Ornl 4344

Page 1


- Reactor Technolo!


ORNL-4344 UC-80 - Reactor Technology

Contract No. W-7405-eng-26


Period Ending August 31, 1968

M. W. Rosenthal, Program Director 1


R. B. Briggs, Associate Director P . R . Kosten, Associate Director





This report is one of a s e r i e s of periodic reports in which we describe t h e progress of t h e program. Other reports issued in this series are listed below. ORNL-3708 is especially u s e f u l because it g i v e s a thorough review of t h e design and construction and supporting development work for the MSRE. ORNL-2474

Period Ending January 31, 1958

0 R N L-2626 OR N L- 2684 0 R N L- 2723 ORN L-2799 0 RNL-2890

Period Ending October 31, 1958

Period Ending October 31, 1959


Periods Ending January 31 and April 30, 1960

0 RNL-30 14

Period Ending July 31, 1960


Period Ending February 28, 1961


Period Ending August 31, 1961


Period Ending February 28, 1962


Period Ending August 31, 1962


Period Ending January 31, 1963


Period Ending July 31, 1963

OR N L-3626

Period Ending January 31, 1964


Period Ending July 31, 1964


Period Ending February 28, 1965

Period Ending January 31, 1959 Period Ending April 30, 1959 Period Ending July 31, 1959

O R N L-3872

Period Ending August 31, 1965


Period Ending February 28, 1966


Period Ending August 31, 1966


Period Ending February 28, 1967


Period Ending August 31, 1967


Period Ending February 29, 1968




Contents ........,..., .... ......... .. ... ..

xi h

.. .. ... ...... .... ....... ... ..





1. MSRE OPERATIONS., ..._......._._........ ........................................................................................................ 1.1 Chronological Account of Operations and Maintenance ........................................................






8 41


4 4 .........._...... 6 10


12 12 14

Reactor Operations Analysis.. ......._.... .

4 :








1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4

Reactivity Effects of Radia Dynamics Tests at the End of 2 3 5U Operation ..._.._.._...... Correlation of Circulating Void Fraction and Neutron N


Neutron Flux near Reactor V e s s e l ...

14 18 19 19 22 24 24

Equipment.. ............ ...... 1.4.2


24 24 26 29 29 30 30 31 31 31 32

Salt Samplers ......................

Oil Systems for Salt Pumps ....... . ..._... Cooling System ....... . ... ...



NT ..........._......


2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2

Thermal-Cycle Test Facility Operation Proble Inspection of the Flanges. , .._. . . . . ..

..., ........... ...

Gamma Spectrometric Measurements of F i s s i o n Product Deposition. . . . . . ... ... . . ... . . . ..



33 33

33 36



'' 3.'4: p " : . ...-*:I:




Gamma Source Mapping with Pinhole Camera ~hotography.............................,..................

2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2

Mark 2 F u e l Pump ...................................................... ................................................... Oil Pump Endurance T e s t ................................................................................................

3. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS.. .......... ....._..._.. ..., ..



40 40 40 40


43 43 43


Investigation of Control with


3U F u e l .............. ..



,, ,, ,


.,,.,,, ,,,, ,,,t f ,..,, ., .,,.,

44 45 45


Theoretical Dynamic Analysis for 233U F u e l .........................................


44.2.2 -21

Time Response .............................................................. .............................................. Frequency-Response Calculations ...............................................................................


Stability Analysis ........................................


46 46 48 48



DESIGN.. ..............._...__._ _ ....._..__ ._. ~ ~ . ....................................................................................................... ~ ~ ' . ~ ~ . ~ ~



53 56


Reactor Vessel and Core ..._....._..._............................................................................................. ................................................ Primary Heat Exchangers ....................................

5.6 5.7

Primary Drain System ................................................................................. ................................. Maintenance Procedures and Equipment ......................................................................................


58 64 66

6. REACTOR PHYSICS ...................................................................................................... 6.2

Physics Analysis of MSBE ......._.... ................................


... .. ......................








66 68 68 70


DEVELOPMENT ........ .... ........ ............ .. .......... ._....._....._.......... .......... ....,, Migration i n the MSBR Reference Design ..................................................................

72 72 74 74



Restrictions in the Gas System ...............................................................


Pump Program ......................................................................................................


75 76 77 78 78

78 78

30 $1







7.5.4 7.5.5 7.5.6

Molten-Salt Pump Test Facility ...................................................................................... Rotor-Dynamics Feasibility Study .................................................................................. Molten-Salt Bearing Program ..........................................................................................


Molten-Salt Steam Generator .........................................................................................................



Remote Welding ........................



8. MSBR INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS .......................... 8.1

.................. .....................................

Control System Analyses ................. 8.1.1 8.1.2

System Control Analysis .......... Dynamic Analysis of MSBR St

88 88 91

Calculations of Neutron Decay After Shutdown ...........



High-Temperature Resistance Thermometer Evaluatio

94 ................................................... .......................





9. HEAT TRANSFER AND THERMOPHYSICAL P R O 9.1 Introduction ................................. I

81 83 84



Heat Transfer.


Thermophysical Properties .......... 9.3.1 Thermal Conductivity .... 9.3.2 Heat Capacity .................. 9.3.3 Property Prediction ........ Mass Transfer to Circulating Bub



.......................... ........................................... ................... .......................

96 96 96 100 100 103 104 106

4 i

PART 3. CHEMISTRY 10, CHEMISTRY OF T H E MSRE .................



.......... 109

Chemical Feasibility of Fueling Molten-Salt Reactors with Plutonium Trifluoride .............. 110

10.1 10.2

Chemical Determination of Burnup in 235U Operations..


High-Temperature F u e l Salt-Graphite Compatibility Experiment ............................................



Examination of a Corroded Cap from a Sample Capsule ...............




......................................... ...........................

1.1 F i s s i o n Product Behavior in the MSRE ..... 11.1.1 Examination of MSRE Surveillanc




....... 115 115 F i s s i o n Product Profiles in Three MSRE Graphite Surveillance Specimens ..................... 141 11.2.1 Pyrolytic Graphite ........ ................................................... 141 11.2.2 Unimpregnated CGB (Specimen P .............................................. 142 CGB (Specimen V-28) ........................ .............. ................ 142 .................................................... ....... 146 Its ............................. Graphite Sample X-13 for Fluorine and Lithium ............


Molten Salts ................ MOLTEN SALTS..........



f MoF,, MoF,, MoF,, and R u F , avior of MoF, in Molten



153 153 153 154


Properties of the Alkali Fluoroborates ................. .................... 12.2.1 P h a s e Relations in Fluoroborate Systems ........ ................................................... 12.2.2 Crystal Structure of Sodium Tetrafluoroborate............................................... 12.2.3 Heat Content of NaBF, and KBF, ................................................................................ 12.2.4 Dissociation P r e s s u r e and Chemical Thermodynamics of the System K B F ,-KF ........................................................................................................................ 12.2.5 Density and Viscosity of Sodium Fluoroborate Melts .................................................. 12.2.6 Corrosion of Chromium by Molten Fluoroborates ..........................................

155 155

P h y s i c a l Properties of LiF-ThF, and L i F - B e F ,-ThF, Mixtures ........................................... 12.3.1 C e F , Solubility in Molten Mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and T h F , 12.3.2 Solubility of Thorium Metal in Molten Lithium Fluoride-Thorium Fluoride Mixtures .......................................................................................................... 12.3.3 Heat Content of LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) .................................................... 12.3.4 Technical Memorandum on Physical Properties of Molten Salts



.................................................... Electrochemical Studies ............... 12.4.1 Electrical Conductivity of Molten LiF-BeF Mixtures ................................ 12.4.2 Estimated Electrical Conductivities of MSBR-Related Salts .................................... 12.4.3 Reference Electrodes for Molten Fluorides ..........................

163 163 166 167


Spectroscopy of Fluoride Media ................................................................. 12.5.1 The Diamond-Windowed Cell ................................................... 12.5.2 Molybdenum(II1) Fluoride Solution Spectra ............................................. 12.5.3 K,MoF Synthesis and Spectrum ..................... ................................. 12.5.4 Studies of the Vapor P h a s e over MoF, Solutions ........................

168 168 170 170 170


Oxide Chemistry of Fluoride Melts Containing T h F , and UF, ................................................



Chemistry of Silica in Molten L i F - B e F ..............................................................









13.1 Reductive Extraction of 233Pa and Uranium from Molten L i F - B e F ,-ThF, Mixtures into Bismut ..................................... ............................................. 13.2 Reductive Extraction e Earths from Molten Mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and T h F , into Bismuth and Bismuth Alloy Mixtures ........ ...................................... 13.2.1 Effect of Salt Composition ....._....................... ......................................... 13.2.2 Effect of Metal-Phase Composition ...................... ............................. 13.3 Protactinium Studies in the High-Alpha Molten-Salt 13.3.1 T e s t s Dealing with the Possibility of Thori 13.3.2 Tests Dealing with the Possibility of Oxide Contamination .............................. 13.3.3 Experiment with Molybdenum Container ....... ........................................... 13.3.4 Conclusions .... ................................. 14. DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION O F ANALYTICAL METHODS FOR MOLTEN-SALT REACTORS.. ........................................... .....................................

156 157


158 159 160


161 162 163 163

174 176 176 178 180 181 181 184 185 t

.. ..,. I




Determination of Oxide in MSRE Salts ..................................


Determination of Uranium (111) in Radioactive MSRE Fuel by a Hydrogen-Reduction ........................................ ..............................



Determination of Total Reducing Power of Radioactive MSRE Salts ............................



Disproportionation of Electrochemically Generated U(V) in LiF-BeF,-ZrF, at 500OC.. ...................... ............................. ..................................




* t



Exchange Current Measurements on the Nickel-Nickel(I1) Couple in ........................................... Molten Fluorides. .......................


Voltammetric Studies of Chromium(I1) in Molten L i F - B e F ,-ZrF, at 500째C .....................



Development of a Molten-Salt Spectrophotometric Facility for Hot-Cell U s e



Spectra of U(V) and U(V1) Species in Molten Fluoride Salts



Absorption Spectra of Several 3d Transition Metal Ions i n Molten Fluoride Solution


14.5 .6 *

14.10 Simultaneous Electrochemical and Spectrophotometric Study of Solutes in Molten Fluoride Salts


14.11 Development of a Gas Chromatograph for Analysis of the MSRE Blanket Gas


14.12 Analysis of MSRE Helium for Hydrocarbons


14.13 Measurement by Ge(Li) Gamma Spectroscopy of Fission Products Deposited ~n Components of the MSRE


14.14 In-Pile Fission-Product Penetration in MSRE and Pyrolytic Graphite


14.15 Precision Analysis of


35U by Delayed-Neutron Counting

14.16 High-Precision Polarographic Determination of Uranium


14.17 A Precise Determination of Uranium in MSRE Fuel .




15.1 Studies of Surface Wetting of Graphite by Molten Salt

200 2 03


Gamma Dose R a t e s and Decay of Spent F u e l Elements



Second Fluoroborate Irradiation Experiment


Estimated Neutron Effects



2 06


P A R T 5. M A T E R I A L S D E V E L O P M E N T C E PROGRAM .......................

....................... 8.1.2 18.2

xaminations of Specimens New Specimens in the Surveillance Assembly ..................

.................. 211


Mechanical Properties of MSRE Surveillance Sp TUDIES ..........


Procurement of Graphite ...................


P h y s i c a l Property Measurements ...

........................... ....................... ................... .............................


224 226




. 227

Bend T e s t i n g of Graphite


X-Ray Studies ..................................................................................................................................


Gas Impregnation of Graphite with Carbon ....................



Graphite Surface Sealing with Metals..............................




Graphite Irradiation Experiments ............................................................




Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Measurements in Graphite ...............




....... 230

. HASTELLOY N ............................................................................................................................................ Development of Titanium-Modified Hastelloy N .......................................................................... 20.1.1 Commercial Melts .............................................................................................................. 20.1.2 Laboratory Melts .... ................................................................................

237 237 238


Aging of Modified Hastelloy N ......................................................................................................



Influence of Irradiation Temperatures on the Postirradiation Mechanical Properties of Titanium-Modified Hastelloy N



@ . .

.... 244


Electron Microscope Studies ................................................................................................. ............ ...... 20.4.1 Precipitation in Sta Hastelloy N . 20.4.2 Titanium-Modified Hastelloy N ......................................................................................


Weldability of Titanium-Modified Hastelloy N .........




Measurement of Residual Stresses in Hastelloy N Welds

................ Corrosion Studies ......... ................................................................................................. 20.7.1 F u e l Salts ..... ........................................................................................... 20.7.2 Blanket Salts ........................................................................................... 20.7.3 Coolant Salts ........................................................................................................ 20.7.4 Haynes Alloy No . 25 Corrosion ........................................................................



257 257 262 264 265 266









Flow Velocity in Natural Circulation Loops

247 247 247


Forced Convection Loop ............................................................



Oxidation of Ni-Mo-Cr-Fe Alloys ........................................................................................


GRAPHITE-TO-METAL JOINING ..............................................................................................................



Introduction ......................................................................................................................................



Graphite Brazing ..............................................................................................................................



Graphite-Hastelloy N Transition Joint Development ................................................................ 21.3.1 Heavy-Metal Alloy Development .................................................................................... 21.3.2 Fabrication and T e s t i n g of Joints ..................................................................................

272 273 273


Nondestructive T e s t i n g of Graphite-to-Metal Joints ..................................................................


SUPPORT FOR COMPONENTS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ..............................................................




Welding Irradiated Materials .......................................................................................................... 278 22.1.1 Development of Apparatus and Procedures for Welding Irradiated Samples ............ 278 22.1.2 Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy N Welded After Irradiation 2 78


Molten-Salt Distillation Experiment .............................................................................................. 22.2.1 Examination of Specimens from the Distillation Experiment ...................................... 22.2.2 Examination of Plug from Distillation V e s s e l ..............................................................

282 282 285




X-Ray Examination of Bearing Coatings


Liquid Level Probe Analysis ..............................



Fabrication of Fluted Tubing for Enhanced Heat Transfer




PART 6. MOLTEN-SALT PROCESSING AND PREPARATION .....................................

INTRODUCTION ..............................





23. MEASUREMENT O F DISTRIBUTION COEFFICIENTS IN MOLTEN-SALT-METAL ............................... SYSTEMS .......................... .................................................





Extraction of Protactinium from Single-Fluid MSBR F u e l s . ......................................................


23.2 23.3

Extraction of Thorium and Rare Earths from Single-Fluid MSBR F u e l s .......................... ........................... ................... Solubility of Thorium in Bismuth .........................

297 i

24. SIMULATED MOLTEN-SALT-LIQUID-BISMUTH CONTACTOR STUDIES ........................................


25. REDUCTIVE EXTRACTION ENGINEERING STUDIES ........................................................................


26. CONTINUOUS FLUORINATION O F MOLTEN SALT ..............................







29. PREPARATION O F 7LiF-233UF4 CONCENTRATE FOR T H E MSRE .................................
















Cold Shakedown Run ..................................


Production of the ,LiF-


Packaging of the Concentrate ............................




3UF Concentrate ..

30. DEVELOPMENT O F THE TWO-STEP PROCESS FOR PREPARATION O F 7LiF- 3UF F U E L CONCENTRATE FOR T H E MSRE .......... ..........................................

*. "=

& , % .


30.1 30.2

Laboratory Test of Low-Temperature P r o c e s s ...................................... ............................... Physical Behavior of Powder Beds .............................................................................. .....



Oxide Impurity Level in a Product ...............

32 0


Feasibility of U s e of the Two-step P r o c e s s .........................





320 320 321


Fluorination-Valence State Study ..............................................................................



Equilibrium of U F , with N a F at 400째C; Retention of Uranium ..............................



Effect of Temperature on Sorption of U F , by NaF: Comparison of High- and Low-Surface-Area Material ...... .................................... a r Velocity in Sorption P r o c e s s ................................ Gaseous F in KOH-KI-K,B,O,


................... 3 24

........................................... ......................................






................................ g with K,B,o




and Smoke from Scrub Solution ................................


325 325 325 326 326 326 326 327







graphite is a new material having high density and small pore s i z e . T h e fuel salt does not wet t h e graphite and therefore d o e s not enter t h e pores, even a t pressures well above the operating pressure. Heat produced in the reactor is transferred t o a coolant s a l t in the primary heat exchanger, and t h e coolant salt is pumped through a radiator to d i s s i p a t e the heat t o t h e atmosphere. Design of the MSRE started early in t h e summer of 1960, and fabrication of equipment began early in 1962. T h e e s s e n t i a l installations were completed, and prenuclear t e s t i n g w a s begun in August of 1964. Following prenuclear testing and some modifications, t h e reactor w a s taken critical on June 1 , 1965, and zero-power experiments were completed early in July. After additional modifications, maintenance, and s e a l i n g of t h e containment, operation a t a power of 1 Mw began in January 1966. At t h e 1-Mw power level, trouble was experienced with plugging of small ports in control v a l v e s in the off-gas system by heavy liquid and varnish-like organic materials. T h e s e materials are believed to be produced by radiation polymerization of a very small amount of oil that vaporizes after leaking through a gasketed s e a l into the tank of the fuel circulating pump. T h i s difficulty was overcome by installing a specially designed filter in the off-gas line. F u l l power, about 8.0 Mw, w a s reached in May 1966, and the plant was operated a t full power for about s i x weeks. Then one of t h e radiator cooling blowers (which were left over from t h e A N P program) broke up from mechanical s t r e s s . While new blowers were being procured, a n array of graphite and metal surveillance specimens w a s taken from t h e core and examined. Power operation was resumed in October with one blower; then in November t h e second blower was installed, and full power was again attained.

The objective of the Molten-Salt Reactor Program is the development of nuclear reactors which use fluid f u e l s that are solutions of f i s s i l e and fertile materials in s u i t a b l e carrier s a l t s . T h e program is an outgrowth of t h e effort begun over 18 years a g o in the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) program to make a molten-salt reactor power plant for aircraft. A molten-salt reactor - the Aircraft Reactor Experiment - wasoperated at ORNL in 1954 a s part of the ANP program. Our major goal n o w i s t o achieve a thermal breeder reactor that will produce power at low c o s t while simultaneously conserving and extending the nation’s fuel resources. F u e l for t h i s type of reactor would be 2 3 3 U F 4 or 2 3 5 U F 4dissolved in a s a l t that is a mixture of LiF and BeF,. T h e fertile material would be ThF, dissolved in t h e s a m e s a l t or in a separate blanket s a l t of similar composition. The technology being developed for t h e breeder is a l s o applicable to advanced converter reactors. A major program activity is the operation of t h e Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE). T h i s reactor was built to t e s t the t y p e s of fuels and materials that would b e used in thermal breeder and converter reactors and to provide experience with the operation and maintenance of a molten-salt reactor perates a t 12000F and a t atmospheri produces about 8.0 Mw of heat. ’ The initial fuel contains 0.9 mole % UF,, 5 m o l e % ZrF,, 29 mole ’% BeF,, and 65 mole % L i F , and t 33% 2 3 5 U . T h e melting point circulates through a reactor v e s s e l and d heat exchange system. All nstructed of Hastelloy N, a -chromium alloy with exceptional sion by molten fluorides and a t high temperature. The reacan assembly of graphite moderator bars that are in direct contact with the fuel. T h e



i L





xii After a shutdown to remove s a l t that had accidentally gotten into a n off-gas line, t h e MSRE w a s operated in December and January at full power fOK 30 d a y s without interruption. T h e next power run was begun later in January and was continued for 102 d a y s until terminated to remove a second s e t of graphite and metal specimens. An additional opeTating period of 46 days during the summer was interrupted for maintenance work on the samplerenricher when t h e c a b l e drive mechanism jammed. In September 1967, a run was begun which continued for s i x months until terminated on schedule in March 1968. Power operation during t h i s run had to b e interrupted once when the reactor w a s taken to zero power to repair a n electrical short in t h e sampler-enricher. Completion of t h i s six-month run brought to a close t h e first phase of MSRE operation, in which the objective w a s to demonstrate on a small s c a l e the attractive features and technical feasibility of these systems for civilian power reactors. W e believe this objective h a s been achieved and that the MSRE h a s shown that molten fluoride reactors c a n be operated a t temperatures above 1200'F without corrosive attack on either the metal or graphite parts of the system, that t h e fuel is completely stable, that reactor equipment c a n operate satisfactorily at t h e s e conditions, that xenon c a n be removed rapidly from molten s a l t s , and that, when necessary, t h e radioactive equipment c a n be repaired or replaced. T h e second phase of MSRE operation began in August 1968 when a small facility in t h e MSRE building was used to remove the original uranium charge from t h e fuel s a l t by treatment with gaseous F,. In s i x days of fluorination, 219 kg of uranium was removed from the molten s a l t and loaded onto absorbers filled with sodium fluoride pellets. T h e decontamination and recovery of the uranium were very good. Highly pure 2 3 3 U will next b e added to the present carrier s a l t , making the MSRE the world's first 233U-fueled reactor. Critical, low-power,

and full-power t e s t s will be performed to determine the nuclear characteristics of t h e reactor with 2 3 3 fuel. ~ A large part of t h e Molten-Salt Reactor Program is now being devoted to t h e requirements of future molten-salt reactors. Conceptual d e s i g n s t u d i e s are being made of large breeder reactors, and a n increasing amount of work on materials, on t h e chemistry of fuel and coolant s a l t s , and on processing methods is included in t h e research and deve lopment program. For several years, most of our work on breeder reactors was aimed specifically at two-fluid systems in which graphite t u b e s would b e u s e d to separate uranium-bearing fuel salts from thoriumbearing fertile salts. W e think attractive reactors of t h i s type c a n b e developed, but s e v e r a l years of experience with a prototype reactor would be required to prove that graphite c a n s e r v e a s a plumbing material while exposed t o high fast-neutron irradiations. As a consequence, a one-fluid breeder h a s been a long-sought goal. Two developments of t h e p a s t year e s t a b lished the feasibility of a one-fluid breeder. T h e first w a s demonstration of t h e chemical s t e p s in a process which u s e s liquid bismuth to extract protactinium and uranium selectively from a s a l t that a l s o contains thorium. The second was the recognition that a fertile blanket c a n b e obtained with a s a l t that contains uranium and thorium by reducing the graphite-to-fuel ratio in the outer part of t h e core. Our s t u d i e s show that a one-fluid, two-region breeder c a n b e built that h a s fuel utilization characteristics approaching t h o s e of our two-fluid designs, and probably better economics. Since the graphite s e r v e s only as moderator, the one-fluid reactor is more nearly a s c a l e u p of t h e MSRE. T h e s e features caused u s to change the e m phasis of our breeder program from t h e two-fluid t o the one-fluid breeder. Most of our design and development effort is now directed to the one-fluid system.




Run 14, which began i n September 1967, w a s terminated as scheduled on March 26. F u e l salt had been in t h e core continuously for 188 days, and t h e reactor had been critical 98% of the time. Shutdown w a s for the purpose of removing specimens from the core, investigating fission product retention in t h e fuel salt and off-gas systems, performing s o m e maintenance, and stripping t h e uranium from the salt i n preparation for addition of 2 3 3 u . In the first two weeks of the shutdown, gamma suectrometric measurements were made on equipment i n t h e reactor cell, t h e fuel off-gas line was opened and a section replaced, two heater units from t h e primary heat exchanger were repaired, and t h e c o r e specimen array w a s removed, reassembled with s o m e new specimens, and reinstalled. Two weeks before the end of the run the fuel sampler-enricher c a b l e had become tangled. After the fuel w a s drained, t h e manipulator w a s used t o untangle t h e cable, but i n the process t h e sample capsule and key were dropped into t h e pump bowl. Tests i n a mockup showed permanent magnets t o be a most effective retrieval device, but efforts

and efficiently. T h e flush salt was fluorinated and treated to reduce corrosion products. By the end of August the fuel salt had been fluorinated to recover the 219 k g of uranium as UF, on N a F pellets. Laboratory measurements of coolant s a l t h e a t capacity cleared up discrepancies between air and salt h e a t balances at the MSRE: the maximum power is 8.0 Mw rather than the 7.2 Mw indicated earlier by salt heat balances. Revision of burnup and other terms in the reactivity balance resulted i n t h e net change in t h e residual term being only 0.2% 6k/k in 72,000 Mwhr of operation with 235U. Tests showed that the dynamics characteristics had not changed during that time. Random noise in the neutron flux correlated with a circulating bubble fraction of about 0.1 vol %. T h e new heat-balance power raised t h e observed heat transfer coefficient in t h e primary heat exchanger t o 10% above t h e design value. N o change 'U power operaoccurred over the two years of tion. T h e system for measuring contaminant l e v e l s i n t h e fuel off-gas w a s operated briefly a t the end of the run. During the shutdown the component cooling s y s t e m w a s overhauled and improved. Otherwise, the required maintenance was relatively minor.

2. Component Development ably. Later tests showed fluorine disposal system lant led t o abandonment of the

with t h i s system delayed salt processing until August 1. Once started, processing went rapidly


Operation of t h e freeze-flange thermal-cycle test w a s continued through 268 c y c l e s , after which it was shut down for inspection of the flanges. Inspection with dye penetrant showed indications of fatigue failure only i n the bore region of the male flange where t h e alignment stub is welded t o the face of the flange. T h e containment integrity of the joint w a s not affected.

xi v Gamma-spectroscopic measurements of fission products deposited on metal surfaces of the primary system revealed that 5Nb, ’Mo, 3 R ~ and , 2Te with its daughter 1 3 * 1 were predominant in t h e heat exchanger i n the period from 3 to 17 d a y s after shutdown. Gamma source photographs of components i n the reactor cell, made with a pinhole camera, disclosed t h e location of several radiation “hot spots. ” T h e preoperational check-out of t h e Mark 2 fuel pump t e s t neared completion.

3. Instruments and Controls Three of fifteen new relays i n t h e rod s c r a m coincidence matrix failed due t o s t u c k contacts within four months of installation. Another fission chamber was replaced; the average service of t h e s e chambers is proving t o b e about three months. Simulator tests showed t h e rod control system t o be adequate for 233U operation. Startup of the salt processing s y s t e m involved some new instruments and controls and numerous modifications.

4. MSRE Reactor Analysis T h e correction factor for delayed neutron effectiveness which accounts for differences in emission energies w a s recalculated after a n improved model for determining t h e difference i n average a g e t o thermal energies between prompt and delayed neutrons became available. T h e correction factor from “absolute” t o “effective” delayed neutron fraction was calculated t o b e 1.086, about 5% higher than earlier calculations had given. T h i s h a s the effect of increasing t h e rod worth measured by reactor periods and the values of reactivity coefficients that were measured relative to t h e rod worth. T h e agreement between calculated and measured reactivity coefficients was improved, but the difference between measured and predicted rod worth was increased. T h e transient t i m e response and the frequency response of the reactor to reactivity perturbations were calculated using characteristics of t h e system with 3U fuel. Stability a n a l y s e s using several techniques showed that the system will be s t a b l e at all power l e v e l s and that t h e degree of stability will increase with increasing power level.

P A R T 2. MSBR DESIGN AND D E V E L O P M E N T 5. Design T h e design study of a single-fluid MSBR power station was continued, but with the plant capacity changed to 1000 Mw (electrical) to b e consistent with current design s t u d i e s of other reactors. T h e shape and arrangement of the graphite elements in t h e core were changed t o provide a n undermoderated “blanket” region at the top and s i d e s of t h e core to conserve neutrons. T h i s blanket s p a c e at the s i d e s is filled with 4-in.-diam graphite spheres. For t h e periodic replacement of graphite it w a s decided t o remove t h e entire core a s an assembly rather than to move a few graphite elements at a time. T h i s change made it possible t o eliminate a grid formerly used t o s p a c e t h e graphite pieces i n the core. T h e graphite is now contained i n a Hastelloy N “basket” i n which the moderator c a n be preassembled and attached to a s p a r e top reactor v e s s e l head t o allow t h e core substitution to be made more quickly. T h e maintenance equipment required for graphite replacement received preliminary study a n d appears to b e feasible. T h e method of supporting t h e primary system equipment was changed to hanging it from the cell roof structure. Expansion loops are now used to achieve the necessary flexibility i n t h e secondary system lines. A new flowsheet was prepared t o show revised flow rates and to include some of the auxiliary systems, such as t h e drain tank heat rejection system, t h e off-gas systems, etc. A freeze valve will b e used on t h e primary system drain line. Provisions will b e made upstream of t h e valve for circulating the salt t o avoid overheating; t h e drain line will b e drained downstream of the valve. A c a t c h basin h a s been provided beneath the reactor system t o collect any primary salt spilled in an accident and to direct it t o the primary drain tank through a bismuth seal in a U-trap. T h i s arrangement would prevent spilled secondary salt from entering t h e primary drain tank. A c o d e for optimizing the performance of t h e primary heat exchangers was completed. Revised physical property d a t a for t h e salts a l s o became available, and the first results indicate that four units with about 5700 3/-in.-OD tubes e a c h will





xv be required. Studies of the related vibration and s t r e s s problems are not yet complete, however, and further revision may b e required. Maintenance on a primary heat exchanger would b e by substitution of a tube bundle rather than by repair of an individual tuhe.

6. Reactor Physics A new reactor optimization code, ROD, was developed t o replace OPTIMERC. T h e principal improvements incorporated in the new code include (1) multiple thermal-neutron groups, (2) the capability of using different spectrum-averaged c r o s s sections of a particular nuclide in different regions of the reactor, and ( 3 ) a better calculation of twodimensional neutronic effects by synthesizing two one-dimensional calculations. A constrained optimization calculation of the one-fluid MSBR was performed with ROD utilizing the improvements described above. Basically a two-region reactor w a s considered. Processing rates were fixed. With t h e s e restrictions all salt volume fractions and reactor dimensions were optimized with respect to annual fuel yield. The results of t h e calculation indicate that a breeding ratio of 1.07, an annual fuel yield of 4%, and a graphite lifetime of 1.8 years (without power flattening) are achievable with t h i s reactor concept. Survey calculations were performed on a singlefluid core moderated with graphite b a l l s rather than prismatic elements. T h e maximum annual fuel yield achievable with a random packed bed of graphite balls is less than 2%. T h e inventory charges are typically 0.3 t o 0.4 mill/kwhr (electrical), and the graphite lifetime is from three to s i x years. Some preliminary calculations indicate that the peak damage flux and power density of a large MSBR and a breeding ratio greater than unity with 23313 fuel c a n be achieved i n a breeder

that the volumetric throughput of the helium in the gas system is reduced. It was found that the bubbles could recirculate ten times before they must be removed because of an approach t o , saturation. Because of the uncertainty in some of the parameters governing the efficiency of removal of 35Xe by the u s e of circulating bubbles, it may b e necessary t o plan on coating the graphite s o that the target 'Xe poison fraction can be achieved. T h e method for generating the bubbles h a s moved toward a fluid-powered generator where the g a s is injected through s m a l l holes in the throat of a venturi; the bubbles are to b e removed by a pipeline separator which u s e s a swirl generator to produce a high gravitational field and a gas-filled vortex t o which the bubbles migrate. A working model using water a s the circulation fluid h a s been operated with flows of up to 660 gpm, and the only problem is in stabilizing the vortex. About 950 hr of intermittent circulating time were accumulated before draining the flushing charge of s a l t from the sodium fluoroborate t e s t facility. T h e loop is now being operated with a fresh batch of NaBF,. Head-flow data are in good agreement with prior data for water and NaK. Test values for the minimum pressure necessary to suppress cavitation agreed closely with predicted values for the new batch of salt, but were significantly higher than the predicted values in the case of the flushing salt. The difference was ascribed t o the impurities in the flushing salt. Operations were interrupted from t i m e t o t i m e by gas line restrictions which were caused by a variety of m a t e r i a l s . Analytical investigations are under way to determine the nature and source of each of the materials involved. Several ingassing transients occurred during performance of the cavitation tests. Pieces of green salt, rich in U and Th, were found when t h e pump was opened for inspection. Neither the green salt nor the ingassing transients are considered to have adverse implications regarding u s e of NaBF, in the MSRE coolant system. T h e basic plan for obtaining fuel-salt and coolant -salt pumps for the MSBE was outlined. T h e f i r s t draft of the MSBE fuel-salt pump specifications was prepared and reviewed.

The proposal for using circulating helium bubbles for stripping noble g a s e s from the fuel salt was altered t o permit recirculation of the bubbles s o

A study was made of the effect of pump speed on the conflicting requirements for a low net positive suction head (NPSH) and a low fuel s a l t


xvi inventory for t h e MSBR fuel salt pumps. Preliminary investigations were made to determine t h e required thickness of t h e nuclear shield plug for t h e MSBR fuel s a l t pump. Consideration is being given to using one b a s i c pump design for t h e MSBR fuel- and coolant-salt pumps because of t h e similarity in t h e pumping requirements. Differences in head requirements could b e accommodated by modifying the impeller diameter and speed. Preliminary design of a molten-salt pump t e s t facility capable of testing the fuel-salt pumps and the coolant-salt pumps for t h e MSBE h a s advanced sufficiently t o permit sizing the major loop components. T h e t e s t system will contain approximately 200 ft3 of salt. T h e final report on t h e rotor dynamic feasibility studies for long-shaft pump configurations h a s been received from Mechanical Technology Incorporated. T h e molten-salt bearing program h a s been temporarily curtailed because t h e single-fluid reactor concept will permit t h e u s e of a short-shaft pump configuration, which ordinarily d o e s not require a salt-lubricated shaft support bearing. An outline of a program to develop steam generators for the Molten-Salt Breeder Experiment was prepared and includes a facility for t e s t i n g full-scale tubes. T h e facility will have a heating capacity of up t o 3 Mw (thermal) at a molten-salt temperature of 1200'F. A program designed t o establish t h e feasibility of remotely cutting, beveling, and welding radio-

active pipe and v e s s e l closures was begun.

8. MSBR Instrumentation and C o n t r o l s T h e analysis of t h e dynamic behavior of the molten-salt breeder reactor system w a s continued, with emphasis on t h e overall plant control problem. Specific control problems associated with the dynamics of the steam generator as well a s t h e problems of integrated control of the entire heat transfer system from reactor t o turbine throttle were investigated. Several b a s i c control schemes were tried, and t h e results are given. Future studies will include control of the temperature of the primary salt by using reactivity control. Calculations were made of the neutron density as a function of t i m e following s t e p reductions i n reactivity i n t h e single-fluid MSBR. T h e results of some of t h e s e calculations are given and c a n

be used i n the determination of t h e heat removal requirements after reactor shutdown. To determine t h e suitability of a recently marketed high-temperature resistance thermometer for u s e in precise measurement of temperatures and differential temperatures i n molten-salt systems, two sets of thermometers were purchased and are being evaluated. R e s u l t s of tests to date indicate that t h e calibration of the thermometers is s t a b l e below 1200'F and that calibration s h i f t s occur above 1200'F that increase in magnitude with increasing temperature. Extended operation of t h e thermometers at 1500OF (the highest temperature for which they were rated) very nearly restored t h e original calibration and effectively stabilized the thermometers for operation at all temperatures within rating. Attempts to stabilize the thermometers and restore t h e original calibration by extended operation at temperatures less than 1500'F were much less effective.


H e a t T r a n s f e r and P h y s i c a l P r o p e r t i e s

H e a t T r a n s f e r . - An apparatus for studying the heat transfer characteristics of molten salts w a s assembled. In t h i s system, t h e salt is induced t o flow through a n electrically heated small-diameter tube by applying g a s pressure alternately to salt reservoirs located at e a c h end of t h e test section. Initial experiments were conducted with the proposed MSBR single-region fuel mixture (LiFBeF,-ThF,-UF,, 67.5-20-12.0-0.5 mole %) at Reynolds moduli between 700 and 20,000, h e a t fluxes from 3 x lo4 to 6 x l o 5 Btu hr-' ft-,, and mean fluid temperatures between 1230 and 1510'F. Wall-temperature patterns were unexpectedly different from t h o s e observed i n earlier studies with molten salts. In the laminar flow regime, t h e heat transfer was i n reasonable agreement with accepted empirical correlation. In t h e high transition to turbulent flow regime, a laminar-turbulent transition w a s suggested by the wall-temperature data. Further experiments and/or apparatus modifications will b e effected to understand the observed phenomena. Thermophysical P r o p e r t i e s . - A variable-gap apparatus w a s used to obtain preliminary values for the thermal conductivities of three molten fluoride mixtures. F o r the MSRE coolant (LiFBeF,, 66-34 mole '%),the conductivity fell in the range 0.010 to 0.012 w cm-' ("C)-'



between 500 and 900째C; for t h e MSRE f u e l (LiFBeF,-ZrF, -UF,, 71.2-23-5-0.8 mole %), k w a s



0.012 w c m - ' ("C)-' at 500째C, showed a maximum of 0.015 w cm-' ("C)-' at 7OO0C, and returned to 0.012 w c m - ' ("C)-' a t 900째C. Despite difficulties with B F l o s s and thermocouple lead wire inhomogeneities, the total scatter for three sets of measurements with a proposed MSBR coolant (NaF-NaBF,, 8-92 mole %) was less than *13%; t h e conductivity w a s found to decrease nearly linearly from 0.0053 t o 0.0039 w cm-' ( O c ) - ' between 400 and 800째C. Although t h e apparatus being used was designed to minimize errors i n measurements with s a l t s having conductivities in t h e range 0.05 t o 0.10 w c m - ' ("C)-' - an order of magnitude above the conductivities of the salts currently under study - corrected d a t a should ultimately have an uncertainty of less than +15%. A planned new apparatus should result in further improved accuracy. T h e enthalpy of the MSRE coolant mixture (LiF-BeF2, 66-34 m o l e %) w a s obtained using a copper-block drop calorimeter. T h e derived heat capacity w a s 0.577 cal g-' ("C)-' +1.4% over t h e temperature span 500 t o 720OC. Methods for predicting the thermal conductivities of molten-salt mixtures were surveyed, and estimated v a l u e s were compared with experimental results. It w a s found that the equation developed by Rao yielded conductivities that were i n excellent agreement with t h e chloride and nitrate d a t a but were only adequate for fluoride mixtures. Several possible reasons for t h i s latter discrepancy were that (1) t h e theory was based on singlecomponent liquids and (2) the fluoride mixture data still contain large uncertainties. M a s s Transfer to C i r c u l a t i n g Bu



proposed scheme for removing fission product g a s e s from MSBR fuel salts involves stripping '35Xe i n t h e region outside t h e reactor core ing small helium bubbles. An experiment t o provide initial d a t a for establishing the feasibility of t h i s technique is in an advanced s t a g e of design. Helium bubbles will b e used t o remove dissolved oxygen (simulating 'Xe) from room-temperature glycerol-water solutions (simulating molten salt); t h i s system p o s s e s s e s dynamic similarity with presently conceived MSBR designs. Methods are being developed for measuring t h e size and distribution of small helium bubbles in

a flowing stream and for introducing and removing t h e s e bubbles.



Chemistry of the


Chemical a n a l y s e s of the MSRE fuel and coolant salts continued t o show that the chemical stability of t h e s e salts in u s e is excellent, that generalized corrosion of the MSRE containment system w a s negligible during t h e current report period, and that analytical chemical methods were effective in confirming nuclear performance. T h e previous disparity noted between nominal v a l u e s of uranium in the fuel s a l t and those obtained by chemical analysis was resolved by new and higher values for the heat capacity of the coolant salt. Recomputed v a l u e s for t h e nominal concentrations of uranium now fall within +0.1% of chemical values. T h e feasibility of starting molten-salt reactors with plutonium trifluoride w a s evaluated. Compatibility in s u c h reactors is moderately well assured but requires confirmation of t h e solubility of P u F , and oxide tolerance before tests c a n b e made using t h e MSRE. 11. F i s s i o n Product Behavior T h e fate of fission products i n t h e MSRE was further explored by study of a third set of graphite and Hastelloy N long-term surveillance specimens obtained after t h e March 25, 1968, shutdown. Three of t h e CGB graphite specimens had been exposed from 7800 t o 64,000 Mwhr rather than from 32,000 to 64,000 Mwhr as was true of the other nine graphite specimens. Surprisingly, t h e doubly exposed graphite did not receive any heavier deposition of long-lived nuclides like 06Ru than the singly exposed. Although t h e concentration profiles for fission products were different for t h e four kinds of graphite studied, there w a s surprisingly little difference in t h e total deposition per unit area. T h e outer portion of t h e graphite was partially permeated by the fission products. T h e deposition behavior indicated t h a t t h e fission products did not travel together. T h e deposition on metal w a s lower than previously encountered by a factor of about 3. An alternate method, involving grinding as a means of sampling graphite surveillance speci-



mens, confirmed the results obtained by milled samples. An analysis of surveillance specimen for Li and F indicated that fuel s a l t , in minute amounts, permeated far into the graphite. Bec a u s e some of t h e fission products behaved as though they were dispersed colloidially, a study of the behavior of colloids in molten salts w a s undertaken.

12. P h y s i c a l Chemistry of M o l t e n S a l t s Kinetic studies of the disproportionation of MoF, showed that low partial pressures of MoF, favor production of MoF,, whereas at pressures of -1 atmosphere, MoF, is formed. In continuing evaluations of alkali fluoroborates as secondary coolants in molten-salt reactors, studies of the NaF-KF-BF, phase equilibria examined the ideality of solution behavior. T h e possibility that hydroxyfluoroborates play a significant role as contaminants in fluoroborate melts h a s led to efforts to synthesize and characterize the pure phases. T h e structure of crystalline N a B F 4 was shown to consist of slightly irregular BF,- tetrahedra. T h e sodium ions are coordinated by eight fluoride ions which are at the corners of an irregular polyhedron. Thermochemical d a t a were obtained for NaBF,, KBF,, and KF-KBF, mixtures. Densities of the possible coolant salt mixture NaF-NaBF, (8-92 mole So) were measured for the temperature range 439 to 508째C and are given by the equation (g ern-,) = 2.27 - 7.4 x lo-, t ("C). T h e solubility of cerium trifluoride, a useful proxy for PuF,, w a s measured in LiF-BeF,-ThF, solvents. T h e results indicated that the solubility of P u F , in s u c h m e l t s will be adequate to fuel a molten-salt reactor based on PuF, as a fissile agent. Refined values for the solubility of thorium metal in molten LiF-ThF, mixtures were obtained which are slightly lower, that is, between 0.3 and 1.0 mole % at 62OoC, than previously reported. Evidence for a solid of the alleged formula ThOF was examined and found to b e without merit. T h e heat content of LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) was obtained experimentally for the temperature range 25 to 75OOC. T h e electrical conductivities of molten LiF-BeF mixtures were determined in relation to temperature characteristics for compositions ranging from 38 t o 52 mole % BeF,.


The electrical conductivities of T h F , - and NaBF,-based fluoride mixtures were estimated for the molten state. Continued efforts were given to development of reference electrodes based on B e o / B e 2 and N i 2 '/Nio half cells for u s e with molten fluorides. Preliminary results in which stable potentials were achieved for periods of up to 24 hr indicate the feasibility of developing such electrodes. Spectral studies were conducted successfully with fluoride melts contained in diamond window cells. Spectrochemical methods were employed in studies of the coordination chemistry and disproportionation kinetics of t h e molybdenum fluorides. Distribution of U4' between molten fluoride mixtures and (U,Th)O, solid solutions w a s examined with respect to i t s potential as a fuel reprocessing method. Tetravalent uranium w a s found to distribute strongly to the oxide solid solution phase. In continuing studies of the pressures of SiF, in equilibrium with molten Li ,BeF,, crystalline Be2Si0,, and SiO,, equilibrium data were obtained for higher BeO/SiO, ratios than had been measured previously. As a result, the chemistry of silica in LiF-BeF, m e l t s is now well defined.


13. Chemistry of M o l t e n - S a l t R e a c t o r F u e l Reprocessing Technology

Current results of laboratory-scale experiments continue to demonstrate the feasibility of extracting protactinium, uranium, and the rare earths from molten fluoride fuels by reductive methods. Extraction of protactinium at tracer levels from a onefluid breeder reactor fuel w a s demonstrated. Several variables, for example, salt and metal phase composition and concentration of contaminants, were investigated in relation to their effects on the distribution of protactinium and t h e rare earths between salt and metal phases.


D e v e l o p m e n t and E v a l u a t i o n o f A n a l y t i c a l Methods for M o l t e n - S a l t R e a c t o r s

Oxide concentrations in the MSRE fuel, as determined by the hydrofluorination method, remained near the 50-ppm level. T h e essentially identical result obtained in the analysis of a

xix sample maintained a t an elevated temperature t o minimize radiolysis proved that t h e radioactivity of the samples d o e s not produce a negative b i a s in t h e results. Oxide was a l s o determined on LiF-BeF, preparations and on samples of L i F UF, from the production of 233U fuel concentrates. T h e s e latter samples required the development of new sampling techniques and the adaptation of the method t o smaller samples and t o new forms of sample containers. An evaluation of the operating history of the hot-cell apparatus for oxide indicated that electrolytic moisture-monitor cells a r e desensitized rapidly during the analysis of highly radioactive samples; however, similar desensitization of a t e s t cell could not b e produced by exposure t o radioactivity of comparable and higher levels. All current and previous results of t h e determinations of the U 3 + / U 4 + ratio i n the MSRE fuel were reevaluated by means of a modified computer program that c a l c u l a t e s ratios a t the operating temperature of the reactor rather than at the lower temperatures a t which the analyses were performed. With the exception of three low results, apparently associated with samples of the highest activity, the recomputed ratios are in reasonable agreement with t h e ratios calculated on the b a s i s of the operating history of t h e reactor (i.e., beryllium additions, corrosion-product increases, and allowance for burnup). A method for the remote measurement of traces of H F in g a s streams h a s been developed t o cover t h e range of concentrations (8 t o 400 ppm) found in hydrogentranspiration effluents. T h e method is based on the preconcentration of the H F on an N a F trap and thermal-conductivity measurement of the pulse of H F generated on desorption. T h e hydrogenevolution method, which is a measure of both u(II1) and dispersed electropositive m e t a l s , is being modified for adaptation to radioactive samples of reprocessed MSRE fuel solvent. T o avoid l o s s of reducing power during pulverizations, sample fragments a r e dissolved in HC1-HBO, a t 25OOC in a s e a l e d tube.

perimental evidence indicates that the U(V) which is formed subsequently disproportionates into U(1V) and U(V1). Kinetic constants for the proposed nickel-nickel(I1) reference electrode were measured in both LiF-BeF,-ZrF, and LiFNaF-KF s y s t e m s by a voltage s t e p method. T h e

most significant of t h e s e constants, t h e molar exchange current, w a s found to b e sufficiently large (-2 amp/cm2), which ensures that no polarization will occur during practical analytical measurements. T h e disproportionation of U(V) generated at a pyrolytic graphite anode was studied by chronopotentiometric methods. A rate constant of approximately 160 liters molesec- was determined. T h e electrochemical reduction of Cr(I1) w a s a l s o studied i n LiFB e F ,-ZrF, by conventional and first-derivative voltammetry. Although U(IV) interferes to some extent, it is believed that the chromium reduction wave c a n b e used t o monitor chromium in fluoride melts. T h e designing of the in-cell equipment of a facility for spectral s t u d i e s of highly radioactive materials is essentially complete, and some of t h e s e components are now being fabricated. T h i s equipment will permit the transfer of samples of radioactive fluoride s a l t s to spectrophotometric cells without exposure of t h e samples t o the atmosphere and will simultaneously maintain them at a temperature sufficient t o eliminate significant radiolysis. T h e study of t h e spectra of Fe(II), Ni(II), Cr(II), and Cr(II1) in various LiF-BeF, m e l t s h a s been concluded. Solvent contaminants, primarily products of hydrolysis, have been found to greatly affect the electrochemical generation of solute s p e c i e s for spectral characterization. Vacuum pretreatment of LiF-NaF-KF at 45OOC is effective in removing the H,O precursor of t h e s e contaminants. T h e electrochemical generation of tantalum and copper i n their various oxidation s t a t e s for spectral study is presently being investigated.



Work w a s continued on the stabilization of a helium breakdown detector for a g a s chromatograph for MSRE blanket gases. Controlled additions of mercury vapor and hydrogen did not produce adequate stabilization, but xenon appears m o r e promising. T h e thermal conductivity system installed in the g a s sampIing station at t h e MSRE was found t o be subject t o interference from the radiolysis of water absorbed in t h e reagents used to trap water and CO,. T h i s trap h a s been replaced with a small regenerable trap packed with molecular s i e v e . A collimating system w a s constructed t o permit the scanning of fission products deposited on t h e surface of components of the MSRE. By the u s e


k 1



xx of a detector of improved resolution, Ge(Li) diode, it was possible to identify and measure t h e distribution of ten nuclides. Quantitative measurements were reported for four major fission products. T h e improved detector w a s used a l s o to measure the penetration of fission products in MSRE and pyrolytic graphite specimens. T h e precision of the determination of 5U by delayed-neutron counting was improved t o approximately 0.2%, about a factor of 2, by s t e p s taken t o define the irradiation and counting periods more precisely. A repetitive s c a n polarographic technique w a s found to provide uranium measurements with 0.1% precision; however, t h e method is subject to a pronounced negative bias. A new method under development for t h e more precise determination of uranium i n MSRE fuel is based on the volatilization of uranium from 50-g samples of UF,, which c a n then b e collected on NaF, dissolved, and measured in the absence of interfering ions. An apparatus t o perform t h i s fluorination i n a hot cell is now being used t o separate uranium for isotopic ratio determinations. Before collection, t h e U F , is p a s s e d over N a F at 4OOOC to reduce t h e radioactivity of the product. T h e activity of t h e product traps h a s been approximately 20 m i l l i r e m s , a level which permits removal from t h e hot cell for precise determination of the collected uranium. A proton reaction method was used to measure 7Li and 'F concentrations in graphite exposed to nonradioactive MSRE fuel, graphite taken from the MSRE, and a graphite specimen that was taken from the thermal convection loop in the ORR. T h e technique offers the advantage of high sensitivity and good selectivity.

such atmospheres is not wetted. T h e results suggest that the ORR loop graphite w a s wetted during t h e multiple sample-withdrawal drain operation in which tank argon containing 4 ppm moisture was used t o manipulate the salt. In future experiments additional gas purification immediately preceding contact with salt must b e provided. T h e observed importance of t h e three-phase contact a r e a a l s o s u g g e s t s that moisture-promoted wetting is limited t o the graphite surface, s i n c e the salt in t h e graphite surface will prevent moisture-containing g a s from getting t o a deeper contact area and furthering the penetration.

16. Gamma Irradiation of Fluoroborate A second Hastelloy N c a p s u l e containing an NaBF,-NaF mixture (92-8 mole %) w a s irradiated for 1460 hr a t 6OOOC in three s u c c e s s i v e s p e n t HFIR fuel elements. T h e measured gamma d o s e rate t o t h e molten salt averaged 0.15 w/g, with a maximum of 0.5 w/g; t h i s compares with estimated intensities of 0.02 and 0.25 w/g for MSRE and MSBR h e a t exchangers respectively. No deleterious effects were observable during operation or in subsequent detailed examinations of the Hastelloy N, s a l t , and residual gas; the results were all comparable with those observed with a previously operated out-of-pile control. Considerations of the effects of delayed neutron fluences due to t h e reaction "BF,



7LiF + a

+ F,

indicate that t h e consequent fluorine generation will be tolerably low.

P A R T 4. MOLTEN-SALT IRRADIATION EXPERIMENTS 17. Examination of MSRE Off-Gas Jumper Line 15. Molten-Salt Convection Loop


the ORR

Examinations of the graphite from the second ORR convection loop showed that the s a l t had wetted the graphite, contrary to experience in t h e MSRE. Subsequent laboratory investigations of cover g a s purity effects on wetting of graphite by salt have shown that extremely minute concentrations of moisture (<1ppm) promote wetting at points of three-phase contact of salt, graphite, and gas. Graphite immersed in salt i n contact with

T h e jumper section of t h e MSRE off-gas line, located 2 ft downstream from t h e pump bowl, w a s recovered for examination after run 1 4 t o determine what substances, other than Kr-Xe daughters, are transferred from the system by the off-gas. All internal surfaces were covered with a thin, sootlike f i l m , and no other deposits were found. A quantity of black dust was recovered from e a c h end. T h i s consisted largely of fine particles of fuel salt together with fission products and





carbonaceous material believed to result from decomposition of lubricating oil which leaked into the pump bowl. Uranium w a s shown to be transferred only as an ingredient of the fuel salt particles, which are believed t o be fine spray droplets. A group of fission products, largely “noble metals” (Mo, Ru, Ag, Te) and iodine, which is the daughter of Te, were present in quantities several hundred times the inventory proportion of salt present, thus substantiating earlier hypotheses that “noble metals” could be transferred in t h e off-gas. T h e proportions of Mo, Ru, Ag, Te, and I were’only moderately below t h o s e of the Kr-Xe daughter isotopes (Sr, Y, C s , and Ba). Definite but smaller proportions of niobium were found. Isotopes of Zr, Nd, and Ce, which form very stable fluorides , did not exceed the inventory proportion of salt.

whether any of t h e s e materials h a s improved lifetime, several graphites do show t h e type of dimensional-change-fluence behavior that we believe is desirable. We plan to reduce the surface diffusivity of graphite t o <lo-’ cm2/sec t o prevent the absorption of ‘35Xe. We believe that t h i s is best done by impregnating the surface of graphite with pyrocarbon and have worked out a potential process using a n alternating vacuum-l,3-butadiene atmosphere at 800 t o 1000°C. Penetrations up to 15 m i l s were obtained, and the surface diffusivity was reduced t o < l o - ’ cm2/sec. Several samples are presently being irradiated to determine whether the low permeability is retained. W e have investigated s e a l i n g the graphite with molybdenum, but find that the allowable quantity of <0.0002 in. is not sufficient t o reduce the permeability t o <lo-’ c m '/set.


20. Hastelloy N

18. MSRE Surveillance Program

We have continued the development of our titanium-modified Hastelloy N and have procured one large 5000-lb melt for evaluation. Postirradiation creep-rupture t e s t s show that the properties measured a t 650OC a r e good as long as the irradiation temperature is not above 65OOC. T h i s variation in properties appears t o be related t o a change in the carbide from Ti(C,N,B) a t 65OOC to Mo,C above 700OC. T h i s same transformation occurs i n the a b s e n c e of irradiation and results in changes in the mechanical properties. T h e weldability of the titanium-modified alloy s e e m s good, although w e have found that our large 5000-lb h e a t d o e s not make good filler metal for welding. Our corrosion s t u d i e s have shown that the new coolant s a l t sodium fluoroborate and Hastelloy N are reasonably compatible. T h e sodium fluoroborate seems more aggressive than the other fluoride s a l t s that we have studied previously, but the high corrosion rate may be due t o impurities. Moisture w a s admitted accidentally into our thermal convection loops , and t h e corrosion rate increased dramatically.

Hastelloy N and graphite surveillance samples were removed from the MSRE after 72,400 Mwhr of operation. T h e samples were in excellent condition and were very compatible with their service environment. T h e damaging fluence on the graphite is only of the order of 10’’ neutrons/cm and the property and dimensional changes are small. T h e Hastelloy N v e s s e l h a s been exposed t o a thermal fluence of the order of 10” neutrons/cm2, and the mechanical properties have deteriorated but appear sufficient for continued operation.


19. GraDhite Studies

Engineering Development Department of the Y-12 Plant that are of interest for future MSBR’s and for broadening our understanding of radiation damage i n graphite. Our evaluation of the products involves t h e measurement of physical and mechanical properties as well as dimensional changes during irradiation. Several graphites have been irradiated neutrons/cm2 (>SO kev) at 75OOC. t o 1.3 x Although higher fluences are required t o determine


21. Graph ite-to-Metal Joining T h e two-fluid MSBR concept required a graphiteto-Hastelloy N joint. W e have developed two

xxii techniques for making t h i s joint, one involving brazing and the other using a graded joint where W-Ni-Fe alloys of variable composition are used to bridge the gap in thermal expansion between graphite and Hastelloy N. Several joints of both designs have been made and thermal cycled to demonstrate their soundness. An inspection technique h a s been developed for the brazed joint.

highest separation factors were obtained when the mole fraction ratio LiF/(2BeF, + 3 T h F 4 ) was high. T h e solubility of thorium i n bismuth was determined in t h e temperature range of 480 t o 815OC. T h e d a t a c a n be expressed as log S (ppm)



+ 7.677


24. Simulated Mol ten-Salt-Li quid-Bi smuth 22. Support for Components Development Program In anticipation of needing t o make welds in irradiated materials, we made fusion p a s s e s in several tensile samples removed from the MSRE. T h e welds have as good properties as the irradiated b a s e metal, but there seems t o be some additional difficulty in getting sound welds in the irradiated material.


Contactor Studies

Equipment is needed t o efficiently contact s t r e a m s of salt and bismuth. Since t h e available correlations for design of liquid-liquid extraction systems a r e based on conditions far removed from those of interest, d a t a are being obtained with a water-mercury system, which more c l o s e l y resembles a salt-bismuth system. Measurements of flooding, holdup, and pressure drop have been made in a 1-in.-ID column using s e v e r a l packing sizes.

25. Reductive Extraction Engineering Studies

23. Measurement of D i s t r i b u t i o n C o e f f i c i e n t s i n Molten-Sal t-Meta I Sy stem s Distribution of uranium, protactinium, thorium, and rare earths between molten fluoride salts and lithium-bismuth solutions is being studied i n support of reductive extraction processes for singlefluid MSR fuels. Distribution coefficient data for protactinium were obtained using L i F - B e F ThF, (69.2-19.4-11.4 mole %) as the salt phase at 600OC. T h e s e data, combined with earlier results, show that the uranium-protactinium separation factor is about 100 and that the protactinium-thorium separation factor is about 4300. Other experiments established that the solubility of protactinium in bismuth is at l e a s t 2000 ppm at 55OOC and that bismuth solutions containing a t l e a s t 1000 ppm of both protactinium and thorium c a n be produced at 600OC. T h e s e results establish the chemical feasibility of the protactinium isolation portion of the proposed process. Data from other experiments showed that lanthanum and europium could be separated from thorium, but that the separation factors generally were i n t h e range of 1 t o 3. T h e


Equipment is being installed for semicontinuous experiments on reductive extraction. T h e transfer of uranium from a salt to a metal stream will b e studied in a system containing a 0.82-im-ID x 2-ft-long column packed with ?,-in. right circular cylinders of molybdenum. T h e experiments will use 15-liter batches of molten salt and bismuth; effluent streams from t h e column c a n be sampled during t h e experiments.

26. Continuous F l u o r i n a t i o n o f M o l t e n S a l t Equipment is being developed for t h e continuous removal of UF, from a salt stream by countercurrently contacting the salt with F, i n a saltphase-continuous system. T h e equipment will be protected from corrosion by freezing a layer of s a l t on t h e v e s s e l wall; t h e heat necessary for maintaining molten s a l t adjacent to frozen s a l t will b e provided by t h e decay of fission products i n the salt stream. A series of experiments w a s recently concluded using countercurrent flow of salt and a n inert gas i n a 5-in.-diam, 8-fthigh column having an internal heat source.



xxiii T h e s e experiments demonstrated that a frozen s a l t layer c a n b e formed and maintained at fluid flow and heat transfer conditions approximately those expected for processing fuel from a 1000 Mw (electrical) MSBR.

prepared in three batches, which m e t all the required specifications. T h e product is now packaged in capsules and c a n s ready for insertion into t h e reactor.

30. Development of the T w o - s t e p Process


D i s t i l l a t i o n of


F u e l Carrier Salt

T h e nonradioactive phase of the MSRE distillation experiment w a s completed, and equipment is being installed at the MSRE for distillation of a 48-liter batch of irradiated fuel salt. T h e nonradioactive phase of t h e experiment involved distilling s i x 48-liter batches of MSRE fuel carrier salt; four of the batches contained 0.1 to 0.3 mole % NdF,. Distillation rates for still pot temperatures i n t h e range 9.50 t o 1025OC varied from 0.66 t o 1.95 ft3 of salt per day per square foot of vaporization surface; t h e s e rates are acceptable for u s e of distillation as a process s t e p . Samples taken during the runs showed entrainment and concentration polarization t o be negligible. Post-operational inspection showed the still t o be in good condition.

28. R e l a t i v e V o l a t i l i t y Measurements by the T r a n s p i r a t i o n Method

Liquid-vapor equilibrium data have been obtained for several LiF-BeF,-ThF, s y s t e m s over the t e m perature range of 950 t o 1050OC. T h e s e data show that the volatility of T h F , is low and, consequently, that distillation probably cannot b e used as a primary separation method in the processing of single-fluid MSR fuels.

29. P r e p a r a t i o n o f


mole %) eutectic salt w a s prepared to refuel the Thorium-Uranium Recycle provide shielding for t h e

one-step high-temperature process revealed several operational difficulties which prompted mo the process to a two-step lowtemperature procedure. The revised process performed well, and t h e concentrate was


for Preparation o f 7 L i F - 2 3 3 U F , F u e l C o n c e n t r a t e for t h e MSRE

T h e two-step process for preparation of the 7LiF-233UF, eutectic salt differed from the ones t e p high-temperature process in that 7LiF was added after the UF, had been prepared. T h e procedure c o n s i s t s of the reduction of UO, t o UO, by hydrogen a t 400 t o 60O0C, conversion of UO, t o UF, with gaseous HF-H, a t 400 to 65OoC, cooling down t o add 7LiF, and reheating t o m e l t (- 842OC). T r a c e s of oxide contamination were removed by treatment with HF-H at 700OC. Metallic impurities were reduced with hydrogen and collected on a filter during salt transfer. Laboratory tests with this procedure predicted s u c c e s s f u l operation during the actual production.


31. P r o c e s s D e v e l o p m e n t on the Recovery o f Uranium from MSRE Last-minute tests with the facility t o recover the uranium from MSRE fuel s a l t raised s e v e r a l questions which required additional experimental work. The most significant were the corrosion rate during fluorination and the associated corrosion product contamination, the suitability of the sodium fluoride packing for the sorption beds, the behavior of t h e high-temperature sodium fluoride trap that precedes the sorption beds, and finally t h e behavior of t h e fluoride disposal system. Laboratory work w a s performed in e a c h area of concern. Studies with the MSRE salt showed a stability of UF, that allayed fears of e x c e s s i v e corrosion. Comparison of alternative packings led t o t h e recommendation of a high-surface-area material. It w a s recommended that fluorine be deliberately added t o the gas stream leaving the fluorinator to avoid exposing the high-temperature trap to pure UF,, which would have caused a uranium l o s s at this point. An aqueous solution of KOH-KI-K,B,07 w a s recommended for u s e in the fluorine disposal system in the processing plant.



c Y

Part 1.

Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment P. N. Haubenreich

cation the chemical processing equipment, which is a n integral part of the facility, w a s used to fluorinate the uranium out of the salt. P a r t 1 of t h i s report describes the experience with the reactor and chemical plant and closely related development work.

T h e six-month period reported here s a w the conclusion of operations with 235Uand final prepara3U in the fuel s a l t . tions for the substitution of Nuclear operation of the reactor ended a few weeks after the beginning of the period, following a very s u c c e s s f u l six-month run. After t e s t i n g and modifi-

1. MSRE Operations P. N. Haubenreich




run. Then it was held at 10 kw for three d a y s to permit a reactivity measurement with practically no xenon in the reactor. Finally the reactor w a s run a t the full power of 8 Mw for two weeks j u s t before the shutdown to build up the inventory of fission products whose distributions were to be studied soon after the fuel was drained. T h e off-gas sampler w a s used to trap a sample for xenon isotopic analysis, and therma.1 conductivity measurements of off-gas contaminants were made for the f i r s t time. Several dynamics experiments were a l s o conducted, some to try new methods of investigation, others for comparison with the reactor characteristics observed two years earlier. Power operation was concluded with a rod and load scram on March 25. After a delay to allow afterheat to diminish, the fuel was drained on March 26. T h e shutdown came more than s i x months after the reactor first went critical in run 14. During that


Crowley Guymon Harley Hudson

A. I . Krakoviak R. B. Lindauer M. Richardson B. H. Webster

An extended shutdown was scheduled to begin on


salt was to be processed to remove the uranium so that 2 3 3 U could be substituted for 5U used originally. the enriched T h e final weeks of nuclear operation were busy d the characteristics of the 'U t h e end of operation with ek in March the reactor w a s ed at reduced power (5 Mw) and various temperatures and pressures to measure xenon poisoning for comparison with observations made earlier in the

' M S R Program Semzann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 4-6.


2 period t h e reactor was critical 4423 hr (98% of t h e time). T h e only interruption of any significance had been a week in November when t h e sampler-enricher wiring w a s being repaired. It w a s not nece s s a r y t o drain the fuel then, but for two d a y s fuel circulation was stopped and the reactor w a s subcritical. Statistics at t h e end of run 1 4 and t h e end of operation with 235Ua r e listed in Table 1.1. On March 11, two weeks before t h e end of power operation, the fuel sampler-enricher malfunctioned. During a n attempt to take a 10-g sample of the fuel salt, the latch apparently hung up, and over 17 f t of drive c a b l e was unreeled into the s m a l l isolation chamber, where it became tangled. Efforts to reel i t back up were unsuccessful, and no more samples were taken i n the remaining 15 d a y s of fuel circulation. After t h e fuel was drained on March 26, the isolation chamber w a s opened and t h e c a b l e was untangled. In the manipulations, t h e c a p s u l e came unlatched and was dropped into the tube, with the magnetic c a p downward. After two different magnets were lowered into t h e cage i n the pump bowl i n vain attempts to retrieve the capsule, the system was filled with flush s a l t . In the 19 hr that this salt was circulated, a n attempt w a s made to take a 50-g sample, but the long c a p s u l e w a s not fully submerged. A 10-g sample was taken successfully. Construction w a s started immediately on a mockup of the sampler tube, latch s t o p , cage, and baffle to be used i n developing tools and planning efforts to retrieve the capsule. An outline of the activities during t h e shutdown period is given i n Fig. 1.1. 2MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 2, 12.

Table 1.1.

T h e first two weeks were tightly scheduled with activities involved in different ways with the study of t h e fission product distribution. A s soon a s t h e fuel w a s drained t h e reactor cell roof w a s opened and equipment w a s s e t up t o measure t h e gamma-ray spectrum from various sites on t h e fuel system. Readings were obtained on t h e fuel h e a t exchanger before, during, and after flush salt circulation. Two defective heater units were removed from around t h e h e a t exchanger while the maintenance shield was set u p at that point. T h e graphite and metal specimens were then removed from t h e c o r e for disassembly and study. A removable s e c t i o n of t h e fuel off-gas line w a s taken out for a n a l y s i s of t h e material t h a t had accumulated in it. A flexible tool w a s used to c l e a r out the l i n e back into t h e pump bowl, where a restriction had been perceptible at times during run 14. A new s e c t i o n of off-gas line, equipped with thermocouples, was then installed. T h e heater units, which meanwhile had been repaired, were reinstalled on the h e a t exchanger. Interspersed with t h e s e j o b s i n the reactor cell w a s more g a m m a spectrometry at s i t e s s e l e c t e d from gamma-ray s o u r c e photographs made with a pinhole camera. By t h i s time t h e core specimen array had been reassembled with some new specimens, and it w a s reinstalled i n the core. Meanwhile, i n the chemical processing facility adjacent to t h e fuel drain tank cell, preparations had been started for t h e processing of t h e flush and fuel salts. T h e salt transfer l i n e w a s cut, and t h e new 9-ft filter, designed to remove corrosion-product s o l i d s from t h e fluorinated s a l t before i t s r e u s e i n t h e reactor, was installed. T h e system for adding fluorine and disposing of t h e e x c e s s by reaction with S O 2 g a s was tried briefly a week after the

M S R E Operating Statistics Total 2 3 5 U

Run 14, Sept. 1967-Mar.


Operati on


Critical hours


Integrated power, Mwhr (thermal)



Equivalent full-power hours



F u e l pump circulating s a l t , hr



Coolant pump circulating salt, hr



aThese figures are corrected for the new value of coolant s a l t heat capacity, which corresponds to a maximum power of 8 Mw.




3 ORNL-DWG 68-43973










8 0



1 1


























Fig. 1.1

Outline of MSRE Qperations, March-August


is section of the reactor w a s replaced. Another test on May 20-21 reactor, through the again showed a temperature rise in the backup aluking it up, and attacked mina bed; this was taken to mean fluorine w a s still off-gas line. In the next getting through the fluorine-SO2 reactor. In the improved, and the alumina meantime, laboratory tests had verified that it should ded with heaters to inbe practical to react fluorine with a c a u s t i c solution test early in May showed in the scrubber tank j u s t downstream of the absorbeaction of the fluorine e r s that remove U F , from the gas stream. Attention then turned to this method of disposal of fluorine. erature control system Tests in the mockup of the fuel sampler had by improve the gas preheating and now shown that a permanent magnet should be cathe temperature control in the reactor. The steampable of retrieving the sample capsules, both the water coil on the reactor had been damaged by high



one dropped in run 1 4 and the one dropped in August 1967. Two weeks of intensive efforts a t retrieval resulted only in recovery of the corroded c a p of the first capsule and the conclusion that the c a p s u l e s had been worked into a certain position whence they could not be retrieved with a magnet. T e s t s of dislodging tools in the mockup followed. Res u l t s were too disappointing, however, for a n attempt in the pump bowl, where fission product contamination would make dislodging efforts expensive and time-consuming. A preliminary t e s t of the c a u s t i c solution method of fluorine disposal in the chemical plant showed that fluorine could indeed be disposed of very efficiently a t the required rates. Therefore the fluorineSO reaction system was removed, and the permanent repiping necessary to put the alumina trap downstream of the c a u s t i c scrubber was done. T h i s work was finished by early July. A t e s t showed good fluorine reaction, but an aerosol of molybdenum oxides from the c a u s t i c scrubber plugged the line to the alumina trap. Final major modifications of the chemical plant then consisted of enlarging t h e scrubber off-gas line and installing a large filter. T h e first s t e p in the actual processing of the salt came on August 1 when the flush s a l t w a s transferred into the storage tank. Fluorination to remove the 6 k g of uranium in the flush salt went very quickly. Corrosion-product fluorides produced during the fluorination were converted to filterable metallic particles by treatment with hydrogen gas and finely divided zirconium. On August 11, this job w a s finished, and the flush s a l t was p a s s e d through t h e new s a l t filter to the reactor drain tank, where samples showed that the process had been quite effective. Meanwhile the salt circulating systems had been heated, and a s soon a s the flush s a l t w a s available, the fuel loop w a s filled and circulation started. (The coolant loop w a s a l s o filled, and coolant circulation continued through the end of the report period.) Circulation of the flush s a l t was for the usual purpose of removing traces of moisture that might have gotten into the reactor during the removal of the core specimens and work on the off-gas line. It a l s o permitted a test of the sampler-enricher. A 10-g sample w a s obtained without difficulty, but a long 50-g capsule was only half submerged, stopped by a n obstruction (presumably the wire on the l o s t capsule) in the sampler cage. Two 25-g samples were obtained, leading to the conclusion that the obstruction would not prevent sampling and moni-


toring the fuel salt during subsequent reactor operation. T h e fuel s a l t was transferred into the storage tank on August 18. Three days were spent in obtaining samples defining the s a l t conditions a t the end of * 'U operation. (The sampler-enricher malfunction had prevented t h e s e from being taken on the l a s t days of nuclear operation.) On August 23 fluorination of the fuel charge w a s started, and s i x d a y s later the 219 k g of uranium had been loaded onto 28 absorbers filled with sodium fluoride pellets. No difficulty w a s encountered in the process, and excellent recovery and decontamination were achieved. Another ten days and the corrosion products had been reduced and filtered out, leaving the stripped fuel carrier salt in the reactor drain tank ready for the addition of 2 3 3 U .



Operating Summary

Portions of the MSRE s a l t processing facility were tested in the course of the hydrofluorination of the flush salt in May 1965, but the fluorine supply and disposal equipment had never been operated before t h i s report period. Highly efficient disposal of the fluorine within the system w a s e s s e n t i a l to prevent unreacted fluorine from causing release of radioiodine from the charcoal traps in the process off-gas line. Therefore, shortly after the reactor shutdown, testing and shakedown of the fluorine systems were started to verify that they met the requirements. T h e original design of the processing facility4 involved reacting fluorine with sulfur dioxide gas a t temperatures above 400'F to form sulfuryl fluoride, S O z F 2 , a relatively inert gas that could be discharged to the atmosphere. Later a heated bed of activated alumina was provided downstream of t h e SO,-F, reactor to remove traces of fluorine during normal operation and to protect the charcoal traps in c a s e of a malfunction of the reactor. Between

3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 3 1 , 1965, ORNL-3872, p. 152. 4R. B. Lindauer, MSRE Design a n d Operations Report, P a r t V I I - F u e l Handling a n d Processing Plant, ORNLTM-907 (May 1965).

9 6


5 April 5 and May 21 four test runs were made on t h i s system. Despite various modifications and improvements, i n each run there w a s some temperature increase in t h e alumina bed, implying that some fluorine w a s reaching it. L a t e r it was shown that decomposition of SO ,F at temperatures above 800째F w a s probably the c a u s e of the temperature rise in the later tests. However, s i n c e it had not been possible to demonstrate complete reaction of the fluorine with t h e SO,-F, scheme, the decision w a s made to adopt the alternative of reacting the fluorine with a c a u s t i c solution.


R e s u l t s of laboratory experiments (described in Chap. 31) and a brief test in the MSRE c a u s t i c scrubber tank showed that a solution of 2 M KOH + 0.33 M KI very efficiently removed fluorine from a helium-fluorine stream. After the necessary modifications were made in the processing facility to eliminate the SO ,F reaction equipment, a n extended test of the fluorine disposal i n the c a u s t i c solution w a s made. T h i s test showed that a filter was needed downstream of the c a u s t i c scrubber to handle molybdenum oxides entrained i n the off-gas. (The oxides were produced in the c a u s t i c solution from corrosion-product MoF coming from the storage tank.) A larger off-gas line to a high-area glass-fiber filter was then installed. At the same time, dual inlet-gas dip tubes were installed in the scrubber tank b e c a u s e occasional temporary plugging w a s expected on the b a s i s of laboratory test runs.





T h e flowsheet used in t h e salt processing is shown as Fig. 1.2. T h e final modification before s a l t processing began was to provide means t o preheat the N a F absorbers to 250'F to increase the rate of U F , absorption. (The maximum temperature could be limited to 400째F bv air cooling.) T h e storage tank on fluorination was August 1. and, after sampling, - I

, the uranium in the to only 7 ppm (30 g of t h e . Weight i n c r e a s e s i n t h e N a F absorbers amounted to 9.6 kg, somewhat scatter of the more tha U F calculated from the initial uranium a n a l y s e s of

had gotten through the H F removal trap in the fluorine addition system and had interfered with the U F , loading.

There were 2.3 k g of nickel, 0.9 k g of iron, and 0.6 k g of chromium as fluorides in the flush salt after fluorination, mostly from corrosion of t h e storage tank during fluorine-disposal t e s t i n g and flush-salt fluorination. T h e s e fluorides were reduced to the metals by treatment with hydrogen and zirconium. Eleven hours of hydrogen sparging at 1225'F for N i F , reduction w a s followed by the addition of 1.07 k g of zirconium and more hydrogen sparging to reduce the FeF and C r F 2. T h e salt was then filtered through a 9-ft filter of sintered fibrous Inconel' as it was being returned to t h e reactor drain tank. Samples showed that t h e structural metal concentrations were satisfactorily low after this treatment. Before the fuel s a l t w a s fluorinated, s e v e r a l changes were made. T h e H F trap i n the fluorine supply was improved by substitution of high-surfacearea sodium fluoride pellets for the low-surface-area material used previously. T h e low-surface-area N a F in most of the U F , absorbers w a s a l s o replaced with high-surface-area material. Some piping changes were made in the absorber cubicle for more flexibility and convenience in changing absorbers. As a n added precaution against accidental criticality i n the c a u s t i c scrubber, the prescribed solution was changed to include boron (0.2 M K ,B 4O,). Two fission chambers were a l s o installed to monitor neutron multiplication. (The s a l t in the storage tank was itself a strong neutron source.) F u e l salt fluorination started on August 23. Fluorine w a s bubbled into the s a l t at 33 s t d liters/min for 8 hr, converting the UF, to U F 5 , before U F , began to be evolved a t a detectable rate. Thereafter another 39 hr of fluorine sparging at lower rates w a s required to bring the uranium content of t h e salt down to 26 ppm. T h e fluorination extended over a six-day period, as it w a s necessary to s t o p five t i m e s to replace the UF, absorbers, the c a u s t i c scrubber solution, and t h e fluorine supply trailers. No significant difficulties were encountered during t h i s operation. After fluorination t h e stripped fuel carrier salt contained 4.0 k g Ni, 1.9 k g Fe, and 2.1 k g Cr as the fluorides. T h e s e were reduced to the metals, first by hydrogen sparging at 1230'F for a total of 52 hr, then by addition of a total of 5.0 k g of finely divided zirconium followed by hydrogen and helium 'R. B. Lindauer and C. K. McGlothlan, Design, Construction, and Testing of a Large Molten Salt Filter, in preparation.




ORNL-DWG 68-8994









Fig. 1.2

F l o w s h e e t for Salt Processing.

started at a g a s sparge rate of 33 s t d liters/min of F,. T h e fluorine utilization w a s very high a t f i r s t , but no appreciable U F , w a s evolved until after practically all t h e U F had been converted to U F 5. T h i s occurred after 8 hr. When t h e inlet flowmeter and the temperature in the first absorber showed that UF, w a s coming off, the fluorine w a s reduced to 24 s t d liters/min to l i m i t the U F , flow for the s a k e of more efficient absorption on the low-surface1.2.2 D a t a A n a l y s i s area N a F i n t h e first absorber of the five-absorber train. In later runs even lower fluorine flows were Fluorination. - T h e 4280 k g of flush salt contained used. Flow rates and fluorine utilization a r e listed about 6 k g of uranium before fluorination. A flow in T a b l e 1.2 for each of the s i x runs. T h e rather of 25 s t d liters/min of F, diluted with a like amount high utilization is probably attributable to the of helium was maintained for a total of 6.6 hr, at depth of the salt - the fluorine and helium were inwhich point fluorination was stopped because the jected 6 4 in. below the surface through four 'G-in. mass flowmeters at the entrance and exit of the h o l e s near t h e closed lower end of a 1-in. vertical absorbers showed that U F evolution had practically pipe. T h e variation of utilization with sparge rate ceased. Samples of the salt taken after 5 hr of fluis evident from Table 1.2. T h e low utilization in orination and at the end subsequently showed 24 ppm run 6 came as the uranium concentration was being of uranium and 7 ppm of uranium respectively (103 reduced t o 26 ppm. and 3 0 g of uranium). T h e overall fluorine utilizaT h e fluorination of both the flush salt and t h e tion from s t a r t to finish w a s 6.8%. fuel salt was carried out a t 850 to 87S째F, j u s t T h e fuel-salt charge contained an order of magniabove the liquidus temperature of the salt. tude more uranium than the flush salt had: 219 k g Absorption of UF,. - Thirty-one absorbers, e a c h of uranium in 4730 kg of salt. Fluorination w a s loaded with about 5 0 l b of N a F pellets, were available for U F , absorption. F i v e absorbers were 'Uranium analyses of the s a l t by a fluorimetric connected in series for e a c h run. Two quite differmethod indicated 5.7 kg of uranium in the flush salt. Analysis of two samples by a delayed neutron teche n t types of N a F p e l l e t s were used: one with a surnique indicated 6.6 kg of uranium. The discrepancy face a r e a per unit weight of 0.063 m ,/g, the other is being investigated. sparging. After filtered samples showed that the corrosion-product fluorides were satisfactorily low, the salt w a s transferred through the large filter t o the fuel drain tank. When dip samples from the drain tank showed that the reduction and filtration had been successful, the salt processing w a s at an end.





Table 1.2.

Fuel Salt Fluorination Data

Fluorine Sparge Duration



Uranium Removed





1A 1B

8.03 2.17

32.9 24.1

15,848 3,137

b 25.83

65.8 38.9

2 3

5.68 6.67

14.3 16.0

4,870 6,440

33.84 41.45

32.8 30.6

39.7 50.8


7.03 8.70

16.0 12.4

6,752 6,466

44.18 49.24

30.9 36.0

35.3 43.0










5 6




19.0 (av.)

Percent F2 Utilization Average


35.0 (av)

aFrom mass flowmeter readings. bNo volatilization observed. Fluorine converting U F 4 to UF,.


* 'g

with about 1 m2/g. T h e s e will be referred to as low-surface-area (LSA) and high-surface-area (HSA) material. All the beds used in the flush s a l t run contained LSA NaF. Breakthrough of U F , into the second and third beds w a s observed, even though one bed should have had more than enough capacity for all the U F , evolved. When the absorbers were removed and weighed, the first, second, and third absorbers showed weight gains of 6.9 kg, 2.7 kg, and about 0.2 k g respectively. T h e total gain, 9.8 kg, was 1.2 k g more than the weight of U F , equivalent to a l l the uranium in the flush salt as calculated from the standard fluorimetric uranium analyses. However, the weight increase checks closely with the uranium calculated from two samples analyzed by neutron activation. Examination showed that some ched the absorbers and had reacted the NaF, probably accounting for the low loading before breakthrough. of laboratory tests and the somewhat performance of the LSA N a F in the flush salt run, most of the absorbers were reloaded nwith HSA material. T h e available amount sufficient to change all the absorbers, ho so some LSA absorbers were used during the fuel s a l t runs. Table 1.3 shows the amounts of uranium loaded on each of the five absorbers during each of the s i x runs. T h e s e weights were calculated from the absorber weight gains, presumed to be UF,.

Thermocoupes in the N a F beds near the inlet of each absorber clearly showed when U F began to b e absorbed there. In run 1, the fluorine flow was stopped when U F , reached the third absorber. Some additional U F , was brought through as the g a s s p a c e in the storage tank was swept out with helium before the absorbers were removed. Weights showed that practically no uranium had reached the fourth absorber, s o in the next run fluorine w a s not stopped until a temperature rise showed in absorber 4. (The fifth absorber was kept as a backup to ensure that no substantial amount of U F , could get through to the aqueous solution i n the c a u s t i c scrubber.) In the next three runs, in order to u s e more of the capacity of the fourth absorber, fluorination w a s continued for 60, 75, and 95 min after the initial temperature rise in those beds. Analysis of the caustic solutions removed from the scrubber tank showed 4.2 g of uranium during the flush salt runs and <1g of uranium during the fuel s a l t runs. T h e s e amounts are consistent with the U F , that should have gotten through due to the finite vapor pressure of U F , over NaF. T h e total amount of uranium, 218.0 kg, calculated from the weight gains of the absorbers is 1.1 kg less than the amount believed, on the b a s i s of prior physical inventories, to be in the fuel s a l t charge. About 0.12 k g was left in the fuel s a l t . T h e remaining 1.0-kg difference is within the accuracy of the weight determinations on the absorbers. T h e loaded absorbers were stored in a s p a r e cell in the


8 T a b l e 1.3.

Uranium Recovered on Absorbers

Uranium Weight Calculated from Absorber Weight Increase (kg) Absorber Run 1

Run 2

Run 3

Run 4

Run 5

Run 6

1 2




















4 5

0.06 0.00

0.61 0.09

5.72 0.09

9.82 0.15

8.93 0.00

0.00 0.00









Total for six runs




aThese absorbers contained low-surface-area N a F (0.063 m2/g); others had high-surface-area N a F (1 m2/g).

ORNL- DWG 68- I3974

reactor building pending desorption of the U F and a more precise determination of total uranium recovery. A comparison of the performance of the LSA and HSA N a F pellets is shown in Fig. 1.3. Three absorbers containing each type of NaF were used in the No. 1 and No. 2 positions. In every case higher uranium loading was obtained a t lower temperature. The LSA NaF retained 13 to 14% more uranium than the HSA NaF in s p i t e of the higher temperatures at which the LSA absorbers were operated. F i s s i o n Product Behavior. - The decontamination factor for the process is the ratio of fission product activity per gram of uranium in the salt to the activity per gram of recovered uranium. Factors were determined by salt samples and the weighted avera g e of N a F samples taken from the inlet of the first absorber in each run. For gross gamma activity the decontamination factor was 8.6 x lo8; for gross beta activity, 1.2 x l o 9 . T h i s excellent decontamination meant that in contrast with the fuel s a l t , which was reading about 1800 r/hr a t several feet, the absorbers were reading only a few mr/hr and could be handled directly. (The radiation level at the surface of the first absorber in run 1 w a s 25 mr/hr, the second absorber in run 1 w a s 6 mr/hr, and the rest were < 2 mr/hr.)

A complete breakdown of the fission product activity on the N a F was not obtained, but most of the fission product gamma activity w a s 95Nb. Cerium and iodine were a l s o identified on the NaF.








Comparison of Uranium Loading on Low- and

High-Surface-Area Sodium Fluoride.

No beta activity could b e identified other than that due to uranium daughter activity. About 90% (73 mc) of the calculated amount of 1 3 ' 1 that should have been in the reactor or fuel at the time of processing


* *



w a s recovered in the c a u s t i c scrubber solution, about 99% of t h i s in the batch used during the first run. T h i s indicates that nearly all the 1 3 ' 1 had remained with the fuel salt during reactor operation and salt handling and had then come off at the s t a r t of fluorination. Such tellurium a s was in the fuel salt should a l s o have come off during fluorination. However, as expected, none was found in the scrubber solution. There w a s no increase i n radiation from t h e charcoal absorbers to indicate that any g s s i o n product had p a s s e d through the c a u s t i c scrubber and had been absorbed on the charcoal. Corrosion. - Quite high corrosion rates (0.5 to 1 mil/hr) were observed in the fluoride volatility pilot plant process tank during fluorination runs. Similar rates were anticipated in the MSRE processing. However, to minimize corrosion the fluorination w a s carried out a t as low a temperature as possible (850 to 875OF). T a b l e 1.4 shows the observed corrosion rates, calculated from the increase in Ni, Fe, and Cr in the salt during fluorination. T h e chromium rates may be slightly low because of l o s s of chromium from the s a l t by volatilization at the end of the runs when the U F , concentration was quite low.



Corrosion R a t e s During Fluorination

M i l s per Hour Based on





F l u s h s a l t (6.7 hr)




F u e l s a l t (46.8 hr)


0.2 1


N i F , to t h e metals before returning the salt,,p to the reactor; otherwise they would attack the chromium in t h e Hastelloy N. It w a s a l s o highly desirable to reduce the amount of chromium in the fuel s a l t s o that it could again serve as a s e n s i t i v e indicator of corrosion during reactor operation. Laboratory t e s t s had shown that the corrosion products could b e effectively removed by reduction of the fluorides to the metals and filtration of the agglomerated metallic particles. T h e N i F , could be reduced by hydrogen sparging a t high temperature; finely divided zirconium metal was prescribed to reduce the FeF and C r F Filtration was to be accomplished by a 9-ft filter newly installed in t h e line between the storage tank and the reactor drain tank system. T h e filter medium w a s sintered fibrous Inconel with 59-p pores. T h e overall effectiveness of the process is shown by the results in Table 1.5, which lists corrosionproduct concentrations in dipped samples of s a l t j u s t after fluorination and after the reduction and filtration. It would appear that the process was not as effective for FeF, and C r F as for N i F This is reasonable s i n c e N i F , is the most e a s i l y reduced. While the flush salt was being treated, several attempts to take filtered samples in evacuated caps u l e s with fusible seals were unsuccessful. As a result no a n a l y s i s was obtained after t h e initial 11-hr sparge with hydrogen at 1225'F. Proceeding on the assumption that the N i F had been reduced by the hydrogen, we added 0.6 k g of zirconium metal to reduce the FeF 2 and C r F 2. (The zirconium w a s added as s l u g s of partially compacted turnings, dropped in through the storage-tank sampler.) After 9 hr of sparging with hydrogen following the zirconium addition, a sample attempt w a s successful.






obably t h e low temperature. (Most previous experience had been at 1100 to 1300OF.) Another is the fact that the fluorine w a s released at the



Results of Reduction and F i l t r a t i o n of

Corrosion Products After Fluorination

Concentration (ppm) Salt

Stage of P r o c e s s Ni


during a 2-hr exposure of the empty tank to fluo-

After filtration Ratio




t h e entire campaign, averaged over t h e tank surface, w a s 11 mils or less, b a s e d on the amounts of iron. Corrosion Product F l u o r i d e R e d u c t i o n and F i l t r a tion. - It w a s necessary to reduce t h e FeF, and

After fluorination


542 26 0.05

Fe 174

152 0.9

Cr 133

76 0.6

After fluorination



After 52 hr of hydrogen After filtration Ratio

180 60 0.07

380 460 110 34 0.09 0.3



R e s u l t s showed that the nickel was down by a factor of 10, but the iron and chromium were not significantly changed. Therefore another 0.5 k g of zirconium w a s added, and the tank was sparged with hydrogen for 16 hr. Another sample attempt w a s unsuccessful, but s i n c e the chromium was not exc e s s i v e in the previous sample, the flush salt was transferred to t h e drain tank through the filter. Subsequent samples gave the results shown in Table 1.5. There w a s little difference between samples taken in filter c a p s u l e s and in open buckets, indicating that the corrosion products were either dissolved fluorides or very finely divided metals. Before the fuel s a l t w a s processed a new type of capsule had been invented. It had two compartments one above a filter element, the other below. Salt flowed into the upper compartment when the c a p s u l e was submerged. Then when the capsule w a s lifted, cooling of the gas i n the lower compartment produced a partial vacuum which pulled salt down through the filter disk. With this type of capsule, samples were obtained as needed during the fuel salt treatment. Thus the progress of the reduction could be followed, and the utilization of hydrogen and zirconium could be computed. T h e fuel s a l t w a s sparged with 10 to 3 0 s t d liters/min of hydrogen and 5 to 1 0 s t d liters/min of helium at 1230'F for 17 hr before the first sample. Dip line plugging in the c a u s t i c scrubber prevented continuous operation a t the higher rates. After t h i s period the scrubber solution w a s replaced, which eliminated the plugging difficulty. Inexplicably, the nickel a n a l y s i s of the filtered sample w a s higher by almost a factor of 2 than i n the dipped sample-at the start. Therefore the hydrogen treatment w a s continued for another 17 hr. When a sample showed the nickel concentration down some but not enough, another 18 hr of hydrogen sparging w a s given. A filtered sample then showed the nickel a t 180 ppm, down from 840 ppm a t the start. T h e hydrogen utilization computed from t h i s reduction was 2.1%. At t h i s point 4.9 k g of zirconium turnings were dropped into the tank, and the s a l t w a s hydrogen sparged for 24 hr. A sample showed very low nickel concentration and the iron and chromium content greatly reduced. After that sample the s a l t w a s sparged with helium for 18 hr, 0.1 k g of zirconium (that had fallen off in the sampler on the first addition) was added, and t h e salt was sparged with hydrogen for 8 hr. T h e s a l t was then cooled to 1050'F (to improve filter-element strength) and transferred to the drain tank. Samples gave t h e re-

s u l t s shown in T a b l e 1.5. If the change i n nickel, iron, and chromium concentrations from j u s t after the hydrogen treatment to the end point is attributed to reduction of the fluorides by zirconium, t h e zirconium utilization was 72%.



1.2.3 Equipment Performance A great deal of effort was spent on improving t h e performance of the fluorine reactor before t h i s approach was abandoned. Once t h e salt processing was actually started, the major equipment performed well, although there were a few minor problems. F l u o r i n e Reactor. - T h e original fluorine d i s p o s a l system used a fluorine reactor design similar to that used for routine fluorine d i s p o s a l at the gaseous diffusion facility at Portsmouth, Ohio. T h i s in turn was a scale-up of work done at ORGDP. With low fluorine concentrations (when the heat of reaction is low) it was found necessary to improve t h e insulation of t h e fluorine and sulfur doxide l i n e s to the reactor and to i n s t a l l additional heaters on the reactor inlet in order to maintain the inlet section above 400째F. Procedures were modified to prevent overcooling by s t e a m when the reaction rate is low. Similarly, heaters were installed on t h e line between t h e reactor and backup alumina trap and on the trap inlet to maintain t h e entire trap at 900'F. With t h e s e modifications it is now believed that t h e system probably would have been satisfactory i f the alumina trap had been operated below the SO zF decomposition temperature (about 800'F). Absorber C u b i c l e Blower. - T h i s blower failed during the first fuel fluorination run, apparently due t o t h e rotor slipping on the shaft. Operation continued without i t when induced flow to the proce s s i n g cell proved adequate to keep the cubicle pressure negative relative to the operating area. (The cooling air required to keep the absorbers below 350째F did not produce e x c e s s i v e pressure drop in t h e line connecting the cubicle to the processing cell.) F l u o r i n e T r a i l e r F l o w Switches. - T h e s e safety switches shut off the fluorine supply in case of unusually high flow. They often s t u c k and prevented flow, especially during startup. C a u s t i c Scrubber D i p L i n e s . - Dual inlet lines with valves were provided b e c a u s e plugging prob-


7C. W. Weber, Anal. Chem.

32, 387 (1960).




11 lems were anticipated from laboratory tests. Plugging persisted throughout t h e fluorination, occurring several times per hour, and required almost cons t a n t attention. Plugging w a s cleared by switching to t h e s p a r e line for several minutes, then returning to t h e original line. T h e plugging is believed to be c a u s e d by the hydrated oxides of nickel, iron, and chromium from corrosion of the Inconel dip tubes forming a dry deposit in the g a s line, which dissolved when g a s flow was stopped. H a s t i n g s Mass Flowmeters. - T h e s e meters, ins t a l l e d at the inlet and outlet of the UF, absorber train, indicate t h e product of the mass flow rate and t h e heat capacity of the g a s stream. They a r e quite s e n s i t i v e to t h e appearance of UF,, which h a s five times the heat capacity of fluorine. T h e inlet meter provided a very sharp indication of the s t a r t of volatilization of UF, in e a c h run. T h e outlet meter, which would have revealed a U F , breakthrough if it had occurred, in general (except for run 2) gave anomalously high readings. T h i s could have been due to MoF,. T h e differences between the inlet and outlet flowmeter readings, taken in conjuction with meas-

ured inputs of fluorine and helium, were used to calculate rates and amounts of UF, volatilized and F, utilized. Figure 1.4 shows the differential readings. A s a check, the difference between t h e inlet and outlet meters was integrated to get t h e total amount of uranium volatilized in the s i x runs. T h e result was within 5% of the amount determined by weighing the absorbers. T h e fluorine utilization during the initial period of conversion of UF, to U F , (run 1A) was calculated during two periods of relatively steady operation to b e 69% and 63%. T h i s agrees very well with the average of 65.8% calculated from the fluorine input before the s t a r t of U F 6 evolution ( s e e T a b l e 1.2). T h e maxima in the U F 6 flow r a t e s shown in Fig. 1.4 were u s e d t o compute the maximum utilizations l i s t e d in T a b l e 1.1. T h e maximum utilization w a s not computed for run 1B b e c a u s e t h e fluorine flow rate w a s not held constant long enough for the absorber inlet g a s to come to equilibrium. A s c a n b e s e e n from run 5, a t least 8 hr of s t e a d y operation is required for the UF, concentration t o reach a maximum. Therefore the figures reported for maximum utilization all tend to be somewhat low.

ORNL-DWG 68-11200


lRUN 0

P 0







O * 0














































g z " o o o ~ o N O O O z g o N z g g 8-26-68



D i f f e r e n t i a l Readings o f Moss Flowmeters a t Entrance and E x i t of














1.3 REACTOR OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 1.3.1 Long-Term Variations i n Reactivity J. R. Engel

B. E. Prince

During the final six-month period of power operation with 235U fuel (run 14) we measured the zero-power reactivity balance five times, a t intervals of 4000 to 9000 Mwhr. T h e s e measurements, over a period of substantial fuel burnup without fuel additions or dilutions, permitted a clear comparison between the observed and predicted reactivity behavior. T h e d a t a showed a very small but significant negative trend in the residual term in the reactivity balance. (The “residual reactivity” is essentially the observed reactivity minus that predicted.) Although this trend did not agree with the apparent a b s e n c e of significant n e t change over the entire period of operation up to run 14, i t w a s not clearly inconsistent with earlier experience during any s i n g l e run. Furthermore, during run 1 4 t h e uranium concentration observed in the fuel salt samples appeared to d e c r e a s e faster than t h e calculated burnup. l o Since both trends were in t h e same direction, we undertook a detailed, comprehensive review of t h e reactivity balance calculation. T h i s review led to some refinements and correction of some errors that significantly altered t h e overall picture. One very important correction w a s in the integrated power, which affects many of t h e calculated terms in t h e reactivity balance. While the review of the reactivity balance w a s i n progress, new measurements of salt h e a t capacity showed that the MSRE power w a s actually 11%higher than had been computed from h e a t balances (see Sects. 1.4.1 and 9.3 of this report). T h e most significant changes were made in t h e term that describes the long-term isotopic changes in t h e core. T h i s term w a s originally intended to describe only t h e reactivity effects of nonsaturating and slowly saturating fission products. However, i n developing t h e balance equations i t became

apparent that a number of other isotopic changes in the core would have significant reactivity effects. Since the t i m e dependence of these effects was similar to that of the fission products, it w a s convenient t o group a l l of them in one term of the reactivity balance. T h u s the isotopicchange term includes, in addition to the fission products, the e f f e c t s of changes in the concentrations of Y i , 2 3 4 ~ ,236~1,2 3 8 ~ 2, 3 9 ~ u ,2 4 O ~ u , and log. Except for boron, which w a s present in small amounts in t h e core graphite, all of t h e s e isotopic changes occur in the fuel salt. Evaluation of the reactivity effects of the longterm isotopic c h a n g e s would be relatively straightforward i f all the various chemical s p e c i e s were physically and chemically stable. In that case, i t would be valid to assume that all the original s p e c i e s and their reaction products remain in t h e medium (graphite or fuel s a l t ) in which they are formed. T h e reactivity effect of t h e changes mentioned above was calculated under t h i s assumption to provide a b a s i s for consideration of other modes of behavior. Figure 1.5 shows the m a j o r individual components as well as t h e n e t change,








$ La



W (3

z 4





;-0.1 0

9LT -0.2


f ‘MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 6-7. ’J. R. Engel and B. E. Prince, The Reactivity Balance in the MSRE, ORNL-TM-1796 (March 1967). OMSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 89-92.

- 0-.4




Changes i n


20 30 40 50 60 TIME -INTEGRATED POWER (IO3 Mwhr)


R e a c t i v i t y Change D u e t o Long-Term Isotopic

MSRE (No F i s s i o n Product Removal).





as a function of integrated power. T h e most important terms are the buildup of 2 3 9 P u and nonsaturating fission products. Although these terms have opposite s i g n s and almost c a n c e l each other, the n e t reactivity change is positive because of burnout of other s p e c i e s that act a s neutron poisons. l 1 W e believe there is l i t t l e uncertainty or error in the reactivity e f f e c t s of a l l the components shown i n Fig. 1.5 with one exception: the nonsaturating fission products. T h e assumption that the reaction products and their daughters remain in the parent medium is not valid for all the products of uranium fission. Many of the decay c h a i n s include noble g a s e s (xenon and krypton) with substantial half-lives. Since t h e s e g a s e s are largely insoluble i n t h e fluoride salt melt, they tend t o e s c a p e into t h e off-gas system. In addition, there is evidence that significant fractions of some noble metals (notably Mo, Te, Ru, Tc, and Nb) are a l s o removed by the off-gas s y s t e m , either as volatile fluorides or a s colloidal metallic particles. l 2 Another mechanism for l o s s of poisoning, which occurs t o some extent, is t h e plateout of fission products on surfaces outside the core region (see Sect. 2.2). "On the s c a l e shown i n F i g . 1.5, t h e reactivity effects due to burnout of 2 3 4 U and the a s s o c i a t e d production of 235U are negligible and, therefore, a r e not shown. They are included in the net result, however. I2MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. A @ . 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 116.



