Work plan 2016-2017

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WORK PLAN 2016 With forecast to 2017 GA-28.06.2016-11-01-GE



Before we go to the main topics and plans for 2016 (and a forecast for 2017), here is a reminder of EAEA’s main objectives:

EAEA has been successful in establishing itself as a key stakeholder in education and training in Brussels. EAEA is invited to all the key events, working groups and conferences in the area of adult education and lifelong learning and is regularly asked to contribute and consult.

The main roles of EAEA are: • Policy advocacy for lifelong learning at a European level; • Provision of information and services for our members; • Development of practice through projects, publications and training; • International co-operation with other stakeholders in the field.

There have been many changes in the European institutions, and EAEA has been trying to react appropriately. European Commission’s unit for adult education, which was merged with vocational training a couple of years ago, was moved to Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), which now has a skills directorate. The programme, i.e. Erasmus+, has remained in DG Education and Culture (DG EAC), together with epale, the relatively new electronic Platform for adult learning in Europe. Additionally, there is an increased interest in education and training in different areas: DG Justice, for example, is now dealing with education much more than in the past, due to the refugee situation in Europe as well as the fundamental rights agenda that links to the Paris Declaration on promoting respect and tolerance in Europe and tries to combat radicalisation; same goes for DG Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) that currently works on an Action Plan for Third-Country Nationals to which EAEA also has an input to give.

The EAEA promotes the social inclusion aspects of the Lisbon Strategy; it promotes adult learning and the widening of access and participation in formal and non-formal adult education for all, particularly for groups currently under-represented. The purposes of learning may be competence development for personal fulfilment and in employment related fields; for social change and active citizenship; for sustainable development and gender mainstreaming; for cultural and intercultural awareness and knowledge. Following the introduction of annual themes of last year, the Executive Board therefore proposes the following themes for 2016 and 2017: 2016: Adult education and employment and adult education and refugees / migrants 2017: Engaging new learners By following our priorities and by preparing the plans below we hope to fulfill our main tasks: to be the voice of (non-formal) adult education at the European level and to provide services for our members.

The Juncker Commission has introduced a number of changes: the Vice-Presidents are getting more responsibility and are coordinating areas of work. This is positive as it brings together the different work areas of the European Commission, but it also means that the individual units have fewer possibilities to shape their own work.



EAEA has reinforced its contacts with the European Commission. We not only have good contacts with DG EAC, but now also with DG EMPL. We have established contacts with DG Justice and DG International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO) and will continue to intensify them. Due to the changes in both the Parliament and the Commission, EAEA has to re-establish contacts, find new supporters and convince new decision-makers about the importance of adult education. In the European Parliament, EAEA, together with Lifelong Learning Platform – LLLP (formerly EUCIS-LLL – see chapter 10), is continuing the Interest Group on Lifelong Learning under the lead of MEP Sirpa Pietikäinen from Finland. This group helps us promote and defend a wider and more holistic understanding of lifelong learning. EAEA will also work with the new European Commission by continuing its work with the unit for adult learning but also by reaching out to the relevant directors, director-generals and Commissioners. We will therefore put an emphasis on the following topics: • Contact building and maintaining with European institutions and other associations; • Contact building and maintaining with MEPs that are particularly interested in education and training or lifelong learning, employment, social inclusion and similar fields or that are members of committees in these fields (especially through the intergroup); • Contact building with other institutions, organisations and persons relevant to policy making;

Develop arguments, evidence and tools for non-formal adult education.

EAEA as a membership organisation can provide a discussion platform for exchanges between policy-makers on the one hand and adult education representatives, staff, providers and learners. Therefore, our events that bring together these different groups provide the opportunity to influence policy from the bottom up.


The voice of (non-formal) adult education needs to be present at meetings, conferences and working groups. We will therefore continue to give inputs at conferences, to lobby to be included in stakeholder meetings and other working groups and to raise the importance of adult education at a variety of meetings and get-togethers.


