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Descr i pt i on:TheAppealRi flei sTanf ogl i o’ sfir s tl onggun.Thi sr i mfir ebul lpupr i flef eat ur es ambicont r ol s ,r emovabl emuz z l ebr eak,adj us t abl es i ght s ,bul lpup des i gn,pol ymers t ock, r emovabl e pi cat i nnyt op r ai l ,adj us t abl el engt h ofpul l ,and i sfini s hed wi t h a bl ue fini s h. Avai l abl ei n22LRand22WMR. Feat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:18” Capaci t y:10 Cont r ol s :Ambi Si ght s :Adj us t abl e LOP:4. 8“ Hei ght :5. 38” Wi dt h:10“ Wei ght :4. 8l bs Over al lLengt h:29. 5” SKU:600530,600540


BOUNTYHUNTER 22LR/ WMR.357MAG .44MAG .45LC SRP:22LR/ WMR$374 357MAG $521 44MAG $520 45LC$520 Descr i pt i on:TheBount yHunt ers i ngl eact i onr evol verbyWei hr auchhasbeens ol di nt heUSA f orover20year s .Thi sr evol verf eat ur esaf ul ls i z es t eelf r ame,t r ans f erbars af et y,s i ngl e act i ont r i gger ,wal nutgr i ps ,andi sfini s hedi nabl uefini s h.Avai l abl ei n22LR/ WMR,357MAG, 44Mag,and45LC. 22LR/ WMRFeat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:4. 75” ,6. 75“ Capaci t y:6,8 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Bl ue Wi dt h:1. 7“ Wei ght :2. 75l bs Over al lLengt h:10. 5” ,12. 5”

357MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Bl ue Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

44 MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Bl ue Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

45LCFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Bl ue Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

SKU:771110,771120, 770100,771100

SKU:770061,770001 SKU:770075.770028 SKU:770090,770022

I MPORTANT: Bount yHunt ermodel si n22LR/ WMRar eal l oyf r amesandc annotbes ol di nCA, I L, SC,WIorot hers t at esandc i t i eswi t hf r amemel tpoi ntl aws .


BOUNTYHUNTER 357MAG .44MAG .45LC SRP:357MAG $524 44MAG $520 45LC$520 Descr i pt i on:TheBount yHunt ers i ngl eact i onr evol verbyWei hr auchhasbeens ol di nt heUSA f orover20year s .Thi sr evol verf eat ur esaf ul ls i z es t eelf r ame,t r ans f erbars af et y,s i ngl e act i on t r i gger ,wal nutgr i ps ,and i sfini s hed i n a cas e col orr ecei verwi t h a bl ue bar r el . Avai l abl ei n357MAG,44Mag,and45LC. 357MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Cas eCol or Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

44 MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Cas eCol or Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

45LCFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Cas eCol or Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”





BOUNTYHUNTER 22LR/ WMR.357MAG .44MAG .45LC SRP:22LR/ WMR$413 357MAG $562 44MAG $561 45LC$561 Descr i pt i on:TheBount yHunt ers i ngl eact i onr evol verbyWei hr auchhasbeens ol di nt heUSA f orover20year s .Thi sr evol verf eat ur esaf ul ls i z es t eelf r ame,t r ans f erbars af et y,s i ngl e act i ont r i gger ,wal nutgr i ps ,andi sfini s hedi nani ckelfini s h.Avai l abl ei n22LR/ WMR,357MAG, 44Mag,and45LC. 22LR/ WMRFeat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:4. 75” ,6. 75“ Capaci t y:6,8 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Ni ckel Wi dt h:1. 7“ Wei ght :2. 75l bs Over al lLengt h:10. 5” ,12. 5”

357MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Ni ckel Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

44 MAGFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Ni ckel Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

45LCFeat ur es: BBL:4. 5” ,7. 5“ CAP:6 Hei ght :5” Fi ni s h:Ni c kel Wi dt h:1. 7“ WT:2. 4l bs ,2. 6l bs OAL:10. 5” ,12. 7”

SKU:771115,771125, 770105,771105

SKU:770070,770072 SKU:770085,770086 SKU:770098,770055

I MPORTANT: Bount yHunt ermodel si n22LR/ WMRar eal l oyf r amesandc annotbes ol di nCA, I L, SC,WIorot hers t at esandc i t i eswi t hf r amemel tpoi ntl aws .




