Ornl tm 2953

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This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.


ORNL-TM-2953 C o n t r a c t No. W-7405-erg-26



A. P. Waas



!& h



This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of MY information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

JUNE 197

LABORATORY Oak R i d g e , Tennessee O p e r a t e d by





c. s





& a




......................................................... INTRODUCTION ..................................................... REVIEW OF EOILER DESIGNS PROPOSED HIR MOLTEN SALT REACTOR ........ SYSM Conventional Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers ................. S u p e r c r i t i c a l Pressure U n i t s ................................ Double-Walled Tubes with a Heat Dam ......................... Flash Boiler ................................................ Loeffler Boiler ............................................. Triple Tube Boiler .......................................... Reentry Tube Boiler ......................................... DESIGN FOR GOOD STABILITY AND CONTROL CHARACTERISTICS ............ Molten S a l t Temperatures a t Part Load ....................... Effects of Mode of Control on Steam Temperatures a t .........


............ Flow S t a b i l i t y Considerations ............................... Heat Transfer Analysis ...................................... Ty-pical Calculations ................................... Heat Transfer Coefficients ............................. Temperature Differences and Heat Fluxes ................

.......................................... Estimated Performance Characteristics ....................... Effects of Design Heat Load on Tube Length ............. Effects of Desi Heat Load on Temperature ............. Distribution Effects of Part Load Operation ......................... Pressure Drop and Pressure Distribution ................ Effects of the Fraction of Heat Added i n t h e ........... Inner Tube Effects of Size Heat Increment Used ................. Turbine Control Considerations .............................. Pressure Drop

. c


3 3 3 6


8 9

10 13 13


Part Load

Heat Transfer I n s t a b i l i t i e s and Thermal Stresses

& .‘


Limitations on Rates of Change i n Load



24 25 26 32 36 36

38 38 38 41

44 47

47 47 50


Startup and Rates of Change of Load with Proposed System


.......... .............

P o s s i b i l i t y of Eliminating the Throttle Valve Proposed Design f o r a Molten S a l t Reactor Plant

.............................................. General Description .................................... Headering Problems ..................................... D i f f e r e n t i a l Thermal Expansion ......................... Geometric and Performance lgta ......................... Cost E s t i m a t e .......................................... . Conclusions ................................................. Recommendations ............................................. mFEIIENCES ....................................................... Reheaters

51 53


54 55 55 56

59 61 61

65 65 67

, j

, .

, .



. 5$




A new type of steam generator has been devised t o meet the special requirements of high-temperature l i q u i d metal and molten s a l t reactor systems, The basic design concept i s such that boiling heat t r a n s f e r i n s t a b i l i t i e s and t h e i r attendant severe thermal s t r e s s e s a r e avoided even f o r a temperature difference of as much as 1000째F between t h e feedwater and the high-temperature l i q u i d , thus giving good control characterist i c s even under s t a r t u p conditions. This i s accomplished by employing a v e r t i c a l reentry tube geometry with the feedwater entering the bottom of the inner small diameter tube ( 4 / 4 in. diam) through which it flows upward u n t i l evaporated t o dryness. The s l i g h t l y superheated steam emerging from the t o p of the small c e n t r a l tube then flows back downward through the a n n u u s between the c e n t r a l tube and the outer tube. A port i o n of the heat transferred from the high-temperature l i q u i d t o the superheated steam i n t h e annulus i s i n t u r n transferred t o the water boiling i n the c e n t r a l tube. Design studies i n d i c a t e that t h i s type of b o i l e r not only avoids thermal s t r e s s and s a l t freezing problems but it a l s o gives a r e l a t i v e l y compact and inexpensive construction. Further, it appears t o make possible a simple plant control system with exceptionally good plant response t o changes i n load demand.


It has been apparent since earzy i n t h e molten s a l t reactor development work t h a t the high melting point of t h e fluoride s a l t suitable as f u e l f o r molten salt reactors coupled with t h e thermal s t r e s s problems inherent i n high-temperature l i q u i d systems pose some exceedingly d i f f i c u l t problems i n t h e design of steam generat0rs.l

These are compounded

by the complexities of two-phase flow and heat t r a n s f e r problems under boiltng conditions, possible d i f f i c u l t i e s with boiling flow i n s t a b i l i t i e s , and t h e problems of obtaining good b o i l e r operating c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s f o r


2 6-i

a wide range of both f u l l power design steam temperatures and pressures


and under the much reduced pressure and temperature conditions inherent


i n s t a r t u p and p a r t load operation.. Many d i f f e r e n t attempts t o design


b o i l e r s f o r molten s a l t reactor systems have been made,l*


b u t each of

the approaches proposed has had some serious disadvantages.

The s t a r t u p

and p a r t load control problems i n p a r t i c u l a r have been s o formidable, i n f a c t , t h a t no attempt has been made t o solve them f o r many of the designs

t h a t have been proposed sidered.

- only

f u l l load design conditions have been con-

It i s believed t h a t the new reentry tube concept proposed i n

t h i s report w i l l y i e l d compact, economical b o i l e r s t h a t can be designed f o r any f u l l power design Steam conditions and yet w i l l give good s t a b i l i t y and control c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s over the full range from zero power t o f u l l power conditions, and further w i l l not present d i f f i c u l t thermal stress or s a l t freezing


A d r a f t of t h i s report s u b s t a n t i a l l y a s it now .stands was prepared

and d i s t r i b u t e d July 15, project a t ORNL.

1968 t o key people i n the molten s a l t reactor

They kindly-reviewed t h e d r a f t and suggested a number

of additions t o help c l a r i f y this new approach.

By f a r t h e most serious

reservations they had were concerned with boiling flow s t a b i l i t y a t low loads.

T h i s required some s o r t of a t e s t , and the report was held pend-

ing the a v a i l a b i l i t y of funds f o r a projected t e s t r i g .

Because of lack

of funds t h i s r i g has not y e t been buil-t.

It happened t h a t b a s i c a l l y similar requirements f o r a steam generator arose l a s t year i n a program t o develop a small isotope power unit. These requirements made it important t o t e s t a low steam pressure, short t u b e version of t h e reentry boiler. good performance was obtained.'

The results of the tests a r e now i n , and Even though these results cover a l i m i t e d

range and the steam generator proportions a r e s u b s t a n t i a l l y d i f f e r e n t from those proposed here f o r a large c e n t r a l skation, the basic concept appears t o be validated f o r the low load portion of the operating regime t h a t was most open t o question. should be issued.

As a consequence, it was decided t h a t the report




REVIEW OF B O I m DESIGNS PROPOSED FOR MOLTEN SALT REACTOR SYSTEMS The various b o i l e r s t h a t have been considered f o r use with molten

s a l t r e a c t o r s might be grouped i n the categories outlined i n Table 1. The p r i n c i p a l f e a t u r e s and major advantages and disadvantages of each a r e summarized very b r i e f l y t o help point up the problems and proTtide a framework f o r the subsequent analysis of the heat t r a n s f e r , thermal s t r e s s , and control problems. Conventional Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers A l o g i c a l f i r s t candidate i s a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with

the s a l t i n s i d e the tubes and the water boiling outside of the tubes. Two configurations a r e included i n Table 1. The horizontal U-shaped tube and casing geometry employed f o r the e a r l y pressurized water r e a c t o r s (see Ref. 8, p. 197) has the advantage t h a t not only i s d i f f e r e n t i a l t h e r -

mal expansion between t h e tubes and t h e casing r e a d i l y accommodated without producing serious thermal stresses, but the difference between t h e hot f l u i d i n l e t and o u t l e t temperatures w i l l not induce severe s t r e s s e s i n t h e

header sheet a s would be the case f o r a simple shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a U-tube configuration.

The major d i f f i c u l t y with t h i s con-

ventional U-shaped casing design i s t h a t the temperature difference between t h e water and t h e w a l l s of the tubes carrying the molten salt is f a r g r e a t e r than the temperature difference i n the nucleate boiling regime so that an unstable vapor blanket would form between the l i q u i d and the

hot metal surface (see Fig. 1). This leads t o unstable, noisy operation and severe thermal s t r e s s e s i n the tubes a s a consequence of v i o l e n t irr e g u l a r i t i e s i n the heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t . S u p e r c r i t i c a l Pressure Units

It has been suggested t h a t these d i f f i c u l t i e s might be reduced through the use of a s u p e r c r i t i c a l water system inasmuch a s t h i s would reduce the temperature difference between t h e feedwater and t h e molten

4 h b l e 1. Typs

I* .

of stem8 OcDelrtor tbat

Typ 0fk.t Exchsuger


Have Been Pmposed for Use with Molten Salt Reacton


1 colllrentiorral8hsll-

' Shell-Side Fluid

!Wm-Side Fluid


hcajor Pmblem


Exxceraive tcrmpbraturs difference between m e t a d steam gives unstable hili= and/or possible freezing of a u t . lhperatrue difference between ult inlet and outlet strem u u e s l u g e thermal streases in header sheet a d


Excessive tampratrue difference between aalt .ad steam gives unstable boiling and/or possible f m z i n g of set.

ud-tubs, IFtulm


P h l l - u d - t u l m With U-tubel in a psbapd c u i n g for subcritical p r e r a w ateam

3 Shell-ud-tube With IFtubes in a IF shapad u s i n g for supercritical pressrue

b Dxble-vrlled tube. w i t h a beat dam

so Bat

Similar to above but problems less

eewre a t full b a d , but stffl ierioua at prt 1-d and in startup, Urge preheater required t o add 20$ of heat an preheat.

Sililu to Itam P but vith tubas fabriCatad M

and inaetelminate4 large the&





I u g e w b e r of tube-to-header joints xequixed. R o t well suited t o steam p r e s a w s a h about 600 psi. muds t o give large heat flu .ad local urlt freesing near apmy mzale end.



ateam drm required coupled with heat exchanger and ateam punp makes the e q u i p n t expnaive. Operation 18 inbcrently extrem04 W1.y a d u c i t e s vibration.


m a m

No suitable vapor


to turbine

T TripleF&eBoiler

M p S l r t O r is available, .nd axprience indicates that it is unlike4 one un be developad. Outar tube diameter i s inb?rently large .nd thus raquires a thick w8I.l; t h i e Uads t o l w heat flux and large might ud investnent in tube n a t e ~ b l .

. .

. steam

Concept b s not been tested a t pressws a h $30 psi..



OFNL DWG. 'U-5724


Interfaceevaporation -


Bubbles -





Pureconvection - heat transferredby superheated liquidrisingto the liquid-vaporinterface whereevaporation takesplace




10 T,-T,, “F w





Fig. 1. Diagram Showing the Principal Pool-Boiling Regimes and Their Relative Position on a Curve for the Heat-Transfer Coefficient Plotted as a Function of the Film Temperature Drop (Farber and Scorah, Heat Transfer to Water Boiling Under Pressure, Trans. ASME, p. 369, Vol. 70, 1948).




s a l t , reduce t h e f r a c t i o n of heat added a t low water temperatures, and


reduce t h e sharp changes i n physical properties associated with the phase change from l i q u i d t o vapor.a


I n units of t h i s type it i s usually con-

sidered best t o have t h e molten s a l t outside the tubes and the superc r i t i c a l water and steam flowing i n s i d e t h e tubes.


However, while t h e r e

i s no sharp phase change, t h e very rapid changes i n density and other

physical properties near the c r i t i c a l temperature under s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure conditions lead t o marked changes i n the heat t r a n s f e r performance and abrupt reductions i n t h e heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t something l i k e those associated with t h e burnout heat f l u x encountered a t s u b c r i t i c a l pressures.9

I n addition t o these flow and heat t r a n s f e r phenomena and

the boiling flow i n s t a b i l i t i e s t h a t would be associated with them, t h e r e would be large, i r r e g u l a r l y f l u c t u a t i n g thermal s t r e s s e s i n the tube wall i n t h e region near t h e feedwater i n l e t of the b o i l e r u n i t , and these would be l i k e l y t o cause tube cracking and f a i l u r e . These problems a r e d i s cussed l a t e r i n some d e t a i l . Although t h e use of a s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure system reduces the s e v e r i t y of the boiling flow s t a b i l i t y problem f o r operation near the design point:

a g r e a t d e a l of d i f f i c u l t y has been encountered i n a l l of t h e

coal-fired once-through and s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure b o i l e r s i n going from zero power t o p a r t load conditions of a t l e a s t 10$, and often t o a s high a s 30$ power.

