The E List - May 2017

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Your FREE Magazine featuring 195+ things to do locally

E list

ISSN 2058-2196


Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow, Leytonstone, Leyton and Wanstead No.49 • May 2017

Fellowship is Life

Photos © Paul D Rowland

COVER STAR Face Invader

How would you describe your work? My work is a wearable fantasy, it can be a mask, a headdress, a hat or just a slice of your dreams in a hair clip. Tell us about your rather unorthodox route to creativity. I studied for a BA (Hons) in Fashion Design at Middlesex University. Almost immediately the university went into political mayhem and the students staged an occupation, it lasted for 3 months. I missed out on the crucial stages of technical learning like sewing and pattern cutting. Ultimately I failed my course by just one point, but what followed was a 26 year adventure in DJing around the world. Music has been a huge part of your life then. My dad was a DJ during the late 70s and early 80s. Life was really fun, chaotic and adventurous. My parents had multicoloured hair and there were always bands camping out in our house. When the nightclub my dad worked in was closed I would see bands rehearsing, I was allowed to play a drum kit or shout into a microphone. One of my favourite memories is standing on a

beer crate to reach the turntables and play records. It didn’t seem unorthodox, it was just normal to me. It was only years later that I realised what an unusual childhood I’d had. DJing five nights a week, my own social life was non existent so I would go to festivals to indulge in being the other side of the DJ booth and let my hair down with my friends. My best friend in particular Eve Mulholland, a jewellery designer, really inspired me with her unique understanding of aesthetics, the power of clothes and theatrical disguise. I was making masks for fun and just putting them in a drawer once I’d finished. Eve encouraged me to share my work and helped me to realise my potential. How do you approach a new piece? I feel like I hoover my surroundings with my eyes, searching for any detail that can inspire a piece. I’ll go shopping in charity shops, flea markets, boot fairs, looking for a broken necklace, a silk flower, a scrap of fabric, a vintage brooch, some broken typewriter keys or the insides of an old

clock. I never know how a piece is going to turn out until it’s finished. One of your creations appeared at the V&A tell us more last year. Tell us more. I was approached by the charity, The Elephant Family to design a mask for UK fashion designer Matthew Williamson and my mask was exhibited at the V&A museum in a group exhibition called Conservation Couture. It was mindblowing to see my work in such an institution and later being worn at such a prestigious event.

Edwina Preston, Rosanna Falconer, Matthew Williamson, Sarah Ann Macklin and Olivia Grant (wearing Face Invader) at The Animal Ball 2016 presented by The Elephant Family. Photo David M Bennett ©Getty Images.

Photo © Ben Pite Photo © David Lanre Ajisafe

You can see Face Invader’s work as part of Invisible Numbers, part of this year’s E17 Art Trail. Winns Gallery, Lloyd Park 9-18 June 2017 E List cover photo © David Lanre Ajisafe

You will be exhibiting as part of the E17 Art Trail next month. What have you got planned? I’m excited to be part of a group exhibition ‘Invisible Numbers’ for this year’s Art Trail. I’m planning a visceral experience called ‘Matronix’ Future Pagan Goddess of Infinity and Illusion. It’s in response to this year’s theme which is inspired by the S.T.E.M. subjects (science, technology, engineering, maths) but with art added. My piece will be an installation unlike anything I’ve made before.


. Last year on a visit to Walthamstow’s magnificent William Morris Gallery I happened to glance up and see a strange little sculpture atop one of the columns guarding the entrance. On closer inspection it turned out to be an elephant. Why it was there was a mystery but it looked very much at home almost camouflaged with its earthy red tones complementing the smoky pink bricks of the pillar where it sat. Some months later someone told me of Elephantman, a local artist called Dominic Snow, and slowly the global significance of that little elephant was revealed. Read about Dominic’s incredible project opposite. Film director Barry Bliss has long campaigned to have Walthamstow’s role in the early days of cinema properly commemorated. Over 400 silent films were made in the area in the first part of the 20th century, and Wood Street also became home to the UK’s first purpose built film studio. Anyway aided by Liza Fletcher and Wood Street Walls amongst others he has thankfully succeeded and 1 May sees actor Paul McGann (The Monocled Mutineer and Doctor Who) unveil the first blue plaque to Walthamstow’s place as rival to early Hollywood. Please go to page 40 of the listings for details. The E List Local Hero feature is reserved for individuals, couples and sometimes groups who really make a difference to the area; who enhance our experience of living here and who are selfless in their dedication often to the less fortunate in our community. So before I am contacted by lots of pub landlords offering themselves up as heroes I urge you to read this month’s feature by Adam Taylor on Viv and Bun from E17’s Rose and Crown pub see page 29. I for one remember the care and attention they took over a homeless guy who would come into the pub for warmth sitting quietly in the corner; how they set out to find him unwell when he suddenly stopped coming, and then when he died made sure there were people to attend his funeral. Acts such as these is what community and this part of London, means to me. Paul Lindt, Editor


6 Tom Randle

8 The Stone Space



34 Join the flock!

35Leyton High Road

made with volume

David Barrete

The E List

Inside this issue… Elephantman


E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory


Love doesn’t need words but it helps a poem by Sean Urquhart 4

A Dreamer of Pictures, and exhibition by David Barrete


Composer and Tenor Tom Randle


Join in with Swifts 1000


Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife


The Bells of St Mary’s


Leytonstone’s Stone Space Gallery


Perculiar Times: Leyton High Road

35 36

E~DEN: The Home Directory


Walthamstow Diary

The Science Lab, a home by made with volume


The Magpie seeking out the shiniest, funniest remarks

Eyles Di Paola Architects


from local social media


Local Heroes – Viv & Bun, Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub




First World War Open Day


For the latest listings including a link to download the app, a digital version of the E List magazine and back issues 2

The E List is available for FREE at approx 100 venues across E17, E11, E12, E10 and E4. See for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly we aim to restock the most popular venues during the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email

The Elephant in the Room “We humans are racing ourselves off a cliff,” says the Elephantman. “It is only when we learn to respect other animal species and restore our relationship with them that we’ll stop ourselves from falling – we have to start questioning the divide between human beings and other animals.” Franki Black reports. Dominic Snow goes by the name of Elephantman and is a Walthamstowbased artist with big plans and an even bigger vision. His latest project, We Are People, is a proposal for an art installation aimed at curbing demand for ivory at source. The plan is to deploy forty teams in communities around Thailand and China (where most ivory is traded), to build a collection of over 30,000 elephant sculptures and to display these in cities around the East.

The Reality “Public art installations - like the Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red, which comprised of 888,246 ceramic poppies displayed at the Tower of London - have huge visual impact and can reach millions of people,” says Snow. Central to We Are People is creating awareness at the

grass-roots level. Ivory is still highly sought after across the East where it is used to make bracelets, chopsticks and sculptures. Even though the ivory trade has been banned in China, continued demand is forcing it to go underground making ivory products scarcer and even more valuable. Alarmingly, the present rate of elephant poaching is so high that both the African and Asian elephant will soon disappear. An estimated 30,000 African elephants are being poached every year, which will see their extinction in less than a decade, while in Asia there are a mere 40,000 left in total. “Elephants are the engineers of the wild, altering landscapes and creating opportunities for other creatures as they pass through,” explains Snow. “Habitats saved for elephants are also saved for all the other species that share them, many of which are equally endangered.”

The Project With community participation playing a vital role, the foreseeable We Are People roadshow will see facilitators spend five days at a time in selected communities across the East. Each group will be equipped with ten moulds with the intention of creating up to fifty elephant sculptures in each community. Using earth sourced on location mixed with biodegradable resin provided by the team, each community will contribute to the final installation. “Rammed earth is the world’s most ancient building material, it’s beautiful and happens to be accessible, durable and cheap,” explains Snow. By using local earth from the allocated communities, the public installation will boast a variety of rich colours representing the various regions involved. Each community will also be given the chance

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to create their own elephant sculpture, thereby adding to the diversity of the final product. Every sculpture will be made by three people, which translates to a minimum of 90,000 participants being directly involved in the project. After 16 weeks of intensive community work and sculpting across Thailand and China, all the sculptures will be collected via trucks in preparation for the final display. As a mobile art exhibition, We Are People will then move from city to city in Thailand and China, offering film screenings and making it an elephant-focused public event. Snow believes that the impact of working at the grassroots level will be significant. “By being directly involved in a hands-on way, thousands of participants will become deeply aware of the implications of the ivory trade,” says Snow. If all goes according to plan, these efforts combined with the public exhibitions could very well reach millions of people. “Public opinion can change almost overnight when a critical mass is reached,” explains Snow. “We don’t have much time left though, as elephant populations are rapidly declining.”

The Calling

Going forward Dominic needs to partner with interested companies, PR agencies and individuals around the world to become sponsors and facilitators. Visit or contact him on 078 72 009014 to find out more.

Snow’s personal journey with elephants started in 1995 when he was instinctively drawn to sculpting elephants. He created his first sculpture from a slab of aerated concrete and soon developed a mould that’s surprisingly easy to replicate. Since those days he’s continued to sculpt elephants and what started as a compulsion gradually turned into a personal purpose with the launch of We Are People in 2015. Thus far Snow has displayed over 31 elephant sculptures around Southampton, Bristol, Guernsey and London, including one in front of the William Morris Gallery and another at God’s Own Junkyard. “I want my work to be seen on the streets, but most importantly I want people to become aware that we’re facing a critical problem. We’re systematically destroying our environment and we’ve lost respect for all other creatures other than ourselves,” says Snow. “By curbing demand for ivory at its source, I believe we can change the future of this majestic species for good.”


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LOVE DOESN’T NEED WORDS BUT IT HELPS by Sean Urquhart I was retching as you fed cats and checked up on the endless social media feed. It’s long established that I’ll be unwell at least part-time, like my work love, however is a full-time non-gig job. We’re making memories as we watch the Scottish play in a room above Ye Olde Rose and Crown and are transported to a blasted heath

Photographers captured by Barry Bliss

Art as an Act of WAr


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with a delusional megalomaniac providing the entertainment even if you didn’t understand the florid, ancient prose, we held hands and later both complained about sitting for long periods of time. I am ageing faster than I wanted to, but I still have that electrical charge when you stroke my neck that ageless hard to voice connection our Scottish-Dutch coupling often at odds but I’m still smiling in the morning

Writer, poet copywriter and adopted local, Sean is a seasoned spoken word veteran who has previously published a novel and two short story collections. He blogs at: He loves Walthamstow pubs like The Flowerpot and The Rose and Crown. 5

Tom Randle In 1987 Tom Randle travelled to London from California to audition for English National Opera’s ‘The Magic Flute’. Thirty years on he’s still here, enriching the cultural life of Walthamstow with partner Gillian Keith. Ben Hogwood investigates. Photo by Paul Tucker.

Randle speaks warmly of the composer who facilitated his move. “I knew Tippett fairly well. He was crazy in a fun sense, he had this real zest for life and was so open and unafraid. I miss him – he was a good guy.” Tippett’s approach rubbed off on Randle the composer. “He wasn’t a great believer in talking about his own music. He would say ‘just listen, I can’t say anything more or guide you through it’. I think that is a great thing.” While in London Randle met Canadian lyric soprano Gillian Keith, with whom he now lives in Walthamstow. “We were cast in Mozart’s opera ‘Ascanio in Alba’ at the Buxton Festival. It would be nice to think my role was the young lover betrothed to her character, but alas I was actually her elder mentor! It took us a while to get together, but our love and dedication to music and art has helped strengthen and give meaning to our relationship. We’ve been officially together for about ten years now.” 6 To advertise your business contact

Randle’s résumé speaks of new challenges. “I’ve done a lot of world premieres, including Birtwistle’s ‘Last Supper’ at Glyndebourne, and Penderecki and Berio. I also did a Britten piece for radio called ‘The Rescue of Penelope’ that we premiered at Aldeburgh early in the 1990s. I performed in the world premiere of the operatic version of ‘Brokeback Mountain’ at Madrid Opera. Annie Proulx, who wrote the original short story, wrote the libretto. She told me she preferred my portrayal of Jack Twist to Jake Gyllenhaal in the film!” He also sang in a film version of John Adams’ ‘The Death of Klinghoffer’, based on the true events of the hijacking of an Italian cruise liner by Palestinian terrorists. “I played the lead terrorist Molqi, who shot and killed Klinghoffer. We pre-recorded the music at Abbey Road, and in the middle of the session heard the first airliner had crashed into the World Trade centre. The piece we put together couldn’t have been more relevant.” His appraisal of his singing career is refreshingly candid. “I have spent a lot of time in the last 25 years doing new operas, but all of us would die if we were pigeon-holed like that! I’ve done a lot of Baroque music, and detoured through Romantic composers”. Randle is currently working on three operas, while another, ‘Telephone Call’, was enthusiastically received last summer. “My singing informs my writing”, he says. “Composers tend to write outside the parameters of what people and instruments are capable of doing, in an effort to find their own style. The idea

Photo ©

Composer and tenor Tom Randle has a strong attachment to Walthamstow, but his relationship with London began elsewhere. “I was invited by English National Opera in 1987,” he explains. “I received this phone call out of the blue, and they said ‘Sir Michael Tippett has been talking about you, and we want you to audition for ‘The Magic Flute’’. I stayed in a dodgy hotel in Piccadilly, then sang at the Coliseum. They told me I had the job and I flew back the next morning! I made my debut with ENO, they revived the production in 1989, and then I thought I should make London my home.”

of writing new music is not about fixing something that isn’t broken, it’s about giving a violinist or soprano something they can express themselves with. I approach every character and instrument that way.” He assesses his relationship with the audience. “Composing is like scaling a mountain. You’re on the peak looking down, and you want your other climbers to climb with you, so you throw a rope down for them. They might not climb as fast, but they’re always connected to you.”

