Ornl tm 0128

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contract w i t h the Commission,


C o n t r a c t No. W-7405-eng-26

Reactor Division

DEvEL0F"T OF FREZZE V l W E FOR USE IN THE MSRF, M. R i c h a r d s o n


FEB 2 8 1962





Three types of frozen-seal "valves" w e r e t e s t e d f o r possible use i n t h e MSRE.

The seal was melted by d i r e c t resistance heat, by induction

heat, and by clamp-on Calrod heat.

The frozen s e a l was made i n a pre-

formed r e s t r i c t i o n section of a standard piece of pipe by a cooling-gas

j e t stream directed a t t h e r e s t r i c t i o n . A l l three valves performed satisf a c t o r i l y through 100 t e s t cycles. The Calrod-heated valve was selected f o r MSRE use on t h e basis of simplicity of design and of operation. of t h e valves are successfully undergoing f u r t h e r t e s t s on t h e MSRE Engineering T e s t Loop.

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. -

3 INTRODUCTION A t the beginning of the Molten S a l t Reactor Program a proven, reliable,

mechanical valve was not available; moreover, it was decided t h a t a development program f o r such a valve would not be undertaken a t t h a t t i m e .


experience indicated some success with a freeze-plug type "valve," and a short evaluation program was i n i t i a t e d .

Three types were t e s t e d i n valve

t e s t stands by using reactor-quality s a l t a t 1100 t o 120O0F, and a l l three types proved satisfactory for holding pressures up t o 60 psig.

was frozen and melted 100 times.


Each valve

There were no e l e c t r i c a l or mechanical

Additional experience was gained through operation of the valves

incorporated i n t h e Engineering T e s t Loop i n Building 9201-3. TEST EQUIPMENT Two t e s t stands were b u i l t which were i d e n t i c a l except f o r the valve

bodies and auxiliary heating equipment f o r each valve.

A description of

one t e s t system w i l l apply t o both. Figure 1 shows t h a t t h e system (including t h e valve) was v e r t i c a l l y mounted.

The t o t a l volume of the system was 5.6 gal.

The sump tank was

made of 6-in. sched-40 Inconel pipe and had a volume of 2.2 gal. sched-40 Inconel pipe connected the suxq tank t o the 1-1/2-in.

A 3/8-in.

INOR-8 valve

body by means of a 3/8- t o 1-1/2-in. INOR-8 b e l l reducer. The connection from t h e valve body t o t h e head t a n k was by similar means. The head t a n k

was made of 6-in. sched-40 INOR-8;

t h e volume of t h i s tank was a l s o

2.2 gal.

Salt-level indicators were of t h e contact probe type and signaled by means of control-panel-mounted l i g h t s . The molten s a l t was

of gas pressure.

Helium was

t h e lower t o the upper tank by means

r t h i s purpose and t o provide an i n e r t -

atmosphere blanket for t h e

suitable gas regulating and venting

s t a t i o n was provided f o r t h


phere through a CWS f i l t e r .

The system was vented t o t h e atmos-







Variac-controlled beat was applied t o t h e tanks and piping by means of Calrod and clamshell heaters.

Average power required t o maintain 1100

t o l2OO0F i n t h e system was 4.5 kw. Coolant used f o r t h e freeze cycle was plant a i r or fan-forced room

a i r blown across t h e area of t h e valve t o be frozen.

"he freezing tem-

perature of t h e s a l t was 800 t o 85OoF as measured by externally attached i

i 1



thermocouples located 1-1/2-in.

above and 1-1/2-in.

below the center of

t h e valve. Analysis of the MSRE-type s a l t added t o t h e valve t e s t was as follows:



$ l

i Be r F - Th - L- Z-

Ni Cr Fe -

5.45 6.21 9.74



4.61 13.3 b a l




The procedure used f o r valve tests was as follows: 1. Maintain the average loop temperature above the melting

point of t h e salt, w i t h salt i n t h e sump tank. 2.

Close'the equalizing valve a t the gas regulating s t a t i o n and apply approx 8 psig of helium t o the sump tank. Vent the head tank and allow s a l t t o r i s e t o the lower indicating probe i n the head tank (approx 600 cc of


salt). With zero s a l t flow, t u r n on 50 t o 60 cf'm of air (approx 6 lb/min) t o the freeze-plug area.


t h i s air flow f o r 10 t o 15 min t o freeze.