These d i f f i c u l t i e s stem i n part from the large density

change a s the water-steam mixture flows through t h e b o i l e r s and i n p a r t from t h e reduced pressure drop a t the lower flows which reduces the dampi n g of the o s c i l l a t i o n s by turbulence losses. 8 Double-Walled Tubes with a Heat Dam M. E. Lackey suggested i n 1958 that one means f o r reducing t h e temperature difference between t h e tube wall and the water t o avoid film boiling conditions would be t o incorporate a heat dam i n the form of a s i n t e r e d powder matrix between an inner tube carrying t h e molten s a l t and the outer tube i n contact with the boiling water.4

This approach would

be q u i t e e f f e c t i v e a t f u l l power where the average heat f l u x would be



7 high, but would present problems under s t a r t u p and low power conditions

because a high heat f l u x i s inherently associated with a l a r g e tempera-

ture drop through such a heat dam. t

A further disadvantage i s t h a t d i f -

f e r e n t i a l thermal expansion between the inner and outer tube walls would induce severe thermal s t r e s s e s i n t h e sintered buffer material, and these would lead t o cracking of the sintered matrix and unpredictable increases i n the thermal resistance. 8

The cracking problem i n t h e sintered material could be avoided by using instead an a i r space a s a heat dam.


The OD of the inner tube could

be knurled, f o r example, and the outer tube swaged down onto it.


would have the disadvantage t h a t d i f f e r e n t i a l thermal expansion between the inner and outer tubes would probably loosen the swaged j o i n t and give an indeterminately large -probably excessively large a t f u l l load.

- thermal b a r r i e r

Sf t h i s d i d not happen, thermal s t r e s s e s would probably

cause cracking of the tubes. Flash Boiler



I n an e f f o r t t o avoid the d i f f i c u l t i e s outlined above, a flash b o i l e r I n a u n i t of t h i s type the molten s a l t would flow

was proposed i n 1955.l

outside of the tubes and feedwater would be i n j e c t e d i n the form of a long t h i n plume of f i n e spray directed along the a x i s of the b o i l e r tube. Experience i n the development of nozzles f o r d i e s e l engines indicates t h a t a high penetration spray could be obtained w i t h sharp-edged, singlem i f i c e nozzles having.a hole diameter nozzles of this type wou


about 0.020 in.,1째 and t h a t

eak t h e l i q u i d up i n t o droplets having a

diameter of the order of 0.005 in.11

These droplets would form a long

slender spray plume t h a t

u l d extend f o r perhaps 2 f t down t h e bore of

a 1/2 i n . tube.

ould impinge on t h e tube wall a t a very low


angle of incidence, and would tend t o s k i t t e r along t h e w a l l riding on a t h i n f i l m of vapor. associated with t h e co well within the e l a s t i thermal s t r e s s e s .l

Analyses indicated t h a t t h e l o c a l thermal s t r e s s e s

racks l e f t by droplets of t h i s s o r t would be m i t and should not give d i f f i c u l t i e s with

8 A b r i e f s e r i e s of t e s t s t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h i s concept was run by an

w 4

MIT p r a c t i c e school group.la

These'tests showed t h a t t h e r e was a strong

tendency f o r ' a l a r g e f r a c t i o n of t h e droplets t o impinge on t h e tube wall i n t h e region close t o the i n j e c t i o n nozzle, and t h a t t h i s l e d t o such a pronounced cooling e f f e c t t h a t a frozen film of molten s a l t tended t o form on t h e outside of t h e tube i n t h a t region.la

The t e s t s had been i n i t i a t e d

on t h e premise t h a t they offered an a t t r a c t i v e way t o provide f o r emergency cooling of the ART f u e l dump tanks, hence the t e s t work was termi-

No f u r t h e r work on t h e concept

nated with t h e demise of t h e ANP program.

was carried out because it inherently requires a very l a r g e number of t u b e s of r a t h e r s h o r t length s o t h a t the tube-to-header j o i n t costs tend t o become excessive.

Further, t h e concept does not appear t o lend i t s e l f well

t o high pressure and s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure steam systems.

Loef f l e r Boiler The Loeffler b o i l e r concept used i n a f e w coal-fired steam p l a n t s has been considered.6 Systems of this s o r t have been b u i l t and operated f o r coal-fired furnaces.


Operation apparently has been s a t i s f a c t o r y ex-

cept f o r the extremely high noise l e v e l associated with the b o i l e r and d i f f i c u l t i e s with t h e steam pumps required.

The Loeffler concept e n t a i l s

admission of saturated steam t o a heat t r a n s f e r matrix heated by molten salt.

The superheated steam leaving this matrix would be divided i n t o

two portions, one of which would flow t o the turbine and the other would be returned t o a b o i l e r drum where it would bubble through t h e water i n t h e drum.

This approach has t h e disadvantages t h a t it requires l a r g e

and expensive b o i l e r drums, implosion of t h e vapor bubbles i n t h e b o i l e r drum makes operation extremely noisy and induces violent v i b r a t i o n ex-

c i t i n g forces, t h e r e l a t i v e l y poor steam-side heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t and low enthalpy r i s e lead t o a l a r g e number of tube-to-header j o i n t s ,


and steam pumps posing tough design and r e l i a b i l i t y problems a r e required t o r e c i r c u l a t e steam through t h e b o i l e r .

On the other hand, t h e system

has t h e advantage t h a t it lends i t s e l f r e a d i l y t o s t a r t u p and p a r t load operations, it v i r t u a l l y eliminates t h e p o s s i b i l i t y of s a l t freezing a s







a consequence of excessive cooling i n t h e steam generator, and it greatly eases t h e thermal s t r e s s problems by s u b s t i t u t i n g a salt-to-steam heat exchanger f o r the salt-to-water boiler.


Triple Tube Boiler When the w r i t e r s o l i c i t e d criticisms and suggestions on t h e proposed new b o i l e r concept, M. E. Lackey pointed out that B. Kinyon and G. D. Whitman had proposed a somewhat similar b o i l e r i n 1960, (Ref. 6), and S. E. Beall pointed out that a variation of t h i s approach had been t e s t e d

as a means f o r cooling f u e l dump tanks.13

The arrangement proposed by

Kinyon employed t h r e e concentric tubes with boiling water flowing upward through t h e inner annulus t o a vapor separator and superheated steam flowing down through the outer annulus. return the water -om

The c e n t r a l passage would serve t o

the vapor separator t o a b o i l e r water r e c i r c u l a t i n g

pump. This arrangement has the advantage that the superheated vapor i n t h e annulus between t h e outer tube heated by the molten salt and the tube containing t h e boiling water would a c t as a buffer both t o eliminate s e r e

ious thermal s t r e s s e s and t o avoid excessive metal temperatures adjacent t o t h e b o i l i n g water.

The arrangement has t h e disadvantage that it re-

quires a f a i r l y l a r g e tube diameter and hence a f a i r l y large tube w a l l thickness f o r s u p e r c r i t i c a l water systems.

Thus, t h e amount of heat transf e r surface area required tends t o be l a r g e because the principal b a r r i e r t o h e a t t r a n s f e r l i e s i n heat conduction through t h i c k tube w a l l s . Further, t h e arrangement r e t h e development of a vapor separator t h a t would f i t within a small

t e r , preferably that of the tube.


i n vapor separator devel

indicates that the v e l o c i t i e s required f o r good vapor-liquid separation a r e much lower than those one would l i k e t o


use i n t h e tube f o r hea

sfer purposes, and hence a r a t h e r bulky pro-

tuberance would have t o

loyed a t the end of each tube; t h i s appears

t o lead t o a s e t of extremely awkward mechanical design problems.



Reentry Tube Boiler The b o i l e r proposed i n t h i s report i s somewhat similar t o t h e one described above but d i f f e r s i n t h a t it makes use of only two v e r t i c a l , concentric tubes i n the form shown i n Fig. 2.

The water enters a t t h e

bottom through a c e n t r a l tube having a diameter of about 1/4 i n .




heating and boiling occur a s the'water r i s e s i n this t u b e u n t i l evaporat i o n i s complete, a f t e r which there i s some superheating. The steam emerges from the t o p end of the small diameter tube, reverses d i r e c t i o n , and flows back downward through a n annulus' between the inner-small tube and an outer tube having an I D of around 1/2 i n .

The molten s a l t e n t e r s

a t the bottom, flows upward around the outer tube, and o u t the top.


this arrangement there i s only one header sheet separating the molten s a l t

from the atmosphere, and t h i s header sheet i s not subject t o a l a r g e pressure d i f f e r e n t i a l .

Thermal sleeves would be used a t the header sheet t o

minimize thermal s t r e s s e s (see Fig. 3 ) . There would be no high pressure header sheets i n t h i s system; t h e tubes f o r t h e high pressure feedwater and t h e e x i t steam would be manifolded a s i n high pressure coal-fired b o i l e r s r a t h e r than run i n t o header sheets.

The steam annulus between

the inner and outer tubes would a c t a s a buffer t o i s o l a t e the r e l a t i v e l y low-temperature boiling water region from t h e high-temperature molten s a l t . This i s o l a t i o n would be s o e f f e c t i v e t h a t it would be quite possible t o heat the u n i t t o the molten s a l t operating temperature with no water i n the system and then slow& add water t o i n i t i a t e boiling.

As w i l l be

shown l a t e r , it should be possible t o design t h e unit s o t h a t it would operate s t a b l y over a wide range of conditions from zero load t o overload with no d i f f i c u l t i e s from thermal s t r e s s e s o r freezing of the s a l t .

It might a t f i r s t appear t h a t the e x t r a heat t r a n s f e r films through which heat must be transmitted from the molten s a l t t o t h e boiling water might lead t o a l a r g e increase i n surface area requirements and hence i n t h e s i z e , weight, and cost of t h e unit.

However, it appears q u i t e pos-

s i b l e t o design s o t h a t these disadvantages a r e more than o f f s e t by such f e a t u r e s a s the absence of a high-pressure header sheet and t h e a b i l i t y t o operate with high-temperature differences between the molten s a l t and the boiling water s o t h a t the o v e r a l l s i z e , weight, and cost of the u n i t



. n










Fig. 3. Section Through the Header Sheet Region Showing Two Typical Tubes with Their Thermal Sleeves and the Associated Welds.



are at least competitive with the corresponding values for any other de'sign that has been proposed.

DESIGNFORGOODSTABILITYANDCONTROL CRARACTERISTICS The usual procedure in developing a design for a steam generator has been to choose a geometry, establish the proportions for full power conditions, and then - sometimes - examine the full range of control problems. The inverse order seemsat least equally logical and is followed here. The writer has felt from the beginning that someof the most difficult conditions to be met are those associated with initial startup and part load operation. Thus, the first step in the evaluation work was to establish a typical set of molten salt and steam temperatures, and from these, using basic heat balance considerations, deduce the ,effects of different modes of control for the various load conditions of interest. This approach gives a valuable insight into the ~full range of the over-all design problems. Molten Salt Temperatures at Part Load Several different approaches can be taken.to the control of a, molten salt reactor steam power plant. Perhaps the simplest and most reliable approach is to make use of constant speed ac motors to drive pumps in both the fuel.circuit and the intermediate salt circuit. If this is done, the temperature rise in each salt circuit will be directly proportional to the load so that the circuits will be isothermal at zero power. The basic heat transfer relations are such that the temperature difference between the two salt circuits will also be directly proportional to the load and will drop to zero at zero load. If there is no control rod movementin the reactor, the zero load reactor temperature will be the mean of the inlet and outlet fuel temperatures at full load. 'These effects are shown in Fig. 4a for operation with constant speed fuel and inert salt pumps. Note that both the minimumand the mean temperatures of the inert salt rise as the load is reduced - an undesirable characteristic from the standpoint of the design of most steam generators, This situation can be changed by holding the







F i g . 4. !CeMperature Distribution in the Fuel-to-Inert SaU Heat Exchawer for a Series of Inads for Two Control Modes, i.e., a) constant speed pumps and a constant mean fuel temperature, and b) constant speed pumps and a constant reactor fuel inlet temperat-.





reactor i n l e t temperature constant i n which case the temperatures i n t h e f u e l andtinert s a l t c i r c u i t s would be defined by the curves i n Fig. 4b. The f u e l i n l e t temperature ought not be reduced below t h e value shown be-

cause it i s desirable t o maintain the f u e l a t l e a s t 100째F above i t s freezing point.

Other e f f e c t s could be obtained by varying the speeds of the

f u e l and/or i n e r t s a l t pumps, but the r e s u l t i n g complications

- particu-

l a r l y a t o r near zero load - a r e q u i t e obJectionable. After analyzing a variety of power plant control modes it was decided that the simplest system would be t h e most r e l i a b l e and should be used f o r the bulk of this study.

possible, i.e.,

The approach chosen i s believed t o be t h e simplest

it assumes a constant mean f u e l temperature and constant

speed pumps f o r both the f u e l and the i n e r t s a l t irrespective of load. Effects of Mode of Control on Steam Temperatures a t Part Load The inherent e f f e c t

f t y p i c a l control modes on the temperature d i s -

t r i b u t i o n s that w i l l result as a consequence of fundamental heat balance considerations a r e shown i n Figs. 5, 6, and 7 f o r t h e f u l l range of load condikions.

