The E List - October 2016

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E list

ISSN 2058-2196


Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow, Leytonstone and Leyton No.42 • October 2016

Fellowship is Life


T’S ALL ABOUT THE TURNIP. Sean Sexton has many amazing collections to his name, but one of my favourite stories from him regards a visit home to his native Ireland. Sean grew up on a farm in County Clare and many of his mates are still farmers. “Now what’s this with the turnip, Sean:” his mate says “I hear in London you can sell one turnip for thousands of pounds, but I can’t get a bloody thing for a whole field of them over here”. This is followed by a gale of laughter amongst his friends. The answer lies in Sean’s unique eye for the undiscovered. In this instance he noticed a box of Victorian photos of vegetables dismissed by other dealers and collectors one morning at Bermondsey antique market. Read more about this and some of Sean’s other amazing finds on page 2. Elsewhere in this issue we have the work of two contemporary photographers who have an interesting viewpoint on the world around them. Cover star Hafeez’s photos often seem to return to the idea of the juxtaposition of East and West, whether it’s the graffiti on the streets of Shoreditch, or the exquisite Islamic calligraphy and patterns of the Alhambra Palace in Southern Spain. Hafeez’s work can be seen at Le Délice Café in Walthamstow until the end of November. The images on show at Leytonstone’s Stone Space by Paola Leonardi also explore a juxtaposition, but this time between what forms the borders of Europe geographically and politically and the effect of the disparities on the lives of the people who live there. See Borderlands: The Edges of Europe on page 35.

Paul Lindt, Editor


The E List

Collector extraordinaire, Sean Sexton Remembering the Summer of Love in East London A bit of Country & Eastern, Black Scarr Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife New to London Designer Daniel Heath Chiron Cole’s Sunday Dinners E~DEN: The Home Directory E~DEN: House Doctor – Making things cosy Central Parade Creative Hub Just Another Damned Couple a poem by Fletch Fletcher Thomas MacGregor – Leyton Painter Vestry House Museum Archives – Country Life Wilcumstowe Times: The Selborne Restaurant East London Western Front Association Local Heroes – Paul McGrane & Mike Sims of Forest Poets Walthamstow Diary Magpie The Secret II – Return to Hollow Ponds Borderlands - a new exhibition at Stone Space See Waltham Forest talent at Barbican OpenFest Listings E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory

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Cover: Pillars, The Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain This page: From top: (1) Tree of Shame, Shoreditch (2) Shoreditch Mosque (3) Sierra Nevada, Andalucia, Spain (4) City of Córdoba, Andalucia, Spain Page opposite: Hall of the Abencerrajes, The Alhambra Palace, Granada, Spain

COVER STAR Hafeez Saeed Are you local? Yes! Walthamstonian born and bred Can you remember your first photograph? I’ve always been a visual person and enjoyed capturing the magic moments of life as a kid. In my early twenties I began to look at things in a different way. The first meaningful photograph I took was in Aldgate with the city skyline in the distance and the East London Mosque in the foreground. I called it East meets West and it was exhibited in a charity sponsored exhibition. What sort of photographer are you? I’d say semi-pro and at the moment I freelance. Photography is so vast and the learning curve never ends. I have studied for a Diploma in Photography but if I’m honest I’d say I’ve learnt the crucial elements through selfteaching, be it online or in the field as it were. Experience is key. You have taken beautiful photographs of some of the world’s most beautiful places. What do you look for when choosing a subject? Great question! Generally I look for inspiration or meaning and if I’m lucky then both! I like to explore meaning in creation, be it man made or natural. Historical architecture for example is fascinating, not only in design but how they reflect the stories behind their construction. With a curious mind I’ve always wondered why things are designed the way they are and there are some landmarks that have taken my breath away.

nature whereever I can, be it travel, street, architecture or event photography. I also enjoy discovering meanings behind the way things are designed, things that may get overlooked sometimes. Many examples of this can be found at the Alhambra palace in Spain. When you look into the kufic scriptures engraved in its walls or the geometric designs on the windows and ceilings, you start to realise a deeper purpose and appreciate it more like poetry than mere architecture. What are your ambitions with your photography? Many of life’s great experiences and inspirations happen when you travel and I would love to carry on documenting them and building my portfolio. I would also like to expand into portraits too.

I hope I can develop my photography not only technically but also so that it is meaningful. Photography and visual storytelling in general has a unique way of impacting people. It would be nice to be a part of that, changing the way people think of and appreciate life or help develop a better understanding across different cultures and communities. Can people buy prints of your work? Yes. I sell at exhibitions and I take orders of various sizes on and they are available as framed prints or on canvas.

I also enjoy finding inspiration in everyday photography when out and about. Just having a camera handy can help me appreciate things that normally I wouldn’t take much notice of, be it skateboarders at the Southbank or street art in the heart of Shoreditch.

You have a show this month. Yes I’m currently exhibiting at the lovely Le Delice, 114 Hoe Street, Walthamstow until the end of November and I look forward to setting up some meet and greet days with fellow E Listers soon, so keep an eye out! I will also be exhibiting once again with Ahlan Art gallery at Olympia but dates are yet to be confirmed.

Do you have any favourite themes? I keep myself open to themes but love capturing things in an artistic and abstract 1

Sean Sexton has an eye for the “undiscovered”. Amongst his many collections his collection of historical Irish photographs is widely regarded as one of the world’s greatest. Here he talks to Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor about the beauty of the image, history and vegetables. Portrait by Chris McAndrew. As Sean Sexton takes me through some of his finds he reveals story after story. And some of these pictures are definitely worth a thousand words... in one, a black and white photograph of a doorstep in what appears to be 1960s London, there are unopened milk bottles filling the steps, newspapers stuffed into the letterbox, some have fallen next to the milk. Does the image tell of an undiscovered death? A political controversy? A celebrity hiding from paparazzi? A passionate love affair or simply someone on holiday who forgot to cancel them? Who knows, but the image instantly feeds the imagination. Sean then turns it upside down “Even upside down when you can’t see what it is, it’s well framed, it’s eye-catching, it’s art.” He has 2

photographs from all over the world, all different eras and styles. Growing up on a farm in Country Clare on the West Coast of Ireland, Sean once told his father, while gazing at the stunning view, “That tree needs to be over there.” He was framing the view and reimagining it. Little did he or his father realise that this was in fact a skill, and something that would shape his future. A resident of Walthamstow since the 1970s “I bought my house here because I could afford it and there weren’t many places in London that were that affordable, and I like Walthamstow, it’s more interesting than Mayfair that’s for sure! In fact I wouldn’t

Sean has definite ideas about many things but has an open mind and heart when it comes to art. His eclectically decorated home is like a gallery, filled with quirky finds, beautiful images and functional furniture that houses a tiny percentage of his collection. The bulk is stored in a warehouse elsewhere. Sean’s a natural curator. In the short time we are together I am treated to a plethora of images from far reaching corners of the earth and historical times including weight lifters using bar bells, of the like I’ve never seen, not to mention their huge shorts. There are phenomenal car crash images leaving one wondering how on earth that car ended up on top of the other. Heartwrecking concentration camp infant deaths and refugee migrations from previous wars that chime horribly with the current images on the news today. Then there’s fashion through the ages; Thousands of stunning portraits. “Do you see that every person is dressed differently, different clothing – they made their own clothes then, no off the peg or even patterns really”, he points out.

Photo of Sean ©

The Eyes have it

want to live in Mayfair at all, I don’t like Mayfair,” he explains.

Sean is well known for his huge collection of historical Irish photographs. Just earlier this year he had an acclaimed exhibition at The Photographers Gallery in London to mark the centenary of Dublin’s Easter Rising of 1916. Incredibly, all the images were drawn from Sean’s own collection. The themes of Sean’s collections are diverse, like the Irish diaspora reaching out across the world as well as covering the Irish famine, conflicts and social history. His collections have filled numerous books too, translated into many languages and all of this has been because of his passion for history, his great eye and his dogged determination when it comes to finding ‘that’ picture or collection. He has it, whatever it is, and his passion is palpable, infectious even. Sean moves like a guide through his home. His collection is so important to him and he’s an entertaining guide too. Even though his collection is huge, he knows what he has and one picture or conversation will lead him to another, but he is also fully aware that there are many tastes and interpretations. That the picture is just there for us to view, right in front of us. Standing side by side our reaction to it is personal. He also seems to enjoy discussing every image, particularly the historical and political context. Although Sean was born in pretty tough times in Ireland he isn’t over sentimental about it. “We didn’t have shoes, but we

had enough to eat and it didn’t really matter, you know,” he says. He moved to England, like so many did due to the lack of work. After various unskilled jobs such as stacking shelves, working in a scrap yard and holding the ‘stop’ and ‘go’ sign on the roads for the road-workers he started driving for Murphy’s. “I had some money saved up, around three grand I suppose, and I went along to Christies and Sotheby’s and I blew the lot,” he says. Sean then spent years learning his trade, visiting auction houses, antique fairs and markets at ungodly hours but it was one small piece of advice that set him on the right track. “A trader in Brick Lane told me to just stick at it, at what I was doing and even if it seems hard that in five or seven years I’d be making money. So, at that time the Irish stuff was going for nothing, so I thought I’d start collecting that.” In 1981, at Bermondsey Market, Sean discovered some gelatin silver prints. All images of plants, fruits and vegetables; skillful portraits the dealers had ignored as not being ‘in the catalogues” and other collectors had turned down. The stunning images were the work of photographer, Charles Jones, long forgotten but Sean saw something in them. As an art lover with a great eye, he bought them because he saw their quality. And it’s paid off. The collection is an important one as Charles Jones’ skill and style was way ahead of its time. Sean has published a book of his work; The Plant Kingdom of Charles Jones and some of the collection is now represented by major galleries and the values have subsequently soared.

One of Charles Jones photographs.

With such knowledge and a skilled eye it’s surprising to discover that Sean Sexton is not a photographer himself. “I collect cameras though, I buy old cameras.” He tells me about some of them. One example was used for spying in the wars. “Have you ever seen binoculars that you look through normally but that actually have a camera in the side? No-one would suspect you of taking a picture like that,” he says. Then he shows me more of his finds. There’s a soldier’s helmet filled with shrapnel holes that I look at in sad silence. “That helmet says a hell of a lot more to me than Damien Hirst’s diamond encrusted skull does,” he says. I’m flattered when he asks me what I think of the way he’s framed some of his images on the walls, or his choice of objects on display. Should he keep that there? or this here? I’m just blown away by it all and wish I had more time to learn the stories behing every one. And with his wealth of good stories I know he’d always be an engaging companion.

Sean Sexton’s books are available from all good bookshops and online.


Raving Glad Forget Manchester’s Haçienda of the early nineties, East London was the raving capital. Walthamstow journalist and filmmaker Jessica Mellor goes back to the summer of love, discussing how the rave scene’s links with local pirate radio remain today.

I was in Dungeons in the middle of a packed dancefloor, surrounded by casuals, soul boys, punks and New Romantics but all labels had been stripped away. Everyone was moving as one to the uplifting beats and I felt a sense of belonging. The year was 1990 and the rave scene was in its heyday.

Dungeons on the Lea Bridge Road. Photo © Nicky Dungeons

Back then I lived in Dalston so would rave at places like iconic music venue the 4Aces (which hosted club night Labrynth) or Crowland Road in Tottenham. But I had chanced upon Dungeons in Lea Bridge Road after partying at a warehouse in Clink Street, London Bridge, which had been raided by police earlier in the evening. And I quickly fell in love with the place. You had to get in via what was then the Greyhound Pub close to Lea Bridge Station (then closed), and the rave was held in tunnels under the road. It was a great mix of being a bit grimy, with the acoustics enhanced by the almost claustrophobic tunnels and a brilliant atmosphere. It seemed to epitomise what made the scene so special – the acoustics made the booming basslines bigger, the sweaty fug only added to the euphoric housey loops and the inclusivity of the crowd meant that rastas were dancing alongside football fans. 4

The era was an important time in England both musically and socially. Young people were reeling from the ‘greed is good’ mentality of Thatcher’s eighties and I believe the scene sprang up as a rebellion to the status quo through music. Infused with a similar anarchistic vibe to the punk scene, rave was a movement that brought music out of the mostly segregated clubs and in to the hands of the people making the beats in their bedrooms. It was young people rejecting the highly commercialised pop music of the eighties and taking control of what they listened to and what they danced to on a Saturday night. Rave found its home in warehouse or illegal raves that often didn’t serve alcohol, didn’t charge high door prices and were set up simply to let people dance. Of course the happy, ‘one love’ vibe was helped by Ecstasy, the drug of choice at the time, but for me it was, and still is, all about the music. The pirate radio scene which had been bubbling along since the sixties reached its heyday in the eighties and nineties, providing the perfect link between the scene and the community. Back then, pre-internet and mobile phones, the pirate stations would feature ads for raves that weekend and give a number to call on the day where there would be instructions on how to get to the often secret venue. The cloak and dagger aspect of it was exciting but what made it special was the fact that DJs we’d listen to on our local pirate stations during the week would be on the decks that weekend, up close and personal.

Walthamstow native Gordon Mac, who founded Kiss FM as a pirate station and who was there when it was granted a licence in 1990, recently told Vice Magazine that it was a constant battle to keep one step ahead of the Department of Trade and Industry who were tasked with trying to shut them down. Mac took precautions like banning DJs from bringing record boxes to the studio. But having young men going in and out of the studio night and day could arouse suspicion. Mac recalls: “I had the studio at my flat for while, when we got really stuck, up at Ernest Richards Tower in Walthamstow. We were up there for about three months or so and we had a visit from a social worker. He asked to talk to my wife in a separate room, and my wife came back in laughing, saying, ‘They think you’ve got me on the game.’” I’ve written a film called Coming Up, a drama set around the pirate radio/rave scene in London in 1990, which focuses on this special time in British cultural history. When we get it made (we’re still sourcing funding) I am proud that it will feature DJs that I’ve been listening to for over twenty years.

I had chanced upon Dungeons … You had to get in via the Greyhound Pub and the rave was held in tunnels under Lea Bridge Road.

I’ve grown up with acts like Ratpack, Shut Up And Dance, The Ragga Twins and Rebel MC (Congo Natty) and their popularity hasn’t waned. They’re still playing to crowds of 20,000 and more. I went backstage at the recent Moondance rave festival in Stratford and caught up with DJ EZM from Origin FM, an internet station based in Waltham Forest, that started life as a pirate in 1999. He told me that even though the DTI messed with their rigs and aerials, they knew that they had to “play the game with the authorities”. “We got in to a bit of grief with the DTI but unlike other stations, we never fought them. “If they took our rig down we’d give them two days so they’d feel like they’d won then we’d go back and put it back up. “It became a bit like a game. They were only doing their job.” I recently interviewed DJ Sollie and Asher D, aka actor Ashley Walters, and asked them if pirate radio still has a place in the community. “Absolutely,” said Sollie. “You don’t hear what we play on mainstream radio otherwise. The corporate minds don’t want to listen to this.” “The scene gave birth to me,” added Asher. “Pirate radio is a thing very close to my heart. It’s where my musical career started.” Pirate radio helped and still helps to keep the rave scene alive. But even when rave was at its biggest it wasn’t all smiley faces and hands in the air.

After the very early days of acid house, where promoters pretty much went about their business untouched, gangs allegedly linked to football hooligan crews such as the ICF (West Ham’s Inner City Firm) muscled in on the act, demanding extortionate fees for ‘security’. Then the 1994 Criminal Justice and Public Order Act, which gave police the power to shut down events featuring music that’s ‘characterised by the emission of a succession of repetitive beats’ drove raving back in to clubs. It meant that the spontaneity and hedonistic naivety of the scene died a little bit. Big promoters like Sunrise and the aforementioned Moondance have survived, still packing out venues and dance festivals with original ravers like myself dancing along to the same beat as twenty and thirty year-olds. So the scene hasn’t ever really gone away. You can still hear long, over-the-top ads for local and national raves on pirate stations and a lot of dance music fans would still rather tune in to a pirate station over commercial radio. And if a recent night at Mirth, Marvel and Maud is anything to go by it’s still alive and well in Walthamstow. Their stomping fundraiser for charity Mind featuring the Ragga Twins and 808 State DJ Darren Partington proved very popular.

The atmosphere was electric, the crowd a nice mix of ages and it had a similar vibe to those dances of my late teens where the music got under your skin and made you want to dance. Plus I’ve never seen Hoe Street so lively. Jessie Grace Mellor has been a filmmaker and entertainment journalist for over 25 years, writing for publications including The Mirror and Empire Magazine. Jessie makes documentaries, writes scripts and also runs MellorDramatic Productions, which takes filmmaking workshops into schools and youth centres.