4. 5.

Reduce a i r flow t o 7 t o 10 cfm t o maintain plug. Apply 60 psig of gas t o t h e head tank and maintain t h i s pressure

em temperatures reach equilib-



Vent t h e overpressure, equalize head and sump-tank pressure, and t u r n off cooling air.

7. Apply power t o the freeze-plug area and melt t h e salt. Melt-out i s indicated by t h e head-tank probe l i g h t .




Turn off heat t o t h e plug area; allow salt t o run by gravity t o t h e sump.


Repeat cycle.

The s i z e of the frozen area of salt was established by controlling

t h e f l a w of coolant and by adjusting t h e heat applied t o t h e valve body on each side of t h e plug.

A p o s i t i v e seal appeared t o be a plug approx

3 in. long including t h e t r a n s i t i o n zone. DESCRIPTION OF TEST VALVES Direct-Resistance Valve

Figure 2 shows t h e direct-resistance-heated test valve.

Table 1 l i s t s

p e r t i n e n t data on t h e construction of t h i s valve. Table 1. Construction Features of Direct-Resistance Valve


Sched 40, 1-1/2-in.


120 p ohm/cm a t room temperature

Power lugs

Outboard lugs of 1/8-in. l u g 1/8-in.

INOR-8 pipe

nickel plate, center

INOR-8 p l a t e a t pipe t o 1/8-in.

nickel plate, 3-1/4 in. x 8 in. O v e r 4 1 length

14 in. between outboard lugs

Cooling tube

2-in. =OD x 1/16-in. -wall Inconel tube


Center tapped, 1 volt, 2000 amp t o each outboard lug--4 kw t o t a l

Power cable

1MCM braided copper (four required from

lugs t o transformer) The freeze-plug zone was cold formed i n a press and jig t o make a

1shaped flow r e s t r i c t o r in t h e pipe.

The dimensions of t h e

i n s i d e of t h e pipe a f t e r compression were 1/2 x 2-1/4 in. with a 40' included angle of approach and discharge.

The center-tap l u g was formed

and welded t o and around t h e pipe r e s t r i c t i o n , then enclosed i n t h e coola n t tube.




Fig. 2.

Resistance-Heated Valve.

8 Induction-Heated Valve Figure 3 shows the induction-heated valve.

Table 2 l i s t s pertinent

data on construction of t h i s valve. Table 2.

Construction Features of Induction-Heated Valve sched-40 INOR-8 pipe



Over-all length

6 in.


12-kw, 450-kc spark-gap generator

Power connection


0.035-in. -wall,

copper tube, water

cooled Coil

12-turn U-shaped c o i l made of 1/4-in. square copper tubing, spaced 1/16 i n .

apart The freeze-plug zone was cold formed t o make a flat, 2 in. long with

a 20' angle of approach and discharge.

The f l a t s were formed on opposite

sides of t h e pipe t o make a

shaped flow r e s t r i c t o r .

dimensions were 1/2 in. x 2-1/4 in. x 2 in. long.


The induction c o i l was

formed t o permit p r e f e r e n t i a l heating toward the outer edges of t h e freeze plug and t o f i t over the 2-in. pipe f l a t . attached t o o r touching the pipe.

No p a r t of the heating c o i l was

The c o i l occupied 6 in. of pipe length

and was attached t o t h e generator by standard brass tubing f i t t i n g s and 1/4-in.

copper tube.

Water cooling of the generator and heating c o i l was

required when the generator was i n operation. The freeze plug was formed by directing controlled a i r flow i n a 1-in. pipe between t h e heating c o i l s t o each of the f l a t s . spaced 6 i n . from t h e valve.

The a i r nozzles were

Two methods of supplying cooling a i r were employed: low-pressure a i r from a centrifugal blower piped t o each valve f l a t with a 2-in. hose- and high-pressure building a i r piped through a regulator and rotameter t o each of the valve f l a t s with a 1-in. pipe.





Fig. 3 .

Induction-Heated Valve with Coil in Position.

