The E List - September 2016

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Your FREE Magazine featuring 220+ things to do

E list

ISSN 2058-2196


Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow, Leytonstone and Leyton No.41 • September 2016

E17. E11. E10

Fellowship is Life


YEARS BEFORE PUNK THERE WERE BLACKSHIRTS ON OUR HIGH STREETS. It’s now 40 years on from 1976 when the Sex Pistols played Walthamstow and ignited a dissillusioned generation. Read Neil Meads’ fascinating interview with Pete Stennett, a legend of the punk movement on page 10. Pete tells of a Walthamstow where racial violence was a daily reality, and where a horrific local race crime resulted in people like Pete packing it all in and moving away. During his time here, running a record label from his tiny shop on Hoe Street, what becomes clear is Punk was a conduit for creativity, fueled partly by anger but also by a desperate need for fun in a bleak world. The fact that if you wanted to do something and “it wasn’t crap” to paraphrase Pete then you should just get on with it. Don’t let anything like money, business or occassionally the police get in the way. Our digital age well suits this ethos, but as in 1936 and 1976 there is still much to stick two fingers up at. Pete is a maverick like many people from this quarter of London, and we are lucky to have been home to so many including Ian Dury and William Morris. The diversity of the area has always been its strength, breeding such creativity, and it may sound strange but there is no greater symbol of this than the Victoria Pub (page 14) just a few doors from Pete’s old shop. This place is all things to all people, straight, gay, eastender, Irish, Carribbean, market trader, student and so on and what’s more it opened at the peak of the punk era, 1977. God Save The Queen! Paul Lindt, Editor


The E List

Master Chef Gennaro Contaldo Walthamstow Montessori School Stow Festival 2016 Punk in Walthamstow Pete Stennett of Small Wonder Bafula Tom Gaul’s A Spotter’s Guide to Local Streetlife The Victoria Pub Stratford Circus Arts Centre Central Parade Creative Hub The Marshes a poem by Lorna O’Connell Local art collector and curator Henry Miller E~DEN: The Home Directory E~DEN: House Doctor – Making things cosy Martin Newnham, Head Keeper of Epping Forest Vestry House Museum Archives - Fun and Games Wilcumstowe Times: The Story of 162 Hoe Street Local Hero - Clare Farrow and MovE17 Walthamstow Diary Magpie Look Up, the new exhibition at Walthamstow Village Window Gallery Wood Street’s Manual Instruction Centre Listings E-VOLVE: Health and Fitness Directory

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For the latest listings including a link to download the app, a digital version of the E List and back issues The E List is available for FREE at approx 100 venues across E17, E11, E10 and E4. See for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly we aim to restock the most popular venues during the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email

COVER STAR Cathy Kwan The E List talks to illustrator Cathy whose beautiful work successfully combines diverse influences from Ukiyo-e and Morris to Schiele. Are you local? Yep, I moved to Walthamstow when I was little, and I’ve lived here for almost 20 years now. I love the people, the loud market and the great art community; especially with all the creatives you meet during the E17 Art Trail. Tell us about your training as an illustrator? I studied English Language and Communication at King’s College London, and after graduating I decided to get back into art. I’ve loved drawing since I was small and I still kept a sketchbook whilst studying my degree. I was inspired by my twin sister, Eileen Kai Hing Kwan, who was already an illustrator. She was a fantastic and patient teacher, showing me how to communicate a message effectively and imaginatively through an illustration (thanks, Eileen!). Since then, I’ve taken part in several exhibitions and am now represented by illustration aqgency, Bernstein & Andriulli, who have been really cool. After joining them, I’ve worked with clients in London, New York and Tokyo. Any favourite projects? I’ve enjoyed every project and brief I’ve worked on to be honest. A memorable project I recently did was a set of illustrations for Sport Magazine for their cover and feature on the Premier League. It was really challenging, as it was a lot of illustrations in a short amount of time, but I really enjoyed working on the project and I really liked the final result in print. Tell us about the influences on your work? I’m Britishborn Chinese (my parents are from Hong Kong), so a mix of my Asian side and my British side influences my work. On one hand, I love Asian art and traditional Asian patterns. I’m inspired by Japanese Ukiyo-e artists, such as Kuniyoshi Utagawa, alongside modern Asian artists. On the other, my Western influences include Egon Schiele’s peculiar drawings of people, as well as intricate Victorian patterns and designs. You obviously love pattern and textiles, they’re almost William Morris like. I really like creating and incorporating patterns into my illustrations, it’s something that naturally developed as I drew more. I use both Asian and Western patterns, and yes, I love William Morris’ patterns - since a school trip to the William Morris Museum.

To see more of Cathy’s work find her on twitter, facebook, instagram and tumblr using @completelycathy, or vsit her website. 1

Buono come il pane…

Photos ©

…best translates into English as ‘a heart of gold’ but literally means ’good like bread’. Both terms aptly describe the ebullient celebrity chef, Gennaro Contaldo, who has a bread and baking cookbook coming out this month. In early July, Silvana Gambini chatted with E17’s most famous resident over a table of Italian goodies in his al fresco garden kitchen. Photos by Chris McAndrew.

How did you get into cooking as a career? Read my biography! No seriously though, my father used to deal in linen and took me along one day when I was about 10 years old to visit a customer’s restaurant. It captured my imagination and for the next three years I was there every other day helping out. It was my job to kill chickens and pluck and prepare them for the chef to cook. But everyone used to cook in my family and we were taught where to get the best produce, what was in season and tasted the best - it became second nature to us. I prefer to preserve foods when they’re at their best rather than eat them ‘fresh’ but out of season. I like to buy food from places like farmers’ markets, ethnic groceries and specialist shops. Places like the Italian Deli of Walthamstow - when you walk inside, with all those shelves bursting with products and the smell of all the delicious cheeses and salami, it gives you that real sense of Italy. If homesick, you can go there and revive yourself! Elisabetta (Iudica) has done a really good job with that shop! Tell me about your new cook book ‘Gennaro’s Italian Bakery’… It’s wonderful! Baking has always been close to my heart. Back in my hometown of Minori on the Amalfi Coast, my uncle Alfonso and my aunt Rafelucia had a bakery where everything was baked in a wood fired oven; I learnt so much from them. When I started the Passione restaurant, I insisted that all the different breads were made by us fresh every day – the customers loved them! I’ve taught a lot of chefs how to bake Italian breads over the years. Antonio Carluccio and I were the ones who introduced focaccia to the UK back in the eighties. The Times asked us for a focaccia recipe to publish, we gave them one and then the world wanted to make focaccia! This new book covers baking recipes from all over Italy – regional specialities and national favourites, sweet and savoury. It contains everyday things like ‘biscotti di Castellammare’ - the biscuits I ate as a child with milky coffee - all the way through to celebration baking like ‘colomba’ (the dove-shaped Easter cake) and Christmas specialities like ‘pandoro’ and


mini panettone. And the photography in the book is fabulous too! When I do cook books, I always get all the glory, but my partner Liz and my sister Adriana are my hardworking team - I’ve dedicated this book to them. They take my explanations and demonstrations of how to make things and translate them into recipes that anyone can follow and they fully test those recipes out too. I reckon Liz now makes ‘pane cafone’ better than I do! What’s my favourite recipe from the book? Asking a chef a question like that is like asking a loving mother to choose her favourite child! What might a typical ‘Gennaro’ week involve? I’m so busy I don’t know whether I’m coming or going! I’m up very early and on my way to wherever I’m working that day. I can be anywhere in the UK, or even somewhere international, with ‘Jamie’s Italian’ (Jamie Oliver and Gennaro are partners in this restaurant business). I particularly enjoy teaching our young chefs and seeing their skills develop – when one of them shows me a new dish they’ve put together and it’s better than something I could have done myself, I just think ‘Wow! Bless you!’. That’s how it should be – I can pass on my passion and my understanding of seasonings, flavours, seasonal foods etc. but then they need to run with it and take it to another level. Just like Jamie did with his amazing talent – I taught him a lot but that ended up being a reciprocal thing and I owe him a great deal. I love doing television and live cooking demos all over the UK, like the BBC Good Food Show. I’ve just come back from filming in Sardinia with Jamie and there are a few ‘Two Greedy Italians’ Road Trip’ episodes with Antonio Carluccio coming on the BBC soon. There’s another massive TV thing in the pipeline too – I can’t say anything more right now, but watch this space! Possibly a bit controversial, but how do you feel about the EU Referendum result? I love the UK: it adopted me, I adopted it. I’m an Italian national who’s lived here for decades, worked hard, paid my taxes, started businesses that employ people, raised children here – but still I was not allowed to vote in the Referendum. I

think many of the people who voted Leave did so based on a mistaken fear of immigration, which actually brings more prosperity on balance. As soon as it happened, everyone was like ‘Don’t panic! Don’t panic!’ (Gennaro does a brilliant impersonation of Corporal Jones from ‘Dad’s Army’!), but then all those involved resigned – politicians are unbelievable! Jamie and I posted statements on Instagram about it - we are both devastated but accept that democracy was done. Although lots of different people voted to leave the EU, I feel it’s mainly my generation that has robbed future younger generations. My kids will be OK – they can get Italian passports, become dual nationals and keep the advantages of being EU citizens. But what about other people’s children? What possibilities and opportunities - work, study, travel, friendships, love - will they miss out on if Brexit goes ahead? We had one of the world’s strongest economies as part of the EU, but already some of the bad consequences of this vote are emerging: it feels like we have thrown pearls to pigs. Finally, what do you think about Walthamstow? Walthamstow is SO beautiful! I always wanted to live here from when I first came to the UK and was introduced to trout fishing in Walthamstow Reservoir. I think I still hold the record for the largest trout ever caught there – 9 ½ pounds! It was reported in the ‘Trout Fisherman’ magazine who presented me with a fishing rod, a bottle of whisky and three days fishing at Churchill Farm! We moved here 15 years ago and live near beautiful Epping Forest but we also have the Marshes for things like birdwatching, and when I walk round Walthamstow Village, with all its history, I feel I’m in a country village. The great transport links mean we’re just 25 minutes from the West End. The shopping here is good too - you

can find most everything. I love our mix of people - take a trip down the Market and you run into nationalities from all over the world – it’s fantastic. We have lovely neighbours and Walthamstow feels like a real community. I get angry when people say that Walthamstow is rough. I remember a journalist coming to interview me at home and asking me in a high-handed way whether I HAD to live in Walthamstow! Why wouldn’t I want to live here? Unfortunately it’s become really expensive and I get the impression some people are buying property for the investment value, rather than as a place to put down roots and build a life. I just love the place. I feel really at home here.

Gennaro’s Italian Bakery is published on 8th September by Pavilion Books, priced £20. Available from Amazon UK, Waterstones and other good book shops and at the Italian Delicatessen of Walthamstow where there will be a book signing with Gennaro later in September (check their Facebook page for details).


E List Promotion

Independent Day For a distinctive approach to schooling, Walthamstow Montessori School, near Lloyd Park, is the only school in the borough to offer this self-led learning approach for children. A school which boasts leavers heading to the best private and independent schools in North London, often with scholarships, is tucked away just north of Lloyd Park. The Walthamstow Montessori School (WMS), founded and run by Principal Lorna Mahoney, has been open since 2001, and caters for children between two and eleven. The Montessori Method, first devised by Dr. Maria Montessori, is an approach to education based on children choosing their own learning activities, and at WMS, all facilities are laid on to choose from. Alongside very small classes, the children of the school have access to strong pastoral care, music tuition, language and maths developed through abstract work coupled with the use of large outdoor play spaces - enabling them to learn as much as possible through their own understanding of how things work around them.

These words reveal the child’s inner needs: “Help me to do it alone” Penrhyn Hall Penrhyn Avenue Walthamstow London E17 5DA

Walthamstow Montessori School is a wonderful place. An affordable independent primary school and nursery for children aged 2 years to 11 years old.

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Penrhyn Hall Penrhyn Avenue Walthamstow London E17 5DA Telephone 020 8523 2968 Email

For Walthamstow Montessori, the uniqueness of the child is developed - with striking results, even with children starting with half days in the nursery before building up to full days after the age of three. Pupils put on shows in local theatres, go swimming, play tennis and build ties with community projects. A school which offers such an idyllic setting of course comes with fees, but the termly amounts through the Lower and Upper School are much less than comparable independent schools in the area and 3-4 year olds can offset their 15 hours nursery entitlement too. The school operates a waiting list, but endeavours to admit children as soon as places become available, so if the Montessori method appeals to you or your family, book a visit to see it for yourself. For parents and other interested parties, WMS also offers Montessori training, paediatric first aid and safeguarding lessons. Speak with the school office to find out more.

For more information please visit walthamstowmontessori. com or you can email the school office at 4 To advertise your business contact

Walthamstow Montessori School Penrhyn Hall, Penrhyn Avenue, Walthamstow, London E17 5DA 020 8523 2968

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Guadalupe Plata

Photo of The Oscillation © Dave Croft

The Oscillation

September’s Stow Festival line-up is the biggest yet. Farah Ishaq gets the lowdown about what we can expect this year: from new bands, big nights out to family punk art sessions. Lots to love. Festival organisers Julian Marszalek, Rhianna Burton, Emma Betts, Kat Richmond, Nick Bason

A year on from celebrating the Stow Festival’s 5th anniversary, the team behind the festival are getting ready to create a yet bigger musical affair for Walthamstow this month. Organised primarily by local musicians and promoters, friends Nick Bason, Emma Betts, Rhianna Burton, Julian Marszalek and Kat Richmond – the premise is still for ‘music to take over’ E17 and based on what’s being linedup, they will certainly do just that. Now six years in, the festival will even have their own branded pale ale, served up in the Chequers to add to the festival feel. Speaking to Bason and Marzsalek in their local, and festival venue the Rose & Crown, they enthuse about the quality, quantity and variety of great music coming out of our pocket of East London - to the extent that several ‘fringe’ events will be taking place during the long weekend as well as what has been officially curated. The more the merrier, as Bason explains, “We’re delighted to see more events pop up, so many events including gigs, music quizzes and DJ nights springing up at venues around the showcase gigs we’re putting on. There’s so much happening here that we certainly don’t want to replicate anything, we want to put together something new.” Lemzi, Leytonstone rapper, returning to perform as part of the EXCLUSIVE collective, adds “The Stow Fest is a brilliant opportunity for aspiring artists of all levels to promote themselves and also to supporting the local community. These community run festivals 6

are the essence of the arts and cultures within each area they represent and it’s important to establish their importance as much as possible. This is why I’m back, the organisation is always great, the crowds are always up for participating and seem to enjoy the copious range of music and arts.” Four days and nights of music of every description is the bedrock of the festival, and the highlights range from classical to house, hip hop and reggae via rock and electronica. Excitingly, there will also be an exhibition celebrating Small Wonder Records running parallel to the festival. The famous local record shop which used to run a record label on Hoe Street 40 years ago. Run by Pete Stennett and specialising in punk and post punk - everyone from Bauhaus to The Cure released records through them. Original Small Wonder bands The Cravats and The Proles will play a rather special gig on 9 September at Hoe Street Central to celebrate the show of long stashed memorabilia and photos on the 9th September, the week before the Stow Festival officially kicks off. See pages 10 & 11 for more about Small Wonder and Neil Meads’ interview with Pete Stennett. For the first time, there will be a dedicated psychedelia night, featuring all local bands, two of whom will also play the Liverpool psychedelic festival the following week. Headlined by The Oscillation - the night will also see The Hanging Stars and The Left Outsides play and Jim Jones will DJ. Fresh from a European tour to launch their latest album Monographic, The Oscillation’s Demian

Photo © Stephen Berkley-White

Stow Wonders

Photo Blank Bibles © Liam Doocey

The Drink

Ashley Beedle


Castellanos explains how exciting it is to finally headline a gig in their native Stow. “I’ve lived in Walthamstow for about 15 years so it’s really great to play here for the first time. The Rose & Crown has been my local pub all that time” and with regards to the local music ‘scene’ he says, “there’s definitely a lot going on! It seems to be growing all the time and I’m constantly meeting new musicians. There seems to be a healthy diversity of music and without any competitive attitude which is also cool. The pysche night will feature a diverse and immersive experience sonically, some repetition, noise and a good groove. Maybe expect some sounds and songs to get lost in so you can forget about day-today stuff for a while and clean out the inner cobwebs.” In contrast, Kat Richmond of Electronic 17 is curating several events, including an experimental noise night at the William Morris Gallery (More News From Nowhere), a soul/ balearic night at the Chequers by Soul Picnic, an Afrobeat night at Mirth, and a Hip Hop night at Blackhorse Workshop. Richmond also appears on the bill at the festival closing party on Sunday 18th at a Wild Card Brewery all-dayer, which also features headliner Leif (UntilMyHeartStops label), and joined by newcomers Kieran Mahon, Yukka, Shalti and local label Emperor Records. Throw in family pop-up punk art sessions at Hoe Street Central, two musical history walking tours (extended to two days due to popular demand last year), panel discussions and celebrating 40 years since

The Blank Bibles

Punk with a punk legacy special featuring lauded Spanish punk/ blues group Guadalupe Plata, Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons and the Wimmins’ Institute, there’s too much to say about this year’s events. Marzsalek wraps up by saying “this year we’re trying to focus on the quality, on how we showcase the best that Walthamstow has to offer. In terms of acts and in terms of venues and still making sure it’s either free or very reasonably priced so that it is accessible to anyone during the day and evenings. The Stow Festival “is about capturing that spirit of punk. We take great pride that we can represent so many different genres. It’s central to the point of the Stow Festival. Whatever you want to hear and whatever you want to play you can be a part of this.”

Stow Festival 15–18 September Various times and venues across Walthamstow. For line-ups and more The Stow Festival Hub at Hoe Street Central will be open from 5 September at 3 Central Parade, Hoe Street E17 4RT. Small Wonder: the Exhibition 5–24 September. Grab a an Official Programme/Guide from the usual spots around E17.

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Punk in Walthamstow Punk.London celebrates 40 years of subversive culture in a year-long series of events; gigs, talks and exhibitions charting the four decades since punk exploded into the nation’s consciousness. This month’s Stow Festival in Walthamstow will focus on punk, with an E17 slant. Mark Hart tells the story. In his new book Anarchy In The Year Zero: The Sex Pistols, The Clash and the Class of ’76, acclaimed punk historian Clinton Heylin writes that for most of 1976 Punk was a ‘nasty’ secret. Walthamstow had had a sneak peak early on at the Sex Pistols and the excitement generated by this extraordinary band.