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for Waltham Forest’s people watchers.

Randle and Keith are closely involved with Peter McCarthy’s successful Music In The Village series, held regularly at St Mary’s Church. “Once a year he commissions a new piece, and this March he asked me to write a piece for string ensemble and piano – for the Fitzwilliam String Quartet and Anna Tillbrook, a wonderful British pianist. I based the piece on a poem by William Morris, who of course is local to Walthamstow, and was a brilliant poet.” Coming plans for 2017 include Frank Martin’s ‘Le Vin Herbé, with Welsh National Opera, a summer of ‘Carmen’ in New Zealand, and a new collaboration, ‘Los Nacimeientos’, with flamenco-influenced company Dotdotdot Dance, which Keith will perform in July. “Sadly I will be away in New Zealand”, he laments, “but I know they will do a brilliant job in my absence!” He clearly loves the borough. “One of the great things about Walthamstow is that they haven’t gone the horrible way with gentrification that masquerades as progress. They have embraced the quirkiness of E17 while moving into the 21st century. That’s why they have attracted so many interesting people and projects. I never saw myself coming further east or north than Belsize Park but I’ve really come to love this place.” Randle and Keith work closely together as a couple. “Despite our healthy differences, we have a similar outlook toward life – in particular, always making sure to pay attention and make the most of what we are given. This attitude has been instrumental when setting up our concert series at St Barnabas and supporting various charities.” They enjoy the area’s leisure opportunities. “We go running, and in six minutes you can be in a beautiful nature reserve along the marshes. We have inflatable kayaks too, and we’ve been miles north as well as down to the Olympic stadium. You could keep going to the Thames barrier if you wanted!” It always comes back to the music, however. “Working in opera and classical music is a great joy and honour, particularly for the timelessness of the music - but for me, it’s far more satisfying to know one’s work has an impact on a much wider and more diverse audience.”

From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram account tomgaul_doodles


2 COURSES £13 . 3 COURSES £16 Tom with his partner the soprano Gillian Keith with the Blüthner grand piano in St Barnabas Church, Walthamstow.


It’s a small world On a sunny late morning, dodging falling blossom along Church Lane in Leytonstone, Finn D’Albert met with Helene Loukaides-Collins and Gillian Swan, who are both involved in running The Stone Space, an independent and not-for-profit gallery. The gallery was originally one of the fifty or so venues that make up the annual Leytonstone Arts Trail, but it grew into a separate and permanent exhibiting space in October 2011; occupying part of the ground floor of the Leytonstone Library building. In the beginning the enthusiastic team of artists and volunteers tried to put on a new show every week, but it’s now settled down to a monthly schedule. Initially, local artists whose work was known by the gallery team were invited to exhibit, but soon the demand grew and a proposal process was put in place. The

gallery tries to exhibit artists that look a little deeper than simply “here are some pictures I’ve painted”, intending to bring thought-provoking, diverse and even international artists to the space. The Stone Space is run by a pretty fluid group of people without fixed roles, but who are all motivated by creating opportunities for others; whether it’s the people exhibiting their artwork or the people coming in to see it. The gallery also has connections with other local artistic spaces, for example Norlington Road Studios in Leyton where the original

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founding artists had their studios including Gillian. Several of the founders went on to have exhibitions at The Stone Space. It’s a community gallery in that everyone who works here is part of the community (and does so for nothing more than a dedication to the space), but it isn’t just for local artists. The team want to bring exhibitions from all over the world to the Leytonstone locals, and they’re making progress; artists from Europe and America have already exhibited. Helene explained, “Obviously it’s great if we can give local artists a place to exhibit, but the gallery

has also become a place where artists and people interested in art can come and meet, and come to launches and experience it all. And be inspired.”

The Stone Space Gallery 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Thursdays and Fridays 2-6pm Saturdays 12-5pm Sundays 12-4pm

They’ve resisted choosing work just because they think it’s going to sell and have no interest in becoming a big commercial gallery. They just want good art, and to make it available to everyone. Any funds that are made go straight back into the running of the gallery - the publicising of it and the designing of its posters and flyers. When I asked what they would like the gallery to be doing in five years time, they both wanted to make it very clear that they welcome new people, they aren’t possessive about their ownership of it, and all they want is for the gallery to still be here, available to everyone. The space itself is full of natural light, and considering its size has several different settings for an exhibiting artist to utilise. I’m told it’s much loved in the community, and I get the sense that it’s not just the artists that feel the value of a local, independent gallery. Residents walking

@TheStoneSpace TheStoneSpace

past peer in as we chat, some pop their heads round the door asking if it’s open, and traffic paused at the lights miss their change to go on green as the drivers take in the works on display. It’s staffed by a larger group of volunteers, and led by a group of six volunteer organisers, mostly fellow artists, who plan the exhibition programme and oversee the overall management of the gallery which receives very little funding and always welcomes new volunteers. If you’re interested in helping out, visit their website to see how you could take part.

Light Play from the forthcoming exhibition Infoworks an installation by artist Joanna Penso at Stone Space Gallery. The show will run from 1-25 June 2017.

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E~DEN a Directory of Useful Services & Beautiful Things for the Home

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E List Promotion

The Science Lab Somewhere between art, architecture and historical artefact we find The Science Lab; a house which features cutting edge design by spatial designers made with volume and an intriguing back story to boot. Sean Urquhart talks to Carlo Viscione creative director of made with volume about a very personal project. Photography by Paul Tucker.

Carlo Viscione who designed and now lives in the building gave me a potted history as we toured the premises. Carlo is the founder and creative director of made with volume, a spatial design consultancy. He and his wife Florence have painstakingly refurbished, modernised and remodelled the property to a very high standard. It is a beautiful and elegant space. Its recreated Crittal windows, made in Sussex

and weighing in at a hefty 100 kilos allow the Spring sunshine to stream in. The fixtures and fittings are an elegant mix of ergonomic design (the doors are all made in Belgium and have magnets cleverly embedded in the door frame). Danish modular shelves line the bare walls and are lit at night by Austrian-made lighting. Carlo outlined the building’s timeline from its inception as a place of learning through its genesis as a recording complex (the acoustics to this writer’s ears as still superb, resonant and full) where it is reputed our very own East 17 recorded demos for their “Walthamstow” album. There is a piano and guitar which speaks of Carlo’s own interest in music and his own participation. “There was also a rocky period in the early noughties where the building was squatted and many a rave was had” Carlo added as a further layer of intriguing history.

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The roof terrace is a sight to behold and on a gorgeous and warm April day, we enjoyed it to its full extent. Carlo and Florence plan a herb garden and often enjoy a lounge in this inspiring space. The BT Tower can even be viewed on a clear day and I was impressed at the simple design of the terrace, which opens directly from an ice-white staircase. Such a design, however, was hard-fought and took Carlo and Florence “21 or so plans” before they settled on the current design. It will be featured in Open House London in September as a triumph of simplicity and understated style. It has a distinctly homely feel and is full of light and welcome. Well worth a visit and another reason to keep our eyes on Forest Gate. A sleeping urban giant.

Photos ©

Located on tranquil and almost slumbering Trumpington Road in Forest Gate there stands a house which contains surprise after surprise, a veritable palimpsest of East London essence. From its beginnings as part of a state school in 1905 to its current incarnation as a living space, this property, dubbed ‘The Science Lab’ in homage to one of its former educational incarnations, has weathered many an inhabitant as well as personal storm.

made with volume are spatial designers, working on the intersection between design and architecture. Carlo and his team undertake projects throughout London so if you have a challenging residential, retail or public space, either new or existing, please get in touch for a chat. 0203 488 1915

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Rummy gin Imagine a world where six times more gin than beer is produced and of the 15,000 drinking establishments in the city more than half are gin houses. Gin is much more accessible than clean water, and there is an epidemic of drunkenness and associated anti-social behaviour. It seems inconceivable but this was London 300 years ago. It led William Hogarth to produce “Gin Lane”, one of the most powerful examples of visual polemic ever seen and the government of the day was forced to act. The Gin Act of 1751 required gin producers to sell only to licensed premises. Jump to the present day and one of London’s best known nightclubs, Fabric, re-opened its doors recently after it was stripped of its licence following the drug-related deaths of two young clubbers. The doors were closed until a long list of strict licensing conditions was agreed with Islington council. Another nightclub in California suffered a fire which led to the death of at least thirty-six partygoers. There were doubts as to whether the building complied with safety conditions. Officials stated that there was no evidence of smoke detectors or a sprinkler system. What links these terrible events is the importance of compliance with current licensing laws which, although often onerous for licensees, offer a measure of protection to the public which is a mark of a civilised society.

For advice on Licensing issues please contact Wiseman Lee on 020 8215 1000.



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E List Promotion

Eyles Di Paola Architects New name, same great service Eyles Di Paola Architects is the logical next step in an established working relationship between Matthew Eyles and Eustachio Di Paola. Matthew and Eustachio are life partners as well as business partners. The re-branded practice (formerly Matthew Eyles Architects) continues and expands upon the established skills and expertise of the business.

Matthew is an architect with more than 30 years of experience in the residential and commercial sectors and has been working in Walthamstow for the last 15 years, serving Central and East London. Eustachio worked for about 20 years in the Oil & Gas industry as a civil/structural engineering technician. He has also worked in architectural practice as a CAD/ BIM coordinator.

The branding and name may have changed but the practice still works to the same standards and principles to offer a great service.

New office In August 2016, the practice re-located to a larger office in South Woodford to accommodate the additional staff and facilities required to serve the growing

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business. “Wood Lodge” provides a great and inspiring working environment for our team. Matthew and Eustachio still live in the Ancient House in Walthamstow.

Philosophy and what’s new Matthew and Eustachio share a passion for Architecture which encompasses the delivery of the service as well as great design. Matthew’s experience as an architect and Eustachio’s technical expertise and skilful use of advanced architectural graphic software, puts Eyles

Di Paola in an excellent position to provide the best service to their clients.

proposed space before approving designs and specifications.

As part of the practice’s commitment to creating hand crafted architecture using up-to-date technology, they utilize BIM (Building Information Modelling) on all projects. At its simplest level, this means that a “virtual model” is created for all projects allowing the team to work in 3D.

The team

All project proposals, drawings etc. are presented in either a traditional 2D format or where the 3D option is chosen, clients benefit from a virtual walk through their

The team of Eyles Di Paola Architects has grown with the practice to include new talented architects and a structural engineer. The practice is proud to bring creativity, passion and innovation to the provision of architectural services.


LEE DIXON 07908 345161 16 To advertise your business contact

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Cromwell Road E17 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £750,000 Manor Road E17 2 bed bungalow for sale Guide price £525,000

Harris Street E17 2 bed flat for sale Offers in excess of £425,000 Maynard Road E17 3 bed terrace house for sale Offers in excess of £700,000

We think this is a lovely house, and we are pretty sure you will too. A perfect place for entertaining family and friends, whilst the wide galley kitchen offers plenty of space in which to hone your culinary skills ... The icing on this property cake is the private rear garden, the perfect spot to relax with a cup of tea at the end of a hard day.