Photo © David Davies

‘You’ve just sung my life’ Middle aged, Black Scarr’s lyrical concerns may be, but middle of the road, never. Mike Gerber meets an unlikely songwriting twosome

It’s folk music, with a countryish tinge – country & eastern that is, the eastern denoting this end of London where the singer-songwriter duo known as Black Scarr have put down roots. Johnny Black lives in Walthamstow, Emma Scarr in Leytonstone. And sure enough allusions to east London, especially Waltham Forest crop up in their songs. In ‘Together’, for example they express their love for each other with Emma singing about Johnny, “You’re a sunny walk by the River Lea… A cosy night in the Rose and Crown, a northern light in a southern town”, while Johnny, the “northern light” – he grew up in the north east and west midlands – returns: 6

“You’re the pretty face from Leytonstone … my southern belle, the one bright spark in this place called hell.”

this is no joke, I’m having a relapse I’m down on my knee caps I think you need to increase my dose.”

It’s on North & South, the first of their three albums, which besides vocals, features them both on various instruments – Emma chiefly on violin, and Johnny, guitar. The front sleeve shows Emma and Johnny outside Walthamstow Stadium, while the back captures them opposite the Angel of the North statue.

Emma explains: “I used to drink quite a lot. When we started the duo, I was very tired, I had a lot on – this was about six years ago, I was particularly exhausted. Johnny who doesn’t drink at all said we can’t do the duo because you’re obviously exhausted. And I said, I could do it, but something has to give. When I stopped drinking, I became very anxious, so I’m now on anti-depressants. And I just wrote this song about it, because whatever’s going on in my life I tend to write a song about. I’ve just written one about the menopause.

Their songs are soap operatic, usually autobiographical. Take ‘Prescription Junky’,on their latest release Better With Age which opens with the lines: “Doctor good morning, I’m sorry for calling so early but

Women do say, you’ve just sung my life. Sometimes men say it as well.” Many ideas for songs derive from Johnny; having grown up in Nuneaton, on an estate erected by the Coal Board to entice miners to settle there, he conceived a song about that, ‘Blackhall Rocks’. How that song came together is revealing about the duo’s creative modus operandi. “I’m very lazy,” confesses Johnny. “I start songs off but can’t be arsed to finish them. She finishes all the lyrics off. She’s much better…” “… with words,” Emma interjects. “You’re better with tunes. Musically, he puts in the liveliness.”

‘Blackhall Rocks’ recounts what drew Johnny down south: “I didn’t want to live by clocks and rules / so I headed south away from Hartlepool took my guitar and bought myself a van / and formed a travelling’ rock ‘n’ roll band” His influences are far more rock than folk – the Stones, T Rex, Slade, Bowie. Although he has developed a liking for Americana – notably Steve Earle – sometimes, says Johnny, he’ll be playing it and thinking, “Why am I listening to this stuff, it’s quite dirgy. You listen to something like ‘Life on Mars’ and you realise it’s just on a different level – what a masterpiece that is. If you listen to, even Steve Earle, probably the best of them all, for an hour and then put ‘Life’ on, it’s like you’ve just been stabbed by ten tonnes of heroin, such is the difference between the two sorts of music.” That he got involved in folk music was pure happenstance. Emma takes the story: “I ran a folk club, and Johnny came to the club, in Camden Town. It turned out I lived close to him in Leytonstone. And he was looking for a fiddle player for a band he was trying to set up. And we formed a band, five of us. It was very good but

too hard to manage. And we started co-writing; they were his songs but then he realised that I write songs as well, and we started collaborating. He’s not from a folk background, we’re very different in every single way, so there’s quite a lot of clashing, but it seems to work in terms of music.” Their relationship developed romantically too – complicatedly so, as related in the title song from their second album, ‘Middle Aged Love’.

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“It’s interesting, our relationship, because we’ve got no future. He lives day to day whereas I like to plan,” Emma confides. “His whole life has been about not having any responsibility. And I find myself at age 46 with loads of responsibilities. But we do it for the music. Often, when you’re creative with someone, the chemistry is there. And people do say, when they watch us, there’s amazing chemistry, which I’m sure is to do with the conflict as well as the attraction.” watch?v=JkFAwFu9UDc reviews/BlackScarr

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new to london Fresh off the plane from South Africa, Franki Black reveals her first impressions of Walthamstow and beyond. Photo by Paula Smith.

People Play London is one of the world’s most affluent cities and with that comes a certain level of playfulness. I come from a country where over 50 percent of the population is classified as impoverished. This means that putting food on the table is a daily struggle for the majority of citizens and little energy can be given to recreation. In London it’s the opposite - people play. From Lloyd Park to Epping Forest; not an outdoor gym or a tennis court is unoccupied. Londoners own their public spaces. Diversity In South Africa we pride ourselves on being the rainbow nation with eleven official languages. It took only a few days in Walthamstow to realise that South Africa has nothing on London. Here you can meet someone from every country in the world and what strikes me is how cultural distinctiveness is maintained. I can chat to the owners of

the Jug & Bottle on St. Andrews Road and feel as if I’m in the heart of India and then walk down the road to the local patisserie for a slice of cake straight out of Poland. It’s the unity found among hundreds of subcultures that lends London, particularly Walthamstow, its charm. In South Africa we’ve made great progress since the end of apartheid (1994). Our city centres are multicultural hubs, but beyond these hubs, historic urban planning and economic restraints keep our communities relatively separated. In London people from all walks of life share the underground, the streets and the parks and in this way it’s a refreshingly real city. The Choices The choices of activities are endless. This is the ultimate place in which you can recreate yourself. Back home we have opportunities, but in London the possibilities are manifold. Even for the most niche interest London serves up a host of courses and workshops. From learning how to make white chocolate to singing in a folk acapella group, this city has it all. The Drinking We South Africans like our booze, but compared to Londoners we’re teetotalers. I’ve seen Londoners slug it back in parks, on pavements, during lunch breaks and even on the Underground. The Freedom I’m often asked about the crime situation in South Africa. Even though there are dangerous areas to be wary of, truth is that life is really good where I come from. We have the sea, the mountains, the winelands and a hip collection of bars and restaurants

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in Cape Town. If you’re sensible and stick to the safer areas crime is not likely to be an issue. As a woman, I’d walk happily through the city centre by myself, but if I wanted to go for a hike in the mountains, it would be with a group of friends (safety in numbers). In London I feel much safer going for a walk through Epping Forest or the Walthamstow Marshes by myself. It’s immensely liberating. Community Spirit Among the affluent in South Africa, property and house sizes are generally bigger than in London. As much as this is a luxury, these homes come with high fences and security systems designed to keep intruders out. The result is that many neighbourhood streets lack a sense of community. We’re also a car-centric society, which contributes to the loss of connection to street. In London people walk everywhere, parks are abuzz and streets are alive with children playing and neighbours chatting. I love the vibrancy of community life in London. The Stow Walthamstow has grown on me every day since our arrival. Wandering past historic terrace houses, lying in the afternoon light in Lloyd Park and seeing the cows on the marshes, are what I look forward to every week. It’s good to be part of the Walthamstow community. Franki Black is a South African journalist, travel writer and educator. See more of Franki’s work on and

Photo ©

Two months ago my partner and I moved from Cape Town to London. We wanted a new adventure and to gain international work experience. Before the big change, friends and family told us that in London we’d miss nature, we’d freeze and we’d lose ourselves in the urban sprawl. It was with apprehension that we arrived at Blackhorse station, suitcases in tow, to start our new chapter. My initial doubts were quickly replaced by a great sense of awe at how this city works. Its abundance of green spaces makes it easy to escape into what feels like the countryside, the Underground network is nothing short of a miracle and there is opportunity everywhere. On our first day we cycled along the canals past quirky house boats, gulps of swans and leafy parks. On the High Street I heard more Polish and Ukrainian spoken than English. In just a few weeks, London has revealed itself in the most unexpected ways.

Prints Charming Daniel Heath is making his mark with his beautifully screen printed textiles and stunning engraved surfaces. Karen Dunn finds out how his bespoke business is inspired by William Morris and how appearing on TV has inspired his work…

Photo © Tom Fallon

Traditional techniques, contemporary processes and sustainability are at the very heart of Daniel Heath’s business producing bespoke wallpapers, homewares and bespoke interiors. The award-winning designer chose Blackhorse Studios in Walthamstow as the base for his growing business last year and says that discovering the area’s rich making history has inspired him to take his craft and design in new directions. Daniel creates patterns that William Morris would be proud of and then applies them to wallpapers, textiles and more unusually furniture, mirrors and roofing slates. We caught up with Daniel to find out what making means to him… How did you start your bespoke business? I came to London to study textiles and

printing at the Royal College of Art in 2005. While I was there I bought some printing equipment and set up a studio doing printing jobs for other people. I printed some wallpaper as part of my degree and, after a magazine featured it, the business snowballed from there. We print everything to order and by hand in the studio apart from the limited edition designs. Are Blackhorse Studios a sociable place to work? Very much so, I have to be disciplined or I pop down for a coffee and don’t end up coming back to my work for over an hour! I have my own space upstairs as well as being able to use the open studios downstairs. Walthamstow has a legacy of making which came as a surprise when I moved here. I didn’t know there were so many people to call on that still make things here from joinery to metalwork, which has really helped the business evolve.

How did the upcycling side of your business come about? I got in to doing reclamation and salvaged items when I used them in some bespoke interiors. I like to use the word ‘reappropriation’ because I’m taking something out of its original context and giving it a new identity. Taking something that would normally end up in landfill and giving it another life. It’s also led to me appearing on the programme Money For Nothing on BBC2, which is a lot of fun. How have you found being a TV star? I’ve learned a lot from doing the programme - like how to screenprint onto a sideboard - and I’ve definitely become a better welder and carpenter because of it. I actually got recognised a couple of times at the Walthamstow Garden Party, which is still a little weird, but a great way to start conversations!

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Party and I’d love to do more locally. I’ve done workshops at the V&A museum before focusing on William Morris, so when I got the chance to work with the gallery I jumped at it. It’s been a real honour. What inspires you about Walthamstow? For me it’s completely magical. People are so friendly, positive and approachable and there’s a real lack of pomposity. It doesn’t feel like London. I love Lloyd Park, God’s Own Junkyard and the Wildcard Brewery and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. It’s a really exciting place. Instagram and Twitter at @DanHeathStudio

Daniel will be hosting a one-day workshop to create your own bespoke printed wood panel at the William Morris Gallery on Saturday 15th October. The new series of Money for Nothing will be aired on BBC TWO during October.

Photos © Tom Fallon Styling © Laura Perryman

Where do you find your materials? I find a lot in junk shops and architectural salvage yards but recently I’ve been trying to find materials that are more sustainable, so what I make doesn’t have to be a one-off piece. I recently discovered etching on roof slates, which after a lot of cleaning and scraping, are an amazing textured material. All the Warner flats have slate roofs, so when one is having its roof done, I’m there asking if I can have their old tiles! You’ve hosted workshops at the Walthamstow Garden Party and the William Morris Gallery – how important is teaching to you? I love teaching workshops where anyone can get involved and they can really learn what processes go into making things so they understand the provenance and their worth. It was great to engage with people at the Garden

A Meal Shared As part of an ongoing personal project local professional photographer and occasional actress Chiron Cole has been gate crashing people’s Sunday dinners for some time now. She is keen to record everything: the much loved traditional British favourite, the post-modern mash up; but also other cultures’ versions of what for some is still the most relaxed and sociable meal of the week. Chiron lives in Walthamstow with her husband and mini schnauzer. They’ve been here for the last five years. The idea for the Sunday Dinners project came to Chiron this time last year. “I started shooting the occasional dinners and it escalated from there.“ Why Sunday Dinners? I’m a real foodie and love talking to other people about what they like to eat. I’m also one of those annoying people that likes to take photos of my own food. I’ve also always been interested in

what people do on a Sunday, since Sundays are often the only day of the week where many of us really get to unwind. So I thought I’d put the two together. You’ve talked of producing a book. Yes originally I’d thought of publishing a beautiful coffee table book with images from various households but after a bit more time I’ve decided to create a cookery book. A beautiful book that tells stories of each household but also includes the recipes which means the book will not only be beautiful, but functional.

Do you know when the project will finish? I haven’t got an end date in mind, it’s very much an ongoing project at the moment. I will finish shooting when I feel I’ve captured a large enough variety of stories from people all over the world. Are there any particular Sunday Dinner scenarios that you are looking for? Anything and everything really. I love people that have the same meal every week, equally I love hearing about people that have no regular mean pattern but their Sundays are about relaxation and convenience. I read an 11

amazing story about a Serbian village where Sunday lunch hasn’t changed in over 100 years. It’s fascinating to learn about other cultures so I’m open to anyone. If people would like to have their Sunday Dinner photographed how should they get in touch. Drop me an email at, I’d love to hear from anyone that wants to take part. 12

Welcome to a unique pop up restaurant located in a denim factory in Walthamstow.

Enjoy inventive seasonal food in a relaxed and informal setting.

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for Waltham Forest’s people watchers.

The E List’s Wine of the Month By Julie Mahoney of Damncheeky Wines

Félicette’s Grenache Rouge £9.99 Autumn is perfect for easy-drinking reds. We recommend Félicette’s Grenache Rouge. This cheeky little number is an Aladdin’s cave of flavours like warmed cherries and luscious raspberries. It’s a convivial wine, becoming besties with everything from salads and robust fish to pasta and meat dishes. Félicette’s Grenache even has a story to tell. In 1963, France sent a cat named Félicette to space, who lived to tell his tale. This wine pays homage to those who dream of adventure. Or at least, a great glass of wine.

Buy it at £9.99 from Damncheeky Wines


FREE SHIPPING FOR E17! WITH OFFER CODE: FREESHIPPING From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram account tomgaul_doodles

WWW.DAMNCHEEKY.COM @damncheekywines @damncheekywine To advertise your business contact 13

E~DEN a Directory of Useful Services & Beautiful Things for the Home

Penny Fielding 07725 645 359

Practical, creative and intelligent advice for all aspects of home improvement and household management

Blomst London is a new, modern flower service in E17. We provide beautiful, seasonal, fresh and fragrant hand picked blooms which we deliver locally. This can be by regular subscription (weekly, fortnightly and monthly) or as a one off.

We also curate beautiful and bespoke flowers and installations for celebrations, events and weddings. Please call us at Blomst London to discuss your requirements. +44(0)7930 378 851 Blomst Londo London



Walthamstow Village Market

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we drop!” Orlando Murrin (Shoreditch), BBC Good Food Guide YBS London Limited is now one of London & Essex’s leading building companies specialising in bespoke building projects, property refurbishment, extensions, loft conversions, joinery manufacture/installation and basement conversions. We are a family-run company enhancing London and Essex properties for over 30 years. Our objective is to provide a high quality end product, coupled with project efficiency and the best in complete project management.

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YBS London Limited is now one of London & Essex’s leading Building Companies in Bespoke building projects, Property refurbishment, Extensions, Loft Conversions & Joinery Manufacture / Installation, Basement conversions. A British, family-run company enhancing London and Essex properties for over 30 years. Our objective is to provide high quality end product & customer service, coupled with project efficiency & complete project management. To advertise your business contact “ Synonymous with Quality, taking care of our every need in producing two fantastic homes.” M & M Kirchhoff (Fulham)

House Doctor Penny Fielding offers creative solutions to everyday niggles you may have with your home.

The equinox has been and as we head into Autumn it’s time to think about throwing light into those dim corners and chasing the gloom from the room. Here are some practical tips on lighting up your home as the darker evenings approach.


Bi fold doors are currently very fashionable but during winter evenings can become a huge expanse of black mirror glass. Install garden lighting on the other side of the bi folds so that instead of looking into darkness you have a view of your outside space. It alleviates the goldfish bowl feeling as you can see through and is more interesting. Even the most basic outside lighting like lanterns for example can be effective in this way.


Always have a light over or by your front door for safety and convenience. Ideally one on a sensor that comes on before you start getting your keys out.

LEE DIXON 07908 345161

Even if you have pots of money it’s hard to get lighting right, but with recessed lighting you get what you pay for. Cheaper lights are often poorly designed, give off glare and changing the bulbs can be fiddly and annoying. The more expensive types have a magnetic attachment for the bulb and easy access, baffle the light properly and are more discreet. In my experience the bulbs last longer (often years), so consider this before you buy.


As endorsed on

Walthamstow Recommends Facebook group

I’m a big fan of lamps as these add colour and texture as well as light to dim corners. They give the option of different lighting levels and ambience. You can spend hundreds on a classic Bauhaus lamp, make your own by recovering a shade from a charity shop or just dump some LED lights in a glass bowl or vintage treasure. A friend has done this with fairy lights in her kitchen scales and it looks great. To be continued in the next issue… What niggles you about your home? Email with your thoughts. To book a session with the House Doctor please email: or call 07725 645 359. FB Penny Fielding House Doctor To advertise your business contact 15

From Virtual to Reality The next step in creating your dream home is the increasingly popular use of Virtual Reality Goggles. With the current value of London property, there is a common desire to renovate our homes, creating the ultimate space for relaxation and entertaining. Using 2D plans to make key decisions in layout, design and functionality can prove difficult because many of us cannot visualise the space. We can’t fully understand how removing a wall, changing a door or creating an extension can change the way our homes are used and enjoyed. CGI or computer generated images revolutionised the property development industry with detailed images that look like photographs. In addition to facilitating critical design decisions, CGI images can help achieve planning permission and accurately cost a renovation job. Today however, we can go one great step further. 3D goggles have jumped the industry into virtual reality. The 3D images are loaded into virtual reality goggles. The graphics make your house feel like you are in a virtual game. If you are not sure if you want to add an island or a peninsula to your kitchen? Can’t decide where and how to build the staircase to your new basement or loft? This technology will let you ‘try before you buy’. It’s so realistic you may duck at a low doorway or feel like you may stumble down the staircase!

