The E List - November 2014

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E list

Your cultural life in and around Walthamstow No.21 • November 2014

Your FREE Magazine featuring 145+ things to do in


Fellowship is Life


REMember wheN all this was fields. We’re looking at a small rectangle that represents our house on a beautiful old map spread across a huge table in the Waltham Forest Archives, upstairs at Walthamstow’s Vestry House Museum. We’re on a sneak preview for this month’s Open Weekend. Nowadays our home faces a couple of Victorian terrace houses and a run of 1960’s garages but on the map before us in their place is a large orchard and a patchwork of wide open spaces. Looking towards Leyton, as you cross over Lea Bridge Road the areas of open land between the infant streets get larger and larger. This map is just one of the treasures of the Local Archive, and its significance is that it still shows many of the old manor houses and estates of Walthamstow but also shows the very early stages of urbanisation, just as the railway is about to arrive. The Archive contains similar, fascinating maps for all the towns of Waltham Forest, many of which tell us more than just the layout of streets and railtracks. Steven, the librarian next brings us an enormous map that spent the entirety of WW2 up on the wall of the council chambers in Leyton ready each morning for the plotting of the previous night’s bombs. He followed this up by a post-war map, this time of Walthamstow, showing the devastated areas marked for redevelopment. When I think of these maps and the wealth of other materials in the archives, including newspapers, directories, parish records and even the mussings of various eccentric past residents, I am struck that this is a place crammed with stories waiting to be told. The two events as part of the forthcoming Explore your Archive Open Weekend covered on pages 12 and 13 look at discovering some of these stories. On Saturday former E List Local Hero Neil Houghton’s workshop will give you the keys to unlock your house’s history. On the Sunday more fascinating tales will be revealed by one of my favourite archives, a talk by the Waltham Forest Oral Histories Project. They will be focusing on a century of food in the borough. Anyway I must warn you, once you visit the archive and start browsing you’ll be hooked. I have developed a severe compulsion to revisit the shortlived newspaper The Walthamstow Socialist Critic from 1901. Rather nicely it goes to show that our residents have never been short an opinion. More of which in this month’s issue. Enjoy! Paul Lindt, Editor

The Poppy Project, a poem by Angelena Demaria Explore your archive weekend Gnome House, a new community space begins Award winning author Dreda Say Mitchell Icons of Rhetoric at Photomonth The Fun Palace at the Mill Grow Wild in Lloyd Park Meet Father Christmas at the Mall Wilcumstowe Times - John Francis Holcombe Read Local Hero - Kevin Morrish of Chance UK Walthamstow Diary The Magpie

11 12 14 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 26 27

For the latest listings including a link to download the app, a digital version of the E List and back issues

The E List is available for FREE at 60 venues across Walthamstow. See for your nearest venue. As copies disappear quickly venues will be regularly restocked throughout the month so please keep trying. If you would like your venue to be a distribution point email


Walter E Spradbery To be a conscientious objector during the First World War involved, ironically, some degree of bravery. ‘Conscies’, as they were disparagingly referred to, had often to run the gauntlet of social disapproval and public condemnation, frequently spurned by family, friends and colleagues, and liable to be abused on the streets. A conscientious objector was, almost by definition, deemed a coward and unpatriotic. The Walthamstow ‘Conscie’ Walthamstow resident Walter E Spradbery was a man who dispelled this myth. Spradbery, who was educated in E17 and had attended the Walthamstow School of Arts and Crafts, lived off Markhouse Road and, later, off Wood Street. With the outbreak of war in the summer of 1914, Spradbery’s deeplyheld religious convictions prevented him from answering his nation’s call for volunteers. The 25-year-old artist saw himself as a dedicated pacifist but this did not mean he turned his back on his country. In September 1914, he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps (the RAMC) “believing its service to be humanitarian to all injured, friend or foe”. He was proud to wear its uniform and the armband bearing the Red Cross.

‘Sprad’, as his friends knew him, spent much of the war based in the city of Peterborough, working in a hospital for wounded men evacuated back home from the Western Front. Here, he tended their shattered bodies, applying dressings and bandages, and bathing and feeding those unable to do so for themselves. The stoicism and fortitude of the men he met here remained with him for the rest of his life. His anti-war stance gained greater sympathy as the war wore on. Soldiers, who may have vilified such pacifist views in 1914, returned from the front, having witnessed for themselves the brutality of war, and realised that men like Spradbery were perhaps not such cranks after all. Red Cross In 1917, the British military authorities ordered that those serving in the RAMC were to remove the Red Cross armband. Spradbery refused. The symbol of the Red Cross was, he said, an “international and religious symbol” which overrode any military authority. He was not prepared to accept any judgement “other than my own conscience”. For his stubbornness, Spradbery and his fellow protestors spent a period under confinement on the Isle of Wight, digging potatoes. It was a brave stand – during the First World War, 306 British servicemen were executed, many for disobeying orders. One wonders whether Spradbery would have got off so lightly had he been stationed on the front. Private Spradbery, DCM From the end of 1917 to the signing of the armistice on 11 November 1918, Walter Spradbery served with the RAMC on the Western Front in France. On 26 August 1918, Private Spradbery was involved in an action that would earn him the Distinguished Conduct Medal (DCM). The citation, published in the London Gazette in 1919, states that the medal was awarded for “conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty”. Under heavy fire, Spradbery rescued a number of wounded officers and managed to bring them back to the trenches from where they were transferred to a dressing station. When asked to return into the field of fire to rescue more men, Spradbery and his stretcherbearer colleagues, readily did so, despite knowing the very real danger that lay ahead. Back to Walthamstow Following the armistice, Walter E Spradbery became a full-time artist. His watercolours were used by London Transport in their posters advertising excursions to Epping Forest, and its Second World War ‘Proud City’ series, celebrating London’s survival of the Blitz, depicting famous London landmarks scarred by Hitler’s bombs. His work was routinely exhibited, most notably at the Royal Academy , the Victoria and Albert and the Imperial War Museum. For over fifty years, he taught art at the Educational

For his stubbornness, Spradbery and his fellow protestors spent a period under confinement on the Isle of Wight, digging potatoes. Settlement in Greenleaf Road, E17. During the late 1940s, Spradbery was instrumental in establishing the William Morris Gallery, opened in 1950 in William Morris’s former home on Forest Road. Indeed, on the day of its opening, Spradbery gave the then prime minister, Clement Atlee, who had come to officially open the gallery, a tour of the building. He was also active in preserving Vestry House as a museum. Last Years In his latter years, Spradbery became an early advocate for the bourgeoning CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) movement and, despite his advancing years and failing physical mobility, partook in several protest marches. Walter E Spradbery died, aged 80, on 31 December 1969. In 2010, his son, John Spradbery, published a collection of letters and articles written by his father in a book entitled My Dear Jim, a Biography of Walter E Spradbery. Rupert Colley Colley is the author of This Time Tomorrow, a novel of the First World War. Cover picture: Detail of The Rich Repose of Autumn Bus Poster. ALL IMAGES © London Transport Museum

To buy prints of Walter Spradbery posters (or any of the 1000s of other designs by many other artists) explore the archive and order via the London Transport Museum’s online shop at Prices start at just £9.95 for A4 (210 x 297 mm) up to A0 (841 x 1189 mm) for £95, with £4 standard delivery.

The London Transport’s current exhibition is Goodbye Piccadilly – from Home Front to Western Front revealing the untold story of London’s Home Front during WWI; how drivers took their buses to the Front to support the war effort, how women advanced into the transport workforce for the first time and how Londoners came under deadly attack from the air as total war came to the Capital. The exhibition runs until 8 March 2015. Open Sat-Thurs 10am-6pm, Friday 11am-6pm. Adults £15 (£11.50 conc). 17 and unders get in FREE.




This month in town

November Saturday 1 Half term fun at the Toy Library Walthamstow Toy Library, 46 Ravenswood Rd E17 9LY Daily activities from messy play, cooking, art workshops, music time. 10am-12pm. £2.50 (session prices will vary) Helen Crockford 020 8509 3401 Blackhorse Market Blackhorse Workshop, 1-2 Sutherland Road Path, E17 6BX A monthly street food and makers’ market with design and craft and great activities for kids. 10am-4pm. FREE. Harriet Warden 02085311612 market WVRA Annual Village Bulb Planting Meet at Village Square on corner of Orford and Eden Roads Planting crocus corms and fritillary bulbs in the Community Meadow. Please bring a trowel and a kneeler if you have them. 10.30am-12.30pm. Helen Lerner 0781 404 2499 or Annual Photography Exhibition St Mary’s Welcome Centre, 8 Church End E17 9RJ Final day to see photos by Walthamstow & District Photographic Society. 10.30am-7.30pm. FREE. Andy Charles 0208 521 6958

Events marked

Workshop: An Introduction to Archaeology Vestry House Museum, Vestry Rd E17 9NH New exhibition at Vestry House. Join archaeologist Jill Hummerstone for a one day course exploring how archaeology can be used to uncover the past. Examine archaeological finds from the Museum’s collection, some found locally! Book via Eventbrite. 10.30am-4.30pm. £10/£8 (conc). 020 8496 4391 http://www.eventbrite. com/e/a-taste-of-archaeology-tickets12460007217 Falafel & Ale Weekend Arts & Crusts Cafe, 19 Victoria Rd E17 4JT Freshly made authentic falafels, cask craft ale, E17 cheese and live music being played from a VW camper van and beer being served from the rear hatch. 12-8pm. Happy Halloween Caribbean Evening with CAOS Cafe on 4, Waltham Forest College, Forest Road, E17 4JB Great music will be played by DJ Devon and traditional food will be served. 7.30-10pm For costs and booking instructions contact Jean 07941 050336 The Higham Flyers The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Get down and get with the blues beat soul groove of The WO’s favourite sons as they bring it on home. 9-11pm. FREE.



