Energy From Thorium Foundation Brochure

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Nuclear Energy without the Waste!

Walk away Safe

Nuclear Power

Without the Waste

LFTR does not use water as a coolant. Because a LFTR does not use water as a

In the last several years, MSRs Molten Salt Reactors have been the subject of renewed interest. Unlike Solid-fueled reactors, Liquid-fueled reactors have unique capabilities in terms of burning actinides (spent nuclear fuel) and thus offers the potential to reduce the long-term radiotoxicity of the waste from the production of electricity. MSRs offer many advantages, not least of which, is the capability to almost completely consume its fuel source and to leave little to no waste behind. MSRs were first developed in the late 1940s and the 1950s in the United tor Experiment (ARE) demonstrated high-temperature operafor a circulating fluoride molten salt system.

to develop a breeder reactor. The Molten Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE), demonstrated many of the features required for a power generating reactor. The MSRE successfully operated for 13,000 equivalent fullpower hours between 1965 and 1968. A detailed 1000-MW (e) engineering conceptual design

LWR design has a very large containment building. This is to accommodate the large volume of steam that would result if an accident were to occur and there was a break


can consume

tion at 860°C and established benchmarks in performance

ARE was followed in the 1960s by a program

than today’s modern LWRs. The modern


States for military jet aircraft propulsion. In 1954, the Aircraft Reac-

While a nuclear aircraft was never deployed, the

coolant its design can be much smaller


our Nuclear Waste stockpiles and convert them Mus inverspes eliquis into electricity. produces little maiostior autLFTR et eveliatur, quid waste of itsuntum, own and that waste quam, officianiti isvernat valuable od in quiindustry omni-

of a molten salt breeder reactor was developed. These programs

andhil foreratqui research projects

in the pressure vessel or piping. The water held in the reactor at 100+ atmospheres of

A LFTR Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor is a MSR that uses the cheap and abundant element Thorium as its primary feedstock.

pressure flash to steam and expand its volume 1,000 fold. In a LFTR, the fluoride salts remain liquid at temperatures up to o


1400 C (over 2500 F) at atmospheric pressure. There is no fluid held under pressure that can rapidly change state from liquid

LFTR uses a passive emergency core

to gas. As a result, containment buildings

cooling system that is walk away safe

can be smaller and more close fitting.

and needs no human intervention.If the pansion causes core salt to be pushed

LFTR can be placed anywhere.

out of the core reducing its reactivity

Currently, LWR reactors need to be placed

thus reducing the rate of thermal energy

near large bodies of water. Since LFTR

generation allowing the fuel salt tem-

uses no water it can be place virtually any-

perature to drop. Additionally, there are

where there is stable earth.

LFTR fuel salt overheats, its thermal ex-

freeze plugs that open upon overheating. When these open the core salt is drained

Water Free electricity !

into drain tanks where fission stops and

By not using water, and the reactor oper-

the decay heat generated by the fission

ating at atmospheric pressure, there is no

Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) concept. Despite the enormous amounts of

products is passively dissipated.


chance of a gas or vapor cloud of radioac-

dollars spent, the LMFBR concept has meet with little success to date. Unfortunately,

provides a very high level of safety. No

tive material being formed in the event of

the United States never elected to investigate previous promising technologies

powered backup systems are required as

an accident. Everything is contained within

the law of physics dictates a shut down of

the walls of the facility.

of the1950s and 1960s demonstrated the technical viability of these concepts. The MSR program was canceled when the United States decided to concentrate its breeder reactor development program on a the Liquid

a LFTR if anything were to go wrong New technology 2

New technology 3

LFTR cures

Alpha Particle Therapy Cancer is one of the worst diseases that plagues mankind. While we have made tremendous strides in treating this disease, there are still many types of cancer that are death sentences. Most Chemotherapy cancer treatments use a “Beta” emmitting radioisotope to kill cancerous tumors. The drawback of using a “Beta” emmitter is that a beta particle typically travels several centimeters before it kills a cell.

The World has a Shortage of Molybdenum 99. Molybdenum 99 is used in thousands of diagnostic tests that allow doctors to accurately diagnose physical ailments. We are not making any new nuclear reactors that produce Molybdenum 99 and we are about to shut down one of the largest producers of Molybdenum 99 in North America.

This results in the death of a lot of the surrounding tissue that is healthy. Using an alpha emitter, such a Actinium 225, is highly beneficial to the patient as Alpha Particles typically travel only one or two cell widths before killing a cell. This makes it possible for Alpha Particle immunotherapy to be much better focused to just kill the cancer cells. This allows physicians and oncologists to treat previously untreatable forms of cancer. Today there is a very small supply of Actinium 225 that is harvested


Costs of Healthcare


The rising cost of healthcare should be

233 that was produced

a concern to everyone. One of the ways

in some experimental nuclear

to eliminate costs is to make a proper

reactors that were shutdown in

diagnosis. One Contributing Factor to

the 1970’s. This Uranium 233 supply is

high diagnostic costs is the scarcity of

better diagnosis’ but less trips

slated for destruction by the Department

nuclear isotopes needed for diagnostic

made to the doctor or hospi-

of Energy. LFTR can produce Actinimum 225

processes. If each county or large mu-

tal because a proper diagnosis was

in its normal course of operation and harvest the

nicipality in America had a LFTR then

made initially, eliminating multiple

needed radioisotopes cheaply and efficiently. LFTR can

the cost of nuclear pharmaceuticals

visits to the hospital. Overall, LFTR has

provide hope to thousands of Cancer patients that have been

and nuclear based diagnostics would

the potential to radically reduce medi-

given a death sentence. LFTR development and its radioisotopes

significantly drop in price. Not only

cal costs, and to save millions of lives

would we see more patients saved by New technology 4

New technology 5

Our new

management team William Thesling Phd. Executive chairman DR. WILLIAM H. THESLING Holds a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering from Cleveland State University, where he performed research for NASA and the Ohio Aerospace Institute. Co-founder of TS Engineering, a technology company providing controls equipment. Leads advanced development efforts for Viasat Inc.