It can be seen from examination of these curves that the steam

o u t l e t temperature w i l l rise as the load is reduced because t h e temperature difference between the two f l u i d streams i n a heat exchanger drops o f f w i t h

a reduction i n the heat f l u x , steam plant that i s co perature i s held const

This problem arises

the control of any

d t o a high-temperature l4

c t o r whose mean temTo avoid damage t o t h e turbine, the steam

temperature could be reduced a t part load by introduction of a desuper-

heater between t h e steam generator and the turbine.

The available desuper-

heater units may not be well s u i t e d t o t h i s p a r t i c u l a r application, but t h e design of a suitable unit w w l d be straightforward. apparent t h a t high steam iously increase the Cree


t o operate with a consta be eased by scheduling t h e

crease with power output.

However, it i s

ratures under p a r t load conditions would serproblem i n the steam system i f it were discharge pressure.

The problem could

o r mean temperature s o t h a t it would i n One way of doing t h i s would be t o maintain t h e

reactor inlet temperature constant and allow t h e temperature rise i n t h e




Bi .




Fig. 6. Effects of Operation with a Constant Reactor Fuel Inlet Temperature on the Temperature Distribution Through the Eoiler for mical Load Conditions. Lo temperatures a r e plotted as functions of the fraction of the heat ferred from the molten salt (i.e. For this s e t of c was assumed that the effective boiler &Q). t ~ length e would be varied with the load a t any given condition t o maint a i n a constant temperature and pressure a t the superheater outlet.



Inert Salt and Steam Temperatures a s a Functi6n of the Fraction of the Heat Transferred iram the Salt to the Steam for a Series of Desi@ Heat Loads with the Steam Prassure Directly Proportional to the H e a t ~oad. Flg. 7.

19 f u e l s a l t t o increase i n d i r e c t proportion t o the load. I f t h i s were done, t h e temperatures i n the i n e r t s a l t and steam c i r c u i t s would vary w i t h load


as indicated i n Fig. 4b. This control schedule f o r the s a l t c i r c u i t s w a s assumed i n preparing a few of the b o i l e r performance estimates presented

v rr

later i n t h i s report t o show that t h i s arrangement might reduce o r elimin-

ate the need f o r desuperheating the steam under p a r t load conditions a t t h e expense of complicating the reactor control problems. The curves of Figs. 5 and 6 were calculated on the basis t h a t t h e b o i l e r would be operated i n the conventional fashion with a constant steam discharge pressure of 4000 psi, and t h e pressure of the steam supplied t o t h e turbine would be reduced by a t h r o t t l i n g valve.

However, there a r e a

number of advantages associated with operating a steam boiler-turbinecondenser-feed pump system with no t h r o t t l e valve between the b o i l e r and the turbine so that the steam pressure i s determined by t h e flow r a t e through the c r i t i c a l pressure drop o r i f i c e represented by the i n l e t nozzle box of the first stage of the turbine.

One of the more important of these

advantages i n t h i s instance i s that, i f t h e steam system were designed s o


t h a t t h e b o i l e r discharge pressure would be d i r e c t l y proportional t o the 5


load, the higher b o i l e r temperatures would be associated with lower pres-

sures, and the creep s t r e s s e s i n the b o i l e r tube w a l l would not be excessive.

If t h i s were done, t o a f i r s t approximation t h e b o i l e r pressure w i l l

be d i r e c t l y proportional t o t h e load, and curves f o r t h e steam temperature

as a function of the amount of heat added on the water s i d e w i l l be as indicated i n Flg. 7 f o r a typical case. N o t surprisingly, calculations presented l a t e r i n the report show t h a t the tube-length t o evaporate t o dryness i s much the same irr

c t i v e .of the b o i l e r pressure a t a given load.

However, the pressure drop through the b o i l e r under part load conditions i s much higher i f the- pressure i s d i r e c t l y proportional t o the load than i f t h e b o i l e r were opera

sure drop a t part load i

t a constant p r e s s ~ e . Increasing the presantageous i n t h a t it w i l l much improve t h e

boiling flow s t a b i l i t y . Heat Transfer I n s t a b i l i t i e s and Thermal Stresses


One can sense intuitively that severe thermal s t r e s s e s might be induced by the wide variations i n t h e heat f l u - a n d hence t h e t r a n s f e r coefficient



t h a t can occur with changes i n the difference i n temperature between the metal wall and t h e s a t u r a t i o n temperature of a boiling l i q u i d (see Fig. 1). However, it i s not obvious just how these thermal s t r e s s e s may be r e l a t e d t o f l u c t u a t i o n s i n t h e boiling heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t , how l a r g e they


may be, or why they may be more severe a t low loads than a t the design point, and M. Rosenthal asked t h a t this s h o r t section be added t o c l a r i f y the problem, p a r t i c u l a r l y f o r a u n i t designed f o r s u p e r c r i t i c a l operation.

It should be noted t h a t f o r some time it was thought t h a t t h i s problem could be avoided by going t o s u p e r c r i t i c a l water pressures, b u t severe cracking of tubes i n coal-fired s u p e r c r i t i c a l b o i l e r s showed t h a t , unfortunately, this i s not the case.B

Detailed investigations o f . b o i l i n g

heat t r a n s f e r r e l a t i o n s i n t h e s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure regime have shown t h a t large v a r i a t i o n s i n heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t s t i l l occur, p a r t i c u l a r l y a t high heat fluxes, i . e . ,

i f there i s a l a r g e temperature difference be-

tween the metal wall and the b u l k - f r e e streauP (see Fig. 8). To i l l u s t r a t e the problem, consider a s h o r t section of INOR-8tubing with s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressure water a t 690째F i n s i d e and molten s a l t a t 1150째F flowing outside t h e tube with a s a l t heat t r a n s f e r c o e f f i c i e n t of 1000 Btu/hr*fta-OF.

The thermal conductivity of the wall i s about 12 Btu/hr-ft-"F.

The thickness I s 0.10 in., and hence t h e conductance of t h e w a l l would be about 1440 Btu/hr*fta*"F, and thus t h e temperature drop through t h e tube w a l l would be about 70$ t h a t through t h e s a l t f i l m on the outer wall. very d i f f e r e n t operating regimes are possible.

Two Assuming t h a t the curves of

Fig. 8 define t h e heat t r a n s f e r s i t u a t i o n on the water s i d e , t h e heat f l u x where the water-steam enthalpy r a n 780 B t u / l b could be -'lOO,OOO Btu/hr or a t a nearby point downstream where t h e enthalpy reached 900 Btu/lb i t could be 150,000 Btu/hr.


The r e s u l t i n g film and wall temperatures and tempera-

t u r e drops can be summarized i n Table 2. Changing t h e r a d i a l AT through the tube wall from 70째F t o 105'F a t power, and t o 0째F a t no load would lead t o differentiall thermal expansion between the inner and outer surfaces and hence t o both circumferential and a x i a l s t r e s s e s t h a t would be superimposed on the basic pressure s t r e s s e s . Power cycling and changes from one heat t r a n s f e r regime t o t h e other would cause thermal s t r a i n cycling, and this could eventually lead t o cracking and f a i l u r e .

The problem would be much worse a t s u b c r i t i c a l pressures


ORNL DWG. 71-2175 1200





AT G = 340,000 LBS/FT2-HR D = 0.033 F T









1050 1025 1000

975 I .


. 950


a 3

c 9.






825 800

175 750 725

700 600



900 K


Fig. 8.


ture i n S u p e r c r i t i c a l Pre



ing a t High Heat Fluxes.






Heat Transfer Near t h e C r i t i c a l Temperace-Throu@;h Steam Generator Tubes Operat-

(M. E. Shitsman, Impairment of Heat Transmission

a t S u p e r c r i t i c a l Pressures, Teplofizika Vysokikh Temperatur, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 267, 1963)

22 Effects of Heat Flux on t h e Radial Temperature Distribution Through a n Element of Tube Wall i n the I n l e t Region of a Simple Shell-and-Tube Molten S a l t Steam Generator a t Supercritical Pressure Conditions

Table 2.


Water-steam enthalpy, Btu/lb


Heat flux, Btu/hr*ft2




Salt f r e e steam temperature,



Tube outer w a l l temperature,




Tube inner wall temperature, OF



Water temperature, OF



S a l t film AT, OF







Wall AT, OF Water film AT, OF



where the change i n heat transfer coefficient with enthalpy i s both l a r g e r and more abrupt (see Fig. 9). The problem could be eased somewhat by reducing t h e molten s a l t temperature t o 1000째F f o r s t a r t u p and low power conditions, but it would not be eliminated. Observations of tubes t r a n s f e r r i n g heat t o water a t s u p e r c r i t i c a l pressures have shown that both of the regimes of Table 2 w i l l be present, i.e.,

some sections of the tube w i l l operate a t a lower w a l l temperature

and a high heat f l u x w h i l e others w i l l operate a t a higher temperature and a lower heat flux.

Further, these regimes tend t o shift back and f o r t h

a x i a l l y along the tube with changes i n water flow rate. another type of thermal s t r e s s .

This leads t o

Dilation of t h e hot region r e l a t i v e t o

t h e cooler region leads t o bending s t r e s s e s i n t h e tube w a l l , and these s t r e s s e s a r e l i k e l y t o be severe because the s h i f t from one heat t r a n s f e r regime t o t h e other tends t o be abrupt and the t r a n s i t i o n zone i s short. These stresses are analagous t o those i n thermal sleeves, and can be calculated i n t h e same way (see Ref. 8, p. 125).

Unfortunately, data f o r

t y p i c a l a x i a l temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n s are not a t hand t o provide a good

basis f o r estimating the magnitude of these stresses.

A t f i r s t thought it would appear t h a t a t l i g h t loads t h e above problems would be eased because t h e average heat f l u x would be g r e a t l y reduced.




ORaL DWG. 71-5731






Saturated water


Saturated steam from inlet+

Fig. 9. Effects of on t h e Heat-Transfer Coefficient f o r a Once-Through Boiler Tube (Polomik e t a l . , Heat Transfer Coefficients w i t h Annular Flow During "Once-Through'' Boiling of Water t o loo$ Quality a t 800, ll00, and 1400 ps of Heat Transfer, Trans. ASME, p. 81, Vol. 86-2, 1964) . I


24 However, t h i s i s not t h e case.

The bulk of t h e heat t r a n s f e r occurs a t

t h e water i n l e t end because t h e temperature difference there i s inherently


high i r r e s p e c t i v e of load, and it i s t h e high-temperature difference that gives the p o s s i b i l i t y of two d r a s t i c a l l y d i f f e r e n t temperature regimes. Thus reducing t h e heat load simply reduces t h e length of the region i n which severe thermal s t r e s s e s may be induced - i t does not eliminate the problem.

I n f a c t , i f the pressure i s reduced, the boiling point of t h e

water w i l l drop'and t h e temperature difference t h a t can be induced i n t h e tube w a l l w i l l be increased. The above e f f e c t s are complex and, i n many respects, r a t h e r subtle, but they are t h e reason f o r turning from t h e conventional shell-and-tube heat exchanger geometry t o t h e reentry tube construction proposed i n t h i s report. Flow S t a b i l i t y Considerations I n a conventional coal-fired b o i l e r t h e pressure drop i n t h e b o i l i n g region i s r a t h e r low i n r e c i r c u l a t i n g boilers, but t h e o v e r a l l pressure drop i s fair&y high because t h e pressure drop through t h e superheaâ‚Źer i s substantial.

I n once-through boilers, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n s u p e r c r i t i c a l pres-

sure steam plants, the b o i l e r pressure drop i s large, commonly 20$ of t h e b o i l e r i n l e t pressure.

This stems i n part from e f f o r t s t o g e t a high heat

t r a n s f e r coefficient on t h e steam side, i n part from t h e long tubes made necessary by ,the r e l a t i v e l y low average heat t r a n s f e r coefficient on t h e combustion gas side, and i n part by s t r i n g e n t o r i f i c i n g a t t h e tube inlets t o assure a flow d i s t r i b u t i o n across the tube bank such that it w i l l be possible t o avoid burnout i n regions where t h e l o c a l heat flux may be high

as a consequence of i r r e g u l a r i t i e s i n t h e hot gas flow on t h e combustion gas s i d e of t h e b o i l e r . These i r r e g u l a r i t i e s i n the l o c a l hot gas temperature and heat f l u x vary s u b s t a n t i a l l y with t h e heat load on the boiler, t h e f u e l used, and t h e p e c u l i a r i t i e s and irregularities i n t h e g a s turbulence p a t t e r n i n t h e combustion zone.

