Yorkshire Sculpture Park (YSP), That must have been daunting and exciting in equal measure? Yes, last year (and the year running up to it actually) was a big year for me. The collection was my largest solo show of screen prints and opened in the summer. It was a fantastic opportunity to be given the (physical) space and freedom to create a whole new body of my own work, but yes also a daunting prospect! I had to both research and produce all the work for the show, whilst simultaneously clinging on to some commissioned work to keep me afloat. It was quite a juggle!

I produced over 60 new limited edition screen prints for the show (with the help of the now increasingly muscley Suki at The Print Block in Whitstable), designed a wallpaper which was inspired by the Mille Fleur tapestries, and installed a fireplace in to the centre of the exhibition to emulate the ‘hearth’ of the imagined Victorian Parlour, which was adorned with decorative fancies.


Alongside the prints, I developed a merchandise range with YSP to be sold alongside the exhibition. This was a great opportunity to extend the ‘domestic’ theme onto actual domestic products including mugs, tea towels, egg cups and biscuit tins

to name a few. I still find it really exciting to see my work applied to a physical product even though the imagery comes out of my own hand it always makes it feel more ‘real’ or tangible in the world somehow. Finally I can’t help but notice the black and white cat who seems to pop up in many of your pieces. That’s Betty, a most beloved childhood cat (well borderline childhood actually, I think she arrived around the time I left home, so filled the empty nest for my parents) but she was just the loveliest cat. Sadly she died last year but lives on proudly in many a print… I guess I need a new muse (mews!!) now! Thanks Alice. Questions by Paul Lindt To see Alice’s new projects, work in progress and inspiration @alicepattullo





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March 8 sees this year’s International Women’s Day and the E List this month is joining in the celebrations. Today it seems more significant than ever as the last 12 months have shown the veneer of equality in modern life, is sadly just that, shockingly thin. A year ago as men it seemed funny to laugh at TV compilation programmes on what was thought acceptable in the 70s, smug in our knowledge of how much more civilised we had become. But it seems many of us haven’t caught up and are still disrespecting and mistreating women. It’s shocking to us that a lot of abuse is hidden in plain view and sometimes has been for years and years. This has inspired a fresh strive for visibility and unity, with campaigns like #MeToo. As a result it has become apparent to me how women, whether it be in fiction, TV film or the workplace, are still seen is largely determined by men. Still frequently portrayed in a supporting role and often as victim. Even the Prime Minister is seen as ‘bullied’ by her male colleagues, who are ‘really’ leading the government. Yes, women are everyday breaking out of these roles, but from a constant stream of surveys it seems there is a long way to go. The fight started in earnest over a hundred years ago with the fight for women’s suffrage and Peculiar Times (p13) reveals the amazing story of Agnes Lake from Leytonstone who, like many, went to prison for her rights to a voice. We also have poems by three local female poets, whose very personal reactions to this month’s centenary are scattered through this issue. I read recently in Shortlist of a game where you give someone two minutes to name as many women from history as they can. With the exception of certain Queens, nurses and authors it’s remarkably difficult to do because until WWII most women were told they should never aspire to be anything more than any of these three, in addition to their god given role of mother of course. Opposite, Julia Spicer tells the mouldbreaking story of Beryl Swain whose burgeoning career in motorsport was cut short by a chauvinistic world that deemed racing as unfit and too dangerous for a woman. This was the 1960s! This month the borough will unveil a blue plaque in Walthamstow - shockingly its first local plaque commemorating a woman! - a fascinating, inspirational artist called Madge Gill (p7) largely unknown in her lifetime. Visibility is also addressed with this month’s local hero Penny Rutterford who talks about reigniting her femininity and identity after invasive treatment for breast cancer. Our cover artist this month explores British folklore and superstitions often from a female perspective. One of Alice Pattullo’s images tells of two sisters inventive revenge on their fickle lovers, but others celebrate the historical view of women as providers of continuity and stability to life.


Beryl Swain


The People’s Forest


Madge Gill


Nadia Al Faghih Hasan

13 25 Inside this issue… Peculiar Times

Penny Rutterford

Poems celebrating 100 years of the vote

6, 24, 33

Motorcycle racing pioneer, Beryl Swain


Visionary artist Madge Gill


Artist Gayle Chong Kwan and The People’s Forest


Citizen of the world, musician Nadia Al Faghih Hasan


Peculiar Times: The fight for Votes for Women


Finally please check the listings for the variety of events happening to celebrate International Women’s Day including the Wild Women Week events such as Nicola Tree’s collection of inspirational photographic portraits at Bühler and Co.

E~DEN: The Home Directory


House Doctor – Pimp your rental


Local Hero – Penny Rutterford


Paul Lindt, Editor

St Mary’s Bell a new sculpture by Jonathan O’Dea


E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory


Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife


Walthamstow Diary


E~LICIOUS The Local Food debate





The E List

Editor and design: Paul Lindt Contributors: Paul Lindt, Julia Spicer, Sophie Dutton and Sara Ayad, Kirsty McNeilO’Connor, Chris McAndrew, Silvana Gambini, Paula Smith, Gavin Wren, Penny Fielding, Tom Gaul, Karen Averby, Bill Foster. Listings: Danny Coope Advertising: Bill Foster

For the latest listings, a digital version of the E List magazine and back issues 4

The E List is available for FREE at approx 100 venues across E17, E11, E12, E10 and E4. See for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly we aim to restock the most popular venues during the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email

so supportive of females on the track. Beryl herself noted in an interview that when she appeared in a BBC Sportsview programme “the announcer commented on the fact that I am always placed on the last row at Brands Hatch and as I usually come in with the first ten riders I should be placed on the second row, but I presume that because I am a woman I must be lucky that I am allowed to ride at all.” As part of that programme, the film crew followed Swain round the Brands Hatch track and despite not having ridden for some time she was within three seconds of the lap record for the 50cc class.


Photos provided by ‘Jeep’ Elton-Payne,

In the month that we celebrate women’s achievements Julia Spicer looks back at the life of Beryl Swain, the fearless, local motorcycle racing pioneer. Our story begins in Walthamstow, where Beryl Tolman was born in 1936 and where she went to school. At sixteen, like many girls at that time she followed the secretarial path and obtained a clerical position in the city with the shipping company P&O, eventually being promoted to a senior position there. This was where she was working when she met Eddie Swain, a motorcycle racer and mechanic who ran his own shop. Eddie’s passion became Beryl’s too, but she wasn’t content to watch from the sidelines, helping him prepare his bikes for races and soon taking up the sport herself. She found the experience exhilarating and by the time the couple

So in 1962 with considerable racing experience and success behind her Beryl Swain had the world at her feet when she and Eddie went to the Isle of Man. The gruelling Tourist Trophy, or TT race is probably even familiar to those of us who don’t know our gaskets from our sprockets, our clutches from our carburettors. This nervewracking event over almost 38 miles of mountain roads is considered to be one of

married in 1959, she was a member of several motorcycle clubs, competing in races at Brands Hatch and Snetterton initially on a Maserati (which she also used on the road) before moving to an Italian Itom motorcycle with better performance. She generally rode in the 50cc class which suited her small physique but also tried her hand with the 500cc speedway bikes at Hackney Wick Stadium. I spoke to ‘Jeep’ Elton-Payne who raced alongside Beryl and clearly had considerable respect for her and he described how even though there was a considerable sense of camaraderie between the riders of both sexes, race organisers were not always To advertise your business contact 5

Undaunted by the danger Beryl Swain took to the course finishing in 22nd place out of a field of 25 after the Itom lost its top gear on the second lap. She made history, becoming

the first solo woman ever to complete the TT. A Pathé newsreel item about Swain around the time ends with the clipped tones of the announcer bemoaning the fact that “slowly but surely women, the weaker sex are muscling in on man’s domain; practically no sport is sacred – thank goodness for dear old rugby league”.

The decision left Swain understandably thoroughly dejected and she left racing for good, seeing no point in returning to it at a lower level. Swain spent the rest of her life managing branches of Sainsbury’s until retiring to Woodford where she was known as an outgoing character involved in the WI. She died in 2007, aged 71. Search youtube for fantastic footage of Beryl.

Despite support from fellow racers, fans and the Lieutenant Governor of the Isle of Man himself, the IFM proved intransigent and it would be another 16 years before a woman competed in the race again.

Munitionette a poem by Eithne Cullen On Monday she’s a munitionette packing shells and placing wicks the powder makes her hair and skin yellow. Canary girl in an opera of canaries. On Monday she’s in drab brown clothes mob cap on her head, trousers like a man she’s not allowed a buckle or a badge one spark and they’d be off, all blown away.

The men look at them, with contempt they’ll cut our wages, take away our jobs no place for a woman in our factory… but the women fill the orders in this hour of need send plenty to the front to beat the Hun. The men look down on their yellow faces their tunics a mockery of battledress and frontline uniforms. But on Sunday she puts on a dress it’s white and it’s embroidered at the front her sash of green and purple like her hat and the metal brooch she wears a badge of honour a medal for her service at the front and times in Holloway.

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On Sunday in the park with crowds of women just like her The explosives in this case are powerful words speeches and glorious cries of votes for women and the songs they sing block the awful factory sounds. The men look at them, with contempt they’ll cut our wages-take away our power the ballot box is not the place for them send them to work the land and pack the bombs.

Eithne Cullen likes to write stories and poems. She is a member of Forest Poets. Eithne’s first novel, The Ogress of Reading was published last autumn.

Photos provided by ‘Jeep’ Elton-Payne,

the most dangerous sporting competitions in the world. There have been 146 fatalities to date, the most deadly year being 1970 when six riders lost their lives.

Thrilled by her success and the excitement of the race, Swain announced her intention to return the following year but her dreams were thwarted. Concerned about the negative publicity the death of a female rider would provoke the International Federation of Motorcycling revoked her license. If safety concerns were the main issue however, Jeep suggests that women would have been barred from the race altogether but they were still allowed to ride in the sidecars where they had to hang outside the machine to balance it; a feat he described to me as incredibly dangerous.

Photograph Russell Westwood. © Popperfoto/Getty Images and © estate of Russell Westwood

Madge Gill working on a rug at Plashet Grove, August 1947.

‘ Home Sweet Home’

Madge Gill and Walthamstow Raised at 71 High Street in Walthamstow, visionary artist Madge Gill had a disjointed childhood and life of personal tragedy. It was these experiences that inspired her to begin making art.

During her lifetime Gill created thousands of meticulous ink drawings and embroideries, many of which reflected her obsession with spiritualism. Her ‘inspired’ works were often monumental, either in sheer scale or in number. She later remarked ‘I simply couldn’t leave off.’ For an untutored artist she moved readily and astonishingly skillfully through different techniques and formats: paints, inks, textiles.

Although relatively unknown at the time she is now considered a prolific and powerful artist, being represented in many international public collections including the Whitworth in Manchester, Collection de l’Art Brut in Lausanne and the L’Aracine Collection at the Musée d’Art Moderne in Lille.

We are fortunate in 2018-2019 to be holding a series of events and bringing some of her rarely-seen artworks to exhibition in Walthamstow, the borough in which she was born. The programme will begin this month when Gill will be commemorated by a blue plaque, amazingly the first woman to be honoured this way in the borough. Sara Ayad tells her story.

