The E List - October 2017

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No 53 October 2017

the Your FREE Magazine featuring 175+ things to do locally

The super furry world of Pete Fowler

E list

ISSN 2058-2196


Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow, Leytonstone, Leyton and Wanstead

Music master Mandy Parnell

Fellowship is Life

What kind of artist are you? I work in a variety of different mediums so I guess ‘visual artist’ just about sums it up. I paint, illustrate, sculpt/carve, draw and print all depending on what I’m working on. I work with a variety of clients with my illustrations but I always have lots of my own projects on the go and am always interested in new things that catch my eye that give me inspiration. Be that people I see in the street, or currently, the weird and wonderful world of sea slugs. Your work has been described as being in a ‘post-modern’ cartoon style. Do you agree and can you explain cartoon ‘post modernism’ for us?! I’m not sure who came up with that but it kind of makes sense! I grew up reading comics and watching cartoons while reading books on dinosaurs and the supernatural, so I’ve always had a wide variety of inspiration and natural curiosity.

I think ‘cartoon post modernism’ essentially means being inspired by the world we live in, from pretty much any source and approaching that in an often graphic/cartoon way with a sense of playfulness. Is it fair to say your reputation is split between Animals and Monsters? Starting with the Animals, many people will have discovered you through your cover artwork for the band Super Furry Animals (SFA). You’ve worked with them on and off for over 20 years now. I’m really proud of my work with SFA as that was what brought my work to people’s attention. It came about in a random way (as it often does), after I had my work featured in a free magazine in my hometown Cardiff. The band saw it and their then label, Creation records, got in touch. I worked on their 2nd LP Radiator and it all went from there.

It’s been a great relationship as I was a fan of their music previously so a bit of a dream job. My first brief for the work was so wide open I knew it was going to be an interesting project. I’ve been given so much room to interpret and react to the music over the years the band have trusted me to come up with the goods so to speak. We share similar attitudes and tastes so it’s always been left to me to to create the visual side to their music, from covers, videos, merchandise and stage design. The lovely thing about the ongoing relationship is that a lot of people have been turned on to my artwork via the music and vice versa, so I’m forever grateful for the opportunity the band gave me. To me there is a strong presence of psychedelia through your work, and even the Beatles film Yellow Submarine. Is that true? If so might there ever be a Super Furries film. I think my childhood

Photos of studio and Pete ©

COVER STAR Pete Fowler

If anyone reading this has a infinite budget and a love of psychedelic animation then please get in touch!

interest in comics, cartoons, music and the supernatural and fantastic moulded my mind to create the imagery I make today. I’ve always wanted to push my work into an almost parallel dimension, an alternate reality to the world we live in. Be that a sense of escapism or a lens to view the world through. I’d love to be involved in a longer animation project but the entertainment world is a tricky place!

Now turning to the Monsters – introduce us to Monsterism Island. I’ve drawn monsters of some description since I was a child and years later I started to amass them and thought about where they were from and lived and the term Monsterism came up, which seemed fitting. It turned into a place where anything goes, where the creatures were free to evolve and behave outside of our world. A place where I could let my imagination go wild. It was given life through the early toys I made in Japan with Sony Creative Products and went from there. I’ve not done anything Monsterism related for quite some time now after winding

down the toy design and creation but I like to think they’re getting on with their own lives that I gave them, in what I like to think, in a ‘god’ given way. The inspiration, again, came from all over the place – myths, nature, folklore, music, all bonded together with a sense of humour and playfulness. The toys are quite collectable now as haven’t made them for some years but it all came about, in a time honoured fashion, in a quite random circumstance. continued over…

Front cover: Love is love icon Opposite page: Top: Eisteddfodd mural design. Bottom left: Pete’s studio photographed by Chris McAndrew. Bottom right: Surface painting. This page: Top left: Rising Tide Painting.Top right: Pete Fowler photographed by Chris McAndrew. Bottom right: Super Furry Animals Radiator LP cover. 1

to the variety of people you see on a daily basis, from the police buying bagels to the leather shop owners.

I also make music under the name Seahawks with my pal Jon and DJ fairly regularly, sometimes at the Wildcard Brewery with my friends the Eastern Front Soundsystem lads.

You can still pick up the toys here and there, mostly on eBay and collectors’ forums and sites. The Monsters got to star in a range of ads for car maker Kia (check out the Kia Rio Diesel commercial). How did that come about and what was it like animating them? The Kia adverts (4 in total) were made by the amazing Passion Pictures. I’d previously done a little bit of work for them and when the job came in they got me on board. The client was open minded and wanted the adverts to be playful and in one, quite sinister, quite a refreshing attitude for a corporate client! The design of the characters was really fun and the animation was taken care of, brilliantly, by Passion Pictures with the fourth and final ad being made by the legendary Aardman Animation (of Wallace and Gromit fame), which was an incredible experience. I got a real sense of just how long and time consuming stop motion animation can be! Tell us about your Shoreditch Folk. Any ideas what Walthamstow Folk might be like? They’re my depictions of the people that live and work around the area where my studio is based in Bethnal Green/Brick Lane. It’s a tribute 2

a lot more in the last few months and thinking about an exhibition of my work as well as carrying on with my wood carvings, which are a relatively recent obsession. I’m not exactly sure what my versions of Walthamstow people would be as it’s such a diverse place but there would definitely be some interesting pub locals, yoga mums and tiny dog owners. I have to say that Walthamstow is the best place I’ve lived so far in my time in London. (I’m not just saying that by the way!) Finally what projects are you working on now? I have a mixed bag of projects I’m currently working on. One long term one is based in Wales (where I’m from), and I’m putting together the book of 20 years plus of sketchbook drawings I crowd funded it with Unbound and it’ll be released mid 2018. Aside from that, I’ve been painting

This page: Top left: One of Pete’s characters photographed by Chris McAndrew. Top middle: Space Scape 1 illustration. Top right: Tim Burgess Tim Book Two Book cover Middle row: Tattoo Shop Girl portrait; Bearded Artisan portrait; Bagel Shop Cop portrait Bottom row: One of Pete’s carved characters photographed by Chris McAndrew.

Photos of characters ©

I had an exhibition in Tokyo of the sculptures I was making at the time, alongside paintings by the artist Paul Davis. Sony Creative heard about the show and at the private view I was asked if I wanted to design a range of inexpensive toys for sale in Japan. I immediately said yes and the Monsterism toys were given life.

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The first week I arrived in Walthamstow in the late 80s, rock legend Suzi Quatro was performing at The Standard on Blackhorse Road. In the 70s Suzi had achieved considerable chart success in the then totally male dominated world of rock’n’roll. Originally a bassist in a girl rock band she turned to singing and refused attempts by her male management and record label to mould her into the then only other famous female rock singer they could think of, Janis Joplin who had recently died. Instead Suzi insisted on doing it her way or no way and in doing so she helped forge a way forward for women in the rock world. Suzi still has a big following and in the 80s made regular appearances at The Standard which at the time had a solid reputation as one of London’s leading rock venues. Karen Averby charts the pub history on page 24.


Much of this month’s E List shares a music theme, largely from a female perspective. I am very proud to have an interview with one of the world’s foremost music mastering engineers, Mandy Parnell. Her name may be unfamiliar to you but I pretty much guarantee you will have her work in your music library. At one point she talks about her start as a ‘token’ woman in a music studio and I recommend our feature on page 8. Mandy was interviewed by Kat Richmond, a local DJ and musician who is forging her way in the world of electronica. You may be aware of Kat from her collective Electronic17 and the Stow Festival. Read more about her on page 10.

Mandy Parnell


Over recent years local collectives have sprung up that promote women in music, art and performance such as She17 and this month sees NOT FLAWLESS the first of a series of evenings at Perky Blenders Project 660 in Leyton. The organisers describe the shows as being ‘female dominant’ rather that exclusive. See listing on page 38.


Finally a big thank you to Pete Fowler, who’s well known amongst other things, for his record sleeve designs for the Super Furry Animals. It’s great having him and his work featured as this month’s cover star and thereby kicking off a nicely musical issue. Paul Lindt, Editor


Cowboy Flying Saucer

Icelandic dreams


Kat Richmond


The Standard


Curtis Walker part of the Big Comedy Night

The E List

inside this issue… Mastering Engineer of the Year 2017, Mandy Parnell


E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory


Urban Swifts and the Walthamstow Wetlands


Iceland: Questions of Travel


Black History Month Big Comedy Night


Write 2-A Life – a poetry and short-story competition for young people


Walthamstow Diary


Kat Richmond


Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife


Cowboy Flying Saucer


E~DEN: The Home Directory


House Doctor – Paint colours


The Magpie seeking out the shiniest, funniest remarks from local social media


Perculiar Times: Famous Music Venue The Standard


Robert William Jackson – Paintings and retrospective works


Local Hero – Nathan Brown and Tom Fawcett and A-Star




For the latest listings including a link to download the app, a digital version of the E List magazine and back issues 4

The E List is available for FREE at approx 100 venues across E17, E11, E12, E10 and E4. See for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly we aim to restock the most popular venues during the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email


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Music Master From Annie Lennox to Glen Campbell; from Aphex Twin to Björk; from Tom Jones to The XX – Mandy Parnell has worked with them all. Electronic 17’s Kat Richmond went to meet Mandy in her studio in Walthamstow, Black Saloon, to find out more about her life and her work. Mandy is a musical mastering engineer and after 34 years in the business, a much-soughtafter one. In fact, earlier this year Mandy hit the national papers after winning the prestigious MPG (Music Producers Guild) Award for Mastering Engineer 2017, for the third time. What exactly is a mastering engineer? I like to say it’s an objective set of ears for the production team and the last artistic stage before manufacturing. It’s the process of making the final sonic tweaks and final edits for the album or single for the artist. How do you approach working on an album? I will listen to the whole album from start to finish, sat on my sofa – it has to be a relaxed environment. I’ll sense when something is wrong and usually make notes. I will have

discussed with the artist what they are looking for and the emotions of the music and, if it’s an unusual piece of music, I note down my emotions whether happy, sad or angry. I then sit and work on it. I pick the loudest, most dynamic track and set a level based on that. I might work backwards or start from the beginning and do it as a journey – it depends on the project. I will master everything and send it back to the artist/ producer and mix engineer for approval. It usually comes back a few days later for any tweaks if needed. It’s really a quick turnaround for albums – 1.5 to 4 days in total. Some bigger productions could go on for a few months, but that is very unusual. Over the years how many clients do you think you’ve worked with? A lot. I reckon

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I could work on between 300-400 projects a year. It’s normally the artist/producer or mixing engineer who approach me rather than the labels. Who is the person you were most excited to get the call from? Brian Eno… I nearly fell off my stool – I thought it was a joke! Björk of course. And Aphex Twin and David Gilmour. Also Alessandro Cortini from Nine Inch Nails who are all proper audiophiles! And your best experiences? The best? All of it! I loved working with Brian Eno as he is one of my heroes. Working with Björk was mind blowing as she opened my mind to endless possibilities, especially the VR project, we went where no one else had gone sonically. Working with Sigur Ros was a similar experience.