MCGUFFIN’S FILM & TV QUIZ Upstairs at Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA There will be six rounds of questions and teams may consist of up to six players. First prize £50 cash, £20 for second plus raffle. All welcome. 8.30pm. Price £1.50 per person. http://mcguffinfilmsociety.wordpress. com The Dreaming Spires / thelightshines What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Ex-Goldrush & Danny And The Champions Of The World guys influenced by American bands like Big Star with Byrdsy harmonies. 8.3011.30pm. FREE with a collection. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218

Sunday 2 The Musical Aquarium Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Come and join Jerome and Lindsay who will be diving into the tank, and playing their own eclectic brand of music for your Sunday lunchtime listening pleasure! 1-4pm. FREE. Jerome Anderson 07931507760 Lynne Heraud & Pat Turner at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Two great friends of the club. Gorgeous soaring harmony singing on everything from heart breaking old ballads through saucy music hall and sentimental songs to hilarious original material. This is always a lovely evening. 7.30-10.30pm. £7/£5 (conc). 07746 612 607

kid friendly


Falafel & Ale Weekend Arts & Crusts Cafe, 19 Victoria Rd E17 4JT See Saturday 1 for details, but note different end time. 12-6pm

Monday 3 Bumps and Babies Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A monthly meet up for new mums and mums to be. A great chance to make new friends whilst eating cake! 10.30am-12.30pm. FREE. Sue Lopez 07947455370 East London Lesbians Meet Up Group The Castle Pub, 15 Grosvenor Rise East E17 9LB Month lesbian meet up group; relaxed, friendly and sociable. 7-10pm. FREE. Molly

Wednesday 5 Another November: Poetry Reading with Graham Clifford & Friends Walthamstow Central Library, High Street E17 7JN Come and enjoy this evening with some of the finest poets writing today - Meryl Pugh, Philip Hancock, Kathryn Maris, Róisín Tierney and Graham Clifford blend wit, wisdom and history with a razor-sharp sense of the now. 7.30-9.30pm. FREE. Angela Thompson 02084968205 Rick Shea / The Good Intentions What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Rick Shea cut his teeth in the bars and honky-tonks of San Bernardino where he grew up. He’s since gone on to build a solid career as a solo artist, singer, guitarist and songwriter. 8.3011pm. FREE with a collection. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218

Last chance to see

Deborah Baker: In Paradiso William Morris Gallery, Discovery Lounge and Tea Room until 2 November Baker’s striking photographs of the woodland garden she has designed and established over the last eight years chart the continual metamorphoses of its growth and development. Baker’s own relationship with her garden reflects the beliefs of the Romanticists and Pre-Raphaelites that a close connection to nature is good for one’s own mental health and wellbeing. ©Deborah Baker. Betulanimbusi. Courtesy of L A Noble Gallery

2 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.




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Ye Olde Rose & Crown 8.30pm Thursday 6 (see listing) Bonfire Night Fireworks Chestnuts Field, Waltham Forest Town Hall Complex, Forest Road E17 4JF Celebrate Bonfire Night with a fantastic fireworks display choreographed to ‘Music from the movies’. Entry via gates at Forest Road, Farnan Avenue and Spruce Hills Road. No dogs, except guide dogs will be allowed at this event. No alcohol or personal fireworks are permitted. Gates close 7.45pm, show starts 8pm, until 8.30pm. FREE. Waltham Forest Council arts& Open Mic Night Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Experience a compelling variety of talent at what is probably the best open mic in town. Come and cheer on some raw London talent. 7.30-11.30pm. FREE. Andy Mirror 07940 260558

Thursday 6 WMG Late: Obsession William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Free late night event celebrating artistic obsession. With figure drawing classes, poetry readings, a live DJ and a specially created menu in the Tea Room. 6.30-10.30pm. FREE. Red Imp Comedy Club proudly presents Craig Campbell Tour Show Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe St E17 4SA One of the AAA-listers that is Frankie Boyle’s main live support act, and star of Live at the Apollo brings his tour show to E17. Doors 8.30pm, show 9-11pm. £13. event/281004

Friday 7 Walthamstow Musician’s Jam The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Bring an instrument, chat with fellow musos, put together an ad hoc collaboration and take the stage. 8-11pm. FREE. Events marked

The Gay Night in Walthamstow! The Chequers, 145 High St E17 7BX Social for LGBT aged 25-30, every first Friday of the month. This month at The Chequers. This is a friendly, convivial evening around a drink or two with good conversations, fun and lots of laughter. 6-11pm. FREE. Jean-Francois 02085219818 Walthamstow-Gay-Meetup/

Saturday 8 Pop Up The Mall Walthamstow, 45 Selborne Walk E17 7JR Make your own computer game or animation in as little as 20 minutes at our free pop-up coding event. Ages 7+. Beginners welcome. No booking required. 11am-3pm. FREE. The East Lonesome Drifters The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Proper Country ’n’ Western - both styles played with a forensic knowledge of the background and history of the songs. 9-11pm. FREE.

Sunday 9 Garden of Aspirations Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road E17 9NH Join artists Catherine West and Sheila Hallisey to create a magical garden from fabric and recycled materials. Add your own blossoms, bugs and wishes. In partnership with Significant Seams. Just drop in. 1.30-4pm. FREE. 020 8496 4391 Robb Johnson: Gentlemen, at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Robb presents his critically acclaimed song cycle in which he explores the relationship of his grandfathers generation to the experience of the trenches. 7.30-10.30pm. £7/£5 (conc). 07746 612 607

Regular Grown-Up, Kids’ & Baby screenings. Also available for private hire. For more details, head to Also follow us here: / Stowfilmlounge Remembrance The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG A re-run of the WW1 remembrance show first performed at The Vestry House Museum at this year’s Stowfest. Featuring songs, readings and satire from the Great War. 8-10pm. FREE. Donations to the Poppy Appeal welcomed.

Monday 10 Stowtellers: The Walthamstow Storytelling Club St Mary’s Welcome Centre, 8 Church End E17 9RJ We will have a Storyround, come and tell a tale, share a song or a ballad. Relaxed and informal setting for sharing traditional stories. All welcome, to listen or tell. 7.30-9.30pm. £3/£2. 07891 724 771

Stowfilmlounge Tuesday 11 People’s Question Time with Mayor of London Boris Johnson Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD This twice yearly Q&A session enables Londoners to question the Mayor and London Assembly and find out about their plans and priorities for the city. Doors 6pm, 7-9pm. FREE but priority given to pre-booked ticketholders. peoples-question-time-in-walthamforest-tickets-13347547875 Alternatively call 020 7983 4762 for tickets to be posted to you.

Wednesday 12 Waltham Forest Cycling Campaign The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Join us for a discussion on cycling issues, opportunities, and upcoming events. Everyone is welcome and we appreciate all contributions. We usually go to a nearby pub after the meeting. 8-9.15pm.

kid friendly

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Wednesday 12 continued Panel Discussion: Is Fashion Still To Die For? William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Panel discussion on conditions in the global textile industry, held to coincide with Alke Schmidt’s Tangled Yarns exhibition. Booking essential. 7-9pm. FREE. 020 8496 4390 The Ramshackle Union Band What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Woozy bluegrass for weary hearts and bleeding minds. 8.30-11pm. FREE with a collection. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218

Thursday 13

Passionate about


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the e List aPP * ‘BOTH USEFUL & BEaUTiFUL’ * FREE and available for iPhone and android ** Free listing available for events/classes with a maximum individual cost of £16. if your event costs more please consider advertising with us

Creative Kids: Goldilocks William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Regular session for children under 5 and their parents/carers. This month, build your own chair and play with size in Goldilocks & the Three Bears. 10-11.30am, repeated 1-2.30pm. FREE for under-5s and their parents or carers. Booking essential. 020 8496 4390 Stow Film Lounge presents Still The Enemy Within (2014, Cert TBC) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR The film offers a unique insight into one of history’s most dramatic events: the 1984-85 British Miners’ Strike. No experts. No politicians. Thirty years on, this is the raw first-hand experience of those who lived through Britain’s longest strike. Doors open: 7.45pm, Film 8.30pm, late bar until 12am. Tickets: £8.50/£6.50 (conc), ticket + pizza from £14 (pre-book only) Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987 Jazz and Soul Night Upstairs at The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB Shelley T and The MPG’S play jazz, soul and Motown. 9-11pm. £5. Shelley 07903271877

Friday 14 Open Mic Night The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH See a mix of local & talented performers in front of a warmly supportive audience. Organic ales, ciders & wines, and mouthwatering snacks. Singers, musicians, poets, comedians and magicians are all welcome. 7.30-11pm. FREE. 07940 260558



Stow Baby Film Lounge presents Locke (2013, Cert 15) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Tom Hardy stars as Ivan Locke, a dedicated family man and successful construction manager, receives a phone call on the eve of the biggest challenge of his career that sets in motion a series of events that threaten his careful cultivated existence. Doors open: 11.15am, Film 11.45am, Close 1.45pm Tickets: £6.50/£5 (conc) Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987 The Original Gravity Festival The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG The WO hosts the inaugural OG Festival dedicated to original music (and beer). Urban Country giant Bob Collum headlines with the fantastic Blazing Zoos and Morton Valance making up a superb urban country line-up. 7-11pm. FREE. Stow Film Lounge presents Northern Soul (2014, Cert 15) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Set in 1974, an authentic and uplifting tale of two friends whose horizons are opened up by the discovery of black American soul music. Doors open: 7.45pm, Film 8.30pm, DJ & late bar until 12am. Tickets: £8.50/£6.50 (conc), ticket + pizza from £14 (pre-book only) Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987

Saturday 15 Stow Kids Film Lounge presents Maleficent (2014, Cert PG) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. Doors open: 10.30am, Activity Session, Film 11am, Close 1pm. Tickets: £5.50 child, £11 child party package, £4 acc adult, under 2’s free Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987 Cicrle Dance Day St Mary’s Welcome Centre, 8 Church End E17 9RJ Dance in a circle to World music. Learn steps from experienced teachers and dance. No partner needed. All welcome. Bring lunch to share. 11am4pm. £15/£12 (conc). Jean or Pat 020 8556 3508 Events marked

kid friendly

4 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Table-top Sale & Children’s Party TSP Youth Space Charity (The Soul Project), 245 Wood Street E17 3NT Help us raise funds for local children’s charity. Attend the table top sale and also enjoy a special themed children’s party downstairs at Tumble in the Jungle. 11am-4pm. FREE entry to sale, £10 per table, entrance fee for party Kay or Rani 0870 626 0710 The Original Gravity Festival The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Steve White & The Protest Family headline, with The Outbursts and The Higham Flyers completing the evening session. The Simon Theobold Band, Lady President & The Paperbacks provide the afternoon vibes. 3pm-12am. FREE. Leytonstone Green Drinks The Walnut Tree, 857-861 High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH A monthly friendly get-together for the green and eco-minded, organised by Transition Leytonstone. Newcomers always welcome. 8pm. Ros 0208 556 0885 Charity Ceilidh Dance St Michael & All Angels Church Hall, Northcote Road E17 6PQ A fundraising evening of music and dancing (with caller) from local band The Stowicks. All proceeds go to Cancer Research UK and Headway East London. Bring your own booze! 7.30-10.30pm. £8, children over 12 welcome £5. Cowbell What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Stax and R’n’B influenced garage soul rock ‘n’ roll duo. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with a collection. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218

Sunday 16 E17 Jazz presents Solstice & ST Fusion Orford Road Social Club, Orford Road E17 London Jazz Festival Special for a familyfriendly Sunday afternoon! Solstice are a really fresh sounding band, drawing on influences from Brazil, France and New York. ST Fusion are an exciting jazz/folk trio from Tenerife, touring the UK. 2-5pm. £12/£8 (conc). 07930 544 312

Events marked







Make your own Litter Bug The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A workshop with Michelle Reader, make a litter bug with some recycling from home. 2-4pm. £3. Michelle 020 85213211 The Original Gravity Festival The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG The November Five end the festival with a bang with the majestic metal of Hollow Bastion and the psych grunge of Variety Klubb. The Kindling headline the afternoon; The Healing and KAMi completing the line-up. 3-11pm. FREE. Bruce Molskey at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A colossus of old time American music. A master fiddle player, banjo player guitarist and singer with a fantastic repertoire of songs from the Appalachian mountains and elsewhere. 7.30-10.30pm. £8/£6 (conc). 07746 612 607

Monday 17 With A Heavy Heart Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe St E17 4SA Boireannach Theatre’s first season. Tonight’s performance includes The Octopus Trap & And All The Children Cried. 7.30-10pm. £10. Buy 10 get 1 free, buy 20 get 4 free. Annie McKenzie 07510064906 with-a-heavy-heart-tickets13805353183

Tuesday 18 With A Heavy Heart Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe St E17 4SA See Monday 17 for details. Tonight’s performance includes Stitch in Time & The Octopus Trap.