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Home Sweet Home is something of a misnomer, for visionary artist Madge Gill (born Maud Eades 1882–1961). Though for much of her early life a Walthamstow resident, Madge must surely have suffered an acute sense of displacement. She was born illegitimately to Emma Eades, who for her confinement was removed from view to a house adjoining the Cock Tavern in High Street (formerly Marsh Street), Walthamstow. Here Emma was cared for by the family of Joseph Leakey, a retired cordwainer, whose daughters were school mistresses. After the birth Emma returned to the Eades’ family home, attached to the Central Synagogue in London, while Maud remained with the Leakeys, first in Marsh Street and then at Grosvenor Villas, Westbury Road, the 5/- shillings weekly for her foster care paid for by her grandfather. In 1891, with the Eades no longer able to afford her care fees, ten-year-old Maud lodged briefly with her mother’s elder sister Kate Gill in Forest Hill, before being

admitted into the care of Dr Barnardo at his Girl’s Village Home, Barkingside. She lived there, in ‘Lily Cottage’, until 1896 when she, in a party of 254 British Home Children, was repatriated to Canada, for the wholesome air and opportunities life there was thought to offer. Four years later, the homesick but determined Maud returned to Walthamstow, where she stayed with foster ‘aunt’, Mary-Ann Leakey, now living round the corner in Erskine Road. She first worked as a ‘blouse machinist’ before registering as a nurse in the newly-built infirmary at Whipps Cross. Her birth family had also relocated in the intervening years – her aunt Kate to Ilford, the remaining Eades to South Woodford. In 1907 Maud – now calling herself Madge – married aunt Kate’s son Tom, with whom she would have three sons. They moved to Snaresbrook, then South Woodford, and later to Kate’s house in Thorngrove Road,

Floating Female Faces c1940 (black ink on card) Provided courtesy of Newham Archives and Local Studies Library.

A Blue Plaque unveiling to celebrate the life of the artist and former Walthamstow resident Madge Gill marks the beginning of a series of events in the borough taking place from now until 2019. The events are being run by E17 based organisation, Works by Madge Gill. Works by Madge Gill (WMG) was founded by Art Director Sophie Dutton after she discovered in 2014 large quantities of Gill’s work hidden in Newham’s archives. Dutton wanted to share these intricate and extraordinary pieces as well as Gill’s captivating story with the communities she was originally from.

The project plans to reach a wide audience in Walthamstow, Leyton and Newham. Waltham Forest Council are supporting the programme with an Art Development Grant to develop a mapping and heritage trail, with art walks around key sites associated with the artist. An interactive digital heritage map will be created, freely accessible online, tracing Gill’s places of residence, work and séances - telling the story of her life and art through archival photos, videos, reproductions of artworks and commentary.

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Plaistow. After Tom’s death, Madge moved to Plashet Grove, Upton Park, where she would remain for the rest of her life. Hard-working, hard-up, often unwell, and unhappy, Madge Gill was also an extraordinarily prolific artist of ‘inspired’ artworks it is claimed by an ethereal spirit guide: in pen and black or coloured inks on paper or calico, or in multiples of 50 or 100 on small postcards (often peopled with the timorous faces of young girls, reminiscent of the Village Home orphans). She made rugs and hangings as well, knitted, crocheted and tapestried, with a dexterity perhaps inherited from her mother, a skilled needlewoman, but certainly fostered by Barnardo’s who trained the girls in such commercially viable work. Madge exhibited her artworks in the Whitechapel Gallery’s East End ‘opens’ from 1932 to 1947, perhaps the most celebrated artist in the shows. She was regularly singled out in press reviews, yet afterwards faded into obscurity until interest in her was revived, largely thanks to the groundbreaking work of Roger Cardinal, an author who coined the term ‘outsider art’, almost a decade after her death. In 1920 Madge had experienced what she described as her first divine ‘inspiration’: it occurred while she was singing ‘Home Sweet Home’ so loudly as to be heard all down the street. Whether it was Walthamstow she had in mind, where she had lived with the Leakeys, or Barnardo’s ‘Lily Cottage’ with her childhood friends, or any of the other houses she would later call her own, we cannot say. But there is no doubt that ‘Home’ had a strong effect on Madge Gill, a sense of place formed and fostered within this borough.

This programme will culminate in an exhibition of Madge Gill’s inspirational rare textile and prints in 2019. For more information about the project: e: or visit

Commemorating an east end Visionary Unveiling of a Blue Plaque for Madge Gill 71 High Street, Walthamstow 4pm 8 March.

Into the woods Internationally renowned British artist Gayle Chong Kwan currently has a monolithic 11-metre high sculptural installation, The Fairlop Oak in the Barbican foyer until 18 March. This month sees her new exhibition, The People’s Forest, the culmination of a two year complementary project open at the William Morris Gallery. Here she talks to Paul Lindt. Leytonstone resident Gayle Chong Kwan is well known for her photography, installations and public realm works which explore the simulacra and the sublime through immersive environments, ritual experiences and sensory activities. The People’s Forest, an exhibition of new photographic and sculptural work, explores the history, politics, and people of London’s ancient woodland, Epping Forest and is the culmination of a two year exploration of the forest. I asked Gayle what she had discovered about the role the forest plays in the lives of the people who live alongside it?

Photo © Maxine Kirsty Sapsford

“I was drawn by the politics of the forest, both in terms of its history with the attempted enclosures and the Epping Forest Act of 1878, but also as a site of more recent protests against the building of the M11 Link Road in the 1990s.

Sophie, from the Forest Portraits series for The Peoples Forest by Gayle Chong Kwan, 2018

“I was really struck by the liminal nature of the forest, as a place between rural and urban, and as a site of imagination, myths, and possibilities.” Portrait of Gayle Ching Kwan in Epping Forest for The Peoples Forest, by Parisa Taghizadeh, 2017

Epping Forest is an ancient forest, with over 3,000 years of continuous tree covering, and is a remnant of the once extensive Essex Forest. In medieval times Forest Law was introduced to safeguard the king’s hunting rights, but which included commoner’s rights to collect wood and graze livestock. It was the local loppers and grazers, the City of London Corporation who counted as a commoner too through owning the cemetery in Aldersbrook and the Commons Preservation Society that To advertise your business contact 9

which edges the forest. What mirrored my own experience was the intimacy of people’s relationship with the forest and the importance of it as a thinking space, a place to engage with nature, a physical entity and a place where important conversations, ideas, and reflections have taken place. “The forest interwines with people’s lives to such an extent that I felt the forest is in them and they are in the forest, and it felt fitting to make portraits in which people’s experiences of the forest become something they wear on their bodies. I worked with a range of people to explore and walk with them in areas of the forest which are special to them, from which I made sculptural head dresses out of photographs I took, which I then photographed them wearing in the places which are special to them. The resulting ‘Forest Portraits’ also developed out of images and drawings I found of historic ‘characters’ of the forest like the Green Man.” Chong Kwan’s other new series are photographs of ‘intimate trees’ in Epping Forest; twisted, entwined sensual forms that have slowly grown to lean on and embrace each other, alluding to the liminal and illicit nature of the primeval woods.

I also became interested in the way in which art, artists, and the forest have intersected at various times. William Morris, who grew up near the forest and was inspired by the unique shapes of its pollarded trees, was active in its protection. More recently, artists played an important role in the creativity that marked the M11 Link Road Protests in the 1990s in the area, through temporary ACME Artists Houses that stood all along the soon to be demolished roads, along the exact road where I now live in Leytonstone.”

The People’s Forest includes two new works the first of which is a series of large-scale photographic ‘Forest Portraits’ of people who have a special relationship with the forest, taken at sites that have a personal resonance for them. Gayle explains:. “Through a range of workshops, events, walks and talks which focused on sensory experiences in relation to the history, politics and people of Epping Forest, I got to know people who manage and work in the forest and others who use it as a place for recreation. I worked with an incredible range of people from: forest arborists who showed me different types of tree cuts; to an awardwinning aerialist who trains in the forest and climbs the trees; a forest volunteer who runs so many activities for people to engage with the forest; to a published author who spends thinking and growing time in her allotment

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Phil, from the Forest Portraits series 2018

All images © Gayle Chong Kwan

brought a single lawsuit in 1874 on the rights of intercommonage – the right to graze animals through the forest – which stopped the incursions into forest through enclosures, and in 1878 the Epping Forest Act established the Corporation of the City of London as conservator of Epping Forest.

Photo © Maxine Kirsty Sapsford

Bending, from the Intimate Trees series.

“Like William Morris, I was fascinated by the forest’s unique pollarded trees, which were shaped by the commoners’ right to lop or cut off their own wood supply. I also became interested in specific trees such as the Fairlop Oak and its tradition of an annual feast that stood in Hainault Forest and which suffered incursion by private landlords in the 18th Century, and the George Green chestnut tree, which was a focus of the M11 Link Road Protests; and trees as symbols and the focus of protest movements more generally.”

Other works for the exhibition include a series of collages, hand-tinted with colour dyes created out of ingredients from the Forest, which explore the broader contemporary issues around forest, politics, protest and place.

The People’s Forest William Morris Gallery

One Voice Many Lives Nadia Al Faghih Hasan talks to Kirsty McNeil O’Connor about life, music and her ongoing mission to work with people from all over the world. Photos by Chris McAndrew.

3 March – 20 May 2018 Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Open Wednesday – Sunday, 10:00am – 5:00pm. Free admission. Parts of the exhibition at William Morris Gallery will be presented at The View exhibition centre in Epping Forest later in the year.

The People’s Forest: The Fairlop Oak Barbican Centre Until 18 March 2018 Ground Floor Foyer, Silk Street EC2Y 8DS Open Monday – Saturday 9:00am – 11:00pm, Sunday 12:00 – 11:00pm. Free admission Harriet, from the Forest Portraits series 2018

“I’m a bit of a nomad really,” says Nadia who currently lives in Leyton. “I was trying to establish roots and Waltham Forest just has something about it, I have friends here,” including her band mate and African drum teacher Seneka Sillah, co-director of Mbilla Arts. ”It’s got such a great mix of cultures.”

Nadia sings with local band Kan Beng which means ‘one voice’ in Mandika. The band reflects Nadia’s love of collaboration and mix of cultures with a diverse set of musicians from around the world bringing individual influences together to create music that sounds like a joyous celebration of the African diaspora. 11

Nadia was born in Libya to a Libyan father and English mother. “My mother was from a small village near South Shields. She had travelled a bit and was restless so took a job for an oil company in Libya as a secretary, she and my dad met at a party. I went to an international school with people from all over the world. I would come over to the UK to visit my grandmother in South Shields, sometimes I went for a few months. I looked different to them. But you know, when you’re of mixed heritage you can often be a bridge for different cultures who can see something of themselves in you.” Music has always been a huge part of Nadia’s life but after moving the Britain to study graphics and illustration at university, she actually became a care worker to earn her living here. “I worked with the homeless, people with learning difficulties and special needs and now, since I have been pursuing my love of music, drumming and singing,

I have been able to combine the two things.” It is this that continues to inspire Nadia today; the therapeutic effects of music. She has work as a community music teacher and is particularly interested in the benefits of drumming, singing and dancing together as a way to build community. She works on a number of projects with Rich Mix in Bethnal Green and she is keen to work with refugees to build and create connections with the wider community. “An exploration of empowerment through music really interests me, it’s a great tool for the creative process, and I love the party element too.” She smiles. Nadia is travelling to Morocco to run workshops with Shama – music of Moorish origin at the Mama Africa Festival later this year. Shama is an all-women group bringing women together to play music, make healthy food and eat together, again to build and create communities. It was Nadia’s nomadic side that led her to the music of Africa, during a long trip, taking in Ghana, Mali, Gambia and Senegal. “A friend invited me to Ghana for

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the Millennium celebrations and it changed my life. I travelled and studied the music of West Africa and there were so many influences including middle eastern.” These influences are clearly present in Nadia’s performances with local band Kan Beng her voice rising in a mellifluous wail with the dancing rhythms and male voices in the band, and she does things with her voice that are surely only possible if they are coming from the heart.