A factor that enhances the poisoning effect of some fission products is t h e diffusion of some volatile s p e c i e s into the pores of t h e graphite. It is clear from t h e above that very detailed information about t h e behavior of all t h e f i s s i o n products would b e required for an absolutely rigorous description of their poisoning effect in the MSRE. This information is not currently available. To obtain some indication of t h e effect of fission product l o s s on t h e net poisoning, we made calculations for two idealized cases. T h e s e assumed, in one c a s e , removal of 100% of the noble g a s e s and, in t h e other c a s e , concurrent removal of both the noble g a s e s and the noble metals. (The only members of the latter category that are significant neutron poisons are molybdenum, ruthenium, and tellurium.) Figure 1.6 shows t h e net fission product reactivity effect for the two extreme cases along with the case for full retention of all fission products. The largest change results from removal of the noble g a s e s and their 5 X e is daughters. (The direct poisoning by treated separately in the reactivity balance and i s , therefore, not included in this analysis.) In the absence of quantitative information on t h e behavior of all the fission products, w e assumed for the reactivity balance calculation removal of all t h e noble g a s e s and none of the noble metals. Figure 1.7 shows, as a function of integrated power, the residual reactivity that w a s obtained; the straight l i n e is a least-squares fit of all t h e data. T h e s e d a t a indicate that there w a s a small positive trend in zero-power residual reactivity throughout the 5U operation. Uncertainties in the calculation of the long-term effects and the difference between assumed and actual fission product behavior both influence the magnitude of t h i s trend but are not large enough






t 2

6 - 0.16 9;

r z 042

<E 0

l n w



* Fig. 1.6


20 30 40 50 60 TIME-INTEGRATED POWER (!03 Mwhr)



E f f e c t of F i s s i o n Product Removal on Poison-

ing by Nonsaturoting F i s s i o n Products.

0.08 0.04




16 24 32 40 INTEGRATED POWER (Mwhr)



64 ( ~ 4 0 ~ )

1.7 Zero-Power Residual R e a c t i v i t y During 235U


14 to change its direction. A detailed sensitivity analysis of the calculational model w a s made by varying important input parameters by 55% from the values used. (The most important parameters are c r o s s s e c t i o n s and effective fluxes and flux ratios in the core.) T h i s a n a l y s i s indicated an overall uncertainty in t h e long-term isotopic changes of *0.05% 6 k / k a t 70,COO Mwhr. T h e uncertainty associated with t h e assumption of fission product behavior is a l s o about k0.05% 6 k / k (see Fig. 1.6). T h u s the residual reactivity at the end of the 235Uoperation w a s probably between +0.08 and +0.28% 6 k / k . T h e review of the reactivity balance calculation is not quite complete. T h e r e is one reactivity effect that is known to exist, but it is quite diffic u l t to calculate and heretofore h a s been neglected. T h a t is t h e effect of graphite distortion, d i s c u s s e d in t h e d e x t section.

1.3.2 R e a c t i v i t y E f f e c t s of R a d i a t i o n Damage t o Graphite

C. H. Gabbard

During the operation of t h e MSRE with 235U fuel, there w a s a gradual upward drift in the reactivity balance. One possible c a u s e of t h i s inc r e a s e could be t h e effects of the graphite shrinka g e and expansion which occurred d u e to radiation damage. Small changes in graphite and salt density distributions result both from direct expansion or contraction of the graphite and from bowing and displacements of t h e graphite stringers. A computer program w a s written to calculate the radiation-induced c h a n g e s in graphite and salt d e n s i t i e s as a function of c o r e location, using the calculated fast-neutron flux distribution in the core and the known variation of CGB graphite dimens i o n s with neutron fluence. T h i s permits the graphite and salt density changes to b e calculated a t various values of integrated power and converted to reactivity changes for comparison with the observed reactivity drift. T h e program had j u s t become operative a t t h e end of t h e report period and was being checked for errors.

1.3.3 Dynamics T e s t s a t the End of 2 3 5 ~Operation

R. C. Steffy Near t h e end of operation with the 2 3 5 Ufuel loading, dynamic tests were performed on t h e MSRE to reevaluate t h e frequency response of t h e system. R e s u l t s of t h e s e t e s t s permitted a comparison of the dynamic response of t h e MSRE after more than 70,000 Mwhr with that observed in the initial experiments at power. Portions of t h e tests a l s o tried a new test signal and a different testing method on a well-known system. In the earlier testing programs, a control rod was moved to vary t h e reactivity i n a predetermined t e s t pattern. Test patterns included s t e p reactivity inputs and reactivity inputs following a pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS). (The latter is referred to as a rod-jog test.) T h e t e s t s a t the end of operation with 235Urepeated the s t e p t e s t s at 5 and 8 Mw, and a 127-bit rod-jog test was repeated at 8 Mw. T h e s e provided a means of direct comparison with t h e earlier tests. The results of e a c h of t h e s e t e s t s at t h e end of 2 3 5 U operation are i n excellent agreement, in both magnitude and shape, with t h e r e s u l t s obtained during t h e initial power tests. Thus they show that there h a s been no change i n the dynamic behavior of the MSRE after more than 70,000 Mwhr of nuclear operation. R e s u l t s of the initial power tests are shown i n refs. 13 and 14, and results of the tests performed a t t h e end of 2 3 5 Uoperation are shown i n F i g s . 1.8, 1.9, and 1.10 of t h i s report. Not all of t h e t e s t s i n the two s e r i e s were performed at exactly the same power levels. However, the full-power t e s t s were at t h e same power level. T h i s w a s identified earlier a s 7.5 Mw, but, s i n c e t h e correction of t h e power calibration, t h e accepted value is 8 Mw.

I3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Aug. 3 1 , 1966, ORNL-4037, pp. 29-34. 14T.W. Kerlin and S. J. Ball, Experimental Dynamic Analysis of the MoltenSalt Reactor Experiment, ORNLTM-1647 (October 1966).










gs' 40


20 v) W


B 0

- 20

-40 r

3 - 60






FREQUENCY (rad/sec)


Fig. ratio of

1.8 Predicted (Solid Curve) and Measured ( P o i n t s ) MSRE Frequency Response at 2 Mw.

( 8 N / N o ) / ( 8 k / k o ) ,(b)

phase angle o f

















-40 c

-60 0.001



1.0 c

FREQUENCY (rad/sec)

e Fig. 1.9

ratio of

P r e d i c t e d (Solid Curve) and Measured ( P o i n t s ) MSRE Frequency R e s p o n s e a t 5 Mw.

(8N/No)/(8k/kO), (b) phase

a n g l e of



17 ORNL-DWG 68-(046(




I 1 1 1 1 1 1








I l l l l l
















b 40


I3 a ,

0 20 VI W

a 1 a 0

t' -20








5 Fig. 1.10 ratio o f

Predicted (Solid Curve) and Measured ( P o i n t s )

( 8 N / N 0 ) / ( 8 k / k O ) ,( b ) phose

angle of



Frequency Response a t

8 Mw. (a)Magnitude

18 The implementation of a pseudorandom reactivity input requires exact control rod positioning and repeatability. Since there w a s a question as t o the capability of the well-used control rod mechanism t o satisfy t h e s e stringent requirements, we tried imposing t h e signal s h a p e on the flux instead of the control rod position. T h i s was accomplished by putting a false signal into the control-rod-servo “flux-demand” instrumentation. The servo interprets t h i s signal as a need for rod movement and moves the rod t o match the input from t h e neutron instrumentation with the false input flux demand. By manipulation of the fluxdemand signal, the flux c a n b e forced t o approximate any reasonable test signal. The new t e s t signal which we desired t o use was the pseudorandom ternary sequence (PRTS). The P R T S is a special s e r i e s of positive, negative, and zero p u l s e s (bits) chosen s o that the autocorrelation function of t h e t e s t signal approximates the autocorrelation function of white noise. The PRTS is of interest a s a tool for frequencyresponse testing because it h a s a flat power spectrum over a wide frequency range which gives information over a wide frequency band with only one t e s t . It is s i m i l a r t o the PRBS in t h i s respect but h a s the additional advantage of a zero average value. Detailed descriptions of t h e P R T S may b e found i n refs. 15 and 16. To our knowledge t h i s is the first time t h i s t e s t signal h a s been employed as a tool i n experimental frequencyresponse measurements. For similar t e s t s there was no apparent difference between results obtained using t h e PRBS and P R T S t e s t i n g signal. Results of the various frequency-response t e s t s performed at t h e end of power operation with 235U are shown in Figs. 1.8, 1.9, and 1-10. All of the results of pseudorandom t e s t s shown in t h e s e figures were obtained using the flux-demand technique unless otherwise noted. In general, the frequency-response results are in good agreement with the theoretical curves. The s h a p e of all t h e observed curves is as predicted. However, t h e magnitude ratio of t h e data taken using t h e fluxdemand technique is higher than both the cor-

responding theoretical curves and t h e experimental results from t h e earlier t e s t i n g programs. W e believe t h i s to be a result of hardware limitations which were emphasized by the change i n testing technique. T h e control rods are required to behave quite differently for t h e two t y p e s of tests. During t h e rod-jog tests the rod is moved, held constant for a number of seconds, then moved to a new position, whereas the new method (fluxdemand) requires almost constant rod movement. Discrepancy between actual rod position and indicated rod position may be the reason for t h e apparent shift in magnitude ratio. The terms “direct a n a l y s i s ” and “indirect analysis” shown on t h e figures indicate t h e type of mathematical treatment performed on t h e data. As used i n t h i s t e x t , the direct method involves generating t h e necessary power spectra directly, whereas the indirect method first calculates the necessary correlation functions and then converts t h e s e to power spectra. The different t y p e s of analyses yield e s s e n t i a l l y the s a m e results when applied t o t h e same data, as shown i n the figures. From the results of the dynamic tests we conclude that t h e dynamic behavior of the MSRE h a s remained essentially unchanged s i n c e the initial approach t o power. The reactor system is s t a b l e a t a l l power levels, with t h e degree of stability increasing with increasing power level.






1.3.4 Correlation of C i r c u l a t i n g V o i d F r a c t i o n and Neutron N o i s e

R. C. Kryter D. N. Fry J. C. Robinson Operation of the MSRE h a s shown that a small amount of undissolved helium cover g a s circulates with the fuel stream. Observed s h i f t s i n t h e reactivity balance were used to calculate t h e c h a n g e s in void fraction with changing operating conditions, but t h e absolute void fraction had eluded Neutron noise a n a l y s i s h a s now measurement. been used i n conjunction with a n analytical model of the system to infer a value for t h e void fraction. t

”T. W. Kerlin, Nucl. Safety 8(4), 1967. 16E.P. Gyftopoulis and R. J. Hooper, “Signals for Transfer-Function Measurements in Non-linear Systems,” in Noise Analysis in Nuclear Systems, AEC Symp. Ser. 4, (TID-7679), pp. 335-345, Gainesville, Florida, 1964.

7MSR Program Serniann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 4. “D. N. Fry, R. C. Kryter, and J. C. Robinson, Measurement of Helium Void Fraction in the MSRE F u e l Sa It Us ing Neutron -Noise Ana I ys is, ORNL-TM-23 15 (in preparation).

19 According t o the model, the neutron power spectral density (NPSD) in the frequency range from 0.5 to 2 hertz should vary as t h e square of the helium void fraction in the fuel salt. During the experiments with the MSRE in run 14, the NPSD was found to b e most sensitive to changes in fuel temperature: the NPSD around 1 hertz increased by a factor of almost 50 when t h e core outlet temperature w a s lowered from 1225 t o 1180°F.” Over the same range the reactivity balance showed that t h e void fraction increased by 0.18% from some indeterminate minimum volume. The minimum void fraction was inferred by fitting the d a t a on NPSD and changes i n void fraction to the relationship predicted by the model. A good fit over the range of the data was obtained when a very s m a l l value was assumed for the minimum void fraction. It appears from t h i s a n a l y s i s that the minimum void fraction w a s closer to zero than to the 0.1-0.15% estimated previously.

transform procedure, and ( 3 ) by determining the absolute auto-power spectral density (APSD) of the pressure and neutron flux s i g n a l s using a calibrated analog spectral density analyzer. Furthermore, the relative APSD’s of the two s i g n a l s were obtained using t h e digital program normally used for t h e neutron noise data reduction schemes on the on-line BR-340 computer. T h e s e results are given in Fig. 1.11. T h i s figure clearly demonstrates the correlation in t h e neutron flux signal t o the pressure signal out to about the sixth harmonic (frequency of 0.15 hertz). Comparison of the experimental and theoretical flux-to-pressure transfer functions indicated a void fraction of 0.03% with a n uncertainty of + 0.015% and - 0.01%. (The uncertainties assigned are due primarily to uncertainties in the model used for the prediction of t h e theoretical transfer function.) For the conditions of the t e s t , reactivity balance measurements had indicated that t h e void fraction was near i t s minimum value.



D e t e r m i n a t i o n of C i r c u l a t i n g V o i d Fraction

J. C. Robinson

1.3.6 Neutron F l u x near Reactor V e s s e l

D. N. Fry

From the analytical model of t h e system it w a s possible to derive a theoretical pressure-to-flux transfer function whose gain depended on t h e void fraction i n the fuel salt. T h e transfer function was measured experimentally, and t h e void fraction was calculated that would make the predicted transfer function agree with that observed. The fuel pressure w a s varied i n a periodic manner by flowing helium into the pump bowl at a constant rate and opening a valve at regular intervals t o vent the helium to a drain tank being held a t low pressure. The resultant sawtooth turbations had a maximum amplitude pres of 0.3 p s i and a period of 40 sec. The fuel pump bowl pressure was about 5 psig, the core outlet temperature was 1210°F, and the power was 8 Mw during the test. T h e pressure s i g n a l and neutron flux signal were amplified and simultaneously reP

relation procedure, (2) by the direct Fourier

‘MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 32.

R. C . Steffy Before the MSRE w a s taken to power, nickel and type 304 s t a i n l e s s steel wires were inslalled in the reactor furnace adjacent t o t h e v e s s e l surveillance specimens, about 5 in. from t h e v e s s e l wall, to serve as neutron flux monitors. T h e isotopes which were used as monitors are listed in Table 1.6 along with the reaction which occurs when the isotope interacts with a neutron. T h e high threshold energies for t h e ( n , p ) reactions make it possible to determine t h e flux as a function of energy as well as axial position.


1.6. Monitor isotopes ond Reactions U s e d i n Reactor V e s s e l F l u x Determination

Half-Life Monitor



in -



of Product

59c0 ss

59Co(n,y)60Co 5.3 years



Ni, S S

58Ni(n,p)58Co 72 days

21.22 Mev



54Fe(n,p)54Mn 313 days

=2.02 Mev







w . I






















Auto Power Spectrum of Neutron F l u x

Sawtooth Pressure Input Perturbations of


psi with a 40-sec Period.

After being exposed for about 36,000 Mwhr of power operation (through run ll), t h e wires were removed from the reactor furnace and taken to a hot cell. The wires were subsequently c u t into short segments, and t h e gamma activity of e a c h piece w a s determined. T h e flux was then calculated using the general expression


A p

= =

activity (dis/sec), atom density of monitor nuclide,

(NPSD) and Pressure (DPSD) Signals for the MSRE U s i n g


X= t, t,

= =

microscopic c r o s s section for reaction of interest, decay constant of product nuclide, t i m e in neutron flux, decay time.

The proper c r o s s section for t h i s calculation would be t h e average value over t h e appropriate energy range for neutrons having t h e energy spectrum that existed i n the furnace. T h e values that were actually used were averaged over the spectrum i n t h e core.2o Although the spectrum in 2QMSRProgram Semiann. Progr. R e p t . F e b . 28, 1967, ORNL-4119, pp. 82-83.



ORNL-DWG 68-11682


( x 40'0)







1 0 876eV

59Co(n, Y ) ~ O C O


10.876 eV

Ig7Au(n, y)'98Au


'97Au(n, Y ) ' ~ ~ A U


63Cu(n, y P 4 c u

Au 22





63Cu(n, yf4Cu 22MeV






22.02 MeV

54Fe(n, p)54Mn



24.22 MeV

58Ni(n, d5'CO





v 0 P




0 5









48 54


3 80


c Fig.


A x i a l Neutron F l u x in


Reoctor Furnace a t Various Energies.

22 the furnace is somewhat different, the error i n average c r o s s section is believed to be quite small. The atom density was obtained from chemical analyses and densities of t h e samples. T h e calculation was carried out using a computer program which accounts for t h e detailed power history of the reactor during the irradiation. Res u l t s are shown in Fig. 1.12. Also shown i n Fig. 1.12 are fluxes recently calculated from low-power (1 kw) irradiation of gold and copper foils.21 The d a t a from t h i s irradiation were reevaluated using c r o s s s e c t i o n s for the MSRE spectrum instead of the c r o s s sections used i n the original calculation. The position of the control rods affects t h e axial profile of t h e neutron flux. T h e shim rods are normally maintained at 44 in., with the regulating rod somewhat lower. A s shown in Fig. 1.12, the flux at a l l energies is significantly lower above the level of the rods. The peak thermal flux (E < 0.876 ev) in t h e reactor furnace is about 1 x 10' neutrons m ~ - ~ sec-' Mw-' and occurs about 30 in. above t h e bottom of the horizontal graphite bars. The peak epithermal flux (E > 0.876 ev) is about 1.9 x 10' neutrons c m - 2 sec-' Mw-' and occurs at essentially the same position. T h i s gives a peak total flux of 2 . 9 ~10" neutrons c m - 2 sec-' Mw-'. The higher-energy fluxes, as determined by ( n , p ) reactions with 58Ni and 5 4 F e , peak at essentially the same position.

great interest in the fission product behavior in the MSRE a study w a s launched to extract as much useful information as possible from the in-cell gamma radiation data. T h i s study will supplement t h e other observations of gamma-ray s p e c t r a after shutdown and t h e a c t i v i t i e s in samples. The operations at the end of run 1 4 and t h e long shutdown that followed provided interesting d a t a to study. T h e readings from the three detectors in the reactor cell and one i n the drain-tank cell are shown i n Fig. 1.13 from March 1 4 to August 28, 1968. Although t h e thorough analysis including volumes, surface areas, d i s t a n c e s , and shielding of sources was not completed in t h i s report period, some noteworthy features were observed from t h e plots in Fig. 1.13.


A f t e r Shutdown



A. Houtzeel The gamma radiation levels in the reactor cell and drain-tank cell a r e indicated by s i x radiation monitors, three in e a c h cell. Readings are taken routinely on e a c h 8-hr shift. T h e source of t h e radiation that affects the monitors is very complex. T h i s is particularly true in the reactor cell, where a broad spectrum of f i s s i o n products, some in the salt and some deposited on surfaces, a r e distributed around t h e piping system a t various distances and with various shielding from t h e radiation detectors. Nevertheless, b e c a u s e of t h e



6. 21MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1966, ORNL-3936, pp. 12-13.


1. The sharp increase in activity in the drain-


1.3.7 Observation o f F i s s i o n Products

t I

tank cell near t h e end of the power run (March 20) w a s due t o pressure-pulse experiments in the reactor system; the reactor off-gas w a s routed through one of t h e drain tanks and drain-tank vent system instead of t h e normal reactor off-gas system. T h i s gives some indication of the intensity of t h e off-gas activity. The decay of t h e radiation level in the reactor cell w a s not strongly affected either by t h e presence or absence of t h e fuel s a l t (drained on March 25) or by t h e first flushing operation (drained March 29). T h e flush s a l t itself apparently provided some shielding while it w a s in the fuel loop. Especially during t h e first month after shutdown the rate of decay was greater in t h e reactor cell than in the drain-tank cell. T h i s may indicate that some fission products with intermediate half-lives remained in t h e fuel or off-gas system rather than with t h e fuel salt. The second flush s a l t operation (August 16) decreased t h e activity in t h e reactor cell somewhat. Apparently some decay products were washed out of the system. The data from t h e drain-tank cell after early August are probably not significant b e c a u s e of the reprocessing operations t h a t were in progress. Both the flush and fuel salt were transferred several times. The reliability of t h e s e high-level radiation mpnitors d e c r e a s e s substantially at radiation levels below 40 to 50 r/hr.


c B




ORNL-DWG 68-43978




5 2

5 to3 5 2





io5 5 2 1o4




103 5



5 2








5 i










Fig. 1.13 Radiation L e v e l s in Reactor and Drain-Tank C e l l s After Reactor Shutdown and F u e l S a l t Drain.



1.3.9 Thermal Cycle History

1.3.8 Unscheduled Scrams During 2 3 5 ~ Operation

C. H. Gabbard

P. N. Haubenreich Operation with 2 3 5 Uspanned 34 months, from May 1965 to March 1968, during which time fuel s a l t was i n the core a total of 13,487 hr. There were 29 unscheduled rod scrams while fuel was in t h e core, but not one w a s c a u s e d by a process variable actually reaching a safety trip point. (Some scrams occurred when the flux level safeties were switched down t o 15 kw while the reactor was a t higher power, but t h e s e are not counted as power reaching a safety t r i p point.) A breakdown of the scrams by t i m e and c a u s e is given in Table 1.7. A considerable improvement with time is evident from Table 1.7. The rash of s i x scrams attributed to instrumentation and controls in the second quarter of 1966 w a s due to several sources of noise in the signals. Of the three scrams attributed t o “other” c a u s e s , one was caused by a momentary voltage s a g that tripped t h e safety channels, one w a s a manual scram to investigate a fire alarm (false), and one occurred when a n electrical short tripped a power breaker in t h e reactor area. “Power failure” refers to an interruption of electrical power to the reactor area.

The accumulated thermal c y c l e history of t h e various components s e n s i t i v e to thermal c y c l e damage is shown in T a b l e 1.8. Approximately 73% of t h e design thermal c y c l e iife of t h e fuel system freeze flanges h a s been used to date. T h i s compares with a value of 69% at t h e end of the previous report period and with 63% a t t h e beginning of run 1 4 a year ago.

. a

1.4 EQUIPMENT 1.4.1 Heat Transfer C. H. Gabbard During the previous operation of the MSRE, the heat balance power and the heat transfer performance were calculated using a coolant-salt specific heat that was temperature-dependent. Analysis of the MSRE operating d a t a strongly suggested, however, that t h e specific heat was actually a constant. T h i s w a s confirmed by a recent s e r i e s of enthalpy measurements which gave a specific heat of 0.577 Btu Ib-’ (OF)-’ which had been used for t h e average value over 4





Summary of Unscheduled Scrams a t


Operating Hours

Number of Unscheduled Rod Scrams

F u e l in Core






w i t h F u e l i n the Corea


































































1 1


















a n e r e is no record of any unscheduled scrams during 1965, when fuel was in the core for 1062 hr and the reactor was critical (at 1 kw or l e s s ) for 230 hr.


Table 1.8. MSRE Cumulative Thermal Cycle History Through August 1968 Number of Cycles Thaw

Component Heat a n d Cool Fill and Drain

Fuel system Coolant system F u e l pump Coolant pump Freeze flanges 100, 101, 102


On and Off





















Freeze flanges 200, 201


Penetrations 200, 201




and^ Transfer


Freeze valve 103








































2 04




2 06




the temperature range for full-power operation. When t h e new specific heat is used, the cala1 full power level of t h e MSRE is 7.2 t o 8.0 Mw. The heat balance both the heat balance power and t h e parameters performance evaluation, pecific heat value. radiator have b e en past temperature data and the new specific heat. The r e s u l t s of t h e heat exchanger evaluation are shown in Fig. 1.14. The larger specific heat h a s increased the measured overall heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger t o 656 Btu hr-' ft-2 (OF)-'. A new for the design value of 600 Btu hr-' ft-2 (OF)-' overall heat transfer coefficient was calculated using the heat exchanger geometry and the

latest physical property d a t a for t h e fuel and coolant salts. Therefore the standard design procedures would have given a conservative heat exchanger design if the correct physical property data had been available during t Figure 1.14 also indicates that the heat exchanger is continuing at its original performance level and that there is no indication of tube plugging or fouling. T h e increased value of the specific heat h a s a l s o increased the measured overall heat transfer coefficient of the radiator f r o m 38.5 to 42.75 Btu hr-' ft-2 (OF)-'. T h i s is still below the corrected design value of 51.5 Btu hr-* ft-' (OF)-', which is dependent mainly on the airs i d e f i l m coefficient. The radiator is a l s o continuing a t its original performance level.


ORNL-DWG 68-43979

1 700







- 500


!I .c


z 400







0.02 t-












M z


W [L



f2 X


















Observed Performance of

1.4.2 S a l t Samplers

R. B. Gallaher F u e l Sampler-Enricher. - During t h e report period the sampler-enricher w a s used for 12 sampling operations, bringing t h e t o t a l t o 361 samples and 114 s a l t additions. T h e 1 2 operations successfully obtained four 10-g samples, two 25-g samples, one 50-g sample, and two samples in freeze-valve c a p s u l e s . One attempt to take a 10-g sample ended in t h e c a p s u l e being dropped into the pump bowl. Twice later 50-g e a p s u l e s were lowered into the pump bowl but did not fill with salt. On the sampling attempt that resulted in the , sampler c a b l e becoming tangled, there was no sign of trouble a s t h e cable w a s unreeled the usual 17 ft 5 in. A s it was being rewound, t h e motor stalled with 13 ft 5 in. off t h e reel. A few attempts to unreel and rewind convinced u s that the cable w a s tangled in the isolation chamber TO as it had been on previous occasions.

2 2 M S R Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, pp. 15, 3 2 .





-- --






M a i n H e a t Exchanger.

minimize t h e chance of severely kinking t h e cable, t h e drive motor was operated at reduced voltage (50 t o 80 v) to reduce its torque during repeated attempts to untangle t h e c a b l e by unreeling and rewinding. In the course of 76 attempts, the drive s t a l l e d at various points as t h e coils of cable were shifted, but in the end there w a s no net gain. T h e isolation valves were left open for t h e next two weeks, but a slight purge of helium down the tube kept fission products from diffusing back up to t h e sampler. When t h e a c c e s s door was opened after the fuel salt was drained, the c a p s u l e w a s visible through the lower corner of the port opening, and t h e latch could be s e e n in the back of t h e chamber. There were many loops and c o i l s of cable. Evidently the c a p s u l e and latch had never left the isolation chamber on i t s way down a t the s t a r t of sampling. The reason for the c a p s u l e hanging cannot b e ascertained; when t h e operator had closed the door the capsule appeared t o b e hanging normally. Some of the drive c a b l e loops extended down into the sampler tube, and rather than risk cutting the cable, we left t h e isolation valves open. A s an attempt was made t o lift t h e capsule out of the isolation chamber, t h e manipulator fingers brushed

1 b











some of t h e coils, causing them to spring out through the a c c e s s port and pull the capsule cable from the manipulator jaws. The c a p s u l e dropped into the sampler tube, bottom up, the latch tipped over, releasing t h e key, and the capsule and key disappeared down the tube. It proved possible to u s e the manipulator t o untangle the c a b l e and pull it into the outer containment area (area 3A). Only one bad kink w a s found, and it was straightened acceptably with t h e manipulator. Although it appeared that the c a p s u l e had fallen with the magnetic t o p underneath, immediate attempts were made to retrieve it using magnets that were available. A t-in.-diam, 1-in.-long magnet w a s lowered into the pump bowl without success. x 6 in. magnet was lowered but A 4' x 5 in. magnet c a b l e t o hold t h e magnet off the latch waslowered but could not be worked past the magnetic obstruction where the sampler tube penetrated t h e wall of the reactor op was filled with flush s g capsule w a s lowered into the pump bowl. It came up empty, and salt droplets clinging t o t h e upper s i d e s showed it had been only half submerged, presumably because i t had come to rest on the dropped c a p s u l e inside the cage. A 10-g capsule w a s submerged and collected a sample. p of the sampler tube and t h e c t e d to t e s t magnets and other types of retrieval tools (Fig. 1.15). Two c a p s u l e s , one without c a b l e and key and the other with, were dropped in the m the caDsules lost in August 1967 ..

dropped. After s c o r e s of attempts, the magnet came up with a lump attached which later proved to be t h e corroded top of the old capsule. The 3 4-in. magnet was, after some difficulty with t h e magnetic penetration, a l s o lowered into t h e pump bowl. There w a s never any indication t h a t t h e 3 (,-in. magnet picked up anything. Further mockup work convinced u s that t h e second capsule had gotten outside the c a g e , where it could be reached by the %-in. magnet but not by t h e "-in. Several types of dislodging t o o l s were tried i n the mockup. Two tools proved capable of moving the capsules. However, a s often as not the caps u l e s were shifted so as to make retrieval more difficult rather than easier. When the c a p s u l e s were already in a difficult position, the dislodging tools were not effective. Therefore no attempt w a s made to u s e t h e s e tools in the pump bowl. When the fuel system w a s next filled with flush salt in August, a 10-g sample w a s obtained, but a 50-g capsule came up empty. It appeared t o have been submerged slightly over halfway. New windows were cut in two 50-g c a p s u l e s , and samples containing 25 g of salt were obtained. T h e c a p s u l e s were stopped with t h e bottom 1% in. above the bottom of t h e cage. T h e most likely explanation appeared t o be that t h e cable and key from the second c a p s u l e were projecting back into the cage. When the heavy magnet was dropped it could brush past, but the sample c a p s u l e s , partly buoyed up by the s a l t , were stopped. During the long shutdown a proximity switch, actuated when magnetic material goes by, w a s mounted on the sampler tube about 4 in. below t h e lower isolation valve. T h e sampling procedure stipulates that if the switch h a s not been activated tion indicator shows that sufficient n reeled out, t h e drive will b e stopped

e motor circuit


B d

the pump bowl w a s used to listen i n on the grappling. The Y2-in. magnet was loweredinto the pump bowl, and sounds were heard indicating that an object was being lifted a few inches and then

and repaired. The boots that went on with t h e new manipulator were thinner than t h e old, permitting freer movement. An e x c e s s i v e pressure differential was accidentally applied in the first




Fig. 1.15

Overall V i e w of Mockup Used in Practicing Capsule Retrieval.


used 20 times. There were twelve 10-g capsules, seven 50-g capsules, and one freeze-valve capsule. A proximity switch and motor voltage control were included in t h e final installation. An unexpected difficulty arose during t h e first few sampling operations. The drive s t a l l e d with about 3 ft of c a b l e still out, but after a few minutes it rewound freely. Inspection of the c a b l e showed no abnormality. It was concluded that t h e problem was a temperature effect on the drive. In t h i s sampler t h e c a b l e e x t e n d s well down into t h e high-temperature region in t h e fuel storage tank. There is no pause for freezing, as i n the other s a l t samplers, s i n c e t h e t u b e g o e s straight down. We suspected that t h e length of hot c a b l e caused the drive gears to heat up and bind. A cooling period added to t h e procedure alleviated t h e problem.

1.4.3 Control Rods and D r i v e s Malcolm Richardson

The control rods and drives operated i n a satisfactory manner throughout run 14. After t h e shutdown i n March, t h e No. 2 drive was removed to replace t h e fine synchro position indicator, which had failed i n January. It was found that t h e wiper leads were burned off at t h e s l i d e s . A limit switch which began malfunctioning after t h e drive was removed was a l s o replaced. While t h e drive was out, the No. 2 rod was pulled up and inspected by omniscope. It appeared t o b e i n excellent condition. The No. 2 unit was then reassembled and installed. The No. 1 and No. 3 units were not disturbed.

1.4.4 R a d i a t o r E n c l o s u r e Fig. Sample Guide C a g e and B a f f l e .

mp Bowl, Including Capsules shown in prob-

ably original positions.


B 1

in one boot. The e original, thicker


check-out were finished during t h i s report period, and during t h e s a l t processing t h e sampler w a s

Malcolm Richardson No trouble with operation of either t h e inlet utlet door w a s encountered during t h i s period. pection of the doors after shutdown revealed ome additional minor warping. The links of t h e segmented “hard-seal” surface had expanded, c l o s i n g t h e ,-in. expansion gaps i n many p l a c e s and causing some rippling. All t h e links were in place, but a short section of t h e “soft seal” on t h e outlet s i d e of t h e radiator f a c e had been torn loose and was replaced.

1.4.5 Off-Gas System R. B. Gallaher

A. I. Krakoviak

In the last weeks of run 14 the off-gas sampler was used t o trap another sample of t h e fuel offg a s for xenon analysis,23 and t h e thermal conductivity system was tried for t h e first t i m e on the actual process gas. The system provides a n indication of hydrocarbon content by sending t h e s t r e a m through a heated copper oxide bed which converts the hydrocarbons t o water and carbon dioxide, through one s i d e of a thermal conductivity cell, through an absorber to take out the H,O and CO,, then back through the other s i d e of t h e conductivity cell. The difference in thermal conductivity is a m e a s ure of the hydrocarbon content. When the fuel off-gas was sent through t h i s route, t h e indication was that there were more impurities in the helium after the absorber than there were ahead of it. The diagnosis was radiation decomposition of the wet magnesium perchlorate absorber material. P l a n s were made to change the absorber unit t o one containing dry molecular s i e v e , after tests of t h i s material showed no significant decomposition to lo’ rads. The other thermal conductivity cell compares the conductivity of a reference s t r e a m of pure helium with that of off-gas, which may have gone through the hydrocarbon system or not. T h e reading is a measure of the t o t a l contaminants at that point. (It is not unambiguous, b e c a u s e the conductivity effect varies with the identity of the contaminant.) When t h i s system was first operated with t h e hydrocarbon system b y p a s s e d and the reactor at full power, the indication w a s about 100 ppm of total contaminants in the helium. After the power was lowered to 10 kw, the reading decreased t o 52% of the full-power value. T h e fuel s a l t w a s drained, and flush salt was added. Three hours after flush-salt circulation started, the g a s contaminant reading w a s 16 t i m e s that at full power. It dropped i n the next 2.5 hr to 1.5 times the full-power value and leveled out there for several hours. After the flush s a l t was drained, helium w a s circulated in the f u e l loop at 5 psig, with the normal 4 liters/min flow to the off-gas

23MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 19.

system. A contaminant level 100 t i m e s t h e fullpower value w a s observed. After t h e fuel system was vented and repressurized, the reading w a s still 50 times full power (about 0.5% impurities in the gas). By t h i s t i m e the radiation level w a s relatively low, s o t h e hydrocarbon system w a s valved in. The hydrocarbon indication was low and the other reading changed little, implying that the high reading w a s not due t o hydrocarbons. The inference w a s drawn that fission products were coming off i n t o the off-gas from t h e bared surfaces in the fuel system. The restriction i n t h e off-gas line near t h e f u e l pump that had been detected e a r l i e r z 4 gave no trouble i n the last weeks of operation, but there were indications that it w a s still there. Nine days after t h e fuel w a s drained, t h e flexible section of off-gas line w a s removed, and a flexible tool w a s run through the 28 in. of line back to t h e pump bowl. T h e tool, a 2-in. c a b l e with a diamond drill tip, encountered some r e s i s t a n c e at first and c a m e out with a considerable amount of solids on it (see Chap. 17). The flexible jumper and t h e line downstream did not appear to b e restricted. After the new jumper w a s in place, flow-pressuredrop measurements showed no evidence of any restriction. The replacement jumper line w a s equipped with four thermocouples to provide more information during power operation. In addition a slender basket w a s suspended in the entrance of t h e 4in. off-gas holdup pipe. In it were d e v i c e s of metal and graphite to collect material from the off-gas s t r e a m for future study. T h e small filter i n the coolant off-gas line became plugged in May and was replaced.


1.4.6 Main Blowers C. H. Gabbard

The two main blowers, MB-1 and MB-3, continued t o operate without difficulty throughout run 14 and have accumulated 7800 and 7125 hr of operating t i m e s i n c e they were rebuilt. Both blowers were disassembled for their routine annual inspection, and the rear bearings were replaced on the b a s i s of the g r e a s e appearance. 24MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 13.

t $



31 The thrust bearing of MB-3 w a s a l s o replaced bec a u s e of a heavy thumping noise accompanied b y a shaft displacement t h a t occurred when t h e rotor was turned by hand. T h e difficulty was found to b e a relatively large misalignment between t h e rotor shaft and the outer r a c e of t h e bearing. Otherwise t h e bearing had been in good condition. The bearing is mounted i n a spherical self-aligning mount, but t h e friction forces a r e apparently too high for the mount to b e effective. The MB-3 replacement bearing and the MB-1 bearing were therefore aligned manually. In other r e s p e c t s , both blowers were i n good condition, and there was no evidence of cracking in the hubs or blading.



T. L. Hudson



By the end of run 14, heater units HX-1 and HX-2 on the primary heat exchanger were inoperative because of open leads. These two units were removed from the reactor cell early i n the shutdown (on t h e fourth and fifth d a y after the end of full-power operation) t o see if repairs were possible or if replacement units would b e required. The trouble w a s found i n the junction boxes mounted on top of the heaters, where t h e lead wires from s e v e r a l of the heater elements had burned i n two at their screwed connections t o the terminal strips. Repair was complicated by the induced activity in t h e assemblies, which produced a gamma radiation field of about 3 r/hr a t 1 ft. A temporary work shield was set up having concrete block w a l l s and a top of steel plate and lead block, with a small opening in t h e top through which direct maintenance on the junction box was feasible. The terminal s t r i p s and connections were severely oxidized, apparently d u e to high temperatures during operation. T h e situation was corrected by installing nickel terminal s t r i p s and welding t h e heater l e a d s directly to them. The copper wire from the terminal s t r i p to t h e disconnect w a s also replaced with No. 12 nickel wire welded to t h e terminal strip. Aside from t h e damage i n the junction b o x e s , both HX-1 and HX-2 were i n good condition, and after t h e repairs both were reinstalled through t h e maintenance shield without unusual difficulty. After t h e units were reinstalled in t h e cell it was found that t h e current on one phase of HX-1

was zero. T h i s proved to be due to a fault in t h e permanently mounted lead wire in t h e cell. T h e fault was circumvented by installing a jumper cable between t h e HX-1 disconnect and a spare disconnect. The heaters functioned satisfactorily during t h e subsequent heatup of the system.

1.4.8 Oil Systems

for Salt Pumps

A. I. Krakoviak Although the f u e l and coolant salt pumps were shut off and at ambient temperature during most of t h i s report period, t h e lubricating oil systems for both s a l t pumps operated continuously and without incident. T h e only problem was t h e recurring gradual fouling of t h e water s i d e of t h e cooling coils on the oil reservoir. Switching t o process water for a few weeks seems to c l e a r t h e coils to the extent that tower water again provides adequate cooling. A s expected, there w a s no shaft seal oil leakage during shutdown; however, on startup of both s a l t pumps in August, t h e s h a f t seal leakages resumed a t the same r a t e s a s those that had existed before t h e March shutdown, namely 6 cc/day for the f u e l pump and 20 cc/day for the coolant pump. Since previous a n a l y s e s showed no significant deterioration of the oil quality, t h e oil was not changed during t h i s shutdown.

1.4.9 Component Cooling System P. H. Harley

Component cooling pump No. 2 (CCP-2) was i n service continuously for the l a s t 3886 hr of run 1 4 after CCP-1 was shut down because of loss of oil from its lubrication system. After run 1 4 t h e belt on CCP-2 was found to b e quite loose, worn, and severely cracked. B e l t s and check-valve flappers were replaced o n both units. Because of the history of oil l e a k s , 2 5 the soldered copper tubing in the lubrication system of both pumps was replaced with welded s t a i n l e s s steel. After t h e threaded unions in t h e new s y s tem were seal-welded, no more leakage was observed. "MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 2 9 , 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 17.


During the initial run-in of the new b e l t s , exc e s s i v e oil bypass and low air output were noted. T h e s e were corrected by tightening t h e oil relief valves and the air pressure relief valves. After resumption of operation in August, both component cooling pumps operated satisfactorily, although CCP-2 o i l pressure was slightly low. While the blowers were down for maintenance, the g a t e s on the isolation valves were inspected because e x c e s s i v e leakage had been experienced. Several large pits were found i n the g a t e of t h e valve in the CCP-2 discharge line. The pits appeared to have been c a s t i n g d e f e c t s that had been repaired earlier with epoxy. Repairs were made by laying down s t a i n l e s s steel with a metallizing gun and remachining. T h e air leakage through t h i s valve was reduced from over 100 scf/day to 0.5 scf/day at a pressure differential of 30 psi. There w a s no detectable change in t h e pressure drop a c r o s s the strainer in the discharge of t h e component cooling pumps during t h i s report period.

1.4.10 Containment and V e n t i l a t i o n

P. H. Harley During the final weeks of run 14, the reactor cell inleakage (at - 2 psig) continued at about

17 scf/day, more than a factor of 4 below t h e acceptable maximum. During t h e maintenance period a major portion of t h e annual containment test w a s completed, namely the t e s t i n g of all containment valves. Out of about 160 valves, only 11 had leak r a t e s that exceeded prescribed l i m i t s : 3 in the coverg a s system, 4 in the water system, and 4 air or nitrogen block valves. Dirt or debris on t h e seat was the predominant c a u s e of leakage. All valves were satisfactory after servicing. Release of t h e beta-gamma activity through t h e s t a c k amounted to 343 m c during the six-month report period. Of this, 193 m c was released during the week in which the off-gas line w a s open in the reactor cell for reaming. Most of t h e remainder w a s released during the three weeks that followed, probably from material that escaped into the cell during the reaming operation. The release of radioiodine during t h e report period w a s quite negligible, amounting to less t h a n 0.3 m c in s i x months.

. e




omponent Development Dunlap Scott


solenoid valves. W e have found that by adjusting the timers so that, during the oscillation period, argon is supplied as a pressurizing g a s for 1 0 min and then helium is supplied for 2 min, the desired operation temperatures could b e maintained with a reduction in the usage of bottle helium. Upon disassembly of the flanges we found that the thermocouples at the flange bore had failed s o as to indicate the temperature of t h e salt instead of the metal surface. However, examination of temperatures from thermocouples located on the outside of the flanges gave confidence that the flange had been subjected t o the proper thermal cycle. T h e bore thermocouples were replaced.

thermal-cycle t e s t which had been resumed at 103 c y c l e s ' was continued through 268 cycles, at which point it was shut down for inspection of the flanges and for repairs. There was no indication during eration of any changes in the flanges. There were, however, several minor operational problems of interest. These, together with the results of the inspection of the flange, are described below.

2.1.1 F a c i l i t y Operation Problems 2.1.2 inspection of the Flanges mulated downtime was du t o shorted level probes. Fifteen shorts during the 165 cycles, and after each one it was necessary t o shut down t o clean the probe. Twelve of the fifteen shorts occurred es. After a filament

When the flanges were disassembled, the oval ring gasket with the s t a i n l e s s steel insert screen was removed and inspected. T h e average diameter of t h e frozen s a l t cake on the screen was 10 in. At the end of the first 103 cycles, the diameter had been 111/,in. Higher flange temperatures accompanying s o m e of the earlier tests would account for the difference. A dye-penetrant inspection of t h e inner flange face and bore of both flanges was made. W e found that the female flange was intact and crack free both in the bore and on the flange. T h e face of the male flange was a l s o crack free, but the dye penetrant indicated a crack in the flange bore, as shown in Fig. 2.1. T h e crack extended circumferentially about 90 t o l l O o clockwise around the bore starting from the top vertical center line. Although not evident in Fig. 2.1, the penetrant also indicated a band of porosity starting at the crack and extending about in. farther into the bore. T h e porosity band followed the crack

it w a s found that with argon the desired upper bore temperature could not be maintained. When the building g a s supply was changed to argon, a helium bottle header was placed in the line and the supply controlled through two timers and

' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, Pp. 23-28.




F i g . 2.1

Photograph of F r e e z e F l a n g e Showing Dye-Penetrant Indication of Crack.



ORNL-LR-DWG 6 3 2 4 8 R 3


-r 5in.










i g e Showing L o c a t i o n of C r a c k R e l a t i v e to


the s h a r p corner

(2 in. radius) at its




robably within the heat-affected zone of the hat attaches the ment stub. T h e specific c a u s e of the crack and porosity is unknown. However, the flange is approaching its

relatively high i n t location they could b e even the bending moment producei stub. If the cracking is due

lent Stub.

stresses are but at this because of e alignment h local s t r e s s e s he weld, the service-

unimpaired, because s t u b was provided only a s a n aid assembly of the flange and a complete failure of the s t u b would not affect the integrity of the joint.

36 Reassembly of the flange was completed in preparation for resumption of the test. Except for more frequent inspection, the test procedure will not b e changed. T h e exterior of the flanges will be inspected visually during and after e a c h cycle, and the inner flange faces and bores will be examined a t the end of each 5 0 cycles. T h e test will b e extended to determine the number of thermal c y c l e s a flange of this design can be subjected t o before failure.

are identified by the energy of their emitted gamma rays. A typical spectrum is shown in Fig. 2.4. The area under a peak, after correction for background, is proportional t o the amount of the isotope present. The following equation was used t o compute the curies of a radionuclide deposited per square inch of metal surface, corrected to t h e t i m e of shutdown: curies --


T. H. Mauney

Shortly after the shutdown in March a series of gamma-spectrometric measurements were made of fission products that had deposited on the metal surfaces in the fuel system. T h i s work was an extension, with improved equipment, of a s i m i l a r scan of the fuel heat exchanger in May 1967.' The technique involved was developed t o provide an additional means of studying the behavior of fission products in the MSRE. Other means include the total gamma radiation in the reactor and drain tank cells (see Sect. 1.3.7), samples of fuel s a l t and cover g a s , 3 specimens of metal and graphite from the center of t h e core (Sect. lS.l), and material from the fuel off-gas line (Sect. 17). T h e measurements were made by combining the laboratory technique of gamma spectroscopy with the equipment and shielding developed for maintenance of the highly radioactive MSRE components. A lithium-drifted germanium diode detector, mounted in a highly collimated gamma beam, was coupled t o a 400channel analyzer through appropriate amplifiers. T h e detector-collimator assembly w a s mounted on and shielded by the portable maintenance shield, which a l s o served as a carriage t o move the detector to various positions over the reactor components. T h e mechanical arrangement used is shown in Fig. 2.3. More details are given in Sect. 14.13. T h e basic information obtained was a gamma-ray spectrum, that i s , a plot of the number of photons detected v s t h e energy of e a c h photon. Isotopes 2MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Aug. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 43. 3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 94-98.


(CR)eht -




(F)(B)(AB)(AF)(3.7 x 10")

where CR is the area under the peak expressed as counts per second, t is the decay time from reactor shutdown t o t h e measurement t i m e , h is t h e decay constant of the specified radionuclide (or the controlling precursor), B is the branching ratio of the measured gamma ray (photons emitted per disintegration), F is the counting efficiency, A F (area factor) is the number of square inches of metal surface with deposited isotopes per square inch of area normal t o the a x i s of t h e detector, and the factor 3.7 x 1 0 ' converts the result t o curies. The absorber factor AB describes the attenuation between the source and the detector: for the pump bowl and piping, point-source slab-shield approximations were used; in the heat exchanger, the calculation of AB took into account the details of the internals. During the period from 3 to 17 days after shutdown, the apparatus w a s set up over the primary heat exchanger, the pump bowl, the off-gas system pipe line (line 522), and the primary loop piping (lines 101 and 102). Some results from these measurements are summarized in T a b l e 2.1. F i v e nuclides are s e e n t o b e predominant in the heat exchanger: 95Nb, "Mo, lo3Ru, 13'Te, and its daughter 'I; 'Zr, the precursor of 'Nb, was not detectable. Also significant is t h e fact that 'I (which h a s a short-lived tellurium 8-day precursor) was not detectable in the heat ex'1 was. Table 2.1 changer, although short-lived also shows the relatively large amounts of some of the radionuclides in the pump bowl and the off-gas line. T h e indicated deposition of fission products varied considerably from point to point in the heat exchanger. Although it was generally higher near the inlet of the heat exchanger than downstream, there was not a uniform gradient. ("Splotchy" is a more descriptive term.) T h i s









12-in. LONG X 0.125 D l A M HOLE









4 ? Is


2.3 Setup of Equipment for Gamma-Scanning i n Reactor C e l l .



68- 10237R



I 04














.C 3 L

0. 0












T y p i c a l Energy Spectrum of Gamma Rays from Primary H e a t Exchanger.


39 2.1.


Summary of R e s u l t s o f Gamma Spectrometric

Measurements of F i s s i o n Product Deposition


Observed Depositionb (curies/in. ')

a ~~


Metal Area (curies/in. ')

Heat Exchanger

Pump Bowl

Off-Gas Line






35-day 95Nb



67-hr "Mo





41-day Io3Ru










8.0-day 1311





77-hr I3'Te












2.6 3.3


l o 6 ~ U

27-year 13'cs










32-day 141Ce

t: k



aThe calculated total inventory of the nuclide a t the time of reactor shutdown divided by the area of metal in the fuel system contacted by salt. bFigures . tabulated are observed concentrations corrected back to time of reactor shutdown.


'Not detected.




b 0.03 0







r n
















2.5 Deposition of 95Nb i n the Primary H e a t Exchanger.



40 is illustrated by Fig. 2.5, which shows t h e results obtained for 95Nb at many points on t h e heat exchanger. One may conclude that the technique of gamma spectrometry of a collimated beam can b e very useful in studying MSRE fission product behavior.


T. H. Mauney In conjunction with the gamma spectrometric measurements described in the preceding section, gamma-ray sources were mapped by pinhole camera photography. F i l m sensitive to both x rays and visible light (Kodak type KK) w a s used in the lead pinhole camera described p r e v i ~ u s l y . T~ h e camera was inserted in an S-in.-diam hole in the portable maintenance shield, which w a s positioned over openings in the top of the reactor cell. Photographs were developed quickly for immediate u s e in locating and selecting sources to b e examined by the gamma spectrometry being conducted at the time. T h e taking of photographs w a s a rather simple procedure. T h e camera w a s placed in the maintenance shield, pointing straight down. T h e shield w a s then maneuvered to place t h e camera directly above the area to b e photographed. Since there w a s no shutter on the camera, a sheet-film holder loaded with the proper f i l m w a s inserted in the camera and removed after the desired exposure. When desired, visible-light exposure could b e made shorter than the x-ray exposure by replacing the holder slide partway through the x-ray exposure. Some typical examples of the different photographs that were made are Fig. 2.6, which looks down on the fuel pump and adjacent piping, and Fig. 2.7, which is a photograph of the gamma source in the portion of the heat exchanger visible t o the camera. Note that what seems to be a corona around the source is actually a blurring of the image in the camera. T h i s work is, s o far as we know, the first attempt to u s e the technique remotely on in-place reactor components. A s such, the results are 4MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 22.

promising, and we consider t h e technique worthy of further development and use. Deficiencies needing improvement are a s follows. Gamma images were less sharp than desired, hot spots being blurred. Exposure t i m e s for visible-light images were quite long, up to 45 min in some cases, because of the limited light intensity attainable in t h e cell. Finally, the arrangement for the camera did not permit tilting for shots other than vertical. Improvement on t h e first two points is expected from a simple change in the camera aperture. T h e diameter of the gamma-ray aperture will b e reduced from in. to in., and the visible-light aperture in. will b e enlarged to '/32 in. from the original The smaller gamma-ray aperture will reduce the blurring of the source image. Enlarging the visiblelight aperture will speed up the exposure at the expense of sharpness. But the visible-light images need not be very sharp, only clear enough for identification of the components and location of the source relative to them.



b P





P. G. Smith

A. G. Grindell


2.4.1 Mark 2 Fuel Pump The preparation of t h e test facility for operation with salt5 was completed, and check-out of all systems neared completion. T h e initial assembly of the pump rotary element had e x c e s s i v e oil leakage from the shaft lower seal during cold shakedown to check the performance of the shaft bearings and seals. T h e lower seal rotor had a scratch across the seal face which c a u s e d t h e leakage. Upon replacement of t h e seal rotor, the rotary element performed satisfactorily. T h e rotary element was installed in the test facility.


2.4.2 Oil Pump Endurance Test 7

T h e oil pump endurance test was continued. By the end of t h e period, the pump had run for 44,550 hr circulating oil at 160'F and 70 gpm.

'Ibid., p. 29.



, e 4 *



4or s

0 b


Fig. camera.


Gamma-Ray and V i s i b l e L i g h t Photograph of A r e a near F u e l Pump.

Off-gas jumper i n place.

Made on x-ray film i n p i n h o l e


. Y









Gamma-Ray Photograph of Part of the Primary H e a t Exchanger.

Made on x-ray film in pinhole camera.

t c


3. Instruments and Controls S, J. Ditto


J. L. Redford




All 15 relays in t h e rod-scram coincidence matrix were replaced with relays designed for 32-v d c operation. No more coil failures occurred, but three of the new relays failed due t o contact welding. An investigation of t h i s problem was launched. No other difficulties were experienced i n the safety system. One of the single-point level probes in fuel drain tank 1 failed. T h e failure was found to be a n open lead wire i n s i d e the cell. T h e probe was restored to s e r v i c e by a c r o s s connection outside the cell t o the equivalent lead to the other probe. T h e No. 2 fission chamber was replaced. A review of the history of t h e chambers used i n the wide-range counting channel indicates a n average lifetime i n the neighborhood of about three months. T h i s pres e n t s very little operational difficulty, s i n c e the wide-range counting channel is not utilized during power operation, and, with the staggered failures which we have experienced, t h e installed s p a r e is u s a b l e for any lower power or startup operation when a s i n g l e channel fails.


Further additions and modifications were made to the instrumentation and controls systems as experience revealed the need or desirability of more information for the operators, improved performance, or increased protection. During the report period there were 75 design change requests directly involving instruments or controls. Eleven of t h e s e required

only changes i n process switch operating points, 48 resulted in changes i n instruments or controls, and 5 were canceled. All t h e s e changes were made i n three a r e a s ; the more important ones a r e described below. Fuel Transfer System. - T h e design of instrumentation and controls for a s a l t filter i n transfer line 110 between the fuel storage tank and the fuel drain tanks was completed. Fuel Frocessing System. - T h e instruments and controls for t h e fuel processing system were revised as a result of piping and equipment modifications. Temperature, pressure, and process radiation measuring instruments were provided for the new c a u s t i c scrubber fume filter, the soda-lime trap, and t h e deep-bed charcoal trap. Two temperature recorders were provided t o receive s i g n a l s from additional thermocouples. To a s s u r e the delivery of fluorine g a s a t a cons t a n t pressure and to improve t h e control of flow into t h e fuel storage tank for a wider range of process conditions, a new control system f o r t h e fluorine g a s supply w a s designed and installed. A safety shutoff valve w a s provided to close automatically if flow from the fluorine supply trailer became excessive. Contact microphones were attached to the exterior walls of t h e fuel storage tank and t h e c a u s t i c scrubber to transmit the process sounds i n s i d e t h e two v e s s e l s . Two fission chambers, one near t h e fuel storage tank and the other near t h e c a u s t i c scrubber, were installed t o provide a warning if uranium collected in the c a u s t i c scrubber and caused signific a n t neutron multiplication in the caustic.

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968: ORNL-4254, p. 31.





F. H. Clark

Because of the differences in the dynamics of the MSRE with 2 3 3 U fuel, the capability of the existing rod servo controller w a s questioned. A test of the actual control system under simulated 3U loading conditions w a s reported previously. T h e capability

of the control system was a l s o investigated by a n analog computer simulation of the MSRE. T h e s i m ulated controller w a s made very realistic by incorporating time responses to rod actuation s i g n a l s that were measured experimentally in the MSRE system. T h e simulated 233U-fueled MSRE with the simulated controller was subjected to various perturbations. T h e controlled plant behaved i n a n acceptable manner at all power levels.

*a, 'b

21bid., p. 32.


4. MSRE Reactor Analysis B. E. Prince


measurements of the delayed neutron emission spectra have been made, sufficient uncertainties yet e x i s t in the d a t a to s u g g e s t that detailed calculations to take into account the s h a p e of the .-. delayed neutron energy s p e c t r a are not always warranted. For thermal reactors in particular, o n e may obtain an adequate estimate of the corrections arising from these differences i n energy spectra by assuming that all delayed neutrons are emitted with a single average energy, independent of the precursor group. According to d a t a taken from ref. 1, this average energy is approximately 0.43 M e V . Then yi = j i c a n b e computed from t h e approximate formula

B. E. P r i n c e



Theoretical a n a l y s i s of neutron dynamics measurements, particularly those designed to help infer magnitudes of reactivity effects, depends on the proper interpretation of t h e delayed neutron behavior in the reactor. As a result of the efforts of many workers, well-developed theoretical and experimental foundations e x i s t for the analysis of the most common reactor kinetics measurements. T h e usual practical effort involved i n analysis of any particular reactor is that of bridging the theoretical foundations and the experimental d a t a with adequate numerical approximations. An important characteristic of delayed neutrons that must be taken i n t o account in interpreting kinetics experiments is their energies of emission, which are lower than those of the prompt neutrons from fission. In a thermal reactor, s u c h a s the MSRE, the n e t result of this difference in emission ctra is that the delayed neutrons h a v e ood of leakage to the surroundings than the prompt neutrons, s o that their contribution to nc is n , to define a “delayed neutron effectiveness” tor yi by which the delay fraction pi for the ith ecursor group must b e multiplied to obtain their contribution, relative t o t h e prompt neutrons, promoting the chain reaction. Chapter 6 of ref. 1 contains a n exten cussion of t h e problem of calculating the delayed neutron effectiveness factors. Although several

in which B2 is the geometric buckling corresponding to the “nuclear” size of the core and % and T~ a r e the values of the average a g e to thermal energy for prompt fission neutrons and for delayed neutrons respectively. T h e foregoing procedure is strictly applicable to reactors with fixed fuel. In application to t h e MSRE, additional complications a r i s e from the motion of the precursors due to fuel circulation. The applications to t h e MSRE considered here are confined to measurements made with no circulation of t h e fuel. With qualifications depending on the accuracy required, t h e energy corrections calculated from the above formula may a l s o b e applied when the fuel is circulating. W e recently performed calculations of the energyeffectiveness corrections for p in the MSRE:, b a s e d

*B.E. Prince, Period Measurements on the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment During Fuel Circulation: Theory and Experiment, ORNL-TM-1626 (October 1966).

‘ G . R . Keepin, Physics of Nuclear Kinetics, AddisonWesley, Reading, Mass., 1965.



46 on the simple recipe described above. The a g e to the thermal cutoff energy (0.876 e v in MSRE studies) w a s obtained by u s e of the GAM-2 program. For a salt-graphite composition equal to that of the channeled region of the core and a temperature of 1200째F, the a g e calculated for the prompt fission neutrons w a s 251.9 c m 2 . When calculated for both the 235U fissile loading of the preceding MSRE runs and the new loading of 233U, these results were found to b e very nearly independent of t h e fissile composition. Based on a geometric buckling corresponding to a cylinder 29 x 78 in. (R x H), the value of y c a l c u l a t e d from Eq. (1)w a s 1.086. T h i s implies, for example, that the total effective delayed neutron fraction for u s e in experimental measurements of reactivity effects fgr 2 3 5 Uis 0.71%, compared with the absolute delay fraction of 0.65%. The magnitude of this energy-effectiveness correction is higher than the correction obtained in earlier studies4 by a factor of 1.05. T h i s difference is not surprising, however, in view of the n e c e s s i t y in the earlier studies of u s i n g a less sophisticated computation of the difference in the average age of prompt and delayed neutrons. T h e upward revision of our calculated value of 7 has some interesting implications regarding the interpretation of reactivity measurements made with the 235U fuel loading. Since the magnitudes of reactivity inferred from these experiments are relative to the effective delayed neutron fraction, this would imply that all reactivity effects should be larger by a factor of approximately 1.05 than the values based on the earlier calculations of the energy correction. In the results reported in ref. 5, this would have the effect of increasing the difference between the experimental and calculated worths of the MSRE control rods but would tend to bring the measured isothermal temperature and 2 3 5U concentration coefficients of reactivity into better agreement with the calculated values. The direction of these changes is in accord with

3 G . D. Joanou and J . S . Dudek, GAM-II


B, Code

for the Calculation o f Fast-Neutron Spectra and A s s o ciated Multigroup Constants, G A 4 2 6 5 (September 1963). 4P. N. Haubenreich, Predictions o f E f f e c t i v e Y i e l d s o f Delayed Neutrons in the MSRE, ORNL-TM-380 (October 1962). 5B. E. Prince et al., Zero-Power P h y s i c s Experiments on the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, ORNL4233 (February 1968).

what one might expect from an intuitive standpoint because, of the various reactivity effects, the accurate numerical computation of t h e rod worth presents the most difficulty.




P. J. Wood

T h e MSRE with 2 3 3 U fuel will have a lower fraction of delayed neutrons, a larger negative temperature coefficient of reactivity, and a longer prompt neutron lifetime than when fueled with 235U.6 E a c h of t h e s e factors affects the dynamic behavior of the reactor. B e c a u s e of these differe n c e s i n important system parameters, an analysis was performed for the 233U-fueled MSRE to predict both the reactor t i m e response and the frequency response to reactivity perturbations, and also to establish the linear stability of the system as described by the theoretical model. The mathematical model used to d e s c r i b e t h e system was essentially t h e same linearized model used successfully by Kerlin and Ball7 to predict the dynamic behavior of the MSRE with 2 3 5 Ufuel. W e did alter t h e model slightly to account for more mixing of the fuel s a l t during circulation. T h e experimental results8 of the earlier testing p r e grams showed the desirability of this change.

4.2.1 Time Response T h e system t i m e response w a s calculated by the MATEXP computer code u s i n g the coefficients of the model equations as well a s the nonlinear terms of the neutron kinetics equations as input. The calculated power response to a s t e p change

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, P. 62. 'S. J . Ball and T . W. Kerlin, Stability A n a l y s i s o f the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, O R N L - T M - ~ O ~ O (December 1965). 8T. W. Kerlin and S . J. Ball, Experimental Dynamic Analysis of the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, ORNL-TM-1647, p p . 43-44. 'S. J . Ball and R. K. Adams, c8MATEXP,'' a General Purpose Digital Computer Program for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations by the Matrix Exponential Method, ORNL-TM-1933 (August 1967).





ORNL-DWG 68,-40077R

1 .2

1.0 F



0.6 0.4


0.2 0

-0.2 0.8 0.6


0.2 0

a 3



Predicted Power Response with

Power L e v e l s .


F u e l to a Step R e a c t i v i t y Input of

0.02% 6 k / k a t Various I n i t i a l

in reactivity (0.02% 6k/k) is shown in Fig. 4.1 at various initial power levels. The response becomes less oscillatory and the damping coefficient i n c r e a s e s as t h e power level is increased. At the higher power l e v e l s the power rises sharply after a s t e p increase in reactivity, but the temperature effects i n the core promptly counterbalance the reactivity input, and the power dec r e a s e s toward i t s initial level. However, before returning t o its initial level, the power levels out on a transient plateau. It s t a y s a t t h i s l e v e l until -17 sec after the reactivity perturbation; then it again begins to decrease. T h e power plateau is observed because a quasi steady s t a t e exists i n the core region. T h e i n l e t temperature is t h e same as i t was before the perturbation, and the core nuclear average temperature h a s increased enough t o compensate for the reactivity change. After -17 sec (the transient time of t h e external loop) the return of higher-temperature salt inc r e a s e s the inlet temperature and introduces negative reactivity through the negative temperature coefficient. After sufficient time the reactor returns to the initial power level, a t which t i m e the n e t increase in nuclear average temperature compensates for t h e s t e p reactivity input.

4.2.2 Frequency- Response Calculations T h e frequency response of a system is a good indicator of t h e dynamic response and stability of the system. Unlike many of t h e pure stability criteria, the frequency response may b e directly verified by performing experiments on the system. In the calculations for the MSRE the pure stability criteria a r e applied to t h e same model which is used to calculate the frequency response. Experimental determination of t h e frequency response (planned as part of the testing program for 233U operation) l o will help to e s t a b l i s h t h e degree of confidence that can b e placed in the model and hence in the stability calculations. Excellent agreement w a s obtained between t h e calculated and experimentally determined frequency response for the 235U fuel loading, and we have no reason to expect anything other than good agreement for the 2 3 3 U fuel loading.

'OJ. R. Engel, MSRE Design and Operations Report, Part XI-A, T e s t Program for 2 3 3 U Operation, ORNLTM-2304 (September 1968).

Curves showing t h e calculated power-to3U-fueled reactivity frequency response for the MSRE are shown i n Fig. 4.2. Since a high peak implies more oscillatory response, Fig. 4.2 s h o w s that t h e system will be less oscillatory at higher power levels. T h e dip i n the amplitude ratio curves a t -0.25 r a d i a d s e c corresponds to t h e fuel transit t i m e of -25 sec. Since the amplitude ratio was relatively low at this frequency with t h e 235U fuel, t h e dip w a s not as distinct. However, the amplitude ratio with the 2 3 3 U fuel remains high to >1 radian/sec; so t h e dip is emphasized. Power and reactivity are the two parameters most often compared in reactor frequency-response calculations. However, t h e frequency response of any two system parameters may b e calculated, relative to e a c h other, s o long a s the parameter appears in t h e system equations. Of most practic a l interest a r e t h e frequency-response calculations involving measurable quantities. T h e frequency response of the reactor outlet temperature relative to power is shown in Fig. 4.3. T h e assumed temperature-sensing device is a thermocouple located on t h e o u t s i d e of a pipe. In order to calculate a frequency response which is representative of quantities which may be measured i n the t e s t i n g program, additional equations were added to the model to represent t h e response of the thermocouple to a change i n temperature a t the i n s i d e of the pipe. Figure 4.3 a l s o shows the response of the thermocouple-measured outlet temperature relative to power. T h e effect of assuming more salt mixing in the circulation loop is a l s o shown.

4.2.3 Stability Analysis A necessary and sufficient condition for linear asymptotic stability is that all the eigenvalues of the s e t of system equations have negative real parts. In the determination of linear asymptotic stability, the previously mentioned linearized model was used, except that a P a d 6 approximation replaced t h e pure t i m e delays i n representing salt flow around t h e external loop. Several of t h e dominant eigenvalues (those c l o s e s t to the imaginary a x i s ) are shown in Table 4.1. A s expected, a t all power levels where temperature effects a r e significant, the eigenvalues have negative real parts which increase in absolute value as t h e power level increases. When all temperature

c k


ORNL-DWG 68-10081R2

FREQUENCY (rodians/sec)




A ’













FREQUENCY (radians/sec)


* 2


P r e d i c t e d Power-to-Reacti

y Response w i t h 233U F u e l a t Various Power L e v e l s .






- 20 - 40 -60 -80 W



I -400 LL

-420 -140



-180 40-~



FREQUENCY (radians/sec)


t b.


4.3 Predicted Frequency R e s p o n s e o f Reactor Outlet Temperature R e l a t i v e t o Reactor Power.

51 Table


Dominant Eigenvalues of the System Equotions for the

MSRE w i t h 233U F u e l

Eigenvalue for Power L e v e l of




0.1 Mw



-0.889 X


-0.519 x


k0.555 x




-0.529 x

-0.547 x




-0.548 x

-0.551 x

-0.551 x




-0.564 x

-0.564 x



Real Imaginary Real

-0.559 x




lo-’ lov4

effects were neglected (zero power), both the real and imaginary parts of the dominant eigenvalue were zero. An eigenvalue at the origin is typical of a zero-power reactor. Whereas t h e real parts of t h e eigenvalues determine the absolute stability, the damping ratio gives a better indication of relative stability. The damping ratio, 6,is related to the angle, p, which a vector from the origin to the dominant eigenvalue makes with the imaginary axis, through the relation tan



real part’which also had a nonzero imaginary - - com-



co; a

8.0 Mw




1.0 Mw


the fifth significant digit. we were able to change - the 1 part of the eigenvalue to a small positive value. e absolute accuracy of t h e s e coefficients is probably no more than four significant digits. T h e fact that t h e calculated number is not identically zero only shows that absolute precision w a s not maintained i n t h e calculations. Furthermore, while stability is defined very precisely from a mathematical standpoint, the actual response characteristic of a power reactor system with a dominant eigenvalue a t -10-6 would be indistinguishable from that of a system with one a t +10-6.



-0.520 x 0.0

-0.547 x 10-2




L e v e l i n the


Rotio a s a Function of Power MSRE with 2 3 3 U F u e l

Power, Mw










ponent. Since there a r e a number of eigenvalues which have about the same amplitude, this damping ratio alone cannot b e u s e d to determine system response, but it d o e s serve as a relative indicator of oscillatory behavior. From the values we must again conclude that t h e system is highly wer l e v e l s and that it becomes and more sluggish at lower powers. T h e Mikhailov s t a b i l i t chnique h a s recently been modified by Wright Kerlin s o that equations containing pure time-delay terms can be handled. T h e modifications a l s o included alization, s o that the Mikhailov criterion is now valuable in stability analysis. In this analysis the system equations are Laplace transformed and then manipulated following the rules of matrix algebra to give a vector which may be plotted as a function of


12W. C. Wright and T. W. Kerlin, An Efficient, Computer-Oriented Method for Stability Analysis of Large Multivariable Systems, NEUT-2806-3 (July 1968).











& z 6 0.4 a




52 a







-0.2 -0.6







F i g . 4.5 Modified Mikhailov Plot for MSRE with





0.2 0.4 REAL AXIS







-4.5 REAL AXIS ( ~ 1 6 ~ 1 -6

4.4 Modified Mikhailov P l o t for MSRE with 233U Fuel a t 8 Mw. Fig.

Fuel a t 0.1 Mw.

frequency. If the tip of t h e vector makes any net encirclements of the origin as the frequency is varied from -a to +a,the system is unstable. T h e vector motion is symmetric with respect to the frequency variable, s o only the points corresponding to frequencies between 0 and + a n e e d b e plotted. P l o t s for t h e MSRE at 8 and 0.1 Mw are shown in F i g s . 4.4 and 4.5. In none of the plots are there net encirclements of the origin; s o at t h e s e power levels, system stability is again demonstrated. Similar a n a l y s e s at other power levels showed t h e system to be absolutely s t a b l e except at zero power, where t h e line p a s s e s through the origin.I3 T h i s is in agreement with the eigenvalue calculation at zero power and is characteristic of zero-power reactors. In summary, it h a s been shown by several techniques that the MSRE will b e stable at all power



(a)C o m p l e t e plot.

( b ) Near origin.

levels and that the degree of stability i n c r e a s e s with the power level. T h e initial response of the power to a reactivity perturbation will be faster for the 2 3 3 U fuel loading than it w a s with the 2 3 5 U fuel; however, the damping coefficient is a l s o larger, s o the power level will return to its initial state faster.

1 3 A s in the eigenvalue calculation, the accuracy of the calculation prevented obtaining a solution exactly equal to zero. The calculated line actually crossed the real a x i s at +8.2 x 10-8. From a practical standpoint, this must be recognized a s zero.


# L

Part 2.

MSBR Design and Development 5. Design E. S. Bettis

Other significant changes were.made i n the reactor and heat exchanger equipment, t h e flows h e e t s , and plant layouts. T h e majority of t h e s e revisions were brought about by refinements in the nuclear physics calculations, in the physical properties of the fuel and coolant s a l t s , and in estimates of the afterheat and s t r e s s problems. Some general d a t a for t h e reference design a r e listed in Table 5.1.

5.1 GENERAL E. S. B e t t i s

R. C. Robertson

W e have continued the design s t u d i e s of the single-fluid molten-salt breeder reactor described in our l a s t semiannual progress report. Several significant changes were made in t h e design described there. One notable difference is t h e reduction in the capacity of the MSBR reference design plant from 2000 Mw (electrical) to 1000 Mw (electrical). Although t h e single-fluid MSBR concept is well suited for larger sizes of reactors, and many of the performance factors and the power production c o s t s would be more favorable in larger units, we decided that the evaluation of the reference plant should b e on the same b a s i s as the majority of other current power reactor studies. Another important modification of t h e design w a s lace graphite by removing t h e

a gb

5.2 PLANT LAYOUT E. S. Bettis

H. M. Poly

H. L. Waits

T h e overall concept for t h e MSBR plant is much the same as was previously reported,’ but we have made significant changes i n a few particular areas. As shown in Fig. 5.1, the reactor cell contains the reactor vessel, four primary pumps, and four primary heat exchangers. T h e steam cells house t h e four secondary pumps, t h e steam generators, and t h e steam reheaters.2 Other cells provide for reactor auxiliary systems, for fuel processing systems, for storage of a spent reactor core and a primary heat exchanger tube bundle removed from service, and

been assumed in all the previous concepts for the single-fluid MSBR. T h i s required changes in the high-bay containment arrangement, a s will be explained subsequently.

2 W e have substituted “primary” for “fuel salt” and s‘secondary” for “coolant salt” in the designation of MSBR reactor plant equipment.

‘M. W. Rosenthal e t a l . , MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254 ( A u g u s t 1968).










3 a L




s + v)


-0 L





0 c






0 .c

-0 w

$ .-tj, L

56 Table


General D e s i g n Data for 1000-Mw



Power Station

Net electrical output, Mw (electrical)


Reactor thermal power, Mw (thermal)


Auxiliary power required, Mw (electrical)


Net plant heat rate, Btu/kwhr


Net plant thermal efficiency, %


Primary (fuel) s a l t temperature range,


Secondary (coolant) s a l t temperature range,

1050-1300 850-1 150


Average reactor power density, kw/liter


Maximum reactor core power density,


kw/liter Breeding ratio


Power doubling time, years


Fissile inventory requirement, k g


Estimated life of graphite in core, y e a r s


Maximum pressure i n primary system, p s i


Rated capacity of each of four primary


pumps, gpm Rated capacity of each of four secondary


pumps, gpm

g a s e s and helps t o avoid spread of contamination during maintenance operations. T h i s change w a s dictated by our decision to remove t h e reactor core as a unit rather than by taking a few graphite elements at a time. We have changed the method of supporting the equipment in t h e reactor cell; it will now hang from t h e overhead structure rather than resting on p e d e s t a l s on t h e cell floor. T h e supports a r e shown in Fig. 5.2. T h e reactor v e s s e l closure s e a l is now in a lower-temperature, less radioactive environment. E a c h primary heat exchanger is hung from a pivot point near t h e center of the shell. T h i s permits the s h e l l to rotate slightly to accommodate t h e differential thermal expansion in the inlet and outlet primary salt lines. T h e primary heat exchangers move outward toward the cell wall under thermal expansion, and clearance for this movement h a s been provided in the shield plugs. T h e primary-salt piping w a s analyzed for s t r e s s e s , and all values w e r e found to be within t h e acceptable limits. We removed t h e expansion bellows previously shown in the secondary-salt lines for the 2000-Mw (electrical) plant. In a 1000-Mw (electrical) MSBR station t h e s e l i n e s a r e s m a l l enough for expansion loops t o provide t h e necessary flexibility.

5.3 FLOWSHE ET J. R. McWherter for work s p a c e to dismantle t h e s e radioactive items of equipment. T h e dimensions of the cells a r e shown in F i g s . 5.1 and 5.2. All the cells except t h e primary and secondary drain tank cells a r e above grade. Double containment is provided for all the cells which normally contain radioactive materials. T h e reactor cell h a s thermal shielding a t the cell wall to prevent overheating of the concrete biological shielding by incident radiation. T h e reinforced concrete structure at t h e top of the reactor cell w a s analyzed for s t r e s s e s , and t h e maximum deflection of the 63ft-diam s l a b was found to b e acceptable under t h e fully loaded conditions. A b a s i c change in the layout is that the high-bay area over the reactor cell, storage c e l l s , and core assembly and disassembly s p a c e is a separate containment area within the reactor plant confinement building. T h i s provides a n additional barrier to the e s c a p e of airborne radioactive particles and

H. M. Poly

Dunlap Scott

A new flowsheet was drawn and is shown in Fig. 5 . 3 . For simplicity, only one of the four primary circulating loops and one of the secondary circulating loops have been shown on the flowsheet. In general, only one item of equipment i n multiple installations is included. Most of the mass flow rates shown on the flows h e e t are about one-half those shown in previous reports for a 2000-Mw (electrical) MSBR plant. Some of the changes in t h e quantities shown are due t o revisions in t h e salt physical property data. The properties now in u s e in the MSBR design s t u d i e s are given in T a b l e 5.2. Some of t h e auxiliary systems not shown on previous flowsheets have a l s o been included. A flow of secondary s a l t is no longer bypassed around t h e steam generators a s i t w a s in previous concepts. T h i s change, which significantly reduces t h e secondary-salt flow requirements, was




8 11






58 T a b l e 5.2.

Summary of Properties of Primary a n d Secondary Salts U s e d i n Design Study of

Primary Salt


Secondary Salt

Composition, mole %

LiF-BeFZ-ThF4-TJF4 (71.7-1 6-1 2-0.3)

NaBF4-NaF (92-8)

Density, lb/ft3

204.9 a t 1300°F

113.4 a t 1150°F

210.7 a t 1050°F

120.6 a t 850°F

16.4 a t 1300°F

6.1 a t 800-900°F

Viscosity, Ib ft-'


34.18 a t 1050°F Heat capacity, Btu Ib-'




Thermal conductivity, Btu hr-' (OF)-' ft-'



Melting point,


About 700°F


made on the b a s i s of new physical property data for the salts and on revised calculations which indicate that t h e secondary s a l t c a n b e returned to the primary heat exchangers at as low a temperature as 850°F without danger of freezing the primary s a l t , even though the latter h a s a liquidus temperature of about 930OF. T h i s assumption is supported by t h e estimate of t h e f i l m temperature drops and the tube wall resistance to heat transfer. T h e full-flow g a s separator shown i n the primarys a l t line on previous flowsheets h a s been eliminated. We now p a s s only about 10% of the salt flow through a g a s separator. The stripped g a s e s and entrained s a l t are then p a s s e d through a n entrainment separator, the collected s a l t being returned to the pump bowl. T h e purge g a s from the pump bowl is a l s o freed of salt in t h i s same entrainment separator. T h e off-gas from t h e entrainment separator is very radioactive, and from evidence obtained i n t h e MSRE, it c a n b e expected to contain particles of noble metals in suspension. A holdup tank is provided in t h e off-gas line t o cool the gas and to extract the metal and other decay product particulates. A fluid, possibly liquid bismuth, is sprayed into the holdup tank in direct contact with t h e off-gas. T h i s fluid is circulated in a closed loop consisting of the holdup tank, pump, heat exchanger, and chemical processing system for cleanup. T h e heat transport medium circulated through the exchanger is coolant salt taken from the natural convection coolant-salt s y s t e m used to remove heat from the primary-salt drain tanks.


F. Bauman S. Bettis Blumberg W. Collins K. Furlong

E. C. H i s e H. A. McLain J. R. McWherter H. M. P o l y H. L. Watts

T h e b a s i c design of the reactor for a single-fluid MSBR is for the fuel s a l t to move upward in singlep a s s flow through graphite moderator prisms, or elements, mounted vertically in a Hastelloy N tank. Although simple in concept, much of the MSBR design study effort h a s b e e n s p e n t in investigating the many possible arrangements t o approach a n optimum configuration. There have been numerous refinements to t h e design concept a s more information became available on graphite behavior, salt properties, nuclear performance, and on heat transfer and s t r e s s conditions.

We no longer u s e a permanently installed metal grid for locating t h e moderator prisms within t h e core. It was possible to eliminate t h e grid when we decided to remove and replace t h e c o r e graphite as a unit rather than by individual or small groups of elements. A core "basket" is now used to retain t h e graphite. T h e b a s k e t c a n b e preassembled by direct approach, and a j i g would a s s u r e correct alignment of the prisms. When the peripheral region of t h e c o r e is filled with t h e graphite spheres, a s will be d i s c u s s e d subsequently, t h e core graphite will be held in position and t h e assembly j i g c a n be removed. T h e b a s k e t is installed inside the re-



1 %


& V’


actor v e s s e l as a unit assembly. When it becomes necessary to replace t h e graphite the basket c a n be lifted from the reactor along with the top head of the vessel. T h e graphite rests on t h e bottom of the core retainer basket when the reactor is drained of salt and bears against the top head when t h e v e s s e l is filled. T h e prisms a r e tapered a t the top, which, together with a molded extension, provides a flow p a s s a g e a c r o s s t h e top of the graphite for the leaving fuel salt. T h i s arrangement gives a high fuel-to-graphite ratio region a t the top of the reactor to a c t as a n undermoderated “blanket.” T h e molded extension a l s o allows for orificing the center holes in the elements and in the interstices t o approach a uniform temperature rise of the fuel s a l t over t h e entire cross-sectional flow area of t h e core. Reactor performance w a s of course improved by elimination of the metallic grid work which acted as a nuclear poison. P h y s i c s calculations to optimize t h e nuclear performance and t o determine t h e s a l t fractions and exact s h a p e of t h e s a l t flow p a s s a g e s a r e not y e t complete. Figure 5.4, however, indicates the general cross-sectional s h a p e of the elements. They are about 4 in. s q u a r e with projections on each face and a central hole about 0.6 in. in diameter to form the salt flow channels. T h e flow channels between the elements are about 0.4 in. wide, and all the flow p a s s a g e s have equal hydraulic diameters. When assembled in a s q u a r e array t h e 1248 prisms form an octagonal matrix, as shown in Fig. 5.5. With this particular configuration, about 16% of the core volume will b e salt, but the dimensions c a n b e adjusted to provide t h e salt fraction specified from t h e p h y s i c s analysis. T h e a b s e n c e of sharp corners on t h e elements will facilitate fabrication by extrusion, and t h e flat surface at t h e points of contact of a rib with a n adjacent element will permit relative movement without damage. a l y s e s indicate that t h e pressure drop of t h e salt in flowing through the moderator is about 34 p s i along t h e a x i a l center line of the reactor core. T h i s estimate is b a s e d on a 92-w/cc maximum core power density and a 250°F temperature r i s e of t h e salt in p a s s i n g through t h e core and djusted to conform to t h e final deother radial locations in t h e core the flow r a t e s are necessarily less i n order to produce t h e desired 250°F rise. A s mentioned previously, the additional pressure drop needed at t h e s e locations t o produce a total Ap of 3 4 p s i

is obtained by t h e u s e of orifices at t h e top of the graphite moderator elements. T h e total static pressure a t the top of t h e core, including t h e g a s overpressure, is about 55 psi. T h e peripheral s p a c e between the octagonalshaped core and t h e cylindrical walls of the basket is filled with graphite s p h e r e s about 4 in. in diameter, as shown in Fig. 5.6. T h e s e b a l l s s e r v e a dual purpose. T h e fuel-to-graphite ratio is higher in t h i s volume, and, by being undermoderated, there is much lower fission rate and t h e leakage of neutrons from t h e c o r e is substantially reduced. Secondly, the b a l l s are buoyant in t h e salt and exert a radial pressure tending to keep the core elements compacted. A hold-down p l a t e is provided at the top of t h e c o r e to keep the b a l l s in place and t o introduce a high resistance to s a l t flow through t h e ball region. T h e bulk of the salt entering t h i s s p a c e will move radially inward into the a c t i v e core region in i t s transit through t h e reactor. T h e flow in the blanket region is estimated to be only about 10% of t h e total salt m a s s flow rate. T h e new arrangement provides for removal of the core as a unit assembly rather than by withdrawal of a few graphite elements at a time. We plan t o u s e a s p a r e top head assembly and a core basket for t h e replacement operation. T h e s p e n t core would first b e drawn up into a transport c a s k , moved laterally, and lowered into the spent core cell for decay and disposal. T h e top head assembly would b e decontaminated from all but induced activity and reused i n a future graphite replacement operation. T h e s p a r e head and t h e core, which had been previously assembled by direct approach under shop conditions, would b e standing by, and the substitution could be made relatively quickly. T h i s maintenance arrangement is believed to require less capital investment and downtime. T h e core basket is a complete assembly containing the c o r e elements, t h e blanket spheres, and t h e reflector graphite. T h e dished bottom of the basket is about 2 in. thick and h a s a central inlet opening for t h e salt. A flat p l a t e is located about 1 0 in. above t h e opening to support the central graphite when t h e v e s s e l is empty. T h e cylindrical s h e l l of the b a s k e t h a s a %-in. clearance between i t and the v e s s e l wall to allow an upward flow of fuel salt for v e s s e l cooling. Eight 2-in.-OD Hastelloy N lifting rods extend to the bottom of the basket to carry t h e weight when i t is lifted. Radiation damage to t h e b a s k e t material is of less



60 ORNL- DWG 68- 11978


3 937 MAX




13 f t -0 in. AVERAGE LENGTH



Fig. 5.4.


R e a c t o r Moderator E l e m e n t .





ORNL-DWG 68-if977

19 f t 8 i n . OD








62 # ORNL-DWG 68-lf980





33 f 0 in.



)in. E



(900 4 in. x 4 in.)


13 f t 6 in.




E l e v a t i o n of Single-Fluid Reactor for


Mw ( E l e c t r i c a l )

MSBR Power Station.

c L

63 concern than damage to t h e reactor v e s s e l wall, s i n c e the basket would b e replaced along with the graphite. T h e reactor tank is a Hastelloy N vessel about 18 ft i n diameter and 16 f t high at t h e center l i n e of the two dished heads. T h e wall thickness is about 2 in., and t h e lower head is 3 in. thick. T h e top dished head is 2 in. thick, but a l s o h a s a 2in.-thick thermal shield on the inside to the lower neutron fluence to ensure that radiation damage in this high-temperature region will be within allowable l i m i t s . A s s e e n in Fig. 5.6, the top head is attached through a forging to a 9-ft-high cylindrical extension which carries a flange at the top to mate with t h e upper flange on t h e extended wall of the reactor v e s s e l . T h i s arrangement allows the vessel closure to b e more a c c e s s i b l e and i n a zone that h a s lower temperature and less radioactivity. T h e flanges have double metal gaskets to effect a gastight seal and to provide a s p a c e for leak detection. T h e s e g a s k e t s would b e replaced e a c h t i m e a new reactor core is installed. T h e upper flanges rest on t h e structure near t h e top of the cell and support the entire reactor v e s s e l assembly. Preliminary calculations indicate that the s t r e s s e s in the reactor v e s s e l h e a d s and walls a r e within the allowable l i m i t s . W e have also investigated the effect of t h e neutron fluence on the design life of the plant. While it appears that t h e conditions are acceptable, i f further refinements show that modifications are necessary, thermal s h i e l d s c a n b e used to bring t h e d o s e s t o within tolerable levels. We are presently showing a thermal shield for t h e top head, s i n c e t h i s is t h e highest temperature region in the reactor. T h e bottom of the basket acts as a thermal shield for the bottom head.

ORNL-DWG 68-11982

12ft Oin. GRAPHITE



in Fig. 5.7. Graphite cylinders about 334 in. in diameter are driven down into the s a l t by a rack and chain mechanism to increase the reactivity of the core. Flow p a s s a g e s in the rod permit upward

Fig. 5.7.


E l e v a t i o n of




Drive As-

64 flow of s a l t for cooling. T h e rods and drives a r e enclosed in a housing to provide the necessary double containment.


H. L. Watts

, single-pass, counterflow which transfer heat from the primary s a l t to the secondary s a l t . An elevation of a primary h e a t exchanger is shown in Fig. 5.8, and the principal data are l i s t e d in Table 5.3. Table


Primary H e a t Exchanger Design D a t a

Number of units


Heat transferred in each unit, Mw


ry salt,

l o 7 lb/hr


Mass f l o w rate secondary salt, lo7 Ib/hr


Primary s a l t temperature in,



Primary s a l t temperature out,



Secondary s a l t temperature in,


Secondary s a l t temperature out,


850 1150

Tube diameter, in. OD


Tube wall thickness, in.


Tube pitch, in.


Shell s i d e Ap, p s i


Tube s i d e Ap, p s i


Shell radius, f t


Baffle spacing, ft


Number of tubes per unit


Length of tubes, f t


Salt volume i n tubes (only), ft3


Approximate average salt velocity in tubes,


fPS Approximate average s a l t velocity i n shell,


fPs Overall coefficient of heat transfer, a Btu hr-* ft-' ( O F ) - '


aAn enhancement factor of 2.0 is assumed for inside the tubes and 1.3 outside the tubes through u s e of knurled tubing. Salt properties are those listed in Table 5.1.

Primary salt circulates in single-pass flow inside the t u b e s from top to bottom of the exchanger. There are about 5700 tubes, '4 in. OD x 0.035 in. wall thickness, approximately 20 ft long, in e a c h of t h e four exchangers. T h e secondary salt flows on the shell s i d e from bottom to top through disk and doughnut baffles. In order t o minimize t h e fuel s a l t volume in t h e exchangers we propose to u s e a s p e c i a l tubing. T h e tubes a r e knurled t o produce shallow, spiraled convolutions along the length. T h i s treatment h a s been found in t e s t s with water t o b e effective in increasing t h e overall heat transfer coefficient, although at t h e expense of a n increased pressure drop. We completed a n optimization code for calculating the performance of t h e h e a t exchangers. Full utilization of the code awaited reliable physical property data for t h e salts, but recently available values will make it p o s s i b l e to optimize the heat exchanger design. T h e heat exchanger data listed in Table 5.3 are based on the new salt properties given in T a b l e 5.1 and are the initial result of u s e of t h e new code. Further refinements and revisions will probably b e required when the vibration and s t r e s s s t u d i e s are complete, and some of the numbers may need adjustment. T h e tubing for the primary exchangers would b e fabricated and installed under strict quality control conditions, and p a s t experience indicates that a high degree of reliability could be achieved. T o take c a r e of t h e possibility of tube failure, however, after studying the maintenance a s p e c t s , we decided to design on the b a s i s of removal of a n entire t u b e bundle rather than to attempt to repair individual tubes in the highly radioactive environment. T h e h e a t exchanger s h e l l s and connecting piping would b e permanently installed, although t h e s e could b e replaced by nonroutine remote maintenance techniques in the unlikely event that this need arose. A heat exchanger tube bundle c o n s i s t s of tubes running vertically between t h e upper and lower tube sheets. A s shown in Fig. 5.8, the top s h e e t h a s a hole in the center through which t h e secondary s a l t downcomer p a s s e s . A flanged joint at one end of t h i s central pipe and a s l i p joint a t the other permit removal of t h e bundle. T h e tube bundle is clamped onto a ring a t the top of the s h e l l in order to r e s i s t t h e hydraulic forces due to s a l t flow. A seal weld is made around the clamped joint to ensure separation of t h e primary and secondary salt circuits. When removing a tube



ORNL-DWG 68-11981




2 0 f t Oin.






i Fig.


E l e v a t i o n of


Primary H e a t Exchanger.

66 bundle it would b e necessary to grind open this weld. T h e remotely operated equipment to open the weld and to reweld the joint after a new bundle h a s been installed is under study.

5.6 PRIMARY DRAIN SYSTEM H. A. McLain J. R. McWherter

Dunlap Scott W. K. Furlong

One drain tank, about 13 ft in diameter x 20 ft high, provides storage volume for the approximately 1500 ft3 of s a l t in t h e primary circulating system. T h e general features of the tank are much a s described in a previous report,' although the dimens i o n s and heat transfer area require revisions bec a u s e the plant design capacity is now 1000 Mw (electrical). T h e s e changes a r e in progress. T h e natural-convection cooling system for the drain tank was a l s o described previously. T h i s system utilizes thimbles in the drain tank to transfer t h e afterheat in the primary salt to a sodium fluoroborate coolant s a l t which is circulated by natural convection to cooling coils located in the b a s e of a natural draft s t a c k . There the heat i s transferred to t h e ambient air. A s y s tem of dampers and heaters would prevent the drain tank coolant s a l t from freezing when it is not required to transport the heat. Again, t h e features of t h e system remain essentially unchanged but revisions are needed. A very preliminary analysis of the heat transfer coefficient between the primary salt in t h e tank and the circulating coolant s a l t in the thimbles indicates t h a t i t is in the order of 50 Btu hr-' ft-* (OF)-' rather than the higher value previously reported. We studied the drain system piping during the p a s t report period and decided to locate the drain valve in the drain line i n s i d e the reactor cell. With this layout any break in the valve or in the piping would make u s e of the catch pan and direct the spilled primary salt to the drain tank. T h e arrangement of t h e drain line is schematically as indicated on t h e flowsheet, Fig. 5.3. T h e drain line connects to the bottom (inlet) plenum of the reactor v e s s e l , and t h e drain valve is located about 14 ft downstream from this connection. Since the s a l t in t h e drain line must be circulated to prevent e x c e s s i v e self-heating, a connection h a s been provided j u s t upstream of the freeze valve to a manifold connecting t h e tanks of each of the four primary pumps. Salt flowing through t h i s line


provides a constant flow of 1050OF salt through the drain line. T h i s cool salt a l s o provides wall cooling for t h e pump bowls. On the drain tank s i d e of the drain valve, the line must be vented in order for the l i n e to drain free of s a l t . T h e t-in. line provided for this purpose h a s a mechanical valve located well above any s a l t levels in t h e system. T h e drain valve i s t h e frozen s a l t type and h a s not y e t been studied in detail. There is a background of satisfactory experience with freeze valves in the MSRE, however. A gas-cooling system will b e used for freezing the plug i n the valve and for keeping i t frozen. When a drain is to be made, hot rather than cool g a s will be supplied. T h e c a t c h basin, or pan, referred to above is in our present thinking connected t o t h e drain tank through a U-tube trap. T h i s trap is filled with molten bismuth which under normal conditions serves as a seal between the drain tank contents and t h e reactor cell volume. If primary s a l t is spilled into the catch basin, the accumulated head of s a l t in the l i n e would displace t h e bismuth from t h e U-tube and allow t h e salt to flow into the drain tank. A catch tank is located downstream from the U-tube t o trap the bismuth and prevent it from entering t h e tank along with the s a l t . If secondary s a l t rather than primary salt were to s p i l l into t h e catch basin, its density would not b e sufficient t o displace t h e bismuth, and there would b e no flow. A mechanical valve is provided between t h e U-trap and t h e drain tank so that the v e s s e l c a n be pressurized for transfer of t h e primary s a l t from t h e tank. T h i s valve would not contact t h e s a l t except in t h e unlikely event of a n accidental spill. I t is within the current technology to fabricate a valve for s u c h service.


E. C. H i s e

Study was begun of t h e maintenance procedures and equipment needed t o replace the graphite in the reactor core and to repair or replace the pump rotary elements and primary heat exchangers. Three major p i e c e s of maintenance equipment will b e required: (1) a reactor cell transition p i e c e which extends the cell containment above t h e elevation of the pump motors and h a s a s l i d e closure at the









e 5 i

top, (2) a similar transition piece for the spentcomponents c e l l s , ( 3 ) a track-mounted shielded transport c a s k with internal hoist. Major attention h a s been given to the replacement of the reactor moderator assembly, s i n c e the radioactivity level would be highest i n t h i s operation. It is estimated that ten d a y s after reactor shutdown the h e a t generation in the spent core would b e about 240 kw (thermal). T h i s amount of heat could be dissipated without need for cooling of the core when in transit. T h e radiation level on the surface of the shielded transport c a s k would b e reduced t o less than 1000 r/hr; how much less remains to be established. T h e procedure for replacing the reactor moderator is tentatively visualized as follows: During reactor cooldown the replacement c o r e assembly is readied. T h e upper shielding blocks are then removed from the c e l l , and t h e reactor closure is unbolted. T h e building crane then p l a c e s t h e transition pieces over t h e reactor cell and the spent core cells. T h e transport c a s k is moved over t h e reactor cell and s e a l e d t o t h e transition piece. After the s l i d e closures on t h e transition p i e c e and the c a s k are opened, the lifting device inside t h e cask is en-

gaged with the reactor v e s s e l head and i t s connected core basket assembly. After all personnel have withdrawn to a shielded maintenance control room, t h e spent core is drawn up into the cask. T h e s l i d e openings on the transition piece and cask are then closed. T h e cask is moved into position over the spent core cell, coupled to its transition piece, the s l i d e s are opened, and the core is lowered into the cell for s u b d q u e n t decay, decontamination and recovery of t h e top head of the reactor v e s s e l , and disposal of t h e graphite and the core basket assembly. T h e replacement top head and core assembly is then raised into the cask, the c a s k is again s e a l e d to the reactor cell transition piece, the s l i d e s a r e opened, and the assembly is lowered part way into the reactor vessel. At t h i s point t h e radiation sources are adequately shielded for personnel to return to t h e high-bay area t o supervise final placement of the moderator assembly i n the reactor vessel. After the c a s k and transition pieces a r e returned to their storage a r e a s at the end of t h e reactor plant, the v e s s e l closure c a n b e completed and the shielding blocks replaced.

6. Reactor Physics A. M Perry


processing cycle times were specified to l i m i t processing cost. A minimum of constraints w a s imposed on the calculation, any or all of which may ultimately b e removed. T h e reactor w a s permitted only two s a l t fractions, one in the core and one in the blanket. T h e salt fraction in the axial blanket was fixed a t 0.85. All s a l t fractions except the axial blanket fraction were optimized. All dimensions were optimized. T h e rare-earth processing c y c l e time w a s fixed at 50 days, t h e protactinium processing a t 3 days, and the salt replacement life a t 5 years. T h e primary salt contained approximately 16 mole % B e F , , 1 2 mole % ThF,, and 71.7 mole % LiF.

0. L. Smith W. R. Cobb H. T. Kerr A substantial portion of the physics work on the MSBR s i n c e the last progress report w a s devoted t o developing improved computational tools for analyzing the MSBR performance. T h e OPTIMERC code previously used w a s deficient for two principal reasons: (1) it could not accommodate multiple thermal-neutron energy groups, and (2) it w a s constrained to u s e t h e s a m e spectrum-averaged c r o s s s e c t i o n s of any one nuclide in all regions of t h e reactor. T h i s latter point w a s particularly important with respect to thorium, s i n c e the resonance integral of this nuclide differs markedly in the core and in the blanket regions of the reactor. Both of these limitations have now been removed in a new version of OPTIMERC known as ROD (Reactor Optimum Design). A number of other improvements have a l s o been incorporated in ROD, the most important of which is i n the treatment of two-dimensional neutronic effects (e. g., in R - 2 geometry) by synthesizing two one-dimensional calculations (e.g., a n R calculation and a 2 calculation). A new optimization calculation of the MSBR h a s been performed with ROD u s i n g five epithermal energy groups and four thermal groups. Furthermore, in this calculation e a c h region of the reactor h a s assigned to i t a set of c r o s s s e c t i o n s appropriate to the neutron spectrum in that region. In particular, e a c h blanket region h a s thorium c r o s s sections appropriate to the volume fraction of salt i n that particular region. T h e calculation w a s performed in synthesized right-cylindrical geometry. T h e reactor design w a s optimized with respect t o yield, except that

Table 6.1. Performance of a Single-Fluid, Two-Region, 1000-Mw (electrical) MSBR Core height, ft


Core diameter, f t


Radial blanket thickness, f t


Axial blanket thickness, f t Radial reflector thickness, ft Core s a l t fraction

1.6 0.145

Radial blanket s a l t fraction


Axial blanket s a l t fraction Reactor power, Mw (thermal)


Average reactor power density, w/cm3 Maximum power density, kw/liter


0.85 29 108

Graphite replacement life, yearsa


Specific fuel inventory, kg/Mw (electrical)


Total system inventory, kg


Breeding ratio


Annual fuel yield, %/year


F u e l doubling time, years


aAssuming 0.9 plant factor and a n allowable dose =

3.0 X


nvt/ year (>SO kev).