10 May gallery 020 8539 4213

Lea Bridge Road Leyton E10 2 bed flat for sale Offers in region of £375,000 Capworth Street Leyton E10 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £550,000

Alders Close, Aldersbrook E11 1 bed flat for sale Offers in excess of £250,000 Albert Road Leyton E10 2 bed flat for sale Sstc £435,000

Wingfield Road E17 2 bed house to rent £2,150 pcm £496pw You will find a bright living room, adjacent to a generously sized open plan kitchen/diner which leads onto an Approx. 40’ private rear garden.

Aldersbrook Road E12 2 bed flat to rent £1,550 pcm £358pw The lounge has contemporary decoration combined with original features and has views over Alexandra Lake on The Wanstead Flats.

10 May lettings

185 Francis Road E10 6NQ 020 8012 0419

Spring Special

40 Orford Road E17 9NJ 0208 520 9300


17 May lettings

Seymour Road E10 2 bed flat to rent £1,350 pcm £312pw Having recently undergone a full internal refurbishment, the property is offered in immaculate condition and features a modern fitted kitchen and bathroom suite.

Francis Road E10 Shop to rent £1,000 pcm Offers the opportunity to be in at the very start of the regeneration of this shopping street, which is shortly to be pedestrianised as part of the Mini Holland scheme.

Cromwell Road E17 1 bed flat to rent £1,200 pcm £277pw

High Road E10 1 bed house (let agreed) £1,250 pcm

A great ground floor flat perfect for those looking to enjoy village life. Spacious lounge, a good size double bedroom, kitchen and shower room/WC and access to a private garden.

A well presented ground floor flat situated in this popular location in the heart of E10, beautifully presented, offers easy access to a number of great transport links.

Voted best Estate Agency in E17... Again! We’ve got it spot on. E17 Housing Awards 2016 & 2017 020 8520 0033

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236 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E17 3AY / Tel: 0203 397 9797 / Email: 117a High Street, Wanstead, E11 2RL / Tel: 0203 397 2222 / Email: Web: / E17 Twitter: @StowBrothers / E11 Twitter: @StowBrothersE11

FOR SALE NEWPORT ROAD, E10 Refurbished 2 Bed Garden Flat, Chain Free.


FOR SALE WALTHAMSTOW CENTRAL, E17 3 Double Beds, 1200+ sq ft. Victorian family home. Guide Price

£825,000 - £875,000

020 8503 6060

FOR SALE WEST CENTRAL APARTMENTS 7th floor, Stunning South/West City views.

£480,000 - £510,000



141 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3AL

2 Church Hill, Walthamstow, London E17 3AG

New name, same great service Eyles Di Paola Architects is the logical next step in an established working relationship between Matthew Eyles and Eustachio Di Paola. The branding and name may have changed but the practice still works to the same standards and principles to offer a great service. New office The practice has recently re-located to a larger office in South Woodford to accommodate the additional staff and facilities required to serve the growing business. “Wood Lodge” provides a great and inspiring working environment for our team. We are still very active in Walthamstow, constantly working on many local projects. The team The team as Eyles Di Paola Architects has grown with the practice to include new talented Architects and a Structural Engineer. The practice is proud to bring creativity, passion and innovation to the provision of architectural services. 2D and 3D visualisations As part of our ongoing commitment to creating hand crafted architecture using upto-date technology, we utilize BIM (Building Information Modelling) on all our projects. At its simplest level, this means that we create a “virtual model” for all projects allowing us to work fully in 3D. This has clear benefits to the design process. Our clients also benefit from having their project fully realized and presented in 3D, allowing them to virtually walk through their proposed space before approving designs and specifications. However, as this technology develops it constantly allows new options and potentials. As well as 3D presentations, it is now possible to produce high quality 2D architectural drawings from a simplified virtual model. If 3D visualization is not necessary or simply not within your budget, we can present your projects in a more traditional 2D format, which still provides all that is required for design and planning applications.

Why not visit for more information on 3D design and presentation techniques? Matthew Eyles is an Architect and partner in Eyles Di Paola Architects. He has over 30 years’ experience in the Architectural profession.

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Voted best Lettings Agency in E17 We’ve got it spot on. E17 Housing Awards 2017 020 8520 0077

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Viv & Bun For many people in Walthamstow Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub has played a pivotal part in their life, combining being both a proper local and an arts/community hub. Pub regular Adam Taylor meets muchloved publicans Viv and Bun to uncover the story of two originators of The Stow’s resurgence. Photograph by Chris McAndrew. Take us back to the days of black and white telly when you both first crossed Walthamstow marshes. What did you find? Viv: For me it was John Menzie’s pie and mash shop. Bun: You mean Manze’s? Viv: Whatever. It was a family day trip to the market. Alan Sugar was back there then learning his craft. So Bun was growing up on Green Lanes, Viv in Wood Green and Tottenham. London was a violent place back then, wasn’t it? Viv: People say that, but not to me. We were out throwing veg at the National Front. Bun: Now she just throws veg at me. You met at technical college back in 1975. So how does a Maths teacher in Enfield and someone working at the Waltham Forest Adult Learning Centre end up running a pub? Viv & Bun: We saw the lease sign outside. Our daughter Jo was in a play with Aaron and Andrew (co-landlords of the pub with Viv & Bun) and we all went for a curry in the Dhaka Tandoori and dreamt it up.

Photo ©

So the five of you wrote a business plan… on a beer mat or an 80 page presentation? Viv & Bun: Andrew wrote it. A masterpiece. The owners ‘Enterprise Inns’ couldn’t believe it and gave us the pub. We never looked at it again.

we never took business loans which stopped us making stupid decisions and investments. And that allowed so many of the people who came in the doors to shape it. Bun: Something was going on in the area. It just needed a space. Musicians streamed in asking if they could play for free. Suddenly I was an A&R man – sifting through tapes. Promoting gigs. I loved it. Next thing and we’ve got music on five nights a week. Many of my greatest ever nights have been at your gigs. But how did the theatre come into it. Viv: That was always what we wanted to be about. It was in the plan. Way back at the start, a group of locals put on a music and arts weekend to raise funds to help equip the theatre. Even donating some chairs!

But, you went on to create one of London’s great modern-day boozers. Accident or design? Viv & Bun: Oh, design. From the start it was back to basics. For us a Public House is a public house. Everyone is welcome and it’s everyone’s front room.

The theatre blows my mind. I saw ‘My Land’s Shore’ in February. Incredible. Viv & Bun: I love that, when our regulars go to something they’d never normally see. There have been so many special shows. Yes, we’re so very proud of all that….even Andrew Lloyd Webber has walked up those stairs to catch a musical. The fringe scene is the lifeblood of the theatre. Some of our productions have transferred to the West End.

Nice. You could have lasted six months? Viv & Bun: And the regulars said we would. But

Amazing. So when did you think, right, we’re on to something? Viv & Bun: There’s

a comment somewhere on Facebook from a guy who walked in for directions. Ended up staying the night, drinking with the regulars and loving the band. Restored his faith in London, he said. And, quite early on, we had women coming in on their own. That was significant and really encouraging. And that was even before you replaced the famously bad loos. Oddly I have half of the old gent’s pissoir in my garden. Viv & Bun: Yes, Adam you have, and we still have no idea why. There was one time at the beginning when we had the Camera Club in one corner, CAMRA in another corner, the Craft Guerrillas group were down the end while the Swing Time Serenders were playing on stage. We simply stared at each other. What a feeling. At this point, we’re interrupted by a guy called Pete hustling for tickets to that evening’s sold out Jeremy Hardy show. True to form. Viv’s straight on her mobile to host Susan Murray tracking down some spares. Viv & Bun: All the big comic names have done nights here now. We can’t believe it, but we help start careers, too. We saw a big Micky Flanagan Live at the O2 poster at Walthamstow tube. We stood on the escalator shouting to each other that we had seen him perform in our pub. 29

I actually have the dubious distinction of being chucked out of one of the comedy nights. But along with the laughs, you’ve had sad times, too? Viv & Bun: We share people’s lives. And along with all the marriages, divorces, affairs, comes life and death. Bun: I’ve never been able to have an affair, cus she’s always here. Viv: When we lost Sundram, we had 20 regulars come to his funeral. That meant a lot. For those who don’t know the story of Sundram. He was a homeless chap who the guys inherited when they took over the pub. Daughter Jo looked after him for many years and when he went missing for a time, ran a campaign that eventually tracked him down. Sadly Sundram died in 2014. Bun: We also had Dick Dyche. He took me and Jo under his wing and taught us about how to keep beer. We couldn’t have done this without Dick. Dick was one of those great pub characters. Big man. Big heart. Bad jokes. More recently, Karl Penswick sadly passed. Viv and Bun have just returned from his funeral back in Liverpool. Karl had stood at the bar most days since they arrived. This underlying humanity is clear to anyone who knows them. And

you won’t find it in many pubs. What’s your stance on all the recent pub makeovers and new hipster venues? Viv & Bun: The more the merrier. I remember you apologising for being in The Bell (Me: I’ve never been!) It’s all good. We’re still here. People go and try out the new places and three weeks later, they’re back here. So they must like what we do. Pub company Enterprise certainly do. To go with all their CAMRA Best Pub awards, last year the Rose & Crown received Enterprise’s Community Pub of the Year award for the region. Viv & Bun: It’s wonderful. We won £3000. And we’re going to spend it putting on a professional panto. So it’ll be like local wandering minstrel Tom Lynch’s wonderful Chapel End Street Panto, but a bit better? Viv & Bun: Steady on. We’ll put on a full production and go to The Limes, Whitefields and Eat or Heat with free tickets. Put on a great show for all the local kids to introduce them to theatre. You’re also the de facto HQ for many a good cause. There are always outlying tables of fellow conspirators, working to improve the world, or meeting for free in the Red Room. Viv & Bun: Yes, everyone has met here. So many political or activist

groups use us as a base. We’ve been there right at the beginning supporting great events like the Art Trail and the Stow Festival. Currently we’re hosting fundraising nights for troubled Leyton Orient FC. Wow! Don’t you ever feel a bit like the artist Grayson Perry when he joked that his work in Walthamstow was done? Viv & Bun: Not at all. We’re not going away. This has been a very special adventure. We aren’t stopping. Giving up family time has been tough, but we have this amazing adopted family now. We’ve had some brilliant experiences and met so many new people. And we have a secret project in the making. (That’s staying secret for now) What don’t you like? Viv & Bun: The house price thing is depressing. We must have proper affordable housing or we’ll lose our community. It’s that simple. We all deserve to be able to live here. Daughter Jo appears. Anything you want to add? Jo: That they’re two of the most caring and loving people you could ever meet, not just to me, but to everyone. Behind the bar, I have a tankard bearing the inscription ‘Glad to be a part of it’. We raise our glasses to that. Amen to Viv, Bun and their Rose & Crown.

First World War Open Day On Saturday 6 May the East London Branch of the Western Front Association and Vestry House Museum are presenting a First World War Open Day at Vestry House Museum and St Mary’s Church in Walthamstow Village. The day will focus on the local area and there will be opportunities to meet WWI experts and learn about the borough during the Great War.

• Local schools will tell of their visits to the Western Front.

• First World War soldiers will provide demonstrations and answer questions about life at the Front.

• There will be talks covering a wide range of topics including the contribution made by local industry with the ‘B’ type buses which carried troops to the Front; the stories behind the war graves in local cemeteries and of local people’s lives at home and at the Front.

• Exhibits and archives will be on display, including local papers and paintings by Walthamstow war artist, Haydn Mackey. • Bring along your medals so that Antiques Road Show expert Mark Smith can value them. • Meet local writers, including Phil Sutcliffe; Steven Jenkins; Alan Simpson; Graham Millington and Malcolm Doolin who will be available to sign copies of their books and talk about their research.

• Significant Seams will display their fabric poppies, specially created for the centenary.

• A tribute will be paid to one of Walthamstow’s forgotten heroes, local filmmaker, J. B. McDowell, one of the men who filmed ‘The Battle of the Somme’ which will be shown in Walthamstow on 29 June.

• Research your First World War ancestors.

First World War Open Day.

• The Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the Royal British Legion will explain the work they do for both the dead and the survivors of wars.

Free. Collections for linked charities.

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10am-5pm Saturday 6 May 2017. Vestry House Museum & St Mary’s Church

E~VOLVE a Directory for a Healthy Mind & Body Fitness Wednesdays & Fridays HIIT E17 Quaker Meeting House, 1A Jewel Road E17 4QU High-Intensity Interval Training involves quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. Getting and keeping your heart rate up, burning more fat in less time. Weds 7.30-8.15pm, £10. Fridays 10-10.45am, £8. Mondays HIIT E17 Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN As above except different venue and time. 7.30-8.15pm. £10.