To find out more about how technology can better help you get the most from your home, please visit

E~DEN a Directory of Useful Services & Beautiful Things for the Home

T.J.Ball & Co.

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Buying a property is one of the biggest transactions of your life. It is essential to feel confident that you are making the right decisions as a result of the advice you receive. Established in 1987, T.J. Ball & Co believe that when selling or buying your home you should receive quality independent advice from a qualified and experienced licensed conveyancer. 0208 5031100 49 Leytonstone Road, Stratford E15 1JA UNIQUE GIFTS & FURNITURE, HOMEWARES, JEWELLERY, CARDS & PRINTS

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increasing the size of your home. What are the options?

Walthamstow is undergoing a boom, although this is not the first period of growth and change. During the mid to late 19th century the arrival of the railway linked the area to central London. Many of our now familiar two and three-bedroom terraced houses date from that time and were built for workers travelling into the city. This housing has charm, but by modern standards is in some ways lacking. Smaller houses have downstairs bathrooms, the rear can be gloomy particularly at ground floor and kitchens are usually small with poor access into the garden. However these, and also later 1920s/30s semi-detached properties, lend themselves well to modernisation. Extensions It is most usual to extend to the rear (allowing larger kitchens, dining and living areas, the creation of first-floor bathrooms etc). Where a property has Permitted Development rights (generally most properties with the exception of those within Conservation Areas), an extension at 3m deep across the rear is possible. For a 1930s type property it is usually possible to construct a 3m extension right across the rear. Victorian and Edwardian properties are essentially L-shaped in plan and it is generally possible to construct a 3m deep ‘infill’ extension off the rear part of the main house as well as a 3m extension off the back of the “outrigger”. Loft conversions In many houses loft conversions are a good way to gain additional bedrooms. With Permitted Development it is generally acceptable to form a full-width dormer to the rear of the roof. There are specific requirements, but in general a dormer can be up to 40m³ providing that no part is higher than the original main roof and that the rear wall is set-back at least 20cm from the main rear wall of the house.

Why not visit our website for further details on extensions and loft conversions and information about Planning legislation for properties within Conservation Areas? Matthew Eyles is an Architect and partner in Matthew Eyles Architects. He has over 30 years’ experience in the Architectural profession. To advertise your business contact 17

Grove Road E11 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £575,000 sstc A Victorian Terrace Waiting To Become A Home. A brick fronted three bedroom, Victorian terraced house situated on the very edge of Wanstead Flats. Chain free, this property offers a fantastic opportunity for someone looking for a renovation project . Located within a 0.3 mile radius of Leytonstone Underground Station the property offers two reception rooms, one being a large and spacious through lounge as well as a kitchen to the ground floor. On the first floor there are three good sized bedrooms and a family bathroom. There is plenty of scope for extension as well as renovation. This house, with a bit of love and hard work, could make a lovely home.

10 gallery


1. Lea Bridge Road E10 8 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £800,000


3. Alders Close E11 1 bed flat for sale Guide price £285,000

2. Pond Road E15 2 bed terraced house for sale Guide price £425,000


4. Murchison Road E10 2 bed flat for sale Offers in region of £425,000

Leyton’s Estate Agent



020 8539 4213 185 Francis Road E10

Church Hill Road E17 5 bed end terrace house for sale Offers in excess of £975,000 sstc Called ‘The Nook’ (a nook is a corner or recess offering seclusion) this stunning 1930’s semi-detached property has everything you could wish for in a London property. The current owners have done a tremendous job of modifying the building with a converted loft and sensational kitchen/diner that will keep a steady stream of friends and family knocking at the front door. A driveway for your car is like gold-dust yet here you have space for two! Located just a few minutes from the charming shops, cafes and pubs of Orford Road, the dazzling God’s Own Junkyard, and the Wild Card Brewery it won’t take you long to discover why Walthamstow is loved and treasured by its residents.

17 gallery


3. Mansfield Road E17 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £685,000



1. Grosvenor Park Road E17 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £720,000 2. Grove Road E17 3 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £775,000

4. Cassiobury Road E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £720,000

Walthamstow’s Estate Agent


020 8520 9300 40 Orford Road E17

IK Constructions Ltd An established construction company specialising in extensions, loft conversions and internal refurbishments. High standards and attention to detail ensure client satisfaction and outstanding references. 20 To advertise your business contact 07984 795787

design that works today and is ready for tomorrow We pride ourselves in collaborating with our clients to define briefs that address both their requirements and exceeds expectations. We have recently been appointed to design and re-configure a half-finished loft conversion in a 3-bed Victorian terraced house in Walthamstow. The young family wished for a generous master bathroom and was hoping to add an additional bedroom.

t 0203 488 19 15 e w

A new interior design studio based in Waltham Forest is now open for business and welcomes private and commercial clients. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

We found practical solutions for storage space and created a bedroom that can be used as a home office today or as additional bedroom for a growing family tomorrow. The large master bathroom includes bespoke joinery with beautiful American Ash worktops and is complemented with modern yet timeless materials and colour palette that successfully mixes the old and new. The project is scheduled to start on site in the near future with a projected completion date before Christmas.

Elmsdale Rd, Walthamstow E17



Mortgage advice that’s right up your street Marsh Street provides comprehensive mortgage advice for everyone. We source from a wide range of lenders and have access to a number of different products. We pride ourselves on offering a friendly and high quality bespoke service that ensures that you are treated fairly at all times. We have the experience and ability to identify your needs, to cut through the fine print and explain the pros and cons of each product to make life easier for our customers.

Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street where a number of large manor houses were used as weekend or summer retreats. Samuel Pepys’ bosses had houses here, and after visiting one of them Pepys described how they had drunk wine from a local vineyard and “the whole company said they never drank better foreign wine [than this one] in their lives”.

Not only will we help you find the right mortgage, but we will use our knowledge and expertise to ensure your mortgage transaction is completed swiftly and effectively, so you can concentrate on the other parts of buying your dream home.

Traditional values and good advice

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for the advice given, the exact amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it will be £495 or 1%.

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Creative Workshops Keys & Hammers Piano Studio - Children’s music lessons (every Wednesday) - Piano lessons for everyone (by appointment) Head & Hands - Free monthly embroidery club (last Mondays) - Macrame plant hanger workshop (3rd October) - Taro learning circle (6 weeks from 18th October) Come and browse the great selection of wellbeing & lifestle products, art, bridal wear & preloved clothing available from our residents!

Antonietta Torsiello - Lino printing workshops (from 18th October) - Upholstery courses (from 20th October) - Children’s art workshops (from 20th October)

Desk spaces available in our co-working area. Apply at

Fungai Marima - Lino printing workshops (from 5th October) - Drypoint workshops (from 18th October) - Kids’ creative workshops (every Saturday) 6-10 Central Parade, Walthamstow, E17 4RT

E List Promotion

Central Parade: Leontia Gallery Within our creative spaces there are some exciting activities happening, this month is no exception. From the 29th of September to the 13th of October Art visitors are invited to Leontia Gallery, (one of our ‘incubator’ tenants), to explore ground-breaking new works from worldwide artists exploring themes of power, apocalypse, democracy, life and death. Etienne Clément’s work depicts a miniature world of folly, depravity and provocativeness. He creates these worlds using toy figures, modes, and backdrops. Clément’s play-mobile-esque ‘scenes’ always reference an event, whether political, historical or biblical. He has shown his work in London, Paris and Germany and in 1997 won second prize in the European Architectural Photographer of the Year. Steven Quinn is a Walthamstow based artist interested in combining his own

collages. His paintings express his constant thirst for learning about everything that surrounds us to offer a work always renewed. Hernandez want us to hold onto a more nascent view of life with his paired down industrial collages.

photography with old cut-outs from old magazines to play with imagery and create often apocalyptic, sometimes humorous narratives. He has shown his work in New York, Frankfurt, Chicago and exhibited along names such as Damien Hirst and Sarah Lucas at Tate Britain. Alfonso Abelardo Hernandez is a multi-disciplinary Cuban artist mixing sculpture, ceramics, wall painting and patchwork to produce three-dimensional

22 To advertise your business contact

Leontia Gallery is also very pleased to be showing some new works of the internationally exhibited artist Lauren Baker, a truly inspiring artist that is taking the Art World by storm. Her work explores the fragility of life, energy-fields, the after-life and other dimensions. She’s created installations at The V&A, Tate Britain, ran an art workshop at Tate Modern and directed the windows of Selfridges. Art lovers from collectors to novices will also be invited to attend the preview night on 29/09/16 To RSVP email rsvp at

JUST anOTHER daMnEd COUPlE by Fletch Fletcher When we landed in Rome I was wearing a hangover Like a brain haemorrhage And you had a boil on your cheek That had the hotel desk staring at us Checking our passports Checking the dates Before handing over the key and Pointing to the lift. As far as they were concerned We were just another damned couple In a cheap hotel But up in the room we didn’t feel so bad. In fact we felt blessed and With the horns blaring outside We got into bed And made everything feel right. After we were done I leaned over and Cleaned my dirty glasses with your dirty pants and Took a good look at your shattered face. The boil was raging Hard and red. There was a stink of stomach coming off of you But you never looked more lovely And the world never felt better than it did right then. No, never better. Poem taken from ‘Fleabite Scabs & Other Love Poems’ by Fletch Fletcher. Available at: or 70 Hoe Street

Premises Licence Notice Pedro Passinhas is applying for the Grant of a Premises Licence for Blackhorse Lane Atelier, 114b Blackhorse Lane, E17 6AA London. The Licence if granted is to enable the Following Activities to take Place: Sale of alcohol on the premises, every day of the week between 11:00am till 11:00 pm. Any person wishing to make representations in relation to this application may do so by writing to the The Licensing Service, Sycamore House, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road, London E17 4SU Representation may be made for 28 consecutive days from the date of this notice.


Bedtime Stories Immersive storytelling, stunning circus, projections, dance and beautiful music for ages 3+

28 - 29 October Tickets £10

The Licensing register listing full details of the application is kept by the Licensing Service, Sycamore House, Walthamstow Town Hall, Forest Road, Walthamstow E17 4SU. The application may be viewed Monday to Friday between the hours of 9am - 5pm (except Bank Holidays). It is an offence knowingly or recklessly to make a false statement in connection with an application the maximum fine for which a person is liable on summary conviction for making a false statement is a Level 5 fine on the standard scale. 3 October 2016

To advertise your business contact 23

Hi Thomas, it’s fair to say you’ve moved around a lot, but now your heart belongs to Leyton. I lived in Leytonstone until I was 14 and then off to the Highlands, Edinburgh, Bolivia and now back to Leyton. My kids go to school here, my best mate lends me his allotment. And Wakefields is still going strong…It’s all happening in Leyton! How did you end up in the Highlands and Edinburgh? My dad is Scottish. I’m the eldest of five and I think they needed a bit of space. I hated the idea of moving at first, was close to coming straight back to London but I had a good art teacher at school and was hoodwinked into becoming an artist. So I moved to Edinburgh to do a degree in fine art.

Leyton Painter Thomas MacGregor’s new show at the Pictorem Gallery reveals a fascinating artistic life capturing subjects as diverse as his home in East London, Bolivia and Frankie Boyle. Paul Lindt had to find out more. This page: The Optimists Page opposite: Top: Leyton Pitch’n’Putt (Overgrown now). Middle: The Feeding Frenzy Bottom: Left: Parle (view from a forensic mental health unit window); Middle: Flyover; Right: Seguridad Panel 1 24

While in Edinburgh you became resident artist in a stand-up club. You get paid in booze and no-one takes you very seriously. I worked at ‘The Stand’ when the club was just starting out and I had just started at Art school. The Bosses, Jane and Tommy, used to feed me with crepes and apricot brandy. A lot of my painting was based around the club and the visuals of bright stage lights, stark contrasts and boozy surroundings so they lent themselves quite well to the club when it found permanent premises. The Stand is huge now but back in the early days it was a very small family and there was a real sense of achievement in making it work. It started in a grimy pub basement just off the Edinburgh Grass Market. I used to do the sound and lights for Frankie Boyle when he was just starting out, hosting the late night show. We basically ended up with an audience of men who were too drunk/dangerous to get in to any of the local strip bars. Frankie found an old picture frame and it became my job to hold it around the clientele as Frankie would do a ‘who is the most sinister man in the room’ competition. Tell us about your Bolivian adventure? I moved to Bolivia because of a girl. It is a crazy rich landscape of people, tradition, colours and light. The paintings painted themselves. I developed a theme looking into security. While Bolivia is a calm place, as in many poor countries, security really divides people and creates absurd situations. For a while we where living on a street with an armed guard who would blow his whistle every 5 minutes just to show that he hadn’t fallen asleep… The Seguridad exhibition was in a huge old slaughterhouse so I was able to paint 4 massive panels.

This month you have a show at the Pictorem Gallery Yes, I’m really looking forward to it. There are a few paintings from the Bolivian shows and various othersfrom the last six years in Leyton. It works together as a whole, I’m the common denominator. We are featuring one of your recent pieces ‘The Optimists’. What’s the story? It is my family but it’s more of a selfportrait. It stems from the old riddle of the Farmer, the fox, the hen and the grain. My part-time work is running a horticultural project in a secure unit and London life is busy and complex. You have to juggle a lot of foxes, hens and grain and you have to keep doing it. The Optimist is a type of dinghy for training children to sail. Come and have a look.

Leyton Painter Selected works by T.D.MacGregor 6-29 October 2016 Pictorem Gallery 383 Hoe Street, Walthamstow E17 9AP Open Tues-Sat 9am-5:30pm

Private View Thursday 6 October – 6-9:30pm

To advertise your business contact 25

Green Pond Farm, Higham Hill Road, Walthamstow 1913. Site of the Hitchman’s Dairies until 1926. See the advance of the terraces in the background.

Barn at Ruckholt Farm, Leyton c1910. Ruckholt Farm once covered 200 acres..

Chestnut Farm, Forest Road, Walthamstow 1938 awaiting demolition. The land had already been sold to the council in 1919 for redevelopment.

Carroll’s Farm, Bury Road, North Chingford c1940. The farm is still working.

Country life These photographs are from the collection of Vestry House Museum. Browse more from the Museum’s archive and order prints online at 26

Photos © Vestry House Museum, London Borough of Waltham Forest

Poulter’s Farm, Chingford Hatch, Chingford c1936

Milking cows at Bulls Farm, formerly on Billet Road near the junction of Lawrence Avenue, Higham Hill, Walthamstow 1910

Haymaking on Bulls Farm, formerly on Billet Road near the junction of Lawrence Avenue, Higham Hill, Walthamstow 1911

To advertise your business contact 27

Architectural historian, Karen Averby uncovers curiosities and stories from Walthamstow’s rich and varied past

THE Selborne Restaurant In today’s crowded gastronomical world with its impressive array of chain and independent restaurants providing a multitude of cuisines, it is perhaps difficult to conceive of a time of council-run restaurants. A mid-20th century countrywide phenomenon, they stemmed from a government initiative to establish communal kitchens in the Second World War to provide inexpensive meals for people made homeless by bombing, or otherwise in need. Originally mooted as ‘Communal Feeding Centres,’ Winston Churchill suggested the more palatable ‘British Restaurants’ as “Everybody associates the word ‘restaurant’ with a good meal, and they may as well have the name if they cannot get anything else.” By 1943, 2160 British Restaurants had been set up serving 650,000 nutritious and filling midday meals daily for under a shilling, as well as breakfasts and evening meals. Walthamstow had two British Restaurants, one of which was located in the newly built Town Hall on Forest Road. British Restaurants were disbanded in 1947, but some were converted into civic restaurants run by local councils. In Walthamstow a new civic licensed restaurant was built by the Council in the early 1950s overlooking the part of the hugely diminished Selborne Park where the bus station now stands; the

House Histories Have you ever wondered who used to live in your house, or how it has changed over time?