T h e results of the calculation are shown i n Table 6.1. It appears that a breeding ratio of 1.077, a yield of 4.1%, and a graphite lifetime of 1.8 years are achievable with this design. Small spatial variations i n core composition, not y e t included in t h i s calculation, should appreciably flatten t h e power distribution in t h e core, reduce the peak damage flux, and i n c r e a s e the graphite life. I t should be emphasized that these results repres e n t the optimum configuration as calculated by ROD and do not y e t include any minor revision imposed by engineering exigencies. Survey calculations were performed early in the report period, u s i n g OPTIMERC, to investigate the nuclear performance of a single-fluid MSBR with graphite b a l l s as moderator in both the core and blanket regions of the reactor. T h e calculations are summarized i n T a b l e 6.2. I t should be noted that the OPTIMERC calculation, as applied in t h e s e cases, overestimates the breeding ratio by a s much as 0.01, and hence overestimates the yield also. T h i s results primarily from neglect of axial neutron leakage. T h i s defect w a s not present in calculations of the two-fluid MSBR’s reported earlier, nor is i t present i n the ROD calculations described above,

T a b l e 6.2.

Performance of a

Core Volume

In all c a s e s l i s t e d in Table 6.2, the reactor power is 1000 Mw (electrical); the blanket cont a i n s 37% s a l t by volume. T h e reactor performance is optimized with respect t o annual fuel yield, except that constraints are imposed on fuel processing r a t e s (50 d a y s c y c l e for rare-earth removal, 3 days for removal of 2 3 3 P a ) in order to keep processing c o s t at a reasonable level. C a s e s 1 through 3 show the influence of ThF, mole % on the performance of a reactor with a random-packed bed of uniform graphite balls in t h e core and blanket (i.e., 37% salt by volume). Clearly, with a salt fraction of 0.37 the T h F , percentage should be appreciably lower than for t h e reactor of case 5, which h a s a core salt fraction of 0.16 and which corresponds to a reactor containing t h e optimum s a l t fraction (achievable with prismatic elements). C a s e 4 corresponds to a reactor with an oriented bed of balls in the core and a random-packed bed in the blanket. Oriented packing of the core improves the performance of the reactor because of the more nearly optimum s a l t fraction (-0.27). T h e oriented bed d o e s not appear feasible, s i n c e the balls would tend to become disoriented during reactor operation.

1000-Mw ( e l e c t r i c a l ) O n e - F l u i d MSBR Moderated w i t h Graphite B a l l s

Volume Graphite Fraction Density in Case Core+Blanket No. Salt in Blanket Volume Core (g/cm3)

ThF, in






(mole %)





Inventory Breeding Charges Ratio [mills/kwhr

Graphite Lifetime














1.0 1.0

0.3 7 0.37 0.27

2.0 2.0 2.0

10.0 12.0 12.0

21.3 21.7 16.9


1.0 0.5 3.5

1.037 1.024 1.068

0.61 0 0.846 0.336

5.0 5.1 2.7










0.5 1.0





0.37 0.37

2.0 2.0

8.0 8.0

20.0 20.0

0.993 1.021

2.5 9.3

1.o 1.0

-0.3 0.9


7 8

2.0 1.0 0.0


0.413 0.412



2.0 1.6 1.2

8.0 8.0 8.0

16.0 20.0 20.0








1.0 0.67 0.67

0.37 0.37 0.37

1.55 1.64

1.037 1.039

0.412 0.413

4.9 4.6





















0.41 7



9 10





70 C a s e s 6 through 8 show that a reflector is undesirable with a core having a large s a l t fraction. The reflector greatly i n c r e a s e s neutron production at the edge of t h e core and hence increases leakage. C a s e s 1, 8, and 9 indicate that in the randompacked bed reactors the yield and graphite lifet i m e s are optimized with reactor diameters of “25 ft, although the inventory charges are somewhat higher than for smaller diameters. In cases 1 0 through 13 the graphite density i n the blanket w a s reduced with the objective of hardening t h e blanket spectrum, h e n c e decreasing neutron production (and leakage) and increasing resonance capture i n the blanket thorium. Comparison of case 13 with case 8 shows that this device improves the yield ‘/z%. From these calculations one can see that t h e maximum annual fuel yield achievable with a random-packed bed of graphite balls is less than 2%. T h e inventory charges are typically 0.3 to 0.4 mill/k-whr (electrical), and the graphite lifetime is from 3 t o 6 years.


W. R. Cobb

A series of preliminary calculations w a s performed to determine the breeding ratio, the peak

power density (per unit volume of core), and the maximum fast damage flux ( E , > 50 kev) obtain2 e in a low-power [loo t o 200 Mw (thermal)] MSBE. The calculations were performed with the twodimensional EXTERMINATOR code. Various coreblanket configurations were considered, a s shown in T a b l e 6.3. All cases were normalized to 100 Mw (thermal). T h e s a l t contained 12-14 mole % ThF,, 20 mole % B e F z , and 67.7-65.7 mole % LiF. T h e breeding ratio reported is the value at startof-life conditions, assuming pure 2 3 3 U a s fuel. T h u s , for example, no allowance is made for fission product or protactinium l o s s e s . The reactors were unreflected, with the exception of case 10, which had a 1-ft-thick graphite reflector. In all c a s e s the blanket w a s 100% salt. From c a s e s 5, 6, and 7 one c a n see that a lowpower reactor [-125 Mw (thermal)] c a n achieve a peak damage flux and a peak power density comparable with a large MSBR (5 x lo1, neutrons c m - 2 sec-’ and 1 0 0 w/cm3 respectively), but a breeding ratio of only -0.9 and a core power fraction of only ”0.33. On the other hand, cases 15 through 20 show that a somewhat higher-power reactor [- 175 t o 200 Mw (thermal)] c a n achieve the same peak damage flux and power density as a large MSBR, a breeding ratio greater than unity, and a core power fraction of at least 0.5.






In C

.!? +




0 +







m v)

0 3

-I 0


+ U

C 0

U -

> 0 v)






.+ .-In ?!


0 +



v 3


0 "


N m







" " " 4 " F l - l




'9" 4 4 6














? ? ? ? ? ? ? " ? " r ? " "

" 4

: R W





d d d d d d d o o o o o o o o o o o o o



7. Systems and Components Development Dunlap Scott

the fuel loop, which is almost exactly equal to the . average void percent in the core. Bubble surface a r e a s are computed for bubbles 0.020 in. in diameter. Other constant parameters are a s listed in the figure legend. The graphite is taken to be uncoated

7.1 NOBLE-GASMIGRATION IN THE MSBR REF ER ENCE D ESI GN R. J. Ked1 Noble-gas migration in a conceptual version of the two-fluid MSBR was d i s c u s s e d in some detail in a previous progress report. T h e concept of using’circulating helium bubbles for stripping noble g a s e s from the fuel salt w a s presented. At that time, all the bubbles were injected into the fuel s a l t a t the core outlet and removed from the salt at the core inlet. T h e objective was to keep the core nominally free of bubbles and to avoid any effects that they might have on reactivity. A recent change i n ground rules allows up to 1% bubbles by volume of s a l t in the core. T h i s greatly simplified the noble-gas stripping problem, b e c a u s e we can now recirculate the bubbles many times around the fuel loop and l e t them approach much c l o s e r to saturation. T h e result is that the volumetric flow rate of helium in the gas system is considerably reduced. Also, the bubble-generating and -removal equipment may be put into a s i d e stream rather than i n the main line of the fuel loop. Xenon-135 poisoning calculations have been made for the single-fluid MSBR reference design, described in a preceding section, and include the recirculating bubble concept described above. T h e analytical model used is that of a well-stirred pot; that is, the concentration of xenon dissolved i n salt and in the bubbles is taken to be constant around the entire fuel loop. Figure 7.1 s h o w s the effect of the amount of helium bubble recirculation on 135Xe poison fraction. T h e other variable parameter on this plot is the average void percent of bubbles in





0 0 _I










c -r 6



+ z

a LL








m ? 3 0 m

W 0 E W











w 111

> a


L k


3 1






0.6 0.8

28 300 37 :700


4.0 0-



7.1. 13’Xe Poison F r a c t i o n in Reference D e MSBR a s a F u n c t i o n of the Percent Bubbles

Fig. sign

Stripped from F u e l L o o p per C y c l e .

1000 Mw ( e l e c t r i c a l ) ; graphite a t 1200°F,

of X e i n

ft2/hr; graphite void

fraction a v a i l a b l e to X e , 13’Xe

10%; t o t a l

y i e l d of 13’Xe,

thermal cross section,

mass transfer c o e f f i c i e n t t o bubbles,



diffusion coefficient


‘ M S R Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 74.


actor power,

1.049 x lo6 2.0 ft/hr.



73 and h a s a diffusion coefficient for xenon of ft2/hr at 1200OF (permeability for helium a t room cm2/sec). From this plot, it temperature c a n be s e e n that the fraction of bubbles stripped per loop cycle c a n be 10% or less before the back pressure of xenon in the bubble s t a r t s to significantly reduce the stripping efficiency. T h i s means that for a given void fraction in the fuel s a l t , the bubbles can be recirculated ten times before they must be removed, and the capacity of the gas system will be of that if a l l bubbles a r e replaced per cycle. A s pointed out in the previous semiannual report, the m a s s transfer coefficient to circulating bubbles is one of the least-known parameters i n this calculation. A literature survey and a n a l y s i s h a s been made2 on t h e expected m a s s transfer coefficient to t h e bubbles i n a turbulent stream. For the rigid interface model the expected value will b e about 2.0 ft/hr and for the mobile interface model the expected value will be about 13.0 ft/hr. T h e above plot was computed using a value of 2.0 ft/hr. It is unlikely that a completely mobile interface will


’F. N. P e e b l e s . R e m o v a l of Xenon-135 from C i r c u l a t i n g F u e l S a l t of the M S B R b y M a s s Transfer to H e l i u m Bubbles, ORNL-TM-2245 (July 23, 1968).

e x i s t with these very small bubbles, but a partially mobile interface may be realized. Now in these calculations, the variables “bubble surface area” and “bubble m a s s transfer coefficient” always appear as a product. Figure 7.1 can then be used to estimate the effect of a change in the mass transfer coefficient. In this plot the average void percent bubbles in the fuel is used only to generate a surface area of 20-mil-diam bubbles and otherwise is a negligible parameter if the bubbles are far from saturation. T h e bubbles d o not approach saturation until the fraction of bubbles stripped from the loop per c y c l e is less than 5%. Therefore, in the straight-line section of t h e s e curves, doubling the surface area is the same a s doubling the m a s s transfer coefficient. For example, i f the mass transfer coefficient is doubled for the case where the bubble surface area is 9430 f t 2 , the poison fraction would be reduced from 1.9% to 1.25% for the 10% bubble stripping fraction. It should a l s o be noted that for a given void fraction, the bubble surface area is reduced by a factor of 2 if the bubble diameter is doubled. Figure 7.2 shows the effect of a very low perme-. ability coating on the bulk graphite. T h i s is envisioned as a sealant of pyrolytic graphite, or possibly metal, that plugs the surface pores of the bulk


DIFFUSION C O E F F I C I E N T OF X e I N S E A L E D G R A P H I T E AT 4 2 0 0 ’ F













10 3.2

1 .o




a i




‘ 3 5 X e Poison Fraction in Referen reactor power,


Mw ( e l e c t r i c a l

bulk graphite void fraction a v a i l a b l e t o Xe, area


in. diameter),




MSBR as a Function of Graphite Sealing Parameters.

fusion c o e f f i c i e n t of X e in bulk graphite a t overage void percent of bubbles in f u e l loop,

f t 2 ; percent bubbles stripped per loop c y c l e ,





bubble surface

74 graphite. T o develop this illustration, parameters were chosen from Fig. 7.1 to yield a high poison ). With t h e s e parameters the calculations were repeated to obtain the effects of the permeability and thickness of the s e a l e d layer on the poison fraction. In this calculation it was assumed that the void fraction in graphite available to xenon decreased by one order of magnitude when the permeability decreased by two orders of magnitude. I t can be s e e n that permeabilities of and less are quite good in reducing the poison fraction. T h e target 1 3 5 X e poison fraction in the MSBR is 0.5% or less. With circulating bubbles alone (Fig. 7.1), this may or may not be attainable. Some of the uncertainties are the bubble mass transfer coefficient, the ability to generate uniformly 0.020-in. bubbles, and the ability of the bubbles to maintain their identity for many circuits around the fuel loop lomerate or migrate to a surface). If, circulating bubbles are a s s i s t e d by sealed graphite, the target poison fraction can be achieved and surpassed.

chanical drive motor would be needed, but a separate drive motor would be undesirable. The most logical place to install a mechanical generator would be on the impeller of the pump. T h i s complicates an already critical item; furthermore, estimates indicate that the most s u c c e s s f u l generator model tested would cavitate in MSBR-scaled equipment. A great deal of development work would be needed to successfully attach a mechanical bubble generator to a pump impeller. 2. Emphasis on the fluid-powered .generator should be increased. T h e most successful fluidpowered bubble generator we have run is a venturi modified so that gas is injected into s m a l l holes in the throat and turbulence in the diffuser region gene r a t e s the bubbles. Quantitative information is not yet available; however, the bubbles appear to be larger than desired - in the order of 50 mils. I t is hoped that further experimentation will reduce this. T h e venturi h a s the additional advantage that it could serve a s the helium pump if it were placed on the suction s i d e of the fuel pump.



R. J. Kedl

R. J. Kedl


Circulating helium bubbles with the fuel s a l t is the preferred method of stripping noble g a s e s generated by fission in the MSBR. Xenon-135 poisoning calculations reported above are based on surface areas generated by bubbles 0.020 in. in diameter. We have conducted exploratory t e s t s with water and air for some time to try to generate bubbles of this diameter with equipment that can be s c a l e d up to s i z e s adequate for the MSBR. In general, two avenues of approach have been taken: (1) mechanically powered generators, where a mixture of air and water is fed to a mechanically agitating geometry that breaks up the large bubbles into very small ones; and (2) fluid-powered generators, where, for example, air is injected into the throat of a venturi. Without going into details of the several models tested, the following conclusions have been reached. 1. Emphasis on mechanically powered generators should be reduced. During the early development work, smaller and more uniformly s i z e d bubbles were attained by this method than with fluidpowered generators; however, other potential probl e m s would be considerable. For instance, a me-


Work is under way on the development of a pipeline bubble separator for the removal of noble-gasrich bubbles from the fuel salt. T h e separator is a straight section of 4-in. pipe about 4 ft long with swirl vanes at the inlet end and recovery vanes at the outlet. The swirling fluid generates a high gravitational field in the pipe, and circulating bubbles will migrate to a gas-filled vortex in the center of the pipe. The recovery vanes straighten out the fluid and recover some of i t s energy. T h e gas takeoff is in the hub of the recovery vanes. A full-scale model h a s been built and is operating i n an existing water loop. A photograph of the separator operating in a P l e x i g l a s pipe is shown in Fig. 7.3. Two sets of swirl vanes h a v e been tested. T h e second s e t operates better than the first, and the results of t h i s set only will be reported. Velocity profiles were measured in a radial direction and are shown in Fig. 7.4. Axial and tangential components are very nearly the same and are shown as a single line. I t was also noted that there was very little attenuation of t h e velocity over the 2V2-ft length between t h e vanes. At 660 gpm the following pressure distributions were observed:

P t




F i g . 7.3.

Bubble Separator Model.

P r e s s u r e drop across swirl vanes a t wall

3.7 ft of fluid

Radial pressure difference in swirling

26 ft

fluid from wall to vortex ORNL-DWG 68-13039


Net pressure l o s s across recovery

5.1 ft

vanes a t wall


T h e only problem encountered is that the vortex d o e s not attach to the hub of the recovery vanes. I t can be s e e n in the photograph that the vortex seems to disintegrate j u s t ahead of the recovery vanes, and any bubbles entering t h i s area are swept on p a s t the hub. In earlier work done on pipeline gas separators3 this phenomenon had not been experienced. The trouble is probably due to the hub size. It is planned to make a new set of vanes with the hub diameter doubled, which will be more i n accordance with the separator of the earlier work.






> k




0 I) J LL



9 A. N. Smith






PIPE RADIUS (in.) F i g . 7.4. Radial V e l o c i t y D i s t r i b u t i o n s in P i p e l i n e Bubble Separator.

P. G. Smith

Circulation of the flushing charge of salt was started on March 4, 1968, and was continued in a

3J. A. Hafford, Development of the Pipeline G a s Separator, ORNL-1602 (February 1954).

76 sporadic fashion until June 28, 1968. Accumulated circulation t i m e was 947 hr, most of which was spent i n obtaining pump performance and cavitation data for comparison with predicted values. Several vitation tests resulted in “ingassing” expansion of the s a l t due to c i e n t to c a u s e expulsion was due to removal and replacement of the pump rotary element and to correction of gas-system plugging problems. T h e balance ating t i m e was s p e n t on gas-system ment calibrations, and correction of routine problems. T h e pump rotary element was removed because a material balance on the lube oil system indicated the possibility of a large oil leak. No evidence of a leak was found, and the trouble was subsequently ascribed to shifting of inventory between the oil storage tank and the pump bearing cavity. During July the flushing salt was removed from the system, and a new batch of N a B F 4 w a s charged into the system. Net weights transferred were a s follows:

speed a t 1800 rpm. T h e s e t e s t s are now being repeated with the new charge of salt. In a cavitation t e s t the flow and temperature a r e held constant, and the g a s pressure in the pump g a s s p a c e is lowered in s t e p s until there is a disproportionate drop in pump discharge pressure per unit drop i n pump suction pressure. For the flushing salt, the t e s t res u l t s gave values for the minimum overpre



Pretreatment Data for N a B F 4 Salt

PKP-1 loop, 9201-3, July 1968 Batch Number Item


















Evacuated a t 300°F for time, hr Pressure a t end of evacuation period, in. Hg Temperature a t transfer time, O F




692 Ib

P r e s s u r e j u s t prior to transfer, in. Hg


Flushing s a l t originally charged into sump Flushing s a l t removed from sump

702 Ib

Pressure rise, 300°F to trans-





New s a l t charged into sump

765 l b

T h e new charge of s a l t was added to t h e system in four batches. In order to remove adsorbed moisture, each batch was heated to 300°F and maintained under a vacuum (27 in. Hg) for at least 16 hr. T h e material w a s then heated to 1040OF and, i f g a s release as measured by a pressure rise determination was not e x c e s s i v e , transfer was made to the loop sump. T a b l e 7.1 summarizes the data for t h i s operation. T h e loop w a s recharged with the new batch of salt, and circulation was resumed on August 19, 1968. Test progress as of the end of August w a s as follows.


fer temperature, in. HgB

*The pressure r i s e on Batch 3 was excessive (23 in. Hg) during first heatup to 1000°F. T h i s batch was cooled down and evacuated a second time a t 300°F. The minimum pressure r i s e which might b e expected during heatup from 300 to 932’F is about 3 in. Hg, assuming a temperature factor of 2 and a n increase i n BF 3 partial pressure of 2 in. Hg.



140 0 FLUOROBORATE AT 9 0 0 ° F 0









a I

Pumping C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f Sodium Fluoroborate S a l t






T h e head-flow-speed characteristics of the P K pump checked quite well with previous performance data obtained with NaK, as indicated in Fig. 7.5. Cavitation inception tests were made while circulating t h e flushing salt a t temperatures of 900, 1025, 1150, and 127S°F, with flow a t 750 gpm and

60 4


7.5. Comparison of PK-P Pump Characteristics

with Sodium Fluoroborate, N a K , and Water.

77 necessary to suppress cavitation which were somewhat higher than the predicted values. Also, the change in minimum overpressure a s a function of s a l t temperature did not agree with the change i n BF3 dissociation pressure a s calculated from the equation log P (mm)



- (5920/T째K)

(ref. 1).

Cavitation t e s t s with the new charge of s a l t are s t i l l in progress, but preliminary results are showing good agreement between predicted and t e s t values for both the pressure at cavitation inception and the change of cavitation pressure with temperature. T h e lack of agreement in the c a s e of t h e flushing s a l t may have been due to the higher level of impurities. T h e ingassing transients which have occurred during the cavitation t e s t s a r e thought to be due to operating characteristics peculiar to the P K pump, and hence should have no particular implication for the MSRE and MSBR systems.

F i g . 7.6.


R e s t r i c t i o n s i n the Gas System

Analytical investigations are under way to identify the nature and source of all materials which have c a u s e d plugging problems. Aside from the predictable s a l t plugs caused by ingassing trans i e n t s , difficulties with g a s system restrictions were traced to three different materials. (1) Accumulations of fluid, brown to black in color and watery to syrupy in consistency, h a v e been found in the off-gas line. T h i s material appears to b e a BF3 hydrolysis product, possibly due to moisture present in the loop a t startup or brought in with the salt. Pressure-rise data during pretreatment (Table 7.1) indicate that the new s a l t may have contained trace quantities of a volatile contaminant. T h e total amount of material h a s been relatively small (<lo0 cm3), and the rate of accumulation appears to be decreasing with time. (2) P l u g s h a v e occurred due to formation of a crystalline solid in the off-gas l i n e a t the point

T y p i c a l M a t e r i a l C o l l e c t e d a t End of Off-Gas L i n e ; NaBF4 Circulation T e s t .


where t h e BF3-helium mixture is vented into t h e stack (Fig. 7.6). T h i s material, which appears to be boric or fluoroboric acid resulting from reaction of B F 3 with atmospheric moisture, is corrosive as well a s plug-forming. T h e implication is that a chemical system will be needed for disposal of B F 3 at the MSRE. (3) Deposits of a fine black powder h a v e been found in both the off-gas l i n e and g a s feed lines. T h i s material appears to be amorphous carbon which c o l l e c t s a s a scum on the surface of the salt in the pump bowl and is carried into the g a s l i n e s during i n g a s s i n g transients. T h e source of the carbon is not clear, but there seems to be no direct relation to the NaBF, salt.

When the pump w a s opened to check for oil leakage, p i e c e s of green s a l t were found in the upper region of the pump bowl. The composition of the s a l t together with that of NaBF4 and the BULT-4 s a l t previously used in the loop are shown in T a b l e 7.2. T h e significance of the green salt deposit h a s not as yet been determined, but there seems to be no adverse implication for the MSRE coolant system, s i n c e the latter does not contain t h e two conTable


stituents, U and Th, which appear to have “salted out. ”

7.4.4 NaBF, Freeze Valve 18

Performance of the drain-line freeze valve h a s been satisfactory through eight freeze and s e v e n thaw cycles. T h i s valve had been altered to simulate t h e characteristics of the MSRE-type valve. T h e preliminary conclusion is that, except for freezing at a lower temperature, the freeze v a l v e s in the drain line of the MSRE coolant system will operate about the same with the fluoroborate salt as they do with t h e present LiF-BeF2 coolant salt.



7.5 MSBR PUMPS A. G. Grindell P. G. Smith H. C. Young

L. V. Wilson C. J. Claffey C. K. McGlothlan

7.5.1 Pump Program W e have outlined in greater detail our b a s i c plan for obtaining fuel-salt and coolant-salt pumps4 for 4MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 76.

Comparison o f Green Salt w i t h Present and Former Salts


NaBF, circulation t e s t , PKP-1Loop, 9201-3 BULT-4 Salt Formerly in Loop

NaBF4 Salta Flushing Charge

(wt %)

(wt %)



0.2 1





















Green Salt (wt 40)

10.9 3.91 43.5

















‘After mixing with h e e l of former salt.

8 P

-3 9



the Molten-Salt Breeder Experiment. T h i s philosophy included t h e following five main points: 1. Industry will design and build t h e prototypes of t h e fuel-salt and coolant-salt pumps for t h e MSBE. They will modify t h e s e designs on t h e b a s i s of test results and will build the pumps for the Engineering T e s t Unit and the MSBE. All t h e pumps will be built to ORNL specifications. 2. Industry will do any development of pump parts, such a s rotary seals and bearings, that they believe to be necessary and that c a n be done without facilities for handling large amounts of molten salts. 3. All t h e pumps will be tested in a molten-salt facility t h a t will b e built and operated with government funds. Engineers from the manufacturers of the pumps will b e required to participate in t h i s testing, and engineers from other pump and equipment manufacturers will be invited to participate. 4. T h e pumps will be operated i n t h e E T U and the MSBE. Engineers from t h e manufacturers of the pumps will b e required to participate i n t e s t s of the pumps i n t h e s e two facilities. Engineers from other pump and equipment manufacturers will be invited to participate. 5. ORNL will continue the design s t u d i e s of pumps for molten-salt reactors to a s s i s t i n our overall reactor design s t u d i e s and to maintain t h e competence necessary to monitor the work done by industry and to approve their designs for our use. We will also continue to test critical pump parts such as bearings and seals and to work on the development of molten-salt bearings and bearing materials for u s e i n molten-salt reactor systems. We a r e now engaged in implementing t h e management plan for obtaining MSBE s a l t pumps. 1. Some preliminary s t u d i e s of capacity, head requirements, n e t positive suction head (NPSH) requirements, operation of pumps in parallel, pump tank volume requirements, critical shaft s p e e d s , etc., have been made, and such s t u d i e s will continue. 2. T h e first rough draft of specifications for t h e alt pump h a s been circulated internally s , and currently t h e s e comments a r e being incorporated into a second draft.

3. A request for proposal is being written. T h i s document will accompany the pump specification and will invite pump manufacturers to submit prop o s a l s and will outline the total scope of the work and detail t h e information to be supplied in their proposals.

4. A five-member proposal evaluation team will b e selected, some members of which will b e from the Purchasing Division and some from the Reactor Division. The pump contract will probably b e of the costplus-fixed-fee type, and procurement will b e in three phases. P h a s e I will be the design of the pump and will include: 1. Design concept and layout drawings. 2. Parametric study of speed, efficiency, volume, and NPSH, from which the design speed will b e selected with ORNL approval. 3. All calculations, analyses, computer programs, etc., establishing that t h e final design complies with all requirements. 4. Complete s e t of detail drawings. 5. C o s t estimates, schedules for phase 11, and conceptual drawings of all t e s t facilities required. 6. P h a s e I will also include instigation of a program of incipient failure detection for the purpose of reducing t h e possibility of a sudden pump stoppage and to give the reactor operating personnel an advance warning of impending pump failure or malfunction. P h a s e I1 will then be the actual fabrication of t h e prototype pump by the manufacturer. I t will include designing and fabricating all t e s t facilities, performing any component t e s t s not requiring a large molten-salt system, performing stress-strain t e s t s of any member or configurations not s u i t a b l e for rigorous analysis, providing any s p e c i a l tools such as those for remote maintenance, testing all auxiliary systems such a s the lube oil system, motorcooling system, etc. P h a s e I1 includes t e s t i n g t h e prototype pump on water, then disassembling t h e pump and checking for s i g n s of rubbing or symptoms of any malfunction, taking corrective action, and retesting. T h e prototype pump will then b e t e s t e d in a molten-salt t e s t facility planned for construction a t ORNL. T h e facility will be operated by ORNL personnel, but the participation of the pump manufacturer will be required. In addition, other pump manufacturers will be invited to participate in all phases of this test. Preliminary design of a moltens a l t pump t e s t facility is now under way ( s e e Sect. 7.5.4). T h e one facility will be designed to accommodate t h e MSBE fuel and coolant pumps. Start of t e s t i n g of the prototype MSBE fuel-salt pump i n t h e pump t e s t facility i s currently approximately scheduled for f i s c a l year 1972.


P h a s e I11 c o n s i s t s of producing the pumps required for the ETU and the MSBE and performing proof t e s t s of the pumps and auxiliary s y s t e m s at the seller's facilities prior to running the pumps with molten salt i n the pump t e s t facility. T h e seller will furnish field representatives to work with ORNL personnel to install, test, and operate t h e pumps i n the molten-salt pump test facility, the ETU, and finally in the MSBE. Additional a s s i s t a n c e will be required to disassemble, reassemble, and diagnose and remedy pump probl e m s . Engineers from other pump and equipment manufacturers will a l s o b e invited to participate in the t e s t s and operation.

7.5.2 Fuel-Salt Pump Although the head and flow requirements have changed, as shown in Table 7.3, the b a s i c concept of the fuel-salt pump5 h a s not changed significantly from that shown in the l a s t semiannual progress report. Since t h e reactor vessel design is directly affected by the NPSH required to s u p p r e s s cavitation, and s i n c e the fuel-salt inventory of the system must b e held down, a study was made of t h e effect of pump s p e e d on required NPSH and fuel-salt volume within the pump. Calculations were made to

5MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254. pp. 76-78.



determine nominal dimensions of the impeller, volute, suction and discharge nozzles, and t h e minimum required NPSH to suppress cavitation. Pump layouts were made from which the salt volumes within the confines of the pump tank were calculated. T h e results are shown in Fig. 7.7. T h e impeller and pump tank diameters are shown to give an i d e a of the relative pump sizes. Some design d e t a i l s of the pump h a v e been investigated further. Those surfaces of the pump tank, its internal structural elements, and t h e pump shaft that are not in contact with the molten salt are s u b j e c t to nuclear heating and will have to be cooled. It is intended to bring fuel salt from t h e







E w g 2 6 0


32 'E K Y k K aa

660 w




i?ZZ 20 w w an H a



0 600




4000 4200 4400 PUMP SPEED ( r p m )


E f f e c t o f Pump Speed on Some Character-

Pumps for Molten-Salt Reactor Program


MSBE [ ~ O OMW (thermal)] Fuel


MSBR [2250 Mw (thermal)] Fuel














Capacity, gpm







Head, ft







Speed, rpm







Specific speed, N






23 70

Net positive suction head required, f t







Impeller input power, h p







Number required Design temperature,



i s t i c s of F u e l Salt Pumps.

MSRE [7.5 Mw (thermal)] Fuel


- 80 n .-e z a-

P (v-

81 reactor inlet plenum ( a t about 1050'F) and p a s s i t over all the heated surfaces before discharging i t into the pump tank. Salt from this source is provided a s long a s one of the four pumps is in operation. A preliminary investigation was made of the amount of shielding needed in the shield plug to protect the lubricant and other radiation-sensitive elements in the region of the bearing housing. Approximately 1 ft of Hastelloy N will limit the accumulated dosage a t the lower s e a l to l o 8 rads in several years. Additional shielding will be needed to reduce the radiation level at the crane-bay floor elevation for personnel access. T h e pump layout is being modified to provide a means for containing the lubricant within the bearing housing assembly in the event of a gross seal failure and thus prevent the leakage of lubricant into the s a l t system. A preliminary study h a s been made of the relationship between s h a f t overhang length and shaft diameter for a pump operating a t 890 rpm with a s h a f t critical s p e e d of 1200 rpm. I t was assumed that the impeller weighed 1000 lb, the bearing span w a s 24

in., ar.d the bearings were infinitely stiff. T h e res u l t s , using a simplified relationship, are shown in Fig. 7.8. 7.5.3 Coolant-Salt Pump T h e similarity6 of the fuel-salt and coolant-salt pump requirements h a s led u s to consider u s i n g the same pump design for both applications. Differe n c e s in head requirements can be taken care of by changing the outside diameter of the impeller. If the head requirements differ greatly, the coolants a l t pump can be operated a t the next highest s p e e d available in induction motors, provided the shaft critical s p e e d h a s been designed sufficiently high. It may be necessary to design the coolant-salt pump tank for a higher pressure, but t h i s is compensated for by i t s lower normal operating temperature of 1150'F. T h e coolant-salt pump tank would not require any provisions for the removal of nuclear heating, but it would require a larger volume for salt expansion, largely due to the greater inventory in the coolant s a l t system.

7.5.4 M o l t e n - S a l t Pump T e s t F a c i l i t y ORNL-DWG










12 (ft)

a l t Pump Operating a t


rpm w i t h a Shaft C r i t i c a l Speed of



impeller w e i g h t s

1000 Ib,




bearing span

in., and bearings are i n f i n i t e l y s t i f f .

T h i s facility is needed first to proof-test a prototype of the pump manufacturer's design for the MSBE fuel-salt pump in molten s a l t a t the anticipated reactor operating conditions, excluding nuclear radiation. In addition, a total of s i x reactor pumps, the fuel- and coolant-salt pumps for both the ETU and the MSBE and two spare pumps for the MSBE, will be given hot shakedown t e s t s in the facility. Endurance testing of MSBE pumps will a l s o be conducted. T h i s facility will be capable of testing devices for removal of xenon from the salt by contact with an inert gas, of investigating unanticipated problems that may arise during the operation of the ETU and MSBE, and of proof-testing MSBE instrumentation such as pressure, flow, and liquidlevel measuring devices when they are available. T h e fuel- and coolant-salt pumps will be operated in the facility with one (barren fuel) s a l t , a s was the philosophy for proof-testing the MSRE pumps. T h i s is possible even though the density of the fuel salt is greater than the coolant salt, and the coolant s a l t head and flow rate requirements may be higher


6MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 7 8 .

82 than those for the fuel salt. It may be accomplished by modifying such parameters as s p e e d and pump tank g a s pressure and by using a reduced diameter of the pump impeller. Thus, overloading the pump drive and overpressuring the facility piping can be avoided. T h e useful operating lifeof the facility is estimated to be more than five years. It is proposed to locate the facility in Building 9201-3 a t Y-12. Design. - Criteria for the facility have been evolving during the past several months and are believed to be firm at present. T h e design of the test facility will b e influenced by the requirements of the MSBE; s i n c e t h e s e are not firmly established, a reasonable amount of flexibility and overdesign have been provided in the criteria for the t e s t facility. T h e facility is being designed on the b a s i s of a 200-Mw (thermal) MSBE system having one fuel oolant-salt pump with a AT of 300'F in both salt circuits. The design conditions for the pumps a r e shown i n T a b l e 7.3. T h e t e s t facility will have a maximum pump motor capability of 1500 hp and s a l t flow capability of

150% of design conditions. Hastelloy N will b e used to fabricate all salt-containing piping and equipment. Preliminary design of the t e s t facility h a s been completed. Basically, the facility will c o n s i s t of the necessary s a l t piping system, salt-to-air h e a t removal system, s a l t flow restrictors, salt flow measuring venturi, preheaters for the salt-containing parts, and necessary controls and instrumentation. T h e flow diagram is shown in Fig. 7.9. Provisions will be made to supply electric power to constant-speed or variable-speed motors up to 1500 hp i n size. T h e necessary cover and vent g a s system for the pump and salt storage tank will be provided. Two fixed flow restrictors and a variable flow restrictor will be used to simulate the pressure drops expected in t h e MSBE h e a t exchanger and reactor vessel. T h e variable flow restrictor, a modified throttling valve used successfully for many years in salt-pump t e s t loops, will be used to vary t h e loop pressure drop up to 100 psi. T h i s throttling valve will permit t h e measuring of t h e head v s flow ORNL-DWG 68-13043



AIR IN AT 85째F ATMOSPHERIC\ BLOWER (150 hp, 5 0 0 0 SCFM AT 5 psig 2 REQUIRED)









7.9. Flow

Diagram for


Pump T e s t F a c i l i t y .


83 relationship of each pump over a wide range of conditions. In addition, this throttling valve may be used to compensate partially for possible changes in the MSBE pump requirements. T h e h e a t removal system is s i z e d to remove all energy transmitted to the circulating s a l t stream by a 1500-hp pump motor. Design s t u d i e s indicate that two 14-ft-long concentric pipe h e a t exchangers using 5000 cfm of a i r at 5 p s i g supplied to each heat exchanger will dissipate the pumping energy. P o s i t i v e displacement blowers, to be located outs i d e t h e building, will supply the cooling a i r t o t h e 1.12-Mw h e a t removal system. T h e loop piping, complete with pump, will contain approximately 200 ft3 of salt. P i p i n g in most of t h e loop will b e 1 2 in. ID with a 3/-in. wall. A venturi will b e provided to measure s a l t flows of 3000 to 7000 gpm. A 152 -in. pipe-size freeze valve, identical to t h e MSRE freeze valve, will b e used i n the pipeline connecting the s a l t storage tank t o the loop piping. Provisions will b e made to electrically preheat all t h e salt-containing piping and equipment to 1200째F. T h e cost of the facility is being estimated on t h e b a s i s of t h e preliminary design, and a request for authorization of t h e facility is being prepared.

7.5.5 Rotor-Dynamics F e a s i b i l i t y Study T h e final report, Feasibility Study of RotorBearing System Dynamics for a 1250 H P Molfen Salt F u e l Pump, h a s been received from Mechanical Technology Incorporated. The scope of the study was to investigate (1) the rotor dynamics of a longshaft (approximately 3 2 ft) fuel-salt pump for t h e two-fluid reactor system, (2) the type and characteri s t i c s of a molten-salt-lubricated bearing at t h e lower end of t h e pump shaft, and ( 3 ) the s h a f t seal configuration and i t s characteristics. T h e shaft and rotor system critical s p e e d s were s h a f t s of different diamapproximately 32 f t long: in. ID, and (2) 7.5 in. OD by response of the largeruted i n terms of frequency plitudes for both the transverse and torsional modes of vibration for the mass

7Mechanical Technology Incorporated, F e a s i b i l i t y Study of Rotor-Bearing System Dynamics for a 1250 HP Molten Salf F u e l Pump, MTI-68TR9 (April 12, 1968).

unbalance condition provided by a uniformly bowed shaft. T h e same computations were made for t h e smaller-diameter shaft for two mass unbalance conditions, (1) shaft OD and ID surfaces uniformly eccentric, and (2) shaft uniformly bowed. T h e first s h a f t critical speeds obtained by computer unbalance response programs for both t h e large- and small-diameter shafts were lower than the design pump speed of 1200 rpm and were 700 rpm and 560 rpm respectively. T h e study indicated that t h e second shaft critical speed for t h e largediameter s h a f t is substantially above 1200 rpm and about 25% above that for the small-diameter shaft. T h e acceleration and deceleration of both s h a f t s through t h e first shaft critical speed a r e rendered hazardous because the imposed location of 1 h e molten-salt dampers near the lower s h a f t bearing reduces their effectiveness. T h e optimum damper location is near t h e midlength of the s h a f t between bearings. A certain amount of shaft bowing and eccentricity between t h e shaft outer and inner diameters attributable to manufacturing practices c a n be accommodated. Computations indicated that values of approximately 0.025 in. of bow i n the middle of a uniformly bowed s h a f t or of approximately 0.019 in. eccentricity in a uniformly eccentric s h a f t could b e accommodated singly at the s h a f t critical speed. T h e values a r e limited by bearing eccentricity; a value of 0.95 was used i n the computations, which means that t h e journal and bearing s u r f a c e s a r e very close to rubbing. T h e transverse and torsional vibrational characteristics of t h e inner and outer pump casing-c' were computed, and account was taken for the inertia of the drive motor. T h e results indicated the need to i n c r e a s e t h e s t i f f n e s s of the outer pump c a s i n g to avoid a resonance a t the pump design speed of 1200 rpm. To r a i s e t h e first torsional critical speed to at l e a s t 30% greater than the design speed requires increasing t h e thickness of t h e outer c a s i n g to 1 in. A comparison of hydrodynamic (self-acting) and hydrostatic (externally pumped) film lubrication for the lower shaft, molten-salt-lubricated bearing favored t h e former. T h e relatively high viscosity of molten salt provides excellent load capacity and also hydrodynamic film operation i n t h e laminar regime. T h e inherent simplicity of the self-acting bearing contrasted favorably with the complications required for hydrostatic lubrication, which includes the n e c e s s i t y to develop high lubricant h e a d s and to maintain reliable operation of a number of compensating orifices and pressure reducing lands.


Of the many types of self-acting bearings considered, the tilting (pivoted) pad bearing design having four pads was selected, a s it is by far the most s t a b l e bearing available. I t should be totally free of instability when properly designed to have adequate preloading, optimum pivot location, and low-inertia pads. It is strongly recommended for flexible shaft applications where the speed may exceed twice the first shaft critical. A s e a l configuration using gas-lubricated face s e a l s w a s studied, and computations were made of the gas film lifting force, thickness and stiffness, and the gas-leaking flow rates. Some calculations were made of seal bellows loading requirements and face tracking. T h e principal recommendation of the report was to design the pump shaft to operate subcritically; that is, the design pump speed should be lower than the first shaft critical speed rather than above the critical speed, as required by the flexible shaft studied. Subcritical operation would reduce, if not eliminate, the probability of low-speed high-amplitude whirl. I t would eliminate the large unbalance response amplitudes associated with traversing the f i r s t shaft critical speed. The most practical way to achieve subcritical design would b e to reduce shaft length, or shaft speed, or both. If supercritical speed operation is required, the principal other recommendations were: (1) develop a practical means of dynamic shaft balancing, and (2) build a rotor-dynamic evaluation simulator. T h e simulator is not a computer program, but rather a full-scale model of the pump rotor-dynamic system to evaluate its dynamic response experimentally. A reduced-scale model would probably permit a valid evaluation i f tilting-pad bearings were used. A bearing materials program was recommended and outlined. Since the present design of a one-fluid MSBR makes u s e of a pump with a much shorter shaft that can be designed to operate at s p e e d s below the first shaft critical speed, there are no plans for additional s t u d i e s of the long-shaft pump.

7.5.6 Molten-Salt Bearing Program Because of the increased emphasis on the singlefluid reactor concept and the u s e of the short-shaft pump configuration for the s a l t circuits, the moltens a l t bearing program8 h a s been temporarily curtailed.

T h e molten-salt testing of the bearing material specimens supplied by Mechanical Technology Incorporated will be held in abeyance. T h e testing will be resumed should a renewed interest in the u s e of molten-salt bearings develop. The Metals and Ceramics Division continued its investigation of the hard-coated specimens. T h e composition of each of the coatings was determined by x-ray diffraction. Thermal cycle t e s t s will b e performed on t h e s e specimens in a gaseous atmosphere, and then they will be reexamined by x-ray diffraction. T h i s will conclude the present plans for investigating bearing materials. T h e design work on the molten-salt bearing tester for testing relatively large molten-salt bearings was stopped upon completion of the layout of the tester.




E. J. Breeding

R. E. Helms

T h e molten-salt steam generator is a vital secondary system component required for the s u c c e s s ful operation of molten-salt power breeder reactors. The development of an economical, reliable steam generator will require the combined efforts of ORNL and commercial designers and fabricators of highpressure and -temperature steam generators. Our plans include developing steam generators for the MSBE with maximum industrial involvement. A supercritical steam cycle h a s been selected for the MSBE and the MSBR. The choice of supercritical steam w a s influenced by the choice of sodium fluoroborate (NaBF4-NaF, 92-8 mole %) as the fluid for the secondary coolant system. Using a supercritical steam cycle, i t is feasible to provide feedwater to the steam generator at approximately the same temperature as the melting point of the secondary coolant, thus reducing the possibility of freezing the coolant salt. ORNL will specify the design criteria and parame t e r s of the sodium fluoroborate coolant salt system and the steam generator system for the MSBE. We will prepare a s c o p e and plan of action for the development of the steam generator and write t h e specifications. Industry will do both title I and title I1 designs and will fabricate the steam gen-

'MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 79-81.


G h


7 . I



I * ~P


erator for t h e MSBE, with t h e final test and evaluation of the steam generator being made in t h e MSBE. To provide ORNL and interested industrial participants with the technological background to design the MSBE steam generator, ORNL will design, construct, and operate a full-scale tube t e s t facility to obtain h e a t transfer, fluid flow, and operational stability data. Components for t h i s facility will b e procured from industrial suppliers to provide some experience in fabricating Hastelloy N material components for the MSBE and future MSBR's. Industry will be invited to participate i n t h e operation of t h e facility during t e s t s of full-scale tubes representative of MSBE steam generator designs. T h e t e s t data obtained i n the operation of t h i s facility will be used to validate a computer program that will b e used to design and analyze both the MSBE steam generator and larger units for the molten-salt breeder reactors. We have produced a rough draft of a conceptual design of a facility for testing full-scale tubes for molten-salt steam generators. T h i s facility h a s a sodium fluoroborate coolant s a l t system, s p a c e for a full-scale tube t e s t section, and a steam system that can operate at supercritical steam conditions. The design will provide for startup, subcritical, and supercritical operating conditions. T h e h e a t rating and design parameters for the t e s t section are given in T a b l e 7.4. T a b l e 7.5 s h o w s the proposed interrelation of ORNL and commercial participation in t h e MSBE steam generator development program.

Table 7.4. D e s i q n P a r a m e t e r s f a r T e s t S e c t i o n

0 to 13,700

550 to 700


Steam outlet Dressure. Dsia

0 to 3600

Mo 1

89,958 (


gpm at 1125'F)

Molten-salt outlet temperature,


850 to 1200

We a r e now preparing c o s t estimates for the fulls c a l e tube test facility prior to initiating requests for programmatic approval, and work will begin soon on preparation of MSBE steam generator criteria, operating parameters, and specifications to b e submitted to steam generator manufacturers. W e are planning a survey of available fluid-flow computer programs applicable to molten-sal1 steam generator design. Based on the results of t h i s survey, a preliminary computer program will b e generated to perform design s t u d i e s and to evaluate t h e title I design proposals from commercial steam generator designers.


A program designed to establish the feasibility of remotely cutting, bevelling, and welding pipe and v e s s e l closures in a radioactive environment w a s begun. W e evaluated the current s t a t u s of t h e automated welding equipment technologyg for application to remote handling, operation, and monitoring. We decided to investigate the necessary machinery modifications to adapt a system to our requirements. T h e system chosen was one developed for the Air Force by North American-Rockwell. T h e system originated in 1964 from a program to develop procedures and portable equipment for fabricating rocket fluid s y s t e m s by automatic fusion-welding techniques. T h e North American Aviation Laos Angeles Division of North American-Rockwell Corporation contracted to conduct a program for the development of a system to permit (1) parting or separation of piping, (2) machining of pipe e n d s to prepare the proper weld joint configurations, (3) welding of piping, and (4) automatic control of the welding sequence and variables. T h e Air F o r c e equipment employs a single compact carriage unit which is inserted over and attached to t h e pipe and then carries a n interchangeable cutter or welder module about the pipe. A weld programmer and a standard power source comprise the balance of the ipment. W e believe that the u s e of a s i n g l e carriage for all p h a s e s of the cut and reweld operation simplifies position indexing and a s s u r e s precise tool alignment. T h i s should s a v e on the time 'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 82-84.



7.5. M o l t e n - S a l t Breeder Experiment Steam Generator Development Program Full-scale Tube Test Facility

ETU and MSBE Steam Generator

? *

1 Conceptual Design of Facility for Testing Full-Size Tubes for a Molten-Salt Steam Generator (ORNL)

Sodium Fluoroborate System and Steam Generator System Criteria and Parameters (ORNL)

+ MSBE Steam Generator Specifications (ORNL)

Design of Full-scale Tube Test Facility (ORNL)

MSBE Steam Generator Title I Design (Vendor)

MSBE Steam Generator

Construction and Shakedown of Test Facility (ORNL and Vendor)



Fabrication of ETU and MSBE Steam Generator (Vendor)



Test and Evaluation of ETU Steam Generator

Test and Evaluation of Full-Size Tubes and Configurations for MSBR Steam Generator (ORNL and Vendor)


1. Heat Transfer Correlations and Analysis

2. Model for Non-Steady


Generator in MSBE Sys t e m (ORNL and Vendor)

RDT Standard: F o r a Molten-Salt Steam Generator

State 3. Computer Program for System Analysis (ORNL and Vendor)






needed to s e t up the equipment, especially where weldment repairs may b e required. T h e compactn e s s of t h i s system is also desirable, it being about 4 in. thick radially and about in. long. Considerable progress h a s been achieved over the p a s t four y e a r s in converting the concept to a p i e c e of reliable operational machinery. T h e Air F o r c e reports satisfactory cutting and welding results i n recent prototype equipment trials using a variety of metals, including aluminum, Inconel, and s t a i n l e s s steels. We were fortunate in having the AEC obtain design documentation from the Air F o r c e to permit u s to proceed to review and adapt the equipment for our remote u s e in radioactive environments. W e prepared 26 detailed shop drawings and a specification package for our prototype mechanical assembly. R e q u e s t s for purchase were i s s u e d , and delivery is expected early in 1969. It is tentatively planned to borrow a welding programmer unit from the Air F o r c e for our initial equipment trials. T h e present machinery is designed for work on piping only and is capable of preparing joints for

butt-welding and then performing the welds. We have designed an alternate carriage for welding lip seals. T h i s carriage “walks” about a s e t of mating contoured s e a l lips carrying t h e same cutter or welder i n s e r t s used with the pipe design, Selection of motor propulsion equipment for t h i s ‘‘sealjoint” carriage w a s kept compatible with that of the pipe cutter-welder carriage drive to permit operation with the same system programmer and instrumentation. Timely completion of the feasibility portion of the weld development program now under way will perm i t t h e u s e of cutting, bevel, and weld machinery in the construction of future reactor facilities, including the MSBE construction. Application and u s e of the equipment in plant construction would be enormously beneficial for several reasons: System reliability and quality control s t u d i e s could be made and the results compared with conventional inspectibn methods. B a s e information of the weld parame t e r s could be recorded for future reference, Substantial construction t i m e and cost s a v i n g s could result with the u s e of automated weld machinery.






8. MSBR Instrumentation and Controls S. J. Ditto

8.1 CONTROL SYSTEM ANALYSES W. H. Sides, Jr. F. H. Clark


ondary salt loop including a variable secondaty salt flow rate, and a control system. T h i s simulation is accomplished in four phases, three of which have been completed. In t-he first p h a s e t h e steady-state temperature profile of t h e system w a s investigated for various power l e v e l s from 30 to 100% of full power. Using the 100% power design temperature profile as a starting point, the temperatures at t h e inlet and outlet of t h e core, primary heat exchanger, and steam generator were calculated for lower steadys t a t e powers. T h e flow rate of the secondary s a l t was a l s o included i n t h e calculation. Steady-state log-mean AT heat transfer and heat balance equations were used with the h e a t transfer coefficient on t h e tube s i d e of the exchangers taken to b e proportional to t h e 0.8 power of the tube-side flow rate and on the s h e l l s i d e proportional to t h e 0.6 power of t h e shell-side flow rate.' T h e s e t of steady-state equations required t h a t s e v e r a l of t h e variables b e specified i n order for a solution to b e obtained. In a l l the cases calculated here t h e temperatures of t h e water entering and of t h e steam leaving t h e steam generator were held constant a t 700 and l O O O O F respectively. T h e steady-state pressures were assumed not to vary with power level. With t h e s e assumptions the power extracted from t h e steam generator is directly proportional to t h e mass flow r a t e of t h e steam. For the 12 cases calculated, t h e temperatures and t h e secondary-salt flow rate taken in various combinations were specified, and t h e resulting system temperature profiles were calculated for the various power levels. Several cases were run in which a

J. L. Anderson 0. W. Burke

T h e analysis of the dynamic response of the MSBR system a s it relates to the overall plant control problem was continued. Two approaches to the problem were taken concurrently. T h e s e overlap somewhat but are in general complementary. T h e first was a s e r i e s of s t u d i e s aimed at development of a satisfactory scheme for coupling the power generation rate of the reactor to t h e requirements of a variable electrical load. In t h e s e s t u d i e s the models of the major components were necessarily very rough approximations. Although the results are believed t o b e qualitatively correct, no great significance should b e attached to t h e detailed numerical results. T h e second set of s t u d i e s was intended to study, in a s detailed a manner as was possible, the dynamic behavior of the steam generator during load transients. Such a study will permit better modeling of t h i s portion of the system for future a n a l y s e s of t h e MSBR system a s a whole.

8.1.1 System Control Analysis Investigation was begun of the dynamics and control of the single-fluid MSBR. T h i s investigation h a s as its objective the development of a satisfactory method of controlling the reactor power and t h e system temperatures to s a t i s f y the requirements of a power plant with variable load demand. In the present study w e are using a simulation which will eventually include core kinetics (including temperature-reactivity feedback and some approximation of t h e effects introduced by circulating the fuel), one primary salt loop, one sec-

'C. 0. Bennet and J. E. Myers, Momentum, Heat, a n d Mass Transfer, pp. 333-50, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1962.


89 secondary-salt valved or orificed by-pass line w a s included in parallel with the steam generator. T h e results showed, for example, that if the average reactor fuel temperature, as well as the feedwater temperature and steam temperature, is maintained constant, it may b e difficult to maintain the secondary-salt temperature a t t h e outlet of the steam generator above i t s freezing point of 725'F at t h e lower power levels (-30%). T h e case which produced the least variation in the overall system temperature profile w a s one in which t h e flow rate of t h e secondary s a l t w a s held constant. F o r t h i s case t h e primary-salt inlet temperature to the reactor varied between 1000 and 950'F for power levels between 100 and 3076, the outlet temperature varied between 1300 and 1050째F, the secondary-salt hot l e g varied between 1150 and 1106'F, and the secondary-salt cold l e g varied between 850 and 915'F. We concluded that a control system arranged to maintain the secondary-salt flow rate a t its 100% power value while allowing the primary- and secondary-salt temperatures to vary with power level should b e included in those investigated further in the s t u d i e s of transient conditions. T h e investigation of t h e transient conditions employing t h e analog computer was begun in t h e second phase. In t h i s p h a s e a n analog program

was s e t up for the primary heat exchanger, the steam generator, and t h e secondary-salt loop with constant primary- and secondary-salt flow rates. In t h i s phase of t h e analog s t u d i e s , a s in those which follow, a lumped system model was used s i m i l a r to that used in the a n a l y s i s of the MSRE2 (see Fig. 8.1). T h e equations describing t h e system were not linearized, and t h e l a t e s t v a l u e s for the system parameters were employed. In t h i s p h a s e of the investigation, a s well a s in t h o s e which follow, the objective of the control system w a s to maintain the steam temperature t o within a few degrees of t h e design point value of lOOO'F during a transient condition initiated by a change in s t e a m load demand. T h i s w a s accomplished by controlling the temperature of t h e primary salt entering the primary heat exchanger. T h e controller was arranged s o that a 1 0 째 F error in steam temperature would alter t h e primary-salt temperature at a rate of 1째F/sec. With t h i s arrangement a 10% s t e p decrease in power demand from 100% to 90% full load yielded a maximum steam temperature variation of about 8'F ( s e e Table 8.1). It took 100

'S. J. Ball and T. W. Kerlin, Stability A n a l y s i s of the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment, ORNL-TM- 1070 (December 1965).



STEAM (4000째F)

F i g . 8.1.

Lumped System Model for

MSBR Analog

T r a n s i e n t Studies.







0 O


0 O d



0 O



0 b

o o o o l n O


0 O


0 1 0 0


r n d


2 2 2





It x

91 sec for t h i s temperature to return t o within 1°F of 1000OF. In a 20% s t e p decrease in steam load from 100% to 80% full load, the maximum steam temperature variation was about 15OF. Again, 100 sec was required for the temperature to return to its design point.

Ramp changes i n load demand at 5% and lo%/ min were introduced. T h e results a r e shown in Table 8.1. In order to d e c r e a s e t h e 100 sec required to return t h e steam temperature to i t s design point after a s t e p change in load, a n attempt w a s made to readjust t h e controller. Efforts here were unsuccessful, however, as t h e system proved to b e unstable. It w a s therefore concluded that in order to accomplish rapid steam temperature control the secondary-salt flow rate must b e variable during a transient. T h e third p h a s e of t h e study thus incorporated control of t h e secondary-salt flow rate in the system. T h e steam temperature controller was arranged so that an error in steam temperature altered t h e secondary-salt flow rate to bring the steam temperature back to its design point. A secondary controller slowly changed some t e m perature (such as t h e temperature of the primary s a l t entering t h e primary heat exchanger) to bring the secondary-salt flow rate b a c k to its design point. A s a starting point the steam temperature controller w a s arranged so that a 1°F error i n steam temperature would produce a lO%/min change in secondary-salt flow rate. T h e secondary-salt flow rate controller was arranged s o that a 1%change in t h i s flow rate would produce a 1°F/min change in the temperature of t h e primary salt entering t h e primary heat exchanger. Using t h i s control scheme a 10% s t e p d e c r e a s e in steam load demand from 100% to 90% full load

e. T h e maximu change in t h e secondary-salt flow rate was about of the design point. T h e e was about 50%/min. T h e flow rate returned to within 3% of its design point in approximately 250 s e c , or 4.2 min. T h i s required a maximum rate of change of t h e temperature of t h e primary salt entering the primary h e a t exchanger of about 20°F/min with a n ultimate change of about 40°F.

A 10%/min and a 5%/min ramp decrease in steam load demand from 100% to 90% full load produced t h e results shown in Table 8.1. An attempt w a s made t o increase t h e speed of response of t h e secondary-salt flow rate controller. However, i n c r e a s e s of a magnitude large enough to produce a significantly faster response introduced system instabilities. T h e fourth and final phase of this series of analog s t u d i e s will include the reactor core kinetics and a lumped model of t h e core heat transfer. Temperature reactivity feedbacks will be included, and a n approximation of t h e transport l a g s introduced in t h e delayed-neutron precursor equations due to the circulation of t h e fuel. T h e secondary-salt flow rate controller will be used to alter t h e reactivity in the core via t h e control rods, given a change in secondary-salt flow rate. Transient conditions will b e initiated by varying the steam load demand in a manner similar to that described above. T h e s e studies a r e not intended to e s t a b l i s h absolute values for t h e dynamic response of the s y s tem. They are of a n exploratory nature for t h e comparison of control system concepts. No attempt h a s been made a t t h i s s t a g e to ascertain the effects of t h e rates of change of temperatures or of flow r a t e s calculated here on t h e components of the proposed MSBR system. Further information concerning t h e system components will b e needed in order to establish detailed control system performance requirements.

8.1.2 D y n a m i c A n a l y s i s o f MSBR Steam Generator3

T h e MSBR steam generator operates in t h e supercritical water region. From inlet to outlet there is a change in density of about a factor of 7; the h e a t transfer coefficient of t h e f i l m shows considerable variation; the temperature changes i n no simple way with enthalpy input; further, it is a once-through system. T h e s e characteristics not only present unusual opportunities for instabilities, but they make invalid many of the simplifying assumptions u s e d in t h e a n a l y s i s of conventional systems. W e are unable t o assume two distinct incompressible fluids, a s is frequently done. Neither c a n w e treat 3GE&C Division Design Analysis Section, Design Study of a Heat-Exchange System for One MSBR Concept, ORNLTM-1545 (September 1967).

92 preheating, boiling, and superheating in t e r m s of simply defined h e a t c a p a c i t i e s for water and steam and a latent h e a t of evaporation. W e a r e forced to a more fundamental consideration of incompressible flow with only a few simplifications. W e describe the system with t h e following set of equations:





- +at








+ K -+ Cv2 = 0 ,




(a - T ) ,


Cp h


s p e c i f i c heat a t constant pressure;


specific enthalpy of water;

subscripts 4I







Equations 1 through 3 are, respectively, the m a s s , momentum, and energy conservation equations for water; 4 and 5, the energy conservation equations for metal and s a l t ; 6 and 7, t h e equations of state of water; and 8, a definition. In addition, the effect of t h e throttle is incorporated as a boundary condition. Complex a s t h i s description is, i t contains a large number of simplifications: for example, neglect of gravitational potential energy, of bulk kinetic energy, representation of friction by a simple v2 term, and many others. Even so, when an attempt w a s made to s o l v e t h i s set of equations a t the Instrumentation and Controls analog computer facility l a s t year, i t w a s found that t h e problem exceeded t h e capability of the system. Consequently, t h e problem w a s stripped down to much less ambitious proportions and addressed again, t h i s t i m e successfully.







water velocity;



distance measured along flow direction;









units constant;

C = friction coefficient; s


enthalpy per unit volume of water;

(HA), = heat transfer per unit of temperature, metal to water; (HA)2= heat transfer per unit of temperature, salt to metal; T


water temperature;



metal temperature;

e = salt temperature; dV


volume element;



salt velocity;

T h e major restrictive simplifications were: (1) the system w a s linearized, and (2) a single-tube system w a s modeled. (A subcontract h a s been l e t to the University of Illinois to develop a program for their hybrid computer which will b e free of t h e s e restrictions. A hybrid computer is considered t o b e e s s e n t i a l t o a full a n a l y s i s of the problem.) T h e main effects of t h e s e restrictions are as follows: (1) Instabilities d u e t o parallel channel effects cannot b e studied. (2) Dynamic s t u d i e s are limited to a small range about a steady-state condition. Steady-state control problems c a n therefore be studied along with linear stability. However, one cannot study control problems related t o large changes in power level, nonlinear stability, or accidents. Two classes of s t u d i e s were undertaken: openloop diagnostics and closed-loop control. In t h e f i r s t class t h e system w a s operated entirely as a n open loop at steady s t a t e . A perturbation was introduced into some input quantity to the steam generator (inlet water pressure or temperature, throttle setting, inlet salt temperature, or salt velocity), and t h e effects on certain output quantities (outlet water pressure and temperature, h e a t




rate, m a s s flow, outlet s a l t temperature) were observed. We consider the information s o obtained to b e useful for system modeling with abbreviated versions of t h e steam generator. In t h e closed-loop s t u d i e s we sought t o find a control scheme c o n s i s t e n t with the following requirements. Heat output should closely follow a heat demand signal no more stringent than a linear demand of 5% in 1 min. T h e water outlet temperature should remain within a 1°F band and t h e outlet pressure within a band of a few pounds per square inch. A heat rate and heat demand comparison s i g n a l was generated t o control the heat output through the throttle setting. Outlet water pressure w a s controlled by c a u s i n g an error s i g n a l to directly alter the inlet water pressure. W e attempted t o control the outlet water temperature by having a n error s i g n a l vary the inlet salt temperature t o the steam generator. However, when t i m e lags were inserted which reasonably approximated the d e l a y s in the core and primary heat exchanger, the s y s t e m tended toward instability, and the l i m i t t o a 1°F band simply could not b e met. Since the s a l t velocity (and therefore the heat transfer coefficient from s a l t to steam generator) c a n respond t o a n error s i g n a l with very little lag, a two-stage controller w a s devised. T h e outlet water temperature error s i g n a l was used t o modify the salt velocity for prompt control. T h e s a l t velocity then generated a n error which was s e n t , lagged, to the s a l t i n l e t temperature. T h e salt inlet temperature then slowly replaced the salt velocity as the controlling mechanism, and the s a l t velocity returned to i t s steady-state value. In view of the lac firm s y s t e m o r com-



ained, a n outline le controls consistent with the

scribing this work is in preparation.


A calculation h a s been made of t h e neutron density, n(t), in neutrons/cm3 as a function of time after the insertion of various s t e p s of negative reactivity. A program written for the IBM

360/75 includes s i x delayed neutron groups and the effect of circulating fuel for both 2 3 3 U and 2 3 5 U . A simplification of the circulating fuel kinetics equations of Meghreblian and Holmes4 was used. A similar calculation made from the circulating fuel point kinetics equations of McP h e e 5 yielded quite comparable results. An analog simulation of a two delayed group approximation of McPhee’s equations a l s o w a s i n good agreement. T h e equations used in t h e s e calculations d o not include temperature effects or h e a t generation from s o u r c e s other than t h o s e directly proportional t o neutron density. F i v e cases were calculated for e a c h of t h e two uranium isotopes, including negative reactivity s t e p s of 0.002, 0.004, 0.006, 0.008, and 0.010. In all cases the transit t i m e of t h e f u e l through the core w a s 2.2 sec. T h e fuel in t h e loop external t o t h e c o r e had a transit t i m e of 6.5 sec. The neutron generation time was taken as 3.6 x sec. For 2 3 3 U , at t h e end of 1 sec t h e relative neutron density, n(t)n,, varied between 0.26 for the -0.002 s t e p t o 0.06 for t h e -0.010 s t e p (see Fig. 8.2). At t h e end of 70 sec t h e neutron dens i t y w a s between 0.025 and 0.004 for t h e two reactivity s t e p s . In t h e case of 2 3 5 U the neutron density varied between 0.45 and 0.13 a t the end of 1 sec for reactivity insertions between - 0.002 and - 0.010 respectively. At t h e end of 7 0 sec t h e variation was between 0.043 and 0.007 for t h e s e insertions. T h e integral of the relative neutron density with respect t o time after reactivity insertion was a l s o calculated. T h e results are given in megawatt-seconds per initial steady-state megawatt (for t h a t fraction of t h e thermal power which is proportional to neutron density). T h e calculation s h o w s that for 2 3 3 U , 0.37 Mw-sec per initial Mw h a s been accumulated at t h e e n d of 1 sec after a reactivity insertion of -0.002 (see F i g . sertion of - 0.010 this value reduces to 0.10 at t h e end of 1 sec. At the end of 70 sec the l e v e l s resulting from t h e s e reactivity insertions a r e 5.10 and 1.06 respectively. In the case of 2 3 5 U the l e v e l s a r e increased t o 0.53 and 0.18 a t the end of 1 sec and 8.93 and 1.94 a t the end of 70 sec for insertions of - 0.002 and - 0.010 respectively. 4R. V. Meghreblian and D. K. Holmes, Reactor Analysis, pp. 590-601, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1960. John McPhee, “The Kinetics of Circulating.Fue1 Reactors,” Nucl. Sci. Eng. 4, 588-97 (1958).


94 ORNL-DWG 68-13046

ORNL-DWG 68-13045




’ 028





0 20


0.16 v


0 12


%, --e ”.I






0 0








t (set)

F i g . 8.2.

Neutron D e n s i t y v s T i m e After Insertion of


0 0

N e g a t i v e Step i n R e a c t i v i t y .








f (sec)

Y t

F i g . 8.3.


R. L. Moore

T i m e Integral of Neutron D e n s i t y vs T i m e

After Insertion of N e g a t i v e Step in R e a c t i v i t y .

T. M. Cate

Investigation of t h e feasibility of measuring high temperatures in molten-salt s y s t e m s with resistance thermometers h a s been resumed on a small scale. T h e u s e of resistance thermometers is primarily of interest t o t h e MSRP in reactor, engineering test loop, and research experiment applications that require measurement of small temperature differences at high temperature. Precise measurement of certain s e l e c t e d temperatures may a l s o be of interest. At intervals, attempts have been made at ORNL to develop or purchase suitable s e n s i n g d e v i c e s for s u c h applications. 6,7 Although t h e s e attempts have been only partially successful, interest in the u s e of resistance 6MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1965, ORNL-3812, p. 47. 7Verbal communication, C. A. Mossman and N. H. Briggs, ORNL.

thermometers for high-temperature measurements h a s continued. Recently s e v e r a l companies (Electric Thermometers Inc., Rosemount Engineering Company, L e e d s and Northrup) have marketed platinum res i s t a n c e thermometers that a r e rated for operation at and above 1200OF a n d are reasonably priced. One company (Electric Thermometers Inc.) offers a ceramic-insulated platinum resistance thermometer which is rated for operation up to 1560OF (S5O0C) and claims that, when operated within rating and properly installed, t h e thermometer calibration will remain s t a b l e for long periods a t high temperature and will not b e affected by low-frequency cycling of the temperature. Two s e t s of t h e s e thermometers were purchased for t e s t and evaluation. One s e t c o n s i s t s of a matched pair of thermometers. The other s e t c o n s i s t s of two “off-the-shelf” thermometers having t h e manufacturers’ standard calibration.





95 I

1I % 1


Three test phases a r e planned. In t h e first phase t h e thermometers will b e t e s t e d for gross shifts i n calibration under conditions of prolonged operation at high temperatures with occasional wide variations of operating temperature, including return to room temperature. In the s e c o n d phase a more accurate determination of hightemperature calibration and calibration drift rate will b e made with o n e set. In t h e third p h a s e t h e other s e t will b e installed in a n operating moltensalt t e s t loop to obtain d a t a on long-term performance under field conditions. P h a s e 3 may b e performed concurrently with phase 2. P h a s e 2 and 3 t e s t s will not be performed u n l e s s the res u l t s of p h a s e 1 a r e satisfactory. P h a s e 1 tests are i n progress and nearing completion. In t h e s e t e s t s two resistance thermometer elements were connected in a differential bridge arrangement and heated in a tube furnace. T h e thermometers were inserted from opposite e n d s of the furnace and butted together a t a position of minimum temperature gradient s o that they would b e as nearly as possible a t the same temperature. (In early tests the thermometers were physically reversed in position to verify that they were at the same temperature.) Bridge excitation during the tests w a s 5 v dc. With t h i s excitation the AT measurement sensitivity was approximately 2.7 mv/OF at 32OF and approximately 0.66 mv/OF a t 1200OF. Preliminary checks showed that 5-v excitation would not c a u s e appreciable selfheating error. P h a s e 1 t e s t s were performed by heating t h e elements from room temperature to a preselected temperature, operating at t h i s temperature for varying periods of time, and then cooling to r o o m temperature. T h e bridge output voltage w a s obc y c l e to detect calibration gree of mismatch of mometers. Before e ice bath (32' istand a

ance of e a c h element w a s measured t o determine the magnitude of any shift which occurred. R e s u l t s of tests t o d a t e indicate that:

1. Calibration shifts d o not occur i f the thermometers a r e operated below 1200'F. 2. Calibration s h i f t s do occur when t h e thermometers a r e operated above 1200OF; the magnitude of t h e s e shifts i n c r e a s e s with increasing temperature above 1200'F.

3. Extended operation a t high temperatures tends to restore the original calibration and to s t a bilize the calibration for subsequent operation a t lower temperatures. (The s h i f t s are apparently caused by induced s t r e s s e s which are annealed by extended operation a t high temperatures .) 4. T h e rate of annealing and stabilization is very slow at 1200OF and increases markedly with increase in annealing temperature. N o appreciable annealing occurs a t room temperature in any reasonable period of t i m e .

5. Subsequent operation above the annealing temperature o r above the highest previous operating temperature (whichever w a s greater) results in further shifts.

6. Extended operation a t t h e highest temperature for which the thermometers are rated (1500째F) will restore t h e original calibration and stabilize the thermometers for a l l temperatures within the rating.

7. Both sets of thermometers were well matched, and r e s i s t a n c e s were well within manufacturers' tolerances before t h e first s h i f t s occurred.

8. R e s i s t a n c e thermometers continue t o offer promise of being useful devices for precise measurement of absolute and differential temperatures in molten-salt systems.

9. Heat Transfer and Thermophysical Properties H. W. Hoffman


urement techniques and t o provide the data necessary to reactor design, and there resulted much information on the properties of a wide variety of molten salts.4 With somewhat narrowed scope, t h e s e studies were continued as a part of t h e Molten-Salt Reactor Program during t h e period 1958-1962.’ Work was resumed in 1967 in response to questions raised by MSRE operation and is continuing now i n support of the MoltenSalt Breeder Reactor Program. Finally, t h i s report covers t h e beginning of an experimental effort to obtain t h e mass-transfer (diffusion) coefficients needed to evaluate and develop the proposed scheme of circulating inert g a s bubbles with the molten-salt stream outside the reactor core a s a means for removing gaseous fission products.

The design of molten-salt reactors requires detailed information on the transport process (heat, mass, and momentum transfer) and the thermophysical properties of the proposed fuel, coolant, and blanket mixtures. T h e studies on molten salts described below are a part of the effort funded at ORNL by the Special Technology Branch, Division of Reactor Development and Technology, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, directed to advancing our understanding of phenomena common to general c l a s s e s of reactors. While molten s a l t s may b e c l a s s e d a s normal experience3 during the thermal transport media, ANP program a l s o pointed up strongly the need for heat transfer measurements with the specified reactor salts to detect the presence and delineate the effects of s u c h adverse factors as nonwetting o r t h e formation of low-conductivity surface films. Recent studies i n t h i s area are described i n t h e first of the following sections. T h e second area considered in this report is that of the thermophysical properties of t h e molten salts; this includes both the estimation and measurement of t h e s e properties. A major effort was mounted during t h e ANP program to develop meas-


H. W. Hoffman

T h e apparatus assembled for studying heat transfer with the molten salts is shown schematically in Fig. 9.1. Salt is induced to flow, first in one direction and then in the other, through a small-diameter electrically heated test section by alternately pressurizing with a n inert g a s t h e

‘H. W. Hoffman, Turbulent Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes Containing Molten Sodium Hydroxide, ORNL-1370 (1952); see a l s o Proc. 1953 Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Inst. p. 83, Stanford University P r e s s , Stanford, Calif., 1953.


S. I. Cohen, W. D. Powers, a n d N . D. Greene, A Physical Property Summary for A N P Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL-2150 (1956); see a l s o “Physical Properties of Molten Reactor F u e l s and Coolants,” Nucl. Sci. Eng. 71, 200-211 (1963). ’MSR Program Progr. Repts.; ORNL-2474, p. 37; ORNL-2551, pp. 38-39; ORNL-2626, pp. 44-46; ORNL2684, pp. 65-67; ORNL-2723, pp. 37-41; ORNL-2799, pp. 34-39; ORNL-2890, pp. 19-23; ORNL-2973, pp. 23-27; ORNL-3014, pp. 83-85; ORNL-3122, pp. 13840; ORNL-3215, pp. 131-33; ORNL-3369, pp. 135-36.

’H. W. Hoffman and S. I. Cohen, F u s e d Salt Heat Transfer, Part III: Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes Containing the Salt Mixture NaN02NaN0,-KNO,, ORNL-2433 (1960). 3H. W. Hoffman and J. Lones, F u s e d Salt Heat Transfer. P a r t II: Forced-Convection Heat Transfer in Circular Tubes Containing NaF-KF-LiF Eutectic, O R N L 1777 (1955).





















n k-----
















F i g . 9.1.




Schematic Diagram of P r e s s u r i z e d - F l o w System for Determining the H e a t Transfer Characteristics of

Molten Salts.

s a l t storage v e s s e l s located at each end of the

ure NaF-NaBF, (8-92 mole 76). Operation with t h i s latter melt requires maintaining a BF,-argon mixture over the s a l t to prevent significant change in the mixture composition (and accompanying sharp increase in melt-

volatile BF,. In turn, t h i s is dependent on the development of satisfactory means for introducing, circulating, storing, and disposing of this toxic gas. A system for accomplishing t h i s h a s been designed and partially fabricated. In view of the lower volatility of the components in the fuel mixture, argon treated t o remove residual oxygen and water vapor is being used as t h e pressurizing and cover g a s in the first experiments. The effluent g a s is vented t o the outside of the building. T h e t e s t section is a 24.5-in.-long, 0.25-in.OD x 0.035-in. wall thickness, smooth Hastelloy N tube heated by passing a high-amperage electric








D e t a i l s of T e s t Section End, Mixing Chamber,

ond Electrode for P r e s s u r i z e d - F l o w System.

current through t h e tube wall. The electrodes also serve a s the end plates of disk-and-donut mixing chambers located at each end of the t e s t section; a detail of t h i s region is shown in Fig. 9.2. In preliminary operation, overheating at the connection between the power cables and the Inconel electrodes caused severe oxidation of t h e copper cables. T o eliminate this, a water-cooled section was installed between the cable and t h e electrode. Twenty-four 0.005-in.-diam ChromelAlumel thermocouples welded to the outside tube wall at 1-in. intervals measure the temperature distribution along the t e s t section; sheath-type couples inserted in wells in the mixing chambers measure the inlet and outlet fluid temperatures. T h e t e s t section is insulated by vermiculite contained in a box enclosing the t e s t unit. Thermal expansion of the t e s t section was accommodated by attaching to t h e freely suspended s a l t reservoirs wires that were coaxial with the t e s t section and, after passing over insulated pulleys, carried heavy weights. T h e isothermal and heat-loss characteristics of t h e t e s t section, the uniformity of t h e wall heat


generation, and the absence of effects on t h e thermocouple readings of the tube-wall current w e r e established in an extensive series of preliminary tests. Following these, initial heat transfer runs were made a t Reynolds moduli between 700 and 20,000, heat fluxes from 3 x lo4 to 6 x lo5 Btu hr-' ft-2, and mean fluid temperatures between 1230 and 1510OF. T h e data obtained are summarized in Table 9.1. Axial inside-wall temperature profiles are shown in Figs. 9.3 through 9.5 for selected values of the Reynolds modulus. A s noted i n each c a s e graphed, t h e axial wall temperature pattern shows oscillations not found in previous molten-salt studies. Curves fitted to the data a s a part of the search for rational understanding may not, at this time, b e of particular significance. Run 48, shown in Fig. 9.3, was performed in the laminar flow regime (Reynolds modulus = 738). T h e scatter in the wall temperature data is of t h e order of +0.5%; in isothermal runs a t 1200째F, t h e temperature variation w a s less than *0.2%. Based on the mean line through the data, the derived heat transfer coefficient is -277 Btu hr-' ft(OF)-', and the corresponding Colburn j factor When compared with a plot of the cu 0.0054. Seider-Tate equation6 (the Colburn factor with a viscosity gradient correction), t h i s value corresponds to the curve for a heated length-todiameter ratio of 100. Since the actual tube length is 133, t h i s constitutes rather good agreement. In contrast, the thermal entrance length suggested by the data is 'v 55 tube diameters, whereas theory7 predicts 336 for a fluid with Prandtl modulus of 9.1 at a Reynolds modulus of 738. Figures 9.4 and 9.5 show axial temperature profiles that differ significantly from the one displayed in Fig. 9.3. T h e initial temperature rise is observed t o b e followed by a temperature decrease and this, in turn, by an irregular wall temperature pattern. W e currently believe that the first part of these curves depicts a laminarturbulent transition, despite the fact that t h e mean bulk Reynolds modulus for run 47 (Fig. 9.5) w a s -20,000. Downstream of this, for run 35 (Fig. 9.4), the wall temperature appears to increase in 6

F. Krieth, Principles of Heat Transfer, pp. 392-94, International Textbook, Scranton, Pa., 1965. 7S. T. Hsu, Engineering Heat Transfer, pp. 310-11, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J., 1963.




ja r"

99 Table 9.1. Preliminary Data Obtained in Heat Transfer Studies with an L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4 - U F 4 (67.5-20-12.0.5 m o l e %) Mixture Flawing in a Long, Small-Diameter H a s t e l l o y N Tube
















































605 7








995 2



















































































aHeat balance = [ s e n s i b l e heat gained by fluid (q,) + h e a t l o s s (qI)j/[electrical h e a t input (q,)].

a stepwise fashion; the lines through the data points were arbitrarily drawn to parallel t h e straight line connecting t h e inlet and exit fluid 7

ORNL-DWG 68-(2944


temperatures. T h e d a t a of run 47 (Fig. 9.5) were given the same treatment; the temperature pattern here appears much more erratic than noted in run 35. Further speculation at t h i s t i m e on t h e s e d a t a is not warranted. I n v e s t i g a t i o n of t h e a b o v e p h e n o m e n a is con-

t i m i n g . In particular, we will examine the effect ORNL-DWG 6842945

-P 1500 I



3 I-


a w

+ b




Fig. 9 . 3 . Axial Temperature Profile with L i F - B e F 2 -

T h F 4 - U F 4 (67.5-20-12-0.5 mole %) Flowing in an Elect r i c a l l y Heated Tube. Run 48, N R E= 738, q,/A = 3.05 x lo4 Btu hr-' f t W 2 .

Fig. 9.4.

Axial Temperature Profile with LiF-BeF2-

ThF4-UF4 (67.5-20-12-0.5 male %) Flowing i n an Electrically Heated Tube. Run 35, N R E = 9952, qf/A = 3-47 X IO5 Btu hr-' ft'-**

100 ORNL-DWG 68-12946

ORNL-DWG 64-8427RA






e, W






$ Lz














Fig. 9.5.

Axial Temperature Profile with L i F - B e F Z -





ThF4-UF4 (67.5-20-12-0.5 mole 75) Flowing in on Electrically Heated Tube. Run 47, N R E = 19,434, qf/A = 5.89 x lo5 Btu hr-’ ft-2.



of heat flux at constant Reynolds modulus and will attempt some a n a l y s e s a s to the wall-temperature patterns predicted for specific postulated flows of a fluid having the properties of the MSBR single-region fuel salt. Some changes in the physical arrangement of the test channel insulation and guard heating may also b e affected. T h e possibility of increasing the t e s t section length to 36 in. is also being considered.

9.3 TH E RMOPHY SI C AL P R O P E R T I ES J. W. Cooke L. G. Alexander H. W. Hoffman

9.3.1 Thermal Conductivity An absolute, variable-gap apparatus is being used t o measure the thermal conductivity of the salt mixtures proposed for the MSBR. A schematic representation of this device is shown in Fig. 9.6. Heat from t h e main heater is transferred downward through the liquid sample region (labeled l <variable gap” in the figure) to an air-cooled sink; heat flow in the upward and radial directions is minimized by appropriately located guard heaters. T h e heat flux into the sample is obtained from measurement (voltage and current) of the d c power to t h e main heater. T h e tempera-

Fig. 9.6.

Variable-Gap Apparatus for Thermal Con-

ductivity Measurements with Molten Salts.

ture drop across t h e gap is determined from thermocouples located on the axial center line in the metal s u r f a c e s defining the sample region; in Fig. 9.6 the position of the couples is indicated by closed dots. T h e sample thickness is varied by moving the “piston” containing the main heater; the separation of the upper surface from the fixed bottom surface is measured by a precis i o n dial indicator. T h e system temperature level is maintained by a surrounding zone-controlled furnace. The salt whose conductivity is to b e measured is generally introduced into the apparatus in powdered form. T h e system is then evacuated and held under vacuum conditions until the s a l t is melted. During operation an appropriate cover g a s a t atmospheric pressure is added t o the system. The measured temperature difference can be resolved into the temperature drop across the sample gap, t h e temperature drops in the metal walls defining the t e s t region, the temperature

ag d

101 drops in any solid or gaseous f i l m s adhering to the metal surfaces, and errors associated with thermocouple calibration, lead-wire inhomogeneities in thermal gradient regions, and instrument malfunctions. Neglecting the error term, we c a n write




ATs + ATm + A T , ,

where Q / A is the heat flux, Axs is the gap width, and k s is the thermal conductivity of the liquid sample. It is assumed that no natural convection e x i s t s in the sample region. Similarly, the temperature drop in the confining horizontal metal walls can b e written



where Axm is the heat-flow path length in the metal walls, and km is t h e wall conductivity. T h e heat flux, Q / A , is the same a s in Eq. (2); t h i s assumes no radial heat flow and no bypass heat flow through the s i d e (vertical) walls of the sample cup. Since km is a function of temperature, Eq. (3) is usually written separately for the upper and lower m e t a l walls; however, for the purposes of t h i s analysis, the two regions are lumped. T h e f i l m temperature difference is of the same form as the AT’S given in Eqs. (2) and (3). If ut of constant and ng the experiment, derived sample coniated error. A f i l m that nown way during the introduces an error in Thus the s a m p l e thermal conductivity is ob-




where a is t h e s l o p e of t h i s linear expression and is the reciprocal of the sample conductivity, and b is the intercept and lumps all other resistances. In operating the apparatus, Q / A is kept constant, and AT is recorded as Axs is discretely varied. T h i s apparatus has been used to obtain preliminary d a t a on three molten fluoride mixtures. The smoothed v a l u e s are given in Table 9.2, along with calibration results obtained with mercury, water, HiTec salt (NaN0,-NaN0,-KNO,, 40-7-53 wt So), helium, and argon. T h i s table a l s o shows literature values for the calibration fluids and recommended values at t h e melting temperature (based on calibration and other anticipated corrections) for the three fluoride m e l t s . We find that, in general, results with t h e c d i b r a tion fluids are higher than published literature values; most of the observed difference c a n b e attributed to heat l o s s e s which become increasingly significant with decreasing conductivity. In evaluating the present results, it must be noted that the apparatus used was designed to minimize the error with fluids having thermal conductivities in the range 0.05 t o 0.10 w c m - l (“C)-’, that i s , the guard heating was designed to make axial and radial heat losses negligible for s a l t s having conductivities in t h i s range. T h e data of Table 9.2 show that the actual conductivities of the fluoride s a l t s are about an order of magnitude lower than expected and that corrections must b e made for heat loss. An analysis taking into account the multiple modes of axial and radial heat transfer a s well a s the specimen properties, the absolute temperature level, and the capability of the guard heaters has given corrections that are consistent with the apparatus calibrations. Final d a t a correction should b e available soon. In thelight of the above comments, some (liscussion of these sources of “absolute” error in ariable-gap thermal cond warranted to provide proper perspective for interpreting data obtained. First, we consider the sport across the sample region. Referring t o Fig. 9.6, we observe that both themain (upper) heater and the t e s t cell are guard heated. The operator attempts to adjust t h e s e guard heaters such that the heat flow through t h e liquid


where the s u b s c r i p t s are T = total, s = sample, m = m e t a l , and f = surface film. For the sample region, the temperature differe n c e is given by


T h i s is of the form

102 Table 9.2. Preliminary R e s u l t s f a r t h e Thermal C o n d u c t i v i t i e s of Several F l u i d s and Molten S a l t Mixtures a s Measured in a Variable-Gap Apparatus

Thermal Conductivity [w cm-I (OC)-ll

a t Temperatures (OC) of





Experiment Literature

0. 0957a












m z




0.0030 0.0032

























Experiment Recommended o . O I O c






LiF-BeF2-ZrF,-UF, (71.2-23-5-0.8 mole %)

Experiment Recommended O.OIOc







Experiment Recommended 0.005‘






Experiment L i t era ture Experiment Literature

o l e %>

(100 mole %)




0.0050 0.0046






aAt 6OoC. bAt 37OC. ‘At Melting temperature.

sample is axially downward parallel to t h e apparatus vertical center line. However, if t h e adjustments are not sufficiently precise - and t h i s is difficult t o accomplish - some radial heat flow will b e present. T h e reduced axial heat flow gives r i s e t o a lower measured A T , and, since Q / A is based on t h e measured power to t h e main heater, to a further reduced value for A T , / ( Q / A ) . T h e consequence of this is curvature in the data plot from which ks is derived, with deviations below the “true” straight line increasing with increasing Axs and probably with increasing average temperature level. T h i s is illustrated by t h e data from the NaBF, measurements shown in Fig. 9.7. T h e detailed a n a l y s i s mentioned above is a l s o being used t o provide design guidelines for minimizing t h i s effect in a new apparatus currently being fabricated. A second factor to b e considered is natural circulation within the liquid sample; the presence

of natural circulation again l e a d s to k values t h a t are incorrect on the high side. T h e cell is designed to weaken t h i s effect; it is heated from above so that a s t a b l e temperature profile exists, and the aspect ratio of the sample region (upper plate radius over sample gap) is of the order of 50:l. Edge e f f e c t s may exist, s i n c e circulation cells set up i n t h e annular gap around the upper (main) heater probably extend into the peripheral regions of the sample disk. W e feel t h i s effect is small, although one investigator claims t h a t even at an aspect ratio 25, t i m e s that of the present device, some natural convection effects were observed at the cell center line. A more serious possibility for liquid motion e x i s t s i n regard to some skewness of t h e sample gap with respect to t h e gravitational vector. T h i s would c a u s e t h e hot fluid to “spill” off the upper surface at one edge and cooler fluid to return in counterflow along the bottom surface. Such flow could b e









o RUN 4 r=4880c 0 RUN z r=568oc A RUN 3

r = m oc

A x s , SAMPLE THICKNESS (crn) Fig.

9.7. Data

Obtained in Measurement of Thermal

Conductivity of N a 8 F 4 w i t h V a r i a b l e - G a p Apparatus.

highly complex, s i n c e the temperature distribution le region also has a role in defining the fluid circuits. It should b e noted that, while the (‘parallelness” of the two surfaces delimiting the sample region h a s received much attention, the “horizontalness” h a s been considered a second-order effect. T h i s will b e investigated further. Finally, some investigators s t a t e that, all other factors being “perfect,” periodic o r

tion transfer is further reduced. T h u s a calculation based on NaBF, data - assuming a transparent medium and a surface emissivity of 0.2 s u g g e s t s that 6% of t h e heat transfer could be by radiation. For a partially absorbing medium with an absorption coefficient of 2/cm (based on an estimate by Cooke) at a maximum gap thickness of 0.1 cm, t h e radiation transfer would b e reduced by about 20%. A number of additional problems were encountered in the NaBF, measurements. During t h e f i r s t of three sets of measurements, l o s s of BF, caused a shift i n the melt composition toward the NaFrich s i d e of the NaF-NaBF, phase diagram, with an accompanying sharp increase in the melting temperature and probably a marked change i n sample conductivity. T h i s eventually led to failure of the system heaters and severe darnage t o the apparatus. In the second set of measurements, thermocouple outputs were observed t o be erratic; t h i s condition was found to result from inhomogeneities in t h e thermocouple lead wires. For the final d a t a set, a BF, cover-gas system was installed to prevent melt composition changes. Despite all these problems, the total scatter of all three data sets was less than k 13%. At present w e estimate the uncertainty in our preliminary measurements to b e between + 15 and - 35%; corrected values should have an uncertainty of less than +15%. T h e s e studies are being continued, and with a new apparatus t h e accuracy should b e further improved. In addition, a planned thorough study of the effect on the thermal conductivity of composition changes in a given s a l t system should lead to more reliable equations for predicting conductivities.


of the observed curvature in t h e data to b e due to

*B ’

of radial h e a t l o s s and convection effects h a s increased. In addition, i f the fluid medium is absorbing, radia-

Measurements were completed for the enthalpy of the MSRE coolant mixture, LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %), i n the liquid range. Two separate s a l t samples contained in Inconel c a p s u l e s were used with two copper-block drop calorimeters.8 ’These calorimeters were calibrated using sapphire crystals certified by the National Bureau of St and ard s.

‘W. D. Powers and G. C . Blalock, Enthalpies and Heat Capacities o f Solid and Molten Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL-1956 (1956).





associated with the copper-block calorimeter h a s disclosed no significant new sources of error.

9.3.3 cp= 0.577

* 0.008

..m .. 400



0 f

Two methods for estimating the thermal conductivity of molten fluoride mixtures were reviewed, namely, that due to Raog and that d u e t o Bridgman." In 1941, Rao derived t h e b a s i c relation, k = 4 ~ v / x ,for t h e vibrational conductivity of a common liquid and substituted t h e Lindemann equation for the single frequency, v, of particles vibrating in a cubic arrangement to obtain


>a J I 4

+ W z 0

F300 X-

k 200 500

Property Prediction

600 700 f , TEMPERATURE ("C)



B(Tm/MV4/3)1/2 ,


where k = thermal conductivity [w cm-' ("C)-'1, = Boltzmann constant, x = molecular spacing (cm), Tm = melting temperature ( O K ) , M = molecular weight, V = molar volume (cm3), and B = constant. T h i s constant B w a s evaluated from t h e few available values of the Debye frequencies for such s a l t s a s KC1, KBr, NaC1, etc. For t h e molten s a l t s , M/n and V/n should b e used in Eq. (7); n is the average number of discrete ions per mole = XiNi, and M is the average molecular weight = K

I p y of

LiF-BeF2 (66-34mole W).

T h e pooled data yielded the following relation for the enthalpy (in cal/g) between 500 and 720OC:

H, - H , ,


33.62 + 0.577(t - 3 0 ) .


2 XiMi, where X


is the mole fraction. Introducing


T h e total error in the enthalpy w a s found to b e of the order of 1%. T h i s results from a standard error of 50.6% associated with Eq. (6) and a calorimeter calibration error of k0.5%. The d a t a are summarized graphically in Fig. 9.8; t h e line shown is the above least-squares fit to the data. T h e derived heat capacity, 0.577 0.008 c a l g-' ("C)- (+1.4%), agreed reasonably with t h e value of 0.56 c a l g-' ("C)-' reported by another investigator for the LiF-BeF, (67-33 mole %) mixture. Data i n the solid region were too limited for significant evaluation. However, a melting temperature of 480 k 20째C was suggested with a latent heat of fusion (which may include transitions) of the order of 115 cal/g. The enthalpy apparatus h a s been repaired and recalibrated preliminary to measurements with t h e MSRE coolant mixture in the solid region and with t h e MSBR single-region fuel mixture (LiFBeF,-ThF,-UF,, 67.5-20-12-0.5 mole %). A limited study of existing and potential errors


the density, p = M/V, and the derived valuefor B into Eq. (7), gives 1 / 2 ,,2/3




11.9 x lo-,

Tm (M/n

)7 1


f o r k in w cm-' ("C)-'. The ion number, n, is calculated by a method that t a k e s into account the associative power of s u c h elements a s Be, B, Th, and U as compared with Na, L i , and K. Values for the ion number of several typical s a l t s are given in T a b l e 9.3. An alternative treatment of vibrational conduction in a quasi-crystalline liquid is that of Bridgman. T h i s assumes a regular cubic arrangement of particle spacing, x, with energy KT per particle


'M. Rama Rao, ''Thermal Conductivity of Liquids," Indian J. Phys. 16, 30 (1942). lop. W. Bridgman, The P h y s i c s of High Pressures, G. Bell and Sons, London, 1949.





9.3. C a l c u l a t e d Ian Numbers far Use in Estimating t h e Thermal C o n d u c t i v i t i e s of Molten S a l t s ~~


Ion Equation



0.33 B e F 4 2 - f 0.01 B e F 2

LiF-BeF2 (66-34)a

0.66 Li'

LiF-BeF2 (65.8-34.2)

0.658 Li'

+ 0.329

BeF42- t 0 . 0 1 3 BeF2

LiF-BeF2-UF, (65.5-34-0.5)

0.655 Li'

+ 0.325

B e F 4 2 - $0.005 U F 5 -

+ 0.015

LiF-BeF2-UF, (65.5-33.5-1)

0.655 Li'

+ 0.3225

B e F 4 2 - $0.01 U F 5 -

+ 0.0125

LiF-BeF2-ZrF4-UF, (71.2-23-5-0.8)

0.712 Li''r0.230

LiF-ThF, (71-29)

0.71 Li'

LiF-BeF ,-ThF

0.71 L i + $0.02 Bel?,'-

(7 1-2-27)


B e F 4 2 - $0.05 ZrF,-

0.29 ThF,-

1.oo 1.00

BeF2 BeF2

$0.008 UF,-

$0.194 F-

1.00 1.194 1.42

t 0.42 Ff 0 . 2 7 ThF,-

t 0 . 4 0 F-


LiF-BeF2-ThF, (70-15-15)

0.70 Li'i-0.15

B e F 4 2 - $0.15 ThF5- $0.25 F-


NaF-BF3 (56-44)b

0.56 N a ' t 0 . 4 4

BF4- t 0 . 1 2 F-


NaF-NaBF, (8-92)b

1.00 Na'

NaF-BF3-KF (47.5-48-4.5)

0.475 N a + t 0 . 0 4 5 K + $0.48 BF,-

LiF-NaF-KF (46.5-11.5-42)

0.465 Li' $0.115 N a + $0.42 K +

KN03-NaN02-NaN03 (44-49-7)

0.44 K + t 0.56 N a +

KN03-NaN02 (40-60)

0.40 K'

+ 0.92

$ 0.60

0.08 F-



$ 0.49 f



+ 0.04 F-



1.00 F-



0.51 NO,-


0.40 NO3- $0.60 NO2-






acornpositions are in mole %. bBoth compositions correspond to the eutectic mixture.

handed down t h e rows at t h e speed of sound in t h e liquid, Us,leading to



,. 11

J. F. Kincaid and H. Eyring, "Free Volumes and F r e e Angle Ratios of Molecules in Liquids," J . Chem. Phys. 6 , 620 (1938).

conductivities of a number of molten s a l t mixtures; t h e results are compared in T a b l e 9.4 along with some experimental values. T h e agreement between conductivities predicted by Eq. (8) and experimental values is excellent for t h e chloride and nitrate salts l i s t e d i n t h e lower part of T a b l e 9.4. T h i s is not surprising, s i n c e the theory is based primarily o n s u c h single-component systems. Further, t h i s agreement is obtained' without manipulation of the coefficients o r exponents in Eq. (8). In contrast, the same comparison for t h e fluoride m e l t s shows only adequate agreement between t h e predicted iscrepancy may re part from uncertainties i n the experimental data; t h e v a l u e s shown were obtained i n earlier measurements with a lessrefined apparatus and are still considered pl-eliminary.


106 T a b l e 9.4.

Comparisons Between Experimental and Predicted Molten-Salt Thermal C o n d u c t i v i t i e s

Mixture (mole %)

Melting Temperature Eq. (8)



(66- 34) a

k [w-'

cm-l (OC)-']

Eq. (9)


73 1


LiF-BeF2 (65.8-34.2)

73 1









LiF-ThF, (71-29)



LiF-BeF2-ThF4 (71-2-27)






NaF-NaBF, (8-92)



NaF-BF3-KF (47.5-48-4.5)



KN03-NaN0 2-N aNO, (44-49-7)




6 06








0.005 7








LiF-NaF-KF (46.5-1 1.5-42)



LiF-BeF ,-UF




LiF-BeF 2-ZrF ,-UF,










acornpositions are i n mole %.


T. S. K r e s s

J. J. Keyes, Jr.

A method for removing fission product g a s e s -from t h e fuel salt in a molten-salt breeder reactor utilizes cocurrently flowing small helium bubbles t o strip 13'Xe from t h e circulating fuel. T h e fundamental theoretical problem involved is t h e description of a scalar transfer within a turbulent shear-flow field a s influenced by the presence in the bulk region f a r from confining walls of a phase interface (bubble) having either rigid or mobile characteristics. The s w p e of this just-commissioned study includes the measurement of m a s s transfer coefficients i n a two-phase flowover a significant range of the controlling variables and the correlation of t h e s e coefficients with theoretical concepts.


T h e proposed experiment will u s e helium bubbles Xe) t o remove dissolved oxygen (simulating from room-temperature glycerine-water solutions (simulating fused salt). T h e choice of the oxygenwater-glycerine system was based on an earlier study' showing that dynamic similarity with presently conceived MSBR designs could b e easily attained. T h e oxygenated glycerine-water mixture will b e circulated through the closed loop diagrammed in Fig. 9.9. The oxygen is then progressively stripped by transfer to helium bubbles introduced at the test channel inlet and removed at the test channel exit. T h e size, number, and spatial distribution of t h e s e bubbles will b e obtained by photographic techniques; the oxygen concentration will b e determined with a Beckman



"F. N. Peebles, Removal of Xenon-135 from Circulating F u e l Salt of the MSBR b y Mass Transfer to Helium Bubbles, ORNL-TM-2245 (1968).











c ’i




Fig. 9.9.





F l o w Diagram of System Proposed for Study of Mass Transfer with Circulating Bubbles.


analyzer. T h e range of the variables to be covered isindicated in Fig. 9.10. If the average m a s s transfer coefficient within the t e s t section is constant, the concentration and outlet (Cout/Cin) would ess than 1) that includes nsfer coefficient, bubble tion length, and g a s and rates.’ * Thus, i f T is t h e transit time for a fluid particle to complete a circuit of t h e ne with a slope of - ( 1 the average mass transthe curve. Typical curves obtained from such experiments might appear a s shown in Fig. 9.11. For t h i s calculation, it h a s been assumed that the helium

’ of t h e liquid flow, the helium bubflow is 1 vol % b l e s are 0.01 in. in diameter, the t e s t channel is 2 in. i n diameter and 25 ft long, and the transit time is twice that required to traverse t h e t e s t section. Mass transfer coefficients were estimated by the expression taken from Calderbank and Moo-Young:




NiSe6’ N : i 3



where NSh is the Sherwood modulus (h, L/Wm), N s c is the Schmidt modulus ( p / p Om), hm is t h e m a s s transfer coefficient, L is t h e channel length, Dm is t h e mass diffusivity, p is the viscosity, and p is the density. T h e Sherwood and Schmidt moduli are analogous, respectively, to the Nusselt

I3P. H. Calderbank and M. B. Moo-Young, “The Continuous P h a s e Heat and Mass-Transfer Properties of Dispersions,” Chem. Eng. Sci. 16, 39-54 (1961).

F i




I I I I ,11

ORNL-OWG 68-12950


I lllllll


ORNL-DWG 6842951


I Illit4


e 02





z z

$ 0

z u

O J 0



k k

o z 2 0


' W

0 02


O%,AP/L"=O.i5 psi/ft)


io2 io3



I IlIllU 5

I I I llllll





0 01 0

I 1 1 11111 5



6 8 r, DELAY TIME (rnin)







C a l c u l a t e d T y p i c a l Experiment Curves for

the Tronsfer of Oxygen Between Water-Glycerol Solutions Fig.


Envelop of Experiment Ranges in Studies

and Cocirculating H e l i u m Bubbles.

of Mass Transfer with C i r c u l a t i n g Bubbles.



and Prandtl moduli in heat transfer. The Reynolds modulus and percent glycerine (Schmidt modulus) areparameters in Fig. 9.11. To obtain a desirable concentration change of C/C, 2' 0.5 under t h e postulated conditions requires - at most - a testing t i m e of 15 min.