Tuesdays Sazzercise Leyton Youth Centre, Crawley Road E10 6PY Suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness whilst having a good time. We cover traditional aerobics and dance as well as body conditioning. 7-8pm. £8, bring a friend and pay just £4 each, group discounts Saturdays Legs, Bums & Tums Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF A fantastic way to tone your entire body focussing on your legs, glutes and abdominal muscles. Combining conditioning and aerobic exercises to reduce fat whilst shaping and lifting your legs, bum and tum! Bring a bottle of water and wear clothes you’re comfortable to move in. 11.15am12.15pm. £6. 07903 629 636

Saturdays Zumba Fitness Forest YMCA, 642 Forest Road E17 3EF Wear low tread, supportive trainers and bring a bottle of water to enjoy this exhilarating dance fitness class in a low Yoga, Pilates & Tai Chi pressure atmosphere! 10-11am. £6. 07903 629636 Monday PM & Wednesday AM PT studio, 5 minutes from Lloyd Vinyasa Flow with Louise Host of

Park Tuesdays Zumba Fitness Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill E17 9RZ As Saturdays above except different days venue and time 7-8pm. £6. Saturdays Parkrun Wanstead Flats Playing Fields, Harrow Road E11 3QD and Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road, Walthamstow E17 4HR Weekly 5km run against your own clock with an optional post-run coffee. 9am. FREE, but first-timers please register to get your barcode. Tuesdays Box & Core Walthamstow School for Girls, Church Hill E17 9RZ Combining technique drills and core strengthening exercises to appeal to both the novice looking for fun and a release of tension; as well as the amateur boxer wanting to improve their skills and stamina. Gloves provided but you’re welcome to bring your own. 8.15-9.15pm. £6 each or £55 for 10.

Leyton, 658 High Road Leyton E10 6JP In Vinyasa Flow, breath is synchronised to the movement of your body throughout the class, creating a moving meditation. Classes will include dynamic and fun sequences to build strength, balance, and flexibility. All levels are welcome. Wednesdays 7-8am or Mondays 7.15-8.15pm. £10. Book 10 get one free. Mondays Feel-Good Drop-in Yoga Lloyd Park Community Centre, Lloyd Park (Winns Avenue Entrance) E17 5JW Creative varied yoga for all abilities. Beginners welcome to this friendly class. Ros is highly experienced and knowledgeable so practice safely whether newcomer or regular yogi. 8-9.30pm. £7.50.

Wednesdays Flow Yoga: Mixed Ability East of Eden, Studio 1, The Tramworks, Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Circular Flow Yoga is a Flow/Vinyasa style Yoga where the physical practice combines postures to create a flowuniting the movement, the breath and the mind. 9.15-10.15am. £10, drop in. First Tuesday of the month, 2 May Waltham Forest Reiki Project Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Reiki works with the life force energy that flows through all living things. These are one to one drop in sessions by donation. 7-9pm. FREE, but donations welcome. Yoko 07940 579055

Mondays Yogi J Yoga Community Class St Michael and All Angels Church Hall, Northcote Road E17 6PQ An open level class with options for beginners and those with a developed practice. Focus is on body, breath and mind. James is an experienced 500hr Yoga Alliance qualified teacher. Bring a mat or email to buy one. 7-8pm. £9. Tuesdays Yoga for Cyclists The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Improve flexibility in areas typically tightened through cycling. All levels welcome. 7.30-8.30pm. £10, £45 for 5.

To advertise your business contact 31

Wednesdays Tai Chi and Qi Gong Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Discover Tai Chi and Qi Gong! Beginners classes suitable for all students, in a relaxed and friendly environment. Courses start throughout the year, check website for start dates. 7.15-8.45pm. £9. 07909 856490 Wednesdays Vespers St Mary’s Church, Walthamstow, 8 Church End/Church Hill E17 9RJ Find your calm. Forty minutes of mindfulness and reflection with a selection of prayer, poetry or music, as appropriate. 7.30-8.10pm. FREE. Parish Office 020 8520 1430 Wednesdays Iyengar Yoga Class St Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Road E17 6AR The practice of Iyengar Yoga is suitable for everyone regardless of flexibility and age, helping you gain good health, greater peace of mind and improved posture. It relieves tension, promotes sleep, increases stamina and flexibility. 7-8pm. £9 or £45 for 6. Nicholette 07962 424460

Mondays Post-Natal Pilates with Baby Health Works, 111a Hoe Street (entrance on Cairo Road) E17 4RX Regain your core strength, ease the aches and pains of new motherhood, work towards getting back your pre pregnancy physique while having fun making some mum friends. 4 per class so lots of individual attention. 9.4510.45am. £11. 020 8503 7784 Fridays Pregnancy Yoga Leyton Yoga, First Floor (above USSR), 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Join our community of local mums. Prepare for a calm birth and ease discomfort in this pre-natal yoga class with former East of Eden director and local mum Naomi Costantino. No prebooking required. Ladies only. 2-3pm. £10, or £90 for 10. Tuesdays NEW Post-Natal Yoga with Yoga Me Happy Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road, E17 4QU This one’s for you mums but babies are more than welcome to join you on the mat (or in the buggy if it’s nap time). This practice is to build your strength for the road ahead as a new mum. 10.30-11.30am. £36 for 4 classes.

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Tuesdays Tai Chi Principles & Mindfulness Training through Movement & Martial Arts St Stephen’s Church Hall, 1 Copeland Road E17 9DB Want to improve your health, develop better mental focus, and learn tools for self defence? Learn the art of I Liq Chuan and train your body/ mind to use this Zen philosophy, Tai Chi principles and martial arts. For beginners and advanced; please let us know you’re coming. 7.30-8.30pm. £10, first class FREE. Mark 07824 395814

Fridays Vinyasa Yoga (Intermediate/ Advanced) Leyton Yoga, First Floor (above USSR), 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA A weekly 75min masterclass with senior teacher Naomi Costantino. Every week she’ll challenge students to explore asana, pranayama and yoga philosophy at a deeper level of vibrant, lived experience. No pre-booking, dropins only. All welcome. 12.15-1.30pm. £11, or £90 for 10.

For more dance and fitness classes please visit

WALTHAMSTOW VILLAGE WINDOW GALLERY Allotments #2 from the new show Paul Tucker: Anorak Activity showing this month at the Walthamstow Village Window. See the listing on page 38 for full details.

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Words and music David Barrete talks to the E List about his new show, A Dreamer of Pictures opening this month at Walthamstow’s Pictorem Gallery. Essentially I am a photographer who attempts to capture the surreal, strange and mysterious in the everyday. The current exhibition at Pictorem Gallery, A Dreamer of Pictures, represents a departure as I will be incorporating digital collages, found images, song lyrics as text, and a short film as well as photography. The show will bring together these artistic pursuits and my eclectic musical interests which range from Patsy Cline to Beck! The exhibition, particularly with some of the collages, will inevitably connect with surrealism and its seemingly incongruous juxtapositions. This is apparent in the collage Back in the USSR which is a collision of the Beatles, Lenin and text which includes both a Beatles line and a reworked David Bowie line. The intention is to create new meanings for the viewer from such clashes

of image and text. Similarly Under the April Skies is a mash-up of The Jesus & Mary Chain and TS Eliot. The term ‘mash-up’ is suitable as it’s a musical term for blending two or more songs together. In this way, some of the work in the exhibition could be likened to sampling. My short film, In A Lonely Place (Forever) is a different use of appropriation where I have taken the last few minutes of the classic film noir In A Lonely Place (1950), starring Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Grahame, slowed it down, repeated it and juxtaposed it with contemporary songs. The intention again is to create, through juxtaposition, new meanings. The film also explores how music affects our emotional response to film as each of the five songs bring something different to the repeated scene.

This exhibition is more experimental than my previous ones but I like to think that photography still plays a significant part with various images related to music, in its myriad forms.

A Dreamer of Pictures New work by David Barrete 2 - 25 May 2017 Private View 5 May, 6.30–8.30pm Pictorem Gallery 383 Hoe Street, Walthamstow E17 9AP Tues-Sat 9am - 5.30pm

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Come fly with us… Walthamstow is getting a wetland, the largest urban wetland in Europe. Although the land belongs to Thames Water and is made up of working reservoirs, the Walthamstow Wetlands are being developed by public funds and belong to us all. They are part of our heritage, our natural and cultural commons. To make sure our diverse, creative community is at the centre of the development we are calling on everyone to make a Swift, a bird that is emblematic to both Walthamstow and the Wetlands. To be part of the flock, register with or @1000Swifts and make a beautiful unique Swift out of any recyclable or sustainable material, and display it on your house or inside a window that is visible to passers-by. When you register you will receive a sticker and an arrow to point in the direction of the Wetlands. All registered Swifts will be entered on the 1000 Swift map for the Art Trail. The map will take visitors around Walthamstow in the path of the flock. Whoever finds the most Swifts will win a prize. Maps will be available online and at registration points across Walthamstow. The last day for registration is May 10th and for display is June 3rd. Registration points include: The Art House, Stow Brothers, Debbie Bliss Home and The Mill

Let the Bells ring out! Peter Harvey, bell-ringer and assistant steeple keeper at St Mary’s Church sends a message to all the members of the community whose generosity has meant the bells of St Mary’s in Walthamstow Village are fit for another century at least. We would like to thank the whole community who came through for us, crossing class, cultural and religious borders; with contributions from Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and Atheists alike. The estates agents boards advertising events such as concerts and auctions were generously provided by Estates 17, just one local business that really went the extra mile for us. Wood Street Indoor Market helped out by providing a free pitch for many months where we could sell our wares. Haleem, who with his brother Nahim run Express Carpet Warehouse on Wood Street, agreed to supply and fit the carpet we desperately needed but were struggling to pay for which so we could get back to practising without risking damage to our new and not inexpensive ropes. Haleem hadn’t realised that the bells in their modern incarnation are an Anglican call to prayer so when I informed him as such he was even more delighted he’d offered the hand of help. He stated all religions at heart carry the same essential message and Christianity, as with Judaism, are Abrahamic religions just as is his own Islam. I found Haleem to be not only a generous but also an interesting all round local ‘good 34

Haleem of Wood Street’s Express Carpet Warehouse laying the carpets in the bell ringer’s chamber.

guy’ whose carpet shop is both reasonably priced and quirky to say the least sporting a fully stocked salt water fish tank that wouldn’t look out of place in the London Aquarium! But I digress, so I’ll end by saying a big ding dong to campanology in the Stow. And thanks to all for your previous and forthcoming generosity and goodwill without which the glorious sound of the bells may well have fell silent. The not insignificant sum of £103,327 raised through all the above works and generosity has seen the bells removed, repaired and returned to ring out strong and in tune again. However the costs of sound proofing to bell tuning; simulator installation to organ blower relocation means our funds are completely depleted once more, so we are always looking for help and donations.

Definition: things that are strange; queer; odd; uncommon; unusual; distinctive in nature or character from others; characteristic of; belonging exclusively to an area. Architectural historian, Karen Averby seeks out such things from this corner of London’s rich and varied past

Leyton High Road Leyton High Road is a busy thoroughfare lined with shops and houses, which today runs approximately north and south from Hoe Street, through Knotts Green and Ruckholts to Angel Lane, Stratford. Although it might seem like a relatively modern construct, the route is in fact centuries old, and formed part of an ancient route leading to Waltham Abbey.

was used for storage, but was bought by a developer in 2006 and restored. The road suffered greatly from bombing during the Second World War and much of the shopping area at the north end of High Road was rebuilt. By the 1950s High Road was once again a bustling shopping area with a variety of shops, but varying fortunes have been experienced since then. In a positive move, the council have recently initiated an improvement programme, including the renovation of shopfronts and house frontages along the road.

Until the 19th century Leyton was The Three Blackbirds, High Road Leyton, 1910. a rural parish, and High Road was not overly developed. Dwellings its tenant as a private lunatic asylum. The were clustered at various points, including estate was built over in cottages forming Frog Row at the junction the 1880s and 1890s, with Forest Lane (later James Lane) and as part of the rapid several houses were located at what was urban development later Church Road. The section between Lea which transformed Bridge Road to Moyers Lane was formerly the area. There are known as Leyton Street, and the most few survivals from the densely built stretch between Lea Bridge pre-urban period, Grove Road and the area of Knights Green was House at No. 452 High sometimes called Gossups Green. Phillebrook Road being a notable was the name given to the area at the point exception. By 1968 where the road crossed the Fillebrook. it was owned by the Leyton and District Trades Hall and Institute and has since been converted to flats.