Packages telling the story of your house available to suit all budgets. For a FREE consultation email Karen Averby


discount for EList readers (Quote REFELIST)

restaurant building was constructed in front of the now demolished public baths adjacent to Walthamstow Library. Known as Selborne Municipal Restaurant, The Selborne Restaurant 1960 or Selborne Restaurant, it accommodated around 90 diners and provided slightly more upmarket meals than the local market cafes, and to move with the times, the restaurant even had a takeaway service counter section installed. The restaurant’s central location and proximity to the market attracted shoppers as well as local workers and was especially popular with public sector workers. The restaurant was also regularly used as a venue by a variety of societies and organisations for events, especially suppers and annual dinners, which presumably provided a good source of additional revenue for the Council. In November 1956 Selborne Restaurant held the Walthamstow branch of the Fabian Society’s annual supper. Seventy members and their friends attended and were presided over by the branch chairman, Charles Garratt. In 1962 a literary supper was held at the restaurant by Walthamstow Public Libraries at a cost of 3 shillings and sixpence per person. Attendees were advised to arrive at 7.30pm for 8.15pm and were to be entertained by renowned actress and singer Anona Winn performing ‘All the World’s a Stage.’ Such events were not restricted to evenings; in 1966 the restaurant was the venue for a ‘Meet your Local authors and Bookmen’ coffee morning.

28 To advertise your business contact

By the 1960s economic and social changes were influencing the way people spent their money and leisure as an interest in food and eating out was becoming affordable to everyone, not just the more affluent. Chain and franchise restaurants became familiar sights in many town shopping streets, including Walthamstow, and Selborne Restaurant could not compete.

The Selborne Park 1920

Property Fraud Fraudsters are attracted to property because it can be sold and mortgaged raising money for their dishonest activities. Consider the following example: You are targeted by fraudsters, who have discovered that your home is mortgage-free. They steal your identity and go to a solicitor with your stolen ID and ask that your property is transferred to their alleged son-in-law. Once transferred, they obtain a mortgage secured on your property for £325,000. You only discover what has happened when you get a visit from a bailiff. Sounds fanciful? This actually happened, and the criminals disappeared with the money. What can you do to protect yourself? The Land Registry has a service called “Property Alert.” By registering for the service if a fraudster tries to sell or mortgage your property you will be alerted so that you can take swift action to prevent it happening. Vulnerable owners such as the elderly without a mortgage or empty property owners can apply to the Land Registry to enter a Restriction on the Register preventing a sale or mortgage from being registered without a certificate being provided either by the owner or better still their solicitor.

For advice on property or any other legal issues, please contact Wiseman Lee on 020 8215 1000.

020 8215 1000

Exploring World War I The Western Front Association presents regular talks about the Great War. The East London Branch is a relatively new branch having celebrated its second birthday in May. The brainchild of Chair Neil Pearce, his enthusiasm, supported by his wife Sally and by Chris Daughters and Chris Hunt, has seen the branch grow to the point where it is regularly attracting audiences of over 40 to meetings. The group has established a high reputation for the quality of its speakers, many of them repeat visitors, covering a diverse range of topics exploring all aspects of the Great War. Speakers have included WFA President Peter Simkins on Kitchener’s Army, Peter Hart on Gallipoli and Up the Arras, Lucinda Gosling on Entertainment 1914-1918, Ian Castle on Zeppelin Raids, Peter Doyle on 100 Objects, Mark Smith on Pip, Squeak and Wilfred, the Medals on my Grandfather’s Chest, Clare Makepeace on Sex and the Somme, Steve Roberts on The Battle of the Somme film, John Chester on Poor Little Belgium and Malcolm Doolin on The Boys of Blackhorse Road

Future confirmed speakers include: Lucinda Gosling talking about the War Artist, Fortunino Matania on 20 October; Mark Smith from the Firepower Museum and The Antiques Road Show on 17 November talking about Medals and their Meaning; Jeremy Banning on The Battle of Arras, 19 January 2017; Taff Gillingham on Great War Facts, 16 February; Suzy Grogan on Shell Shocked Britain, 20 April; Christina Holstein on The Battle of Verdun, 18 May and Gary Sheffield on Gallipoli and the Western Front Compared, 19 October. Speakers for the other months to be confirmed.

The Branch meets at 7.45 for 8.00 p.m. on the third Thursday of every month at Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club, Greenway Avenue, Walthamstow, E17 3QN. Anyone with an interest in the Great War is welcome to attend and talks are not restricted to WFA members. Admission is free (a donation of £3.00 per person is appreciated).

For further details, contact Neil Pearce on 07956 541897 or Chris Daughters on 07809 430257.

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Paul McGrane & Mike Sims

Would you care to introduce yourselves? MS: I’m Mike Sims, one half of the cofounded Forest Poets. I work for The Poetry Society as its Publishing Manager and I write a lot of poetry. I love it for reasons I don’t entirely understand. PM: I’m the Membership Manager at The Poetry Society and I cofounded Forest Poets with Mike seven years ago. I’ve lived in the borough for about 25 years. Do I get a long-service medal? Where are you from? How did you get here? MS: I moved to Walthamstow to afford somewhere to live – yes, even sixteen or so years ago it was just the same… I was born on the Wirral and support LFC. PM: I’m from Ammanford, a South Wales mining town, and came to London via Leicester Poly sometime in the last century. What do you love about the area? MS: New year at the Rose & Crown, Friday night DJs at the Chequers, Vestry House Museum, especially the archive, bingo at the Trades Hall – and the raffle, which I once won. Cycling in the Marshes (Walthamstow and Tottenham), cycling in Epping Forest, God’s Own Junkyard/Wild Card, the Art Trail, the Garden Party, the old lefties and the hippies, my very many friends, who merrily refer to me as a poet even if I’ve not yet mustered the courage… PM: I’m not sure there’s many urban parts of London where you have nature reserves and forests on your doorstep. It used to be that the only culture we had here was the music they play at the bus station to stop kids gathering about, but now it’s bursting at the seams with the stuff. 30

Photo © Paul Tucker

Paul McGrane originally thought poetry was just something you had to learn to pass exams and then promptly forgot. He then discovered through what he terms his ‘gateway’ poets that poetry can speak to ‘ordinary normal people’. Since then he has co-founded Forest Poets with Mike Sims to support and promote the many poets in the borough. Here they twist words with Paul Lindt.

Left, Mike Sims and right, Paul McGrane

How did you each discover poetry? MS: Honestly? I began working with Paul, who kind of showed me that poetry was a perfectly ordinary thing to read, write and like. That’s me, after English degree and setting up and running a magazine, The Illustrated Ape, which published fiction and poetry. Don’t know why the thought hadn’t struck me. I had to make some kind of mental breakthrough, which for some reason took a very long time. Odd, really. PM: I was ‘in between jobs’ in my early forties (about 15 years ago) and started a creative writing course as a way of breaking out of my work-home-sleep-work-home-sleep routine. I discovered that writing poems and reading them out loud got an instant reaction from the class and I was hooked. I’d ‘done’ English at Poly but poetry then for me was just something you learned for an exam and forgot pretty quickly. I had no idea anyone alive was actually still writing the stuff. Yada Yada Yada… working for The Poetry Society! Two poets walk into a pub and are met by a Philistine. “What’s the point?” says the Philistine. MS: Simple, Mr Philistine: it’s for thinking with. Let’s pack our thoughts into a poem together, shall we, then unpack them again? Look, they’re the same material,

different shape. What have we learned? Wasn’t that great? PM: I’d probably say: Hi Phil, it’s a pub – let’s talk about football, music and women. After a few pints you can express yourself through poetry, just like you can with art and music, but you can create a piece of work instantly with just a pen or a keyboard, and get immediate feedback, if you want to, from the internet or open mics, or poetry groups like us. You can be from any background, any age, but watch out – once you’re in you won’t be thinking about much else other than how to write the next poem. Talk about your poetry heroes and why you love them so much. MS: I love Coleridge for being brilliant and a loon, I love Ted Hughes for remorseless terror, Alice Oswald for remorseless terror, and Keats for knowing that thought and feeling rotate around each other and never settle, like pale moths fooling each other in the dark. In all honesty, I’ve too many to name. PM: My ‘gateway’ poets, who showed me that poetry can be written to communicate with ‘ordinary, normal people’ were Duffy, Larkin, Armitage, McGough, Jackie Kay, Billy Collins… My hero of heroes, though, is Fleur Adcock whose poems feel like someone’s having

a conversation with you but you want to stop her half-way-through and go ‘wow, I love you.’ She’s from the same tradition as Heaney and Larkin but hugely underrated. You are both founding members of Forest Poets. Tell us but it. MS: I saw Griff Rhys Jones on TV interviewing members of a poetry group in Southend during the BBC’s 2009 Poetry Season. I went in the next day and said to Paul: look, we live in the same area, we both work for The Poetry Society, shouldn’t we set one up? He’s run it masterfully ever since. PM: I’d been at The Poetry Society a couple of years before Mike and had always thought about starting a group in Waltham Forest, but I was too shy of people saying no. Mike bounced in and made it sound like it was something that could actually work. We started with five blokes in a pub and BAM! We now have a group of about 30-35 people and we meet every month at the Rose & Crown to share our poems-in-progress (luckily, not everyone turns up at the same time). After a year-or-so we branched into occasionally performing and organising events – our credo is to promote the work of local poets and hallelujah! there’s LOADS of them! Is there a collective pronoun for poets? MS: A Stanza? Though Forest Poets has been described as a ‘collective’ – edgy, huh? PM: on the assumption that most poets meet the stereotype of introverted extroverts… a ‘shyness’ of poets? A ‘look-at-me’ of poets? Forest Poets has a real diversity of styles and approaches from its members. MS: The usual divide is between ‘page poetry’ and ‘spoken word’ or ‘performance poetry’. But we both read at lots of events and sit around a table once a month, giving the poems we share a very close reading. So, as a group, we encourage both: to knock poems around until they’re polished but also to get up and perform them and make people laugh/weep/purse their lips. Assuming you are always looking for new members, are there any terrifying initiation ceremonies to navigate or can anyone join? MS: No initiation ceremony. First session at Forest Poets requires you to sit tight and listen. What am I saying? That is an initiation ceremony! PM: every member has to go through that awful feeling when you’ve just read a poem that you previously thought was the best thing you’d ever written and the group goes

quiet for a minute as they think about the feedback they’re about to give you. The results are always worth the brief pain, though.

page on if you’d like to make a donation online or come and give us cash on the day.

Tell us about some of the events Forest Poets have produced or been part of. MS: We’ve done lots with the William Morris Gallery, writing poems about the collection or to the theme of one of their ‘Lates’. And we’ve done similar things with Vestry House Museum. We’ve brought in some wonderful guest poets: Sophie Herxheimer, Dean Atta, Joelle Taylor. Paul organized Carol Ann Duffy to come and read during the Words over Waltham Forest festival in 2013 at which gig Warshan Shire also read. Her work now features on Beyoncé’s Lemonade! Actually, the collaborative exhibition Forest Poets did with Paul Tucker, Mark Sowden and Julia Spicer at that Festival, with us writing poems inspired by their photographs, was one of my favourite projects PM: As a massive Hefner fan, running poetry/music nights with Darren Hayman as the headliner is one of the best things I’ve done with my life. I’m proud of our role in the Literature Festival a few years ago, and the feeling of introducing Carol Ann Duffy to an audience of nearly a thousand people at the Assembly Hall will never be beaten. The William Morris Gallery have been great to us too, and our recent residency with them has established poetry as a staple of their late-night events.

Do you think poetry gets the attention it should in our society, whether in education, broadcast or publishing? MS: Nope, though there’s a little bit of it everywhere. If it were a bit easier to find it would cheer more people, I’m convinced.

Forest Poets are staging a Poem-a-thon in November. Tell us about it. PM: It’s on Saturday 12 November at the Rose & Crown, 2pm till 10pm, and there’ll be a constant ‘relay’ of poets reading throughout the day. Everyone performing has been asked to get as many sponsors as they can to raise money for Médicins sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Frontiers. We’ve set a provisional target of £5000 but similar events last year raised three or four times as much so we’re hoping to smash that target. Entry is free, and you can come and go as you please. We’ve set up a

What would you like to see for a poetic future for Waltham Forest? MS: We are part-timers at it but I like what we do. We’ve done some amazing things, really. We did talk about running a one-day poetry university upstairs at the Rose & Crown, sharing our ideas but also sparking new directions. You want it to stay a challenge.​PM: An annual Literature Festival please! Would finally each of you care to give us a favourite 4 line stanza? MS: Bloody hell. Keats (whose sister lived locally)? O for a beaker full of the warm South, Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene, With beaded bubbles winking at the brim, And purple-stained mouth; That I might drink, and leave the world unseen, And with thee fade away into the forest dim Sorry, that’s not four lines, is it? PM: We posted these lines from Larkin’s ‘The Mower’ on the Poetry Society Twitter page recently and the reaction was mental - thousands of likes and retweets – something about it captured the zeitgeist of a world where ordinary people can be murdered just for walking around minding their own business… The first day after a death, the new absence Is always the same; we should be careful Of each other, we should be kind While there is still time.

Facebook and Twitter @ForestPoets

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Walthamstow Diary Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17 Pub conversations can be the most dangerous conversations in the world. You have a bright idea whilst supping a pint, mention it to someone, and before you know it, that idea is speeding toward reality at a hundred miles an hour. I’m speaking from experience here. “I really want to run a marathon”, I said to my other half in the Chequers once. A year later I was at the start of the Brighton Marathon in a mild state of panic. In the same pub, I once had the bright idea to abseil for charity, even though I don’t like heights. Six months later I was dangling from a rope on the Orbit tower in Stratford, cursing myself for being an idiot. All this considered, you’d think that when talking with Laurence, the landlord of the Queens Arms, I should have known better than to say, I think this is a fantastic idea. But the force of beer is strong, and my mouth moved before my brain could stop it. Laurence suggested bringing karaoke back to the Queens for one night during the Stow Festival, I asked if it could be a fundraiser for the Emergency Night Shelter, and Curryoke was born. The event was on Sunday 19th September, and I spent the week before fretting that no one would turn up. Turns out I had no need to worry, as Walthamstow turned out in force. It was great to see so many people in the Queens, and it’s fair to say that I was blown away by the generosity of the people and businesses of E17. Laurence at the Queens Arms was amazing. Every local business we approached for raffle prizes donated without hesitation. And of course, the good folk of E17 who came on the night gave generously. Whilst I sometimes regret the bright ideas I have in pubs, I don’t regret this one. It was a great event, for a good cause, and a reminder that Walthamstow really can pull together when it needs to. Thanks to everyone who helped out, donated prizes, and came to the event, you guys rock.


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The Magpie’s beady eyes are on the look-out for the shiniest, funniest remarks, witty retorts and bizarre sightings to share and retweet from the borough’s social media channels. Thanks this month to Twitter, Leytonstone Life, Walthamstow Residents News, Walthamstow Life and Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board

In the pub ppl watching. Considering I have none of the required accessories (a dog, a baby, or a bearded man), I’m amazed I’m @grelaarts allowed in!

Photographs: © Waqas Hussain, Zoopla/Ideal Locations, @wethreeclub, Imran A. Malik

[Regarding a 6 bedroom house for sale in Leytonstone priced £1.2 million] OK, own up. Whose house is this?

ZS: Horror room very cool AB: Haha, there we have it - you now have to be a millionaire to own a house in Leytonstone! LO: A weapons room?! Seriously? A RED weapons room????? I bet there’s a terrifying basement... PR: No people were murdered here...honest BV: Has a really nice new patio though JB: Wonder who’s under it? JH: The way the clothes are hung on the walls in the living room picture is seriously weird. This person has issues. LA: There is a cooker in every bedroom, is that even legal?? AS: Let’s have a whip-round and put a bid in! JB: A Leytonstone Life house? AS: Yeah. We can occupy it in shifts. Bagsy not first in the torture room. FQ: How about a reality type show but based on Leytonstone Lifers, you have to spend a night in the torture room, kind of like I’m A Celebrity when they spend a night in a rat infested cave BV: It’s mine guys, feel free to come and have a look. Just come alone and don’t tell anyone where you’re going AW: How did they get the keys for my house? My Freddy Krueger vs Michael Myers death dungeon is very much not for sale.

RK: Is the wheelie bin in the orange room where they keep the bodies? FG: Let’s not extend, let’s sell up and buy this. Dream home! JW: I find something deeply troubling about the perfectly manicured and recently laid lawn. CH: Think this should be on Location Location, Phil would love this :))) JW: CSI: Leytonstone SG: I can never unsee that! :/ DR: I know exactly who owns this house... I will take great pleasure in showing him these comments. Believe me!!! Leytonstone Life When you’re tired of people saying how cool Walthamstow is nowadays @WeThreeClub

Walthamstow Residents NEWS “Mum, I’m going to England, and will be studying at Oxford...”