I’ve also been working on half speed cutting with David Gilmour recently which I’ve never done before. Who would be your dream artist to work with still? The one I was saddest not to get to do was John Martyn, who died in 2009. It was going to be his last record and the record company really wanted me to do it but I didn’t have the right equipment in the studio I was working at so they booked someone in the States instead. Is electronic music more interesting for you to work with right now? Growing up, my dad listened to The Beatles, Elvis, Buddy Holly, etc, while my mum was into more eclectic sounds such as Tangerine Dream and Pink Floyd. I was into punk and ska which very much had a DIY approach to making music. I

Expert knowledge of the local market should never be underestimated

got into the Eno stuff and early Pink Floyd and later got into rock and jazz. Electronic music pushed the development of home studio equipment so I was listening to innovative music right at the beginning of that period. I’ve always been interested in electronic music. I worked with FatCat Records and Trevor Jackson’s Output Recordings and really learnt how to cut through the avant-garde experimental electronic music they were working on. They really pushed the boundaries of mastering as they wanted this mad experimental stuff on the records. Aphex Twin’s 2014 album Syro was a really exciting and challenging record for me. It’s muso techno music and it’s the most talked about record I’ve ever worked on. Also, working with Moodyman or Luke Slater, the pioneers of techno, was quite demanding and fun as it’s not always so intuitive for me. Have you worked in many studios over the years? Not really! In mastering you tend to stay in one place. I started my career at The Exchange in London, then moved to New Orleans for about three years, got married and had

our son Joplin. Despite some exciting offers out there, I returned to the UK and back to The Exchange. It wasn’t until then that I realised how valued I was. When I first started at The Exchange I was employed as a token woman. It was quite demoralising, especially when I was asked to be a studio manager at one point, so I had to fight for my rights as an engineer sometimes. At the time, it was more down to ignorance rather than sexism. I left around ten years ago. I had already started buying equipment, and my boss at The Exchange was incredible and helped me set up my own studio here in Walthamstow. It’s a lot of work running your own business in comparison. The positive is that I’m representing my own theories and philosophies. What made you choose Walthamstow to live in and set up the studio? I was looking for a school and an area that would best suit my son, and Walthamstow, with its mixed community, seemed ideal. I found a commercial property, applied for a live/work conversion and we’ve been here

ever since. The area suits us and the house is great. If you were to work anywhere else in the world where would that be right now? I do miss working in the team at The Exchange. It had three mastering rooms, two copy rooms, a CD editing room and also a recording studio. Unfortunately it no longer exists. The only mastering rooms that have made me go ‘wow’ recently are Ron McMaster’s rooms at Capitol in LA. Ron is an old cutting engineer and he has a state-of-the-art Neve custommade mastering console. Other contemporaries you admire? Doug Sax, who sadly passed away in 2015. His theories, which have influenced me a lot, were very simple, especially about signal flow and chains. He was the first mastering engineer to build an independent studio away from the record company and I was lucky to spend some time with him in his studio a few years back. I also had the pleasure of spending time with Alan Yoshido at his mastering room in LA, another great audiophile engineer.

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continued on page 11 9

I’ve never understood why, but DJing is like the 1950s when it comes to equality. Female producers get paid less. Female DJs are hen’s teeth. Kat tackles this by equalizing her line ups, setting the challenge for all local promoters to follow suit, and has co-run an all-female DJ charity gig with similar-minded stalwarts, Auntie Maureen and Dolores Rocket. She takes the same approach to her other life, working in the Digital team at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea where she speaks at conferences encouraging women into this maledominated sector.

Having hovered around the Stow’s pub rock and folk music scene for 20 years, electronica seemed a taboo in E17. Enter Kat Richmond. who, in four years, has gathered a hitherto unnoticed bunch of party people and put on dance nights across Walthamstow. Here Adam Taylor traces her story as she became a central player in shaping the Stow’s new creative world. It starts in Hull, via Chile, her mum having escaped Pinochet’s vile regime. Kat like so many school kids growing up wanted to play an instrument and took violin lessons. But when the house scene exploded in the 1990s, her older brother got her into the beats. She began her first forays into dance clubs. Music was becoming a significant part of her life. And while she has developing a taste for clubbing, decks, mixing and producing, she was also playing in orchestras. Most recently, the Forest Philharmonic. It’s this classical background that informs when it comes to selecting deep tech wonky

techno and house. Her music is more than a thumping bass! And while she’s banging out the 120bpm four on the floor, she’s also hooking up with another local fiddle player and virtuoso, Andy Green, to form Arsenic Mines, a mesmerising techno violin combo. You wouldn’t think this would work. It does. When a scene storms, forms and norms, it’s good to trace its roots. Think The Cavern. The 100 Club. For the Stow, it was Pulse Studios, where Kat and Toby Oliver ran a series of all-nighters at the rehearsal space off Blackhorse Lane. DIY parties resembling old school raves full of like-minded party-heads.

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Ever since, it’s been a non-stop whirl of gigs, mini-festivals and parties while she took over the Stow Festival mantle as head programmer and formed collective Electronic 17, And before you know it, it’s 2017 and along with fellow conspirator, Dom Mandrell, she’s masterminded BringBackTheBeat and the glorious Glittering Plains dance tent at the Walthamstow Garden Party. This doesn’t happen by accident. Alongside the talent, Kat is one of the hardest working people I know. She looks at the world, gets hold of it and changes it in her own image.

But that doesn’t stop her taking her brand beyond the Stow. I first met Kat at a festival in Wiltshire. She was behind the decks at 1 o’clock in the afternoon wearing a stunning Grace Jones-esque white feather cape. This year she took the Electronic 17 entourage to Dorset and took over an all-night teepee deep in the woods. She recently warmed up a Hackney crowd for A Guy Called Gerald. And has played at Samantha Blackburn’s last two Buntu parties in Farringdon. But rest assured Kat isn’t going too far away. She isn’t about to stop creating good vibes across the Stow. Whatever happens next with music in the Stow you can be sure that Kat will be at the heart of it! Want to listen or find out more? katrichmond electronic17

Photo © Giovanni Calemma

Stow’s Techno Diva

It won’t come as a shock, that ‘ahhh Kat’ is a typical Stow devotee. As she says, it’s where you can come and start something. It’s where you can meet wonderful people. It’s where she feels at home.


Continued from page 9. How does work come in? Word of mouth… I’ve never advertised. I’m lucky as I’ve been around a very long time! What do you do to wind down after a day in the studio? I don’t stop working. My life is this. I realised that my whole life was about the music industry, and even during my time off I was working on campaigns representing different bodies and doing guest lectures. So, last year I decided I needed to get a hobby. I went on a week’s intense silversmith course. Since February I’ve become part of a collective, hired a bench at City Studios near the William Morris Gallery. They have workshops and there are some good designers there. But since winning the MPG award and being featured in The Guardian earlier this year, my world has gone nuts and I haven’t managed to be there. But I plan to go back to it. What music do you listen to in your spare time? I listen to a lot of jazz records. I love music from New Orleans and listen to WWOZ radio station streamed over the internet and go there every year. I will retire there hopefully. Also, the music my son Joplin plays at home

too. He’s learning a couple of instruments and is DJing. Silence is good though. Rest the ears! Just being visible as a woman in this industry is great but what are you doing personally to encourage more women? I do a lot of mentoring with females in the industry. I go into schools and show girls that you don’t have to just think about being a singer, you can be a musician or engineer! The MPG work with me and are trying to support women in the industry. The Audio Engineering Society also campaign to support women in technical roles too. The PRS (Performing Rights Society) are also working hard, offering female artists and songwriters grants and bursaries. What advice would you give to someone wanting to get into engineering? Just get work experience in a studio rather than going to study it at university first. You will learn a lot more from someone face to face. When applying make your application letter personal and passionate! Knock on doors. There are on average 200 music courses now in the UK; there were only three back when I started so you have to get yourself noticed and BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE!


Saturday, 7th October 2017 Workshop: 10.30am - 5.00pm Performance: 6.00pm St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End, Walthamstow E17 9RJ £15 (Early Bird Rate: – valid until 31st August: £10 or 2 for £15) Email or phone 07954 740745 Love singing Fauré’s Requiem or always wanted to give it a go? Waltham Forest Community Choir is offering you the opportunity to learn or revise and then perform one of the most popular works in the choral repertoire in one day Invite your family and friends to the performance at 6.00 pm

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for Waltham Forest’s people watchers.

From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram account tomgaul_doodles To advertise your business contact 11

Alien Ant Music Local Krautrock, post-punk psychedelic band Cowboy Flying Saucer talk to Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor about their influences, making a DIY LP and how some rather nice t-shirts brought them together. Cowboy Flying Saucer wear their influences on their sleeve and have improvised their way onto BBC Radio 6 Music (Gideon Coe’s show). Yes, some of their influences are instantly apparent on a couple of tracks, The Fall (English Brexfast) and David Bowie (Friends I didn’t Choose), but they still manage to have a strong personality and sound that is all their own. With an enviable skill-set and musical pedigree between them, Cowboy Flying Saucer’s eponymous LP is a pretty stunning debut, receiving airplay on BBC6 Music and a Dutch station already.The album is a DIY project, released on their own label, Sparrowhawk. There are four members of the band. There’s lead singer and lyricist with a great turn of phrase and sometime synth basher, Bobby Kennedy (AKA – BK13); Bobby may be familiar to local readers, having worked at The Chequers Pub and Wild Card Brewery; he is now Bar Manager at Mother’s Ruin. David Bamford - drummer and former member of the John Peel championed band Magoo (Norfolk) who signed to Chemikal Underground records. Guitarist, House DJ and producer, Johnny Venebles (AKA JV), previously in Idiot Joy

and Junkateer (Nottingham) and Richard Spence on bass (AKA Spanna), who has been in a band with Bobby before - Plakka. Bobby’s Moog t-shirt caught Johnny’s eye one night at The Chequers pub in Walthamstow and Bobby also liked the Kraftwerk t-shirt Johnny wore so the inevitable synthesiser chat followed. “Johnny suggested I pop round sometime and see his man cave,” says Bobby. “Some weeks later I knocked at his door, he seemed a little surprised. His set up was almost identical to Spanna’s, so I thought ooh two Spanna’s in one band, this could work. Then Johnny knew drummer Dave.” “He sort of brought me out of semiretirement really”, says Dave “I’d become obsessed with bike racing and hadn’t been playing drums at all, Johnny’d met Bobby and said, let’s just go to a rehearsal room and see what happens...I’d broken my elbow – it didn’t stop me playing though. It was pretty apparent around the second rehearsal that we had something together that seemed to work and there were no pretensions.” The LP was recorded at Sickroom Studios the former home of Magoo’s lead singer,

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in the Norfolk countryside. “We sort of had a plan when we got to the studio but in the end I think we only recorded two of the planned tracks for the LP. The rest we did on the spot, pretty much,” says Dave. “No-one is saying, ‘oh we can’t do that it sounds too much like so-and-so, we don’t care. Despite the fact that everyone has so much going on in their own lives, this is the most functional band I’ve ever been in.” Three of the four band members are visual artists, used to great effect on videos, banners, gig posters and promotions. But the photograph on the album cover is by Walthamstow photographer Penny Dampier. The band play The Victoria, Hoe Street on October 14 as part of ‘Turnip’, a fundraising event for Christian Kitchen and will be supporting Psychic Lemon in Chelmsford on 23rd November. The album is available to buy on vinyl or can be streamed/downloaded for free from: and



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House Doctor Penny Fielding offers creative solutions to everyday niggles you may have with your home.

A lick of paint can give your property a lift without being too costly. If you’re thinking of re-decorating, here are some tips on how to use colour to enhance your home and provide a beautiful backdrop for your furniture and family treasures. If you are living in a small space, it’s a good idea to keep colours uniform. This will help one area flow into another and not break up the space too dramatically. Choose a colour that works throughout, especially if the rooms are multi functional. Event and texture can be added with your pictures and furnishings. Dark colours are currently very popular. Art galleries have adopted a dark grey décor to enhance artworks. Deep colours can work

well in new properties as they give weight and gravitas to modern plasterboard walls. A room doesn’t have to be large to cope with dark paintwork and thinking that this will make a small room oppressive is not necessarily true. If you choose a colour with depth and richness and do a good decorating job the result can be confident and stunning. The ceiling (often overlooked as an opportunity for introducing colour) is, along with the floor, the largest surface in the room. This is generally kept light, but a dark ceiling will put a ‘lid’ on the room and this can be quite effective! Glazed ceilings will reflect architectural details and give the room ‘lift’. Most of the light coming in a room will fall on the floor. This is the area that bounces the most light around. Dark flooring will absorb light and colour, a pale flooring will reflect it. Although room colour is a personal statement, it’s ultimately a backdrop, so choose something that enhances rather than dominates your furnisings and brings them to life. What niggles you about your home? Email with your thoughts. To book a session with the House Doctor please email:

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17 October gallery 020 8520 9300

Pearl Road E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £775,000 Aubrey Road E17 4 bed end of terrace house for sale Offers in excess of £750,000

Located on the edge of Walthamstow Village, meaning the many eateries and bars of Orford Road are on your doorstep, from the Queens Arms and the Castle, to In Vito Veritas and Eat 17.