In the balmy heat of Thursday 17 June 1976 the Sex Pistols played Walthamstow Assembly Hall supporting London’s champions of the ‘pub-rock’ scene, Ian Dury & The Kilburns. Dury in the 60’s had studied at Walthamstow College of Art under Peter Blake and the gig was seen by him as a homecoming. Also on the bill for the Midsummer Music Festival Benefit were the Stranglers. The Sex Pistols had formed little over six months earlier and by the time of the Walthamstow date had become a formidable gigging unit with almost 50 gigs under their belt. The Sex Pistols had received intriguing reviews in the music press. ‘Hurry up; they’re having an orgy on stage’: reported the NME dated February 21st 1976. The band’s gig at the Marquee club two weeks earlier was witnessed by Neil Spencer and as well as the ‘orgy’ his review mentioned the Small Faces and Iggy and the Stooges as key influences. This short piece was a sufficient prompt for two northerners, Howard Trafford and Peter McNeish to borrow a car and drive to High Wycombe, 8

the Pistols’ next show. Better known as Howard Devoto and Pete Shelly of the Buzzcocks they were not disappointed and invited the Sex Pistols to play in Manchester on 4th June 1976, two weeks before the Walthamstow gig. Although few attended the now famed Manchester show at the city’s Lesser Free Trade Hall, those that did included future members of the Joy Division/New Order, The Smiths, the Fall and Simply Red. Sex Pistols Walthamstow band The Zeros outside Tatler 1977. shows in Newcastle, Birmingham and outer London had similarly The Zeros soon became a punk band. inspired fans to form their own bands. Practising at Alan Gordon’s rehearsal TV presenter and future head of studios in the railway arches near what is Factory Records Tony Wilson was at now Leyton Midland station. They put on the Manchester gig and came to their own gigs at the Three Blackbirds pub Walthamstow at the request of his on Leyton High Road and played youth producer who was unconvinced that the clubs in South Chingford and Markhouse group should be allowed to appear on Road Walthamstow and at St George’s Wilson’s television programme, So It Goes. Hall on Shernall street, a gig advertised in Wilson noted ‘We drove to Walthamstow Walthamstow’s own fanzine ‘Fair Dukes’, and parked outside the gig at 8 o’clock. before graduating to Central London’s We walked into this massive civic hall that premier punk venues the Roxy and the was completely dark and kind of quite Vortex. Steve recalls that the nearby cool. At the far end, this racket was coming Catholic School, Cardinal Wiseman, was a off stage and you could see about twenty hotbed of punk activity. There is no doubt people, who were all in a semi-circle. As that Punk had created a little buzz on the we got nearer the reason it was a semistreets in Walthamstow. A buzz that at circle was because that was the gobbing weekends became buzzier as young punks distance. John was gobbing as hard as he travelled up the Victoria line from London could, so that’s why this little audience of and elsewhere to hang out at Small about twenty-five people were just out of Wonder Records. gobbing range. And it was stunning.’ Pete Stennett owner of Hoe Street’s, One of those out of ‘gobbing range’ was Small Wonder Records was also at the Steve Godfrey, aged 17 of Walthamstow Pistols Walthamstow gig. Equally bored band The Zeros. Like Devoto and Shelly, by progressive rock Stennett was receptive Steve devoured the weekly music press for to this new sounding band. “They were evidence of something new, something just so fucking refreshing,” he says. Small exciting. The UK music scene felt moribund; Wonder began to stock punk releases, the US was were it was happening and in 1976 these were mainly Ramones bands like the New York Dolls, Iggy Pop and and Iggy Pop albums – the Sex Pistols Ramones were refreshingly exciting. first single Anarchy in the UK didn’t get Steve remembers: “The Sex Pistols’ released until late November 1976, hard rock n roll music was good but preceded by the first ‘punk’ single, The unremarkable but they had attitude!” Damned’s New Rose, a month earlier.

As one of the very few record shops in the UK that would stock the punk music now being played by John Peel, Small Wonder provided a vital lifeline to punks all over the UK through its mail order service. Advertisements in the weekly music press would bring sacks of postal orders and inspire pilgrimages from as far away as Scotland. Many of the shop’s customers began handing over demos and live tapes including locals, The Zeros. The first Small Wonder Records release was by Islington band Puncture, regulars at London’s Roxy Club in Covent Garden. ‘Mucky Pup’ was released in October 1977 soon to be followed by The Zeros, Patrik Fitzgerald and Leyton’s ‘Leyton Buzzards’. Small Wonder became a hub for the punk bands, advertising for members and promoting gigs and fanzine writers flogging their xeroxed magazines.

Leyton Buzzards at an anti-GLC demo outside the Town Hall

Recognised as the first ‘punk’ fanzine and inspired by witnessing the Clash, Mark Perry’s ‘Sniffin’ Glue’ came out in July 1976 and sparked a massive outpouring of similar efforts. By mid 1977 Walthamstow had its own fanzine “Fair Dukes’ which ran for four issues covering gigs and releases by the Sex Pistols, Clash and Siouxsie as well as Patrik Fitzgerald, the Zeros and others. As demo cassettes came in from further afield Small Wonder released singles by bands a long way from Hoe Street including Newcastle’s Punishment of Luxury, The Proles and Midlands outfit the Cravats.

As punk splintered into different genres the label became an outlet for leading exponents of what the press dubbed ‘Oi’ the Angelic Upstarts and Cockney Rejects and ‘anarcho-punks Crass and the Poison Girls. On Saturdays, when the shop was busy, Pete and his wife Mari were helped by a customer from Leyton, Colin ‘Cos’ Faver. Cos was often at punk gigs including the Roxy – the London scene’s foremost club – and would get talking to bands, recommending those to Pete he thought Small Wonder should release. It was at the Roxy that Koz met another young punk –although one who still wore his office suit to gigs – Kevin Millins. With a shared love of the new music they began to promote gigs under the name Final Solution, nicked from US artist Pere Ubu. Between 1978 and the early 80’s Final Solution were the leading promoters of punk and postpunk gigs in the capital. Some of the 80’s biggest bands such as Joy Division, Killing Joke, The Cure, Echo & the Bunnymen and Teardrop Explodes played at their gigs. Final Solution’s 1981 gigs at Walthamstow Assembly Hall

featuring Bauhaus and New Order would bring hordes of punks and proto goths into Walthamstow. Perhaps we’ll experience some of this at the events hosted by Stow Festival on the weekend of 16-18 September. Join Mark Hart for his Music History Walking Tour around Walthamstow on the 17 and 18 September. Tickets Read Neil Meads’ interview with Pete Stennett of Small Wonder records on pages 10 & 11.


Pete in the shop 1980..

Small Wonder From an unassuming shop on Hoe Street Pete Stennett launched the careers of some of the world’s key punk and post-punk bands, but he really doesn’t like a fuss. Neil Meads persuades Pete to open up one more time. I pull up at his cottage in a picturesque hamlet far from the chicken shops of Walthamstow excited to tell him of our plans to finally honour Small Wonder Records with an exhibition. He is, he says, really pleased but no, he probably won’t be going… Would I like a cuppa? The exhibition begins on the 5th of September and features artifacts and memorabilia hoarded away for 40 years by former customers and bands along with the recollections of getting started with Small Wonder by members of Bauhaus, Crass, The Cravats and many more. I asked Pete how he got started: We purchased the lease to Cherie - a childrenswear shop at 162 Hoe Street using some redundancy money I got.

Initially we just stocked metal and prog rock as there was this huge gap between the brilliant stuff from the 60’s and punk. There was also this black geezer who used to come in with pre’s, pre-releases from Jamaica so we sold them. Then in June ‘76 I went to see the Sex Pistols at Walthamstow Assembly Hall and the rest is as they say history. I just thought fuck, something’s happened, something brilliant. 10

Was there much else going on in Walthamstow back then? Bugger all. On one side was Hilda the hat shop, and the other a bakers whose ovens would keep me up all. It was just your average high street and then we turned up (ha ha ha).

Kids would come and stand around for hours. We became a meeting place to hear and buy new music and to pick up the DIY fanzines that were popping up (including Walthamstow’s own called ‘Fair Dukes’) We were more down to earth than our main rivals Rough Trade. If a kid came into the shop and I didn’t like him or he was a twit I’d just tell him to fuck off. They appreciated it, you didn’t have to say ‘yes sir, can I help you?’ It was ‘What do you fucking want!?’ If someone was buying a record I didn’t like I’d tell them you’d be better off without it, it’s crap. The reason we became what we became was because we decided to try mail order. One morning Mari (Pete’s wife at the time) got up and saw all these letters on the carpet and thought they must be bills! They were from kids wanting records. That’s how

we became known, supplying all over the country and eventually the world. In the end it funded the label, because you can only get so many kids in a shop. Peel had been playing a single The Desperate Bicycles had self-released for £153 with the slogan “it was easy, it was cheap, go and do it!” So we went to see them in a smelly teenage bedroom and they told us exactly what to do. We hired a studio, took Puncture - who our Saturday boy Colin Faver had introduced us to - and recorded. As your reputation grew would the doormat at 162 Hoe Street be littered with demos? We’d get hundreds! Sometimes you’d get crank phone calls from blokes in bands saying ‘why haven’t you got in touch’... it’s crap that’s why I haven’t been in touch!

Our second release The Zeros were from Walthamstow. They just came in and gave me a demo. I liked it, so we released it! Patrik Fitzgerald who was living in Leytonstone pushed this extraordinary demo through the letterbox and ran away! It was packed with material he’d recorded in his squat, just him and an acoustic guitar. I thought I know this guy! He used to look

cool and punk in second-hand clothes before it became fashionable and “Come and get your punk in Woolworths”. Your Saturday boy Cos (Colin Faver) went on to become one of the pioneers of house and techno in the UK as well as promoting some incredible gigs as part of Final Solution. Cos was just a customer who I got on really well with so I asked him to work Saturdays. He’d DJ in London during the week then help us. Being out at night he came across bands who’d approach him. That’s how we found Bauhaus.

He was a gentle sort of guy, there was no side to him. It makes me laugh that both he and Vi Subversa had obituaries in The Times and Telegraph. They were both so anti-establishment; they’d probably have hated that. Small Wonder had a few run-ins with ‘the establishment’ too? We put the Sex Pistol’s Never Mind The Bollocks in the window and suddenly these two policeman turn up... threatening me “take that out the window NOW!” I thought I’m not going to be dictated to so I got a bit of cardboard and covered the two L’s up so it said never mind the boocks and thought that’ll stymie them.

I rang up a Virgin Record shop to ask their advice and Richard Branson answered! Another time two policemen came from Scotland Yard to do us for blasphemy because of an anti-christ song called ‘Asylum’ on Crass’s ‘Feeding of the 5000’ EP. I rang Penny Rimbaud (Crass) up and said ‘The Vice Squad have just been and they’re coming to see you’! He thought they were a band, and couldn’t understand why I was so agitated. The Squad went out to Epping and Penny recorded them secretly. While he made them tea you could hear them saying “what are we doing here, these are nice people, what are we supposed to do”. I thought it was really funny. I’d met Crass through a guy who did window displays. He gave me a tape of this band he knew in Epping and I thought it was the dog’s’ bollocks so we arranged to do a 12” single. I thought these people are important!

Despite their increasing success, the label didn’t go in for onerous multi release deals. Bauhaus’s Kevin Haskins told me that after the enormous success of ‘Bela Lugosi’s Dead’ the band wanted to stay with Small Wonder but Pete advised them they’d do better with a label with more resources behind them. Our deals were we’d pay for the recording, the artwork, the pressing, and if it made a profit we’d split that 50/50. The bands weren’t tied to anything; we just gave them money, and in the case of Bauhaus a lot of money! We weren’t in it for the cash. At the end of 1978 Small Wonder released ‘Killing an Arab’, the first single by The Cure, how did that come about? Their manager Chris Parry was eager to get them some kind of street cred. If we put their first single out everyone would think ‘oh look at them they’re doing well they’ve come from that to that’.

I could hear they had potential and the journalists loved all the intellectual stuff; Albert Camus and all that... all these grammar school boys hahaha. Our 5,000 copies quickly sold out and then it just reverted back to Fiction/Polydor. What about Waltham Forest’s own Leyton Buzzards? They were jumping on the punk bandwagon. I met them through a bloke called André Jaquemin who did the sound for Monty Python. The next thing I know they’ve all got silly names like Dave Deprave! They went on to become Modern Romance! who did ‘Everybody salsa’! Patrik Fitzgerald’s “Backstreet Boys” is about being beaten up in the street. Was it a tense time, with groups like the National Front trying to set up stall at the top of the market? Walthamstow was a very electric place as far as politics, right-wing politics in particular. I remember two black punk girls, regular customers and these two NF kids came in. They tried to chat them up

and got nowhere so they started slagging them and calling them niggers. I told them to get out and it was like that all the time, there was this underlying tension. It was one of the reasons we left. We had threats, we’d see muggings and stuff outside the windows and it was all getting very heavy and then later some bastards put some petrol through an Asian family’s letterbox and they died. (Yunus Khan Close off Queens Road was named in honour of the Khan family, four of whom died in the arson attack on their home in July 1981) A big funeral was planned in Hoe Street and the police were all behind the advertising hoardings - dozens of ‘em – hiding. Then there was this appalling fracas. Next morning I woke up and there was a Nazi swastika on the shutters, and we thought oh fuck this, we’ve had enough. We thought well we can do mail-order from anywhere so we found this poncy thatched cottage in Suffolk. I thought people like me don’t live in places like this. We’d done what we wanted to do and I thought I’m getting bored and to be honest the music was getting a little bit iffy too. Any bands you’re gutted you missed out on? One band! The Fall. Mark E Smith was so unique, even though I couldn’t understand a fucking word he said. I could see they were worth investing time and energy in and I would have put their fucking lyrics on the sleeves so we could understand what he was on about hahaha. They’re the sort of artists you like, dangerous, not safe!

Iron Maiden used to come in and badger me to come to their gigs but I thought Metal had had its day. Thankfully they didn’t amount to anything!

Small Wonder – The Exhibition 5-24 September 2016 Hoe Street Central, 3 Central Parade Hoe Street E17 4RT

Pete at home in Suffolk 2016.


Bafula from left Dotan Cohen, Jali Bakary Konteh, Seneke Sillah, Danny Michoux and Jordan Chatwin.

Bafula Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor talks to Walthamstow-based band, Bafula just days after their joy-filled set on The News From Nowhere Stage, programmed by The Stow Festival at The Walthamstow Garden Party. Photograph Chris McAndrew. singer and kora player, Jali was leading kora workshops there. The kora is a mandinka harp built from a large calabash (a large ghord) cut in half and covered with cow skin that is traditionally played in West Africa and he has been playing since he was 7 years old.

A relatively new band, Bafula formed after a chance meeting at WOMAD in July 2014. Seneke Sillah who plays djembe and dunduns, has lived and worked in Walthamstow for many years and was leading drumming workshops at WOMAD when he first met fellow Gambian, Jali Bakary Konteh. Now Bafula’s lead

The fellow countrymen hit it off straight away and started jamming a traditional Mandinka song together, Massane Cisse. Seneke returned from WOMAD inspired to form a band to play with Jali. Seneke was keen to ensure the band encompass the different cultures he had around him in London. His


nephew, Danny Michaux, joined the band as their bass player, “Seneke said he wanted people to hear the music and not know if it’s traditional African, rock or jazz or funk and I definitely wanted to be part of that.”, says Danny. Seneke and lead guitarist, Israeli musician Dotan Cohen, are Walthamstow neighbours. “He lives around the corner from me and after a conversation at a football match in autumn last year, I asked him to join the band.” The most recent addition to the band is Jordan Chatwin, who plays the drum kit. He met Jali having spent several

weeks with Jali’s family in Brikama, The Gambia. Jordan has an obsession with African music and a particular interest in traditional music and the ways in which musicians are modernising their musical heritage, so Bafula is the perfect home for him. The band may be diverse and from many different cultures and musical styles but together they have created one sound, their own. Bafula is a word that aptly describes the band’s music and members - it means the confluence of two rivers - one ‘salty’ and one ‘sweet’ where they meet and flow together. “When I spoke to Jali

Photo ©

Bafula’s mellifluous rhythms were just perfect for the sundrenched Garden Party that day. (You remember when we had that summer for a whole weekend in July? People were up and dancing with Bafula’s joyous tunes and warm stage presence.

about the mixture, the fusion, he was happy about it,” says Seneke. And the combination of cultures is something that seems important to all of them.

that’s what he’s trying to do,” laughs Danny, “so suddenly we pretend not to hear it.” This warm camaraderie is apparent in their stage performances too.

“I think with what’s been going on politically and socially at the moment, it’s very important to see a mixed band,” says Dotan. “I’ve been living in Walthamstow for around 15 years and it’s a melting pot of so many cultures and it works. We are not here to preach but by default it doesn’t matter where we are from, we are all here for the music. It’s important for kids to mix, it’s a fantastic place.”

“We have two traditional Mandinka songs on the EP and you can find the meanings online,” explains Jali. “The first and 4th songs are traditional but the others are my own compositions. I compose in two different ways, when I am happy or sad, those are my inspirations.”

Jali Bakary Konteh is the son of Dembo Konte and is Alhaji Bai Konte’s grandson, two world-renowned Gambian kora players and, fascinatingly, Jali is a Griot, to which one must be born. A Griot is a West African historian, storyteller, poet and/or a musician in the oral tradition. “It is sometimes said that when a Griot dies it is as if an entire library has been burned to the ground,” says Chantelle Michaux. Chantelle is Bafula’s manager and also director and co-founder (with Seneke Sillah) of Walthamstow-based Mbilla Arts promoting education and performance in West African music and dance since 2006. So Jali brings with him a huge ‘library’ of songs and stories to share, some traditional, to which Bafula add their own style and some new songs. “In fact the song that Jali and Seneke said they were jamming when they first met at WOMAD ‘Massane Cisse’ is one we now play and is on our EP,” says Dotan. “I don’t understand what he is singing all the time and sometimes we’ll be on stage improvising additional verses, then all of a sudden I’ll hear my name and think, I wonder what he’s saying there?” he grins. “Apparently when a Griot says your name you have to put money in their kora so I think

The EP, Commitment, which was released in July this year was recorded live as the band felt it was the only way to truly represent their music. The cover artwork is by South Africanborn, Walthamstow artist and creative director of Inky Cuttlefish, Anna Alcock. The band played at WOMAD this summer. They performed on The Charlie Gillet stage after being discovered by BBC Radio 3 as part of the BBC Introducing World Music 2016.