Just parked up near the Magistrates Court. Yes, we are pokemon hunting. Police were following me and parked alongside. As we get out of the car, they pull down their window and ask “Have you found pikachu yet?!” Love it!!! Walthamstow Life Walthamstow’s Fourth Plinth Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board The bloke sitting next to me in God’s Own car park is talking about the size of his yacht. We are all thinking the same right? Small penis @StowDiary

WH: Although this one’s on Blackhorse Road! BJ: Visa scam alert!!!! NL: I’m enrolling! I’ve always wanted a degree from Oxford JO: Because I’m a bit more working class I want a Cambridge College set up. HH: How do I get in? SK: You can’t, there’s a shutter over the door MD: Somewhere along Leyton High Rd used to be a Pound-a Bowl shop with a dusty window upstairs with the sign ‘London College of Research’. JB: Hmmm no website at PA: Looks like it had its licence suspended and was investigated by trading standards! NK: Well if you’re fooled by a simple banner, I think you need to go in and discover your lack of education Walthamstow Residents NEWS 33

The Secret ii – Return to Hollow Ponds Following the success of The Secret last year, local performers Angela Broome and Marcus Scroop have adapted their musical into The Secret II to be performed by The Hollow Ponds Drama Society at The Deaton Theatre. Act one is set in 2000. Four ladies from Leytonstone win a holiday to Ibiza. On the last night of the holiday they go clubbing but only three of them come home the next day. They agree to keep secret what happened that night for the rest of their lives. The second act is set in 2016. The three who returned have become women with very different lives. They begin to notice a haunting presence and meet up again. The consequences of what happened in 2000 catch up with them in a dramatic conclusion set around Hollow Ponds. “We learned a lot from last year. The main thing was to have more people on stage singing the songs. People enjoyed joining in with our songs. So this year we have a chorus who feature on all the up-beat numbers. Also we decided to shorten the time gap between Acts 1 and 2, so the same actors play the main characters in both acts. Many changes have been made to make the story even more dramatic and there is a completely different ending!” said Marcus.

Tracy Lodge, Janice Nixon, Jude Leighton and Sandra Jerome

The Secret II Deaton Theatre, Forest School E17 3PY There are three performances, Friday 28 October at 7.30pm, Saturday 29 October at 2.30pm and 7pm. Tickets, £10 plus booking fee are available from More information about The Secret II and clips from last year’s show can be found at Facebook: thesecretmusical2015 Twitter: @secretmusical15

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Borderlands This month sees a new exhibition at Leytonstone’s Stone Space gallery revealing the people and places along the borders of the European Union. Borderlands: The Edges of Europe is a collection of analogue photographs by Paola Leonardi, part of an archive of images created to tell of life at the edges of Europe. Since 2012 Leonardi has photographed along the land borders of the European Union, following methodically the boundaries traced on maps, and building a distinctive experience of the European frontier that includes unplanned encounters with its inhabitants. This series focuses on the connection between people and territory and the significance of trans-national and transcultural identities, exploring the relevance of European identity and its relationship with concepts of home and belonging, memory and territory and how these have been shaped by events. This project concentrates on land borders, and the concept of geographical Europe is juxtaposed to that of political Europe/ European Union. Paola Leonardi born in Italy in 1980 is a London based photographer and a lecturer in Photography at University Campus Suffolk and London Metropolitan University. Since completing the MA Image and Communication at Goldsmiths College in 2006, Paola has worked commercially as well as developing personal projects. She has exhibited nationally and internationally, taking part in personal and group exhibitions in the US, Italy, Denmark, Armenia and Germany.

Borderlands: The Edges of Europe Paola Leonardi 6-30 October 2016 The Stone Space 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HQ Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat12am-5pm, Sun 12am-4pm To advertise your business contact 35

Rosalind Fowler’s film installation NowhereSomewhere

East is East Show your support for local artists, movers, shakers and young film makers who bring their talents to Barbican OpenFest - a free event taking place this month.

A free festival at the iconic Barbican venue on Saturday October 8 will celebrate all of the wonderful culture coming out of East London by people of all ages, with free music, spoken word, drumming and dance performances and workshops, art installations, film screenings, architecture tours and kids adventure activities arranged to bombard all of your senses throughout the day. Highlights include artists Zarah Hussain and Rosalind Fowler, both of whom have pushed installation art boundaries in our local area. Zarah, whose entrancing, colourful geometric patterned light show adorned the outer walls of the William Morris Gallery at the Walthamstow Garden Party in 2015, returns with her latest piece Numina. Mixing sculpture, projections and infinite Islamic geometric forms, Zarah’s new piece sits perfectly in tandem with the Barbican’s Transcender season - celebrating hypnotic psychedelic music from around the planet. Rosalind Fowler is bringing work based on her time as artist-inresidence at the William Morris Gallery. Interested in green issues and ecology Rosalind will invite you to peddle your way through her bicycle-powered film installation NowhereSomewhere. For all of your moving and shaking desires, Barking-based arts organisation Studio 3 Arts - set up and run by Walthamstow

resident Liza Vallance - will host a series of dance workshops throughout the day in various areas of the building for all ages and abilities. Vallance works with children and teenagers of all backgrounds - and is an inspirational leader, so definitely something to try and join in with. The Barbican will also see stalls from Carolyn Abbott’s successful E17 Designers group. You’ll be able to shop for everything from art and ceramics to fashion and accessories: everything designed and made locally and bought directly from the source. Other things in the packed timetable include screenings of short films by young people from Waltham Forest, drumming performances by students from Barking & Dagenham schools, a create your own playground activity with Pop up Parks taking over the Fountain Room, and the ‘Big Barbican Adventure’, a family trail to unlock the secrets of the Barbican with clue solving, drawing and games. Making and creating needs nurturing, so pop along and show your support if you can. So much going on - and it’s all free.

Barbican OpenFest Saturday 8 October Barbican Centre, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DS 10am – 7pm events are FREE. After 7pm events are ticketed. For more information about the festival:

36 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.

Photo ©

We all know that Waltham Forest is “the home of those who make and create” - as shouted down from the rafters outside Blackhorse Road tube station, and now our home-grown creators and makers of all kinds are getting the chance to take their work outside of the borough - to the Barbican OpenFest slap bang in the middle of the city of London.

All the brands you love right at your door step The Mall Walthamstow Opening Hours: All the brands you love– right at your 9am door–step Monday Wednesday 5:30pm 45 Selborne Walk Opening Hours: – 9am – 7pm London, E17 7JR The Mall WalthamstowThursday 45 Selborne Walk Monday – Wednesday 9am – 5:30pm Friday – Saturday Tel: 020 8509 0016London, E17 7JR Thursday – 9am – 7pm 9am – 6pm Tel: 020 8509 0016 Friday ––Saturday 6pm Sunday 11am9am – –5pm

Adding the feelgood factor. Shopping as it should be

Adding the feelgood factor. Shopping as it should be Walthamstow 190mmx126mm.indd 1

Local school children to takeover the top jobs in The Mall Walthamstow Children from Coppermill Primary School will be taking over the The Mall Walthamstow on the 28th September as part of The Mall Takeover Day, which is an initiative supported by the Office of Children’s Commissioner. The event will give pupils the chance to get involved with decisionmaking for the day and shadow members of the Centre team.

14/09/2016 10:40:25

The East London

Sausage Co.



57 Orford Rd E17 9NJ Tue-Fri: 08.30-19.00

Sat: 08.30-17.30 Sun: 10.00-14.00

The Mall Takeover Day aims to provide the children with an insight into what a career in retail might be like and give them the chance to voice their ideas and opinions. Pupils will be given the opportunity to work alongside members of the Marketing, Customer Service and Management teams and find out how the different roles contribute to the daily running of The Mall Walthamstow. Alasdair Currie, General Manager at The Mall Walthamstow, commented: “All the staff at The Mall Walthamstow are looking forward to having the children takeover for the day. We believe the children will benefit greatly from the opportunity to experience the world of work. The event will also provide us with a chance for us to listen to their ideas and is a great way for us to become more involved with the local schools.”

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”.

Limited Edition hand finished screenprints & paintings from an extensive portfolio By appointment: E: T: 07841 393 496

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This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts & Crafts Until 2 Oct Eugene Macki: Among Others The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG The show presents four recent works that focus on the paradox of dividing and connecting. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. Until 13 Oct Panic Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road, E17 4PJ Hot on the heels of Raw this next group show is built around the emotive theme of ‘Panic’. Open cafe hours 7am-6pm daily. FREE. 6 Oct-3 Dec NEW Tales from the Marsh Exhibition The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Tales from the Marsh unearths the magnetic pull of Walthamstow and Leyton Marshes in this collage of local people’s oral histories, poetry, artwork and photographs. Open during normal Mill hours: Tues-Fri 9.30am-6pm, SatSun 10am-2pm. FREE. 8-30 October NEW Eleanor Crow: Passing Trade Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ 100 brightly detailed watercolours celebrating some of the best East London shopfronts. You’ll find butchers, bakers and candlestick makers aplenty. How many will you recognise? Also preview party, see Friday 7 October. Exhibition open daylight hours and lit until midnight. FREE. 14 Oct-17 Nov NEW Insectapsyched Wynwood Art District Cafe, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Solo exhibition by acclaimed local visual artist Nickie Counsell whose new work is both beautiful and intriguing. Also preview party, see Thurs 13 Oct. Open cafe hours 7am-6pm daily. FREE. Events marked

kid friendly

6-30 Oct NEW Borderlands: The Edges of Europe by Paola Leonardi The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG See feature on page 35. An exhibition of analogue photographs showing the people and places along the borders of the European Union, developed with the purpose of creating an archive of images narrating life at the edges of Europe. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE. 6-29 October NEW Leyton Painter: Selected Works by T. D. MacGregor Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP See feature on page 24. T. D. MacGregor is a portrait artist who lives and works in Leyton. This exhibition comprises a selection of work from E10 alongside portraits and prints from Stockholm and Cochabamba, Bolivia. Tues-Sat 9am-5.30pm. FREE. 020 8520 0340 3-30 Oct NEW My Gran Always Says… Leytonstone Library, 6 Church Lane E11 1HG An exhibition of community art produced by a culturally diverse group of young people and elders originating from Africa and the Caribbean and centred around proverbs and sayings. Daily, Mon-Fri 9am-7pm, Sat 9am6pm and Sunday 12-4pm. FREE. 8 Oct-15 January 2017 NEW A World to Win: Posters of Protest and Revolution William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP A look at the defining features of protest graphics. With powerful images and punchy slogans, these empowering posters present alternative realities and call for radical change. Exhibition organised by the Victoria & Albert Museum. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 29 Oct-19 Feb 2017 NEW WE: The ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Exhibition by Lucy Harrison and Katherine Green, exploring the social history of Warner Estate flats and houses through photography, archive material and oral history interviews. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE.

Until 30 Nov Hafeez Saeed Photographs Le Delice, 114 Hoe Street E17 4QR This month’s Cover Star. Delve into the artistic work of local photographer Hafeez Saeed as he explores themes of faith, culture and design, showcasing part of his architecture and street portfolio. Prints and canvases available for sale. 8am-10pm daily. FREE. 8 Oct-6 Nov NEW Rosalind Fowler: Nowhere Somewhere William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Fowler’s two screen film installation explores resonances between William Morris’s vision of a future, greener London and OrganicLea’s food-growing cooperative in Waltham Forest. Gardeners at the site also share their dreams for an imaginary ecotopian future. Supported by Arts Council England. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 29 Oct-19 Feb 2017 NEW WE: The ex-Warner Estate in Waltham Forest Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Exhibition by Lucy Harrison and Katherine Green, exploring the social history of Warner Estate flats and houses through photography, archive material and oral history interviews. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE.

Quizzes & Games Sundays General Knowledge Quiz Night The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH 8.30-11pm, £1.50 per person. Mondays Red Lion Quiz Night The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA 7.30-11.30pm. Mondays Mirth’s General Knowledge Quiz Mirth, Marvel & Maud 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH 7.30pm. £2 per person Tuesdays until 14 Dec NEW Mirth’s Board Game Evening Mirth, Marvel & Maud 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH We’re a friendly bunch who meet up weekly to play modern board games such as Carcassonne, Catan, Nippon or Scythe. Over 18s only. 5.30-11pm. FREE, but please buy refreshments at the venue. CJ Calogero 020 8926 6862

Tuesdays Rowan’s Weekly Quiz The Bell, 617 Forest Road E17 4NE 8-10.30pm. £1.50 per person Tuesdays Quiz On Your Face The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL 8-10.30pm. £1 per person Tuesdays Big Quiz Night The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL 8.30-11pm. £1.50 per person Wednesdays Leyton Technical Quiz Night 265 High Road, Leyton E10 5QN 8-10.30pm. £2 per person Thursdays Neil’s Music Quiz The Flowerpot, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX 9-11pm. £1 per person

Gardening & Environment Fridays Lloyd Park Green Gym Meet outside the Stables, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP A fun and productive way to keep fit in body and mind while looking after Lloyd Park; carrying out volunteer conservation tasks. Wear comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty! 10.45am2pm. FREE. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 Tuesdays Chingford Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road, Chingford E4 6XU As Lloyd Park Green Gym but different venue and time. 10am-1pm.

Family Wednesdays Brownies in Wood Street Peterhouse Centre, 122 Forest Rise/ Upper Walthamstow Road E17 3PW Are you aged 7-10? Would you like to be a Brownie? We have lots of fun and go on some fantastic trips. Please email to find out more. 6.30-8.30pm. £3. Carole at Tuesdays & Thursdays Magic Box: Interactive Storytelling Sessions for 2-ish to 5-year olds Mothers’ Hub, 133 Wood Street E17 3LX What’s inside the Magic Box today? Join a host of different characters, from Dahlia the Dinosaur to Captain Wonkynose, as they lead you on exciting and interactive storytelling adventures! Coffee and cake included. 10-11am. £5 each or £8 for 2 kids. 07958 772669

38 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



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Family continued Thursdays until 13 Oct Junior Art at The Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Make an Alien! Five making and painting sessions with David for youngsters 6 years and over. Can be messy! Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult. Limited places. 4-5.30pm. £2 donation per child per session. David Hughes 020 8521 3211 Saturdays until 26 Nov NEW Classical Indian Dance and Storytelling for Children Bhakti Yoga Centre, 631 Forest Road E17 4NE A gorgeously creative, interactive and entertaining session with storytelling and basics of Kathak dance with children aged 4 to 9 years. Traditional Kathak ankle bells provided. 10.3011.15am. £7.50, or £9 drop-in. Vanessa 07958 523431 Monday-Friday, except Tuesdays (term-time only) Bongalong for under 5s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Fun, creative music, movement and make believe - a lively mix of singing, dancing, let’s pretend and fab percussion instruments. Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 10am and 11am sessions plus 1.30pm on Mondays and 11am only on Wednesdays. £5.25 booked termly. 07811 460282 Tuesdays Bongalong for under 5s Greenleaf Road Baptist Church, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ As above except different venue. 1.30pm. Mon, Weds & Thurs Bongalong for under 1s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF As above. Mondays 2.30pm, Wednesdays 10am and Thursdays 1.30 and 2.30pm.

Social & Networking Saturdays until December Youth Club Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A weekly drop in youth club for 10-14 year olds. Games, sports, arts, trips and more. 11.30am-2.30pm. FREE but donations welcome. Chantelle Michaux 07535 326157

Events marked

kid friendly


Mondays Lloyd Park Walk for Women Meet outside the park cafe, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP A free and friendly women-only walk in Lloyd Park. All abilities welcome. Wear sensible clothing and flat shoes. Email or call for more info. 10-10.45am. FREE. 020 8496 2822

LGBT Last Friday of the month Walthamstow Gay Meetup Check meet up site for venue Friendly, convivial evening of like-minded people having a great time around a drink or two with good conversations, fun and lots of laughter. 8-10pm. FREE, membership £5 per year. Jean-Francois at 4th Tuesday of the month Club Mellow: LGBT Hate Crime Support Group At ELOP Centre. Opportunity to share your experiences, learn how to report hate crime incidents, learn about the process of investigation, prosecution and your rights, and gain peer support. 5-7pm. FREE. Tuesdays Club Mellow: Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Group At ELOP Centre. A varied programme of activities and offers opportunities for peer support and self-help. 2.304.30pm. FREE. 3rd Sunday of the month Rainbow Family Sundays Meeting at various venues, offering an opportunity for LGBT parents and carers with children of all ages to meet, socialise and build support networks, offering older children the opportunity to meet other LGBT families and develop a positive sense of self and identity. Call or join mailing list for latest venue. Adults £2, children £1.

Shopping Fridays Night Feast Walthamstow Town Square, High Street E17 4HU A night market offering street food, drinks, produce, arts & crafts, kids area and entertainment, showcasing local traders and offering a great night out for the family. 5-10pm.

Food Markets Saturdays Community Local Produce Market Stall with OrganicLea & Transition Leytonstone St John’s Church, Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG As above. 10am-3pm.

DANCE/FITNESS Saturdays Walthamstow Village Market Community Hub (former Asian Centre) 18A Orford Road E17 9LN A family-friendly fine food market showcasing local produce and hot food traders. Dogs welcome. 10.30am-3pm. Saturdays OrganicLea Market Stall The Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Organic and local sustainably grown fruit, vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. Healthy Start vouchers can be used. 10am-3pm. our-market-stall Sundays Farmers’ Market Town Square, Walthamstow E17 4HU Stalls offering a changing, seasonal selection of meat, game and poultry, cheese, eggs, fruit, vegetables, cider, baked goods, honey, plants and herbs, seafood, pies, quiches and cakes. Please note, some stalls may take a week off without notice. 10am-2pm.