The Great House, Leyton.

The extensive Great House Estate at Leyton’s centre lay on the east side of High Road, opposite the sports ground. The Great House itself was an imposing mansion facing the road built c. 1700 by Sir Fisher Tench. Before demolition in 1905 it was for a time used by

Leyton High Road and Coronation Gardens.

From the mid-19th century High Road became infilled with an increasing number of houses, shops, and public houses, the main shopping area developing between Leyton Green and the junction with Lea Bridge Road. The busy High Road had a horse bus service from 1889 running from Walthamstow to Stratford, replaced in 1905 by motor buses. Various institutions and organisations with premises along High Road included Essex County Cricket Club who bought a permanent ground in 1886 where they played until selling in 1933. In 1896 an impressive new town hall was built following the creation of Leyton Urban District Council. It had fallen into disrepair by the 1980s and

House Histories Have you ever wondered who used to live in your house, or how it has changed over time?

Packages telling the story of your house available to suit all budgets. For a FREE consultation email Karen Averby


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Walthamstow Diary Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17 It’s that time of year again when living in Walthamstow almost becomes a full-time job. Weekends become jam packed with events. Big lunches, folk festivals, garden parties and markets, there is no end of exciting stuff to do in the warmer months. This year of course the E17 Art Trail is back, so it’s going to be an even busier year than last year. As always, things kick off with the Friends of Lloyd Park May Fayre on Bank Holiday Monday. This is one of my favourite events, especially the dog show, especially the fancy dress round in the dog show. I’d like to enter my dog but he refuses to walk if he’s got clothes on. We did once enter him in the cutest little dog round but he decided to have a poo just as the judge arrived. Needless to say, he didn’t win. Another one of my favourite events is the Stoneydown Park Festival, which this year takes place on the 11th June. Walthamstow Folk provide the music, you can chuck coconuts at things (not people) to win prizes, and enjoy some fine ales from the hut in the park. Usually the weather is pretty decent for this one, though I realise I’m tempting fate by saying that. I only really remember one year where the rain was torrential, but even that didn’t stop the good times. I remember squelching home along St James Street afterwards, not even my pants were dry but I’d had a great time. This isn’t the only event, there’s a Big Lunch in St James park, and the garden party is also back again this year. I usually find myself sitting in the sun drinking cider from plastic milk bottles at this one. Yep, I’ve always been classy like that. Combine all of these events with long lazy afternoons spent in the beer garden of the Chequers, or the Bell, or the Queens Arms, or the tarmacked majesty of God’s Own Car Park outside Wildcard Brewery, my cup is well and truly running over. I’m really looking forward to the summer.


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The Magpie’s beady eyes are on the look-out for the shiniest, funniest remarks, witty retorts and bizarre sightings to share and retweet from the borough’s social media channels. Thanks this month to Twitter, Leytonstone Life and Walthamstow Life, and Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board

Photographs with kind permission of Lissa Chapman; @dannycoope; @uncalmitalian; @greavsie; Clive Riley (Geese);; Walthamstow (Unofficial) Tourist Board

Ukulele hipster tantrum on Hoe Street #Walthamstow. About as rock and roll as it gets @Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board

Seth’s Spice Hut on the market must be responsible for at least 27% of the house price rises in Walthamstow. Kebab roll... @CuriosE17 Clear evidence #Walthamstow was centre of the Earth in the 1950s. Drawbacks: early closing and you couldn’t get a drink after 10.30pm @lissachapman

Think these two are looking for the Wild Goose Bakery. Spotted on Albert Road this morning. SP: Just having a ‘gander’ at what’s about! PF: Ha ha, yeah not into your oven! AP: Just ‘pond’ life!!! KK: They heard about our new muffins and flew over for a nibble.... well worth the several thousand mile journey! Leytonstone Life Reactions to the Evening Standard’s article “Woman finds huge ‘lost’ Chilean tarantula running loose in Walthamstow garden” BH: Blimey! DB: ….a little too close to home!! MM: Why was it lost? Having trouble with the road closures? AS: Didn’t know tarantulas liked posh pizzas! MG: It’s going to be vexed waking up in Walthamstow! JA: Hope it didn’t have a bit of spider love on its travels... Walthamstow Life

Sound advice found near the River Lea [above] @StowDiary Walthamstow is so gentrified even the fly tipping has gone up market. @GreavsieE17

Wandered up to the farmers market. All I can say is, sorry Pingu @StowDiary When the receptionist at the hotel recognises you then you realise that you’re here far too often. #Walthamstow @call_me_cynical

Cream chargers. Dogshit. Mattresses. Chicken boxes. Can the Forest Gate/South Leytonstone gentrification please get a bloody move on? @teninchwheels A fake pterodactyl with tattered wings, sitting forlorn & frozen on its fibreglass perch, is the perfect symbol of the A406 at Chingford… @UncalmItalian

This Streetview image of @stowtradeshall’s signage reminds me of a famous sitcom! #fartytowels @DannyCoope Walthamstow makes its own soap! It smells of craft beer, fried chicken, weed & dog poo. Sublime #walthamsoap @Pix007 All that’s missing is the aroma of an @JoeF_E17 abandoned mattress

The spirit of Hidden Figures/A Beautiful Mind is swarming the pavements around @Bell_E17 @wynwoodartd Hmmm???? @Danny Coope 37




This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts & Crafts Until 21 May Plant Works: A Factory As It Might Be William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Exhibiting cardboard plant-machines and 2D counterparts by artist Clare Mitten. A reimagining of A Factory As it Might Be - William Morris’s vision for how beautiful factories would act as centres of education and creativity. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. Until Saturday 27 May NEW David Barrette: A Dreamer of Pictures Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP Under the theme of music, in its myriad forms this show incorporates digital collages, found images, song lyrics as text and a short film as well as photography. Private view Friday 5 May. Tues-Sat 9-5.30pm. FREE. 5-28 May NEW Paul Tucker: Anorak Activity Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ An exhibition of photographs that examine the present and reflect on the past. Preview drinks Friday 5 May 7-9pm. Child, dog and cycle-friendly outdoor venue. Open daylight hours, lit until midnight. FREE 4-28 May NEW ’Counterpoint@ by Ivy Panesar and Philipa Day The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG A collaboration between two artists previously unknown to each other, utilises contrast of colour to create contradictory and varied emotional reactions. There are notable discrepancies in their work and method which create a magical disharmony. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. From 28 May-26 June NEW Family Ties Wynwood Art District Cafe, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Wynwood’s next curated group exhibition brings together local visual artists exploring the diverse theme of ‘family ties’. Don’t miss it! Open cafe hours 7am-6pm daily. FREE. 38

22-28 May NEW Art as an Act of War Winns Gallery, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 5JW Inspired by a famous photograph of an Republican officer during the Spanish Civil War by Robert Capa where his partner photographer Gerda Taro is inadvertently captured, Barry Bliss turns the camera on 30 photographers with sometimes surprising results. 11am7pm. FREE. Until 14 May Sheer Pleasure: Frank Brangwyn and the Art of Japan William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP A rare chance to view Frank Brangwyn’s collection of Japanese art at the William Morris Gallery, including prints by Hokusai and Hiroshige. Marking the 150th anniversary of Brangwyn’s birth. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. Until 30 June Meow! Walthamstow Library, High Street E17 7JN Meow used to be a stray, now he has a fantastic home and an art show in Walthamstow library. Art and poetry exhibition with free colouring-in sheets for young visitors. Open during normal library hours: Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-6pm, Sun 10am-4pm. FREE. Until 27 May NEW Wonderful Wetlands 2017 Exhibition The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA See works by local artists, learn from historical artefacts and look out for swifts overhead. Learn about local wildlife and this amazing new resource. A celebration of the wildlife, history and development of the amazing Walthamstow Wetlands. Open during normal Mill hours: Tues-Fri 9.30am6pm, Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. FREE. Mondays Walthamstow & District Photographic Society Greenleaf Road Baptist Church, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ Enthusiastic mixed group meeting for lively talks, discussions, competitions and courses. 8-10pm. First 3 visits FREE.

3-18 June E17 ART TRAIL see

DANCE/FITNESS Until 21 May LAST CHANCE WE: The Ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Exploring the history of Warner Estate houses and the memories of people who lived in them. Artists Lucy Harrison and Katherine Green capture the stories of these unique homes through original photography, interviews and artefacts. Supported by Arts Council England and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. Wednesdays NEW The Nag’s Head Knitting Club The Nag’s Head, 9 Orford Rd E17 9LP Everyone welcome for a chat and a knit. For all levels of knitters. Over 18s only. 7-9pm. FREE, but donations welcome. Rebecca Hayes 020 8520 9709

Music, theatre & singing Fridays NEW Live Music at In Vino Veritas In Vino Veritas, 21 Orford Road E17 9NL Listen to great live jazz, blues and traditional standards while enjoying some fantastic wine and food. Who knows, there might even be a bit of a singalong. 7.30-10pm. FREE entry. Fortnightly, 5 & 19 May NEW Nag’s Head presents… Alternative Fridays The Nag’s Head, 9 Orford Road E17 9LP With Lemony F.K. spinning your fave tunes every other Friday. Over 18s only! 7-11pm. FREE. Fortnightly on Mondays and the last Thursday HarmonyE4 Winchester Road Methodist Church, Winchester Road, Highams Park E4 9JP A community choir for Highams Park. Join us as we rehearse an all-new Spring set. All abilities, ages and genders welcome. 7.45-9.30pm. £5. Kate Milner 07969 269107 Mondays Waltham Forest Community Choir St Mary’s Church, Church Hill E17 9RJ A friendly choir with a wide-ranging repertoire. No audition required. Open to all adults living or working in Waltham Forest but actively looking for tenors and basses. 7.30-9.30pm. £5 plus termly subscription. 07954 740745



Mondays Sing17 (formerly WO choir) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Join our thriving, all ability choir. Absolutely no auditions. Drop in and join in. Inclusive informal and fun. 7.30-9pm. £7, £6 in adv, FREE taster. Laura 07813 686980 Tuesdays The CommUnity Gospel Choir Wesleyan Christian Centre, 1 Harrow Green, Leytonstone E11 3HP All welcome with no audition, make new friends and sing uplifting, inspiring Gospel music! No experience or skill needed, just a willingness to join in and have fun singing with others. 7.159pm. £5, or £45 for all 10 in adv. Beverly Collins 07984 398271 Choir Tuesdays East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Weekly modern jazz club hosted by drummer Clive Fenner features the UK’s best jazz musicians in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. The Music Room has a bar with real ale. 8.30-11pm. £6 on the door, no membership required. Wednesdays WAVE Community Choir Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY We’re funky, jazzy and recruiting! All welcome, no auditions. Fresh from our performance with Cleo Laine and Jacqui Dankworth we’re raring to go. 7.30-9.30pm. First rehearsal FREE, then £10, £8 conc. Virginia Firnberg 07813 116505 Wednesdays The Rose & Crown Singers NEW Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Friendly community choir singing a musical mix of folk, drinking songs and more modern material. Try us out, no audition or experience needed. 7.309.30pm. £5. Wednesdays (Term time only) Natural Voices: Walthamstow Mixed Choir for Men & Women Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Taking the stuffiness out of choirs! It’s singing with a twist of fun. Beginners welcome, no auditions and no sightreading. We do glorious covers of pop, soul, rock, jazz and comedy songs. 7.309pm. Taster session FREE, £10 pay as you go, £8 when booked per term. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338 Events marked

kid friendly



Sundays (term time only) Natural Voices – Youth choirs: Juniors & Seniors (11-20 yrs) Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Taking the stuffiness out of choirs! It’s singing with a twist of fun. Beginners welcome, no auditions and no sightreading. We do glorious covers of pop, soul, rock, jazz and comedy songs. Juniors 10-11am & seniors 11am12pm . £6 pay as you go, £5 when booked per term. FREE taster session. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338 Fridays Karaoke Night with CNN Karaoke The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Old songs, new songs, rock n’ roll and blues songs... something for everyone. Join us as you take the mic and become the star. 8.30pm-midnight. FREE entry. Thursdays Hornbeam Nights: Live Music The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Hornbeam Nights every Thursday are going from strength to strength and we’re loving having such a range of music transform our cafe into a buzzing evening music venue. Happy Hour 7.30-8.30pm, all drinks £3. Check website and Facebook for weekly details. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Tuesdays North East London Voices Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG The NELV collective is seeking new singers, songwriters and performers aged 11-18yrs. We sing a variety of songs from Emeli Sande to Michael Jackson as well as writing our own. Join us! 6.30-7.30pm. £2.80 per session, £28 per 10 or £14 for low income families 020 8496 1582

Film Tuesdays Free Cinema Night The Red Lion Ballroom, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Come and watch some classic films on our big screen for no charge at all. There’s a fully stocked bar open and we even throw in free popcorn too! Doors 7.30pm, film 8pm. FREE.