10 Calrod-Heated Valve The Calrod-heated valve was made up at the completion of the inductionThe same f l a t t e n e d pipe section (2-in. flats) was used

heated valve t e s t .

by simply removing the induction c o i l and clamping a 1000-w 15OOoF Calrod t o each f l a t .

The 24-in. Calrods were bent i n t o 6-in. long W-shaped units

and clamped onto the pipe.

The final forming was done by heating the

Calrod and tampin@;it i n t o place t o make a close f i t t o the pipe. was controlled by

a panel-mounted Variac.


Cooling was accomplished by

blowing a i r across the flats i n t h e same manner as was used f o r t h e induct i o n valve.

Figure 4 shows the valve.

Thermocouples f o r t h e t e s t were externally

One thermocouple was centered on the broad face of

welded t o the valve.

the 2-in. flat, one was spaced 1-1/2 in. above, and one was spaced 1 4 2 in. b e l o w t h e center.


Resistance-Heated Valve The valve was cycled 100 times without incident. time vs power input i s shown on Fig. 523.

Figure 5b shows heat removal vs

volume r a t e of cooling a i r across t h e freeze-plug area.

8 scfm

A curve of melt

A flow of approx

was required t o maintain the plug.

After testing, t h e valve was removed from the loop f o r examination. The general appearance of the valve was normal. Induction-Heated Valve The valve was cycled 100 times without d i f f i c u l t y and with no apparent damage t o the pipe. Freeze time was 10 t o

8 scfm

The average melt time was 35 sec a t 1 2 kw.

15 min with 50 t o 60 cfm of air. A flow of approx

was required t o maintain the plug.

Fig. 4.

Calrod-Heated Valve.










4 6 MELT TIME (min.)




rn LL 400 % w I-













5 '





Fig. 5. Melt Time vs Power Input for Resistance- and Calrod-Heated Freeze Valves.


13 Calrod-Heated Valve The Calrod-heated valve was cycled 100 times with no d i f f i c u l t y . Figure 5a shows t h e melt time vs power input.

3 min with 1.6 k w input.

The average m e l t time was

Again, a n a i r flow of approx 8 scfm was required

t o maintain t h e plug.

The maximum Calrod sheath temperature a t t a i n e d i n

3-1/2 min was 13OOOF.

No severe oxidation was apparent on t h e heating ele-

ment. DISCUSSION OF TEST-VALVE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION A l l t h e valves t e s t e d performed s a t i s f a c t o r i l y , with adequate freeze

and thaw times.

However, the expense and complexity of t h e associated

equipment and t h e operating procedures d i f f e r e d widely with t h e various types of valves. The problems associated with using a high-current

- low-voltage


of power would make t h e direct-resistance valve cumbersome f o r use i n a r e a c t o r system.

To obtain reasonable operating voltage, a long piece of

pipe was required between t h e e l e c t r i c a l connections.

This added length

required a u x i l i a r y heat during the freeze cycle t o prevent formation of an excessively l a r g e plug.

It was necessary t o t u r n off these heaters

(two 1000-w Calrods) during the melt cycle t o prevent burnout when t h e direct-resistance heat was applied. The induction-heated valve, although much faster than t h e others, required a n expensive high-frequency generator

(455 kc).

The valve heated with clamped-on Calrod heaters appeared t o be the b e s t of t h e three types of valves tested.

It has t h e advantage of struc-

tural and e l e c t r i c a l simplicity with adequate freezing and melting times. The two thermocouples located away from t h e center of the valve i n t h e Calrod-heated valve were useful i n determining t h e frozen-plug size. Since the thermocouples were located d i r e c t l y i n or close t o t h e cooling

a i r stream, they gave a relative temperature reading only; however, once the plug s i z e and freeze point had been established, t h e thermocouple 1-1/2 in. above t h e valve center was used as t h e frozen-condition indicator.

14 The use of a low-pressure centrifugal blower t o supply cooling a i r

was abandoned due t o the control d i f f i c u l t i e s .

The low available pressure

drop prohibited r e s t r i c t i o n of t h e flow without a damper control mechanism and required l a r g e air leads t o t h e valve.

Proper sizing of a blower with

a variable-speed motor control and an air-volume meter would have permitted s a t i s f a c t o r y operation.