Sport & Fitness Sundays Wynwood Running Club Meet at Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Hate lie-ins? Fancy running? Here’s a reason to get up on a Sunday morning. Meet at Wynwood at 9am. FREE. Twitter @J_Matuszek Saturdays Walthamstow Parkrun Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road E17 4HR A free, timed weekly 5km run around the park, for your own enjoyment. Whatever your pace! Register online for your free race time barcode to print before your first race. 9-10.30am. FREE. Richard Parr 07866 616454

Music, choirs & karaoke Weds until 19 Oct (term-time only) Natural Voices: Mixed Choirs for Men & Women Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR and The Northcote Arms Pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Singing with a twist of fun. We do glorious covers of pop, soul, rock, jazz and comedy songs. Beginners welcome, no auditions and no sight-reading. Choose from Leyton or Walthamstow venues. 7.30-9pm. £8 paid termly or £10 drop-in, free taster. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338



Tuesdays until 6 Dec NEW The CommUnity Gospel Choir The Wesleyan Christian Centre, 1 Harrow Green, Leytonstone E11 3HP If you enjoy singing, whatever your ability or experience come and join our amalgamation of Harrow Green Community Gospel Choir and East London Gospel Voices, led by choir director Kathy McLeish. 7.15-9pm. £5. Beverly 07984 398271 Sundays until 11 Dec (term time only) Natural Voices: Youth choirs (Juniors & Seniors) The Games Room, Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR A fun choir, as above except for children and teens. Bring a snack and a drink for break time. 10am-11am (ages 5-9) and 11am-12pm (ages 10-21). £5 paid termly or £6 pay as you go, free taster. Tuesdays Weekly Singer/Songwriter Night Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Every week various different singers and songwriters join our stage for your entertainment. Includes resident and guest performers. 8-11pm. FREE. Erika 07950 899431 Tuesdays until 13 Dec East Side Jazz Club Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Weekly modern jazz club featuring the UK’s best jazz musicians in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Hosted by drummer Clive Fenner. The Music Room has its own bar with Real Ale. 8.30-11pm. £6, cash on the door only. Clive Fenner 020 8989 8129 10, 24 & 27 October HarmonyE4 Winchester Road Methodist Church, Winchester Road, Highams Park E4 9JP A fortnightly choir for Highams Park, meeting on Mondays and the last Thursday of the month. 7.30-10pm. £5. Kate Milner 07969 269107 Thursdays Daytime Choir for Parents & Childminders St Michael & All Angels Church Hall, Northcote Road E17 6PQ A great way to start the day, come and sing with this friendly group, and bring your little ones, we have toys to entertain them! All abilities welcome. 10-11am. £5.

40 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Mondays until 12 Dec Waltham Forest Community Choir St Mary’s Church, Church Hill E17 9RJ A friendly choir with a wide-ranging repertoire. No audition required. Open to all adults living or working in Waltham Forest but we’re actively looking for tenors and basses! 7.309pm. £5 and termly subscription. 07954 740745 Mondays Sing at the WO The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Thriving, all-ability, community choir with absolutely no auditions. Raise your voice and your spirits in an adult choir where you call the tunes. Come when you can, casual attendees welcome. Inclusive, informal and fun! 7.30-9pm. £7, £6 in advance and free taster. Laura 07813 686980

Calendar of events Saturday 1 Oct Open Studios: Blackhorse Lane Studios 114a Blackhorse Lane (beside petrol station) E17 6AA A great opportunity to see inside the studios and admire the brilliant and varied work being created there. Plus a silent auction and a kids’ quiz too. 12-6pm. FREE. Emma Scutt’s Pop-Up Arty Shop Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH Emma Scutt will be selling prints and greetings cards based on her famous Walthamstow calendars and new Hitchcock mural at Mirth - and dogs in superhero costumes, woof! 12-7pm. The Stones Throw Market St John’s Church Hall, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH Artisan design and retro market offering an eclectic mix of handmade and vintage items. Locally produced award-winning honey, vintage clothes and afternoon yea also on offer. New stalls each month. 2-6pm. FREE. Walls of Heartache: Northern Soul Night Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Nice, simple across the board Northern Soul music on original vinyl in a very friendly compact basement club. Guest DJs (and man about town) Jules Pallett joining residents Dave Duplock, Shaun Arnold and Richard Anker. 8pm12.30am. £5. Events marked





The Greatest Little Art Show: Grand Raffle Gala Day The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA The exhibition’s closing gala offers drinks, live music and cakes as a prelude to the grand raffle of the postcards created especially by 100 artists (maybe even some famous ones) raising funds for community hub The Mill and 50 beds at the emergency night shelter. Raffle tickets available online or in person at The Mill. 10am3.30pm, raffle starts at 2pm. Wildflower Seed Walk Church Lane Community Garden, Harold Road, Leytonstone E11 4QX Learn about local wildflowers and gather seeds for sowing next spring. Wear sensible clothing and footwear. 3-4.30pm. FREE, donations welcome. Shannon 07450 474538 The Saturday Session Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Eastern Front Soundsystem and guest DJs Pete Fowler and Mark Limb bring eclectic, balearic, and disco vibes on vinyl, all night long. 4pm-midnight. FREE. Closet Vinyl The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Be a DJ in the friendliest pub in London. Bring in your vinyl, come nice and early to get a 20 minute guest spot and watch us dance like crazy to your music! 8pm-midnight. FREE. We Shall Overcome!: Antiausterity & Pro-community Fundraiser What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Fundraiser featuring Thee Faction, Michael J Sheehy, Steve White and more! Political folk punk rock and blues. 8.30-11pm. Minimum donation £5. Stephen 07904 210218 Music in the Dark Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Acoustic guitar duo JP and Sheetal bring you their unique and haunting sounds: a fusion of Arabic, Spanish and Gypsy music. The sequences in the dark will wow your senses. An ultimate sound experience! 8-9.30pm. £8.

October Mini-Festival The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG The Higham Flyers return to the WO with their shiny new brass section. The Crayon Angels, The Tale and Arty Parker complete the bill. 5-11pm. FREE with a collection.

Sunday 2 Oct Musical Aquarium Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Join Jerome and Lindsay who will be diving into the tank, and playing their own eclectic brand of music for your Sunday lunchtime listening pleasure! 1.30-4pm. FREE. Auntie Maureen’s Vintage-a-Fair Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Dressing up your home, your wardrobe and your life with unique vintage and antique collectibles plus gifts for ladies, gents and children. Live vintage jazz and afternoon tea served by Northern Imagination. Please note: no access ramp. 11am-5pm. £2, £1 with flyer/ conc, under 15s FREE.

Open Studios: Blackhorse Lane Studios 114a Blackhorse Lane (beside petrol station) E17 6AA Details as Sat 1 Oct Preloved Clothing Event 29 Delamere Court, 2 Hawker Place E17 4GB (behind Homebase Fulbourne Road) Women’s designer and top high street labels for autumn and party times ahead. Join us for a glass of wine and a truly unusual shopping experience. 12-6pm. FREE. Kate Lord 07941 357188 The Mañana Collective Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Volatile and full of beans, always evolving; the Collective are back with special guest, former Buena Vista Social Club Orchestra member, flautist Javier Zalba. 8-11pm. £10, £9 conc. For tickets search ‘Luna Lounge’ on

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 41



Sunday 2 Oct continued Dave Peabody & Regina Mudrich at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Dave Peabody brings his unique brand of acoustic blues guitar to the club. Tonight he’s teaming up with Regina Mudrich. 7.30-10.30pm. £7.

Tuesday 4 Oct The Tuesday Sociable Sewing Group The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A fortnightly drop-in group for sewers of all levels. An experienced sewer will be on hand to help if needed. Bring your sewing, darning, mending, patchwork. Have fun with fabrics! 10am-1pm. £1 donation plus small cost of materials. Natasha 020 8521 3211 Waltham Forest Reiki Project Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN Reiki is a form of healing that works by transmitting the life force energy that flows through all living things and lifts any blocks. 1-2-1 sessions, all welcome. 7-9pm. FREE, but donations appreciated. Andy 07940 579055 Red Imp presents: Stewart Lee Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A SOLD OUT gig from the legendary Lee who tonight is supported by Eleanor Tiernan. 8.30-10.30pm, £13. Email to join the mailing list

Wednesday 5 Oct Under 5s Nature Explorers: Park Keeper Day Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Join us in meeting the park keepers and learning about park safety alongside our usual ramble, stories and snack. 10am-12.30pm. FREE but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 Otis Gibbs, Hope in High Water & Eb Stewart What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB From East Nashville, Otis returns to the UK with a suitcase of new songs from new album Mount Renraw which he’ll be previewing along with perennial favourites from his back catalogue. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Events marked


Red Imp presents: Stewart Lee Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Stewart Lee is supported in tonight’s SOLD OUT gig by Dan Evans. Email to join the mailing list

Thursday 6 Oct Circle Dancing Welcome Centre, St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End E17 9RJ An afternoon opportunity for dancing in a ring to world music. No need for a partner and beginners welcome. On the first Thursday of the month. 1.303.30pm. £4 includes refreshments. Leyton Painter: Selected Works by T. D. MacGregor Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP Private view for Leyton artist T. D. MacGregor’s exhibition comprising a selection of work from E10 alongside portraits and prints from Stockholm and Cochabamba, Bolivia. Show continues until 29 October. 6-9.30pm. FREE. 020 8520 0340 Highams Park Live The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB An acoustic evening of live music, poetry and live literature with an eclectic programme of songwriters, poets and storytellers. Join the friendly audience or email us if you’d like to perform! 7-11pm. FREE. Nigel Mear 07730 985615

Friday 7 Oct Woodford & Warner Caribbean Supper Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Delicious Trinibagoian scran from the divine Mrs Moore of Woodford and Warner. Spicy and delicious with cocktails to match. 6.30-9.30pm. Dish prices vary.

DANCE/FITNESS Kid’s book drop for charity Give A Book Tidy Books Offices, 10 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Drop off your pre loved children’s books at Tidy Books HQ and we will donate them to registered charity Give A Book who distributes books to breakfast clubs and school book clubs around London. 10am-5pm. FREE. Geraldine 020 8520 4647 St Barnabas Arms: Oktoberfest Stafford Hall, St Barnabas Road E17 8JZ The St Barnabas Arms is back, and with an Oktoberfest feel. Enjoy 10 cask ales from around East London, live music and DJ Andy; all in THE friendliest part of town! 6-11pm. Steve 020 8520 5323 Hornbeam Nights: Soulfulised! The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH East London Radio’s Soulfulized; soul, jazz and conscious hip-hop. Mellow grooves with ELR’s very own Fitzroy Andrew. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Happy hour until 8.30pm, when all drinks £3.

Saturday 8 Oct The Cornerstone Community Performing Arts Day Cornerstone Church, 149 Canterbury Road (corner of Essex Road), Leyton E10 6EH A day to try your hand at performing arts with workshops in children’s instrument making, dance, percussion, ukulele and Gospel singing; followed by an evening concert. Booking for workshops advisable. Please ‘bring & share’ a lunch if you want to stay for whole day. 10am-9pm. FREE. Runa 020 8558 2121 St Barnabas Arms: Oktoberfest Stafford Hall, St Barnabas Road E17 8JZ Details as Friday 7 Oct



The Return of the Bells of St Mary’s St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End, Walthamstow E17 9RJ A celebration and thanksgiving service to mark the return of the newly restored historic bells. 7pm. FREE. All welcome! Runa 020 8558 2121 Norman Jay MBE The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Lace up your dancing shoes and let the good times roll. With additional grooves from Oliver Sudden. 8pm-1am. £8. Tickets avalable from Pamdemonium Comedy Night The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL The hilarious, award-winning Pam Ford hosts 5 stand up comedians in our monthly night of comedy gold. You will never see comedy of this quality for free anywhere else. 7.30-10.30pm. FREE but donations welcome. Apple Day Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Come celebrate all things Apple-y. Eat apple cakes, drink apple juice and cider, play at apple-bobbing, craft apple-y things and buy apple trees. New this year: Can you cook an international, low cost, apple-based dish? Winners will be included in recipe sheet or do a demo! We’d love volunteers too! 11-3pm. £1. The Incredibly Strange Film Band What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB A 10-piece band exclusively playing film and TV themes from the 1960s to the present day. Caution! May contain scenes of gratuitous funkiness! 8.3011.30pm. FREE with collection.

Eleanor Crow: Passing Trade Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ Preview evening for Eleanor Crow’s exhibition of watercolour portraits of 100 East London shopfronts. How many will you recognise? This outdoor venue is wheelchair, child and dog friendly. 7-9pm. FREE.

kid friendly

42 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Sunday 9 Oct Jimmy Crowley at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Jimmy Crowley is a central figure in the Irish folk scene. A tradition bearer, ethnographer and Gaelic language enthusiast and a stylish songwriter in his own right. 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 conc. 07746 612 607 Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Rd E4 7HR Join the club on the second and fourth Sunday at the Learning Lodge for activities from Kids’ Kitchen, Walk the Loop and craft activities. Thanks to the Friday Hill Community Association for the support. Bring your wellington boots! 2-4pm. FREE. Leyton & Stone Designers Market The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Local traders with handmade designer goods including original art prints, organic cosmetics, clothing and accessories, ceramics, jewellery, bags, greeting cards and more! 12-5pm.

Monday 10 Oct E17 Art Trail: Idea Sparks Talks Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A series of talks to spark ideas leading up to the E17 Art Trail. Featuring artists and experts on STEAM topics (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics). Join us for lively panel discussions and drinks. 7.30-9pm. FREE, but booking recommended. Laura Kerry 07947 275774

Tuesday 11 Oct Hypnobirthing: Free Taster Health Works, 111a Hoe Street (entrance on Cairo Road) E17 4RX How to give birth in a calm, relaxed way, free of fear and make some new friends in our Hypnomums club. Jo Redmond is the Fairy Godmother of Hypnobirthing, come and find out all about it. 12-1.30pm. FREE. Jo 07587 638154

Grin & Bare It Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Another uncaged night of comedy and burlesque. 7pm-midnight. £10. Events marked





E17 Jazz: Big Bad Wolf Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Washy guitars, ambient vocals, brassy hooks and deep grooves from this 4-piece; pushing the boundaries and blurring the edges of the jazz genre through a wealth of influences from Bjork to Derek Bailey. 8.30-10.30pm. £8, £5 conc, under 15s FREE.

Wednesday 12 Oct Outdoors Play, Exploration & Discovery Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, off Friday Hill E4 For children up to 8 years old. Enjoy being in nature with your child and find out about the many benefits of outdoor learning that will help your child develop and thrive throughout life. Please dress suitably for the weather. 1-3pm. FREE. Olivia 020 8527 3761 Leyton/Stone Home Brew Club The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Come chat to other friendly home brew enthusiasts. Bring an ale or cider sample, bring an ingredient or just bring yourself. 6.30-9pm. FREE. Reg Meuross / Dan Wilde What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB With the title of ‘Master Storyteller,’ Mike Harding introduced him to the stage of The Royal Albert Hall as “one of the finest singer-songwriters this country has produced.” 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 13 Oct Insectapsyched: Preview Wynwood Art District Cafe, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Preview evening for this solo exhibition by acclaimed local visual artist Nickie Counsell whose new work is both beautiful and intriguing. 6-9pm. FREE, but booking recommended. WMG Late: Roving Diagnostic Unit William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Performance by Bobby Baker, musician Dylan Tighe, artist-led diagnostic expeditions, poetry and performance workshops with Sean Burn and Priya Mistry and the Cure All Karaoke! Adults only. 6.30-10.30pm. FREE.

Music in the Village St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End/Church Hill E17 9RJ Concert featuring The English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble. 7.30-9.30pm. £13, £6.50 conc. 020 8223 0772

Friday 14 Oct The Mill Anniversary Quiz The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Enjoy Mill punch and nibbles while testing your general knowledge in a friendly competition. As this is a birthday special there will be rounds with a ‘Mill’ theme. Prizes to be won. 7-10pm. £5 per person. 0208 521 3211 Dial M for Music Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Rd E11 1NP The iconic Alfred Hitchcock Hotel hosts this monthly music club and more featuring the finest local talent hosted by The Persecuted. Also vintage items for sale and visual presentations during the music. 7.45-11pm. FREE. Brad 07946 591224

Saturday 15 Oct CreativiTEA 6: Four Seasons/ Four Moods Hale End Library, Castle Avenue, Highams Park E4 9QD This series of visual arts workshops for adults includes time for making, refreshments and group reflection. 11am-2pm. FREE, but as places are limited booking essential via

please mention the e list when making a booking!