SRP:$605 Descr i pt i on:TheMKA 1919Mat chPr oi samagf ed,s emi aut o,ARs t yl es hot gunbyHus an Ar ms .I tf eedsandf unct i onswi t h12GA3”or12GA23/ 4” .Thi s12GAs hot gunf eat ur esar ai l ed al umi num f or ear m wi t ht opandbot t om acces s or yr ai l s ,i nt er nalt hr eadchokes ,ambis af et y, met alfloat i ngf eedr amp,t wogasr i ngs ,ext endedmagr el eas e,ext endedbol thandl e/ r el eas e, pi cat i nnyr ai lon t op oft he r ecei ver ,r emovabl e car r yhandl e,adj us t abl er ears i ght ,5 r d det achabl emags ,andaf ul l ymachi nedai r cr af tal umi num r ecei ver .Avai l abl ei n12GA.Shi ps wi t ht womagaz i nes . Feat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:20” Capaci t y:5r d LOP:14. 5“ Hei ght :7. 5” Wi dt h:2“ Choke:Mul t i Wei ght :8. 7l bs Over al lLengt h:39. 5” SKU:700020




Descr i pt i on:TheMKA1919Mat chi samagf ed,s emi aut o,ARs t yl es hot gunbyHus anAr ms . I tf eedsandf unct i onswi t h12GA3”or12GA23/ 4” .Thi s12GAs hot gunf eat ur ei nt er nalt hr ead chokes ,ambis af et y,met alfloat i ngf eedr amp,t wogasr i ngs ,ext endedmagr el eas e,ext ended bol thandl e/ r el eas e,pi cat i nnyr ai lont opoft her ecei ver ,r emovabl ecar r yhandl e,adj us t abl e r ears i ght ,5r ddet achabl emags ,andaf ul l ymachi nedai r cr af tal umi num r ecei ver .Avai l abl e i n12GA.Shi pswi t ht womagaz i nesandt hr eei nt er nalchoket ubes . Feat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:20” Capaci t y:5r d LOP:14. 5“ Hei ght :7. 5” Wi dt h:2“ Choke:Mul t i Wei ght :8. 2l bs Over al lLengt h:39. 5” SKU:700000


MKA 1923 12GA


Descr i pt i on:The MKA 1923 i sa 12GA,s emi aut o,bul l pup s hot gun by Hus an Ar ms .Thi s s moot hhandl i ngs hot gunf eat ur esat r i ggerbl ocks af et y,r ubberbut tpl at e,r ei nf or cednyl on s t ock,r emovabl es i ght s ,f ul l yadj us t abl er ears i ght ,and a pi cat i nnyr ai l .I t ’ scompactand packsapunch,maki ngi tt hei dealweaponf orhomedef ens eandl aw enf or cement . Feat ur es: Bar r elLengt h:20” Capaci t y:5r d Hei ght :8. 25” Wei ght :9. 7l bs Over al lLengt h:29. 5”