Welcome to a unique pop up restaurant located in a denim factory in Walthamstow.

Enjoy inventive seasonal food in a relaxed and informal setting.

A SPOTTER’s Guide to LOCAL streetLIFE for Waltham Forest’s people watchers.

“Playing at WOMAD has been a big dream for me because my dad used to play there every year in the 1970s and 80s,” says Jali, “he always told me that one day you will be on that stage. At that time I was very young so I couldn’t believe that would happen then bbc3 contacted us and it’s a dream come true.” Luckily Bafula are returning to play live in London as part of the Rootmaster Series at Hootananny in Brixton on 30th October. UCOoz6xN4rvnaVn_buSBJgrQ/feed Twitter/Instagram: @BafulaAfrica

From a series by Walthamstow resident, illustrator Tom Gaul. instagram account tomgaul_doodles 13

The Queen of Hearts The Victoria is probably the last bastion of a real East End, free house pub around here and it’s definitely one of a kind. As Manager Catlin (Katie) Roberts says, “Where else can you still cut a rug on a harp carpet these days?” And she’s right, The Victoria is Walthamstow’s tart-with-aheart, with an eclectic array of events and punters who frequent this hidden gem. There has been an entertainment space on this spot since 1887, when the original Victoria Hall was built. There was cabaret, musical theatre and variety shows to entertain the people of Walthamstow in grand style, sometimes twice nightly. An eye witness from 1930 recalls ”I remember, when quite a boy, watching the ladies in their awe-inspiring Victorian

dresses, sweep out of their carriages, under an awning and pass into the ‘Vic’ for the great ball of season.”1

public house serving ‘Pints and Pizzas at the new ‘Vic’”.2 And today you can, once again enjoy cabaret, often hosted by talented drag queen Victoria Sponge singing cleverly caustic, self-penned topical songs about Walthamstow life. There’s a quarterly ‘Glam Jam’ – a musical theatre evening giving punters the opportunity to sing with the professionals; a popular weekly quiz and karaoke to name just a few. And there’s a resident ghost too, Henry who is sometimes spotted out back.

So, what’s changed? Well in a funny way, not that much really. The new Victoria Pub was opened to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver Jubilee in 1977, a joint venture between Granada Cinema and Charrington brewers as a “most modern

This is a Grade II* listed building, if you look up at the stunning windows from outside, it’s easy to see why. But the roof needs fixing, there’s some damp and damage to the interior walls. “We know it’s a grotty old boozer, but it’s our grotty old

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Photos: Karaoke ©; Victoria Hall © Vestry House Museum

If you have walked past the tiny doorway beside Mirth on Hoe Street with its chalkboard offers of a cheap pint but never ventured up that narrow staircase to the Victoria then perhaps it’s time you did. Words Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor.

Katie, Manager of The Victoria

because the pub would fail.” It’s now often thought of as Walthamstow’s gay bar, it’s not actually, but is proud to be a gay friendly venue. The Victoria still has faithful regulars, including one couple, Ken and Irene who have been visiting every Monday, Wednesday & Friday since the grand opening in 1977. “We treasure our regulars, I hear such amazing stories, I’ve worked in a lot of different pubs and places but The Victoria is my favourite.” Smiles Katie. There’s a long running karaoke night every Friday night, since 2002 – hosted by brothers, Neil and Peter of C ’n’ N Karaoke – for punters and staff alike. The Star from Behind the Bar feature is always a hit. “And of course the toilets are known as the worst dressing rooms in the world. I mean, who puts carpet in toilets?” Katie shakes

her head laughing, This self deprecating warmth is part of the pubs charm and the team are like a family. Assistant manager and promoter, Pixie Le-May (look out for Pixie Presents), who has always lived in Walthamstow says, “I am so proud to work at what I believe is the most cosmopolitan pub in Walthamstow where all walks of life are welcome.” To be fair this pub isn’t for everyone. If you prefer your pubs to be more postgentrification Walthamstow (with no carpets in the loos) or want a great food menu, then it’s definitely not for you. There really aren’t many places like The Victoria left so, before it’s too late, venture up those stairs sometime. 1

Showtime in Walthamstow by Gregory Tonkin. Waltham Forest Guardian, pg.12, 19th August 1977.


All photos this page ©; except drag queen © KT Watson

boozer and we love it,” says Katie. What makes the Victoria a special place to visit isn’t the decor, despite the marvellous Irish harp carpet - it’s the clientele, the regulars, the performers and the staff. “When I became the manager in 2009, most other local venues closed earlier than we did so we’d have drunks in who hadn’t been with us all evening disrupting the place, changes had to happen,” explains Katie. A trained actress with a love for theatre, she used her contacts, “On a minimal budget I brought in a drag queen, a DJ and some door staff, and then we told the governor what we were doing!” She laughs, “it was probably our best cabaret night ever because all the regulars came along. I was so proud of everyone for being so accepting and dealing with the changes, I think they knew that if I hadn’t done something, they wouldn’t be sitting on that row of red bar stools for much longer

Ken and Irene

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Photos: Attached © Alex Hinchcliffe; Where is Home? © Kevin Clifford

E List Promotion

Stratford Circus Arts Centre – A world class arts centre on our doorstep

Stratford Circus Arts Centre is a multi-disciplinary arts centre, run since 2012 as an independent charity that is partly funded by Arts Council England. It is also a welcoming space and community hub, explains Ashlie. “Our promise is to provide joy, equality, diversity


and empowerment - we don’t want to offer anything that excludes anyone.” When we meet, a group of older people in the foyer are enjoying a tuneful singalong and a local primary school are rehearsing their end of term show, using the large dance studio and the main theatre.

The place is full of people all engaged in the arts so Stratford Circus Arts Centre seem to be doing something right. “It’s so important that we ensure that people see themselves reflected in art, see people like them on stage, hear stories that engage with them and echo their own life experiences.” The programming ensures shows are regularly linked to creative projects in the local community. “We are presenting Nine Lives, a play from Zimbabwe-born playwright Zodwa Nyoni in late September which is the story of a young refugee new to the UK. Newham is home to refugee and displaced communities so we’re using the show as a catalyst to present an open, welcoming event which raises awareness

of refugees in our community. We hope to work with The Refugee Council and build long-lasting relationships through arts and music projects” says Ashlie. “We are presenting the stage adaptation of Julia Donaldson’s popular children’s book Room on the Broom for Christmas this year and are really proud to be able to bring

Photos: Room on a Broom © Tall Stories; Bubble Schmeisis © Philip Kleinfeld

Stratford Circus Arts Centre is not just a circus venue. The name is, the E List’s Kirsty McNeil-O’Connor is reliably informed by Head of Programming Ashlie Nelson, because of where the building sits, bang in the middle of a large circular road.

Photo: Muvvahood © Yasmin Merrin

a West End show to the East End, presenting high quality shows at their local arts centre at an affordable price. There’s a huge variety of shows, and over the coming months in addition to our theatre, dance and circus programmes we are currently developing a music programme including an open mic nights with plans for young performers to progress to performing on the main stage with professional musicians.” Stratford Circus Arts Centre is a partner in Black Theatre Live, a consortium of venues across the UK that work together to produce, present and promote work from black and Asian minorities, multiethnic writers, producers, actors and creatives. The aim of Black Theatre Live is to make theatre that better represents modern Britain. “We recently presented The Diary of a Hounslow Girl by emerging writer and performer Ambreen Razia. It was the story of a young Asian woman, proud of her heritage but also struggling with the temptations of being a teenager growing up in London. The experience of having more than one cultural identity is not unusual, especially in London, but it’s not one we see or hear in theatre very often.” This autumn the theatre programme includes a one-woman show by Walthamstow actor and writer, Libby Liburd. “Libby is

now an associate artist here. She is an incredible, dynamic performer. Muvvahood is her experience of being a single mum and she includes verbatim interviews with other single mums to share their stories. It has a political and social relevance, explaining the challenges around support for single parents. It’s also about breaking down stereotypes but it’s funny and joyous and real - it’s just the sort of work we want to be showing,” says Ashlie. Libby’s show started as a 20 minute scratch performance as part of Camden People’s Theatre Feminist Festival, Calm Down, Dear in 2015, progressing to an hour-long work in progress for CPT’s Sprint Festival and the Tristan Bates Theatre First Festival. “These showings brought me to the attention of Stratford Circus Arts Centre, who have programmed Muvvahood in their Autumn season as part of a new strand of drama and new writing work by local playwrights. It also represents the launch of my new relationship with them as an Associate Artist,” says Libby. “My idea for the show was principally taken from the fact that I, as a single mother actor, just never saw my experiences authentically represented in theatre. My son never saw an authentic representation of his family unit on stage either. I wanted to make a piece that was a true representation of single motherhood in London today. Something that was three dimensional, truthful and nuanced, not just the typical media representation of the downtrodden, struggling single mum. Something that made me, and other single mothers, visible. Something that was funny too - it’s far from all doom and gloom!” “I’m really excited that

Muvvahood is going to be at Stratford Circus Arts Centre in October, it’s the ideal home for the show, as they have a huge commitment to the development of locally based artists and representing the diversity of voices in the East London community. They’ve been incredibly supportive of my show already. Becoming an Associate Artist gives me scope to develop the show, and myself as a writer and performer further.” Libby’s show is on this October, full details on website. Stratford Circus Arts Centre’s reach extends beyond its home borough of Newham through its work with international, national and East London artists, and Ashlie is keen to assert that their links with local artists from across East London are key, “As the Head of Programming I’m always interested to meet artists and explore potential

projects.” The new season opens on 22 September with the UK premiere of Attached, an impressive and funny circus show by Swedish duo Magmanus who take to the stage in Velcro suits.

For more information about Stratford Circus Arts Centre and its programme at Images – Opposite page clockwise from top left. (1) Attached – Magmanus and their high-energy circus show. (2) Where is Home? – A cross-continental collaboration which fuses dance theatre and music. (3) Bubble Schmeisis – Writer and performer Nick Cassenbaum takes us on a journey through East London to find the place he belongs. (4) Room on the Broom – The stage adaptation of the much-loved children’s book. This page: Muvvahood – Libby Liburd’s funny, joyous and real take on single motherhood; breaking down those stereotypes.

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E List Promotion

Central Parade Creative Hub

sixteen co-working desks in a large, bright central area, allowing local creatives to share a space to work from and network on a daily basis in a buzzing, inspiring environment.

The newly refurbished building is jointly funded by Waltham Forest Council and the GLA and is operated by Meanwhile Space, a community interest company dedicated to creating opportunities out of underused space. The development had its opening launch on the 12th of July and will make use of the former Council premises for a period of 2 years. The tenants in Central Parade are an eclectic and colourful bunch ranging from music PR to holistic therapies. The current residents include Bee and Smoke recording studio, From Here folk music label, Snap Travel technology, But I like you music PR, Keys and

Hammer piano studio, freelance producer and director Capitanio and soon to come POLKA video and colour editing suite. The retail and incubator units house everything from Birch and Star’s preloved women’s and children’s clothing, Pour l’amour’s bridal wear, Leontia Gallery’s art gallery, Head and Hands holistic therapies and Nzinga Collective art and textile design – including Torsiello London and Fungai Marima. The space benefits from a flourishing café and bakery on site - run by Today Bread and offering daily baked artisan sourdough bread, as well as a range of freshly made toasts, sandwiches and cakes. There are also

The space will be hosting some evening events in the future, once the set up stage is fully completed, starting with upcoming workshops run by the tenants in August and September – see advert below for further details.

There are still some desk spaces available and all information and application forms can be found on the website:

Creative Workshops Come and get creative at one of the upcoming workshops at Central Parade, run by our talented residents. Head & Hands - Don’t get cross, cross stitch (22nd August) - Macrame & marbling (17th September)

Desk spaces available in our co-working area. Apply now at For more information about the workshops visit or contact:

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Antonietta Torsiello - Upholstery course (starts 11th August) - Crafty kids summer art (every Thursday) - Pottery painting (by appointment) Fungai Marima - Drypoint workshops (6th September) - Lino & screen printing (every Saturday) Keys and Hammers Piano studio - Music Nights for Adults (30th September) (monthly concerts to brush up your skills) 6-10 Central Parade, Walthamstow, E17 4RT

Photos © Mike Massaro

Fast becoming a vibrant fixture on Hoe Street, Central Parade is a new creative hub featuring a fantastic mixture of spaces where local business start-ups are thriving.

The Marshes by Lorna O’Connell Look Up Geometry, Line, Pattern, Colour

Once when a chill had got into the house and the outlook was uncertain they took the bikes out for some fresh air Marsh World, sodden, was a wonderland for the webbed-footed and the winged with spiders blinking in dew damp gorse and they saw or thought they saw, like a cartoon fish caught in the spout of a cartoon whale, a lark spinning in the purple air above them

An exhibition of affordable prints by fifteen handpicked artists, exploring and celebrating the creative potential of geometry, line, pattern and colour. Preview evening Thursday 8 September 7-9pm Open daily 3-25 September

The dog, ignored by rabbits, worried a sandwich out of its lair on the muddy bank while the river strolled on regardless past the bogey man in his dirty vest batting flies with his tongue and scaring no-one and the giant pig snuffling up the sweet air They were fearless; emperors driving chariots in a conquered land with wheels scything the purple vetch and the mallow and everything, in all directions, belonged to them

Walthamstow Village Window Gallery 47 Orford Road, London E17 9NJ

But when the sky turned into a bruise; the purple streak and yellow grass and the grey water veining through they remembered to pedal fast with the dog bravely ahead before the storm clouds streamed into the house to catch them

Lorna O’Connell is a long-time Waltham Forest resident and a member of Forest Poets and Creative Bloc.


Birch & Star *

Preloved women’s, kids’ & maternity wear Handmade goods from local designers

6-10 Central Parade, 137 Hoe Street, London E17 4RT Instagram: birchandstar

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The art of the home Local collector and curator Henry Miller tells Lucy Freeman about his unique approach to exhibiting the art he sells. The name Henry Miller might sound familiar as a novelist, but for Village-based Henry, it’s pictures that matter, not words. Having worked for many years as a lawyer, Henry decided to take a break from the gruelling 70 hour weeks and indulge his passion for art by taking a year off and beginning a Masters at Christie’s in History of Art. “As the year progressed the thought of just going straight back to the law seemed more and more unlikely. I really wanted to continue doing something in the art field,” he says. His decision coincided with a move to the Village, after selling his house on Blackhorse Lane. His new period home seemed to lend itself naturally to becoming a gallery space, and Henry decided to display the works he hoped to sell alongside those he had owned

for many years. Potential buyers, who have already seen his works on www., can then visit Henry at home to see the paintings, informally, in a domestic setting. “To a certain extent people can get a sense of what pictures are going to look like within their home,” he explains. “Private art galleries can be quite imposing. It’s all white walls and picture after picture. For some people that’s too intimidating for them to make a personal connection with the art and get a sense of what the piece will be like to live with. I believe that you don’t need to know much about art as long as you make a connection with it. My partner and I live with our collection, it’s part of our home and our lives.” Henry focuses on the theme of the male form, but is not restricted to any

20 To advertise your business contact

particular period or style. “That’s another quite unusual approach for an art dealer to take,” he says. “Galleries tend to sell pictures according to period, so maybe Dutch 17th century, modern British and Irish, etc, which can be a little restrictive. In reality I think the way people live with and buy their pictures is far more eclectic. Selling as I do means buyers can look at pictures from different time periods, different countries and different styles.” His buyers are as eclectic as his collection; his two most recent purchasers have been a young woman who is a marketing executive and lives locally, and a buyer from Hampstead who has a house full of similar paintings. Why the male form? “I love figurative pictures,” he says. “The subject might have different clothes or a different hairstyle

but when you look at the picture of a human form you are in essence looking at yourself. As a man, also, it’s a very different thing for me to be curating something which places the male form centre stage. It would be impossible to separate a collection entirely focused on the female form from the hundreds of years of commoditisation of women.” One of Henry’s own favourite paintings is by Noel Coward. As a man who lived his life in the public eye and mixed with royalty and Hollywood, his love of painting was one of the very few areas that Coward kept private. A very successful collector himself, Coward’s works were sold by a family member along with some of his own compositions and Henry attended the auction. “The painting leapt out at me before I knew it was by Noel

Coward,” says Henry. “I thought it was a strikingly modern picture that was beautiful in its simplicity.” He owns two works with the Coward connection. One by Coward himself and one which was in his collection. Henry is also engaged researching more generally Coward’s paintings and the circumstances in which he painted them. Henry is also now curating a collection of engravings by Scottish artist Francis West, and is hoping to take part in the Art Trail in 2017, combining the two by holding a central London exhibition of West’s engravings followed by an Art Trail display in E17. He believes he’s found his natural home in E17. Walthamstow lends itself beautifully to the work of an art dealer, he believes. “I’ve lived in E17 since 2001 and I’ve

watched it change out of all recognition,” he says. “There’s so much contemporary art here. I’m bringing historical pieces which although aren’t unusual to London in general, are rare in E17, but they’re being welcomed because the interest and enthusiasm for art and culture here is phenomenal.”

To make an appointment to see Henry’s collection, contact him on 020 8509 2044 / 07769 700290 or . To be included in the mailing list sign up at www.henrymillerfineart. and fill out the contact form.

Opposite page: Left: John Copley, (British 1875-1950), Athletes Dressing, 1912, Lithograph. Right: Dutch School, Portrait of Man in Black Coat and Lace Collar, circa 1630, Oil on panel. This page: Top left: Edgar A. Holloway, (British 1914-2008), Self-portrait no.6, 1932, Etching. Top right: Italian Academic Study Italian School, Male Academic Study, c.1700, Red chalk (sanguine) on paper. Bottom left: Sir Noël Coward, (British 1899-1973), The Duet, 20th Century, Pencil and oil on canvas board. Bottom right: Henry Miller in his home, photographed by Paul Tucker.