See Nadia with Kan Beng live at Wildcard Brewery’s Lockwood site ‘Grand Re-Opening’ on Saturday 3 March and at The Hootananny in Brixton on Sunday 11 March

Photos ©

“The band is really open to collaboration, we may bring our own songs in - everyone is open to exploring, creating together.”

Definition: things that are strange; queer; odd; uncommon; unusual; distinctive in nature or character from others; characteristic of; belonging exclusively to an area. Architectural historian, Karen Averby seeks out such things from this corner of London’s rich and varied past

Enough is Enough Women and its replacement The Suffragette at prominent locations including St James Street Station. Regular talks and meetings at local venues and homes were always well-attended; notably at the Pioneer Café on Hoe Street, Trinity Hall on Orford Road and William Morris Hall in Somers Road. In 1910 a rally and march attended by Sylvia, Christabel and Emmeline Pankhurst assembled at Cedars Avenue and attracted hundreds of women who marched through the neighbouring streets.

1910 Poster showing forcefeeding of a prisoner.

The story of the women’s suffrage movement in this country is currently enjoying prominence as 2018 marks the centenary of some women receiving the right to vote. In 1897 Millicent Fawcett founded the National Union of Women’s Suffrage who practised peaceful protest, followed in 1903 by the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU), the most active feminist movement in western Europe, established by Emmeline Pankhurst and daughters Christabel and Sylvia. Its members and followers were popularly known as Suffragettes, who were more militant in their campaign for the vote. The WSPU’s many regional branches included one in Walthamstow, which encouraged participation in national campaigning, marches and rallies, as well as more local activities such as chalking parties, leaflet distribution, and selling copies of the WSPU publication Votes for

Walthamstow by-election c1910

The names of attendees of these meetings, talks and rallies are largely unknown but some involved in WSPU affairs are recorded including the Honorary Secretary of the Walthamstow branch, L. C. Hart of Sylvan Road, and E. Wylie of Chingford, who hosted at least one home meeting. More famous is Leytonstone resident and militant suffragette Agnes Lake

who managed the office of Votes for Women and The Suffragette, and was in regular contact with the Pankhursts. She lived with her husband William Whatmough in Wallwood Road and was amongst hundreds of women who refused to divulge personal information on the 1911 census in protest at Government refusal to give women the vote. Instead she wrote: “Mrs Whatmough refuses all information, having no privileges of a citizen, will discharge no duties.” Agnes was arrested in April 1913 at WSPU Headquarters, Lincolns Inn, and convicted for conspiracy to cause malicious damage. She was sentenced to six months imprisonment at Holloway and Warwick, but was repeatedly released and re-arrested under the ‘Cat and Mouse Act’ of 1913 which allowed release of prisoners weakened by hunger strikes to avoid custodial deaths, but with inevitable subsequent rearrests. One of her rearrests was in December 1913 from her Leytonstone home when she was taken by two detectives by taxi to Holloway. Unsurprisingly her health deteriorated but she

1914 Poster

recovered and is known to have spent time in America where one of her daughters was born. She died in Wandsworth in 1972 aged 84. Perhaps a member of the WSPU lived in your house? Some suffragette records and copies of The Suffragette can be found at (free access until 8 March), and get in touch with Waltham Forest Archives to find out how you can research who lived in your house during the days of the suffragettes

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E~DEN a Directory of Useful Services & Beautiful Things for the Home Get your garden in shape this Spring

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Walthamstow Recommends Facebook group

Our duo will soon become a trio with the arrival of Estates 7 in Forest Gate. With 450 acres of stress busting heathland at Wanstead Flats, 73 miles of shiny new Crossrail track, serious retail therapy at Westfield, the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to explore, and the Tap for a craft beer with a side order of music, comedy, book readings and cake, Forest Gate is a great place to discover.

17 March gallery

If we had created as stunning a home as this, we don’t think we could bear to part with it. The vendors have engineered a truly stunning space in this period semi-detached house. Light and airy throughout, there is amazing attention to even the smallest details, from the triple glazed Shucco bi-fold doors on the ground floor to the zinc clad loft at the top, and all points in between.

020 8520 9300

Milton Road E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Guide price £750,000 Grove Road E17 2 bed terraced house for sale Guide price £675,000

Morgan Avenue E17 2 bed flat for sale Offers in region of £350,000 Clifton Avenue E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Guide price £750,000

March 2018

10 March gallery

020 8539 4213

Leslie Road, Leytonstone E11 3 bed terraced house for sale Guide price £650,000 Oliver Road, Leyton E10 2 bed flat for sale Sstc £395,000

It’s truly one of those properties where whatever we say will only scratch the surface of just how good this house is, and where the photographs really do say more than we could with a million words. With four double bedrooms (one with en suite bathroom) over the top two floors, truly amazing open plan living on the ground floor, and mind blowing views of the London skyline, this house really has it all. We definitely couldn’t bring ourselves to leave if we were lucky enough to live here…

Queens Road, Leytonstone E11 2 bed flat for sale Offers in Excess of £480,000 Wallwood Road, Leytonstone E11 2 bed flat for sale Sstc £440,000

40 Orford Road E17 9NJ 020 8520 9300

First Avenue E17 2 bed flat to rent £1,550 pcm Commuting in to the city has never been easier with access to the West End in 20 minutes. Orford Road is also incredibly close by with all its trendy pubs, shops and restaurants to enjoy.

Douglas Avenue E17 3 bed terrace house to rent £1,650 pcm This Warner built house is located just to the north of Lloyd Park, on a quiet residential street. We think this would make an ideal rental property for a family.


17 March lettings

10 March lettings

185 Francis Road E10 6NQ 020 8539 4213

Morley Road E10 2 bed flat to rent £1,350 pcm This popular location offers a great selection of local shops, pubs, restaurants and other amenities to enjoy as well as fantastic transport links in to Central London.

Buckingham Road E10 Property to rent £1,300 pcm We are barricading the doors for this new instruction. Seriously!. This is chance to rent an old coach house overlooking Coronation Gardens in fashionable Leyton.

Grosvenor Rise East E17 2 bed flat to rent £1,500 pcm

Warren Road E10 2 bed flat to rent £1,200 pcm (let agreed)

This spacious two bedroom split-level first floor flat has the local Village shops, cafes and restaurants on its doorstep, as well as Walthamstow Central just a short stroll away.

Original features, bay windows and stripped floors give this flat plenty of character. The lounge is a good size with a large bay window and feature fireplace.

House Doctor

Penny Fielding offers creative solutions to everyday niggles you may have with your home. Home ownership is reportedly at its lowest for 30 years, so if you are one of the many that rent, here are some tips on how, with a little imagination, you can make it feel like you don’t have to own it to call it home. If you’re lucky the space will be a blank canvas and (hopefully) not painted magnolia. Your landlord may not mind you re-decorating. A new wall colour can transform a room, and make sure you have a clear arrangement with them about picture hanging. With hardly any rented properties having security of tenure, it’s even more important to love your things and for them to work for you, as the property is a given. It’s 100% your personal stuff

that is making it feel like home. Invest in your furniture and furnishings and choose style that will travel well and endure. Lighting is key, get lots of table/side/plug in lamps and use these to make the lighting right for you. Buy statement lamp shades for the pendant lights. Fabrics add texture to a room and are the perfect way to introduce colour. Get a bed with delicious bedding. Curtains etc. can be tricky as they are an expensive commitment, but can totally transform the vibe. Cushions are an instant makeover especially as a way to add flashes of colour. Rugs can be expensive but get the best you can afford and this will add character and class. If you have dark flooring this can really lift the space. Buy some real paintings or prints/posters (from the E17 Art trail etc.) or even borrow pictures from an artist friend. You can’t beat the real thing when it comes to artworks. I’m a great believer that if something has its own integrity it will work anywhere and for years to come. What niggles you about your home? Email with your thoughts. To book a session with the House Doctor please email: or call 07725 645 359.

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“Mum’s the word”

The Art of Estate Agency 020 8503 6060



Guide Price £375,000 - £425,000


Positioned on quiet turning in the Lea Bridge area within walking distance of the picturesque River Lea, recently opened Lea Bridge Overground Station and an easy cycle of the popular Chatsworth Road, Hackney, and Stoke Newington (thanks to the new cycle network currently being introduced to the area) is this beautifully remodeled and renovated ground floor conversion offering open plan living kitchen area opening via bi-folding doors to a fantastic 100+ft rear garden with its separate spacious home office this is the perfect first time purchase for offering flexibility to work from home without compromising the accommodation. Enjoying two double bedrooms and a beautifully finished and fully fitted bathroom. Being sold with the benefit of a new lease in excess of 120 years and on a chain free basis.




Guide Price £460,000 - £480,000

Being easily accessible to Lloyd Park, Walthamstow Feel Good Centre & Swimming Pool, Walthamstow Academy and George Monoux College is this deceptively spacious Two Bedroom Family House which offers a 25ft Lounge/Diner with feature fireplace and opening onto the 13ft6 Fitted Kitchen which in turn gives access to a 55ft approx Rear Garden via sliding patio doors, to the first floor there are Two Double Bedrooms and a 14ft x 9ft10 Bathroom/wc, the property also benefits from Gas Central Heating and Double Glazing. The property whilst currently offering spacious accommodation still also offers excellent scope for remodeling/extension if required.




Guide Price £600,000 - £625,000

Having been the subject of remodeling and total refurbishment is this stunning Three Double Bedroom Older Style Family House. The property offers excellent accommodation which is arranged over three floor, the Entrance Hall with its exposed brickwork and feature radiator gives access to the ground floor cloakroom as well as the attractive through lounge which feature fireplace to the chimney breast with its polished plaster finish, to the rear is a fully fitted kitchen/breakfast room which in turn leads to the rear garden via bi-fold door, on the first floor there are 2 double bedrooms and spacious stunning bathroom with free standing slipper bath, with yet another floor above offering 2 bedrooms and an en-suite shower room this property sure does tick the boxes.



141 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3AL

2 Church Hill, Walthamstow, London E17 3AG

Central Spots. Celebrating our love of Walthamstow.

People often ask us what we love about Walthamstow and it’s never easy to answer because it has so much going for it: great transport links, outstanding schools, plenty of green space, a friendly local community and a thriving independent shop scene.