Wednesday 19 With A Heavy Heart Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 53 Hoe St E17 4SA See Monday 17 for details. Tonight’s performance includes And All The Children Cried & Stitch in Time.

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Thursday 20 Highams Park Live The County Arms, 420 Hale End Road, Highams Park E4 9PB An acoustic evening of live music, poetry and live literature. Highams Park Live provides a platform for songwriters, poets and storytellers to share their creative writing, perform, and engage with local people within the community. Drop us a line if you’d like to perform. 7-11pm. FREE. Nigel Mear 07730 985 615 London in the Great War Trinity United Reform Church 58 Orford Road E17 9QL (entrance in West Avenue) Prof. Jerry White, author of an acclaimed trilogy on London from the 18th to 20th centuries will talk to the Walthamstow Historical Society reflecting on how the Great War changed London for ever. 7.30-9pm. £1.50, Society members FREE.

New Lammas Lands Defence Committee The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Our aim is to defend the former Lammas Lands of Leyton and Walthamstow Marshes, so that they remain public open space in perpetuity. 8-10pm. Annual subscription, currently £12/£6 (conc) Los Otros at The Vic The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Enjoy the mellow sounds of jazz standards or get up and dance to swing and Bossa Nova in the Victoria’s cosy upstairs bar. 9-11.30pm. FREE. Julia Clarke 07801756863

Friday 21 Christmas Shopping Night William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Beat the central London crowds and stock up early for Christmas with our late night shopping event. Our beautifully decorated gallery shop will be full of exclusive Christmas gifts, plus mince pies and mulled wine. 6-9.30pm. FREE.

kid friendly

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Friday 28 Bakers Arms Book Group The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH We are an informal and friendly group. This month’s book is The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton. Tea, coffee, wine available. New members welcome, just turn up. 7.30pm.

Saturday 22

Wednesday 26

Jewellery Making Taster Session Beyond Beading, 124 Farnan Avenue E17 4NH Learn basic wire and bead techniques (adults and over 12s) and use this creative new skill to make your own fabulous earrings or pendant in this first session. Materials included. 10-11am. £10. Birgit 07910251629

Charity Quiz night at The Vic The Victoria, 188 Hoe Street E17 4QH Buffet and quiz night in aid of Macmillan cancer support. Ticket price includes buffet. Reg charity no. 261017. 7.30-11pm. £8. Julia Clarke 07801756863

Stow Film Lounge presents Boyhood (2014, Cert 15) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR Filmed over 12 years with the same cast, Richard Linklater’s BOYHOOD is a groundbreaking story of growing up as seen through the eyes of a child named Mason (a breakthrough performance by Ellar Coltrane), who literally grows up on screen before our eyes. Doors open: 7.45pm, Film 8.30pm, late bar until 12am. Tickets: £8.50/£6.50 (conc), ticket + pizza from £14 (pre-book only) Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987

E17 Jazz presents Jac Jones Quartet Orford Road Social Club, Orford Road E17 We’re really excited to welcome Jac’s quartet to The Orford Road Social Club for the first time. The interaction on stage within the band is mesmerizing. 8-11pm. £10/£7 (conc) 07930 544 312

The Bevvy Of Blues Jam The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG The WO’s monthly blues jam returns with house band The Bluetone Groovers providing the platform for a host of special guests... Pick up that harp and come on down. 8-11pm. FREE.

The Projectors The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Covers band who are big on the charity event circuit take time out to do a gig @ The WO. Should be a great night. 9-11pm. FREE.

Sunday 23 Waltham Forest Cycling Campaign Monthly Ride Meet at Walthamstow Central Library, High Street E17 7JN We have a few routes lined up and usually decide distance and destination on the day according to what people prefer. We ride leisurely suited to the wishes of participants, and usually stay within 30 miles and sometimes considerably shorter. Tend to be back by 3pm and always have a snack stop somewhere. 10am-3pm. Tom McConville at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA Tom is one of the leading fiddle players of our time. A virtuoso musician and fantastic singer, his rich and warm voice makes his interpretation of traditional and contemporary songs greatly admired. 7.30-10.30pm. £7/£5 (conc). 07746 612 607 Events marked

kid friendly

Luke Tuchscherer & The Penny Dreadfuls / Reid Jamieson & Carolyn Victoria Mill What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Exservicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Steve Earl influenced country folk, confessional songs, storytelling and social commentary. 8.30-11pm. FREE. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218

Thursday 27 Stow Film Lounge presents All Quiet On The Western Front (1930, Cert PG) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR To coincide with the Great War commemorative exhibition we proudly present this Oscar-winning epic film featuring a young soldier who faces profound disillusionment in the soul-destroying horror of World War I. Doors open: 7pm, Film 7.30pm, Close 11pm. Tickets: £6.50/£5 (conc) Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987

Saturday 29 Join the Local Exchange Trading Scheme The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Waltham Forest’s local exchange trading scheme’s (LETS) monthly meeting. If you like the way that people can exchange all kinds of goods and services with one another without the need for money, then you can also join up on the spot. Members are also welcome to pop by to chat and trade. 10.30am-12pm. or Stow Kids Film Lounge presents How To Train Your Dragon 2 (2014, Cert PG) Orford House Social Club, 73 Orford Road E17 9QR When Hiccup and Toothless discover an ice cave that is home to hundreds of new wild dragons and the mysterious Dragon Rider, the two friends find themselves at the centre of a battle to protect the peace. Doors open: 10.30am, Activity Session, Film 11am, Close 1pm. Tickets: £5.50 child, £11 child party package, £4 acc adult, under 2’s free Tickets: or on the door if not sold out. 07910 643987 The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Learn to make computer games, animations and apps with tech specialists in our two day workshop. Ages 7-12 years. Beginners and girls welcome. Please email for a booking form as places limited. 10am-2pm. FREE. Esther 07981 591150 Family Day: Better Cotton William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Free drop-in event for families of all ages. Turn your old clothes and fabrics into funky new toys and find out about fair trade cotton. 1-4pm. FREE. E17 Designers Winter Market The Asian Centre, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN 30 different artists/designers/makers with all things crafted and created for one off gifts! Entry includes a free drink, live music from Black Scarr and prize draw to win a goody bag! 5-9pm. £2, under 16s FREE. Carolyn 07904 546294 contact@e17designers Cinderella: A Musical Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Rd E17 7BY Fun and frolics in the musical ‘Cinderella’ set in the 1920s. A charity show by the Starlighters to raise money for CREST of Waltham Forest, a local charity supporting disabled and marginalised people. Light buffet included in the price. Tea and coffee available or bring your own alchoholic drinks. 7.30-10pm. £10/£7 (conc)/£5 (seniors and under 16s). Kathy 0208 923 5416 Fork to Fork: Seasonal Supper Club 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH The Hornbeam Cafe invites you to a vegetarian feast with delicious healthy tasty food – locally sown, grown, picked and cooked! The supper club is open from 6.30-10.30pm so you can choose your time to book a table (latest 9pm). Advance booking is essential. The café can cater for all special dietary requirements. All 3 courses for just £15! St Andrew’s Dinner & Dance Social Club, Town Hall, Forest Road E17 4JF Enjoy haggis, neeps and tatties and the Stow Caledonian Pipe Band will provide the music for this dinner and dance evening in aid of the Pensioner’s Christmas party and ScotsCare. Evening dress required. 7.30pm until late. £20, includes meal. Tickets available from Tommy Anderson 07506 733392

6 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.

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FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”.

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Wide World Music Walthamstow Cricket, Tennis & Squash Club, 48a Greenway Avenue E17 3QN A family friendly night from Wide World Music in association with African Night Fever. Exciting musical fusion and dance rhythms from Grupo Lokito. 7.30-11.30pm. £7.50/£6 (conc)/£3 children. Miraculous Mule What’s Cookin’ @ Leytonstone Ex-servicemens Club, 2 Harvey Road E11 3DB Rock‘n’roll-infused spirituals, stripped down acapella gospels, and stomping blues. 8.30-11.30pm. FREE with collection. Stephen Ferguson 07904 210218 Satan’s Mineons The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Nottingham based prog-metal band with a unique cross-genre mix and heavy acoustic. 9-11pm. FREE. Walls of Heartache The Arubar Lounge, 524-528 Forest Road, E17 4NB Club night, playing Northern Soul and Motown on Vinyl in a small friendly club atmosphere. 9pm-1am. £5/£4 (members). Contact Dave on wallsofheartache@

Sunday 30 Cinderella: A Musical Harmony Hall, 10 Truro Rd E17 7BY See Sat 29 Nov for details

UKULELE Classes for adults in E17

St Barnabas Church Christmas Fayre Foster Hall, Wellesley Road E17 8JZ Crafts, unusual presents, home made goods, mince pies and mulled wine, carol singing, bric-a-brac, Christmas cards, raffle, tombola, kids’ crafts, and much, much more. Don’t forget to visit Santa’s grotto! 1-5pm. FREE.

The n term b ew 8 Nove egins m Registeber r now!