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Walthamstow Village Market

Here are some practical tips on creating warm surroundings, ready for those long, chilly evenings ahead when you might be spending more of your time indoors. Get all the windows covered. Glass convects the outside temperature; even with double-glazing this happens to a degree. A curtain can add colour and texture as well as being a layer of insulation. An uncovered window becomes a big dark rectangle during the winter evenings and this can be unconsciously gloomy. If you don’t have double-glazing, windows (especially sash windows) can let in a lot of cold air. Use masking tape to seal up the gaps for an instant result. It doesn’t look bad and can be easily removed without damaging the paintwork. The hallway is a large space to heat so a big curtain across the front door can really cut down on draughts. A cheap way of doing this is to buy heavy linen French bed sheets (available on Ebay). These come 2.5m long. If you want to co ordinate the colour with your décor they dye beautifully, as they are a 100% natural fabric. If you have stripped floors remember that there are airbricks below floor level to keep the floor joists ventilated and dry. This causes cold airflow into the room above through the gaps between the boards. Fill these in (look on YouTube for several ways on how to do this: the Scandinavians have it down to a fine art) or get rugs. Moroccan Boucherouite rag rugs are reasonably cheap and very colourful as well as being machine washable and quick to dry. What niggles you about your home? Email with your thoughts. To book a session with the House Doctor please email: or call 07725 645 359. FB Penny Fielding House Doctor To advertise your business contact 23

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It all starts with a space The best place to start is at the beginning – analyse the existing space and requirements, which will form the basis of the brief for the project. By thinking about how you are using the space now and how you want to improve it, you create guidelines that will help you in developing it. Our recent project “The Science Lab” in Forest Gate is a good example of how turning the house upside-down makes the most of the sun-flooded first floor whilst using the more private areas downstairs for bedrooms and bathrooms.

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This is what our client said: “Absolutely delighted with the work produced by made with volume, it will completely transform our house making it much more suited to our needs. Carlo was a pleasure to work with and always challenged us to think differently about the possibilities.” -Florence, Science Lab

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E~DEN a Directory of Useful Services & Beautiful Things for the Home To advertise call Stephen on 07719 967959 or email

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Lea Bridge Road E10 8 bed town house for sale Guide Price £850,000 This property could be an incredible opportunity for someone looking to restore a grand four story, eight bedroom Victorian town house. This property has been separated into individual bed sits and a large ground floor flat. There are original features hidden away all over this huge house. These include: original cornicing throughout the property, original sash windows and banisters and fire places. All of the chimney breasts are still intact and underneath the carpets you are sure to find original Victorian floor boards. There is an expansive cellar and attic offering further development opportunities. If you are looking to restore a Victorian house with a large private garden to create an immense, impressive family home this is one of the best we have seen

10 gallery


1. Morieux Road E17 1 bed flat for sale Offers in excess of £265,000


3. Capworth Street E10 2 bed flat for sale Guide Price £350,000

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4. Murchison Road E10 3 bed terraced house to rent £438 pw : £1,900 pcm

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Salop Road E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £715,000 With painted floorboards and a subtle pallet of colours used throughout the property, you will find it easy to introduce your own personality to each room. Original Victorian fireplaces and sash windows retain the Victorian character but the contemporary interior makes sure that the comforts of home are all very modern. Relax in the lounge or step through to the dining room and kitchen with its backdrop of contemporary units and youll be in a world of your own, free to get creative with some herbs and spices. Upstairs all four bedrooms are found off the split level stairs making each room feel very individual and decorated with a light bright touch, ready for its next occupant to enjoy. The converted top floor is the crowning glory as light floods in from the velux windows.

17 gallery


3. Pembroke Road E17 4 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £780,000



1. North Countess Road E17 3 bed flat for sale Offers in excess of £450,000 2. Roma Road E17 2 bed terraced house for sale Offers in excess of £525,000

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IK Constructions Ltd An established construction company specialising in extensions, loft conversions and internal refurbishments. High standards and attention to detail ensure client satisfaction and outstanding references. 28 To advertise your business contact 07984 795787

Improving your home. What are the possibilities? When starting on a project to alter, extend or improve your home, there are many sources of inspiration (Pinterest, glossy magazines etc.) The list is almost endless and it’s natural that you will feel inspired. However, it can be a bit disheartening when you come up against the mass of planning legislation and start wondering what you are actually allowed to build. But fear not, you may be surprised by just how much you can actually do without planning consent. Do I need planning permission? The good news is that most houses in the UK benefit from something called Permitted Development rights. Put simply, this means that there are certain works which you are allowed to do without planning permission. In general terms, Permitted Development rights apply to all houses except for those which are flats, Listed Buildings or properties which are located on Article 2(3) land (e.g. Conservation Areas etc.). In Conservation areas, some Permitted Development rights may be retained and it is usually possible to get planning consent for various different types of extension and external alteration. Where Permitted Development rights do not apply, planning permission will generally be required for extensions and external alterations. What am I allowed to build under Permitted Development rights? Permitted Development rights define allowable works within a number of classes. In very general terms, you can do the following works under Permitted Development: — Rear and side return extensions of up to 3m in depth (4m for detached houses). — Rear and side return extensions of up to 6m in depth (8m for detached houses), subject to a successful Prior Approval application. — Loft conversions with dormer extensions to the rear of the main roof and to the outrigger roof of terraced houses. — Conversion of a hipped roof to a gable. — Garden buildings (studio, home office etc.).

Why not visit our for detailed information on planning and Permitted Development? Matthew Eyles is an architect and partner in Matthew Eyles Architects. He has over 30 years’ experience in the architectural profession. To advertise your business contact 29

From Virtual to Reality The next step in creating your dream home is the increasingly popular use of Virtual Reality Goggles. With the current value of London property, there is a common desire to renovate our homes, creating the ultimate space for relaxation and entertaining. Using 2D plans to make key decisions in layout, design and functionality can prove difficult because many of us cannot visualise the space. We can’t fully understand how removing a wall, changing a door or creating an extension can change the way our homes are used and enjoyed. CGI or computer generated images revolutionised the property development industry with detailed images that look like photographs. In addition to facilitating critical design decisions, CGI images can help achieve planning permission and accurately cost a renovation job. Today however, we can go one great step further. 3D goggles have jumped the industry into virtual reality. The 3D images are loaded into virtual reality goggles. The graphics make your house feel like you are in a virtual game. If you are not sure if you want to add an island or a peninsula to your kitchen? Can’t decide where and how to build the staircase to your new basement or loft? This technology will let you ‘try before you buy’. It’s so realistic you may duck at a low doorway or feel like you may stumble down the staircase!

To find out more about how technology can better help you get the most from your home, please visit



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Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street where a number of large manor houses were used as weekend or summer retreats. Samuel Pepys’ bosses had houses here, and after visiting one of them Pepys described how they had drunk wine from a local vineyard and “the whole company said they never drank better foreign wine [than this one] in their lives”.

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If Martin Newnham’s life was measured like the rings of the trees he protects then the past year would have been a great one. He left the military after a successful career, got married and landed his dream job as Head Keeper of Epping Forest.

happy to chat with people but there are always individuals who don’t care about the damage they are doing.”

Martin and his constables provide a uniformed presence in the 6,000 acre forest enforcing its bylaws and preserving it for the enjoyment of future generations.

His constables patrol the forest on foot, quad bike and by four wheel drive, relying on the public to be their ‘eyes and ears’ reporting incidents or suspicious activity via a 24 hour phone line.

The forest forms a green corridor of open space, playing fields, grass plains and woodland stretching for more than 11 miles from Manor Park to its northern most point in Epping.

The 12-strong team is complimented by ‘forest gangs’ including tree surgeons, grass cutters, maintenance workers, eight full-time litter pickers as well as staff working in the visitors’ centres.

It was originally a royal hunting ground for King Henry VIII and anyone caught poaching game that included deer and wild boar faced the hangman’s rope.

A typical day on the beat includes investigating complaints, checking for boundary encroachments and evidence of various misdemeanours including fly-tipping, illegal camping and barbeques and vandalism.

Its modern day guardians aren’t so draconian but do have the power to arrest suspects and give evidence in court. Martin, who also holds the rank of chief inspector, says this is a last resort and prefers to educate rather than alienate people. “We’re here to preserve the forest and it is important to have the community on our side so we can work together. I’m always 32

Martin turned up late for our own meeting having been called out in the small hours to investigate complaints of an illegal party. He found a large group of teenagers celebrating the end of the school year and, with as much diplomacy as he could muster at 2am, broke up the festivities.

Photos: Portrait of Martin © Stephen Watkins; Pictures of the forest David Marks,

Guardians of the Forest

“It’s all part of the job,” smiles the 52-year-old remembering his own youthful rebellion when he joined the army much to the displeasure of his parents. He is less forgiving of individuals deliberately flouting bylaws for personal gain or damaging the forest’s delicate eco system. Illegal mushroom picking is a seasonal problem with Martin and constables stop and search people ‘picking on an industrial scale.’ He added: “We’ve caught people with several shopping bags full of mushroom and fungi. It’s madness because the population can’t recover from that level of harvesting.” The forest is also a haven for wildlife and plants including several species of rare birds, a herd of cattle, badgers and several species of hardy orchid. Some of its inhabitants are less welcome than others. For example Muntjac deer that originally escaped from Woburn Safari Park in the 1920s, a flock of green parakeets, terrapin turtles and even mink. An aggressive strain of crayfish has muscled out the locals and various fish and invasive plants like floating pennywort have gained a foothold in some of the forest’s 138 stretches of water. Many invasive species are left there by the public which can be an expensive mistake if you get caught. The Corporation of London offers a £500 reward for information leading to a successful prosecution and Martin has little sympathy for the culprits. “People think it’s a joke to empty the contents of their fish tank into a pond or river but it can cause serious problems if a species starts reproducing in numbers.” Have there been any sightings of big cats in the forest? “No although we did investigate reports of a big cat in a tree. It turned out of be a toy panther some joker had put up there.”

Martin is quick to point out the forest is generally very safe which is reflected in the low number of arrests. So how did a former Major in the British Army end up managing a 600 year-old forest? “It’s not as dramatic as it sounds,” he laughed. “Soldiers have a close relationship with the land because they live, train and forage on it and my duties included conservation, land management and forestry work. The Ministry of Defence owns large areas of land which are a haven for flora and fauna because there is little or no public access. It was a great place to learn.” In comparison, the forest has a huge footfall annually attracting more than five million visitors from dog walkers and joggers to horse riders and cyclists. Martin is aware that its preservation lies in the hands of the people who use it including a small army of volunteers who help with everything from pond clearance to footpath repairs and litter picking. He is putting his own roots down in the forest and lives rent free in a ‘grace and favour’ cottage. “It’s a funny old life. I grew up on a farm and all the things that made me want to escape it as a teenager like the slower pace of life and peace and quiet are what I hanker after now.” “A lot of people think of Epping as their forest which is good. It’s that ownership and responsibility that will protect it.”

If you would like to know more about Epping Forest including activities, events and volunteering opportunities go to .

The grittier aspects of managing a forest in one of the world’s biggest cities include prostitution and sex cruising sites and the team liaise with the Police and organisations like the Terence Higgins Trust.

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Leyton and Leytonstone Fire Brigade football team 1917.

Harrow Green Leytonstone Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee Sports Day Race 1897. Photograph by by Alfred Wire

Harrow Green Leytonstone Jubilee Sports Day. Photograph by Alfred Wire

Fun and Games These photos are from the collection of Vestry House Museum. Browse more photographs from the Museum’s archive and order prints online at 34

Photos © Vestry House Museum, London Borough of Waltham Forest

Fishing at Hollow Ponds, Leytonstone.

Football team in fancy dress to raise funds for a new ambulance station 1916.

Opening of the Whipps Cross Lido in 1932. The lido was reputed to be the largest in Britain at the time. It was filled in in 1983.

To advertise your business contact 35

Architectural historian, Karen Averby uncovers curiosities and stories from Walthamstow’s rich and varied past

The Story of 162 Hoe sTreet Originally from St Neots, Huntingdonshire, they moved to Islington soon after they married in 1855, and had at least nine children. George worked as a labourer for most of his life, and so the family rarely settled at one address for very long. By the time they moved to 162 c.1901 George and Mary Ann were in their late sixties; some of their children remained in Islington, although one son who moved to Walthamstow established a shoe and boot shop at 234 Hoe Street. Mary Ann died in 1904, and George moved away to the Hendon area where he died in 1908.

162 Hoe Street is perhaps best known for being home to the Small Wonder record shop and record label in the 1970s and 80s (see pages 10 & 11). Although only there for a relatively short time, it is a slice of life which forms part of the history of one of Walthamstow’s main streets. The building itself has seen many comings and goings for well over a century, providing a home to many businesses and families over the years, often for very short timespans.

House Histories Have you ever wondered who used to live in your house, or how it has changed over time?

Packages telling the story of your house available to suit all budgets. For a FREE consultation email Karen Averby


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Some of the earlier occupants include Manchester-born pattern card maker David Oswald and his wife Ruth, who moved to Walthamstow from Stratford with sons Alexander, Duncan and Daniel, and were living at 162 by 1891, although were only there for a few years. They were well-off enough to employ a live-in general servant, local girl Carrie Odent. Ruth died in 1902 and David remarried a year later; they settled at 61 Greenleaf Road. Bootmaker James Stephens moved into 162 with his boot dealer business, also in the 1890s. He and his wife Sarah Louisa and their rapidly expanding family had moved to Walthamstow from Clapton in the 1880s, and were living at Boston Road by 1891. Unfortunately James’ Hoe Street business failed in 1897, but the family stayed local and moved to nearby Hatherley Road. George and Mary Ann Lovett were amongst the poorer residents of 162.

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Fishmonger Arthur Methven and his wife Elsie (nee Wallis) lived at 162 in the 1930s with their daughter Gladys. Arthur and Elsie seemingly met when Elsie worked as an assistant for Arthur’s father who ran a successful fishmonger business. She was living with the family at the time of the 1911 census at 37 Cottenham Road, Walthamstow; the couple were married later that year. Interestingly, whilst at 162, neither Elsie nor Gladys worked with Arthur in the fishmongers: they both worked as draper’s assistants. These are mere glimpses of the lives of some of the former occupants of 162; there are, of course, countless others who passed through the door, all with their own stories. For the story of Small Wonder visit Hoe Street Central, Unit 3, Central Parade, Hoe Street, 5-24 September 2016.

Child compensation When is it appropriate to make a claim for compensation on behalf of a child? Maxine Dunn, a litigation executive at local solicitors Wiseman Lee explains what’s involved. Accidents happen, and for some children they happen a lot. In many cases, they are not to blame and their parents or guardians should make sure they receive fair compensation for injuries suffered. Children can be injured in exactly the same way as adults: road accidents, either as a passenger, cyclist or pedestrian; an accident at school or nursery; an accident at an amusement park or funfair; a trip or fall in a public place. In each case, if a third party was negligent or otherwise responsible for the accident, it may be possible to make a claim against them. The date by which you must make a claim does not start to run until the child reaches their 18th birthday. The limitation is three years, so any claim must be made before they reach the age of 21. As ever, there is no substitute for good advice. If your child has been injured through no fault of their own, speak to us to see whether or not a claim may be possible.

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Clare Farrow

Photo © Paul Tucker

Since leaving her job last year, dance professional Clare has had an eventful time. She has founded MovE17, a community dance group based at Gnome House and also E17Flash Mob which have been popping up to entertain an unsuspecting public in the most unusual places. Here she tells Paul Lindt why dance is for everyone no experience required.. Are you local? I’m originally from Broadstairs, Kent, but I hung up my bucket and spade to move to London 20 years ago and have lived in Walthamstow for 5 years. What do you love about the area? I love how friendly people are. There is a real sense of community here. For the first time living in London, I know my neighbours and chat to people in the street. I love there are so many artists and creatives and there’s a buzz about the place. Is there anything you’re less keen on? I nearly came a cropper on one of those mattresses left on the pavement. Where did your passion for dance and movement come from? My mum says I was always dancing. At the age of 4 I was choreographing to her Astrid Gilberto records. Making dance and sharing my love of great choreography is my passion in life. Tell us about your dance background. I trained as a professional ballet and contemporary dancer and started my own dance company in the late ‘90s. I then managed the festival programme at Dance Umbrella (London’s International Dance Festival) for 12 years. If you Google Trisha Brown Early Works at Tate Modern and bodies in urban spaces London, you’ll see a couple of projects I produced that I am most proud of. Tell us about MovE17. I had an epiphany moment and realised I really wanted to bring people together through dance. So I left my job last year and headed to the dance studio – Gnome House to be precise. MovE17 was quickly born. It’s for people who love to dance, do something a bit different and have fun meeting other locals. 38

Sometimes we create our own routines, sometimes we learn contemporary dance works by major artists. When the group designs their own original dance works, what’s the process? Our first devised piece was called ‘Finding Happiness in Walthamstow’. Through discussing our feelings about our wonderful borough, common words cropped up: peace, joy, exhilaration and community so these were the themes we explored. How can people get involved? Our classes run 7.30-9pm on Wednesdays at Gnome House during school term time. No previous dance experience is needed. Earlier this summer Move17 performed a mass dance as part of the Big Dance worldwide event in Trafalgar Square. It was amazing. A thousand Londoners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities came together and instantly became one community dance company. Big Dance is a bi-annual Mayor of London initiative and this year we learnt a piece by renowned choreographer Akram Khan to a score by Nitin Sawhney. Over 200,000 people from 44 countries performed the same piece at the same time on the same day. After our final performance I was so elated I hugged the nearest dancer to me who was a total stranger - not

something we Londoners experience daily but a lovely example of how community projects can instantly unite people. Seems like you’ve had a busy year tell us how this led to MovE17 performance for Sadiq Khan. By sheer coincidence the Big Dance producer lives in Walthamstow, he watched us rehearse and we were invited to perform for the then new London Mayor outside City Hall with 40 other London community dancers. It was a big press event and we were thrilled to appear on BBC London News and in the Evening Standard. You also have some other community groups in the area. I run Clare’s Dance Class in Walthamstow Village on Mondays - it’s a class for adults where I teach iconic routines from movies, musicals and pop videos. We laugh a lot and it’s a really sociable inclusive class. You’ve done flash mob performances in the past and have more planned I hear? Last year I set up E17FlashMob, a flash mob by the community for the community. I think people love the excitement of taking part, the secrecy involved and the look of surprise and delight on the unsuspecting public. Our first Flash Mob was part of last year’s E17 Art Trail. 60 people from 4-74 years learnt Uptown Funk and performed

it outside the Wildcard Brewery with the wonderful Natural Voices Choir. Your groups regularly perform with Natural Voices and other groups such as the Walthamstow Acoustic Massive. Lizzy, who runs Natural Voices is a dear friend and we have collaborated on many a song and dance in the borough. Our last venture was All That Jazz at the Vestry House Museum in June with my Walthamstow Clare’s Dance Class. We also performed a Charleston with the fabulous WAM at the Stow Festival. And what about Strictly First Dance, it sounds a great idea? Since 2004 I’ve been choreographing wedding couples’ first dances. When I first started it wasn’t that common, but now with shows like Strictly Come Dancing people have realised with a small amount of tuition and the right kind of encouragement you can look and feel really good. Do you think just about anybody can enjoy dance? If someone lacked confidence or said they had ‘two left feet’ what would you say to try to persuade them to have a go? People forget they’ve been dancing all their lives. I think it’s a matter of perception that if

you haven’t had years of training you can’t dance. I find untrained dancers’ movements beautiful and often reveal more about the person than a professional who’s trained for years. If someone lacks confidence, I’ve learnt if people like the look of what you’re doing they will join in. Why do you think dance groups work so well in a community context? I think MovE17 in a cast of 1,000 perform in Trafalgar Square this summer. people really enjoy the power of belonging to a group and Mob event, MovE17 and Clare’s Dance the power of moving in unison. As a nonClass restart from 5 September with new verbal form of communication dance can participants and new routines (I’m tapping instantly break down barriers between young my toes already). and old, English and non-English speaking And finally do you have one thing you’d people. I think community dance engenders like to see for Walthamstow and the a feeling of pride within the wider community area in the coming years? A black box and inspires people. studio theatre with retractable seating and Before we finish, what have you got a sprung dance floor please Santa. planned for the autumn? I’m speaking to Dance Umbrella about a possible performance that local residents can take @E17FlashMob part. Other highlights are: meeting potential partners and businesses for the grand Flash

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Walthamstow Diary

A festival for new and experienced growers This harvest edition includes: l Cultivate Produce Show l Gardeners’ Q&A Big Compost Giveaway l Crop Swap l Grow to Sell l People’s Food Fair l Kids Kitchen l Tours & a Treasure Hunt l Talks l Film l Workshops on Juicing, Pickling, Fermenting, Sprouting & Soil Science!