Fortunately, i n a molten salt-heated b o i l e r not only can the tube w a l l never exceed t h e temperature of t h e molten s a l t so t h a t severe overheating of t h e tube wall i s not a problem, but the molten s a l t temperature and flow d i s t r i b u t i o n can be predicted




25 within quite close limits instead of being subject to the vagaries in the large-scale turbulence that are characteristic of combustion zones in furnaces. As a consequence, a steam generator for a molten salt reactor can be designed to give a much higher average heat flux and yet a lower peak heat flux than. can be obtained in a conventional coal-fired boiler. This directly reduces the tube length and hence the pressure drop. In addition, it reduces the need for orificing to'control the water flow distribution through the boiler. As a consequence, it is believed that it will be possible to design for lower-water pressure drops through steam generators for molten salt reactors than are ordinarily required for coal-fired boilers. This will reduce both the power requirements for the boiler feed pmp and the tube wall thickness required for the feedwater piping. Heat Transfer Estimating the heat generator involves a set tion out of the question This stems from the wide


transfer performance of .the reentry tube steam of implicit relations that make an explicit soluand even an iterative solution surprisingly tricky. variety of combinations of conditions that may

occur in the boiler depending on the steam pressure, temperature, and flow rate. The problems have much in common with, but are more difficult than, those of steam generators for high-temperature gas-cooled reactors.14 The steam conditions were chosen to be essentially the same as those of Eddystone Unit No. 2, which was used as the basis for an earlier study.15 The feedwater temperature and flow rate, the exit steam pressure,. and the molten salt inlet and outlet temperatures are ordinarily given. From these data it is possible to estimate a steam outlet temperature and from heat balance considerations draw a set of curves such as those of Fig. 5 which show the temperatures of the molten salt and the steam as functions of the fraction of heat added to the steam in the'course of its transit through the boiler. Figure 7 shows a similar set of curves for a series of lower pressures and lower loads; in this instance the pressure was taken as directly proportional to the load, a good approximation to the natural characteristics of a steam boiler-turbine-condenser-feed pump system in which no throttle valve is employed. Figures 5 and 7 illustrate one of the



d i f f i c u l t i e s i n s e t t i n g up an i t e r a t i v e calculation. Whereas t h e steam temperature f o r the s u p e r c r i t i c a l condition of Fig. 5 i s uniquely defined

LJ t

as a function of the f r a c t i o n of heat added t o t h e steam, t h i s i s not the

case f o r s u b c r i t i c a l steam pressure conditions where the steam temperature i s e s s e n t i a l l y independent of t h e amount of heat added over a wide range

of heat addition.

I n attempting an i t e r a t i v e solution one can calculate

stepwise upward from the bottom of the tube using as h i s points of depart u r e the given feedwater i n l e t conditions and t h e assumed steam o u t l e t conditions.

The stepwise calculations can be continued t o a point a t the t o p

of t h e inner tube where evaporation would be completed o r the steam super-

It i s a l s o possible t o assume a s e t of steam conditiors a t the o u t l e t of the inner tube and make stepwise calculations from the

heated somewhat.

t o p downward t o t h e feedwater i n l e t end accepting the superheater o u t l e t temperature that results. The difference i n the character of the r e l a t i o n s between the various load conditions of Figs. 5 and 7 lead t o some convergence problems i n e i t h e r case.

These, i n turn, make it necessary t o modif'y

the calculational procedure somewhat depending on the steam conditions.


Both methods have been used i n t h i s study, and both have been found -to be not only awkward but demanding i n that they require good engineering judgment t o choose values t h a t w i l l y i e l d convergence.


However, no better ap-

proach has been found i n s p i t e of some months of e f f o r t by both KIT gradua t e students who became interested i n the problem and by t h e authors of Ref. 7. Typical Calculations The steps followed i n estimating the b o i l e r tube length, temperature distribution, and pressure drop on the water side are summarized i n Table 3 , and a s e t of t y p i c a l calculations i s shown i n Table 4. calculations w a s made f o r the 10% loa d condition.

The f i r s t s e t of

The f i r s t s t e p i n t h e

calculations was t o s t a r t a t t h e bottom, o r s a l t i n l e t end, and assume a decrement i n t h e enthalpy of the salt. expected value f o r the boiler.

This was chosen t o be lo$ o r t h e


For a given tube geometry the surface areaâ‚Ź

of the inner and outer tube walls per u n i t of length are defined and



hence t h e area per increment of length i s readily calculated.

For good


27 Calculational Procedure f o r Establishing the Tube Length f o r a Given Set of Design Conditions (see nomenclature i n l a t t e r portion of t a b l e )

Table 3.




1. Plot curves f o r the s a l t and steam temperatures as functions of AQ/Q from t h e i n l e t t o the o u t l e t (e.g., Fig. 7). 2. Specify the tube diameters and wall thicknesses.



Compute t h e overall heat t r a n s f e r coefficients f o r the inner and outer tube walls (e.g., use Fig. 11).


For convergence i n the i t e r a t i o n , the heat transferred from t h e s a l t t o the annulus steam near t h e superheater o u t l e t must be greater than the heat transferred from t h e annulus steam t o the water i n the cent e r tube per u n i t of length, i.e., V1AlAt&N2A2At2/L. This w i l l probably require an inner tube l i n e r t o provide a heat dam near t h e bottom. To minimize the overall tube length, t h i s l i n e r should be terminated as soon a s t h i s can be done and s t i l l maintain U l A l A t 1/UU2A2At 2/L. Estimate the mean temperature of the s a l t , annulus steam, and b o i l e r water f o r the first increment of tube length using the r a t i o of t h e heat added t o the steam i n the outer annulus t o t h e t o t a l heat removed from t h e s a l t and the curves of item 1 above (e.g., Fig. 7). Using the above as the s t a r t i n g point, follow the calculational procedure of Table 4 using constant increments i n AQl, t h e enthalpy change i n the molten s a l t .


6. Q


Compute AL, t h a t i s


a1 a=-* Compute a&s f o r the value of 9. Repeat s t e p s 6, 7, and 8 f o r mean temperatures yielded by the values estimated i n s t e p



Repeat t h e above f o r n ment i n AQ1 u n t i l

AL found i n item '7 (AQs = U2A20LClt2/L). a b e t t e r approximation i f t h e changes i n these steps d i f f e r by more than 208 from 5.

crements of length using t h e same incre-

U. If there i s trouble w i

ergence, change the value of U2 by changing t h e length o r effectiveness of the heat dam near t h e feedwater inl e t . It may also be advisable t o change the proportions of the tubes.



For part load calculations, be careful t o assume a small temperature difference between t h e s a l t and the superheated steam f o r the f i r s t increment i n tube lengt if t h e temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n along the full length i s desired. If t h e superheater e x i t temperature exceeds by more than 100째F t h e l u e assumed f o r t h e p a r t load condition, new curves s i m i l a r t o those of Fig. 7 should be prepared. If instead one wants a rough indication of the a c t i v e tube length a t part load, compute a case a s i f it were a design point and compare t h e r e s u l t i n g length with t h a t f o r the 1008 load condition.

28 Table 3.

Nomenclature ,

A1 A2

dl d2 f1

f2 f3





aL n P

ap, m2

Qi Q2



91 92

Re1 Re2 Re3

tl t 2 t3


v2 v3


Outer tube e f f e c t i v e heat transfer- surface area, f t 2 Inner tube e f f e c t i v e heat t r a n s f e r surface area, f t 2 I D of outer tube, in. I D of inner tube, in. F r i c t i o n f a c t o r f o r salt F r i c t i o n f a c t o r f o r steam i n superheater annulus Friction factor f o r steam i n inner tube Mass flow r a t e of salt, l b / f t 2 * s e c Mass flow rate of steam i n superheater annulus, l b / f t 2 - s e c Mass flow r a t e of steam i n inner tube, l b / f t 2 - s e c Tube length (or distance from bottom of tube), f t Increment i n tube length, f t Number of increment Steam pressure, psia Steam pressure drop i n superheater annulus i n increment, p s i Steam pressure drop i n inner tube i n increment, p s i Heat removed from molten salt, Btu/hr= tube N e t heat added t o steam i n superheater annulus, Btu/hr- tube Net heat added t o steam i n inner tube, Btu/hr*tube Heat removed from salt i n increment, Btu/hr Heat added t o steam i n superheater annulus i n increment, Btu/hr Heat added t o steam i n inner tube i n increment, Btu/hr Dynamic head i n superheater annulus, p s i Dynamic head i n c e n t r a l b o i l e r tube, p s i Reynolds number f o r s a l t Reynolds number f o r superheated steam i n annulus Reynolds number f o r steam i n inner tube Local temperature of molten salt, OF Local temperature of superheated steam i n annulus, OF Local temperature of steam i n inner tube, OF Local temperature difference between s a l t and steam i n superheater annulus, OF Local temperature difference between steam i n annulus and steam i n inner tube, OF Specific volume of steam i n superheater annulus, f t 3 / l b Specific volume of water-steam mixture i n inner tube, f t 3 / l b






lable 4. Typical Calculational Worksheet for a Single Boiler-Superheater Tube


Steam pressure, psia 4000 Steam temperature 1eaHug inner tube, 7 = 745 Salt temperature in, 7 1200 Salt temperature out, 7 950 Heat lard per tube, Btu/hr = Q1 = 650,000


@ piacttonal change in s a l t @ Eiiective s t d a c e area of


enthalpy in increment


outer tube &-/it

0 giiective suriace area of inner tube, 4 Overall heat transfer coemcient for outer tube, 0 Btub.ft2.7 ft2/ft






















































































































































Fig. 7

t 2




m1 AT^

@ @

@-@ @- @

Increment in length, ft



Heat added t o steam in inner tube, Btu/hr



32.97 Pressure drop through inner tube pi = 38.3 Pressme drop through annulus, psi = l4.4 Total pressure drop through boiler-superheater, psi = 52.7


7 , Btu/hr* ft. 7

Distance iram bot-,


Total tube length, it


@ Heat transfer t h r o w inner ta @ Molten s a l t temperature, 7 (mean for increment) @ Steam temperature in outer tube, 7 (mesn for increment) @ Steam temperature in inner tube, 7 (mean for increment) @ Temperature dmp rrcm salt to steam in annulus, 7 @ Temperature drop ircm stean in annulus to steam in inner tube, 7


Outer tube OD, in. .65 Outer tube ID, In. .50 Inner tube OD, in. = .25 Inner tube ID, in. .23



@ @ @ @ @


Fraction of reference design load, $ 100 Superheater temperature out, 7 = 1045 Feedwater tempnature in, O F 560 Water enthalpy rise, Et l b = 886 Water flow per tube, l b x e c = 0.204

L a 3





Heat added t o steam in outer tube, Btu/hr

a 2

al - @











Ratio of incremental entklpy change in superheater t o t o t a l for stem














Ratio of enthalpy change in s-rheater













Fatio of incremental enthalpy caaage in boiler t o t a t a l for item

a 3 Q1@/QI












Retio of enthalpy change in boiler to total for item













t o t o t a l for




lkble 4. ~ e a nv a l u ~of pie. 7 )

a me.

H+an a w of 7)

rs/a in annulme

fir interval (red t

we in boiler fir interpal



(read t 3 in

@ & t i 0 of enthalpy casago in salt to t o m @ Fluid speciflc voluae in superheater, ft3/lb @ Fluid speciflc volme i n boiler, ft3/lb @ Mass flow rete in superheater, lb/sec.ft2 @ fins n o w rate i n boiler, lb/EeC.ft'


@ @ @ @

Dynamic head in superheater, psi

@ @ @ @ @ @


- Q-l- 0,


Q , +~














































i n Fl& U



e 3

i n Fig. I.3






















































or .206/.00029




@ @ 2/9273.6



Ref. 8, P. 291

179,867 l80,87l l85,802 191,010 192t7I.5 19297l.5 191,858 170,400 l.489855


Ref. 8, p. 291


243,578 250,232 243,482 253,8l2

294,922 2 9 9 3 6 3l4,880 317,265 317,265

Friction factor in superheater


Ref. 8, p. 294











Friction factor i n boiler


Ref. 8, p. 294











Incremental pressure drop in superheater, pi













Incremental pressure drop in boiler, psi













Pressure drop h ~ tube m inlet, psi (outer annfiw)


3 ,











Pressure drop ircm tube inlet, psi (inner t u b )













Dynamic heed i n boiler, pi


Reynolds umber in superheater


Reynolds nmber in boiler

(d = .20 and .23)





@ APz




31 compatibility with both t h e molten s a l t and the water, the tubes were considered t o be of Hastelloy N.