07745 052 525


BeBop Baby The Trades Hall, 17 Hoe Street, E17 4SB (entrance in Tower Hamlets Road) Live music from Mrs H’s band, a big hit at Camp Bestival, & top Djs for your listening pleasure. Bring the kids & come shale your tail feather. Face painting, fancy dress, craft, baby soft space. 1-4pm. £4. Cheaper earlybird family discounts online. Hannah, Mandy, Ben 07813156140 The Dovetail Trio at Walthamstow Folk Ye Olde Rose & Crown, 53 Hoe Street E17 4SA A new trio featuring our old pal Matt Quinn. Presenting England’s traditional songs with a bold and fresh approach, The Dovetail Trio explores familiar narratives and modern themes with infectious energy and a passion. 7.30-10.30pm. £7/£5 (conc). 07746 612 607 Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre’s BIG Quiz Leyton Orient Supporters Club, Matchroom Stadium, Brisbane Rd E10 5NF Cash prize for the winning team and a raffle. Snacks provided and a cash bar. All profits will go directly to Waltham Forest Disability Resource Centre. Reg Charity No 800350. 5-8pm. £5 or book a table of 8 for £35. Waltham Forest DRC 0208 534 1589 Forest Philharmonic Concert Assembly Hall, Forest Road E17 4JD Rossini: L’Italiana in Algeri Overture, Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto, Beethoven: Symphony no. 3 Eroica. Conductor: Mark Shanahan, Violin: Fenella Humphreys. Free pre-concert talk 5.30pm. 6.30-8.30pm. Balcony £15/£12 (conc), Stalls £10/£8 (conc), Under-26s £3, stalls family ticket 1 adult & 1 child £10.


5-STRING BANJO classes in E17

The new term begins 8 September Register now!

07745 052 525

DANCE/FITNESS Sunday Dinner Jazz The William Morris Bar, 807-811 Forest Rd E17 4JD Cool Blue Note-era jazz from the Paul Kaufman trio, plus occasional guest. Enjoy great food, wines, ales and company while chilling out in this fabulous warm and stylish bar. 1.304.30pm. FREE entry. Paul 07801 429782 The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA See Saturday 29 for details except for times – 10am-2pm. FREE. E17 Designers Winter Market The Asian Centre, 18a Orford Road E17 9LN See Sat 29 for details, but different opening times. 2-6pm

Every week/Whole month



Until 1 March Raids, Rationing and Riots: Waltham Forest and the Great War Vestry House Museum, Vestry Rd E17 9NH New exhibition at Vestry House Museum to mark the centenary of the First World War, commemorating the impact of the war on the lives of people from Chingford, Walthamstow, Leyton and Leytonstone. Open WedSun 10am-5pm. FREE. No need to book. 020 8496 4391 Until 16 November Vinyl Vanguard Hoe St Central, Unit 3, Central Parade, Hoe Street E17 4RT Vinyl records, music related products and original paintings of iconic musicians by local artist Ruth Lukom.

Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays Conservation Volunteers Meet opposite Lee Valley Riding Centre, 1a Connaught Close E10 7QS. Our established Biodiversity Action Team (BAT) helps manage some of Waltham Forest’s most beautiful and vibrant sites for nature conservation. Help improve your local green spaces through a wide range of activities including; woodland management, habitat creation, pond maintenance and some environmental construction. With practical sessions every day there are plenty of opportunities to join in, meet new people, learn new skills and discover hidden green spaces while improving your health and stamina. No previous experience is required. 9am4.30pm. FREE. Tom Nandi, 07917267573

18 -30 November Forest YMCA Young Entrepreneurs Hoe St Central, Unit 3, Central Parade, Hoe Street E17 4RT Showcasing a range of work and the talents of young people from Forest YMCA.

Until 15 November Little Germany: The Exhibition Walthamstow Central Library, High Street E17 7JN To commemorate the centenary of WW1, Eastside Community Heritage are running, ‘Little Germany Stratford and East London 1914’ exploring the experiences of German enemy aliens in East London during the conflict. 9-6pm. FREE. Angela 020 8496 8205

Until 25 January Tangled Yarns William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Artist (and this month’s cover star) Alke Schmidt explores the politics and morality of the textile industry, from the 18th century to the present day, in this exhibition of new work. Wed-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 020 8496 4390

From 3- 24 November Empire Needs Men: The Exhibition Walthamstow Central Library, High Street E17 7JN Showing images of the contributions made by over two million African soldiers during the First World War, this exhibition commemorates the many losses and remembers the unforgettable histories. 9-7pm. FREE. Angela 020 8496 8205 Events marked

Until 10 November Prelude to a Resurrection The Stone Space Gallery, 6 Church Lane Leytonstone E11 1HQ Sean and Leticia Vasquez will be showing pieces that speak to the theme of life, death and finding beauty even in the passing of time and the end of life as we know it. Thurs-Fri 2-6pm, Sat 12-5pm, Sun 12-4pm. FREE.

Until 4 January Rossetti’s Obsession: Images of Jane Morris William Morris Gallery, Forest Road E17 4PP Jane Morris was the favoured model of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, founder of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. Rossetti drew Jane obsessively; this exhibition brings together a selection of his iconic drawings, photographs and pastel studies. Wed-Sun 10am-5pm. FREE. 020 8496 4390

kid friendly

8 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.




Until 22 November Litter Bugs on Tour The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA A collection of beasties made from recycled materials by Michelle Reader and local children. Tues-Thurs 10am7pm. Fri-Sat 10am-6pm. Sun 11am2pm. FREE. 020 8521 3211 27 November - 7 February Fun Palace Retrospective! The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Your memories and drawings of Walthamstow plus photographs from the Fun Palace Weekend and a film of how we made the Mill Elephant. TuesThurs 10am-7pm. Fri-Sat 10am-6pm. Sun 11am-2pm. FREE. 020 85213211 Art & Illustration in The Deli Cafe The Deli Cafe, 69 Orford Rd E17 9NJ Enjoy a coffee amongst lovely art and illustrations by local artists in the charming Deli Cafe, including E17 Art Trail artists Eileen Kai Hing Kwan and Ju Kang. Artwork for sale and regularly updated. Open cafe hours 8am-6pm. Wednesdays Club Mellow Youth Group ELOP Centre, 56-60 Grove Road E17 9BN A space for lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans young people aged 13-21yrs who want to meet up with others in a friendly, supportive environment away from the scene. 6-9pm. £1. 02085093898 or e-mail Thursdays Club Mellow LGBT Social Group ELOP Centre, 56-60 Grove Road E17 9BN A weekly afternoon social support space for lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans people who want to meet up with others in a friendly, supportive environment. 2.30-4.30pm. £2. 02085093898 or Wednesdays Farmdrop E17 The Chequers, 145 High Street E17 7BX Click and collect online farmers market bringing together local independent producers for the good people of E17. A weekly ‘drop’ for your pre-ordered groceries and artisan produce, collected from the hands that made it. 6.30-8.30pm. Sian 07813240730

Events marked

kid friendly






PIANO TEACHER in Walthamstow

TRISH 07909373534 Saturdays OrganicLea market stall The Hornbeam Café, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH The market stall sells organic and local sustainably grown fruit and vegetables, homemade bread, jams and preserves. Healthy Start vouchers can be used. 10am-3pm. we-sell-food/our-market-stall/

Tuesdays (term time) Sew and Tell: ESL with Zelda Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Come along and learn English (and sew!) in a friendly environment. 10am1pm. £3.

Saturdays OrganicLea market stall with Transition Leytonstone Between St John’s Church & Matalan, High Road, Leytonstone E11 1HH As above. 10.30am-3pm.

Tuesdays Kids knitting club Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Join us for a great after-school activity. 4-5pm. £5.

Thursdays Tiny Tempo Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Join The Tiny Tempo Team for a fun introduction to musical concepts-using singing, instrument playing, listening and dancing! With guitars, ukuleles, and a lot of energy, fun is had by all. 9.30-10.30 for under 18 months, 10.30-11.30 for 18 months and older. £5 for one child, £8 for two.

Wednesdays Stories and sticking Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Craft activity and story time for toddlers and their adults with Kaye. 10.3-11.30am. £3.

Sundays The Jazz Roast The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Every Sunday JB Jazz invite fellow jazzmeisters to sit in on their laid back vibe. The perfect accompaniment to The WO’s excellent Sunday roasts. 1-7pm. FREE. Roast optional, from £7. Mondays WO Community Choir The Warrant Officer, 318 Higham Hill Road E17 5RG Join our fast growing community choir. Absolutely no auditions. All abilities welcome. Inclusive, informal and fun. Call for more info or come along on the night. 7.30-9pm. £6, first session free. Laura 07813686980


Wednesdays Mending club Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX A friendly group sharing the joy of making and making it up when it goes a lil’ wrong! 1-3pm. £3. Wednesdays Kids’ craft club Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Good citizenship and creative making at our community space on Wood Street. 4.30-5.30pm. £5. Thursdays Supportive Sewing Circle Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Bring your sewing, knitting or craft project along and join in. 1-3pm. £3.

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”.

Monthly gigs in Walthamstow 73 Orford Road, E17 9QR

Thursdays Neighbourly Knit and Stitch Significant Seams 131 Wood St E17 3LX Come along with your sewing, knitting or craft project and join in. 7-9pm. £3. Alternate Sundays, 9 & 23 Nov Life drawing Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Wonderful opportunity to make original art in front of a life model. All materials provided. Advance booking essential. 3-5pm. or text 07980 713819 Tuesdays and Thursdays until 18 December Strung out violin groups for adults Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Got a violin in your attic you want to dust down? Fancy learning a new skill? Strung Out is a fun violin group for adult enthusiasts of all levels, with a professional musician. 7-8pm £10. Alison Jones 020 7018 2927 Mondays until 15 December Five String Banjo Classes Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Dick Smith teaches 5-String Banjo classes in 3 finger bluegrass style picking for adults. 6.30-7.30pm. £12.50. 20% discount when booked in advance. Violaine Bailleul 07745 052525 Tuesdays Baby Massage The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Stimulate and relax your baby with developmental baby massage. 11.15am-12.15pm. £8 or £40 for six week course. Alex Brandon 07528 385986

To advertise your business contact 9

ART Mondays until 15 December Waltham Forest Community Choir St Mary’s Church, Church Hill E17 9RJ A friendly choir with a wide-ranging repertoire, from Faure to Folk via Gospel, African and Pop Classics. Open to those living or working in Waltham Forest. New members welcome anytime. No audition required. 7.30-9.30pm. £5 (payable termly £50). Membership Secretary 07954 740745 Wednesdays until 17 December Five String Banjo Classes for adults Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Would you like to brush up your banjo skills in a relaxed and fun environment? Then join in Dick Smith’ banjo lessons. Dick has been teaching Bluegrass banjo lessons for more than 15 years. 6.307.30pm. £12.50. 20% discount when booked in advance. Violaine Bailleul 07745 052525 Thursdays The Singing Room Community Choir & Open session Small side hall, St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Havant Rd E17 3JF A local choir for the confident, not so confident and downright petrified! Come along and give us a try. We have fantastic songs to sing. £9 or 10 sessions for £70. First session FREE. 7.30-9.15pm. Anna 07931 372996 or for further details or just turn up! Fridays Come and Sing - Under 5s All Saints Church, Church Avenue, Highams Park E4 9QD Singing songs of inspiration and love for parent and under 5’s. 9.3010.30am. £5. Andrea Encinas 02085097222