T h e experimental system is in an advanced s t a g e of design, and corollary experiments are under way t o evaluate techniques for measuring the size and distribution of s m a l l helium bubbles in a flowing s t r e a m and t o develop means for introducing and removing t h e s e bubbles.




3. Chemistry W. R. Grimes


and protactinium and their complete separation by s e l e c t i v e extraction into molten bismuth containing dissolved thorium h a s been demonstrated in laboratory-scale equipment. An alternative process based on s e l e c t i v e precipitation of protactinium and uranium oxides continues t o show promise and to yield useful information concerning pertinent oxide-fluoride equilibria. Reductive extraction of the lanthanide fission products continues t o prove more difficult than the protactinium-uranium extraction but may well lead to useful separations. A broad program in solution thermodynamics, electrochemistry and spectrochemistry, and transport p r o c e s s e s in molten fluorides continues to supply b a s i c d a t a for reactor and chemical process design. Physicochemical investigations of fluoroborate mixtures continued to yield useful d a t a for evaluation of t h e s e m a terials as secondary coolants. Research and development in analytical chemistry continue t o b e directed primarily toward improvement in analysis of intensely radioactive specimens for oxide and especially for U3+in the fuel and for impurities and fission products in t h e helium g a s from MSRE.

T h e chemical research and development effort described in t h i s chapter includes a wide variety of s t u d i e s of concern to the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment (MSRE) and t o more advanced moltens a l t reactor systems. A major share of t h e s e s t u d i e s i s , a s in previous periods i n t h i s s e r i e s , concerned with det a i l s of the Molten-Salt Reactor Experiment. Routine analysis of the MSRE fuel and coolant s a l t s , and s p e c i a l a n a l y s e s of fuel and pumpbowl g a s samples for fission products were continued until operations with 235Ufuel were completed i n March. Further information regarding distribution of fission products (especially the more noble s p e c i e s ) h a s been obtained through examination of the graphite and metal surveillance specimens and sections of the off-gas lines removed during t h e shutdown. Study of fission product behavior h a s been continued with fuel specimens removed from MSRE, with “synthetic� fuel mixtures doped with radiotracer elements, and by investigation of the chemistry of molybdenum and niobium fluoride in molten fluoride mixtures.

of the AASRE t %

Operatio salt was completed during t h e early part of the current report period, as described i n Chap. 1. Reprocessing of the flush and fuel s a l t s occupied the remainder of the period, and t h e chemistry of

d i n s e c t . 1.2.1. A s h a s been indicated i n previous reports of t h i s series, chemical stability of t h e fuel salt during 2 3 s U operations was demonstrated t o be excellent, generalized corrosion of t h e containment system


110 was negligible (0.02 m i l for 1000 hr of operation), and analytical chemical methods were effective in confirming nuclear performance.

10.1 CHEMICAL FEASIBILITY OF FUELING MOLTEN-SALT REACTORS WITH PLUTONIUM TRIFLUORIDE R. E. Thoma T h e feasibility of starting molten-salt reactors with plutonium trifluoride w a s evaluated with respect to chemical compatibility within t h e fuel system and t o removal of plutonium from the fuel by chemical reprocessing after 2 3 'Pu burnout. R e s u l t s of t h e evaluation are reported in a recent technical memorandum. In summary, compatibility in the reactor is moderately well assured but requires confirmation of P u F solubility and oxide tolerance before t e s t s c a n be made using the MSRE. Although the chemical separation of plutonium and protactinium that would b e desirable i n a large breeder reactor h a s not y e t been demonstrated, conceptual design of processes for effecting s u c h separations are available for development.

10.2 CHEMICAL DETERMINATION OF BURNUP IN 235UOPERATIONS R. E . Thoma An extensive program of sampling and analysis h a s been an integral part of all operations with the MSRE. Of the analytical chemical methods which a r e commonly employed, coulometric titration of dilute aqueous solutions of the fuel salt h a s found most general application' because of its excellent reproducibility and high precision, 50.5%. Notwithstanding, the precision of individual chemical a s s a y s of the uranium concentration i n MSRE fuel salt samples h a s only been about one-tenth that obtainable from on-site computations of the reactivity balance. In addi-


'R. E. Thoma, Chemical Feasibility of Fueling Molten Salt Reactors with PuF3, ORNL-TM-2256 (June 20, 1968). 'R. F. Apple, Method No. 9021206 (Mar. 16, 1965), ORiVL Master Analytical Manual, TID-7015 (suppl. 8).

3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p . 3.

tion, until recently there appeared t o be a growing disparity between t h e measured chemical v a l u e s and t h o s e obtained from nuclear and heat balance data, a s noted i n the previous report. T h e chemical results used were obtained from radiochemical and m a s s spectrochemical as well as coulometric a n a l y s i s of the fuel salt, and from fluorometric and delayed-neutron activation a n a l y s i s of the flush salt. T h e trend of t h e a n a l y s e s indicated that the concentration of uranium i n the fuel salt, as measured by chemical methods, was lower by -0.5% (-0.02 wt %) than that computed from operational data. One possible explanation of the disparity was that the maximum operating power of the MSRE was about 11%greater than assumed i n the reactivity balance, that is, 8.0 rather than 7.25 Mw (thermal), and, indeed, there were reasons t o be suspicious of the power level. In particular, there w a s a n anomalously pronounced temperature coefficient in t h e values of coolant salt heat capacity that were used t o compute t h e heat removal. Experiments were initiated, therefore, to obtain accurate v a l u e s for t h e heat capacity of t h e coolant salt. T h e r e s u l t s 6 showed that the heat capacity of the coolant salt is 0.571 k 0.043 c a l g - ' ("C)-' in the temperature range 500 t o 7OO0C, about 10% higher than t h e values used in previous estimates. T h e nominal concentration of uranium i n the fuel circuit therefore was recomputed from the reactor operating history using a maximum power generation rate of 8.0 Mw (thermal). T h e r e s u l t s of t h i s computation are in excellent agreement with the chemical analyses and show (see Fig. 10.1) that the concentration at t h e termination of run 1 4 should have been 4.532 wt %. T h e corresponding analytical value from a least-squares extrapolation of the analytical d a t a was 4.528 wt % (Fig. 10.1). T h i s difference between the reactivity and analytical chemistry values corresponds to 0.2 kg of uranium out of 220 kg, which is only 0.10%. The difference is even less when derived from a s t a t i s t i c a l treatment of analytical results. From the normalized values for uranium analysis, a s shown in F i g . 10.2, it is s e e n that t h e s l o p e "bid., p . 88. 5MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 25. 6J. W. Cooke, Sect. 9.3, this report. 7J. R. Engel, personal communication, 1968.





Comparison of A n a l y t i c a l and Computed V a l u e s of Uranium i n the

MSRE F u e l Salt.


ORNL-DWG 68-7468


ANALYT-BOOK lkg U) INTERCEPT SLOPE AVERAGE SLOPE io0504 (501 400078 +1660x10-4 +40l7 +4942 400062(406) 400247 -1773X10-5 +0430 10430 l00202(156) I00490 -3634XIO-’ +0423 -0188 AVERAGE

FP5-IO FPll-14 FP 5-14 1014


0992 0990 0988


10.2. M S R E

F u e l S a l t Normalized V a l u e s for Uranium Analyses.

112 between the curve representing the difference between the nominal concentration of uranium as computed on the b a s i s that maximum power was 8.0 Mw (thermal) and analytical results is -1.77 x Such a difference is regarded as statistically negligible. T h e results reported here appear t o signify (1) that uranium l o s s e s t o t h e off-gas stream, if any, have been immeasurably small; (2) t h a t the fuel s a l t is as chemically s t a b l e after long periods of reactor operation, a s w a s originally anticipated; and (3) that a coulometric method of analysis may suffice for determining the concentration of uranium in the MSRE when 2 3 3 U fuel is used, even though the concentration will only be about one-sixth what it was with partially enriched 2,513..


R. G. R o s s

It h a s been suggested' that t e s t s to show whether reactions occur between t h e constituents of t h e fuel and graphite a t temperatures up t o and including boiling at 1 t o 2 a t m pressure are important t o evaluations of the s a f e t y and practicality of molten-salt reactors. T h e initial experiment was designed t o detect any gross incompatibility in the salt-graphite system, as well a s to provide information which might b e useful i n t h e design of future experiments. The experiment involved heating t o 140OOC (estimated boiling point of MSRE fuel salt) a specimen of MSRE grade graphite in contact with MSRE fuel salt contained in a tube of ATJ graphite with a s t a t i c helium overpressure of 1.3 atm. T h e experimental s e t u p is shown in Fig. 10.1. T h e tantalum foil w a s wrapped around the graphite tube in order to afford some protection for the alumina container i n the event of a s e v e r e leak through the graphite tube. T h e salt was heated to 140OOC in a sequence of three separate trials at 800, 1200, and 1400OC. T h e heating rate w a s -10O0/hr, and steady state at the desired temperature was maintained for about 15 min before cooling t o room temperature

'R. B. Briggs, personal communication to F. F Blankenship, Dec. 27, 1967.

for examination. After e a c h heating and cooling cycle the container w a s opened in a dry box, and the graphite tube w a s examined for indications of salt leakage or adverse container reactions before proceeding to t h e next higher temperature. T h e pressure w a s followed with a Bourdon gage (sensitivity l i m i t 0.5 psi) throughout e a c h run. No g a s generation w a s observed. Upon completion of the 140OOC c y c l e t h e graphite tube was c u t open, and t h e MSRE-graphite specimen and fuel s a l t were removed for more detailed examination. Visual examination of t h e graphite specimen revealed no indication of attack by the salt, and its dimensions, determined with a micrometer, were essentially unchanged. T h e portion which had been in the g a s phase w a s coated with beads of salt which were almost perfectly spherical in shape; thus there w a s no wetting by the condensed salt. Samples of t h e salt from various regions were examined petrographically and by x-ray powder diffraction, and bulk samples were submitted for spectrochemical analysis. Salt crystals which were identified as ZrF, were found on t h e outside of t h e graphite tube in a region (4A in Fig. 10.3) that was well below t h e maximum temperature of the-experiment and considerably above room temperature. T h i s material w a s identified both by x-ray diffraction and by petrographic analysis and w a s surprisingly free of other substances. However, AlF,, B e F 2 , and LiF-BeF, glass were found on t h e tantalum foil i n a nearby region (4B, F i g . 10.3). N o uranium compounds were detected in t h e s e colorless deposits. Since the open end of the tube was in a water-cooled connector, one is led to conclude that t h e ZrF,, BeF2, and LiF vapors must h a v e come through the ATJ graphite tube. T h e s a l t beads from t h e graphite specimen were composed of compounds of LiF, BeF,, and ZrF,; and although there w a s a slight greenish color, uranium compounds were not detected by x-ray or petrographic examination. T h e sample from the lower-temperature region (3A, Fig. 10.3) was richer in BeF, than was t h e sample from t h e higher-temperature region (3B, Fig. 10.3). T h e fraction of salt involved i n t h e s e vapor deposits was small, but the t i m e at 140OOC w a s only -15 min. Samples of t h e bulk s a l t were examined, with particular emphasis on detection of carbides and compounds which could have come from container materials. T h e only significant dif-


* t



113 ORNL-DWG 68-!0690















will produce very low C F , pressures, the presence of a mechanism for the removal of C F , would greatly increase the production of UF,. In t h i s experiment, C F , could have been removed by reaction with the container material as follows:

+ 4A1F3 + 3 C 0 ,


co, + c --+ 2 c o .

78 in. OD x '/2



3CF, + 2A1,0,




10.3. H igh-Tern perature

(2) (3)

Spectrochemical analysis of the bulk salt (1 and 2A, Fig. 10.3) indicates higher concentrations of aluminum than was present in the starting salt. This, as well as the presence of AlF, mentioned previously, indicates that reaction (2) may have occurred. Reaction (3) is known to occur readily at elevated temperature. It should b e emphasized that the mechanism proposed is applicable t o this experimental design, not t o MSR conditions, and that most of the uranium remained in the 4' state. T h i s experiment seems t o confirm that there is no gross incompatibility of MSRE fuel and graphite at 14OOOC. However, graphite (at l e a s t ATJ variety) is permeated by the volatile components of the fuel near its boiling point and therefore i s an unsatisfactory container.

Sa It-Graphite Experiment.


S. S. Kirslis ferences in the x-ray powder diffraction patterns of t h e starting salt and s a l t from the experiment ed with ZrO, and lines wh d to anything other than tected. .. ., . . *--


* tB


near the liquid-vapor interface (2A, Fig. 10.3). Uranium trifluoride could not be positively identified by petrographic examination, but an unidentified dark-colored phase which had the hexagonal morphology typical of UF, was detected. T h e ZrO, was probably formed by reaction of ZrF, with s m a l l amounts of moisture from the starting materials. Most of t h e zirconium remained as t h e fluoride. T h e UF3 may have resulted from a reaction of t h e UF, and graphite. While thermodynamics indicates that the reaction


in. in diameter was A metallic object about retrieved by a magnet from the MSRE pump bowl, as described in the first section of t h i s report. It was identified as the mild-steel c a p of a 10-g copper sampling ladle by the visible remains of the $-in.-diam hole for the copper pin and by two 5 -in.-diam holes, in. apart, through which the s t3a2.i n l e s s steel cable passed. T h e severely corroded c a p weighed only 3.06 g, compared with its original weight of 22.23 g. T h i s amount of corrosion occurred i n nine months. T h e c a p had originally been nickel plated. Under a hot-cell stereomicroscope capable of magnifying t o 3&, the metal surface appeared porous, like charcoal. Yet when probed and scraped for sampling, it was very difficult t o remove any metal, perhaps because the porous


114 layer was cemented with salt. T h e 1/32-in. holes were surrounded by areas of white flush salt. A thin flaky layer of flush s a l t a l s o covered much of the t - i n . hole area. T h e corroded c a p was sectioned through the in. holes and submitted for metallographic examination by E. L. Long. T h e cut section showed a small core of solid metal surrounded by empty s p a c e s and flaky or granular deposits. Metallographic examination indicated that a l l of the metallic regions were mild steel. In places, the original nickel plate was intact. T h e surface of the metal had a metallographic appearance typical of corrosion and not characteristic of mechanical breaking off or abrasion. A curious observation w a s that the individual strands of stainless s t e e l braided cable in the t 2 - i n . holes


had dissolved away, leaving hollow metallic tubes where they had been. Some of the porous flaky f i l m was scraped off the remaining half of the cap, and both film and scraped c a p were analyzed chemically and radiochemically. T h e scraped c a p piece weighed 0.67 g and contained 80.3% Fe, 0.024% Ni, 0.19% Be, and 0.39% Li. T h e noble-metal activities were somewhat higher (1 x lo9 to 2.5 x 10" d i s min-' g-I) than the activities which form s t a b l e fluorides (5 x l o 7 to 4.6 x lo9). T h e few milligrams of scraped film contained 0.5 mg Fe, less than 0.01 mg Ni, 0.30 mg Li, 0.18 mg Be, and 0.013 mg Zr. The noble-metal activities again were usually higher (1.2 x l o 8 to 2.0 x lo9 dis/min) than the other activities (1.9 x l o 7 t o 2.2 x 10'). T h e absence of heavy nickel or noble-metal deposits on the s t e e l c a p indicates that the corrosion was probably not due to displacement reactions of the type Ni t + Fe N i + Fe +. Possibly, the corrosion reaction was 2UF4 + Fe FeF, + 2UF3. For this to have occurred, there must have been no elemental iron suspended in the fuel. Analyses of the fuel have regularly indicated that about 135 ppm of iron w a s present. +


It was known, however, that, because of the reducing nature of t h e fuel, due to UF,, such an amount of iron ion was not present. Hence i t was sometimes assumed that iron, if present a t all, was a colloidal suspension. Now that the corrosion of the c a p h a s been observed, we believe that there is no elemental iron present. T h i s implies that the analytical numbers were not valid a t this low concentration range, and, indeed, t e s t s on the reduction of tracer iron have confirmed this implication. Also, if this explanation holds, there must have been no elemental chromium available, a s from addition of beryllium or even a s chromium in Hastelloy N. This may be evidence that the Hastelloy N is coated with noble-metal fission products. Superficially, t h e condition of an iron c a p in contact with a copper capsule appears to be favorable for bimetallic couple corrosion. However, for iron t o have dissolved a s the anodic reaction, an equivalent reduction of cations more noble than ferrous iron a t the cathode was required. T h e absence of such noble ions, again a s a result of the presence of UF,, precludes the bimetallic couple explanation. Of course, the reduction a t the copper would have been U4 going to U 3 ,' but in this c a s e the cell reaction becomes the equation discussed in the l a s t paragraph. A more likely explanation is that an electrode concentration c e l l was involved. T h u s iron was removed from a high-concentration electrode, the iron cap, and deposited a t a low-concentration electrode, the walls of the primary system. T h i s could have occurred even with a very low concentration of Fe2' in the s a l t and with electrical contact between the iron and Hastelloy N. There was nothing in the chemistry of the corrosion of the iron that endangered the compatibility of the MSRE fuel with i t s surround ings. +


. c





Fission Product Behavior



:a %


Y c


F. F. Blankenship

Previous h a s sought to establish the ultimate fate of nuclides generated by fission in the MSRE fuel. It w a s found that s p e c i e s with stable fluorides remained largely in the fuel. T h e noble metal s p e c i e s p o s s e s s i n g less stable fluorides (Mo, Tc, T e , Ru, and Nb) behaved quite differently, with less than 1%remaining in the fuel s a l t and the remainder depositing on graphite and metal surfaces o r being carried off with the helium cover gas. T h e behavior of fission products is of practical concern from three standpoints. First, neutron economy in an MSBR would b e significantly affected i f too large a fraction of the noble metal fission products deposited on the graphite core. Second, it h a s recently been realized5 that d e c a y heat from heavy d e p o s i t s of fission products might c a u s e dangerous heatingcof graphite and metal surfaces in an MSBR in the event that normal cooling mechanisms failed. Third, the design of an MSBR off-gas system must pr ciable quantities of nongaseous fission products

ORNL-4254, PP. 94-115. ‘Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1967, 3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, PP- 116-35. 4MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. F e b . 28, 1967, ORNL-4119, pp. 124-43. ’R. B. Briggs, personal communication, Feb. 24, 1967.

The practical solution of t h e s e problems requires reliable quantitative d a t a on deposition rates and volatilization rates, together with sufficient basic understanding of t h e phenomena involved s o that results from the MSRE operation may be safely extrapolated to an MSBR. In the current report period, progress h a s been made toward the f i r s t objective by a careful examination and analysis of the third long-term surveillance assembly of graphite and Hastelloy N specimens, removed from the MSRE core after the completion of the 2 3 5 U operation on March 25, 1968.

11.1.1 Examination of MSRE Surveillance Specimens After 64,000 Mwhr A third set of graphite and Hastelloy N long-term surveillance specimens w a s removed from the MSRE core after the March 25, 1968, shutdown and delivered to the hot cells on April 5 for disassembly, segmenting, and surface sampling. Previous surveillance a s s e m b l i e s contained only CGB graphite of the Lccore” and “lattice stock” varieties. One stringer (RR2) of t h e third assembly contained CGB core graphite in top (MR-lo), middle (X-13), and bottom (NR-5) positions. T h i s stringer was present i n both the second and third long-term irradiation a s s e m b l i e s (7800 to 64,000 Mwhr). A second stringer (RS-3) w a s exposed to fissioning salt only through the third irradiation period (32,000 to 64,000 Mwhr) and contained CGB core graphite (P-55, Y-9, and P-58), impregnated CGB core graphite (V-24, P-77, P-92, and V-28), pyrolytic graphite (PG), and Poco graphite (K-1). W e have been informed by H. Cook that too low a pressure w a s used to impregnate t h e CGB samples with pitch before firing, s o that the surfaces of the impregnated CGB specimens were not as well


116 s e a l e d a s had been hoped. T h e Poco graphite w a s characterized by isotropic, uniform, relatively large pores. Because there were four different kinds of graphite irradiated for two different irradiation periods i n s e v e r a l core positions, i t w a s necessary to examine and analyze more than the u s u a l number of graphite specimens. T h e 1 2 graphite specimens were rectangular bars, e a c h 0.67 in. wide but varying in thickness from 0.20 to 0.47 in. and in length from 4.5 t o 9.5 in. At least two surfaces of e a c h bar were exposed to flowing fuel s a l t ; the remaining surfaces were stacked a g a i n s t other graphite surfaces i n the assembly. E a c h specimen w a s examined visually with a 30-power stereomicroscope; then i t w a s weighed, and the length w a s measured. F i v e of the b a r s (X-13, P G , K-1, P-58, and P-77) were c u t across the length to provide samples for milling (3 t o 6 in. long), for D. Cuneo's sanding procedure (1 t o 3 in. long), for metallography and autoradiography in.), for x-ray diffraction ( $4 in.), for electron microscopy (t/, in.), and for x radiography (two 10-mil-thick slices). Both e n d s of e a c h bar were c u t off t o exclude the region covered by the Hastelloy N straps which held t h e graphite p i e c e s in place in t h e assembly. T h e remaining seven graphite specimens were segmented only to provide s a m p l e s for surface milling (2 t o 5 in.) and for D. Cuneo (1 to 3 in.). Before each segmenting c u t was made, t h e surface that had been i n contact with graphite w a s marked with a thin abrasive wheel.


An improved procedure w a s developed by Stewart Dismuke and Warren P a r s l e y to sample the graphite surfaces in the hot cell. Each piece of graphite w a s glued to an accurately machined length of angle aluminum i n such a way that two saltexposed s u r f a c e s of graphite faced away from t h e aluminum. T h e angle aluminum w a s bolted t o t h e movable bed of a milling machine in s u c h a way that t h e vertical graphite surface could be moved past a s i d e milling cutter. A tared p l a s t i c sample bottle w a s mounted below t h e rotating cutter to catch the graphite powder as i t w a s c u t off t h e mounted specimen. Preliminary tests showed that 95 to 99% of the graphite milled off w a s collected in the plastic bottle. Before t h e surface milling w a s started, the same milling machine was used to mill out 0.055-in. by 0.055-in. grooves along the corner between surfaces that were to b e sampled. T h i s eliminated t h e problem of contaminating

graphite milled from one surface with that from the surface of an adjoining face. It was desired to m i l l t e n s u c c e s s i v e c u t s from a graphite surface with t h i c k n e s s e s of Y2, $, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 10, and 1 0 m i l s for a total sampling depth of 50 m i l s . Through a hot-cell window, i t proved difficult to locate the graphite surface with the mil for the f i r s t cut. cutter within a precision of T h e b e s t procedure proved t o b e to approach the m i l a t a t i m e with the rotating cutter surface and, through a Kollmorgen periscope, watch for graphite powder falling off t h e cutter. A few first c u t s several m i l s thick were taken before t h i s procedure was s e t t l e d upon. There were n o problems in controlling the depth of c u t s beyond the first. T h i s milling procedure for sampling, while more laborious and time-consuming than t h e previous planing procedure, w a s considered superior in controlling contamination, in providing thinner first c u t s , and in assuring parallel c u t s of uniform thickness. Ten c u t s on two faces were made on samples X-13, PG, and K-1. Ten c u t s on t h e wide face and a single 50-mil-deep c u t on the narrow face were made on s a m p l e s P-58, Y-9, P-77, and P-92. Only d e e p (50 mil) c u t s on two faces were made on samples MR-10, NR-5, V-28, and V-24. One d e e p cut on the wide face w a s made on sample P-55. The sampling scheme w a s designed t o yield m o r e complete information on t h e more interesting specimens. T h e milled specimens were weighed and shipped t o t h e analytical laboratory. Since a n a l y s e s were desired for some short-lived fission products (in particular, 99Mo and 132Te)the hot-cell operations were carried out as speedily as possible. T h e l a s t of t h e s a m p l e s from t h e first ten graphite specimens were delivered t o t h e analytical laboratory by April 15, 1968. It w a s later decided to m i l l s a m p l e s from two more impregnated graphite specimens (P-77 and P-92). I t was not possible to determine 99Mo, 1 3 2 T e , and l 3 I I for these last pieces. R e s u l t s of Hot-Cell Examination of Graphite. T h e program of graphite examinations and a n a l y s e s w a s s i m i l a r to that carried out for previous surveillance specimens. T h e hot-cell examinations were repeated mainly to see whether t h e previous results were confirmed for s e v e r a l new types of graphite specimens, and whether any new observations turned up. T h e only new type of hot-cell test w a s the examination of t h e graphite surface


4 T









by electron microscope. Under examination with a 30-power stereomicroscope, the graphite specimens appeared s i m i l a r to t h o s e from previous surveillance assemblies. There w a s no sign of corrosion or chemical attack. Occasional droplets or f l a k e s of flush salt adhered to the surface, more frequently on t h e f a c e s i n contact with other specimens. Flat flakes of dark-green fuel s a l t were sometimes found on t h e s e back faces. T h e adhering s a l t c a u s e d all graphite specimens t o gain at l e a s t a few milligrams in weight. Quite a few scratches and gouges were visible on the graphite surface, but these appeared to have been freshly made, probably during the mechanical operations of disassembly of t h e package. Most of the specimens l o s t between 1 and 9 m i l s in length out of a total length of 9 in. Adhering salt probably accounted for t h e 5- to 6-mil gain for two of the 4.6-in. -long specimens. T h e specimens were not wiped or scraped before weighing and measuring, s i n c e i t w a s important not t o remove any adhering f i l m s before analysis. Except in the case of Poco graphite a slight l o s s in length was expected because of the neutron fluences e x perienced by the graphite samples. Contractions were larger for the more centrally located specimens, where the neutron flux w a s higher. T h e graphite surfaces were examined carefully under the 30-power stereomicroscope with various kinds of lighting to d e t e c t any surface films. A brown dusty-looking film was discerned, covering about half of the fuel-exposed surfaces. No shiny f i l m s were observed. Surface f i l m s were a l s o sought with the hot-cell electron microscope. Cellulose a c e t a t e tape was dampened with acetone and pressed against a fuelexposed surface of a '/,-in.-long sample from e a c h graphite bar. After i t w a s dry, the t a p e was torn loose. A visible thin film of surface graphite s dissolv adh from the adhering material, which w a s picked up on electron microscope screens. T h e examination of by t h e electron microscope showed diffraction patterns, although later c a n a l y s e s showed that appreciable quantities of s t a b l e molybdenum i s o t o p e s were present on many of t h e graphite surfaces. It may be that t h e molybdenum deposit w a s not crystalline enough to show electron diffraction patterns. T h e thin transverse slices from five of the graphite specimens were examined by x radiography. R e s u l t s were similar to those from previous

surveillance specimens. Many of the salt-exposed surfaces and some of t h e other surfaces appeared to have a thin film of heavy material less than 10 m i l s thick. T h e only specimen showing c r a c k s was the pyrolytic graphite. T h e cracks were parallel to the graphite planes. Some of the empty cracks may have occurred during t h e cutting of the thin samples of t h i s fragile, brittle material. However, a halo of heavy material, presumably fuel s a l t , w a s observed in the vicinity of some of the cracks, while t h e c r a c k s themselves were empty (Fig. 11.1). T h i s may have been a filled crack that opened wider on cutting. T h e white band a c r o s s t h e end of the specimen w a s identified as a ledge of graphite t h a t remained on the specimen when i t cracked off t h e bar when t h e cutting wheel had nearly c u t through. F i v e of the graphite specimens were scheduled for metallographic and autoradiographic examina-


11.1. X Radiograph of Pyrolytic Graphite ExMSRE for 32,000 Mwhr. Magnification 1 8 ~ .

posed i n

118 tion and for x-ray diffraction examination of fuelexposed surfaces. T h e s e examinations have not been completed. Radiochemical A n a l y s e s of the Graphite Surface Samples.

- T h e program of graphite a n a l y s e s w a s

similar to those for previous surveillance specimens. Twelve specimens were analyzed rather than the u s u a l three, s i n c e four t y p e s of graphite were represented in the third surveillance test. The objectives of the rather thorough analytical program were (1) to confirm previous results for CGB graphite; (2) to compare concentration profiles and total deposition of 1 2 nuclides on CGB, impregnated CGB, Poco, and pyrolytic graphite; and (3) to provide more accurate deposition data needed for solving practical reactor problems. All of the milled graphite samples were dissolved in a mixture of HNO, and H,SO, and analyzed radiochemically for 99Mo, l 3 T e , l 9Te, lo3Ru, l o 6 R u , 95Nb, 95Zr, 89Sr, 140Ba, l 4 I C e , 144Ce, and 13'I. Selected samples were also analyzed for 137Cs, 'Ag, "Ag, 91Y, and 147Nd. During the dissolutions, traps were provided to catch volatilizing activities such a s Ru and I. The traps were analyzed separately. Radiochemical separations were made before each s p e c i e s w a s counted except in t h e case of rare earths, where the whole group w a s isolated and t h e individual components determined by a computer analysis of the gamma spectrometer scan.




From these a n a l y s e s and the depth of milling for each sample, concentration profiles to a depth of 50 m i l s were drawn for each nuclide and each surface sampled. T h e depth of cut w a s determined by dividing t h e volume of sample (measured weight divided by density) by the sampled area (measured length t i m e s measured width). For the thinner samples this procedure w a s more accurate than direct reading on the milling machine. Since there were more than 1200 data points and more than 120 profile curves, i t is not practical to report them in detail here. A few concentration profiles will b e shown to illustrate particular points in the ensuing discussion of the general features of most interest. T h e Concentration profiles from previous long irradiations will b e compared with the current profiles for the CGB graphite specimens. Then the current CGB profiles will b e compared with those for impregnated CGB, pyrolytic, and Poco graphite. It will help to keep the subsequent de-

tailed discussion in perspective if it is pointed out now that, in spite of differences in concentration profiles, the total deposition of most nuclides was surprisingly similar on all the types of graphite examined. Four concentration profiles were determined on three specimens of CGB graphite, all located near the middle of the MSRE core. Profiles were obtained on the wide face of specimens Y-9 and P-58 (single exposure) and on both a wide and a narrow face of the doubly exposed X-13 (8000 to 64,000 Mwhr). The profiles were in general similar in s h a p e to those observed for the two previous sets of surveillance specimens. B e c a u s e the f i r s t few cuts were thinner than could b e taken with the previous sampling method, the initial slopes of the profiles were s e e n to b e steeper than previously indicated. The concentrations of the noble metals 99Mo, l o 3 R u , l o 6 R u , 95Nb, and ' l l A g usually dropped by about four orders of magnitude in penetrating 5 to 10 m i l s into t h e graphite. T h e four s e t s of profiles were by no means identical, however; Fig. 11.2 shows the variations for l o 3 R u between the wide and narrow faces of the X-13 sample. For t h e s e nuclides and several others, the initial concentration gradient for penetration from the wide face w a s less steep than for t h e narrow face. A s previously, variations of this kind were interpreted to indicate t h e variable porosity of CGB graphite even between different faces of the s a m e specimen.

t B




A s previously observed, the I3'Te and '"Te profiles showed a more gradual initial drop than the other noble metals. Among the latter, "Mo dropped less precipitously than the R u or Nb concentrations. T h u s the noble metals appear t o be diffusing independently of one another, rather than as combined particles or as, for example, d e p o s i t s on microscopic graphite particles. The X-13 profiles leveled out at d e e p penetrations, but the P-58 profile kept decreasing. The 9 5 Z r profile was s i m i l a r in s h a p e to those of the noble metals, but its activity w a s lower by about two orders of magnitude than that of its daughter, 95Nb (Fig. 11.3). It is clear that 95Nb, evidently as metal, penetrated preferentially from the fuel salt into t h e graphite. The MSRE pump bowl g a s a n a l y s e s (and other tests) have shown that 95Nb (like other noble metal fission products) h a s a tendency t o concentrate in t h e g a s phase above molten s a l t , much more s o than 9 5 Z r and



ORNL-DWG 68-14515


1013 I






1013 +











95 Nb 9 5 Zr I







i i











I I1

/ 7 3







1 - 1




1 1 I I


















I 0











TWO CGB, double

Concentration P r o f i l e s for l o 3 R u on

F a c e s of the X - 1 3 Graphite Specimen.



Concentration Profiles for

in CGB Graphite.

95Nb and 9 5 Z r

X-13, double exposure.



other s p e c i e s with s t a b l e fluorides. T h i s s u g g e s t s that the same escaping tendency caused 95Nb to leave the fuel and enter t h e pores of graphite more readily than 95Zr. Once in the pores, the 95Nb (and other noble metals) apparently deposited readily on the w a l l s of t h e pores, leading to s t e e p initial concentration gradients. T h e fairly level nonzero tails at deep penetrations indicate a second diffusion process of low capacity but high speed. The improved milling technique permitted a more detailed look at t h e profiles for "Sr and 140Ba. It had previously been reported that t h e plots of the logarithm of concentration v s penetration depth for t h e s e elements were straight lines. T h i s remained true for 89Sr beyond about 2 m i l s and for 140Ba beyond about 5 mils, but the initial gradient w a s much steeper in all cases. The initial gradie n t may have been due to Sr and Ba entering as the element rather than a s t h e precursor gas. T h e linear portions showed a considerable variation in slope for the sgSr from zero for both s i d e s of X-13 to about a factor of 2 per 50 m i l s for P-58. Similarly, for 140Ba the linear s l o p e s varied from a factor of 2 per 50 m i l s for X-13 to a factor of 20 per 50 m i l s for P-58. T h e s e features are illustrated in Fig. 11.4, giving the 89Sr and 140Ba profiles for X-13 wide face and P-58. T h e linear slope variations illustrated again t h e variations in porosity of CGB graphite, and the existence of t'wo slope regions in e a c h curve implies at l e a s t two simultaneous diffusion mechanisms. T h e linear s l o p e s observed for 89Sr and 14'Ba on these samples were considerably flatter than for previous CGB specimens. For t h e first time, complete profiles were obtained for 141Ce and 1 4 4 C e in CGB graphite. T h e s e are shown for X-13 wide face and P-58 in Fig. 11.5. For 141Ce there is a s t e e p initial drop for a few mils, then a flattening to a linear slope. The linear s l o p e s are only slightly steeper than OBa, whereas the half-lives of t h e Xe precurfor s o r s a r e 1.7 sec and 16 sec for 14'Ce and 14'Ba respectively. T h i s s u g g e s t s that 141Ce h a s a mode of diffusion other than a s l 4 'Xe. T h e 14'Ce curves for X-13 and P-58 are unaccountably different. Both show a s t e e p initial drop, but the curve for X-13 wide face levels out a t 6 x l o 8 d i s min-' g - l , while that for P-58 continues dropping to 1 x l o 6 d i s min-' g-l. T h e profile for Y-9 behaved like P-58 and that for X-13 narrow face like X-13 wide face. Cerium-144 h a s a very short-lived X e precursor. T h e impregnated




ORNL-DWG 68-.145(6 I




t 0





- '















<E U a



lo9 0




Concentration P r o f i l e s for 89Sr and l4'Ba Two Samples o f CGB. X-13, wide face, and P-58.

Fig. 11.4. in

CGB graphite specimens P-77 and P-92 showed 1 4 4 C eprofiles more like t h o s e for X-13. T h e profile for pyrolytic graphite for penetration perpendicular to the planes leveled out a s for X-13, while that for penetration parallel t o t h e planes continued dropping as for P-58. T h e Poco graphite profiles had a s h a p e intermediate between the two types. Fragmentary data from previous CGB graphite specimens suggested t h e continuously dropping type of profile. T h e initial s l o p e s for 95Zr were much s t e e p e r than for ' 4 4 C e for all

121 68- 14517








io" 5


Id0 5

Only selected CGB samples were analyzed for 1 3 7 C s , "Ag, 'OAg, 91Y, and 147Nd;t h e s e were taken from X-13 wide face and P-58. The 137Cs dropped by a factor of 15 in t h e first 5 m i l s , then leveled off. Both Ag nuclides dropped by more than three orders of magnitude in 5 m i l s . T h e 91Y concentration decreased by a factor of 5 i n 5 mils, then became level. T h e 147Nd dropped steeply by more than a factor of 100 in 5 mils, then leveled.

2 lo9












T h e concentration profile for l 3 'I in specimen P-58 w a s s i m i l a r to those previously reported, with a s t e e p initial drop by a factor of 2 0 in the f i r s t mil, then a progressively less s t e e p gradient, a s for many Te profiles. T h e profile for X-13 wide face w a s less steeply sloped i n all parts of the curve. That for X-13 narrow face w a s quite different, in fact nearly duplicating t h e curve for 95Zr on the s a m e face. It dropped sharply through nearly four orders of magnitude in 7 mils, then suddenly leveled out. T h i s again shows clearly a difference in graphite structure for t h e two faces of X-13.

I 0



20 30 40 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE ( m i l s )

144Ce in

Two Samples of CGB Graphite.

face, and




samples, so the 1 4 4 C e is not moving as bulk fuel salt. T h e total of t h i s information l e a d s to n o clear explanation of 144Ce behavior. It can perh a p s b e tentatively concluded that CGB structures vary in such a way that t h e low-capacityl highspeed mechanism leading to flat t a i l s is somet i m e s but not always blocked for 144Ce.

Many of t h e Y-9 profiles were unusual in that they exhibited a rise by a s much a s a factor of 5 after the u s u a l initial drop in concentrations. Beyond the broad hump, concentrations again decreased. The rise w a s a t 10 m i l s penetration for "Mo, 5Nb, and 'I, but a t 5 m i l s penetration for l o 3 R u , l o 6 R u , 95Zr, 89Sr, and 1 4 4 C e . Some of t h e s e humped profiles are shown i n F i g . 11.6. There w a s no discernible hump in t h e profiles for 1 3 2 T e , ln9Te, 140Ba, and 14'Ce. No convincing explanation h a s been found for the unusual humps. It is very improbable that analytical e r r o r accounts for the humps, s i n c e most of the profiles were rather smooth monotonically decreasing curves with less than one point in ten significantly out of line. Impregnated CGB C o n c e n t r a t i o n P r o f i l e s . - Even though t h e impregnation of CGB graphite specimens P-77 and P-92 w a s not completely s u c c e s s ful, an effect on fission product penetration w a s measurable. Most profiles were quite similar in shape to t h e CGB profiles, resembling the P-58 profiles more than the X-13 profiles, i n that t h e curves tended to continue dropping at 50 m i l s penetration, rather than leveling off like most of the X-13 profiles. For most isotopes, the impregnated CGB profiles were s t e e p e r and reached lower final concentration than the CGB profiles,

122 ORNL-DWG 68-44549

ORNL-DWG 68- 44548







I /


- \I




4 .

RI \







20 30 40 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE ( m i l s )


I '44Ce




\ I

Fig. 11.7.


Concentration P r o f i l e for 13'Cs

pregnated CGB Graphite.


in Im-



than those for 89Sr, although both have rare-gas precursors of s i m i l a r half-life. T h i s s u g g e s t s that l 3 7 C s itself is mobile in graphite, as w a s previously inferred. 40' I







Concentration Profiles for I o 6 R u ,

%nd 1 4 4 C e in C G B Graphite.



Pyrolytic Graphite Concentration Profiles. 50

14' Ce,


but the differences were not large. However, pronounced differences were observed for 89Sr and 140Ba. The s l o p e s for 89Sr were a factor of 1 0 per 50 m i l s for P-77 and P-92, while those for the CGB specimens were factors of 1 to 2 per 50 mils. The average s l o p e s for OBa were a factor of 100 per 50 mils, while the CGB s l o p e s were factors of 10 to 20 per 50 m i l s . A complete profile for 'CS on specimen P-92 is shown in Fig. 11.7. T h e profile is much flatter

T h e s e profiles are of interest s i n c e pyrolytic graphite represents the ultimate in decreasing the porosity of graphite. T h e density of t h e specimen used (P-103) w a s 2.225 g/cc. In accordance with expectations, the penetration of all fission products in the direction perpendicular to the graphite planes w a s greatly reduced. All of t h e profiles except those of 89Sr and 140Ba were essentially identical, showing an initial steep drop of three to five orders of magnitude in 7 m i l s , then leveling out. T h e drop w a s even s t e e p e r than indicated here s i n c e the first cut w a s excessively heavy, with a thickness of 4.5 m i l s (due to difficulty in locating the surface with t h e milling cutter). The concentrations a t which the profiles leveled out were consistently lower by as much a s two orders of magnitude than t h e lowest concentrations i n the CGB profiles.



b 0 4

* Jt



T h e 89Sr and 140Ba profiles, shown in Fig. 11.8, a l s o differed markedly from the corresponding CGB profiles. The latter for 89Sr leveled out at about 10" d i s min-' g - l , while the pyrolytic graphite profile w a s s t i l l decreasing a t 50 m i l s depth at a concentration of 7.6 x l o 5 d i s min-l g - ' . For 140Ba, the concentrations in CGB decreased from the surface value of 2 x l o 1 d i s min-' 8-l only about an order of magnitude to the value a t a depth of 50 m i l s . T h e span for I4OBa in pyrolytic graphite w a s more than four orders of magnitude, and the initial value was lower (because of t h e thick first sample). Another curious fact shown clearly in Fig. 11.8 is that the 89Sr and 140Ba profiles were practically superimposed on each other. For all other specimens examined, the 14'Ba showed a distinctly steeper concentration gradient than 89Sr. The behavior in pyrolytic graphite s u g g e s t s that diffusion of the rare-gas precursors may not b e the mechanism by which these nuclides penetrate pyrolytic graphite in t h e direction perpendicular t o the graphite planes. T h i s i d e a is supported by the fact that the concentrations of t h e noble metals in disintegrations per minute per gram were all substantially higher than t h o s e for 89Sr and 140Ba a t deep (20 to 50 m i l s ) penetration. T h e reverse w a s true for all other graphites examined. T h e impermeability of pyrolytic graphite fuel particle coatings to fission g a s e s is well known. For t h e pyrolytic graphite specimen, concentration profiles were a l s o determined i n t h e direction parallel to the graphite planes (narrow face). For all nuclides except *'Sr and 14'Ba, the profiles were qualitatively s i m i l a r t o those for CGB speci-

h e parallel (narrow htly higher final (40 to 50 m i l s ) concentrations








2 WIDE FACE 1 4 0 ~ 0




2 (08










I # '4oBcly



-- -



I o5


c h more l i k e CGB profiles 2


I o4

y t h e difference in diffusion behavior




20 30 40 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE ( m i l s )

s higher than for CGB graphite but do not approach the extreme behavior i n the perpendicular direction.

Fig. 11.8.

Concentration Profiles for 89Sr and l 4 ' B a

in Pyrolytic Graphite.


124 Also, the usual difference in s l o p e s for 89Sr and 140Ba is observed. It s e e m s clear that in the parallel direction we are dealing again with the diffusion of rare-gas precursors. A final conclusion may be drawn from the above observations that the diffusion of 89Sr, I4OBa, 14'Ce, '44Ce, and 13'1 in graphite depended much more on the presence of porosity than did the diffusion of t h e noble metals and 95Zr. Since t h e analytical d a t a for ' 4 4 C e were often questionable and showed much scatter, its placement in t h e above grouping is in some doubt . Poco Graphite C o n c e n t r a t i o n P r o f i l e s . - T h i s variety of graphite w a s included b e c a u s e of i t s resistance to radiation damage and b e c a u s e i t s structure varied from the CGB structure in the opposite way from pyrolytic graphite. Poco graphite h a s relatively large pores of a uniform diameter and is isotropic in all its physical properties. Concentration profiles were determined from two faces of the s a m e specimen.

T h e s p e c i e s 9 9 M ~ lo3Ru, , lo6Ru, 95Nb, and 95Zr had profiles qualitatively s i m i l a r to those for CGB, with steep initial drops of several orders of magnitude in a few m i l s and then a sharp transition to a less steep slope. The profiles from the two faces did not duplicate themselves any more precisely than for CGB graphite. The profiles from the narrow face were usually slightly steeper at deep penetrations, started at higher initial concentrations, and dropped to lower final concentrations. T h e 132Teand 129Teprofiles were distinctly different from those in CGB graphite, with much shorter initial drops and less steep internal s l o p e s which were nearly straight l i n e s (log concentration v s depth). The profiles for 89Sr dropped slightly for 2 m i l s , then leveled out at 8 x 1 O 1 O and 7 x 1 O ' O d i s min-1 g-' for the wide and narrow faces respectively. T h e s e are c l o s e to the level found for CGB graphite. Both I4OBa profiles behaved simiIarIy, giving flat tails at 3 x 1 O 1 O d i s min-' g-'. In CGB graphite t h i s concentration w a s observed in the linear range of t h e profiles at depths of 20 t o 30 mils. The relatively large pores of P o c o graphite are undoubtedly responsible for t h e unique flatn e s s of these Ba profiles, b u t it is not clear why the profiles for CGB should start at a higher level before crossing those for Poco graphite.

T h e l 4 'Ce profiles for P o c o were markedly different from t h o s e for CGB graphite. The initial drops were much steeper and the linear tails were much less s t e e p than for CGB graphite. The final concentration w a s higher for Poco graphite. T h e linear tails are probably characteristic of Xe precursor diffusion and should b e flatter for the larger pores of P o c o graphite. T h e diffusion mechanism responsible for the initial slope must be faster in CGB graphite. A s d i s c u s s e d above, the ' 4 4 C e profiles for Poco graphite were intermediate between the two types observed for CGB graphite. The 1 3 1 1 behavior i n Poco graphite w a s within the considerable range of behavior observed for the several CGB profiles. The profiles were not nearly identical for the two s i d e s of this supposedly isotropic graphite. T h e initial slope w a s much steeper for t h e narrow face profile. T h e final s l o p e s were downward like Y-9 but very much unlike X-13 narrow face. T h e discussion of diffusion of fission products into P o c o graphite may be summarized by stating that s m a l l e r differences were observed between Poco and CGB graphite than might h a v e been expected from the appreciable differences in the graphite structure. O v e r a l l D e p o s i t i o n on G r a p h i t e Surfaces. - For m o s t of the practical u s e s of t h e d a t a on penetration of fission products into graphite, the s h a p e of the concentration profiles is of less significance than the total amounts deposited on o r in t h e graphite. Since in most cases t h e bulk of the nuclide is deposited within a few m i l s of the graphite surface, the total depositions are reported in t e r m s of disintegrations per minute per square centimeter of graphite surface. The activities were calculated back to the t i m e of shutdown of the MSRE before the removal of the surveillance specimen package (1 AM, March 25, 1968). T h e disintegrations per minute per square centimeter unit may b e converted to atoms per square centimeter by dividing by the d e c a y constant of the particular nuclide (in minutes-'). The number of disintegrations per minute in each milled sample of graphite w a s obtained by multiplying t h e analytically reported disintegrations per minute per gram by the sample weight. The disintegrations per minute for the ten c u t s from a particular surface were summed, then divided by the sampled area to obtain the total disintegrations



Q 4


125 per minute per square centimeter. In many cases the f i r s t few c u t s contained 99% of t h e nuclide, and t h e contributions of deeper c u t s could b e neglected. In the case of 89Sr and other s p e c i e s with flat concentration profiles, t h e calculated totals were low, s i n c e they did not include t h e significant quantities at depths below 50 m i l s (the maximum depth of sampling of e a c h graphite surface). T h e only cases where t h e error is significant are for 89Sr in most specimens and for 140Ba in Poco graphite. In t h e cases where only a s i n g l e 50-mil-deep cut w a s made, t h e number of disintegrations per minute per square centimeter was simply calculated by multiplying disintegrations per minute per gram by t h e sample weight and dividing by t h e sampled area. T h e surface concentration results obtained in this way are shown in Table 11.1, which also l i s t s t h e sample d i s t a n c e from t h e bottom of the core, the type of graphite, and the exposure in megawatt-hours. T h i s m a s s of data is more easily digested in graphical form. T h e surface concentration of e a c h nuclide is plotted against distance from t h e bottom of t h e core in Figs. 11.9 to 11.13. A gratifying a s p e c t of t h e results in t h i s summarized form is that t h e s c a t t e r between specimens w a s not s o wide as might h a v e been guessed from t h e widely differing concentration profiles. A number of regularities added credibility t o the results. T h e average agreement between wide and narrow faces for t h e same specimen w a s well within a factor of 2. At a given core location, the average agreement between all t y p e s of CGB graphite (untreated, impregnated, and doubly exain within a factor of 2. For the three isotopic pairs ('32Te and 129Te,lo3Ru and lo6Ru, 141Ce and 144Ce) the deposition r e s u l t s were nicelv Darallel when plotted a s a function of


p l o t s reveals that the of deposition behavior with tions. F o r t h e d a t a points for GB graphite, t h e deposition of 99Mo, 95Nb, 95Zr, 140Ba, 141Ce, and 1 4 4 C eincreased by a factor of about 3 from t h e bottom of t h e core ddle, then decreased by a somewhat larger factor to low values for t h e specimens at t h e t o p of t h e core. T h i s humped pattern w a s not observed for t h e other s i x fission products. T h e most obvious parameter which varies with the core

position in a s i m i l a r humped pattern is the neutron flux. It is conceivable that flux-dependent processes like fission recoil might drive some fission products into t h e graphite, but i t is not clear why only half t h e n u c l i d e s should b e affected by it. T h e deposition on t h e doubly exposed CGB specimens (8000 t o 64,000 Mwhr) w a s not significantly different from that for t h e C G B specimens exposed only during t h e l a s t 32,000 Mwhr. Nowever, t h e deposition of most nuclides on the doubly exposed specimen at t h e top of t h e core (MR-10) w a s usually slightly lower than on any other specimen. T h e Ru v a l u e s were slightly lower for the doubly exposed specimens, but not significantly so. I t might indeed h a v e been expected that t h e 1.06-year-half-life 06Ru would have accumulated to a greater extent for t h e longer exposures. The deposition of long-lived 144Ce (285-day half-life) also showed no i n c r e a s e with longer exposure. For nuclides with halfl i v e s short compared with t h e exposure t i m e s , the material deposited during t h e f i r s t exposure would have decayed away before t h e end of the second exposure. T h e lack of increased deposition for long-lived s p e c i e s for longer exposures possibly implies that early deposits slough off a s new material deposits. Another optimistic interpretation of the behavior is that deposition rates gradually decreased with time. It w a s disappointing that t h e total deposition of all nuclides on impregnated CGB graphite w a s not significantly lower than on untreated CGB graphite, even though the impregnated CGB concentration profiles often showed steeper initial slopes. However, t h e uniform behavior of all t y p e s of CGB graphite provided a convenient reference curve for comparison with the deposition on Poco and pyrolytic graphite. It w a s expected that deposition on pyrolytic graphite, particularly in t h e direction perpendicular to t h e graphite planes, would b e low compared with deposition on CGB. T h e plots show that t h i s is true for 1 3 2 T e , 1 2 9 T e , S9Sr, I4OBa, 141Ce, and 1311, but not for 99Mo, lo3Ru, l o 6 R u , 95Nb, 95Zr, and 144Ce. The s p e c i e s with low deposition are t h o s e which appeared to diffuse a s i f they or their precursors were gaseous. T h e others usually had very s t e e p initial concentration profiles and behaved a s i f g a s e o u s transport or porosity were not involved in their mobility. Correspondingly, the most nonmobile of t h e latter




w K












" 3 4






.rl Y









m I. m




al + r a

a a

0 P al



.+ .-










ORNL-DWG 68-44524







< iz




















!O‘2 -




















~ C W ~ X

cw2x CN2X














40” I










0 cw2x


cw =ocw
















0P Y l





F i g . 11.10.


7 /IN’ -O C N 2 X 1 @ w







CORE (in.)

D e p o s i t i o n of 1 2 9 T e and 1 3 2 T e v s P o s i t i o n i n Core.



ORNL-DWG 68-44523

1 0 ' ~ __












e IN .=zI&w I 0 IN


I cw

- cw2x 3 cw2x


= I & - PY 1



e cw2x





< 40"







d C N 2 X I


a, k 0



I o9



0 CN2X 0 IN

IO0 0


0 CN2X



PYll I

















Ru and ' 0 6 R v vs Position in Core.


ORNL-DWG 68-44524



:c w 2 x IN

0 IN
















20 30 40 50 DISTANCE FROM BOTTOM OF CORE ( i n . )

D e p o s i t i o n of 89Sr, 1 4 0 B a , and



v s P o s i t i o n i n Core.


b, Di


ORNL- DWG 68-14525







e cw r c w 2 x






lo9 D a







4 o7












Deposition of 1 4 ' C e and 1 4 4 C e v s Position in Core.

lo3Ru, l o 6 R u , and 95Nb, actually

the reverse was true, particularly for the most "gaseous" types, 89Sr and 140Ba. The t s on Poco grap - rather puzzling. The deposition of 32Te, 9Te, and 1311 w a s higher than t h e CGB norm, but the other nuclides showed deposition in line with that ation profile of 140Ba than for CGB, OBa would be in the group with T e and I i f the deposition calculation included the material a t depths greater than 50 mils. T h e same cannot b e defi-

ted for 89Sr, since the profiles in CGB were a l s o flat. The low deposition of 89Sr Rnd 'Ce on Poco graphite is not explained. On t h e average, then, t h e type of graphite appeared to have relatively small effect on surface deposition. It appears hardly worth while to attempt to develope a more impervious graphite from the standpoint of decreasing surface deposition. On the other hand, t h e more permeable Poco type of graphite appeared to b e nearly a s s a t i s factory a s CGB as far a s surface deposition was concerned. Except for the 1 3 5 X e problem, i t might therefore b e possible to relax the permeability specifications in developing molten-salt reactor graphites for other desirable physical and nuclear characteristics.



132 T h e last row in Table 11.1 gives the average deposition for all nuclides on all types of CGB specimens (untreated, impregnated, and doubly exposed). Since there were four specimens near the top, nine near t h e middle, and four near the bottom, the averages are not too seriously weighted by the values for a particular axial region of the core. However, t h e averages represent only the axial region of the core. F o r the s p e c i e s which s e e m to show a flux dependence, the averages over the whole core would be expected to b e considerably lower. D i f f u s i o n and D e p o s i t i o n of Uranium in Graphite.

ORNL-OWG 68-14526







WIDE (1) PY NARROW ( 1 1 )

0 PY 0

B 49


The presence of uranium in graphite to any appreciable extent would indicate an instability of the fuel salt and possibly c a u s e chemical damage to the graphite. Also, i f substantial concentration of 235U were present in graphite during irradiation, fission products might b e born inside the graphite. Uranium-235 concentrations were determined for more than half of the milled graphite samples by the delayed neutron counting method. A l l of the deep-cut samples were analyzed, and complete profiles were determined for both faces of the pyrolytic graphite specimen and for the wide faces 40-1 I I I I I I of the impregnated specimens P-77 and P-92. Six 0 40 20 30 40 50 cuts (1, 2, 3, 5, 7 , and 10) were analyzed for DISTANCE FROM SURFACE (mils) specimen P-58 (wide face), Y-9 (wide face), Poco (both faces), and X-13 (both faces). Fig. 11.14. 235U Concentration P r o f i l e s i n CGB and Concentration profiles for both faces of the P y r o l y t i c Graphite. pyrolytic graphite and for the wide face of CGB specimen Y-9 are shown in Fig. 11.14. The penetration of 2 3 5 Uinto pyrolytic graphite in the direction perpendicular to the graphite planes is file of X-13 started at 166 ppm and dropped distinctly less than for CGB graphite, but the consteeply to 1 ppm at 15 m i l s . T h e P-58 profile w a s centrations at a given penetration differ only by a lower than the Y-9 profile by about 40% over its factor of about 5. T h e profile for penetration in whole course. The 135U profiles in impregnated the parallel direction in pyrolytic graphite is graphite specimens P-77 and P-92 were similar to about midway between the other two curves. each other and matched t h e Y-9 curve over most of its length. T h e two Poco profiles agreed very well with In most cases t h e total range of variation of the e a c h other and were about 20% lower than the Y-9 235Uconcentration in 5 0 m i l s penetration w a s curve except for the f i r s t cut sample on the wide less than two orders of magnitude. T h i s moderate face. T h i s had the highest individual 2 3 5 Uconslope indicates a higher mobility for uranium in centration of any of t h e samples, 250 ppm, which graphite than for most fission products. T h e may h a v e been d u e to a particle of fuel salt on the profiles were all rather similar except that for specimen surface. The two X-13 (doubly exposed diffusion i n pyrolytic graphite perpendicular t o the graphite) c u r v e s agreed poorly with each other. planes. All but one of t h e profiles showed a The wide face profile started at 100 ppm and deleveling off at 1 ppm at deep penetrations. If this creased only to 6.5 ppm at 5 0 m i l s . T h i s w a s the concentration persisted throughout the thickness only instance where the final concentration sigof t h e graphite moderator, i t would represent only nificantly exceeded 1 ppm. The narrow face pro-


1 Q 11

b. L



1 g of 235U per 1000 k g of graphite and would c a u s e no chemical or nuclear problems. T h e presence of uranium deep in t h e graphite led, naturally, t o t h e speculation that s o m e of t h e fission products found in t h e graphite might have been born there by fission of some of t h i s uranium rather than by diffusing i n from t h e fuel salt. Even before a quantitative comparison w a s made, it w a s obvious that t h e s l o p e s of the concentration profiles for t h e fission products and for uranium were quite different. However, i t w a s of interest to see whether internal fission might account for the flat t a i l regions of the profiles, and the d a t a existed in convenient form for a quantitative comparison, s o i t w a s carried out. A computer calculation had been made of t h e concentration of all fission products i n t h e MSRE salt on t h e assumption that none of t h e nuclides left t h e fuel salt after birth. T h e calculation t a k e s into account the power history of the MSRE, dilution by flush s a l t and t h e heel in t h e drain tank, etc. T h e computed fission product concentration per gram of s a l t (in disintegrations per minute per gram) at the time of the March 25,/1968, shutdown w a s converted to disintegrations per minute per gram of uranium by multiplying by t h e known number of grams of salt per gram of uranium. The disintegrations per minute per gram of uranium value was



corrected for flux by multiplying by the known ratio of t h e flux at each specimen position to the average flux used in t h e computation. The 'corrected disintegrations per minute per gram of uranium value when multiplied by t h e number of grams of uranium per gram of graphite for each analyzed sample could b e compared with the observed value for that sample. T h i s method o f calculation a s s u m e s that t h e uranium w a s in t h e graphite for t h e t o t a l power history; t h u s t h e calculated values should b e high by at least a factor of 2. Rather than show the results of this comparison in d e t a i l (over 1800 numbers), t h e results a r e summarized in a chart showing which milled c u t s gave calculated values equal to or greater than the observed values (Table 11.2). The first point which stood out w a s that the calculated values were much s m a l l e r than t h e observed values for the large majority of cases. For t h e first cut, the ratio of observed to calculated w a s usually greater than l o 3 and fell off to lower values for the deeper cuts. T h e calculated 95Nb concentrations were in all cases much less than the observed values, suggesting a high independent mobility of 95Nb i n graphite. T h e observed 89Sr and 140Ba values were a l s o higher than t h e calculated ones, except for pyrolytic graphite i n t h e

L i s t of M i l l e d C u t s from Graphite for Which the F i s s i o n Product Content Could B e Approximately Accounted F o r by the Uranium Present

Graphite Sampleb

Milled Cut Numbersa 9gM0




1 0 3 ~ ~






P-58 P-92




3-10 7-10 5-10













2-10 2,s--10

5-9 PG









2-10 2-1 0




aNominally, in mils, c u t No. 1 was $z; 2, $z; 3 , 1; 4 , 2; 5, 3; 6, 5; 7, 8; 8, 10; 9, 10; 10, 10. bThe samples are listed in order of distance from the bottom of the reactor.




134 direction perpendicular to the graphite planes. T h i s behavior squares with the observed extra mobility of the nuclides with rare-gas precursors except for diffusion perpendicular to the planes of pyrolytic graphite. For t h e remaining isotopes, the calculated concentrations often equaled or exceeded the observed concentrations in the deeper cuts, but t h e ratio of calculated to observed concentrations usually was near 1 and seldom exceeded 3. Pyrolytic graphite was exceptional in this regard, with some of the deep-cut ratios exceeding 1 0 for 95Zr, 89Sr, 140Ba, and 141Ce. T h i s may indicate that i t took a longer time for uranium t o diffuse deep into pyrolytic graphite than into the other graphites. Table 11.2 shows that the calculated concentrations of most isotopes exceeded the observed values more frequently for pyrolytic graphite (perpendicular) than for any other specimen. T h i s of course is consistent with the concentration profiles. They showed unusually s t e e p initial drops for all fission products, but the uranium profiles were not as different from those for other specimens. T h e table also shows that the calculated values exceeded t h e observed values most frequently for lo3Ru, lo6Ru, 95Zr, and 144Ce. T h e s e all happen to be s p e c i e s which showed l i t t l e indication of independent mobility (or "gaseous" behavior) in the concentration profiles. For these s p e c i e s , then, i t is possible that the flat t a i l s a t the deep ends of their concentration profiles may b e accounted for by fission of uranium already in the graphite. Iodine-131 may also belong in this group. However, the profiles near t h e surface require a different diffusion mechanism. For the other species, different mechanisms are required to account for the whole course of the profiles. T h e uranium concentration profiles (Fig. 11.14) show that a considerable fraction of t h e total uranium in the graphite is concentrated near the surface. It is, therefore, meaningful to calculate surface concentrations of uranium, a s w a s done for the fission products. T h e s e values are shown in Table 11.1, l a s t column, and are plotted a s a function of core position in Fig. 11.15. The points for all types of CGB graphite are i n a narrow band covering a factor of 2 in concentration except for a single point that corresponds to t h e unusual profile for X -13 wide face previously discussed. In general, there appears to be no significant effect of impregnation, double exposure, or core location.

One of the points for Poco graphite is outside the CGB band; this is due to the previously discussed single high value for the first cut of Poco wide face. The total deposition on pyrolytic graphite for diffusion perpendicular to the graphite planes of the CGB norm. The deposi( P Y l ) is about tion on the other face of pyrolytic graphite is not significantly lower than on CGB. In summary, the deposition and diffusion of uranium in graphite appear to depend little on graphite structure and porosity; even in the most impermeable direction in pyrolytic graphite, the uranium concentrations are about of those in more pervious graphites. T h e l a s t row in Table 11.1indicates that the average uranium deposition on CGB graphite amounts to 0.800 pg/cm2. Multiplying this by the total graphite surface area in the MSRE, 2 x l o 6 c m 2 , the total surface deposition of 2 3 5 U on the graphite in the MSRE is 1.6 g.


f w c


Spectrographic A n a l y s e s of G r a p h i t e Samples.


Spectrographic analyses of the dissolutions of the graphite samples were requested on each of the deep-cut (50 mils) samples and on t h e first two cuts on t h e other specimens. Analyses were made for Be, Zr, and Li, i n the hope of determining the extent of surface contamination by bulk fuel (or flush) s a l t . Analyses were also made for Mo, F e , Cr, and Ni after concentration of t h e original very dilute graphite solution. The spectrographic results are shown in Table 11.3, in t h e form of micrograms of e a c h element per square centimeter of graphite surface sampled. The data for Zr, Li, and Fe were not included, since they showed too much scatter to be usefully in t erp ret ed . T h e Mo results are of most interest, s i n c e they furnish a check on the conclusions regarding Mo deposition drawn from the observations on 99M0. No other fission product was detected spectrographically. It may be noted that Mo deposition was detected only on t h e specimens near the middle of the core. (The samples in Table 11.3 are listed in order of distance from the bottom of the core.) The average of the Mo values listed is 10 pg/cm2. It may be e a s i l y calculated that 136 g of s t a b l e Mo nuclides were formed during 32,000 Mwhr of MSRE operation. If t h e percentage of this Mo depositing on the 2 x l o 6 c m 2 of core graphite is the same a s for "Mo, 9.0% ( s e e T a b l e 11.4), then there should be 6 pg/cm2 of s t a b l e Mo on the graphite. T h i s agreement with the spectrographic

@ Y




















ORNL-DWG 68-14527 I






e PW

e PY

46' 0









F i g . 11.15.

* c


Deposition of 235U in Graphite from MSRE Core After 56,000 Mwhr.

ing, particularly w that the deposition of 99M0w a s higher near the the core than near t h e extremes. The t implies that the fraction of each Mo nuclide deposited on graphite is the same, or more broadly that the deposition rates for "Mo and o p e s are the same. results showed that only a few microh s a l t per square centimeter adhered to pled graphite surfaces. It is eposition of Cr and N i was y near t h e middle of t h e core, a s de Mo. Comparing the quantities of Cr, Ni, and appears unlikely that the Mo which was deposited was carried by larger particles of N i or of an alloy of N i and Cr.

A n a l y s i s of H a s t e l l o y

N S u r v e i l l a n c e Specimens.

- T h e deposition of fission products on Hastelloy

N is of concern principally because of the decay heating problem on metal surfaces of an MSBR in c a s e of coolant system failure. Previous results showed a great deal of scatter, and more accurate data were desired to estimate the seriousness of the decay heating problem. T h e Hastelloy N specimens on which fission product deposition w a s measured in the fir,c t two surveillance packages were sections of the perforated tube in which the graphite specimens were contained. Since the tube w a s to b e reused this time, we used instead sections of the %-in.-diam Hastelloy N tube used to contain the dosimeter wires. T h i s tube extended from the bottom to the




top of the package (62 in.) and probably w a s a better metal specimen on which to observe deposition, s i n c e the surface was relatively smooth and T a b l e 11.3. Spectrographic A n a l y s e s of Graphite S p e c i m e n s After 32,000 Mw

Graphite Sample

Micrograms per Square Centimeter of Specimen Be





4.1 4.6

P-55w P-77w

0.457 1.61




1.1 0.7

4.5 7.4











P-92W P-92N


P O C 0-w

2.00 2.67 0.60






X-l3N Y-9w



17.6 34.


Pyr I Pyr I I MR-1OW




did not contain h o l e s in which droplets of salt might b e trapped. Also, the salt flow pattern past t h e smooth surface w a s probably more typical of that for other reactor metal surfaces than that near a perforated sheet. T h e $.-in. tube w a s segmented so a s to obtain s e v e n equally spaced 3-in.-long sections from the bottom to the top of the core. T h i s spacing had to b e slightly altered to avoid the portions of the 1 . &-in. tubing that had been covered by the straps which held the surveillance specimens together. Each of the samples w a s dissolved in HNO, containing some HC1, with a trap to catch any volatilizing Ru and I activities. The solutions were all analyzed radiochemically for the usual 1 2 isotopes. T h e bottom, middle, and top samples were a l s o analyzed for "Ag, 7Cs, 'Y, and 7Nd. The radiochemical procedures were a s described above for graphite. All samples were also analyzed for adhering 2 3 5U by delayed neutron counting. T h e results are shown in T a b l e 11.5 and in Figs. 11.16 and 11.17, where the activities per square centimeter are plotted a s a function of the d i s t a n c e of the specimen from t h e bottom of the core. It is s e e n that two distinct patterns prevail. The 99Mo, 132Te,129Te,Io3Ru, Io6Ru, 95Nb, and 1311 curves were remarkably flat, with the 99Mo and 95Nb curves dropping off toward the top

9 b


i: 4


i4 1


Table 11.4. F i s s i o n Product Distribution in t h e MSRE an March 25, 1968


Percent in F u e l

Percent in

Percent in

Cover Gas8


Percent in


Hastelloy Nb









0.40 0.033

31 49

5.6 3.5

14 17


(1 3 0) 11 0.43 17 0.48

0.001 to 2.2 94 83 96

0.88 2.7 60


4.3 41

3.7 4.7


18 0.085





0.33 0.92




87 94 54 56 139 70 95 109 98.5



aThese values represent the percentages of daily production rate l o s t t o the cover gas per day. bCalculated on the assumption that deposition on the surveillance specimens was representative of that on a l l of the graphite and metal surfaces in the MSRE.





z L









C .-




0 0 0 .



.t d

b 3







0 3



Y 4 3



d .-I









1 -

L 0






W 0 3















m +


U x


VI 0

0 c

C 0





3 -0





.-0 0

c .VI




$ cn


G * m


s OI









m ,-I














d r .




'"0" ? 4 r .



i t




ORNL-DWG 68-44528







$ io9 L1



\ I ’44ce







Deposition of




95Nb, 1 3 ’ I, 14060, 89Sr,



and 1 4 4 C e on H a s t e l l o y






“ P



ORNL-DWG 68-14529 I












32,000 Mwhr.

140 of the core. The other n u c l i d e s showed definite m a x i m a near the middle of the core, with the lowest values near the top of the core. I t is possible that humped profiles were produced in every case by fission recoil, but were overshadowed by heavy deposition from the salt in the cases where level profiles were obtained. In previous surveillance t e s t s , the results showed much more scatter, and trends a s a function of core location were difficult to discern. Previous res u l t s also showed distinctly more deposition of all species, by an average factor of about 3. Certainly this discrepancy is at l e a s t partly due to the different type of Hastelloy N specimen analyzed in the current test. It w a s mentioned above that t h e '/,-in.-diam tubing w a s probably a sample more representative of the metal surfaces in the MSRE. The larger number of samples and the much better quality of the analytical results also argue in favor of the current test as a better measure than previous tests of fission product deposition on MSRE m e t a l s u r f a c e s . For the nuclides whose profiles were level over the length of the core, there is no problem i n choosing an average value for deposition. For those with m a x i m a in the middle of t h e core, i t is likely that the lower values at the inlet or outlet of the core were more typical of deposition on the reactor m e t a l surface outside the core. However, the nuclides which showed m a x i m a were also those with low deposition on Hastelloy N, so the averages shown in the last row of Table 11.5 were conservatively calculated u s i n g data from all seven specimens. F i s s i o n P r o d u c t D i s t r i b u t i o n i n the


Using t h e new averages for deposition on CGB graphite and on Hastelloy N, together with the previously reported data for the amounts of each nuclide in the fuel salt and in the cover g a s in March 1968, a new material balance w a s calculated, as shown in Table 11.4. T h e total inventory of each fission product in t h e MSRE on March 25, 1968, w a s taken from a computer calculation u s i n g a recently developed p r ~ g r a m . The ~ revised estimate of 8.0 Mw a s full power for the MSRE w a s used in the computation.

6MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. A u g . 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 127. 'Elvin Lee, unpublished work.

The material balance in T a b l e 11.4 differs from the previous one8 mainly in that the fractions of noble m e t a l fission products deposited on Hastelloy N are considerably lower. T h i s is desirable from the standpoint of the fission product heating problem, but undesirable from the standpoint of removing noble metal neutron poisons from the reactor core. The principal changes in the graphite data are for 89Sr and 140Ba. T h i s is because their concentration profiles were more level in the current test and samples as deep as 50 m i l s were included in t h e deposition calculations. The number for 89Sr would i n c r e a s e substantially i f estimated amounts still deeper in the graphite were included in the calculation. The pattern of behavior of t h e noble metals w a s not uniform. T h e deposition of 95Nb on graphite was distinctly heavier than on Hastelloy N, and only 11%w a s lost to the cover gas. The deposition of 99Mo, 132Te,and IZ9Tew a s heavier on Hastelloy N than on graphite, and about 50% was lost to the cover gas. T h e deposition of t h e Ru i s o t o p e s on metal and graphite w a s comparable and rather low (3 to 5%), and a large percentage of each was l o s t to the cover gas. T h e total material balance (last column) w a s much nearer 100% for e a c h nuclide than previous balances. T h e fair approximation to a 100% balance in m o s t cases is not to be taken a s a true measure of the reliability of t h e percentages listed. At least three-fourths of t h e percentages listed are uncertain by a factor of about 2. C o n c l u s i o n s . - The results reported in this section indicate that some progress h a s been made toward the objective of reliable quantitative information on fission product deposition on graphite and on Hastelloy N. Although the concentration profiles of fission products in graphite showed considerable variations in s h a p e for different specimens of CGB graphite and even for different faces of the s a m e specimen, t h e total deposition showed much less scatter, usually less than a factor of 2 at a given core location. It is believed that t h e agreement obtained w a s not limited by the experimental techniques used but rather by the variability i n the graphite itself. Even Poco graphite occasionally stowed differe n c e s in diffusion and deposition behavior between

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 101.

. 4

e c





two faces of t h e same specimen. I t is therefore unlikely that t h e reproducibility of deposition measurements in graphite can be significantly improved over its current s t a t u s . T h e quantitative data for deposition of fission products on Hastelloy N are less reliable. Deposition on smooth Hastelloy N tubing w a s lower than in previously reported values for perforated Hastelloy N s h e e t s by factors from 2 to 10, averaging about 3 . It is believed t h a t differences in surface roughness and perhaps in fuel salt turbulence near t h e metal surfaces may account for t h e discrepancies. T h e deposition data on the smooth tubing when plotted against sample location gave either level or humped profiles with small variations between adjacent sample points. T h e regularity and smoothness of t h e profiles suggest that the precision of t h e d a t a is well within a factor of 2. It is not possible with d a t a from only one t e s t to estimate the absolute reliability of the deposition data. However, for deposition o n smooth surfaces of s i m i l a r roughness to that of $8-in. Hastelloy N tubing, t h e data reported for the latter type of specimen are to b e preferred over previous data. Acknowledgments. - T h e authors wish to acknowledge t h e large contributions to t h e work on the surveillance specimens by several groups and individuals. T h e surveillance assembly was designed and assembled by H. Cook. T h e dismantling of t h e assembly and the segmenting of the Hastelloy N specimen were carried out by A. Walls and H. Cook. T h e segmenting of the graphite specimens, the surface milling, and the hot-cell examinations were carried out by E . King's personnel in Building 3525. W e are indebted to R. W. McClung and W. J. Mason for t h e x radiography specimens, to C. E. Lamb's - - of the graphite - group for some of t h e graphite and metal specimen dissolutions, and to J. Emery for 235Ua n a l y s e s utron counting. Particular thanks a t t ' s group for t h e high quality cal a n a l y s e s of a very large

11.2.1 P y r o l y t i c Graphite T h e cores, obtained by boring through the graphite surveillance specimens perpendicular to the surface exposed to MSRE fuel s a l t , were difficult to obtain from the pyrolytic specimen. T h i s material is fabricated in layers and tends to peel apart quite e a s i l y when worked after irradiation a t high temperature. W e found that t h e first core of pyrolytic graphite w a s missing within some 25 m i l s of t h e end which w a s on the back, or stagnant-salt, s i d e of t h e specimen. The core w a s intact, that is, full length, before transferring from t h e hot cells to a vented glove box for grinding. B e c a u s e of t h e undetected l o s s of "25 obd numerous samples of 1-mil thickness in i n g a hot surface. T h i s particular powder sample was so radioactive that the spectrometer



March 25, 1968, shutdown were sampled for fission product distribution by a previously described method. Two 0.305-in.-diam c o r e s were obtained from a pyrolytic graphite specimen and one core e a c h from specimens designated as P-55 (unimpregnated CGB) and V-28 (impregnated CGB). T h e s e specimens had been exposed to MSRE fuel salt for 8.0 Mw of operation. Small increments of t h e s e cores were removed by precision grinding, and fission product distributions a c r o s s t h e cores were determined by gamma spectrometry using a germanium crystal to count individual activities i n the graphite powder. Generally, we confirmed findings of the previously reported fission product distribution in specimens removed at the May 1967 shutdown. We h a v e perhaps learned an explanation for the anomaly reported earlier when w e found an increase in fission product concentrations from a specimen surface to a depth of several m i l s . Comparison of results for the impregnated and unimpregnated CGB material shows that impregnation of the type u s e d for specimen V-28 is not of value in inhibiting penetration of fission products into CGB graphite. A s w e recognized early i n these investigations, effects of c r a c k s or voids in a specimen can c a u s e great uncertainty i n interpretation of results.

H. E. Robertson During this period, three graphite surveillance specimens removed from the MSRE during the

' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 2 9 , l 9 6 8 , ORNL-4254, p. 115.



142 would not accept the sample even at maximum distance until several weeks of cooling beyond the approximately 3 weeks of cooling needed for the other samples from this core. B e c a u s e powder samples from this core were counted (gamma spectrometry) soon after reactor shutdown (with the above exception) it w a s p o s s i b l e to look for 77-hr 132Te. I t was found to exist from 135 m i l s from the hot salt surface to the back s i d e of the specimen. A second core from the pyrolytic specimen w a s drilled and sampled. T h e results of a n a l y s e s are shown i n Fig. 11.18. In all cases in this discussion the numerical values given for nuclides are calculated back to the t i m e of MSRE shutdown, March 25, 1968. T h e left ordinate represents the specimen surface which w a s exposed to freeflowing fuel s a l t . T h e right ordinate is the surface which was exposed only to s a l t which seeped between specimen surfaces. All four of the nuclides found are s e e n to h a v e a lower concentration for the f i r s t m i l of t h e free-flowing MSRE saltexposed surface. Relatively brief circulation of barren salt following reactor shutdown may h a v e lowered fission product concentrations in the first mil of graphite, although we will see below that this effect is not noticed for t h e CGB specimens; i f it is real, i t is peculiar to the pyrolytic material. Following the u s u a l sharp drop in concentration for the first few m i l s of depth, we see the surprising r i s e in concentrations for the three nuclides which have persisted as deep a s 15 m i l s . (The 95Zr disappeared below 6 mils.) Between 15 and 30 mils, the 141Ce concentration i n c r e a s e s by a factor of 5, and the Io3Ru and 95Nb i n c r e a s e an order of magnitude each. By a depth of 4 5 to 50 m i l s , t h e concentrations are back on their original curves. Almost certainly, this finding would be explainable by a crack or pocket into which a channel to t h e surface allowed salt seepage. Prev i o ~ s l y we , ~ reported a s i m i l a r situation for a core sample removed from a specimen from which some 60 m i l s had been removed by milling. Resampling of the same specimen in a different location did not produce duplicate results. Again, we find this to b e true; the first core from this pyrolytic specimen did not show similar behavior between 15 and 4 5 mils; hence our belief that a short localized crack could c a u s e this result. The persistence of the 95Nb throughout the core sample is interesting; it is not a fission product and occurs only a s a daughter of 95Zr. Since no

95Zr w a s found beyond 6 mils, the 95Nb must have penetrated b e c a u s e of its e x i s t e n c e as a different s p e c i e s from the 95Zr.

11.2.2 Unimpregnated CGB (Specimen P-55) T h e results of a n a l y s e s from the P-55 specimen are given in Fig. 11.19. Seven nuclides were found to varying degrees of penetration and concentration. Points of interest a r e d i s c u s s e d below.




1. Cesium-137: Virtually uniform concentration






a c r o s s the specimen with t h e exception of a few m i l s near each surface, with an apparent real dip i n the curve 10 m i l s from the left ordinate. Zirconium-95: Steepest gradient of the s e v e n nuclides; disappeared 85 m i l s from the left ordinate. Low level in 135-to-160-mil sample, then reappeared 13 m i l s from right ordinate. Barium-140: Not found in the pyrolytic samples; quite evident here, having flattest curve with exception of I37Cs. Cerium-141, -144: The l4 l C e i s o t o p e is s e e n to have penetrated to a greater depth from the free-flowing salt surface (left ordinate) than the 144Ce, actually being found in all samples except the 85-to-110-mil one. A s noted previo ~ s l y 141Ce ,~ h a s 14’Ba (18 min) and 141La (3.7 hr) precursors, while all precursors of 1 4 4 C e are “short” only. I o Since we find no 1 4 4 C ebeyond 15 m i l s from the left ordinate, perhaps the difference in precursors for the two cerium i s o t o p e s is a c l u e to the mechanism of cerium migration in some t y p e s of graphitic structures. Niobium-95: A s in the case of the pyrolytic graphite, 95Nb w a s found in every sample despite the lack of its precursor, 95Zr, in many of them. Ruthenium-103: Found in all samples.




11 2.3 Impregnated CGB (Specimen V-28) T h i s specimen w a s slightly more than twice the thickness of the P-55 specimen d i s c u s s e d above.

‘‘5. 0. Blomeke and M. F. Todd, Uranium-235 Fission Product Production a s a Function of Thermal Neutron Flux, Radiation Time, and Decay Time. Part I , Vo1. I , ORNL-2127, p. 2 3 ( N o v . 12, 1958).




k Fig.


Distribution in Pyrolytic Graphite Specimen Irradiated in


for C y c l e Ending March

25, 1968.


ORNL-DWG 68-40755R 4




e 4

a, c .a c


," id5 ro


\ a,

P -

0 3


,"E 1 0 ' ~ + D



I 0











90 100 1.10 120 130 DEPTH IN GRAPHITE (mils)









I 490



Fig. 11.19. Fission Product Distribution in Unimpregnoted CGB (P-55) Graphite Specimen Irradiated in MSRE Cycle Ending March 25, 1968.










70 310


330 340

350 360 370 380 DEPTH IN GRAPHITE (mils)

gnated C y c l e Ending March

CGB (V-28)

390 400 410

420 430 440

450 460

Graphite Specimen Irradiated in


25, 1968.

ception of 13'Cs, was found to occur in the first

ation of a CGB graphite specimen a s done to t e s t i t s effect on fission product mils from the free-flowing s a l t surface of the specimen and from 340 mils out to t h e back (stag-

s a l t ) surface are shown in Fig. 11.20. T h e nuclide concentrations omitted for e a s e of illus(from 70 to 340 m i l s ) are flat over t h i s 1. Comparison with results in Fig. 11.19 shows that fission product penetration was riot appreciably inhibited by the shallow impregnation used for this specimen. Further comparisons between results reported in Figs. 11.19 and 11.20 show that, in general, "Personal communication, W. H. Cook t o F. F. Blankenship, May 27, 1968.

146 fission product concentrations in the two p i e c e s of CGB graphite were similar. One exception w a s that 9sZr w a s found a s d e e p a s 285 m i l s in the V-28 specimen, but only to a depth of 95 m i l s i n the P-55 specimen, both measurements being from the free-flowing salt surface. Another difference between the two is noted for 1 4 4 C e ;apparently this isotope penetrated the impregnated specimen more e a s i l y than the unimpregnated one. In t h e impregnated specimen it is apparent that all t h e fission products found, with the exception of 137Cs, are grouped within an order of magnitude (10l3 t o 1 0 I 4 atoms of nuclide per cubic centimeter of graphite per mil of depth), while there is considerably more s c a t t e r for t h e other CGB specimen. During grinding of t h e core from t h i s specimen we noted a crack a c r o s s t h e face of the core following removal of 1 mil between 4 and 5 m i l s from the back (stagnant salt) surface. T h i s w a s evident for two or three more m i l s i n approach to the surface and most likely accounts for t h e sharp drop in nuclide concentrations near the surface. T h i s conclusion, of course, presupposes that the crack was empty, which could reasonably b e expected s i n c e loose material would fall out e a s i l y from a crack that opened out at t h e surface.

11.2.4 Overall Results In Table 11.6 we find a summation of atoms from 1 c m 2 of specimen surface through to t h e other side of t h e specimen, as represented by a core 0.305 in. in diameter. Data previously reportedg for the May 1967 specimens are repeated to allow comparisons with t h e March 1968 specimens. As noted, the f i r s t core taken from the pyrolytic graphite w a s missing one hot surface: that surface in contact with the stagnant MSRE fuel s a l t . The amount of 95Zr is seen to be far less in t h e more recent samples, while t h e 95Nb is larger. Values for lo3Ru are all similar. Ruthenium-106 w a s detected in only one surface of pyrolytic graphite, to a depth of 15 m i l s . Except for the pyrolytic specimen, which contained virtually no 137Cs, values are identical. The 1 4 1 , 1 4 4 C e values a r e fairly comparable. A s expected, 140Ba w a s quite mobile in t h e CGB material. We plan to obtain a uranium profile on samples from t h e V-28 specimen to allow u s to adjust the nuclide concentrations we found by t h e amounts that could have been made by fissioning in place.


F. F. Blankenship E. Ricci D. R. Cuneo

A c r o s s section of CGB graphite removed from the MSRE on March 25, 1968, after 58,000 Mwhr exposure w a s moved a c r o s s a beam of 2.06-Mev protons collimated through a slit of 0.0075 c m width. T h e protons were from the ORNL 3-Mv Van de Graaff accelerator. Measurement of the resulting prompt gamma rays from 1 9 F ( p , a y ) 1 6 0 showed that fluorine varied from 350 ppm near t h e surface to 6 0 ppm near the center. Neutron yields from 7Li(p,n)7Be showed that lithium varied from 6 0 ppm near the surface t o 13 ppm at the center. T h e observed ratio of fluorine t o lithium w a s near t h a t characteristic of the MSRE fuel. T h e lithium and fluorine concentrations did not show a simple dependence on depth. T h e method and apparatus were the same as those described earlier, l 2 with minor adjustments of technique and data handling. A 3 x 3 in. NaI(T1) spectrometer with a 2.5-cm lead filter w a s u s e d for t h e gamma-ray measurements. An attempt to u s e a new standard of graphite mixed with known amounts (in the ppm range) of LiF w a s unsuccessful due to inhomogeneities which caused yield changes of up to 100% for changes i n beam s p o t location of 0.0075 cm. Thereafter, t h e standard u s e d was a crystal of LiF. T h e concentrations of lithium and fluorine in the sample (X-13 from the middle of t h e core) showed substantial variation and fluctuation from position to position. The d a t a presented (Figs. 11.21 and 11.22) are for a freshly abraded c r o s s section from a cored sample. T h i s w a s prepared by carefully abrading away 5-15 m i l s . T h e motion against t h e abrasive paper was k e p t parallel t o the surface exposed t o fuel to avoid possible carry-over of material from one depth to another. T h e m a s s concentration ratio (Fig. 11.23) suggested that much of t h e lithium and fluorine found in t h e graphite came from bulk salt intrusion; t h i s



-+ c

12R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, and T. H. Handley, Proton Reaction Analysis for Lithium and Fluorine in Graphite, Using a Sli t-Scanning Technique, ORNL-TM2238 (July 1968).

I 4

6 x







148 ORNL-DWG 68-(4530




4 200









5 i






F l u o r i n e Concentration as o Function of Distance from the Surface.

ORNL-DWG 68-14534










40 io 4 00 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE (mils1





L i t h i u m Concentration as a Function of D i s t a n c e from the Surface.





9 10

2 Lz



5 > z 2

1 .I





40 20 50 100 DISTANCE FROM SURFACE (mils)

Mass Concentration R a t i o ,

is i n contrast to an earlier sample (No. Y-7) which was withdrawn after 9 months reactor exposure, in which progressive lithium enrichment (relative to fluorine) with depth w a s found. 1 3 If this behavior is typical, one should a l s o find uranium concentration (relative to fluorine or lithium) correspondi n g to the molten salt. F o r fuel, the F- t o 2 3 5 U ratio is 44 and t h e L i t to 2 3 5 U ratio is 7. A s shown in F i g s . 11.18 and 11.19, there is somewhat more uranium present in t h e graphite than expected

from the fuel composition. It should be kept in mind, however, that while the uranium content w a s determined from a bulk sampling, the lithium and




F/Li, v s Depth.

phase (see Sect. 11.1) is responsible for fuel having penetrated the graphite voids a s an aerosol. Sample X-13 h a s not yet been examined by soft x r a y s t o see i f c r a c k s were present.


6 8 - 44533



200 100



shown in F i g s . 11.24 {O

h a t Y-7 received.




ently produced a fuel aerosol in the gas



13R. L. Macklin, J. H. Gibbons, E. Ricci, T. H. Handley, and D. R. Cuneo, MSR Program Semzann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 11 9-25.

11.24. Comparison o f

in Samples

Fluorine Concentrations

Y-7 and X-13, a Smooth L i n e H a v i n g Been

Drawn Through the D a t a Points.










5 4











11.25. Comparison of Y-7 and X-13.

L i t h i u m Concentrations

i n Samples


F. F. Blankenship

Dispersions of metals of colloidal dimensions have been prepared in lithium-beryllium fluoride by three methods: reductive electrolysis, Bredig arc, and a c electrolysis. Gold, titanium, niobium, molybdenum, and nickel colloids have been prepared. In the reductive electrolysis method, a dc source is applied through a variable resistor across two identical electrodes immersed in the melt while the solution is swept with a hydrogenhelium mixture. T h e idea is to reduce the metal ions a s fast a s they are introduced into the solution. The Bredig arc method h a s been well described; l 4 we wish only to add that w e were unable (using 110-v ac) to strike an arc in the solution. Apparently i t h a s too high a conductivity. Satisfactory results, however, were achieved by striking an arc between one electrode and the solution interface. Alternating-current electrolysis gives by far t h e most stable sols and is surely the most novel and interesting, although the mechanism of formation by this method is s t i l l quite obscure. W e discovered i t quite accidentally while running the blank for t h e Bredig arc method. To do an alternating-current electrolysis, one applies the

output of a 110-v Variac through a series resistor across the electrolysis cell. The c e l l is (again) two identical wires 1 to 1$ c m apart immersed in molten Li,BeF,. Helium is usually swept through the solution to provide both an inert atmosphere and agitation. A s the voltage is turned up, a small current usually flows, and the solution becomes a bit clearer than i t was. At higher voltages bubbles form a t the electrodes, and finally a t still higher voltages the solution turns dark. None of these colloids were particularly s t a b l e , but i f the sol were filtered immediately after formation, most of the dark material readily passed a sintered glass “D” (5-p nominal pore s i z e ) filter. .Platinum and titanium sols coagulated readily in l e s s than 20 min. Nickel and niobium s o l s were more stable, but they generally lasted l e s s than an hour. The molybdenum and gold s o l s w e r e the most stable. Gold formed a particularly satisfactory s o l since, due to t h e reddish-purple color, we knew w e were dealing with a metal sol. Sols made by the reductive electrolysis method seemed noticeably l e s s s t a b l e than those made by t h e other two methods. Samples of the molybdenum s o l s were centrifuged a t high temperatures. l 5 After cooling, the end of the frozen s a l t ingot was c u t off and examined microscopically and a l s o subjected to electron microscope examination. The ingots were also analyzed spectroscopically. T h e usual molybdenum content was 20 to 30 ppm overall; however, the lower end of the centrifuged specimens often ran a s high a s 50 ppm. Table 11.7 shows the calculated efficacy of high-temperature centrifugation a t 530 g and 750’K for 1 hr for molybdenum particles i n Li,BeF 4: The three quantities calculated are: s, the dlstance traveled by a particle of radius r in 1 hr, calculated from Stokes’ law; @, the displacement of a particle of radius r due to Brownian motion; and h , the height a t which after infinite t i m e (sedimentation equilibrium) half t h e particles will b e below the height and half will b e above. l 6 Sedimentation equilibrium cannot be hoped for in the currently available centrifuge because of vibration. The table serves to show that centrifugation cannot concentrate aggregates much less


.* 4

c. t

* 9


t 1


ISH. A. Friedman, J. Sci. Instr. 14

G. Bredig, 2 . Angew. Chem. 11, 951 (1898); 2. Efektrochem. 4, 515, 547 (1898).

44, 454 (1967).

16H. R. Kruyt (ed.), Colloid Science, pp. 16, 76, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1952.

151 Table


E f f i c a c y of Centrifugation of Molybdenum

P a r t i c l e s in Lithium-Beryllium F l u o r i d e M e l t s

T = 750째K, centrifugal force = 530 g Particle








(A )




1.5 x 1 0 - ~



25 75

3.6 x 3.3 x 10-2

0.06 0.032

0.055 0.002

100 200

5.8 x 10-2 0.23

0.029 0.021

8.6 X 1.1 x 1 0 - ~









6.6 x




8.4 X


than 1000 A across. W e expected that t h e aggregates would be flocs of s m a l l e r particles which could be distinguished by electron microscopy. T h e analysis of t h e top portions of t h e centrifuged ingots showed either t h a t many of t h e particles were below t h i s size o r that there were some soluble molybdenum compounds in t h e s e preparations. The electron microscope picture showed that reductive electrolysis produced irregular size particles which varied from t h e smallest discernible, -200 A i n diameter, to large square particles 15,000 A across. When the electrolysis was done a t higher current d e n s i t i e s , the particles were smaller and more uniform. T h e Bredig arc method

gave a nicely uniform product, a s shown in Fig.

11.26. Agglomerates about 1000 A a c r o s s cons i s t e d of individual particles 100 to 200 A across. We obtained only one picture of t h e particles from the ac electrolysis. It showed one agglomerate about 10,000 A across. T h e individual particles were again quite small, 100 t o 200 A in diameter. While we were unable to discern t h e electron diffraction pattern of molybdenum, w e could establish that t h e small particles were not s a l t . Based on p a s t experience, t h e particles should have been molybdenum. Mechanisms whereby t h e s e colloids get into the g a s p h a s e h a v e a l s o been studied. An extensive literature search was completed and supplemented by a scouting experiment. Generally, j e t droplets from bursting bubbles, which are a n important factor in entrainment, are one-tenth the volume of the bubble and rise to considerable heights above thk liquid surface. We were a b l e to show that t h i s height for a molten salt (LiN03-KN0, eutectic) was 10 c m , and further that t h e droplets would a l s o act a s a surface microtome, skimming finely divided carbon from t h e melt surface. The jet droplet behavior of t h e salt melts w a s nicely approximated by a 50% glycerol-water mixture. An ORNL report h a s been prepared on t h i s subject.


MacIntyre, J. Phys. Chem. 72, 589 (1968).

ISH. W. Kohn, Bubbles, Drops, and Entraznment in Molten Salts, ORNL-TM-2372 (Sept. 25, 1968).



Fig. 11.26.

Colloidal Molybdenum Formed by the Bredig Arc Method in Molten L i Z B e F 4 .

a! 9




12. Physical Chemistry of Molten Salts 12.1 MOLYBDENUM FLUORIDE CHEMISTRY C. F. Weaver H. A. Friedman D. N. H e s s

Previously reported s t u d i e s of molybdenum fluoride chemistry i n the Reactor Chemistry Division, along with t h e reasons for initiating t h i s work, may be found i n refs. 1-8. T h e following s u b j e c t s were discussed: synthesis of molybdenum fluoride, * 4 reactions of molybdenum fluorides with molten 2LiF-BeF2, s 4 s 6 m a s s spectrometry of molybdenum p6

potentiometric study of molybdenum fluorides, in L i F - B e F 2 (67-33 mole %), lithium fluoromolyb9 ,


d a t e s (111), and absorption spectroscopy of MoF, (ref. 6) and MoF3.' 496






Synthesis of

MoF,, MoF,, MoF,, and RuF,


Previous work h a s indicated that MoF, c a n b e e a s i l y synthesized by refluxing purified commercial MoF6 over molybdenum i n Pyrex containers a t temperatures less than 100OC. I t w a s further shown that the MoF, may be disproportionated to produce MoF3 and MoF,, which when pumped from the



ORNL-4191, pp. 142-44.

. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967,

'H. J. Emeleus and V. Gutmann, J. Chem. SOC.1949, pp. 2979-82. l 0 V . Gutmann and K. H. Jack, Acta Cryst. 4, 244-46 (1951).

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, pp. 144-46. 'Reactor Chem. D i v . Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1967, ORNL-4229, pp. 32-33.

"D. E. Lavalle, R. M. Steele, M. K. Wilkinson, and H. L. Yakel, Jr., J. Am. Chem. S O C . 82, 2433-34 (1960).

4Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1967, i

9 /

system l e a v e s the pure MoF,. Additional s t u d i e s of t h i s process have revealed that the solid resulting from the disproportionation of MoF, depends on t h e pressure of MoF6 maintained in t h e reactior. vessel. If the MoF6 pressure w a s kept in the micron range, the solid produced w a s MoF,. If much higher pressures, in the order of an atmosphere, were maintained, the solid product was MoF4, which displays 28 values for the three most i n t e n s e x-ray diffraction p e a k s (copper radiation) of 23.23, 24.71, and 25.31O. T h e x-ray diffraction pattern for this material is very s i m i l a r to that incorrectly reportedg*'' for MoF, several years before a satisfactory preparation was studied. l l Analysis of the MoF, gave 55.9 wt % Mo and 44.0 wt % F, compared with calculated values of 55.8 and 44.2 respectively. T h e compound w a s found to b e s t a b l e for many days a t a temperature of 2OOOC and pressures in the micron range, but i t decomposed at somewhat higher temperatures (<3OO0C) to MoF3 and a volatile product. T h e results for temperatures above 20OO0C are somewhat uncertain bec a u s e t h e Pyrex container w a s attacked by the fluorides. Accordingly, these stability s t u d i e s must be repeated i n a metal container. Synthesis studies of the volatile inorganic fluorides have been extended to t h e R u F x family of compounds. An attempt, i n accordance with the to produce RuF, by direct fluoriliterature, 2-1

"M. A. Hepworth, R. D. Peacock, and P. L. Robinson, J. Chem. SOC.1954, pp. 1197-1201. 13J. H. Holloway and R. D. Peacock, J. Chem. SOC.

nn. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1967, ORNL-4229, pp. 37-39.

I ?

6MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, OR 4, pp. 129-34.


'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 134-36.

1963, pp. 527-30. 14J. H. Holloway, R. D. Peacock, and R. W. H. Small, J. Chem. SOC.1964, pp. 644-48.

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 136.

15H. A. Porte, E. Greenberg, and W. N. Hubbard, Phys. Chem. 69, 2308-10 (1965).





154 nation of ruthenium metal produced RuF, instead. T h e compound was identified by its x-ray diffraction pattern. I t w a s indicated above that the products of a n MoFx synthesis were unusually dependent on experimental conditions. Apparently t h e R u F x and MoFx compounds are analogous in t h i s respect. T h e RuF, produced will be used in investigations of the rate of removal of Ru3' from molten 2LiF. B e F , and MSR fuels, paralleling the Mo3' kinetic studies.

12.1.2 Kinetic Behavior o f MoF, i n Molten 2Li F-BeF,

helium flow, copper container not H, fired; Fig. 12.3 - 500째C, 1 2 liters/hr helium flow, copper container H, fired a t 500OC. I t h a s become apparent that the initial removal rate a t 700' is strongly enhanced by t h e hydrogen firing step, which was used on new batches but not thereafter. T h i s observation will require a reinterpretation of earlier data. Experiments without hydrogen firing will provide a better reference system for kinetic s t u d i e s involving MSR materials, s i n c e the g a s is not involved in the reactor chemistry. T h e most s t a b l e conditions encountered thus far a r e 500'C with a s t a t i c helium atmosphere in which the concentration of Mo3+ dropped by a factor of 4 in 1400 hr. T h e previously reported4 evidence that Mo3+ w a s not removed from solution by reaction with the copper container indicated that a disproportionation reaction was involved.

Continued studies of the rate of removal of Mo3' from molten 2LiF.BeF2 have served to emphasize the complexity of molybednum fluoride chemistry. T h e s e experiments have shown that the order as well as the rate of removal varies with t h e experimental conditions. Figures 12.1 through 12.3 show 16The aid and advice of H. L. Yakel, Jr.. and R. M. Steele of the Metals and Ceramics Division with respect second-, first-, and half-order kinetics respectively. , to the interpretation of x-ray diffraction data is grateT h e conditions of these experiments were: Fig. fully acknowledged. 12.1 - 7OO0C, 34 liter/hr helium flow, copper container H, fired a t 500OC; Fig. 12.2 - 7OO0C, no ORNL-DWG



* v






500 (B


- i 00 ka






+ z 8


z 0





. 9







80 100 TIME (hr)




Removal of Mo3' from Molten 2LiF-BeF2.









TIME (hr)



Removal of Mo3' from Molten 2 L i F - B e F 2 .

155 ORNL-DWG 68-10744








TIME (hr)

Fig. 12.3.