You can even walk to the local cinema within five minutes to check out the latest Hollywood blockbuster. It really is convenient for everything you could possibly need to do (or unfortunately have to do, in the case of the daily commute!) If that isn’t enough for you, we give up…

Chelmsford Road E17 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £725,000 Orchard Road E17 2 bed end of terrace house for sale Offers in excess of £600,000

10 October gallery 020 8539 4213

The compromise for a Village location is often the size of the house, but not in this case. This three bedroom house is larger than most, offering over 1200 square feet of space (that’s 120 square metres for those of you younger than us).

Belgrave Road, Leyton E10 4 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £685,000 Pearcroft Road, Leytonstone E11 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £675,000

Outside, there is a private rear garden with a lovely patio area immediately behind the house, offering the perfect spot to relax on a summer’s evening.

Dawlish Road, Leyton E10 3 bed maisonette for sale Guide price £440,000 Woodlands Av, Aldersbrook E11 3 bed semi-detached house for sale Offers in excess of £850,000

40 Orford Road E17 9NJ 020 8520 9300

Markhouse Avenue E17 3 bed house to rent £2,100 pcm £485pw Benefits from an open plan living area, galley kitchen and a south facing rear garden. The property is also within proximity to Blackhorse Road Tube.

Devonshire Road E17 3 bed house to rent £2,000 pcm £462pw An ideal home for a professional or growing family. It features a through lounge, a high specification contemporary kitchen and an upstairs bathroom.


17 October lettings

10 October lettings

185 Francis Road E10 6NQ 020 8539 4213

James Lane E10 3 bed flat to rent £1,350 pcm £312pw A good sized first floor three bedroom flat Benefits include an open plan kitchen and living room, three bedrooms and a family bathroom with shower over bath.

Guernsey Road E11 2 bed flat to rent £1,300 pcm £300pw Comprising two double bedrooms, a spacious reception room, a fully-fitted kitchen and bathroom. Beautifully presented, benefits from gas central heating and a private garden.

Bedford Road E17 1 bed flat to rent £1,250 pcm £288pw

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Benefits include a spacious living room with wood burner feature, a well sized double master bedroom, fully fitted kitchen, modern bathroom and spacious double loft room .

Original features, bay windows and stripped floors give this flat plenty of character. The lounge is a good size with a large bay window and feature fireplace.



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Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street where a number of large manor houses were used as weekend or summer retreats. Samuel Pepys’ bosses had houses here, and after visiting one of them Pepys described how they had drunk wine from a local vineyard and “the whole company said they never drank better foreign wine [than this one] in their lives”.

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for the advice given, the exact amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it will be £495 or 1%.

To advertise your business contact 19


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Definition: things that are strange; queer; odd; uncommon; unusual; distinctive in nature or character from others; characteristic of; belonging exclusively to an area. Architectural historian, Karen Averby seeks out such things from this corner of London’s rich and varied past

Keep on rocking!

The bricked-up and boldly striped building at Blackhorse Lane station is the famous Walthamstow gig venue known to many as The Standard. It was a part of the area’s social life for over 150 years. It began life as a beer house around 1840 and was originally named The Royal Standard, set in what was then a very rural Walthamstow. A rivalry with fellow beer house The Ferry Boat was hinted at in 1852 when they opposed an application by William Devon of The Royal Standard for a spirit licence. Shortly afterwards Devon moved to the Old Lock House, Homerton and was declared bankrupt by 1865. A succession of families ran The Royal Standard following Devon’s departure. Charles Dabbs was the licensee from around 1858, and lived there with his wife Sarah and their large family. When Charles died in 1872 Sarah took over for a short while until the Moore family moved in. By the turn of the 20th century the pub was occupied by the Downtons, followed by Arthur Grover, one of the Standard’s longest-serving publicans, in post from around 1905 until at least the mid-1920s. Walthamstow had developed into a populous urban area from the later 19th century onwards and by the early 24

20th century the pub was a central fixture in local life. More than just a pub, the grounds were used for regular dog racing meets for many years, and concert parties were popular. By the 1970s its role as an entertainment venue was cemented, with residencies by popular names of the day, including Danny La Rue and Mike Reid, whilst weekly talent competitions attracted prizes of £100 in 1972, which had risen to an impressive £500 by 1978. Within a few years, however, the character of the entertainment had shifted, and by 1983, although live music was hosted Wednesdays to Sundays, lunchtime striptease with pool was also a fixture. In 1986 a new visionary management took over, transforming the pub into a renowned rock venue, famous for hosting up and coming bands as well as established names, amongst them Phil Lynott, Girlschool, and Wolfsbane. At a time when the live gig scene was thriving, the Standard opened between 8pm and midnight every night of the week. It was also a favourite venue for special nights such as the Slade Fan Club Convention, who held a night there in 1990, for a £7.50 entrance fee.

Band Ark at The Standard, courtesy of Danny Mayo

2011 and the venue closed for good. New housing is set to replace it...with an integral music venue. Will the spirit of The Standard live on..?

Before one of the final gigs, November 2011, courtesy of Nick Bason

In later years the Standard hosted a range of regular favourites, including Midlandsbased Ark as well as cover bands, such as Guns 2 Roses, T.Rextasy and Bootleg Blondie. It was also one of the Stow Festival venues. Sadly, as property values shot up in the 21st century, the Standard faced an uncertain future as it was earmarked for redevelopment. The final gig took place in December

House Histories Have you ever wondered who used to live in your house, or how it has changed over time?

Packages telling the story of your house available to suit all budgets. For a FREE consultation email Karen Averby


discount for EList readers (Quote REFELIST)


Nathan Brown and Tom Fawcett Football coaches and friends Tom and Nathan have been keeping kids fit and off the streets for the last ten years through community work and by coaching youth teams at Walthamstow’s Globe Rangers FC. They chat to Jessica Mellor about working with charity A-Star and their aim to make football in the borough free for all. Photo by Paul Tucker.

Photo ©

How do you guys know each other? In unison! – From Uni! Tom – It was 2009... Nathan – We were in the same class in Uni, both doing sports science. Was it always coaching for you both? Nathan – I always wanted to play! So coaching was the closest thing to playing. It had to be sport – I couldn’t do another job. Tom – Same for me. How did you discover you were good at coaching kids? Nathan – I volunteered for Leyton Orient when I was about 16, I did it for about 3 years, and I found a love for it then. I would volunteer every hour I could, and I got a real passion for the sport. And I like teaching kids because if I’m not going to be [a player] I’d like to see someone else progress. Why do you think you didn’t make it as a player, Nathan? I’ve had kidney problems since I was young… it didn’t really stop me playing but at one time they told me I couldn’t have physical contact for a while. So if I’d dropped out for a year I wouldn’t have been able to come back and catch up with everyone. I was playing semi-pro for Ilford, then before I went to University I went to America to play and got offered a scholarship. But it was only 60%, so to find the rest, was a lot of money. At the time I wasn’t confident enough to go out

there by myself – I was 16 – so I don’t think I was ready. But I had a real love of coaching, so I naturally went in to it. How did you get in to it, Tom? I played football at school but I was more into swimming, athletics and running. I used to swim for the county and run for England cross country and long-distance. For me I was more multi-skilled. I played football all the way through school and I played Sunday league and I played a season semi-pro for Clapton. How did you get involved with coaching for Globe Rangers FC? Nathan – We were working with a team Clissold Rangers, in North London, while still at Uni. And once when I was doing a coaching session, I met Globe’s Youth Secretary Lee Trinnaman as I was teaching his son. And he offered me a team there and then. It wasn’t me and Tom in the beginning it was me and Louis, Lee’s nephew, then once Tom got involved we had the age 15s, and Louis coached the 14s. I was 17-years-old! A lot of your background is in community football, which you both seem passionate about… Tom – When it comes to football in the community stuff, most people are a bit slack

with it, you have to dedicate all your time. Nathan – I think that’s it, you have to find people that are serious and don’t take it as a hobby but as a career. There’s still not that many of us now. To be able to make a living out of it, you can’t just have one job. So how did you start working with A-Star? Nathan – They’re a charity working with [footballers] that are in the professional game and they do a lot in the community. They were offering us a wider range of people that we could reach. Not just Chingford and Walthamstow, we could go to Stratford and South London. Tom – The guy that runs it, Ken Bonsu – along with Ronnie Wilson [and Fitz Hall] - also runs a sports management company, so he manages athletes under all different sports. Did Ken approach you? Nathan - We were working [at Goals, Chingford] one day and one of the parents after the class said he’d like to help us. He explained he went to the gym with a guy who does a lot of sport stuff and was looking for community coaches. We went for a meeting with him and he loved us. He said he wanted to work with us right away. So we put a plan together and now he’s helping us get funding for doing community work in schools, running after school clubs 25

and stuff here at Goals. We can do it for free if he gets us the funding. Football for free, for all – that’s the aim. Tom – Yeah, so homework club is something we set up in Buxton Secondary School, Leytonstone. Kids can just turn up and you do mentoring with them first. Then they get homework done, with your support, they get to use the ICT facilities and then an hour of sport afterwards. We did that for three years and then funding was cut. Nathan – We’re looking to get that going again. Some of the best times I had as a kid were at youth clubs, playing table tennis... people there were looking after you, rather than being out on the road. What do you need to grow as a business? Nathan – Funding! We can only really access public sector funding whereas the guys from A-Star run their own business and give a certain amount away to charities. That’s really

the only road to go down, private businesses – banks etc that are willing to fund you to do projects. You’ve got two teams in the ELE (East London Essex league), under 11s and under 12s… do you hope to get more teams going under A-Star? Tom – It’s just getting bodies there to do it. We don’t really agree with parents coaching teams… Nathan – When we first started, the whole idea was to be different to everybody else. My belief is that the reason England don’t win anything is because at grass roots level they just chuck a bunch of parents at it, they don’t necessarily have to be qualified… So at lot of teams we see at Sunday league football are coached by parents? Tom – They get coached by coaches that are paid by the league… Nathan – If they’re

lucky! That’s not all the teams, that’s the top teams… Tom – They don’t want to pay a coach because you’re going to have to pay him to go out for three hours and they know if they’ve got a parent in that team who will do it, they’re guaranteed to be there every Sunday because they’ve got to bring their kid to the games. So for you to expand you need to get more coaches involved? Nathan – We’ve got loads of coaches here – like George, Louis, Micah Walters, Sam Cooper - so the idea is for them to work with us, get their coaching badges, get experience, then they can go and do a team. A lot of the time in other countries they’ve got level 2 coaches running teams, here you’re lucky to get Level 1 coaches. We’ve always said that if we’re going to do it, we’re going to do it properly... make sure there’s always a coach with the team.

So better coaches for youth teams – but what else could help English football? Nathan - If every premier league player gave one week’s wages back – you could buy how many astro pitches around the country? If we can get grass roots football right it will change a lot.

Nathan and Tom run drop-in sessions at Goals in Chingford – Wednesdays 5.30- 7pm and Saturdays 10am – 12 midday, £5 per child. south-east/chingford A-Star also offer 1-1 and small group private coaching and football sessions for events and parties. Please contact Nathan Brown on 07854 533528, or email nathanbrown141@



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New drinks menu from our awesome new barman Javier! highlights include… eat 17 sbagliato cosmo spritz eat 17 negroni ginger ninja hurricane colada Mafa bibita fresca earl of Walthamstow salted caramel espresso martini

E~VOLVE a Directory for a Healthy Mind & Body Sport & Fitness Saturdays Kids Squash (ages 3-6) Walthamstow Sports Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN Mini-squash adapted for tiny kids. Agility, balance, coordination, movement and racket skills. With qualified DBS England squash coaches. 9.30-10.30am, £5. Vicky te Velde 07538 574058 Mondays Kids Squash (ages 6-17) All Levels Walthamstow Leisure Centre, 243 Markhouse Road E17 8RN Squash sessions for boys and girls, progressing into competitions and Squash Academy. 4.45-5.30pm, £5. Vicky te Velde 07538 574058 Tuesdays Sazzercise: Dance Aerobics and Body Conditioning Leyton Youth Centre, Crawley Road E10 6PY Sazzercise is suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness. The class will improve your cardiovascular health, burn fat, as well as develop overall muscle strength, endurance, core stability and flexibility. 7-8pm. 5 classes £30, 10 for £50 and bring a friend and pay just £4 each.

