Equal Opportunities Policy
Reviewer RM / reviewed June 2013; next review date July 2014
The Godolphin and Latymer School is a thriving, friendly and supportive community of c.850 people, both adults and pupils. We believe that everyone in the school is of equal value and should have equal opportunities in school and the community and in life. Many people in our society are discriminated against and treated as if they are worth less than others because of their race, religion or language; because of their gender or sexuality; because of their class or because of a disability. This will not happen in our school. People are individuals and therefore different. They have different needs and different contributions to make to the life of our school and of the community. The staff and governors for their part strive to give unconditional trust and ask of pupils that they endeavour to be honest and give respect to other people and their property. There may be times when the relationship between staff and a pupil breaks down. In such cases the school will give all the support it can to the pupil concerned and her parents even though redress to exclusion may be necessary. Equal Opportunities is not about treating everybody the same. It is about meeting people's individual needs and appreciating their individual strengths and gifts. We are all different and should all be equally valued.
All policies and practices will conform with the principle of equal opportunities in terms of recruitment, selection, training, promotion, career development, discipline, redundancy and dismissal. Our staff and applicants for employment shall not be disadvantaged by any policies or conditions of service which cannot be justified as necessary for operational purposes.
Aims and Objectives
Our main aim is to offer an education appropriate to each individual pupil's needs regardless of their race, colour, ethnic or national origins, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religious beliefs.
We aim to ensure that everyone at the school, (staff, pupils, parents, carers, contractors and visitors) is afforded the basic rights of freedom and access to opportunity, including freedom from all forms of harassment or bullying.
We aim to ensure that active encouragement is given to all in order to enable them to develop fully talents and personal skills for co--‐operative interaction and academic excellence. No one person has the right to deny another person of his or her educational opportunity.
Where contractors are working on site, measures will be taken to ensure, as far as possible, that their employees operate according to the school’s equal opportunities and racial equality policies and code of practice.
Our objectives are: To regard all our pupils as being of equal value and to ensure that the needs of all pupils are identified and met, and that they are able to achieve their full potential, helping to raise standards across the school. To challenge in a positive way any form of prejudice, racism or sexism, whether overt or covert, which contradicts the school’s Equal Opportunities and Racial Equality policies and codes of conduct. This means adopting a consistent and unambiguous stand, from which we strive to overcome prejudice and ensure equality of opportunity for all, thus protecting the rights and liberties of every individual. To foster self--‐esteem and respect for each person as an individual and to create a positive and inclusive atmosphere where there is a shared commitment to respect diversity and difference, challenge and prevent racism and discrimination, and encourage good relations between people of different racial groups. To prepare pupils to be good citizens, living and working in a multi--‐ethnic society and to take up the responsibility of participation, and to treat all others as we would wish to be treated. The PSHE programme and the agendas of the School Council will play key roles in achieving this objective. To create and retain a workforce that is valued for its diverse contributions and represents different perspectives, ethnic backgrounds, experience and skills.
We believe and will endeavour to ensure that:
All pupils should be encouraged to value their own cultural heritage and the culture and lifestyles of others, and to show respect for self and others while at the same time finding common ground to talk to one another and valuing living together in a community.
Every member of staff needs to accept responsibility for establishing a reasonable climate for debate and extending opportunities for controversial discussion. They must address widely held misconceptions to avoid the risk of pupils with limited experience arriving at consensus views of doubtful validity.
The provision of genuine equality of opportunity must be inherent in the education the school offers. The school should clearly demonstrate the unacceptability of attitudes, incidents, taunts or remarks that give offence, intimidate, devalue another's view or opinion, or undermine another's self esteem.
Forms of discrimination
Types: Discrimination may be direct or indirect and it may occur intentionally or unintentionally.
Direct discrimination: Direct discrimination occurs when someone is put at a disadvantage for a reason related to one or more of the grounds set out above. For example, rejecting an applicant of one race because it is considered they would not “fit in” on the grounds of their race could be direct discrimination.
Indirect discrimination: Indirect discrimination occurs where an individual is subject to an unjustified provision, criterion or practice which puts them at a particular disadvantage because of, for example, their sex or race.