Removal of Mo3+


Molten 2 L i F - B e F


I t h a s been reported" and we have confirmed by x-ray diffraction that MoF, decomposes i n the temperature range 500 to 7OOOC to form molybdenum metal and a volatile product. I t w a s a l s o shown'' by electron probe analysis that a sample of 2LiF. B e F 2 and MoF3 heated to 7OOOC in a graphite container under a helium atmosphere had molybdenum metal on the helium-salt interface after cooling. Since all of the intermediate-valence MoFx ( 3 < x < 6) compounds are thermally unstable in bulk at temperatures well below 500 to 7OO0C, it was proposed that the reaction 2MoF, + Mo + MoF, occurred. However, efforts to collect the volatile s p e c i e s by t r a p p i n g i t i n a q u e o u s c a u s t i c s o l u t i o n

were unsuccessful.

clearly volatile material could e a s i l y e s c a p e from the path. Mass spectrometric s t u d i e s of pure MoF, have shown7 that the gas escaping from a Rnudsen cell in the temperature range 500 to 7OOOC w a s predominately MoF,, with l e s s e r amounts of both MoF, and MoF4. Also on opening the s y s t e m s used for the kinetic studies, a blue coating typical of MoFx hydrolysis product was found in the portion of the g a s outlet line that was warmer than room temperature. T h i s observation s u g g e s t s that a volatile molybdenum compound did e s c a p e from the melt, condensed a t lower temperature in the hot line, and hydrolyzed when the system was exposed to a i r a t the end of the run. Since the volatile s p e c i e s cannot be MoF,, we now believe that i t is MoF, or MoF, and that their low partial pressures, on the order of 1 torr or less, either reduce their decomposition rates or shift the chemical equilibria in their favor, as indicated a t even lower pressures by the m a s s spectrometric studies. Further attempts to identify these g a s e s will involve collecting them from hot exit lines rather than a t room temperature and monitoring LiF-BeF,-MoF, mixtures with the m a s s spectrometer. Even though many d e t a i l s of the behavior of Mo3' in molten 2 L i F . B e F 2 a r e poorly understood, the system is s t a b l e enough to s e r v e as a reference for kinetic s t u d i e s involving MSR fuels, graphite, and INOR-8 which we will now run in parallel with s t u d i e s of the simpler system.



More recently, efforts to deo different condispectrophotometric cell , obviating t h e detection of in cooperation with J. P.

e a t room temperature to be detected

In t h e second case a windowless cell w a s used.

Phase Relations i n Fluoroborate Systems C. J. Barton

L. 0. Gilpatrick H. Insley

P h a s e diagrams of t h e s y s t e m s of principal interest a s possible coolants for molten-salt reactors have been published,' 9 a 2 0 but additional data have been obtained and, i n some cases, t h e s t u d i e s are still not complete. P a r t of the need for continuing the investigation of some s y s t e m s r e s u l t s from the fact that much of the data w a s obtained with NaBF, preparations less pure than that now available. 2 o T h e influence of impurities in t h e NaBF, on liquidus and solidus temperatures is, unfortunately,

I 7 J . P. Young, personal communication.

"C. A. Wamser, J. Am. Chem. SOC.70, 1209 (1948).

I8L. M. Toth, J. P. Young, and G. P. Smith, t h i s re-

2oJ. G. Ryss, Compt. Rend. Acad. USSR 54, 325

port, Sect. 12.5.1.


156 most strongly evident in NaBF,-rich compositions c l o s e to the presently favored coolant composition (92 mole % NaBF4-8 mole % NaF). However, the changes in the published diagrams are too minor to warrant their revision. B e c a u s e of possible involvement of hydroxy fluoroborates i n the corrosion behavior of fluoroborate coolants, we have started work with t h e s e materials. The System NaF-KBF,. M. A. Bredig pointed o u t i n the previous progress report2' that our data on the system NaF-KBF, provided evidence of nonideality. H i s conclusion w a s based on one liquidus temperature in the high-NaF portion of t h e system that w a s considerably below t h e liquidus curve that we had drawn for this diagram. We have now determined liquidus temperatures for five additional compositions i n the range 10 to 40 mole % NaBF, and h a v e confirmed the s h a p e of the liquidus curve predicted by Bredig for this portion of the diagram. The System NaBF,-KBF D i f f e r e n t i a l thermal 4'. a n a l y s i s data with c o m p o s ~ t ~ o ncontaining s 80, 85, and 90 mole % NaBF, (high-purity material) showed liquidus and solidus temperatures about 3 to 5OC higher than values obtained earlier with less pure NaBF,. T h e minimum solidus temperature in t h i s solid solution system is now believed to b e 396 k 2O, and the minimum melting composition contains approximately 90 mole % NaBF,.



Preparation and Thermal Properties of


- Since oxygen was a n impurity i n all NaBF, p r e p arations made by aqueous methods and t h e s e preparations exhibited low melting points, we suspected that hydrolysis products such a s N a B F 3 0 H might be responsible for the observed melting-point lowering. T h e hydroxy fluoroborates, if present in coola n t mixtures, would b e expected to b e more corros i v e than the pure fluoroborates. Although N a B F 3 0 H is of greater interest than KBF,OH, we prepared the latter first because it proved to be e a s i e r to synthesize. We c h o s e the method of WamserIg a n d R y s s 2 ' as described by Pawlenko22 to prepare a 1.6-mole batch of KBF30H. T h e reaction proceeds according to the equation oo c 2KHF2 + H 3 B 0 , KBF,OH + K F + 2 H 2 0



The. product, being only slightly soluble in water a t OOC, precipitated, and i t w a s filtered and dried by pumping overnight a t room temperature. A yield of 57% w a s obtained. T h e dried product contained 1.4% H 2 0 , 8.78% boron, and 46.0% fluorine (theoretical B = 8.80%, F = 46.4%). T h e calculated B/F atomic ratio w a s 2.98. Pawlenko reportedz3 a melting point of 332OC for this compound. T h e DTA curves that w e obtained with our preparation were difficult to interpret, but the liquidus temperature appeared to b e 355OC, and other thermal effects on heating were observed a t 344 a n d 287OC. T h e rorresponding effects on cooling were at 333, 306, and 266OC respectively. T h e undercooled liquidus break may h a v e been interpreted by Pawlenko to be the liquidus temperature. Pawlenko2 investigated phase relations in the s y s t e m s KBF,OH-KBF, and KF-KBF30H-KBF,. We plan to proceed with the preparation of N a B F 3 0 H and with the study of phase relations in the system NaBF,-NaBF,OH.

16 't Y

c 4.



Crystal Structure of Sodium Tetrafl uoroborate


G. D. Brunton

Unlike any of the complex fluorides which crystallize from the MSR fluids based on the components L i F , BeF2, ZrF,, UF,, and ThF,, the alkali fluoroborates undergo pronounced crystalline transitions. Sodium tetrafluoroborate crystallizes from melts a s a cubic phase which inverts on cooling to temperatures below 24OoC to an orthorhombic form which is 20% more dense than the higher-temperature cubic form. Such behavior indicates that the crystal chemistry of the alkali fluoroborates may be of significance in molten-salt reactor coolant technology and h a s prompted a reexamination of the structure of NaBF,. L a t t i c e parameters and atomic parameters of the compound were remeasured. T h e refined parameters were found to b e only slightly different from those determined by Weiss and Zohner' from two-dimensional Weissenberg data. T h e orthorhombic form of NaBF, crystallizes in the s p a c e group Cmcm; refined values for t h e unit cell




" M S R Program Semiann. Pro&. R e p t . F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL-4254. p. 167. 22S. Pawlenko, 2. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 315, 147 (1962).

23S. Pawlenko, 2. Anorg. Allgem. Chem. 336, 172 (1965). ',A.


W e i s s and K. Zohner, P h y s . S t a t . Sol. 21, 257



F 11


Fig. 12.4.

U n i t C e l l of NaBF,.

T h e unit c e l l i s outlined and has been t i l t e d -15'

around the X a x i s and -30'

around the Y a x i s of the drawing.

parameters a r e a 0 = 6.8368(9) A, bo = 6.2619(7) A, and c o = 6.7916(4) A; calculated density is 2.5075 g / c m 3 . T h e structure is shown i n Fig. 12.4. T h e BF, tetrahedra a r e slightly irregular, with two F(1)- i o n s 0.006 A more distant from t h e B 3 + i o n than the two F(2)- ions. T h e Na' i o n s a r e coordinated by 8F- i o n s at the corners of a n irregular polyhedron which is neither a cube nor antiprism. T h e Na' polyhedron s h a r e s opposite e d g e s with BF, tetrahedra, four corners with BF, tetrahedra, and e d g e s with two other Na' polyhedra. T h e Na+-F- distances vary from 2.2963 to 2.609 A.


H , - H Z g 8 o K = -3820 + 3.148T + 3.703 x 10-'T2 - 1.217 x 105T-' (298-5 16OK) ;

AHtrans = 1610 cal/mole, AStrans =


3.13 e.u., 516OK;

- H Z g 8 = 9785 + 36.48T (516-679'K);

AHfusion = 3245 cal/mole, AS,,, =


- H298



+ 39.52T

4.78 e.u., 679'K;



H, d

The following equations represent our measured h e a t content d a t a for NaBF, and KBF, i n cal/ mole:

- H Z g 8= -6325 + 15.62T + 1.943 x 1012T2

- 1.737 x l0,T-l


AHtrans = 3300 cal/mole, AStrans =

5.93 e.u. (556'K);

158 HT

- H,,,



+ 34.95T

ORNL-DWG 68-i3047



AHfusion = 4300 cal/mole, ASfusion =


5.10 e.u. (843OK);




- H,,,



+ 39.94T


-c Y


T h e entropy of transition of KBF, is almost double that of NaBF,. This is explained qualitatively on the b a s i s of the differing structures of the low-temperature solids, whereas the high-temperature s o l i d s both presumably have the cubic structure. T h e low-temperature NaBF, with the orthorhombic CaSO (pseudocubic) structure is much closer to the high-temperature cubic form than is the low-temperature KBF, with i t s orthorhombic BaSO (pseudotetragonal) structure.



-E -E




L?* m

8 io2 LT W



IW n aI L

2 104 5


12.2.4 D i s s o c i a t i o n P r e s s u r e and C h e m i c a l Thermodynamics of the System KBF,-KF Stanley Cantor

100 (0




50 60 70 KBF4(mole %)




J. A. Bornmann


T h e possibility that KBF, will be a component of the coolant for an advanced molten-salt reactor prompted us to examine the dissociation equilibrium KBF4(I)


+ BF,(g)


F i g . 12.5. Vapor Pressure of B F 3 in Equilibrium with KBF4-KF Melts. 9

( 1) c

Techniques derived from the study of the similar greatly simNaBF, dissociation equilibrium’ plified the present investigation. In a closed apparatus of known volume, B F 3 pressures in equilibrium with the melt w e r e measured manometrically in the composition range 15.7 to “100 mole % KBF,. For each composition, pressures were measured over a t l e a s t a 140° temperature interval within overall limits of 628 to 1207OC. Four isotherms of B F , pressure vs composition are depicted in Fig. 12.5. T h e analysis of the experimental data to yield thermodynamic information for KBF,-KF is identical to the data analysis for the system NaBF,NaF. Details of the thermodynamic treatment a r e given elsewhere. T h e equilibrium constant, K for the dissociaP’ tion [ a s written in Eq. (l)]is defined a s I’

‘ J‘

,’MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . F e b . 29, 1968,

ORNL-4254, p. 170. 2 6 R e a c t o r Chern. Div. Ann. Progr. R e p t . D e c . 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4229, pp. 55-57.

where y and N are activity coefficient and mole is the vapor presfraction respectively, and P BF3

sure of BF,. T h e temperature dependence of K P for reaction (1) is given by the equation In K P

-37,300 26.2 (atm) = +RT(’K) R ’


where 37,300 cal and 26.2 cal/OK are the enthalpy and entropy of the reaction, and R, the gas constant, is 1.987 cal/’K. For the reaction NaBF4(1)


+ BF3(g) ,


the derived enthalpy and entropy were 29,800 cal and 26.4 cal/OK. The relative magnitudes of the thermodynamic quantities for the two reactions (1) and (4) seem plausible. In both reactions, ASo is mostly due to the expansion of a mole of BF, in the melt to a mole of vapor; hence i t is not surprising that the reaction entropies a r e virtually the same. T h e larger values of AH for reaction (1) can be explained in terms of the “fluoride-donor” prop-

F c


159 e r t i e s of t h e two alkali ions. In forming the complex ion B F 4 - , the potassium ion with its weaker electric field strength “donates” fluoride i o n s more e a s i l y than d o e s sodium; therefore [BF4]ions a r e more s t a b l e in the presence of potassium ions. T h i s margin of stability is approximately equal to the difference in the enthalpies of t h e dissociation reactions. T h e activity coefficients of KBF, and K F were derived at several temperatures from the vapor pressure data. T h e curves of activity coefficient v s composition at llOO°C are shown in Fig. 12.6. Note that the activity coefficients are unity or greater; that is, the deviations from ideality a r e always positive. T h e activity coefficients i n the system NaBF4-NaF were similarly positive. In fact, i t is usually true that binary melts which consist of a common alkali cation and differing univalent a n i o n s exhibit positive deviations.

T h e b a s i c method was to determine the top surface of a column of melt. The nickel v e s s e l containing the salt was a cylindrical cup at i t s lower section and a conical top welded to a relatively long chimney as its upper section ( s e e Fig. 12.7). T h e purpose of the conical top w a s to permit e a s y e s c a p e of g a s bubbles from the melt. T h e v e s s e l was loaded with enough s a l t s o that the melt filled the lower portion of the chimney. T h e probe, a sharp-pointed nickel rod, entered the chimney through a Teflon bushing tightened to the top of the chimney. At e a c h fixed temperature the probe w a s caused to contact the liquid surface s e v e r a l times, each point of contact “seen” by the deflection of a pointer of a vacuum-tube volt-ohmmeter. From machined l i n e s on the probe (above the chimney) t h e vertical displacement of the probe w a s determined to 0.1 mm by means of a cathetometer. T h e volume

ORNL- DWG 68- 13049

12.2.5 D e n s i t y and V i s c o s i t y of Sodium Fluoroborate M e l t s /TEFLON

Stanley Cantor


J. A. Bornmann

Densities of the proposed MSRE substitute coolant, NaBF4-NaF (92-8 mole %), have been measured in t h e temperature range 439 to 508OC. T h e results fit the equation p (g/cm3)


2.27 - 7.4 x 10-4t (“C)


270. J. Kleppa, Ann. Rev. P h y s . Chem. 16, 200 (1965).


ORNL- DWG 68-43048

t .6 1.5 14






0.9 0


Fig. 12.6.

1 100°K.



04 05 06 mole fraction KEF4




Activity Coefficient of K E F 4 and K F a t


Fig. 12.7. ties of

V e s s e l and Probe Used to Measure DensiMolten Fluoroborates.

160 of the v e s s e l had been calibrated with water at room temperature at several liquid levels. Recalibrations were performed after the measurements to be s u r e that the v e s s e l had restored itself to its initial volume. T h e viscosity of single-component NaBF, h a s been measured a t Mound Laboratory by L. J. Wittenberg and co-workers using oscillating-cup methods. T h e measurements are s t i l l being analyzed; however, two reliable values appear to be 1.45 centipoises a t 42OOC and 1.04 centipoises at 500OC. Assuming that these two values define the correct linear log q - T-' relationship, then the viscosity of NaBF, may be expressed a s (centipoise)


0.0623 exp [2180/T (OK)]


The viscosities of NaBF, correlate reasonably well with viscosities of other sodium salts containing monovalent anions, as shown in T a b l e 12.1. The corresponding temperature, 19,is defined as the measured temperature divided by the melting temperature, both in OK. Viscosities and melting temperatures for the salt other than NaBF, were obtained from the compilations of Janz et aZ.29 F o r NaBF, the melting temperature of 680째K w a s used. Table 12.1. Viscosity a t Corresponding Temperature,


Viscosity (centipoise) a t Salt

8 = 1.019

8 = 1.137



















12.2.6 Corrosion of Chromium b y M o l t e n FI uoroborates Stanley Cantor

In a s e r i e s of tests30 which sought to determine if the proposed MSRE substitute coolant, NaBF,NaF (92-8 mole %), reacted with Hastelloy N or any of i t s major constituents, i t was found that chromium w a s the only metal to exhibit a significant degree of corrosion. In this test, shiny chromium chips were immersed in the m e l t for 837 hr at 6000C

in a nickel v e s s e l which was open only to a pressure measuring device. In the course of the test (at 600OC) the vapor pressure of B F 3 rose from a n initial 170 torrs to a final pressure of 280 torrs. Postexposure examination revealed two reaction products: (1) gray material, adhering strongly to the surface of the chromium chips, and (2) green crystalline Na3CrF, mixed with the unreacted fluoroborate salt. T h e oxidation of chromium to the trivalent state, in Na3CrF6, required that a chemical s p e c i e s in contact with the chromium metal be reduced; the most likely s p e c i e s w a s boron; that is, some of the trivalent boron in NaBF, was reduced to elemental boron or to a boride. Spectroscopic a n a l y s i s of some of the gray surface material showed 2 to 5 wt % boron. O n the b a s i s of the above evidence, the corrosion of chromium may be described by the following reactions:

[l + x]Cr(mefaZ)

+ NaBF,(Z)


rn W

k a


+ CrF3(Z)

-t CrxB(s)


3NaF(Z) + CrF3(2) = Na3CrF6(s) ; CrxB represents the gray material and is a compound or mixture of undetermined stoichiometry. (X-ray diffraction analysis failed to identify the gray material in terms of known chromium-boron compounds.) T h e second reaction not only described the observed formation of N a 3 C r F 6 but a l s o indicated a decreased thermodynamic activity of N a F in the m e l t which resulted in an increased vapor pressure of BF3. T h e chromium metal was a l s o examined metallographically. T h e photomicrographs showed that the corrosion w a s confined to a rather shallow depth, approximately 10 m i l s . Further, the uncorroded metal did not exhibit voids; that is, vacancies which formed in the corrosion layers did not s e r v e a s a sink for chromium atoms diffusing from the unreacted portions of the lattice. T h u s the metallographic examination suggests that in chromium metal the corrosion product (represented a s CrxB) acts as an impediment to further reaction by fluoroborate. 28L. J. Wittenberg, D. Ofte, and C. F. Curtiss, J. Chem. Phys. 48, 3253 (1968). 29G. J. Janz. A. T. Ward, and R. D. Reeves, Molten Salt Data. Electrical Conductance, Density a n d Viscosity, Technical Bulletin Series, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, N.Y. (July 1964). 'OMSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 171-72.









12.3.1 CeF, Solubility in Molten Mixtures o f LiF, BeF,, and ThF,














I t h a s been demonstrated that the solubility of C e F 3 i n some molten fluoride s a l t mixtures is very similar to that of P u F ~ Currently . ~ ~ proposed molten-salt s y s t e m s for single-region reactors contain several mole percent ThF,, a component not previously examined in detail for its effect on P u F 3 or C e F 3 solubility. If a molten-salt reactor is t o be fueled using plutonium as the fissile agent, i t will be necessary to determine the limits of solubility of P u F 3 in the fluid medium under consideration. T h e choice of cerium in place of plutonium greatly speeded t h e present work and reduced the hazards. T o examine t h i s problem, cerous fluoride containing 1 4 4 C e(285-day) tracer was used to determine the solubility of C e F 3 in a variety of molten fluoride s a l t mixtures. T h i s material was prepared from cerous chloride solution to which 10 m c of 14,Ce w a s added a s the chloride, Ammonium bifluoride w a s added to precipitate C e F 3 , which was washed, centrifuged, and dried. An e x c e s s of the labeled C e F 3 w a s added to about 200 g of experimental salt, and the mixture was then melted and purified to remove oxides by p a s s i n g through it HF, He, and H2. T h e equilibrated clean solution was sampled a t temperature using a copper frit filter stick technique. Recovered sDecimens were then analvzed

of concentration v s the reciprocal of t h e temperature. A comparison of the two metho plotted in t h i s manner is shown in Fig. 12.8. There very good agreement between the rec +x

communication, memorandum from C. J. P. R. Kasten (May 13, 1968).


Barton to

32R. E. Thoma, Chemical Feasibility of Fueling Molten S a l t Reactors with PuF,, ORNL-TM-2256 (June 20, 1968).


HEAT N0.4 0

L. 0. Gilpatrick C. J. Barton Judy A. Fredricksen

d: P








4 .O


1.2 'OOO/T(OK)

Fig. 12.8. Solubility


i I


C e F 3 in L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4

Melt (72-16-12 m o l e %).

perature range, i n each c a s e starting 50째 above the melting point. T h e range of temperatures examined was from 525 to 800OC. T h e solubility of C e F 3 inc r e a s e s regularly with increasing temperature for all t h e c a s e s examined. Results are listed in Table 12.2 along with the h e a t s of solution calculated from the relation

AH(T2 - T 1 )


l o g 2= SI 2.30RT1T2

where S = molar solubility, T = temperature, AH = heat of solution, and R = g a s constant in cal/mole. Table 12.2. Solubility and Heat of Solution of CeF, in Mixtures of LiF, BeF,, and ThF,

Salt Composition

C e F 3 Solubility

(mole 70)

(mole %)












Heat of Solution
































162 T h e s e data show that t h e probable solubility of P u F , in t h e s e compositions will be adequate to fuel a molten-salt reactor based on P u F , as the fissile agent.

valent s p e c i e s in fluoride media is as y e t unsupported. In the present case a reaction involving colorcenter-like electrons (from T h o + 4 L i + + T h 4 + + 4Li0, and 4 L i 0 4 L i + + 4e-) according to --f

12.3.2 S o l u b i l i t y of Thorium Metal i n M o l t e n L i t h i u m Fluoride-Thorium F l u o r i d e M i x t u r e s H. R. Bronstein

M. A. Bredig

We have previously reported that we observed the solubility of thorium metal in molten LiF-ThF, (7327 mole %) a t 62OOC to be approximately 2.0 mole % , 3 3 with no visible sign of alloying of the nickel of the container by the thorium through the medium of the melt. 3 4 T h i s result was contrary to the findings by Barton and Stone35 of extensive alloying. A p o s s i b l e explanation of the discrepancy w a s the a b s e n c e of gas-stirring in our experiments. Repeating the experiment with continuous argon gasstirring, we have now corroborated the findings of Barton and Stone. In the products of the extensive attack by the dissolved thorium on t h e nickel container, two nickel-rich phases of the five known intermetallic nickel-thorium compounds have been positively identified: namely, ThNi, as the major and ThNi5 as a minor constituent, with s o m e x-ray reflections still remaining to be identified. T h e great importance of the stirring reflects t h e low solubility of the thorium metal in the salt melt. We hope that with improvement in analytical technique the solubility of thorium may be more accurately determined. At present the value may be stated to be between 0.3 and 1.0 mole % at 620OC. T h e particular form in which thorium metal dissolved in the fluoride melt is yet to b e determined. A mechanism h a s been proposed3 whereby alloyi n g with the nickel of the container t a k e s place by disproportionation of a soluble subvalent thorium s p e c i e s formed by reaction of thorium metal with Th4' ion i n the melt. However, while thorium s p e c i e s of lower valency have been reported for chloride and iodide m e l t s , the presence of sub-

T h 4 + + 4e-

s e e m s possible. According to general experience with metal solubility i n the form of subvalent ions, color-center-like electrons s e e m a preferred alternative i n a medium in which the normal, higher val e n c e state I V of thorium is stabilized a g a i n s t reduction by complexing with the e x c e s s of fluoride ions from LiF. In connection with our present work, evidence for trivalent thorium i n an alleged solid "ThOF" rewas carefully examined and found ported recently to b e without merit. 3 8 T h e most s e r i o u s objection is based upon the x-ray d a t a giving a lattice cons t a n t of 5.68 A for a face-centered cubic fluorite type of structure, only 0.10 A larger than 5.58 A for T h o 2 . From a comparison of various lanthanide and actinide oxyfluorides, MOF, with their dioxides, MO,, i t is certain that a true oxyfluoride of Th(III), ThOF, if it existed, would h a v e a l a t t i c e constant of a t least 5.90 A, o r 0.30 A larger than T h o , . Actually, the lattice constant 5.68 A observed by the French authors is most likely that of the saturated solution of T h F , in T h o , , approximately T h o -5F, for which a, = 5.66 had been reported. g Therefore i t must have been the reaction


2 T h 0 , + T h F , (+Th)

3 5 C . J. Barton and H. H. Stone, Reduction of Iron Diss o l v e d in Molten LiF-ThF4, ORNL-TM-2036 (November 1967).




+ ThOF,

(+Th unreacted)


involving only Th(1V) that was observed by t h e French authors. Incidentally, a reaction of nickel through the medium of a salt m e l t with a metal other than thorium, namely, beryllium, h a s recently been reported by R u s s i a n workers. 4 0


,,MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 168-69. A. Bredig, unpublished work (1968).

+ 2Ni +ThNi,

C. Warf, J . Am. Chem. SOC.74, 1864 (1952). L u c a s and J. P. Rannous, Compt. Rend. Acad.

"J. Sci. Paris 266, 1056 (1968). 38M. A. Bredig, unpublished communication (1968). ,'R.

W. M. D'Eye, J . Chem. SOC.1958, p. 196.

,ON. 1. Komilov and N. G. Ilyuschchenko, Electrochem. Molten and Solid Electrolytes 5, 71 (1967).

* R



Content of LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole X)


Component Concentration (mole %)


A. S. Dworkin T h e following equations represent our measured heat content d a t a for LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) i n cal/g:


Ht - H,,



+ 2.07

+ 6.33 x

73 72

16 21

10.7 6.7

0.3 0.3

mix tures

68 63

20 25


0.3 0.3






H t - H,,





+ 3.237 x 10-'t (500-750OC)

k 0.1%


T h e s p e c i f i c heat of the liquid is then t h e derivative of the last equation, or 0.324 cal g-' ("C)-', with a n estimated error of +2%. There is no isothermal h e a t of fusion for the mixture. According to the p h a s e diagram, initial melting begins a t about 445OC, and continues a s temperature is increased to 5OO0C, a t which point it is c jmpletely liquid. N o experimental points were o t t a i n e d in the temperature interval 445 to 500OC. However, i f the h e a t content of the solid is extrapolated to 500째C, a h e a t of fusion of 59 c a l / g c a n be calculated by treating the data a s if all the melting occurred at t h i s liquidus temperature. T h e s p e c i f i c h e a t s and h e a t s of fusion ( a s defined above) of various fuel s a l t mixtures have been estimated.41 T h e validity of our methods of estimation h a s been confirmed by comparison with our measurements as well as those for a number of other mixtures containing fluorides of lithium, beryllium, and thorium.


single-region fuel

10-'t2 (25-445OC) k 0.5% ;



Four possible MSBR

Flush s a l t (present MSRE coolant)

x 10-'t





For t h e s e mixtures, estimates and/or experimental values are given for the following properties: viscosity; thermal conductivity; electrical conductivity; p h a s e transition behavior; isobaric heat capacity (C ); heat of fusion; density; expanP . sivity; compressibility; vapor pressure; surface tension; and solubility of the g a s e s He, Kr, Xe, BF3. L i s t e d with the tables containing t h e physi c a l properties a r e estimated uncertainties, s o u r c e s of data and methods of estimations, and, in some c a s e s , further discussion. From some of the foregoing properties the following were a l s o calculated and appended: isochoric heat capacity (C .), sonic velocity, thermal diffusivity, kinematic viscosity, Prandtl number.


Electrical Conductivity of Molten L i F-BeF Mixtures

G. D. Robbins


J. Braunstein

Coolant, and FZush Salts, ORNL-TM-2316. h a s been written and distributed. In this memorandum,

T h e characteristics of electrical conductivity v s temperature of molten LiF-BeF, mixtures42 ranging in composition from 38 to 52 mole % B e F , have been determined in the redesigned silica cell shown i n Fig. 12.9. T h e relatively long conducting path (12 cm) resulted in a cell constant of 145.9 c m - I , as determined i n 0.1 demal KCI, a solution for which the specific conductance h a s been well

,'S. Cantor (ed.), Physical Properties of Molten-Salt Reactor Fuel, Coolant, and Flush Salts, ORNL-TM-2316 (August 1968).

4 2 B e F 2 obtained from Brush Beryllium Co., distilled by B. F. Hitch; L i 2 B e F 4 prepared by J. H. Shaffer and co-workers.

A. S. Dworkin

G. M. Watson




, , , GL A S STAPE -



, , , , 42-mm-ID




determination without introduction of errors disc u s s e d previously. For measurements of conductance in molten fluorides, the entire assembly shown in Fig. 12.9 was immersed in a stirred molten KN03 bath, A specially constructed measuring bridge46 containing a series-component balancing arm determined resistance a s a function of frequency. With t h i s experimental arrangement, the measured resistance w a s stable, independent of depth of cell immersion, and varied less than 0.5% over the frequency range 1 to 10 kilohertz, the variation being approximately linear in f l / l . Values of measured resistance extrapolated to infinite frequency were less than 0.3% lower than the 10-kilohertz values. T h e molten fluoride was contained in a closed s i l i c a cell (pressure = 1 atm) in which the low equilibrium partial pressure of SiF4 (<1mm a t prevented major attack of the silica via the reaction 2BeF2 + SiO,-+ -


SiF,?. 4

T h e slow, solid-solid reaction

Si02 + 2

/ /

Fig. 12.9.


3- mm - I D TUBE

Silica Conductance Cell.

established as a ~ t a n d a r d . ~(One ~ ? ~demal ~ is approximately 1 g-equivalent/dm3.) U s e of platinized platinum electrodes and t h i s particular cell design resulted in measured resista n c e s independent of measuring frequency and depth of immersion (< ?0.2%, frequency range 0.5 to 5 kilohertz, depth 3 to 7 mm) in the KC1 solution. T h e large resistance of the aqueous solution permitted u s e of a Jones bridge in the cell constant


4 Be,Si04

and the low solubility of B e 0 and B e 2 S i 0 4 (<0.01 mole/kg a t 500째C)48*49should not affect the conductance measurements. Data for specific conductance K v s temperature are listed in Table 12.3 and illustrated in Fig. 12.10. P l o t s of In K v s 1/T, shown in Fig. 12.11, exhibit curvature, indicating temperature depende n c e of the conventional Arrhenius energy of activation for specific conductance, E , [ E , = -R x d In ~ / d ( l / T ) ] .

43G. Jones and B. C. Bradshaw, J. Am. Chem. SOC. 55, 1780 (1933). 44R. A. Robinson and R. H. Stokes, Electrolyte Solutions, 2d ed. (revised), pp. 95-97, Butterworths, London, 1965. 45G. D. Robbins. Electrical Conductivity of Molten Fluorides. A Review, ORNL-TM-2180 (March 26, 1968).

46Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4229, p. 57. 47Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4229, p. 60. 48Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 3 1 , 1966, ORNL-4076, p. 19. 49C. E. Bamberger, private communication; C. E. Bamberger, C. F. Baes. and J. P. Young, J . Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 30, 1979 (1968).

E 5

165 Table


Specific Conductance v s Temperature

ORNL-DWG 68-a861


for L i F - B e F 2 M i x t u r e s




Mole % BeFZ

t (OC)


465.5 486.1

1.100 1.226









501.4 528.6

1.097 1.241







475.4 499.7

0.719 0.830









434.3 449.5

0.379 0.427






513.6 528.5

0.661 0.715









1.3 1.2 1.1


- 0.9 1



- 0.7 !k




0.3 0.2 0.1


T h e variation of activation energy for conductance a t low temperatures h a s been interpreted by Ange1150*51in t e r m s of a model based on a theoretical g l a s s transition temperature, which incorporates a non-Arrhenius form for the temperature dependence of transport properties. While there is as yet no completely satisfactory theoretical justification for the proposed equations, they have led to striking correlations in a number of systems. Since the e u t e c t i c composition of 52 mole % B e F 2 presents the largest temperature range, we have estimated the g l a s s transition temperature for t h i s composition. T h e temperature dependence of the corrected energy of activation is, according to the model,

T c

Ecorr = EK i'/,RT ia R T 2 = kR





( T - To) '

A. Angell. J. Phys. Chern. 68, 1917 (1964).

51C. A. Angell, J. Phys. Chem. 70, 2793 (1966).



Specific Conductance of L i F - B e F 2 Mix-

tures v s Temperature.

where Ecorr c a n be calculated, as indicated, from the conventional Arrhenius energy of activation for specific conductance, EK,and the expansivity, a , of the melt. A plot of Ecorr vs [ T / ( T - To)]' should be linear with slope kR and p a s s through the origin; T o is the zero mobility temperature (in OK), and k is a constant related to the potential energy of minimum-sized cooperatively rearranging groups. Figure 12.12 shows such a series of plots for different values of T (Values of a were ob0: tained from density data in fused fluoride melts.)52 T h e s e plots result in a fit of the data correspondi n g to T o = 325 rt 25OK. T h e value of k thus de52B. C. Blanke, E. N. Bousquet, M. L. Curtis, and E. L. Murphy, MLM-1086 (1956).







325째K (f25)

J, =325


b c



-0.2 4 -

In K -0.4

2 -

-0 6













Fig. 12.12. Ecorr vs (T/T (48-52 m o l e %).


- To)2 for











4ooo/T ( O K )

F i g . 12.1 1 .


K vs

1/T for L i F - B e F 2 Mixtures.

termined is 1400 k 150OK. T h e reduced temperature range of the measurements based on this value of T o is 2.1 5 T/To 5 2.5, which is slightly above the range of reduced temperatures for which Angel14 found k to be constant in the molten Ca(NOJ2KNO 3 system ( T 5 1.7To). Angel1 estimated an increase in k over the low-temperature value (obtained below 1.7To) of about 10% a t 2 T 0 and about 40% a t 3T0. If a similar variation occurs in the fused fluoride system, a k of 1400 would be approximately 20% too large, indicating i t s correct value to be approximately 1170. Since the assumptions of the model become more nearly valid a t temperatures near T o ,one might expect the data in the lower half of the temperature range to provide a better estimate of To. I t can be s e e n from Fig. 12.12 that the results of the three lowest temperatures [the three largest values of ( T / T - T o ) 2 ] indicate a To of 350 k 25OK and a corresponding value of k = 1200 5 150OK. (The range of values of T / T o would then be 1.9 to 2.1.) T h e s e estimates appear to be consistent with re-

s u l t s in other systems, for example, T o ' s of 230 to 330째K for the nitrates. 51 Values of k for the nitrates, 5 0 carbonates (estimated), l and a sodium s i l i c a t e melt ( v i s c o ~ i t y a) r~e ~ of ~the ~ ~order of 700, 1400, and 5100OK respectively. Experiments are in progress which encompass a composition range of 34 to 70 mole % B e F 2 . T h e s e additional data should permit an interpretation of the composition dependence of the conductivities.

12.4.2 E s t i m a t e d E l e c t r i c a l C o n d u c t i v i t i e s of M S B R - R e l a t e d Salts

G. D. Robbins

In conjunction with a report41 on physical properties of molten s a l t s of interest to t h e Molten-Salt Reactor Program, the electrical conductivities of s i x fused fluorides have been estimated a s functions of temperature. T h e results are listed i n Table 12.4. Data on analogous or related molten-salt systems provided a b a s i s for the estimates. Often the assumptions w e r e not those which seemed chemically most reasonable, but those which resulted in the best correlation of the available data for the analog systems. Therefore, estimated values of specific conductance, K , are believed to have relatively

53G.S. Fulcher, J . Am. Cerarn. SOC. 8, 339 (1925).

t a,


167 Table


Estimated E l e c t r i c a l Conductivities vs Temperature

Salt Composition

Equation Uncertainty (70)











6. 7










NaBF4-NaF (92-8 mole %) NaBF

large uncertainties. T h e number of significant figures i n the equations of K v s t are not meant to contradict t h e listed uncertainties, but rather a r e intended to show differences between salt mixtures whose conductivities are predicted to be very similar. Specific conductivity is determined from resistance measurements according to the relation

where ( V a ) is the cell constant. A s h a s been pointed out p r e v i o ~ s l y for , ~ ~a given apparatus and set of experimental conditions the measured value of r e s i s t a n c e c a n vary with the frequency of the applied potential wave form. T h e values of K l i s t e d i n the table are valid for r e s i s t a n c e extrapolated to infinite frequency (denoted a s Ra). Thus, predicting the resistance of a m e l t which will be measured in a particular experimental arrangement not only requires a value for conductivity K , but a l s o presupposes a knowledge of the frequency dispersion characteristics of the measuring device.

12.4.3 R e f e r e n c e Electrodes for M o l t e n F l u o r i d e s B. F. Hitch

C. F. Baes, Jr.

A s reported previously,55*56the B e Z + ( B eand the H F , H 2 (F- electrodes are s t a b l e reference electrodes for u s e in LiF-BeF, mixtures. However, both electrodes have disadvantages. B e c a u s e of the strong reducing power of the B e 2 'IBe electrode, it is easily poisoned by impurities o r s o l u t e s which are reduced and deposited as metals on the elec-




+ 8.0 x K = 1.63 + 7.3 x K = 1.66 + 6.4 X K = 1.94 + 7.1 x K = 2.7 + 13 x K = 1.92 + 2.6 x K =




( t - 500)


- 500) ( t - 500) ( t - 500) ( t - 500) ( t - 500)



t20 t20 f50 t20

trode surface. Hence i t is necessary to maintain the melt in the vicinity of this electrode quite free of s u c h reducible substances. T h i s electrode c a n a k o develop dendritic crystals of beryllium metal on its surface a s a result of m a s s transfer, and t h e s e c a n short the electrode to the cell wall i f adequate clearance h a s not been provided. T h e HF,H,I F- electrode is somewhat inconvenient to use, because i t requires an HF-H, g a s mixture of known composition. A more serious disadvantage of t h i s electrode is that hydrogen is a reactive, rapidly diffusing g a s which is hard to confine to the vicinity of t h e electrode. In continuing our efforts to develop reference electrodes for u s e in molten fluorides, we are investigating t h e cell Be I L i F - B e F (66-34) lNiO( c),BeO( c) 1 Ni


If t h e m e l t i n c o n t a c t w i t h the n i c k e l e l e c t r o d e is

saturated with both NiO and BeO, then the dissolved oxide concentration is fixed by t h e solubility equilibrium of BeO, BeO(c)



+ 0'-

(e.g., [O'-] 2 0.01 mole/kg a t 600째C),57and hence the nickel ion concentration is fixed by t h e solubility equilibrium of NiO, NiO(c)


+ 0'-

54G. D. Robbins. Electrical Conductivity of Molten Fluorides. A Review, ORNL-TM-2180 (March 1968).

55Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Jan. 31, 1965, ORNL-3789, p. 76. 56MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 138. 7MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1967, ORNL-4119. p. 144.

168 0.001 mole/kg a t 600째C).58 T h i s should ([Ni2'] establish an Ni2 'INi electrode which depends only on the temperature and the composition of the LiFB e F 2 s a l t mixtures used. T h e low concentration of Ni2' produced by this oxide mixture renders t h i s electrode - a n electrode of the third kind - considerably less oxidizing than a saturated NiF,INi electrode. T h i s makes it possible to u s e copper compartments for the electrode. T h e assumed cell reaction is Beo

+ NiO(c)

* BeO(c) + Nio .

Since all the reactants and products a r e of fixed activity, the measured cell potential should be the standard potential E o , which is a function only of temperature. X-ray analysis h a s confirmed that NiO, BeO, and LiF-BeF2 (66-34) a r e indeed t h e only constituents in the Ni2 'INi electrode compartment. T h e reaction vessel used for our experiments w a s constructed of 252-in. nickel pipe separated into two compartments by a $16-in. nickel s h e e t welded down through the center. Melt contact between t h e two compartments w a s provided by a 5-in.-diam 2 sintered nickel (0.0015-in. porosity) frit. E a c h compartment of the reaction v e s s e l w a s fitted with an entry port for an electrode, a g a s sparging line, and a thermocouple well. T h e Ni2 'INi electrode was further compartmented to contain the oxides and the dissolved NiF,. T h e beryllium electrode was used without any compartmentation. Our early potentiometric measurements of the above cell were made using an Ni2 '(Ni compartment constructed of copper tubing with a copper frit (25- to 40-p porosity) welded on the lower end. E x c e s s B e 0 and NiO were added to the nickel electrode compartment. The L i F - B e F , solution was then forced by a small gas pressure into the compartment through the copper frit. A nickel tube served as t h e nickel electrode and a l s o permitted g a s sparging. Cell potentials were erratic, but on various occ a s i o n s we were a b l e to achieve s t a b l e potentials for a s long as 24 hr. T h e major difficulty encountered w a s that the cell potential would reach a maximum value, then would begin drifting toward a low value. Two possible c a u s e s of t h i s behavior

58C.F. B a e s , Jr., Thermodynamics. vol. 1, p. 4 0 9 , IAEA, Vienna, 1966.

are: (1) the nickel electrode w a s polarized by intermittent shorting to the copper compartment causi n g reduction of N i 2 + on the copper to form a Cu-Ni alloy, or (2) Ni2' diffused through t h e copper f r i t at too rapid a rate. T o check t h e first possibility, a compartment w a s constructed of nickel tubing sheathed i n copper containing both nickel and copper frits. Cell potentials obtained u s i n g t h i s compartment were somewhat more consistent, but potential drifts toward a low value were still encountered. T o deal with the second p o s s i b l e difficulty we have recently had a much denser (6- to 14-p porosity) copper frit material fabricated by the Gaseous Diffusion Development Division at K-25 and are having compartments fabricated using t h i s material. I t is hoped that t h e s e less-porous frits will reduce o r eliminate any appreciable diffusion of nickel ion out of the compartment. Measurements wi!l begin shortly, using t h e s e new compartments. R e s u l t s obtained thus far indicate t h a t the value for the standard cell potential ( E o ) a s a function of temperature ("C) is

E o = 1.903 - O.OOO1t



T h e uncertainty is estimated to b e approximately +15 mv. T h e above value for E o compares well with a n E o calculated from the formation free energies for B e 0 5 8 and NiO. 5 9 T h e Ni2 'INi electrode described above shows promise for u s e as a reference electrode in molten fluorides. If, indeed, we are a b l e to e s t a b l i s h i t s reliability, w e plan to u s e it as the reference electrode to measure the redox potential of the U 4 'IU3' couple and, hopefully, to develop a n Ni2 '[Ni electrode assembly which could be used as a n analytical tool for reactor application.

12.5 SPECTROSCOPY OF F L U O R I D E MEDIA L. M. Toth J. P. Young G. P. Smith


The Diamond-Windowed Cell t

Until now the windowless container h a s been used extensively for measuring absorption s p e c t r a

"5. F. E l l i o t t and Molly G l e i s e r , Thermochemistry for Steelmaking, p. 1 9 0 , Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1960.



' Q i


9 e

of i o n s i n molten fluoride solvents. There is, however, a need for a container or cell with fixed transparent windows. Such a container would provide a fixed and e a s i l y determined path length, the facility to bubble t h e melt with reactive gases, and better containment of volatile species. T h e problems encountered with such a cell have been to find windows which were optically transparent i n the spectral range 200 to 2500 mp and which would r e s i s t the extremely corrosive action of molten fluorides. Also, it must be convenient to use, s o that the long-term applications of i t to fluoride problems would b e practical. Diamond b e s t satisfies the window material requirements. T h e cell which fits the design requirements is shown i n Fig. 12.13. Except for the diamond windows, t h e cell is made entirely of graphite. I t c o n s i s t s of a cell body, two retainers for t h e dia-

ORNL-DWG 68-9074



monds, a s l e e v e which holds the retainers i n place, and a nut to s e c u r e the sleeve. T h e optical path length between the diamonds is 1.0 cm. T h e diamond windows a r e approximately 5 x 5 x l mm type IIa plates. Some variation i n the diamond size from the above nominal value is unavoidable. Consequently, the cell design allows appreciable variations in the window dimensions. For example, one of t h e p l a t e s we are now using measures 5.0 x 4.3 x 1.3 mm. Positioning of a window i n the cell is achieved by means of a horizontal groove on t h e body which fixes t h e vertical position, and a vertical groove on t h e retainer which fixes the horizontal position. T h e depth of each groove is one-half t h e window thickness (nominally 1 mm), while the width of each groove is, of course, the same as t h e width of t h e window, 5 mm. With this arrangement, t h e windows a r e not s e a l e d gastight to the cell body but merely fit flush to t h e body with a force of a few grams exerted upon them. Fluid leakage around the windows d o e s not occur, because most molten fluoride salts do not wet graphite. T h e advantages of t h i s arrangement a r e simplicity of design, ease of assembly and disassembly, and no significant danger of window breakage due to loading s t r e s s e s . T h i s cell w a s successfully used i n a number of tests. A spectrophotometric b a s e l i n e for LiFBeF, (66-34 mole %) and t h e s p e c t r a of NiF, and U F 4 in t h e LiF-BeF, solvent were recorded. Bec a u s e of t h e reproducibility of the b a s e l i n e achieved with the diamond cell, a broad peak centered a t 2.06 p in t h e U F 4 solution spectrum w a s identified for the first time i n a molten fluoride system (cf. Fig. 12.14). T h i s peak h a s been s e e n in noncorrosive systems before but h a s not been


Fig. 12.13.

The Diamond-Windowed Cell.

F i g . 12.14.

U F 4 Spectrum i n L i F - B e F 2 (66-34 mole %).

170 reported i n molten fluorides because of the previous uncertainty in the base line.


Molybdenum(lll) Fluoride Solution Spectra

Spectral s t u d i e s of dilute solutions of MoF, in molten LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) (hereafter referred to as “L,B”) have continued6’ in order to demons t r a t e both the valence s t a t e and coordination of the molybdenum species. P e a k s a t 472 and 353 mp with molar absorptivities of about 8 and 1 2 liters mole- cmrespectively, have been observed. T h e positions of these two transitions a r e consistent with what is predicted from the spectrochemical series.,’ On this b a s i s it is possible to s a y that MoF, i n L , B is present as Mo3’ i o n s which a r e octahedrally coordinated to fluoride i o n s to form MOF,,-.


For t h e s e s t u d i e s the melts have been contained in windowless cells62made from graphite, platinum, molybdenum, or copper. T h e variety of container materials were used i n a n unsuccessful effort to maintain s t a b l e MoF, solutions. Molybdenum w a s invariably l o s t from solution after 24 hr at 7OOOC due to a n unexplained mechanism. Experience with the system h a s led u s to believe that impurity reactions were involved.


K,MoF, Synthesis and Spectrum

A s a n independent demonstration that the m e l t spectrum of MoF3 in L , B was due to octahedrally coordinated Mo3 ’, that i s , MoF,,-, a spectrum of Mo3’ i n a known chemical environment w a s required. I t w a s predicted6, that K3MoF6 would probably exhibit a cubic structure in which the Mo3’ ion was coordinated to s i x fluoride ligands. However, a previously reported s y n t h e s i s of K,MoF6 (ref. 64) was actually found to produce an oxyfluoride compound that d o e s not p o s s e s s the required octahedral environment for Mo3 Therefore,


60MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 136. ,‘See, for instance, Clark K. Jorgensen, Absorption Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Complexes, p. 108, Pergamon, London, 1962.

36, 390 (1964). ,,Private communication with H. L. Yakel, Metals and

62J. P. Young, Anal. Chem.

Ceramics Division. 64S. Aleonard, Compt. Rend. 260. 1977 (1965).

K ,MoF, w a s prepared by mixing stoichiometric quantities of K F and MoF, (ref. 65) and fusing in a s e a l e d platinum tube at 88OOC for half a n hour. A low (about 5%) yield of the product w a s obtained in the form of small crystals which measured approximately 0.3 mm in diameter. T h e s e c r y s t a l s were hand picked and washed with ethanol and/or acetone. Density measurements of the K,MoF, gave a value of 3.23 k 0.03 g/cc at 25OC, which is cons i s t e n t with t h e assumed stoichiometry and measured unit cell dimensions. T h e crystal structure, being completed at this writing by G. D. Brunton, confirms that the compound is K3MoF,. T h e diffuse reflectance spectrum of the c r y s t a l s reveals p e a k s at 264, 344, and 430 mp. T h e latter two p e a k s a r e assigned to the same two transitions as the bands at 350 and 470 mp i n the L 2 B solutions of MoF, (mentioned in the previous section). T h e 264-mp peak in the crystal spectrum is assigned to the highest-energy spin-allowed transition of a 4 d 3 ion in octahedral symmetry. In t h e L2B-MoF3 m e l t spectrum this band is hidden by the foot of an i n t e n s e chargetransfer band. With the crystal structure determination that the Mo3’ ion in K,MoF, is surrounded i n octahedral symmetry by s i x fluoride ligands a s MoF6,-, a comparison between its spectrum and that of t h e high-temperature MoF3 i n L ,B gives concluding evidence that the s p e c i e s present i n the MoF,-L,B solution is MOF,,-.



Studies of the Vapor Phase over MoF, So I utions

Previously it w a s proposed that MoF, disappears from L ,B solutions by a disproportionation reaction: 2MoF,


+ MoF,


We sought to support this argument by measuring the spectrum of MoF, i n the g a s p h a s e over a solution of MoF3 in L,B; MoF, h a s a strong chargetransfer absorption in the 200-mp region ( E = l o 3 liters mole-’ cm-’), with a vibrational structure that provides a “fingerprint” for identification.

f 65Courtesy of S. Cantor and C. F. Weaver respectively. ,,C. F. Weaver, D. N. Hess, andH. A. Friedman, MSR Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 133.

171 Initial attempts to measure MoF, directly over the melt i n a windowless container a t 550 to 700% revealed no vapor s p e c i e s contributing a chargetransfer spectrum. Because w e knew neither our sensitivity limits nor t h e reason for l o s s e s of molybdenum from t h e MoF3-L2B solutions, we refined our approach i n t h e following manner. T h e second-order rate constant d a t a of Weaver, Hess, and Friedman,' indicates that 1000 ppm of MoF, i n L,B would have a n equilibrium pressure of at l e a s t 1 torr. A calibration of our system with MoF, g a s showed that we could detect MoF, at p r e s s u r e s a s low as 0.020 torr. Since t h e expected equilibrium pressure of MoF, over t h e MoF,-L ,B solutions is 100 times greater than our sensitivity l i m i t s , t h e technique described here w a s a n excell e n t way t o demonstrate the validity of t h e disproportionation assumption. T h e procedure w a s simply to maintain a n L , B solution of MoF, a t 70OoC or greater i n a n appendix tube attached to the 10-cm-path-length g a s cell fitted with quartz windows. T h e g a s cell w a s kept at room temperature and fitted into t h e sample compartment of a Cary model 14 spectrometer. Any MoF, generated i n the hot appendix tube w a s then expected to diffuse into the g a s cell, where i t s spectrum could b e measured. First, MoF, w a s introduced to demonstrate that p r e s s u r e s a s low a s 0.020 to 0.050 torr were s t a b l e i n t h e system for 1 hr or more. Then solutions containing 0.1 t o 1.0 wt % MoF, i n L,B were fused i n the appendix tube and held a t 7OOOC. Afterward, visual observation indicated that t h e s e solutions were stable. Under no conditions w a s MoF, evolution from solution observed - not even when t h e solution temperature was raised to 900OC. It h a s been concluded from this work t h a t MoF,, , d o e s not e x i s t i n equilibMoF, i n L,B, and thus w e to s a y that the above disproportiona-


+ T h 4' ( 0 )



1000 to 2000


( 1)


when s u c h is equilibrated with LizBeF, containing up to 7 mole % ThF,. T h i s two-phase distribution, which may b e viewed a s a solvent extraction s y s tem i n which one of the phases is a s o l i d solution, is being studied further because of i t s obvious relevance to the oxide chemistry of a single-fluid MSBR fuel and because of i t s potential value a s a fuel reprocessing method. In t h e present measurements a stirred, gastight v e s s e l 6 9 is being used. T h e cover gas is argon, which is recirculated at 10 p s i g i n a c l o s e d system by means of a finger pump. T h i s g a s system inc l u d e s a drying tube and a n infrared absorption cell which c a n b e used to detect the CO, produced by any inleakage and reaction of a i r with t r a c e s of graphite present i n the salt. A titration procedure is being used in which UO, or T h o , is added i n increments to LiF-BeF,-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) i n order to vary the composition of t h e oxide phase. T h e fluoride phase is sampled frequently to determine the c o u r s e of the U 4 +-Th4 distribution. In t h e first run carried out by this procedure, the following oxide compositions were employed:


Oxide Added

uo 2 uo2

Tho Tho

, ,


Moles MF,

Stirring T i m e


Moles M 0 2













36 1

In each of t h e first two s t e p s of the run, t h e amount of U4' i n t h e salt phase rose rapidly, then fell, and finally increased once again. At the end of t h e stirring period i n each case, t h e concentration of U4' i n t h e salt phase was changing quite slowly and probably w a s close to the equilibrium value. For t h e first addition of UO, t h e results were:

C. F. Baes, Jr.

W u t e s strongly to a (U-Th)O, solid solution p h a s e according to t h e reaction U 4 '(0

Q = x u ( o )X T h ( f )

U4 ' ( 0 )

+ T h 4 '(f) ,

67MSR Program Monthly Rept. May 1968, MSR-68-90. 68B. F. Hitch, C. F. Baes, Jr., and C. E. Bamberger, Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Pro&. Rept. Dec. 31, 1966, ORNL-4076, p. 18. ,'C. E. Bamberger, C. F. Baes, Jr., T. J. Golson, and E. L. Nicholson, M S R Program Semiann. Progr. I?ept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 146.

172 Time

M i l l i m o l e s of



xu( b



x 10-2 0















































T h e values of Q [as defined above for reaction (l)] were calculated from the analytical value of the U 4 + concentration in the s a l t phase, X V ( f ) , 7 0and a l s o the values of Xu(o), XTh(o), and X T h ( f ) , which can be deduced quite accurately by m a t e r i a l balance. T h e value of Q finally reached here is consistent with the previously reported estimate. When T h o 2 w a s added in the third and fourth s t e p s , the u4+concentration in the salt phase was found to decrease, rise, and then d e c r e a s e again; but equilibrium probably was not obtained in these s t e p s because of the large amount of oxide to be equilibrated and the small concentration of uranium70 in the fluoride phase. T h e interesting kinetic behavior observed following both U 0 2 and T h o 2 additions probably reflects the combined effects of nonuniform oxide composition7 and changing particle size before equilibrium is reached. In future measurements, an effort will be made to hasten the approach to equilibrium by the u s e of more vigorous stirring a s well as lower oxide-tofluoride p h a s e ratios.

was determined. In continuing t h e s e studies, we have measured the lower equilibrium partial press u r e s of S i F 4 produced when the ratio of BeO/Si02 in the s o l i d s is increased. With the BeO/Si02 ratio near 2 (the composition of phenacite), the system was very slow to reach equilibrium. With this ratio in the range 3 to 6, presumably producing B e 0 + B e 2 S i 0 4 a s the equilibrium s o l i d s , e q u i l i b rium partial pressures in the recirculating g a s s y s tem were reached in 40 to 100 hr, depending on the temperature. T h e s e lower S i F 4 partial pressures are compared with those measured previously in Fig. 12.15. T h e reaction expected for BeO/Si02 > 2 is "Performed by W. Vaughn and J. Emery, Analytical Chemistry Division. 71Performed by R. Sherman, Analytical Chemistry Division.

72C. E. Bamberger and C. F. Baes, Jr., MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254. p. 146. 73C. E. Bamberger, C. F. Baes, Jr., T. J. Golson. and E. L. Nicholson, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL-4254. p. 146. ORNL-DWG 68-99tIR

200 I




\ I


TEMPERATURE PC) 650 600 550 I I I / I


















0.1 0.05




0.01 09

C. F. B a e s , Jr.

In previously reported measurements, the partial pressure of S i F 4 in equilibrium with molten LiF2BeF4,crystalline B e 2 S i 0 4 (phenacite), and Si02, i7











'OOO/T(. K)



P a r t i a l Pressures o f SiF4 Produced by

Equilibration of Molten L i 2 B e F 4 w i t h B e 2 S i 0 4 (Upper Curve) and w i t h B e 2 S i 0 4


+ SiO,

B e 0 ( L o w e r Curve).

T h e dashed l i n e i s c a l c u l a t e d from the upper curve and the reported heat and temperature of decomposition of

2Si02(c) + 2BeF2(d)

+ Be2Si04(c) + SiF4(g) , (1)

B e 2 S i 0 4 into B e 0 and S i 0 2 .

173 BezSi04(c) + 2BeF,(d)


+ SiF4(g) .


The lower dashed line in Fig. 12.15 accordingly h a s been calculated as follows: From the previously measured S i F 4 partial pressures for Eq. (l), log P s i F4 (mm)


8.745 - 7576/T ;

the enthalpy of reaction (1) is AH(1) = 34.67 kcal


Holm and Kleppa recently have reported7" the h e a t of formation of B e 2 S i 0 4 from B e 0 and SiO,: 2BeO(c)

+ SiO,(c) e

Be,SiO,(c) = -4.7

, AH(3) kcal/mole



Combining the h e a t s of reaction (1) and (3), AH(2)


AH(1) - 2AH(3)


T h e s l o p e of t h e lower dashed line in Fig. 12.15 is given by AH(2), while the intercept of t h e line is fixed by the requirement that i t intersect with the (upper) line, corresponding to reaction ( l ) , at the temperature a t which phenacite decomposes by the reverse of reaction (3). Morgan and Hummel report7 s t h i s decomposition temperature to b e 156OoC. T h e resulting calculated expression for t h e partial pressure of S i F 4 is log P s i F 4(mm)

74J. L.


9.667 - 9524/T



Holm and 0. J. Kleppa. Acta Chem. Scand. 20,

T h e d a t a actually obtained above 7OOOC are s e e n to agree quite well with the predicted behavior. Below t h i s temperature, however, the measured pressures are increasingly higher than t h e predicted values. One explanation for t h i s effect would be the appearance of a new solid p h a s e below 7OOcC, one in which the BeO/Si02 ratio is greater than 2 and which perhaps contains fluoride. Silicates of Ca, Ba, and Sr are known in which the MO/SiO, ratio is 3, but such are not known for Mg or Be. Furthermore, we have been unable to produce readily detectable amounts of s u c h a new compound i n mixtures of S O 2 , Be,Si04, and B e 0 equilibrated with L i 2 B e F 4 at 625 to 65OOC for a s much as 30 days. Another possible explanation is the e x i s t e n c e of a previously unsuspected solid-state transition in B e 0 occurring at or below 7OOOC with a transition h e a t of -4 kcal/mole. To our knowledge, however, no other evidence of such a transition exists. In fact, in our measurements the same powder pattern h a s been found for B e 0 samples equilibrated above and below 7OO0C, and i t agrees with that reported in the literature. Hence the possibility of a transition in B e 0 seems unlikely. Whatever the explanation of this somewhat high value of PsiF below 7OOOC in the l a t e s t measure4

ments, the chemistry of silica in LiF-BeF, melts i s now fairly well defined. In future measurements we plan to study the ion exchange properties of Be,Si04, which h a s a n open Further, we wish to explore rare-earth-containing s i l i c a t e s which might be produced by equilibration of B e z S i 0 4 with LiF-BeF, melts containing rare-earth trifluorides.

2568 (1966).

7sR. A. Morgan and F. A. Hummel, J . Am. Ceram. SOC.

32, 250 (1949).

76W. L. Bragg and W. H. Zachariasen, Z . Krist. 72, 518 (1930).

13. Chemistry of Molten-Salt Reactor



Y *r

runaway, and i t was ended. A few metal-phase analyses of t h e all-bismuth run a t 700' showed DPa/DTh 278 with equal valences over a fourfold concentration change. The experiment was repeated with 3.15 kg of the same s a l t containing 0.3 mole % UF,. Again, 3 k g of bismuth was used in an all-graphite apparatus. Thorium metal was added a s a reductant, and samples were taken a t 600 and 700' after each addition. T h e uranium balance remained good throughout the experiment. The protactinium balance w a s very good until about 40% of i t had been extracted ( D p a 2); then i t began to decline rather sharply. It was thought that thorium solubility had been reached, and the experiment was terminated; but i t turned out that this was not the case, a t l e a s t if thorium solubility in a mixed system with uranium is the same a s in bismuth alone. The maximum amount of protactinium extracted a t 600' was 74%, with an overall protactinium balance of 86%. Equilibrium constants and their standard deviations for this experiment are a s follows:


W. R. Grimes D. M. Moulton J. H. Shaffer I t was shown earlier' that protactinium could be extracted successfully from the two-region moltens a l t breeder reactor blanket s a l t and that in transport between two s a l t s through a metal the material could be maintained. The extraction of protactinium a t tracer level from the single-region breeder s a l t mixture into bismuth h a s now been demonstrated a s well. In the first experiment, 3.91 kg of LiF-BeF2ThF, (72-16-12 mole 76) with 1 m c of 2 3 3 P a was added to an all-graphite vessel containing 3.00 kg of high-purity (99.995+%) bismuth. Three 3-g portions of thorium metal reductant were added. At the end of this time 70.4% of the protactinium w a s in the metal and 23.4% was in the salt, for an overall protactinium balance of 93.8%. The molar distribution ratio was 13.0. At this point the furnace controller failed, and the temperature went to 1100+ When a l l was restored to normal, the s a l t was hydrofluorinated to reoxidize the protactinium. Only about 67% of i t could be gotten into the salt. T h e experiment was continued a t 700째, but the balance was only 65 to 83%of the original and began to fall when D p a reached 2. I t was again hydrofluorinated, and 58% of the protactinium was recovered. In the thought that some iron from the vessel top had reached the liquids by refluxing vapors during the temperature excursion, 189 g of tin was added to raise iron solubility. T h e balance improved to about 90%, but dropped again when only a few percent of the protactinium had been extracted. I t seemed that this experiment, which had started s o promisingly, had been ruined by the temperature


Tempera tu re ( C )




k 1.080


k 0.379


k 1.134


f 1.059

1.863 -9.559

k 1.241

f 0.347

2.045 -8.939

k 0.924 k 0.222

f 0..049


f 0.051

0.477 k 0.047


f 0.018

k 0.020


k 0.014



P 0.065 f 0.009

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 148; MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 28, 1967, ORNL-4119, p. 150.

0.074 f 0.011

aCalculated from a slightly different s e t of data.



175 In this experiment, contrary to what had been found earlier, the valence 3 fitted uranium better than 4. I t a l s o fitted protactinium somewhat better, but 4 w a s used in the calculations. T h e apparent thorium valence, compared with t h e lithium valence of 1, was about 1.5 throughout the experiment from D,, = 0.00018 to 0.017. There were some rather larger discrepancies i n some of the lithium and thorium a n a l y s e s performed by two different methods on t h e same samples, and this may account for some of t h i s strange behavior. I t may not be entirely unreal, however, s i n c e several rare-earth extraction experiments show an apparently low thorium valence at high thorium mole fraction in bismuth. At any rate the valence of 4 was used in the calculations and is reflected in the rather large standard deviations. In comparison with the results reported earlier for the two-region blanket salt, the thorium-protactinium separation is harder but is still quite feasible, while the protactinium-uranium separation is easier. Because of the thorium valence anomaly, i t s values should be used cautiously. Inasmuch as the composition of the single-region breeder fuel s a l t h a s not been definitely established, a protactinium extraction was carried out in a salt with a lower “free fluoride” concentration, LiF-BeF2-ThF, (68-20-12 mole %). About 4.14 k g of t h i s salt containing 41 g of UF, w a s extracted i n a n all-graphite vessel with 3.00 k g of high-purity bismuth u s i n g thorium metal a s a reductant at 600 and 700’. At several points in the experiment, the p h a s e s were sampled a t about 2, 4, and 20 hr after the metal addition to see whether there w a s any loss of reduced m e t a l s with time. The only change of significance was at the highest thorium concentration, when the protactinium distribution tripled over t h i s period of time, most of t h e rise coming between the first two samplings. T h i s is perhaps due to s l o w dissolution of thorium bismuthide in the high-thorium solution. No significant l o s s e s of reduced metals were detected a t any time. T h e prot nce re good up to 0.5). Then i t fell about 10% extraction (Dp, slowly until the experiment was ended, again a t a oint below thorium saturation. The maximum exacted w a s 41% at a balance of 58%. Distributions are calculated on the amount found. Lithium and thorium a n a l y s e s were carried out in the usual way. Uranium analyses for the salt p h a s e only were completed at t h i s writing, but the distri-

butions were calculated on the b a s i s of 100% m a s s balance. Temperature (OC)


600 -12.560

k 0.498




L o g DLi/DTh


k 0.292




L o g Dpa/D,,



Log D~,~/D,=

Log D ; ~ / D ~



k 0.700

2.859 -10.253

k 0.129 k 0.460 k 0.019-


k 0.013



k 0.022



- E;,)


k 0.040


k 0.030

-(eo’,. - e;,)





-(e:Li Li



) OLi



T h e uranium a n a l y s e s , though preliminary, indicate an adequate uranium-protactinium separation. In this experiment, unlike the previous one, a thorium valence of 4 f i t s the data quite well for the entire range of D T h = 0.0007 to 0.012. In this s a l t the thorium activity is higher than in the 72-16-12 mole % mixture. However, the protactinium activity is higher still; s o t h e thorium-protactinium separation looks better, i n fact nearly as good a s i n t h e blanket salt. T h e s e tracer-level experiments indicate that protactinium c a n be extracted from single-region s a l t s of various compositions. T h e protactinium activity is rather strongly influenced by the s a l t composition, and further work will be needed to define the nature of t h i s dependence. T h e problem of protactinium balance is s t i l l with u s , but protactinium disappearance seems to vary from experiment to experiment; in the f i r s t of the above, the balance w a s quite good until t h e accident; in the second, it persisted to a very high distribution ratio. Since there is no consistent pattern to the disappearance, w e suspect that the tiny amount of material is attaching itself to some speck of contaminant and that this will not be a problem when reasonable amounts of protactinium are used.


by the thermodynamic activities of the reaction constituents, which can be equated to a constant by the relation


D. M. Moulton W. R. Grimes

J. H. Shaffer

T h e adaptation of reductive extraction as a method for removing rare earths from the fuel solvent mixture into a molten metal phase will depenl in part, on the magnitude of the distribution coefficients for t h e rare earths between the two liquid phases and the relative separation of t h e s e fission products from major constituents of the s a l t mixture. Where bismuth is the molten metal phase, the distribution of rare earths between the two liquid p h a s e s a t equilibrium c a n be expressed by the reactions (RE)F,(,alt)

+ nLifBi)


+ nLiF



Since separation factors and distribution coefficients for the reductive extraction process are based on chemical concentrations N rather than thermodynamic activities, they may be altered by imposing c h a n g e s in the activity coefficients y of the chemical s p e c i e s in the two liquid phases. Accordingly, this experimental program is currently directed toward a chemical evaluation of the reductive extraction process with respect to s a l t s o l v e n t composition and metal p h a s e composition for the various important rare-earth fission products.

13.2.1 where n denotes the valence of a particular rare earth (RE). Since beryllium does not form intermetallic compounds with bismuth and is essentially insoluble in bismuth a t temperatures of interest to this program, its presence in the s a l t mixture d o e s not have a direct effect on the reductive extraction process. Separation factors obtained from Eq. (1) are very favorable for the reductive extraction process. However, separations obtained from Eq. (2) are less favorable and may only be marginally feasible for removing certain of the rare-earth fission product species. I n addition, the degree to which rare earths can be extracted per equilibrium stage depends on the concentrations of reduced s p e c i e s in solution in the bismuth, a measure of the reduction potential of the system. Since thorium m e t a l forms an intermetallic compound with bismuth, the reduction potential of the system is limited to relatively low values which correspond to its solubility in the bismuth pool. T h e equilibrium reduction of rare earths by thorium [Eq. (2)] in the extraction system is regulated

ESfect of Salt Composition

T h e selection of the fuel solvent for the singleregion molten-salt breeder reactor will consider not only the nuclear and physical characteristics of the salt mixture but a l s o its chemical properties with respect to the reactor environment and the chemical reprocessing plant. T h e ternary system L i F - B e F 2T h F 4 h a s been chosen for this application with probable thorium concentrations of 10 to 12 mole %, beryllium concentrations of 16 to 20 mole %, and the balance lithium fluoride. Within t h e s e restraints, however, activity coefficients for the individual s a l t constituents may be quite varied. T h e results of this investigation demonstrate t h e s e variations by their effects on the reductive extraction of cerium from several salt mixtures into bismuth. When beryllium fluoride and thorium fluoride are mixed with alkali fluorides as a molten solution, they form coordinated compounds which can be explained by a fluoride bridging concept.3 T h i s coordination may be visualized as the chemical equilibria 2LiF+BeF2

*MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 152.



3F. F. Blankenship, private communication, 1958.


177 and 3L F + T h F ,




In the highly ionized fluoride melt, “basic” ions of BeF4*- and T h F 7 3 - would be formed; any unassociated i o n s furnished by LiF would be considered “acidic.” Although quantitative estimates of t h e s e coordination reactions a r e not available, their presence should affect the activity coefficients of the salt-phase constituents, which should, in turn, alter the equilibria of the reductive extraction process. For purposes of t h i s study t h e reductive extraction data were empirically correlated to the e x c e s s or deficit in the “free fluoride” content of a specific s a l t mixture. T h i s reference scale,

e x c e s s free fluoride =


mole % LiF-2(mole % BeF2)-3(mole % ThF,)

, (6)

was defined by t h e assumption that B e F 2 and T h F , would be completely coordinated according to Eqs. (4) and (5). T h i s study h a s examined eight different s a l t compositions having a “free fluoride” range of -17 to + 28 units. Although not an important fission product, the extraction study used cerium as a reference for analytical convenience. Individual experiments with other rare earths of interest should suffice for describing the effects of s a l t composition on t h e overall rare-earth extraction process. T h e experimental procedure w a s directed primarily toward the evaluation of pertinent equilibrium d a t a according to Eq. (3). If the activity coefficients remain constant during each individual extraction experiment, then the concentrations of reaction constituents may be equated to a constant by the relation

of samples taken from the salt and metal p h a s e s for cerium and from spectrochemical analyses of the metal-phase s a m p l e s for lithium and thorium. Changes i n the reduction potential were made by adding lithium metal (thorium metal in two experiments) directly to the molten metal phase in small tared increments until apparent saturation of t h e bismuth phase by thorium was achieved. Although emphasis was placed on measurements a t 6OO0C, experimental d a t a were obtained over the range 500 to 8 O O O C for some of the extraction systems. Typical data obtained during one extraction experiment are illustrated in Fig. 13.1 and demonstrate reasonable agreement with Eq. (7). Equilibrium quotients for similar extractions from the various s a l t mixtures studied are shown in T a b l e 13.1. T h e relation of these equilibrium quotients a t 6OOOC to the “free fluoride” model is illustrated in Fig. 13.2. Although empirical, these results provide a reasonable b a s i s for predicting rare-earth extraction behavior over the s a l t composition region of interest in the MSBR program. Since the experimental data were not necessarily obtained up to the solubility limit of thorium i n bismuth, the values calculated for the equilibrium quotients are useful in establishing limiting parameters of the extraction process. T h e solubility of thorium in bismuth h a s been reported by several investig a t o r ~ . ~ T- h~e data of Bryner and Brodsky, expressed by the equation log(at. % Th)


3.30 - 3410/T



5E.E. Hayes and P. J. Gordon, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, TID-65, BO-41, 1948. 6D. W. Bareis, unpublished data cited by R. P. Elliot, Constitution of Binary Alloys, F i r s t Supplement, McGrawHill, New York, 1965. ‘J. S . Bryner and M. B. Brodsky, Proc. 2nd Intern. Conf. Peaceful Uses At. Energy 7, 209 (1958).


ORNL-DWG 68-8249R


5a 0 w




22 a

z\ G Z I - -

in values for K with s a l t composition should reQ flect changes i n the activity coefficients of t h e salt-phase constituents. Values for the equilibrium quotients were derived from radiochemical a n a l y s e s



a kE n

CO“ CO-~








,111. A. Bredig, letter to W. R. Grimes, Apr. 26, 1968.



Distribution of Thorium (Nmetal/Nsal+).


Table 13.1.

Equilibrium Quotients for the Reductive Extraction of Cerium by Thorium from LiF-BeF2-ThF4 Mixtures into Bismuth

Salt Composition

Equilibrium Quotient a t T


(mole %)




f 4





-1 7





































+ 28 + 16














8Values i n parentheses calculated from average experimental value for D C e and thorium solubility given by log solubility (at. 7%) = 3.30 - 3 4 1 0 / 9 C from J. S. Bryner and M. B. Brodsky. Proc. U.N. Intern. Conf. P e a c e f u l U s e s A t . Energy, 2nd, Geneva, 1958 7, 209 (1958).



74-20-6 I



/ \I


were adapted for this study. Calculated values for limiting distribution coefficients and separation factors are presented i n T a b l e 13.2. T h e effect of “free fluoride” on the separation of cerium from thorium at 6OO0C is illustrated in Fig. 13.3.

13.2.2 E f f e c t o f M e t a l - P h o s e Composition




- 20

0 10 20 30 EXCESS FREE FLUORlDE=mole%LiF-2(mole0/. BeF2)-3(mole %1 -10

Fig. 13.2. Effect of Salt Composition on the Equilibrium Reduction of Cerium by Thorium from L i F - B e F 2 .

T h F 4 Mixtures into Bismuth a t 60OoC.

The composition of the fuel salt mixture will be strongly influenced by considerations other than that of optimum reprocessing. On the other hand, the metal-phase composition is subject to no restrictions except that it b e noble and containable. There are two possible ways to improve the separation. If the rare-earth activity could be lowered and the thorium activity left unchanged, then a higher fraction of rare earth would b e removed before thorium bismuthide precipitation. Both the amount removed and the separation would b e improved. If on the other hand the thorium solubility could b e increased without changing the activities, then the amount of rare earth removed would a l s o be increased. Thorium solubility c a n be increased somewhat by raising the temperature of the bismuth, but rare-earth removal is only about doubled in 100’; a change of metal p h a s e might help much more. Both of these possibilities are being investi-







C a l c u l a t e d V a l u e s for t h e Distribution C o e f f i c i e n t o f Cerium a n d I t s Separation from Thorium by R e d u c t i v e E x t r a c t i o n from L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4 M i x t u r e s i n t o BismuthB

1 %P

Salt Composition (mole %)




DCe at T T = 6OO0C









=Ce/DTh ~


T = 7OO0C

T = 6OO0C

T = 7OO0C












































0.51 0.243


4.8 1. 5.79

aBased on bismuth saturated in thorium, where thorium solubility is given by log (at. %) = 3.30


- 3 4 l O / F C from

J. S . Bryner and M. B. Brodsky, Proc. U.N. Intern. Conf. Peaceful U s e s A t . Energy, 2nd. Geneva, 1958 7, 209 (1958).

ORNL-DWG 68-4421




4 d

9 N



W 0

" ole % BeF2) - 3 h o l e %





E f f e c t of Salt Composition on the Sepora-

tion of Cerium from Thorium During R e d u c t i v e Extraction of Cerium from C e F - B e F Z - T h F 4 M i x t u r e s into Bismuth at


gated a t this time. So far, no good way of substantially raising thorium solubility h a s been found; bismuth is actually one of the best low-temperature solvents. There seems to be no good theoretical basis for choosing a metal solvent in which rare-earth activities will be lowered s t i l l further with respect to thorium. It is quite obvious that the strong intermetallic compound formation by bismuth and rare earths is the only thing which l e t s the separation even be close, s i n c e reduction to the pure metals would take thorium out much earlier. Some very limited experience with extracting rare earths from LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) into lead implies that a rare-earth-thorium separation would be worse in this system than in bismuth. Lead is less electronegative than bismuth and forms weaker intermetallics. This finding suggests that more electronegative metals should be tried a s solvents or a s major additives to the bismuth. One metal that should form stronger compounds is antimony. I t s melting point of 630째 is too high for i t to be used pure, but i t can be dissolved in bismuth in large amounts. An LiF-BeF2-ThF, (72-1612 mole %) s a l t containing E u F , w a s added to a graphite vessel containing Bi-Sb (79.4-20.6 mole %), and small amounts of metallic thorium reductant were added a t 600 and 700째. Radiochemical analy s i s indicated that only about 0.4% of the europium

180 was extracted, but even this may be due to background; examination of the spectrum taken on a multichannel analyzer showed only background at the 2,Eu. However, prominent 355-kev peak of four measurements were made of the lithium and thorium distributions and the beryllium electrode potential. Since no absolute beryllium potential measurements have been made in this solvent, only the standard potential difference can be determined. In this system, 1; - 1 = 0.00 v and 1, Li




Gold is the most electronegative metal. Three weight percent gold w a s added to bismuth in the extraction of neodymium from LiF-BeF2-ThF, (6820-12 mole %) a t 600 and 700'. A pure 14'Nd tracer was prepared by irradiation of a separated stable isotope. T h e average values of the equilibrium constants are:



(" C)

iIDT h

D: i/DTh



-0.44 v. In the same s a l t with pure bis-


muth these potentials are -0.11 v and -0.28 v. The addition of antimony to the metal phase h a s further lowered the activities of both lithium and thorium. Though the data are not extensive enough to make these values very accurate, i t seems that the thorium activity was lowered more than the lithium. In a similar experiment, an LiF-BeF2-ThF, s a l t (65-23-12 mole %) containing C e F , was extracted with Bi-Sb (79.4-20.6 mole 76). Thorium and lithium were used a s reductants. Potential readings w e r e not taken. The cerium distribution, however, was measurable. I t w a s l e s s than half that obtained in pure bismuth with this salt. At both 600 and 700', the separation factor (Dce/DTh) was about 0.4 at the thorium solubility limlt (which was perhaps twice the reported solubility in bismuth). Table 13.3 shows these distributions. T h e lithium-thorium equilibrium constant made no s e n s e unless equal valences were assumed for both metals; s o no comparison with the europium experiment could be made. T h e conclusion compiled from these two experiments is that 21% antimony in bismuth does indeed lower the activities of the electropositive metals but i t seems to go in the wrong direction, lowering the thorium activity more than the rare earth. Antimony does not look like a good additive.



1.9 x


2.0 x 10-8

13.3. Distribution of Cerium B e t w e e n LiF-BeF2-ThF4 (6523-12 Mole %) and Bi-Sb (79-21 Mole %) a t 600 and 7OO0C max

xTh max









aProbably not saturated. The maximum values did not all occur at the s a m e points.


7.3 x 10-6


The thorium distribution a t saturation a t 600' w a s 0.037 rather than the 0.021 in pure bismuth. T h i s leads to a maximum neodymium distribution of 0.05 and a separation factor of 1.33. Thorium saturation was apparently not reached a t 700', but a D,, of 0.104 was found. T h e distribution of neodymium between the s a l t and pure bismuth is not yet known. However, an experiment now in progress using LiFBeF2-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) indicates that the maximum D,, is 0.050 a t 600째 and 0.132 a t 700'. T h i s latter is a more favorable s a l t for rare-earth extraction. If D,, ( s a l t B)/DNd (salt A) equals D c e (salt B)/Dce ( s a l t A), then in the 72-16-12 s a l t we would expect D,, with the bismuth-gold system to be 0.079 a t 600' and a t l e a s t 0.163 a t 700'. T h i s is significant improvement even though the separation factor h a s been slightly reduced. The effect of gold concentration and of chemically similar but l e s s precious additives is an object of studies to be made.



2.8 x

R. G. Ross

In the previous report* i t w a s shown that the protactinium distribution that occurred when a singleregion fuel composition LiF-BeF2-ThF, (72-16-12 mole %) was equilibrated with a bismuth-thorium alloy was less favorable than when the s a l t phase was the blanket composition LiF-BeF2-ThF, (732-25 mole %). T h i s difference in protactinium behavior was apparently due to an unexplained fairly

'MSR Program Semiann. ORNL-4254, p. 159.

Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968,

* b


181 rapid loss of thorium from the bismuth phase in the single-region fuel experiments. Two theories that have been offered to explain the l o s s of metallic thorium were tested i n experiments reported here. T h e s e are formation of thorium carbide and thorium oxide.

13.3.1 T e s t s Dealing with the Possibility of Thorium Carbide Formation In one experiment 850 g of bismuth containing 4.25 g of thorium, part of which w a s irradiated to provide a tracer concentration of 233Pa,was heated to 63OOC in a graphite-lined nickel pot. During the early part of the equilibration period when the bismuth w a s stirred with 200 cm3/min of helium, the 3 P a concentration in filtered samples increased sharply to a maximum i n the 6-hr sample. In t h e 3Pa concennext 16 hr there was a sharp drop in tration to 43% of t h e maximum value. There w a s a lower rate of d e c r e a s e in the 2 3 3 P a during the next 70 hr when the cover g a s w a s changed to s t a t i c helium, thus indicating possible contamination of the helium with oxygen or water vapor. Variations in the thorium concentration in filtered bismuth samples were a l s o noted, with a maximum value of 1680 ppm being attained, .but a l l samples contained less thorium than the literature or than our previous experiments would predict, A graphite specimen exposed for 24 hr in t h e bismuth-thorium alloy w a s examined by x-'ray diffraction. No evidence of carbide formation w a s found, and most of the thorium was accounted for by a n a l y s e s of the bismuth ingot and the samples that were removed. W e concluded that t h i s experiment provided no indication of thorium carbide formation at 630OC. T h e next experiment w a s conducted in a mildsteel-lined pot using 250 g of LiF-BeF2-ThF, (7216-12 mole %) and 300 g of Bi-Th alloy (0.64 wt % Th). T h e protactinium balance in this experiment was poor, except for the early samples, and dropped to a low of 20% after 16 hr of contact. T h e maximum concentration of protactinium in the bismuth was 23% of the total. T h e principal difference between this experiment and similar experiments conducted i n graphite w a s that the thorium concentration in bismuth dropped from i t s initial value of 1860 ppm to zero in the f i r s t hour. T h i s was a much faster rate of loss than we found in the graphite experiments. However, the protactinium concentration in both filtered and unfiltered s a l t samples continued to drop for 16 hr indicating that


the insoluble thorium was s t i l l effective in reducing protactinium. T h e uranium content of filtered bismuth ranged from 47 to 57%, and the uranium balance was much better than that of protactinium. I t appears that mild s t e e l h a s no advantage over graphite as a container for liquid-metal-singleregion-fuel-salt equilibration experiments.

13.3.2 T e s t s Dealing with the Possibility o f Oxide Contamination There were no obvious differences i n technique between the very s u c c e s s f u l experiment with a blanket composition as the s a l t p h a s e (run 1-8) and subsequent less s u c c e s s f u l experiments with single-region fuel. We made a number of improvements in our experimental technique to reduce the possibility of oxide contamination, and we decided to repeat run 1-8 under current glove box conditions to try to confirm our belief that t h e difference i n s a l t composition, rather than faulty experimental technique, was the cause of different protactinium distributions. T h e resulting experiment (run 6-11) gave very encouraging results. T h e Protactinium distribution data in Fig. 13.4 show that after 18'/2 hr of phase contact, 58% of the protactinium was in the filtered bismuth and 35% in the filtered salt, making a total of 93%. T h e insoluble protactinium making up the balance was in the bismuth. Addition of more metallic thorium to t h e system removed about two-thirds of the protactinium that remained in the salt after 19y2 hr contact with the initial bismuth-thorium alloy, but t h i s fraction of the reduced protactinium did not appear in either the filtered or unfiltered s a m p l e s . T h e thorium concentration in bismuth, also shown i n Fig. 13.4, underwent a n initial rapid drop of greater magnitude than expected from the concentration of uranium and protactinium (50 and 7 ppm respectively) initially present i n the s a l t phase, but the rate of loss after t h e first hour was slow in comparison with that observed in experiments with single-region fuel salt. T h e distribution of uranium in this experiment (Fig. 13.5) w a s s i m i l a r to that of protactinium except that t h e thorium added after 19'/2 hr contact caused an increase in the uranium concentration i n bismuth as well as a d e c r e a s e in the salt-phase concentration. T h e uranium balance w a s near 100%. T h e drop in protactinium balance following the addition of thorium (Fig. 13.4) probably indicates that part of the protactinium coprecipitated with insoluble bismuth-thorium intermetallic compounds.








2500 2300

r +


m E


z z


0 LL



z 4500 20





Fig. 13.4. Run 6-1 1-68.





42 16 CONTACT TIME (hr)



Distribution of Protactinium Between LiF-BeF,-ThF,



(73-2-25 m o l e %) and Bi-Th Alloy (0.25 w t %Th),



100 4




80 70




z 0

5 2




8 m



20 c





F i g . 13.5.

Run 6-1 1-68.



12 16 CONTACT TIME (hr)



Distribution of Uranium Between L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4 (73-2-25 m o l e %) and Bi-Th Alloy (0.25 w t % Th),

183 Comparison of the d a t a in Figs. 13.4 and 13.5 with data8 from run 1-8 shows that reduction and transfer of uranium or protactinium to the bismuth phase w a s much slower i n the recent experiment. We found that the graphite dip l e g had broken at the point where the graphite w a s s e a l e d to $*-in. nickel tubing. Consequently, g a s mixing of the phases was not effected, and t h i s undoubtedly accounted for the slow rate of reduction and transfer of uranium and protactinium. It seems c l e a r from t h i s experiment that we can transfer a large fraction of uranium and protactinium from a blanket salt composition to a bismuth-thorium alloy and that thorium l o s s from the bismuth is much less than that from an alloy equilibrated with single-region fuel. In this experiment we again demonstrated that protactinium and uranium c a n be returned to solution i n the molten salt by HF-Hz treatment in a mixture containing bismuth. After the re-solution part of the experiment w a s completed, we treated the mixture with hydrogen and then added enough thorium turnings to make a 1% Th-Bi alloy. The protactinium concentration in the filtered salt was down to about 3% of its initial value 30 hr after adding thorium, but a maximum of 19% w a s found in the bismuth. Protactinium and uranium balances were poorer than i n the f i r s t part of the experiment, due possibly to the formation of insoluble bismuth-thorium compounds. We further t e s t e d t h e oxide-contamination theory by conducting an experiment with the single-region fuel composition L i F - B e F z - T h F 4 (72-16-12 mole %) in which we took many precautions to prevent any oxygen from entering the apparatus. T h e entire system was carefully leak tested and pumped for 24 hr a t room temperature, the traps were pumped bout looo, the system was operated a t a helium pressure of 1 2 psig, the apparatus w a s nder vacuum, and crystal-bar thot h e reducing agent i n place of um distribution in this experiment (run 7-2), shown i n Fig. 13.6, indicated very little during t h e f i r s t 30-hr equilibration period, uring the 22-hr period folore crystal-bar thorium, d, finally, a substantial increase i n protactinium reduction in 24 hr after the addition of thorium turnings. T h e protactinium concentration in the bismuth phase was very low throughout the experiment, and the uranium distribution d a t a (not shown) were

O R N L - DWG 68-43053



















z u


.. 400




300 Z

f 30


z 8



E a








: tW z



0 0


30 40 50 60 CONTACT TIME AT 630 "C ( h r ) 20


I :



Fig. 13.6. Distribution of Protactinium Between L i F BeF2-ThF4 (72-16-12 mole X) and B i - T h Alloy in Graphite, Run 7-2-68.

quite similar to the protactinium data. T h e thorium metal content of filtered bismuth samples, a l s o shown in Fig. 13.6, w a s quite low. T h i s accounts for the slowness of reduction but raises the presently unanswered question of why the thorium did not dissolve in bismuth. Nickel w a s present as an impurity in the bismuth, resulting from splashing of the bismuth on nickel tubing well above the liquid level. Although there w a s evidence that insoluble nickel-thorium intermetallic compounds were formed, comparison of the results of t h i s experiment with data obtained in the latter part of run 6-11, where the nickel concentration w a s more than ten times as high as in the present experiment, makes it seem unlikely that the nickel impurity alone could account for the low thorium solubility. I t is known that crystal-bar thorium d i s s o l v e s more slowly than turnings, and i t appears that the reaction, whatever it may be, that converted the thorium into a form insoluble in the bismuth proceeded more rapidly when the metal was present a s a pure solid phase than when it was dissolved in bismuth.


13.3.3 Experiment w i t h Molybdenum Container The final experiment, and the most successful we have conducted to d a t e with single-region fuel s a l t , was performed in a molybdenum-lined vessel containing a molybdenum dip leg. Chemical Technology workers had previously demonstratedg the compatibility of the material involved in this experiment, as reported elsewhere in this report. The experiment h a s been completed, but only preliminary data are available a t present for most samples. The salt mix, which included 255 g of LiF-BeF,ThF, (72-16-12 mole %), 3.003 g of depleted UF,, 25 mgof 231Pa,1 m c of 233Pa,and 1 m c of 59Fe, was purified a s usual in a nickel vessel by H2-HF treatment followed by H, for 169, hr and purified argon for 25, hr. T h e purified s a l t mix was then transferred through a fritted nickel filter into the molybdenum-lined v e s s e l containing 291 g of H,-HF treated bismuth and 2.798 g of crystal-bar thorium. Protactinium distribution data, together with thorium concentrations found i n the bismuth, are given in Fig. 13.7. I t is apparent that reduction of UF, and P a F , was not complete when the first samples were taken about 7, hr after mixing of the phases. 'J. C. Mailen et a l . , unpublished work, 1968.


(600 7 a




E 1400 z



; 20 z u Z


4mo Pa IN SALT



40 0



7 4200 60 80 (00 CONTACT TIME (hr)




Fig. 13.7. Distribution of Protactinium and Material Balance for Equilibration o f L i F - B e F Z - T h F 4 (72-16-12 mole 5%) with Bi-Th Alloy



5% Th).


Purified argon was bubbled through the mixture at a very slow rate (approximately 50 ml/min), and the mixing was less vigorous than in earlier experiments. The protactinium concentration in the 2.2-hr bismuth sample, based on the 233Pacount on the solid sample, the most reliable value available for this particular sample, was a little higher than counts obtained with subsequent samples indicated. The argon gas flow was s h u t off shortly after taking the 2.3-hr salt sample, and the v e s s e l was maintained under a positive pressure of argon for a period of 90 hr. Argon w a s then allowed to flow through the v e s s e l at 50 ml/min for two days and then helium at the same rate for another day. A s the data in Fig. 13.7 show, the protactinium concentration in both salt and bismuth remained virtually unchanged from 19 hr to the end of the equilibration period. T h e importance of the helium test is that i t indicates that our helium supply is almost certainly free of oxygen impurities. T h e only purification treatment that it had received was p a s s a g e through charcoal cooled with dry ice, and no change in protactinium distribution resulted from its use. After having confirmed the long-term stability of protactinium in bismuth contained in molybdenum, we treated the mixture with H, and H F to oxidize and dissolve the metallic uranium, protactinium, and thorium in the salt. T h i s was followed by hydrogen reduction and by argon sparging to remove HF. We then repeated the thorium reduction process, but this t i m e we added the thorium in increments, allowing about 24 hr between additions, with gentle argon flow to mix the phases, to a s s u r e that equilibrium w a s reached. T h e protactinium distribution data are presented in Fig. 13.8 as a function of weight of thorium added. The calculated weights of the p h a s e s at the first addition of thorium were 212 g for the salt and 177 g for the metal. A s the data in Fig. 13.8 demonstrate, the protactinium content of the p h a s e s remained essentially unchanged until the thorium added was sufficient to reduce nearly all the uranium. The salt samples removed after the first two additions of thorium had a distinctly bluish color, indicative of the presence of UF3. The final thorium addition, which brought the thorium concentfation in the bismuth above the saturation value, caused a drop in the protactinium concentration in bismuth. T h e fact that this l o s s of soluble protactinium was due to coprecipitation of t h i s element with an insoluble thorium-bismuth compound was shown by raising the temperature to 800째 to dissolve all the thorium.






ORNL - DWG 68- 43055




a a




2 ta K


c z z








calculated for this experiment w a s about 1570 with a thorium concentration in the bismuth of 1400 ppm. T h i s value is considerably lower than data reportedg by other investigators would indicate; but since their data show considerable s c a t t e r in the calculated Q value, i t is not clear whether the difference in distribution coefficients between their experiments and ours is significant. We will get additional values for t h i s quotient when the remaining samples from the experiment are analyzed.




!3 K

13.3.4 Conclusions


a n " 0




I .6

2 .O


Fig. 13.8. Distribution of Protactinium Between LiFBeF2-ThF4 (72-16-12 m o l e X) and Bismuth with Varying Tho Concentrations, Run 8-20-68.

The protactinium concentration in bismuth returned to the value predicted by extrapolating the curve. Somewhat surprisingly, the protactinium concentration in the salt p h a s e increased significantly a t t h e same time. Returning t h e temperature to its normal level (63OOC) dropped t h e protactinium concentration i n the s a l t back to about its previous value but resulted in only a s l i g h t drop in the protactinium concentration in t h e bismuth. T h e distribution coefficient

Q;; = 'pa(

si) 'Th(sa1t)

X T h ( B i ) 'Pa(sa1t)


1. Molybdenum is a s u i t a b l e container material for equilibration of single-region fuel compositions with bismuth-thorium alloys, as reported by other investigators. 2. There is no solid evidence that either thorium carbide or thorium oxide formation is responsible for the loss of thorium from liquid bismuth-thorium alloys contacted with the single-region s a l t LiFBeF2-ThF4 (72-16-12 mole %) in a graphite container. Presently available data indicate the possibility of Th-Be-C compounds. 3. Graphite is a s u i t a b l e container for equilibration of the blanket s a l t LiF-BeF2-ThF4 (73-2-25 mole %) with bismuth-thorium alloys. 4. Uranium and protactinium can be readily transferred from solution i n bismuth to molten s a l t s by treatment with HF. 5. T h e solubility of thorium in bismuth saturated with nickel is much less than in pure bismuth.

14. Development and Evaluation of Analytical Methods for Molten-Salt Reactors 14.1 DETERMINATION OF OXIDE !N MSRE SALTS

during the approximately 8-hr interval between sampling and analysis. Sample FP-14-53 was transported i n a carrier designed t o maintain t h e sample at a temperature above 500'F to eliminate the radiolytic generation of fluorine. B e c a u s e of a crowded sampling schedule it w a s not possible to perform repeated analyses on samples transported i n the heated cairier before t h e scheduled reactor shutdown. T h e a b s e n c e of any significant differences between t h e results of a sample handled to minimize and that handled to maximize the effects of radiation, together with t h e overall reproducibility, strongly s u g g e s t s t h a t the activity of t h e samples introduces no determinate error in t h e method. During the period when the reactor w a s not in operation, the hydrofluorination apparatus w a s used to analyze a number of radioactive and nonradioactive samples. Solvent salt samples for t h e In-Pile Test Loop were analyzed in a n effort to determine t h e source of oxide contamination. T h e results are summarized below:

R. F. Apple J. M. Dale A. S. Meyer B e c a u s e the earlier analyses by t h e hydrofluorination method' had established t h a t a low and essentially constant concentration of oxide could b e maintained in the MSRE fuel, the determination of oxide in t h e reactor s a l t samples w a s assigned a lower priority during this period of operation. T h e results of t h e two oxide analyses performed on the fuel a r e reported in Table 14.1. Also included for comparison are the results obtained for an earlier sample (FP-7-9) whose analysis w a s deliberately delayed to accentuate t h e effects of radiation and t h e average result of all fuel a n a l y s e s s i n c e t h e reactor achieved power operation. While t h e reproducibility (+8 ppm absolute) of t h e combined sampling and analysis procedure i s quite satisfactory, t h e accuracy of the method for radioactive samples is difficult to establish. A possible source of error is the l o s s of oxygen via evolution by radiolytic fluorine that is generated



'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 28, 1966, ORNL-3936, p. 154.

O x i d e Concentrations of

MSRE F u e l Salt Oxide Concentration

Sample Designation





2-7-68 7-4-66


Specia 1 Treatment




Heated carrier Stored 24 h r a t cell temperature


Average of a l l samples (15) analyzed s i n c e reactor startup



54 f 8

e c U


187 O x i d e Concentration Sample


LiF-BeF2-1 LiF-BeF -2

42 3 75

LiF-BeF23 LiF-Be F, -4 LiF-BeF2-5

62 60 62

Sample 1 w a s taken from the original salt preparation. Sample 2 was exposed in the molten s t a t e for 96 hr to t h e atmosphere of a helium-filled dry box. Samples 3 through 5 were purged, in s e r i e s , with helium for 48 hr. T h e method was also adapted to smaller samples which were taken to determine t h e completeness of removal of oxide from fuel concentrates (LiF3UF,) by batch hydrofluorination. The results a r e given i n Table 14.2. T h e first five analyses were run to e s t a b l i s h t h e optimum sampling techniques for t h e processi n g equipment on samples from a test preparation of concentrate prepared from normal uranium. T h i s 2 development work was performed with G. I. Cathers. Initial samples were taken i n a s p e c i a l sampling system designed to withdraw a filtered sample i n a small copper ladle. It was necessary either t o transfer t h e sample to a standard l a d l e or to couple a copper s l e e v e to t h e ladle to ensure that HF-H, *Chemical Technology Division.




T h e evaluation of t h e effects of radiation on t h e components of the hydrofluorination apparatus is of considerable interest because of plans to a d a p t the technique to t h e in-line analysis of radioactive s a l t streams. In general, t h e experience h a s been satisfactory. In this period, t h e third year of operation, the repair of in-cell components w a s needed on only three occasions. Two of t h e s e failures - l e a k s i n the remote coupler resulting from t h e corrosion of nickel ball joints by fumes from a n adjacent cell and a n open circuit i n t h e valve-compartment heater system - d o not appear to b e associated with radiation damage. T h e c a u s e of the desensitization of t h e electrolytic moisturemonitor cell, the third s i n c e t h e apparatus w a s installed, is subject to question. T h e f i r s t and last (present) of t h e s e cells, which were used

Oxide Concentrations of Samples from T e s t Runs and from 233U F u e l Concentrates

Sample Designation

mixture bubbled through t h e molten sample. To provide larger and more representative samples, t h e molten salt was drawn into a 5,-in.-OD Inconel tube. After freezing, 1-in. s e c t i o n s c u t from t h e salt-filled tube were t a k e n for analysis. T h e s e s e c t i o n s were placed in standard l a d l e s that were prefitted with a welded delivery tube which extended to the bottom of t h e ladle. After t h e usual prehydrofluorination a t 3OO0C, t h e sample was melted and allowed to flow to t h e bottom of the ladle for efficient purging. T h e results confirm t h e effectiveness of t h e preliminary hydrofluorination s t e p in t h e removal of surface con tamin ation from atmospheric ex posu e.

Sample Weight Satnpler


Oxide Concentration





3.sa 3sa

85 105


Copper sleeve


Copper-brass funnel


Incon e 1






Inconel Inconel Inconel

12. l b

R U 33-24-1 F u e l

12.lb 12 . l b

33-38-1 F u e l


12. I b

62 33 37 31



' 1 8Estimated. bCalcu lat ed.

188 primarily for the a n a l y s i s of samples of relatively low radioactivity, survived at l e a s t 20 analyses and an 8-month s e r v i c e life. Conversely, t h e other cells, which were used for samples taken during extended power operation, failed after 4 to 1 0 analyses and 2- to 4-month usage. All failures have been of the same general type: plastic components exhibited some evidence of noncritical radiation damage, a n d t h e P,O, electrol y t e w a s removed from t h e electrodes. In an attempt to reproduce t h e s e failures under controlled conditions, a moisture-monitor cell was operated in the vertical position a t 65OC. After the repeated a n a l y s i s of a s e r i e s of relatively large SnO, standards had failed to reduce t h e cell's efficiency, it was removed and subjected to -40' rads of 6oCo radiation. T h e irradiated cell continued to function for several months and finally was desensitized after the p a s s a g e of a total of about 1.5 g of water. T h i s treatment represents a n exposure to both radiation and water that is at l e a s t a n order of magnitude greater than that which produced incell failure. Although the in-cell failures may h a v e been due to t h e characteristics of the individual moisture monitors, i t is desirable t o investigate other techniques for the measurement of water for application to in-line oxide analysis of moltensalt reactor fuels.