Fridays Come and Sing - Adults All Saints Church, Church Avenue, Highams Park E4 9QD Daytime singing class for adults and elders singing songs of inspiration and love. 11am-12pm. £5. Andrea Encinas 02085097222 Saturdays until 13 December Ukulele Classes Quaker Meeting House, 1a Jewel Road E17 4QU Learn the ukulele or improve your skills with an experienced, professional musician in a fun and relaxed environment. Instruments not provided! 20% discount when booking term in advance. 10.30-11.30am. £10. Dick Smith 07903 419691 Saturdays E17 Junior Guitar Club Hornbeam Centre, 458 Hoe Street E17 9AH Guitar playing fun for children of all abilities. Ages 7 and upwards. Different levels & times. Pay £8 for a taster session, then £48 for a half-term of six lessons 30 minutes each. Christian Karlsson mob. 07958 471 083, Saturdays B.I.G. Gospel Choir All Saints Church, Church Avenue, Highams Park E4 9QD Join this friendly and dynamic choir who were recent finalists of Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year 2014. 4.30-6pm. £5 plus annual membership. Andrea Encinas 02085097222

DANCE/FITNESS Mondays and Thursdays (term time) BONGALONG music, movement and make believe St Gabriel’s Family Centre, Havant Road E17 3JF Fun music sessions using singing, dancing, let’s pretend and wonderful percussion instruments. Sessions for Under 5s and their carers at 10am, 11am, additional session on Mondays at 1.30pm. Sessions for Under 1s at 1.30pm and 2.30pm on Thursdays. £5.25. Booking essential. 07811460282 Tuesdays and Thursdays Magic Box: Interactive storytelling sessions Mothers Hub, 133 Wood Street, E17 3LX What’s inside the Magic Box today? Join a host of different characters, from Dahlia the Dinosaur to Captain Wonkynose, as they lead you on exciting and interactive storytelling adventures...! Coffee and cake included. Drop-in for 2ish- to 5-year olds. Tues 4-5pm, Thurs 10-11am. £4 or £6 for 2 kids Lottie Tuesdays Hola Chicos – Spanish for babies and toddlers The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane E17 7HA Spanish sessions introducing babies and toddlers to Spanish through songs, games and stories. 10.15-11am. £5, additional siblings £2.50. Alex Brandon 07528 385986 Wednesdays until 17 December Atty’s Musical Steps - Baby Band & Toddler Troupe The Salvation Army, 434 Forest Rd E17 4PY Fun-packed, educational and innovative musical games, movement and sensory props for babies, toddlers and their carers. Toddler Troupe at 9.50am, £5. Baby Band at 10.45am and 11.30am £4.50. Trial class available. Atty Cronin 07939 123 860



Wednesdays Hola Chicos – Spanish for babies and toddlers Mothers Hub, 133 Wood St E17 3LX Sessions introducing babies and toddlers to Spanish through songs, games and stories. Ages 0-5. 10-11am. £5, additional siblings £2.50. Alex Brandon 07528 385986 Thursdays (except Nov 6) Club Mellow Baby & Toddler Group ELOP Centre, 56-60 Grove Road Walthamstow E17 9BN A welcoming, inclusive drop-in on Thursdays for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans parents and carers and their babies and toddlers offering opportunity to network and socialise with other LGBT families in a safe, friendly setting. 11am-1pm. £2.50 & kids FREE! 020 8509 3898 or Fridays until 19 December Acting Bugs The Peterhouse Centre, 122 Forest Rise E17 3PW ACTING BUGS offers fun weekly drama and storytelling classes for children aged 3 to 4. For those children under 3, DIDDY BUGS stimulates the senses through story based sessions. All welcome. 9.50-11.30am. First class FREE. £7 per session paid half termly, £6.50 per session paid whole termly. Samantha Seager 07903 459497 Fridays until 19 December Atty’s Musical Steps - Baby Band & Toddler Troupe Baptist Church, 4 Greenleaf Road E17 6QQ Fun-packed, educational and innovative musical games, movement and sensory props for 0-4s and their carers. Help your child develop their listening and communication skills. Booking essential. Termly booking, trial class available. 10-10.40am. £4.50 Atty Cronin 07939 123 860

10 The E List makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information it publishes, but cannot be held responsible for any consequences arising from errors or omissions. Please confirm with the venue before setting out.



Saturdays French Classes The Salvation Army, 434 Forest Rd E17 4PY L’Accent, La Petite Ecole de Walthamstow, is a new Saturday French club for children aged 4+. 10am session for non-French speakers and 11am session for French speakers. 10am12pm. £8. Free trial. 20% off for siblings. Sofia 07574044184 Mondays Hatha Yoga Drop-In Community Room, Aveling Centre, Lloyd Park E17 4PP Creative and inspiring class. All levels including beginners. Newcomers always very welcome. 8-9.30pm. £7. Please pay at Centre reception. YogaRos 07711042883 Mondays until 8 December Jive and Lindy Hop Course for Beginners The Trades Hall, 17 Hoe Street, E17 4SB (entrance in Tower Hamlets Road) Learn the basic moves to dance 6 count jive to the music of the 1940’s and 50’s. 7.30-8.30pm. £11.50 or £55 for a six week course. Jerome Anderson 07931 507760 Saturdays E18 Yoga - Kids Class Winchester Road Methodist Church, Winchester Road E4 9JP Yoga class for children aged 2-4 years. Full of fun & games with yoga. Places are limited to 12 so please book with Laura. 9-9.30am. £6. Laura Piercy Farley 07970493521


Tuesdays Khyal Arts’ BollyFusion The Welcome Centre, St Mary’s, Church Path (off Vestry Road) E17 9RJ . Accessible, upbeat and exciting Bollywood class influenced by street dance and jazzy moves. All welcome, regardless of experience. Zumba-style warm up, learn a fun routine, yogastyle cool down. Come and join in the BollyFusion fun! Over 18s. 7.45-8.30pm. First class FREE when joining, then £7 when booked in advance, £6 members. Vanessa or 07958 523431 Tuesdays Waltham Forest Flames Pastures Youth Centre, 15 Davies Lane E11 3DR A fun, GIRLS ONLY u18 basketball session for mixed ability. Fun drills and games that will lead to an improvement in both ability and character. Come along and try it out! 4-6pm. £3. Michael 07875018011 michael.gainsborough-adam@ Wednesdays Waltham Forest Flames Pastures Youth Centre, 15 Davies Lane E11 3DR A fun u18 basketball session for mixed ability and gender. Fun drills and games that will lead to an improvement in both ability and character. Come along and try it out! 4-6pm. £3. Michael 07875018011 michael.gainsborough-adam@

For lots more dance and fitness classes visit

Two Little Free Firsts.



The Poppy Project a poem by Angelena Demaria of Forest Poets Take red paper, stiff but not too thick. Insert a shrapnel piece of thin green wire. Thread on a long-gone soldier’s shiny button, clipped from their khaki, navy, Air Force blue. Disregard their rank, Service, and country. Feel any guilt you feel refurbished, and a pride to see them honourably redeployed. And if the buttons might once have dyed red for you, or let fly with a musket or machine gun, or gone home to love, it doesn’t matter. They’re all cut off and mustered in the poppy bag - waiting for the wire. “I saw a commemorative exhibition at the Imperial War Museum where there was a green astro-turf field and the makings for visitors to assemble poppies to plant. It seemed particularly popular with children.” Angelena Demaria is a long-standing member of Forest Poets. When not writing poetry, she can be found in the Town Square campaigning for Greenpeace. Find Forest Poets on Facebook and Twitter @ForestPoets

Words and pictures by Danny Coope

Once upon a time small painted cupboards on poles began popping up in unexpected spots around Britain bursting with books, last year’s Wilbur Smith, a 1960s pulp fiction rarity or an as-new Jamie cook book. Whatever you found was yours to borrow for free, no late fees ever. When The E List reported on this phenomenon back in July there where 12 of these beautiful Little Free Libraries in Walthamstow but the


Scutt, and following an impassioned speech on the importance and significance of reading the ribbons were officially cut by children’s author, poet and Wingfield Road resident Nicki Cornwell last month. So take heed, take a book, return a book, donate a book! greedy readers of Wingfield and Randolph Roads have managed a UK first by having two installed! The second is much shorter than usual, at

a child-friendly height and stocked only with childrens books - yet another UK first! Both are engagingly decorated by local mural artist Emma

The End.

FREE listings are available for events under £16, visit and select “List your event”. To advertise your business contact 11

Explore your archive Explore Your Archive is a national campaign, aimed to raise awareness of archives as places where records are collected, kept safe and made accessible. Ever wondered what treasures your local archive contain? Curious about the history of your house, street or ancestors but not sure where to begin? In partnership with local historical societies, the E List and with tempting refreshments from local makers Crumbs, Vestry House Museum is offering a weekend of free activities to help you get started.

2 - 4pm, Saturday 15 November at Vestry House Museum

Introduction to House Histories Workshop Rather than asking “Who Do You Think You Are?” the E List and Waltham Forest Archives are joining forces to encourage locals to consider “Where Do You Think You Are?” As part of the ‘Explore Your Archive’ weekend Neil Houghton from Walthamstow Historical Society will lead a workshop to introduce people to ways in which the Archives can help you discover the history of your home. “We are really fortunate in Waltham Forest to have ready access to so many fantastic sources” enthuses Neil. The workshop (which is free but requires booking) will take the form of a ‘How To Get Started’ practical session using copies of original materials from the collection. “There’s so much you can do with this stuff” he continues, “The great thing is that it’s possible to go into this in as much or as little detail as you want and still get a worthwhile result.” As well as an introduction to the written and pictorial sources, help with developing the basic skills to look at the buildings themselves. “If you think all Victorian and Edwardian terraces or 1960s flats are basically the same, think again”.

This event is free but please book your place in advance on or by contacting the Museum. Refreshments from 1pm-4.30pm.