3-11 September 2016

Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17

Brace yourselves, this is a big confession, I’ve become obsessed with the engineering works on the railway. There you go, I’ve said it, and if anyone is still reading I’ll tell you why I’ve become so fascinated. The Gospel Oak Barking Line, or the GOBLIN to use its nickname, is being electrified, and it’s a much bigger project than simply slinging up some power lines. The track is too high and the bridges are too low to accommodate the overhead cables, so the track is having to be dug out and lowered. It’s like watching an episode of that Crossrail documentary, but in real life. If I spend much more time standing on the Queens Road railway bridge watching the works, someone will likely buy me an anorak and call me a train spotter, but I don’t care, I love it, to quote Julian Clary, I am feeling strangely drawn. I just can’t help myself, every time I cross the bridge and look down at the railway, the scale of the works boggles my mind. Heavy machinery, an army of workers, excavations and re-building, this is engineering on an epic scale. Call me dull if you want, but I’ve released my inner geek, and I really like it. 40

Waltham Forest Council’s Urban Food Growing Festival

L t IA ur n C R E FE yo e SP F ff ntm O o oi % pp 25 t a s fir

With no column to write for the E List over the summer months, I’ve been left drifting and purposeless, desperately trying to find something to fill the time usually occupied by writing. In an effort to fill the void, I’ve been hanging out in cafes, going to the park, and spending too much time in the Chequers, which you could argue is business as usual. There’s been no shortage of stuff to do of course, the Garden Party was amazing as always, the new cafe opened in Central Parade, and more than a few sunny weekend afternoons have been spent in the car park outside Wildcard. Oh yes, there’s been lots to occupy me this summer, but one thing in particular grabbed my attention, and no one is more surprised than me that I have become so fascinated with it.

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The Magpie’s beady eyes are on the look-out for the shiniest, funniest remarks, witty retorts and bizarre sightings to steal from the borough’s social media channels. Thanks this month to Twitter, Greater Leyton Tourism Board, Walthamstow Life, Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board and F*ckwit Club groups

Photographs: © Anne Marie Silbiger, Melanie Briggs, Ray Milo, @spookyjulie, Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board, Melanie Coles

The Jesus folk of #Walthamstow are getting wonderfully creative with their marketing! @spookyjulie

Heard someone has described themselves as ‘Walthamstow new money’ tut tut tut @Chipswithdipsuk The ugly side of gentrification in #E17 @UncalmItalian It’s even worse than us describing ourselves as @Chipswithdipsuk ‘upper working class’ But you triple cook your chips, so you ARE @UncalmItalian ‘upper working class’ LOL Rare Pokemon found near Hoe Street NO: It was last seen contemplating heading into the Village area but was not sure what the rules are for magical ponies going through Mini Holland WUTB: Non peak times only according to LBWF Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board Boarding the 158 at Stratford station is like running the gauntlet in an episode of Gladiators #ContendersReady @StowDiary It’s hot outside so make sure you carry enough water today. Outrage can be quite dehydrating. Greater Leyton Tourism Board

Hollow Ponds terrapins, who knew? (Well apparently quite a lot of people) @owenbooth Anyone missing a doner kebab? My cat just brought one home. TN: Dinner sorted! MR: Just like my cat, always brings me things that I like! MB: Sending her back out to get some cider JH: She’s a beauty! And useful if you fancy a takeaway too. My cat needs to up her game..... JR: Oh no! Were you able to save it or did you have to humanely destroy it? MB: I got my husband to chuck it in our brown bin. The kebab, not the cat. JR: I suspect she’s recently started a job with Deliveroo and there’s a very hungry, disappointed drunk person somewhere in Walthamstow waiting for the kebab that will never arrive... MB: It’s about time she earned her keep, TBH MJ: Our cat brings home all sorts, Costa paper cups, kids shoes, tissues, a baby’s dummy, even gardening gloves. Her name is Gremlin TD: The only thing my Tortie brings home is half the forest in her tail :O( SL: this is an example of a little-known biological phenomenon, the ‘seed-bearing cat’. MJ: Our cat Gremlin does the same, sometimes it’s the really prickly stuff, it’s fun trying to get that out!! :-) TD: MJ, she’s not your regular loving kitty, more like your worst nightmare with claws #highlystrung #naughtytortie MJ: like the Freddy Kruger feline version :-(. Walthamstow Life

#E17 #E17inLiterature


In the outdoor gym this morning I spotted this [above]. A magnificent mushroom?! Anyone seen this before? FQ: Looks like someone just vomited pizza CR: Alien first contact? SM Eat it! AS: You eat it! SM: No you eat it! ZS: How about you both just go halfs! TG: It’s a fungus called Chicken of the Woods. Unmistakeable. Google it. Just had some on toast for lunch! Succulent, firm, mild in flavour. In other words, quite chickeny! Walthamstow Life Whichever f*ckwit put up this sign the wrong way round, you’d have thought they’d have noticed by now... PM: Is that not in Russia? ST: It’s the little town of NOTYEL in Cumbria AF: And the gap between the O and N is seriously disturbing MD: Very poor kerning as well SM: *looks up ‘kerning’* F*ckwit Club Gold again for @TeamGB in dressage. Will this inspire @wfcouncil to fast track proposals for dedicated horse lanes in E17?? @mini_gymkhana

I WANT one! As seen in The Stow Walthamstow Life 41

Images: Left ‘Mutable Object 2’ by Kate Banazi; Top right ‘Northern Lights #1’ by Mark McClure; Bottom right: ‘Sticks 1’ by Sophie Smallhorn. All prints available at

Look Up Geometry, Line, Pattern, Colour Throughout September, Walthamstow Village Window Gallery is showcasing colourful prints from the launch collection of Look Up – a new creative business based in E17. There’s a real buzz around Walthamstow these days, with creative businesses popping up from Blackhorse Road to Wood Street and everywhere in between. One of the latest additions is Look Up, a new online print gallery that celebrates the creative potential of geometry, line, pattern and colour. It might be an online business, but Look Up is very much a Walthamstow affair – based a short walk from The Bell, it was founded by local residents Steven Bateman and Rachel Smith. Look Up launched this summer with a collection of affordable limited edition prints by fifteen handpicked artists. The WVWG

exhibition presents work by Frea Buckler and Sophie Smallhorn (both featured in this year’s Royal Academy Summer Show), and Mark McClure – a Walthamstow-based artist whose geometric murals can be seen throughout E17. Also featured are Kate Banazi, Yann Brien, Bonnie Craig, William Edmonds, Kate Gibb, Fiona Grady, Chris James, Sam Kerr, Josie Molloy, Nounua, Charlie Patterson and Supermundane. Visit the Look Up website and you’ll find profiles of each artist and more information on the prints – all of which are exclusive to Look Up. The concept behind Look Up is relatively simple, and it’s a refreshing alternative to

other online print stores. They represent a more focused aesthetic, showcasing a curated collection of prints by both established and up-and-coming artists. Far from being a purely commercial venture, their ultimate goal is to offer artists a fairer share of the profits while raising their profile through continued promotion, introducing their work to new audiences via social media, blogs, press, and exhibitions. It’s early days, but with its colourful collection of prints and a cast of talented artists, things are definitely looking up for one of the newest names on E17’s creative scene.

Look Up, 3–25 September 2016. Walthamstow Window Gallery, 47 Orford Rd E17 9NJ 42

Help transform Wood Street community space This month a derelict Edwardian building and surrounding garden in Wood Street needs volunteers to help transform it for use by the community – it’s easy to get involved in shaping its history. This month sees the start of the transformation of the Manual Instruction Centre (MIC), the official name for the striking Edwardian building on the corner of Barrett Road, and Wood Street. All day Sunday 4th September, between 10am and 4pm - everyone is invited to help clear up the building and weeding the fly-tipped gardens. The aim by the Friends of The Manual Instruction Centre, made up of local resident volunteers, is to claim back the derelict land and repurpose it for community use.

Once part of Warwick School for Boys which became Woodside, the MIC (one of four in the local area) was built in 1905 and was used for handiwork and manual crafts lessons until the 80s. Not much else is known about its history. “We’ve had so much support and interest from the local community,” explains Angharad Briggs of Friends of the MIC. “This will be an opportunity to chat face-to-face about ideas for the site. All equipment and refreshments will be provided if you fancy pulling some weeds.

For more details see the Friends of the Manual Instruction Centre on facebook at friendsofthemanualinstructioncentreE17 or call Angharad Briggs on 07815 777 238.













This month in town


Exhibitions & weekly events Arts & Crafts Until 4 Sept Walthamstow & District Photographic Society Summer Exhibition Winns Gallery, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 5JW An exhibition of members recent work, a mix of contemporary and traditional photography. Daily 11-5pm. FREE. Andy Charles 020 8521 6958 Until 13 September Home The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA This group show explores the artists’ interpretation of Home; why so many of us have chosen to live here. Tues-Fri 9.30am-6pm, Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. FREE.

Until 16 Sept NEW Raw Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road, E17 4PJ This month’s curated group show brings together local visual artists working in a range of 2D media exploring the visceral theme of ‘RAW’. Open cafe hours 7am-6pm daily. FREE. 9 Sept-1 Oct NEW The Greatest Little Art Show & Raffle The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Exhibition of postcards created especially by 100 artists (maybe even some famous ones) raising funds for community hub The Mill and 50 beds at the emergency night shelter. Raffle tickets available online or in person at The Mill. Grand raffle gala day 1 October. Open during normal Mill hours: Tues-Fri 9.30am-6pm, Sat-Sun 10am-2pm. FREE.

3-25 September NEW Look Up / Geometry, Line, Pattern, Colour Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ Affordable exclusive prints by online gallery Look Up’s fifteen handpicked artists, exploring and celebrating the creative potential of geometry, line, pattern and colour, see feature opposite. Also preview party Thursday 8 September, 7-9pm. Exhibition open daylight hours and lit until midnight. FREE.

2 Sept-30 Nov NEW Hafeez Saeed Photographs Le Delice, 114 Hoe Street E17 4QR Delve into the artistic work of local photographer Hafeez Saeed as he explores themes of faith, culture and design, showcasing part of his architecture and street portfolio. Prints and canvases available for sale. 8am10pm daily. FREE. Events marked

kid friendly

To advertise your business contact 43













2-11 September NEW Highams Park Festival Art Trail: Home Various venues in Highams Park Local artists have responded to the theme of ‘Home’ to bring 25 free and family friendly exhibitions across 19 venues including shops and cafes. See the website for full listings. FREE.

Tuesdays Rowan’s Weekly Quiz The Bell, 617 Forest Road E17 4NE 8-10.30pm. £1.50 per person

8 Sept-2 Oct NEW Eugene Macki: Among Others The Stone Space, 6 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG The show presents four recent works that focus on the paradox of dividing and connecting. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE.

Tuesdays Quiz On Your Face The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL 8-10.30pm. £1 per person

1-30 Sept NEW Alan Smith: Not Shy But Retiring Pictorem Gallery, 383 Hoe Street E17 9AP A small exhibition with big names from the UK art scene to mark Alan’s retirement from The Royal College of Art where he’s run the etching area for 32 years. Tues-Sat 9am-5.30pm. FREE. 020 8520 0340 17 Sept-13 Oct NEW Panic Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road, E17 4PJ Hot on the heels of Raw this next group show is built around the emotive theme of ‘Panic’. Open cafe hours 7am-6pm daily. FREE. Thursdays Craft Workshop for Parents The Paradox Community Centre, 3 Ching Way, Chingford E4 8YD All classes are experimental and fun! Learn new techniques each week with different materials through painting, recycling, embroidery and much more. Make friends and get creative, kids are welcome too! 9.30-11.30am. FREE. Elizabeth 020 8496 1551

Quizzes & Games Sundays General Knowledge Quiz Night The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH 8.30-11pm, £1.50 per person. Mondays Red Lion Quiz Night The Red Lion, 640 High Road, Leytonstone E11 3AA 7.30-11.30pm. Thursdays Neil’s Music Quiz The Flowerpot, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX 9-11pm. £1 per person Events marked

Mondays Mirth’s General Knowledge Quiz Mirth, Marvel & Maud 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH 7.30pm. £2 per person

Tuesdays Big Quiz Night The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL 8.30-11pm. £1.50 per person Wednesdays Leyton Technical Quiz Night 265 High Road, Leyton E10 5QN 8-10.30pm. £2 per person

Gardening & Environment Until 1 October Water and Life: The Story of Walthamstow Wetlands Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH In 2017 Walthamstow Reservoirs will reopen as London’s largest wetland nature reserve. Discover more about the story of the Wetlands – past and present. Weds-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 020 8496 4391 Fridays Lloyd Park Green Gym Meet outside the Stables, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP Get involved with the Conservation Volunteers to get physically active and feel good whilst improving the local environment. 11am-2pm. FREE. Gareth 020 8533 8022 Tuesdays Chingford Green Gym Ridgeway Park, The Ridgeway, Old Church Road, Chingford E4 6XU As Lloyd Park Green Gym but different venue and time. 10am-1pm.

Family Wednesdays Brownies in Wood Street Peterhouse Centre, 122 Forest Rise/ Upper Walthamstow Road E17 3PW Are you aged 7-10? Would you like to be a Brownie? Here at the 22nd Walthamstow Brownies we have lots of fun and get to go on some fantastic trips. Please email to find out more. 6.30-8.30pm. £3. Carole at


- not shy but retiring

A small exhibition to mark Alan’s retirement from The Royal College of Art where he ran the Etching area for 32 years. During this time he met all but two of the people whose works are exhibited – who he already knew. Some he met at the College and then some socially, occasionally both.

Artists include; Norman Ackroyd CBE RA, Stephen Chambers RA, Eileen Cooper OBE RA, Mila Furstova RWA, Tony Dyson RE, Cathy Pilkington RA and Chris Orr MBE RA amongst others.

Pictorem Gallery 1–30 September 383 Hoe Street , Walthamstow E17 9AP Open Tuesdays – Saturdays 9am to 5.30pm. Saturdays Philosophy & Art Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY We aim to inspire kids with animated discussions on questions that concern your children and all of us with this innovative, interactive session. Open your children’s minds to the wonders of philosophy. Allow them to grapple with the questions philosophers have discussed since the ancient Greeks such as ‘Who are your friends?’ ‘Can computers think?’ 1.30-3.30pm. £12, discount for sibling. Search for Fridaplato Tuesdays & Thursdays Magic Box: Interactive Storytelling Sessions for 2-ish to 5-year olds Mothers’ Hub, 133 Wood Street E17 3LX What’s inside the Magic Box today? Join a host of different characters, from Dahlia the Dinosaur to Captain Wonkynose, as they lead you on exciting and interactive storytelling adventures! Coffee and cake included. 10-11am. £5 each or £8 for 2 kids. 07958 772669 Thursdays Tiny Tempo The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH A fun introduction to musical concepts using singing, instrument playing, listening and dancing! With guitars, ukuleles, and a lot of energy, fun is had by all. 10-11am. £5 for one child, £8 for two children.

Thursdays 15 Sept-13 Oct NEW Junior Art at The Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Make an Alien! Five making and painting sessions with David for youngsters 6 years and over. Can be messy! Under 8s must be accompanied by an adult. Limited places. 4-5.30pm. £2 donation per child per session. David Hughes 020 8521 3211 Saturdays (term time only) Dads R Us Walthamstow West Children’s Centre, 215 Queens Road E17 8PJ Give Mum a break and enjoy quality fun time with your child/ren. Choice of structured and unstructured play, indoors and outdoors, including music, arts and crafts, woodwork and more. 10.30am-12.30pm. £2 per family. No need to book, just drop in. 07794 758864 Monday-Friday, except Tuesdays (term-time only) Bongalong for under 5s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Fun, creative music, movement and make believe - a lively mix of singing, dancing, let’s pretend and fab percussion instruments. Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays 10am and 11am sessions plus 1.30pm on Mondays and 11am only on Wednesdays. £5.25 booked termly. 07811 460282

kid friendly

44 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.




26 Nov – 08 Jan 020 8985 2424

*Book and pay before 30 Sep. See website for applicable performances.

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 45

ART Tuesdays Bongalong for under 5s Greenleaf Road Baptist Church, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ As previous page except different venue. 1.30pm. Mon, Weds & Thurs Bongalong for under 1s St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF As previous page. Mondays 2.30pm, Wednesdays 10am and Thursdays 1.30 and 2.30pm.