Events marked

kid friendly


Quizzes & Games Saturdays Plonk Crazy Golf The Chequers, 145 High Street/Storey Road E17 7BX Plonked down at The Old Stable’s Yard at The Chequers, Plonk’s new 9-hole course wraps around the newly opened yard. 12 noon-11pm. £9.





Fortnightly on Tues 9 & 23 Tuesday Board Games Evening Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH A fortnightly evening of games with a small and friendly group. Expect modern and traditional, strategy and party games, board, card, dice and tile games. Favouring competitive games over cooperative ones. Over 18s only. 7-11pm. 0208 926 6862 Fortnightly on Thurs 4 & 18 Thursday Board Games Evening 11 Hoe Street E17 4SD As above except different dates & venue Thursdays Neil’s Music Quiz The Flowerpot, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX Hosted by Neil’s Big Quiz this weekly music quiz includes picture and table rounds. How many bonus points will you get for the connection? Cash jackpot! 9-11pm. £1. Mondays The MMM Quiz Night Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Weekly quiz night in the Mirth foyer bar. Includes £50 cash prize. From 8pm. £2 per person, no team size limit but penalties for teams over 6! Sundays Friendly Pub Quiz Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Free entry and top prize £50. 8.30-11pm. FREE. Nic 020 8520 3709 Sundays General Knowledge Quiz Night The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Weekly quiz night, with general knowledge and specialist rounds including an interval round. Cash jackpot £50 plus and Play Your Cards Right. 8.30-11pm. £1.50. Tuesdays Quiz Night The Royal Oak Pub & Kitchen, 320 Hale End Road, Highams Park IG8 9LN A very enjoyable, fun-filled quiz night with prizes and more prizes. 8pm.

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Mondays Pop Quiz The Nags Head, 9 Orford Road E17 9LP An entertaining and fun evening, though prepare for the deadly earworm! Not the average music quiz. Food available courtesy of The Koop. Quiz starts 8pm. £2 each, max 8 per team. Tuesdays General Knowledge Quiz The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL Can you beat the cards? Will you be lucky 7 or will you be taking home the spoon? Quiz night with cash and wine to be won with Neil’s Big Quiz. 8.30-11pm. £1.50. Wednesdays Leyton Technical Quiz Night 265b High Road Leyton E10 5QN £50 cash prize for the winners, bottle of house wine for the runners up plus a cumulative bonus round rollover prize and spot prizes too. 8pm start. £2 per person.

Sundays The Micro-Pub Quiz Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Every single Sunday join us in our micro-brewery for a micro-pub quiz. Cash prizes, free drinks and a packet of crisps are up for grabs! 5-7pm. £1 per person. Tash 07815 413942

Gardening & Environment 1st, 2nd & 3rd Tuesday & last Saturday Chingford Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road E4 6XU Conservation volunteering is a cure for many of life’s ills, they say. There’s no better cure than being in the great outdoors and it enables volunteers to get physically active. All tools and refreshments provided. 10am-1pm. FREE. Gareth 0208 533 8022 Fridays Lloyd Park Green Gym Meet outside the Stables, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP As above except different day, time and location. 10.45am-2pm.

To advertise your business contact 39



Thursdays William Morris Garden: Volunteer Gardening Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Help keep the William Morris Garden looking beautiful. Join our welcoming group to improve your health and wellbeing, be part of your community, meet new people, gain skills and get outdoors. No gardening experience necessary. Wear old clothes and sturdy shoes. Free tea and cake provided. 10am-1pm. FREE. 0208 496 2822 Saturdays & Wednesdays Open Community Garden Church Lane Community Garden, Harold Road, Leytonstone E11 4QX Visit Transition Leytonstone’s awardwinning community garden with its organic fruit and veg, plants to buy, gardening tools to borrow, growing tips, regular workshops and volunteering opportunities too. Sat 10am-4pm, Weds 11am-4pm. FREE. Shannon 07450474538

Family Saturdays Free Health and Social Walk Meet at Wanstead Place GP Surgery, 45 Wanstead Place E11 2SW Organised weekly walk visiting Leytonstone, Whipps Cross, Wanstead and South Woodford. No booking required, just turn up and enjoy the company! 10.30-11.30am. FREE. Michelle Wood 020 8708 0950 Thursdays until August The B.R.E.A.K. Project Paradox Centre, 3 Ching Way, Chingford E4 8YD Exciting new project funded by the Big Lottery for young women and girls aged 14+. During the programme, you will gain insight into topics that affect women on a daily basis. 5-7pm. FREE. Kasima 07535 280467 Thursdays until 18 May Junior Art Club The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA For kids over 6 years; Five sessions on ‘dragons’ with David - paper, cardboard and clay. Sign up for all sessions if possible and create your own dragons! Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult. Can be messy. Limited places so please book. 4-5.30pm. £2. David Hughes 020 8521 3211

Events marked

kid friendly


Mon-Fri exc Tues (term-time only) Bongalong for under 5s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Fun, creative music, movement and make believe - a lively mix of singing, dancing, let’s pretend and fab percussion instruments. Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 10am and 11am sessions plus 1.30pm on Mondays and 11am only on Wednesdays. £5.25 booked termly. 07811 460282 Tuesdays Bongalong for under 5s Greenleaf Road Baptist Church, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ As above except different venue. 1.30pm. Mon, Weds & Thurs Bongalong for under 1s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF As above. Mondays 2.30pm, Wednesdays 10am and Thursdays 1.30 and 2.30pm. Fridays Bongalong for under 5s The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA As above. 2.15-3pm.

Food markets & shopping Saturdays E17 Village Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Indoor market brought to you by local residents and micro businesses, showcasing the best in artisan produce, international street food, homeware, clothing and gifts. 10.30am-3.30pm. Sundays Farmers’ Market Town Square, Walthamstow E17 4HU Stalls offering a changing, seasonal selection of meat, game and poultry, cheese, eggs, fruit, vegetables, cider, baked goods, honey, plants and herbs, seafood, pies, quiches and cakes. Please note, some stalls may take a week off without notice. 10am-2pm. Saturdays OrganicLea Market Stall The Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Organic and local sustainably grown fruit, vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. Healthy Start vouchers can be used. 10am-3pm. our-market-stall

DANCE/FITNESS Saturdays Community Local Produce Market Stall with OrganicLea & Transition Leytonstone St John’s Church, Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Delicious, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, and other local produce for sale. A partnership between Organiclea and Transition Leytonstone. 10.30am-3pm.

Calendar of events Sunday 30 April Stow-a-Thon Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA The 4th edition of Walthamstow’s remarkable 24-hour party. Non-stop live music from our incredible community. All monies raised this year will go to CREST, supporting dementia sufferers across the borough. From 12 noon. FREE but donations encouraged.

Monday 1 Stow-a-Thon Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Details as 30 April, until 12 noon. Hollywood E17 Beuleigh Court, 280 Wood Street E17 3PA. Between 1910 and 1926, 400 silent films were made by four film studios, located on around Wood Street. Actor Paul McGann will unveil a blue plaque to recognise and honour E17’s place in silent cinema history on the former site of Precision Film Studios the UK’s first purpose built film studio. 12-1pm. FREE. precision-studios-blue-plaque-unveilingtickets-33424545716 Stormy Monday Blues Evening Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA With your hosts the Battered Saucepan Blues Band. 8.45pm-11pm. FREE.

Tuesday 2 Fun Choir The Leyton Star Pub, 16 High Rd Leyton E15 2BX Stress-free performance-free singing just for fun, once-a-month. No experience needed. A euphoric night of singing your heart out. 7.30-9pm. £10 pay as you go, £8 when booked per term. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338 Social Dances in Leyton The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road E10 5JY Supported by Waltham Forest Culture and led by Akademi, these social dances on the 1st Tuesday of the month will celebrate many different dance styles. Hit the dance floor to Quadrille, Bollywood, Salsa, Lindy Hop and much more! 1-4pm. £5 cash on the door or online from our website, carers FREE. Giulia Ghinelli 020 7691 3210



Wednesday 3 Under 5s, Lloyd Park Nature Explorers: Pond Dippers & Bug Hunt Community Room, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Rd E17 4PP We’ll begin inside with a simple craft related to our monthly theme, with books and toys available, followed by a ramble in the park before stories and a healthy snack inside. 10am-12pm. FREE, but donations appreciated. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 Grow Your Own Theatre: Secret Gardens The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Drama and making with Sarah from Grow Your Own Theatre. Create your own secret garden and decide where to explore - what magical plants will you grow? 10am 3-5yrs, 11am 6-8yrs. £6. Sarah 07740 343240 Grow Your Own Theatre: Storymakers, 9-18 year olds Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Make your own mini-show from scratch. 9-11yrs 4-5.30pm, 11-18yrs 5.307pm. £25 for 4 weeks. Sarah 07740 343240 Ideas Kitchen: Launch Party Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Celebrate the launch of the Ideas Kitchen, a local community arts funding platform and supper club. Enjoy music, food and find out how it all works. 7.309.30pm. FREE. Sade Banks 0207 382 7030 Red Imp presents Tom Stade Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Rock’n’roll Canadian and star of Live at the Apollo Tom Stade makes his long awaited E17 debut. An hour of workin-progress with support from Vladimir McTavish. 8.30-10.30pm. £12. Book via Harrow Fair / Diamond Family Archive What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Canadian duo Harrow Fair, stomping songs that echo early country and rock’n’roll. Plus psych-folk, freak-folk and alt-folk from the highly-acclaimed Diamond Family Archive. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

40 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Thursday 4 Tips, Tricks & Favourite Apps Waltham Forest Resource Hub (North), 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU Computer class for the over 50s. What are apps and what are they used for (Spotify, Playstore etc). Multi-touch tricks and shortcuts. You can also bring your questions for the discussion. 10.30am12.30pm. £5. Emma Tozer 020 8558 5512

Friday 5 Kid’s Book Drop for Charity Give A Book Tidy Books Offices, The Tramworks, 10 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Drop off your pre-loved children’s books at Tidy Books HQ and we’ll donate them to registered charity Give A Book who distributes books to breakfast clubs and school book clubs around London. 10am-5pm. Preview Evening for David Barette: A Dreamer of Pictures Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe St E17 9AP Private view for this solo show incorporating digital collages, found images, song lyrics as text, and a short film as well as photography. Continues until 27 May. 6.30-8.30pm. FREE. Preview of Paul Tucker’s Anorak Activity Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ Preview drinks for Paul Tucker’s show of photographs that examine the present and reflect on the past. Continues until 28 May. Child, dog and cycle-friendly outdoor venue. 7-9pm. Walthamstow Gay Meetup Email for venue details, E17 In its 3rd year this is a friendly, convivial evening of like-minded people having a great time around a drink or two with good conversations, fun and lots of laughter. 6.30-10pm. FREE, but membership £5 per year. Jean-Francois Rush Job The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF John Garner (Higham Flyers) teams up again with guest singers Sam Henwood, Arty Parker and members of the general public. Fancy a sing? Message the pub and we’ll see what we can do. 8.3011.30pm. FREE.

Events marked

kid friendly





The Nag’s Head presents… Alternative Fridays The Nag’s Head, 9 Orford Road E17 9LP With Lemony FK spinning your fave tunes every other Friday. Over 18s only. 7-11pm. FREE. Cool Late Night Jazz The William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Road E17 4JD Cool late night jazz from the Paul Kaufman quartet and guests. 8.3011.30pm. FREE.