J. M. Dale A. S. Meyer R. F. Apple J. E. Caton C. M. Boyd T h e theory of t h i s method3 and t h e initial evaluation of t h e experimental results4 have been previously described. It was noted a t that time that t h e results of t h e U3' determinations did not reflect t h e beryllium additions which had been made to t h e MSRE fuel s a l t for t h e purpose of reducing fractional percentages of the U4' to U 3 However, the computer program which w a s used for the initial evaluation of the experimental results


did not take into account the c h a n g e in equilibrium concentrations of t h e corrosion products and uranium that must occur when t h e fuel is cooled from reactor temperature to the temperature a t which the f i r s t hydrogen reduction s t e p was made. A s a result, t h e v a l u e s previously reported for t h e U 3 concentrations were t h o s e in equilibrium a t 5OO0C, t h e temperature of the f i r s t reduction step, and not the U 3 + concentrations present at 663OC, the temperature of t h e fuel in the reactor. T h e computer program has s i n c e been modified and the experimental results reevaluated. T h e new ratios of U3' to total U are plotted in Fig. 14.1 and are compared with the calculated ratios that would be expected to e x i s t by virtue of t h e beryllium additions and t h e fuel burnup. After the first sample was run, a rod of beryllium metal w a s lowered into the fuel in the reactor. T h e beryllium is oxidized by t h e fuel; t h i s reaction produces an increase in the U3' concentration. AI1 of the increases in t h e calculated U 3 + c o n centrations are a result of more beryllium additions and corrosion of chromium, whereas t h e d e c r e a s e s are a result of fuel burnup. T h e a n a l y s i s of the sixth and seventh samples gave H F y i e l d s i n the hundreds of micromoles, which h a s no correlation with U 3 + concentration. At t h i s point, difficulty was experienced with t h e sampler station, and the reactor was shut down for about a month and a half for maintenance. T h e first two U3' results determined after t h e reactor was brought back to power were c l o s e to t h e calculated values, and the result for the third sample w a s low. At this point the reactor was down a g a i n for a +






I .5 2

h '


5w 1.0 U u W

a 0.5


Y 0 '


3J. M. Dale, R. F. Apple, and A. S. Meyer, MSR Program

Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 2 8 , 1967, ORNL-4119, p. 158. 4 J. M. Dale, R. F. Apple, and A. S. Meyer, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. A u g . 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 167.










Concentration of










short t i m e , and t h e next U3' result increased in value but was still lower than the estimate. One explanation for the low U3' r e s u l t s is that they are a result of t h e radiolytic production of fluorine. T h i s hypothesis w a s discussed in a previous s e m i annual report. In order t o eliminate this source of error, a heated sample carrier w a s made to transport t h e fuel s a m p l e s from the reactor to t h e hotcell facilities. T h e carrier maintains t h e temperature of t h e sample at about 500'F i n order to eliminate any fluorine production. Due to sampling problems at t h e reactor, only one U3' sample transported i n the heated container was taken before t h e final reactor shutdown. T h e U 3t result for this sample w a s low compared with t h e calculated value. However, because of the experimental difficulties of this method, it would b e unw i s e t o place too much credence i n any single analytical result. Work w a s continued on the development of t h e method for t h e remote measurement of ppm concentrations of H F in helium and i n hydrogen g a s streams. T h e construction and calibration of t h e dual trapping system for t h e continuous absorption and desorption of H F on sodium fluoride were completed. T h e trapping system c o n s i s t s of a dual selector valve, a special Monel thermal conductivity cell (Gow Mac model 9454) with nickel filaments, and two sodium fluoride traps. T h e v a l v e and thermal conductivity cell are contained in a model 1078 Boekel laboratory oven a t 5OoC and a r e connected to t h e sodium fluoride traps, which a r e mounted on the outside walls. T h i s arrangement permits the simultaneous absorption of H F on one trap at room temperature and t h e desorption of H F from the alternate trap at 3OOOC by means of self-resistance heating. Figure 14.2 s h o w s of a typical thermal conductivity cell for t h e desorption of H F from a sodium fluoride trap. T h e initial smaller peak f water impurity and resolved from t h e H F peak. egration of the thermal vs thenumber of micromoles of H F desorbed from t h e t r a p s is ver the range of i n t e r e s t (1 to 50 micromoles of HF). This range corresponds to a n H F concentration of about 8 to 400 ppm a t a carriergas flow of 100 cc/min and an absorption period of 30 min. When t h i s trapping system f o r t h e U3' determinations is installed in t h e hot-cell facilities, i t

ORNL-DWG 68-40399A





0.8 3

0 1

-1 8 0.6 I 0

+ 0.4


0 0





TIME (min)



Thermal Conductivity C e l l Response Curve

for the Desorption of


from a Sodium Fluoride Trap.

will b e necessary to h a v e s o m e means to check periodically for any deterioration i n t h e t h e m a l conductivity-cell response. We have found that the sampling of a helium g a s stream will s e r v e for this purpose. At a cell current of 270 ma and a flush-gas flow of 100 cc/min, the agreement of t h e cell responses for repetitive samplings of a pure helium g a s stream was better than 0.1%. A 10% change in the flush-gas flow c a u s e s a c h a n g e i n the cell response of only 1%. Provisions are now b e i n g made to u s e t h e trapping system for the a n a l y s i s of the H F evolved from the hydrogen reduction of standard fuel s a l t mixtures. This analysis should provide a check of t h e validity of the hydrogen reduction method and reveal any of its limitations.


R. F. Apple

A. S. Meyer

A method is required to determine whether active colloidal metals, particularly e x c e s s zirconium, a r e present in the reprocessed MSRE fuel solvent.













v) W

5a 4 2

cell operation, samples were added to a tube that was fitted with a breakseal and that contained a thin-walled ampul of deaerated acid. T h e tube was evacuated and s e a l e d off by u s i n g a small (-300 w) platinum-wound furnace. The acid ampul w a s then broken by shaking, and t h e dissolution w a s completed successfully. Since all t h e s e operations appear t o b e feasible by remote manipulation, a n apparatus is being fabricated to perform t h e dissolutions and standard additions of helium within t h e hot cell.

8 ?

W v)

n J

1 W V I





D. L. Manning

$ 24 8 +

Uranium(1V) is oxidized to uranium(V) a t a pyrolytic graphite electrode and a t platinum-lo% rhodium at +1.2 v v s a platinum quasi-reference electrode. T h e voltammograms a r e characteristic of catalytic waves, t h a t is, a charge transfer followed by a chemical reaction. This is evidenced by: (1) No voltammetric currents occur that are d u e to t h e reduction of U(V) at slow s c a n rates (V << 1 v/sec), and (2) t h e peak currents for t h e oxidation of U(1V) and rereduction of U(V) are approximately equal at fast s c a n r a t e s (V >> 1 v/ sec). For t h e uranium case, t h i s appears to b e an oxidation s t e p followed by a second-order disproportionation where





n "










HF h m o l e s )



Gleb Mamantov'

14.3. Thermal Conductivity C e l l Response v s

Desorbed from Sodium Fluoride.

T h e established hydrogen evolution method' is not applicable to radioactive samples, b e c a u s e it requires a finely powdered sample, and no facilities a r e available to pulverize radioactive s a m p l e s under a controlled atmosphere. A modification of t h i s technique is beingdeveloped in which a n unpulverized solid sample is dissolved in a s e a l e d tube i n a n HCl-HBO, mixture. W e have demonstrated that 250-mg fragments of fuel, solvent, and fuel concentrate a r e completely disintegrated by a 24hr treatment at 250OC. The sealed tube is protected by an overpressure of CO during t h e dissolution. In the hot-cell determination t h e evolved hydrogen will b e mixed with a standard addition of helium, and t h e H2/He ratio will b e determined m a s s spectrographically. To simulate the hot-


R - ne


o x , 2[0x1->

R +Z


Nicholson and S h a h 8 treated t h e first-order case for voltammetry where k,

R - n e + Ox, Ox +Z->

R ,

but not the s e c o n d a r d e r case. Some similarity, however, would b e expected a n d is indeed observed, that is, t h e same general s h a p e of iP/

6D. L. Manning and G. Mamantov, J . Electroanal. Chem. 18, 137 (1968). 'Consultant, Department of Chemistry, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

*R. S. Nicholson and I. Shain, Anal. Chem. 36, 706 (1964).

'W. J. R o s s and J. C. White, ORNL Master Analytical Manual, TID-7015, Sect. 9.

' 0 . Fischer and 0. Dracka, Coll. Czech. Chem. Commun. 24, 3046 (1959).




191 v 1 l 2 v s v plots, where i = peak current and v = P

s c a n rate, v/sec. T h e mathematical treatment of Nicholson a n d Shain, however, is not applicable to t h e uranium reaction. Fischer a n d Drackag applied a chronopotentiometric method to t h e study of t h e U(V) disproportionation i n aqueous solutions. Well-defined chronopotentiograms were obtained a t a P G E for the oxidation of U(1V) in molten LiFBeF,-ZrF, a t 50OoC. T h e results were plotted a s i0r1/'v s i : I 3 according to F i s c h e r and Dracka, and r = transiwhere io = current density, amp/cm tion t i m e , sec. For a m e l t where concentration of U(1V) equals 0.063 x l o F 3 moles/cm3 and electrode a r e a (A) 2 0.1 cm', t h e transition t i m e s ranged from about 2 sec to 1.5 msec when t h e current density (io)was varied from 0.01 to 0.12 amp/cm'. T h e rate constant, k, according to F i s c h e r and Dracka is given b y the equation




8CS3 '

where A = i or1l2and S = - ( A ior1/2/&02/3). T h e rate constant, k , h a s the units liters mole-' sec-'. For the uranium system t h e ior'/' values were scattered, particularly a t t h e longer transition times. By making several runs, however, qualitative trends could b e observed. For the i 0 r 1 / 2v s i : I 3 plot, an average line through t h e points exhibited a negative slope a t t h e lower i02/3 values and became horizontal a t t h e larger values, in agreement with Fischer and Dracka's prediction. B e c a u s e of t h e poor reproducibility, particularly at the longer transition times, t h e rate constant may only b e stated a s -160 l i t e r s mole- sec- (at 500째C). Again, t h e effect of cylindrical diffusion was found to b e negligible according to the criteria of P e t e r s a n d Lingane. l o It is believed t h a t t h e poor reproducibility is c a u s e d i n part by the attack of UF,, probably produced in t h e disproportionation reaction, on the electrode material. d a t a by J. P. Young on U(V) in bulk solution, i t is indicated that the rate of disproportionation under different experimental conditions is much slower. A possible



In view of the catalytic nature of t h e U(1V) + U(V) electrode reaction, t h i s reaction is less useful analytically than the U(1V) + U(II1) electrode reaction. It is a l s o interesting to note that although the crystalline fluoride complexes of U(V) are s t a b l e a t 350 to 4OO0C, l 2 an increase in temperature to 5OO0C, accompanied b y a change to a liquid phase and a medium of relatively low free fluoride ion activity, results i n the decomposition of U(V).

14.5 EXCHANGE C U RRE NT M EASUREMEN TS ON THE NICKEL-NICKEL(I1) COUPLE IN MOLTEN FLUORIDES Howard Jenkins' D. L. Manning Gleb Mamantov' Work has continued on the development of a practical reference electrode for u s e in molten fluorides. In the course of this work, it became desirable to obtain additional quantitative d a t a on the reversibility of t h e Ni(I1) + 2 e + Ni electrode reaction. It w a s decided to use o n e of the relaxation methods, s i n c e a f a s t charge transfer w a s expected on t h e b a s i s of available kinetic data in other molten-salt solvents. The voltage-step method of Vielstich and Delahay l 4 w a s selected primarily due to the simplicity of t h e instrumentation. T h e experimental procedure w a s similar to that of Laitinen, Tischer, and Roe,' who applied the method to the study of kinetic constants in molten chlorides. T h e experimental setup for containing t h e melt w a s described previously. T h e c i r c u i t f o r the voltage s t e p is essentially that of Laitinen, Tischer, and Roe. Two mercury r e l a y s (Clare HG 1003) were used to make sure that t h e short circuit between t h e electrodes was broken before applying the voltage step, usually 4 mv. T h e oscilloscope (Tek tronix 549) used for recording t h e current-time curves is triggered by t h e signal



A. Penneman, L. B. Asprey, and G. Sturgeon,

J . Am. Chem. SOC.84, 4608 (1962). 130RAU Fellow, University of T e n n e s s e e , Knoxville. 14W. Vielstich and P. Delahay, J . Am. Chem. SOC.79,

1874 (1957). "H. A. Laitinen, R. P. Tischer, and D. K. Roe, J . Electrochem. SOC.107, 546 (1960).

'OD. G. P e t e r s and J. J. Lingane, J . Electroanal. Chem. 2, 1 (1961). 11 J. P. Young, t h i s report, sect. 14.8.

',D. L. Manning, H. W. Jenkins, and Gleb Mamantov, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. F e b . 28, 1967, ORNL-4119, p. 162.


Table 14.3.

Kinetic Constants for Ni-Ni(ll) Couple at 500°Ce LiF-BeF ,-ZrF4

LiF-NaF-KF 0.6-2.1 X

Standard rate constant, cm/sec


Transfer coefficient



Molar exchange current density, amp/cmz




“The extreme values are reported. The wide range is caused primarily by the poor linear dependence of exchange current on t h e concentration of nickel(I1).


a c r o s s the c o i l of one of the relays. Small working electrodes of nickel ( A 7 x lo-’ c m 2 ) both unsheathed and sheathed i n boron nitride were utilized. In t h e voltage s t e p method, t h e Faradaic current observed after the charging current has become negligible is extrapolated back to zero time. T h e exchange current, io, is calculated from t h e equation

RT zo = -


n F A (- V - i t z 0 R T )’

where it=o is t h e “zero t i m e ” current, V is t h e known voltage step, and R , is t h e total r e s i s t a n c e of the system. T h e kinetic constants for t h e nickel-nickel(I1) couple are shown i n Table 14.3. Kinetic constants for metal-metal-ion s y s t e m s in molten fluoride solvents are for t h e most part nonexistent. Therefore comparisons are not possible, although it is believed t h a t t h e reported values a r e of the correct order of magnitude. T h e exchange current is, in e s s e n c e , a measure of t h e ability of a metal-metal-ion couple to p a s s current without becoming polarized. In view of the value obtained for nickel, and s i n c e high-impedance potential-measuring d e v i c e s are normally used, it d o e s not appear t h a t the molar exchange current value for t h e Ni-Ni(I1) couple imposes a restriction on its utilization as a reference electrode sy stem.

potential. Well-defined voltammograms were obtained with pyrolytic graphite and g l a s s y carbon indicator electrodes at a potential of about -0.9 v v s an Ni-NiF, reference electrode. Linear plots of peak current (ip) v s concentration were obtained over t h e concentration range studied, 0.008 to -0.03 F Cr(I1). Linear plots of ip v s (scan rate) 1’2 obeyed t h e Randles-Sevcik equation from about 0.02 to 1 v/sec. The diffusion coefficient calculated from the slope of t h e l i n e is of t h e cm2/sec at 500OC. In the order of 1 x presence of U(IV), t h e chromium wave is enhanced, because t h e chromium reduction occurs at the foot of t h e U(1V) + U(II1) reduction wave. In cooperation with T. R. Mueller of t h e Analytical Instrumentation Group, a first-derivative circuit was assembled for t h e controlled-potential, controlled-current c y c l i c voltammeter. T h e u s e of t h e derivative circuit resulted i n much better resolution of t h e chromium waves i n t h e presence of uranium; however, t h e derivative peak current for t h e Cr(I1) Cr(0) reduction was s t i l l enhanced by U(1V). From t h e results obtained s o far, it is believed that the chromium reduction wave c a n b e utilized analytically to monitor chromium in fluoride m e l t s ; i n t h e presence of U(1V) it could b e useful on a n empirical b a s i s . -f



J. M. Dale

T h e electrochemical reduction of Cr(1f) t o Cr(0) w a s studied in molten LiF-BeF,-ZrF, (65.6-29.45.0 mole %) by voltammetry with linearly varying

In cooperation with personnel of Cary Instruments, Varian Associates, work h a s continued on t h e design of a system with a n extended optical path” which will permit spectrophotometric ”5. P. Young, MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Aug. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, p. 171.




P *I

s t u d i e s of samples of radioactive MSRE fuel. The s c o p e of the project has broadened somewhat, and t h e facility will make u s e of an extended double-beam arrangement Both sample and reference beams will p a s s into and out of the hot cell; the spectrophotometer itself will b e outside the cell. T h e conceptual optical design of the extended light beams h a s been completed by the vendor of the spectrophotometer, but a contract for its detailed design and construction h a s not yet been completed. T h e facility c a n b e used with solid, liquid, or gaseous samples at temperatures up to -8OOOC. A s pointed out previously, t h e facility is designed primarily for u s e with molten fluoride s a l t s and will b e used to demonstrate the spectrophotometric determination of U(II1) in MSRE fuels, LiF-BeF,ZrF4-UF,, which contain U(1V). Equipment h a s been designed a n d techniques a r e being developed so that a sample of fuel can b e taken from the MSRE reactor and divided into several (up to five) portions, and t h e portions c a n b e transferred individually to a spectrophotometric furnace assembly for melting without any exposure to t h e atmosphere or to temperatures below 2OO0C for periods longer t h a n 30 min. Exclusion of a i r is necessary to prevent the p o s s i b l e reaction of U(II1) with H,O and/or 0,. An elevated temperature is required to prevent the radiolytic evolution of fluorine, which would alter t h e oxidation state of uranium on remelting the sample. T h e apparatus required for t h i s sample transfer h a s been designed with t h e a s s i s t a n c e of F. L. Hannon and E. F. Marguerat (General Engineering Division, ORNL). I t c o n s i s t s of s i x s e p a r a t e components: (1) sample ladle, which removes a 5-g molten-salt sample from t h e pump bowl of t h e reactor; (2) transport container, which receives t h e sample l a d l e and maintains it under inert gas; (3) heated transfer carrier, which receives t h e transport container, provides radiation shielding during transfer of the sample from reactor to hot cell, and h e a t s t h e sample to w200째C during t h e transfer; (4) sample-loading furnace, which receives t h e transport container i n the hot c e l l ; within t h i s assembly t h e 5-g sample is melted a n d divided into a s many as five containers for spectrophotom e t r i c study; (5) spectrophotometric furnace lid, which fits both t h e sample-loading and spectrophotometric furnaces; the lids receive t h e spectral sample for transfer between t h e two furnaces; and

(6) spectrophotometric furnace, which receives t h e sample for melting and spectral study. A l l of t h e s e sample handling operations, of :ourse, must be carried out with manipulators behind suitable shielding. T h e apparatus is designed in s u c h a way that the manipulation,= required at the reactor site fall within their routine procedural requirements. At the hot cell t h e apparatus can b e operated and general maintenance can be performed with master-slave manipulators. All of t h e s e components except the sample-loading furnace have been completely designed; components 1, 2, 5, and 6 a r e presently being fabricated for testing prior to hot-cell use. T h e orientation of apparatus within t h e hot cell is b e i n g evaluated s o that all operations, sample handling, and maintenance can be carried out properly. T h e obvious applicability of t h i s installation to other t y p e s of samples is also considered in t h i s design work. For spectral analysis i n t h i s facility, t h e -0.5-g molten fluoride sample will b e contained in a modified captive-liquid cell adapted for remote-h andling techniques. As other sample-confinement techniques, such as windowed c e l l s , a r e developed to a point where they can b e used in a hot cell, they c a n b e interchanged in any part of t h e facility in which windowless cells are presently being considered. 14.8 SPECTRA O F U(V) AND U(VI) SPEiClES IN M O L T E N FLUORIDE SALTS J. P. Young Spectral s t u d i e s of U(V) and U(V1) i n molten LiFB e F , have continued. This work is being carried out in cooperation with G. I. Cathers, Chemical Technologv Division, who h a s prepared t h e s o l u t e s a l t Na,UF, by absorbing UF, on N a F pellets. It w a s found t h a t Na,UF, at a temperature of 550% undergoes a rapid and vigorous reaction, possibly with graphite, when it is in contact with molten LiF-BeF, contained in a graphite windowless spectrophotometric cell. A gas is evolved in t h e process, and a clear and visually c o l o r l e s s solution results. T h e spectrum of t h i s solution h a s been identified as t h a t of U(V). Over t h e wavelength range of 250 to 2000 nm this spectrurn of U(V) c o n s i s t s of two overlapping p e a k s centered at 950 and 1240 nm and a sharp peak at 1465 nm (molar absorptivities are approximately 6, 3, and 15 respectively). T h e U(V) solute s p e c i e s w a s

194 not s t a b l e and slowly converted to U(1V). T h e molar absorptivities given above were calculated from t h e measurement of the decrease of absorbance of U(V) and the corresponding increase of U(1V) t h e asand t h e known absorptivities of U(1V); sumption was made that t h e only two uranium s p e c i e s of any significant concentration in t h e melt a t any time were U(1V) and U(V). By means of t h e sharp absorption peak a t 1465 nm, i t should b e possible to detect U(V) in MSR f u e l s a t l e v e l s of approximately 10% of the U(IV) concentration. T h e loss of U(V) concentration appeared to follow second-order kinetics i n which t h e initial concentrations of t h e reacting species a r e equal. T h i s would suggest that the U(V) was lost by disproportionation. At 550째C the rate constant w a s calculated to b e approximately 0.005 liter molesec-'. Second-order rate c o n s t a n t s for t h e disproportionation of U(V) at a n electrode are orders of magnitude larger. T h e large discrepancy i n t h e two v a l u e s s u g g e s t s t h a t t h e disproportionation of electrochemically generated U(V) is catalyzed on the s u r f a c e of t h e electrode, whereas t h e disproportionation measured spectrally is a bulk solution rate. Solutions of Na,UF, in molten LiF-BeF, contained i n a windowless LaF, cell were studied spectrally. Although LaF, h a s a slight solubility i n the solvent, this container material should not b e oxidized by U(VI), and indeed, no observable reaction was s e e n in t h i s melt, unlike the case in graphite. Intense absorption in t h e ultraviolet region w a s observed, with shoulders i n t h e region of 315 and 270 nm. Some U(1V) and U(V) were observed, and apparently were produced by reaction of U(V1) with impurities i n the melt. T h e addition of chromium metal to t h e melt caused t h e disappearance of the ultraviolet absorption and produced t h e partially interfering spectrum of U(V) and U(1V). It is assumed t h a t the initial spectrum observed is that of a very low concentration of U(V1) of t h e form UFn(6-n)+. T h e absorbing s p e c i e s is not UOZ2+, which h a s been obIt is also interesting served in other studies." to note that no spectral evidence for UO,' is observed when UO, is reduced by Fe'; only U(1V) is produced. A s a result of t h e s e studies, suf-




P. Young, Inorg. Chem. 6, 1486 (1967). report, sect. 14.4. 2oJ. P. Young, Anal. Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. at. 31, 1967, ORNL-4196, p. 25.

ficient spectral information is now available t o identify U(III), U(IV), U(V), and UO, and to probably identify a nonoxygenated U(V1) s p e c i e s i n molten LiF-BeF, at reactor operating temperatures. +

f 5




J. P. Young Experimental work h a s b e e n completed on a spectra1 study of Fe(II), Ni(II), Cr(II), and Cr(II1) i n various molten fluoride salts. T h e results have T h e a b s t r a c t of been submitted for publication. t h e publication follows: T h e s p e c t r a of s e v e r a l 3d transition metal ions, Fe(II), Ni(II), Cr(II), and Cr(III), h a v e been studied; t h e s e i o n s were dissolved in several molten fluoride salts which are essentially t h e stoichiometric mixture Li2BeF, with and without e x c e s s F-, a s LiF. T h e spectra were obtained i n t h e temperature range 540 to 650OC; t h e samples were contained i n graphi t e windowless containers f o r t h e study. Iron(I1) exhibits a peak and shoulder absorbance envelope with maximum absorbance at 9800 and 5500 cm-'. Respective molar absorptivities a r e 4.5 and 3. T h e spectrum appears unaffected by change i n solvent composition. T h e spectrum of Ni(I1) at a temperature of 55OOC c o n s i s t s of three p e a k s a t 23,100, 10,800, and ca. 6000 cm-'. Respective molar absorptivities are 11, 2, and ca. 1. T h e spectrum app e a r s to b e likewise unaffected by solvent change. At a temperature of 55OoC, Cr(I1) appears to exhibit one peak at 14,000 cm- with a molar absorptivity of 6; Cr(II1) exhibits three peaks at 33,000, 22,600, and 14,500 cm-'; respective molar absorptivities a r e ca. 10, 10, and 7. T h e spectral results would suggest that, i n general, t h e s e i o n s a r e situated i n Oh symmetry i n these melts with little tendency to change i f the "free" fluoride ion concentration is reduced over t h e range studied. Iron(I1) is a p o s s i b l e exception to this generality.








J. P. Young, Inorg. Chem., publication date unknown.

195 14.10 SIMULTANEOUS EL ECTRO CH EM ICAL AND SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC STUDY OF SOLUTES I N MOLTEN F L U O R I D E SALTS F. L. Whiting” J. P. Young Gleb Mamantov’ T h e study of the electrochemical generation and spectral identification of solute s p e c i e s in molten fluoride s a l t s ” h a s continued. It h a s been apparent that melt impurities, primarily hydrolysis products, must b e absent for the generation of t h e desired solute species. Various methods for t h e purification of LiF-NaFK F have been attempted. The methods have included treatment with H F and SiF, and a vacuum pretreatment at 450OC. 2 3 Of t h e s e methods, t h e vacuum pretreatment proved to be the most effective. It w a s noted that the removal of H F from molten LiF-NaF-KF was b e s t achieved by evacuating the m e l t a t 86OoC, whereas SiF, was removed at 500OC. Silicon tetrafluoride is highly soluble in molten LiF-NaF-KF, and its dissolution is a n endothermic process. An increase in pressure and changes i n the forms of the voltammograms of the melt indicated that t h e H F and SiF, had been removed at the temperatures cited. T h e reduction of Ta(V) i n molten LiF-NaF-KF a t a platinum electrode appears to b e a t l e a s t a two-step process to the m e t a l , as was reported by Senderoff e t al. 2 4 Attempts to verify the reported oxidation of Ta(V) t o Ta(V1) have yielded inconclusive results. T h e anodic dissolution of a copper electrode in molten LiF-NaF-KF produces at least two oxidation s t a t e s of copper. An insoluble form of Cu(1) d at + 1.1v v s t h e platinum quasi-reference electrode, and at i1.35 v the production of a of Cu(I1) is believed to occur. T h e spectrum of Cu(I1) in molten LiF-NaF-KF, generated electrochemically, c o n s i s t s of a band at 810 nm and a n unresolved charge-transfer band in t h e ultraviolet region.

*‘Student Guest from t h e Department of Chemistry, Universitv of T e n n e s s e e , Knoxville.

23S. Pizzini, R. Morlotti, and E. Romer, J. Electrochem. 113. 1305 (1966). 24S. Senderoff, G. W. Mellors, and W. J. Reinhart, J. Electrochem. Soc. 112, 840 (1965).




A. S. Meyer

A helium breakdown voltage detector is being studied for u s e in a gas chromatograph for t h e d e termination of permanent-gas impurities in the helium blanket gas of t h e MSRE. T h e breakdown voltage of pure helium was of the order of 500 v and was decreased ’v 50 v by 1-ppm concentration of impurities. T h e minimum detectable limit of impurities is controlled primarily by t h e helium purity and the noise level in the detector. A minimum noise level was obtained with a smooth glow discharge on the anode probe. This condition w a s affected by t h e current level, amount of contaminants, and the spacing and alignment of t h e electrodes. Maximum sensitivity d i c t a t e s t h e u s e of very pure helium carrier gas, but t h i s purity level also c a u s e s a loss of the smooth glow discharge and i n c r e a s e s t h e noise level. T h e addition of mercury vapor by the presence of a small source of the metal in t h e tip of t h e anode stabilized the discharge, but temperatures above 5OoC gave high concentrations of mercury which greatly decreased the sensitivity of t h e detector. A method of adding a smaller amount of mercury vapor by p a s s i n g a controlled flow of helium through a heated tube containing HgO and a catalyst (Fez03)was not completely successful, due to the gradual increase i n temperature required to maintain a constant evolution rate of mercury. A more practical solution of adding a contaminant w a s sought. A 100-in. length of 0.004-in. capillary was used to control the flow of a gas mixture into the detector through t h e anode probe. When a 1000-ppm H,-in-He g a s mixture w a s used, i t w a s difficult t o maintain a constant low pressure on the capillary for constant low flow rate. T h e u s e of a 100-ppm H,-in-He g a s mixture allowed t h e u s e of higher pressures which gave more constant flow rates and less fluctuation in t h e helium breakdown voltage. T h e hydrogen w a s not as effective as mercury in stabilizing the discharge, but some other g a s may give a n optimum effect. A 50-ppm Xe-in-He g a s mixture w a s t e s t e d , a n d xenori w a s found to b e a 1 0 times a s effective as H,.






ORNL-DWG 67-366A I I I


I 'ti

C. M. Boyd A system for continuously measuring the total hydrocarbon concentration in the radioactive offg a s of theMSRE has been installed in the g a s sampling station. In this system (Fig. 14.4), the reactor off-gas is passed through a combustion tube that contains CuO maintained at 700OC. T h i s combustion converts hydrocarbons in t h e helium t o CO, and H,O. The oxidized g a s stream is passed through one s i d e of a thermal-conductivity (TC) cell, through a 3A molecular sieve-AscariteMg(C10,), trap, which removes the CO, and H,O, and back through the reference s i d e of the T C cell. T h e difference between t h e thermal conductivity of the gas in the two s i d e s of the cell is a measure of t h e hydrocarbon concentration in the offgas, with detection l i m i t s of less t h a n 10 ppm. A length of b r a s s tubing is installed upstream to the reference s i d e of the TC cell. After the gas stream is switched by m e a n s of valves to bypass the trap, a s t e p response in the T C signal is obtained. T h i s plateau represents t h e period required to equilibrate t h e oxidized surface of t h e b r a s s tubing with moisture (Fig. 14.5). By u s e of standard gas mixtures, it was demonstrated in a laboratory system that the relative s t e p heights are proportional (within 510%) to t h e ratio of CO, to H,O. Therefore an estimate of t h e ratio of carbon to hydrogen in the reactor off-gas c a n b e made from such measurements. T h e initial tests of the system on MSRE off-gas have shown that t h e fiss ion-product activity in t h i s stream c a u s e s serious interference. T h i s interference is largely the result of the radiolysis of traces of absorbed water i n the trap rather than



SAMPLE, 2 0 0 p p m C4H,o FLOW RATE, 50 crn3/rnin


B 1













TIME (min)



Determinations o f Hydrocarbons i n H e l i u m

by Measuring the Thermal Conductivity of T h e i r Com-

bus ti on Products.

the radiolysis of t h e reagents themselves. T h e contamination level is of the order of 100 ppm. T h i s level increased only slightly on oxidation, indicating only about 10 ppm of combustibles. T e s t s have been made on the materials contained in the trap to determine t h e effect of radiation. Samples (5 g) were s e a l e d in 20-cc g l a s s vials filled with helium at 50 mm pressure and were subjected to 2 x lo' rads of 6 o C o radiation. Mass spectrometry showed that hydrogen is t h e major radiolysis product from Ascarite, while oxygen w a s produced from both wet and dry samples of Mg(ClO,), . Wet molecular s i e v e gave some H,, N,, CO, and 0,. Dry molecular s i e v e produced very little contaminant gas on irradiation. T h e large trap that contained the combination of absorbing materials is being replaced with a small trap that contains only molecular sieve. A heater on t h i s trap will keep it free of water and CO, by a bakeout between tests. The amount of contaminant g a s e s produced by radiolysis in t h i s s m a l l dry trap should b e greatly decreased.

ORNL-DWG 67-243A











f \

"k Fig. 14.4. for






Mg (ClO4);1 I

F l o w Diagram o f Hydrocarbon Analyzer



' L


An effort w a s made t o determine qualitatively and quantitatively the gamma-emitting fission ,'Reactor


26Reactor Chemistry Division.


197 products that deposit on components (principally the heat exchanger) of t h e MSRE. A knowledge of the deposited fission products is important primarily for estimation of the heat generated b y the fission products after reactor shutdown and for purposes of remote maintenance. There is a l s o interest in the fission product distribution to determine if correlations e x i s t between t h e extent of deposition and temperature gradients, moltensalt chemistry, and fission-product precursor halflife. In addition, there is a specific interest in determining i f Z r deposits.

z e 9


Measurements of the fission products were made by gamma spectrometry using a highly collimated Ge(Li) diode. The collimator consisted of a lead cylinder with a diameter of 19 in. and a length of 33.5 in. The diode, in a small Dewar, was placed i n a cavity in the top of the shield over a collimator hole with a diameter of 58 in. and a length of 1 2 in. By means of the collimator t h e detector could b e focused on a n area about 3 in. in diameter on the reactor components (a source-to-detector distance of 15 ft). Pulse-height spectra were taken with a 400-channel analyzer. Measurements were begun on March 28, 1968 (five d a y s after reactor shutdown) and continued a t intervals over a 12-day period. T h e major fission products found in the heat exchanger and input and output fuel salt l i n e s of the heat exchanger were 132Te-1321,l o 3 R u , 99Mo, and 95Nb. Minor amounts of I o 6 R u and 140Ba40La were found. F i s s i o n products detected in the pump bowl and off-gas line included t h o s e 'I, and 3 7 C s . N o listed above and 4 1 C e , "Zr w a s detected. Quantitative r e s u l t s were obof curies per square inch of area by t h e fuel salt. T h e amounts of e a c h fission product deposited on t h e heat exchanger increased slightly from the fuel-salt entry over of heat exchanger and then next 5 ft. T a b l e 14.4 l i s t s the l u e s found i n t h e heat exchanger for the fission products 95Nb, 99Mo, l o 3 R u and 132Te-1321.T a b l e 14.4 also lists cent of total inventory for e a c h fission product. T h e s e values were obtained by multiplying the mean deposition v a l u e s by t h e total wettable metal surface in the MSRE and dividing by the total curies of e a c h fission product in the MSRE at reactor shutdown t i m e . More detailed results from t h e s e experiments are given in Sect. 2.2.






14.4. Major Fission Products Found in MSRE Heat Exchanger Mean C u r i e s

P e r c e n t Of Fission


per Square

Product on M e t a l







9 9 ~ 0


1 02






13Z T e _ l

3 3

a V a l u e s pertain to h e a t e x c h a n g e r . b V a l u e s b a s e d o n inventories of fission products c a l c u l a t e d b y E. L. Compere ( u n p u b l i s h e d ) a n d t o t a l metal s u r f a c e a r e a c o n t a c t e d b y f u e l s a l t a s e s t i m a t e d by R. E. Thoma (unpublished).


F. F. Dyer

A s s i s t a n c e is being given to the Reactor Chemistry Division in a study of in-pilepenetration of fission products into MSRE a n d pyrolytic graphite. Cylindrical specimens were obtained from blocks of graphite (removed from t h e reactor i n the spring of 1967 and March 1968), by core drilling. T h e s e specimens were repeatedly sanded to obtain samples (on emery paper) as a function of depth in t h e graphite. T h e t h i c k n e s s of graphite represented by t h e samples w a s varied from about 0.001 in. near t h e surface of t h e s p e c i m e n to about 0.015 in. at a depth of about in. T h e f i r s t s e r i e s of samples were measured by NaI(T1) spectrometry. T h e later s e r i e s were measured by Ge(Li) diode spectrometry. T h e improved resolution of t h e Ge diode permitted measurement of 14'Ce, 144Ce, lo3Ru, Io6Ru, 13'Cs, 95Zr, 95Nb, 13*Te, 1311, and 140Ba-La. Previously, resolution of the two cerium and ruthenium pairs of radionuclides and 95Zr-95Nb by NaI(T1) spectrometry w a s not possible. R e s u l t s were obtained in disintegrations per second per sample for each radionuclide. It was observed that t h e concentrations of fission products decreased rapidly with distance in t h e graphite. A notable finding was that t h e ratio of t h e disintegration rates of 95Nb to 95Zr w a s about 1 0 for most samples. Since the samples had decayed for


198 several months, t h i s fact indicates that 95Nb penetrates MSRE graphite much more readily than ”Zr does. T h e pyrolytic graphite after the surface sample was removed contained considerably lower concentrations of fission products than MSRE graphite. Also, 40Ba-La w a s not detected in t h e pyrolytic graphite.

14.15 PRECISION ANALYSIS OF 235U BY DELAYED-N EUTRON COUNTING J. F. Emery Since t h e original study of t h e determination of ’U by delayed-neutron counting2 a need h a s arisen to improve t h e accuracy and precision of the method for t h e analysis of t h e MSRE fuel salt. T h i s method is applicable t o t h e analysis of 2 3 3 u also. Several innovations in t h e technique resulted i n the improvement of t h e precision by a factor of 2. A more reproducible decay time w a s obtained by increasing t h e pressure of t h e a i r propelling t h e “rabbit” from 10 p s i to 20 psi. T h e irradiation t i m e was increased from 6 0 t o 120 sec and t h e decay t i m e from 20 to 25 sec. Under t h e s e new conditions, t h e total count is a l i t t l e less dependent on variations in the decay t i m e . T h e relative standard deviation on samples w a s improved from 0 . 5 to 0.3%, while the relative standard deviation for s u c c e s s i v e irradiation of a single sample improved from 0.3 to 0.16%. T h e electronic resolution of t h i s system is still the one single problem i n improving t h e accuracy of t h i s method. A new current-sensitive preamplifier h a s been developed by t h e Instrumentation and Controls Division which holds good promise of improving the time resolution of t h i s system.


P. F. Thomason

L. T. Corbin

A precise polarographic method for t h e determination of uranium is under study. T h e rapid-scan 27F. F. Dyer, J. F. Emery, and G. W. Leddicotte, A Comprehensive Study of the Neutron Activation Analysis of Uranium b y Delayed-Neutron Counting, ORNL-3342 ( a t . 2, 1962).

controlled-potential d c polarograph-voltammeter developed by H. C. Jones, W. L. Belew, et al. is capable of taking 20 polarograms of a single solution i n 25 min with a relative standard deviation of 0.1%. Uranium peak heights of t h e derivative polarograms a r e measured as voltage on a digital voltmeter, as it is virtually impossible t o measure a polarogram traced on a recorder chart with t h i s precision. Synthetic MSRE fuels have been analyzed with a relative standard deviation of 0.1%; however, a negative b i a s of approximately 0.5% h a s been observed. U s e of the standard addition technique together with a maximum supressor (Triton X) h a s not eliminated t h i s negative bias. W. L. Maddox recently found that a 60-cycle ac signal is present in the electrode system. T h i s could account for t h e difficulty i n obtaining accurate results. T h e study will be resumed when t h i s ac pickup h a s been eliminated.

e c




L. T. Corbin

A unique method is under development to increase t h e precision of t h e remote determination

of uranium in the MSRE fuel. T h e current method, which c o n s i s t s of a direct measurement of uranium i n a sulfuric acid solution of t h e fuel by controlledpotential coulometry, h a s a precision of about 1%. It will be difficult to maintain t h i s precision when the concentration of uranium is reduced to 0.13 mole % for 233U operations. For optimum control of the reactor by chemical analysis, t h e precision should b e approximately 0.1%. T h e method under investigation is based on t h e preliminary separation of t h e uranium from t h e balance of the fuel by fluorination at 6OOOC and collection of the UF, on a trap of NaF. T h e UF, and N a F a r e dissolved in a sulfuric acid-boric acid mixture, and the uranium, now free from interfering ions, is determined with a high-sensitivity controlled-potential coulometric titrator. Preliminary t e s t s have shown that >99% of the uranium can be volatilized from a 50-g fuel sample in a 1-hr fluorination period. T h e coulometric titration technique h a s been used in t h e laboratory to determine uranium in solutions with a precision of 0.1%. In order to apply t h i s method with t h e same degree of precision to highly radioactive samples




199 which must b e processed remotely in a hot-cell facility, certain modifications were necessary. A precision of better than 0.5% would b e quite difficult if it were necessary to pipet and titrate a n aliquot of the sample remotely within t h e hot cell. Whether or not the trap which contains t h e separated UF, c a n b e removed from the hot cell for a more precise uranium determination depends on t h e amount of radioactivity (e.g., ruthenium, niobium, tellurium, iodine, etc.) carried over to the trap. To reduce t h e high level of t h e activity, a pre-trap containing N a F and heated to 4OOOC was positioned between the fluorination reactor and the collection trap. T h e UF, is not retained in t h e pre-trap at t h i s higher temperature. Radioactive ruthenium, niobium, tellurium, a n d iodine were added t o 50-g samples of simulated MSRE fuel prior to fluorination. R e s u l t s indicate that only 1311 deposits in the collection trap in any significant amounts along with t h e UF,. A fluorination apparatus was constructed and placed i n a hot cell. T h e design is such that all manipulations may b e made with little or n o difficulty within t h e cell. All gas-flow and temperature-adjustment controls a r e mounted outside and at t h e front of t h e cell. Several runs were made with simulated MSRE fuel before fluorination of a n actual MSRE sample w a s attempted.




Initial recoveries were low due to an apparent l o s s of the high-density UF, between t h e inner wall of t h e fluorination pot and t h e liner which contains the sample. T h e apparatus w a s modified by t h e reduction in diameter of the pot and t h e addition of an inert-gas flush l i n e with an inlet at t h e bottom of t h e pot. Since recoveries were now better than 9'776, a s e r i e s of MSRE samples were fluorinated i n order to recover and purify t h e uranium for isotopic examination. Although the original samples read between 500 and 600 rems, the collection traps seldom exceeded 20 millirems after fluorination, and were removed safely from the hot cell for the uranium analysis. In order to further increase t h e accuracy and precision of t h e method, provision w a s made t o flush fluorine a l s o through the inlet at t h e bottom of the pot. Several hot MSRE samples have s i n c e been analyzed. Results are encouraging in t h a t the uranium values for t h e s e samples agree within 0.2% with values for similar samples which were analyzed remotely. T h e precision of t h e a n a l y s i s of replicates of t h e fluorinated samples is better than 0.2%. Known amounts of uranium will b e added t o barren s a l t samples t o further evaluate the method.

Part 4.

Molten-Salt Irradiation Experiments E. G. Bohlmann

Budgetary limitations have necessitated suspension of the ORR convection loop program during fiscal year 1969 a s such, s o no further development of the third loop h a s occurred. However, some peripheral investigations have been carried out during this period. Investigations of the wetting of graphite by salt prompted by the observation that s a l t had wetted the graphite i n the second ORR loop were continued. T h e results s u g g e s t that this wetting occurred during t h e multiple sample-withdrawal drain operation, s i n c e wetting was shown to be promoted a t points of three-phase contact of salt, graphite, and g a s a t substantially lower moisture l e v e l s than was the case for the ORR loop, and wetting d o e s not occur when t h e graphite is totally immersed. A second c a p s u l e irradiation of fluoroborate

coolant s a l t i n s p e n t HFIR fuel elements w a s completed. No stability o r compatibility problems were observed after 1460 hr exposure under conditions of temperature and gamma radiation intensity approximating those i n a n MSBR h e a t exchanger. Considerations of the effects of delayed-neutron flue n c e s indicate that consequent fluorine generation will be tolerably low. A removable section of the MSRE off-gas l i n e located 2 ft downstream from the pump bowl w a s examined as part of the continuing effort to e s t a b lish the fates of fission products in molten-salt reactors. T h e results confirmed other s t u d i e s which have shown unexpectedly large amounts of noble metals in the off-gas, but they did not reveal any macro deposits of s u c h isotopes.


15. Molten-Salt Convection loop in the ORR E. L. Compere

H. C. Savage


E. G. Bohlmann

fuel channel surfaces i n graphite by salt in the examination of the second molten-salt in-pile loop. Salt had been drained from the loop using pressurization by high-purity argon ( < 4 ppm H,O). We a l s o found3 that droplets of salt melted on graphite did

T h e susceptibility of molten salts to traces of moisture i n cover g a s w a s studied by Kreyger, Kirslis, and Blankenship, who associated wetting of graphite by s a l t with three-phase contact of gas, graphite, and salt at moisture levels in the g a s as low a s 10 ppm or lower. We observed wetting of

*E. L. Compere, H. C. Savage, and J. M. Baker, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL4191, p. 191.

'P. J. Kreyger e t al., MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. July 31, 1963, ORNL-3539, p. 125.

3E. L. Compere, H. C. Savage, and E. G. Bohlmann, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 178.








not wet i t under high vacuum, but the admission of low pressures (< 1 mm) of helium ( < 4 ppm HzO) resulted in prompt initiation of wetting. Similar problems due to low levels of moisture or other contaminants i n g a s could arise in molten-salt reactors, in reprocessing experiments, and in other situations involving molten s a l t s containing lithium and beryllium fluorides. T h e studies reported below have been conducted in a n effort to find experimental operating conditions and procedures in which interaction of s a l t with trace moisture in cover g a s d o e s not occur and wetting d o e s not ensue. We tested the tendency of graphite to be wetted i f entirely immersed i n salt. Two squares of graphite were connected in “T” arrangement and fixed in a n inverted position in a clean copper dish. T h e dish was filled with L i 2 B e F 4 salt which was melted under vacuum i n a glove box, so that the horizontal piece of graphite w a s covered with molten salt without exposure to gas. Helium was then admitted and the system maintained molten. After one day the copper w a s wet by s a l t , and after one more day salt began to c r e e p up the exposed part of the vertical graphite piece. T h e s a l t crept outside the cup. T h e graphite p i e c e s were lifted from the salt and the s a l t w a s frozen. Microscopic examination of t h e graphite showed that all areas in contact with g a s had been wet and covered with a f i l m of salt, but no evidence of wetting was found on any region of the immersed graphite. Similar behavior w a s apparent in droplet experiments reported below. When a droplet for various reasons moved away from i t s original location, it was observed that t h e graphite surface initially covered by the molten s a l t was not wetted. Only subsequently would the s a l t interface creep over this area. T h e s e experiments indicate that in molten-salt reactors, graphite should not be wetted by s a l t while it is immersed, but is very susceptible to g draining and filling operations. T h e observed importance of the three-phase contact area suggests that moisture-promoted wetting is lateral only and should not proceed inward from a graphite surface, s i n c e salt which h a s covered the surface will prevent moisture-containing g a s from getting to a deeper contact area and furthering the penetration. I t seems likely that y e t t i n g of the graphite i n the ORR loop occurred during the multiple samplewithdrawal drain operation in which tank argon ( “ 4 ppm HzO) w a s used to move the s a l t i n the equipment a t intervals.

A qualitative indication of the rate of moisture absorption by s a l t from such gas was given by a n experiment in which helium containing “ 4 ppm H,O was p a s s e d through three bubblers in series, e a c h containing 30 g of molten L i , B e F 4 salt. Flow w a s continued for ten d a y s at about 100 cc/min, sufficient to increase the oxygen content of one bubbler by 140 ppm i f a l l the moisture were absorbed in it. T h e oxygen contents of the s a l t from the respective bubblers were found to be in the range GO to 65 ppm (original s a l t w a s 42 ppm), indicating that about 15%of the i n l e t oxygen w a s taken up i n e a c h bubbler. Simple nonconvective diffusion to a rapidly absorbing wall should almost completely deplete the moisture i n any bubble of reasonable size under experimental conditions [i.e., for 99% removal, (bubble radius)’/contact time = 0/0.4, or approximately 7 cm2/sec]. Consequently, the wall did not absorb rapidly, and the reaction rate is indicated to have been limited by liquid film o r surface reaction rate factors rather than by gas f i l m resistance. T h e incomplete but definite nature of moisture removal i n t h i s experiment w a s substantiated by o$served wetting times of molten-salt droplets on graphite planchets in heated quartz tubes immediately before and after the bubblers; upstream wetting time w a s 7 hr, while in the downstream tube wetting occurred overnight. In order to study the sensitivity of the wetting behavior to moisture removal and to s e e k means of obtaining adequately purified atmospheres in which wetting would not occur, several techniques w e r e used. Conventional techniques were tested first using a vacuum glove box. Heated traps filled with sponge titanium, preconditioned molecular s i e v e s a t room temperature, and liquid-nitrogen traps contaj ning molecular s i e v e s or activated charcoal were used to further treat high-purity helium to develop a glove-box atmosphere i n which wetting did not occur. T h e s e techniques, including long-term flushing and recirculation, did not inhibit the we1 ting, probably b e c a u s e gloves, large metal surfaces, and other factors provide a countervailing source of moisture. T h i s w a s exemplified by an experiment in which a copper dish containing 50 g of L i z B e F 4 was heated i n t h e box while helium w a s recirculated through a molecular s i e v e trap and a trap containing heated titanium sponge. A moisture meter in the circuit showed 4 ppm H,O. However, in 24 hr s a l t had crept out of the dish sufficiently to short the furnace l e a d s below. T h e s a l t was found



202 to contain 376 ppm oxygen (original salt, 42 ppm), an order of magnitude more water being absorbed than indicated by t h e moisture meter to be in the gas. T h i s indicated a n appreciable source of moisture i n the box, reacting rapidly enough to compete successfully with the 3-hr recirculation turnover. In order to eliminate t h e s e effects, w e then used a heated quartz tube containing a graphite planchet with a drop of molten Li,BeF, on it. Stainless steel connecting tubing w a s used. Subsequently, in a first t e s t in this system, s a l t remained molten and nonwetting for 24 h r under vacuum; but when cylinder helium (“4 ppm H,O) w a s admitted, wetting began within a quarter hour. When the salt w a s melted directly under helium, wetting began after a quarter hour. We installed a second heated quartz tube containing titanium sponge upstream of the first i n a n effort to e s t a b l i s h nonwetting conditions under flow. After melting under vacuum, flow w a s started; the salt rapidly became covered with a milky film. T h e experiment w a s repeated with new materials, and a film developed on t h e salt within 20 hr. T h i s suggested that system surfaces in between could b e contributing moisture. Titanium sponge w a s then placed a l s o in the

quartz tube containing the molten-salt droplet between the g a s inlet and the graphite planchet. After melting the salt, helium flow w a s started at 10 cc/min. T h e salt remained i n unimpaired condition for a week. Flow w a s increased to 500 cc/min, then lowered to 100 cc/min, and the upstream trap cooled. T h e salt remained clear and nonwetting for a day. T h u s i t w a s demonstrated that wetting of graphite by s a l t c a n b e prevented by stringent treatment of the cover gas. T h e precautions and length of pretreatment periods required to develop nonwetting conditions indicate that even the low l e v e l s of moisture that can b e desorbed from tubing walls is sufficient to promote wetting. In the above experiment, flow w a s continued after cooling t h e titanium sponge. After two d a y s of flow, during which t i m e enough moisture entered to cover the estimated titanium surface only a few times, wetting of the graphite by the droplet w a s observed. T h i s confirmed that the protective action w a s associated with heated titanium sponge and also indicated that t h e activity of cold titanium sponge w a s probably limited because the a c t i v e surface w a s not renewed and became saturated.



16. Gamma Irradiation of Fluoroborate E. L. Compere

H. C Savage

T h e proposed u s e in molten-salt breeder reactors of coolant s a l t mixtures b a s e d on fluoroborates could be questioned i f significant decomposition of the s a l t occurred as a result of exposure to delayed neutrons and gamma radiation from the fuel s a l t circulated through the heat exchanger. Neutrons would c a u s e a 'B(n,a) reaction, yielding from NaBF, a n alpha particle, 7 L i F , NaF, and F, (or e x c e s s free F atoms). T h e high-energy alpha and 7Li fragments (2.4+ M e V ) could decompose other fluoroborate ions, presumably yielding in such a case elemental boron and fluorine and fluoride ion. Intense gamma radiation could have a similar effect. T h e (n,a) reaction is calculable and appears to b e trivial. T h e high-energy fragment decomposition of molten fluoroborate is not known explicitly, nor is t h e gamma effect. Since t h e s e would be expected t o have similar results, the gamma effect h a s been evaluated first in order t o permit discrimination if required. An experimental rig to expose molten fluoroborate s a l t to intense g a m m a radiation was described previously. An argon-filled aluminum container with a heated capsule containing the salt was placed in the center hole of a freshly spent fuel element from the High Flux Isotope Reactor in the reactor pool. The first fluoroborate irradiation assembly, reported earlier,' w a s exposed at 6OOOC for 533 hr, accumulating a d o s e of 2 x 10' r. T h e temperature profile in the c a p s u l e appeared t o have been uneven, attributed to some water collected in the containment. Operation and results of the second ion experiment a r e given below.



J. M. Baker

16.1 GAMMA DOSE RATES AND DECAY OF SPENT F U E L ELEMENTS T h e gamma dose rate to t h e s e experiments fell as the element decayed, in accord with estimates based on the Way-Wigner or Untermyer-Weills equations. T h e HFIR elements were generally run a t 100 Mw for 23 days. We inserted our experimental assembly into the center hole of the spent element after a cooling period after shutdown of from about 1 to 4 days, removing i t only to insert it into the next freshly s p e n t element. The gamma flux w a s determined by the reduction of 0.02 M Ce(SO,), solutions exposed in the center hole before and after the exposure of t h e experimental rig, and w a s determined during exposure by observing the added electrical heat (per unit of heated system mass) required t o maintain constant temperature (to b e compared with the requirement in the absence of gamma radiation). R e s u l t s are shown in Fig. 16.1, where electric heat requirement is plotted a g a i n s t a t i m e scale based on decay heat as a fraction of operation power, computed using the Way-Wigner equation. Electric heat requirement w a s extrapolated to zero decay heat, and gamma heat was measured from t h i s a s the origin. Using the definition that 100 ergs/g = 1 rad, the d o s e rate w a s calculated. Thus the radiation intensity varied between 140 x lo6 r/hr (0.4 w/g) for a n element cooled 1.5 d a y s t o 17 x l o 6 r/hr (0.05 w/g) after 31.8 d a y s of cooling. Values obtained by c e r i c s u l f a t e dosimetry, a l s o shown, scattered more but were in agreement.

16.2 SECOND FLUOROBORATE I RRADlATlON EXPERIMENT 'E. L. Compere, H. C. Savage, and J. M. Baker, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL4254, pp. 180-82.

Irradiation in HFIR spent element No. 22 began on March 14, 1968, followed by exposure in ele-


i 204








40 e.







Gamma D o s e R a t e i n Spent

ments 1 9 and 11. Irradiation w a s terminated on May 14, 1968, after 1460 hr a t 6OO0C, accumulating an estimated d o s e of 7.7 x 10’’ r (average rate, 5.3 x 10’ r/hr or 0.15 w/g). Prior to exposure the 32 g of NaBF,-NaF eutectic mixture (92-8 mole %) was melted in the Hastelloy N capsule under argon, and the capsule was sealed under argon. T h e capsule w a s then vacuum pumped a t 15OoC, valved off under vacuum, and heated to 600OC. The observed pressure of -142 mm Hg is a s anticipated from Cantor’s data., Upon cooling

‘S. Cantor, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Aug. 31, 1967, ORNL-4191, pp. 159-61.


F u e l Elements.

to 25OC, the residual pressure was below the limit of detection of the gage (<5 mm Hg), and analysis of this residual gas showed i t to be largely hydrogen (H,, 96.7%; H,O, 0.9%; 0,, 0.2%; N, t CO, 1.9%; CO,, 0.2%; Ar, 0.1%). During irradiation, which w a s uneventful except for a plugging problem discussed below, an argon atmosphere w a s maintained in the container around the capsule; in contrast to the first experiment, no evidence of water in the container was found. After 13 days of operation, the 50-mil-ID tubing, which connected the gas s p a c e above the s a l t to a pressure transducer, plugged suddenly when the s a l t temperature w a s increased rapidly from 350OC



205 to 6OOOC following a short power interruption t o the capsule heater. T h e tube w a s opened by heating t h e c a p s u l e slowly to -650째C (BF, presatm). T h e capillary tube remained open sure, until it plugged a second t i m e after 26 days of operation. T h i s plug occurred when t h e s a l t temperature was decreased from 6OOOC t o 37OOC when power to the e l e c t r i c heater w a s interrupted. Attempts t o open t h e tube b y heating t h e capsule t o 69OOC (BF, pressure, 1 atm) were unsuccessful, and irradiation was continued a t 600OC. Near the end of t h e irradiation period, argon g a s (300 mm Hg pressure) w a s added to the pressure tube in a n attempt to relieve t h e plug s o that the residual gas in t h e capsule could b e removed for analysis. When t h e c a p s u l e assembly (with pressure tube and transducer intact) was removed from the fuel element and transferred to Y-12, the pressure had decreased from 300 mm to 105 mm, indicating some leakage of argon into the capsule past t h e plug in t h e tube. Mass spectrographic analysis of t h e g a s (argon plus residual) removed from the c a p s u l e showed 96.8% Ar, 2.4% H,, 0.7% N, + CO, and 0.1% 0,. No BF, or F, was found. T h e capsule was opened and the following observations were made:

- '/z



1. T h e surface of t h e metal walls and enclosed Hastelloy N specimen showed no evident attack, but were dulled. Weight l o s s of the 29c m 2 specimen w a s negligible (0.0007 g). 2. T h e s a l t consisted of rather large clear plates with translucent, somewhat smoky, crystalline solid between t h e plates (light gray a t a distance).

3. A s m a l l amount of blackish scum was found on the s a l t surface; t h i s presumably was a s a l t impurity, as i t w a s a l s o observed in the a b s e n c e of radiation. 4. A ' ' of solidified s a l t covered the opening of t h e 50-mil-ID tube in t h e top of the capsule. Blockage extended about 3 in. from the capsule.

metal walls were found in t h e g a s region above the salt body. The droplets found in t h e gas regions are attributed to spray developing as t h e system "boiled" under vacuum during heatup. W e heated the s a l t similarly in a quartz tube and observed boiling and spray. T h e increasing g a s pressure is believed t o

have forced some droplets into the capillary, ultimately resulting in the observed plugging. None of t h e findings were indicative of an,y radiation decomposition of fluoroborate. It is consequently concluded that no incompatibility between t h e fluoroborate salt and Hastelloy N w a s caused by gamma irradiation t o a dose of 7.7 x 10'O r with a n average intensity of 0.15 w/g and a maximum intensity of 0.5 w/g. For comparison, the average intensity of absorbed gamma radiation estimated for t h e MSBR heat exchangers is -0.25 w/g, and for t h e MSRE it is -0.02 w/g. 16.3 ESTIMATED NEUTRON EFFECTS An open and document literature search revealed no s t u d i e s of radiation or neutron effects on :fluoroborate salts. A study3 on BF, (gas) appears relevant. MTR exposure of four c a p s u l e s containing BF, to various integrated thermal neutron fluences up t o 8 x 1 O I 9 nvt resulted in decomposition of up to about 50% of t h e BF,, with about twice as many molecules of BF, being decomposed as there were helium atoms produced. Indicated reactions were:


+ a+

Bmetal + 3/2 F,

+ He

T h i s amounted to about 2 % molecules of F, being produced per boron fission (2.4+ Mev), or about 1$ molecules of F, by t h e fission-fragment action. T h e resulting apparent G value is 0.6 x lod4 molecule of F, per 100 e v for the high-energy alpha and 7Li particles. T h e low value is indicative of vigorous recombination of any BF, fragments. Since in t h e liquid system, with a symmetrical B F 4 - ion capable of exchanging with fluorine atoms and ions, even more vigorous recombination should occur, enhanced by t h e high m e l t temperature, t h e direct (n,a) reaction would appear to b e t h e major process i n t h e molten-salt system. If about 15 x 1 O I 6 delayed neutrons per second should b e released in a n MSBR heat exchanger, the maximum fluorine yield (15 x 10' molecules of F, per second) would amount t o 8 moles (0.3 kg) of F, per year - most likely a n acceptably low value.

3W. K. McCarty, Experimental Determination of the Radiation Decomposition o f Boron-10 Enriched Boron Trifluoride and the Resultant Corrosion o f the Containing Materiafs, NAA-SR-1999 (Oct. 15, 1957).

17. Examination of M S R E Off-Gas Jumper line E. L. Compere

noted, most of it passing t h e being retained by t h e building charcoal trap. A s the jumper s e c t i o n w a s removed from the container and placed on fresh blotter paper, some dust fell from the upstream flange. T h i s dust w a s recovered, and a possibly larger amount w a s obtained from the flange face using a camel’s hair brush. T h e powder looked like soot; i t fell but drifted somewhat in the moving air of t h e cell, as if it were a heavy dust. An -8-mg sample read about 8 0 r/hr at “contact.” T h e downstream flange was tapped and brushed over a s h e e t of paper, and similar quantities of black powder were obtained from it. An 15-mg sample read about 200 r/hr a t contact. Chemical and radiochemical a n a l y s e s of t h e s e d u s t samples are given later.

Indirect evidence for some time’ h a s indicated that appreciable quantities of various fission products other than Kr-Xe (and their daughters), in particular noble metals, may be carried into the MSRE off-gas system. If s u c h behavior could be demonstrated, a useful means of removal and recovery of some of t h e s e s u b s t a n c e s could b e developed. In any event, t h e understanding of fission product behavior in molten-salt s y s t e m s would b e increased. Examination of material deposited i n the off-gas system would b e t h e most direct approach. After t h e shutdown of MSRE run 1 4 on March 25, 1968, a section of off-gas line, t h e jumper section of line 522, was removed for examination. T h i s line, a 3-ft length of t-in.-ID open convolution flexible h o s e fabricated of type 304 s t a i n l e s s steel with 0-ringed flanges on e a c h end, is located about 2 ft downstream from t h e pump bowl. The upstream flange is a side-entering flange which attaches to the vertical l i n e leaving the pump bowl, while the downstream flange is a topentering flange which a t t a c h e s to the widened holdup line. T h e jumper d i s c u s s e d here, the third used i n the MSRE, w a s installed prior to run 10, which began in December 1966. After the MSRE shutdown on March 25, 1968, the jumper section w a s removed on April 4 and transferred t o t h e High-Radiation-Level Examination Laboratory for cutup and examination. Two flexible shaft tools used t o probe t h e line leading t o the pump bowl were a l s o obtained for examination. On opening the container an appreciable rise in hot-cell off-gas activity was

T h e flanges e a c h appeared to h a v e remaining on them a smooth, dull-black film but no other deposits of significance. Some unidentified bright f l e c k s were s e e n in or on t h e surface of t h e upstream flange. Where the black f i l m w a s gently scratched, bright metal showed through. Short s e c t i o n s of the jumper-line h o s e were taken from e a c h e n d , examined microscopically, and submitted for chemical and radiochemical analysis. Except for rather thin, dull-black f i l m s which smoothly covered all surfaces including t h e convolutions, no deposits, attack, or other effects were s e e n . E a c h of t h e flexible probe t o o l s w a s observed to b e covered with blackish, pasty, granular material. T h i s material w a s identified by x ray as fuel s a l t particles. Chemical and radiochemical a n a l y s e s of t h e tools will b e presented later.

‘W. R. Grimes, Chemical Research and Development for Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors, ORNL-TM-1853 ( J u n e 6 , 1967).

Electron microscope photographs taken of t h e upstream dust showed relatively s o l i d particles of the order of a micron or more i n dimension, surrounded by a material of lighter and different struc-





2 07 Analyses of the dust samples show 1 2 to 16% carbon, 28 to 54% fuel salt, and 4% structural metals. Based on activity data considered later, fission products could have amounted to 2 t o 3% of the sample weight. Thereby 53 t o 22% of the sample weight is not accounted for in these categories or spectrographically as other metals. The discrepancies may have resulted from the small amounts of sample available. The sample did not l o s e weight under a heat lamp and thus did not contain readily volatile substances.

ture which appeared to b e amorphous carbon; electron diffraction lines for graphite were not evident. An upstream l-in. section of t h e jumper line near the flange read 150 r/hr at contact; a similar section near the downstream flange read 350 r/hr.

17.1 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Other portions of the upstream and downstream powders were analyzed chemically for carbon and spectrographically for lithium, beryllium, zirconium, and other metals. In addition, 2 3 5 U was determined by neutron activation analysis; this could be converted to total uranium by using the enrichment of the uranium in the MSRE fuel s a l t , which was about

17.2 RADIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS Radiochemical analyses were obtained for the noble-metal isotopes 'Ag, 06Ru, lo3Ru, "Mo, and 95Nb; for 95Zr; for the rare earths 147Nd, 14,Ce, and l 4 'Ce; for the daughters of fission gases Kr and Xe, "Y, *'Sr, 'OSr, 140Ba, and 7Cs; and for t h e tellurium isotopes 32Te,


33%. Results of t h e s e analyses as well as analyses of t h e flexible hose s e c t i o n s and of the flexible shaft tool are shown in Table 17.1. Table ~




A n a l y s i s of Dust from MSRE O f f - G a s Jumper L i n e


Outlet Flange (wt 7%)

Inlet Flange (wt %)

A s Determined





As Determined


27.1 4.2

a. 9

BeF2 Zr






7.3 12.6




5.0 0.596


UF, (total)


1.4 10-14


2.4 15-17 16

Fe Cr -1


1 0.4





0.1 (-2)


T o t a l found


"Assumes chain deposition rate constant throughout power history (includes only chains determined).



129Te,and 1311(Te daughter). T h e s e analyses were obtained on samples of dust from upstream and downstream flanges, on t h e * 1-in. s e c t i o n s of flexible h o s e c u t near the flanges, and on the first flexible shaft tool used t o probe t h e pump off-gas exit line. T h e d a t a thus obtained are b e s t discussed after reduction to a suitable common b a s i s . T h i s can be done between samples of t h e s a m e kind by considering equal amounts of sample and between isotopes in a sample by comparing with expected amounts s u c h a s MSRE inventory. Direct comparison between samples of different types requires establishment of a relationship between the types, which h a s not been done; however, relative comparisons might be made. T h e MSRE inventory decay rate of each isotope (referred to run 1 4 shutmputed from t h e detailed power history (8.0 Mw full power) by summation of power-weighted saturation factors for each period. Inventory decay rates were a l s o calculated for daughters of rare gases, b a s e d on t h e amount of t h e short-lived rare g a s that could be stripped from the circulating fuel s a l t into the pump bowl g a s s p a c e . T h e first-approximation model used for this purpose assumes that the rare gas which enters the pump bowl, either dissolved i n s a l t or in entrained bubbles, is entirely stripped into t h e purge g a s stream, and effectively none of i t is returned to the main circulating stream i n any reentrained bubbles. More complex assumptions regarding m a s s transfer characteri s t i c s t o bubbles and their entrainment and stripping are not attempted here. Both types of inventory values, and t h e ratio of isotope activity in t h e various samples t o t h e inventory values, a r e shown in Table 17.2. On s u c h an inventory b a s i s t h e salt constituents can a l s o be included in t h e comparison, a s c a n carbon, i f a lubricating oil leak rate (such as a reported value of 1.58 liters in 5v2 months) is assumed t o persist for the full period of operation. T h e s e d a t a a r e thus presented in t e r m s of MSRE inventory in T a b l e 17.2. Similar behavior of t h e various kinds of constituents should yield equal values for all data for a given kind of sample. Table 17.2 is d i s c u s s e d below from t h i s point of view. Proportions of L i , Be, and U agreed within each sample within a factor of 2, with Li always high. Zirconium varied between agreement and values of t h e others. T h u s t o a fair approxiof about


mation the fuel ingredients appear t o h a v e been transported as particles, presumably droplets of spray. Uranium does not appear in any sample to have been carried over by any mechanism more than other constituents. F o r t h e flexible tool the relatively higher values of lithium and beryllium may indicate pickup of some residual LiF2B e F 2 flush salt, which had entered t h i s line as overflow in 1966, j u s t prior to the installation of t h e present jumper. When the activity of e a c h fission product isotope is expressed as a fraction of MSRE inventory, the isotopes can be placed in several groups as shown in T a b l e 17.2. "Noble metals," including 'Ag, 99M0, I o 6 R u , 1 3 2 T e , 1 2 9 T e , and 1 3 1 1 (Te daughter), appeared to b e present 100-fold t o 3000-fold the amount of salt present and roughly i n agreement with the carbon. Similarly, the Xe-Kr daughters were present in as high or higher quantities dependent on t h e particular Xe or Kr half-life involved. T h e s e included 89Sr, "Sr, 91Y,137Cs, and 140Ba. Elements with very s t a b l e fluorides, 95Zr, 'Ce, and 44Ce, were present in very l 4 7Nd, low amounts never exceeding t h e salt equivalent. Niobium-95 was present i n relative amounts at l e a s t fortyfold the 95Zr, and two- t o tenfold the s a l t ingredients.

.e 1








T h e following comments appear justified:

1. N o deposits other than the black f i l m and carbonaceous d u s t were noted. T h e s e a r e likely t o have resulted from lubricating o i l decomposition.

2. Small particles of salt a few microns in size were noted. T h e s e were doubtless salt spray.

3. T h e s a l t appeared t o b e regular f u e l salt, perhaps a bit high in lithium and beryllium and somewhat low in zirconium. 4. There w a s no uranium transfer by any mechanism other than s a l t spray.

5. Deposition of soot over all a r e a s is not surprising. With a mean residence t i m e of 6 min in a g a s s p a c e a t 600 to 7OO0C, with beta dec a y energy of the order of 1 0 0 w/liter, substantial pyrolysis-radiolysis of lubricating o i l leaking into the pump bowl should result in tars and coked soot. Some s o o t appeared




m O b w r l o r l


w m o o


;x;; b

9 0 9 0 9 9 0

N r l O N


m w b r n


r l o o o

zz;; b


4 r l O O




d d d d m m


w m m m

9 9 9 9

o o o o m N

2 09

210 t o adhere to s a l t spray particles. T h e soot lodged on surfaces and in crevices, probably due to a “cool-wall” effect.2

6. High levels of noble metal and rare-gas daughter fission products were a s s o c i a t e d with and doubtless adsorbed by t h e carbonaceous soot. 7. T h e relative yields of “noble” metals far exceed the salt, indicating transport s e p a r a t e from and much more vigorous than s a l t spray,

2H. L. Green and W. R. Lane, Particulate Clouds: Dusts, Smokes, a n d Mists, 2d ed., p. 201, Van Nostrand, Princeton, N. J., 1964.

not greatly below t h e relative yields of the daughters of the rare-gas fission products. T h i s is compatible with the hypothesis’ of aerosols of t h e s e elements, and with a portion of t h e s e elements depositing on internal surfaces. Tellurium, and iodine, regarded as a tellurium daughter, could be included in this category.

8. T h e relative amount of ”Nb in d u s t samples appears to b e significantly higher than that of salt, and higher than its parent However, it is considerably lower than t h e levels for “noble” metals; niobium may b e transferred by a different mechanism.






Part 5.

Materials Development H. E. McCoy

J. R. Weir, Jr.

Our program continues t o emphasize the two primary structural materials i n molten-salt reactors - graphite and Hastelloy N. Our experience with t h e MSRE demonstrates very clearly t h e b a s i c compatibility of t h e s e materials with fluoride s a l t s . Although advanced MSBR’s will utilize t h e s e s a m e two materials, we feel that some improvements are needed. We are studying irradiation damage i n graphite t o learn t h e controlling factors, with a future objective of developing graphites that will withstand higher neutron fluences. T h i s h a s required that we become knowledgeable of the raw materials and fabrication techniques used in making graphites and that we develop t h e capabilities for making a variety of t e s t s to evaluate t h e final product. Many of t h e s e tests are routine, but w e find that new techniques must b e established in many a r e a s to give u s t h e information that we need. Out irradiation t e s t i n g i n t h e HFIR is a n integral part of this program. It is quite likely that we s h a l l need graphite with a low surface diffusivity for fission products, particularly 135Xe. T h e target diffusivitv of < lo-* cm2/sec is b e s t obtained

were inserted. Also, one stringer of t h e v e s s e l surveillance specimens consisting of two Hastelloy N tensile specimen rods from 5 in. outside t h e core v e s s e l w a s removed, and a new stringer w a s inserted. T h e surveillance specimen removals and new insertions are summarized in Table 18.l.






by surface s e a l i n g with pyrolytic carbon. T o keep this material from spalling during irradiation, we are s e a l i n g under conditions that will c a u s e t h e pyrolytic carbon to penetrate t h e graphite substrate. T h e primary fault with the t y p e of Hastelloy N used in the MSRE is that its strength and ductility are reduced by irradiation. W e have demonstrated that a slight modification of the chemical composition improves t h e r e s i s t a n c e of t h i s alloy t o neutron damage. W e are working on the scaleup of t h i s alloy and are confronted with some problems that are not at all foreign to nickel-base alloys. Two such problems, a high-temperature metallurgical instability and poor weldability, are under study. Our corrosion program is concerned primarily with the compatibility of Hastelloy N with t h e proposed fluoroborate coolant salt. Work is also in progress t o determine t h e compatibility of the titaniummodified Hastelloy N with fluoride salts. Our corrosion program is a l s o being expanded to include t h e compatibility of s a l t s and bismuth with potential structural materials for t h e chemical processing plant.

Following run 14, two of the three graphite and Hastelloy N surveillance specimen stringers located 1.3 in. from the vertical center line of the


" a,

v) P



$ M C







4 0











09 cf





N 0

a l



3 0


4 0





a v)

0 N




x a,

2 -f . I -


C Y -


w w m m


@ @ % %


m Z



swx X









18.1.1 E x a m i n a t i o n s of Specimens Removed The core surveillance specimens were received at the Hot-Cell facilities on April 3, 1968. The salt had drained cleanly from the container basket and specimens, and the assembly of metal and graphite specimens appeared t o b e in excellent physical condition (Fig. 18.1). Disassembly and reassembly of this complex rig of three stringers of graphite and Hastelloy N (ref. 1) were routine.

Disassembly was expedited t o provide t h e Reactor Chemistry Division with specimens for fission product studies as quickly a s possible. The two stringers w e removed, RS3 and RR2, had been in the reactor for different times and had accumulated fast fluences of 4.8 x lo2' and 8.5 x 'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p f . Aug. 3 1 , 1965, ORNL-3872, pp. 87-92; W. H. Cook, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p f . Aug. 3 1 , 1966, pp. 101-3.

R -. 4 29 5 2 A

Fig. 18.1.

MSRE Surevillance Specimens from Run 14 (Stringers RS3, R L 2 and RR2).

214 1020 neutrons/cm2 (> 50 kev) respectively (see Table 18.1). They included several s p e c i a l t y p e s of graphite in addition t o the MSRE-grade CGB graphite to obtain more detailed information on the behavior of the fission products. T h e s e were pitch-impregnated grade CGB, pyrolytic graphite, and isotropic graphite, grade AXF-5QBG. The results of the fission product studies on t h e s e materials are given in Part 3 of this report. A s usual, the exposure had dulled the bright surfaces of the Hastelloy N. The mechanical properties of t h e s e samples are reported in Sect. 18.2. The graphite specimens appeared unaltered in diffused lighting. However, under s p e c i a l high-angle lighting, there was a very thin f i l m of material visible that was more clearly s e e n on the graphite having the longest exposure. T h e appearance of t h i s f i l m on the graphite in stringer RR2 is shown in Fig. nearly invisible on stringer RS3. T h e on the surfaces of the graphite that were exposed to the laminarly flowing fuel s a l t along t h e full vertical length of the surveillance specimens assembly. Where pieces of graphite were in intimate contact and t h e flow of salt was restricted, f i l m s were not visible. Note in Fig.

18.2 that t h e graphite surfaces appear clean and normal where there may have been some turbulence in the flowing salt; also, the f i l m s were e a s i l y scratched. The f i l m s are s o thin that we have not been able to identify them. T h e v e s s e l surveillance specimens of two rods of Hastelloy N tensile specimens, X2, had a dark gray-green appearance that is normal for Hastelloy N exposed in the N,-approximately 2% 0, atmosphere outside t h e core v e s s e l wall. The mechanical properties of these are reported in Sect. 18.2.


Two new stringers, RS4 and RR3, of graphite and modified Hastelloy N for the core and one modified Hastelloy stringer (two rods of tensile specimens), X3, replaced those removed (see Table 18.1). The graphite specimens continued to be predominantly grade CGB for t h e continued monitoring and study of t h e MSRE core graphite. Some specimens of the anisotropic grade CGB and the isotropic grade AXFSQBG that have been






F i l m s on the F l o w i n g Salt Sides of the Graphite i n the

the U s e of High-Angle Lighting; the F i l m on Magnification:


RS3 I s


18.1.2 N e w Specimens i n t h e S u r v e i l l a n c e As sem bl y

PHOTO 93574



Almost I n v i s i b l e .


MSRE Stringers R R 2 and RS3 Revealed by T h e films are not v i s i b l e i n diffused light.





pitch impregnated, carbonized, and graphitized a t 3000째C were included to determine i f the additional impregnation will help prevent t h e penetration of fission products into the graphite.


* t




We have included a molybdenum-Hastelloy N joint brazed with Pd-35% Ni-5% Cr to study i t s compatibility with the MSRE environment. The flux monitor s e c t i o n h a s b e e n simplified t o eliminate t h e solid-phase bonding of t h e flux monitors t o their protective sheath of Hastelloy N. The three flux monitor wires of iron, nickel, and type 302 s t a i n l e s s steel have been replaced with a single fluxmonitor wire of t y p e 302 s t a i n l e s s steel t h a t is separated from t h e sheath by high-purity alumina (greater than 99% A1'0,). A new feature of t h e two new c o r e stringers is the placement of a 0.004-in.-thick foil of Hastelloy N at some of the s t r a p positions, as shown in Fig. 18.3. T h i s type of specimen was requested by t h e Reactor Chemistry Division to allow t h e u s e of more convenient and accurate techniques




for determining t h e fission product deposition on the Hastelloy N. Figure 18.4 shows some fabrication modifications that have b e e n made to allow flowing salt on all four s i d e s of t h e graphite rather than on only three. A comparison of t h e fission products deposited on different s i d e s of these samples should give qualitative information of how flow rate affects fission product deposition. Our graphite specimens are routinely machined with surface finishes of less than 32 p i n . (rms). We have included some identical graphite samples with the 32-pin. surface and with polished surfaces (Fig. 18.4). T h e polished surfaces may enable a better delineation of t h e fission product distribution, since in most cases 9 0 to 95% of e a c h nuclide w a s found in the f i r s t 10 m i l s from the graphite s u r faces. T h e complete reassembly, including s e a l i n g t h e stfingers in t h e used perforated Hastelloy N basket, was completed on April 10, s e v e n days after receipt.


2 ~ R.. Cuneo et a l . , MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 119.

PHOTO 913838

0 0 0 4 i n x 0 . 2 i n x l Oin H A S T E L L O Y N BANDS ON JOINT STRAPS-


18.3. MSRE CoreSurveiIlanceSpecimens of N Bands Mounted on

(nominal dimensions) H a s t e l l o y




t h e Joint Straps.





x 0.2


x 1.0



Fig. 18.4.

Solid Graphite Specimens for the Controls and T e s t Surveillance Specimens:

Controls, ( b ) Middle Control, ( c ) Middle Test, ( d ) Top and Bottom Controls. notches machined i n them t o a l l o w flowing salt on a l l four sides.

( a ) T o p and Bottom

Specimens shown i n ( b )and ( c ) have

T h e top surface o f the specimen i n ( c ) has been

polished t o produce a more accurate reference for fission product sampling.


We have reported previously the properties of two groups of Hastelloy N surveillance samples removed from the MSRE.3-4 T h e properties of t h e third group of specimens, removed on April 3, 1968, give further information on the behavior of Hastelloy N after long periods of exposure to a neutron flux, salt, and N, plus 2 t o 5% 0, environments. Rods of standard Hastelloy N were removed from t h e core and t h e v e s s e l surveillance facilities for examination. T h e details of t h e exposure conditions are given in T a b l e 18.2. T h e rods positioned outside t h e v e s s e l c l o s e l y reflect 3H. E. McCoy, Jr., A n Evaluation of t h e Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Hastelloy N Surveillance Specimen First Group, ORNL-TM-1997 (November 1967). 4H.E. McCoy, Jr., An Evaluation of the Molten Salt Reactor Experiment Hastellqr N Surveillance Specimen Second Group, ORNL-TM-2359 (in press).


the properties of t h e v e s s e l after 72,441 Mwhr of operation. T h e only Hastelloy N parts that have had a n exposure comparable with that of t h e rods removed from the core (thermal fluence = 9.4 x 1020 neutrons/cm2) are t h e control rod thimbles, which a r e under a slightly compressive s t r e s s and c a n b e replaced relatively e a s i l y . T h e v e s s e l would only reach a thermal-neutron exposure of this magnitude after 40 years of operation; s o the results on t h e s e specimens are of interest primarily for future reactors. T h e excellent compatibility of Hastelloy N with the molten salt and cell (N, + 2-5% 0,) environments is demonstrated by F i g s . 18.5 and 18.6 respectively. The s u r f a c e modification resulting from exposure to salt for 15,300 hr is less than 0.001 in. deep and is quite similar to that noted in specimens removed after 4800 hr of e x p o ~ u r e . ~ T h e samples exposed t o t h e cell environment (Fig. 18.6) were oxidized t o a depth of about 0.001 in., and the microstructure w a s modified to a t o t a l depth of about 0.002 in. T h e profuse quantities of grain-boundary carbide precipitates were formed




l r r



15,300 Etched

18.5. Photomicrographs of H a s t e l l o y N ( H e a t 5085) Surveillance Specimens Exposed to F u e l Salt for 65OoC. T h e surface of t h i s sample was i n intimate contact with t h e g r a p h i t e . (a)Unetched. ( b ) (glyceregia) photomicrographs showing shallow r e a c t i o n layer near surface. 500X.

hr a t








Photomicrographs of H o s t e l l o y

+ 2 to

5% 0,


N (Heot 5085) Surveillance Specimens Exposed t o t h e c e l l Environ-

650OC. ( a ) Unetched showing surface oxidation. ( b ) Etched (glyceregia) showing shallow modification o f microstructure due to reaction with c e l l environment. 500X.

ment of Nq


hr a t





Samples Removed in Surveillance Program

Group 3 Group 1,



Group 2 Core




Standard Hastelloy N

Ti- and Zr-


Modified Hastelloy N


Standard Hastelloy N

Ti- and Hf-


Modified Hastelloy N

Standard Hastelloy N

Date inserted







Date removed






5-76 8

Time a t 650째C, hr

48 00



1 5 2 89



Thermal (<0.876 ev)

1.3 X 10''


1.3 X lo''

9.4 X 10''

F a s t (>1.22 MeV)

3.1 x 10"

1 . 0 10'' ~

5.5 x 10"


5.3 X 10'' 1.3 x 10''

2.6 X 10'' 1.1 x

Peak fluence, neutrons/cm'


* i



' 0 1

a s a result of the longnuclear and thermal exposures and have no relation t o t h e environment. W e ran a wide spectrum of tests on t h e s e materials, but s h a l l present only t h e results of particular concern to t h e MSRE. We have shown that t h i s alloy is subject to a type of high-temperature radiatior, damage which reduces t h e creep-rupture strength and t h e s t r a i n a t fracture; t h i s is due t o t h e helium produced by t h e thermal 'B(n, a ) transmutation. A second potential problem that h a s been pointed out b y our surveillance program is that the fracture s t r a i n a t ambient temperature (25OC) continues to decrease with e x p o ~ u r e . ' , ~Thus, our program is directed strongly at measuring the c h a n g e s in t h e properties of our Hastelloy N surveillance specimens a t 25 and 65OOC. T h e creep-rupture properties of all t h e surveillance specimens of h e a t s 5065 and 5085 that w e have tested are shown i n F i g . 18.7. Generally, the t i m e t o rupture a t a given s t r e s s level is shorter, t h e higher t h e fluence; however, there is a drastic reduction in rupture life as t h e fluence 1.3 to 9.4 x 10" neutrons/cm2. T h i s correlates reasonably well with t h e quantity


r, Nucl. A p p l . 1(2), 1 6 0 - 6 7

x 10"

of l o g converted to helium; 20% is transmuted a t a thermal fluence of 1.3 x 10" neutrons/cm2, and about 85% is transmuted at 9.4 x 10" neutrons/ cm'. T h e variation in rupture life d u e t o different fluences is greater, t h e higher t h e s t r e s s level. The c r e e p properties do not show a n y detectable dependence on t h e time a t 65OoC, indicating that the alloy is metallurgically s t a b l e a t t h e operating temperature of t h e MSRE. T h e s t r a i n at fracture measured in both creeprupture and t e n s i l e tests at 65OoC is shown in Fig. 18.8. The scatter band is for t h e same h e a t s of material irradiated in the ORR. T h e fracture strain a t high s t r a i n rates (e.g., 1 2 and 300%/hr) is very dependent on t h e thermal fluence, but most < creep specimens with a thermal fluence of = 1.3 x 10'' neutrons/cm2 fractured at 1 to 2.5% strain, regardless of strain rate. T h e surveillance samples seem to b e immune t o t h e ductility minimum a s a function of fracture s t r a i n established for t h e same materials when irradiated for shorter t i m e s (- 1000 hr) in t h e ORR.8 T h e samples irradiated to 9.4 x lo2 neutrons/cm2 exhibit extremely low fracture strains under creep conditions. Our experience with t h e ductility reduction at 25OC is summarized i n T a b l e 18.3. In t h i s t e m perature range the fracture s t r a i n is not very sensitive t o s t r a i n rate; s o w e feel that the ten-

(1 965). 6

W. R. Martin and J. R. Weir, N u c l . A p p l . 3, 167 (1967).

7H. E. McCoy, Jr., and J. R. Weir, Jr., Nucl, A p p l . 4, 96 (1968).

' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 2 9, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 198-230.




60 C

50 .-


VI a





30 [r


I 1 1I








THERMAL 1 . 3 ~ 1 0 ’2~. 6 ~ 1 0 ’ ~ F L U E N C E (n/crn2) T I M E AT

6 5 0 “C (hr)

0 40-1

11,000 28,000 1o3

4 O2





Fig. 18.7.



Creep-Rupture Properties of M S R E H a s t e l l o y N Surveillance Specimens a t 650OC.

Variation of Fracture Strain o f H a s t e l l o y

F a s t Fluence, >1.22 Mev (neutrons/cm2)

Thermal F h e nc e (neutrons/


a t 2 5 O w i t h Exposure t o




Location of


Total Strain a t

Reduction in


Exposed (hr)

Fracture (%)

Area (%)



52.2 42.5

56.3 24.1

cm2) Heat


5.5 x 1018

As annealed 1.3 x lo1’

Outside v e s s e l

1.1 x 10’’

2.6 x 10’’

Outside v e s s e l




1.1 x lo1’ 3.1 x 10’’

2.6 x 10’’

Outside v e s s e l






2.3 x lo2’ 0

1.3 x




9.4 x 1020


2 0.0


Control facility




Outside v e s s e l

0 11,000

55.5 34.6

52.1 26.9

A s annealed 1.3 x lo”

1.1 x 10’’

2.6 X

2.3 x IO2’

9.4 x


26.0 28.6, 31.5‘

4,800 15,300


5.5 x 10’8

34.5 40.0, 46.8’

Control facility Core


lo1’ lo2’


Outside v e s s e l








Control facility



39.3 t

astrain rate = 0.05 min-l. bGiven a postirradiation anneal of 8 h r at 871OC. ‘Two determinations.


:: 13

ORNL-DWG 68-11772

MSRE SURVEILLANCE CORE HEAT VESSEL 5065 0 12 0 5085 4 THERMAL FLUENCE ,,3x1019 2.6x10+9 .3X1020 (n/cm2) 11 AT 11,000 20,800 4800 650% ( h r ) I



-8 9 za

E 8 (0

n W E 7

a LL K








0 10-3

L 10-2






l 40-1


100 STRAIN RATE (%/hr)


uctility reduction is

metallographic observations of carbide precipitates (Figs. 18.5 and 18.6) and t h e observation that t h e ductility c a n b e restored by a postirradiation anneal of 8 hr at 871OC (Table 18.3) indicate t h a t t h e reduction in fracture strain is likely due t o carbide precipitation. T h i s precipitation is controlled






Surveillance Specimens a t


thermal annealing (indicated b y t h e trol samples in T a b l e 18.3), and the neutron irradiation enhances t h e process. To d a t e t h e lowest fracture s t r a i n observed is 28.9%, a very acceptable value for operation. Two heats of modified Hastelloy N were riemoved from t h e MSRE core after receiving a thermal fluence of 5.3 x 1020 neutrons/cm2 during 9800 hr at 650OC. Both alloys were nominally Ni-12% Mo-7% Cr-0.2% Mn-O.05% C , with heat 67-502 containing 2% W and 0.5% Ti and heat 67-504 containing 0.5% Hf. The microstructure typical




c ?



x Fig.


Photomicrographs of Modified H a s t e l l o y

N Containing 2% Tungsten and 0.5% T i t a n i u m ( H e a t 67-

502) After'Exposure t o the M S R E C a r e for 9800 hr a t 65OoC and a Thermal F l u e n c e of 5.3x lo2' neutrons/cm ( a ) A s polished. ( b ) Etched with glyceregia. 500X. This structure i s also representative o f thot of a heat o f material containing 0.5% Hf (67-504) that had a similar exposure.




ORNL-OWG 68-(4771



50 I



8 40

-IPn 2 b





I 00


I 03

f 02




Comparison o f the Postirradiation Creep-

Rupture Properties of H a s t e l l o y


Modified with

Titanium and Hafnium and Standard H a s t e l l o y





of both alloys is shown in Fig. 18.9. T h e most significant feature is the lack of corrosion. A thin surface layer is present on both materials that looks more like a deposit than corrosive attack. This portion of the sample may have b e e n in contact with graphite, and t h e coating may be a carbide layer. Moderate grain-boundary precipitation h a s occurred in the alloy. T h e postirradiation properties of t h e s e materials are better than t h o s e of standard Hastelloy N. T h e improvement is illustrated by the creep-rupture results in Fig. 18.10. T h e rupture life is improved markedly, but t h e most significant improvement is in the fractnre strain. We are continuing t h e development of t h e s e alloy systems.

19. Graphite Studies 19.1 PROCUREMENT OF GRAPHITE

for u s e in building engineering experiments. Several pipes of the H337 graphite are shown in Fig. 19.1. There are no detectable cracks in t h i s material, and the physical and mechanical propert i e s look reasonably attractive. Grade JOZ is t h e b a s e stock for grades H337 and H364. The latter was laboratory processed and should be e s s e n tially the same as grade H337. Grade H364 h a s shown relatively good stability under preliminary neutron irradiation to a fluence of 1.3 x l o z 2 neutrons/cmz (see Sect. 19.7). A comparison of the behavior of J O Z and H337 should give some indication of the effects of heavy impregnation on t h e s t a b i l i t i e s of graphite under irradiation. Our current procurement program involves commercial vendors and the Chemical Engineering

W. H. Cook

We have continued the procurement of special grades of graphite for MSBR’s for (1) the determination of the physical and mechanical properties before and after irradiation, (2) s e a l i n g research with pyrolytic carbon, (3) graphite-to-metal joining studies, and (4) fabrication of t e s t assemblies. T h e grades and disposition of graphite obtained recently are summarized in T a b l e 19.1. Grade H337 graphite is a high-quality experimental raw-coke-base graphite and is of extreme interest in our irradiation-damage studies. It was purchased i n relatively large s i z e s and quantities T a b l e 19.1.



R e c e i p t and U t i l i z a t i o n of Special Grades of Graphite R e c e i v e d Since February 29,


Bulk Density

Nominal Dimensions (in.)

(g/cm3) H337


Near isotropic


5 OD X 22332ID long



Near isotropic


2?; OD X 1 >2 ID X 10-37






4 diam x 18 long


Evaluation in progress in HFIR irradiation studies and fabrication of engineering test assemblies


length (random)‘ AXF-5Q



Graphite-to-metal joining studies




Near isotropic







T o be evaluated in HFIR irradiation studies

J 02


Near isotropic


6 diam


4 % long


T o b e evaluated i n HFIR


irradiation studies L


*Great Lakes Carbon Corp. b

Values ranged from 1.95 to 2.01 g/cm3.

‘The total length w a s “‘54 f t . dPoco Graphite, Inc.


eGratis material from the Speer Carbon Co. Gratis material from the Great Lakes Carbon Corp.


2 25

F i g . 19.1.

N e a r Isotropic Graphite Grade


Pipe, Nominally



OD x 22%2 in. I D x 3 8 in. and 2'/4 in. OD x

1 % in. ID x 10-37 in.

Development Department of the Y-12 Plant. The general s t a t u s and goals of t h e program to date are summarized in Table 19.2. T h e anisotropic materials are used primarily for comparison with

anical technique obng the orientation of

anisotropic or near-isotropic filler materials. The elletizing s t e p in forming a body is an

rently have under consideration are shown in Table 19.2. Work h a s started in the Chemical Engineering Development Department of Y-12 (CEDP of Y-12) to make reconstituted graphite. This technique

enables one to utilize standard fabrication techniques, such as extrusion, to fabricate isotropic bodies from s m a l l pieces of specially produced isotropic graphite. The graphite is crushed, ground, and s i z e d to make isotropic filler material, which is blended with a suitable binder and fabricated with standard processes. Isotropic grades AXF' and 20332 have been fabricated this way. The preliminary d a t a indicate that the extruded bodi.es have properties equal to those of the s p e c i a l starting materials. T h i s may mean that superior isotropic grades of graphite that are fabricated in relatively small dimensions may be utilized in standard fabrication techniques to form large-sized s h a p e s that have essentially the same properties as the small, superior starting materials.

'Manufactured by Poco Graphite, Inc. 'Manufactured by Stackpole Carbon Co.




T y p e s of M a t e r i a l s B e i n g Procured in the

MSBR Graphite Program

Anisotropic Materials

Isotropic Materials



95% pure Madagascar

+ Pitch)

' I

Synthesized cokes Synthesized binders


Work in initial s t a g e s by ORNL and Y-12 personnel



Research and Developmentb

Pyrolytic grap

Mechanical production Needle-coke Near isotropic

high-quality, low permeability therm ax -c ont ainin g

Chemical-mechanical production Raw coke B a s e stock Impregnated Reconstituted isotropic (or near isotropic) B a s e stock (as-extruded) Impregnated n

Chemical producbon Gilsonite Fluid coke


Air-b lown Other

eMaterials used to determine fundamental data for radlation damage, carbon yield, and graphitizatlon; these, i n time, will b e utilized i n Research and Development.



bThese lnvolve relatively large, polycrystalline materials for t h e purpose of determining the relationships of components, fabrication procedures, and properties before and after exposure to neutron (fast) radiation.

19.2 PHYSICAL PROPERTY MEASUREMENTS W. H. Cook J. L. Griffith 0. B. Cavin

We run a s e t of very cursory property t e s t s on new graphites to determine whether they a r e potentially useful for u s e in MSBR's or whether they c a n contribute to our understanding of irradiation damage in graphite. T h o s e that are of interest are tested more thoroughly. Our b a s i c requirements are that the material be isotropic, that it have a density >1.85 g/cc, that the maximum pore entrance diameter be tl p, and that the helium g a s permeacm2/sec. bility be Equipment already e x i s t s for many of the measurements that we make, but it w a s necessary to

design and build a wide-range g a s permeability apparatus to measure permeabilities from IO-' to c m 2/sec. T h e measurement is as low a s <IObased on the pressure rise method. T h e apparatus is a welded all-metal system i n which all valves have metal poppets and seats except two that u s e Viton O-rings. On the vacuum s i d e , the pressure rise side, pressures a r e measured with a capacitance manometer for the hi gh-permeabi lity measurements and are monitored with a calibrated helium leak detector for the low-permeability measurements. T h e system is designed to measure hollow cylindrical specimens, s u c h as the HFIR irradiation specimens, and solid d i s k s of graphite . Table 19.3 is a summary of the bulk densities, specific resistivities, and helium g a s permeabili-



227 Table

19.3. Bulk

D e n s i t i e s , Specific R e s i s t i v i t i e s , and H e l i u m Permeabilities Measured on

Anisotropic, Near-Isotropic, and Isotropic Grades of Graphite











Bulk Densitya


(g/cm3) Anisotropic

Near isotropic

1.86 (3)

2.00 (3)

Is0 tropic

1.94 (3)

Near isotropic

1.85 (3)


R e s i s tancea

to Helium


(cm /set)"."


540 (3)

6.0 x



1155 (3)

3.2 x



740 (6)




800 (19)

5.4 x


955 (3)

6.2 x



797 (19)

4.0 x



1074 (23)

3.3 x


826 (2)

9.2 x


(30OO0C) ATJ-S


Near isotropic

1.94 (3)

[wd [a





1.81 (3)

994 8

Near isotropic

1.90 (6)


wg ag

860 (15)

Near isotropic

1.79 (3)


4.8 x

lo--' lo--' 1.6 X lo--' 1.0 x lo-'


6.3 x


3.8 x

920 (7) 1074 (9)




1576 (6)


987 (19)


1099 (23)

I* (3) (3)

s A


aNumbers in parentheses indicate the number of values averaged. bThe directions i n which the specific resistivity and helium permeability were determined; wg = with grain, and a g = a c r o s s grain. The brackets indicate that the designated orientation is not certain b e c a u s e of the near-isotropic nature of t h e graphite. 'The permeability specimens are 0.40 in. OD X 0.10 in. ID X 1.00 to 1.50 in. long. dMSRE graphite included for comparison; this is for bar No. 157 rather than the nominal value for a l l values of MSRE lots of graphite.

t i e s of several grades of graphite that we are studying at t h i s time. Mechanical property measurements number of t Sect. 19.3. T h e limited s p l e s and the structural va in graphite relegate t h e s e to being representative h e s e properties.


& .


dence. The helium gas per3.2 10-5 to 1.0 10-1 ee grades, AXF, 9948, and pecial treatments to create low permeabilities. T h e s e and other d a t a show progress i n the development of high-quality isotropic graphite. However, the d a t a continue t o indicate that the <lo-* cm */set permeability

sought most likely will have to be obtained by surface s e a l i n g (see Sect. 19.5.)


T h e mechanical properties of several types of graphite are being studied s i n c e the properties are very sensitive to the structure. W e are performing bend tests at room temperature and using a small specimen because we are limited i n the quantity of material and wish to make s e l e c t i v e samplings. Comparative tests of s a m p l e s varying i n size have been made and demonstrate that the sample size is adequate for the finer-grained MSBR grades. The bend specimen is 0.110 in. thick and 0.470 in. wide and is loaded i n a four-point bend apparatus



with in. between the outer supports and $ in. between the inner supports. Although we have confidence in these data, they should b e considered only as relative values and should not b e used a s engineering d a t a without further testing t o determine size effects. In analyzing the data, we assume that the s t r e s s strain behavior of graphite c a n be described by E = A ~ + B D ~ , where E =


CJ =




1/E, where E





Young’s modulus,

We have found that Eq. (1) d o e s fit the majority of the d a t a to within a few percent. The quadratic equation for the stress-strain behavior res u l t s i n a simple solution for the work done for fracture, namely, total work

= > 6 ~ e+~?3f

(2 )


where =

elastic strain at fracture


cf/E ,

cf = fracture s t r e s s ,



total strain at fracture.