Social & Networking Saturdays until December NEW Youth Club Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A weekly drop in youth club for 10-14 year olds. Games, sports, arts, trips and more. 11.30am-2.30pm. FREE but donations welcome. Chantelle Michaux 07535 326157 2-11 September NEW Highams Park Festival of Arts & Culture 2016 Various venues in Highams Park This year’s festival features 50+ events, activities and exhibitions across Highams Park. Highlights include Art Trail; workshops for children 0-100; David Lynch film lecture; Flea and Tea Market and a Gin and Sympathy evening! All are welcome and most events are FREE. Mondays Lloyd Park Walk for Women Meet outside the park cafe, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP A free and friendly women-only walk in Lloyd Park. All abilities welcome. Wear sensible clothing and flat shoes. Email or call for more info. 10-10.45am. FREE. 020 8496 2822

LGBT Last Friday of the month Walthamstow Gay Meetup Check meet up site for venue Friendly, convivial evening of like-minded people having a great time around a drink or two with good conversations, fun and lots of laughter. 8-10pm. FREE, membership £5 per year. Jean-Francois at Club Mellow at East London Out Project ELOP Centre, 56-60 Grove Road, E17 9BN Providing various spaces for lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans* people who want to meet up with others in a friendly, supportive environment Richard 020 8509 3898



Wednesdays Club Mellow: 13-15s Group At ELOP Centre. 4.30-6.30pm. £1. Wednesdays Club Mellow: 15-18s Group At ELOP Centre. 7-9pm. £1. 2nd & 4th Mondays Club Mellow: 18-25s Group AT ELOP Centre. 7-9.30pm. £2. Thursdays Club Mellow: LGBT Social Support Group At ELOP Centre. 2.30-4.30pm. £2. 3rd Monday of the month Club Mellow: Women’s Group At ELOP Centre. 7-9.30pm. £2. 4th Tuesday of the month Club Mellow: LGBT Hate Crime Support Group At ELOP Centre. Opportunity to share your experiences, learn how to report hate crime incidents, learn about the process of investigation, prosecution and your rights, and gain peer support. 5-7pm. FREE. Tuesdays Club Mellow: Asylum Seeker & Refugee Support Group At ELOP Centre. A varied programme of activities and offers opportunities for peer support and self-help. 2.304.30pm. FREE. 3rd Sunday of the month Rainbow Family Sundays Meeting at various venues, offering an opportunity for LGBT parents and carers with children of all ages to meet, socialise and build support networks, offering older children the opportunity to meet other LGBT families and develop a positive sense of self and identity. Call or join mailing list for latest venue. Adults £2, children £1.

Shopping Fridays NEW Night Feast Walthamstow Town Square E17 4HU A new night market offering street food, drinks, produce, arts & crafts, kids area and entertainment, showcasing local traders and offering a great night out for the family. 5-10pm.

Food Markets Saturdays Walthamstow Village Market Community Hub (former Asian Centre) 18A Orford Road E17 9LN A family-friendly fine food market showcasing local produce and hot food traders. Dogs welcome. 10.30am-3pm.

Events marked

DANCE/FITNESS Saturdays OrganicLea Market Stall The Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Organic and local sustainably grown fruit, vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. Healthy Start vouchers can be used. 10am-3pm. our-market-stall Saturdays Community Local Produce Market Stall with OrganicLea & Transition Leytonstone St John’s Church, Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG As above. 10am-3pm. Sundays Farmers’ Market Town Square, Walthamstow E17 4HU Stalls offering a changing, seasonal selection of meat, game and poultry, cheese, eggs, fruit, vegetables, cider, baked goods, honey, plants and herbs, seafood, pies, quiches and cakes. Please note, some stalls may take a week off without notice. 10am-2pm.

Sport & Fitness Sundays Wynwood Running Club Meet at Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Hate lie-ins? Fancy running? Here’s a reason to get up on a Sunday morning. Meet at Wynwood at 9am. FREE. Twitter @J_Matuszek Saturdays Walthamstow Parkrun Peter May Sports Ground, Wadham Road E17 4HR A free, timed weekly 5km run around the park, for your own enjoyment. Whatever your pace! Register online for your free race time barcode to print before your first race. 9-10.30am. FREE. Richard Parr 07866 616454

Music, choirs & karaoke Wednesdays from Sept 7 Natural Voices: Mixed Choirs for Men & Women Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR and The Northcote Arms Pub, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Singing with a twist of fun. We do glorious covers of pop, soul, rock, jazz and comedy songs. Beginners welcome, no auditions and no sight-reading. Choose from Leyton or Walthamstow venues. 7.30-9pm. £8 paid termly or £10 drop-in, free taster. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338



Until December Beginner Music Groups NEW Waltham Forest Music Service, 12 Church Hill E17 3AG The Music School are offering their Beginners music groups for children for free this Autumn Term. Children can try out something new to develop their musical skills, and it’s a fun and sociable experience too! 4-8pm. FREE. 0208 496 1584 Tuesdays Weekly Singer/Songwriter Night Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Every week various different singers and songwriters join our stage for your entertainment. Includes resident and guest performers. 8-11pm. FREE. Erika 07950 899431 12, 26 & 29 Sept NEW HarmonyE4 Winchester Road Methodist Church, Winchester Road, Highams Park E4 9JP A fortnightly choir for Highams Park. Meet on Mondays and last Thursday of each month. 7.30-10pm. £5. Kate Milner 07969 269107 Thursdays Daytime Choir for Parents & Childminders St Michael & All Angels Church Hall, Northcote Road E17 6PQ A great way to start the day, come and sing with this friendly group, and bring your little ones, we have toys to entertain them! All abilities welcome. 10-11am. £5. Mondays Waltham Forest Community Choir St Mary’s Church, Church Hill E17 9RJ A friendly choir with a wide-ranging repertoire. No audition required. Open to all adults living or working in Waltham Forest but we’re actively looking for tenors and basses! 7.309pm. £5 and termly subscription. 07954 740745 Mondays Sing at the WO The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Join our community choir. Absolutely no auditions, all abilities welcome. Raise your voice and lift your spirits as part of an adult choir where you call the tunes. Inclusive, informal and fun. 7.30-9pm. £7, £6 in advance and free taster. Laura 07813 686980

kid friendly

46 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Wednesdays Open Mic Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Talent wanted for Luna Lounge’s weekly open mic night. Take the stage or meet new people with the same love for live music, poetry or storytelling. 8pmmidnight. FREE.

Circle Dancing Welcome Centre, St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End E17 9RJ An afternoon opportunity for dancing in a ring to world music. No need for a partner and beginners welcome. On the first Thursday of the month. 1.303.30pm. £4 includes refreshments.

Thursdays Acoustic Showcase The Village Pub, 31 Orford Road E17 9NL Talented musicians play acoustic sets of original music and covers in the warm and friendly atmosphere of the Village Pub. Interested in performing? Please email Gabriel. 8-11pm. FREE.

Woodford & Warner Caribbean Supper Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ Delicious home cooked Caribbean food at this tasty pop up in the Gin Palace. Spicy goodness served from 6ish until we run out. Takeaway available. No need to book just turn up and tuck in. 6.30-10pm. Dish prices vary.

Thursdays Live Music at Leyton Technical Leyton Technical 65 High Road, Leyton E10 5QN A genre-hopping live music night with a different band every week. From 9.30pm. FREE. Sundays (term time only) Natural Voices: Seniors Youth Choirs Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Fun funky choir for teens from 11-20 years. No experience required. 11am12pm. £5 paid termly or £6 drop-in. Lizzy Renihan 07950 204338 Sundays Open Mic Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU The Open Mic/jam session formerly known as the Princess Of Wails in Stratford is now at the Sinbin. 7-11.30pm. FREE. Performers please sign up in advance. Ed 07533 851205

Calendar of events Thursday 1 Sept The Pantaloons present The Canterbury Tales Forty Hall Estate, Forty Hill, Enfield, EN2 9HA A cast of just five actors present every single one of Geoffrey Chaucer’s timeless tales in under two hours. Join the pilgrims for puppetry and poetry, music and magic, talking chickens and burnt bottoms. 7-9pm. £15, £13 concessions, £10 children. Family tickets available. 020 8807 6680

Events marked


kid friendly




Friday 2 Sept

Hornbeam Nights: Soulfulised! The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH On the first Friday of each month DJ Fitzroy Andrew presents his soul, jazz and conscious hip-hop for East London Radio. 7.30-11pm, FREE. Happy Hour until 8.30pm. Eastern Front Soundsystem The Chequers, 145 High Street/Storey Road E17 7BX Eclectic, leftfield and balearic disco vibes all night long from the Eastern Front DJs and friends. 8pm-midnight. FREE. Up’n’Under Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR Up’n’Under follows the story of an inept pub team from the Wheatsheaf Arms who play in a 7-a-side league in the Hull area. Song, laughter, banter and live rugby on stage. Not suitable for younger children. Mild sexual references and bad language. 8-10pm £8/£5 conc in advance, £9/£6 on the door. Danielle Keene 020 8504 3872 Late Night Jazz The William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Road E17 4JD Cool late night jazz, in this stylish bar on the first Friday of each month, with the Paul Kaufman quartet plus guests. 10pm-midnight. FREE entry.

Saturday 3 Sept Waltham Forest Young Producers’ Programme Le Délice, 114 Hoe Street, E17 4QR An opportunity for young people (aged 14-18 years) to produce their own event for this year’s Stow Festival and find out about different careers in the music industry. 10.30am-12pm. FREE.

Crash Festival The Duke, 112 Wood Street E17 3HX One day music festival with a cracking list of live bands all day long from 12pm - then DJ’s taking us into the early hours. Kids under 15 FREE. Advance adult tickets are £15 and include one of our great burgers and a beer or £10 excluding offer. Tickets sold at the door on the day do not include the burger. 12pm-1am. £15. 020 8521 1361 One Word: Barnaby Barford Signal Walk, outside Tesco, Larkshill Road, Highams Park E4 9JD Artist Barnaby Barford invites you to take part in a sculptural installation by writing your deepest desire on a tennis ball; in ONE word. Juxtapositions and narratives will build within the installation as it grows. Materials provided. 11am-3pm. FREE. Local Seasonal Lunch KukooLaLa community cafe in Leyton Jubilee Park, The Cottage, 3 Marsh Lane E10 7BL Delicious buffet lunch in a beautiful setting with fun family games and activities. Free lunch if you bring a local, seasonal lunch to share. 12-3pm. £5, £1 kids or FREE if you bring a dish.

Up’n’Under Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR As Fri 2. Performances at 2.30 & 8pm Underline at Blackhorse Workshop Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Free craft workshops to celebrate the revival of east London’s craft heritage. Booking essential. Blackhorse Street food and Makers’ Market returns! 11am-5pm. FREE. Mhairi 020 8531 1612 Growing Fruit: An Introduction Ive Farm Pocket Farm, Ive Farm Close, Leyton E10 5HQ Getting started with growing fruit? Confused about rootstocks or pruning? A back-to-basics workshop to help you plan your fruit garden. 11am-1pm. FREE, but booking online recommended.

To advertise your business contact 47



Thursday 1 Sept continued Homegrown Medicine: A Herbal Stow Treasure Hunt St Saviour’s Church, Markhouse Road E17 8EP We will explore our neighbourhood through the medium of plant medicine! Join E17 community herbalists Gail Farrow and Rasheeqa Ahmad for a treasure trail around Walthamstow. 2-4pm. FREE. 07784 506494 September Mini-Festival The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG The Per$ecuted headline the WO’s monthly mini-festival this time around. The superb James Perryman and his band make their debut. More acts TBA. Check the website for updates. 6-11pm. FREE with a collection. High Heels and Muddy Boots Welcome Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY Starlighter Musical Theatre Company presents a revue of songs and sketches in memory of our founders Don Munro and Anton Copley. We will be raising money for local charity Crest of Waltham Forest. 7.30-10.30pm. £8, £6 seniors and under 16s. Kath Wood 020 8923 5416 Closet Vinyl The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Be a DJ in the friendliest pub in London. Bring in your vinyl, come nice and early to get a 20 minute guest spot and watch us dance like crazy to your music! 8pm-midnight. FREE.

Sunday 4 Sept 130th Anniversary of Essex County Cricket Club & Leyton Sports Ground Leyton Cricket Ground, High Road, Leyton E10 6RJ Family-friendly sports tasters such as boxing and cricket. Also display in pavilion of history of the ground and current sports providers. 12-6pm. FREE. Doreen Harding 020 8539 9474 Manual Instruction Centre: Community Clean-Up Day Meet outside the Manual Instruction Centre, Barrett/Brooke Road E17 3NB Volunteers needed to join Friends of the MIC for a day of weeding, tidying, painting and planting. Wear sensible clothing and footwear. Refreshments provided. Supervised children welcome too. 10am-4pm. Twitter @E17_MIC Events marked


Plant, Seed and Produce Swap Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Residents can bring their excess produce and seeds and swap them in the Vestry House garden. Horticultural experts will be on hand to guide you. Stalls and refreshments. 12-4pm. FREE. Spirit of Ukraine Festival Forty Hall Estate, Forty Hill, Enfield, EN2 9HA Join in arts and crafts, children’s activities and face painting. Enjoy traditional Ukrainian music, dance, food and sample the beverages at the Ukrainian Beer Tent. 12-5pm. FREE. 0208 807 6680 One Word: Barnaby Barford Signal Walk, outside Tesco, Larkshill Road, Highams Park E4 9JD See Sat 3 for details Open Garden: Chef supported Agriculture Cottage Garden, Leyton Jubilee Park, Marsh Lane, Seymour Road, Leyton E1 7BL OrganicLea and Michelin-starred restaurant Clove Club have a trial plot in Leyton. Keen to welcome chefs, grocery shop owners and retailers but all are welcome! 11am-2pm. FREE. Church Lane Market at Leytonstone Get Together Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HE Arts and crafts, gifts and family fun at a special market as part of the annual Leytonstone Get Together. Stalls, food and live bands in a car-free Leytonstone town centre for the afternoon. 1-6pm. FREE entry. Cultivate Produce Show at Leytonstone Get Together Cultivate Marquee, grounds of St John the Baptist Church, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH Whether you’re a first time food grower or an experienced harvester, join us in celebrating your season’s growing successes. Stay and enjoy a delicious programme of food tastings, cookery demonstrations, practical workshops and a children’s area. 1-6pm. Build a Giant Nest & Bird Mask Workshop Larks Wood, Ropers Avenue Entrance, Highams Park E4 9EH Fly along to Larks Wood and join sculptor Michelle Reader in building a human-sized nest from a mix of man-made and natural materials. Plus make bird masks with your little chicks. Materials provided. 2-5pm. FREE.

DANCE/FITNESS High Heels and Muddy Boots Welcome Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY See Sat 3 for details Dana & Susan Robinson at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Dana and Susan are two interpreters of the American experience. Their unique blend of contemporary songwriting and traditional Appalachian music bring to their performances a deep understanding of America’s musical heritage. 7.30-10.30pm. £7.

Monday 5 Sept Art, Food & Environment: E17 Art Trail Idea Sparks - Talk Series William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP The first of 6 monthly talks to generate ideas for E17 Art Trail 2017. Speakers include Rosalind Fowler and Tasha Marks. Includes Seed Packet art project, bring empty packets along! 7-9pm. FREE but please book a place via



Wednesday 7 Sept Open Mic Night Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Eran is your host, so make sure you get in early to add your name to the list of performers. 8-11pm. FREE. Under 5s Nature Explorers: Birds Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 4PP A ramble round Lloyd Park focussing on this month’s topic of birds followed by stories and a healthy snack. Often includes crafts and other activities. Children must be accompanied by an adult. 10am-12.30pm. FREE but donations welcome. Vicky Peet 07870 678571

Tuesday 6 Sept

Curator Tour: Useful and Beautiful William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP A curator led tour of the most special textiles in the William Morris Gallery’s collection. From embroidery to tapestry, carpets, woven and printed designs, this tour includes a visit behind-the-scenes. 11am-12pm. £7, booking essential. 020 8496 4390

The Tuesday Sociable Sewing Group The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A fortnightly drop-in group for sewers of all levels. An experienced sewer will be on hand to help if needed. Bring your sewing, darning, mending, patchwork. Have fun with fabrics! 10am-1pm. £1 donation plus small cost of materials. Natasha 020 8521 3211

Food Future: Young People’s Forum Leyton Cricket Ground, High Road, Leyton E10 6RJ This forum is for any young person, 14+ who is concerned about the future of food. Creative arts workshop will include drama, hip hop and other activities. 4-8pm. FREE.

Composting Made Easy Ive Farm Pocket Farm, Ive Farm Close, Leyton E10 5HQ Interested in composting? Reducing food waste? Join a practical workshop and learn about composting at home and in the community. 6-8pm. FREE. Waltham Forest Reiki Project Waltham Forest Community Hub, 18A Orford Road E17 9LN Reiki is a form of healing that works by transmitting the life force energy that flows through all living things and lifts any blocks. 1-2-1 sessions, all welcome. 7-9pm. FREE, but donations appreciated. Andy 07940 579055

Soil Secrets Walthamstow Library, High Street E17 7JN Looking at life beneath our feet - and discussing practical solutions for optimum soil health and fertility. 6.30-8.30pm. FREE. Pixie presents: Dr Woof The William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Rd E17 4JD Drag sensation Dr Woof, a Pride’s Got Talent Cabaret Finalist, will be live on stage at 9pm. 7pm-midnight. £5. Pixie 07415 295176 The Blazing Zoos / The Verklempt Family What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB The Blazing Zoos are a barnstorming country rock band. The Verklempt Family cook up a roots country stew, with Byrds-esque harmonies layered on refracked Americana. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

kid friendly

48 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Thursday 8 Sept Creative Kids: Play with Clay William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Play, make and get hands-on with Creative Kids, a regular session for children under 5. Visit Clare Twomey’s exhibition and discover the fun things you can do and make with clay. 1011.30am; repeated 1-2.30pm. FREE but booking essential. 020 8496 4390 Local Roots, Global Shoots: Film & Discussion Night The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH A night of short films and discussions linking local food growing and global food systems. Learn about the food sovereignty movement at local and global level. 6-9.30pm. FREE. Look Up / Geometry, Line, Pattern, Colour Walthamstow Village Window Gallery, 47 Orford Road E17 9NJ Preview party for this show of exclusive prints from online gallery Look Up whose work celebrates geometry, line, pattern and colour. All welcome. See page 42. 7-9pm. FREE. Highams Park Live The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB An acoustic evening of live music, poetry and live literature with an eclectic programme of songwriters, poets and storytellers. Join the friendly audience or email us if you’d like to perform! 7-11pm. FREE. Nigel Mear 07730 985615 Red Imp presents: Robin Ince & Stephen Grant Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Headliner Robin Ince is the star of Radio 4’s The Infinite Monkey Cage and was Ricky Gervais’ support act for years. 8.30-10.30pm. £10.