However, i n the absence of t h i s control the frozen

plug was t o o l a r g e t o permit reasonable m e l t times. The use of high-pressure building a i r through standard controls permitted very close control of t h e valve operation as w e l l as t h e use of

much smaller a i r tubes t o t h e valve flats.

a i r tube during t h e test. tubing was indicated.

One-inch pipe was used f o r t h e

However, t h e use of smaller (approx 1/2=in.)

A n a i r supply which permits the use of small a i r

ducts has t h e advantages of simplifying t h e control problem t o a g r e a t extent and reducing t h e o v e r 4 1 s i z e of t h e valve assembly. DESCRIPTION OF VALVE I N S T M U T I O N I N E ~ I N E E R I N GTEST LOOP The Calrod-heated valve was selected f o r use i n the MSRE on t h e basis

of the previously described work and was incorporated i n t o t h e h o t - s a l t MSRE Engineering T e s t Loop located i n building 9201-3.

The valves were

mounted horizontally and oriented as shown on Fig. 6. The two valves w e r e i d e n t i c a l and were formed from 1-1/2-in.


pipe by using t h e same j i g (2-in. f l a t s ) as was used t o form t h e inductionThe valves were heated by two 1OOO-w Calrod

heated development valve.

circular-wound heaters as shown on Fig. 7, which a l s o shows t h e location

of t h e coolant-air nozzles.

These nozzles were 1/2-in.

terminating 1 in. from t h e valve flats.

copper tubing

Coolant a i r was supplied t o t h e

valves from the building instrument a i r system and was controlled by regu l a t o r s and rotameters.

The reference temperature thermocouple was located

6). The purpose of t h e valve arrangement shown i n Fig. 6 was twofold:

1.5 in. from t h e center of

the valve f l a t (shown i n Fig.

(1) To provide a common l i n e from t h e operating system t o t h e f l u s h drain tank o r f u e l drain tank such t h a t the

salt flow c o u l d b e directed t o o r Srom e i t h e r one tank











Fig. 6.

1.5-in. Freeze-Valve Arrangement on MSRE Engineering Test Loop,


m al




a" 0

rl 0


?3k a





f R






or the other.

One valve or the other w i l l be frozen

a t a l l times depending upon the operation. To ensure that s u f f i c i e n t salt would remain i n the


valve t o make a positive frozen seal under a l l conditions. The volume of t h e operating system i s such t h a t , when salt i s moved from either of t h e drain tanks t o the operating system, there will always The surge pots shown i n Fig. 5a

be s a l t i n t h e valves t o make a seal.

between t h e valves and the drain tanks make it impossible t o completely empty t h e valves when draining t h e circulating system i n t o t h e tanks.


surge-pot volumes a r e such that there i s s u f f i c i e n t residual salt i n t h e valve body t o form a seal.

The valve bodies would drain completely were

it not f o r these pots.



The valve t o t h e flush tank i n the Engineering Test Loop was operated

with coolant s a l t (LiF-BeF2, 66-34 mole $) through 40 cycles without d i f f i culty.

After approx 1300 h r of operation the i n i t i a l melt appeared t o

f a i l t o open t h e l i n e , but indications are t h a t the d i f f i c u l t y was a plug

Once t h e drain l i n e was c l e a r t h e

i n t h e l i n e upstream from t h e valve.

adjacent valve, which had seen t h e same operation conditions, operated normally. The average freeze t i m e was 7.5 min and required 6 t o 7 scfm (apsrox 0.5 lb/min) a i r flow.

Air flow required t o maintain t h e plug was approx

3.5 scfm (approx 0.3 lb/min).

The freeze cycle was accomplished with zero

salt flow i n the pipe i n a l l cases.

The frozen-plug length a t 70O0F

reference temperature was approx 3 in. The melting time vs power input curves f o r ' t h i s valve are shown on

Fig. 8.

The difference i n melt times between the 500 and 70O0F steady-

state reference temperatures shows c l e a r l y t h e e f f e c t of t h e frozen-plug size.

An operational t e s t was performed on t h e Engineering Test Loop t o check

11J i


t h e operation of t h e valves under a forced-drain condition.