Donald Larson Executive Director Don is the CEO at My Cash Position a Software as Service provider delivering Financial Management Solutions to firms without a full time CFO office. Don Larson has spent over 15 years of in information technology, engineering, and sales. His experience includes serving in the roles of CIO, General Manager, VP Sales, Chief Engineer

Kirk Sorensen Chief Technologist

The Energy

From Thorium Foundation was

Kirk Sorensen is founder of Flibe Energy and is an advocate for nuclear energy based

formed with a primary mission to facilitate the development of a

on Thorium and liquid-fluoride fuels. He has helped grow an online community of

LFTR through a grassroots education intiative. The Foun-

thousands who support a renewed effort to develop thorium as an energy source.

dation ‘s management team believes that the

He is a 1999 graduate of Georgia Tech in aerospace engineering and is also a gradu-

development of a LFTR has the greatest

ate student in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee. He has spoken

potential to change the world for

publicly on thorium at the Manchester International Forum in 2009, at NASA’s Green

the better.

Energy Forum in 2008, and in several TechTalks at Google.

New technology 6

New technology 7

Permanent Energy solutions

LFTR can not only produce electricity at half the price of coal, it can do so more efficiently and environmentally friendly than what coal can. That does not mean that it makes coal obsolete. LFTR can affordably transform coal into synthetic transportation fuels. Thorium, unlike uranium, is cheap, easy to find, abundant and requires no enrichment t be usable in a reactor. Because of these properties, thorium can produce electricity more affordably than any other

When America imports oil, it results in money going to other countries. Some of these countries don’t have our best interest at heart. When America no longer needs to import oil, the world becomes a safer place.

energy source on theplanet. Coal is very plentiful but is not a dense energy source. It takes a pound of thorium to produce the Same Amount of Energy as 1,000 tons of Coal.

Using LFTRs to convert domestic coal into transportation fuels can establish US energy independence. This in turn can reduce the potential of war which adds to the true cost of oil. This cost is significant and is not reflected in the price at the pump. Add in our military costs to deliver oil and you can see why coal conversion is so enticing.

Coal Derived Fuel Using Coal to produce transportation fuel is not a new idea. The Germans developed this technology in WWII to supply their transportation needs. Today China, India, and South Africa all have robust coal to liquid fuel facilities.

Transition Fuels LFTR has the process heat necessary to more economically harvest America’s proven shale oil reserves. Shale Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas can all act as transition fuels in a LFTR economy. By transitioning fuels that generate electricity to providing transportation, the country gains economically and politically

Similar to transforming coal to liquid

How LFTR helps.

Future Generations of LFTR

fuels, LFTRs can power the conversion

Transforming coal into transportation fuel is a complicated process but the

There are more technological hurdles to overcome to make a LFTR that will be a

of natural gas to Methanol. Methanol

three major cost centers of the process are heat, pressure, and a catalyst. LFTR pro-

final solution to man’s energy needs. These hurdles are very solvable problems

can be used as a substitute for gaso-

duces enough process heat and enough cheap electricity to drive the pumps that

and a second generation LFTR is probably 20 to 40 years down the road after the

line with only minor modifications to

produce the pressure needed to cheaply and efficiently transform our coal into syn-

first LFTR goes online. A second generation LFTR would use the CO2 in our atmo-

our cars.

thetic gasoline and diesel fuel.

sphere to produce Carbon Neutral synthetic transportation fuels.

New technology 8

New technology 9


lifes quality America has one of the highest standards of living by almost all measures than any other country in the world. That standard of living is based upon affordable energy. The higher costs are for energy the worse off a country’s standard of living is. Since Thorium is so abundant around the world and is rela-

LFTR makes

tively easy to acquire this means the development of LFTR will not just affect already energy rich countries but will significantly improve the living condi-

economic sense There a number of reasons why LFTR will become a reality. Will America be a world leader in LFTR technology?

tions of third world nations as well. This means a much more livable world free from the negative ramifications of

The Thorium fuel cycle and LFTR re-

coal, natural gas, and traditional nu-

the finish line at full speed. Toward

producing energy to enhace human liv-

actor are technologies that the Ameri-

clear technologies as a primary pro-

a Thorium based fuel economy.

ing conditions. Owing to the rich and

can taxpayer paid for in the 1950’s and

vider of electricity in a free market.

America’s research and devel-

successful efforts performed at Oak

1960’s at the cost of about a billion

It only makes sense to use our re-

opment has centered pri-

Ridge National Labs, we strongly be-

dollars. The proof of concept research

sources that once provided electricity

marily on developing

lieve that LFTR technology will com-

and development work has already

to directly power our modes of trans-


pete very favorably with any existing or

been accomplished.


gies such as wind

foreseeable new energy technology in a


free market.




Private industry, with a

LFTRs can be made in a small modu-

Cheap electricity and readily available

America afford to not

change in America’s regulatory environ-

lar fashion, small enough to fit onto a

cheap transportation fuels would

develop LFTR?

ment, can build LFTR with little need for

semi truck trailer and shipped

have a dramatic effect on the world’s

government intervention or taxpayer

to the power generation site. Because

economy and greatly benefit the


LFTRs can produce electricity at such

country that produces LFTR first.

a low cost, they will naturally displace

China, and India are racing towards

New technology 10

America, We can Build This! New technology 11

Energy From Thorium Foundation 1441 W 57Th ST Apt 5 Cleveland, OH 44102 Phone: (216) 274-1091 eMail: Web:

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