This i s a high nickel a l l o y that has a r e l a -

t i v e l y poor thermal conductivity, an important f a c t o r i n a s u p e r c r i t i c a l b o i l e r because of the f a i r l y thick wall required i n the outer tube t h i s instance 0.075 in.

- in

It was found advantageous t o increase the t h e r m 1

resistance of t h e inner tube w a l l a t t h e lower end by making use of a double-walled tube.

I n t h t s region the 1/4-in. OD c e n t r a l tube with a w a l l

thickness of 0.010 in. was assumed t o be l i n e d with a smaller diameter tube of the same wall thickness with a r a d i a l clearance of 0.002 in. between them.

The gap would be vented and, i n view of the l o c a l metal tempera-

tures, would be f i l l e d with steam rather than water, The reason f o r using the tube l i n e r can be seen by envisioning t h e heat t r a n s f e r s i t u a t i o n a t the bottom end of t h e reentry tube.

Unless the

heat t r a n s f e r r a t e from the s a l t t o the superheated steam per u n i t of length exceeds that from the superheated steam t o t h e feedwater, the temperature of t h e superheated steam w i l l a c t u a l l y drop as it flows toward the o u t l e t .

Inasmuch as the l o c a l temperatures of the s a l t , the superI

heated steam,'and the feedwater a r e fixed, and so, too, a r e the surface areas and the surface heat t r a n s f e r coefficients, a simple solution i s t o i n t e r j e c t some extra thermal resistance between t h e feedwater and t h e superheated steam.

This region need not be very long because the steam

e x i t temperature i s r e l a t i v e l y insensitive t o the steam temperature w e l l above t h e e x i t , Further, t o keep the o v e r a l l tube length down it i s deble t o maintain a l a r g e temperature difference between the s a l t and t h e superheated steam.

one of t h e places where judgment i s required

when making t h e stepwise calculations i s i n chQosing the point a t which t o terminate t h e heat dam formed by t h e l i n e r of t h e inner tube. It should be n

tube w i l l a c t t o i t h e reentry tube boiler. the i n l e t region b helpful factors.

troducing t h e above l i n e r i n t h e inner he boiling f l o w s t a b i l i t y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of

t only w i l l it increase the pressure drop i n w i l l a l s o increase t h e f l u i d velocity there, both



Heat Transfer Coefficients


Heat t r a n s f e r coefficients f o r the molten salt were computed using t h e Dittus-Boelter r e l a t i o n and physical properties supplied by J. W. Cooke. From these the chart shown i n Fig. 10 w a s prepared.


I n computing the over-

a l l heat t r a n s f e r coefficients f o r t h e inner and outer tube walls, the

molten s a l t velocity was taken as constant f o r a l l of t h e conditions considered, and hence t h e heat t r a n s f e r coefficient f o r t h e f l u i d film on t h e '

. ,

salt s i d e was constant.

The temperature &op through t h e tube w a l l s would,

of course, be d i r e c t l y proportional t o the heat load, ,and hence these two represent constant conductances.

The heat transfer coefficient f o r t h e

superheated steam flow i n t h e annulus varied d i r e c t l y with t h e 0.8 power of t h e steam flow rate and hence t h i s was t h e daminant f a c t o r a t low flow rates.

The heat t r a n s f e r coefficient f o r water under nucleate o r annular

film boiling conditions i s almost independent of heat load and i s very

high, hence it had a r e l a t i v e l y small e f f e c t on v a r i a t i o n s i n t h e o v e r a l l heat t r a n s f e r coefficient with load. The calculated values f o r the overall heat t r a n s f e r coefficients through t h e inner and outer walls are presented i n Fig. 11 as a function of t h e steam flow rate.


The principal resistance t o heat t r a n s f e r a t t h e

lower steam flow rates i s that i n the surface films i n t h e superheated

steam annulus, whereas a t high loads t h e principal resistance i s repre-


sented by t h e temperature drops through t h e tube walls. An inherent e r r o r i n t h e calculation procedure stems from t h e use of

a constant heat t r a n s f e r coefficient on the water s i d e throughout the length of the boiler.

For the flow r a t e s employed here, annular f i l m

boiling would prevail through the g r e a t e r part of t h e b o i l e r u n t i l the vapor q u a l i t y reached about 90$ a f t e r which the heat t r a n s f e r coefficient would drop rapidly.

However, t h i s e f f e c t i s small a t o r near s u p e r c r i t i c a l

pressures, and t h e heat t r a n s f e r coefficient i n t h e f i r s t portion of t h e superheater i s about as high as i n t h e %oiling" zone16 (see Fig. 12). This i n e f f e c t compensates f o r t h e reduced heat t r a n s f e r coefficient i n t h e last portion of the boiler.

These variations have r e l a t i v e l y small

e f f e c t s i n t h e region of i n t e r e s t here and were neglected f o r t h e purposes ,

of these calculations.






~ R H LDUG. n-5733





m (Btu/hr.tube)


Fig. U. Eiiects of Heat Losd on the 0vem.U Heat Tmnsfer Coeificiente for the Inner ana Outer Tube W a l l s for an Outer Tube of 0.66 in. OD and 0.50 in. ID, an Inner Tube uf 0.25 in. OD and 0.20 in. ID, a Molten Salt Mass Plaw Fate of 2500 lb/sec-f't2, and B Tube U a l l !the& Conductivity of 3.47 Btu/hr.ft. 7. The molten salt heat transfer coefficients w e r e obtained iKrm Hg. 10 anathose for stem fran Fig. 12 or Fig. a5.7, p. 320 of Ref. 8.






10 m

ORNL DWG. 71-5734

I I I I Pressure 4500 psi 0 = 2.5 x lo6 Ib/hroft2 D = 2.1 x lo6 Ib/hrOft2 A = 1.6 x lo6 Ib/hr&






e w



4 C



4 Fig. 12.




8 Surface temperature, OF x lom2



Heat-Transfer Coefficients for Several Mass-Flow Rates

of Water in a Uniformly Heated Once-Through Boiler Tube Operating at ' 4500 psia (Dickinson and Welch, Ref. 16)


Temperature Differences and Heat Fluxes The appropriate curves of.Figs. 5 , 6, and 7 were used a s the basis

f o r estimating t h e e f f e c t i v e l o c a l temperature differences i n any given increment of tube length.

From these temperature differences, together

with the heat t r a n s f e r coefficients and the amount of heat added i n the increment, it is possible t o c a l c u l a t e the length of the f i r s t increment of outer t u b e length and t h e amount of heat transmitted across the inner tube wall.

These exchanges of heat i n t u r n make it possible t o calculate

t h e temperature i n each f l u i d stream a t the beginning of the next increment of the length.

Note t h a t the average l o c a l temperature differences

f o r each increment a s used i n the calculations were estimated, and gene r a l l y differed a l i t t l e from the values indicated by t h e completed calculations f o r t h e increment.

The difference was usually s u f f i c i e n t l y

small so t h a t i t e r a t i o n was not necessary.

To f a c i l i t a t e the use of

Figs. 5 , 6, or 7, t h e summations of the amounts of heat added or subtracted t o each f l u i d stream up t o and including each increment were a l s o tabulated together with the f r a c t i o n s of the t o t a l heat added t o the water-side stream. Pressure Drop


The pressure drop across each increment of tube length was a l s o calculated i n Table 4, To f a c i l i t a t e these calculations, Fig. 13 was prepared t o show the density of t h e f l u i d on t h e steam side a s a function of i t s temperature.

For t h e s u b c r i t i c a l pressure boiling conditions the density

i n any given increment of b o i l e r tube l e q t h was estimated by considering t h e f r a c t i o n a l change i n density i n the boiling zone a s equal t o t h e f r a c t i o n of heat added t o the steam up t o ' t h a t point i n t h e b o i l i n g region. No attempi was made t o allow f o r the e f f e c t s of the two-phase flow f r i c t i o n f a c t o r s , but i t i s believed t h a t the o v e r a l l e f f e c t s of these would amount t o only about a f a c t o r of two i n t h e b o i l e r region, and, of course, there would be no e f f e c t on the pressure drop i n t h e superheater region.







Specific Volume as a Function of Temperature far a Typical

Set of Boiler Discharge Pressures and Temperatures.

38 Estimated Performance Characteristics

-ad .j

The prime objective of this study was t o investigate the e f f e c t s of both the design heat load and t h e design steam temperature and pressure conditions on t h e b o i l e r tube length.


Once these e f f e c t s are established

f o r a single tube it i s easy t o estimate t h e e f f e c t s of t h e choice of t h e full-power steam pressure and temperature on t h e s i z e and cost of a f u l l s c a l e steam generator.

Further, once these e f f e c t s a r e established f o r a

single tube, t h e e f f e c t s of t h e mode of control on t h e p a r t loa d tempera-

ture and pressure d i s t r i b u t i o n can be inferred readily, and inferences can be drawn with respect t o t h e s t a r t u p and p a r t load control c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s and possible b o i l i n g flow s t a b i l i t y problems. Effects of Design Heat Load on Tube Length A study of t h e f i n e s t r u c t u r e of the heat t r a n s f e r r e l a t i o n s indicates

that, i f a prime c r i t e r i o n i s considered t o be completion of b o i l i n g p r i o r

t o e x i t f r o m t h e inner tube, t h e b o i l e r tube length i s determined by the

maximum load conditions anticipated.

That is, t h e tube length required

f o r b o i l i n g t o dryness w i l l be reduced as t h e design heat load i s reduced. This e f f e c t i s shown i n Fig. 14 f o r t h e two control modes shown i n Figs. 5 and 7, t h a t is, a constant steam generator discharge pressure ir-

respective of heat load and a steam generator discharge pressure d i r e c t l y proportional t o t h e load.

I n a l l cases t h e calculations were c a r r i e d out

t o determine t h e tube length required t o meet that p r t i c u l a r design condition. E f f e c t s of Design Heat Load on Temperature Distribution A more d e t a i l e d insight i n t o t h e e f f e c t s of design heat load on a

r e e n t r y tube b o i l e r i s given by Fig. 15 which shows t h e calculated temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n i n t h e b o i l e r as a function of distance from t h e bottom,

and i n d i c a t e s t h e length of tube required t o evaporate t h e water t o dryness i n t h e inner tube f o r a wide range of steam conditions. I n t h i s i n stance t h e b o i l e r e x i t pressure w a s proportional t o t h e load. Note how l i t t l e tube length w i l l be required f o r t h e 18 load condition. Note, too,





Fig. 14, Effects of Load on the !Cube Length Required to Handle Loads Less the Design H e a t b a d of 650,000 Btu/hr per Tube. The associated steamside pressure drop is also plotted. The steam generator discharge pressure for the lower design loads was taken as a constant 4OQO p s i s for one s e t of curves, snd as directly proportional t o the load for the other set.





rr~. U.

meets oi lo@,


5@, 244, I@ and I$ H e a t ~ o a don the ~ r i d l

Temperature Distribution for Operation W i t h the Steam Pressure Directly Proportional to the Heat Load.

that the curves f o r the tube length and pressure drop i n Fig. 14 r i s e steeply between the 100 and 200% load conditions, thus i m p l i c i t l y j u s t i fying the choice of flow r a t e f o r the nominal 1008 load condition.

Actually, the choice of steam flow r a t e f o r the 100% load condition i n t h i s case was arrived a t by a s e r i e s of preliminary calculations with j u s t t h i s

point i n mind. The e f f e c t s on the temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e design heat load per tube f o r operation with the system pressure held constant irrespective of t h e load a r e shown i n Fig,.16.

Comparison of Figs. 1 5 and 16 indicates t h a t the design steam pressure has only a mild e f f e c t on t h e required tube length a t a given heat load, i n s p i t e of t h e f a c t that t h e reduced pressure g r e a t l y depresses the temperature i n the boiling region. 1

Effects of Part Load Operation If a b o i l e r tube length for, say, the 100% reference design load con-

d i t i o n of Fig. 1 5 were chosen as the basis f o r a design, it i s evident t h a t

a t p a r t load the steam would be superheated t o a temperature higher t h a n t h a t indicated f o r the p a r t i c u l a r cases shown i n Fig. 1 5 because these were calculated on the basis that the inner tube would be terminated a t t h e point a t which boiling was completed.