Friday 9 Sept Up’n’Under Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR As Fri 2. Performances at 8pm

Saturday 10 Sept Grow Your Own Mushrooms The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Learn the basics of mushroom cultivation using grain, straw and wood to grow gourmet and medicinal mushrooms like oyster, reishi and shiitake. 2-4pm. FREE. Events marked

kid friendly





Waltham Forest Young Producers’ Programme Le Délice, 114 Hoe Street, E17 4QR See Sat 3 for details Wanstead Vintage Fashion & Brocante Fair Wanstead United Reformed Church, Nightingale Lane E11 2HD Everything for your home and wardrobe. Two halls filled with genuine vintage treasures. Plus a vintage cafe and free parking. 11am-5pm. £2.50, £1.50 OAP/NUS. Up’n’Under Welsh Church Hall, 881 High Road Leytonstone E11 1HR Details as Fri 2. Performances at 2.30 (BSL signed) & 8pm Ancient Methods, Modern Meals Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS The Fermentarium presents a journey into the world of fermentation. Plenty of tastings and a wild fermentation bar to mark the launch of their new book Ferment, Pickle, Dry: Ancient Methods, Modern Meals. 3-8pm. FREE. Stow Film Lounge & Friends of Stoneydown Park present: SCHOOL OF ROCK (2003, cert U) Stoneydown Park, Pretoria Avenue E17 6JY After being kicked out of a rock band, Dewey Finn (Jack Black) becomes a substitute teacher of a strict elementary private school, only to try and turn it into a rock band. Bring rugs and blankets. Gates open 7.30pm, film at sunset. FREE. Antiq Beats: Mirth Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH On the 2nd Saturday of the month E17’s Continental Drifts bring you the sounds of antique beats remixed plus a live band and killer DJs. This month Zoophonium play live, DJs Chris Tofu and Auntie Maureen and dance classes with Swing Patrol. 7pm-1am. FREE but small charge for dance lessons. Chris Tofu 020 8365 9333 Seed: The Untold Story Leytonstone Library, 6 Church Lane E11 1HG Few things on Earth are as miraculous and vital as seeds. In the last century 94% of our seed varieties have disappeared. This film follows seed keepers protecting our 12,000 year old food legacy. 7-9.30pm. FREE, but please book via

Pamdemonium Comedy Night The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL The hilarious, award-winning Pam Ford hosts 5 stand up comedians in our monthly night of comedy gold. You will never see comedy of this quality for free anywhere else. 7.30-10.30pm. FREE but donations welcome.

Sunday 11 Sept Leyton & Stone Designers Market The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Local traders with handmade designer goods including original art prints, organic cosmetics, clothing and accessories, ceramics, jewellery, bags, greeting cards and more! The pub is family and dog friendly with fresh woodfired pizza available. 12-5pm. FREE entry. Walthamstow Family Bike Club: Cultivate Edition Meet outside Ancient House, Orford Road/Church Lane junction E17 9RW Join the regular bike club on a mystery bicycle tour of food growing sites in the borough. Bring water and snacks. 1-5pm. FREE.

Family Activity: ‘Green Grow the Rushes Ho!’ Weave a Basket Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Since ancient times, people have used grasses and rushes to make things for their homes. Artist Lucy Rainbow is on hand to help you weave a rush basket to take home. 1.30-4pm. FREE but a donation of £3 per child welcome will assist the museum with its programmes. 020 8496 4391

Sunday Family Club: Cultivate Edition Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Rd E4 7HR Join the Family Club at the Learning Lodge for crafty planting and explore the nature reserve. Kids Kitchen will be ready to make some seasonal delights with kids and adults - blackberry ice cream anyone? 2-4pm. FREE. Cultivate Festival’s Finale Event: Gardener’s Q&A Leytonstone Library , 6 Church Lane E11 1HG A fun, lively panel discussion with our panel of experts who will dish out edible gardening and food advice, plus workshops and food swap. 2.30-6pm. FREE.

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 49




Sunday 11 Sept

Tuesday 13 Sept


Family History Talk Spruce Hill Baptist Church Hall, Brookscroft Road E17 4JP What was ‘baby farming’ in Victorian times? Apparently a form of childcare, but the children concerned often suffered a grisly fate. Come and hear all about it! Wheelchair accessible venue. 8-10pm. FREE. Mark 020 8530 4755

The Warner Estate: Choice Dwellings at Reasonable Rents Meet outside Blackhorse Road Station, Blackhorse Road/Forest Road E17 6ND Warner developed their Walthamstow estate in a style similar to that of the Garden City movement. Join this guided walk arranged by Walthamstow Historical Society to hear about the estate and some of its residents. 2-3.30pm. FREE. 07792 750017 Stow Film Lounge & Punk Waltham Forest 2016 present RADIO ON (1979, cert 18) The Chequers, 145 High Street E17 7BX Made in the glow of punk, this cult British art-house film follows a young London DJ on the road to Bristol to investigate the mysterious death of his brother. A 1970s post-punk road trip where style matters more than production values and music is key. Doors open 7.30pm, film 8pm followed by discussion. FREE but please pre-book. Cooper & Bolton at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Pete Cooper has long been recognised as one of the top fiddle players on the London scene. When he teams up with cellist Richard Bolton the result is simply exquisite. 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 conc. 07746 612 607 The Geoff Garbow Band Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Original material and some covers. With the classic line-up of 2 guitars, bass guitar and drums, no-one is reinventing the wheel – just trying to make it roll (& rock a bit). 8-11pm. FREE.

Monday 12 Sept Stowtellers: The Walthamstow Storytelling Club The Welcome Centre, St Mary’s Church, 8 Church End E17 9RJ Stowtellers welcomes the fabulous Alim Kamara with stories from Sierra Leone and beyond! Following the paths of Griots he calls out ‘Storie Storie’ and the audience grants him permission ‘Storie Teller’. 7.30-9.30pm. £6, £5 conc. Jumana or Mike

Events marked

kid friendly

Close Encounters of the Glittery Kind: Uncaged present More Burlesque High Jinks Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Aliens from outer space; creatures from the depths of your imagination; hi tech, fantasy and more. And glitter! It’s cabaret Jim, but not as we know it. 8pm-midnight. £10. E17 Jazz: Chris Batchelor with the Nick Tomalin Trio Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Chris Batchelor is an innovative and creative trumpet player and composer, a sensitive and versatile soloist in many highly regarded groups on the UK and European jazz scenes. 8.30-10.30pm. £10, £8 conc, u15s FREE.

Wednesday 14 Sept Outdoors Play, Exploration & Discovery Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, off Friday Hill E4 For children up to 8 years old. Enjoy being in nature with your child and find out about the many benefits of outdoor learning that will help your child develop and thrive throughout life. Please dress suitably for the weather. 1-3pm. FREE. Olivia 020 8527 3761 Leyton/Stone Home Brew Club The Northcote, 110 Grove Green Road E11 4EL Come chat to other friendly home brew enthusiasts. Bring an ale or cider sample, bring an ingredient or just bring yourself. 6.30-9pm. FREE. Bob Collum & The Welfare Mothers / Jesse Terry What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Rd, Leytonstone E11 3DB Tulsa born Bob Collum plays altcountry rock & roll, with a smidgen of folk and a dash of blues. Stick in a potent dose of guilt, a dollop of sin, and a drop of salvation. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

DANCE/FITNESS Walthamstow Wind Up Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Tony Tunes playing some wonderful 78s in the bar. 8.30-11pm. FREE. The Warner Estate: Choice Dwellings at Reasonable Rents Meet outside Blackhorse Road Station, Blackhorse Road/Forest Road E17 6ND Details as Sun 11 except 11am-12.30pm

Thursday 15 Sept Stow Festival: Hornbeam Nights: Spin-a-Disc - Open Decks The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Kicking off the Stow Festival at the Hornbeam. Every DJ gets 15 minutes. Bring your own vinyl or browse through our collections. Dig, dance, drink. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Happy hour until 8.30pm, when all drinks £3. Behind-the-Scenes at Vestry House Museum St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Large Hall, Havant Rd E17 3JF Alison Walker, from the volunteer team involved with a cataloguing project at Vestry House, shares some of the surprising objects and stories which the project unearthed. 7.45-9pm, tea and coffee from 7.15pm. £2, Walthamstow Historical Society members FREE. 07792 750017 Rob DesRoches Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG A musical chameleon and pianist, DesRoches is able to slip into many genres with ease. A spontaneous and fearless performer. 8-11pm. FREE. Zion Train Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ DJ set from dub legends Love Revolutionaries, Zion Train! All through WheelUp Soundsystem. 8pm-midnight. £8, £7 from Stow Festival: Red Imp & Stow Fest present a Night of Musical Comedy Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Boasting Vikki Stone (star of the John Bishop show), Perrier Award winner Christian Reilly and fantastic fool Duncan Oakley. 8.30-10.30pm. £10. Viv and Bun 020 8509 3880

Friday 16 Sept J.C. Quartet Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG High energy funk-soul-jazz blues instrumental combo from some of the funkiest musicians! 8pm-midnight. FREE.



Open House Weekend at the Vestry House Museum Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Part of Open House London, the capital’s largest annual festival of architecture and design. Guided tours of the building take place at 2.30pm and object handling sessions will take place 2pm-4pm. 10am-5pm. FREE. No need to book. Repeated Saturday 17. 020 8496 4391 E17 Baby Social Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ Grown up music, grown up chat. A monthly social for parents/carers of babies/toddlers. 2-4pm. £3. Lisa McDonald 07504 703108 Stow Festival: Fitzwilliam String Quartet St Michael & All Angels Church Hall, Northcote Road E17 6PQ The world famous quartet perform music by Mozart, Glazunov, Borodin and Bruckner. Tickets online or on the door. 7-9.30pm. £13, £6.50 conc. Stow Festival at Blackhorse Workshop Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX The Stow Festival returns to Blackhorse Workshop for an evening of hip hop and DJs. Acts still to be announced, see website for full details. 7-11pm. FREE. Stow Festival: More News From Nowhere William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Leafcutter John and Sam Edwards, curated by the More News From Nowhere collective, play experimental improvised music inspired by the life and work of William Morris. 7.3010.30pm. FREE. Stow Festival: A Psychedelic Happening Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Starring The Oscillation with The Hanging Stars, The Left Outsides, DJ Jim Jones and the hypnagogic light machine. 8-11.30pm. £10. Curry & Quiz for Calais Orford Road Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR A fundraising night in aid of E17 for RCK and Help Refugees UK. With quizmaster Rowan McIntyre and delicious vegetable curry by Sham’s Kitchen. Teams of 8 maximum please. Tickets available from Debbie Bliss Home, 36 Orford Road and online at Eventbrite (+ booking fee). 7.30-11pm. £12.50 including curry. Sorry no conc.

50 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Dial M for Music Alfred Hitchcock Hotel, 147 Whipps Cross Rd E11 1NP A monthly music club and more featuring the finest local talent and hosted by the Persecuted. Items for sale and visual presentations during the music. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Brad 07946 591224

Saturday 17 Sept Open House Weekend at the Vestry House Museum Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Details as Friday 16 Stow Film Lounge & Wanstead Fringe present ZOOTROPOLIS (2016, Cert PG) Grounds of Christ Church, Wanstead Place E11 2SW Outdoor screening of Zootropolis. In a city of anthropomorphic animals, a rookie bunny cop and a cynical con artist fox must work together to uncover a conspiracy. Gates 7.30pm, film at sunset. £6, £3 child. Tickets from Stow Festival: Indie All-Day Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Starring The Drink, Blank Bibles, JUNK, Firestations, Wolfgirl, Cosines, The Leaf Library, Flowers. 2-11pm. FREE. Stow Festival: She17 Presents SHEFEST#3 Wynwood Art District Cafe, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Live acoustic music by local women and girls returns for their 3rd anniversary on the E17 music scene. Featuring Lady President, Mariache17, Sam Kurt, Sam Henwood, Jemma Engles and more. 7.30-11pm. FREE. Stow Festival: DJ Night Mirth, Marvel & Maud, 186 Hoe St E17 4QH On the decks tonight are Dave Congreave, Ashley Beadle with Waterson, Pej Esotericsoul and DJ Stubian. 8pm-midnight. FREE. Stow Festival: Guadalupe Plata Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Guadalupe Plata with Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons, and The Wimmins’ Institute. 8-11.30pm. £10. The Capris: 10th Anniversary Party The Flowerpot, 128 Wood Street E17 3HX Where it all started… band members past and present playing all your favourite The Capris tunes from the poptastic 1970s. 9-11pm. FREE. Events marked





Sunday 18 Sept London Open House at The William Morris Gallery William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Discover the history of the gallery on this guided walk, which takes you through the Morris garden and ends with a tour of the Artist Studios in Lloyd Park. 11am-12pm, repeated 2-3pm. FREE, no need to book. Stow Fest: Be Bop Baby Special! The Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ We’ve teamed up with Stow Fest to bring you an extra special line up this month. Diggers Dozen will be on the decks plus live music from Nkomba. A family friendly gig with soft space for babies, craft corner, face painting, buggy parking and bar! 1-4pm. £5, £4 in advance. Stow Festival: Electronic 17 presents Wild Card Brewery, Unit 7, Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Includes Arsenic Mines, Leif, Kat Richmond, Kieron Mahon, Yukka, PoP Campaign, Bit Cloudy, Emperor Recordings, Laptop Junkie, Enno & Shalti and Innoversions. 1-11pm. FREE. Stow Festival: Opera In The Stow: Give It A Go! Foster Hall, St Barnabas Church, Wellesley Road E17 8JZ An opportunity to have a go at singing well-known opera choruses and participate in a concert with local opera singers Gillian Keith and Tom Randle. Post-workshop concert in St Barnabas Church on Sunday 18. 1-6pm. FREE but donations welcome. Little Big Band: Jazz in the Afternoon Luna Lounge, 7 Church Lane, Leytonstone E11 1HG Local 10 piece jazz band perform some great all time classics. 2-5pm. FREE. Curryoke Queens Arms, 42 Orford Road E17 9NJ For one night only. Karaoke, curry, live jazz from Lisa Hedlund Trio and DJ Harry Palmer too. Raising money for the emergency night shelters. From 5pm. What’s Cookin’s Little Sunday Picnic What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Some of this legendary East London institution’s favourite bands help kickoff its new outdoor sessions. 3-7pm. FREE with collection.

Stow Festival: Opera In The Stow: Give It A Go! Foster Hall, St Barnabas Church, Wellesley Road E17 8JZ Concert featuring Waltham Forest Community Choir, workshop participants and opera singers Gillian Keith and Tom Randle. Post performance refreshments available. 4.30-6pm. FREE, donations welcome. Stow Festival: Mumbo-Jumbo at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Vocalist Oliver Carpenter was described as “the nearest singer to Tom Waits that we have,” teams up with bass player Chris Lomas and squeezebox maestro Phil Bond for an evening of kick arse fun! 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 conc.

Tuesday 20 Sept The Tuesday Sociable Sewing Group The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA See Tues 6 for details

Wednesday 21 Sept Crafternoon in the Forest Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve, Kings Road E4 7HR Join us for Crafternoon in aid of Mind, the mental health charity, in the tranquil location of Pimp Hall Nature Reserve. 1.30-5.30pm. £3 donation. Tales from Enfield History – Why is Enfield important in British History? Forty Hall Estate, Forty Hill, EN2 9HA From The Romans to the 21st century Enfield has played influential roles in national events. Come and hear the evidence and leave with an increased pride in the Borough. An illustrated talk. 7.30-8.30pm. £5. 0208 807 6680 General Echo The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH This month is a ‘punky reggae’ special to celebrate the Small Wonder Records exhibition. 8pm-12. FREE.

kid friendly

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 51



Wednesday 21 Sept continued Wooden Matters: Talk - The Future of Craftsmen Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Part of London Design Festival. A series of talks, workshops and demonstrations asking how this material can be pushed past tradition, past common knowledge and past standard use. Tonight’s talk: The Future of Craftsmen. 7-9pm. Talks are FREE but book a place via the website. Thin Wire Fence What’s Cookin’, Leytonstone Ex-servicemen’s Club, 2 Harvey Road, Leytonstone E11 3DB Raw, distorted guitar, grizzled vocals, swathes of haunting pedal steel and psychedelic synth, taking you from fragile beauty to a full tilt wall of sound in the blink of an eye. 8.30-11pm. FREE with collection.

Thursday 22 Sept Second Hand Clothes Sale Wynwood Art District Café, 2A Chingford Road E17 4PJ Wynwood are holding a second hand clothes sale. Got a lot of clothes to sell? Email to book your £5 rail (bring your own hangers). 6.30-9-5pm. Wooden Matters: Talk - Wood as Energy Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX A talk by ALP Technologies who are in the business of renewable energy – generating electricity from wood pellets. Details as Weds 21. Stow Film Lounge & Punk Waltham Forest 2016 present TAXI DRIVER (1976, cert 18) The Chequers, 145 High Street E17 7BX An incendiary punk masterpiece in which a Vietnam War veteran (Robert De Niro) works as a night-time taxi driver in New York City and where the perceived decadence and sleaze feeds his urge for violent action, attempting to save a pre-adolescent prostitute in the process. Doors open 7.30pm, film 8pm followed by discussion. FREE but please pre-book.

Friday 23 Sept Wooden Matters: Workshop Alternative Joinery Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX Are plastic bottles the joinery of the future? Join designer Micaella Pedros to learn and build different joinery techniques with PET plastics. Details as Weds 21, except £15 Events marked





Folkování The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Amateur renditions of the most famous Czech folk songs! 8pmmidnight. FREE with collection. Gingo! Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall Street E17 9HQ Hot foot from their Olympic success the Gingo girls return for an evening of bingo, gin and filth. 7-11pm. FREE. Becky 07905484711

Saturday 24 Sept E17 Designers at Mirth, Marvel and Maud Mirth, Marvel and Maud, 186 Hoe Street E17 4QH Our first Autumn Market of 2016. Mirth is taken over by E17 Designers’ with fashion, art, gifts and cake! 12-5pm. Family Day: Painted Furniture William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Morris believed that everything in your home should be beautifully decorated, even cups and chairs! Learn to paint onto objects and decorate your own photo frame. 1-4pm. FREE, drop-in event for families with children of all ages. Apple Day at The Mill The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA An afternoon of everything apple! Take a turn on the apple press, apple bobbing, make an apple bird feeder, decorate a straw head garland. Plus cakes and pastries made by Mill Bakers. 1.30-4.30pm. FREE, donations welcome for refreshments and some activities. Natasha 0208 521 3211 Wooden Matters: Workshop Indigo Stain Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path E17 6BX How can natural dye be used to stain wood? Join artist Hazel Stark in learning and creating your very own naturally dyed wooden keyring. Details as Weds 21, except £15 Pixie presents: Bowie Night The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH This Saturday we are having a David Bowie themed DJ night in tribute to a wonderful performer. 9pm-3am. FREE.