Victimisation and harassment: Discrimination also includes victimisation (less favourable treatment because of action taken to assert legal rights against discrimination or to assist a colleague in that regard) and harassment (see the School's dignity at work policy).
Staff will treat each other and all pupils with respect.
Staff will examine the ideas and images in books and other resources and will challenge negative images and try to give all pupils positive images.
Preventing and dealing with discriminatory behaviour, abuse, bullying and intimidation is the responsibility of us all. The school will support victims of such incidents, on or off the premises.
Staff training needs shall be identified through regular staff review. All staff will be given an equal opportunity and access to training to enable them to progress within the organisation. All promotion decisions shall be made on the basis of merit.
Our conditions of service, benefits and facilities will be reviewed from time to time to ensure that they are available to all workers who should have access to them and that there are no unlawful obstacles to accessing them.
Recruitment procedures will be reviewed regularly to ensure that individuals are treated on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities and that sufficientlydiverse sectors of the community are reached. Job selection criteria are reviewed from time to time to ensure that they are justifiable on non--‐discriminatory grounds as being essential for the effective performance of the job.
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Pupils All pupils are valued for themselves and can expect to have their culture and language treated positively and with respect.
Pupils will be given the opportunity in the classroom to discuss and to identify and understand racism, sexism and other forms of prejudice.
Pupils will be able to contribute to the development of Equal Opportunities and other school policies through the school council.
If pupils feel they have been abused racially or bullied they should report the matter immediately to a member of staff who will follow the procedures outlined in the Anti Bullying Policy. All pupils can expect to be listened to and have their complaints investigated.
Pupils who have suffered racist or sexist behaviour, abuse, bullying or intimidation will be supported by the school. Anyone who has committed such offences will be dealt with appropriately -�� in the case of pupils this may include suspension from the school.
All pupils should treat each other and staff with respect.
Parents, Visitors and Contract Staff
Parents are very important to the school and in particular they have much to contribute to our Equal Opportunities policies; their views are welcome and valued at all times. We ask that all parents fully support the school Equal Opportunities policy.
The school will discuss with parents any incidents of racist or sexist abuse or bullying in which their daughters have been involved.
If parents are aware of incidents of racism, sexism or bullying then they should contact their daughter's form teacher. Any visitors or contract staff visiting or working at the school who become aware of any incidents of racism or sexism should report them to a senior member of staff.
All contractors should abide by this policy.
Disability discrimination
If you are disabled, or become disabled in the course of your employment with us, you are encouraged to tell us about your condition. This is to enable us to support you as much as possible.
You may also wish to advise the Head Mistress or the Bursar of any reasonable adjustments to your working conditions or the duties of your job which you consider to be necessary, or which would assist you in the performance of your duties. The Head Mistress or the Bursar may wish to consult with you and with your medical adviser(s) about possible reasonable adjustments. Careful consideration will be given to any such proposals and they will be accommodated where possible and proportionate to the needs of your job. Nevertheless, there may be circumstances where it will not be reasonable for us to accommodate the suggested adjustments and we will ensure that we provide you with information as to the basis of our decision not to make any adjustments.
The School shall monitor the physical features of its premises to consider whether they place disabled users of the premises at a substantial disadvantage compared to other users. Where possible and proportionate, the School will take steps to improve access for disabled users of the premises.
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Breaches in Policy and Dealing with Allegations If you believe that you may have been disadvantaged on any of the unlawful grounds listed above, you are encouraged to raise the matter through the School's grievance procedure. If you believe that you may have been harassed on any of the unlawful grounds listed, you are encouraged to raise the matter through the School's dignity at work policy. Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated in accordance with the relevant procedure.
These procedures apply during and after termination of your employment. Workers who make such allegations in good faith will not be victimised or treated less favourably as a result. False allegations of a breach in this policy which are found to have been made in bad faith will, however, be dealt with under the disciplinary and dismissal procedure.
If after investigation, you are proven to have bullied or harassed any other worker on the grounds of sex, marital or civil partnership status, sexual orientation, religion or belief, race, disability or age or otherwise acted in breach of this policy, you will be subject to disciplinary action. In serious cases, such behaviour may constitute gross misconduct and, as such, may result in summary dismissal. The School will always take a strict approach to serious breaches of this policy.
Reviewer RM / reviewed June 2013; next review date July 2014