The superheating e f f e c t s would be

p a r t i c u l a r l y large a t low steam flow r a t e s where the steam temperature i n t h e annulus would run close t o the l o c a l molten s a l t temperature through the upper portion of the tube u n t i l i t dropped when c h i l l e d by heat extract i o n f o r boiling the water r i s i n g i n t h e inner tube. i n Fig. 17.

The calcu

This e f f e c t i s shown

ns were carried out by recognizing that v i r -

t u a l l y a l l of the heat transferred from the s a l t t o t h e superheated steam i n any given increment would flow d i r e c t l y i n t o t h e boiling water i n t h e inner tube. Thus, as a U2AzAt2, which then defined

f a c t give a good approximation and no i t e r a t i o n was needed i n most cases.


! I



The reason f o r t h i s i s t h a t the enthalpy change i n t h e outer annulus a t t h e


11 i!

proximation, it was assumed t h a t U l A l A t l = nd t 3 . A check showed t t h i s does i n


l o a d condition i s onl

out 5% of the enthalpy rise i n t h e inner tube.

It should be noted t

t o get good convergence t h e detailed calcula-

t i o n a l technique of Table A was used for t h e cases of Fig. 17. j






800 c






Fig. 16. Effects CC Design H e a t Load on the A x i a l Temperature D i s t r i b u t i o n for Operation With 8 Constant Steam D b c b a r g e Pressof 4000 psia.








400 ,

j j



Fig. 17. Comparison of the Axial Temperature Distributions for Operation at loogb and lo$ of full power with the Steam Pressure Directly Proportional t o the Heat Load and the Same Tube Length in Both Cases.



represented an improvement over t h a t used f o r Figs. 1 4 through 1 6 and i s the reason f o r a small difference i n tube length that may be noted between Figs. 1 5 and 17.

The heat transfer calculations f o r Figs. 1 4 through 1 6

could be repeated t o give b e t t e r approximations.

This was not done f o r

t h i s preliminary study because it was f e l t t h a t t h e e f f e c t would be small, and, i n any event, unimportant so long as t h e tube length required f o r evaporation t o dryness i n the inner tube i s less a t part load than a t f u l l load. Pressure Drop and Pressure Distribution Figure 18 gives a s e t of curves similar t o those f o r Fig. 16 t o show t h e pressure kather.than t h e temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n through t h e b o i l e r f o r t h e load conditions of Fig. 5, i.e., a varying heat load with a cons t a n t b o i l e r pressure. Note that t h e much smaller flow passage area i n the inner tube gives a much higher mass flow r a t e than i n t h e annulus f o r t h e superheated steam, and t h i s o f f s e t s t h e e f f e c t of t h e higher fluid'dens i t y i n t h e inner tube t o such an extent that the o v e r a l l pressure drop through the inner tube i s s u b s t a n t i a l l y g r e a t e r than that through t h e outer annulus. This e f f e c t i s desirable from t h e standpoint of boiling flow s t a b i l i t y .

Note a l s o that t h e pressure drop a t low loads becomes very small - t o o small t o contribute t o boiling f l o w s t a b i l i t y .

Under these conditions t h e

p r i n c i p s l f a c t o r s 'contributing t o boiling flow s t a b i l i t y would be t h e s t a t i c head of t h e l i q u i d column i n the inner tube and c a p i l l a r y e f f e c t s , which would be s u b s t a n t i a l i n s i d e t h e small diameter inner tube.


l a t t e r a r e believed t o represent a l i t t l e recognized advantage of small

diameter b o i l e r tubes. Figure 19 presents a set of curves t o show the e f f e c t s on t h e pressure d i s t r i b u t i o n of varying the design heat load with the system pressure d i r e c t l y proportional t o t h e heat load instead of constant as f o r Fig. 18. It i s i n t e r e s t i n g t o note that the pressure drop through the b o i l e r f a l l s off much more r a p i d l y with a decrease i n l o a d i f t h e system steam pressure

i s held constant than if t h e steam press&e i s made d i r e c t l y proportional t o t h e load.

Thus there should be less tendency toward d i f f i c u l t i e s with

i) c





0 c

10 Fig. 18. Effects oi Des

w i t h a Constant Steam Diechsrge




t load on the Axial Prealnac Motribution for operation kooo p6-e












10 20 DIยงTAEE ABOVE BASE (H" 80-



Fig. 19. Eifects of Deslgn H e a t Imd on the Axial Pressure Dletrlbutlon far Oper&tlonwith the Steam Pressure Directly Pmprtl~nalto the Heat W.







designed so that power output. Effects

under light

the boiler

of the Fraction


load conditions pressure



the system is




of Heat Added in the Inner Tube

Perhaps the most important


assumption made in order to pro-

vide a starting point for the iterative calculations was the fraction of the heat added in the inner tube. A series of calculations was carried out to investigate this effect for the load condition found to be most sensitive on this score, i.e., lO$ of the reference design load. The results of these calculations are plotted in Pig. 20. These curves indicate that the results are relatively insensitive to the initial assmption for reasonable values of Q3/Q1, i.e., Q3/% less than SO$. Thus terminating the center tube when boiling is completed gives .a well-proportioned design. Effects

of Size of Heat Increment


Initially the calculations were carried out using increments in the These amount of heat transferred equal to 20s of the total for the tube. coarse increments led to quite serious convergence problems, hence the This size of the increment was reduced to 10% of the total heat load. gave good convergence except at loads of 10s or less where the temperature of the superheated steam'vascillated with a period double the increment used for the calculation in the manner shown in Pig. 21. This effect was largely eliminated by reducing the increment of heat transferred to 5$ instead of 10%. Figure 21 shows that doubling the number of calculational increments not only reduced the amplitude of the oscillation but it also This further confirms the belief that reduced the period of oscillations. of the calculational procedure. the oscillation is an artifact Turbine As will herently

be shownlater,

gives a nearly



the steam generator



design proposed here in-

steam outlet





10 9


Fig. 20, Effects of Initial Choice of Fraction of Heat Added t o Steam i n Inner !We on the Tube Length Required and the Associated Pressure Drop.










Fig. 21. Eifects of Size of Increment in %heStepwise Calculation on t h e Amplitude and Frequency of the Appsrent Oscillation Encountered a t a Heat Lcad lC$ of the Reference Design Condition With a Stcam Pressure of 4000 pa%

50 i r r e s p e c t i v e of load.


This, coupled with the very small water inventory,

makes a method of power plant control i m p l i c i t i n Fig. 7 look a t t r a c t i v e . The inherent c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s make possible simple and r e l i a b l e control equipment and instrumentation, and the plant response c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s appear t o be much better than f o r conventional f o s s i l f u e l plants.

I n view

of i t s promising c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s but highly unorthodox nature, R. B. Briggs urged t h e w r i t e r t o discuss t h i s control approach with turbine design engineers.

Talks with several d i f f e r e n t engineers a t both Westinghouse and

General E l e c t r i c i n each case seemed t o lead them t o conclude t e n t a t i v e l y that t h e r e i s no apparent reason why it shouldn't work, and they suggested

that an evaluation of permissible rates of change of load be made using a

t y p i c a l chart supplied t o operators of power plants.

A chart of t h i s type

frum a turbipe operators manual prepared by Westinghouse17 i s shown i n Fig. 22.

Limitations on Rates of Change i n Load

It should be meationed t h a t a major l i m i t a t i o n on t h e operation of a l a r g e steam power plant i s the rate a t which t h e load can be changed. One set of l i m i t a t i o n s i n coal-fired plants i s associated with t h e furnace and boiler; these not only have an enormous thermal i n e r t i a but t h e b o i l e r performance i s s e n s i t i v e t o changes i n temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n i n t h e furnace as a consequence of changes i n t h e flame geometry'with changes i n load.

A second and usually more s t r i n g e n t set of l i m i t a t i o n s i s associated

with the turbine.

The close running clearances between the r o t o r blade

t i p s and t h e casing make it imperative t h a t these two components change temperature together.


However, the temperature of t h e t h i n r o t o r blades

operating i n the high velocity steam follows the steam temperature with v i r t u a l l y no phase lag, but t h e thick-walled casing does not.


t h e r e a r e major circumferential asymmetries i n t h e casing, p a r t l y because

it i s s p l i t horizontally through the centerline and t h e upper and lower halves are joined by a heavy bolting flange, and p a r t l y because the steam

i n l e t and o u t l e t passages enter the casing from the bottom side.

Thus, t o

avoid catastrophic interference between t h e r o t o r and the casing as a consequence of d i f f e r e n t i a l expansion between t h e r o t o r and t h e casing o r



51 because of d i s t o r t i o n i n t h e casing, it i s generally necessary t o l i m i t the rate of change of t h e steam temperature t o a low value.

Obviously, it

would be highly advantageous t o the e l e c t r i c power plant system operator i f he could change t h e load on a unit rapidly.

Thus i t is i n t e r e s t i n g t o

use Fig. 22 t o evaluate the time required t o change load i n a plant having the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of Fig. 7.

Startup and Rates of Change of Load with Proposed System Considering f i r s t t h e s t a r t u p conditions, it i s helpful t o quote from Ref. 17, p. 8, the steam pressure and temperature conditions t o be established p r i o r t o s t a r t i n g t h e turbine-generator unit: For drum type boilers, e s t a b l i s h about 25% of rated pressure and a t least 100째F superheat, but not more than 800'F t o t a l temperature, a t the turbine t h r o t t l e valves. For once-through (drumless 1 boilers, a reduced pressure s t a r t i s recommended. This applies t o both "cold" and "hot" s t a r t i n g of turbine units. For "cold" starts, t h e b o i l e r should be s t a b i l i z e d before opening the t h r o t t l e valves and the i n l e t temperature held t o 800째F maximum.

Thus t h e turbine-generator should be started with a low steam pressure a t t h e turbine t h r o t t l e valve if one i s used. If a t h r o t t l e valve i s not employed, then the steam pressure delivered by the steam generator must emphatically be a t a low value. From t h e standpoint of the steam pressure, it appears from Fig. 7 that the c o n t r o l scheme proposed should be satisfactory.

However, the

eam temperature w i l l be too high, and hence a de-

superheater would be turbine. Such u n i t s are Once t h e turbine

hold the steam temperature t o 800째F a t the only used i n conventional co -fired plants. n brought t o equilibrium a t a load of perhaps

10% a t a pressure of 400

see Fig. 7), the t i m e required t d increase

t h e steam temperature up

00째F (i.e., close t o t h e normal operating be estimated from Fig. 22 t o be 40 min, a i s t e n t with conventional practice. Once

temperature of about 1050 s u b s t a n t i a l period, but

t h e system i s up t o operating temperature, however, changes i n load can 'be made r e l a t i v e l y quickly.

If one wishes t o go from t h e

108 load


of Fig. 7 t o t h e 50% load condition, t h i s w i l l e n t a i l increasing t h e



12a 100 80

60 40 20

0 20


60 80

100 120 140

EXAMPLE: 80 MINUTES ARE REQUIRED TO CHANGE FROM 5% LOAD 800 PSlG-800째F TO 100% LOAD 2400 PStG-IOOOOF P-68969 Fig 22. Recommended Time for Changing Load and/or Steer Conditionsc (Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Sorp.)






pressure by 1600 p s i but t h e temperature by only about 30째F.

According t o Fig. 22 the turbine could t o l e r a t e making t h i s change i n only 11min. Similarly, i f t h e turbine were operating a t f u l l load, t h e load could be cut i n h a l f i n as l i t t l e as 20 min., i . e , , substantially faster than the common rule of 2$/min. Further, i f t h e steam generator can be designed

so t h a t t h e superheater o u t l e t temperature increases somewhat with a reduct i o n i n load, even f a s t e r r a t e s of change can be tolerated.

For example, i f the f u l l lo ad steam pressure and temperature were 4000 p s i and 1000째F and the 50s load conditions were 2000 p s i and 1050째F, Fig. 22 indicates that t h e l o a d change could be made i n about 1 min. As w i l l be shown later,

it happens that t h e reentry tube steam generator can be proportioned t o give t h i s c h a r a c t e r i s t i c and hence would make.possible unusually rapid changes i n load. P o s s i b i l i t y of Eliminating t h e Throttle Valve

. Steam t h r o t t l e valves a r e a major source of operating trouble i n

steam power plants.

The valves a r e r e l a t i v e l y large, must operate a t

about 1000째F, they a r e subject t o heavy loads by t h e high steam pressure drop across them, and lubrication conditions are highly unfavorable.

it i s not surprising t o principal causes of f o r


nd that t h r o t t l e valve sticking i s one of the outages i n steam power plants.