Saturday 6 Monthly Car Boot Sale Staff car park (near A&E) Whipps Cross Hospital, Whipps Cross Road E11 1NR Car boot sale on the first Saturday of the month, presented by the Whipps Cross Hospital League of Friends. No food or drink sellers please. 7am-12 noon. FREE. To book a space call Mrs. B. Fone on 020 8556 3492 between 5-9pm Monday to Friday. Cars £10, vans £14. First World War Local History Day Vestry House Museum & St Mary’s Church Walthamstow, Vestry Road E17 9NH A joint event between the East London Western Front Association and Vestry House Museum about the First World War with talks, displays, experts, re-enactors and book signings by local authors. Come for all or part of the day. Refreshments available. 10am-5pm. FREE, but donations for associated charities welcome. 07710 877072 Grow Your Own Theatre: Secret Gardens The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Drama and making with Sarah from Grow Your Own Theatre. Create your own secret garden and decide where to explore - what magical plants will you grow? 10am 3-5yrs, 11am 6-8yrs. £6. Sarah 07740 343240 Saturday Stitching Club Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre, 90 Crownfield Road E15 2BG Our Club is open to beginners and more experienced sewers. We particularly welcome disabled sewers and sewers learning to cope with changes to their abilities. 11am-3pm. £6. Peri 020 8534 1589 Village Veg Planting Day Village Veg Plot, 1 Beulah Road E17 9LG Come along and help us plant the seeds and seedlings that will bloom into veg over the summer. Suitable for big ones and little ones. 2-4pm. FREE. Darryl 07855 986730

The Stones Throw Market St John’s Church Hall, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH Popular local market with over 20 stalls selling a mix of local designers including jewellery, pottery, glassware and some quirky retro pieces, vintage clothing and home made cakes and tea. 11am-4pm. FREE.

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”.

Poledancing Workshop (Novice Level) East of Eden, Studio 1, The Tramworks, Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Learn a routine of spins, static holds and floorwork, a taster of up-coming courses. Develops body confidence, strength, flexibility and tone. 3.305.30pm. Introductory price £14.99. 07789434860

To advertise your business contact 41



Saturday 6 continued Haggis Horns: Live / Mr Thing and Guests Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH A 7 piece live extravaganza combining heavy breakbeat funk, soul, hip-hop and afrobeat Haggis Horns were described by Mark Ronson as ‘The best horn section in the world.’ 9pm. £11. Cross the Tracks: DJ Andy Smith The Red Lion, 640 High Road Leytonstone E11 3AA DJ Andy Smith’s adventure through the legend’s vault of 45s. On the first Saturday of the month. Record Roulette The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE DJs Tom Gold & Harry Palmer bring the beat back to the heart of Stow-Hoe. Trying out The Bell’s new DJ booth with another stack of the funkiest 24 carat vinyl. 8-11pm. FREE. Harmonica Lewinsky The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Guitarist, harmonica-operative, vocaliser and ukulele-abuser (CRB-checked). Cockney knees-up music: Chas’n’Dave, Blockheads, music hall, TV theme tunes, cowboy songs, football songs, Elvis, Tom Jones and more! 8.30-11pm. FREE. Galley Beggar What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Galley Beggar are a 6-piece band described as ‘acid folk’ who emit everything from a gentle whisper in three-part harmony to an hallucinogenic roar. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection.

Sunday 7 Dawn Chorus: Walk & Talk Meet by Main Entrance Gates, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP An early start for this walk and talk with Tim Harris. He’ll identify birdsong as we stroll round the park spotting birds. Followed by a free light breakfast. 5am7.30am. FREE but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 E17 Designers’ Spring Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Pop along to Orford Road for this month’s market of jewellery, clothes, prints and more from our highly talented bunch of designer-makers. All under one roof, with lots of affordable goodies for birthdays, weddings or a treat! 2.30-5.30pm. FREE entry. Events marked





Leyton&Stone Designers Market The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Local makers at the Northcote! Original handmade cushions, prints, cards, clothing, bags and purses, handcream and skincare, jewellery, homewares and more! 12-5pm. FREE entry. Play House Disco Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Need a pint but need to entertain the kids? At the monthly Play House Disco you can do both! Featuring thumping music, food, cheap bar, crafting, facepainting, baby area, massage and lots of crazy disco lighting! 1-4pm. £8, children £5, early bird discounts. Lawn Bowls: Beginners’ Open Day Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Learn to play lawn bowls on the historic Orford House bowls green. Equipment provided, just bring flat shoes. Cash bar available throughout. A great way to try the game! Over 18s only. 2-5pm. FREE. Darryl Abelscroft 0785 5986370 Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Road E4 7HR Taking place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays with activities from Kids’ Kitchen, Walk the Loop and craft activities. Bring your wellington boots! Thanks to the Friday Hill Community Association for the support. 2-4pm. FREE. Stow Film Lounge presents AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951, Cert U) Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Gene Kelly plays an American ex-GI who stays in post-war Paris to become a painter, and falls for the gamine charms of Leslie Caron’s Lise. Boasts superlative production numbers and plenty of vintage Gershwin tunes. Doors 2pm, film 2.30pm, close 4.45pm. £7/£5 conc. Buy at the bar, on the door or online E17 Designers’ Spring Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Pop along to Orford Road for this month’s market of jewellery, clothes, prints and more from our highly talented bunch of designer-makers. All under one roof, with lots of affordable goodies for birthdays, weddings or a treat! 2.30-5.30pm. FREE entry.

Thank You for the Music! St Andrews Church Leytonstone, 153 Colworth Road E11 1JD A fun selection of songs and sketches are presented by the ‘Friends of Gary Holman’; raising money for Diabetes UK and Parkinsons UK. 7-9.30pm. £5. Sandra 07885 099468 Sunday Sessions at The Bell The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE On the first Sunday of the month, some of the very best unsigned acoustic acts in London perform. Hosted by Trevor Kaneswaran. 7.30-10.30pm. FREE. The Rheingans Sisters at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Playing traditional material and their own songs and compositions, Rowan and Anna play a rich tapestry of banjo, bansitar, viola, kantele and other instruments in addition to their duelling fiddles and voices. 7.30-10.30pm. £10, £8 unwaged.

Monday 8 Under 5s, Lloyd Park Nature Explorers: Pond Dippers & Bug Hunt Community Room, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Rd E17 4PP We’ll begin inside with a simple craft related to our monthly theme, with books and toys available, followed by a ramble in the park before stories and a healthy snack inside. 10am-12pm. FREE, but donations appreciated. Vicky Peet 07870 678571

Wednesday 10 Bâton Bleu / Rachel Dean & Tim Gray What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Bâton Bleu are a French duo whose distinctive sound is rooted in the blues, but also incorporates elements of world music. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

kid friendly

42 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Thursday 11 Creative Kids: Transformations William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Use your imagination to invent cardboard sculptures inspired by Clare Mitten’s exhibition of fantasy plant-machines: Plantworks. A session for under 5’s to enjoy with their parents and carers. 10-11.30am and 1-2.30pm. FREE, booking essential. 020 8496 4390 Beatles in 5 Minute Bites Walthamstow Central Library, High Street E17 7JN Join leading Beatles historian Mark Lewisohn at this Walthamstow Rock’n’Roll Book Club event. 6-8pm. Maestro Corelli’s Violins St Mary’s Church, Walthamstow, 8 Church End/ Church Hill E17 9RJ Music in the Village presents Collegium Musicum 90 directed from the violin by Simon Standage. Concertos for 1, 2 and 4 violins by three of Corelli’s star pupils: Antonio Montanari, Giovanni Mossi and Guiseppe Valentini. 7.30-9pm. £13, £6.50, all on the door. 020 8223 0772

Friday 12 Curry & Quiz 4 Refugee Community Kitchen Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Join us for a fundraising night in aid of the Refugee Community Kitchen with quizmaster Rowan McIntyre plus delicious vegetable curry by Sham’s Kitchen. Max teams of 8. 7.30-11pm. £15 in advance only from Eventbrite That Blue Patch The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Smooth cabaret-style and often bluesy interpretations of standards and classics to entrance and entertain in equal measure. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

Saturday 13 Plantworks: Symposium William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Presentations and discussion exploring William Morris’ relationship with industry through the lenses of nature and landscape, technology and utopia, labour, aesthetica and biomimetics. 10am-4.30pm. FREE but booking is essential. 020 8496 4390

Events marked

kid friendly


Weaving Together: Family Workshops Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Winns Terrace E17 5EQ Free drop-in workshops for Sufi drumming (10am and 11am), multimedia weaving (1-2pm) and a community jamboree of Persian music and poetry (4-6pm) - hosted by master weaver Rezia Wahid MBE and Sufi musician Khaled Hakim. Inspired by William Morris’ passion for handicrafts, Persian music and poetry. FREE. Rezia 07939 824177 Marshland Medicine: Herb Walk Meet at Coppermill Field Car Park, Coppermill Lane E17 7HG Monthly guided plant walk exploring the seasonal rotations of food and medicine for our bodies and souls. Sharing knowledge of plant recognition, folklore, medicinal uses and responsible foraging practices. 12-2pm. £10, £8 conc. 07784 506494 Listening to Jazz in the Digital Age Loughton Library, Traps Hill, Loughton IG10 1HD Award-winning music journalist and author Stuart Nicholson will explore how we listen to music in general, and jazz in particular, in the new digital world, and how new technology is changing the experience. 2.30-4pm. £5. David Nathan 020 8502 4701 Bilingual Families & Brexit The Limes Community and Children’s Centre, 6 Somers Road E17 6RX How will Brexit affect my multilingual family? A lawyer and a psychologist will discuss the challenges with plenty of time to answer your questions. Funding permitting there’ll be a storytelling session (ages 4-11) and a crèche (ages 2-4). Places for this will be limited and need to be booked ahead. 3.30-5.30pm, FREE but please register on Eventbrite. Claire 07770 860038 Bob Collum The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF A welcome return for Bob and Mags - great Country/Americana duo. Fine songwriting superbly performed. 8.3011pm. FREE.

Sunday 14 Hoe St Market: Launch In the front car park of The Trades Hall, 17 Hoe Street E17 4SD A new monthly outdoor market selling art, crafts, food, coffee, gifts and more. Bring your pennies to support local artists, small caterers and independent businesses. 12-5pm. FREE entry.



Aero Bowls Demo Day Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Learn to play lawn bowls with World Champion and Commonwealth Games gold medalist Ellen Falkner! Equipment provided, just bring flat shoes. Cash bar available throughout. A great way to try the game! Over 18s only. 2-5pm. FREE. Darryl Abelscroft 0785 5986370 German Language Play & Activity Group Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Road E4 7HR Indoor and outdoor family activities for all those interested in the German language and culture. 2-4pm. FREE.

Monday 15 Kids’ Kitchen The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Monthly session: preparing and eating fresh healthy food with under 5s while singing songs, playing and washing up. 10am-12pm. £4, £2.50 conc includes child’s lunch. Booking essential. Leytonstone Green Drinks The Walnut Tree, 857-861 High Rd Leytonstone E11 1HH Come along on the 15th of any month and enjoy good company, green conversations and great beer. Look for the table with the green tablecloth and 3 Green Tankards sign. 8-11pm. FREE. Diana Korchien 07747 014 235

Wednesday 17 Capital Ground: Sports on Wanstead Flats St John’s Church Hall, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH Mark Gorman of the Leyton and Leytonstone Historical Society will give an illustrated talk. This will follow the L&LHS AGM. Tea/coffee and biscuits from 7.15. 7.45-9.45pm. £2, FREE to members. Hope In High Water / Robert Chaney & Laura Tenschert / Slow Leaves What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Hope In High Water are a UK duo whose distinctly British take on acoustic Americana has captivated audiences across the UK. Florida-born songwriter Robert Chaney plays gothic country. Slow Leaves play songs from the attic. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. General Echo’s Ska & Rocksteady Special The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Monthly reggae disco featuring vinyl treasures, cosmic FX and earthquake dub. 8pm-midnight. £3.


Thursday 18 Talk: The Battle of Verdun Walthamstow Sports Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A talk by Christina Holstein on The Battle of Verdun in 1916. Christina lived in the area for many years and researched the battle from both sides and has written extensively on the subject. 7.30-10pm. FREE, but £3 donation welcome. Western Front Association London East Branch: Neil Pearce 07956 541897 Jazz Up Thursdays with Philip Antonia Quartet Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Enjoy Philip Antonia Quartet at the Luna every third Thursday of the month plus a special guest. 8-11pm. FREE. Los Otros The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Enjoy the mellow sounds of jazz standards or get up and dance to swing and Bossa Nova in the Victoria’s cosy upstairs bar. 9-11.30pm. FREE.