Saturdays Zumba® Fitness All Saints Church, 47 Melbourne Road, Leyton E10 7HF A dance-based fitness class with a mix of different rhythms, heavily influenced by Latin grooves. Zumba is for everyone, work at your own pace in this no pressure, friendly class. 12-1pm. £4. Andrea 07939 873518 Mondays HIIT E17 Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN High-Intensity Interval Training involves quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. Getting and keeping your heart rate up, burning more fat in less time. Babies welcome but not crawlers or walkers please. 7.308.15pm. £10. Saturdays Parkrun Wanstead Flats Playing Fields, Harrow Road E11 3QD and Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road, Walthamstow E17 4HR Weekly 5km run against your own clock with an optional post-run coffee. 9am. FREE, but first-timers please register to get your barcode.

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To advertise your business contact 27

Sport & Fitness continued Mondays Ladies’ Squash: Beginners Walthamstow Leisure Centre, 243 Markhouse Road E17 8RN Ladies Beginners squash coaching, with progression into leagues and competitions. Fun, friendly fitness. 6.15-7pm, £5. Vicky te Velde 07538 574058

Yoga, Pilates & Tai Chi Wednesdays Tai Chi and Qi Gong Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Discover Tai Chi and Qi Gong! Beginners classes suitable for all students, in a relaxed and friendly environment. Courses start throughout the year, check website for start dates. 7.15-8.45pm. £9. Francesco 07453 090503 Tuesdays E17 Yoga CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Community yoga suitable for all levels. Come and enjoy a gentle flow yoga class. BYO yoga mat. 7-8pm. Suggested donation £5. Events marked

kid friendly

Saturdays Yoga Glow God’s Own Junkyard, Unit 12 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ All levels Vinyasa Flow classes, surrounded by the neon lights. Expect fun teachers, uplifting playlists, creative and energising vinyasa flow, easy to follow instruction and good vibes. Classes at 10-11am and 11.10am12.10pm. £12 per class or 5 for £45, 10 for £80. Saturdays until Oct 7 NEW Hatha Yoga Flow The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Leave the working week behind with a relaxing Saturday morning Hatha Flow session, suitable for beginners but all levels welcome. Limited spaces so please contact to book. 9.30-10.30am. £10. Sarah 07584 054686 Mondays NEW E11 Yoga St. Margarets with St. Columbia, Woodhouse Road E11 3NP Yoga classes designed for all levels and bodies. Uplifting, lighthearted, soulful and grounding, regular attendance will improve your mood, increase your strength and relax your mind. 9.3010.30am. £8.

Urban Swifts Knitting

Urban Swifts is a project to support Walthamstow Wetlands engagement programme. We are looking for knitters, with some experience, to join us in knitting a nesting swift.

This is in collaboration with Deirdre Nelson an experienced textile artist from Scotland. She will be in Walthamstow for October running workshops at The Mill in Coppermill Lane. Patterns and wool will be provided, using British wool produced by small breeders around the country. We are very grateful to St James St Local who have helped us with funding for this project. Urban Swifts were specifically chosen as an emblematic symbol of the Walthamstow reservoirs. They have become increasingly endangered over recent years. The recently completed swift tower will provide new nesting sites for the swifts. The knitted swifts will be displayed during the opening week in the Engine House.

Further details from Elizabeth - 07939869863 28 To advertise your business contact

Tuesdays Tai Chi Principles & Mindfulness Training through Movement & Martial Arts St Stephen’s Church Hall, 1 Copeland Road E17 9DB Want to improve your health, develop better mental focus, and learn tools for self defence? Learn the art of I Liq Chuan and train your body/ mind to use this Zen philosophy, Tai Chi principles and martial arts. For beginners and advanced; please let us know you’re coming. 7.30-8.30pm. £10, first class FREE. Mark 07824 395814

Tuesdays from 12 Sept Pilates with Meghan Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Dynamic Pilates classes that will leave you feeling strong and energised. Everyone’s unique, both in how they learn and what their body can do; my teaching style reflects this. Do something good for yourself. 7-8pm. £8.

For more dance and fitness classes please visit


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Morris described the Icelandic landscape as “the most romantic of all deserts”

Ösp Eldjárn

icelandic Dreams This month the William Morris Gallery marks this year’s Museums at Night festival with a unique event exploring Morris’s fascination with Iceland.

from celebrated Icelandic folk singer Ösp Eldjárn, whose soaring melody-led songs bring a contemporary songwriting approach to the musical heritage of her homeland. Also during the evening visitors can see the Gallery’s Iceland display – featuring souvenirs Morris collected on his trips - and enjoy the landmark exhibition on May Morris, William’s daughter, who shared her father’s passion for Iceland.

Iceland: Questions of Travel with Lavinia Greenlaw and Ösp Eldjárn Thursday 26 October, 8 – 10pm William Morris Gallery Tickets £12 (£8 concessions) available from Iceland: Questions of Travel is co-curated with Third Nature/Vine Collective.

It was on trips to Iceland in the 1870s that Morris fell in love with the country’s natural history, mythology and literary traditions. He described the Icelandic landscape as “the most romantic of all deserts” and his experiences on the island greatly influenced his future political and aesthetic commitments. Walthamstow’s William Morris Gallery celebrates this fascination with a special late evening opening on Thursday 26 October. Writer and poet Lavinia Greenlaw will read from her critically acclaimed book Questions of Travel: William Morris in Iceland and discuss what Morris’s Icelandic journals can tell us about the nature of travel. There will also be a chance to catch a performance To advertise your business contact 29

Laughter marathon! Black History Month (BHM) brings its fifteenth Big Comedy Night to Walthamstow Assembly Hall with another stellar line up. Red Imp Comedy’s Susan Murray talks to BHM comedy promoter Glen Watson.

Susan: This is the 15th year you’ve done this gig and it’s an amazing line up. I’ve worked with your headliner Curtis Walker dozens of times. He’s hysterical. Tell us about the rest of your acts? Glen: Robbie G and Eddie Nestor are back, they host it every year. Eddie is BBC Radio London’s Drive Time presenter and Robbie is an actor who was in The Real McCoy and has starred in a couple of Guy Richie’s movies. Glenda Jaxson is another big name. She’s 30

what we call home grown and does a lot of stories about her life and her family. She’s really good and the crowd love her. Shabba is new to my show, he’s got real style. Miss Mo’Real – she’s great . A Dot is a highly recommended Ghanian comedian. Roger D, he did my earlier shows and is excellent , he’s a pro. Asher Jay is a newer guy who I really like. Travis Jay is also excellent. It’s a really strong line up. Susan: So it’s a really good mix of seasoned acts and fresh

Susan: That’s a bargain at £18.50. Aren’t the audience knackered towards the end?

Richard Blackwood and Gina Yashere so we made it all comedy. This year we have bought back some music into it and we have an opera singer Yvonne Davis and Violinist Daj Jordan. We pace it with acts, music and intervals so the audience don’t get tired.

Glen: No don’t worry they’re fine, we do break it up.

Susan: So how did the comedy night all come about?

It originally started out as a cabaret show 15 years ago but then the comedy outshone everything else with acts like

Glen: I’m freelance now but I worked for LBWF for 20 years and was their events manager. I came up with the idea of

faces. It’s a really long show compared to mine. Glen: Yes at around 4 hours it’s one of the longest comedy shows in London.

Photo ©Fran Freeman / Walthamstow Garden Party

Top row: Left – Glenda Jaxson; Middle – Robbie G and Eddie Nestor; Right – Miss Mo’Real. Bottom row: Left – Roger D; Middle – Shabba; Right – Travis Jay.

having a big entertainment night to bring together everyone in a massive celebration of the end of BHM. Susan: How do you pick your acts? Glen: I go and see comedians all over, big ones, ones I think have good potential. I can suss how they’d work in an 80% Caribbean setting. They have to be able to do a clean set with minimal swearing as it’s a family show for all ages. Susan: Well that counts me and Ninia Benjamin out then. Can you sum up Black History Month for someone who’s just landed from Mars. Or Bolton. Glen: It was started in 1987 by GLC projects co-ordinator Akyaaba Addai-Sebo after a co-worker reported that her

child had asked “Mum, why can’t I be white?”. Akyaaba realised the UK needed a permanent celebration of Africa’s contribution to world civilisation. SO now it’s a month where schools, libraries, museums have talks from people and historians and teaches young British black Caribbean and Africans about their roots – about their history. It’s extremely important. My 16 year old son hasn’t been taught anything about black history he’s learnt most of it from films about Martin Luther King or Roots. There are so many strands of black history that people don’t know about. It should always have it’s space in education. It helps young black people understand and deal with the world around them.

Walthamstow Assembly Hall 20 October Doors 6pm Show 8pm Tickets: £18.50 Concs: £10.50. Food is available

Write 2-A Life Poetry and Short-Story Competition for Young People (12 to 16 years old) Write a poem (maximum 25 lines) or shortstory (maximum 1,500 words) on one of the following themes: •




Winners will be published in a book to be auctioned across London and the proceeds given in support of The Mayors Charity Appeal, Diabetes UK to help local care services. For more details of the Write2-A-Life Poetry and Short Stories Competition please visit Forest Radio at programmes Please email your poem(s) or short stories as an attachment only (e.g. Word or .txt document) and include your name on each poem or short-story to

The deadline is midnight 28th October 2017 We are hoping that Leyton Orient Football Club team players will read the work of the competition winners on Forest Radio. A young winner’s book launch event will take place on 14th November 2017. You can listen to details of the Write2-A-Life Poetry and Short Stories Competition for young people, please visit Forest Radio at Write2-A-Life is supported by The Mayor of Waltham Forest, Councillor Grace Williams and organised by Forest Radio of Waltham Forest.