Throttle valves a r e used t o make it possible t o change t h e steam flow rate much more rapidly than can be accomplished by controlling the b o i l e r and furnace i n conventional coal-fired plants. e r a t i o n i s t o avoid a ser abrupt and complete l o s s

The most c r i t i c a l consid-

us overspeed of the turbine i n the event o f an t h e e l e c t r i c a l load.

The inventory of super-

heated water i n the reentry tube b o i l e r i s v a s t l y less than i n a convent i o n a l boiler; it i s estimated t o be only about 3 in.3/tube a t f u l l load, and about 1 i n . 3 a t 10s load on t h e steam generator. !

Note t h a t as a con-

sequence' of mechanical,

i c a l , and f l u i d f r i c t i o n losses, etc. i n t h e

turbine-generator unit,

event of a complete loss of e l e c t r i c a l load

the steam flow required

p the turbine up t o speed would be about 10%

of t h e f u l l power output of the steam generator.

Thus an abrupt l o s s i n

e l e c t r i c a l load would e n t a i l a reduction i n t h e superheated water inventory

'54 i n a reentry tube b o i l e r by about 2 in.3/tube,

o r 4 in.3/Mw(t).

This f u l l

load steam flow r a t e i s about 3 lbfsec f o r 4 M w ( t ) , whereas 4 in.3 of superheated water i s only about 0.1 lb.

Thus the full load steam flow

rate would consume t h e surplus water inventory i n only about 1/30 sec i f the feedwater supply were abruptly cut t o the 108 load level. The i n e r t i a of t h e massive r o t o r i n the turbine-generator unit should be s u f f i c i e n t t o keep the overshoot i n r o t o r speed t o a low value.

Inasmuch as the most

d i f f i c u l t condition t o meet is that f o r a n abrupt l o s s i n e l e c t r i c a l load,

it appears that control of t h e power plant could be accomplished by cont r o l l i n g the feedwater flow rate with one o r more r e l a t i v e l y small valves operating a t about 650째F r a t h e r than the large, hot steam t h r o t t l e valves normally employed.

This should give a g r e a t l y increased r e l i a b i l i t y .

It is of i n t e r e s t t o note that t h i s approach t o t h e control of a Fhnkine cycle plant has been analyzed and investigated experimentally and i s

a very similar but much smaller system designed f o r a nuclear e l e c t r i c space power plant.18 The analyses and tests gave highly encouraging results f o r a system i n which the thermal i n e r t i a of the b o i l e r was small as

i n t h e system proposed here.

Further, t h e variable pressure approach i s

coming i n t o use i n conventional plants.19 Proposed Design f o r a Molten S a l t Reactur Plant A conceptual design f o r a molten salt reactor with i t s intermediate

heat exchangers and f u e l pumps integrated i n t o a common pressure v e s s e l i s presented i n a companion report.20

The net e l e c t r i c a l output i n t h a t

study i s 1000 Mw(e) and the f u e l and i n e r t s a l t temperatures are those given i n Fig. 48. Plant layout studies favoredathe use of s i x steam gene r a t o r s each of which would be d i r e c t l y coupled t o one of s i x fuel-to-NaBF4 heat exchangers.

The steam generators required f o r t h i s plant provide a

good i l l u s t r a t i v e example f o r use here t o show how t h e s i n g l e tube analytic a l work presented e a r l i e r i n the report can be applied t o t h e design of a full-scale steam generator as w e l l as the proportions t o be expected i n a

finished unit.

55 Reheaters Most modern steam plants employ reheaters, i n part because there i s a d i r e c t increase i n overall cycle efficiency of' about 5$, and i n part because they give a f u r t h e r indirect increase i n cycle efficiency of a few percent by eliminating t h e moisture churning losses i n the lower stages of the turbine.

I n addition, reheaters can be designed t o eliminate t h e pos-

s i b i l i t y of turbine bucket erosion i n the lower turbine stages by reducing t h e moisture content i n t h a t region t o almost nothing.

I n conventional

coal-fired steam plants the length of piping required t o connect t h e b o i l e r t o the reheater and the r e l a t i v e l y l a r g e amount of tube surface area required because t h e reheater must be located i n a r e l a t i v e l y low-temperature zone t o avoid burnout d i f f i c u l t i e s have combined t o make the cost of including provisions f o r reheat r a t h e r high f o r conventional coal-fired plants.

However, it i s believed t h a t i n a molten s a l t reactor plant t h e

turbine can be located much closer t o the steam generator and, because there i s no danger of tube burnout from excessive l o c a l temperatures, a much higher average heat f l u x through the reheater tube walls can be maintained s o that t h e tube surface area requirements a r e q u i t e modest.


ther, the design of the tube matrix f o r the reheater i s q u i t e s t r a i g h t forward because t h e r e a r e no flow s t a b i l i t y o r two-phase flow problems involved.

Thus a reheat cycle appeared highly desirable f o r t h i s design

study, and the two reheat stages specified f o r Eddystone Unit No. 2 have been included i n the proposed steam generator f o r a molten s a l t reactor. General Description The dominant consideration i n choosing t h e steam generator o v e r a l l geometry was t o make use of the s t a t i c head i n the l i q u i d column i n the boiling region t o help provide f o r flow s t a b i l i t y i n t h e boiler.


meant t h a t the b o i l e r tube should be v e r t i c a l with the feedwater entering a t t h e bottom.

While it would have been desirable from t h e standpoint of

thermal convection i n t h e molten s a l t system t o admit the molten s a l t a t t h e t o p and have it leave a t the bottom, a b r i e f glance a t t h e temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n diagrams shown i n Figs. 4 , 5 , 6, and 7 i s s u f f i c i e n t t o show


that the s a l t should move counterflow r e l a t i v e t o the superheated steam i n

Figure 23 presents a somewhat similar diagram including

the outer annulus.


t h e two reheater stages and shows that they, too, should be i n counterflow.

It was thought a t first t h a t it would be desirable t o make use of


separate casings f o r the b o i l e r and the two reheaters, but the additional,

piping, manifolding, and associated temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n problems l e d t o t h e conclusion t h a t it would be b e s t t o mount the reheater tubes i n a n annulus surrounding the b o i l e r tubes i n the configuration shown schemat i c a l l y i n Fig. 24. Headering Problems As mentioned earlier the headers envisioned f o r the b o i l e r region

would e n t a i l the thermal sleeve arrangement shown i n Fig. 3: This avoids t h e use of a high pressure header sheet i n contact w i t h the molten s a l t ; rather, the tubes would be manifolded below t h e pressure vessel containing t h e molten salt. tubes.

The same arrangement could be employed f o r t h e reheater

I n e i t h e r case any tube could be blocked off r e a d i l y outside the

steam generator casing i n the event of a leak o r other malfunction.


much as t h e reheater tubes are free of the complexities associated w i t h the inner tube used f o r t h e boiler, it would a l s o be possible t o assemble them ,

i n bundles of perhaps 1 2 tubes with the tube bundle headers i n s i d e the casing of t h e steam generator t o minimize t h e number of penetrations




through t h e shell..

This looks preferable i f a unit has more than 100 tubes. Provision of adequate space f o r header sheets i s always d i f f i c u l t

when designing heat exchangers with closely spaced tubes.

Preliminary lay-

out s t u d i e s indicate that this i s d i f f i c u l t but might be done with the conf i g u r a t i o n of Fig. 25 without severely d i s t o r t i n g the outer casing o r havi n g a l a r g e volume of i n e r t s a l t that serves no useful function but i n creases both t h e c a p i t a l investment and t h e time required f o r t h e system t o respond t o control actions.

The o u t l e t spigots from bundles of 16

tubes could be passed through a header sheet i n t h e bottom head of the vessel with a thermal sleeve t o avoid l a r g e l o c a l stresses.


This would

give a n adequate ligament thickness (about 0.5 in. ) i n t h e header sheet

after allowing space f o r t h e thermal sleeves.

This w i l l take up most of



B, n^











Fig. 23. Temperature Distribution i n the Boiler and Reheater as a Function of the Fraction of the Heat Removed f m m the Molten S a l t Under F u l l Load Conditions.



P i g . 24. Pmposed Configuration f o r One of Set of six Steam Generators for a 1000m(e) Molten Salt Reactor Power Plant. Detailed,data are given In Table 4.



2 .


) I1 t





Fig. 25

Schematic Diagram Showing the Bifurcated Tube Header

Arrangement Used as a Bas

e Proposed Tube Bundle and Header

Sheet Configuration.

tube i d

s t e p i n t h e manifold t o s


i s indicated f o r each

t the f l o w velocity i s kept constant.


60 t h e area of t h e e l l i p o s i d a l head i n the region where i t s radius of curvat u r e i s large.

The space j u s t outside t h i s region but inside t h e s h e l l

w i l l serve as the i n l e t plenum f o r the molten s a l t which would enter tan-

g e n t i a l l y through two ptpes.

The 96 spigots from t h e tube bundles could

be manifolded outside t h e header sheet using a bifurcated tube arrangement similar t o t h a t of Fig. 25. each s e t of 32 tube bundles.

Three steam pipes could be coupled t o

The feedwater could be supplied through two

penetrations i n t h e l a r g e s t bifurcated coupling i n each of these three sets.

The layout envisions i n s t a l l a t i o n of small header drums f o r t h e reheater tube bundles i n the annulus j u s t above t h e s a l t i n l e t plenum.


annular baffle between the reheater region and t h e boiler-superheater region would extend downward no f a r t h e r than t h e header drums f o r the reheater tube bundles. The layout problems would be eased by reducing the numbe$ of b o i l e r tubes i n each steam generator u n i t and employing a l a r g e number of units. The r a t i o of tube matrix cross-sectional a r e a t o header sheet area could be increased i n this way and manifolding problems of the tubes f o r t h e

feedwater and superheated steam could be eased.

Differential Thermal Expansion There would be no problem associated with d i f f e r e n t i a l thermal expansion between t h e b o i l e r tubes and t h e steam generator casing because t h e t o p ends of t h e tubes would be f r e e t o float axially.

However, t h e re-

heater tubes w i l l tend t o run a t a somewhat d i f f e r e n t temperature than the casing and hence some means f o r providing f l e x i b i l i t y should be employed. Probably t h e e a s i e s t way t o accomplish this w i l l be t o i n s t a l l t h e tubes on a s p i r a l having a steep pitch, i.e., i n t h e length of the regenerator region.

perhaps a t o t a l t w i s t of 60 deg This could be chosen t o provide

sufficient f l e x i b i l i t y i n t h e tubes so t h a t the d i f f e r e n t i a l thermal expansion between the tubes and t h e s h e l l would be accommodated e l a s t i c a l l y . The p i t c h would be steep enough so that the l a t e r a l loads on the tubes would probably not be l a r g e enough t o make it necessary t o employ addit i o n a l s t r u c t u r e t o resist t h e forces associated with t h e small amount of crossflow that w i l l occur.


Geometric and Performance Data The calculations and principal geometric and performance data f o r the

complete steam generator a r e summarized i n Table 5.

Recent revisions i n

t h e physical properties of NaBF4, p a r t i c u l a r l y i n the viscosity, made it desirable t o change the s a l t mass flow r a t e through the steam generator

from t h e value of 2500 l b / s e c * f t 2 used i n the calculations of Table 4 and those f o r Figs. 11 and 1 4 through 20.

This, coupled with t h e changes i n

physical properties, l e d t o a change i n the tube length required. The heat load f o r the boiler-superheater and each of t h e reheaters was used t o calculate the nmber of tubes f o r each matrix, with t h e molten s a l t streams f o r each section t r e a t e d a s flowing independently of each other with no l a t e r a l heat transfer.

Note i n t h e f i r s t portion of Table 5

t h a t steam bleed-off i n the turbine through s e a l s and f o r feed heating reduces the steam flow r a t e t o t h e reheaters so t h a t it i s s u b s t a n t i a l l y less than the steam flow r a t e t o the boiler. Cost Estimate A rough estimate of the cost of t h e steam generator of Table 5 can be

obtained by summing the estimated costs f o r t h e three major items, i. e., t h e shell, the tubing, and fabrication of the tube-to-header has been done and the r e s u l t s a r e summarized i n Table 6.



Note that t h e

o v e r a l l cost amounts t o about $7.05/kw(e), which compares with around $20/kw (e ) f o r the comparable portion of a conventional coal-fired boiler. (These cost estimates were made on the basis of unit costs as of 1968.) Thus i t appears t h a t the combined e f f e c t s of a uniformly high heat flux, small diameter tubes with r e l a t i v e l y t h i n walls, and elimination of the need f o r pressure vessels subject t o high pressures much more than o f f s e t s the high cost per pound

f Hastelloy N.