Also on Saturday 2-5pm Drop in at the Waltham Forest Archives and Local Studies Library Searchroom, as well as the Photo Collection for an introduction to the service. Please note the Searchroom is accessible only by stairs, but the rest of the events are wheelchair accessible. Pictures: This page: Top – Kelly’s Trade Directories; Middle – Ebenezer Clarke’s Eden Grove cottage; Bottom – Leyton Council WW2 map showing bombing. Opposite: Top – The Archives, Vestry House; Middle – Leyton Urban District Voluntary Rations WWI; Bottom Census Returns. Detail of 19th C. Ordnance Survey Map of Walthamstow. 12

Photos © Danny Coope, © Crumbs and © Vestry House Museum

For pre-booked participants, Neil will also be on hand in the Archive searchroom to give individual help and guidance to people doing their own house histories following the Saturday workshop.’

2-4.30pm, Sunday 16 November at Vestry House Museum

A Century of Food in Waltham Forest “Food tasted different then, I don’t know why but it did, and we used to have a big saucepan on the hob, used to have soup in there all the time, everything used to go in there, you had a bit left over and it used to go in there, greenstuff, egg, eggshells, bits of meat, and then you used to strain all the lot through a strainer and then put it back again, hot it up, used to be lovely”.  Mr Jones, born in 1904.  This collection of short extracts from Waltham Forest Oral History Workshop (WFOHW)’s archive of recorded interviews highlights the enormous changes that have taken place in how we produce, buy, cook and eat our food since the beginning of the 20th century. You will hear memories of working in food shops and on market stalls, rearing rabbits and chickens in the garden, carrying the family meal in a pot to be cooked in the baker’s oven, getting milk in a jug from the milkman’s cart, finding a farthing in a sheet of toffee, listening for the muffin man’s bell on Sunday and much more.   WFOHW ( is a voluntary organisation set up in 1983. It now has a growing collection of more than 600 recordings of people talking about their life and work in Waltham Forest. Their stories bring the past to life in a unique way and form an important resource for historical research. This event is free but please book your place in advance on or by contacting the Museum. Refreshments from 1pm-4.30pm.

Waltham Forest Archives and Local Studies Library There is a wealth of historical resources right on your doorstep. Waltham Forest Archives and Local Studies Library can help if you are interested in researching your family history, the history of your house, street or school, or if you want to study the development of the local area and its communities. Waltham Forest Archives hold a wide range of sources relating to Chingford, Highams Park, Leyton, Leytonstone and Walthamstow. These include parish registers from 1575 onwards, census returns, rate books, records of local schools, charities and societies. We also hold records of Waltham Forest Borough Council and predecessor authorities, including sources relating to World War One and World War Two. The Local Studies Library holds Ordnance Survey maps, sale plans, street directories, electoral registers, biography files and printed ephemera relating to subjects such as sport and entertainment. Our local newspapers include early titles such as the Leytonstone Express and Independent from 1877, the Walthamstow Socialist Critic from 1900-01 as well as the long-running Walthamstow and Leyton Guardian (1876 to present). The Searchroom is open on Thursday-Saturday, 10am-1pm and 2-5pm. Appointments must be made in advance. To book please contact us on 020 8496 4381 or by email:

Vestry House Museum, Vestry Road, Walthamstow E17 9NH 13

Arty spaces for creative gnomes A new community creative space is currently emerging from the ruins of an old derelict factory on Blackhorse Lane in Walthamstow. Danny Michaux tells us more. ‘Before’ photographs by Mark Burton. Based in a newly renovated art deco building on Blackhorse Lane, Gnome House, expected to open in early 2015, will house a unique resource in the form of an open access printmaking studio (run by Inky Cuttlefish), artists’ studios, a creative workshop and performance space, a meeting room and a café. The workshop space, meeting room and performance space will all be available for public hire at affordable rates. The building’s name is a reference to its past life as a factory used to assemble Gnome Engines to power fighter planes during World War I. Tying in with the centenary of that conflict, local children have produced art relating to the site’s

For further information email: T: @GnomeHouseCIC 14

industrial heritage to be exhibited in the space from the opening, including a spectacular model biplane to be hung from the ceiling of the printmaking studio. Gnome House is another exciting addition to the on-going regeneration of the area, with a strong focus on making the space accessible and relevant to the local community. The refurbishment of the building forms part of Waltham Forest Council’s Blackhorse Lane Area Action Plan in partnership with developers MacdonaldEgan, who have been working with members of the local community to tailor Gnome House as perfectly as possible to the needs of the surrounding area.

Chantelle Michaux, an arts educator who lives and works in and around Blackhorse Lane and is a Director of Gnome House CIC, says of the project, “Our vision is to create a space that is welcoming to the whole community. Gnome House will offer a programme of events and activities that encourages people of all ages and abilities to come through the doors to experience and participate in a wide range of art forms. By tapping into the wealth of existing talent and creativity in the area, we can foster new talent and sustain Blackhorse Lane as a creative quarter for years to come.”

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For the thrill of a good read With a brand new thriller just out, best selling author, Stow resident and self-confessed busybody Dreda Say Mitchell talks to Julia Spicer about libraries, her East End roots, twitter and of course her new book. Photograph by Leonie Morse. Dreda is the daughter of Grenadians who came here in the sixties and, though uneducated themselves, gave their children a rich cultural upbringing, instilling in them their passion for education. She didn’t get her love of reading from school but remembers how every Saturday her mum would take them to the old Whitechapel Library where she spent hours developing her love of reading and books. And apart from that, she laughs, “I come from a family of people who didn’t shut up and who liked story-telling”.


As we settle down to a cuppa and chocolate biscuits, Dreda is clearly bursting to tell me about ‘Vendetta’ - her sixth book. But I want to find out a bit more about how this “poor girl from an East End housing estate” has become not only an award-winning writer, but a cultural and social critic, occasional Guardian columnist, commentator on various Radio 4 programmes and BBC News 24 newspaper reviewer.

I wonder if this is how a photograph of Dreda at 11 Downing Street with fellow crime writer Kimberly Chambers came to be tweeted. She laughs as she explains that it was actually taken in September this year at a special reception for The Reading Agency, on International Literacy Day, hosted by Frances Osborne. The

Photo ©

Dreda Say Mitchell is the author of, among other titles, Running Hot (winner of the CWA John Creasy award) and Geezer Girls (selected for World Book Night 2014). She welcomes me warmly into the lovely Warner home, just near Walthamstow market, she has shared with partner Tony for thirteen years. She has always lived in east London but was attracted to Walthamstow by its great transport links and fabulous street market.

Education has been the key to Dreda’s success, for after graduating from SOAS with a degree in African studies, she went on to do a teaching qualification and eventually ended up as the Deputy Headteacher of a primary school. And although no longer working in schools, Dreda retains this interest in, and commitment to, education and is a keen supporter of The Reading Agency’s work and a Patron of the new National Youth Arts Trust, about which she is extremely enthusiastic. Her fellow patrons read like a who’s who of the arts world and include actors Christopher Eccleston and Ewan McGregor, artist Grayson Perry and Tottenham MP David Lammy. This very new charity, set up by Fiona Laird, and chaired by Fiona Miller, aims to plug the gaps in arts funding and ensure that talented young people from economically challenged backgrounds don’t miss out and are able to access the arts education they need. She acknowledges that without financial help she would not be where she is today, which is why this charity and its work is so important to her.

event called on partner organisations to help them reach 50,000 participants for their next annual Six Book Challenge in 2015. As someone who has worked for The Reading Agency in both prisons and schools, Dreda was among the guests invited to hear the announcement of this goal. With one in six adults struggling with reading, the Six Book Challenge initiative has encouraged over 40,000 adults in the last year alone to take up reading, many for the first time, so it is easy to see why this work is also so close to Dreda’s heart. She’s also delighted that I saw the tweet from Downing Street, as she’s been getting some help with the social media aspects of her PR from Lawrence, a recent graduate who has managed to cure her ‘twitterphobia’. Dreda recalls being overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and fellow writers who happily retweeted news of her new book. Aware of the potential pitfalls of social media she is currently enjoying tweeting and was interested to hear about Walthamstow’s twitter community. I am one of her followers and was also happy to tweet about the arrival of ‘Vendetta’.

북한의 수사학 아이콘 ICONS OF RHETORIC Walthamstow based photographic artist Chris Barrett, and researcher/writer Gianluca Spezza bring North Korea to the Doomed Gallery, Dalston as part of November’s Photomonth. Icons of Rhetoric offers a unique, introspective look at North Korea, crafted using North Korean news footage, a smartphone and Impossible instant film. The project investigates the visual representation of North Korea and the contextualisation of media images; exploring the visual lexicon which permeates the often cited ‘most isolated country in the world’.

So what can Dreda’s fans expect from book number six? Well, it’s a departure from her previous East End gangster themed works, and is the first in a planned series of thrillers (still set in London) on which she and Tony are collaborating. They are going to be based around three new police characters, Mac, Callum and the formidable female Detective Inspector Rio Wray who originally met whilst training at Hendon Police College. In each book one of these characters will take the lead with the others in the background. ‘Vendetta’ is mainly Mac’s story and without giving too much away centres around ideas of identity, and how you relate to people if you’re not the person you’re pretending to be. Prior to our meeting I’d read the first six chapters available as a free Amazon download and it’s gripping stuff, full of murder and mayhem all within the first few pages. It’s highly recommended to fans of the hard-boiled thriller and whets the appetite for more to come from the Stow’s very own Queen of Crime.

ICONS OF RHETORIC | 북한의 수사학 아이콘 Looking in, with a view to looking out An Instant Film Mosaic of North Korean Media 20-23 November. Thurs 6-9pm, Fri 4-8pm, Sat 1-8, Sun 1-7 Doomed Gallery, 65-67 Ridley Road, Dalston, London, E8 2NP 17

A weekend to remember The Mill on Coppermill Lane is known locally as a place where people can relax, find support, take their kids and, as the weekend of 4-5 October proved, have a lot of FUN. Words by Amy Wevill. Photos by Kim Dennis. The two day event was part of the national Fun Palace weekend which was organized to celebrate what would have been Joan Littlewood’s 100th birthday. Joan was well-known in the area as a theatre director at the Theatre Royal Stratford. In 1961, she and architect Cedric Price imagined a place where the whole community could have fun getting involved with creative and scientific activities. This October, Fun Palaces took on many forms across the country and included flying artworks on the Isle of Sheppey and swimming with mermaids in Brockwell Lido. At The Mill, local artists took to the walls and encouraged anyone else who came in to do the same. The walls were covered with drawings by the end of the weekend. There was a market stall from local artist Alison Brown, a large charcoal town hall by Anna Alcock, and Esther Neslen drew some of her favourite things about Walthamstow – a goose, an aubergine, The Mill and the E17 Art Trail. Kids got messy painting and decorating an elephant, made puppets and badges and dressed themselves up as jungle creatures.