To advertise your business contact 31

Walthamstow Diary Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17 I always think that other parts of London are much further away than they actually are. I have a friend who lives in Crystal Palace which seems like it’s further away than Mars. Until of course I go and visit her, and realise that actually, you don’t need a space shuttle to get there. I was having much the same negative thoughts when another friend invited me to his 40th in Kentish Town. Kentish town, I grumbled to my other half, it’d be quicker to get to Outer Mongolia. I felt pretty silly when the tube ride only took 25 minutes. We were in the beer garden of the Pineapple pub, and I zoned in on someone else’s conversation. The people chatting once lived in London but have now moved to the countryside, and were unbearably positive about the whole experience. Don’t get me wrong, moving out of the smoke is great if that’s what floats your boat, but something these escapees were saying didn’t sit right with me. There’s a real sense of community, one of them said, followed with, in London no one knows their neighbours. This, in my opinion is a myth. Either that or my Walthamstow rose tinted glasses are double strength. We know most of our neighbours, we have keys to each other’s houses, pop in for drinks, organise street parties, and stop and chat when we bump in to each other. One of our neighbours often passes beer and BBQ food to us over the fence in summer. All in all, we are a very friendly bunch. I’m pretty sure I’m not living in a bubble, I’ve always got to know my neighbours, and I’m sure it’s not just me that does it. Maybe where people go wrong is assuming their neighbours are unfriendly so never speak to them. Where in reality, you never know where a hello may lead. So, if you don’t know the people who live near you, say hello or crack a smile in their general direction. You’ll be overwhelmed with cat sitting duties before you know it. 32

Photographs: Oops by @Sheikh007; Lamb’s Car Ad c/o Lissa Chapman; Pikachu by Lorraine Atkins; Tea Towel Holder by Max John; Pork Hands by Walthamstow (Unofficial) Tourist Board; Pun Appeal by Walthamstow Toss

The Magpie’s beady eyes are on the look-out for the shiniest, funniest remarks, witty retorts and bizarre sightings to share and retweet from the borough’s social media channels. Thanks this month to Twitter, Walthamstow Sell or Swap, Leytonstone Life, Walthamstow Toss and Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board

Irony at its absolute finest today in St James @JollyJourno Street #Walthamstow

When #Walthamstow took to the petrol engine - an ad from 1919, when this elegant Ford cost £250, which would still buy a decent house @lissachapman Pot noodles are only 50p at Walthamstow ASDA today! I think I need to go get more. You’d think I worked for @Pot_Noodle at this rate @Warpdog

One of the top 3 things I never want to see is a pig with hands. Wait. What? KH: Ich liebe Walthamstow AC: It’s like The Devil Rides Out. AM: Hand and spring of pork was always a popular and cheap Sunday roast, all the butchers in the High St sold them when I grew up there in the 50s and 60s. WUTB: A spring of pork? Is that a pig on a mattress? AM: Boinngg! A spring is the front shoulder, the hand and spring is the front arm attached to the shoulder. Like a shoulder of lamb only bigger and cheaper that’s why it was a favourite. WUTB: Pig arms for tea! AM: There was one butcher opposite Buxton Rd that sold only offal. DM: This is why you don’t see pigs with hands... TB: Some shops sell Ladies’ Fingers. WUTB: ..and gentlemen’s relish Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board Tea towel holder! Unwanted gift. Walthamstow Sell or Swap

An urgent appeal for Walthamstow puns

SR: Need a new boiler? Then try Walthamstow Central Heating AP: Mini Hollandaise - European Restaurant CR: Lea Fridge - domestic appliances.

MS: Waltham’s Toe - Chiropodist CW: or Feet17; Meet17 - dating agency; Meat17 - butcher; Waltham Blow - hairdresser (what were YOU thinking?) MM: Waltham Tow - car mechanics; Waltham Bro - gentleman’s club; Waltham Dough artisan baker; Waltham Yo - yoof club. SM: Freud Park - psychoanalysts; Waltham Flow - plumbers merchants or sanitary products; Waltham ‘Fro - barbers; Higham Grill - steakhouse; Higham Pill - pharmacists; Higham Chill - fridges and freezers; Smell Corner - perfumes; Wood Feet - clogs or prosthetics; Smackhorse Road - legal highs and Backhorse Road - bookmakers. PA: Loakes Familiar.... 2nd hand tat at exorbitant prices! and Wee17 - urinal shop JM: St James’s Treat - sweet indulgences. JL: Tee17 - a poorly located golf shop; See11 - Opticians; Higham Fill - sandwich bar or SB: Higham Heel - shoe repairs GE & RS: The Crooked Fillet: for a fish or meat related business. MM: Stow Away - travel agent. GE: Hoe Street. Nuf said. Walthamstow Toss Not a sight you see on the Central Line every day! KP: What is he doing to poor Pikachu? AC: Surprised he had room. We’re normally crushed in like sardines in rush hour. JR: I ♥ the sheepish look on his face LA: And the surprised look on the yellow fella’s face! AF: Blimey I think that guy works in China town! I pass him regularly! JB: It’s an every day trip?! LA: And a different position. Lucky Pikachu! . Leytonstone Life 33

Robert William Jackson This month sees a new show at Walthamstow’s Pictorem Gallery. Artist Robert William Jackson’s Heroic Paintings of the Urban Landscape, display a mix of lively constructivist reliefs, challenging installations and thought provoking readymade art. The work represents a consolidation of the last few years for him. After training at Sir John Cass and Ravensbourne School of Art in the 1980’s Robert worked as a decorative artist using wood-graining, marbling, rag-rolling and stippling techniques on interior walls and furniture. In the 1990’s he moved to Shoreditch with a stint working at the Alexander McQueen studio before moving to Walthamstow. It’s only in the last 5 years that he has taken to producing and showing his artwork seriously. He sites this as being largely due to living in Walthamstow which he describes as “such an inclusive environment” thanks to the E17 Art Trail with its emphasis on “cultural vitality, rather than money and the art market”. The most recent work on display in the exhibition are three new paintings showing views of Brutalist architectonic elements to be found on the A406 North Circular Road. Robert says “I use the north circular quite often and it struck me as a landscape waiting to be portrayed. I wanted to 34

capture something of the imposing, austere concrete structures of the roadways, flyovers and under crofts. It’s quite a bleak terrain and, as it’s a thoroughfare for cars, it’s an inhuman landscape. I also wanted to set it against the grey/white London sky that we are so familiar with. The size of the canvas needs to reflect the large scale of the subject, so I made them as big as I could and still get them through the door of Pictorem! Some of my earlier work, which is also on show, inhabits the space between Constructivism and the Readymade. These pieces are a direct result of skills practiced as a cabinet maker/carpenter and thought processes developed in a furniture manufacturing workshop. My creative impulses are transmuted from the restrictive functional design, labour intensive everyday environment into the free space inhabited by fine art. I prefer to go for the bold statement without to much embellishment, I also like

to use the natural condition of materials found and manufactured to hint at hidden beauty. Juxtaposing slick presentation with dirt-encrusted decay, decorations from natural processes take centre stage. Objects destined for the skip become icons of immeasurable value. The overlooked become precious. Offcuts become the rescued fragments of an abstract jigsaw. Finally there is a short film I’ve made, showing the construction of an installation”

Robert William Jackson Paintings and Retrospective Works 4-28 October Private View Friday 6 October 6.30-8.30pm

Pictorem Gallery 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP













This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts, crafts & film 4-29 Oct NEW Robert William Jackson: Paintings & Retrospective Works Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP An exhibition of lively constructivist reliefs, challenging installations and thought provoking readymade art. Tues-Sat 9-5.30pm. FREE. 23-28 Oct NEW Annual Photographic Exhibition Baptist Church Hall, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ Stunning prints and digital projected images on display at the annual exhibition by Walthamstow & District Photographic Society. 6-10pm. FREE.

Events marked

kid friendly

7 Oct-28 January 2018 NEW May Morris: Art and Life William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP This landmark exhibition explores the life and work of May Morris, daughter of William Morris, and one of the most significant artists of the British Arts and Crafts movement in her own right. Funded through Art Happens, the Art Fund’s crowdfunding platform. WedsSun 10am-5pm. FREE. 5-29 Oct NEW Mark Sowden Stops and Starts Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9JN Exhibition of Mark Sowden’s photographic works capturing the experience of moving through a landscape on journeys around London and showing some of the odd and out-of-place objects he finds on the way. Opening night event 5 Oct 7-9pm. A street-facing gallery, visible during daylight hours and lit until midnight. Open daily. FREE.

18-24 Oct NEW Diaspora Dialogue Exhibition Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 5EQ This exhibition will provide an opportunity for emerging artists of African Caribbean descent to showcase their work, creating a platform for those who lack the opportunity, knowledge or confidence to give their work exposure. 10.30am-6pm. FREE. 5-29 Oct NEW Adrift by Paolo Boccacci The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Adrift is a multi-discipline installation incorporating sculpture, drawing, photography, environmental sociology and sustainability. It queries the reactive nature of human beings in response to non-life threatening natural events when art, rather than survival, becomes instinctive. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 125pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. Until 11 Nov Urban Nature Photography The Mill , 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A group photography exhibition exploring the urban and where nature and the city collide. Tues-Fri:9.30am6pm. Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. FREE.

5 October-18 November NEW Maker’s Movements Exhibition Blackhorse Sideshow, Forest Works, Forest Road E17 6JF A fun and interactive exhibition showcasing local craft and design talent from the Blackhorse Workshop community. Mon-Fri 7.30-11am, Sat 10am-2pm. FREE. Mondays Knit & Natter Group WFDRC Centre, via Amethyst Road, Leytonstone E15 2BG For people who love knitting or crochet. A chance to share a chat and cuppa over your current projects and maybe swap patterns, techniques and tips. 1.30-3pm. £3. Peri Stanley 020 8534 1589 Mondays until 23 Oct Tots Rhythm & Art Inky Cuttlefish Studios, Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Join us for messy fun and a taste of African rhythm for pre-school kids every Monday in a professional studio, run by professional practicing artists. 1010.45am. £3, £2 for siblings. Anna 07753 6868331

Am Dram – The Musical Am Dram is this year’s original production from the Secret Musical Society. Set twenty years after the tragic death of the People’s Princess, a local am dram group, Snaresbrook Amateur Drama Society (SADS) are staging a touching tribute as their own dramas unfold. The Secret Musical Society’s Angela Broome and Marcus Scroop follow up the success of “The Secret” with another original show “Am Dram – The Musical”. This time we get to see the inner workings of an amateur drama group (the SADS) trying to put on a show called “Three’s A Crowd” in tribute to the late Princess Diana. The high point of their show is a song called “Three of us in this marriage”! As the leading actors get into their parts they find that their personal lives begin to mirror those of whom they are portraying. The music is a mixture of rock/pop tunes plus some outrageously cheesy songs which they perform as members of the Royal Family. “Over the years we have got to know

many wonderful characters in the local amateur drama societies and this show is dedicated to their inspiration” said Marcus.

Am Dram – The Musical Friday 27 October at 7.30pm, Saturday 28 October at 3pm and 7.30pm Tickets: Price: £10 in advance, £12 on the door Info: Contact: Marcus on 07504 240845

The Deaton Theatre Forest School, E17 3PY

To advertise your business contact 35

ART Tuesdays Free Film Night at The Red Lion The Red Lion Ballroom, 640 High Road Leytonstone E11 3AA Love films? Love surprises? Love free stuff? Come watch our mystery movie every Tuesday with free popcorn too. Doors 7.30pm, film starts 8pm. FREE.

Music, theatre & singing Mondays NEW Robyn’s Bad Decision Time (The Tinder Games) The Birds pub, 692 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA London’s loneliest comedians battle it out to try and convince someone from Tinder, Grindr or Her to come to the show for a date. 8-9.45pm. £5. Fridays Live Music at In Vino Veritas In Vino Veritas, 21 Orford Road E17 9NL Friday nights is a fantastic night of entertainment at In Vino Veritas with an exceptional pianist. The style changes weekly and a good old sing song is always on the cards. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE entry. Tuesdays NEW East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Weekly modern jazz club featuring the UK’s best jazz musicians in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Hosted by drummer Clive Fenner. The Music Room has its own bar with Real Ale. 8.3011pm. £6, cash on the door only. Tuesdays Singer-Songwriters’ Night Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG See some great unsigned, talented performers every week. Originals guaranteed and a cheeky cover or maybe two. Different performers each week from the UK and abroad. 8pmmidnight. FREE. Sundays (term time only) Natural Voices: Senior Youth Choir Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Fun funky choir for kids from 8-12 years. 11am-12pm. £6. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338 Thursdays Waltham Voices: New choir for Leytonstone Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Soho Theatre‘s new singing group led by Byron Gold choir leader with the Stratford East Singers. No experience necessary. 7-9pm. FREE.