The valve t o












5 4.0


z 0.5

0 0

Fig. 8.



42 MELT TIME (min)

Melt Time of 1.5-in.






Freeze Valve.


19 t h e f u e l d r a i n tank remained frozen while the flush-drain tank valve was melted.

Five psig of helium was impressed on t h e circulating system t o

force t h e s a l t i n t o t h e flush-drain tank through the valve.

Gas flow was

permitted t o continue through t h e valve a t the completion of t h e draining operation a t a rate of 2.2 scfm helium.

The gas flow was then shut off,

t h e gas pressures were equalized between t h e drain tank and the pump, the valve was frozen, and x-ray photographs were taken of t h e valve assembly. The photographs indicated t h a t s u f f i c i e n t s a l t remained i n the valves t o i . )

form a seal (Fig. 6).

The valve proved t o be leak-tight when gas pressure


Operation of t h e valves has been satisfactory, with t h e exception of t h e one blockage t h a t i s believed t o have been due t o a plug i n the upstream l i n e and not due t o t h e valve design o r operation. The lower cooling-air requirement f o r these valves compared with t h e e a r l i e r valves i s a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e a i r nozzle being only 1 i n . away from t h e valve f l a t and t o t h e b e t t e r a i r flow t o t h e f l a t t h a t i s permitted by t h e open-center winding of t h e Calrods.

The surge pots appear t o be ade-

quate t o prevent t h e valve from being blown empty during a forced dump. The equalization of gas pressures during freezing i s an important operai


t i o n a l procedure f o r two reasons:

t h e valve i s d i f f i c u l t t o freeze with


a q movement of salt due t o differences i n gas pressure, and reverse gas





flow j u s t before freezing could possibly leave a gas pocket i n t h e valve with salt on each side. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS

The Calrod-heated valve i s recammended because of i t s s t r u c t u r a l simp l i c i t y and t h e simplicity of t h e associated power and control equipment. The Calrod u n i t should b

l l e d i n a t i g h t c o i l as shown i n Fig. 7 r a t h e r

than the W-shaped u n i t s as w e r e used f o r t h e develupment valve. t o avoid short-radius bends and t o provide b e t t e r a i r flow.

This i s

A single u n i t

20 I?

horseshoed" around t h e f l a t i n a manner similar t o t h e induction c o i l

shown on Fig. 3 would be desirable.

This would reduce t h e nmiber of power

leads and make an e a s i l y removable unit.

cooling a i r requirements w i l l depend-on c e l l temperature and cooling

Two volume rates are required: a high rate t o make the i n i t i a l freeze and a low rate t o hold the freeze. The holding flow rate controls t h e plug s i z e and must be selected and

a i r temperature.


kept steady t o prevent a meltout from heat leakage due t o i n s u f f i c i e n t cooling.

Too much cooling w i l l result i n a l a r g e plug and consequent ex-

cessive meltout time.

The holding flow r a t e should preferably be determined

i n t h e f i e l d since it i s dependent on c e l l and cooling a i r temperatures. Surge pots having a r a t i o of v e r t i c a l l e g volume t o t h e volume of the horizontal valve and pipe section of 2, as shown i n Fig. 5a, should be i n stalled t o prevent the valves from being blown empty.

For a given system,

operating procedures must be analyzed t o determine t h e location of these pots. The use of high-pressure compressed air, rather khan low-pressure

blower-supplied air, f o r cooling i s recommended because of e a s i e r control,

smaller ducts, and smaller over-all s i z e of the valve assembly. Recommended freeze-valve controls are: 1. Manual control of power t o Calrods and manual air-flow

control. 2.

Interlock t o prevent heat and cooling air from being applied a t the same time.


Once the freeze temperature has been established, t h e center thermocouple should be interlocked t o switch automatically from high- t o low-volume a i r flow.


A high-temperature (l5OO%) cutout o r alarm located

on t h e Calrod sheath.


An interlock between a liquid-level probe and t h e valve parer input t o prevent prolonged heating of the C a l r o d .

Once t h e m e l t i s accomplished and t h e

salt i s flowing, f i r t h e r heat i s not needed.