SRP:2”357MAG $373 4”357MAG $392 2”38SPL$354 4”38SPL$372 Descr i pt i on:The Wi ndi cat orbyWei hr auch f eat ur esa doubl e act i on/ s i ngl e act i on t r i gger , s purhammer ,mol dedr ubbergr i ps ,s hr oudedej ect i onr od,andhaveas i xr oundcapaci t y.The s t eelf r ameWi ndi cat ori n357MAG i savai l abl ei n2”or4“wi t hei t herabl ueorni ckelfini s h. Theal l oyf r amei nabl uefini s hi savai l abl ei n38SPLi nbot ht he2”and4” . Feat ur es: Fr ame:St eel( 357MAG)orAl l oy( 38SPL) Bar r el :2”or4“ Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:6 Gr i ps :Rubber Wei ght :1. 8l bs( 2) ,1. 9l bs( 4) Over al lLengt h:7”( 2) ,8. 5”( 4) SKU:770130,770133,770125,770123 I MPORTANT:Wi ndi c at ormodel si n38SPLar eal l oyf r amesandc annotbes ol di nI L,SC,WI orot hers t at esandc i t i eswi t hmel tpoi ntl aws .



SRP:2”$442 4”$458 Descr i pt i on:The Wi ndi cat orbyWei hr auch f eat ur esa doubl e act i on/ s i ngl e act i on t r i gger , s purhammer ,mol dedr ubbergr i ps ,s hr oudedej ect i onr od,andhaveas i xr oundcapaci t y.The s t eelf r ameWi ndi cat ori n357MAGi savai l abl ei n2”or4“wi t hei t herabl ueorni ckelfini s h. Feat ur es: Fr ame:St eel Bar r el :2”or4“ Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:6 Gr i ps :Rubber Wei ght :1. 8l bs( 2) ,1. 9l bs( 4) Over al lLengt h:7”( 2) ,8. 5”( 4) SKU:770127,770128

I MPORTANT:Wi ndi cat ormodel si n38SPLar eal l oyf r amesandcannotbes ol di nI L,SC,WI orot hers t at esandci t i eswi t hmel tpoi ntl aws .



Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes s1911Pol ymerOfficerbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esacl as s i c1911des i gn, pol ymerf r ame,al li nt er changeabl epar t s ,flatmai ns pr i nghous i ng,f r ameds t eeli ns er t s ,l ong hol e hammer ,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,and an ext ended beavert ai l .I ti si dealf ort ar get s hoot i ng,I . P. S. C,and I . D. P. A compet i t i on ( s i ngl es t ackorPr oduct i on Di vi s i on) .Avai l abl ei n 9MM and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :3. 5” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:7( 9MM/ 45ACP) Si ght s :Wi ndageAdj us t abl eSi ght Gr i ps :Pol ymer Wei ght :1. 6l bs Over al lLengt h:7. 25” SKU:600348,600346


WI TNESS1911PCOMMANDER 9MM .45ACP SRP:$627 Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes s1911 Pol ymerCommanderbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esa cl as s i c1911 des i gn,pol ymerf r ame,al li nt er changeabl e par t s ,flatmai ns pr i ng hous i ng,f r amed s t eel i ns er t s ,l onghol ehammer ,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,andanext endedbeavert ai l .I ti si dealf or t ar gets hoot i ng, I . P. S. C, andI . D. P. Acompet i t i on( s i ngl es t ackorPr oduct i onDi vi s i on) .Avai l abl e i n9MM and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :4” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:9( 9MM) ,8( 45ACP) Si ght s :Wi ndageAdj us t abl eSi ght Gr i ps :Pol ymer Wei ght :1. 8l bs Over al lLengt h:8” SKU:600349,600344




Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes s1911Pol ymeri st he fir s tpol ymers i ngl es t ack 1911pi s t ol .Thi s pol ymerpi s t olbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esacl as s i c1911des i gn,pol ymerf r ame,al li nt er changeabl e par t s ,flatmai ns pr i nghous i ng,f r amed s t eeli ns er t s ,l onghol ehammer ,i nt egr alacces s or y r ai l ,andanext endedbeavert ai l .I ti si dealf ort ar gets hoot i ng,I . P. S. C,andI . D. P. Acompet i t i on ( s i ngl es t ackorPr oduct i onDi vi s i on) .Avai l abl ei n45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :5” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:8( 45ACP) Si ght s :Fi xed,Removabl eFr ontSi ght Gr i ps :Pol ymer Wei ght :2l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 75” SKU:600347