Mondays Sing17 Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Join our thriving 3 year old choir. All abilities, absolutely no auditions. Drop in and join in. It’s inclusive, informal and fun. 7.30-9pm. £7, £6 in adv, FREE taster. Laura 07813 686980 Mondays Waltham Forest Community Choir St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End/ Church Hill E17 9RJ A friendly choir with a wide-ranging repertoire. No audition required. Open to all adults living or working in Waltham Forest. 7.30-9.30pm. No per session fees but termly subscription £50. 07954 740745 Tuesdays The CommUnity Gospel Choir St Wesleyan Christian Centre, 1 Harrow Green, Leytonstone E11 3HP A friendly CommUnity Choir open to all ages and abilities. No audition or experience needed. 7.15-9pm. £5, £3 concessions. Beverly Collins 07434 541661 Choir Wednesdays NEW Choir17 Walthamstow CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB New, mixed choir with a focus on feeling great and sounding great. Fun sessions, modern music (rock, indie, soul, pop). No need to read music, just need a love for singing! 18+ only. 7-8.30pm. First 3 sessions FREE, then £9. Rosie 07789 908483 Wednesdays (term time only) WAVE Community Choir Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY We’re funky, jazzy and recruiting. All welcome, no auditions. Over summer we’ve worked with rising R’n’B star Byron Gold so we’re raring to go. Jazz, gospel, classical, folk etc. 7.30-9.30pm. First rehearsal FREE, then £10, £8 conc. Virginia Firnberg 07813 116505 Wednesdays (term time only) Natural Voices: Walthamstow Mixed Choir for Men & Women Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Taking the stuffiness out of choirs! It’s singing with a twist of fun. Beginners welcome, no auditions and no sight-reading. We do glorious covers of pop, soul, rock, jazz and comedy songs.. 7.30-9pm. £10, £8 in adv, FREE taster. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338

DANCE/FITNESS Sundays (term time only) NEW Natural Voices: Advanced Teen Plus Choir Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR New choir for teens and singers who love harmony and great contemporary music to join a strong group of singers. For budding singer songwriters! 121pm. £6, £5 paid termly, FREE taster. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338

Quizzes & Games Mondays & Thursdays NEW Waltham Forest Bridge Club Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN Are you new to the area, looking for a bridge club, or a social player wanting to try club bridge? Not got a bridge partner come along on Mondays. 7.1510.30pm. £5, £4 for members. Alternate Sundays 1, 15 & 29 Oct Easy Like Sunday Gaming The Hoe Street Club, 11 Hoe Street E17 4SD Over 18s only. A small and friendly group who meet to play all sorts of board and card games. RSVP essential. 12.307.30pm. FREE but please support the venue by purchasing food and drinks. 020 8926 6862



23, 24, 25, 26 & 27 Oct NEW Walthamstow Childrens Theatre Festival: Peter & the Wolf Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH The musical story of a mischievous boy called Peter and his friends, the bird, the duck, the cat and how they outwit the sly old wolf in this wonderful musical tale. For children 4 yrs and over. 1.30-2.30pm. Children £7.50, adults £10.50, family ticket £25 3, 4 and 5 Oct NEW HighTide Festival: Me... The Mix temporary theatre, Walthamstow Town Square E17 7JH Little Angel Theatre presents an “Obscenely adorable puppet story about a baby penguin. ‘Me…’ is a charmfest that’s unlikely to upset even the most lily-livered pre-schooler” Time Out. 1111.35am. Children £5, adults £8.

Gardening & Environment

Mon 23-Fri 27 Oct NEW Kids Half-term Sports Camp Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN An active holiday programme for kids aged 6-17. Squash and outdoor fun and games. Bring a packed lunch and trainers. 10am-4pm. £15 for a half day, £30 full day. Full week concession. Vicky te Velde 07538 574058

1st, 2nd and 3rd Tues & last Saturday Chingford Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road E4 6XU Conservation volunteering is a cure for many of life’s ills, they say. Help us create new habitats, plant new trees and plants and look after the local green spaces. Come into the great outdoors and get active in the fresh air. Tools and refreshments provided. 10am-1pm. FREE. Gareth 0208 533 8022

Wednesdays NEW Creation Station Froth & Rind, 37 Orford Road E17 9NL For children 6-15months and 15months-5yrs. Inspire your child’s imagination and nurture their creativity with fun, hands-on art and crafts. Our exclusive and safe activity programmes are social, educational and great fun for both of you! 10-10.45pm. £9, discounts for block bookings. 07976 778215

Thursdays Hornbeam Thurs Nights: Amazing Workshops Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Hornbeam Nights are now educational, social and environmental workshops on all sorts of topics. Check website and Facebook for weekly details. Drinks and snacks available. 7.30-11pm. FREE.

Family & Young People Saturdays until 14 Oct NEW Rhythm’n’Shake Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A fun, relaxed family learning session with live African percussion, singalong, costumes and basis dance moves. No need to book - just turn up. 10-11am. £3 per child.

Thursdays NEW Baby Discover/Little Explorers Once Upon a Time Book Cafe, Station Road, off St James Street E17 8AA From the creators of Creation Station above except 10am-12pm. £9, discounts for block bookings. Fridays NEW Baby Discover/Little Explorers LLoyd Park Community Room, Forest Road E17 4PP From the creators of Creation Station above except 10am-12pm. £9, discounts for block bookings.

Events marked

kid friendly

36 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Mondays (term-time only) Acting Bugs St Johns Church Hall, High Road Leytonstone E11 1HH Interactive story-based drama sessions for pre-school children and their grown ups. 1.50-3.30pm. £7 and first class FREE when booked termly. 25% discount for siblings. Fridays (term-time only) Acting Bugs Peterhouse Centre, 122 Forest Rise/Upper Walthamstow Road E17 3PW As above except 10am-12pm.

Food, markets & shopping Saturdays in October NEW Stories & Supper at the Hornbeam The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Walthamstow’s refugee supper club takes over the Hornbeam on Saturday nights in October. With a different chef each week, we’ll bring you delicious global cuisine alongside stories about migration from those making the journeys. 7.30-10.30pm. £20. Saturdays Community Local Produce Stall St John’s Church, Church Lane E11 1HG Delicious, locally grown organic fruit and vegetables, and other local produce for sale. A partnership between Organiclea and Transition Leytonstone. 10.30am-3pm. Saturdays OrganicLea Market Stall The Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Organic and local sustainably grown fruit, vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. Healthy Start vouchers can be used. 10am-3pm. our-market-stall Saturdays E17 Village Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Indoor market brought to you by local residents and micro businesses, showcasing the best in artisan produce, international street food, homeware, clothing and gifts. 10.30am-3.30pm.

Events marked


Calendar of events Sunday 1 October Swap Apples for Cider! Church Lane Community Garden, Harold Road, Leytonstone E11 4QX Bring along your surplus apples and receive a bottle of Urban Orchard cider for every 3kg of sound, bruise-free apples. We’ll weigh your apples and notify you when the cider has been delivered. 9am-12pm. FREE. Sunday Nature Conservation The Waterworks Nature Reserve, Lammas Road (off Lea Bridge Road) E10 7NU Join Lea Bridge Conservation Volunteers with practical, hands-on tasks on the first Sunday of each month. All welcome, no experience needed. Bring lunch, wear stout footwear and clothing suitable for weather and task. Task reminder with more details available at Meet 9.30am. Ends 3.30pm. FREE. Colin Smith 07757 766950 Jon Shenoy Trio Mirth, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Talented contemporary jazz improviser and creative spirit, Jon plays a wide range of music and leads a number of celebrated ensembles. 2-4pm. FREE. Vintage Humans: Silver Sunday Afternoon Tea CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Presented by this event is part of the nationwide Silver Sunday. Bite-sized theatre, musical bingo, vintage fair, tea and cake. Celebrate what we gain with age. Suitable for all adult age groups. BYOB. Disabled access. 2-5pm. £10, over 65s £7.50. Stow Film Lounge presents IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT (1967, cert 12) Mirth, 186 Hoe St. E17 4QH Programmed to coincide with Black History month. Sydney Poitier stars in this Oscar-winning film as a police detective investigating a murder in a racially hostile southern town. Doors open 7.30pm, film 7.45pm. £8, £6 conc. Buy online at, at the Mirth bar or on the door. Mahadev OK / re.wind Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Mahadev OK is a spirit-pop-songwriter from France who will bring a smile to your heart and a beat to your feet. Five piece Neo Soul/Jazz band re.wind are followed by a jam session. 6pmmidnight. FREE.




The Battle for the Ballot plus Steve Suffet at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA ‘The Battle for the Ballot’ tells the story of how everybody in the UK got the vote. This live performance shows how the right to vote was won. 7.3010.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged.

Monday 2 New Blues Jam Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Feel free to join our new weekly blues jam! 8.30pm-midnight. FREE.

Tuesday 3 Leyton Monthly Social Dance The Score Centre, 100 Oliver Road E10 5JY On the first Tuesday of the month these dances celebrate many different dance styles. Hit the dance floor to Quadrille, Bollywood, Salsa, Lindy Hop and much more! 1-4pm. £5 cash on the door or online from our website, carers FREE. Giulia Ghinelli 020 7691 3210

Wednesday 4

Red Imp presents Ayesha Hazarika feat Stella Creasy Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A sell out show at Edinburgh - Ayesha was a special adviser to the Labour party for 10 years. Plus Q&A with our local MP at the end. Not to be missed! 8.30-10.30pm. £10.

Under 5s, Lloyd Park Nature Explorers: Meet the Park Keeper and Park Safety Meet in the Community Room next to the cafe, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Begining with a simple craft on our monthly theme then a ramble in the park before stories and a healthy snack back indoors. 10am-12.30pm. FREE, but donations welcome. Vicky 07870 678571

Private View for Mark Sowden Stops and Starts Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9JN Social evening to mark the opening of the new exhibition of photographs by Walthamstow-based artist Mark Sowden. Child, dog and cycle-friendly outdoor venue. 7-9pm.

Red Imp presents Nathan Caton & Ninia Benjamin The Mix temporary theatre, Walthamstow Town Sq E17 Nathan Caton, star of Live At The Apollo and Mock The Week is joined by Ninia Benjamin, best known as one of BBC Three’s award-winning hidden-camera comedy 3 Non-Blondes. Not for the faint-hearted! 9.30-10.15pm. £12.

Private View for Robert William Jackson: Paintings & Retrospective Works Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP Meet the artist event for this exhibition of lively constructivist reliefs, challenging installations and thought provoking readymade art. 6.30-8.30pm. FREE.

Pixie presents Misty Lee William Morris Bar & Kitchen, 807 Forest Road E17 4JD Misty Lee will be on stage at 9pm but there’s a complimentary burger and chips if you arrive before 8.30pm! 7-11.30pm. £5.

Thursday 5 Music in the Village: The Marian Consort St Mary’s Church, Church End E17 9RJ 16th century music from Portugal and England featuring heartfelt lamentations by Thomas Tallis and Manuel Cardoso, sung by a young, innovative and internationally renowned vocal ensemble. 7.30-9pm. £13.50, £7 conc. All tickets cash on the door only.

Friday 6

HighTide Festival: Bush Meat by Jon Barton Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Sierra Leone, 2014. A government nurse is caught between two fires when the arrival of Ebola provokes a family feud. This early draft of the script is a semistaged performance that will feature in HighTide 2018. 5-6.30pm. £5 or FREE to WF residents. Hornbeam Monthly Film Night The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH First Friday is film night at the Hornbeam - all about community and positive change. Check the website or Facebook for the focus of the month’s film. 6-9.30pm. FREE.

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”.