The proportions given i n Table 5 were not i t e r a t e d t o make both t h e tube length and t h e molte

pressure drop f o r t h e boiler-superheater

and the two reheaters the

This could and should be done, but the

combined e f f e c t s of uncertainties i n the calculated heat t r a n s f e r coefficients and f r i c t i o n factors a r e large enough t o make t h i s an unwarranted refinement a t t h i s stage.

62 Table 5.

Summary of Design Calculations f o r Steam Generator U n i t s f o r a 1000 &(e) Molten Salt Reactor Plant


Steam System Superheater o u t l e t temperature, "F Superheater o u t l e t pressure, psia Reheater No. 1 o u t l e t temperature, "F Reheater No. 1 i n l e t temperature, "F Reheater No. 1 o u t l e t pressure, psia Reheater No. 2 o u t l e t temperature, "F Reheater No. 2 i n l e t temperature, "F Reheater No. 2 o u t l e t pressure, psia Generator output, Mw Auxiliary power requirements, Mw Boiler feed pumps and b o i l e r a u x i l i a r i e s , Mw Fuel pumps, Mw NaRF4 pumps, Mw Miscellaneous, Mw Net e l e c t r i c a l output, Mw Overall thermal efficiency, $ Fraction of heat load t o boiler-superheater Fraction of heat load t o reheater No. 1 Fraction t o heat load t o reheater No. 2 Fraction of w e i g h t flow t o boiler-superheater Fraction of weight flow t o reheater No. 1 &action of weight flow t o reheater No. 2 Heat added t o steam flow i n b o i l e r superheater, Btu/lb Heat added t o steam flow i n reheater Bo. 1, Btu/lb Heat added t o steam flow i n reheater No. 2, Btu/lb

1050 4000 1050 786 1043 1050 705 251 1043 66 50 5.4 10 1 977 44.. 4 0.775 0.118 0.107 1.000 0.84 0.68 886.0 161.0 180.2

I n e r t Salt (NaBF4) Entrance temperature, OF Exit temperature, "F Entrance pressure, p s i Exit pressure, p s i Flow rate, lb/hr Flow rate, lb/sec mow rate, ft3/sec NaBF4 physical properties a t 1075째F Specific heat, Btu/lb Thermal conductivity, Btu/hr- f't. "F Viscosity, lb/hr- f t Density, l b / f t 3 Melting point, OF

950 1200 180 51 13.92 3860 33.6



0.36 0.27 3.4 115 725

Shell Number of units S h e l l diameter, in. S h e l l o v e r a l l height, f t S h e l l w a l l thickness, in.

6 45 40 0.50


63 Table 5.



Boiler Boiler heat load, Btu/hr Tube OD, in. Tube ID, in. Tube length, f t Tube p i t c h ( e q u i l a t e r a l triangular), in. S a l t mass flow rate, l b / s e c * f t 2 Dynamic head, p s i Reynolds number Friction factor Pressure drop, p s i Shell-side flow passage a r e a / t o t a l cross-sectional. area Shell-side flow passage equivalent diameter, in. Nunber of tubes per square inch, in.'2 Number of tubes per u n i t Shell-side surface area, f t 2 Reheater No. 1 Tube OD, in. Tube ID, in. Tube p i t c h (equilateral triangular), i n . Log mean temperature difference, OF Heat load per steam generator, Btu/hr Steam mass flow r a t e , l b / s e c * f t 2 Overall heat t r a n s f e r coefficient, Btu/hr* f t z *OF Surface area per steam generator, f t 2 Surface area, f t 2 / f t of tube Number of tubes Tube length, f t Salt f l o w rate,


S a l t mass flow rate, l b / s e c * f t 2 S a l t flow passage area, f t 2 Total cross-sectional area i n tubes, f t 2 Total cross-sectional area i n tube matrix, ft2 Shell-side flow passage/total matrix cross-sectional area uivalent diameter, in. Shell-side flow passa Steam pressure drop, Salt pressure drop, ps

9.73 x 108 0.65 0.50 35.0 0.775 l350

1.5 60,000 0.025 45 0.366 0.465 1.91 * 1493 8900 1.00

0.80 1.035 150 1,478 200 380 2390 0.236 365 33.6 33.6



1350 .338 1.275 2.328 .145

.18 20 84

Reheater No. 2 Tube OD, in. Tube ID, in. Tube p i t c h (equilate i a n g a a r ), in. Log mean temperature difference, O F Heat load per steam generator, Btu/hr

1.00 0.90 1.01 200 1.34



'64 Table 5.



Reheater No. 2 (continued) Steam mass flow rate, l b / h r - f t 2 Overall heat transfer coefficient, Btu/hra f t 2 =OF Surface area per steam generator, f t 2 Number of tubes Tube length, f t salt n o w rate, ft3/sec S a l t mass flow rate, l b / s e c - f t 2 S a l t f l o w passage area, fi2 Total cross-sectional area i n tubes, f t 2 Total cross-sectional area i n tube matrix, f t 2 Shell-side flow passageitotal ,matrix cross-sectional area Shell-side flow passage equivalent diameter, i n . Steam pressure drop, p s i

Table 6 .

70 215 3300 632 22

3.6 1000 0.414 3.63 4.04 0.10 0.11 8

Rough Cost Estimate f o r t h e Steam Generator of Table 5


unit c o s t





S h e l l (fabricated)

10,OOO l b



2,000 It, 60,000 ft, 0.25 in. diam 60,000 f't, 0.65 in. diam





180,000 420,000

25,000 ft, 1.0 in. dim



Boiler tubes Reheater tubes

$ 896,000

Material Cost Tube i n s t a l l a t i o n (including welding of tube- to-header joints and inspection Total Shop Cost


2490 tubes








Conclusions The proposed reentry tube b o i l e r appears t o o f f e r a long-sought solut i o n t h a t satisfies a l l of the major.requirements f o r the steam generators of l i q u i d metal and molten s a l t reactor power plants.

It appears t o be

well suited t o the generation of steam a t any desired pressure and tempera-

ture condition with good s t a b i l i t y and control c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s throughout the range from zero t o f u l l power. It lends i t s e l f t o designs i n which t h e thermal s t r e s s e s throughout the unit can be kept within t h e e l a s t i c range under a l l operating conditions,

The heat flux i s uniformly high s o

that the inventory of s t r u c t u r a l metal or l i q u i d metal and molten s a l t i s

near minimal, t h e number of tube-to-header j o i n t s i s r e l a t i v e l y small, there i s no high pressure header sheet i n contact w i t h the high-temperature liquid, there appears t o be no unusual fabrication problems, and t h e capit a l cost appears t o be competitive.

The only apparent disadvantage i s

that the concept i s novel and has not been tested.

The performance c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of reentry tube b o i l e r s presented i n t h i s report represent rough preliminary approximations based on a set of simplif'ying assumptions.

Test experience with a u n i t employing a t least

three f u l l - s c a l e tubes would provide a firm foundation f o r the design o f a l a r g e unit. R e commendati ons A t e s t unit consisti


of one o r a f e w tubes should be b u i l t and

I n the t e s t program p a r t i c u l a r a t t e n t i o n should be given t o t h e

investigation of possib

i l i n g f l o w i n s t a b i l i t i e s under startup, near-

zero power, and part l o

erating conditions t o see t o w h a t extent o r i -

f i c i n g may be required

e feedwater inlet.

a l s o include an i n v e s t i

The t e s t program should

of the overall s t a b i l i t y and control charac-

t e r i s t i c s under steam conditions ranging from 100 psia t o 4000 psia: Most of the problems and uncertainties associated with t h e reentry tube b o i l e r could be investigated with a r e l a t i v e l y simple s i n g l e tube u n i t f i t t e d with clamshell heaters.


Such a unit could be b u i l t and t e s t e d ex-

peditiously and inexpensively, and would lend i t s e l f nicely t o a detailed


investigation of the temperature d i s t r i b u t i o n along the tube under a wide range of conditions as well as f a c i l i t a t e modifications such as the insert i o n of i n l e t o r i f i c e s . An e l e c t r i c a l l y heated single tube t e s t w i l l probqbly be very much

l e s s convincing t o most people than a long eqdurance t e s t OP 8 u n i t having

3 t o 19 tubes heated by a molten s a l t .

Such a t e s t u n i t should give a

good demonstration of the freedom of the system from corrosion, mass transfer, thermal stress, and boiling flow s t a b i l i t y problems.




1. A . P. Fraas, Flash Boilers f o r Fluoride Fuel Reactors, USAEC Report ORNL-CF-55-6-79, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 16, 1955. 2.

P. R . Kasten e t al., Design Studies of 1000-Mw(e) Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors, USAEC Report 0 ~ ~ ~ 3 9 Oak 9 6 ,Ridge National Laboratory, August 1966, p ~ 77-87. .

3. D. Scott and A. G. Grindell, Components and

Systems Development f o r Molten-Salt Breeder Reactors, USAEC Report ORNL-TM-1855, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, June 30, 1967, pp. 21-22.


Oak Ridge National Laboratory, MSRP Quarterly Progress Report Jan. 31, 1959, ORNL-2684, p. 54.

5 . L. G. Alexander e t al., Molten S a l t Converter Reactor Design Study and Power Cost Estimates f o r a 1000 Mw(e) Station, USAEC Report QRNL-TM-1060, September 1965.


B. W. Kinyon and G. D. Whitman, Steam Generator-Superheater f o r Molten Salt Pawer Reactor, ASME Publication 61-w~-228, Nov. 26Dec. 1, 1961.

7. R. S. Holcomb and M. E. Lackey, Performance Characteristics of a

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8. A. P. Fraas and M. N. Ozisik, Heat Exchanger Design, Wiley Inc , New York, 1965.


& Sons,

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9. B.


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Oak Ridge National Laboratory, MSRP Semiann. Progr Rept 1964, USAEC Report 0 ~ ~ ~ - 3 6 2p.6 , 24.


. Jan.


. -68 i4.

A. P. Baas and M. N. Ozisik, S t e m Generators f o r High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors, USAEC Report ORNL-3208, Oak Ridge National h b o r a t o r y , April 8, 1963.


W. R. Chambers, A. P. Fraas and W. N. Ozisik, A Potassium-Steam Binary Vapor Cycle f o r Nuclear Power Plants, USAEC Report ORNL-3584, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, May 1964.


N. I;. Dickinson and C. P. Welch, Heat Transfer t o S u p e r c r i t i c a l Water, Trans. ASME, Vol 80, p. 746, 1958.


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1. J. L. Anderson 2. H. F. Bauman 3. S. E. Beall, Jr. 4. M. Bender 5. C. E. Bettis 6. E. S. B e t t i s 7. E. G. Bohlmnn 8. C. J. Borkowski 9. H. I. Bowers 10. R. B. Briggs 11. c. w. Collins 12. J. W. Cooke 13. W. B. C o t t r e l l 14-16. J. L. Crowley 17. F. L. Culler 18. J. R. DiStefano 19. S. J. D i t t o 20. W. P. Eatherly 21. J. R. Engel 22. D. E. Ferguson 23-32. A. P. Fraas 33. L. D. F u l l e r 34. W. R. Grimes 35. A. G. Grindell 36. w. 0. ~amns 37. P. N. Haubenrecih 38. R. E. Helms 39. H. W. Hoffman 40. P. R. Kasten 41. J. J. Keyes, Jr. 42. M. I. Lundin

43. R. N. 44. H. G. 45. R. E. 46. H. E. 47. H. C. 48. H. A. 49. L. E.


Lyon MacPherson WcPherson McCoy McCurdy McLain McNeese 50. J. R. McWherter 51. A. J. Miller 52. R. L. Moore 53. E. L. Nicholson 54. A. M. Perry 55. R. C. Robertson 56-65. M. W. Rosenthal 66. J. P. Sanders 67. A. W. a v o l a i n e n 68-69. Dunlap Scott 70. M. J. Skinner 71. I. Spiewak 72. D. A. Sundberg 73. R. E. Thoma 74. D. B. Trauger 75. A. M. Weinberg 76. J. R. Weir 77. M. E. Whatley 78. G. D. Whitmn 79. L. V. Wilson 80-81. Central Research Library 82. Document Reference Section 83-84. Laboratory Records 85. Laboratory Records (LRD-RC)


86. 87. 88. 89-90. 91. 92. 93-94. 95.

David E l i a s , AX-Washington R. Jones, AEC-Washington Kermit Laughon, AEC-OSR T. W. McIntosh, AEC-Washington M. maw, AEC-Washington W. L. Smalley, AEC-OR0 Division of Technical I n f o r m t i o n Extension (DTIE) Laboratory and Un s i t y Division, OR0 96-98. Director, Divisio Reactor Licensing, AEC, Wash. 99-100. Director, Division of Reactor Standards, AEC, Wash.

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