Pick up one of our maps which aims to share our love of the area by highlighting some of places that make it great. If you have a suggestion or would like your business to be included we’d love to hear from you:

020 8520 0033 179 Hoe Street London E17 3AP

1 2 5

6 7

3 4

100 minus 10 a poem by Ursula Troche We are here at last, we can celebrate 100 years of the beginning Of votes for women: votes at last! But not for women like me Who don’t own property We had to wait yet another decade So for us it’s only 90 years of voting A hundred years minus ten Of course how long I’ve had the right to vote Depends on where I am For example, on the extraordinary Isle of Man Women got the vote in 1881 Let’s applaud it, and call it ‘Isle of Women’ Here it took much longer, so do remember That a journey of a 100 years Started with a single mass of women for a cause. Forest Poet and art activist in various forms including writing, life modelling, psychogeography. Performed at Walthamstow Garden Party. Pimlico Cave etc. More at:



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Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street where a number of large manor houses were used as weekend or summer retreats. Samuel Pepys’ bosses had houses here, and after visiting one of them Pepys described how they had drunk wine from a local vineyard and “the whole company said they never drank better foreign wine [than this one] in their lives”.

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for the advice given, the exact amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it will be £495 or 1%.

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Penny Rutterford

Photo ©

Self-proclaimed ‘One Tit Wonder’, the witty and stylish E17er, Penny Rutterford, talks about life after breast cancer and how one can never have too many pairs of vintage spectacles…. Interview by Silvana Gambini. Photo by Paula Smith. How long have you been living in Walthamstow? Well over 20 years. I kept falling asleep on the tube and missing my stop and a really nice TfL worker at Walthamstow Central used to wake me up and guide me back to the southbound train to Seven Sisters! As I kept ending up here by accident, I eventually thought it might be good to check out what Walthamstow had to offer and found it had cheap (then!) housing and great communication links, including the M11 link road to easily drive back to see my parents in Norfolk. So I bought a flat on a street with great neighbours and could nap until the end of the line with impunity! How do you earn a crust? I’ve a background in marketing for law and accountancy firms and currently work part time as a marketing director for a barristers’ chambers, but in 2008 I took a ‘mature’ career break to travel and work in the arts, including freelancing for Artillery who curate the E17 Art Trail. I organised the Poetry Trail two years running, connecting artists with poets and members of the community. I was also the project manager and curator of the ‘Words Over Walthamstow’ literary festival in 2013 and it was a real thrill to put together an eclectic programme with big literary names like Carole Ann Duffy and Warsan Shire, as well as schoolkids and bell ringers! My contact with the Art Trail, both as a visitor and an organiser, brought me out of my bubble and changed me from just another City commuter to someone really engaged with the local community. The E17 Art Trail is a real catalyst for people in our community to come together – I believe much of what is now happening creatively here in the borough has come about because of it.

You’ve had more than your fair share of adversity in recent years… In the space of a few months, my marriage broke down, my father was diagnosed with dementia and I got a diagnosis of inflammatory breast cancer (a form of breast cancer that’s not often picked up and frequently misdiagnosed). I had chemotherapy, a mastectomy and radiotherapy. But this worst, most frightening time of my life was strangely positive, as so many E17 people I’d got to know rallied round to help and support me in all sorts of ways, both big and small. In fact local people have been more consistent in their support than some of my long term friends. It has been touching and reassuring and brings a tear to my eye when I think about it. How did your cancer blog come about? I didn’t start blogging until after I’d finished treatment and had a bit of perspective on my experience of it – and more importantly was still alive. Breast cancer wasn’t what I thought it would be – thankfully it isn’t necessarily a death sentence now, as treatments have advanced so much, but that’s not true for everyone. I’ve met women with a terminal diagnosis who’ve had problems accessing the drugs that might prolong their lives and consequently I’ve got more engaged with the politics of breast cancer. I’ve volunteered at some

charity events and I’m due to be trained as a local representative for Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest breast cancer research charity- I have a sense of responsibility toward those whose outcome hasn’t been as good as mine. Going through treatment I think it can be hard to live up to the “brave and beautiful” narrative. In my blog I wanted to be honest and open about what it is really like – the changed relationship with your body post-surgery, the ongoing side effects of treatment and the emotional fallout. I don’t want to frighten people so I try to be humorous! Why is it called ‘Great Things about Cancer’? I stayed with a friend in Cornwall during treatment and she made people give me a seat on the train and she let me sleep in her own bedroom with stunning sea views, all because I was ill. All this coddling made me say to her ‘There are some great things about cancer, you know!’ so then I started to make a list of other possible ‘great things’ and the blog was born. The blog seems to have turned you into a bit of a ‘cancer celeb’! I started blogging for the Huffington Post when I wrote about dating after cancer treatment for my own blog. I got so many lovely messages from people who understood that treatment can 25

ruin sex lives and affect relationships. This piece was picked up by the online versions of The Sun and The Daily Mail - which have extraordinarily large female readerships and their own features were accompanied by footnotes on how to spot the different types of breast cancer. You are a very natty dresser – how do you pull that off? I’ve always loved fashion but cancer has made me more flamboyant. Chemo turned me into a featureless ping pong ball - with no hair, eyebrows or eyelashes. Wigs were hot and uncomfortable and gave me a ridiculously bouffant ‘mother of the bride’ look. So brightly coloured headscarves from the market and vintage glasses became my thing to give my face some kind of definition. Although you don’t want to be noticed when you’ve lost your hair, it’s impossible to fade into the background, so you might as well stand out for wearing something quirky. My pastime of choice during treatment when I didn’t have the energy to stray far from home was scouring the many and fabulous charity shops of E17. I have photos of me on my first and last days of chemo and the transformation is spectacular. My love of buying scarves, hats, unusual jewellery and vintage spectacles now knows no bounds! My vintage spectacle habit is proving expensive though as my eyesight

fades with age. I might need a ‘Go Fund Me’ button on my blog to help keep up with the lens replacements! Tell me about the Colour Walk It was started off by Galina Sheri of the wonderful GiGi’s Dressing Room on Wood Street as a gathering of creative people taking pleasure in, and having fun with, the way they dress. My first colour walk foray was one she organised here in Walthamstow, where we paraded down the High Street in our brightest garb, visiting the charity and fabric shops on the market and bringing smiles to people’s faces. It’s a life affirming activity, with people of all ages, background and experience where everyone is welcome and I’ve now become a regular. Some people are like walking art installations – it’s breath-taking! What do you like most about living in Walthamstow? I’ve already talked about the sense of community here – it’s so precious to me. I also adore all the green space we have, given how close we are to the centre of London. Running on the marshes has helped my post-cancer re-hab – good for both the mind and body. As a bit of nerdy bird watcher from a young age I was particularly excited about the opening of the Walthamstow Wetlands – I think I still have my Young Ornithologists Club badge.

It always amazes my mum that, when she visits, she can end up seeing more wildlife here than back home in Norfolk. Of course sometimes that might be a rat…. What would you like to see happen in the area in the future? A hard question to answer without being political! I value the Walthamstow I moved into many years ago: very mixed with so many different cultures. Considerably more diverse than Norfolk where I grew up. It would be hypocritical of me to say that I’m concerned about the gentrification of the area, as I love all the new little independent shops and cafes that have sprung up and I am a regular customer. But the impact of skyrocketing property prices on our community makes me nervous. Although I do have faith in the individual and collective actions that create community and I’ve seen this in action in places like the Mill and through the Art Trail. Long may that continue. Penny’s blog is Follow Penny on Twitter @PennyRutterford Breast Cancer Now - GiGi’s Dressing Room, 102 Wood Street E17 3HX Facebook Group: Colour Walk

St Mary’s Bell A new sculpture produced by artist Jonathan O’Dea is intended to help fund-raise for the restoration of St Mary’s Church in Walthamstow Village Walthamstow based Jonathan O’Dea works with found objects from construction sites to produce arresting and uncommon sculptures. For his newest piece, Jonathan has taken materials from the restoration work at St Mary’s to create a work reflecting on the idea of a bell tower. A clapper forms the centrepiece, while the supporting frame is created from the wheels that once turned the bells. Old pulling ropes are incorporated to provide a visual reminder of the bell ringers and the sound of peals over the village. This is an exciting time for St Mary’s as it sets out to become a new venue for arts and culture. The aim is to sell the artwork to raise money for the restoration of other parts of St Mary’s bell tower. Jonathan’s sculpture certainly provides a fitting celebration of the history of St Mary’s as it embarks on a new chapter of its history in the centre of Walthamstow Village. For more details or to make an offer and support the restoration please contact Jonathan O’Dea, 07944 454993. Please note there is a reserve on the sculpture. 26

If you would like to view the sculpture in person you can arrange an appointment to visit Jonathan’s studio in Lloyd Park

E~VOLVE a Directory for a Healthy Mind & Body Fitness & Sport Fridays Pregnancy Yoga Leyton Yoga, First Floor (above USSR), 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Join our community of local mums. Prepare for a calm birth and ease discomfort in this pre-natal yoga class with former East of Eden director and local mum Naomi Costantino. No pre-booking required. Ladies only. 1.452.45pm. £10, or 10 for £90. Saturdays Parkrun Wanstead Flats Playing Fields, Harrow Road E11 3QD and Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road, Walthamstow E17 4HR Weekly 5km run against your own clock with an optional post-run coffee. 9am. FREE, but first-timers please register to get your barcode. Tuesdays Sazzercise: Dance Aerobics & Body Conditioning Leyton Youth Centre, Crawley Road E10 6PY Energizing exercise classes in Leyton. Aerobics, body conditioning and dance. 7-8pm. £8, 5 classes for £30 or bring a friend and pay just £4 each.

Thursdays HIIT E17 Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Evening sessions of High Intensity Interval Training. 6.45-7.30pm. £10, discounts for block booking online. Saturdays Zumba Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF Wear low tread, supportive trainers and bring a bottle of water to enjoy this exhilarating dance fitness class in a low pressure atmosphere! 9-10am. £6.

Yoga, Meditation & Tai Chi

Sundays Sunday Morning Stretch with Yoga Me Happy Aveling Park Bowls Club, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 5EH Hatha yoga for all abilities. Wake up and stretch Hatha-style, with a morning yoga session to re-energise your body and mind ready for the week ahead. I have mats, so no need to bring anything with you. 9.3010.45pm. £9, or £10 drop in. Eliza Murphy 07710 621268

finding it


hard to cope

Psychotherapy can help you overcome difficult situations and improve the quality of your life. Valeria Bonfiglio Psychologist MBPsS

Tel 07912 887588 Offering a sliding scale of fees English and Spanish

Thursdays Mummy & Me: Postnatal/Baby Yoga Class Quaker Meeting House Wanstead, Bush Road E11 3AU A fun, happy post natal/baby yoga class for you and your baby to enjoy. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one and babies from 6 weeks-12 months. 10.45am-12pm. £10. Tuesdays E17 Yoga CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Hatha flow yoga class suitable for all levels. Bring your own yoga mat. 7-8pm. Suggested donation £7.