To advertise your business contact 37



Saturday 7 Faure’s Requiem in a Day Workshop & Performance St Mary’s Church, Church End E17 9RJ Enjoy singing Faure’s Requiem or always wanted to give it go? Here’s an opportunity to learn or revisit one of the most popular works in the choral repertoire. 10.30am-5pm. £15. A scratch performance of the Requiem follows. 6-7pm. FREE. Saturday Stitching Club Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre, 90 Crownfield Road E15 2BG On the first Saturday of the month the club is open to beginners and more experienced sewers. We particularly welcome disabled sewers and sewers learning to cope with changes to their abilities. 11am-3pm. £6. Peri 020 8534 1589 Marshland Medicine: Herb Walk Meet at Coppermill Car Park, Coppermill Lane E17 7HG Last of the year’s monthly rambles to explore wild medicinal and edible plants of our local wild lands. Explore folklore, history and practical uses with community herbalist Rasheeqa. Meet 11.45am. 12-2pm. £10, £8 conc. WheelUp Soundsystem: Sound Clash Blackhorse Sideshow, Forest Works, Forest Road E17 6JF The WheelUp Soundsystem DJs are back at Blackhorse Sideshow for this one off event. Expect beats to boogie to from local DJ talent. 6pm-midnight. FREE before 9pm, £5 after. Oh So Funny Leytonstone O’Neills, 762 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AW Another brilliant night of top comedy at O’Neills Leytonstone with the country’s best comedians. All line-ups subject to change. 7.30-10.30pm. £12.50, or £10 in advance from ThermiT / Afterlife / Vigil / Death by Ki / At Worlds End Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Multi-award winning Polish heavy/ thrash metal band ThermiT with thrash, groove and spirit metal supports. 7-11.30pm. £5. Walls Of Heartache: Northern Soul Night Downstairs at the Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Walls of Heartache is back for more simple Northern Soul music on original vinyl, with guest DJ and well-known collector Tony Smith, joining resident DJs behind the decks. 8pm-12am. £5. Events marked

kid friendly


Harvest Concert performed by the London Gallery Quire St Peter’s in the Forest Church, Woodford New Road E17 3PP Music from the Georgian period between 1720-1850 followed by a simple cheese ploughmen’s meal and a chance to meet the Quire. Refreshments available to buy before and after the concert. 6.15-9.30pm. FREE entry but with a leaving collection. Whiskey Mick & Friends Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Mick, Neil and Wayne return with their intoxicating and irresistible blend of gospel, folk and bluegrass. 8.30-11pm. FREE. The Dials What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB “Glides effortlessly between the harmonic swoon of The Byrds, the poppier elements of the Velvets and the child-like psych of Syd Barrett’s Pink Floyd.” Uncut Magazine. 8.3011.30pm. FREE but suggested donation £10.

Sunday 8 HighTide Festival: Magical Musical Story Box The Mix temporary theatre, Walthamstow Town Square E17 7JH Part of the HighTide festival of live performance. Newly devised music/ theatre piece that engages children 0-7yrs in a wonderful world of makebelieve, song, percussion and physical movement. 11am-12pm. £5. Roll Out The Barrel: Piano Singalong The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Monthly good old fashioned East End knees-up. Talented and graceless singers most welcome. Family and pet friendly. 1-3pm. FREE entry. She17 Live Women’s Music Wild Card Brewery, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Showcasing great local women musicians at this monthly acoustic afternoon session. 2-5pm. FREE. Hoe St Market Trades Hall car park, 17 Hoe Street E17 4SD A monthly outdoor market selling art, crafts, food, coffee, gifts and more. Bring your pennies to support local artists, small caterers and independent businesses. 12-4pm approx. FREE.

DANCE/FITNESS Family Day: Celebrating Black History Month Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Join us for a fun-filled afternoon of music and poetry with spoken word artist Adisa in celebration of Black History Month. Sessions start at 1.45pm, 2.30pm and 3.15pm. No need to book, drop in. FREE but suggested donation of £3 per child. E17 Designers Autumn Market Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Swell your gourd, plump your hazel shells: mellow fruitfulness on display at the E17 Designers Market. Thoughtful, quirky, beautiful, locally made products harvested from the pick of our artists, makers and designers plus guests Look Up Prints. 2.30-5.30pm. FREE. HighTide Festival: Swansong Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH The rain has finally stopped. 4 people survive. They are in a swan pedalo. DugOut Theatre, founded by a group of comedians, writers, musicians and actors, present their smash-hit show to ask what we’d remember if we could start again. 3.30pm. £10. James Brothers at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Drawing from the folk, blues and bluegrass that inspired them, the Brothers’ repertoire includes such songs as The Voyage Of The Buffalo and Poison Train. One not to miss. 7.3010.30pm. £10, £8 unwaged. Stow Film Lounge presents A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE (1951, cert 12) Mirth, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Vivien Leigh and Marlon Brando star in this Oscar-winning classic movie version of Tennessee Williams’ play. A faded southern belle comes to visit her pregnant sister in New Orleans hoping to start a new life, but finds she can’t escape her chequered past. Doors open 7.30pm, film 7.45pm. £8, £6 conc. Buy online at, at the Mirth bar or on the door.

Monday 9 Under 5s, Lloyd Park Nature Explorers: Meet the Park Keeper and Park Safety Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP As Wednesday 4



Tuesday 10 A Talk by Childbirth Expert Michel Odent Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Pioneering researcher into the link between birth and breastfeeding; this talk promises to be of great interest. Refreshments and books for sale. 10.30am-1pm. £8, children FREE. Deborah Barnes 07929 732589

Wednesday 11 Film & Video Umbrella Screening Blackhorse Sideshow, Forest Works, Forest Road E17 6JF Join us for a special outdoor screening of three film and video Umbrella productions at Blackhorse Sideshow. Refreshments available. 7-9.30pm. £5. Mhairi 020 8531 1612 Uncaged London: Psychoooh! Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU This themed burlesque/cabaret show is a murder mystery with live music and comedy. Fun, silly and sexy. Approach with a sense of humour for a great time. 8-11pm. £15, early bird tickets £10.

Thursday 12 Stowtellers: The Walthamstow Storytelling Club Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QZ ‘Should I stay or Should I Go?’ Traditional stories and tales of coming and going, and all the decisions in between. Come to listen or tell a story. 7.30-9.30pm. £5. Hewing Wittare: Not Flawless Perky Blenders ‘Project 660 Space’ 660 High Road Leyton E10 6JP A multi-media event showing music, photography and paintings including AutumnMusic, Bethany Rose, Tom Brannigan, Emily Vanns and Joke Van den Hof. 6-11pm. £5.90. Exhibition continues until 15 Oct, FREE entry Or search for tickets on General Echo The Victoria, 188 Hoe St E17 4QH Monthly reggae disco. Dub, dancehall, roots, rockers and more on 2 turntables and a space echo. 8pm-midnight. £3.

Friday 13 Hanoi Ca Phe: Vietnamese Pop-Up Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ The delicious Vietnamese pop up returns to The Gin Palace. No need to reserve, just turn up and tuck in. 6-10pm. Dish prices vary.

38 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Weaving Together Workshop Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Winns Terrace E17 5EQ Weaving workshop and Sufi Drumming. 4-6pm. FREE, but contributions welcome. Rezia 07939 824177 Queefy Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH One of Dalston’s newest queer nights is mincing to Walthamstow in a flurry of sequins, sweat and sparkles. An assortment of cabaret creatures play their debaunched games, sing their awesome songs and put on a terribly terrific show. Get ready for Queefy. 7.30pm-2am. £8. Jacob Heidel, Duduetsa & Dodobones Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG German songwriter Jacob Heidel plus Duduetsa’s rhythmic folk music from southern Africa (Zimbabwe, South Africa, Botswana) and DodoBones performing their own material, accompanied by a variety of ironic pop covers. 7.30pm-midnight. FREE. Horsemeat Sandwich present Albino! Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Albino, probably London’s greatest alcoholic garage rock band; a whiskyfuelled misdemeanour in musical form, also known as the Alabama Bingo Nomads - think of a house band from Twin Peaks. More bands TBC. 8-11.30pm. FREE. Manny Fizzotti plays the Blues Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Manuel Fizzotti has played alongside some stellar bluesmen over the years and brings his expertise for his solo set for blues lovers. 8.30-11pm.

Saturday 14 Stow Film Lounge presents THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE (2017, cert PG) Centre17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB The Lego Batman Movie continues its block-buster franchise’s winning streak with another round of dizzyingly funny, and beautifully animated, family-friendly mayhem. Doors open 10.30am for crafts, film 11am, close 1pm. Children £5.50 (inc crafts), acc adults £4, under 2s FREE. Buy online at or on the door. Hanoi Ca Phe: Vietnamese Pop-Up Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ As Friday 13 except 5-10pm. Events marked

kid friendly


E17 Village Market’s 1st Birthday WF Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN Marking the first birthday of the E17 Village Market - run by local E17 residents. Come along to support us and help us celebrate our first twelve months! Food, coffee, gifts, streetfood and free facepainting 12-2pm. 10.30am-3pm. FREE. Apple Day Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Apple Day is a national day raising awareness of the hundreds of varieties of local apples, and a highlight of the Walthamstow year. Join us for apple-y events in the gorgeous gardens of the Museum, organised by The Hornbeam. 11am-3pm. FREE, just drop in. Weaving Together Workshop Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Winns Terrace E17 5EQ Weaving workshop and Sufi Drumming. 1-5pm. FREE, but contributions welcome. Rezia 07939 824177 Janos / Joe Rogers / The Long String Hawkers Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Fresh Swedish artist Janos mixes soulful pop, punk and folk and Joe Rogers performs alt rock’n’roll. Plus country music night with The Long String Hawkers at 10pm. 7pm-midnight. FREE. Pixie presents: Turnip - The Music Charity Night The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Various bands play to raise money for Christian Kitchen. 9-11pm.

Sunday 15 Toy Library’s Table Top Sale Walthamstow Toy Library, 46 Ravenswood Rd (behind Addison Road surgery or via Beulah Path) E17 9LY Lots of handmade, up-cycled and nearly new items for sale, as well as cake and refreshments. 9.30am12.30pm. £1, children FREE. Forest Philharmonic: Rachmaninov’s Symphony No3 Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD A performance of Rachmaninov’s third symphony, Poulenc’s Les Biches and Gershwin’s An American in Paris. Conducted by Mark Shanahan. Free preconcert talk 5.30pm. 6.30-8.30pm. £12, conc, u25s and family tickets available. Pete Coe at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A one man folk band. Great tunes, songs with choruses. What’s not to like? 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged.



Jazz In The Afternoon with Jackie Pert Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Pert sings and taps to classic jazz numbers, backed by Gabriel Keen, Phil Antonia and David Hawthorne. 5-7.30pm. FREE.


Friday 20

Wednesday 18

Luna Punx present Grand Collapse, Who Cares? The Kadt, Splurge, Abandon Cause Public Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Monthly hard core punk night in the Basement Bar. 6pm-midnight. FREE.

Will Self: An Audience With Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Self is the author of ten novels, five collections of shorter fiction and three novellas. His 2002 novel Dorian was shortlisted for the Booker Prize, and his novel Umbrella was shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize. 7-10pm. £12.

Dial M for Music Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Rd E11 1NP Monthly music club hosted by local band The Persecuted. This month is a special tie in with Leytonstone Festival and features top Americana artist Danni Nicholls. 7.45-11pm. FREE, with collection for the bands.

My Family: The Marriage of Black and White St Johns Church, High Road Leytonstone E11 1HH To mark Black History Month Ron Allen, longtime resident of Leytonstone, will address the Leyton and Leytonstone Historical Society. Tea/coffee from 7.15pm. 7.45-9.45pm. FREE. John Craigie (Canada) / Tom Blackwell What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Renowned for his eloquent Americana style, engaging live shows, and off-thecuff clever observations, Canadian John Craigie carries on the legacy of classic singer-songwriters. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 19 Kevin Hewick Live The CentrE17, 1 Church Hill E17 3AB Legendary Factory Records songsmith plays a career-spanning set with conversation and support from Crayon Angels. 7-10pm. £10. For tickets search Talk: Gallipoli and the Somme Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN Professor Gary Sheffield, internationally renowned expert on the First World War and WFA Vice-President, will be talking about Gallipoli and the Somme campaigns. 7.30-10pm. FREE but £3 donation appreciated. Pixie presents LGBT Night The Chequers, 145 High Street/Storey Road E17 7BX Join Pixie Presents for regular LGBT night with the wonderful drag king Adam All from 9pm. 8pm-midnight. FREE.

Woodhouse Players present For Services Rendered by W Somerset Maugham Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR Performances of a powerful drama set in the early 1930s exploring the continuing impact of the first world war on a typical English family. 8-10.30pm. £8, £5 conc in adv. £9/£6 on the door. Repeated 21, 27, 28 Oct. 020 8504 3872 The Platform Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF A night dedicated to providing a platform for local performers. See Facebook page and website for details nearer the time. 8.30-11pm. FREE. Los Otros The Victoria, 188 Hoe St E17 4QH All your favourite jazz standards with a bit of Latin and swing. Be prepared for surprises - guest vocalists, upbeat dance rhythms and music for mellow moods. 9-11.30pm. FREE.