Descr i pt i on:The s emi aut o Wi t nes s 1911 by Tanf ogl i of eat ur es a cl as s i c 1911 des i gn, t wot ones t eelf r ame,al li nt er changeabl epar t s ,flatmai ns pr i nghous i ng,l onghol ehammer , ext endeds af et y,s kel et oni z edt r i gger ,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,andanext endedbeaver t ai l .I ti si dealf ort ar gets hoot i ng,I . P. S. C,andI . D. P. Acompet i t i on( s i ngl es t ackorPr oduct i on Di vi s i on) .Avai l abl ei n45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :5” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:8( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Wood Wei ght :2. 38l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 58” SKU:600345


WI TNESSGOLD TEAM XTREME 9MM .38SUP SRP:$5, 480 Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes s Gol d Team XTREME by Tanf ogl i oi sa f ul lr ace,s i ngl e act i on, s emi aut opi s t olt hati ss peci al l ymadef orOpenDi vi s i oncompet i t i on.Thi spi s t olf eat ur esa s peci ali ndus t r i alt wot oned cer ami ccoat i ng,coned por t ed bar r elwi t h pol ygonalr i fli ng, l i ght er / por t ed s l i de,compens at or ,ambis af et y,xt r emehammer ,xt r emeadj us t abl es i ngl e act i ont r i gger ,xt r emegui der od,xt r emefir i ngpi n,xt r emefir i ngpi ns af et y,xt r emehammer s pr i ng,ext endedmagwel l ,s copemountwi t hbl as ts hi el d,cmor es i ght ,s l i der acker ,t humb r es t ,r ever s i bl emagcat ch,l ar ges l i des er r at i onsf oreas ei noper at i on,andi st unedwi t ha t r i ggerj obf r om Tanf ogl i o’ scus t om s hop.Avai l abl ei n9MM and38SUP.Shi pswi t hacl eani ng s et ,t wo ext r ar ecoi ls pr i ng,a cer t i ficat es i gned by t he s even t i me wor l d champi on Er i c Gr auffel ,andfivet ot almags ;f ours t andar dandone170magwi t hxt r emeal umi num bas e pads( 170magexcl udesbas epad) . Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:Por t edandLi ght ened Bar r el :ConedPor t ed5. 25” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) Gr i ps :Xt r emeAl umi num Wei ght :3l bs Over al lLengt h:10. 5” SKU:610066,610095


WI TNESSGOLD TEAM 9MM .40SW .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$2, 406 Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sEl i t eGol dTeam byTanf ogl i of eat ur esacocki nghandl e,ext ended ambis af et y,ext ended mag r el eas e,compet i t i on mag wel l ,f ul ldus tcover ,hear ts haped hammer ,pol ygonalr i fli ng,conebar r ell ockup,s i ngl eact i ont r i ggerwi t hover t r avels t op,i s f act or ypor t edandcompens at ed,andi sdr i l l edandt appedf oras copemount .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,40SW,38SUP,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :Coned5. 25” Act i on:SAwi t hOver Tr avelandTakeUpAdj us t Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW) ,10( 45ACP) Gr i ps :Al umi num Wei ght :2. 56l bs Over al lLengt h:10. 5” SKU:600066,600085,600095,600090



Descr i pt i on:Pi s t olhunt i ngj us tgotawhol el oteas i erwi t ht heWi t nes sHunt erbyTanf ogl i o. TheWi t nes sHunt erf eat ur esan aut ofir i ngpi n bl ock,checker edf r ont / backs t r ap,nons l i p f r ame,ext endedmagr el eas e,ext endedmanuals af et y,ext endedbeavert ai l ,dovet ai lf r ont s i ght ,pol ygonalr i fli ng,s i ngl eact i onwi t hover t r avels t op,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,andi s dr i l l edandt appedf oras copemountal li nabl uedfini s h.Avai l abl ei n10MM and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Compet i t i onLar geFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :6” Act i on:SAwi t hOver Tr avelSt op Capaci t y:14( 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :DoveTai lFr ontSi ght ,Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Wood Wei ght :2. 88l bs Over al lLengt h:10” SKU:600252,600257