Sunday 25 Sept Sunday Family Club Learning Lodge, Pimp Hall Nature Reserve. Kings Road E4 7HR Bring your wellington boots! Activities from Kid’s Kitchen, Walk the Loop and craft activities. 2-4pm. FREE.

Looking for back issues of the E List? For online editions visit Want lovely printed copies, no problem we still have a few back issues available going back over 3 years. They cost £4 each including postage with discounts for 4 issues or more. Stocks are limited so email to check availability and to order. Jazz at Buhler and Co Buhler and Co, 8 Chingford Road E17 4PJ Delightful live jazz on the last Sunday of each month, with drinks and sharing plates. £7 on door, £5 in advance on Billetto. 4-7pm. FREE. Dan Walsh & John Dowling at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Two of the best banjo players around join forces for an evening of banjo madness. 7.30-10.30pm. £7, £5 conc.

Tuesday 27 Sept Red Imp presents: Andy Hamilton & Steve Gribbin Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Hamilton, star of HIGNFY, News Quiz and Old Harry’s Game, warms up for his tour. 8.30-10.30pm. £12.

Infinitease Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Bringing the UKs best new burlesque performers together in the quest for new stars! 8pm-midnight. £10. E17 Jazz: Josh Kemp Quartet Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS ‘A mix of Getzian breeziness and Coltrane’s imploring cry,’ wrote The Guardian. Kemp has a rare gift for melody and lyrical improvising style. 8.30-10.30pm. £10, £8 conc, u15s FREE.

Got an event? Tell us about it!

kid friendly

52 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Wednesday 28 Sept

E17 Cook Book Club The Bell, 617 Forest Road/Chingford Road E17 4NE A foodie social evening where everyone brings a dish to share with about 10 people plus your cookbook inspiration. New cooks welcome. Theme this month: Childhood Memories. 8.3010.30pm. £3. Facebook group ‘E17 Cook Book Club’

Thursday 29 Sept Hornbeam Nights: Dark Optimism The Hornbeam Cafe, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Opiate cosmic beats; hip-hop, jazz, experimental and electronica. The Healing Arts & Theopukkalips are back for more moving and grooving on the dancefloor. 7.30-11pm. FREE entry, Happy Hour on drinks until 8.30pm. Jewellery Making Taster Beyond Beading, 124 Farnan Avenue E17 4NH Join our friendly group and find a new creative outlet, some ‘me-time’ and learn a new skill. Make fabulous earrings or pendant in this first session. Materials included. 8-9pm. £10. Birgit 07910 251629

Friday 30 Sept Leyton NCT Bumps & Babies Coffee Morning KukooLaLa , The Cottage, 3 Marsh Lane E10 7BL Supporting the parents of Leyton from bumps to babies and beyond! Join our monthly coffee morning to meet and make local friends. 10.30am-12.30pm. Megan Cadman-Taylor Stow Film Lounge & Blackhorse Workshop present GREEN ROOM (2015, cert 18) Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Path E17 6BX A band straying into a secluded part of the Pacific Northwest stumbles onto a horrific act of violence. Because they are the only witnesses, they become the targets of a terrifying gang of skinheads who want to make sure all the evidence is eliminated. Doors open 7.45pm, film 8.30pm followed by DJ Harry Palmer, close midnight. £8, £6 conc (inc Workshop members). Prebook or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987 Events marked

Sham’s Kitchen at the Palace Mother’s Ruin Gin Palace, Unit 18 Ravenswood Industrial Estate, Shernhall St E17 9HQ The divine Shams returns to the Gin Palace with her truly fantastic hot and spicy Pakistani street food, with martinis to match. Serving from 6.30pm until we run out. Takeaway also available. dolores rocket presents You Should Be Dancing! Walthamstow Trades Hall, 61-63 Tower Hamlets Road E17 4RQ A club night for people who cut their dancing teeth in the 70s and 80s but younger friends welcome. Expect soul, reggae, ska, pop and disco from the era. There’s bingo too! 8pm-midnight. £5 in advance, £7 on the door.

October Saturday 1 Oct The Greatest Little Art Show Grand Raffle Gala Day The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA The exhibition’s closing gala offers drinks, live music and cakes as a prelude to the grand raffle of the postcards created especially by 100 artists (maybe even some famous ones) raising funds for community hub The Mill and 50 beds at the emergency night shelter. Raffle tickets available online or in person at The Mill. 10am3.30pm, raffle starts at 2pm. October 4 & 5 SOLD OUT Red Imp presents: Stuart Lee Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA The legendary Lee is supported by Eleanor Tiernan (Oct 4) and Dan Evans (Oct 5). 8.30, £13. Sunday 16 October Forest Philharmonic: Tchaikovsky’s Pathétique Walthamstow Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD To open the season with a nod to upcoming Hallowe’en, we have dancing skeletons represented by the xylophone in Saint-Saëns’ lively tone poem Danse Macabre. Rimsky-Korsakov’s Capriccio Espagnol is a rousing Spanish dance suite. Tchaikovsky’s final symphony, the Pathétique, is a passionate representation of the power of fate in life and death. 6.30pm start. Tickets from £12, concessions available.



Classes/Courses Languages Mondays from 14 Sept Swedish: Absolute Beginners & Beginners Classes Hornbeam Cafe 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Learn Swedish with a native swede; talk about the Swedish culture and learn a Swedish song. See website for more information £10-£15 per lesson.

Art & Craft Alternate Saturdays 3 & 17 Sept Al Fresco Life Class! The Castle Pub, 15 Grosvenor Rise East E17 9LB A unique chance to draw the figure outside. This is a special, rather rare event, whatever the weather (charcoal and a little rain go surprisingly well together!) 10.30am-noon £12. Ellis 07980 713819 Wednesdays Life Drawing Event The Sinbin at the Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Featuring two life models with physical theatre and burlesque backgrounds, tutored by established painter Blair Lamar. An unforgettable evening where artists can mingle, network, socialise, and create beautiful works. 7-11pm. £7, £5 art student conc. Mondays Untutored Life Drawing Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JU Untutored drop-in life drawing sessions, friendly and sociable, some art materials provided, and free tea and biscuits! 7.30-9.30pm. £7. Jennifer 07792 892405 Alternate Sundays 4 & 18 Sept Life Drawing Classes Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Taught life classes, beginning with a short slideshow, followed by drawing exercises in a variety of media. Expect the unexpected. 3-5pm. £15. or text 07980 713819


Relaxed &Fun Learn with



Walthamstow Floral Art Society Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A monthly meeting of flower arranging demonstrations, fun and friendship. 7.30-10pm. £7.50, members £2. Membership £30 per year. Ann Young 020 8531 8178


Individual & group tuition

07958 471 083 @E17Swedish

Family Mondays & Wednesdays Baby Signing Classes with TinyTalk KuKooLaLa Cafe, The Cottage, 3 Marsh Lane, Jubilee Park E10 7BL & The Salvation Army, 434 Forest Road/Ruby Road E17 4PY Learn to use sign language with your baby before they can talk and have fun whilst doing it! 60 min classes on Mondays from 10am at KuKooLala and Wednesdays at the Salvation Army, E17 from 1pm and 2.15pm, please get in touch to book a space. £7. Rose Virden 07770 531075

Theatre Tuesdays from 20 Sept-6 Dec WEA Class: Theatre Studies The Greenleaf Centre, 67-69 Greenleaf Road, Walthamstow E17 6QP An 11 week course studying the plays of Arthur Miller including ‘Death of A Salesman’. Plays will be read aloud and discussed. No experience necessary only an enthusiasm for studying the history and techniques of theatre. Enrol in advance for whole course. Ref: C2418625. 10am-12pm. £90.20 for all 11 classes.

kid friendly

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Music & Singing

Health & Wellbeing

Wednesdays Learn to Sing with WAVE Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Road E17 7BY Do you enjoy singing but lack confidence? This community choir course is for you. We are a welcoming group and will give you singing skills to lift your confidence. Everybody is welcome! 7.30-9.30pm. £10, £8 conc, first rehearsal FREE. Virginia Firnberg 07813-116505

Sundays NEW Sound Bath Leyton Yoga, First Floor, 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Lie down, relax and immerse yourself in the healing vibrational sounds of Candida Valentino’s gongs, Tibetan bowls and tongue drums. A rejuvenating meditation to de-stress and self-care. No pre-booking just drop-in. 7-8pm. £10 or £90 for 10.

Saturdays E17 Adult Guitar Club Hornbeam Cafe 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH This is a class for all levels of experience, and we play a variety of styles of music. It is a friendly environment and we work on improving technique as we go along but the emphasis is on making music. 12-12.40pm. £10 drop in or £53 per half term. 07958 471083

Wednesdays Anchor: Mindfulness Training The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA With 35 years experience Robert is offering a drop-in session, a lead practice called ‘bringing the senses home’. Open to all with no previous experience required. 2-3pm. FREE but suggested donation £5 welcome.

Create & Perform Groups and individual lessons All ages & levels Professional & experienced teacher

Events marked

07958 471 083

kid friendly

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54 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.

Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis and Squash Club We are your local, friendly sports club offering squash, cricket, tennis and much more... indoors or outdoors, Walthamstow Sports Club offers an extremely varied programme throughout the year. There is also a thriving social club offering craft beers and events, not just sport!

Est 1862

Since 1862 we’ve welcomed New Members, encouraged volunteers to help develop and expand the sporting activities at the club, and be the sporting hub for the local community.

Whether you have experience or want to pick up a racket for the first time, you’ll find squash an exciting, indoor court-based game for all ages and abilities. Junior Squash club (4-15 yrs) meet on Saturday mornings. Come along to play, learn and have fun.

Further info and programme sessions: email 48a Greenway Avenue E173QN

Walthamstow’s Natural Health Service Have you visited Walthamstow’s best kept secret? Ashlins has been making the borough a healthier place since 1994. We met Ed Housden, the man who started it all. Squeezed between the estate agents of Hoe Street is an oasis of peace and wellbeing. Ashlins Natural Health is home to an extensive team of therapists working 7 days a week to relieve your aches and pains. Founder Ed Housden explains “I opened Ashlins to try and help people feel better. So many of us suffer with problems like sore, achy muscles, bad backs, poor digestion, stress and tiredness, and don’t know what to do.” “We offer therapies like massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, colonic hydrotherapy, podiatry and acupuncture. Our therapists listen carefully to your problem and work closely with you to help you recover. There’s no need to suffer in silence! We’re here to help and many people notice an improvement after their first appointment.” More than 10,000 people have benefited from treatment at Ashlins, including J who said “I feel so relaxed. Best massage I’ve ever had!” We’d like to give E List readers £10 off your first treatment at Ashlins – see our advert for details. 181 Hoe Street, E17 3AP 020 8520 5268

£10 off your first treatment at Ashlins Natural Health. Enjoy a massage or one of our other natural therapies. Feel better today - we can help you with your aches & pains, low back pain, sporting injuries and general wellbeing. Our dedicated team of therapists practice in a friendly and relaxed environment. They will treat you holistically rather than just alleviating the symptoms.

020 8520 5268 181 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E17 3AP Monday-Friday 10am-9pm Saturday 10am-5pm Sunday 11am-5pm Mention ‘The E List’ when booking. Offer valid until 28/2/2017 for your first treatment at Ashlins Natural Health. Not valid in conjunction with any other offer. This offer has no cash value.

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What’s your fitness goal? Whether toning up, losing weight, or getting back into exercise, it can be tough to know where to start, with so many diets and programmes available. Truth be told, it doesn’t have to be. Here’s how you can start.

Fitness. Nutrition. Mindset. 1-2-1 & group personal training in E10 & E11.

We give you the skills & knowledge about your food & fitness to maintain your new results.

Eat Smarter: Don’t focus on losing, focus on gaining knowledge about your food. Reject the diet mentality and use your new knowledge to make better choices, allowing for treats. If you’re not on a diet, there’s no wagon to fall off. Train efficient: Forget long hours pounding the pavements and focus on intensity for shorter periods. Add higher intensity intervals into cardio exercise, this will boost your metabolism, meaning you are burning more all hours of the day. Think Different: Rather than using your will power to say no, use it to say yes to building new habits that compound with time and practice. Think of one habit you can change; it can be as simple as choosing water over orange juice in the morning. Together it’s a powerful combination, always think: small changes make a big difference. Stripped Fitness takes it back to simplicity. We offer 1-2-1 & group personal training with a difference, we look at the whole picture: your mindset, nutrition & fitness. It’s effective, educational and tailored to you. Find out more at

Fitness, Dance & Yoga Saturdays NEW Saturday Junior Squash Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A Junior Squash Club at Walthamstow Squash for kids aged 7 to 16. Six week beginner session. 9.15-11.30am. £7.50, or £5 for members. Vicky Te Velde 07812 506641 Saturdays Iyengar Yoga Class St Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Road E17 6AR Suitable for all regardless of flexibility and age, it helps gain good health, bring greater peace of mind, improve posture, relieve tension, promote sleep, increase stamina and flexibility. A general class and beginners welcome. 9-10am. £7.50. nicholetteyoga@gmail. Facebook: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fridays Women-only Bootcamp Chestnuts Field, Waltham Forest Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF Fitness bootcamp with different exercises each session boxing, circuit etc. All round fitness session. 6.307.15am. £5. Jackie Grant 0771 7330993 Events marked

kid friendly

Sundays Yoga Me Happy in Lloyd Park Aveling Park Bowls Club, Lloyd Park, Forest Road E17 5EH Hatha yoga for all abilities. Wake up and stretch Hatha-style, with a morning yoga session to re-energise your body and mind. I have mats, so no need to bring anything with you. 10-11.15am. £8, book or drop in. Eliza Moore 07710 621268 Tuesdays NEW E11 Kids’ Yoga The Pastures Youth Centre, 15 Davies Lane, Leytonstone E11 3DR After school yoga for kids aged 6+. A playful, light hearted session using our bodies and breath to practice mindfulness to increase confidence and relaxation. Classes held in the Good Shepherd building. 4-5pm. £5, please book 8 sessions in advance. Jessica Green 07904 517465 Thursdays NEW Salsa Lessons & Club Sinbin at The Plough & Harrow, 419 High Road, Leytonstone E11 4JUA Choose from four salsa skill levels, followed by Denis the Chemist’s club until midnight. From 8pm. £7 with a lesson, £4 without.

• Bespoke Programmes tailored to your goals • Educational approach so that you can sustain • Eat smarter, train efficient, think different, get results Weight Loss – Toning – Strength - Back to fitness

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Tuesdays NEW Capoeira Angola for Beginners Hucks, 81 Grove Road E17 9BU Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian art form that combines music, movement and culture. Beginners always welcome to experience this rich art. Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers. 7-8.30pm. £8, concessions available. 07872 938611 Tuesdays until 29 Nov NEW African Drumming & Dance for Kids Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS Participants learn rhythms and dances from Gambia, Senegal and Guinea, have fun and get fit. Opportunities for performance at community events. All ages welcome. All drums provided but bring your own if you have one! 6-7pm. First session FREE, then £12 for four sessions. Fridays, 23 Sept-3 Dec NEW Street Dance For Kids Gnome House, 7 Blackhorse Lane E17 6DS A one hour street dance session for children who’ll learn dance routines, have fun and get fit. Ages 4-7 9.3010.30am and ages 8-12 10.3011.30am. £60 per term, £50 conc 07535 326157

@strippedfitness @mystrippedfitness

Tuesdays NEW E11 Yoga The Pastures Youth Centre, 15 Davies Lane, Leytonstone E11 3DR Stretch, strengthen and relax into the evening in a flowing yoga class. Focus your mind, comfort your body and settle your soul. New venue and new time! 7.30-9pm. £8, book 8 sessions in advance for £60. Jessica Green 07904 517465 Wednesdays NEW Women’s Morris Dancing for Beginners St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Blackhorse & Standard Morris invite women 18 to 70(ish!) to a fun and friendly evening learning traditional English Morris dances. Male and female musicians also welcome. 8-10pm. £25 per term, first term FREE. Wendy 020 8527 2926 Tuesdays 6 Sept – 22 Nov NEW Teen Yoga East of Eden, Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Yoga and meditation for aged 10 and up. 4.30-5.30pm. £7. Reception 02035837530

56 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.


WE’R E ON THE M OVE! Wednesdays until 16 Sept NEW Open Floor Expressive Dance St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Side Hall, Havant Road E17 3JF Inclusive, interactive dance sessions for all ages and abilities. Using movement to soften the tight spots in our tender hearts, we seek to stretch our capacity for relationship. No steps to learn. Freeing. Fun. 7-8.30pm. £7. 07974 761552

Thursdays NEW Salsa for Beginners The Red Room, Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Make new friends, move your feet and have fun. These friendly salsa classes will give you the confidence to step onto the dance floor and it’s great for improving the mood. 8.15-9.45pm. £5, under 25s £2.50, first class FREE. Alberto 07429 440428

Wednesdays Gentle Yoga Health Works, 111a Hoe Street (entrance on Cairo Road) E17 4RX OUCH! Do you ache when you do yoga? Are you feeling wobbly or sensitive? Come and chill out on the mat with Roisin and discover flexible, fun ways to improve your mental and physical health. 9.45-10.45am. £11. Reception 020 8503 7794

Thursdays Gentle Evening Yoga Leyton Yoga, First Floor (above USSR), 691 High Road, Leyton E10 6RA Debbie Zahl’s classes encourage better breathing, better health and deeper awareness, along with an evolving sense of stability, inner strength and calm. Open to all levels, perfect for beginners. No need to pre-book, just drop-in. 8.30-9.30pm. £6. Mondays 26 Sept – 31 Oct NEW Kids’ Yoga East of Eden, Studio 1, 14 Hatherley Mews E17 4QP Introducing yoga to children at an early age is a fun way to help improve co-ordination, focus and confidence as they stretch and strengthen their bodies. Suitable for children aged 3 to 4. 2-2.45pm. £7. (Book as 6 week terms). Reception 02035837530

Wednesdays 50+ Tai Chi Waltham Forest Resource Hub (North), 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU A relaxed class aimed at the over-50s. Beginners and improvers welcome. 6-7.15pm. £5. Emma Tozer 020 8558 5512


Tuesdays 50+ Yoga Waltham Forest Resource Hub (North), 58 Hall Lane, Chingford E4 8EU A relaxed class aimed at the over 50s. Beginners welcome. 6-7pm. £5. Emma Tozer 020 8558 5512


For lots more dance and fitness classes please visit

07506 730607

Saturday’s classes have moved to a bigger location!

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