Saturday 21 Woodhouse Players present For Services Rendered by W Somerset Maugham Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR As Fri 20. 2.30-4pm & 8-10.30pm. The Chicken Shack Record Hop Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Another stomping night of Rock’n’Roll tunes with DJs The Caveman and The Witch Doctor! 8pm-1am. FREE. Howlin’ Mojo Bones Coppermill Pub, 205 Coppermill Lane E17 7HF Local legend George Witter is back with a brand new band. If you love blues, you’ll love this band. 8.30-11pm. FREE.

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Saturday 21 continued Oh! Gunquit / The Nurses What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Like The Cramps vs The B-52’s vs Roxy Music, Oh! Gunquit are a refreshingly non-stop party of sound, a melting pot of wild garage rock’n’ roll and rumble bop. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection.

Sunday 22 Held At Hucks #018 Harry Quinn plus guests Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU A monthly event showcasing singer songwriters in the intimate setting of Hucks. 2-4.30pm. FREE. Maggie Holland at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Winner of the BBC Radio 2 Folk Award for Best Song, this is a rare chance to see this legendary songwriter. Maggie’s songs have been recorded by artists including Martin Carthy and June Tabor. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged. Robert J Hunter: Londonbeatclub Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Dirty rhythm and blues from this 7-piece band mixing soul rock rap disco funky grooves. They’ve played lots of shows and festivals. 8pm-midnight. FREE.

Monday 23 East London Humanists Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road E11 2RQ Thought-provoking monthly talks and discussions. Doors open at 7pm for light refreshments. Check website for this month’s topic. 7.30-9pm. FREE.

Tuesday 24 Mask Magic Blackhorse Sideshow, Forest Works, Forest Road E17 6JF Children’s ceramics workshop led by Yanire Sylva Delgado. Create your own hand-painted mask. Ages 8+. 10am12pm. £10. Grime Taster Workshop The Epicentre, 41 West Street, Leytonstone E11 4LJ For 14-18 year olds. Explore the history of grime and create and perform your own lyrics with hip-hop/grime artist Lemzi. Plus discover how to get involved in an upcoming grime project for young people in Waltham Forest. 5-8pm. FREE but booking essential.

Events marked


African Dance Meet in the Community Room, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP To celebrate Black History Month M’billa Arts will guide us through some African dance moves accompanied by live African drumming. 10-11am and 11am12pm. FREE, but donations welcome.

Wednesday 25 Walthamstow Childrens Theatre Festival: Molly and the Owl by the Nick Tomalin Group Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH An original story with jazz composed by Nick Tomalin member of the award winning E17 Jazz Collective. A young girl meets a saxophone playing owl and visits an exciting place called Jazzville and has lots of adventures there. Performed by a live jazz band it aims to introduce the basics of jazz to a young audience in a fun and accessible way. For children aged 7-11. 4-5pm. Children £7.50, adults £10.50, family ticket £25 Black History Celebration St Gabriel’s Church Family Centre, Havant Road E173JF An event to celebrate the achievements of Black people. Programme to be confirmed. 11am-3pm. FREE. Infinitease Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU The UK’s best new burlesque performers come together in the quest for new stars. 8-11pm. £15, early birds £10. The Red Lion Games Night The Red Lion, 640 High Road Leytonstone E11 3AA Retro games, board games, video games, NES, SNES, Megadrive, PS2, XBox, Wii, chess, Scrabble, Jenga, Kerplunk and more. On the last Wednesday of the month. 7-11pm. £2, plus £5 membership helps buy more games. E17 Cook Book Club The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE Foodie social evening where everyone brings their cook book inspiration and a dish to share with approx 10-15 people. Theme this month is ‘Food in Movies’. All welcome, newbies, couples and singles. 8.30-10.30pm. £3.

Thursday 26 Hallowe’en Pumpkin Carving Meet in Community Room, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Get ready for Hallowe’en at Lloyd Park by carving your own pumpkin and get tips on what to do with left overs. 10am1pm. FREE but donations welcome.

DANCE/FITNESS Walthamstow Childrens Theatre Festival: Captain Cauliflower and Marvin the Mischievous Moose Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Honky Bonk Theatre present the invincible Captain and his faithful companion Marvin on an unforgettable adventure, filled with extreme silliness and unquestionable danger. ‘Irresistibly funny” Chortle. For children 3 yrs and over. 11am. Children £7.50, adults £10.50, family ticket £25 Molly and the Owl by the Nick Tomalin Group Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH As Weds 25. Holiday Art Fun The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Make Van Gogh masterpieces with plasticine! Workshop led by Lesley Palmer. For children 6+, under 8s must be accompanied. Booking essential. 2-4.30pm. FREE. To book email or call 0208 521 3211 The Other North London Line (Part II) St Gabriel’s Church Family Centre, Havant Road E17 3JF By popular request Lyn Brooks returns to share more of his knowledge and research on Walthamstow’s railway route to Barking. 7.45-9pm. £2, FREE to members.

Friday 27 Woodhouse Players present For Services Rendered by W Somerset Maugham Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR As Fri 20. 8pm. You Should Be Dancing at Halloween! Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ It’s the YSBD! Halloween party for people who cut their dancing teeth in the 70s & 80s. Younger friends welcome! Dress ‘frightfully’! Scary sounds from the era guaranteed. And bingo of course! 8pm-midnight. £5 in advance via website, £7 on the door.

Got an event? Tell us about it! Simply submit online at



Hornbeam Nights’ presents Dusty Grooves The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Resident DJs Lounch & Noods will be providing your ears with super deluxe ambient down tempo grooves, dub, low-fi electronica and underground hiphop on the last Friday of every month. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Dashing Dave’s Karaoke The Plough and Harrow, 419 High Road Leytonstone E11 4JU Come and murder your favourite songs! 8-11pm. FREE.

Saturday 28 May Morris: Art and Life - Curator Tour William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Join curator Rowan Bain on a highlights tour of May Morris: Art and Life. Learn more about May’s career and discover how the exhibition was brought together. 2-3pm. FREE, just drop in. Hallowe’en at The Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Dust the cobwebs off your favourite costume (or maybe don’t!) and join us for games and activities including face painting and crafts. Cakes by The Mill Bakers. 2-5pm. £3 per child, on the door. Eva Jacobs / Glass Mountains / Philip Whitehead Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane E11 1HG Discover Eva Jacobs a 27 yr old pop/ soul/r&b/funk/jazz singer-songwriter; Glass Mountains’ Americana/country/ bluegrass and Philip Whitehead, a singer-songwriter and multiinstrumentalist. 6pm-midnight. FREE. Woodhouse Players present For Services Rendered by W Somerset Maugham Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR As Fri 20. 2.30pm (BSL signed) & 8pm. The Funny Side Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU New monthly night of stand-up comedy with some of the very best acts on the circuit - this month featuring Quincy, John Robertson, Liam Pickford and Faye Treacy. 8-11pm. £10. Shams’ Kitchen Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ E17’s finest Pakistani curry maestro returns to the Gin Palace bringing her hot and spicy goodness to cheer up this autumn evening. Veggie and takeaway available. 6.30-9pm. Dish prices vary.

kid friendly

40 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



EXPERIENCED PIANO TEACHER Leytonstone and local areas

Lessons for All Ages £15 Adult beginners welcome. Grades or own enjoyment.

Chev 0798 211 4974 Get Your Freak on Hallowe’en Fancy Dress The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH This Saturday we have the fantastic Martha de Arthur live on stage at midnight with a Halloween fancy dress competition. 9pm-2am. FREE. Disco 2000: Alternative 80s Hallowe’en Special Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR The Indie night for grown-ups with cheap beer, crackly old vinyl and babysitter-friendly hours. Expect The Cure, Echo & The Bunnymen, The Cult, Depeche Mode, The Sisters of Mercy, The Damned, Siouxsie & The Banshees, The Psychedelic Furs, The Undertones, Killing Joke, The Teardrop Explodes and loads more. 8pm-12am. £10. For tickets search on

Sunday 29 Ken Wilson & Jim McFarland at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Jim is a Derry man and one of Ireland’s finest traditional singers with an unparalleled collection of songs from the Irish source singers. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 unwaged.

Tuesday 31 Stow Film Lounge presents GET OUT (2017, cert 15) Mirth, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Funny, scary, and thought-provoking, critically acclaimed Get Out is a brilliantly effective and entertaining horror/comedy thrill ride set in the isolated woods. Doors open 7.30pm, film 7.45pm. £8, £6 conc. Buy online at, at the Mirth bar or on the door.

Events marked





The East London

Sausage Co.



57 Orford Rd E17 9NJ Tue-Fri: 08.30-19.00

Sat: 08.30-17.30 Sun: 10.00-14.00

NOVEMBER 5 November Waltham Forest Fireworks Night Chesnuts Field, Waltham Forest Town Hall Enjoy this dazzling, bigger than ever spectacle for free. Gates opening for the funfair from 6.30pm with fireworks from 8pm. Delicious food stalls and a bar area. This is sure to be a popular event so please arrive early to avoid disappointment. 6.30-9pm. FREE.

Classes/Courses Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 Oct NEW Working with Nature / Thinking Like a Tree: 2 Day Introduction to Permaculture Leytonstone area, address given on booking A natural system, like a woodland, keeps itself going without weeding, or fertiliser. What can we learn from it? The principles of permaculture help you design your garden, your balcony, your lifestyle, a community group. Booking and pledging to attend essential. FREE, payment on a ‘gift economy’ basis. Tuesdays for 10 weeks NEW Trombone Classes for 9-14 yr olds Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Special offer! Beginner trombone lessons including instrument hire. Give it a try! 5.30-6.30pm. Just £30 for 10 lessons. Wednesdays NEW Bridge Lessons for Beginners 22 Horsley Road, Chingford E4 7HX Bridge is a card game of skill and chance played by four players who form two partnerships. It’s a social game of strategy, trust and teamwork, developing friendships and sharpening the memory. Prebooking essential as space is limited. 7.30-9.30pm. £10, first 5 lessons half price if paid before Oct 15. Ray 020 8281 8376

Tuesdays for 10 weeks NEW Mini Musicians for Babies & Toddlers Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Music making classes taught by Early Years Music specialists and include singing, dancing and playing with an exciting range of instruments. 10.15am12.30pm. £65 for 10 week course. Mondays for 10 weeks NEW Mini Musicians for Children aged 4-6 Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Children will experience and enjoy music as listeners, creators and performers, whilst laying the foundation for future instrumental and vocal training. 4-4.45pm. £58 for a 10 week course, £29 for those on a low income. Mondays until 16 Oct NEW African Drumming Circle for Adults Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Learn Senegambian and Guinean djembe rhythms with Gambian drummer Seneke Sillah. Suitable for all levels. Drop in, no need to book unless you need to hire a drum. 7-9pm. FREE but donations welcome; drum hire £3. 07535 326157 Tuesdays for 10 weeks NEW Choir for 11-16 year olds Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Do you love singing? We need young people from11-16 to join our new choir! Meet new friends and develop your singing and performance skills with professional singing teachers. 6.30-7.30pm. Just £29 for 10 lessons, £14.40 for those on a low income.

Saturdays for 10 weeks NEW Music Groups and Ensembles for Children Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Take your musical instrument playing onto the next level by playing in a group with other musicians. Beginner, intermediate or advanced groups available. See website for full timetable. 9.15-10.15am. £29 for 10 lessons, , £14.40 for those on a low income. Mondays Life Drawing in Leytonstone Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU An unconventional, untutored drawing class with professional models from all backgrounds each week. Drop in any time. Can be messy! 7.30-9.30pm. £10 or £5 for members. Art materials provided FREE of charge. Tuesdays until 5 Dec Theatre Studies: Edward Albee The Greenleaf Centre, 67-69 Greenleaf Road E17 6QP An 11-week introduction to the plays of Edward Albee. Three plays will be read aloud and discussed, with workshopping of key scenes. All welcome with an enthusiasm for theatre. 10am-12pm. £92.40 for the whole course. FREE if on income-related benefits. Beatrice Campbell 020 8527 3661

For the latest up-to-date listings please visit

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 41


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