SRP:$2, 628 Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sLi mi t edCus t om XTREMEbyTanf ogl i oi saf ul lr ace,s i ngl eact i on, s emi aut opi s t olt hati ss peci al l ymadef orSt andar dDi vi s i oncompet i t i on.Thi spi s t olf eat ur es aconedbar r elwi t hpol ygonalr i fli ng,l i ght eneds l i de,f ul ll engt hdus tcover ,s peci alcer ami c coat i ng,ambis af et y,s i ngl eact i ont r i gger ,xt r emehammer ,xt r emet r i gger ,xt r emegui der od, xt r emefir i ngpi n,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,xt r emef r onts i ghtwi t hfiberopt i cs ,ext ended magwel l ,l ar ges l i des er r at i ons ,andi sdr i l l edandt appedf oras copemount .Avai l abl ei n9MM and40SW.Shi pswi t h acl eani ngs et ,oneext r ar ecoi ls pr i ng,s t eelf r onts i ght ,acer t i ficat e s i gned byt hes even t i mewor l d champi on Er i cGr auffel ,and f ourt ot almagswi t h xt r eme al umi num bas epads . Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:Li ght ened Bar r el :ConedPor t ed4. 75” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW) Si ght s :Xt r emeFr ontSi ghtwi t hFi berOpt i c,Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Xt r emeAl umi num Wei ght :2. 8l bs Over al lLengt h:9” SKU:610310,610320


WI TNESSLI MI TED CUSTOM 9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$1, 539 Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sEl i t eLi mi t edCus t om byTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es i ght , ext endedmagr el eas e,f ul ldus tcover ,ambicont r ol s ,bevel edmag,pol ygonalr i fli ng,hear t s hapedhammer ,por t edandl i ght eneds l i de,andi sdr i l l edandt appedf oras copemount . Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onSt eelTancoatFr ame Sl i de:Por t edandLi ght ened Bar r el :Coned4. 75” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Al umi num Wei ght :2. 56l bs Over al lLengt h:9” SKU:600330,600332,600334,600336,600338



9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$1, 506 Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes s El i t e Li mi t ed by Tanf ogl i of eat ur es an ext ended ambis af et y, ext endedbeavert ai l ,ext endedmagr el eas e,compet i t i onext endedmagwel l ,f ul ldus tcover , hear ts hapedhammer ,pol ygonalr i fli ng,s i ngl eact i ont r i ggerwi t hover t r avels t opandt ake upadj us t ,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,andi sdr i l l edandt appedf ors copemount s .Avai l abl e i n9MM,40SW,38SUP,10MM,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :Coned4. 75” Act i on:SAwi t hOver Tr avel Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Wood Wei ght :2. 81l bs Over al lLengt h:9” SKU:600310,600320,600350,600340,600343


WI TNESSMATCH XTREME 9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP SRP:$2, 452 Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes sMat ch XTREMEbyTanf ogl i oi sa s i ngl e act i on,s emi aut o pi s t ol s peci al l ymadef orbul l seyeand t ar gets hoot i ng.Thi spi s t olf eat ur esa s peci alt wot oned cer ami ccoat i ng,xt r emehammer ,xt r emefir i ngpi n,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,xt r emef r ont s i ghtwi t h fiberopt i cs ,adj us t abl es i ngl eact i on t r i gger ,cus t om r ever s i bl emagaz i necat ch, ambis af et y,l ar ges l i des er r at i ons ,andi sdr i l l edandt appedf oras copemount .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,10MM,40SW,and45ACP.Shi pswi t hacl eani ngs et ,oneext r ar ecoi ls pr i ng,s t eelf r ont s i ght ,acer t i ficat es i gnedbyt hes event i mewor l dchampi onEr i cGr auffel ,andf ourt ot almags wi t hxt r emeal umi num bas epads . Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :6” Act i on:SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Xt r emeFr ontSi ghtwi t hFi berOpt i c,Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Xt r emeAl umi num Wei ght :2. 95l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 75” SKU:610660,610670,610650,610640