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Vestry House partnered up with The Mill and provided old photographs as well as a World War Two helmet and bomb. Volunteers were on hand to discuss the history of the area and visitors of all ages were encouraged to write down their memories of Walthamstow on a postcard. These were then pinned to the wall to share with others. On Sunday afternoon, three local choirs performed and taught everyone a verse or two. The Natural Voices Children’s Choir had the crowd dancing and singing to jungle book songs, British Gospel Arts 4 Life taught the routine to ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ and the audience were harmonising to ‘It’s A Long Way to Tipperary’ with the Waltham Forest Community Choir. With creativity abound, lots of smiles and good conversations, the Fun Palace weekend was enjoyed by all who ventured through the yarn-adorned entrance of The Mill. If you missed the weekend a retrospective of the work created will be on display at the Mill from 27 November until 7 February 2015.



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An awfully big adventure Danny Coope goes exploring in Lloyd Park.


tons of timber


kilos of nails

Photos © Apes at Play

3000 screws

What goes on behind that hulking great tree trunk doorway beside Lloyd Park playground? It’s a magical fairytale assault course for little adrenaline junkies! The Lloyd Park Centre proudly unveiled this second phase of its play space back in September. It adds a huge amount to the already-popular naturalistic play space of Phase 1, letting children from babies to 12 play in an environment with lots of opportunities to take risks and learn about nature. Grow Wild Phase 2 includes tunnel slides, water play, natural musical instruments, a weather station, log-climbing, towers, rope bridges, a story nest, insect houses and more – with its tall structures, rising over the elements put in place during Phase 1. It’s been constructed by renowned playground experts Apes At Play: Adventure Playground Engineers (APES), who have previously worked on The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Skeltons Lane in Leytonstone, and even London Zoo’s Tiger Territory. John O’Driscoll, APES’ director, said of the project: “It was a challenge to build the structures during the winter, but rewarding, too. Since the surrounding trees were bare of leaves, there was a certain amount of uncertainty about how they would look in the summer, but the structures are well concealed amid the foliage and are as one with their surroundings. APES prides itself on its environmental sensitivity, both in terms of the material we use and the places

we work, and Lloyd Park is a great example of that.” To construct the park’s rather imposing sculptural doorway, APES used a 4ft chainsaw blade extension to hack away at the wood. The huge structures are built from 10 tons of recycled timber in total, firmly held together with 25 kilos of nails, 60 metres of threaded bar bolts and around 3,000 screws! Grow Wild will soon be available to hire for community groups, individuals and school parties and opening hours are limited at the moment until funds are secured to pay the essential staffing costs, but there are regular weekday drop-in play sessions, and it’s also available to children attending the holiday club and The Lloyd Park Centre’s popular monthly weekend Dad’s Club where dads can bring along their children for a play session. It costs £2 per Dad, £2 per first child and 50p for other siblings. A cooked breakfast provided. Space is limited so it’s first come first served! Play sessions are on Tuesday mornings 10–11.30am and Friday afternoons 1.30-3pm (both term time only) for families with children under 5. £2 for first child and 50p for siblings. Children must wear appropriate shoes (no open-toed, crocs or sandals) Parents are responsible for looking after their children. Grow Wild is at The Lloyd Park Centre, Lloyd Park (Winns Avenue entrance), Walthamstow E17 5JW For more details on Grow Wild and The Lloyd Park Centre see Designed & built by 21

Have some festive fun at the Mall Walthamstow when Father Christmas arrives this month to find out if you’ve been naughty or nice? Get into the festive spirit at the Mall Walthamstow which unveils its magical grotto in November. Children will love the Mall’s new winter wonderland grotto which this year is bigger and better than ever! Santa will be in his magical grotto from Saturday November 29 and it will be open every weekend from 11am till 5pm. The grotto will be open on weekdays during Christmas week from Monday December 22 including Christmas Eve. It costs £5 to meet Santa who will present children with a free gift and certificate! Book now at the Ask Me Point.


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Adding the feelgood factor Shopping as it should be

Make Christmas shopping stress free - give them a Mall Gift Card. When you buy a card you will be entered into a prize draw with the chance to win a £100 treat! Purchase yours at the Ask Me Point or buy online at shopping-centres/the-mall-walthamstow. Carol singers will perform in the Mall during the festive season plus enjoy extended opening hours. For more details go to

Architectural historian, Karen Averby uncovers curiosities and stories from Walthamstow’s rich and varied past

THANK YOU FOR THE MUSIC Every once in a while a Walthamstow resident becomes an integral and beneficial part of the community. Some of these are renowned in their own time, but have become forgotten as the years pass. One such man is John Francis Holcombe Read. Born in Kingston, Jamaica c.1821 he came to England when he was four months old. Although musically inclined, his career began at the War Office, moving to the Stock Exchange, eventually becoming Chairman and where he was a familiar character. An important public figure, he was County Magistrate for Essex and Director of the Great Eastern Railway, and perhaps unexpectedly, was a dynamic advocate of popular music of the day, and was Vice President of the Royal College of Music and President of the Stock Exchange Orchestral Society. Read was also a family man, and when he and his wife Mary moved to Walthamstow five years after their marriage in 1847, they made their home at The Chestnuts, Hoe Street; at least 6 of their 10 children were born in Walthamstow. Read was very active in local affairs, especially education and music. Not only was he Treasurer of St Mary’s National School and first Chairman of the Walthamstow School Board, he was instrumental in the re-founding of the George Monoux School in 1884 and was its Vice Chairman; he even composed the school song. He was also partly responsible for founding Walthamstow High School for Girls where he was Chairman of Governors. When the Walthamstow Musical Society was formed in 1867 Read was elected President and Conductor, positions he held for 25 years. He wrote many popular orchestral and choral works, produced

House Histories Have you ever wondered who used to live in your house, or how it has changed over time?

standard compositions and gave many concerts. Perhaps most significantly he conceived the idea of an annual Walthamstow music festival, and a venue dedicated to musical and other performances. He funded the building of the Victoria Hall, Hoe Street in 1887 for this purpose; its inaugural event was the first Walthamstow Festival, wholly conducted by Read. He used his wealth to promote subsequent festivals and Walthamstow resultingly became an important musical centre. In 1891 the family moved to Lytton Lodge, South Woodford, where Read died 10 years later. Read’s legacy remains. Most of the schools he was involved with still exist in some form, while the Victoria Hall which had shown films from 1896 (the young Alfred Hitchcock is said to have been a regular visitor) became Walthamstow’s first dedicated cinema in 1907. When purchased by Granada Theatres in 1930, the site was redeveloped to form a modern ‘super cinema,’ and it is hoped that this will once again become the site of a cinema and performance venue for the benefit of the local community under the Waltham Forest Cinema Trust. Meanwhile, the highly successful annual Stow Fest faintly echoes the annual music festival established by Read all those years ago. www.archangelheritage.

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Kevin Morrish

You’re originally from Newport, South Wales, what was it like finding yourself one day in a houseshare in urban Hackney. A culture shock to be honest! I lived on the corner of Kingsland Road and Shoreditch High Street and there were a lot of all night parties in the flat, the city felt like it never slept. I had a great time, but I got swept away with all the madness of it and realised if I was to make a life of it in London, I needed to settle down and find my own pace. Shoreditch was never going to be my bag, so having met my wife in 2007 I moved into her flat here in Walthamstow, which was much more me. At that time you wanted to be an actor, but then you had a change of heart and began working with vulnerable kids. Well, I got an agent in central London, and that was enough to put me off acting for life. A friend of mine suggested I work with children as I had the right disposition and so I found myself getting a job in a secondary Pupil Referral Unit in Islington. On my first day one of the children lost it and threw a snooker ball at my head. It narrowly missed, but I immediately went over to him to see what would happen next. The child apologised and we began working on how he might control his anger. I then realised that these children needed adults who weren’t going to give up on them. It was the most stimulating job I’d had and I was hooked. I went on to become a Learning Mentor in Walthamstow for five years, worked for Family Support, Outreach and now work for Chance UK. Tell us about Chance UK. It is a great charity that provides an early intervention mentoring programme for primary aged children with behavioural difficulties. Intervention means tackling problems before they become too serious and the children come to us from schools who are worried about where they’d otherwise be heading. We take a lot of care and time pairing each mentor with each child, aiming to find exactly the right person to bring out the child’s strengths and cultivate their interests away from any problems they may be experiencing. 24

The ultimate goal is to help the child break down the barriers to their social, emotional and behavioural development. Each mentor gets 2-4 hours a week to spend with the child often away from their familiar environment. We encourage the mentors to be as creative as they like, and make the whole thing as fun as possible. So for example we have seen everything from visits to a local rock wall; trips to an art gallery and getting them into painting; helping a lad to express himself through songwriting and rap; to something as simple as taking a child on their first tube trip into town. So I guess we use the enthusiasms of the mentor to bring out the enthusiasms of the child, and this can often have a miraculous effect. A lot of these kids come from very difficult backgrounds, sometimes violent or abusive, many with absent parents for all sorts of reasons including some in prison. Without our help they face the real chance they will develop anti-social or even criminal behaviour. Remember we are talking about children before the age of 11 here, many of whom are confused and angry. What they are all looking for is some stability and the chance to build some self reliance and self esteem. The big thing is that by the end of the year we don’t want them to be dependant on their mentor, but instead excited about going forward on their own with all the things they want to do next and a more positive outlook. This is where the real satisfaction for everyone involved kicks in.

I am part of the team that manages this programme across Enfield and Waltham Forest and I manage 20 children and their mentors each year. It’s amazing and satisfying work. What sort of person makes a good mentor and how does one apply? We are not necessarily looking for any past experience of having worked with children so we get people from all walks of life. We are looking for qualities over qualifications. What links everyone is a desire to help a vulnerable child. All we ask is that you are reliable, committed, enthusiastic and fun. If this sounds like you then firstly visit the website to see further information on what is required, call us to chat it over, and if you are still interested we can book you on to a three day course, all on Saturdays. You will learn the practicalities of the programme, solution focussed techniques to help a child, and be taught essential rules to safeguard the child’s and your own personal safety. Once training is complete you attend an interview to check what you’ve learned, further assess your background and to test your suitability for the programme. This will enable us to find your strengths and interests and therefore what type of child you are best suited to mentor, if you are accepted. As I say we currently have 20 mentors a year in this area but we are always looking for more, so I urge you to have a go, it may well be the most satisfying thing you ever do. Now you have children of your own, has your experience affected how you deal with them? Ha! I’m all too human when it comes to

Photo © Paul Tucker

Iit’s all too easy to forget that Waltham Forest is home to people of very different fortunes, and often those most adversely affected are children. But as Kevin, through his local work with charity Chance UK tells Paul Lindt, a single year of a few hours a week of anyone’s time can help get a vulnerable child’s life back on track.

dealing with my own daughters’ behaviours. I think the key thing to remember is to listen to all the small things and play with them every day. There is a pygmy proverb “Love your children extravagantly! With all your heart!” I reckon if you do that, they’ll turn out just fine. As a dad you DJ at Be Bop Baby, but I understand you’ve been DJ-ing for years? I started playing records with a friend of mine about ten years ago. We had a night in a snooker hall in Hackney for years, I now have a regular spot at Lumiere bar on Chatsworth Road. I’ve always been a lover of music, from the recognisable to the downright weird.