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 43



Saturday 15 Oct continued Big Apple Pressing Day Church Lane Community Garden, Harold Road, Leytonstone E11 4QX Our amazing DIY apple press will be putting the squeeze on up to a tonne of apples. Have a go on the press yourself! Donations of apples are welcome. Bring a bottle to take home some fresh juice. 11am-2pm. FREE. Shannon 07450 474538 Waltham Forest Bilingual Group Workshop & Play Session The Limes Community and Children’s Centre, 6 Somers Road E17 6RX Join our workshop with tips for parents raising children with more than one language, and share experiences with other parents over coffee while the children have fun using the fantastic facilities of The Limes. 3.30-5.30pm. FREE. Claire Thomas 07770 860038

Harmonica Lewinsky Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Cockney knees up music: Chas’n’Dave, The Blockheads and music hall, TV theme tunes, cowboy and football songs, Elvis, Tom Jones and much more! 8-11.30pm. FREE. Freschard at All You Read is Love All You Read is Love, 877 High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HR French songstress Freschard is touring her new album ‘Sunday Night’ and as per tradition will be performing a free intimate gig. Arrive early as it gets packed. 7pm-midnight. FREE. Steve White & The Protest Family / Sergeant Buzfuz / Fishwife’s Broadside What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB The Protest Family are East London’s favourite folk punk political sing-along band. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection.

Sunday 16 Oct Markhouse & Lea Bridge Jumble Trail Various locations around Markhouse corner, Walthamstow and Lea Bridge, Leyton Do you like jumble sales and discovering treasures? If so, follow the stalls on our jumble trail. See the Jumble Trail website for locations. 12-5pm. Events marked

kid friendly


St Barnabas Sunday Concerts: Simple Gifts St Barnabas Church, St Barnabas Road E17 8JZ A harvest of beautiful songs, duets and opera selections to dispel autumn’s chill! Walthamstow Opera Singers Gillian Keith and Tom Randle are joined by Welsh singing star Fflur Wyn. 4-5pm. FREE but donations of £5-£10 gratefully accepted in support of local charity Eat Or Heat. Forest Philharmonic: Tchaikovsky’s Pathétique Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF To open the season with a nod to upcoming Hallowe’en, we have dancing skeletons represented by the xylophone in Saint-Saëns’ lively tone poem Danse Macabre. Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol is a rousing Spanish dance suite. Tchaikovsky’s final symphony, the Pathétique, is a passionate representation of the power of fate in life and death. FREE pre-concert talk 5.30pm. Concert starts 6.30pm. Tickets from £12, concessions available. E17 Designers’ Autumn Fair in the Village Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN Back in the Village for our main Autumn Fair! Activities for children from Creative Biscuit and music too. Entry includes taster drink from Damn Cheeky Wines and entry into the Goody Bag prize draw! 2.30-6pm. £2, under 16s FREE. Andy Irvine at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Andy is one of the great Irish singers, his is one of only a handful of truly great voices that get to the very soul of Ireland. 7.30-10.30pm. £10, £8 unwaged.

DANCE/FITNESS General Echo The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH A monthly DJ night of dub, dancehall, roots, rockers and other bass transmissions spun on two turntables and a space echo. 8pm-12. FREE. Miranda Mulholland / Ninetree Stumblers What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Great Lake Swimmers’ Miranda Mulholland is classically trained on violin and in voice, a versatile performer and in high demand as a fiddler and singer covering a wide range of styles. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 20 Oct The Herbaliser: Turntable Set & Visuals Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ DJ set from The Herbaliser! “Hip hop and funk giants” [Clash Magazine]; “Downtempo maestros” [DJ Mag] Support from Balami’s Dear Earth. 8pm-midnight. £10. Tickets from The War Artist, Fortunino Matania Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN London East Western Front Association present Lucinda Gosling, from the Mary Evans Picture Library, talking about the Great War artist, Fortunino Matania. The LEWF branch meet on the third Thursday of every month to hear an expert speaker on aspects of the Great War. You do not need to be a member to come along. 7.45-10pm. £3. Neil Pearce 07956 541897 Autumn Ale Festival The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA The Red Lion’s beer festival runs until Sunday and has 22 tasty beers to try this autumn. 12pm-midnight. Twitter @redlione11

The Tuesday Sociable Sewing Group The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA See Tues 4 for details

Los Otros at The Vic The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Enjoy the mellow sounds of jazz standards with Los Otros at The Victoria. Who will be our mystery guests this time? 9-11pm. FREE.

Wednesday 19 Oct

Friday 21 Oct

Black British Civil Rights Heroes, 1596 to 2006 Chingford Assembly Hall, Station Road E4 7EN Interactive presentation discussing the achievements of black people born or living in the UK that have fought against racism over the last 400 years. 6.30-9pm. FREE but please book a ticket; visit, call 020 8496 3000 or visit any Waltham Forest Library

Gingo! Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Flushed with their Olympic success (or perhaps too many gins) the Original Army queens return to The Palace for mayhem, martinis and bingo. Expect filth and hilarity in equal measure. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Becky 07905 484711

Tuesday 18 Oct



Autumn Ale Festival The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Details as Thurs 20 except 12pm1.30am. E17 Baby Social Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Grown up music, grown up chat. A monthly social for parents/carers of babies/toddlers. 2-4pm. £3. Lisa McDonald 07504 703108 Royal Indians Band / S.O.S. Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Royal Indians play some serious rock music and S.O.S play some electric pop originals and great well-known covers. 8pm-11.30am. FREE.

Saturday 22 Oct Autumn Ale Festival The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Details as Thurs 20 except 12pm1.30am. Water Conservation in the Garden Church Lane Community Garden, Harold Road, Leytonstone E11 4QX Learn creative ways to capture and store rainwater at home! 2-4pm. FREE. 07450 474538 Coming to England, The Floella Benjamin Story Leyton Sixth Form College, Essex Road E10 6EQ The film adaptation of Floella Benjamin’s book telling the story of a her journey as a ten year old from Trinidad to London in the 60s. FREE, but please book your ticket at, call 020 8496 3000 or visit any Waltham Forest Library Steven James Adams & Darren Hayman All You Read is Love, 877 High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HR Local heroes Steven James Adams (formerly of the Broken Family Band) and Darren Hayman (formerly of Hefner) team up to do a double bill. 7.30pm-midnight. FREE.

Sunday 23 Oct Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve. Kings Road E4 7HR Details as Sunday 9 Oct Autumn Ale Festival The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA Details as Thurs 20 except 12 noon11pm.

44 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Held At Hucks #006 Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU An afternoon showcase of singersongwriters featuring Matt Belmont and Clare Birkett plus guests. 2-4.30pm. FREE. Dave Rovics at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Dave is one of the most fierce and powerful political songwriters in the world. Based in Portland, Oregon he’ll make you laugh, he’ll make you cry, he’ll make the revolution irresistible. 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 conc.

Tuesday 25 Oct E17 Jazz: The Button Band Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Distinctly British lyrical jazz with folk and country influences. ‘Upbeat township swing straight out of the Loose Tubes mould, good-humoured and infectious’ wrote Geoff Winston. 8.30-10.30pm. £8 £5 conc, under 15s FREE. Shakespeare’s Life and Times Lea Bridge Library, Lea Bridge Road, Leyton E10 7HU & Leytonstone Library, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG As we mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, discover more about the man behind the plays. Explore his life in Stratford and London, the context of the Tudor period in which he was writing and his remarkable literary legacy. 11am12pm Lea Bridge Library and 2-3pm Leytonstone Library. FREE but book a place at Diwali Divas Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP To mark Diwali and the lengthening days, we’ll up-cycle old glass jars into tea-light Divas. 11am-2pm. FREE, just drop-in. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 Singer-songwriters Night with Andrea Carola & Dave Thorpe with Kate Williams Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Dave and Kate perform as an acoustic duo, an eclectic mix of original and traditional tunes and songs. Andrea performs a set of great originals and covers of Elvis and Bob Dylan. 8-11.45pm. FREE.

Events marked





Got an event? Tell us about it! Wednesday 26 Oct Black History Month St Gabriel’s Church Family Centre, Havant Road E17 3JF A look back at past Black Heroes plus entertainment and lunch. 11am-3pm. FREE, but donations accepted. More News From Nowhere The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Interesting experimental music from VALVE, Ghost Fang and Mike Neaves! 7.30-11.30pm. £6 on the door or £4 in advance from Walthamstow Floral Art Society Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A monthly meeting of flower arranging demonstrations, fun and friendship. 7.30-10pm. £7.50, members £2. Membership £30 per year. Ann Young 020 8531 8178 E17 Cook Book Club The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE ‘Regional Italian’ is our theme at this month’s foodie social where everyone brings a dish to share with about 10 people plus your cookbook inspiration New cooks welcome. 8.30-10.30pm. £3. Facebook group ‘E17 Cook Book Club’

Thursday 27 Oct Hallowe’en Pumpkin Carving Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Come along to carve a pumpkin to take home and do some ‘witchy’ crafts. 11am-2pm. FREE but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571 Hornbeam Monthly Film Night The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH On the last Thursday of the month Hornbeam shows a film on any subject that helps us think about the way we produce our food, build communities, or live sustainably. Film ideas welcome. 6-9.30pm. FREE.

Friday 28 Oct Shakespeare’s Life and Times Higham Hill Library, North Countess Road E17 5HS & Hale End Library, Castle Avenue, Highams Park E4 9QD As we mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death, discover more about the man behind the plays. Explore his life in Stratford and London, the context of the Tudor period in which he was writing and his remarkable literary legacy. 11am-12pm Higham Hill Library and 2-3pm Hale End Library. FREE but book a place at Black History Comedy Night Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road (Town Hall Complex) E17 4JF Following a sell-out night in 2015, join us again for more brilliant comedy and music hosted by Robbie Gee and Eddie Nestor featuring London’s best comedians: Slim, Kevin J, Quincy, Kane Brown, Thanyia Moore, Judi Love and Kele Le Roc. 7.15pm. £13.50, under 16s/over 60s £6.50, plus booking fees

Sham’s Kitchen at the Palace Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ The divine Shams returns to the Gin Palace with her truly fantastic hot and spicy Pakistani street food, with martinis to match. Serving from 6-9.30pm until we run out. Takeaway also available. The Secret II The Deaton Theatre, Forest School E17 3PY Original musical based in Leytonstone about four women who go on holiday. A haunting tale for Hallowe’en! Not suitable for young children. 7.3010pm. £10 from thesecret2 07754 666532 You Should Be Dancing! Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ It’s YSBD! Halloween Party for people who cut their dancing teeth in the 70s and 80s. Younger friends welcome! Scary sounds from the era guaranteed. And bingo of course! Dress ‘frightfully’ (or not). 8pm-midnight. £5 in advance, £7 on the door.

kid friendly

To advertise your business contact 45







Saturday 29 Oct Church Lane Market Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HE Open air market including handmade jewellery and clothing, homewares, gifts, handknits, sweets, candles, artworks, cards and prints, beauty products and more. Lots of Hallowe’en stuff and face painting for kids and adults! 11-4pm. FREE entry. The Secret II The Deaton Theatre, Forest School E17 3PY Details as Friday 28 Oct, but also a matinée today at 2.30pm. Family Day: African American Quilts William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Explore the history of African American quilts and find out about the Gee’s Bend Collective in Alabama to celebrate Black History Month. 1-4pm. FREE, drop in event for families with children of all ages. Hallowe’en at The Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Thrills, chills and all things eerie! Dust off your favourite costume and join us for games, face painting, quiz, crafts and cakes by The Mill bakers. 1.304.30pm. £3 for children on the door includes all activities. 020 8521 3211 Pumpkin Panic! at Blackhorse Workshop Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Hallowe’en party with food, bar, music and kids activity. Pumpkin carving with a twist! Prizes for the best pumpkin and costume. 5.30-11pm. FREE. A Hitchcock Hallowe’en Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Celebrate Hallowe’en in style with a Hitchcock themed evening including a Hitchcock murder mystery trail, arts and crafts, a pop-up photo booth, music, fancy dress and delicious cocktails and cakes. Something for everyone! 6-9pm. FREE, but suggested £2 donation for adults. The Diamond Family Archive What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Exservicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Described as psych-folk, freak-folk, altfolk, highly-acclaimed Laurence Collyer is a reclusive British artist who writes, records and performs music and folksong using the moniker The Diamond Family Archive. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection. Events marked

Sunday 30 Oct BeBop Baby Hallowe’en Session The Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Hallowe’en-tastic live music and dancing in the afternoon for all the family. Bar, friendly people, buggy parking, baby-changing, soft space, face painting, crafts corner, fancy dress! 1-4pm. £5, £4 in advance, babes in arms go free. Family discount ticket. 07813 156140 Curatorial Tour: A World to Win William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Join curator Rowan Bain to hear some of the fascinating stories behind the radical posters of protest and revolution on display. Exhibition organised by the V&A. 2-3pm. FREE, no need to book. Sara Grey & Kieron Means at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Fine old time music from this mother and son duo. Beautiful guitar and banjo playing, amazing traditional songs from the States and two brilliant personalities. 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 unwaged.

November November 3 Diwali Celebration Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 E17 4JF Celebrating the vibrant and colourful festival of Diwali is always a great experience for all the family. As well as the wonderful music and entertainment, there will be a short firework display and hot food on sale. 7-10.30pm. FREE, but registering for tickets is essential.

3 November Red Imp presents: Jo Caulfield & Dominic Holland Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Star of Mock the Week, John Bishop Show, Live At The Apollo, News Quiz, Have I Got News For You and Buzzcocks Jo Caulfield returns in a double header with multi awardwinner Dominic Holland. His quick wit and accessible material has led to his countless television and radio appearances. 8.30-10.30pm. £10 plus £1 booking fee.

Classes/Courses Languages Mondays Swedish: Absolute Beginners & Beginners Classes Hornbeam Cafe 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Learn Swedish with a native swede; talk about the Swedish culture and learn a Swedish song. See website for more information £10-£15 per lesson.

History Tuesdays until 6 Dec NEW Archaeology Evening Class Shern Hall Methodist Church Hall, Shernhall Street E17 9HX Study themes in archaeology including material culture, death and burial, ritual and religion and social change. With tutor Jill Hummerstone. Enrol in advance for whole course. 7.309.30pm. £90.20, or free if on income-related benefits. Beatrice Campbell 0800 328 1060

Art & Crafts Saturdays until Dec 10 NEW Kid’s Art Workshops Inky Cuttlefish Studios, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Art workshops for children 5-16 years old, with a focus on printmaking. Explore new techniques. Artwork exhibited in showcase. 10.30am12.30pm. £5, or £40 for 10. Anna Alcock 07753 686331 Alternate Sundays 2, 16 & 30 Oct Sunday Afternoon Life Drawing Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Taught life classes, beginning with a short slideshow, followed by drawing exercises in a variety of media. Expect the unexpected. 3-5pm. £15. or text 07980 713819 Wednesdays Life Drawing Event The Sinbin at the Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Featuring two life models with physical theatre and burlesque backgrounds, tutored by established painter Blair Lamar. An unforgettable evening where artists can mingle, network, socialise, and create beautiful works. 7-11pm. £7, £5 art student conc. Mondays Untutored Life Drawing Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Untutored drop-in life drawing sessions, friendly and sociable, some art materials provided, and free tea and biscuits! 7.30-9.30pm. £10, members/ Friends of Leytonstone £6. Jennifer 07792 892405

kid friendly

46 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Wednesdays until 16 Nov NEW Arts 4 Dementia Printmaking Workshops William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP An 8 week programme to energise and inspire people with early stage dementia and their friends or family. Artist Anna Alcock will lead participants on a creative journey through the William Morris collections and explore different printmaking techniques. 1-2.30pm. FREE. 020 7520 1492 Tuesdays until 29 Nov NEW Health & Wellbeing Through Art Inky Cuttlefish Studios, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Women-only art sessions for those with learning disabilities. Participants must come with a carer/support. We ask participants to commit to the series of sessions. 10.30am-12.30pm. FREE. Anna Alcock 07753 686331 Wednesdays until 30 Nov NEW Health & Wellbeing Through Art Inky Cuttlefish Studios, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Learn new skills at these printmaking workshops. 10am-12pm. £5, or £40 for 10. Contacts as above.


Family Mondays & Wednesdays Baby Signing Classes with TinyTalk KuKooLaLa Cafe, The Cottage, 3 Marsh Lane, Jubilee Park E10 7BL & The Salvation Army, 434 Forest Road/Ruby Road E17 4PY Learn to use sign language with your baby before they can talk and have fun whilst doing it! 60 min classes on Mondays from 10am at KuKooLala and Wednesdays at the Salvation Army, E17 from 1pm and 2.15pm, please get in touch to book a space. £7. Rose Virden 07770 531075



DICK SMITH 5-STRING BANJO Classes in E17 for adults

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Theatre Tuesdays until 6 Dec Theatre Studies Class The Greenleaf Centre, 67-69 Greenleaf Road, E17 6QP An introduction to the plays of Arthur Miller. Tutor Thomas Crowe reads and discusses plays including the View from the Bridge and the Crucible. Enrol in advance for whole course: Course ref: C2418625. 10am-12pm. £90.20 for all 11 classes.