Typical results of our bend t e s t s are given in Table 19.4. T h e anisotropy of the graphite is easily observed in the fracture s t r e s s and e l a s t i c modulus values obtained for grades 1425, ATJ-S, and 9567. However, the work to fracture, which is more representative of the defect structure, appears to be isotropic. T h e fracture path i n graphite is primarily through the binder-rich regions in the structure; thus the work to fracture yields some measure of the binder integrity. Since we believe that the integrity of the binder region strongly controls the l i f e t i m e of graphite under irradiation, the work to fracture is an important parameter i n evaluating materials. There a r e s e v e r a l factors in the fabrication of the graphite that must be considered in interpreti n g the results. One is the effect of impregnation, which significantly a l t e r s and improves the mechanical behavior of the material. An example of the influence and difficulty of controlling the impregnation process is s e e n in the results obtained for

graphites H337E, H364, and H337PL. T h e s e three materials originate from the same b a s e stock; H337E was fabricated in the laboratory, H364 i n a small pilot facility, and H337PL in larger, more commercial, equipment. T h e apparent inability to e a s i l y control the impregnation processing clarifies why it is one of t h e more proprietary areas, and very little information is obtained from t h e vendors. Although some improvement h a s been observed by impregnation, not all of the various impregnants used t o improve the mechanical behavior will retain the necessary binder integrity under irradiation to yield an extended life. Another factor is a duplex type of defect structure caused by multiple forming operations during processing. T h i s type of structure can be identified by dense low-porosity regions of coke particle c l u s t e r s bindered to one another with a fairly large defect structure between the clusters. T h e mechanical t e s t is quite s e n s i t i v e to the large defects, and the work to fracture will be small, as observed from the results for grades HCTE 21 and HCTE 22. I t is very probable that t h e s e large defects will l i m i t the life under irradiation; however, t h i s type of duplex structure will very likely have a greater life than materials having the s a m e size defect uniformly distributed throughout the structure. In general, the bend test d o e s yield information about the quality of the binder structure in t h e graphite. However, these d a t a must be interpreted with regard to the fabrication procedures and resulting structures. There likely will not be a direct relation between the mechanical properties and irradiation lifetime; however, w e believe that extended lifetime under irradiation will not b e obtainable from materials exhibiting a low work to fracture.




19.4 X-RAY STUDIES 0. B. Cavin

One of the problems associated with the collection and interpretation of x-ray d a t a on graphite is the low absorption this material h a s for x rays.3 T h i s property results in the broadening of t h e diffraction maxima and a n effective sample displacement from the center of the x-ray diffrac3MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 2 9 , 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 190.



. 8




Graphite Grade

Graphite Bend T e s t R e s u l t s









Work to



(in.-lb/iri. 3,

x 106

x 10-l1





4900 7210





H337E H338








6320 4760

0.542 0.509

1.81 1.56

4.83 8.97

19.15 13.72








H337PL H337PL












0.526 0.362 0.334

2.01 1.64 1.75

5.54 6.00

18.58 8.35 7.71




H328 H328


6220 4200 4230








H315A 9567




5880 3340


1.65 1.88

3.87 9.70

15.72 5.35








9948 9948










3.54 4.31





3.52 8.40

21.79 22.24 5.90 5.44 5.98



1.80 1.23

1425 1425 ATJ-S




31 80

0.569 0.344

2980 3760





9.26 4.38







1.22 2.80

6.00 1.81



4180 7330







5290 6650 4810 4890

1.45 1.40




4.91 8.04 6.67

19.93 13.46 12.40

0.359 0.475 0.634 0.527 0.497 0.454

1.55 1.66

Z = parallel to tube axis, and B = parallel to tangential direction.

= P


If 1

Elastic Modulus


HCTE 22 BY-12


Orien ta tiona


gives a smaller crystallite size a s determined from the diffraction peak breadth at one-half the maximum intensity. T h e sample displacement effect follows a cosine function which is greatest at 28 = Oo and explains why there is a greater effect

c a n give r i s e to incorrect conclusions about t h e fection of the crystalline structure or the stallite size. Techniques a r e being investigated t o eliminate or l i m i t the errors which (arise because of t h e low absorption graphite h a s for x rays from a copper target. We h a v e a l s o used x-ray diffraction t o obtain a qualitative measure of the anisotropy of several




X-Ray D a t a for Grade

9948 Graphite

Sample No.

Thickness (mils)

a (A)

c (A)

Lc(002)a (A)





3 50

41 42

25 10






36 1

42 43

25 10

2.463 2.462

6.755 6.748

2 92 356






64 64

10 25


6.751 6.760



R. L. Beatty 4



aApproximate, determined from the Scherrer equation.

graphites being studied in our HFIR irradiation program. Three grades of graphite furnished by Y-12 have been checked for anisotropy using an integrated intensity ratio of the diffraction from the b a s a l planes taken from the longitudinal and transverse directions of the material. T h e s e materials show a high degree of preferred orientation, as shown in T a b l e 19.6. More recent information, however, indicates that this simplified technique is not adequate for preferred orientation determinations b e c a u s e the distribution of t h e basal planes is not uniform around the extrusion direction. Nonuniform distribution of b a s a l planes may a l s o b e present in materials fabricated by other techniques. A pole figure technique for determining the distribution of planes in t h e material is being investigated. T h e solution to these problems, along with our peak s h a p e analysis, will make it possible to more accurately determine the crystalline properties of graphite by means of x-ray diffraction.






X - R a y D a t a for

a (A)

c (A)

Y-12 Graphites

~ ~ ( 0 0 (A) 2 ) ~ rL/rTb


BY 12 RY 12-00029

2.463 2.463

6.743 6.746

343 305

RY 12-00031




0.38 2.29 2.38

BApproximate, determined from the Scherrer equation. bRatio of the diffraction intensltles from the b a s a l planes in the longitudinal and transverse directions.

One of the requirements for graphite to be u s e d in a molten-salt breeder reactor is a surface with low permeability to prevent xenon absorption. Calculations s u g g e s t that a helium permeability of less than l o v 8 cm2/sec at t h e graphite surface will b e required to keep the xenon concentration in the core t o the desired level. It is necessary to consider s e a l i n g t h e graphite surface by some means, s i n c e commercially available fine-grained graphites usually have permeabilities some five or s i x orders of magnitude higher than this required level. Carbon is t h e preferred surface s e a l i n g material because i t d o e s not impose the parasitic neutron absorption penalties associated with refractory metals. Since t h e crystalline character of a pyrolytic carbon deposit is likely to be different from the b a s e graphite, t h e pyrolytic carbon, i f applied simply a s a surface coating, may spa11 during irradiation due to different rates of neutroninduced dimensional changes. However, if t h e carbon c a n b e deposited in the pores beneath t h e surface, the s e a l a n t may s t a y i n t a c t during irradiati on. T h e gas-impregnation method we are studying employs a chamber which is cycled between vacuum and hydrocarbon atmospheres while t h e graphite substrate is inductively heated t o temperatures of 800 t o 1000째C (see Fig. 19.2). T h e important variables under consideration a r e subs t r a t e temperature, frequency of t h e vacuum and hydrocarbon exposure c y c l e s , and substrate porosity. By u s i n g t h i s vacuum-pressure pulsing technique, w e have sealed graphite specimens to helium permeabilities of less than 1.3 x lo-'' cm2/sec, a level which w a s retained even after 30OO0C heat treatments. T h e specimen geometry w a s s e l e c t e d to meet the requirements of the HFIR irradiation facility (i.e., a hollow right cylinder of nominal dimensions 0.400 in. OD, 0.125 in. ID and 0.500 in. long). T h e graphites u s e d for s u b s t r a t e s are either P o c o grade AXF o r UCC grade ATJ-SG. T h e s e two grades were s e l e c t e d to provide irradiation dimensional stability and to study the effects of different pore-size materials upon t h e total processing times required to seal t h e specimens. T h e




ORNL-DWG 68-3993R



AT 20 psig

5 r!











Carbon Impregnation of Graphite by Vacuum-

Pressure System.




h a s at l e a s t a factor of 10 greater permeability than the P o c o and appears to require about twice a s long to s e a l as the Poco does a t a given tem-

practical maximum above which loss of penetration results. Increasing the hydrocarbon exposure t i m e needed for sealing. We increased the sealing rate of the larger-pore-size ATJ-SG material by

processing it a t a higher temperature than appears optimum for the P o c o graphite. For evaluating depth of carbon impregnation, we have developed a procedure employing subsequent mercury impregnation and then radiographic examination. Disks 5 to 20 m i l s thick are cut perpendicular to the axis of the carbon-impregnated specimen and then subjected to various pre..:c s u r e s of mercury. At certain pressures (1000 to 5000 psi for Poco), the mercury will penetrate only the pores not impregnated with carbon, making those sections opaque to x rays ( s e e Fig. 19.3). T h e carbon-impregnated areas are then clearly vjsible. At 100 p s i the mercury penetrates all pores larger than 17 p and a t 10,000 psi, 0.17 p. By varying the mercury pressure, we can observe where the effective carbon sealant is located. Figure 19.3 s h o w s a 10-mil-thick section from a specimen that h a s been carbon sealed at 80OOC. The disk wBs pressurized to 1000 p s i g in mercury and then radiographed. T h e darker rim shows the area that h a s been carbon impregnated. Other d i s k s from this same specimen were mercury impregnated to SO00 and 10,000 psig. At higher mercury press u r e s the darker rim became thinner, indicating that t h e effective sealant is located near the surface of the substrate. T h e maximum depth of carbon penetration a s shown in Fig. 19.3 is about 15 mils. The depth of penetration needed for effective sealing must be determined from results of irradiation behavior. We prepared 12 specimens for irradiation in the HFIR. The substrates were machined from Poco grade A X F graphite, and some were heat treated to 30OO0C prior to impregnation a t various temperatures. Some of the impregnated specimens were then heat treated to 30OO0C to graphitize the impregnant. The samples are being irradiated in the HFIR to a fluence of % 1 x neutrons/cm '. T h e behavior of these specimens should provide u s with information a s to the type of sealant and depth of sealant penetration needed to maintain a sufficiently low permeability during high fast-neutron exposure.


W. C. Robinson, Jr. We used 20 samples of graphite that had b'een a i r fired a t 6OOOC to check the validity of the plot




r Fig.


Carbon impregnation of Graphite Shown by a Radiographic Technique Employing Mercury Penetration.

T h e mercury penetrates t h e graphite d i s k where the pores ore not sealed w i t h carbon and makes the unsealed portion

of the sample opaque t o x rays.

of minimum deposit thickness v s reduction in pressure that was presented previously. T h e surfaces of t h e s e samples were rougher in appearance than previous samples annealed i n air, and, of course, very much rougher than a sample annealed in argon. T h e results of t h e s e tests indic a t e that (1) the air anneal had a n inconsistent but always detrimental effect on sample porosity; (2) a rough sample surface is more difficult to s e a l ; and (3) the plot of minimum deposit thickn e s s vs reduction in pumping pressure is valid, but precoating surface preparation d o e s influence the effectiveness of a given coating thickness. Unfortunately, we also established that the argon anneal will not remove fingerprints from the sample. T h e s e are disastrous t o t h e coating process. 4MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 192-94.

Finally, these samples verified that most of t h e air-fired samples could not b e s e a l e d sufficiently by an acceptable amount of molybdenum (0.2 mil). A differential pressure coating technique for depositing the molybdenum in the graphite pores had been attempted previously4 but w a s hampered by inability to obtain a vacuum s e a l around the graphite during heating. A technique for brazing specimens to a molybdenum tube w a s developed by the Welding and Brazing Laboratory. Eighteen samples were impregnated at 7OOOC at either 5 or 10 torrs u s i n g the differential pressure technique. The t i m e of deposition varied from 5 to 20 min, and all samples were annealed at 6OO0C i n argon prior to coating. Despite the anneal, four samp l e s had fingerprints which destroyed the effectiveness of t h e coating. Inhomogeneous nodular deposits formed on some samples, but we obtained sufficient d a t a t o predict t h a t 0.2 m i l or





233 more of molybdenum would b e necessary for even a completely homogeneous coating to reduce the helium permeability to t h e desired range. A radiograph of a 20-mil section of a coated sample showed that very little penetration into the graphite w a s achieved with the differential pressure technique.

reactor and disassembled. T h e specimen a,;c s e m bly w a s i n very good condition, but some difficulty w a s encountered i n disassembly. All locki n g pins broke off a t the slightest attempt to remove them. T h i s required shearing of the p i n s before t h e radial s p a c e r s could b e removed to s l i d e the specimens off the s t a i n l e s s steel support tube. There was a l s o a graphite-stainless steel interaction, and some of t h e graphite specimens were bonded to t h e s t a i n l e s s steel support tubes. T h i s required e x c e s s i v e force to remove the specimens, and some were broken, cracked, or chipped. However, only one specimen w a s too badly broken for length measurements t o b e taken.

19.7 GRAP HIT E IR RAD IAT I ON EXP ERIMENTS C. R. Kennedy T h e first long-term, five-cycle, irradiation of graphite in the HFIR h a s been completed. Two target rods containing specimens of the materials listed in Table 19.7 have been removed from the


There w a s a l s o a more s e v e r e s t a i n l e s s steelS i c interaction that resulted in a s e r i o u s bonding

19.7. Graphites Irradiated i n HFIR Experiments 3 and 4 Inserted in HFIR January 1968 10째C Temperature, 705'C


Peak fluence > 5 0 kev = 1.3 x lo2' neutrons/cm2








BY -12




GLCC 1008 graphite flour-pitch pregnations-3 OOO'C

RY-12 -2 9




85% GLCC 1008 graphite flour--l5% Thermax-Varcum binder-3 OOOC '





GLCC 1008 graphite flour-Varcum

Nat. flake




Madagascar natural flake flour-pitch

U.K. iso.




Fairly coarse particle s i z e graphite-reasonably

binder-two pitch im-

binder-3000'C binder-3000'C iso-

e coke-pitch binder-one pitch impregnation-2ROO'C 1.94

Proprietary materials and forming method-reasonably isotropic-2 800'C ltiple impregnation2800'C ltiple impregnation-














AXF material with a single impregnation heated to 2500'C





A X F d Q B G heat treated to 3000'C



234 change b a s i s , a s shown in Fig. 19.6, to obtain an estimate of expected lifetime. T h e s e d a t a are significant in that i f these anisotropic products c a n be made isotropic, the linear dimensional change would be one-third of the volume change. Therefore t h o s e grades show-

problem. Only two of t h e S i c temperature monitors were removed intact. Several other smaller broken p i e c e s were removed which can possibly be u s e d to determine t h e irradiation temperature. A s yet, we have not examined the S i c monitors to determine t h e actual temperature, but we feel that i t w a s c l o s e to the design temperature of 705OC f 10°C. T h e s e problems can all be eliminated i f a graphite support structure is used in place of the s t a i n l e s s steel. Unfortunately, the time required for design and fabrication would c a u s e a s e r i o u s delay in the irradiation schedule, and the specimens from these two experiments a r e being recycled in a similar s t a i n l e s s steel assembly. We plan to construct future experiments with a graphite support structure. Dimensional measurements have been made on the samples from the first two experiments. T h e results of the linear dimensional changes a r e given in Figs. 19.4 and 19.5 with the exceptions of Poco and H364 grades. T h e s e two m a t e r i a l s are nearly isotropic and have only small changes in dimensions. T h e difficulty of comparing graphite by linear dimensional changes is compounded by the inability to separate the contributions of volume change and the anisotropy of the graphite. It is e a s i e r to compare t h e graphites on a volume


c. a

* 9 ORNL-DWG 68-1001









2 I


"a: ' I





Fig. 19.5. at

I I 45 20 FLUENCE Into',â‚Ź> 50 kev) I 10



I 25


Dimensional Change of Graphite Irradiated

705OC. Orientation

- cross












.lo 314 - 4








0 0

Fig. 19.4. at


20 FLUENCE lnvf,E=-5Okevl 10




Dimensional Changes of Graphite Irradiated

705OC. Orientation

- with the




15 20 FLUENCE Invt,E>50 kev) 10


(X402') a-

* Fig. 19.6.

Volume Changes of Graphite Irradiated a t These lines were computed from the curves 705OC. shown in Figs. 19.4 and 19.5.


235 ing a s m a l l e r volume change have a greater potential for reactor u s e i f they c a n be made isotropic. Before d i s c u s s i n g the trends indicated by the data, we emphasize that the curves were obtained from a maximum of three points and that further irradiations are required to confirm the indicated trends. T h e materials that have the smallest volume change are grades A X F and H364 (both have the highest degree of isotropy). Both of these materials seem to expand slightly and then begin to densify with increasing exposure. T h e s e two grades are high-quality products with a very fine evenly dispersed porosity and a structure which appears to be very well bindered. In t h e c a s e of the A X F grade, the binder cannot be identified, and t h e structure appears to be a wellintegrated s i n g l e phase. In the H364 material, w e cannot identify t h e initial coke particles by metallographic examination. T h e structure is a l s o very well bindered, with evidence of heavy impregnations. We expect t h e s e well-bindered products to exhibit very small volume changes and even a small expansion under irradiation. However, this tendency for densification after a large exposure h a s not been observed previously in other graphites, and a t present t h e rationale for such behavior is not understood. T h e A X F samples chosen to examine the influence of final heat treatment and impregnation have produced results of considerable significance. There is a slight effect of graphitizing temperature and impregnation; however, the main significance is the lack of difference i n the behavior. T h e s e results amplify the importance of isotropy and binder integrity i n obtaining a dimenT h e s e factors appear to f high-temperature graphconclusion may b e premature i n that long-term stability may be inof t h e other two fairly

I: '




primarily to h a v e a direct comparison with previous d rea Grades ATJ-S, 2514, and those obtained from Y-12 a r e all anisotropic and have fairly high linear dimensional change rates. A comparison of t h e s e results s u g g e s t s some p o s s i b l e effects

of raw materials and fabrication on the dimensional stability under irradiation. A comparison of t h e grades BY-12, RY-12-29, and RY-12-31 indicates a n anomalous behavior. It would be expected that both RY-12-29 and RY-12-31, having a less graphitic structure, would have a shorter lifetime than BY-12. However, the d a t a indicate that RY-12-29 and BY-12 attained their minimum volume and began to expand, and thus may or may not have a shortened lifetime, depending upon t h e rate of expansion. T h i s type of behavior is again in conflict with the proposal that t h e more graphitic materials should be more dimensionally stable.


C. J. Sparks

T h e diffraction and scattering of x rays by crystalline s u b s t a n c e s c a n b e u s e d to learn many things about the arrangement of atoms within the crystal. When the crystal is perfect, x rays will be diffracted only when the Bragg law is satisfied, and there will b e some low-intensity scattering d u e to thermal vibrations. However, real c r y s t a l s normally contain imperfections which c a u s e diffraction to occur under conditions other than t h o s e specified by t h e Bragg law. Measurements of t h i s scattering, c a l l e d diffuse scattering, can b e used to characterize the d e f e c t s present in the crystal. W e feel that t h i s technique h a s much promise for looking at t h e defects produced in graphite by irradiation and thus would help u s learn more about the mechanism(s) responsible for radiation damage in graphite. X-ray diffraction s t u d i e s of hot-pressed pyrolytic graphite were undertaken to characterize the structure of the most perfect graphite available. terial is of theoretical density, and the basal planes a r e parallel to the extent that the full width a t half height of the rocking curve is 0.6 to 0.35O. However, the basal planes of graphite are randomly oriented with respect to rotation about the c axis. T h i s material is monochromatorgrade graphite from Union Carbide Corporati on's Measurements of x-ray l i n e breadths show no detectable broadening due t o particle sizes being less than about 1500 A or d u e to strain. DiEfuse scattering measurements d e t e c t no amorphous


carbon present, a s all the diffuse intensity can be attributed to Compton scattering and thermal diffuse scattering. All the detectable temperature diffuse scattering is distributed along the c direction, and the spread is as narrow as the mosaic spread in t h e crystal. T h u s the only detectable thermal oscillation of the atoms is perpendicular to the b a s a l plane. With t h i s understanding of the structure of highly perfect graphite, we are now determining

the structural changes which take p l a c e when t h i s material is irradiated in a reactor. Preliminary results are being interpreted i n terms of displaced atoms, which result in increased diffuse scattering. In addition, small-angle scattering measurements are being made. T h e y verify the high-angle results for highly perfect graphite and will b e used t o measure electron density variations which result from irradiation.

ar a 9




6 Q



20. Hastelloy N 20.1 DEVELOPMENT OF TITANIUM-MODI FlED HASTELLOY N C. E. S e s s i o n s

been investigated, we s h a l l consider only t h e results for specimens irradiated at 500 to 65OOC in order to a s s e s s the effects of our titanium modification on high-temperature irradiation damage. We shall compare t h e behavior of the s m a l l laboratory melts with that of larger commercial melts of t h i s material.

H. E. McCoy, Jr.

We have found that small additions of titanium significantly improve t h e mechanical behavior of Hastelloy N under irradiation, and we are evaluating several s m a l l heats. In our development work, w e irradiated both laboratory (2-lb) and commercial (100-lb) h e a t s of Hastelloy N with varying concentrations of titanium and carbon. The alloy b a s e composition is Ni-12% Mo-7% Cr-0.2% Mn. T h e s e alloys have been irradiated in several different experiments to thermal-neutron fluences of 2 t o 5 x l o z o neutrons/cm2 in the ORR and t h e ETR. Although s e v e r a l irradiation temperatures have



20.1.1 Commercial Melts A partial list of 100-lb commercial heats on which we have accumulated preliminary data is given in Table 20.1. T h e titanium concentration varies from 0 t o 1.276, with only a s m a l l variation in carbon content (0.06 t o 0.09%). T h e ranges of stress-rupture properties listed in Table 20.1 were obtained from an approximate

E f f e c t of T i t a n i u m Additions on Creep Properties of Commercial H e a t s o f H a s t e l l o y Tested at




40,000 p s i Creep-Rupture Properties

Heat Number

F c1

Titanium (wt X)

Carbon (wt %)

Rupture Life


Rupture Life

(hr )



Stra ina





2 0-22







































T e s t s incomplete 1500


T e s t s incomplete

c t

aRange for three different s t r e s s levels. bVendor: Special Metals Corp. 'Vendor:

Irra d ia te d


Stellite Division, Union Carbide Corp.








238 stress-rupture life plot based on the few data points that are available for e a c h heat. A l l d a t a considered were for a comparable pretest heat treatment of a I-hr anneal at 1177OC in argon, but undoubtedly they reflect differences in (1) grain size and (2) thermal aging during t h e irradiation cycle due to variations in titanium content. The properties of t h e s e same alloys in t h e unirradiated condition are also given in Table 20.1. The ranges result from uncertainties due t o the small number of t e s t s available. The 40,000p s i rupture life at 65OOC for unirradiated material containing no titanium is about 200 hr, and the fracture strain is 15 and 25%. Small increases in both rupture life and fracture strain are found for titanium levels up to 0.3% titanium. A large increase in both strength and ductility is found at higher titanium levels; for example, at the 0.99% titanium level the rupture life is about 1500 hr after 35 to 40% strain. The postirradiation stress-rupture properties are a l s o given in Table 20.1, and the variation of the rupture life with titanium content is shown

in Fig. 20.1. All d a t a are for the preirradiation heat treatment of 1 hr a t 117째C. T h e postirradiation creep-rupture life at 65OOC and 40,000 p s i increases markedly with increasing titanium levels from approximately 5 hr at zero titanium t o 3000 hr a t 1.2% titanium. At 76OoC, where the creep strength is much lower, we also find a beneficial strengthening effect of titanium; t h e rupture life at 20,000 p s i increased from approximately 0.2 hr at zero titanium t o 200 hr at 1. 2% titanium. At 76OOC, a s m a l l e r improvement in rupture life is found for increases in titanium content above about 0.2% than was observed at 65OOC. T h e postirradiation fracture strain for the commercial h e a t s varied from 2 3 % for t h e heats containing less than 0.27% titanium t o 319%for alloys containing 0.5-1.2% titanium.



20.1.2 Laboratory Melts For comparative purposes, although the data are not tabulated, we observed that 2-Ib laboratory heats of unirradiated Hastelloy N conORNL- DWG 68-8523







k J W

3 [r








01 1 0

. I















20.1. Variation in the Postirradiation Rupture Life with Titanium Content

Irradiated H a s t e l l o y N .


100-lb Commercial Melts of



e c c



taining increasing titanium concentrations and s t r e s s e d at 40,000 p s i and 65OoC had rupture lives from 45 to 1050 hr. T h i s increase in rupture life w a s progressive with increasing titanium from 0 to 1.0%. T h e fracture strain for t h e laboratory m e l t s showed an increase with titanium level from 10 t o 27% over t h e range of titanium investigated. T h e postirradiation creep-rupture results obtained on our laboratory melts are shown i n Fig. 20.2. The s t r e s s l e v e l s are different from those used for t h e commercial alloys in Fig. 20.1, but the curves have very s i m i l a r s h a p e s and generally agree quite well. One possible signifficant difference is that at 76OOC t h e properties of t h e laboratory h e a t s show continued improvements, whereas t h e commercial heats indicate that titanium l e v e l s above 0.5% c a u s e no further improvement. T h i s may be due to an effect of ir-

ORNL-DWG 68-8668

4 04

5 9.

20.2 AGING OF MODIFIED HASTELLOY N C. E. Sessions As part of our evaluation of commercial h e a t s of titanium-modified Hastelloy N, we are investigating the thermal stability in t h e a b s e n c e of irradiation. Since the presence of titanium may affect t h e aging tendency of the alloys, we are conducting an aging program on four commercial heats. E a c h alloy nominally contains Ni-12% Mo-7% Cr-0.2% Mn-0.06% C, with titanium concentration (0.15, 0.27, 0.45, and 1.2%) being t h e only significant variable. We are presently using t h e change in the tensile properties at 65OOC and a strain rate of 0.002 min-' to measure aging in these alloys. Aging temperatures of 760 and 65OOC are examined for three pre-age heat treatments: 1 hr a t 11770C, 1 hr at 126OoC, and 1 hr a t 1177OC plus 10% prestrain at room temperature. We shall eventually have d a t a for aging times of 1500, 3000, and 10,000 hr; however, a t present only t h e 3000-hr a g e r e s u l t s are complete. T h e changes in the yield strength and the total elongation due to aging following our standard solution anneal of 1 hr at 1177OC are shown in Fig. 20.3. T h e yield strength increases after aging at 650 and 76OoC, t h e inc r e a s e being greater for t h e 65OOC aging treatment. T h e change i n t h e elongation a t fracture is dependent on both the titanium content and the aging temperature. Aging a t 65OOC results in a n increase in total elongation from approximately 30 to 40% for the three higher titanium levels and a d e c r e a s e for t h e lowest titanium level. However, t h e 76OOC aging temperature results in a d e c r e a s e in t e n s i l e elongation f r o m -30 t o 15%a t t h e 65OOC t e s t temperature for the three lower titanium levels and a n increase a t the 1.2% titanium level.




radiation temperature, s i n c e t h e commercial h e a t s were irradiated at 500 t o 65OOC and the laboratory melts were irradiated at 76OCC (see Sect. 19.3).



V a r i a t i o n of Postirradiation Creep Proper-

t i e s with T i t a n i u m Content for H a s t e l l o y N.

2-lb Laboratory M e l t s o f

Figures 20.4 and 20.5 summarize t h e property changes following several heat treatments and aging a t 650 and 76OOC respectively. Here w e have plotted the fractiona! change in total elongation and 0.2% yield strength b a s e d on t h e unaged samples, with positive values indicating


ORNL-DWG 68-13709


50 ANNEAL i hr 4177째C (NO AGE) A AGED 3000 hr




- 50

3 30



I v)


I a t-


W z



m t-

l 5






d 20











TITANIUM ( w t 7 ' )

F i g . 20.3.






TITANIUM (wt "70)

D e p e n d e n c e of Strength ond D u c t i l i t y on t h e Titanium C o n t e n t of Modified H a s t e l l o y N.

improvement and negative values indicating reduction in property with aging. T h u s e a c h point should represent a percentage change d u e t o aging alone. After aging at 650OC t h e ductility varies appreciably with titanium content. Generally, a t low levels the ductility is reduced, at 0.5% titanium t h e ductility increases, and a t 1.2% titanium t h e ductility is improved by aging provided t h e pre-aging treatment did not involve annealing above 1177OC. T h e yield strength increases due t o aging, t h e magnitude of the increase diminishing with increasing titanium content. Using a higher solution annealing temperature (126OOC) o r room-temperature prestraining prior to aging results generally in higher strengths and lower ductilities for both the pre-aged and post-aged samples. As shown in Fig. 20.5 the aging at 76OOC h a s resulted in a large (30-60%) l o s s in ductility for each heat treatment, except a t t h e 1.2% titanium level. T h e yield strengths increase on aging at 76OOC, except for t h e sample prestrained 10% prior to aging.

T h e optical microstructures after aging at 76OOC for 3000 hr are shown in Fig. 20.6. T h e three lower titanium l e v e l s appear similar, and the properties of e a c h were a l s o equivalent. However, t h e sample with 1.2% titanium exhibits precipitation, primarily along bands which probably resulted from fabrication. T h i s particular sample showed a n increased t e n s i l e ductility, yet the large variation in properties of t h i s heat with heat treatments (Figs. 20.4 and 20.5) may be partly attributable to local inhomogeneities within the original ingot, which a r e evident as localized stringers of precipitate particles. The magnitude of t h e observed aging effect a t 76OOC after 3000 hr is c a u s e for some concern, because w e expect creep conditions and neutron irradiation to further reduce the fracture ductility. The role of titanium in t h e aging process is somewhat confusing, and it appears that titanium may actually be inhibiting rather than c a u s i n g the aging.





ORNL- DWG 68 -43740








30 20

20 0 v)




1 up







Ql Cn












- 20

- 20


-30 A



- 40

1 hr t26O0C P L U S 3000 h r 650T 4hr 1i77OC PLUS 3 0 0 0 h r 650OC PLUS 40% P R E S T R A I N

- 50 -60

i h r I17i’OC PLUS 3000hr 6 5 0 T


-60 03

06 TITANIUM ( w t 7 o )







TITANIUM ( w t 70)

ium-Modified H o s t e l l o y N with Titanium Content



z r


50 40

30 20



-30 -40



- 60


, PLUS 3000 hr 76OOC i hr 426OOC PLUS 3000 hr 76OoC 4 hr 4477OC PLUS 3000 hr 7 6 O o C PLUS 1070 PRESTRAIN

A 4 hr 1177째C' 0





TITAN I UM (wt 701



V a r i a t i o n of the Aging Response a t

Pre-Aging Treatments.

76OoC of Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y N with T i t a n i u m Content and






e L 6 d

20.6. T y p i c a l 3000 hr.


Microstructures of Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y


After Annealing


hr a t


and Aging a t


20.3 INFLUENCE OF IRRADIATION TEMPERATURES ON THE POSTIRRADIATION MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TITANIUMMODIFIED HASTELLOY N H. E. McCoy, Jr Our first mechanical property t e s t s on the titanium-modified Hastelloy N were run with samples that had been irradiated at 6500C, and we found that the properties were excellent at test temperatures of 760 and 6500C. In additional experiments we irradiated samples over a broad temperature range for 1000 hr to a thermal fluence of 3 x l o z o neutrons/cm2 and ran postirradiation creep t e s t s at 650 and 76OOC. T h e stress-rupture properties of t h e s e samples a t 65OOC a r e shown in Fig. 20.7. Three h e a t s of material were involved, with e a c h having t h e nominal composition Ni-12% Mo-7% Cr-0.2% Mn-0.05% C-0.5% Ti. Heat 104 is a 2-lb laboratory m e l t made by arc melting virgin stock, and heats 21545 and 66-548 are 100-lb m e l t s produced by two different commercial vendors. All three materials have better stress-rupture properties than irradiated standard Hastelloy N a t 65OOC as long a s t h e irradiation temperature is 66OOC or lower. T h e samples of heat 66-548 failed in shorter t i m e s when irradiated at t e m peratures of 704OC and above.

The variation of the minimum creep rate with s t r e s s level is shown for t h e s e same samples in Fig. 20.8. In general, t h e minimum c r e e p rate is not significantly different in t h e irradiated and unirradiated conditions as long a s t h e irradiation temperature does not exceed 660OC. When irradiated above 704OC t h e postirradiation creep rate is increased. Several of the samples were tested at 76OoC, and t h e s e results are shown in Fig. 20.9. T h e creep-rupture properties of a l l the titanium-modified alloys are superior t o those of irradiated standard Hastelloy N at 760OC. However, t h e results on heats 66-548 and 21545 give some indication of a n effect of irradiation temperature, with the rupture life being reduced a s t h e irradiation temperature is increased. T h e fracture strains are shown in Fig. 20.10, as a function of the minimum creep rate for tests at 760 and 65OOC. Previous studies have shown that t h e scatter band in Fig. 20.10 holds for airand vacuum-melted standard Hastelloy N when irradiated and t e s t e d a t common temperatures of 650 or 760OC.I In Fig. 20.10, there is a grouping of points for tests at 6500'2 on samples irradiated a t 66OOC or below and for tests at 76OOC ' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 198-201. ORNL-DWG




Postirradiation Stress-Rupture Properties of Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y

N a t 65OoC.

d A




245 ORNL-DWG 68- 13712







0 10-3

A HEAT 66-548 0 HEAT 104







Minimum Creep R a t e of Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y


N i n Postirradiation Creep-Rupture T e s t s a t 65OoC.







postirradiation Creep-Rupture Properties o f Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y

N a t 760째C.


ORNL-OWG 68-l(770





on samples irradiated at 76OOC or below. All these samples show an improvement in fracture strain over that of irradiated standard Hastelloy N. The samples irradiated at 704OC andabove and t e s t e d a t 65OOC fall below the scatter band for standard Hastelloy N. (These are the same t e s t s showing shorter rupture lives in Fig. 20.7 and higher creep r a t e s in Fig. 20.8.)

d 4



One further observation is that a heat of modified Hastelloy N (Ni-12% Mo-7% Cr-0.2% Mn-0.05% C) without the titanium addition also showed a marked deterioration of postirradiation properties at 65OOC when irradiated above 70WC. A significant difference in the behavior of the modified alloys with and without titanium is that the alloy without titanium (heat 21546, Fig. 20.11) recovers i t s strength a s the s t r e s s level is decreased. The samples of heat 21546 irradiated above 7OOOC and showing reduced rupture lives also exhibit higher creep rates and lower fracture s t r a i n s than samples irradiated at 65OOC or lower.







Effect of Strain Rates on the Fracture of Titanium-Modified Hastelloy N.

Fig. 20.10. Strain

40-2 4 6’ io0 MINIMUM CREEP RATE (%/hr)

4 0’

Those observations have shown that t h e creep properties at 65OOC of at least one 100-lb m e l t of titanium-modified Hastelloy N deteriorate when the irradiation temperature is above 7000C. T h i s is of utmost concern, s i n c e we want to u s e t h i s


ORNL-DWG 68-43744


Fig. 20.11. at


Postirradiation Creep-Rupture Properties of Modified Hastelloy N (Ni-12 Mo-7 Cr-0.2



247 alloy at 7000C. We have a l s o found that a s i m i l a r alloy without titanium shows similar behavior. T h i s led u s to question whether s u c h effects are universal for Hastelloy N. We have never performed a n experiment directed at evaluating the effects of irradiation temperature on the creeprupture properties of Hastelloy N. We have found that t h e properties at 650 and 7600C are not affected markedly by irradiation temperature over t h e range of 4 3 t o 65OoC, but we have never tested at 65OOC a sample irradiated at 760OC. iment is being carried out.

the molybdenum c a u s e s the precipitation of Mo,C as well a s t h e M,C [or M,(C,Si)].

20.4.2 Titanium-Modified Hastelloy El

tain tion at high - annealing temperatures. T h e hightemuerature s i l i c i d e Dhase is not formed. We

T h e microstructure of the titanium-modified alloy is quite different from that of the standard material. Major compositional changes which affect the microstructure and precipitates which form include decreasing the molybdenum from 16 to 12% and t h e silicon from 0.6 to 0.02% or l e s s . As a result t h e M,C-type precipitates, which comprise the stringer and grain-boundary p h a s e s in t h e original version of the alloy, are absent. Unlike t h e standard alloy, precipitates in the modified Hastelloy N are put into solid solution a t normal annealing temperatures. Exposure a t temperatures s i m i l a r t o those expected in service results in both grain boundary and matrix precipitation. Figure 20.12 shows a typical mode of precipitation in and adjacent t o t h e grain boundaries after aging at 65OOC for 1500 hr. P r e l i m inary indications suggest that the precipitates are of the Mo,C type. Exposure a t 76OOC for similar times r e s u l t s in precipitation of spherical particles of t h e Mo,C type. Figure 20.13 shows t h e microstructure resulting from exposure at 65OOC for 1438 hrunder a s t r e s s of 32,350 psi. The grain boundary precipitate is much finer than that generated by aging alone (Fig. 20.12), and a very fine, highly oriented precipitate is generated in the matrix, probably strain induced. We have identified the matrix precipitate as Mo,C by electron diffraction and dark-field electron microscopy. We have initiated an investigation of t h e effects of irradiation temperature on the microstructure of Hastelloy N in an attempt t o explain the apparent loss in elevated-temperature ductility associated with different irradiation temperatures ( s e e Sect. 19.3). Figure 20.14;~ s a typical grain boundary in a n alloy (66-548) containing 0.48% Ti which was irradiated

3R. E. Gehlbach and H. E. McCoy, “Phase Instability in Hastelloy N,� pp. 346-66 in Proceedings of International Symposium on Structural Stability in Superalloys, vol. 11, Seven Springs, Pa., Sept. 4-6, 1968.

grain boundaries a r e quite irregular and contain a n appreciable amount of precipitate. A considerable amount of t h e fine oriented Mo,C matrix ~ . probably precipitate is formed ( ~ i 20.146), either strain or radiation induced or both. T h i s


20.4.1 Precipitation i n Standard Hastelloy N We have found he nd behavior of H precipitated pha related to the concentrat alloy., T h e presence of more than about 0.2% Si in the melt c a u s e s increasing enrichment of silicon in the M,C-type precipitates. T h e role of silicon appears t o b e that of substituting for carbon in the precipitates, resulting in a n M,(C,Si) which is s t a b l e at temperatures higher than t h e true M,C.3 However, t h e M,(C,Si) phase transforms to the MozNi3Si intermetallic at temperatures i n e x c e s s of 1300OC. W e have not evaluated the kinetics of the transfo

ations indicate






F i g . 20.12.

Grain-Boundary Precipitation After Aging


650째C for 1500 hr Subsequent


Annealing 1 hr



Heat 466-548. 1 0 , 0 0 0 ~ .

c Fig. 20.13.

Microstructure of Creep Specimen Exposed 1438 hr a t 65OoC Under 32,350 p s i S t r e s s with a Rupture Elongation of 21%. Note finer precipitate than that generated by normal aging.


Fig. 20.14.

Microstructure of Specimen Irradiated 1128 hr a t 635OC Prior

(a) Grain boundary precipitotion. ( b ) Fine oriented Mo2C matrix precipitate.


Creep Testing a t 65OoC, 47,000 psi.

Heat 466-548. 5 0 0 0 ~ .

Fig. 20.15. Bubbles on Grain Boundary of Specimen Irradiated 1128 hr a t 703OC Prior to Creep T e s t i n g at 650째C, 21,500 psi. Heat 466-548. 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ~ .

250 precipitate is present in much larger quantities in the irradiated and s t r e s s e d specimen than in the one s t r e s s e d a t 65OOC for 1438 hr without In contrast t o t h e specimen irradiated at 635OC (which exhibited good creep ductility), the grain boundaries of t h e one irradiated a t 703OC were free of precipitate. Owing to t h e low fracture strain (0.44% at 21,500 p s i and 650째C, 0.85 hr rupture life), t h e matrix and grain boundaries are quite strain-free. Bubbles were observed quite frequently in grain boundaries and occasionally in the matrix. Figure 20.15 shows typical bubbles in a grain boundary. Bubbles were not observed in t h e material irC. It is possible that t h e grain t a t e s would mask bubbles if they were present, s i n c e the strain fields a s sociated with the particles are quite large compared with usual bubble s i z e s . Because of t h e strain which the sample received, t h e grain boundaries are not sharp a s in the case of t h e 703OC material. Thus, if bubbles are present after irradiation at t h e lower temperatures, we have not b e e n a b l e to observe them. W e are planning t o examine unstressed s e c t i o n s from the above specimens, which should provide some clarification a s to t h e effect of irradiation alone. Considering t h e structures we have found in the irradiated specimens, the difference in mechanical properties is not surprising (the microstructure in F i g . 20.14 would inhibit t h e propaga tion of a grain boundary crack, whereas t h a t i n Fig. 20.15 would favor propagation). W e are not able to explain t h e differences in structures on the b a s i s of t h e few s a m p l e s examined. Ensuing work includes evaluating unstressed irradiated specimens containing titanium a s well as stressed and unstressed irradiated specimens without titanium to determine the effects of irradiation, irradiation temperature, s t r e s s , aging t i m e , and temperatures on t h e microstructure and mechanical properties of t h e s e alloys.


A. G. Cepolina

W e have obtained our f i r s t 5000-lb production heat of titanium-modified Hastelloy N (heat 7320)


and a r e studying t h e weldability of t h i s material. The previous welding studies on 100-lb h e a t s had shown that t h e weldability of t h e titaniummodified alloy w a s good under ditions. However, t h e availability of the 5000lb heat gave u s the first opportunity t o make high-restraint welds in large plates. All welds to date have been made in plates nominally 12 in. long x 6 in. wide x $ in. thick. T h e weld wire was fabricated from 5/,,-in.-diam rod of the same heat; 3/,2-in.-diam wire was used for the first three p a s s e s and %-in.-diam wire for subsequent p a s s e s . One edge of each plate was prepared for welding, and t h e two p l a t e s were welded to a 2-in.-thick steel strongback to provide a high degree of restraint. The first weld was made using 1 4 p a s s e s . Upon completion, it was removed from the strongback and radiographed. A number of cracks were s e e n on the radiograph. T h e weld w a s sectioned, and both photomacrographs and photomicrographs were taken. Figure 20.16 illustrates t h e types of cracks s e e n in t h i s weld. T h e s e are among the most s e v e r e s e e n during the subsequent welding study. Figure 20.17 shows t h e fusionline and heat-affected-zone areas of t h e weld; cracking is not a problem in t h e base metal. Weld 2 was made under s i m i l a r conditions to weld 1 except that the s u r f a c e s of individual p a s s e s were a l s o inspected by dye-penetrant techniques. It w a s found t h a t t h e f i r s t weld p a s s (root p a s s ) w a s sound; however, when t h e second weld p a s s was deposited, t h e first cracked. T h e s e cracks were both parallel and transverse to the welding direction. In view of the cracking that resulted from welding heat 7320 with itself, we decided t o lay out a systematic weldingprogram using t h e specified procedures. Figure 20.18 is a compilation of typical welds undertaken. All t h e w e l d s were made under t h e highly restrained conditions discussed previously. Weld No. 4 was made using weld wire from a previously accepted heat (5090) of standard air-melted Hastelloy N. T h i s weld w a s completed with no c r a c k indications from both radiographic and dye-penetrant techniques. Subsequent metallographic s t u d i e s substantiated t h e s e observations. Weld 5 wasmade

* s




4 0 R N L Procedure Specification No. 26 for dc inert-gas-shielded tungsten arc welding of INOR-8 alloy pipe, plate, a n d fittings forhigh-temperature highcorrosion service.






Metallographic Representation of the Most Severe Cracks Seen in Welds Made w i t h H e a t

Metal and F i l l e r Rod.

(a)6x. ( b ) 75x. E t c h , Glyceregia.






Fig. 20.17.

Photomicrograph o f the Fusion Zone i n Plate from Heat 7320.

weldment w h i c h contained the most severe weld metal cracks (weldment No. 1).

T h i s specimen was taken from the Note that cracking i s not a problem


i n the base metal.

using t h e specified procedure and filler metal from heat 7320. Again t h e root p a s s cracked when t h e second p a s s w a s deposited. Welds 6 and 7 were made with both filler and base metal from h e a t s 67-526 (Hastelloy N with 0.5% Ti) and 67-550 (modified Hastelloy N with 0.7% Ti), respectively, and no cracking occurred. T h i s confirmed previous s t u d i e s that t h e s e h e a t s were weldable. Additional welds were made using b a s e metal of heat 7320 and various filler metals. T h e s e welds a r e a l s o summarized in Fig. 20.18. In all instances where heat 7320 w a s used as t h e filler metal, cracking occurred in t h e root p a s s when t h e second weld p a s s was deposited. However, successful welds were made in heat 7320 with filler metal from both h e a t s 67-526 and 67-550 (these welds are identified as 1 2 and 13 in Fig. 20.18).

Specimens were sectioned from welds 4, 12, and 13 and subjected t o side-bend tests. As shown in Fig. 20.19, all t h e s e welds s u c c e s s fully withstood a 180Obend without any indication of cracks. T h i s side-bend t e s t is s e v e r e and is used extensively in Code qualifications. If small difficult-to-detect f i s s u r e s a r e present in t h e weldment, they will open during bending. Supplementary s t u d i e s were undertaken in an effort t o explain t h e unusual cracking problem observed in weld metal deposited from heat 7320 filler rod. Chemical analyses were made on t h e b a s e metal, welding rod, and weld metal deposited in welds 1 and 2 (Table 20.2). T h e only obvious difference that existed between t h e s e materials w a s in t h e nitrogen level. The weld d e p o s i t s contained approximately 40 ppm nitrogen, c ompared with 4 ppm in t h e b a s e metal and t h e filler rod. Electron-beam microprobe a n a l y s e s

e 4



ORNL-DWG 68-13715









T 7 3 2 0 - 1 / 8 DlAM ROD 2 PASSES





HEAT 67-550-3/32 HEAT 6 7 - 5 5 0 - 4 / 8




EAT 67-526










Welding Progrom, T y p i c a l T e s t P l a t e D e t a i l s .



Fig. 20.19.

180째 Bend Specimens from Weld No. 12.

of three different welds failed to reveal any inhomogeneous distribution of alloying elements or impurities near cracks. If an element(s) is responsible for the cracking, it was not present i n concentrations high enough to b e detected by the microprobe analyzer. Our observation that the nitrogen content increased during welding led us t o conduct a s e r i e s of experiments in welding atmospheres that would minimize the possibility of nitrogen

contamination. An electron-beam welder w a s employed for t h i s study. A bead-on-plate technique with overlapping welds was used in which the b a s e metal is fused without t h e addition of filler metal. The b a s e plates were not restrained. and 5 x torr were Vacuums of 5 x utilized, and, after welding, t h e specimens were dye-penetrant inspected. The welds made a t 5 x lo-' torr were not cracked, whereas t h o s e made a t 5 x torr were. T h i s investigation


255 Table 20.2.

Chemical Analysis of Heat 7320a



Filler Rod


1 1000 2 1 370 7 1000 7.43%

1 1000 3 1 340 7 1000 7.27%




Fe Mg Mn

1720 100 1900 12.6% 79.0% 20 2 40


B Bi C Ca co Cr



P Pb

S Sb Se Si Sn

Ti V

W Zn Zn N2 O2

<I 10 300 <5 5000 100

500 4 30


2000 12.3% 79.3% 10 <0.5

50 <1 10 300 <5

5400 100 500 1






aAnalysis is given in parts per million u n l e s s otherwise denoted.

ing; however, t h e vacuum er stringent. The effect of superimposed restraint upon the cracking propensity w a s not determined. gh-purity helium with a nitrogen content of about 5 ppm. The plates t during welding. The inspected after t h e third pass, and t h e weld metal was found t o be crack free. T h e weld was completed and again dyepenetrant inspected. A few very small indica-

tions were noted on the surface. T h e s e were easily removed by a minimal amount of grinding, and four side-bend specimens were prepared and tested. After a 1800 bend, a l l four contained cracks concentrated in the root region of thle weld. We also investigated t h e effects of postweld heat treatments on cracking of bead-on-plate welds. T h e s e g a s tungsten arc welds were made with heat 7320 filler metal deposited on heat 7320 plate. Two sequences were studied. T h e first consisted i n annealing the plate and first p a s s at 87OOC for 4 hr; then two subsequent weld beads were deposited. T h e second bead overlapped t h e heat-treated bead, and t h e third bead overlapped the un-heat-treated bead. The weld bead annealed at 87OOC contained a few s m a l l cracks, whereas t h e un-heat-treated bead contained a multitude of cracks; thus postweld heat trleating af870째C did minimize the cracking. T h e second s e r i e s of welds was similar to the first except that the first weld bead was annealed at 11800C for 4 hr. The 118OOC postweld heat treatment eliminated t h e c r a c k s in the first p a s s , but t h e second p a s s (not heat treated) did crack when the third p a s s was deposited. Metallographic investigation of the welds showed that the 1180째C heat treatment produced a clean coarse-grained microstructure with no typical weld-metal c a s t structure (all evidence of welding was removed). On t h e other hand, the 87OOC heat treatment had little v i s u a l effect on t h e weld-metal c a s t structure. T h i s experiment does s e e m t o support the t h e s i s that microa t i o n of s o m e e l e m e n t (or e l e m e n t s ) i:;

s i b l e for the cracking and that its effect negated b y a homogenizing postweld heat treatment. However, t h e 118OOC temperature is entirely too high for consideration as a s t e p in the fabrication procedure. B a s e d o n t h e above results, we decided to remelt material from heat 7320 and make s m a l l alloy additions in a n attempt t o make a better filler material. T h e first m e l t w a s made by arc melting heat 7320 under a partial vacuum with no additions. Two other m e l t s used heat alloy additions t o provide alloys with 0.7% Mn and 2.0% Nb. P a s t experience had indicated that small amounts of t h e s e elements might b e beneficial in reducing cracking. These remelts were drawn t o wire and used a s filler

256 rods. B a s e metal for t h e s e welds was t h e same $-in.-thick heat 7320 plate used in t h e s t u d i e s discussed heretofore. The results were negative and were nearly identical to those observed previously; t h a t is, t h e first weld p a s s cracked when t h e second was deposited. As a result of t h e s e studies, we conclude t h a t heat 7320 is a weldable b a s e metal. There is no indication of a problem in the heat-affected zone. However, it is not a n acceptable filler metal. In no instance was a crack-free weld produced with filler metal from it. T h e excellent welds in heats 67-526 and 67-550 indicate that the titanium-modified alloy c a n b e welded using similar filler metals. T h e s t u d i e s to d a t e indicate that t h e cracking is due to t h e segregation of element(s) presently unidentified.

D. A. Canonico

We are investigating t h e effects of welding conditions and postweld heat treatment on t h e distribution and magnitude of the residual s t r e s s e s in Hastelloy N. The method used for measuring the residual s t r e s s e s and t h e welding and machining techniques that are employed were disc u s s e d p r e v i ~ u s l y . ~ T h e s e earlier s t u d i e s involved the investigation of the effects of s t r e s s z 6






5h!ISR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. A u g . 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, pp. 223-26. 6MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL4254, pp. 215-17.

Results of the Investigation of the E f f e c t of Postweld H e a t Treatments on the P e a k R e s i d u a l Stresses in H a s t e l l o y

Heat Weld Identification




relief treatments and g a s shielding (helium vs argon) on the resultant residual s t r e s s patterns. T h e residual s t r e s s patterns were s i m i l a r for argon and helium shielding; however, themaximum residual s t r e s s w a s about 5% higher when helium was used. W e a l s o found that postweld heat treatments of 118OOC for 1 hr and 87OOC for 6 hr reduced t h e maximum residual s t r e s s to about 500 p s i in both cases.6 All t h e s e welds were made with a heat input of 15,000 j/in. We have expanded t h i s work t o include a postweld anneal of 4 hr at 87OOC on welds made with both argon and helium shielding g a s e s . In addition, we have investigated a postweld heat treatment of 6500C for 100 hr on a weld shielded with argon. The welding parameters used for these weldments were identical to those reported previously. In addition to t h e postweld heat-treatment s t u d i e s , we have a l s o investigated the effect of a lower heat input on t h e distribution of residual stresses. Table 20.3 summarizes the results of the postweld heat-treatment studies. The earlier welds, 1, 5, 6, and 7, are included for comparison. It is evident that a postweld heat treatment of 87OOC for 4.5 hr essentially eliminates t h e residual

Shielding Ga s



Maximum Residua 1

Heat Treatment

Stress (psi)

Inputa ( j /in.)

Temperature (OC



(hr 1







8 70 1180 870



870 650

4.5 100

5,000 36,800


Argon Argon



15,000 15,000 15,000

8 9

Helium Argon

15,000 15,000





56,000 6



-5,000 60,000


aThe heat input reported is for each of the two simultaneously deposited weld beads.


16,800 -1,000

-2,000 17,3 00 1,000 1,600 12,600


* <.















s B


for 100 hr reduces t h e peak residual s t r e s s e s b y about 35%; however, they d o remain a t a high value after t h e treatment. Table 20.4 contains the data obtained from a weldment deposited at 7500 j/in. (vs 15,000 j/in. for t h e previously d i s c u s s e d weldments). The lower heat input decreased t h e peak tangential residual s t r e s s e s ; however, it h a s essentially n o effect on the radial s t r e s s e s . It is interesting t o note that lowering the heat input had s i m i l a r effects on t h e peak tangential residual stresses a s did the 65OOC 100-hr postweld heat treatment. Figure 20.20 shows t h e residual stress pattern obtained for e a c h of t h e s e conditions. The lower heat input resulted in concentrating the s t r e s s e s over a narrow distance. T h e dotted l i n e i n t h e postweld heat-treatment d a t a (Fig. 20.2022) is a best approximation of residual s t r e s s e s i n tJiat area, s i n c e we encountered unexplained hard s p o t s during machining which produced erratic strain gage measurements. T h u s we have found that lower heat input and postweld heat treatments are very effective in reducing t h e residual s t r e s s e s in Hastelloy N weldments. Heat treatments as low as 65OoC for 100 hr c a u s e some improvements, whereas treatments of 1.5 and 6 hr at 87OOC and 1 hr a t 11800C reduce t h e s t r e s s e s t o negligible v a l u e s .



A. P. Litman

W e are studying t h e compatibility of fluoride salts with structural materials of interest to t h e MSRP. We are primarily concentrating on t h e compatibility of Hastelloy N with fuel, fertilef i s s i l e , blanket, and coolant salts. T h e compositions of standard Hastelloy N and t h e titaniummodified Hastelloy N are shown in T a b l e 20.5. Five loops and four c a p s u l e s are presently i n operation. T a b l e s 20.6 and 20.7 detail the service parameters of t h e s e test units. &

20.7.1 Fuel Salts



Loop 1255, constructed of Hastelloy N and containing a simulated MSRE fuel salt plus 1 mole % ThF,, continues to operate without difficulty after 6.4 years. T h e loop was x rayed during t h e last




E f f e c t of H e a t Input on the P e a k Residual Stresses in H a s t e l l o y



Maximum Residual Stress (psi) W e Id


Heat InputB



(j /in.)


Radia 1, UR













aThe heat input reported is for each of two simultaneously deposited weld beads.



Composition of H a s t e l l o y


Chemical Content (wt %) Alloy




Standard Hastelloy N




Titanium-modified Hastelloy N




report period, No indication of plugging was s e e n , and t h e liquid level w a s sufficient to continue operation. Loop 1258, constructed of type 304L s t a i n l e s s steel and containing the same s a l t a s loop 1255, h a s operated about 5.1 y e a r s with only minor changes i n flow characteristics. In January 1967; ten new type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l specimens were placed in the hot l e g t o examine the corrosive behavior of the old fuel salt. A specimen exposed at the highest temperature, 688OC (1270째F), was removed for detailed metallurgical analysis after 5700 hr of exposure between May 1967 and February 1968. (An original specimen exposed 3700 hr w a s permanently damaged after measurement of weight changes.) Figure 20.21 shows the microstructure of the specimen. As the constituent with t h e higher reactivity, in this case chromium (proved by s a l t analyses), is depleted from t h e alloy, the vacancies accumulate t o form visible voids. T h e depth of t h e voids in this specimen is 2.5 m i l s . A plot of the weight change of all specimens is given in Fig. 20.22 as a function of time and temperature. The curves are rather typical of









<o. 1




diffusion-controlled corrosion processes. Due to age, many of t h e thermocouples a r e no longer operable on t h i s loop; s o a thermocouple was placed in the s a l t in t h e hot leg, and a n accurate temperature profile w a s obtained. P r e s e n t readings indicate the s a l t is about 10째C hotter than indicated by t h e old surface thermocouples. T h e diffusion coefficients calculated from t h e s e new d a t a are only slightly different from t h o s e previously reported, that is, 4.0 x lo-'' cm2/sec at 665OC (1230'F) and 1 . 4 x lo-' cm2/sec a t 687OC (1270OF) compared with 649OC (1200'F) and 677OC (1250'F) respectively. Loop NCL-16, the first two-fluid MSBR fuel salt natural circulation loop incorporating t h e new loop design, h a s operated for 4755 hr. A plot of the weight change of all t h e specimens a s a function of t i m e and temperature is given in Fig. 20.23. It c a n be s e e n that for hot-leg specimens, the titanium-modified alloy specimens a t 704OC (1300OF)



c 4

7MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. F e b . 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, P. 218.











do .r(

. Y d

m 0



u 3 Y



U a ,


0 r(



8 %

t . w

9 8%




















l n l n .







t.t. 0


a d




m m








0 d



0 t.















a >






* c3 ln



% cp cl








E m



al 3


n 0



5 I




m 0











, n o m 0



. U 3





0 r-




0 0


m m 0 d


m a, V


a m






m .*

m m


2! 2 0 m

c4 a,

m m


5 c

01 + U


8 c4

!i h


c"M Y






s V

3 3 . 3

3 c .3 ..4 4-







e m









4 h c ta


Fig. at



Microstructure of T y p e

304L Stainless Steel Specimen i n Loop 1258 Exposed

to F u e l S a l t for

5700 hr

AT = 1 OOOC.


6 ORNL-DWG 68-6087A



to N -




b 45 4 5 6 7 8 SPECIMEN TIME IN SYSTEM (1000 hr)





Specimen Weight L o s s a s Functions of T i m e ond Temperature for L o o p

and specimens fabricated from type


stainless steel.







H e a t e d Section.


262 9



5 $ 1


P f

$ 0 0



p -4




3 -2 0











TIME (hrl I

F i g . 20.23. Weight C h a n g e v s T i m e for Standard and Titanium-Modified S p e c i m e n s in NCL-16 E x p o s e d t o F u e l

Salt a t V a r i o u s Temperatures.

and 676OC (1250'F) show smaller weight changes than the standard Hastelloy N specimens at 66OoC (1220OF). Calculation of the diffusion coefficient from weight change data on t h e modified alloy specimen at the highest temperature w a s made after 4700 hr exposure and w a s found to be 5.0 x cm2/sec a t 704OC. T h i s a g r e e s with published d a t a for chromium diffusion in Hastelloy N where experiments were done in fuel salts. * The calculation w a s based only on chromium removal s i n c e the titanium-modified specimens contain no iron. Increases in chromium (from 15 t o 200 ppm) and iron (from 35 t o 95 ppm) have been noted in the s a l t , most of t h e i n c r e a s e no doubt coming from the loop piping. Loop 19 is completely installed and ready for a flush charge. It is constructed of standard Hastelloy N and will b e filled with a fertile-fissile s a l t that will contact molten bismuth in a molybdenum hot finger. If bismuth is even slightly soluble in the s a l t , the corrosion rate of the Hastelloy N should be increased markedly. T h i s experiment is in support of a one-fluid, two-region MSBR and the bismuth fuel-processing scheme. A companion loop, NCL-18, will soon be installed and begin circulating the s a m e fertilefissile salt. T h i s loop will provide base-line compatibility d a t a on the Hastelloy N with this salt in the absence of bismuth. 8

J. H. DeVan, E f f e c t o f Alloying Additions on Corrosion Behavior of Nickel-Molybdenum A l l o y s in Fused Fluoride Mixtures, ORNL-TM-2021 (to be published).

20.7.2 Blanket Salts T h e operation of NCL-15, containing a typical two-fluid MSBR blanket salt, w a s interrupted after 2000 hr as the result of a blown fuse. T h e salt in the loop w a s frozen before power w a s restored, and when heat was applied to thaw the s a l t , the hot l e g ruptured (Fig. 20.24). T h e ruptured area, which still contained frozen s a l t , was c u t from the loop, and another p i e c e of tubing w a s attached by means of compression-type fittings. Then the loop w a s heated, the salt w a s melted and dumped, and the t e s t specimens were removed. T h e temporary fitting w a s removed, and the joints to be welded were reamed to remove any remaining s a l t and corroded metal and filed to provide the proper weld joint configuration. Welding w a s done in conformance with specifications PS-23 and PS-25 and inspected under specification MET-WR-200. The first welding attempt w a s unsuccessful bec a u s e of poor penetration from e x c e s s i v e g a s pressure i n the loop. T h e second attempt was s u c c e s s f u l and demonstrates that a s u c c e s s f u l weld c a n b e made on material that h a s contained a molten s a l t . A plot of the weight change of all the specimens from NCL-15 before the loop failure is given in Fig. 20.25 as a function of t i m e and temperature. Similar to the results from NCL-16, the titaniummodified specimens exhibit smaller weight changes than the standard alloy specimens. T h e diffusion coefficient w a s calculated from weight change data after 1600 hr of operation and found to be


a c




20.24. Ruptured

Area of NCL-15.



ORNL-DWG 68-12031P



2 0
























2 I

a -2








4500 TIME (hr)





Change v s T i m e for Standard and Titanium-Modified Specimens i n


+ I


2 W 3 -6

NCL-15 Exposed to the -8

Blanket Salt a t Various Temperatures.



8 x lo-’’ c m 2 / s e c a t 676OC (1250’F) i n t h e blanket salt environment. Increases in the chromium (25 to 40 ppm) and iron (30 t o 50 ppm) in the salt were very small. The repaired loop, NCL-l5A, h a s now operated satisfactorily for 362 hr with s a l t from t h e same batch used.










3 4 TIME (hrl


Weight Change v s T i m e for Standard and

Titanium-Modified H a s t e l l o y N Specimens i n N C L - 1 3 and -14 Exposed to Fluoroborate S a l t a t Various Temperatures.

20.7.3 Coolant Salts For over 4000 hr, NCL-13 and -14, containing the NaBF,-NaF (92-8 mole %) fluoroborate salt, operated under identical conditions. Loop NCL-13 contained standard Hastelloy N specimens, and NCL-14 contained titanium-modified Hastelloy N specimens. As reported before, the standard alloy specimens show larger weight changes than t h e titaniu m-modif i ed specimens. After 4700 hr of operation, the helium gas regulator which provides the overpressure t o NCL-13 failed and c a u s e d a surge of gas to the loop which stopped the salt flow. Circulation of the salt could not b e resumed until a vacuum was pulled on the loop, which we believe removed a g a s pocket. Shortly after circulation was achieved, an electrical short, which eventually burned out a heater, occurred and heated the bottom of the hot l e g to 871OC (1600’F). T h i s disrupted t h e flow, caused a l o s s of BF, from the loop which changed the salt composition, and plugged all the g a s lines. The loop was drained of all s a l t , and plugged l i n e s





were replaced or unplugged. Other necessary repairs to t h e loop were made, and t h e loop w a s filled with new salt. W e are, a t present, experiencing difficulty in getting the salt t o circulate. T h e weight changes measured for the specimens in NCL-13 and -14 after 4300 hr of exposure to the salt showed i n c r e a s e s above t h o s e expected on the b a s i s of t h e prior behavior (Fig. 20.26). T h i s w a s accompanied by perturbations i n salt chemistry. Salt a n a l y s e s of the circulating salts from NCL-13 and -14 showed i n c r e a s e s in both H,O and oxygen contents from < l o 0 0 to >2000 ppm and i n c r e a s e s in nickel and molybdenum from < 2 5 t o > l o 0 ppm along with a “normal” increase of chromium and iron. T h e i n c r e a s e of the chromium and iron content i n t h e salt with t i m e is shown i n Fig. 20.27. T h e dumped s a l t from NCL-13 w a s chemically analyzed, and the results are given in Table 20.8. The Cr, F e , Ni, Mo, 0, and H,O contents of t h e s a l t all show large i n c r e a s e s s i n c e the loop began

s c. c





introduced into both loops at the s a m e time. Three possible sources are (1) impure helium - the loops had a common helium header, but t h e helium is high-purity stock, analyzed prior to u s e to a s s u r e its purity; (2) impurities on the hanger rods these rods were changed out in both loops j u s t before the high corrosion rates were noticed; and (3) impurities on the specimens - the specimens were removed, weighed, and replaced in e a c h loop at about the s a m e time. W e took normal precautions to avoid contamination via sources 2 and 3 but are presently reexamining our procedureis.





z 0

2 200


c z W z 0


20.7.4 Haynes Alloy No. 25



While specimens were out of NCL-13 and I K L - 1 4 for weighing after 4000 hr of exposure to fluoroborate s a l t , t h e hottest and coldest specimens from e a c h loop were c u t in half and s e n t for microprobe analysis to determine possible composition gradie n t s due to m a s s transfer. Initial results showed that a large amount of cobalt had deposited on both the hot- and cold-leg specimens. Investigations were immediately launched to determine the source of the cobalt, and i t was discovered that the specimen support rods were Haynes alloy No. 25 (Co-19% Cr-14% W-9 Ni-1% Fe) rather than Hastelloy N. Further investigation revealed that the source of the $8-in. Haynes alloy No. 25 material w a s a misidentified storage carton. Subsequently the specimens and hangers were removed from NCL-13 and NCL-14, and the specimen hanger rods were replaced with $8-in. Hastelloy N. Metallurgical examination w a s made of the Haynes alloy No. 25 rod and the Hastelloy N specimens from NCL-13. microprobe a n a l y s i s of t h e specimens thin surface layers which contained appreciable amounts of cobalt. There was a n

a 0





TlMF (hrl



Average Concentration of Iran and Chromium

in the Fluaroborate Salt i n N C L - 1 3 and -14.

operation. I n c r e a s e s i n the nickel and molybdenum content of the salt are usually indicative of the onset of stronger oxidizing conditions, usually due to the increased water and/or oxygen content. T h u s the most obvious explanation of the chemical changes and increased weight changes is the presence of water contamination that produces HF, which attacks all the constituents of the container material. We have not positively identified the source of the contamination, which appears to have been

te Salt i n N C L - 1 3

Before test

Dumped salt circulated for 4700 hr

19 348





















average of 1.8 w t % cobalt on the surface of the hot-leg specimen and a n average of 7.3 wt % on the surface of t h e cold-leg specimen. T h e s e res u l t s were substantiated by x-ray fluorescence measurements. Samples of t h e Haynes alloy No. 25 rod were taken at various elevations and analyzed by x-ray fluorescence. It w a s found that chromium and cobalt were leached from t h e rod in all positions. It appears that two modes of mass transfer were operable: temperature gradient m a s s transfer and activity gradient m a s s transfer. T h e chromium and cobalt removed from the Haynes alloy No. 25 deposited on t h e Hastelloy N because of the smaller concentrations of those elements a s compared with the Haynes alloy No. 25, whereas nickel and iron deposited on the Haynes alloy No. 25 for the s a m e reason. W e took advantage of the situation to learn something about the kinetics of cobalt movement in the system. The amount of cobalt i n the cold-leg s p e c i m e n was determined a s a function of position. Using a solution to F i c k ' s second law, the diffusion coefficient of cobalt in the Hastelloy N was determined and f m n d to be 5.6 x lo-'' cm2/sec a t 465'C (870'F). It is difficult to compare t h i s number with other diffusion coefficients because no prior diffusion work h a s been found on the cobalt-Hastelloy N system. Comparable work in somewhat similar s y s t e m s h a s been done at much higher temperatures, where extrapolation to lower temperatures could become quite erroneous due to grain-boundary diffusion and/or short-circuiting. However, in the light of t h e previous stipulations, it is interesting to compare the extrapolated diffusion coefficient of titanium i n Hastelloy N at 465'C with that obtained for cobalt. Titanium, l i k e cobalt, is present in Hastelloy N only in small amounts, 0.5 w t %. An extrapolated diffusion coefficient of titanium at 465'C (870'F) is 1.0 x c m */set. Thus the movement of cobalt is appreciably faster. It was concluded that t h e presence of t h e Haynes alloy No. 25 in the fluoroborate salt-Hastelloy N system caused variations in t h e weight change measurements of t h e specimens but only to a maximum extent of 10%. T h i s figure is well within the experimental accuracy, and therefore no changes

were made in the early conclusions regarding the compatibility of Hastelloy N and fluoroborate salt.

20.7.5 F l o w Velocity i n Natural Circulation Loops

In cooperation with t h e MIT Practice School, measurements of t h e flow velocity of the s a l t i n NCL-1258 and NCL-14 have been made. l o A twocounter method was used, with the radioactive isotope introduced into the loop a s a solid salt. The velocity of the s a l t w a s found to be 3.5 fpm in NCL-1258 and 7.0 fpm in NCL-14. By inserting these velocities, physical properties of the s a l t , and other quantities into flow equations, we obtained values for previously unknown variables. Utilizing t h i s information, i t is then p o s s i b l e to calculate t h e flow velocity of t h e s a l t in other loops. T h e calculated flow velocity w a s 1.3 fpm for NCL-15 and 5.0 fpm for NCL-16. Work is continuing on t h i s project.




W. R. Huntley

T h e MSR-FCL-1 forced circulation loop is being operated to evaluate the compatibility of standard Hastelloy N with NaBF,-NaF (92-8 mole 76) coolant s a l t a t conditions similar to those expected i n t h e MSRE coolant circuit. During this reporting period the loop assembly was completed, and circulation of the salt cleaning charge h a s j u s t started. Figure 20.28 is a photograph of t h e main piping s y s tem for t h e loop. T h i s photograph w a s taken before the thermal insulation w a s installed. Figure 20.29 is a photograph of t h e completed loop installed i n the test facility. A decision w a s made to alter the originally proposed loop temperature profile t o more nearly approximate the MSR coolant circuit conditions with fluoroborate salt. T h e originally proposed and presently planned loop temperatures are listed in Table 20.9. T h e s e changes in operating temperature impose a higher salt temperature at the pump bowl. Since t h e vapor pressure of the B F , is higher d u e to t h e increased s a l t temperature i n the

. 4

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968,

ORNL-4254, p. 213.

'OC. A. Glatron and P. J. Wood, Determination of Molten Salt F l o w Velocity in a Natural Circulation Loop, ORNL-MIT-58 (May 29, 1968).


c c


Fig. 20.28.

Photograph of the Forced C i r c u l a t i o n Loop M S R - F C L - 1 Before the Thermal Insulation Was Instal..=a.


F i g . 20.29.

Photograph of t h e Forced Circulation L o o p

MSR-FCL-I After B e i n g Insulated


pump bowl, a n i n c r e a s e in the partial pressure of BF, in the pump bowl is required in order to re-

Proposed and P r e s e n t l y Planned Temperatures for Sodium Fluoroborate Forced C o n v e c t i o n L o o p (MSR-FC L-1 )

Temperature (OC)

Minimum bulk fluid Maximum wall temperature Minimum wall temperature

Originally Proposed

Presently Planned

6 07

588 510 654 482

4 54

718 416

duce t h e possibility of a change in sal tion. T h e original plan for t h i s t e s t loop the LFB pump oil seal with a gas m i BF, in helium. ~ ~long-term ~ tests l 1 1 had i in-~ dicated that small (0.1% by volume) concentrations of BF, in helium would not greatly affect t h e Gulfspin-35 o i l u s e d on the pump s e a l . However, the temperature i n c r e a s e at t h e pump bowl required a purge gas mixture of 3% B F , in helium to match the new salt B F , vapor pressure, and i t was necessary to examine the effects of He-3% B F , g a s mixture on Gulfspin-35 pump oil under conditions

"Reactor Chem. Div. Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1967, O R N L 4 2 2 9 , p. 18.




which would simulate its u s e i n the L F B pump s e a l oil system. The results of the two separate room-temperature tests of approximately one week ’s duration with a predicted test loop g a s flow rate of 80 cc/min and a s e a l oil leakage rate of 10 cc/day indicated that the s e a l oil purge line would probably become plugged during loop operation. A black sludge w a s formed in the simulated oil catch basin which, in t h e first t e s t , eventually plugged the ‘/-in.-diam overflow port. In both t e s t s the oil removed from the t e s t apparatus was darkened and extremely acid, with a pH of from 1.0 to 1.5. A large amount of black s l u d g e formed in the bottom of the simulated seal oil catch basin. Attempts to determine the composition of the oil sludge were not successful. However, t h i s effect of BF, on Gulfspin-35 is s i m i l a r to, but more severe than, effects noted during a previous 3500hr experiment in which the B F , concentration i n the g a s phase w a s about 0.1% by volume. The conclusions from this previous t e s t were that BF, does not polymerize t h e o i l to a degree that would change its viscosity, but evidently some unidentified oil additives are seriously degraded. T h e s e findings, together with those obtained on the PKP loop t e s t , are being evaluated further by the Analytical Chemistry Division. T h e s e tests indicated that the He-3% B F , mixture should not b e used for t h e pump s e a l purge. A system w a s designed and necessary equipment was procured to provide a method of adding BF, directly to the pump bowl. With the newly designed system the B F , must diffuse up an annulus around the pump shaft against a helium stream before it can contact the oil in t h e seal leakage catch basin. To expedite loop startup, the sodium fluoroborate cleaning charge in the t e s t loop w a s circulated without BF, addition to the pump bowl. A flow of pure helium was used to purge oil leakage from t h e pump o i l c a t c h basin. Modification to the seal purge system will b e made after the cleaning charge h a s been removed. T h e ‘/-in.-OD copper tubing vent l i n e for the t e s t loop pump seal purge plugged approximately two weeks after the He-3% BF, mixture w a s vented through the l i n e during calibration of t h e thermal conductivity cell. A crystalline reaction product completely s e a l e d t h e end of t h e t - i n . tube and stopped t h e s e a l purge. An acid solution was found in a vertical section of l i n e when it was removed to correct the plugged condition. T h i s same condition occurred twice in the week-

long cleaning charge operation of t h e s a l t loop, where the effluent 8 0 cc/min helium purge picked up about 0.5% B F , from the pump bowl. The second plug was tight enough that i t held a 4-psig pressure. In all i n s t a n c e s of plugging of t h e s e lines, i t was necessary to remove t h e end of t h e vent l i n e to restart t h e purge system. T h e plug is apparently boric acid, which is formed by t h e reaction of B F , and moisture. Additional equipment will be required in t h e s e vent l i n e s to eliminate the B F , and air reaction at the end of the pump seal vent. Acid h a s a l s o formed in ventilation hoods in the vicinity of the B F , vent lines. Enough acid h a s been present to form droplets on the lower e d g e s of the hoods. Circulation of t h e salt cleaning charge is under way; however, flow in t h e system is not as high as expected, and investigations a r e in progress to determine the c a u s e of t h e low flow.

20.9 OXIDATION OF Ni-Mo-Cr-Fe ALLOYS B. McNabb T h e d e s i r e for improved radiation resistance prompted a modification of Hastelloy N. A study was made of t h e effects of various alloying additions on t h e s c a l i n g resistance. Small rods 0.25 in. in diameter were oxidized a t 982OC for 1.000 hr with cycling to room temperature every 25 hr. We have shown previously” that silicon h a s a very beneficial effect on t h e s c a l i n g resistance and that titanium h a s a slightly detrimental effect. Figures 20.30 and 20.31 summarize the effects of various alloying additions on the s c a l i n g res i s t a n c e of Hastelloy N. The titanium and zirconium additions were made to r e m e l t s of commercial air-melted Hastelloy N , and t h e other alloys were made from virgin melting stock. T h e results are complicated by the f a c t that the effects of the various elements are not independent of one another. For example, we find that manganese is slightly detrimental when added to a b a s e alloy containing no silicon, but beneficial when added to an alloy containing 0.5% Si. Our s t u d i e s generally c l a s s Si, Al, Zr, F e , and W as improving the s c a l i n g resistance and Cr, Ti, and Mo a s being detrimental.

‘MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 228.










w 4 m W

0 z 4



+ I E W



> -100 0 _I J 4 W (I)

z 4

I -200 0 k-


c1 W

3 -300

-400 0

Fig. for



0.6 0.8 1 .o ALLOY ADDITION (70)




T h e E f f e c t of Various Alloying Additions on the Scoling R e s i s t a n c e of N i - M o - C r - F e Alloys.


1000 hr a t 982OC with c y c l e s to 24OC every 25 hr.

300 a -






m 4


z 0 4

r 0 ~





s -300







10 42 8 ALLOY ADDITION (70)





T h e E f f e c t of Maior A l l o y i n g Additions on the Scaling Resistance of N i c k e l - B a s e A l l o y s .



Graphite-to-Metal Joining


H. E. McCoy, Jr. concept required that graphite pipes b e joined to a Hastelloy N header, and w e began work to develop this joint. T h i s work was quite rewarding, and s e v e r a l methods of joining were partially developed, along with inspection procedures. However, the present singlefluid concept does not require s u c h a joint in the core, and we have curtailed t h i s work. Graphite looks attractive from a compatibility standpoint for u s e in making chemical processing equipment, and some of t h e techniques for joining graphite and Hastelloy N will very likely be useful for t h i s application.

21.2 GRAPHITE BRAZING W. J. Werner Using procedures that we previously established for brazing molybdenum t o molybdenum-coated graphite with copper, we assembled a large graphite-molybdenum-Hastelloy N transition joint. T h e components were approximately 3% in. OD x in. wall. After brazing, the joint was examined visually and radiographically and found e joint w a s t h e n thermally cycled (in a n argon atmosphere) 60 times between 200


l s t , 3d, 5th, loth, 20th, and 60th c y c l e s , t h e joint w a s brought t o room temper and inspected radiographically. No evidence of cracking w a s found. After 60 c y c l e s , t h e joint ed by t e n s i l e t e s t i n g a t r

' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 231.



Location of F a i l u r e in Transition Joint

After T e n s i l e Testing.

temperature. Figure 21.1 shows t h e joint configuration and t h e location of failure in the tensile test. T h e joint broke in t h e base graphite at a large distance from the graphite-metal braze, but near a threaded joint used to facilitate testing. T h e load at failure w a s 2650 lb, and the corresponding uniform stress in the graphite w a s 500 psi, a factor of about 3 lower than would be expected for t h i s grade of graphite (equivalent to A T J). W e examined the effect of various surface oonditioning or cleaning treatments on t h e wetting and flow of brazing alloys on graphite. Samples of Poco AXF graphite were polished through 6/0grit paper and then submitted t o the following treatments:

1. none ( a s polished), 2. ultrasonically cleaned for 30 sec in ethyl alcohol, 3. ultrasonically cleaned, vacuum annealed at 1300째C for $ hr, 4. ultrasonically cleaned, air annealed for hr at 5OO0C,





P bb



E f f e c t o f Graphite Pretreatment on the B r a z e a b i l i t y o f P o c o

cleaned and air annealed for


hr a t


( b ) Graphite

A X F Graphite.

(a) Graphite ultrasonic

ultrasonic cleaned and vacuum annealed for


/2 hr a t

130OOC. ( c ) Graphite ultrasonic cleaned.

5. same a s 4 except air annealed a t 6OO0C, 6. ultrasonically cleaned, argon annealed for


hr at 5OO0C,

7. same as 6 except argon annealed at 600OC. Small samples of graphite subjected t o e a c h treatment were wetted with t h e 35Au-35Ni-30Mo (wt So) alloy and with t h e Ni-Pd-Cr alloy. Metallographic examination of t h e samples revealed no differences in wettability within e a c h s e t of brazed specimens. A clean machined surface seems to b e sufficient. However, a possible effect of one pretreatment is shown in Fig. 21.2. T h e $-hr air anneal a t 6OOOC has opened up surface-connected voids in t h e graphite. Even here, however, t h e braze is sound. No difference was observed between t h e braze quality of t h i s sample, the as-polished sample, and t h e sample vacuum annealed at 130OOC for *4 hr.

21.3 GRAPHITE-HASTELLOY N TRANSITION JO INT D EVE LO PMEN T J. P. Hammond Considerable progress w a s made on t h e graded transition joint for minimizing damaging thermal strain in joints of graphite t o Hastelloy N. T h e conceptual design, presented in detail in the last semiannual report,2 u s e s a series of nickel-matrix tungsten dispersions for spanning t h e large gap in thermal expansion between graphite and Hastelloy N. In addition, it incorporates premium grades of graphite or graphite-carbide composites to reduce the dimensional instability associated with

2MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Feb. 2 9 , 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 235.


273 irradiation of nuclear graphite. T h e exploration of heavy-metal compositions for t h e alloy portion of t h i s joint h a s been completed. Acceptable brazing procedures for joining segments were developed, and a number of composite joints were fabricated and t e s t e d .


H e a v y - M e t a l Alloy Development

W e investigated several groups of tungsten- and molybdenum-base alloys and found that tungsten with nickel and iron additives at a 7/3 ratio gave far superior fabrication characteristics. T h i s c a n be s e e n by t h e d a t a in Table 21.1. We desired alloys that liquid-phase sintered to a microstructure having a ductile nickel alloy phase completely enveloping t h e otherwise fragile heavymetal grains. T h e evaluation of cold rollability reflects on t h e general ability of t h e alloy t o b e fabricated and i t s ability t o take thermal strain.

Tungsten a l l o y s Nos. 1 and 2 (Table 21.1) are familiar corn position^.^^^ Of t h e s e and their molybdenum counterparts (alloys Nos. 3 through 5), t h e 90W-7Ni-3Fe (wt X) composition gave distinctly superior results. Alloys Nos. 6 through 11 show the characteristics of t h e tungsten-containing material a s a function of increasing additive or matrix content a n d demonstrate its good fabrication qualities over a range of compositions applicable to composite joints. Various ternary and quaternary compositions based on molybdenum were explored, s i n c e neutron displacement damage will anneal at a lower temperature in molybdenum t h a n in tungsten. T h u s alloys with Ni-Pt, Ni-Pd, andCu-Pd a s binary additives (Nos. 1 2 to 14) and Ni-Cu-Pd, Ni-Fe-Cu, and W-Ni-Fe as ternary additives (Nos. 15 to 34) were investigated; however, none of t h e s e appear t o have sufficiently attractive as-fabricated their substitution for t h e d rollability displayed b y alloy with W-Ni-Fe as t h e addi-

3H. C. Holtz, Development a n d Evaluation of HighTemperature Tungsten Alloys, F i n a l Report, A R F 2209-7 LAR 59 (September 1961). 4Simo MakiDirtti. “On the Sinterine of W-Ni-Cu H e a w Metal,” PowGer Metallurgy, p. 97, Gterscience, New York, 1961.

tive (alloys Nos. 27 t o 32) w a s somewhat surprising, a s it had been considered that brittle intermetallic phases, s u c h a s t h e NiMo compound present in t h e matrix of alloy No. 3, were chiefly responsible for poor deformability in t h e s e materials. A more important factor is now believed t o be a c l o s e n e s s in hardness (resistance to deformation) between t h e matrix and heavy-me t a l grains in t h e s e materials. The presence of 1 ungs t e n in heavy-metal alloys (Nos. 6 t o 11 and Nos. 27 to 32) may be contributing favorably t o cold rollability by significantly increasing t h e hardn e s s of t h e matrix phase relative t o t h a t of heavymetal grains, whereas in t h e case of t h e nontungsten-bearing alloys, the matrix is quite .;oft in comparison with the heavy-metal grains. T h e validity of t h i s consideration is being examined. T h e molybdenum alloys with W-Ni-Fe (Nos. 27 t o 32) and Ni-Fe-Cu (Nos. 25, 33, and 34) a s additives show adequate capacity for deformation but are marginal or unacceptable because of their ( 6 compact shaping” characteristics (see Table 21.1). T h i s refers t o t h e external physical qualities of fabricated compacts and t h e ability to sinter t h o s e of high matrix content without a tendency toward globbing. T h e W-Ni-Fe alloys must b e rated very good with respect to the globbing tendency, while t h e Mo-W-Ni-Fe alloys are very poor.

21.3.2 F a b r i c a t i o n a n d T e s t i n g of Joints Several preliminary composite joints of t h e description illustrated in Fig. 21.3 were fabricated for testing. Although t h e basic concept includes a n irradiation-resistant graphite segment, a nuclear grade was substituted for t h e s e experiments s i n c e none of the former was available at the t i m e . T h e favorable distribution of expansion coefficients of t h e individual segments of t h i s joint in relation t o those for graphite and Hastelloy N c a n b e s e e n in Fig. 21.4; t h i s correlates composition with coefficient of expansion. omposites were made by fabricating the individually and copper-brazing them together in vacuum under a light load. Bonding of t h e heavy-metal alloys was not difficult, s i n c e copper w e t s them and is soluble in their matrices. Bonding of graphite, on t h e other hand, w a s difficult. Brazing materials covered in t h e litera-

274 Table

Heavy-Metal A l l o y Compositions and F a b r i c a t i n g Characteristics'

Su ita bl e Sintering

Composition (wt %)

Alloy No'










Alloy Characteristics Microstructure

Constitution of Matrix

Cold Roll-

Compact Shapingd

ability (% reduction)e a .L



2 3


7 6 90

90 90

4 5 6




95.0 90



9 10

75 60





7 6




Fcc phase Fcc phase









1400 1375




Fcc phase







G G+

G+ G+

14 17.5


1435 143 0

Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase FCCphase Fcc phase Fcc phase


28 31.5

12 13.5








2 Pt



90 90



P M+


6 Pd 2.5 P d







5 Pd














3.5 P d


18 19

90 90


3Pd 3 Pd




4 5







2 Pd

14 05


21 22

90 90



3 7









7 7



Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase Fcc phase






4.5 6.3





13 80


2 1.5

2 1.5






4.5 11 10 11


1375 1390

Fcc Fcc Fcc Fcc


1475 1475


phase phase phase phase


Some eut.'




Some eut.'




Some eut.



Fcc phase






0.5 2 6








> 78


2 3




8 12 24 36



Fcc phase

' Some eut. '


56 70 >75

Fcc phase

2 1


G-+ G+


8 7


28 35

1375 1375

45 37



7 6

45 53


0.4 6.5

1 1

27 28 30

35 10.7


1.75 3.5

12 14

Fcc phase Fcc phase

4 3
















Eutectic Fcc phase





20 15


22 25


P , globsg P-, G



Awaiting additional runs




'Compacts of 1 X x in. size were cold pressed in a s t e e l die a t 3 0 t o n s / h 2 p r e s s u r e preparatory t o sintering. %n argon for 2 hr. Generally 98% apparent density or higher w a s achieved. 'Rated relative to the continuity of t h e matrix phase and the roundness of the heavy-metal grains. G = good; M = medium; P = poor. dRated on freedom from distortion, edge sharpness, and smoothness of surfaces. G, M, a n d P are good, medium, and poor respectively. eAmount of rolling incurred Eefore cracking ensued. Reduced in s t e p s of 0.003 in. per p a s s on 10-in. rolls. A ' eutectic, probably comprised of an fcc terminal phase and an intermetallic compound. gTending t o s a g into rounded mass during sintering. Is especially pronounced a t higher matrix contents.



ORNL-DWG 68-40685A









T r a n s i t i o n Joint, Graphite to H a s t e l l o y

t ~ r e ~generally - ~ were not suitable for MSBR applications. Copper-brazing of graphite members pretreated t o achieve wetting b y a novel metallizing process proved t h e most effective of s e v e r a l methods ex-


ORNL-DWG 68-11766R






s-” f;

-b z



2 80

ski O K 2 2


amined. T h e metallizing is effected b y subjecting the graphite surfaces t o b e joined to g a s e o u s products of a graphite-Cr2O3 reduction reaction, conducted under a low vacuum at 14000C. Four room-temperature tensile t e s t s were conducted on a nuclear grade of graphite bonded by t h i s method, using a conical bond interface. T h e results were favorable, and all failures occurred outside t h e bond area. Composites of t h i s joint design were subjected to a s e r i e s of 12 severe thermal c y c l e s between 7OOOC and room temperature without adverse effects. T h e cooldown t i m e was about 8 min. T e s t s


p!. 2‘60

z 3


50 40





5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 4 3 COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL EXPANSION

Expansion C o e f f i c i e n t s of T r a n s i t i o n J o i n t

M a t e r i a l s a s a F u n c t i o n of Composition. are mean v a l u e s between




termined on on o p t i c a l interferometer.

Coefficients and were de-

5J. R. Lindgren and G. J. Buscher, Development of Brazed a n d Cemented Joints for t h e HTGR F u e l Element Assemblies, GA-2105 (May 1, 1961). 6N. L. Kareta e t al., Welding Graphite Materials, U.S.S.R., reproduced copy of N67-34534 for NASA. JPRS: 42,228, Aug. 15, 1967. ’D. J. Sandstrom, Joining Graphite t o Graphite with Transition Metal F o i l s , LA-3960 (July 19, 1968). ‘R. G. Donnelly e t al., “ T h e Development of Alloys and Techniques for Brazing Graphite,” in Proceedings of the Fourth National SAMPE Symposium, Materials Compatibility a n d Contamination Control Processes, Nov. 13-15, 1962, Hollywood, California, Society of Aerospace Materials and ProcessEngineers, 1963.

276 on t h e corrosion resistance of t h e s e joints t o MSR s a l t s await completion. T h e main work presently under way is concerned with minimizing the number of segments in a joint and reducing c o s t . We shall d o this b y taking a s large a s t e p in coefficient of expansion as practical in t h e graphite portion of t h e joint, s i n c e graphite h a s a very low modulus of elasticity about two orders below that for t h e heavy metals. T h i s would require fewer heavy-metal alloy segments. This idea appears good s i n c e t h e graphite materials of highest irradiation stability generally have t h e highest expansion coefficients, and thus transitions in dimensional stability and thermal coefficient c a n k imparted simultaneously. Recent coefficient of expansion determinations on the irradiation-resistant Poco graphite gave a very high value of 7.91 p in./'C. Three-segment joints incorporating P o c o graphite and 80 and 60% W heavy-metal alloys are being prepared for t e s t . The relative magnitudes of t h e coefficients of t h e materials of construction are shown graphically in Fig. 21.4. Observe that at t h e junction between t h e graphite and heavy-metal alloy, where concern for cracking is greatest, joining is made on a b a s i s of equal expansion coefficient. T h e joint actually reduces to two transition segments if we wish t o join Hastelloy N to a graphite having a coefficient of thermal expansion as high as Poco.


K. V. Cook

We made improvements to t h e ultrasonic pulse echo technique for evaluation of tubular graphiteto-metal brazed joints. A reference standard was prepared in a n attempt to simulate areas of bond and nonbond. T h i s new standard allowed better assurance of more quantitative results and better reproducibility. T h e technique i s currently applicable only t o t h e f i r s t inch of t h e tapered brazed joint, s i n c e t h i s h a s t h e greater metal thickness. Above t h i s point t h e molybdenum s h e l l wall bebecomes prohibitively thin for resolution of t h e ultrasonic echoes. A graphite-to-molybdenum joint w a s brazed with Ni-Pd-Cr for study. T h e joint w a s brazed a t a temperature where t h e Ni-Pd-Cr would not flow well in order to obtain a defective joint for study. A plan view recording of a section of t h e standard is shown in Fig. 21.5a. The black a r e a s represent nonbond, and t h e light area is due t o a piece of tape placed on t h e standard to simulate a bonded area. The sample w a s run with the s a m e gain, and the recording shown in Fig. 21.5b w a s obtained. The white a r e a s indicate bond and show that only about 30% of t h e joint w a s brazed.

* E





* L



22. Support for Components Development Program 22.1 WELDING IRRADIATED M A T E RIALS

N that has been exposed to fluoride salts for long periods of t i m e . We wanted to make welds in some of our s m a l l tensile samples from the MSRE surveillance program to gain some insight into the difficulty of making these welds and into the mechanical properties of t h e joint. In order to make fusion welds (no filler metal added) on the irradiated t e n s i l e specimens, it was necessary to design a special welding fixture which could b e operated remotely in a hot cell. W e aimed for a reasonable assurance of good penetration (high percentage of c r o s s section of specimen t o b e weld metal) without specimen distortion. Figure 22.1 is a photograph of t h e welding fixture assembled for u s e in t h e hot cell. AS c a n b e seen, the fixture c o n s i s t s of a rigid stand, a motor-driven chuck, a specimen support, a n d a TIG welding torch. T h e upper support has an internal curved surface that contacts t h e fillet radius of the tensile sample and keeps t h e sample aligned during welding. T h e torch was connected t o a programmed welding power supply located outside t h e hot cell. T h e welding conditions were adjusted to obtain penetration of about 75% of the sample c r o s s section.

of Apparatus and eldinq- Irradiated Samples




T. E. Scott

of future MSBR’s will ing of highly irradiated Hastelloy

22.1.2 Mechanical Properties of Hastelloy N Welded After Irradiation H. E. McCoy



The fixture described in t h e previous section was used to make fusion p a s s e s in t h e gage portion of several of our surveillance samples. Our t e s t specimens are only 0.125 in. in diameter, and the welding parameters that we used fused about 75% of the cross section. T h i s weld involves lower restraint and heat input t h a n would be involved in most remote repair operations. One group of surveillance samples had b e e n exposed to the MSRE cell environment of nitrogen contain-

Welding Equipment Developed for Making

Remote Welds.


? 0 6


279 ing 2 to 5%oxygen for 20,800 hr at 65OOC and was oxidized; t h e thermal fluence was 2.6 x 10'' neutrons/cm2. T h e other samples were exposed to the fuel salt in the core of the MSRE for 15,300 hr at 65OOC; t h e thermal fluence was 9.4 x lo2' neutrons/cm2. T h u s we were confronted with removing a thin oxide f i l m of about 0.002 in. in one case and very small amounts of residual salt in the other case. We used 240-grit emery paper and acetone cleaning to remove both contaminants. We welded about 25 unirradiated samples before welding t h e irradiated samples, and 100% of t h e welds were sound by visual examination. We welded 15 irradiated samples, with 3 welds completely unsatisfactory and 2 others very questionable due to surface cracks; thus only 67% were sound by a v i s u a l examination. T h e bad welds occurred rather randomly among the two groups of samples. W e suspected that much of t h e difficulty w a s associated with c l e a n l i n e s s and tried continually t o improve our cleaning techniques. Our final technique w a s removing about 0.002 in. of material by abrasion with c l e a n emery paper, followed by acetone cleaning. T h e reliability seemed to improve, although insufficient samples were involved t o prove t h i s rigorously.



5065 5065


Our results on the fracture strains of unirradiated materials are summarized in Table 22.1. T h e res u l t s generally show t h e following:

1. At 25OC t h e weld is stronger than t h e b a s e metal, and t h e fracture occurs in t h e b a s e metal, with a resulting high strain at fracture. 2. Stress relieving for 8 hr a t 871OC reduces t h e strength of t h e weld and moves t h e location of t h e fracture at 25OC t o t h e weld metal, with a slightly lower strain a t fracture. 3. At 650OC the weld metal is weaker, and t h e fracture occurs in t h e weld metal a t only about half the s t r a i n normally a s s o c i a t e d with fractures in t h e b a s e metal. Stress relieving for 8 hr a t 871OC improves t h e fracture s t r a i n to where it is comparable with that of t h e b a s e metal, but the fracture usually occurs in t h e weld metal. 4, A sample that was irradiated but had been e x posed t o salt for 4800 hr was welded and found t o have properties comparable with t h o s e of the samples not exposed to s a l t . T h e results of our tensile t e s t s on irradiated and welded samples are summarized i n Table 22.2. T h e same general trends outlined for t h e

T e n s i l e Properties of Unirradiated Hostelloy

Condition of T e s t Sample

Base metal 8 hr at 871OC Welded


N Apparent Location

Test Te mperatureB

Fracture Strain




25 25

55.5 43.4

Base metal Weld metal



Base metal



Base metal





Weld metal





Weld metal

+ 8 hr

at 871OC


Base metal







B a s e metal Base metal





Weld metal

+ 8 hr a t



Base metal



Base metal




13.7, 1 5 S b

Weld metal





Weld metal

5 085

Welded sample



Weld metal

+ 8 hr

at 871OC

- prior exposure

to s a l t for

4800 hr ~~

'Tests at 25OC run a t a strain rate of 0.05 min-l; t e s t s a t 65OoC run a t a strain rate of 0.002 min-l. bTwo determinations.




T e n s i l e Properties o f Irradiated H a s t e l l o y

Condition of T e s t Sample

Heated Outside

5065 5065



V e s s e l for


hr a t


Base metal Welded

+ 8 hr at



Test Temperaturea

Fracture Strain



Thermal F l u e n c e o f

ADDarent _Location




2.6 x 1019 Neutrons/cm 2

25 25

59.6 4.3

Base metal Weld metal


Base metal



Base metal





Weld metal





B a s e metal Base metal

+ 8 hr a t



Base metal



5085 5085

Welded Welded



Base metal



B a s e metal

+ 8 hr a t



Base metal



Base metal

5085 5085


65 0


Weld metal



Base metal


+ 8 hr

a t 871OC

Exposed to F u e l Salt in

5065 5065


5 065 5065


MSRE Core for 15,300 hr at 605OC; Thermal F l u e n c e of 9.4X lo2' Neutrons/cm 2


25 25

41.5 15.4

Weld metal

at 8 7 l o C

650 6 50

5.8 7.6

Base metal B a s e metal

25 25

28.7 33.6

B a s e metal

6 50 650


B a s e metal


B a s e metal

65 0


B a s e metal

Base metal

+ 8 hr a t

Base metal

+ 8 hr


Base metal



+ 8 hr a t


Base metal





+ 8 hr a t



a T e s t s at 25OC run a t a strain rate of 0.05 min-';

Base metal


Base metal

t e s t s a t 65OoC run a t a strain of 0.002 min-'.

unirradiated samples a r e followed with t h e exception that t h e tendency to fail in t h e b a s e metal is much higher for the irradiated samples. T h i s is very likely associated with t h e relative toughness of the weld metal and b a s e metal for the two cases. In unirradiated materials t h e weld metal is t h e weaker, and in irradiated materials t h e weld metal is probably superior since it h a s b e e n melted and the influences of irradiation have b e e n removed. Two of the irradiated samples t e s t e d at 25OC failed in the weld metal at low s t r a i n s , a n d it is likely that the welds in t h e s e samples were defective. The microstructure of a sample welded and tested at 65OOC is shown in Fig. 22.2. The fracture is clearly in t h e b a s e metal, but the weld

metal strained considerably. T h e porosity associated with t h e weld is a striking feature. Some voids are formed along t h e carbide stringers, and our previous work' h a s shown that t h e s e carbide stringers do m e l t at a lower temperature t h a n the b a s e metal. Much of the porosity is located at the fusion line and within t h e weld metal. We feel that t h i s is more likely a s s o c i a t e d with cleanliness rather than with t h e r e l e a s e of helium formed during irradiation.

c i

'R. E. Gehlbach and H. E. McCoy, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 19, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 209-12.




Photomicrographs of H a s t e l l a y

Tensile tested a t


a t a strain r a t e o f



Surveillance Sample Welded A f t e r Removal from the min-'.


A s polished. ( b ) Etched glyceregi a.


282 Thus we have been a b l e t o make satisfactory welds in Hastelloy N that h a s been irradiated and s a l t s . There is an added degree of difficulty in making welds in t h e s e materials, probably associated with cleanliness. The sound welds have properties a s good a s t h e irradiated b a s e metal, if not better. T h e s e welds have been made with low heat input a n d low restraint, and more difficulty may b e encountered


constructed of Hastelloy N and operates a t a maximum temperature of 1000째C. T h i s temperature is quite high for Hastelloy N, and we were concerned over e r t h e corrosion rate would be too high. W e devised a surveillance program that would allow u s to follow t h e corrosion of t h e Hastelloy N and t o examine t h e compatibility of several other potential structural materials. After the s t i l l operated for over 4300 hr, we removed t h e surveillance samples for examination. During the course of operation a plug formed in the s a l t feed line t o t h e still. A plugged s e c t i o n was made available for u s t o examine metallographically.