PT studio, 5 minutes from Lloyd Park

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Thursdays Walthamstow Wind Down with Yoga Me Happy Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Hatha yoga for all abilities. This post-work wind down will stretch and tone the muscles to open the body and mind, before a deep relaxation to re-energise you for the weekend. 7-8.15pm. £10 or £9 pre-booked. Sundays Weekly Yoga Classes in Walthamstow Village Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Affordable yoga classes run weekly at Orford House. Beginners welcome. 10.30-11.30am. £8.50 or £7 online. Mondays Donation Yoga Orford Road United Reformed Church, 58 Orford Road E17 9QL Inclusive community vinyasa yoga in the heart of the Village. Embodied movement, breath work and meditation with experienced teacher Jessica Green. Mats provided, blankets suggested. 7-8.15pm. Suggested donation from £5. Events marked

kid friendly

Sundays Yoga - A Movement for Life The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Yoga, Pranayama and meditation. Small class sizes for more individual attention. All levels welcome. 11am12pm. £10. Wednesdays Tai Chi for Parent and Baby Leytonstone United Free Church, 55 Wallwood Road E11 1AY Learn Tai Chi with your baby by your side. For improved health and wellbeing, relaxation and balance. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. 11.30am-12.15pm. £6. Gemma 07916 334670 Tuesdays Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation Quaker Meeting House Wanstead, Bush Road E11 3AU Come join this lovely welcoming yoga class that has been running for the last 6 years in Leytonstone. Great venue. Beginners welcome. Bring a yoga mat if you have one. 8-9.15pm. £12 each or £60 for 6 weeks.

For more dance and fitness classes please visit

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for Waltham Forest’s people watchers.

Walthamstow Diary Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17 There’s nothing nicer than hanging out in the pub on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon, supping a pint and putting the world to rights. Pub time is time to chat with mates and relax. Until that is little Johnny on the next table has a meltdown, starts smearing gravy all over his face, throws chips on the floor, and smacks his sister around the head. Kids are a fixture in most pubs now. From Leytonstone to Walthamstow, where once there were pool tables, now there are ranks of bugaboos. Being in a pub, people will say, is like being in a creche. I’m pretty much allergic to children, or more to the point, they are allergic to me. My face seems to make them cry. And frankly speaking, I would rather pick my eye balls out with a blunt cocktail stick than hold a baby. As such you would probably expect me to be entirely against having the little darlings in boozers, but I’m not. Why? Because the reality is, kids have probably saved lots of our beloved local pubs from closure. Thing is, when you let kids in to pubs, they bring their family with them, and their family spend money, money which keeps the till ringing and the bar doors open. These little monsters with their parents and grandparents are a much-needed revenue stream. OK, it’s really annoying when they run around the pub, throw food on the floor, scream, and generally misbehave. But, if you took them and their grownups out of the equation, how many people would be left in the pub? Would there be enough to make it worth opening the doors? Possibly not.

From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram tomgaul_doodles 28 To advertise your business contact

Pubs need customers, and if some of those customers need to bring a flock of small people with them, then so be it. I’d rather be in a pub with kids in it, than have a pub that isn’t open any more. So then kids, here’s a suggestion. I’ll try to not make you cry, if you promise not to attempt to stick your crayon up my dog’s bum, deal?

music gaming fashion performing arts Big Creative Education is a local free school, for students aged 16 to 24 who want to pursue a career in music, fashion, media, gaming, events, film/TV or performing arts.


Learn in 1-1 or small group setting (max. 3) with a highly qualified teacher who comes to you!

Classes tailored exactly to your language level guarantee rapid progress. For rates and an initial discussion about your requirements contact: Glynne Williams Email: Mobile: 07770 665475

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Contact Alison Jones: 020 7018 2927

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E~LICIOUS a Guide to Fine things to Eat, Drink and Savour

Local Food. Is it worth going the distance for? Gavin Wren argues that mistyeyed romanticism about local food can prevent us from seeing some of the benefits that industrial food has brought us.

Sourcing locally has been a buzzword for ecologically woke foodies for a long time, especially in a food world characterised by fads and novelty which pass quicker than a “new year, new me” resolution. Buying food produced as close to our front doors as possible holds an enchanting allure, evocative of the good ole days, pre-dating our modern, globalised, hyperindustrialised food chain. Many London eateries proudly announce their food is sourced from the latest crop of tattooed, beardy, thick-rim bespectacled hipsters, who’ve eschewed a life of turmeric lattes and coding on a MacBook in Dalston, to pursue artisanal pickled onion production from a railway arch in Clapton. It seems restaurants often

fetishise the sourcing of their sourdough more highly than their staff. Recent exposés have left me wondering if the belly of pork receives more respect than the humans cooking it and delivering it to the table, but we’ll hold that thought for another time. Local food blends the ideals of smallscale farming, short supply chains and local business, supported by great minds such as Michael Pollan, who advised to only eat things that your grandmother would recognise as food. Local, simple and minimally processed food feels like a very straightforward answer to a complex problem. Thus, it reminds me of the words of the great American journalist and satirist, H.L. Mencken “For every complex

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problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong”. Pollan’s suggestion of harking back to a rose-tinted, bygone era of food seems like a great solution, but involves eschewing un-local food, such as mangoes, sushi, bubble tea, dim sum and guacamole. These are but a few contemporary foods that my gran would probably turn up her nose at, if she were still with us. It begs the question of why local is so important, when we live in a global society? In the 1880s, New Zealand lamb began landing in the UK, providing better value meat than local farmers could and today, Brexit will probably broaden the sources of UK food even more. We no longer live in a ‘local’ world.

“I struggle to see how restricting the national diet to turnips in the winter will get further than a few die-hard locavores.”

Photography © Gavin Wren

Local food often sits in opposition to the giant of industrialised food, which casts an ominous shadow over the health, ethics and sustainability of everything we eat. Yet, it’s worth bearing in mind that industrialised food ensures we never have to make our own puff pastry again, thank God.

Make a salad Nicoise as part of your “new year, new me” resolution and you might discover it consists of Spanish lettuce, Kenyan beans and Pacific tuna and it’s easy to assume this is a bad thing. However, green beans can only be UK grown during winter in heated greenhouses which use lots of energy, whereas Kenya has a climate perfectly suited to growing them 365 days a year. Not to mention their abundant labour and land, both of which provide greater value than the UK. Which is better, flying green beans from Kenya to the UK, or creating an even larger carbon footprint by pumping a Kent hot house with warm air when it’s -2ºC and frosty outside? The third option is not eating green beans outside of their

UK season, but I struggle to see how restricting the national diet to turnips in the winter will get further than a few diehard locavores. The same goes for winter supplies of Spanish lettuce and tomatoes, although salad is benefitting from developments in urban agriculture. GrowUp ( uk) use aquaponics and vertical growing to produce herbs, leafy greens and fish on a car park roof in Stratford, alongside a warehouse in Beckton. The products of this fledgling industry are currently quite expensive, but will hopefully become better value in time and more accessible to the whole population, rather than just the comfortable middle classes relocating to zone 3.

Ultimately, “local food” is a slightly spurious target to aim for, there’s a vast range of factors which might be equally important to individuals, such as price, carbon footprint, or even convenience. You’re not a bad person for picking up a ready meal or takeaway sometimes, because one thing which is damaging in both food and diet choices is absolutism. If you have the time and money to procure Essex Eggs, Walthamstow Honey or Clapton Cookies, more power to you and the people they support. However, don’t assume that local food is a catchall answer to the ailments of our food world, because it’s merely one piece of a complex puzzle. And it’s only available to those with time and money for it, which given the rise of food banks and fried chicken takeaways, are the very last things on many people’s shopping lists. Gavin Wren is a food photographer, writer and food policy geek, & @le_petit_oeuf

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This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts, crafts & film 3 March-20 May NEW Gayle Chong Kwan: The People’s Forest William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Through installation, photography, sculpture, drawing, audio, and photographic work, Chong Kwan explores the forest as a site of shared and contested resources, conflict between capital and common, private and public, and as a liminal space between rural and urban. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 5-31 March NEW Wild Women Week: #iamDJ Portraiture Bühler and Co, 8 Chingford Road E17 4PJ A photographic portrait exhibition shot by Nicola Tree of women DJs telling a visual tale through their personal music environments. Open daily during cafe hours. FREE. 4 March-14 April NEW Swifts over Walthamstow The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA An exhibition initiated and developed by residents local to the Wetlands at Waterside, designed and led by textile artist Deirdre Nelson and knitted by the community of knitters at The Mill. Tues-Fri: 9.30am-6pm. Sat-Sun: 10am-2pm. FREE. 28 March-2 Sept NEW The In-Between: An Ode to Epping Forest The Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH An exhibition by the artist Rachel Lillie, revealing the history of Epping Forest and the hidden stories that have shaped its landscape. Weds-Sun 10am5pm. FREE. Thursdays Throwback Thursdays Film Night at The Birds The Birds, 692 High Road Leytonstone E11 3AA Classic and FREE showings of films with good food and drink and great company. Check Facebook for full list and start times. FREE entry.

Events marked

kid friendly

Books & writing Wednesdays Writers’ Workshop The Northcote Arms, 110 Grove Green Rd E11 4EL Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned scribbler, come along every Wednesday where local writer Andrew Fraser will be helping to squeeze out those creative juices. Bring a pad and pen. 8-9pm. FREE, donations appreciated. 07857 989957

Music, theatre & singing Tuesdays Singer-Songwriters’ Night with Guests Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Every Tuesday enjoy some great unsigned, talented performers. Different line-up each week. 8-11pm. FREE. Thursdays Jazz Up Thursdays Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Every week a broad range of talented musicians. Expect anything from classical jazz or modern, a gig or a jam. 7pm-midnight. FREE. Thursdays The Funky Corner The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE DJ O’Chez plays three hours of funk, soul, latin, Northern Soul, jazz, R’n’B, reggae, Rare Groove, rock, disco, hip hop, soundtracks and guilty pleasures; all on vinyl. 9pm-midnight. FREE. Mondays Blues Jam Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Feel free to join in or just enjoy our new weekly blues jam! 8.30-midnight. FREE. Tuesdays East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Weekly modern jazz club. 8.30-11pm. £6, cash on the door only. Sundays Sunday Afternoon Open Mike Bay Tree Pub, 57 Vicarage Lane E15 4HG Come and see local and not-so-local singers, guitarists, keyboard players, drummers and all, getting their 15 minutes of fame showing us how it’s done! PA, instruments and accompanists available. 6-9pm. FREE. 07533 851205



Wednesdays & Fridays NEW Open Call - Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: Amateur Production Waltham Forest College, Forest Road, E17 4JB Friendly, local, amateur theatre group welcome performers of all ages to join as principals and ensemble for an amateur production of the popular musical this summer. 7.30-10pm. FREE. Tuesdays NEW The CommUnity Gospel Choir Wesleyan Christian Centre, 1 Harrow Green, Leytonstone E11 3HP It’s the choir’s Spring term. New members are welcome, no experience necessary. Working towards an end of term concert in April. Come and give us a try! First week free for everyone. 7.15-9pm. £5, £3 conc for under 18s and unwaged.

FOOD/DRINK GARDENING Wednesdays Big Quiffy Quiz The Birds, 692 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Boogaloo Stu, portfolio artist; presenter, performer, DJ and theatre-maker hosts this rumpus. Rolling jackpot and weird and wonderful prizes. 8pm. £2. Tuesdays Quiz Night Heathcote and Star, 344 Grove Green Road E11 4EA Dynamic duo Carl and Jam host proceedings. Expect laughs, lively debate and the occasional lewd question. £50 1st prize. 8pm start. £2. Max 6 per team. Wednesdays Leyton Technical Quiz Night 265b High Road Leyton E10 5QN 8pm start. £2 each.