It seems a shame you have to still go to Hackney to perform. It’s difficult to find a decent sound system in E17! Those pub ones just don’t cut it for me. I’ve very recently become part of a DJ collective called @ electronic17, and played at café 56 during Stowfest, which was fun. I’m interested in seeing where it goes. There’s definitely the crowd in E17, and the DJs, now it’s about stepping up to it and providing quality venues with quality sound. What would you like to see happen in the area in the future? Lots of local people becoming mentors with Chance UK! A piano in

every park, official graffiti walls for local artists, and a sound system and decks next to the Lloyd Park Skate park so every weekend someone could drop some beats. Boom! Chance UK are having an Information Evening at the Hornbeam Community Café on Wednesday 26th of November 6:30pm – 7:30pm Please visit to book yourself on, or call 02072815858 to find out more. To find out more about Chance UK 02072815858 Twitter @chanceuk


Walthamstow Diary Between forest and marsh lies the glorious Stow. These are the tales and meanderings of a proud resident of E17 If you look at the About page on the E List website ( you will see a quote from our Editor that reads “Walthamstow is definitely not beige”. Never has that been truer than during the Mini Holland trial. If Walthamstow did have a colour during those eventful few weeks, it would probably have been red, the colour of rage. E17 folk tend to have strong opinions on things that impact on our corner of London, the overwhelming support for the compulsory purchase of the Granada cinema is testament to that. But I don’t remember anything that has caused such strong opposing views as Mini Holland . There was a very strong “yes” camp, and an equally as dedicated “no thank you very much” camp, and the two sides just couldn’t agree. Orford Road became like a battle ground, both sides fighting to assert their rights over this small section of Highway. The battle for Orford Road raged during the entire duration of the trial. It turned in to saddle bags and seat belts at dawn, a duel using bike pumps and crook locks instead of pistols. I heard nightmarish stories of gridlocked traffic on Hoe Street, Forest Road grinding to a halt and cars driving on pavements to avoid the road blocks. We were all so distracted by Mini Holland, none of us really noticed André Agassi sneaking in to Walthamstow and opening a café on the High Street. The world had gone mad, tennis stars selling quiche, bands of revolutionary cyclists roaming the streets, and End of Days traffic. This is it, I thought, the sky is falling. Thankfully though, the sky didn’t fall. Mini Holland ended, and we all got back to blaming hipsters for everything again. Despite the lack of consultation and problems with the trial, I can’t help but think it would be a shame if we couldn’t find a way of making Mini Holland work. Yes, it was a little painful and far from perfect, but ultimately, wouldn’t we all be better off if our roads were safer for everyone using them. 26



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The Magpie’s beady eyes are always on the look-out for the shiniest, funniest remarks, witty retorts and bizarre sightings to steal from the area’s streets and social media channels. Thanks this month to and Life and

In 1865 LBWF Council swapped Walthamstow for some magic beans. Walthamstow Facts On the subject of the Mini-Holland trial AL: One of my favourite quotes from the last few weeks: Don’t forget people, you’re not stuck in traffic, you ARE the traffic! LL: What’s everyone going to talk about when the trial is over? JF: The president of France is only 4’5” tall. Mini Hollande. JF: I just waited 20 minutes for a blood-test at Whipps. Bloody Mini-Holland PS: My cycle to work took approximately the same time as it has for the last 24 months. Bloody Mini-Holland. HM: My house is a mess. Bloody Mini-Holland. RE: I got cut up at the Blackwall Tunnel yesterday - bloody Mini Coupé.

Ian Murphy: Going to do Movember this year. We should do an E17 Team. I need Mo Bro’s and Mo Sistas. More importantly I need a team name. Any ideas? ZO: mo-Stow-sh-es E17 MH: Waltham-mo KW: Walthamstache NH: The guy who organises Movember bought my flat on Brettenham Rd! For the team’s final name or to sponsor Ian for cultivating his moustache in support of men’s health charities please visit: Walthamstow Life

© Rob McCarney

Eden Road in Walthamstow Village gets a cheesey makeover as part of #miniholland © Paul Gasson

In 2011 LBWF managed to keep Boris Johnson’s plans for an international airport on Whipps Cross roundabout out of the Walthamstow Facts public domain

SF: You might be better off doing the, erm, I can’t remember the term.. GC: I call it the ‘bounce back’ IM: Blackhorse Loop? SF: Walthamstow Backwards Rat? GM: Walthamstow Reverse Ferret! ML: It adds 10 mins to your journey but is worth it! Walthamstow Life It is customary and considered polite to ask staff in Walthamstow £1 shops how much Walthamstow Facts everything is. This mattress ate two jacket potatoes before running over itself! SH: Brian would be so proud. RL: I hope it’s got a permit. RR: It’s leaning on a lamppost at the corner of the street in case a certain little lady comes by. ED: That mattress is looking for business.. And in broad daylight! Oooh saucy. © Leanne Margiotta

According to the Doomsday Book, the bar staff in the Lord Raglan were all once contestants on Bullseye. Walthamstow Facts

Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board DL: I know people have made this point before but I wonder how the town of Haarlem in the Netherlands is getting on with their “Mini-Walthamstow” project... apparently the residents are up in arms about the cars parked on the former cycle lanes... and many have been writing in about the smell emanating from the abandoned mattresses all over town RA: #Loakesfeld Walthamstow Life

Disgruntled fishmonger apprentice, Walthamstow Market ED: He only wrote that for the halibut RR: I suppose it’s better than stale crap NP: I once showed them how to clean an octopus W(U)TB: I usually clean mine with Mr Mussel

Hoe Street was featured on the first ever Walthamstow Facts Monopoly board

Walthamstow (unofficial) Tourist Board

What are the chances of getting a seat on Victoria Line at Blackhorse Road at 8am?

Other half just flying new quadcopter and it got caught in the wind and he panicked, pushed the power stick and sent it off into the atmosphere! If by any chance it landed in your garden please get in touch. This is what it looks like xx Walthamstow Life


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Fraser Road, Walthamstow, London, E17 3 bedroom detached house for sale Guide Price £750,000 - £800,000 A Fantastic Detached Family Home This tremendous detached property has great open-plan space, three double bedrooms as been tastefully decorated throughout. Situated in a good location, close to local schools, shops, cafes and many excellent transport links. The lounge has a cast iron living flame gas fireplace, a large bay window to flood the room with light and adjoins the second reception with original stained glass double doors on to the charming garden. Along the corridor the large and well equipped kitchen/diner also overlooks the garden. The split level first floor has a large master bedroom with its high ceilings and fireplace, two further double bedrooms and modern family bathroom. A great home, full of style and character.

Merton Road, London, E17 4 bedroom terraced house for sale Guide Price £700,000 - £750,000 This four bedroom late Victorian property has a number of original features and great potential to become a tremendous family home.

Cottenham Road, London, E17 4 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Region of £600,000 With a large through lounge and an extension to the rear which incorporates a massive family dining room, modern kitchen, utility room and a shower room.

020 8520 9300 40 Orford Road London E17 9NJ

Howard Road, London, E17 3 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Region of £500,000 The property is currently laid out as two flats however this could make a fantastic family home on which to stamp your mark.

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Estates 17 November Gallery

The Crescent, London, E17 4 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Excess of £500,000 Delightful property, stylishly renovated and benefits from a stunning contemporary kitchen.

Goldsmith Road, London, E17 4 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Region of £475,000 With a bright and spacious lounge, a second reception room and a breathtaking kitchen/ diner.

Belgrave Road, London, E17 3 bedroom terraced house for sale Guide Price £450,000 - £475,000 A good opportunity to acquire the three bedroom mid terraced Victorian family home.

Kenilworth Avenue, London, E17 2 bed end of terrace house for sale Guide Price £425,000 - £450,000 The bright and airy lounge has two original sash windows and plenty of space to relax in the evenings.


Shernhall Street, London, E17 2 bedroom flat for sale Offers in Region of £400,000 Within touching distance of Walthamstow Village is this well presented, two bedroom, first floor split level flat.

Barclay Road, London, E17 2 bedroom town house for sale Guide Price £425,000 - £450,000 With its sense of warmth and personality this is a tremendous opportunity to create a comfortable home.

Woodend Road, London, E17 3 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Excess of £365,000 Spacious through lounge and kitchen with three bedrooms and bathroom on the first floor.

Lancaster Road, London, E17 3 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Region of £350,000 There are two large reception rooms, a separate kitchen and a decent sized bathroom.

Granville Road, London, E17 2 bedroom flat for sale Guide Price £325,000 The moment you enter this flat you will appreciate its potential, with large airy rooms and high ceilings.

Mortgage advice that’s right up your street Marsh Street provides expert independent mortgage advice for everyone, from first time buyers and remortgagers, to experienced buy to let landlords. As an independent mortgage adviser, we have access to the whole of the mortgage market. That means we are able to find the very best mortgage for you from all of those available. We have the experience and ability to see the whole market, to cut through the fine print and explain the pros and cons of each product. Get expert mortgage advice by speaking to Marsh Street today. Marsh Street was the original name of Walthamstow High Street

Shernhall Street, London, E17 3 bedroom terraced house for sale Guide Price £450,000 A three bedroom mid terraced Victorian family home offering excellent size living accommodation, borders of Walthamstow Village.

St. John’s Road, London, E17 2 bedroom terraced house for sale Offers in Excess of £425,000 A great Victorian home, and well presented throughout. Located just a short walk from some excellent cafes and restaurants.

Churchbank, London, E17 1 bedroom flat for sale Guide Price £200,000 A Retirement Flat for over 55’s. The property offers excellent living accommodation with a good size lounge and bedroom.

Traditional values and good advice enquiries@ 0208 520 9300 40 Orford Road, Walthamstow, London E17 9NJ

Walthamstow’s Estate Agent

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There will be a fee for the advice given, the exact amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it will be £495 or 1%.

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