9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$1, 056

Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sEl i t eMat ch byTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght , dovet ai lf r onts i ght ,ext ended s af et y,ext ended mag r el eas e,ext ended beavert ai l ,hear t s haped hammer ,and a s i ngl e act i on t r i gger wi t h over t r avels t op and t akeup adj us t . Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :4. 75” Act i on:SAwi t hOver Tr avelandTakeUpAdj us t Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Adj us t abl eSi ght ,Dovet ai lFr ontSi ght Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :2. 75l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 75” SKU:600660,600670,600640,600650,600655



Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes sPol ymerCar r ybyTanf ogl i of eat ur esa cone bar r el / s i de l ockup, i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,and adoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i on t r i gger .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,40SW, 10MM,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes spol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW,45ACPand 10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Compact Bar r el :Coned3. 6” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Low Pr ofil eWi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :1. 7l bs Over al lLengt h:7. 5” SKU:600246,600248,600247,600245



Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes sPol ymerCompactby Tanf ogl i of eat ur esa l ow pr ofil e wi ndage adj us t abl es i ght ,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,andadoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i gger .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,40SW,10MM,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes spol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW, 45ACPand10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Compact Bar r el :3. 6” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:13( 9MM) ,12( 40SW/ 10MM) ,8( 45ACP) Si ght s :Low Pr ofil eWi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :1. 8l bs Over al lLengt h:7. 3” SKU:999106,999108,999063,999154



Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes sPol ymerFul lSi z e by Tanf ogl i of eat ur esa l ow pr ofil e wi ndage adj us t abl es i ght ,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,andadoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i gger .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,40SW,10MM,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes spol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW, 45ACPand10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :4. 5” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Low Pr ofil eWi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :1. 9l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 1” SKU:999104,999103,999061,999163



Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sPol ymerMat chPr obyTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es uper s i ght ,ext ended magaz i ne r el eas e,ext ended s af et y,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,and a doubl e act i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i gger .Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes s pol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW,45ACPand10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :4. 75” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Pol ymer Wei ght :2l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 75” SKU:600663,600665,600643,600647,600645



9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$815 Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sPol ymerMat chbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght , ext endedmagaz i ner el eas e,ext endeds af et y,compet i t i onmagaz i newel l ,andas i ngl eact i on t r i ggerwi t hover t r avels t op.Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes s pol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW,45ACPand10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:Pol ymer Bar r el :4. 75” Act i on:SAwi t hOver Tr avelSt op Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Pol ymer Wei ght :2l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 75” SKU:600662,600664,600642,600646,600644



Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sCompactbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esawi ndageadj us t abl es i ghtanda doubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i ggeral li nawonderfini s h.Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,and 45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geFr ame Sl i de:Compact Bar r el :3. 6” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:13( 9MM) ,12( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) ,8( 45ACP) Si ght s :Wi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :1. 9l bs Over al lLengt h:7. 3” SKU:999099,999098,999230,999157



9MM .38SUP.40SW .10MM .45ACP SRP:$699

Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sFul lSi z ebyTanf ogl i of eat ur esawi ndageadj us t abl es i ght ,doubl e act i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i gger ,andani nt egr alacces s or yr ai lal li nawonderfini s h.Avai l abl ei n 9MM,38SUP,40SW,10MM,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :4. 5” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Wi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :2. 1l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 1” SKU:999101,999151,999102,999220,999158