Friday 19 E17 Baby Social Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Grown up music, grown up chat. A monthly social for E17 parents/carers and their babies/toddlers. 2-4pm. £3. Big Buddha Thai Kitchen Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ Fabulous, fresh and homemade Thai food from Nat. Veggie options available and tasty tapas style snacks. Serving until he runs out! 6.30-9.30pm. Dish prices vary. Nag’s Head presents… Alternative Fridays The Nag’s Head, 9 Orford Road E17 9LP With Lemony F.K. spinning your fave tunes every other Friday. Over 18s only! 7-11pm. FREE. Dial M for Music Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Rd E11 1NP Monthly music club hosted by The Persecuted featuring the finest local talent. With visuals and vintage items for sale. 7.45-11pm. FREE, with collection for the bands. The Platform The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF A night dedicated to providing a platform for local performers and a couple of acts from further afield. Check Facebook/website for latest details. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

To advertise your business contact 43



Saturday 20 Church Hill Nursery School: Spring Fair Church Hill Nursery School , 47 Woodbury Road E17 9SB Family fun day with retro games, bouncy castle, fab raffle, cakes, crafts, face painting, henna tattoos and Walthamstow School for Girls’ Steel Band. Fun for all the family and the best summer fair food in Walthamstow. 11am-2pm. Adults £1, children FREE. Games tickets £1 per strip. Leytonstone Market St Johns Churchyard, High Road Leytonstone E11 1HH Outdoor market in lovely St John’s churchyard in central Leytonstone. Arts and crafts, hot and cold food and drinks, handmade gifts, plants, pottery, quilts, handknits, prints, clothing, cards and jewellery. 12-5pm. FREE entry. Lloyd Park Volunteer Gardening Meet in the garden near Forest Road gate, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Help keep the William Morris Garden looking lovely and improve your health and well-being, be part of your community, get outdoors and learn about gardening. Adults only. No experience required. 1-3pm. FREE. 0208 496 2822 Star Wars versus Harry Potter The Mill , 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA The train now leaving platform 9 3/4 is for a galaxy far, far away. Themed family fun day including crafts, activities and cakes. Dress as your favourite character. 2-5pm. Children £3, adults FREE. Natasha 020 8521 3211 Guided Walk: Wood Street - A Street of Surprises Wood Street Library, Wood St/Forest Rd E17 4AA Join this free guided walk arranged by Walthamstow Historical Society to explore the history of Wood Street, its buildings and the location of its historic film studios. 2-3.30pm. FREE, just turn up. Repeated Wednesday 23 May. Thin Wire Fence / Snakerattlers What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Praised for their unique, edgy sound Thin Wire Fence deliver raw distorted guitar, grizzled vocals, swathes of haunting pedal steel and psychedelic synth. From fragile beauty to a full tilt wall of sound. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection. Events marked

kid friendly


The Saturday Session Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Eastern Front Soundsystem and guests Michelle Kelly and Adrian Spurdon bring eclectic, Balearic, and disco vibes to the brewery. 4pm-midnight. FREE. The Spangles Gang / Peppercornrent The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Excellent country/bluegrass from The Spangles Gang with Peppercornrents’ folk rock vibe with a Balkan/gypsy twist. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

Sunday 21 Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Road E4 7HR Details as Sunday 7. Mill Radio The Mill , 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Informal drop-in recording sessions on the third Sunday of the month. Come and join in the chat, read your poem, play your music or whatever you like. Segments are edited and uploaded to where they remain permanently available. Completely free and very relaxed. 10am-1pm. FREE. Stow Film Lounge presents BRIGHTON ROCK (1947, Cert PG) Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Richard Attenborough’s Pinkie, a psychotic, razor-toting gang leader, romances and marries a teenage waitress in order to keep her silent about one of his nefarious crimes. Doors 2pm, film 2.30pm, close 4.30pm. £7/£5 conc. Buy at the bar, on the door or online Swift Talks Afternoon The Mill , 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA An afternoon of learning, inspiration and fun. A series of short talks, film and exhibits related to wildlife and history featuring ‘Wetlands Steve’, Swift Conservation, Vestry House and PreConstruct Archaeology. Tea and cake sale. 2-4.30pm. FREE. Mum2mum Market Walthamstow Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Mum2Mum Market run baby and children’s ‘nearly new sales’ where mums sell to mums - As seen on Dragons Den! 3.30-5.30pm. £2 entry. Nadisha and Jess 07947 608286

DANCE/FITNESS Held At Hucks #013: Malin Anderson / Crayon Angels / Julie Usher Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU Held at Hucks returns for its monthly instalment of singer songwriters performing their music in the intimate setting of Hucks. Evocative songwriting from Malin Anderson, Walthamstow three-piece Crayon Angels and blues from musician Julie Usher. 2-4pm. FREE.

Monday 22 East London Humanists: Sharia Courts Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road E11 2RQ National Secular Society council member Sadikur Rahman will lead a talk and discussion about Sharia courts at this month’s meeting of the East London Humanists. Doors open at 7pm for light refreshments. 7.30-9pm. FREE.

Tuesday 23 Guided Walk: Wood Street - A Street of Surprises Wood Street Library, Wood St/Forest Rd E17 4AA Details as 20 May except 11am start



Managing My Digital Photos Waltham Forest Resource Hub (North), 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU Session for the over 50s looking at how digital photos are stored on cameras, computers, tablets and other devices. Learn how to move photos from place to place. 10.30am-12.30pm. £5. Emma Tozer 020 8558 5512 More News From Nowhere The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Monthly night of the best experimental and abstract music from London and beyond. On the 4th Thursday of every month. 1.30-4.30pm. FREE.

Friday 26 Sham’s Kitchen Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ The now legendary Shams returns with her now legendary Pakistani street food pop-up. Hot spicy goodness and ice cold Martinis. Veg options and takeaway also available. 6.30-9.30pm. Dish prices vary. While stocks last.

Wednesday 24

Saturday 27

Walthamstow Floral Art Society Walthamstow Sports Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A monthly meeting for flower arranging demos, fun and friendship. 7.30-10pm. £7.50, members £2. Ann Young 020 8531 8178

Family Day: Bowled Over William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Learn to make coil pots and explore circular designs on bowls and plates by Morris and de Morgan. 1-4pm. FREE, drop-in event for families with children of all ages.

Jo Carley & The Old Dry Skulls / Paul-Ronney Angel / Jonah Kraut What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-Servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd E11 3DB Album launch for the Old Dry Skulls’ debut disc ‘Them Old Bones’ throwing bluegrass, ska, country and punk into a backwoods still to make musical moonshine. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 25 These Days present Samuel Kerridge Live Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Berlin-based Samuel Kerridge has garnered a dedicated following for his expertly executed slow churning industrial techno. 8-10pm. £10. Hornbeam Monthly Film Night The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH On the last Thursday of the month The Hornbeam shows a film on any subject that helps us think about the way we build communities, or live sustainably. Check website for the focus of the month’s film. 6-9.30pm. FREE.

BringBackTheBeat: Fundraiser Part 1 Wildcard Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate off Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Kat Richmond (Electronic 17) and Dom Mandrell (Soul Picnic) plus guests join forces for this fundraising DJ-led weekender. All money raised goes towards the dance tent they’ll be programming at July’s Walthamstow Garden Party. Bring your generosity and your dancing shoes. Continues tomorrow. 5-10pm. FREE but pay what you can. Poledancing Workshop (Novice Level) East of Eden, Studio 1, The Tramworks, Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Details as 6 May 335 Experience The Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Excellent blues-rock 3-piece with a hardedged rhythm’n’blues attitude. Went down a storm last time. Looking forward to more of the same. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

44 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



The Nag’s Head Spin-a-Disc Revived The Nag’s Head, 9 Orford Road E17 9LP Spin-a-disc is back on the last Saturday of the month. You bring the discs and our DJs will spin ‘em. Over 18s only. 8-11pm. FREE. Rebecca Hayes 020 8520 9709

Sunday 28 Cool Sunday Afternoon Jazz William Morris Bar & Kitchen, 807 Forest Road E17 4JD Laid back Blue Note-era jazz from the Paul Kaufman Quartet plus guests. Enjoy great food and company while chilling out in this fabulous, warm and stylish bar. Last Sunday of each month. 1.30-4.30pm. FREE. BeBop Baby The Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Rd E17 4RQ The Button Band live and DJs for a funk and soul-fuelled family social. Come dance and have fun with family and friends. friendly, welcoming atmosphere, buggy park, baby changing, face painting and an all important bar! 1-4pm. £5, £4 in advance, babes in arms FREE. Family discounts tickets too. BringBackTheBeat: Fundraiser Part 2 Wildcard Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate off Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Details as Saturday 27 May.

Monday 29 Echo17 Events: Board Games Evening William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Road E17 4JD Come and join us for board games in a relaxed atmosphere. We provide over 50 games. Everything from cards and Scrabble, Carcasonne to Ticket to Ride, Backgammon to Mah Jong. 6.3011.30pm. £2.50. Lawn Bowls: Beginners’ Open Day Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Details as 7 May


COMEDY/THEATRE Wednesday 31 Games Night The Red Lion Ballroom, 640 High Road Leytonstone E11 3AA Come and play with us on the last Wednesday of the month. Includes NES, SNES, Mega Drive, PS2, Xbox, Wii, chess, Scrabble, Jenga and Kerplunk! 7-11pm. £2 plus a £5 membership. 020 8988 2929 Chingford Tea Dance Chingford Assembly Hall, Station Road E4 7EN Are you looking for leisure time with health benefits? Would you like to meet new people? Look no further – attend a local tea dance with music from DJ Mr Wonderful. 1-4pm. £5 cash on the door, carers FREE. Giulia Ghinelli 020 7691 3210 The Rockingbirds What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-Service-men’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd E11 3DB Highly influential and seminal country rock band The Rockingbirds perform a warm-up for their UK festival dates. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection. E17 Cook Book Club The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE ‘Smoked, Pickled, Preserved & Fermented’ is the theme for this month’s foodie social evening where everyone brings their cook book inspiration and a dish to share with approx 10-15 people. All welcome, newbies, couples and singles. 8.3010.30pm. £3.

Thursday 1 June

Welcoming Ramadan Meet by the stables next to the tennis courts, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Make a paper pot; plant a seed and watch it grow over Ramadan and beyond. We’ll have crafts inspired by Islamic proverbs and patterns on offer too. 10am-1pm. FREE but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571

Red Imp presents Ed Byrne Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Charming and hilarious Irishman Ed makes his E17 debut. with Debra-Jane Appleby in support. 8.30-10.30pm. £12. Book via

kid friendly


Got an event? Tell us about it!

Tuesday 30

Events marked


E17 Art Trail Preview Night 36 Art Trail venues across Walthamstow Giving you a head start on the festival, several venues open early for a special preview night. All welcome! See website for details and preview map. FREE.

Classes/Courses Gardening & Environment Fridays until 14 July Sunken Garden Community Orchard: Workshops Sunken Garden in front of Attlee Terrace Estate, Prospect Hill E17 3EQ Free gardening, landscape design, food growing and air pollution-busting workshops. 1-5pm. FREE.

Music Wednesdays until 12 July Ukulele Class Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU A mixed ability ukulele class centered on playing with others in an ensemble. Fun and relaxed classes run by a professional with over 25 years experience. Instruments not provided! 7.30-8.30pm. £12.50. Dick Smith 07903 419691 Fridays until 9 June Mini Musicians: Birth to 4yrs Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Music making sessions for babies and toddlers. Classes are taught by Early Years Music specialists and include singing, dancing and playing with an exciting range of instruments. 11.45am12.30pm. £62 for 10 week term.

Art & Crafts Mondays Untutored Life Drawing Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU An unconventional drop-in untutored life drawing class. Poses vary from 5 to 45min. Different professional models each week, sociable and friendly. Art materials provided free of charge, tea and snacks available. 7.30-9.30pm. £10, members £5. 07792 892405

Wednesdays Sewing or Mosaic Making Workshops Cornerstone Church, 149 Canterbury Road (corner of Essex Road), Leyton E10 6EH Free event for all abilities. Make a bag, apron, dress and learn how to use a sewing machine in a fun and friendly environment or learn how to make mosaics; a piece of art or image made from the assemblage of small pieces of coloured glass, stone, shells, beads or other materials. 12-2.30pm. FREE. Sabbir 0203 826 9600 Mondays Tots Art & Rhythm Inky Cuttlefish Studios, Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Let your little ones explore their creativity in a professional art studio with two experienced professional artists. This relaxed family activity is a perfect way to spend your morning bonding with your pre-school kids. 10-11.30am. £55 for 10 sessions, £20 additional siblings. Anna Alcock 07753 686331 Wednesdays (term-time only) Health & Wellbeing Through Art Inky Cuttlefish Studios, Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Research has shown that the process of making and being creative promotes health and wellbeing so come along to this friendly, all-ability group and learn different printmaking techniques including screen printing and relief printing and get to take your artwork home. 10.30am-12.30pm. Drop-in £5, or 10 for £40.

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