Witness P Carry Sell Sheet

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Descr i pt i on:The Wi t nes sPol ymerCar r ybyTanf ogl i of eat ur esa cone bar r el / s i de l ockup, i nt egr alacces s or yr ai l ,and adoubl eact i on/ s i ngl eact i on t r i gger .Avai l abl ei n 9MM,40SW, 10MM,and45ACP.Al lWi t nes spol ymerpi s t ol scanbeconver t edt o9MM,40SW,45ACPand 10MM. Feat ur es: Fr ame:Lar gePol ymerFr ame Sl i de:Compact Bar r el :Coned3. 6” Act i on:DA/ SA Capaci t y:17( 9MM) ,14( 40SW/ 10MM) ,10( 45ACP) Si ght s :Low Pr ofil eWi ndageAdj us t abl e Gr i ps :Synt het i c Wei ght :1. 7l bs Over al lLengt h:7. 5” SKU:600246,600248,600247,600245

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