SRP:$2, 439 Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sSt ockI IXTREMEbyTanf ogl i oi saf ul lr ace,doubl eact i ons emi aut o pi s t olt hati ss peci al l ymadef orPr oduct i onDi vi s i oncompet i t i on.Thi spi s t olf eat ur esaconed bar r elwi t hpol ygonalr i fli ng,f ul ll engt hdus tcover ,s peci alt wot onedcer ami ccoat i ng,ambi s af et y,xt r emehammer ,xt r emegui der od,xt r emefir i ngpi n,xt r emefir i ngpi ns pr i ng,xt r eme hammers pr i ng,xt r emedoubl eact i ont r i gger ,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,xt r emef r onts i ght wi t hfiberopt i cs ,cus t om magcat ch,andl ar ges l i des er r at i ons .Avai l abl ei n9MM and40SW. Shi pswi t hacl eani ngs et ,oneext r ar ecoi ls pr i ng,s t eelf r onts i ght ,acer t i ficat es i gnedbyt he s event i mewor l dchampi onEr i cGr auffel ,andf ourt ot almagswi t hxt r emeal umi num bas e pads . Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :Coned4. 5” Act i on:DA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW) Si ght s :Xt r emeFr ontSi ghtwi t hFi berOpt i c,Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Xt r emeAl umi num Wei ght :2. 75l bs Over al lLengt h:8” SKU:610605,610608



9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$1, 326

Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sEl i t eSt ockI IbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght , ext endedambis af et y,ext endedbeavert ai l ,ext endedmagr el eas e,f ul ldus tcover ,pol ygonal r i fli ng,hear ts hapedhammer ,andadoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i ggerwi t hover t r avels t op. Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :Coned4. 5” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Wood Wei ght :2. 69l bs Over al lLengt h:8” SKU:600605,600608,600617,600612,600615



SRP:$2, 364

Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sSt ockI I IXTREMEbyTanf ogl i oi sadoubl eact i on,s emi aut opi s t ol t hati ss peci al l ymade f orPr oduct i on Di vi s i on compet i t i on.Thi spi s t olf eat ur esa s t r ai ght bar r elwi t h pol ygonalr i fli ng,f ul ll engt h dus tcoverwi t h pi cat i nnyr ai l ,s peci alt wot oned cer ami ccoat i ng,ambis af et y,xt r emehammer ,xt r emegui der od,xt r emefir i ngpi n,xt r eme fir i ngpi ns pr i ng,xt r emehammers pr i ng,f ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght ,xt r emef r onts i ghtwi t h fiberopt i cs ,cus t om magcat ch,andl ar ges l i des er r at i ons .Avai l abl ei n9MM and40SW.Shi ps wi t hacl eani ngs et ,oneext r ar ecoi ls pr i ng,s t eelf r onts i ght ,acer t i ficat es i gnedbyt hes even t i mewor l dchampi onEr i cGr auffel ,andf ourt ot almagswi t hxt r emeal umi num bas epads . Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :4. 75” Act i on:DA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW) Si ght s :Xt r emeFr ontSi ghtwi t hFi berOpt i c,Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Xt r emeAl umi num Wei ght :2. 85l bs Over al lLengt h:8” SKU:610595,610590



9MM .40SW .10MM .45ACP.38SUP SRP:$1, 203

Descr i pt i on:TheWi t nes sEl i t eSt ockI I IbyTanf ogl i of eat ur esaf ul l yadj us t abl es upers i ght , ext endedambis af et y,ext endedbeavert ai l ,ext endedmagr el eas e,f ul ldus tcover ,pol ygonal r i fli ng,i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,andadoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i ont r i ggerwi t hover t r avels t op. Avai l abl ei n9MM,40SW,10MM,38SUP,and45ACP. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar geCompet i t i onFr ame Sl i de:St eel Bar r el :4. 75” Act i on:DA/ SAwi t hOver Tr avelSt op Capaci t y:17( 9MM/ 38SUP) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Ful l yAdj us t abl eSuperSi ght Gr i ps :Wood Wei ght :2. 1l bs Over al lLengt h:8. 86” SKU:600595,600590,600575,600585,600580

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