Music & Singing Tuesdays NEW Mini Musicians: from Birth to 4 yrs Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG Music making sessions for babies and toddlers. Classes are taught by Early Years Music specialists and include singing, dancing and playing with an exciting range of instruments. 10.4511.30am. 10 weeks for £62.50 020 8496 1584


Various days/times until Dec Free Beginner Music Groups Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG For children who’ve been learning an instrument for two terms or more, joining a group will help them to develop their musical ability. FREE. Wednesdays Learn to Sing with WAVE Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY Do you enjoy singing but lack confidence? This community choir course is for you. We are a welcoming group and will give you singing skills to lift your confidence. 7.30-9.30pm. £10, £8 conc, first rehearsal FREE. Virginia Firnberg 07813-116505

Health & Wellbeing Sundays NEW Sound Bath Leyton Yoga, First Floor, 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Lie down, relax and immerse yourself in the healing vibrational sounds of Candida Valentino’s gongs, Tibetan bowls and tongue drums. A rejuvenating meditation to de-stress and self-care. No pre-booking just drop-in. 7-8pm. £10 or £90 for 10.


Daily Telegraph




26 Nov – 08 Jan


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E~VOLVE a Directory for a Healthy Mind & Body Saturdays Saturday Junior Squash Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A Junior Squash Club at Walthamstow Squash for kids aged 7 to 16. Six week beginner session. 9.15-11.30am. £7.50, or £5 for members. Vicky Te Velde 07812 506641 Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fridays Women-only Bootcamp Chestnuts Field, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF Fitness bootcamp with different exercises each session boxing, circuit etc. All round fitness session. 6.307.15am. £5. Jackie Grant 0771 7330993 Sundays Yoga Me Happy in Lloyd Park Aveling Park Bowls Club, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 5EH Hatha yoga for all abilities. Wake up and stretch Hatha-style, with a morning yoga session to re-energise your body and mind ready for the week ahead. 9-10.15am and 11am-12.15. £8, book or drop in. Thursdays Salsa Lessons & Club Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JUA Choose from four salsa skill levels, followed by Denis the Chemist’s club until midnight. From 8pm. £7 with a lesson, £4 without. Tuesdays Women-only Zumba St Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Road E17 6AR Fun packed fitness and dance class with international sounds. Friendly group of women who love to dance and get fit. 7.30-8.30pm. £6, conc and discounts for block bookings. Jackie Grant 07717 330993

Events marked


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Sundays Hypnobirthing & Pregnancy Relaxation Class Leyton Yoga, First Floor (above USSR), 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Anthonissa Moger prepares you for a calm birth with guided breathing practices and relaxing meditations. Every class ends with herbal tea and a discussion to inform and empower you through every stage of your pregnancy. No pre-booking required, drop-ins only. 4.30-5.30pm. £10, or ten classes £90.

Mondays until 24 Oct E11 Yoga Good Shepherd building, The Pastures Youth Centre, 15 Davies Lane, Leytonstone E11 3DR Take time for yourself and start the week using yoga to move, strengthen and nourish your body, mind and soul. 10am-11am. £5, book 8 sessions in advance for £35. Jessica Green 07904 517465


Tuesdays until 29 Nov African Drumming & Dance for Kids Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Participants learn rhythms and dances from Gambia, Senegal and Guinea, have fun and get fit. Opportunities for performance at community events. All ages welcome. All drums provided but bring your own if you have one! 6-7pm. First session FREE, then £12 for four sessions. Fridays until 3 Dec Street Dance For Kids Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A one hour street dance session for children who’ll learn dance routines, have fun and get fit. Ages 4-7 9.3010.30am and ages 8-12 10.3011.30am. £60 per term, £50 conc 07535 326157

Tel 07912 887588 Offering a sliding scale of fees English and Spanish

Tuesdays NEW Capoeira Angola for Beginners Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines music, movement and culture. Beginners always welcome to experience this rich art. Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers. 7-8.30pm. £8, conc available. 07872 938611 Tuesdays until 20 Dec NEW Sazzercise Leyton Cricket Ground, High Road, Leyton E10 6RJ Sazzercise is suitable for anyone looking to improve their fitness whilst having a good time. We cover traditional aerobics, dance as well as body conditioning. Come along and give it a go! 7-8pm. £8, bring a friend and pay just £4 each Sarah Robertson

Tuesdays E11 Kids’ Yoga As Monday’s E11 Yoga except for kids. After school yoga for kids aged 6+. A playful, light hearted session using our bodies and breath to practice mindfulness to increase confidence and relaxation. 4-5pm. £5, please book 8 sessions in advance. Mondays Pregnancy Yoga Quaker Meeting House Wanstead, Bush Road E11 3AU A weekly yoga class for pregnant ladies to connect to their bodies and their babies. Learn how to breathe and focus the mind for your upcoming labour. A chance to meet other pregnant ladies and beginners welcome. 6.45-8pm. £12, or £60 for 6 weeks. Helen Georghiou 07956 807675 Thursdays NEW Salsa for Beginners The Red Room, Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Make new friends, move your feet and have fun. These friendly salsa classes will give you the confidence to step onto the dance floor and it’s great for improving the mood. 8.15-9.45pm. £5, under 25s £2.50, first class FREE. Alberto 07429 440428

kid friendly

48 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.

Wednesdays (except 26 Nov) NEW Chutney SOCA The Gym, Waltham Forest College, 707 Forest Rd E17 4JB This exciting new workout improves core strength; lengthens and stretches muscles; invigorates energy; focuses the mind. A colourful and vibrant class to breathe life into your fitness routine, in a fun, friendly environment. All welcome! 6.30-7.15pm. £7.50 per term, first term FREE. Waltham Forest College 020 8501 8501 Wednesdays Gentle Yoga Health Works, 111a Hoe Street (entrance on Cairo Road) E17 4RX OUCH! Do you ache when you do yoga? Are you feeling wobbly or sensitive? Come and chill out on the mat with Roisin and discover flexible, fun ways to improve your mental and physical health. 9.45-10.45am. £11. Reception 020 8503 7794 Wednesdays 50+ Tai Chi Waltham Forest Resource Hub (North), 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU A relaxed class aimed at the over-50s. Beginners and improvers welcome. 6-7.15pm. £5. Emma Tozer 020 8558 5512 Events marked

kid friendly

Wednesdays Tai Chi and Qi Gong St Mary’s Welcome Centre, 8 Church Path off Vestry Road / Orford Road E17 9RJ Discover Tai Chi and Qi Gong! Beginners classes suitable for all students, in a relaxed and friendly environment. Courses start throughout the year, contact or check website for start dates. 7-8.45pm. £9. Emiel 07909 856490 Mondays Kids’ Yoga East of Eden, Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Introducing yoga to children at an early age is a fun way to help improve co-ordination, focus and confidence as they stretch and strengthen their bodies. For children aged 3 to 4. 2-2.45pm. £56 for block of 6 classes. Reception 0203 583 7530 Tuesdays until 22 Nov Teen Yoga East of Eden, Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Yoga and meditation for aged 10 and up. 4.30-5.30pm. £7. Contacts as above

For lots more dance and fitness classes please visit


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A sensible approach to dieting It’s an unfortunate fact that most people struggle when it comes to their eating habits. Having lost over 7 stone myself and having coached many clients through weight loss, here are 3 things you need to consider when making any dietary change: 1. Sustainability – If you choose to go on a diet, ask yourself if it resembles how you intend to eat once you have obtained your goal. Unless you have a plan in place be aware that the likelihood is that as soon as you stop dieting then weight will likely go back on. 2. Individualization – There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to nutrition. Everyone has their own relationship with food as well as individual lifestyle and work challenges to contend with. Consider your own personal challenges and develop something that fits with your unique situation. PT studio, 5 minutes from Lloyd Park yourself! Be honest, can you 3. Deprivation – Don’t deprive completely give up alcohol, pizza or sweet treats forever? If the answer is no then you will need to factor these foods in, limiting consumption to 1-2 times per week and planning the rest of your diet around them.

To advertise your business contact 49

E List Promotion

Walthamstow’s Hidden Sporting Gem What club originally established 1862 was rebuilt after being bombed in WWII, and continues to provide fun and games for countless local residents? Franki Black discovers one of the best kept secrets in Walthamstow.

All Welcome Even though the club has a loyal following, its elected management team is always driving to attract new members. “As a privately owned, non-profit making organisation, we survive on annual membership fees, which allows investment into facilities that benefit the club”. Juniors are viewed as the future of the club and new membership premiums are designed to encourage junior and family membership. All are welcome to the club whether you have experience, no experience, or are keen to return to a sport played in your youth. Sports & Facilities Members have access to all club facilities, including the lively lounge and bar area where regular get-togethers are hosted. Besides a recent refurb of squash and tennis courts, the cloakrooms have been upgraded to include new showers, babychanging station, disabled-friendly facilities and hair dryers. When it comes to sport the club is a hive of activity. The popular Squash section has something happening almost every day of the week. Monday evenings there is a squash beginner session and ladies team training, Wednesday is Social Squash Night open to members and non-members. Internal Monthly Squash Leagues are available. There are also women’s and men’s teams that compete in the Essex County League. The recently formed Junior Squash academy is levelled to all Juniors with Saturday morning Squash Club and with a Tuesday after-school session for the more experienced juniors. The tennis and cricket sessions are equally active. Saturday mornings see Junior Tennis and Tennis for Improvers. Thursday evening’s tennis is used by intermediate and advanced players and Sunday mornings is for social tennis. The women’s, men’s 50 To advertise your business contact

and mixed tennis teams compete in the South West Essex League. On the Cricket front there are Four League Sides competing in Shepherd and Neames League and there are two Sunday Friendly sides. Among Junior Cricketers the club is a big hit. From under 11s to under 16s members participate in tournaments and competitions around the country. Cricket Colts club is on Wednesday evenings during the Cricket Season and new players are always welcome. Memory Lane As with family, the club has a long history dating back to 1862. In the early years it was sold by the Mills Trust under a covenant that the property be used as a sports facility. This covenant is sacred to the club and still holds today. During the second world war activities continued at the club, and when the clubhouse was bombed it was promptly rebuilt. The Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club has seen many changes over the last 150 years. Tennis, Squash and Racketball facilities have been added, women are welcomed and have made such a significant difference to this hidden gem in Walthamstow. A Social Affair The recently refurbished Club Room has become as much as a draw as the sports facilities. Vitor the Club Manager, prides himself on offering only the best national and international craft beer and ales at reasonable prices, and is always introducing specialist beers not normally found in Walthamstow. There are also social darts, table tennis and a big screen to keep everyone entertained. As the oldest club of its kind in Walthamstow, it’s about time the secret is shared with residents.

Everyone is welcome to come along, try us out with three complimentary visits before deciding whether to sign up.

Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club 48a Greenway Avenue . E17 3QN 020 8520 4701.

All photos © Simon Goodwin except Tennis Court, Club’s own.

Gail Farrow a member of the Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club since the eighties says ”it’s always amazing when visitors remark that they never knew this place was here”. She loves the sports versatility offered, three recently refurbished LED lit squash courts, three newly re-laid floodlit tennis courts and a manicured cricket pitch. The club has around 300 members of whom almost a third are women mainly due to the new state of the art changing facilities funded by Sport England Lottery Fund. More and more women are signing up, which is really exciting says Gail, who is a recently qualified Level 1 Squash Coach. In addition to the good facilities private and group coaching sessions in squash, tennis and cricket is offered and suitable for all ages.

Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club - Est 1862 We are a local, friendly sports club offering squash, cricket, tennis and much more...indoors or outdoors, Walthamstow Sports Club offers an extremely varied programme throughout the year. There is also a thriving social club offering events and trips, not just sport!

Further info and programme sessions: email

Since 1862 we’ve welcomed new members interested in joining in with club activities, helping us organise events or excursions and being part of our community.

To advertise your business contact 51

an elitist exercise practiced by dancers, singers and actors,” Alison explains. Dancers especially took to Pilates, as it’s known to prevent and improve injuries. Alison started her career as a contemporary dancer and it didn’t take long for her to come across Pilates. “I soon discovered just how powerful Pilates is,” she says. “It was an excellent addition to dancing and saved me a lot of money that would otherwise have been spent on physiotherapy,” she explains.

E List Promotion

The Power of Pilates Pilates is said to prevent injuries, strengthen core muscles and promote general wellbeing. It hit the mainstream twenty years ago and it’s only getting bigger. Franki Black talks to Alison Bray about the power of Pilates. “Pilates brings balance to the body, it builds strength and it teaches good posture,” says Alison Bray, an experienced Pilates instructor from Leyton. “Unlike yoga, Pilates does not have a spiritual dimension - it focuses solely on the body.” Over the last few years, Alison’s weekly evening classes in Leyton have become increasingly popular. Hosted in the Leyton Parish Church Hall between 7 and 8 on Thursdays, these mat classes focus on slow, controlled movements designed to strengthen muscle, increase flexibility and improve balance. Props such as stability rollers, over-balls and bands are used to add variety. Her classes are well attended, partly thanks to Alison’s philosophy of welcoming and accommodating people of all levels and abilities. “Pilates benefits anyone of any age and size,” explains Alison. During her classes exercises are

adapted to suit varying levels of fitness and ability. Alison’s open-door policy of complete inclusivity has meant that over the last 20 years she has worked with everyone from kids to pensioners to professional athletes. She’s also recently started working with the Leyton Orient FC Trust to assist elderly residents with chair based exercises. Today yoga and Pilates studios can be found all over East London, but 20 years ago it was a different story. “Back in those days Pilates was mostly

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In the early 2000s she decided to focus on Pilates. She did her teacher’s training under Alan Herdman - who brought Pilates to the UK in the 1970s - and started instructing just before Pilates hit the mainstream. Since then hundreds of thousands of people, including doctors and physiotherapists, have turned to Pilates to prevent and speed up the recovery process of ailments such as back pain. Alison’s classes include men, women, beginners and advanced students who all benefit in different ways. Some are motivated by the general feeling of wellbeing brought about by their practice, while others do it to heal injuries and aid in weight loss. I encourage my students to combine their Pilates practice with cardio exercise for a well-balanced body,” says Alison. “Pilates allows you to become much more connected to your body by promoting everyday awareness of posture and overall wellbeing”.

Gail encourages people to call to have a chat and find out more about the treatments she offers in a relaxed way before you decide to book a consultation. Treatment is based on building a good relationship. First time client consultations take about an hour and include questions about your overall health, sometimes including a short physical examination, to build a clear picture of what is happening. Herbal blends specific to you are prescribed, and a management plan discussed and drawn up with you. Follow up consultations are shorter where adjustments may be made to your medication to make it as effective as possible. Treatment is generally suitable for all but do contact Gail if you have any doubts. E List Promotion

Herbal Touch Wellbeing is more than taking care of your health, so if you’re looking for an alternative to conventional medicine then Herbal Touch may be just the thing. Dina Begum talks to founder Gail Farrow, a medical herbalist with 15 years of experience. Gail previously had a demanding job as personnel manager and decided to train in massage and aromatherapy following the death of her father. Later, she studied for four years to qualify as a medical herbalist to be able to do more for her patients. She is also one of a few people qualified in the UK in aromatic medicine – which is the use of essential oils to treat people internally. If you’ve been curious about herbal medicine and too afraid to ask, now’s your chance. Gail is happy to discuss the healing power of herbs that can be used to complement GP medicine or act in their own right. Gail’s approach is very much aimed at getting to know her patients and treating them as individuals rather than treating a disease. The aim is to nudge the body back on track so that it can heal itself. The speed at which this can happen and how much it can help depends on many factors such as the way a person lives their life to the amount of inflammation already found in the body.

Services available include personal herbal consultations, guided self-management and individually tailored herbal prescriptions and aromatherapy massage. Gail is also available for group bookings and events such as tea tastings, making herbal products, basic botany and plant study and, of course, herb walks. Gail has been booked for walks as a unique birthday present. Workshops are also run for a charity called Living Medicine, which focuses on food as medicine. Herbal Touch is located in the heart of Walthamstow in Prospect Hill.

Remedies are carefully made using whole For prices and a special promotional plant extracts that tap into the body’s package offer please quote The E-List. natural healing properties. Gail works with The best way to contact Gail is by patients to help them become aware of telephone on 07815 168410 but the natural rhythms of their bodies and the effect of their environment on these you can also reach her at rhythms to help them make sensible choices about their own treatment. Herbal medicine is appropriate for most of the conditions for which you would visit your GP and is particularly Need support with your • personal consultations and effective for health and want to try a individual herbal blends relieving digestive more natural approach? • guidance on self management problems, skin Experienced herbalist near • herbal education workshops Walthamstow Village offers: complaints, and walks musculo-skeletal aches and pains, and conditions strongly linked to 07815 168410 Gail Farrow the phases of life Medical Herbalist such as hormonal MNIMH changes.

Herbal Medicine

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