Wednesdays The Big Fat Quiz The Duke, 112 Wood St E17 3HX Max 6 per team. 7.30-9.30pm. £2.

Fridays Lloyd Park Conservation Volunteers’ Green Gym Meet beside the stables, Lloyd Park E17 4PP De-stress in the great outdoors, learn new skills, meet new people. Get physically active whilst improving the environment and your local community. 10.45am-2pm. FREE.

Tuesdays NEW General Knowledge Quiz The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL Can you beat the cards? Will you be lucky 7? Or will you be taking home the spoon? Quiz night with cash and wine to be won with Neil’s Big Quiz. 8.3011pm. £1.50 per person.

For details of other local choirs visit

Wednesdays Chingford Conservation Volunteers’ Green Gym Ridgeway Park, Old Church Road E4 6XU As above except different venue and time. 10am-1pm. FREE.

Quizzes, Games & Social Fridays NEW Seniors Club Toy Library, 46 Ravenswood Road (behind Comely Bank surgery) E17 9LY Make new friends at this friendly over 60s group. We have tea and biccies, play bingo; games; organise trips and more. 2.30-4pm. £2, includes refreshments. Sandra 020 8223 0707 Wednesdays The Big Fat Quiz The Dog & Duck, 222 Chingford Road E17 5AL Max 6 per team. 7.30-9.30pm. £2.

Thursdays NEW Neil’s Music Quiz The Flowerpot Pub, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX Weekly music quiz hosted by Neil’s Big Quiz. Includes picture and table rounds. How many bonus points will you get for the connection? Cash jackpot! 9-11pm. £1 per person. Wednesdays Youth Club Priory Court Community Centre, 11 Priory Court, South Countess Road E17 5NB Weekly club for 11 to 19 year olds. Great way to make new friends. Play table tennis; PS3; pool; plus arts and crafts and trips. 4.30-6.30pm. FREE. Sandra 020 8223 0707 Mondays & Fridays Youth Club WF Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN As above except different day & venue.

Sundays NEW General Knowledge Quiz Night The Victoria, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Weekly quiz night from Neil’s Big Quiz. General knowledge and specialist rounds including an interval round and Play Your Cards Right. Cash jackpot £50+. 8.30-11pm. £1.50 per person.

32 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.





Family & Young People

Food, markets & shopping

Tuesdays The Baby Group Leyton Jubilee Park, Seymour Road/Marsh Lane, Leyton E10 7BL A welcoming, local parent-run group for you and your baby. Friendly chat, support, cake and a range of activities available for 0-24 months. 9-11am. £1 for first child, 50p per subsequent child.

Saturdays Hornbeam Nights: Supper Club The Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Saturday nights are generally pop-up Vegan Supper Club nights, but please check website before setting out. 7-11pm. Prices vary per dish.

Fridays Mini Musicians for Babies & Toddlers Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Music making classes taught by Early Years Music specialists includes singing, dancing and an exciting range of instruments. £65.50 for 10 week term. Weekdays (Term time only) Bongalong Music Movement & Make Believe for Under 1s & Under 5s. Venues: Greenleaf Road Baptist Church; The Scout Hall, Wood Street; The Quaker Meeting House, Jewel Road and St Mary’s Welcome Centre, Church End. 45 minutes of fun, creative music, movement and make believe - a lively mix of singing, dancing, let’s pretend and fab percussion instruments. Check website for days/times. £6.50 per session booked per term. FREE trial. Saturdays (term time only) Local Art Club Frederick Bremer School, Siddeley Road E17 4EY For 9-19 year olds. GCSE and ‘A’Level advice and fun projects to develop individual skills. Taught by a qualified art teacher and examiner. Please email your name and age to secure your place. 10.30am-1pm. £15. Tuesdays Kids and Parents Art & Craft Sessions Homemade Community Cafe, Higham Hill Park E17 5QT For children aged 1-5 and their parents. Let your child roll out, fold, cut and stick using playdough, cardboard and other materials that are provided. 10-11am. £3 for first child, 50p for siblings. Thursdays until 22 March Junior Art Club The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Fun and informative class for ages 6 and over. We work with clay, card, paper, colour and paints. Can be messy! Booking essential. Under 8s must be accompanied. 4-5pm. £2.

Events marked

Saturdays Leyton Food Market Coronation Gardens, High Road Leyton E10 5NG Weekly, family-friendly market offering food and drink from all corners of the world, plus arts and crafts and musical entertainment too. 10am-4pm. Saturdays E17 Village Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Local residents and micro businesses, showcase the best in artisan produce, international street food, homeware, clothing and gifts. 10.30am-3.30pm. Sundays Farmers’ Market Town Square, Walthamstow E17 4HU A changing, seasonal selection of produce, food and drink. 10am-2pm. Saturdays Community Local Produce Stall St John’s Church, Church Ln. E11 1HG Delicious, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, and other local produce for sale. 10.30am-3pm. Saturdays OrganicLea Market Stall Outside the Hornbeam, 458 Hoe St. E17 9AH Organic and local sustainably grown fruit, vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. 10am-3pm.

Calendar of events Thursday 1 The Big Spring Sing-In Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Sing17 Community choir hosts this charity fundraiser for local Alzheimer’s support groups by hailing the arrival of Spring with an evening of feelgood music from UkulelE17, The Croshaw Family and special guest Jake Morley. 7.30-10pm. Suggested donation £5.

Echoes of Democracy a poem by Margaret Haig I sit in the centre of the rose. A hush surrounds me: night has come and the tourists are gone. I hear the distant steps that have been taken by commoners and peers to bring about wondrous things. Act of Union Abolition of Slavery Votes for Women Now I follow in historic footsteps, defending my policy: not quite a Bill of Rights but the policy is mine, shared only with my Minister. Here is my beautiful law: how fitting that my policy is treasure, being debated in a place of elegance and beauty. And the echoes of precious metals meet the echoes of democracy, with me conducting the orchestra: ancient warriors and their buried gold, civil war soldiers and their silver finery, Lords, Ladies and Gentleman. What music they make! Their symphony is my policy. But I am dreaming again. The hush still surrounds me; I am in awe of this place. My part has been small – but mine. Margaret Haig lives in Barking but attends Forest Poets, mentally justifying it because previous generations lived in Walthamstow so she is renewing her connection.

kid friendly

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Thursday 1 (continued) Music Bingo The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Think you know your music? Think you’re too cool for bingo? Music Bingo replaces NUMBERS with MUSIC for a fun, edge-of-your-seat BINGOTASTIC evening. 8-11pm. FREE.

Friday 2 Kid’s Book Drop for charity, Give A Book Tidy Books Offices, 10 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Donate pre-loved children’s books via Tidy Books HQ for registered charity Give A Book who redistribute them to school book clubs. 10am-5pm. Omar Puente Duo St Mary’s Music Hall, Church End E17 9RL Rare opportunity to see internationally acclaimed Cuban violinist Omar Puente perform in a duo. Expect tracks from his latest album ‘Best Foot Forward’. 6.30-10.30pm. £13, £11 conc, inc fees. Horsemeat Sandwich Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Live music from Hoovasapien [experimental, electronic alt-pop]; Crayon Ray [Velvety Raga Psych Krautpop]; Carter Daze [low-budget rock] and The Fantasticals [eclectic post-punk, soul, rock, reggae pop]. 8-11pm. FREE.


Vintage, Retro, Mid-Century & More Lister Hall, Leytonstone Methodist Church, High Road Leytonstone E11 3DA For (nearly) all your fab pre-1980s fashion, household items, gems, music etc. Homemade refreshments. Family and pet friendly. 11am-4pm. FREE. To book a stall: Sandra 07956 221710 Stones Throw Market St John’s Church, Leytonstone High Road/ Church Lane E11 1HH On the first Saturday of the month. Designer-maker; retro and vintage wares with over 20 stalls including jewellery, local honey, handmade ceramics and lots more. Delicious homemade cakes and tea and coffee. 11am-4pm. FREE. Gail Lockwood 07963 422231 Mother’s Day Market Mirth, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Spoil someone with an individual gift of jewellery, luxury hand-made perfume, one-off prints: super affordable for the frugal to simply lovely luxury: it’s over to you! LoveLatouche facepainting and over 20 designer-makers. 12-4pm. FREE. The Big Culture Conversation Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Performances, exhibitions, activities for all the family, talks and a chance to join the discussion on what’s next for culture in our borough. 12-5pm. FREE.

Hornbeam Nights presents Cosmic Sounds The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH A selection of dub and smooth grooves plus new jazz, deep house and garage. Happy Hour from 7.30pm. 7.3011.30pm. FREE.

Storytime Harrow Green Community Library, The Epicentre, 41 West Street E11 4LJ Ideal for 3-11 year olds, another family storytime with Mary Dickinson, storyteller and puppeteer. Free entry with healthy refreshments available in the interval. 2-3.30pm. FREE.

You Should Be Dancing! Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ dolores rocket presents a club night for people who cut their dancing teeth in the 70s & 80s. Younger friends welcome! Expect soul, ska, pop and disco from the era. There’s bingo too! 8pm-12am. £5 in adv, £7 on the door.

CODA - Led Zeppelin Tribute Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU CODA are one of the best Led Zeppelin tribute bands around and the lead singer is the spitting image of Robert Plant in his younger days. 9pm11.30pm. £10.

Saturday 3

Green Diesel What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Folk-rock band who take their inspiration from English legend and folklore and the classic folk-rock sound of their predecessors Fairport Convention and The Albion Band. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection.

Make and Paint Kids Activity Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Help us decorate a giant scaly mechanical ‘Fourosaurus’ dinosaur ahead of our 4th Birthday. A creative afternoon of painting, woodwork and ceramics for all ages. Book online. Don’t forget the birthday party on 10 March. 1-3pm. £5, per child.

Events marked

kid friendly

Glam Jam The Victoria, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH A night of musical theatre with the fantastic cabaret duo Canny Nice. 9pm1am. FREE.

DANCE/FITNESS Closet Vinyl The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Bring your own floor-fillers and try your hand on the decks, or choose from our in-house collection, or just come and drink, dance and party all night long! 8pm-12am. FREE.

Sunday 4 Get Drawing! The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A relaxing, fortnightly two hours of drawing for adults - sorry no children. An opportunity to work on still-life. All abilities welcome, some tuition available or work alone. Basic materials provided. 11am-1pm. £4. Stow Film Lounge presents MY LIFE AS A COURGETTE (2016, Cert PG) Centre17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB After losing his mother, a young boy is sent to a foster home and begins to learn the meaning of trust and true love. Doors 10.30am for crafts, film 11am. £6 inc crafts, £12.50 party package, acc adults £4.50, under 2s FREE. Buy online or on the door. Sunday Swish & Shopping Charity Extravaganza Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Charity event in aid of Aplastic Anaemia Trust includes a clothes ‘Swish’, craft stalls, vegan food, pop-up hair salon, kids craft table, DJs and cheap bar. 12-4pm. £5 for the swish.