22.2.1 E x a m i n a t i o n o f Specimens from t h e Distillation Experiment

W. H. Cook T h e materials included in t h e still were alloy 82 (Ni-18 Mo), Mo-TZM (Mo-0.5 Ti-0.1 Zr), Haynes alloy No. 25 (Co-10 Ni-20 Cr-15 W-3 Fe), and P o c o AXF graphite. We wired small coupons into two like s e t s o f stringers and mounted them on a Hastelloy N support fixture t a c k welded to t h e Hastelloy N dip line of the vacuum distillation unit, as shown in Fig. 22.33. T h e arrangement and position of e a c h stringer were such that specimens of e a c h material were in vapor and liquid zones, with a Hastelloy N specimen centered a t t h e vapor-liquid interface. T h e specimens, t h e d i p line, and the supporting fixture were returned to u s b y Unit Operations of

the Chemical Technology Division a s a unit after -4300 hr of experiments with LiF-BeF2-ZrF,. T h e corrosion specimens are shown in Figs. 22.3b and 22.4 and the dip line in Fig. 2 2 . 3 ~ . A visual c h e c k of the samples in the liquid region showed that t h e Hastelloy N and alloy 8 2 were etched slightly and t h a t t h e surface of the Mo-TZM was unaltered. T h e Haynes alloy No. 25 was severely attacked and broke easily. The graphite specimens were missing. T h e poor performance of t h e graphite w a s c a u s e d by air leakage into the system when a heater failure burned a hole in t h e argon inlet line to the condenser. An indeterminate amount of air was i n t h e > system for about 500 hr with t h e temperature = 700OC. Several small crystalline metallic deposits were found at random on t h e s u r f a c e s of samples in the liquid region.



A larger Hastelloy N sample w a s located at t h e anticipated liquid-vapor interface. T h i s sample had gray mat surfaces, but no marks that indicated the location of t h e interface. The specimens i n t h e vapor region had a thin gray t o black film, possibly due t o t h e period of operation with air present. T h e Hastelloy N, alloy 82, and Mo-TZM seemed to b e i n good physical condition. T h e Haynes alloy No. 25 had enlarged, and the graphite s a m p l e s were attacked severely. We have sectioned t h e Hastelloy N samples for metallographic examination. There w a s an intergranular attack t o a depth of 4 m i l s on t h e vapor-zone specimen and a n intergranular and transgranular attack to a depth of 2 m i l s in t h e liquid-zone specimen. There was one atypical large (- 1 x 5 m i l s ) intergranular void in t h e liquid-zone specimen. In general, t h e attack in the liquid zone was scattered 1-mil-deep attack, with some oxide on t h e surfaces and in t h e voids, similar to that shown i n Fig. 2 2 . 5 . There w a s concentrated intergranular and transgranular attack to an average depth of 3 m i l s i n the sample from thevapor zone (Fig. 22.53). T h e Hastelloy N specimen spanning t h e vapor-liquid interface showed t h e s a m e conditions, e x c e p t that t h e transition from t h e liquid to t h e vapor region was g a d u a l and t h e attack in t h e vapor zone was only 2 m i l s . The a b s e n c e of aggravated attack a t the liquidvapor interface and t h e shallow corrosion depths in t h e liquid and vapor zones indicate that it is reasonable t o u s e t h e Hastelloy N vacuum still


6 x




2 84

. .




. .





'c j



. -.
















, .








Corrosion Specimens from the

MSRP Vacuum D i s t i l l a t i o n Experiment.

Corrosion Specimens from the Vacuum S t i l l and Condenser Equipment.

liquid zone with an a t y p i c a l intergranular void but representative surface and salt liquid-vapor interface.


( b ) from

( a ) From the salt

the vapor zone just above the

Etchant oqua regia.

and condenser with i t s 3/-in.-thick walls t o process the MSRE fuel s a l t for a short period of t i m e . Powder samples for x-ray diffraction a n a l y s e s were taken from reaction layers of the vapor-zone specimens of TZM alloy and the Haynes alloy No. 25, the specimen support fixture, and the dip line using a sharpened rod made from a s i n g l e crystal


'The x-ray diffraction analyses were done by R. M. Steele of the Metals and Ceramics Division.

of a-A1203. All of t h e s e had s a l t components of and/or 6LiF. B e F , ZrF,, plus ZrOz monoclinic, which reflects their exposure to salt and air. Moderate amounts of MOO, and WO, were present on the TZM alloy and the Haynes alloy No. 25 vapor-zone specimens respectively. Again this reflects the presence of air in t h e system. Small amounts of tiny c r y s t a l s deposited on t h e Hastelloy N specimens a t t h e bottom (liquid zone)

LiF, Li'BeF,,




285 of t h e specimen stringer were fcc with a lattice parameter of 3.54 A. T h i s parameter suggests t h e presence of a high-nickel alloy, but further a n a l y s e s will be required to confirm this.



ing or valve surfaces with a thin layer of the cermet. T h e surfaces c a n b e ground t o produce the desired surface finish. We are presently evaluating four coatings that have been applied t o small Hastelloy N cylinders approximately 1 in. in diameter and 1 in. long. 22.2.2 Examination of Plug from T h e nominal composition and other pertinen! deDi s t i I Ia t ion Ves se I t a i l s are given in T a b l e 22.3. T h e coatings are about 3 m i l s thick and were ground t o obtain a H. E. McCoy Helen Mateer good surface finish. T h e coating operation w a s handled by Mechanical Technology, Inc. (MTI), After about 120 hr of high-t although some of the actual coating work w a s tion a partial plug formed in t h e feed line to t h e contracted t o other vendors. W e plan t o evaluate molten-salt distillation vessel. A section of t h e the respective potential of e a c h coating by thermal plugged line w a s removed for detailed examinacycling and compatibility studies. tion. Theplug, shown in Fig. 22.6, is comprised Before t h e s e s t u d i e s were begun, w e determined of small metallic particles. Annealing t w i n s a r e the s p e c i e s present by x-ray diffraction, and the visible a t high magnification and t h u s indicate results of t h e s e s t u d i e s are summarized in Table that t h e material h a s a fcc crystal structure. 22.3. In the two c a s e s where cobalt w a s used as Microprobe s c a n s were made a c r o s s some of t h e the bonding agent, a carbide of cobalt, Co,C, was individual particles for nickel, iron, chromium, detected, but elemental cobalt w a s not s e e n . T he and molybdenum, t h e principal alloying elements CompoLW-5 w a s not detected. nickel binder in in Hastelloy N. T h e particles were very insition inhomogeneities and/or s t r a i n s were evident homogeneous; t h e nickel content ranged from 90 in the diffraction pattern from each of t h e deposits. to 98% and t h e iron content from 4 t o 12%. Chromium T h e s e specimens will b e reexamined following t h e and molybdenum were not detected (< 1%).Bulk thermal c y c l e and compatibility experiments. Dianalysis of t h e material indicated that aluminum, mensional variations due t o changes in crystal tin, and copper might b e present, s o s c a n s were structure during heating are quite possible in s u c h a l s o made for t h e s e elements complex materials. cted, indicating that their respective concentrations were <1%.T h e s e a n a l y s e s indicate that the plug m o s t likely did not form from material 22.4 L I Q U I D L E V E L PROBE ANALYSNIS that w a s removed from t h e Hastelloy N by corrosion, s i n c e chromium and molybdenum were not A. P. Litman J. W. Koger present in the -plug. A liquid level probe failed after only a few hours in t h e pump bowl of t h e PKP-1 forced-circulation pump loop. T h e probe, which was constructed from type 304 s t a i n l e s s steel, w a s found t o b e heavily attacked. We were asked t o examine t h e probe and onsequences of the attack. T h e Fig. 22.7 along with a n enlarged Our pr view of t h e end of the probe which shows the sedo not reauire bearings that will oDerate i n s a l t a t vere corrosion of the material. es will b e d e s i r T h e probe had contacted fluoroborate s a l t materials must r e s i s t self,-NaF, 92-8 mole %) at temperatures from in molten s a l 00째F) t o 690째C (1275째F) for 192 hr. a n a l y s i s showed that chromium, iron, manganese, and silicon were severely leached potential for t h i s application and currently have a from t h e alloy. T h e corroded end of t h e probe was small evaluation program. T h e cheapest way of found t o b e highly ferromagnetic, which was underusing t h e s e materials is to plasma spray the bearstandable in the light of a later chemical a n a l y s i s


s r

1 -


-3 0 X

In 4

5 -

6 -

b: 7 -



Photographs of H a s t e l l o y

of small c r y s t a l comprising plug.


Feedline to Distillation Vessel.

(a) P a r t i a l plug.

(b)5 0 0 ~ phoi




Ground Surface Finish Designation

Linde LW-1


Linde LW-5



Nomina 1 Coating Spec i f ica ti on


Tungsten carbide bonded with 7-10% Co 25% W


+ 7% Ni + mixed W-Cr

40% pure tungsten carbide


+ 50% Co+ 10% Mo

bonded (12%) tungsten carbide Metco 81 NS

75% Cr carbide

3 0-6 3

F i g . 22.7.



+ 25% Nichrome

alloy binder

X-Ray Analysis

wc, acw2c, C0,C WC, Cr,C, GW2C, Co3C, Mo, MoC, MozC Cr,C,, Cr,C, CrjC2, Ni42 at. % Cr alloy

Stainless Steel L i q u i d L e v e l Probe from P K P - 1 Pump Loop.

Fig. 22.8. Microstructure of T y p e 304L Stainless Steel from L i q u i d L e v e l Probe of PKP-1 Exposed to Fluoroborate Salt for


192 hr a t Temperotures from 538 to 69OoC.

which showed the material t o b e composed of 78 wt % nickel and 22 wt % iron. Figure 22.8 shows a metallographic section of an area of the probe from the heavily attacked end. The microstructure and cheinical analysis above are typical of extens i v e attack on s t a i n l e s s steel by certain fluoride salts, more especially by moisture-contaminated salts. T h e well-known corrosion c y c l e involves selective removal of the more e a s i l y oxidized alloy constituents, especially Cr and Mn, void formation (the density of the material changes), void precipitation, and linkage and coalescence. In analyzing t h e compatibility of the probe with the s a l t , we summarized data from natural circulation loop tests which compare the corrosion of type 304 s t a i n l e s s s t e e l and Hastelloy N in molten fluoride s a l t s (Table 22.4). Since Hastelloy N shows about seven t i m e s a s much weight l o s s in the fluoroborate a s it d o e s in fuel s a l t s , the same

analogy, as a first approximation, c a n b e applied t o s t a i n l e s s steel. Thus a weight loss of 175 mg/cm2 of material in 5000 hr is indicated for type 304 s t a i n l e s s steel in fluoroborate salt. Corrosion of t h i s magnitude is e x c e s s i v e but considerably less than what was experienced by the probe. There are a t least three possible explanations for t h e observed high rate of attack: (1) the s a l t was generally contaminated, (2) oxidizing impurit i e s were introduced locally at t h e probe due t o a leak, and (3) the probe was attacked selectively since it was the l e a s t noble part exposed t o a large volume of salt in an Inconel system. T h e l a s t mechanism is probably responsible for the observed dissolution of an iron sample capsule in the MSRE, where Hastelloy N is t h e principal metallic material. We know of no reasonable way of distinguishing between t h e s e possibilities in this case.




289 T a b l e 22.4.

Weight Loss of A l l o y s Exposed t o Various Salts a t Different Temperatures for i

Temperature Salt


LiF-BeFZ-ThF4 (73-2-25 mole %)

Hastelloy N

LiF-BeF2-UF4 (65.5-34.0-0.5

Hastelloy N

NaBF4-NaF (92-8 mole %)

Type 304 SS

LiF-Be F ,-ZrF,-UF,-ThF

Type 304 SS

NaBF4-NaF (92-8 mole %)


Weight Loss (mg /cm


Hastelloy N



mole %)

(70-23-5-1 -1 mole %)



7 05


6 05






=Extrapolated value from 3000 hr. bEstimated from comparison with Hastelloy N.


R. E. McDonald

Previous s t u d i e s have shown that heat transfer can b e enhanced in condensers by using tubing with roughened or fluted surface^.^ T h e roughened surface promotes turbulence and increases the overall heat transfer coefficient. There is great incentive for improving t h e heat transfer by t h i s technique in molten-salt systems, since this reduces t h e quantity of uranium that is outside the core in heat exchangers. Fluted tubing h a s been fabricated previously from nickel, copper, and Ni-Cu, materials that are e a s i e r t o fabricate than Hastelloy N. We strengthened several components of t h e planetary swager tubing and have made several pieces of fluted %-in.-diam Hastelloy N tubing for heat transfer studies. We varied the fabri parameters t o obtain various depths and pi of t h e spiral roughening pattern; the depth varied from 10 t o 20 m i l s and the pitch from 2.6 t o 7.6 inch. T h e tubing collapsed when the 3C. G. Lawson, R. J. Kedl, and R. E. McDonald, Trans. A m . Nucl. SOC. 9(2), 565-66 (1966).

depth exceeded 20 m i l s . Several tubes are shown in Fig. 22.9. W e noted that the stringers of M,C carbides cracked during fabrication (Fig. 22.10), and thermal fatigue t e s t s would be needed t o determine whether t h e s e cracks propagate during service. However, the modified Hastelloy N presently under study does not have these stringers arid should present no problems in t h i s regard.



Fig. 22.9.

Fluted Hastelloy

H e a t Transfer.


Tubing for Enhanced



22.10. Photomicrograph

of Fluted H a s t e l l o y

N Tubing Showing t h e Fractured Carbides. A s p o l i s h e d . 5 0 0 ~ .

Part 6.

Molten-Salt Processing and Preparation M. E. Whatley

INTRODUCTION T h i s h a s been a period of fulfillment for several projects in our program. T h e f i r s t fuel charge of the MSRE was processed for t h e recovery of the I 2 3 'U by fluorination in an operation characterized by simplicity and predictable performance. T h e product uranium was decontaminated sufficiently to allow manual manipulation of the sodium fluoride beds on which it w a s accumulated, and the carrier s a l t w a s purified for reuse in the second phase of the reactor operation. W e successfully prepared a 233U charge, in the form of an 7 L i F - 2 3 3 U F , eutectic s a l t , for refueling the MSRE; it is now packaged in c a p s u l e s and cans, ready for insertion into the reactor. T h i s preparation proceeded rapidly and with little difficulty after some revisions in the chemical flowsheet were made. Our nonradioactive testing of the 48-liter molten-salt still h a s been concluded. W e are confident of the feasibility of this operation and have observed practical distillation rates (-1.5 ft3 ft-2 day-') at temperatures of 1000째C and pressures of 0.1 mm Hg over a period of many hours. Preparations t o perform a distillation


e #


experiment with this still at the MSRE, using MSRE carrier salt, are under way. Our developmental work on reductive extraction processing of MSBR's was fruitful from the standpoint of the accuinulation of b a s i c chemical d a t a which, at least in the case of the protactinium isolation flowsheet, have greatly increased our confidence. T h e distribution coefficients are still highly attractive, and the solubility of protactinium h a s been found to exceed the necessary 2000 ppm in bismuth. Our work on contactor development continues to be encouraging. Facilities for performing engineering studies on reductive extraction have been designed, and installation is in progress. Operations with s a l t and bismuth are scheduled to begin during the next few months. T h e method for separating rare earths from thorium by ieductive extraction is still i n the developmental phases. Separation factors in the proposed reactor salt system appear t o be somewhat low (between 1 and 3); therefore, it may b e necessary to adjust the concentration of the carrier salt in order to attain separation factors that will be sufficiently high to make this operation feasible.

23. Measurement of Distribution Coefficients in Molten-Salt-Metal


L. M. Ferris

is called the separation factor. If a = 1, no separation is possible; the higher the separation factor, the e a s i e r the separation. T h e purpose of our program is to obtain distribution coefficients and separation factors for uranium, protactinium, thorium, rare earths, and other fission products in various salt-metal systems s o that, ultimately, the b e s t conditions for a large-scale separation process c a n b e determined.

Development of the reductive extraction method for the processing of single-fluid molten-salt breeder reactor fuels h a s been continued. T h e process being evaluated involves the selective extraction of uranium, protactinium, and rare earths from the molten s a l t into liquid bismuth that contains a dissolved reductant such a s thorium. In order t o evaluate the feasibility of large-scale engineering application of t h i s method, the equilibrium distribution of the various components between the two phases must b e known. T h e distribution of component M can b e expressed as a distribution coefficient

D =


mole fraction of component M in metal phase

J. C. Mailen E. D. Nogueira

mole fraction of component M in s a l t phase

Thermodynamic treatment' of the equilibria involved with salts that contain LiF indicates that the distribution coefficients of the various components should b e expressible in t e r m s of the following relationship: log D,


n log D L i + log I


in which n is the valence of the component (as its fluoride MF,) in the salt, and I is a constant. T h e ratio of the distribution coefficients for two components (e.g., A and B ) ,

D A /DB = a A- B


'W. R. Grimes, Reactor Chem. D i v . Ann. Progr. Rept. Dec. 31, 1966, ORNL-4076, p. 34.


L. M. Ferris D. E. Spangler

During the early part of t h i s reporting period, an alpha facility was established for u s e in smalls c a l e studies of the behavior of protactinium in reductive extraction systems. T h e distribution of protactinium between a typical single-fluid MSBR fuel salt, LiF-BeF,-ThF, (69.2-19.4-11.4 mole %), and liquid bismuth h a s been established at 600OC. Other experiments have shown that the solubility of protactinium in bismuth at 6OOOC under reductive extraction conditions is at least 2078 ppm, and that protactinium c a n be maintained in solution indefinitely in a molybdenum container if the system is free of oxidants. The initial experiments were conducted as follows: Bismuth (200 to 300 g), contained i n a mild-steel crucible, was treated with hydrogen at 600 t o 650OC for about 24 hr and then was frozen under high-purity batch-analyzed argon. In a separate v e s s e l , a few milligrams of 2 3 1 ~ a and about 1 m c of 233Pawere added t o the LiF-






B e F ,-ThF, salt. T h e salt, contained in a degassed graphite crucible, w a s treated with HF-H, t o remove oxide impurities and, finally, was treated with argon to s t r i p out residual H F and hydrogen. The salt w a s frozen and the resulting ingot was transferred under argon t o the mild-steel crucible containing the bismuth. After t h e two-phase system had been heated t o the desired temperature under argon, p i e c e s of Li-Bi alloy (about 7 at. % Li) were added periodically t o increase the reductant concentration in the metal phase. Filtered samples of both p h a s e s were taken either 4 or 24 hr after addition of the alloy. Analyses of t h e s e samples allowed calculation of t h e distribution coefficients. Although the technique outlined above gave reliable values for t h e distribution coefficients, material balances for protactinium, uranium, and thorium were undesirably low. T h e main c a u s e of t h e low balances w a s found t o b e oxidation of t h e s e active metals by oxidants present in t h e supposedly high-purity argon. T h i s problem was eliminated by passing t h e argon through two traps filled with uranium turnings; t h e f i r s t trap was held a t 6OOOC and t h e second trap w a s held a t 260OC. Experiments made after t h i s modification were conducted i n a system in which t h e components that contacted t h e salt and bismuth (crucible, sparge tubes, thermowells, etc.) were all fabricated from molybdenum. U s e of molybdenum allowed simultaneous HF-H, treatment of the s a l t and bismuth. In addition, being able t o hydrofluorinate the two-phase system i n molybdenum made it possible to conduct s e v e r a l experiments in sequence in t h e same apparatus, u s i n g only one initial charge of protactinium. Distribution coefficient 6OOOC using -T 2 mole %) as the s a l t phase are shown in Fig. 23.1. T h e s l o p e of t h e line is 4, showing that t h e protactinium s p e c i e s in the s a l t phase w a s T h e s e d a t a yield'a value of 0.579 v difference in half-cell reduction potentials as defined by Moulton. T h i s value, when compared with previously reported3 values

,111. W. Rosenthal, MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 28, 1967, ORNL-4119, p. 150.

'M. W. Rosenthal, MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Re#. Feb. 29, 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 243.







8 4 z 0

3 F

m LT




L a




Fig. 23.1. D i s t r i b u t i o n o f Protactinium Between LiFBeF2-ThF4 (69.2-19.4-1 1.4 m o l e %) a n d Li-Bi Solutions at 60OoC.

tions that protactinium is readily separable from uranium and thorium. T h e separation factors obtained in our s t u d i e s are approximately


~a = -1 0 0~and a p a - T=h4300


A s mentioned above, the protactinium matlerial balances were low in many of the earlier experiments. Actually, t h e material balance declined slowly, but steadily, throughout t h e s e experiments. The primary c a u s e of the decline was oxidation of protactinium present i n t h e metal phase by oxidants present i n t h e argon. Experiment P E 5 was conducted at 6OOOC in molybdenum using argon that had been passed through traps filled with uranium turnings, with t h e objective of demonstrating that

294 protactinium could be held in bismuth at a significant concentration if the system was practically free of oxidants. In this experiment, U F , and P a F , that originally were present in the s a l t , LiF-BeF ,-ThF, (69.2-19.4-11.4 mole %), were reduced by addition of crystal-bar thorium to the system. T h e amount of thorium added was sufficient to reduce a l l of the U F , and about 95% of the PaF,. T h e resulting metal phase contained about 5000 ppm U, 750 ppm Th, and 70 ppm P a ; the protactinium concentration in the s a l t was about 1 0 ppm. T h e system remained practically unchanged for 128 hr (Table 23.1). The results of this experiment provide conclusive proof that protactinium can b e maintained in solution with bismuth in a molybdenum container and that good material balances can be maintained if oxidants are excluded from the system. T h e feasibility of the proposed protactinium recovery process h a s been subjected t o question because i t had not been demonstrated that protactinium was sufficiently soluble in bismuth, U-Bi, and Th-Bi solutions for process application. A calculation4 of the concentration profiles expected in a reductive extraction contactor indicated that the solubility of protactinium in bismuth had to be at l e a s t a s high a s that of thorium, and that protactinium had to be soluble to about 1000 wt ppm when the concentrations of uranium or thorium in the bismuth were about 1000 wt ppm if the desired process conditions were to be attained. ~~~~


,M. W. Rosenthal, MSR Program Semiann. Pro&. Rept. Feb. 2 9 , 1968, ORNL-4254, p. 248.

Table 23.1.

Experiment P E 7 w a s conducted in an attempt to demonstrate that the desired process conditions could be met. Using molybdenum apparatus, about 100 mg of 2 3 'Pa was dissolved ( a s P a F , ) in 100 g of LiF-BeF, (66-34 mole %) by hydrofluorination in the presence of 5 0 g of bismuth. After hydrofluorination, residual H F and hydrogen were removed from the s a l t by stripping with pure argon. With the system a t 6OO0C, crystal-bar thorium was added to the metal phase to reduce some of the P a F , and effect protactinium transfer to the metal phase. A sample of the metal phase taken 4 hr after the addition of thorium analyzed 1124 wt ppm protactinium and 1400 wt ppm thorium (Table 23.2). T h i s corresponded t o reduction of only about 50% of t h e P a F , ; addition of another piece of thorium to the system resulted in transfer of about 95% of the protactinium to the metal phase. Subsequent analyses of samples of the metal phase (Table 23.2, samples 2 and 3) yielded protactinium concentrations a s high a s 2078 wt ppm. Since raising or lowering the temperature by 50' produced no significant change in the protactinium concentration in the bismuth (Table 23.2, samples 4, 5, and 7), it w a s concluded that the solubility of protactinium in bismuth is a t least 2050 wt ppm a t 55OOC. Wher. the temperature was lowered to 5OO0C the protactinium concentration in the bismuth decreased to about 1200 wt ppm (Table 23.2, sample 6), with a corresponding decrease in protactinium material balance. Assuming that the solubility a t 50OoC is about 1200 wt ppm and that t h e apparent heat of solution is about the same a s that of thorium ( s e e Sect. 23.3), the solubility of protactinium i n bismuth a t 6OOOC is

Concentration in Metal P h a s e


Li Concentration in Metal P h a s e

(wt PPm)

(at. %)

Pa Material

Ba1an c e


DP a
































Distribution o f Thorium, Uranium, and Protactinium Between L i F - B e F - T h F 2 4 (69.2-19.4-11.4 m o l e %) and Bismuth Solutions a t 6OO0C

Total Equilibration



> 9sa

eThe s a l t phase was not sampled; at l e a s t 95% of the original protactinium was present in the metal phase.


s b




R e s u l t s of Experiment


Demonstrating H i g h Solubility of Protactinium and Adequate Mutual Solubility

of Protactinium and Thorium i n Bismuth a t 6OO0C

Concentration Sample




in Metal P h a s e




600 600

0.16 3.0

(wt PPm) Pa


1124 1874

1400 1100


























aA small amount of thorium was added to the metal phase after this sample was taken. bAnalysis not available a t this writing.

estimated t o b e about 4500 wt ppm. At the t i m e of this writing, analysis of all samples from experiment P E 7 was incomplete. However, based on t h o s e available and on estimates from gamma counting of the samples, the protactinium balance was practically 100% throughout the 7.3-day experiment. T h e results obtained s o far from experiment P E 7 show that the solubility of protactinium in bismuth is a t l e a s t as high as the thorium solubility ture range of interest. In addition, y of thorium and protactinium wt ppm of each) is adequately high for process application.

L. M. Ferris

1. "1. Lawrance


J. F. Land I


LiF-BeF,-ThF, salt compositions. In most experiments the salt and about an equal volume of bismuth were heated t o the desired temperature

in a mild-steel crucible under argon. Then lithium (as Li-Bi alloy) was added to the bismuth in small increments, and the distribution of the various components between the two phases was determined. Under t h e s e experimental conditions, enough T h F could be reduced t o produce a metal phase that was saturated with thorium without changing the ThF, concentration in the salt detectably. Once saturation was achieved, addition of more reductant (lithium or, in some c a s e s , crystal-bar thorium) merely resulted in the precipitation of a tho,rium bismuthide, and, consequently, the distribution coefficients of t h e various components remained constant. For a given system the highest possible distribution coefficients are those obtained when the metal phase is saturated with thorium and, accordingly, will b e denoted as Dmax. At a given temperature, DFE" is simply the solubility of th-orium in bismuth (atom fraction) divided b;y the T h F concentration in the salt (mole fraction); thus the value of DFEx depends only on the T h F , concentration in the salt and provides a convenient reference point for the correlation of data. T h e separation factors determined at DFE" will b e denoted by a*, although it should b e emphasized that t h e s e are not necessarily the maximum separation factors attainable. If the valence of the other component is less than 4, the separation factor d e c r e a s e s as t h e thorium concentration in the metal phase increases, and a* is actually the lowest value possible. If the valence of the other component is also 4, the separation factor is a*, regardless of the thorium concentration in the metal phase.



Typical plots of log D M v s log D using data from experiments with two different s a l t compositions are shown in Fig. 23.2. T h e s e plots illustrate several things: (1) T h e scatter in d a t a points is typical of experiments of this type; (2) the fact that the d a t a c a n be represented in this manner suggests that many of the assumptions made in the original thermodynamic treatment' of the equilibria involved are reasonably valid (the slopes of the lines are 2, 3, and 4 for Eu, L a , and Th respectively); (3) s i n c e the T h F , concentration i n both salts was about 1 2 mole %, the same value for DFE" was obtained in of about 1.46 x each experiment. However, s i n c e the corresponding values for DF?" were markedly different, i t is obvious that the activity of the T h F , and/or the L i F changed with s a l t composition. M. A. E3redig


005 I




I I / / 1 / 1



I I l l l l l

0 02 t-

of the Chemistry Division suggested5 that t h e s e changes in activity might b e related t o differences in what h e called the “free fluoride� equivalence of the salts. F r e e fluoride equivalence (FF) is defined as








LiF (mole %)


- 2BeF,

0 0


m -

n F cn -

(mole %) - 3ThF, (mole %)





69 2-194-i1 4

0 004

0 0005 2






Fig. 23.2.

This concept appears to have some validity in that the values for a* for several rare earths increase with increasing free fluoride equivalence of t h e s a l t , both at 600 and 7OOOC (Table 23.3 and Fig. 23.3). T h e data in T a b l e 23.3 a l s o suggest that temperature h a s very little effect on t h e values of a*. More experiments of t h i s type are in progress t o better define the relationship between the separation factor and the free fluoride equivalence of the salt.

Distribution o f Thorium and Rare Earths

Between LiF-BeF2-ThF4 Salts and Bismuth Solution



5M. A. Bredig, personal communication, Aprll 26, 1968.

Table 23.3.

Distribution of Thorium, Rare Earths, and Lithium Between

L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4 Salts and Thorium-Saturated Bismuth Solutions


Salt (mole %) LiF







Free Fluoride




Temperature (OC)


















6 00














Eu2+ EU2+



Dm ax






Eu2+ ~a~





















6 00






















7 00






















-4 E -U E 3 E





-> e









t 1




w 0

I 0

3 n






E f f e c t of F r e e Fluoride Equivalence of

0 I I-


O 05


L i F - B e F 2 - T h F 4 Salts on Rare-Earth-Thorium Separation 0 01

Factors ( a m a x ) a t 60OoC.




Solubility of Thorium i n Bismuth a( Various


L.M. Ferris

The results of one prior study6 indicated that the solubility of thorium in liquid bismuth at 6OOOC was about 3000 wt ppm. Since the thorium concentrations obtained at DFEx in reductive extraction experiments (see Sect. 23.2) were only about 2000 wt ppm, direct measurements of the

A plot of log S v s 1/T, presenting average solubility values at several temperatures, is shown in Fig. 23.4. The line through the points is log S (wt ppm)





s t a i n l e s s steel vacuum-type filters.

T h e s e data are in good agreement with those reported by Greenwood,7 but are lower than the values given by Hayes and Gordon.6 T h e s e solubility data are also in excellent agreement with the values indicated bv reductive extraction experiments at 600 to 700°C, suggesting that the ce of lithium, uranium, rare earths, and other elements in low concentration have no marked effect on the thorium solubility.

6E. E. Haves and P. Gordon. T h e Solubilitv of Uranium a n d Thorium in Liquid Metals a n d Ailoys, TID-2501-Del. 115 (1957).

7G. W. Greenwood, The Solubilities of Uranium and Thorium in Liquid Bismuth, AERE-M/R-2234 (June 1957).


24. Simulated Molten-Salt-Liquid-Bismuth


Contactor Studies

L. E. McNeese

J. S. Watson

The proposed method for removing protactinium and fission products from a single-fluid moltens a l t breeder reactor (or from the blanket salt of two-fluid reactors) involves reductive extraction using liquid bismuth containing lithium and thorium reductants. Equipment is needed to efficiently contact streams of s a l t and bismuth. T h e properties of t h e s e fluids are very different from t h o s e of aqueous and organic fluids with which m o s t experience with liquid-liquid extraction equipment h a s been obtained. For instance, the difference between the d e n s i t i e s of the s a l t and metal p h a s e s will b e between 5.5 and 7.5 g/ml, while aqueousorganic systems have differences between 0.05 and 0.2 g/m1. Similarly, the interfacial tension between bismuth and molten s a l t could be as much as a factor of 10 greater than that usually s e e n in aqueous-organic systems. Since the correlations used to design liquidliquid extraction systems are based upon conditions far removed from those of current interest, experimental d a t a from s y s t e m s similar to t h e molten-salt-bismuth system are needed. Bec a u s e experiments with bismuth and molten salt are difficult, a mercury-water system will be ;sed initially to provide the hydrodynamic d a t a necessary to allow intelligent selection of contactor types t o t e s t with the process fluids. T h i s simulated system will provide quantitative d a t a on flooding rates, pressure drop, holdup, and backmixing, as well as qualitative information on flow patterns and drop s i z e . Mass transfer measurements are a l s o possible in a simulated system; however, they a r e not i n progress. One s i m i l a r study h a s been reported. Johnson and co-workers' a t Argonne studied a column

packed with 3/16-in. Berl s a d d l e s , u s i n g water and Wood's metal. Their observed flooding rates were not adequately predicted by conventional correlations. Actually, when the correlations were extrapolated to the required conditions, the predicted results were s o different that i t w a s considered a coincidence when a predicted flooding rate fell near the experimental value. T h e experiments in t h i s study are carried out in a 1-in.-ID, 2-ft-long g l a s s column. Mercury is circulated between the column and a hold tank by a diaphragm pump containing tantalum check values. Distilled water is circulated through t h e column by a small centrifugal pump. Ball valves are located at e a c h end of t h e 1-in. column and allow flow to and from the column to be stopped instantly for holdup measurements. Each end of the column a l s o contains a section of 2-in. pipe. T h e s e sections, which are partially packed with the packing material of interest, allow lower velocities for coalescence, as well a s provide s p a c e for the i n l e t and outlet lines. T h u s far we have tested Teflon R a s c h i g rings ("/,, and in. OD) and a solid cylindrical packing in. in diameter and in. long. (The column diameter should be about twice a s large t o avoid wall effects with %-in. packing, but we are, a t present, restricted to t h e s m a l l e r diameter because of the limited capacity of t h e mercury pump.) Teflon and polyethylene will b e chosen for most packing materials because they are not wet by either phase, and neither bismuth nor the molten fluoride s a l t is expected to wet the material chosen for t h e p r o c e s s contactor. There are apparently two different flow conditions under which the column c a n operate. T h e s e are illustrated i n F i g s . 24.1 and 24.2. Figure 24.1 shows a photograph of t h e column packed with 3/16-in. R a s c h i g rings through which t h e metal


'T. R. Johnson et a l . , ANL-7325,pp. 30-32.

2 98







Mercury-Water Column Operated w i t h 3/16-in.

Polyethylene Raschig Rings.




packing. Figure 24.2 is a photograph of the column with t - i n . R a s c h i g rings. T h i s small increase i n packing diameter c a u s e s a dramatic change in the behavior of the dispersed metal phase. T h e metal moves down t h e column i n t h e form of small dropl e t s which seldom c o a l e s c e and remain intact for considerable distances down the column. T h i s



Mercury-Water Column Operated w i t h t - i n .

Polyethylene Roschig Rings.

300 flow behavior is typical of all measurements made with the $-in. R a s c h i g rings or the i - i n . solid cylinder packing. However, as the flow rates approach flooding conditions, some “channel� flow begins to occur. T h e dispersed or droplet flow is

be desirable to operate the salt-metal h approximately %-in. or larger packing. g rings and $-in. solid cylin-

when the superficial velocity of e reached approximately 90 ft/hr or 650

be approximated by means of straight l i n e s with near-unity negative s l o p e s when the square roots of the two p h a s e velocities were plotted against e a c h other. T h e %-in. R a s c h i g rings gave considerably higher flooding rates. At equal flow rates, flooding did not occur until the superficial velocity of e a c h p h a s e reached approximately 190 ft/hr. Efforts are a l s o being made to correlate holdup, pressure drop, and flooding rates with all of the s y s t e m s studied. T h e simulated system should provide methods for interpreting and understanding the pressure drop measurements which will b e made with salt-metal contactors; in addition, it should provide initial estimates of how s u c h contactors will behave.

. a



b 5


25. Reductive Extraction Engineering Studies L. E. McNeese B. A. Hannaford H. D. Cochran, Jr. W. F. Shaffer E . L. Youngblood 4-

Equipment h a s been designed and fabricated for semicontinuous engineering experiments on reductive extraction. Mass transfer between molten s a l t and bismuth streams will b e observed under various flow conditions. Pressure drop through the column can a l s o be measured, and i t may b e possible to correlate mass transfer performance with hydrodynamic conditions - flooding, holdup, specific interfacial area, etc. - which may b e inferred from work under way using a mercurywater system. T h e first experiments are planned for t h e l a s t quarter of 1968 and will involve transfer of uranium from a salt to a metal stream. Molten s a l t and liquid bismuth will b e contacted countercurrently i n a packed column 0.82 in. ID x 2 f t long filled with %-in. right circular cylinders of molybdenum. Three other columns having similar dimensions - one containing ?*-in. cylindrical packing, one with segmental baffles at %-in. spacing, and one empty column - are a l s o available . Approximately 15-liter b a t c h e s of t and bismuth will b e charged initially to a graphite crucible i n the treatment v e s s e l , where oxidation will b e effected by sparging with


argon pressurization t o separate feed t a n k s , and reductant (metallic lithium) will be added t o t h e bismuth feed tank. From the f e e d tanks, s a l t and metal will be transferred by argon pressure at cow trolled r a t e s (up to about 0.5 liter/min) through the extraction column t o separate c a t c h tanlts. All tanks are equipped with sampling s t a t i o n s , and both product streams c a n be sampled during operation. To begin t h e next experiment, salt and metal will b e transferred back t o the treatment v e s s e l for oxidation. An electroiytic cell for oxidation and reduction of s p e c i e s present in the salt-metal system may also b e t e s t e d ; it will be connected in parallel with t h e extraction column. T h e cell will not be used during reductive extraction experiments. T h i s study will also provide an opportunity to t e s t equipment d e s i g n and t o reveal t h e problems inherent in processing s a l t continuously on a large scale. Some of these problems involve entrainment, performance of freeze v a l v e s with a possible second phase entrained in t h e major phase, and compatibility of materials with t h e salt-bismuth mixture.



26. Continuous Fluorination of Molten Salt B. A . Hannaford


L. E. McNeese

temperature and frozen s a l t thickness throughout the t e s t section.

Equipment is being developed for the continuous removal of UF, from a salt stream by countercurrently contacting t h e salt with F2 in a salt-phasecontinuous system. T h e equipment will be protected from corrosion b y freezing a layer of salt on t h e v e s s e l wall; t h e heat necessary for maintaining molten s a l t adjacent t o frozen salt will be provided by t h e decay of fission products in the s a l t stream. In a series of recently concluded experiments using countercurrent flow of s a l t and a n inert g a s , we demonstrated that a frozen s a l t layer c a n be formed and maintained at conditions of fluid flow and heat transfer which approximate t h o s e expected for processing fuel from a 1000-Mw (electrical) MSBR. The experimental equipment, described previously, consisted of a 5-in.-diam 8-ft-high column fabricated from sched-40 nickel pipe. An internal heat source consisting of three Calrod heaters contained in a 3/-in.-diam sched-40 pipe was used to simulate a volume heat source i n t h e molten s a l t . T h e s a l t mixture w a s 66-34 mole % LiF-ZrF,, which h a s a liquidus temperature of 595OC and a phase diagram similar to t h e LiFBeF, system. Since the principal objective of t h e work w a s t o demonstrate that a uniform layer of frozen salt could b e established and maintained at expected heat generation r a t e s , we c h o s e t o s u b stitute argon for fluorine, thereby simplifying t h e experimental procedures. For t h e final s e t of experiments, t h e insulation was stripped from t h e upper t e s t section, and t h e air cyoling c o i l s were removed to permit heat loss by radiation and natural convection. T h e primary purpose was t o obtain more nearly uniform surface


A s a means of confirming t h e frozen salt thickn e s s indicated by the internal thermocouples, t h e molten s a l t phase in a few selected experiments was quickly drained from thecolumn after a period of steady-state operation. Radiographs of t h e columnwere then made; one of t h e s e (Fig. 26.1) shows that over t h e 3.5-in. elevation change covered by t h e array of internal thermocouples, the s a l t thickness decreased from 0.80 to 0.65 in. T h e 0.80-in. t h i c k n e s s of t h e salt layer i n t h e plane of the nominal V,-in.-deep thermocouple, as determined from t h e mdiograph, w a s i n good agreement with t h e salt t h i c k n e s s determined f r o m temperature measurements. T h i s method is illustrated i n Fig. 26.2 for t h e same experiment and is based on t h e temperature-position relationship for t h e classical c a s e of purely radial flow of heat to t h e outer surface of a thick-walled cylinder. Here thecylinder w a s t h e frozen salt layer itself; the metal wall constituted a negligible r e s i s t a n c e to heat flow b e c a u s e of i t s much higher coefficient of thermal conductivity. T h e most consistent interpretation of t h e experimental data w a s obtained by using only two thermocouples - the internal thermocouple located 0.66 in. from t h e metal wall, and the adjacent wall thermocouple to locate t h e interface. Theintended use of t h e entire array of internal thermocouples w a s not feasible for a number of reasons. (1) T h e embedded thermocouple nearest t h e interface (usually thermocouple C , nominally 34 in. deep) caused a local perturbation of the interface. T h i s was observed in radiographs and in t h e postoperation examination. (2) T h e tip of t h e thermocouple nearest t h e wall appeared t o have changed position during t h e course of t h e experiments. (3) Surface temperatures

' M S R Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. Feb. 2 9, 1968, ORNL-4254, pp. 252-53.





303 ORNL PHOTO 9f339R







-12 in. 1/2 in. DEEP THERMOCOUPLE

Fig. 26.1.

-0.65 in. THICK

. -0.65 in. THICK



X-Ray P o s i t i v e of 5 - i n . - d i a m

Column After Removal of the Molten Salt a n d Subsequent Cooling.

varied axially over t h e length of the thermocouple array. Following t h e final experiment t h e upper test section was sawed into s e c t i o n s t o permit v i s u a l examination of the frozen s a l t layer and direct measurement of internal (Fig. 26.3). T h e s a l t thi

are more clearly d i s c inner, dark layer w a s the approximately 1-hr period required to drain molten s a l t from t heaters were turne caused by a porous which limited t h e s a l t flow rate during the latter > runs t o = 3 liters/hr. T h e outer bank w a s t h e layer of frozen salt that existed at ste

The thickness w a s essentially uniform around the entire circumference. T h e concentricity of the frozen layer throughout approximately a 30-in. length of theupper t e s t section indicated that t h e off-axis feed point for the argon c a u s e d no undesirable effects on t h e uniformity of t h e frozen layer t h i c k n e s s . T h e inferred thickness of frozen salt for t h e e r i e s of 24 experiments ranged from about 0.10 . T h e equivalent volume heat generation d from 34,000 t o 190,000 Btu hr-' ft-3. For most experiments t h e rate w a s intentionally t h e reference value of 50,000 Btu tendency for t h e s a l t t o s t h e column a t low heat generation r a t e s . T h i s maloperation may b e largely explained by t h e nonuniform nature of the ccoling method used (air cooli

3 04



Fig. 26.2. Salt Temperature v s Radius i n 5.04-in.-ID Column.

Thickness of frozen s a l t = 0.80 in. b y the pre-

ferred method of extrapolating from a surface temperature through temperature of adjacent thermocouple t o liquidus temperature (experiment 23). Positions of internal thermocouples are direct measurements from postoperation examination.


ORNL-DWG 68-13378

DEPTH ( 2 . 5 2 - r ) (in.) 1.o 0.5



--ti‘ w 550 (L



2W 500




400 1.0




r,RADIUS (in.)




26.3. V i e w of the Central Portion of the T e s t Section. Upper end of the test section i s

in the foreground.

3 05



Cross Se! C i

Frozen S a l t L a y e r s .


C olumn

Show ing the


f a

27. Distillation of MSRE Fuel Carrier Salt L. E . McNeese

J. R. Hightower


s a l t mixture in t h e still having a liquidus temperature of less t h a n 700OC. During e a c h run, distillation rates were d e termined by measuring t h e r a t e of r i s e of t h e condensate level in t h e receiver. T h e steady-state rate measurements for e a c h run and the operating conditions under which they were determined a r e shown in Table 27.1. Under t h e operating conditions in t h e still t h e distillation rate is controlled by t h e condition that t h e frictional pressure loss through t h e p a s s a g e connecting t h e vaporization and condensation surfaces equals the difference between t h e vapor pressure of t h e s a l t in t h e s t i l l pot and the pressure at the lower end of t h e condenser. With condenser pressures much lower than t h e s a l t vapor pressure (%1.0 mm Hg at 1000째C), t h e distillation rate

The nonradioactive phase of the MSRE distillation experiment w a s completed on June 18, 1968, and installation of equipment has b e e n started at the MSRE for distillation of a 48-liter batch of fluorinated fuel s a l t from the reactor. T h i s nonradioactive phase of the experiment involved distilling s i x 48-liter batches of MSRE fuel carrier s a l t (four of which contained 0.1 t o 0.3 mole % NdF,). During these runs, vaporization r a t e s were measured, and samples of the condensate were taken t o a s s e s s the effect of concentration polarization and entrainment on operation of t h e equipment. Essentially the same procedure w a s used in each run. Molten s a l t was charged to t h e feed tank a t 6OOOC from a heated storage v e s s e l . After t h e storage v e s s e l w a s disconnected, t h e s t i l l pot was heated to 900 to 95OoC, and the system pressure w a s reduced t o 5 m m Hg. T h e feed tank was pressurized to about 0.5 atm to force s a l t into t h e stiIl pot, and the condenser pressure w a s decreased t o 0.05 t o 0.1 m m Hg to initiate vaporization at a n appreciable rate. A t t h i s time t h e liquid level in t h e s t i l l pot was switched to automatic control, and s a l t was fed t o t h e s t i l l Cpot in t h i s mode at a rate slightly greater t h a n the vaporization rate. T h e argon feed valve t o t h e feed tank remained open (forcing more s a l t into t h e s t i l l pot) until the liquid level in the still pot r o s e t o a given point; t h e valve t h e n remained closed until the s a l t dropped to another set point. After about one s t i l l volume had b e e n processed, t h e temperature of t h e still w a s raised t o t h e desired operating point (approximately 1000째C). When t h e desired quantity of salt had been distilled, distillation was stopped by increasing t h e condenser pressure to 5 mm Hg. Then 8 to 10 liters of t h e initial salt mixture was used t o flush t h e highmelting s a l t from t h e still pot and to produce a

Table 27.1.

.* 0


Distillation Rates


D i s tilla tion Run


MS S-C -1 MSS-C-1







(mm Hg)

(ft3 ft-2 day- 1 )

990 990

0.5 0.3

1.15 1.20 1.25





0.055 0.07





MS S-C -4





950 1000



1025 1000

0.08 0.08 0.08




1.21 1.95 1.40

'Condenser pressure may have been higher; a ZrF, plug occurred in t h e vacuum line in this run.



307 ORNL-DWG 68-13379






TEMPERATURE ("C) 1010 990










V a r i a t i o n of V a p o r i z a t i o n R a t e with S t i l l

Temperature While H o l d i n g Condenser Pressure L o w

(0.05-0.09 mm


should vary directly a s t h e salt vapor pressure and hence be quite dependent on still pot temperature. For t h e runs in which t h e condenser pressure is below 0.1 mm Hg, t h e effect of still temperature is shown i n Fig. 27.1. T h e observed distillation r a t e s (approximately 1.5 ft3 of salt per day per square foot of vaporization surface) would b e acceptable in a processing plant. Concentration polarization i n the still pot or entrainment of liquid droplets from t h e still pot could seriously limit the separation of the slightly volatile LnF, from the more volatile LiF and BeF,. T h e extent of polarization or entrainment was determined by analyzing condensate s a m p l e s taken during t h e course of a run for NdF,. T h e ratio of NdF, concentration in t h e condensate to the average NdF, concentration in t h e still, d e noted by R , should be constant and should approximate the relative volatility of NdF, with respect t o LiF. In t h e first run in which NdF, was included in ied (randomly) between 1.4 x lo-, for about 2.5 still pot volumes alue is comparable with t h e measured relative volatility of NdF,, In later runs (MSS-C-5 and which is 1.4 x MSS-C-6) the values of R were as high as 5.5 x however, it is believed that t h e high values

were t h e result of samples contaminated by flush s a l t from previous runs remaining on t h e condenser walls and in t h e sample reservoir. Neither concentration polarization nor entrainment w a s evident in t h e run from which d a t a are considered most reliable. Two difficulties were encountered: (1) condensed ZrF, and unidentified molybdenum compounds in t h e vacuum line completely restricted flow on two occasions, and (2) a deposition of nickel and iron in t h e s a l t feed line t o t h e still almost stopped t h e flow after t h e first two runs and caused a noticeable restriction in t h e r e p l a c e ment feed line after t h e fourth run. T h e major metallic constituents of t h e plugs in the vacuum line were zirconium and molybdlenum. T h e first plug was removed by cutting into the vacuum line; the second plug was broken during the l a s t run by heating t h e vacuum line to about 950 t o 1O5O0C, thereby redistributing the material. Examination of t h e vacuum line during t h e postoperational inspection showed that t h e free cross section of t h e pipe at t h e point of exit from t h e receiver was s t i l l about 50% of t h e original c r o s s section. Analysis of t h e material obstructing t h e vacuum line showed it to contain 39.4% zirconium and 11.6% molybdenum, with F- and 0 2 - as t h e major anions. T h e c a u s e for t h e metal deposition in the salt feed line is not completely understood. Two poss i b l e sources of t h e deposited material a r e s u s pended metals and/or dissolved fluorides introduced with t h e feed s a l t , and corrosion products. T h e possibility that system corrosion may have been a factor is suggested by t h e composition of the deposits, -,0 . 9 wt % Co and 0.7 t o 2 wt % Mo (both of t h e s e metals are constituents of Hastelloy N), and of the plug in t h e vacuum line (high molybdenum content). T h e extent of corrosion necessary t o produce the materials found would b e very small and could not have b e e n detected by t h e wall thickness measurements. Another possible source of corrosion products is t h e corrosion coupons i n the still pot, although no coupon w a s severely corroded. A hypothesis for reduction and

'J. R. Hightower, Jr., and L. E. McNeese, Measurement o f the Relative Volatilities of Fluorides of C e , L a , Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, B a , S r , Y , and Zr in Mixtures of L i F and BeF,, ORNL-TM-2058 (January 1968).


3 08 deposition of dissolved fluorides is based on t h e observation t h a t higher-valence fluorides are, in general, more volatile t h a n lower-valence fluorides of t h e same element. T h i s condition c a u s e s t h e still pot s a l t t o b e reducing i n nature with respect t o the feed s a l t and could c a u s e reduction and deposition at the entrance t o the s t i l l pot.

Postoperational inspection showed t h e s t i l l t o be in good condition. Wall thickness measurements over the still pot and over both e n d s of t h e condenser showed an average d e c r e a s e in thickn e s s of only 1.6 m i l s . Distances between widely selected points changed by a n average of only 0.026 in.

28. Relative Volatility Measurements by the Transpiration Method F. J. Smith

C. T . Thompson L . M Ferris

where aABis the relative volatility of A with respect to B, Y is the mole fraction of t h e clesignated component in t h e vapor phase, and X is the mole fraction in the liquid phase. In addition to t h e systems shown in Table 28.1, a limited amount of data was obtained with LiFBeF2-ThF,-solute fluoride systems. Data for t h e system LiF-BeF, -ThF, -LaF, (36.6-1.0-59.16-2.8 mole %) indicate t h e following relative volatilities with respect to L i F at 1000°C: BeF,, 37; ThF,, 0.25; LaF,, <0.0015. Data for t h e system L i F BeF,-ThF,-CsF-RbF (33-0.66-63-1.36-1.98 mole %) yielded relative volatilities of about 100, 0.65, 3.7, and 1.0 for BeF,, ThF,, C s F , and RbF, respectively, at 1000°C. T h e t o t a l pressure ,predicted for t h i s system is less than 0.05 mm Hg a t 1000°C. In a n experiment in which C s F and RbF were present in LiF-BeF, -ThF, (68-20-12 mole %) at concentrations of 0.13 and 0.08 mole %, respectively, relative volatilities of 107 for C s F and 119 for R b F were obtained at 1000°C. Data from a run with LiF-BeF,-ThF,-EuF, (42.40.06-51.8-5.8 mole %) yielded a relative volatility of <0.009 for EuF, at 1000°C. T h e results of t h e s e studies show that, s i n c e the volatilities of both t h e rare earths and ThF, are low, distillation is probably not applicable a s a primary separations method in the processing of single-fluid MSBR fuels. Distillation might, however, find application a s a concentrationadjustment s t e p in connection with a reductive extraction process.

Liquid-vapor equilibrium d a t a for a number of LiF-BeF,-ThF, systems have been obtained by the transpiration method in support of possible distillation s t e p s in the processing of single-fluid Molten-Salt Breeder Reactor fuels. T h e data a r e summarized in Table 28.1. In t h e absence of any information regarding complex molecules in the vapor phase, t h e partial pressures and the predicted total pressures were calculated by assuming that only monomers existed in the vapor. Association in the vapor (known t o occur in t h e vapor above pure L i F and LiF-BeF, systems) would lower both the calculated partial pressures and the predicted total pressures. In all c a s e s the apparent partial pressure P could b e described adequately by a linear equation, log P (mm Hg) = A - B/T(OK) ,

tive volatilities, a s well a s effective activity coefficients, are also included. For a multicomponent system t h e activity coefficients of component A at each temperature are given by 0 PA

Y A ='AIN,


where N is the mole fraction of A i n the melt, & the vapor pressure of pure A . Relative and volatility is defined by








Apparent P a r t i a l Pressures, R e l a t i v e V o l a t i l i t i e s , and E f f e c t i v e A c t i v i t y C o e f f i c i e n t s in

Li F - B e F 2 - T h F 4

Apparent Partial Salt Composition

Vapor Composition

(mole %)

a t IOOOOC (mole %)







Pressure'a log P = A - B/T

ThF, A





















































0.14 0.15





BeF2 ThF,

7.480 2.879

9,984 6,233

0.19 0.61



























BeF* ThF,

Volatillty at IOOO~C



BeFz ThF, 45.0

Effective Activity Coefficient a t looooc





2.7 '"

0.014 1.1

16.2 0.01 8 0.81 27.1 0.088 0.38 '"177.0 0.15

0.23 '"0.20 0.23

0.06 -120.0 0.14

0.13 '"0.28 0.24

(mm Hg)


0.25 '"0.32

Predict e d T o t a l Pressure at IOOO~C

0.2 1 '"293.0 0.26

aTemperature range: 950 t o 1000째C. It w a s assumed that no association occurred in t h e vapor. In t h e equation, P is in mm Hg and T is in OK. *The scatter in data points w a s too great for determination of these values. 'The B e F 2 concentration in the liquid phase decreased too rapidly t o allow determination of t h e s e values.


29. Preparation of 7UF-


UF4 Concentrate for the M S R E

J. W. Anderson S. Mann E. L. Nicholson J. E. Bolt W. F. Schaffer, Jr. G. Cathers J. H. Schaffer J. M. Chandler J. P. Jarvis

the remainder of the cold run and throughout the 233U production operations. T h e cold run product met the quality criteria established by the MSRE, but t h e prolonged operation at elevated temperatures and some of the sample d a t a taken during t h e run indicated exc e s s i v e corrosion of the reaction vessel. IJpon completion of t h e run t h e v e s s e l w a s sectioned, and extensive damage to the nickel liner w a s noted.

T h e MSRE is to be fueled with 233U i n 1968. Approximately 39.0 k g of 91.4% enriched 233U as 7LiF-233UF, (73-27 mole %) e u t e c t i c salt is required. T h i s material w a s prepared i n cell G of the Thorium Uranium Recycle F a c i l i t y because of the high 2 3 2 Ucontent (222 ppm) of the feed material and its associated radiation. T h e process and equipment for preparing t h i s concentrate have been described previously. T h i s report d e s c r i b e s the cold run using 238U, changes in the process a s a result of t h e cold run experience, and the production of t h e enriching concentrate.


29.2. PRODUCTION OF THE 7LiF-233UF, CONCENTRATE B e c a u s e of the difficulties encountered in t h e cold run, a low-temperature, two-step flowsheet was investigated in a laboratory experiment. Two hundred grams of normal uranium, a s UO,, was f i r s t reduced by hydrogen sparging and then converted to UF, by hydrofluorination a t temperatures 200 to 4OO0C lower than in the original flowsheet. T h i s technique was then adopted for t h e production of t h e fuel concentrate. T h e first 233U production run with the revised process flowsheet (Fig. 29.2) began May 9, 1968. Uranium oxide w a s treated initially at 5OO0C with a helium sparge to remove any volatiles and to thoroughly decompose remaining ammonium compounds. T h e UO, was then reduced to UO, over a period of 24 hr by sparging with hydrogen a t concentrations from 5 to 100% over t h e temperature range 400 to 550OC. F i v e d a y s were required t o convert t h e UOz to UF, by hydrofluorination with a mixture of 40% anhydrous hydrogen fluoride in hydrogen a t temperatures ranging from 400 'to

29.1 COLD SHAKEDOWN RUN T h e cold run w a s completed April 12, 1968, using t h e one-step high-temperature process and equipment shown schematically in Fig. 29.1. Seve r a l operational difficulties were encountered. T h e end point of the hydrofluorination s t e p of the process w a s difficult t o determine b e c a u s e our sampling . -procedure w a s contributing oxide contamination to t h e melt. We modified the procedures and some of uld take - a dipped sample of the m e l t for oxide determination and later t a k e filtered s a m p l e s for analysis of the corrosion products, primarily iron, nickel, and chromium, after t h e hydrogen purification of the eutectic. T h i s method of sampling w a s u s e d for

'MSR Program Semiann. Progr. R e p t . Aug. 3 1 , 1967, ORNL-4191, pp. 252-53.








H2 ,HF,He



OXlC TREAT I N T VES: L 7% in HAM x 35 in.

Fig. 29.1.


CAPSULES 3/4 in. DlAM X6in.


DlAM in.


Equipment Flowsheet for MSRE 233UF4-7LiF Preparation.

Fig. 29.2. Chemical Flowsheet for Preparing MSRE Fuel Concentrate Overall Reaction UO, + H, UF, + LiF27% 73%

UF, + 3 H 2 0 UF,. LiF Eutectic composition

+ HF+

Charge U03:


Heat treat U03:

3- t o 5-hr digestion a t 550째C; cool to 4OO0C

Hydrogen reduction:

Start 5% H, a t 4OO0C and increase to 50% H2; temperature r i s e s to



k g uranium a s UO,

49OoC; treat a t 500-550째C

a t 100% H 2 use; cool to 4OO0C

Start 5% H F in H, a t 4OO0C, increase to 40% H F in H, temperature increases to 45OoC; when H F u s e decreases below 80%, increase the


temperature to 63OoC stepwise until H F u s e becomes 0; cool t o 150째c Add exact 7LiF, melt under 3% H2; digest a t 85OoC for 3 to 5 hr;

Eutectic formation: UF,

+ LiF +UF,



Eutectic purification:

+ H,O + HF

MO + H F -4 M F


+ H,-+


Product purity:

cool to 7OO0C


Purge melt 24 t o 3 0 hr a t 7OO0C with 20% H F i n H2; treat with H, for

7 5 to 150 hr 1c

? Unfiltered sample analyzed for oxide content Filtered sample analyzed for metallic impurities

313 625OC. The utilization of H F w a s essentially 100% for the first four days of this treatment but then rapidly dropped to zero on the fifth day a s the reaction went to completion. T h e temperatures within the powder bed were monitored throughout the uranium reduction and hydrofluorination by a multithermocouple probe inserted along the vertical axis of the reaction vessel. Twelve thermocouples were located a t 2-in. intervals along the probe. T h e progress of the exothermic reactions upward through the bed could very easily be followed by observing the temperature profile. T h e data for the uranium reduction and hydrofluorination a r e presented graphically in Figs. 29.3 and 29.4. T h e eutectic s a l t LiF-UF, (73-27 mole %) was formed by adding the stoichiometric amount of 'LiF to the 2 3 3 U F 4 and then melting and digesting the resulting mixture for 4 hr a t 850째C with a sparge of 30% hydrogen in helium. T h e melt was then cooled to 7OO0C and purged for 24 hr with a mixture of 20% H F in hydrogen to ensure conversion of any remaining oxides to fluorides. This w a s followed by hydrogen treatment for 75 to 100 hr tb reduce the corrosion product fluorides of nickel

and iron to the metallic s t a t e so that they could be removed by filtration. The reaction

MF+ H,



+ HF

was monitored by measurement of the H F evolved with an in-cell titration apparatus. For a 22-kg eutectic s a l t charge in the 7"/1 6-in.-diam reaction vesse1,'hydrogen and helium, each a t the rate of 1 liter/min, were bubbled through the melt. Reaction rates from 0.30 to 0.06 meq/min were observed in reducing the nickel and iron to 501 and 100 ppm respectively. T h e corrosion product concentrations for all production runs are listed in Table 29.1. Figure 29.5 is a typical plot of the H F evolution rate during the eutectic purification step.

29.3 PACKAGING OF T H E CONCENTRATE The fuel concentrate w a s packaged into 4 5 enrichment capsules and 10 shipping containers of various s i z e s to accommodate the reactor enrichment schedule.










300 0






TIME (hr)

Fig. 29.3. Uranium Reduction, Upper Zone.




ORNL-DWG 68-94788


Figure 29.6 is a photograph of one deck of $-in.diam by 6-in.-long c a p s u l e s in the filling array. The array c o n s i s t s of three decks of 15 c a p s u l e s which must b e separated and the e x c e s s connecting tubes clipped off. Two 4-in.-diam holes a r e then drilled in e a c h capsule, t h e bottom hole for draining and the top hole for venting. T h e caps u l e s are then weighed and stored in a “six-pack” carousel for shipment t o the MSRE. They will be lowered, one a t a time, into t h e bowl of the reactor fuel circulating pump, where t h e fuel concentrate is melted out.

He=0.4 SLM PURGE -H2=1.2 SLM


HF=40% (0.8 SLM) IN H2



- 580



NO. 1 RUN NO. 2

eV w

E 3




5+ z W

8 500 z + V
















TIME (hr)


Each of the enrichment c a p s u l e s contains about

155 g of the eutectic s a l t , or 96 g of uranium.


Uranium Hydrofluorination, Reaction Zone.


T h e ten shipping containers were fabricated from 2 ‘/-in.-OD type 304L s t a i n l e s s s t e e l tubing of varying lengths, having capacities from 0.5 to 7.0 k g of total uranium. They were assembled into two arrays for filling. One array (Fig. 29.7) cons i s t e d of four containers, each having a uranium capacity of 7 kg, and t h e other array (Fig. 29.8) consisted of s i x containers varying in capacity from 0.5 to 3.0 k g of uranium. The product c a n assemblies were dismantled, a lifting fixture w a s attached t o e a c h can, and e a c h can w a s weighed. They will be shipped individually in a shielded c a s k to t h e MSRE for loading into t h e reactor drain tank.

29.5. E u t e c t i c Purification.





A total of 39 k g of uranium was packaged a s 7 L i F - 2 3 3 U F 4(73-27 mole %). Of this, 35.6 kg was 233U; the average content of the 233 isotope was 91.4%. The third and final production run was completed July 30, 1968.


Uranium (wt %)" Run No.

Dipped Sample


Nickel (wt %)

Filtered Dipped Sample



M e t a l l i c Impurities i n the Product

Iron (wt %)

Filtered Dipped Sample

In August 1968, the product containers were readied for delivery to the Molten-Salt Reactor site. T h e reactor will be refueled with the 233U charge early in September 1968.


Chromium (wt %)

Sulfur (ppm)

Filtered Dipped Filtered Dipped Sample


Lithium (wt %)

Filtered Dipped




























Average 63.10 (61.8) 2





























Average 62.53 (61.25)

4 3






























Average 62.49 (61.19) 62.52


aReported a s 238U. bThis unfiltered sample w a s taken after hydrogen treatment.






29.6. 233U Enriching C a p s u l e , MSRE F u e l Con-


F i g . 29.7. Cluster.


F u e l , 7-kg C a p a c i t y Can


Fi 9. 29.8. 233" MSRE F ue1 1 , 0.5- to 3.0-kg Ccipacity Can

C Ius ter.

30. Development of the Two-step Process for Preparation of 7UF-


UF4 Fuel Concentrate for the MSRE E. L. Nicholson D. E. Spangler

G. I. Cathers C. J. Shipman

The two-step low-temperature process flowsheet adopted for preparation of 7LiF-233UF4 eutectic salt was developed t o replace t h e high-temperature one-step process’ (found to b e intractable i n shakedown runs) with t h e view of avoiding extensive engineering changes i n the equipment installed in t h e 233U production facility. T h e b a s i s for consideration of a low-temperature process in t h e 8in.-OD nickel production reactor was available i n t h e literature. The important factors t o b e considered in development of a new process were (1) avoidance of high-temperature local reaction zones i n t h e 8-in.OD reactor, and (2) addition of ’LiF t o t h e reactor after conversion of t h e U 0 3 t o UF, was practically complete. T h e d a t a in the literature indicated that high-surface-area UO, could b e converted t o UF, in the 400 to 6OOOC range if t h e temperature and g a s flow r a t e s were carefully controlled. T h e b a s i c s t e p s envisioned for t h e new p r o c e s s were:

1. Reduction of UO, to UO, by hydrogen at a p proximately 400 to 600OC. 2. Conversion of Uo, to UF, with a gaseous HFH, mixture at 400 to 65OOC. 3. Addition of LiF t o t h e UF, a t room temperature, followed b y increasing t h e temperature t o

‘MSR Program Semiann. Progr. Rept. A u g . 31, 1967, ORNG.1191, pp. 252-53. ,S. H. Smiley, “Gas-Solids Reactors i n Uranium Processing: A Critical Review,” Progress in Nuclear Energy S e r i e s IV. Techno1ogy, Engineering a n d Safety, Vol. 4, ed. b y C. M. Nichols, Pergamon, New York, 1961.


above t h e melting point of LiF (842OC) t o form t h e eutectic LiF-UF, s a l t . 4. Removal of t r a c e oxide impurities from t h e eutectic s a l t by treatment with HF-H, a t 700OC. 5. Removal of metal impurities (NiF, and s o m e F e F , ) from t h e m e l t by H, treatment at 700OC.

30.1 LABORATORY TESTOF LOW-TEMPERATURE PROCESS A 2-in.-OD by lO-in.-high nickel reactor w a s used to t e s t t h e low-temperature process concept. A center thermocouple w e l l permitted temperature measurements at any depth i n t h e reacting powder, including t h e zone near t h e end of t h e d i p tube which extended down t o within 0.25 in. of t h e bottom of t h e reactor. A g a s flow rate of 130 ml/min (STP) was employed i n all g a s addition s t e p s to simulate the linear velocity (2 s t d liters/ min) in t h e 8-in.-OD reactor. T h e reactor was charged with 210 g of UO, that w a s prepared b y decomposition of ammonium diuranate followed b y calcination a t a maximum temperature of 55OOC. T h e preparation of t h i s material was e s s e n t i a l l y the same as t h a t for t h e 2 3 3 U oxide. T h e bulk density (approximately 1.02) of t h e oxide used i n t h e laboratory t e s t w a s similar to t h a t of t h e 2 3 ,U oxide. Dilution of hydrogen with helium i n t h e reduction s t e p and of H F with hydrogen i n t h e hydrofluorination s t e p were e s s e n t i a l f e a t u r e s of t h e proposed process in order t o minimize any temperature excursions. Although t h e h e a t of reaction in t h e hydrofluorination s t e p is almost t w i c e t h a t i n


319 ORNL- DWG 68

- 43380

















I W t-






"\ \

'\. ----










(hr) TIME



Temperature Behovior and Hydrogen U t i l i z a t i o n in T e s t i n g the Reduction Step of the Low-Temperature

Process i n a 2-in.-OD Reactor.

the reduction s t e p , t h e laboratory test demonstrated that t h e latter had possibly more potential for t h e generation of high excursion temperatures. A plot of maximum temperature and hydrogen utilization in t h e reduction s t e p is given in F i g .

subsequent reduction period with pure H, resulted in no further significant temperature excursions even though t h e furnace set-point temperature was raised to about 500OC. s approach. However, t h i s proved to b e unnecessary, s i n c e no temperature excursion of more than 10째C w a s detected by t h e internal thermocouple well ( a s compared with t h e

external wall temperature). T h e initial H F concentration of 10% (in hydrogen) was raised to about 40% in about 6 hr. The total hydrofluorination period w a s 24.3 hr. T h e H F utilization decreased from 100% initially t o about 55% in t h e final 5-hr period. An H F concentration of 40% was used t o maximize t h e H F input rate while, a t t h e same t i m e , sufficient hydrogen w a s added to prevent corrosion of the nickel reactor. In the third s t e p of t h e process, 4 8 g of L i F powder was placed in t h e reactor on top of t h e UF,, and the temperature w a s raised to about 875OC (at the bottom of t h e LiF layer) before eutectic melting was observed. T h e lack of eutectic formation at the eutectic temperature of 49OOC was attributed t o t h e lack of mixing of the LiF and UF, and t h e short time employed ( l e s s than 2 hr). T h e fourth part of t h e process (hydrofluorination of the melt) was carried out by using 20% HIF-80%

320 H, for approximately 3 hr at 700OC. T h e fifth part of t h e process w a s omitted, s i n c e t h e validity of this s t e p was i n little doubt.

330 ppm of oxygen respectively. Lower values would probably have b e e n obtained if the salt had not b e e n accidentally exposed to a i r before it w a s completely cooled.

30.2 PHYSICAL BEHAVIOR O F POWDER BEDS In conducting the laboratory test of the process, care w a s taken to observe t h e behavior of t h e oxide and fluoride materials in t h e presence of flowing gases. T h i s allowed u s t o anticipate, if possible, any problems that might arise in operation of the 8-in.-OD reactor in t h e engineering facility. The g a s flow rate of 130 ml/min (STP) was conservatively low, s i n c e some suspicion existed that 4 std liters/min (twice the linear velocity prevailing in the laboratory test) in t h e 8-in.-OD reactor had produced some dust entrainment in t h e cold practice run with t h e first process flowsheet. During t h e entire laboratory t e s t , practically no solids ( l e s s than 0 . 1 g) were entrained from t h e reactor t o t h e 2-in.-diam Huyck Feltmetal nickel filter (equivalent t o FM 235, a 7-prated material) placed i n t h e off-gas system. Tests in g l a s s columns confirmed that t h e permeation of g a s through t h e t e s t UO, a t t h e chosen flow rate w a s uniform; no channeling w a s noted. T h e small bed expansion which occurred was correlated with measurements of bed height and pressure drops in order t o predict, with some accuracy, t h e behavior of t h e 25- to 30-in. depth of powder expected in t h e 8-in.-OD reactor. T h e density increased during t h e laboratory test from 1.02 t o approximately 1.3 at t h e end of the hydrofluorination period.

30.3 OXIDE IMPURITY L E V E L IN PRODUCT Analysis of the UF, after t h e dry hydrofluorination s t e p showed an oxygen content of 0.52%. T h e utilization of H F in t h e hydrofluorination s t e p indicated t h a t t h e UF, had contained 0.17% oxygen. T h e first a n a l y s i s w a s considered more accurate, however, d u e t o t h e uncertainty in integrating t h e H F utilization over t h e treatment period. Analyses of the final eutectic s a l t by t h e hydrofluorination and the KBrF, methods gave 348 and

30.4 FEASIBILITY OF USE O F T H E TWO-STEP PROCESS The results of t h e laboratory test indicated t h e feasibility of using t h e process for t h e preparation of 233U-containing eutectic salt. Observations made in t h i s t e s t led to t h e following conclusions and recommendations : 1. Good control of both t h e reduction and hydrofluorination s t e p s of t h e process could b e achieved in t h e 8-in.-OD production reactor if the initial temperature w a s no higher t h a n 44OOC and if the lowest possible reactant g a s concentrations were used. A s the solid reactant (UO, i n t h e reduction s t e p and UO, in t h e hydrofluorination s t e p ) is partially reacted and t h e more reactive material disappears, t h e reaction zone becomes longer, and it is therefore possible to increase t h e temperature and the g a s reactant concentration. T h e s a f e s t procedure would probably b e to increase t h e g a s reactant concentration a s much a s possible before increasing t h e temperature. 2. In order t o control t h e process on a large s c a l e , a s t a c k of thermocouples placed near t h e center line of t h e 8-in. reactor would b e desirable. T h e s e thermocouples, s p a c e d at intervals of 2 to 3 in., would permit observation of movement of t h e reaction zone upward during processing and of t h e maximum temperatures produced. 3. Thermochemical calculations showed that considerable reaction heat w a s l o s t through t h e reactor s i d e wall in t h e test of t h e 2-in. reactor. On a larger s c a l e , however, t h e thermochemical heat would have to b e dissipated mainly i n heating of t h e gas streams. 4. T h e high utilization of hydrogen in part of t h e reduction s t e p , and of H F i n t h e hydrofluorination s t e p of t h e laboratory t e s t , indicated t h a t nearly quantitative u s a g e of reactant g a s e s could be expected in a scale-up of the p r o c e s s where a deep bed of material would b e employed.



31. Process Development on the Recovery of Uranium from MSRE G. I. Cathers M. R. Bennett C. J . Shipman




1 f i i


T h e disposal of waste gaseou fluorine from MSRE processing was a l s o found t o be a problem area in the startup operation of t h e installed facility. T h e SO, method for t h e disposal of fluorine (by t h e formation of S0,F2) w a s found to be infeasible under t h e prevailing conditions. An, aqueous scrub of KOH-KI-K, B, 0, w a s developed as a n alternative method for fluorine disposal i n the MSRE processing plant.

The processing of the MSRE fuel salt used for the first p h a s e of MSRE operation is described in t h e first part of t h i s report. T h e two objectives have been satisfactorily achieved: recovering t h e 2 3 5 U and purifying t h e carrier s a l t , ,LiF-BeF,ZrF, (65-30-5 mole %), for reuse with 233U. T h e work described i n t h i s section was carried out in support of the uranium recovery operation. A study w a s made of t h e interdependence of several factors in t h e fluorination s t e p in an effort t o anticipate t h e effect of removing about 220 kg of uranium from 4500 kg of carrier salt. Particular attention was given t o determination of the uranium valence in t h e salt as fluorine g a s w a s introduced and to the relationship of t h e uranium valence t o helium sparging, temperature, and corrosion. Two s t u d i e s were made of t h e behavior of UF, (generated in sparging t h e m e l t with ce of NaF. In t h e s t e p t h e MSRE salt, an N a F

31 . I FLUORINATION-VALENCE STATE STUDY MSRE salt fluorination t e s t s were made in 1.87in.-ID reactors constructed of nickel 200 under conditions approximating those expected in t h e 49-in.-ID fluorination reactor a t t h e MSRE s,ite. A g a s flow rate of 146 ml/min (STP) w a s used to simulate a flow rate of 100 s t d liters/min in the 49-in.-ID reactor. Sampling of the s a l t without interruption of the fluorination procedure w a s achieved by taking a quick-freeze sample with a g - i n . nickel rod inserted through a tee at t h e t o p of t h e reactor. T h e valence of uranium in t h e s a l t samples w a s calculated from separate determinations of t h e U(1V) and U(V1) concent ration. T h e t e s t s were made with 340 g of LiF-BeI7,ZrF,-UF, (63-32-5-0.8 mole %); the s a l t depth was about 3 in. A t e s t a t 5OOOC with pure fluorine illustrated the relationship between t h e degree of uranium volatilization and the uranium valence in t h e salt (Fig. 31.1). Some UF, w a s observed to evolve when theuranium valence in t h e s a l t was a s low

(principally ruthenium and niobium) and chromium. on N a F at 40OOC is high (by




of equilibrium. In t h e other N a F study, the sorption of UF, on N a F i n t h e range 25 to 100째C was examined, particularly with respect to u s e of lowor high-surface-area N a F prepared by two distinctly different methods.



OR N L- DW G 68-13381 100



Change of Uranium V a l e n c e in the F l u o r i -

nation of M S R E - T y p e Salt a t

50O0C with Pure Fluorine.

as 4.1. At 500째C there w a s an extensive evolution of UF, a s t h e valence increased from 4 to 5. T h e valence continued to increase (from 5 6.5 -




-+UF, + UF,


+ Ni -+2UF, + NiF,






TIME ( h r ) Fig.

toward 6) as t h e remainingpart of t h e uranium volatilized. T h e fact that an intermediate s t a b l e s p e c i e s of U(V) w a s formed is indicated from t h e curve inflection; however, in t h i s case the volatilization of UF, was t o o rapid for t h i s intermediate equilibrium s p e c i e s U(V) t o be clearly seen. In another t e s t a t a lower temperature (45OoC), the valence plot shows a definite inflection at about t h e value of five (Fig. 31.2). In t h i s t e s t the fluorine flow w a s stopped and helium sparging was started after 1 hr to determine whether helium sparging or corrosion would lead to a rapid dec r e a s e of the uranium valence from 5 t o 4. Such a decrease might b e expected from one of t h e two following reactions:


Stability of

Surprisingly, in t h e 1.5-hr helium sparging period there was no significant effect on t h e valence. When fluorine flow w a s resumed t h e same rapid UF, evolution and valence increase occurred a s in the test at 500OC. However, it w a s clear that the valence plot of t h e 45OOC d a t a would have had a much large inflection, even in t h e absence of a helium sparge period, t h a n t h e plot of t h e 500째C data. ORNL-DWG 68-1338





2 TIME (hr)


Change of Uranium V a l e n c e in the Fluorination of M S R E - T y p e Salt a t

U(V) Species During H e Sparging.



450째C with Pure Fluorine:

323 T h e implications of t h e s e results t o MSRE salt processing operations were believed t o be significant. T h e main conclusions c a n b e summarized a s follows:

1. T h e depth of salt i n t h e MSRE fluorination reactor (5 t o 6 ft) will probably result in t h e conversion of all of t h e uranium to t h e U(V) s p e c i e s before any significant UF, volatilization t a k e s place. T h e results, however, d o not lead t o any conclusion about fluorine utilization. T h e latter might b e more critically dependent on fluorination temperature than on t h e depth of s a l t . 2. Interruption of the fluorination procedure i n MSRE processing for t h e changing of N a F sorption b e d s (as they become loaded with UF,) should not lead to any difficulty in resuming fluorine g a s flow. Volatilization of UF, should resume almost immediately after s u c h a n interruption due t o t h e stability of t h e U(V) s p e c i e s during t h e shutdown period. During t h i s period, however, it would probably b e b e s t to avoid extensive sparging with helium i n order t o minimize t h e evolution of UF, by disproportionation reaction (1). 3. T h e stability of t h e U(V) s p e c i e s is of particular interest to t h e corrosion picture. T h e dotted line i n F i g . 31.2 represents t h e rate of valence change expected i f t h e corrosion reaction (2) should occur at a rate equivalent to 0.67 m i l / hr . T h e fact that t h e valence did not decrease sugg e s t s that corrosion will not be a problem during t h e shutdown periods required for t h e changing of sorption beds. P o s s i b l y total corrosion during t h e processing of MSRE fuel will b e less t h a n expected if t h e wall of t h e reactor i U(V); that is, corrosion should b e high only in t h e central salt volume where UF, is “boiling

t h a n 5. T h e latter applies t o t h e boundary salt layer surrounding t h e F,-UF, g a s t h a t r i s e s through t h e salt.

31.2 EQUILIBRIUM OF UF, WITH NaF AT 4OOOC; RETENTION OF URANIUM In t h e volatilization of uranium from MSRE s a l t , decontamination of t h e product UF, -F,-He g a s stream is t o b e accomplished by passage through

a 4OOOC N a F trap to remove volatile fission product fluorides (mainly RuF, and NbF,). Duxing this phase of t h e processing, it is necessary to have some free fluorine g a s i n t h e stream t o prevent appreciable loss of uranium to t h e NaF by disproportionation of UF, t o nonvolatile UF?, . Since t h e utilization of fluorine in t h e early part of t h e fluorination might be high, there was concern a s t o whether sufficient fluorine would b e available t o prevent disproportionation and uranium loss. Therefore, a study w a s undertaken t o d e termine t h e validity of a n equilibrium condition for t h e reaction UF, . N a F + s/, F, = UF, + NaF a t 400° C . T h e various F2-UF, mixtures used in t h e s t u d y were produced by equilibration in a nickel reservoir v e s s e l (250-ml volume) containing about 100 g of UF, a t 54OC (PuF = 660 m m Hg) with t h e ap6

propriate precalibrated mixtures of fluorine and nitrogen. (The temperature of t h e UF, reservoir was held constant to f0.5’C by means of a carefully controlled water bath.) By adjusting t h e initial F,/N, ratio, mixtures with F, concentrations ranging from 11 t o 0.3 vol % at atmospheric pressure were obtained. E a c h mixture was allowed to p a s s through a 10-g bed of N a F (- 12 + 2 0 mesh) at 4OOOC for 20 min. Unreacted UF, passing through the bed w a s recovered on a backup t r a p of IVaF at 1003 c. In t h e first three of a s e r i e s of s i x t e s t s , the fluorine concentrations in t h e g a s mixture were 11, 5.5, and 2.1 vol % respectively (see Table 31.1). Subsequent coulometric a n a l y s e s of t h e beds for uranium yielded calculated values for equilibrium constants of 3.8 x l o 5 , 3.3 x l o 5 , and 4.2 x lo5 respectively. T h e equilibrium value, K , w a s calculated b y means of the equation

in which N u c v ) is the mole fraction of uranium present on the NaF; it was assumed t h a t t h e activity of N a F w a s unity. T h e close correspondence of t h e s e values indicated t h a t equilibrium conditions were obtained. In run 5 t h e UF, reservoir temperature w a s r a i s e d t o 55.5OC (PuF = 720 mm) 6

to eliminate t h e need for a low fluorine flow rate at low fluorine concentrations. In t h i s test a fluorine concentration of 0.3 vol % w a s achieved. T h e calculated equilibrium constant w a s 1.3 x l o 5 ,



Run No.a


Uranium Retention on N a F a t



F, Concentration

U Concentration

in Gas (vol %)

i n NaF (ppm)













2 1

5.5 11.0

71 39

3.3 3.8


aResults of run 4 invalid due t o operational error.

which w a s somewhat lower than those values obtained at higher F, concentrations. When UF, w a s passed through a similar 4000C N a F bed in a t e s t with no fluorine present (run 6), t h e amount retained as a result of disproportionation w a s 3.64%. Comparison of t h i s value with the corresponding value of 0.084% obtained in a t e s t where 0.3 vol % F, was present in t h e stream demonstrates t h e necessity of having at l e a s t 0.3 vol % F, present during t h e decontamination s t e p of the process. The results of the t e s t s completed t h u s far indicate that, if fluorine utilization is nearly quantitative in t h e early part of t h e fluorination s t e p , a supplemental fluorine supply through t h e sorption traps would b e required.


by the decomposition of N a F H F pellets a t 200 t o 4OO0C, followed by sintering a t 400 to 7OOOC t o obtain pellet strength. It is characterized b y a surface area of about 1 m2/g and a void fraction of 0.45. A comparative study of UF, sorption at different temperatures w a s therefore undertaken with t h e two types of material. A series of s i x t e s t s with low-surface-area material in t h e range 25 t o 100째C clearly showed that temperature had a large effect. Two tests of high-surface-area material a t 25 and 100째C gave practically identical results, showing that temperature is not important with this material. T h e sorption t e s t s were made by passing a mixture of 15 mole % UF,-85 mole % F, through a 5-g t e s t bed for 3 min. T h e sorption test trap was maintained at constant temperature in a water bath; a 5-g backup NaF trap w a s held a t 100째C for t h e sorption of UF, p a s s i n g through t h e test material. Both t r a p s were quartz U-tubes (8.5 mm ID) specially designed for visibility so that t h e yellow UF, . 2 N a F complex could be observed. The t r a p s were filled with sieved material: - 8 t 20 mesh for the low-surface-area N a F and - 12 + 20 mesh for the highLsurface-area material. T h e F,-UF, g a s mixture was prepared by passing F, through a UF, reservoir held at 24OC in a constanttemperature bath . The sorption results were significantly better for t h e high-surface-area N a F than for t h e lowsurface-area material (Table 31.2). Even at 8 0




UF6 Sorption T e s t s with L o w - and H i g h -

Surface-Area N o F a t Various Temperatures



Some uncertainty existed with regard to t h e correct temperature and type of N a F to be used for recovering UF, in t h e MSRE processing facility. T h i s uncertainty arose partially from t h e results of one engineering test in t h e MSRE facility in which it w a s observed t h a t MoF, had not attained equilibrium with sorption b e d s containing lowsurface-area N a F at about 35 to 45OC. Two grades of porous N a F a r e available. A lowsurface-area product is prepared from NaF powder by pelletizing with water, drying, and finally fluorinating a t 250 t o 350OC. It is characterized by a surface area of 0.07 m2/g and a void fraction of 0.28. A high-surface-area product is prepared


Loss (%)

(OC) Low-Surface-Area N a F





55 67

22.2 1.0 0.087

80 100

0.063 High-Surface-Area N a F

25 100

0.0024 0.0079


325 and 100째C, the loss through t h e latter w a s an order of magnitude greater than that through the high-surface-area NaF. The quantitative d a t a were confirmed by visual observations: the yellow sorption band in high-surface-area NaF was never more than 1 to 2 c m in length (even at 25OC), whereas the sorptive band with low-surface-area material a t 100째C was 4 t o 5 c m . A semilogarithmic plot of t h e low-surface-area sorption data (Fig. 31.3) was surprisingly linear through four points; t h i s indicated that t h e process was possibly diffusion controlled (based on an apparent activation energy of only 4.6 kcal per mole of UF,).

ORNL-DWG 68-f3383












of the two materials would be diminished t o any large extent.

31.5 DISPOSAL OF GASEOUS F, IN1 KOH-KI-K,B,O, SOLUTION Difficulties encountered in t h e disposal of F, by reaction with SO, to form SO,F, led to t h e suggestion that the KOH-KI disposal method should be evaluated as an alternative. A tank capable of holding 1300 liters w a s available in the MSRE facility for use with s u c h a soluticon; only a few piping changes were required. Laboratory tests were therefore made t o study selected features of the process that might be important in operation of the MSRE facility. Some of the t e s t s were made as t h e result of effects s e e n in cold practice runs made in t h e MSRE. Observations were made on theamount of corrosion to be expected, t h e effect of helium dilution of the fluorine, the formation and character of precipitates, and the permissible fraction of solution capacity which should b e used. Most of t h e work was carried out with 2 M KOH-0.33 M KI solution; later thi,,p was modified t o include 0.2 M K,B,O, t o provide neutron poisoning. The handling of m i s t s and smoke in the outlet stream of the scrubber represented another problem a r e a which w a s investigated in t h e laboratory.



Fig. 31.3.

V a r i a t i o n of Effectiveness

on L o w -

31.4 It is significant t o compare t h e linear velocity of the g a s in the above t e s t s with that expected in the MSRE facility. When t h e carrier g a s (F,) flow rate was 85 ml/min (STP), the linear velocity was 4.9 fpm; a carrier gas flow rate of 30 s t d liters/min in theMSRE facility would give a velocity of 2.4 fpm. Although t h e factor of 2 between the two cases might be important, it seems improbable that t h e difference in sorption behavior

There was particular concern about corrosion of the Inconel tank wall and of the Monel dip tube initially installed in t h e tank. Most of the t e s t s were of 4-hr duration andconsisted in t h e addition of 0.8 g-mole of F, (50% F,He) per liter of scrub solution t o attain 80% of the theoretical saturation. T h e temperature sually not allowed t o exceed 4OOC. Comn t e s t s between Inconel and Monel, using 3 /,-in.-OD tubing, showed that Inconel w a s clefinitely better (as stated to b e true for oxidizing alkaline solutions in International Nickel Company, Inc., literature). Micrometer examination indicated a corrosion rate of about 1 mil/hr a t t h e t i p for Inconel; general corrosion over t h e exterior of the dip tube was insignificant with both InconeI and Monel. Corrosion at the tip seemed t o be highly localized and appeared to b e primarily due to a

326 local a c i d condition formed i n a thin f i l m of liquid that wets t h e inside wall of t h e t i p . A “feathering� effect was therefore usually observed. Corrosion of either Inconel or Monel led t o t h e formation of a gelatinous precipitate (hydrated metal oxides) which usually w a s slow in settling out of solution. From observations of t h i s precipitate, corrosion in solutions used t o 50% capacity appeared to b e much less than in solutions used to 80% capacity. When a 47-mil-ID hole was used a t the end of a Monel dip line t o simulate t h e linear velocity of 25 fps expected in t h e MSRE scrub tank, plugging occurred due to t h e formation of corrosion products from liquid left inside t h e tube. There was little evidence of t h i s type of plugging with or in.-OD dip tubes.

8- g-

31.7 HELIUM DILUTION OF FLUORINE Use of a maximum fluorine concentration of 50% in helium w a s recommended for t h e MSRE facility due to observations of intermittent flames and s m a l l violent pressure oscillations a t t h e end of dip tubes when pure F, was u s e d . It seemed likely that corrosion would be greater under t h e s e conditions.

31.8 FORMATION OF KIO, PRECIPITATE The oxidizing power of F, l e a d s , in addition to the evolution of 0,, t o t h e formation of potassium iodate (KIO,). Copious quantities of t h i s material were found to precipitate at 80% saturation; a t 50% saturation, its precipitation w a s only faintly noticeable. X-ray diffraction and chemical a n a l y s e s were used to identify the material, which is produced in a rather pure form except for the presence of corrosion products.

31.9 NEUTRON POISONING WITH K,B,O, Tests made at 0.16, 0.20, and 0.24M K,B,O, in 2 M KOH-0.33 M KI solution indicated t h a t t h e chemistry of the system was only affected a t t h e highest of t h e s e three concentrations (evidence of molecular I, production). T h i s was in conformity with a n initial t e s t where 0.5 M K2B40, had b e e n found t o c a u s e t h e immediate r e l e a s e of free iodine. Since 0.2 M K,B,O, was equivalent t o 8.75 g of boron per liter, t h i s was considered adequate for poisoning of the scrub solution. 31.10 HANDLING OF MIST AND SMOKE FROM SCRUB SOLUTION It was evident in all laboratory tests that a certain amount of mist was always generated. Efforts to identify the chemical components of the m i s t were not s u c c e s s f u l , s i n c e the material was extremely difficult t o trap; however, a n a l y s e s for fluoride and iodide were extremely low. It seemed probable that t h e mist was stabilized by the presence of I, or H, 0,. In an engineering t e s t of the MSRE facility, a n additional g a s colloid problem w a s encountered. Corrosion of the hot processing v e s s e l (containing no s a l t ) with fluorine led to the production of MoF,. Hydrolysis of t h i s MoF, in t h e scrubber led to production of a n aerosol of hydrated MOO, (based on chemical a n a l y s e s and x-ray diffraction results) which deposited and plugged t h e off-gas line. Duplication of t h i s MOO, aerosol production was verified in laboratory t e s t s with s c r u b solution and F, containing MoF,. Laboratory t e s t s with different filtration and trapping methods showed that only a high-efficiency fiber-glass filter was highly effective in stopping the MOO, aerosol and, a t t h e same time, the always-present scrub m i s t . A high-efficiency filter downstream of the s c r u b solution was therefore installed in t h e MSRE processing facility.










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- Reactor Technology

INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30-44. 45. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.

R. K. Adams G. M. Adamson R. G. Affel J. L. Anderson R. F. Apple C. F. Baes J. M. Baker S. J. Ball C. E. Bamberger C. J. Barton H. F. Bauman S. E. Beall R. L. Beatty M. J. Bell M. Bender C. E. Bettis E. S. Bettis D. S. Billington R. E. Blanco F. F. Blankenship J. 0. Blomeke R. Blumberg A. L. Boch E. G. Bohlmann C. J. Borkowski G. E. Boyd

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

J. Braunstein


M. A. Bredig E. J. Breeding R. B. Briggs H. R. Bronstein F. R. Bruce G. D. Brunton G. H. Burger D. A. Canonico

W. H. Carr W. L. Carter 55. G. I . Cathers 56. J. E. Caton 57. 0. B. Covin

85. 86. 87-88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

100. 101.

A. Cepolino J. M. Chandler F. H. Clark W. R. Cobb H. E. Cochran C. W. Collins E. L. Compere J. A. Conlin K. V. Cook W. H. Cook L. T. Corbin W. B. Cottrell B. Cox G. A. Cristy S. J. Cromer (K-25) J. L. Crowley F. L. Culler D. R. Cuneo J. M. Dale D. G. Davis W. W. Davis R. J. DeBakker J. H. DeVan S. J. Ditto R. G. Donnelly I. T. Dudley N. E. Dunwoody A. S. Dworkin D. A. Dyslin W. P. Eatherly J. R. Engel E. P. Epler W. K. Ergen D. E. Ferguson L. M. Ferris A. P. Fraas J. K. Franzreb H. A. Friedman J. H Frye, Jr. W. K. Furlong C. H. Gabbard W. R. Gall R. B. Gallaher

330 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.

112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120.

121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137-161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176.

R. E. Gehlbach J. H. Gibbons R. G. Gilliland L. 0. Gilpatrick W. R. Grimes A. G. Grindell R. W. Gunkel R. H. Guymon J. P. Hammond R. P. Hammond B. A. Hannaford P. H. Harley D. G. Harman W. 0. Harms C. S. Harrill P. N. Haubenreich F. A. Heddleson R. E. Helms P. G. Herndon D. N. Hess R. F. Hibbs (Y-12) J. R. Hightower M. R. H i l l E. C. Hise H. W. Hoffman D. K. Holmes V. D. Holt P. P. Holz R. W. Horton A. S. Householder A. Houtzeel T. L. Hudson W. R. Huntley H. lnouye W. H. Jordan P. R. Kasten R. J. Ked1 M. T. Kelley M. J. Kelly C. R. Kennedy T. W. Kerlin H. T. Kerr J. J. Keyes R. F. Kimball D. V. Kiplinger S. S. Kirslis D. J. Knowles J. W. Koger R. B. Korsmeyer A. I. Krakoviak J. S. Kress

177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210.

211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227.

J. W. Krewson C. E. Lamb J. A. Lane C. E. Larson E. J. Lawrence J. J. Lawrence M. S. Lin T. A. Lincoln R. B. Lindauer A. P. L i t m a n J. L. L'iverman R. S. Livingston G. H. Llewellyn E. L. Long A . L. L o t t s M. I. Lundin R. N. Lyon R. L. Macklin H. G. MacPherson R. E. MacPherson F. C. Maienschein J. C. Mailen D. L. Manning C. D. Martin W. R. Martin H. V. Mateer C. E. Mathews T. H. Mauney H. McClain R. W. McClung H. E. McCoy H. F. McDuffie D. L. McElroy C. K. McGlothlan C. J. McHargue L. E. McNeese J. R. McWherter H. J. Metz A. S. Meyer E. C. Miller C. A. Mills R. L. Minue W. R. Mixon R. L. Moore K. Z. Morgan D. M. Moulton J. C. Moyers T. R. Mueller H. A. Nelms H. H. Nichol J. P. Nichols






228. 229. 230. 231. 232-233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249-423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 39. 0.

E. E. L. W. R. L. P. H. A. T. H.

L. D. C. R. B.

Nicholson Nogueira Oakes Osborn Parker F. Parsly Patriarca R. Payne M. Perry W. Picket 8. Piper B. E. Prince H. P. Raaen G. L. Ragan J. L. Redford M. Richardson G. D. Robbins R. C. Robertson W. C. Robinson K. A. Romberger M. W. Rosenthal R. G. Ross H. C. Savage A. W. Savolainen W. F. Schaffer C. E. Schilling Dunlap Scott J. L. Scott H. E. Seagren C. E. Sessions J. H. Shaffer E. D. Shipley W. H. Sides M. J. Skinner G. M. Slaughter A. N. Smith F. J. Smith G. P. Smith

3. A. H. Snell 444. W. F. Spencer

I. Spiewak R. C. Steffy C. E. Stevenson W. C. Stoddart H. H. Stone R. A. Strehlow D. A. Sundberg J. R. Tallackson E. H. Taylor W. Terry R. E. Thoma P. F. Thomason L. M. Toth D. B. Trauger R. W. Tucker W. C. Ulrich W. E. Unger D. C. Watkin G. M. Watson J. S. Watson H. L. Watts C. F. Weaver B. H. Webster A. M. Weinberg J. R. Weir W. J. Werner K. W. West M. E. Whatley J. C. White R. P. Wichner L. V. Wilson G. J. Young H. C. Young J. P. Young E. L. Youngblood F. C. Zapp Biology Library ORNL - Y-12 Technical Library Document Reference Section 484-486. Central Research Library 487-641. Laboratory Records Departrnen t 642. Laboratory Records, ORNL R.C.

445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482-483.


332 EXTERN AL Dl ST RI BU TI0N 643. W. 0. Allen, Atomics International, P.O. Box 309, Canoga Park, California 91304 644. A. Amorosi, LMFBR Program Office, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, I l l i n o i s 60439 645. J. G. Asquith, Atomics International, P.O. Box 309, Canoga Park, California 91304 646. David Bendaniel, General Electric Co., R&D. Center, Schenectady, N.Y. 647. J. C. Bowman, Union Carbide Technical Center, 12900 Snow Road, Parma, Ohio 44130 648. G. D. Brady, Materials Systems Division, UCC, Kokomo, Indiana 46901 649. J. H. Brannan, Carbon Products Division, 270 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 650. Paul Cohen, Westinghouse Electric Corp., P.O. Box 158, Madison, Pennsylvania 15663 651. D. F. Cope, Atomic Energy Commission, RDT Site Office (ORNL) 652. J. W. Crawford, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20545 653. M. W. Croft, Babcock and W i lcox Company, P.O. Box 1260, Lynchburg, Virginia 24505 654. D. A. Douglas, Materials Systems Division, UCC, Kokomo, Indiana 46901 655. H. L. Falkenberry, Tennessee Valley Authority, 303 Power Bui Iding, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401 656. C. W. Fay, Wisconsin Michigan Power Company, 231 W. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201 657. A. Giambusso, Atomic Energy Cornmission, Washington 20545 658. Gerald Golden, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass Avenue, Argonne, Illinois 60439 659. W. W. Grigorieff, Assistant to the Executive Director, Oak Ridge Associated Universities 660. J. T. Kehoe, Burns and Roe, Inc., 700 Kinderkamach, Oradell, New Jersey 07649 661. E. E. Kintner, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 662. P. M. Krishner, Pioneer Service and Engineering, 400 W. Madison St. Chicago, I l l i n o i s 60606 663. J. Ladesich, Southern California Edison Co., P.O. Box 351, L o s Angeles, California 90053 664. L. W. Lang, Douglas United Nuclear, 703 Bldg., Richland, Washington 99352 665. R. A. Langley, Bechtel Corp., 50 Beale St., San Francisco, California 94119 666. W. J. Larkin, Atomic Energy Commission, O R 0 667. R. A. Lorenzini, Foster Wheeler, 110 S. Orange, Livingston, N.J. 07039 668. W. D. Manly, Material Systems Division, UCC, 270 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 669. J. P. Mays, Great Lakes Carbon Co., 299 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 670. W. B. McDonald, Battelle-Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Hanford, Washington 99352 671 -672. T. W. McIntosh, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20542 673. W. J. Mordarski, Nuclear Development, Combustion Engineering, Windsor, Connecticut 674. Sidney Parry, Great Lakes Carbon, P.O. Box 667, Niagara Falls, New York 14302 675. G. J. Petretic, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20545 676. A. J. Pressesky, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 677. D. J. Rose, Department of Nuclear Engineering, Room 24-207, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 678. M. A. Rosen, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20545 679. H. M. Roth, Atomic Energy Commission, OR0 680. R. W. Schmitt, General Electric Co., Schenectady, New York 12301 681. R. N. Scroggins, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D.C. 682. M. Shaw, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20545 683. Remo Silvestrini, United Nuclear Corporation, Grasslands Road, Elmsford, New York 10523


333 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691.

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692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700-701. 702-921.




E. E. Sinclair, Atomic Energy Commission, Washington 20545 W. L. Smalley, Atomic Energy Cornmission, O R 0 T. M. Snyder, General Electric Co., 175 Curtner Ave., San Jose, California 95103 L. D. Stoughton, UCC, P.O. Box 500, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee 38464 Philip T. Stroup, Alcoa, P.O. Box 772, New Kensington, Pennsylvania J. A. Swartout, UCC, 270 Park Avenue, New York, New York 10017 Richard Tait, Poco Graphite, P.O. Box 1524, Garland, Texas 75040 D. R. Thomas, Commonwealth Associates, Inc., 209 E. Washington Ave., Jackson, Michigan 49201 M. TSOU,General Motors, 12 Mile and Mound Roads, Warren, Michigan 48089 J. W. Ullmann, UCC, P.O. Box 278, Tarrytown, New York 10591 C. H. Waugaman, Tennessee Valley Authority, 303 Power Bui Iding, Chattanooga, Tenn. 37401 D. B. Weaver, Tennessee Valley Authority, New Sprankle Bui Iding, Knoxville, Tennessee G. 0. Wessenauer, Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37401 M. J. Whitman, Atomic Energy Cornmission, Washington 20545 H. A. Wilber, Power Reactor Development Company, 1911 F i r s t Street, Detroit, Michigan James H. Wright, Westinghou se Electric, P.O. Box 355, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 151230 Laboratory and University Division (ORO) Given distribution as shown in TID-4500 under Reactor Technology category (25 copiesCFSTI)


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