For a meltout, a single control t o close off cooling

air and apply power t o t h e valve a t a p r e s e t rate. There must be no salt flow through t h e valve, o r a freeze cannot be

accanrplished. A


The author i s indebted t o many members of t h e Molten Salt Reactor Program f o r t h e i r contributions t o this report.

Special. acknowledgment i s

due D. Scott, J. C. Moyers, and J. L. Crowley f o r t h e i r advice and suggestions. The direct-resistance valve was designed by J. L. Crowley; t h e Calrod and induction-heated valve design was based on t h e f i e l d work done by t h e

many predecessors i n t h e molten-salt f i e l d . The author wishes t o express h i s appreciation t o J. L. Crowley and

W. H. Duckworth f o r t h e i r contribution in the testing of the valves.

BIBLIOGRAPHY MSR Quart. Progr. Rept. J u l y 31, 1961, ORNL-3014, p 25. MSR Quart. Progr. Rept. J u l y 1, 1960, ORNL-3lZ2, p 27.





23 ORNL-TM-128 Internal D i s t r i b u t i o n 1. G. M. Adamson L. G. Alexander S. E. B e a l l 4. M. Bender 5. C. E. B e t t i s 6. E. S. B e t t i s 7. D. S. B i l l i n g t o n 8. F. F. B l a n k e n s h i p 9. A. L. B o c h 10. E. G. B o h l m a n n 11. S. E. B o l t 12. C. J. B o r k o w s k i 13. C. A. Brandon 14. R. B. B r i g g s 15. F. R. B r u c e 16. 0. W. Burke 17. T. E. C o l e 18. J. A. C o n l i n 19. W. H. C o o k 20. G. A. C r i s t y 21. J. L. C r o w l e y 22. F. L. Culler 23. J. H. DeVan 24. F. A. Doss 25. D. A. Douglas 26. N. E. Dunwoody 27. E. P. E p l e r 28. W. K. Ergen 29. D. E. Ferguson 30. A. P. Fraas 31. J. H. Frye 32. C. H. G a b b a r d 33. R. B. G a l l a h e r 34. B. L. G r e e n s t r e e t 35. W. R. G r i m e s 36. A. G. G r i n d e l l 37. R. H. Guymon 38. P. H. H a r l e y 39. C. S. H a r r i l l 40. P. N. H a u b e n r e i c h 41. E. C. R i s e 42. H. W. H o f f m a n 43. P. P. H o l z 44. L. N. H o w e l l

42. 3.


J. P. Jarvis


W. H. Jordan

47. P. R. Kasten R. J. K e d l G. W. K e i l h o l t z S. S. K i r s l i s J. W. m e w s o n J. A. Lane W. J. Leonard R. B. Lindauer 55. M. I. Lundin 56. R. N. Lyon 57. H. G. MacPherson 58. F. C. Maienschein 59. W. D. Manly 60. E. R. Mann 61. W. B. McDonald 62. H. F. McDuffie 63. C. K. M c G l o t h l a n 64. A. J. Miller 65. E. C. Miller 66. R. L. Moore 67. J. C. Moyers 68. C. W. N e s t o r 69. T. E. Northup 70. W. R. O s b o r n 71. L. F. Parsly 72. P. Patriarca 73. H. R. Payne 74. A. M. Perry

48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54.



76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

J. L. R e d f o r d M. R i c h a r d s o n R. C. R o b e r t s o n T. K. R o c h e M. W. R o s e n t h a l H. W. Savage A. W. Savolainen D. Scott M. J. Skinner G. M. Slaughter A. N. S m i t h P. G. S m i t h I. Spiewak B. Squires J. A. Swartout

84. 85. 86. 87.

88. 89. 90.

B. Pike

24 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99.

A. Toboada J. R. Tallackson R. E. Thoma D. B. Trauger w. C. Ulrich B. S. Weaver B. H. Webster A. M, Weinberg J. H. Westsik

100. 101. 102. 103-104. 105-106. 107-109. ll0-ll2. 113.

L. V. Wilson C. E. Winters C. H. Wodtke Reactor Division Library Central Research Library Document Reference Library Laboratory Records Laboratory Records (LRD-RC)

External Distribution 114-128. 129. 130-131.

Division of Technical Information Extension ( JrrIE) Research and Development Division, OR0 Reactor Division, OR0



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