Monday 5 Open Mic Night The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Play a tune or have a jam in a chilled, relaxed and enthusiastic setting. High quality audio recording for every performer. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE. 07974 813298

Wednesday 7 La Leche League Waltham Forest: Coffee Morning Lloyd Park Children’s Centre, Lloyd Park (Winns Avenue entrance) E17 5JW Relaxed coffee morning-style meeting for mothers and babies with a La Leche League (breastfeeding) counsellor present. This warm group offers support for individuals with or without current challenges in breastfeeding. 10am12pm. £1 donation welcome. Under 5s Nature Explorers: Holi Festival & Spring Aveling Centre (Community Room beside the cafe), Lloyd Park E17 4PP Begining with a simple craft then a ramble in the park before more stories and a healthy snack. 10am-12.30pm. FREE, donations welcome. Pixie presents Cheese, Wine & Victoria Sponge for Afters William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Rd E17 4JD Cabaret with Victoria Sponge, unlimited wine until 9pm and cheese. Bargain! 7-11pm. £15.

Lloyd Park Big Spring Clean Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Join us in tackling those Spring tidying tasks to make Lloyd Park an even better place to be. Meet by the stables beside the tennis courts. 1-3pm. FREE. Vicky Peet 07870 678571

Stow Roses Women’s Institute Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Tonight a talk by a Feminist Pornographer to celebrate International Women’s Day. Please email for a guest invitation. NB there are stairs into venue. 7-9pm. £5 guest entry, annual membership £41.

Sam Gleaves & Tyler Hughes at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Sam and Tyler’s shows feature fiddle and banjo hoedowns, close mountain harmonies, stories of all kinds, Carter Family-inspired autoharp and guitar, country-gospel songs, lonesome ballads and flatfoot dancing. 7.3010.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged.

Wild Women Week: Wild Women Online The Heathcote and Star, 344 Grove Green Road E11 4EA Learn songwriting with Kimmi Watson on Facebook LIVE (from 7pm) or join the #iamDJ Electronic Women-in-Music radio show LIVE on (from 8pm). 7-10pm. FREE.

Drag Out The Weekend Northcote pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Unique weekly blend of drag, cabaret, comedy and disco. This week’s drag queen is Cosmic with her rapier wit, filthy mouth and plenty of attitude. 7.3010.30pm. FREE.

Charity Quiz Night The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL A fundraiser for Leytonstone charity Ellingham who provide empowering services for people with learning disabilities. Hosted by Neil’s Big Quiz. 8-10.30pm. £8, includes a light bite.

34 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Jason Ringenberg (USA) / Bob Collum with Martin Belmont & Mags Leyton What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB The original Roots Punk barnstormer! “One of the most exciting performers of his generation” THE TIMES. “Godfather of Americana” MOJO. 8.3011pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 8 Creative Kids: Into the Woods William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Inspired by Gayle Chong Kwan’s exhibition, help create a soaring tree sculpture from cardboard. Two sessions: 10-11.30am or 1-2.30pm. FREE but booking essential 020 8496 4390 Home Sweet Home: Madge Gill Blue Plaque Unveiling 71 High Street (near Buxton Road) E17 7DB Unveiling a blue plaque to commemorate the inspirational life and art of former resident Madge Gill (1882-1961) and marking the beginning of an upcoming project on her life and work. 4pm. FREE. Maya Youssef Trio / Fran & Flora St Mary’s Music Hall, Church End E17 9RL Virtuoso Syrian qanun player Maya combines extraordinary musical gifts with a generosity of outlook, warmth, humour and optimism. Fran & Flora captivate with soulful laments, exquisite songs and irresistible dance tunes. 6.3011pm. £16, £13 conc inc fees. Brett Anderson: Coal Black Mornings Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Suede founder in conversation with author Matt Thorne. 7-11pm. £6. Wild Women Week: 100 Years of Votes for Women Wild Card Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ An intimate evening of spoken word, protest song and an open mic session inspired by the centenary of the Women’s Vote. Part of International Women’s Day. 7-11pm. FREE. Red Imp presents International Women’s Day Benefit Gig Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Top female professional acts featuring Debra-Jane Appelby, Rachel Fairbanks, Pan Ford, Caroline Maybe, Wendy Wason and MC Carly Smallman. 8.3010.30pm. £10 plus fees. Events marked

kid friendly


General Echo The Victoria, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Regular reggae night. This month’s guest selectors are Marcus Upbeat and Charlie Hangdog spinning ska and rocksteady 45s. 8pm-12am. £3.

Friday 9 Wild Women Week: She17’s She’s Eclectic Wild Card Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Ten great live electro-acoustic music acts. 7-11.30pm. FREE. Dennis Rollins’ Funky-Funk! Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Following 8 years working with Maceo Parker, funky’bone maestro Dennis Rollins debuts his all-new groove outfit Funky-Funk! 8-11pm. £12. Digby Rose The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Max Edwards is back, not growling quite as much as usual but he’s always a high intensity performer and always entertaining. 8.30-11pm. FREE. Manny Fizzotti Trio Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Manny is one of Italy’s foremost and most versatile blues guitarists. 9.1511.30pm. FREE.

Saturday 10 Mother’s Day Saturday at Wood Street Market Wood Street Indoor Market, 98-100 Wood Street E17 3HX Over 25 traders will be celebrating Mother’s Day with special offers and treats. There’ll be cards, cakes, sweets, plants, vintage clothing, vinyl, retro/ antique plus a special Mother’s Day taco from Homies On Donkeys. 10am5.30pm. FREE entry. Marshland Medicine: Spring Herb Walk Meet behind Lee Valley Ice Rink, Lea Bridge Road E10 7QL A regular ramble through our local wild lands exploring the medicinal plants of the marshes, looking at ID, history, folklore, practical uses, harvesting practices and more. Repeated Saturday 31 March. 11am-1pm. £8, £6 conc. Lake of Stars London: Family Session Woodside Primary Academy, 7 Wood Street E17 3JX Bring the little ones to enjoy arts and crafts activities and African drumming workshops with Mbilla Arts. There’ll be a craft market too. 10am-5pm. FREE.



Lake of Stars London: Short Talks Empire Cinema, The Scene, 267 High Street E17 7FD Hear from two music industry projects that are having a positive impact. Local producer Sam Jones from Sound Thread and the Beating Heart Project who are reworking the world’s largest archive of African field recordings. Book tickets via Eventbrite. 10-11am. FREE. Lake of Stars London presents Lilongwe Shorts Empire Cinema, The Scene, 267 High Street E17 7FD Malawi’s international short film festival comes to E17 featuring short films from Africa, playing in a loop. Hourly on the hour from 11am-5pm. FREE, tickets available on the day. Lake of Stars London: Daytime Session Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH In Mirth: Genre-crossing live music from the borough and beyond, featuring soul, hip hop, indie and more. In Maud: dance performance and children’s theatre. 12-5pm. FREE. Lake of Stars London: Daytime Session The Duke, 112 Wood Street E17 3HX Enjoy live music from across the globe. Featuring: Krix Panx; Biram Seck; Shamu; Ron Nkomba; Muntu Valdo. 12-5pm. FREE. Peter, Sally and the Sea Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH For 5+ yrs. Join Peter as he faces his fears and discovers people aren’t always what they seem. A brand new piece of interactive theatre from Heather’s House of Stories. 4-5pm. £6, family tickets available. Blackhorse Workshop 4th Birthday Party Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Join us to celebrate our 4th birthday, meet our Fourosaurus Dinosaur, dance to live band King Hutch and DJs from WheelUp Sound System, great bar and food from Walthamstow Dogs. Everyone welcome. 6.30-11.30pm. FREE. Lake of Stars London Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Enjoy live performances and collaborations, with music from the UK and Africa, including Frightened Rabbit (Scotland); M.anifest (Ghana) Faith Mussa (Malawi) and more. 5pmmidnight. £15.


Want to advertise your business? Sunday 11 Wild Women Week: Lazy Lady Sunday Social Wild Card Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Celebrate Mother’s day with gentle playlists, a music quiz, boardgames and musical bingo. 12-8pm. FREE. Family Day: Spring Blooms Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Celebrate springtime in Vestry’s beautiful garden, with craft activities led by artist Lucy Rainbow. 1.30-4pm, just drop in. FREE, but suggested donation of £3. Open Spaces Ride Meet at the Ancient House, Orford Rd E17 9RW Enjoy a relaxed, sociable, easy paced ride, with a mid-afternoon cafe stop. We cover around 15 miles, returning around 5pm. 1-5pm. FREE. Plough and Harrow Pub Quiz The Plough and Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone E11 4JU Bi-monthly quiz. We’ve pitched the questions a little easier for this one so expect a close run result, until it all goes belly button up in the regular mayhem of the Music Round! 7-10pm. £1. Tom McConville at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA One of the leading fiddle players of our time, Tom’s interpretations of traditional and contemporary songs are greatly admired by singers throughout the world. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged. Drag Out The Weekend Northcote pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL As Sunday 4 March except drag this week is from Victoria Sponge with her own original gags, songs and unique renditions of old classics.

Wednesday 14 More News From Nowhere #24 The Victoria, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Monthly experimental, improvised music and sound art showcase. This month: Mike Bourne, Fogra Daoine, Helm of Awe. 8-11.30pm. £6, or £4 in adv from MoreNewsFromNowhereE17

To advertise your business contact 35



Wednesday 14 (continued) La Leche League Waltham Forest: Beyond Babyhood Walthamstow Children and Family Centre, 313 Billet Road E17 5PX As 7 March except different venue. La Leche League Waltham Forest: Mothering Social Walthamstow Children and Family Centre, 313 Billet Road E17 5PX Share food, fun and chat with us. Open to friends of LLLWF old and new, their children and partners. Please bring food and drink to share. 12-2pm. FREE. Burlesque Compendium of the Classics Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU A truly cultural experience. Maybe. The classics of literature, painting, film, music and more, brought to life by glitter and boobies. What more could you ask for? 8-11pm. £10. Rod Pidcott (USA) / Hope in High Water What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Nashville singer/songwriter Rod is “Mesmerizing” ROLLING STONE. “He’s a ringmaster at turning misery into art” BOSTON GLOBE. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 15 The Chinese Labour Corps & Film: Forgotten Faces of the Great War Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN Peng Wenlan of The Meridian Society will talk about the Chinese Labour Corps and their contribution to the Allied effort during WWI with a screening of a film made with descendants of the CLC. 7.30-10pm. FREE but £3 donation appreciated. Hornbeam Nights: Open Decks The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH A regular open decks night. A great vibe for amateurs and DJs alike to play great music on vinyl - yours or ours. Arrive by 8pm to book your 20 minute slot. 7.30-11.30pm. FREE. Los Otros The Victoria, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH All your favourite jazz standards with a bit of Latin and swing, upbeat dance rhythms and music for mellow moods. 9-11.30pm. FREE.

Events marked


Music Bingo The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL As Thurs 1 March

Friday 16 Baby Broadway Family Concert CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Sing and dance along to the magic of musicals with your little ones in a family concert performed by West End singers. Doors 10.45am, concert 11-11.45am. Adults £10, up to 3 kids FREE per adult. Hanoi Ca Phe: Vietnamese Pop-Up Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Home cooked, authentic and delicious food from the marvellous Hanoi Ca Phe who are back in the Gin Palace serving you their wonderful Vietnamese supper. 6-9pm. Prices vary. Dial M for Music Sir Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Road E11 1NP Monthly music club with visuals, vintage stuff and free raffles! This month the amazing Forty Elephant Gang return. 7.45-11pm. FREE, with collection. Renny Jackson The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Renny plays quite a staggering range of material but given the nature of the weekend, I think we can expect a few Irish tunes. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

Saturday 17 Grow Your Idea: Information Morning The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Have an idea that would be of benefit to our community? The Mill is offering small grants to individuals to run activities. Find out more about how to apply at this event. Applications open 5-30 March. 10am-2pm. FREE. 07914 686855 Pop Up Vintage Fairs London Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Over 50 vintage stalls plus live music, tea rooms and licensed bar. Vintage fashion, jewellery, mid-century home decor, posters, collectables and more! 12-5pm. £2, NUS £1. The Fuzillis What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB In a word ‘instr-o-mentals’; rowdy saxes, raunchy guitars and a wallet full of atomic age twist and grind a go-go tunes. You’ll dance till your toes bleed! 8.30-11.30pm. FREE.

DANCE/FITNESS Inspiration: Bric-a-Brac Sale St Andrews Church Leytonstone, 153 Colworth Road E11 1JD Sale of bric-a-brac and Fair Trade stall. Book a stall for just £6. 10am-2pm. Val Vivier 020 8558 3976 St Patrick’s Day Ceilidh with Live Band Jig 17 The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL What better way to celebrate than with some traditional music, dancing and oh yes, drinking of course! 7-11pm. FREE but ticketed event, ask at bar for details.

Sunday 18 Red Imp Kidz presents Little Howard and The Magic Pencil Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Following the success of their TV show ‘Little Howard’s Big Question’ (CBBC) real human Big Howard and animated six-year-old Little Howard bringing their family comedy show to E17. 2pm. £7 each or £22 family ticket. Suitable for ages 6+. Get Drawing! The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A relaxing, fortnightly drawing session for adults. See 4 March for details. Stow Film Lounge presents CALL ME BY YOUR NAME (2017, Cert 15) Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH It’s Italy 1983, a 17 year-old youth begins a relationship with his father’s research assistant (Armie Hammer), with whom he bonds over his emerging sexuality and the beguiling Italian landscape. 2.30pm. £7.50/£5.50 conc. Buy online or on the door Newcomers Cycle Ride Meet in Walthamstow Village Square, Orford Road/Eden Road E17 9JS This bike ride is intended for those new to cycling, including families with young children. We ride around the quiet, low traffic streets in Walthamstow Village, covering 2-3 miles. 2-3pm. FREE. Paul 020 8520 0648 Leon Rosselson at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA One of the most powerful songwriters to emerge from the folk revival. At once moving, articulate, angry and yet catchy and sometimes laugh out loud funny. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 conc. Drag Out The Weekend Northcote pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL As Sunday 4 March except this week’s drag queens are Minnie Bar and Vanity Nightmare.



Wednesday 21 La Leche League Waltham Forest: Coffee Morning Lloyd Park Centre Nursery, Lloyd Park (Winns Avenue entrance) E17 5JW As Weds 7 March Zoe Hart Dyke: Royal Silk Maker St John’s Church Hall, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH Claire Weiss on the remarkable life of the Leyton-born silk maker. 7.459.45pm. £2, FREE to members. Cowbell What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Cowbell play garage/soul/rock’n’roll with a clear love of Stax, Motown and Sun labels and British 60s R’n’B. 8.3011pm. FREE with collection. Peter Hook Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Peter Hook comes to Walthamstow for a talk, Q&A and a live solo performance. These Days DJ’s Play Soundtrack Of Factory Records & FAC51 The Hacienda. 7pm-12am. £17.50/£15 Earlybird.

Thursday 22 William Morris Birthday Lecture: The Socialist Diary William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Professor Florence S. Boos discusses Morris’s Socialist Diary, which offers a fascinating insight into a period of intense political activity. 7.30-10pm. FREE but booking essential. The Fitzwilliam String Quartet St Mary’s Church, Church End (top of Church Hill) E17 9RL The Fitzwilliam play Schubert’s Rosamunde Quartet and the 14th Quartet by Shostakovitch. 7.30-9pm. £13.50, conc £7, on the door only. Cinema and the Great War St Gabriel’s Church, Havant Rd E17 3JF Malcolm Doolin shows how the world’s first truly global conflict was portrayed on film and makes some local connections. 7.45-9pm. £2, FREE to members. Tea served from 7.15pm.

Friday 23 Jazzie B (Soul II Soul) Mirth, Marvel and Maud 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Soul II Soul legend Jazzie B takes over Maud with a special DJ set. This will sell out, quickly! 8pm-1am. £10.

kid friendly

36 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Hanoi Ca Phe: Vietnamese Pop-Up Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Details as Friday 16 March.

Saturday 24 Stow Film Lounge presents THE BOSS BABY (2017, Cert PG) Centre17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB A DreamWorks animated comedy about a suit-wearing, briefcase-carrying baby who stops a dastardly plot. Doors 10.30am for crafts, film 11am. £6 inc crafts, acc adults £4.50, under 2s FREE. Buy online or on the door. The Saturday Session Wild Card Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Eastern Front Soundsystem bring eclectic, balearic, and disco vibrations all night long. 6pm-midnight. FREE. Waltham Forest Youth Orchestra St Mary’s Music Hall, Church End E17 9RL A vibrant and diverse young orchestra. Enjoy pre-concert performances by orchestra members, before an evening of stunning Mozart compositions. 6.3011pm. £9, £6 conc inc fees. Eclectic Shock The Victoria, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Wildly exciting and varied original new music featuring light and dark electronica from Tøne; math-pop with grime acapellas from Loraine James; M.E.S’ soulful R’n’B/Trap sound and resident punks Simon And The Spears. 8pm-12.30am. FREE.


Sunday Afternoon Jazz William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Rd E17 4JD Laid back jazz and great food at this warm and stylish bar. 1.30-4.30pm. St Barnabas Sunday Concerts: Four Score St Barnabas Church, St Barnabas Road E17 8JZ Four times the fun in a fabulous concert of vocal quartets from opera to jazz. A dazzling programme from Verdi to Manhattan Transfer. 4-5pm. FREE, but £5-10 donations gratefully accepted in support of charity. StBarnabasSundayConcerts Sara Grey & Kieron Means at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Fine old time music from this mother and son duo. Beautiful guitar and banjo playing, amazing traditional songs from the States and two brilliant personalities. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged. Drag Out The Weekend Northcote pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL As Sunday 4 March except this week’s drag queens are Chamonix Aspen and Miss Tish Ewe. Cantatas for Passiontide St Michael and All Angels Church, Northcote Road E17 6PQ St. James’ Baroque & Amici Voices and soloists perform Buxtehude’s Membra Jesu Nostri, Jubilate Domino and Organ Prelude in G minor. Tickets on the door. 8-10pm. £12, £6 conc.

Monday 26

Children’s Hospice Benefit Gig Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU A fundaiser for Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice featuring Amy Alive (Amy Winehouse tribute) with special guests Super Fearless. 7.30-11pm. £10.

1950s & 60s Singalong Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe St E17 4SA Join Waltham Forest Community Choir for an evening’s singalong of songs from the 50s and 60s with a collection in aid of Age UK Waltham Forest. All welcome whatever your singing ability! 7-10pm. FREE with a collection.

Party Night Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Celebrate 10 years of Viv and Bun being landlords at Ye Olde Rose & Crown and being awarded CAMRA East London and City Pub of the Year with the fabulous band Mez And The Fezzes. 9.15-11.30pm. FREE.

East London Humanists Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road E11 2RQ Thought-provoking monthly talks and discussions around humanism; a rationale for non-religious people who wish to live ethical, fulfilling lives in the here and now in the belief that it’s the only life we have. 7.30-9pm. FREE.

Sunday 25

Wednesday 28

E17 Sunday Food & Crafts Market The Limes Community Centre, 6 Somers Road E17 6RX Monthly market featuring food, crafts, and live music from local creatives. A friendly, inclusive atmosphere and The Limes playground is also open to all children. 12-3pm. FREE.

Tea Dance Chingford Assembly Hall, Station Road, E4 7EN Looking for leisure time with health benefits? Want to meet new people? Attend our monthly tea dance! 1-4pm. £6, free entry for carers. Events marked

kid friendly



Floral Art Society Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN Monthly meeting for anyone who loves flowers. 7.45-9.45pm. Members £2, non-members £10. Infinitease Burlesque: Series 5 Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Bringing the best new burlesque performers together to find new stars! Adults only, ID required. 8-11pm. £10. Treetop Flyers / Paul McClure What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Treetop Flyers play harmony-laden psych-folk tinged rock’n’roll, that harks back to the golden age of the Laurel Canyon music scene. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

Good Friday 30 Sham’s Kitchen Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ E17’s finest Pakistani street food is back as Shams is in the house with her legendary curries and divine crispy snacks. 6-9pm. Prices vary.

Saturday 31 Spring Easter Trail & Crafts Meet by the stables, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Bring in the Spring with an Easter trail around Lloyd Park and get a chocolatey treat if you solve all the clues. We’ll have Spring-inspired crafts on offer too. 10am-1pm. FREE, donations welcome. Easter at Wood Street Market 98-100 Wood Street E17 3HX Over 25 traders will be celebrating Easter with special offers and treats. There’ll be cards, cakes, sweets, plants, vintage clothing, vinyl, retro and antique wares plus a special Easter taco. 10am-5.30pm. FREE entry. Family Day: Forest Cyanotopes William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Taking Gayle Chong Kwan’s work as inspiration, use paper collage and light sensitive paper to explore your experiences of Epping Forest. 1-4pm. FREE no need to book. Marshland Medicine: March Spring Herb Walk Walthamstow, Marshes (behind Lee Valley Ice Rink) E10 7QL Details as Saturday 10 March


Classes/Courses Mondays until 26 March West African Drumming Circle for Adults Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Learn Senegambian and Guinean djembe rhythms with Gambian drummer Seneke Sillah. Suitable for all levels. 7-9pm. Class FREE but donations welcome, drum hire £3. Tuesdays NEW Forest Vocal Collective for Ages 11-16 Room 11, Big Creative Academy, Clifton Avenue E17 6HL Students taking part will develop their own voice, as well as building the collective sound of the group. Beginners and experienced singers welcome. 5.307pm. £1.40, conc available. Tuesdays or Thursdays for 12 weeks Strung Out: Violin Classes for Adults Studio Office, Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU A fun violin group for all levels and styles. Tuesdays: Easy Two 6.30pm; Improvers 7.30pm and Absolute Beginners 8.30pm; Thursdays: Intermediates 7pm and Easy One 8pm. Contact for more info and future start dates. £12.50/ £11.25. Alison Jones 0207 018 2927 Wednesdays NEW Banjo Classes Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Whether you’re a complete beginner or have been playing a while there’s a class to suit your experience in a friendly environment. You’ll need your own instrument! £15 per class, paid termly. Mondays Life Drawing The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Weekly untutored drawing session with professional model. Materials included. 7.30-9.30pm. £10. Tuesdays Life Drawing The Birds, 692 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Guided or untutored. Study from great professional models of a variety of genders, ages and origins. Art materials provided. 7.30-9.30pm. £10.

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