In order to be recognised as a policy actor and interesting representative of a civil society sector, an organisation in Brussels needs to take position, present opinions on policies, offer clear perspectives of strategies and produce convincing policy recommendations, which are based on the EAEA members’ experiences. EAEA is also aiming to produce and gather evidence for policy proposals.


In early 2016, the European Commission started a new round of Working Groups to implement the Education and Trainingg 2020 (ET2020) strategy. For the first time, organisations had to apply for a seat in the groups. EAEA has successfully applied for two groups: the Working Group on Adult Learning, which will concentrate on work-

place learning, and the Working Group on Citizenship. EAEA has a seat in each group so that the voice of adult education providers and civil society can be taken into account. Additionally, EAEA regularly receives invites (from the European Commission, but also other bodies like National Agencies, the European Economic and Social Committee – EESC etc.) to represent non-formal adult education at conferences and workshops.

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Make it possible to compare the situation of adult education providers across Europe; Propose ideas and good practices to colleagues and policy-makers across Europe; Additionally, in a few years a more longterm comparison of developments will be possible.


In order to have a stronger and wider influence, it is necessary to be represented in different networks, fora and platforms. • Representation in LLLP • Representation in the Social Platform • Representation in the Council of Europe • Representation in CONCORD, the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development • Representation in the European Movement International

In 2015, more than one million people – refugees, displaced persons and other migrants – have made their way to Europe , a number that continues to increase. Europe is facing today a global challenge and urgent actions are needed to face the humanitarian catastrophe we’re all living. As EAEA has pointed out in its statement “(…) adult education providers and civil society organisations can provide fundamental support to respond to the arrival of refugees and to their long-term inclusion in their host countries (…)”.

2. COUNTRY REPORTS EAEA will continue its long-term strategy that was launched in 2014, and will do another annual survey where our members give us feedback on important events, challenges and developments concerning adult education in their country. EAEA will then publish a report, Adult Education in Europe – A Civil Society View based on their responses, which will make it possible to deliver an annual civil society report about the state of adult education in Europe.

Almost in all European countries, informal civil society movements based on volunteers’ solidarity have efficiently organised urgent measures or supplied basic needs, while traditional governmental responses have taken more time or were lacking. These initiatives not only save lives, but also increase the level of protection of the new arrivals and decrease their vulnerability. Adult education providers have welcomed the newly arrived, too, and are offering a wide range of courses, from language learning to information about services and systems to intercultural exchanges.

The report will: • Inform colleagues across Europe – but also policy makers at different levels – on what our members think about the main developments in adult education in your country;


EAEA has decided to prioritize the issue of Adult Education & Refugees in 2016, as it represents a fundamental concern not only in terms of humanitarian rights, but also in terms of the need for more solidarity among the decision makers. It is also a major concern for many of our members, so the increase of dialogue on the topic and the involvement of the people of the host country is a key factor to take into consideration. Main results: EAEA Grundtvig Award with a publication of good practices, a policy workshop (preferably at the European Parliament) and a policy statement.


The main aims of the award are: • To raise awareness, at a European level, about civil society initiatives on adult education for the inclusion and wellbeing of refugees on host countries, in order to make sure that these initiatives are replicated in other organisations and/or countries where needed; • To raise awareness for the importance of adult education for the integration of the newly arrived but also for intercultural dialogue and a venue for civil dialogue and engagement; • To give social recognition to adult education organisations, which are now assuming the role of giving information on the rights and options to the newly arrivals. These organisations are also being responsible for bridging the gap among cultures and promoting social inclusion in all its levels; • To support adult education organisations, by helping them on the development of new and coherent long term partnerships, namely, with social

services, employment services, health services and humanitarian services. The Award ceremony will take place on 28 June 2016 in Brussels, right after the General Assembly.

4. MANIFESTO FOR ADULT EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY – DISSEMINATION In late 2015, EAEA launched the Manifesto for Adult Education in the 21st Century. It highlights the enormous contribution that adult education can do to a number of European challenges. 2016 is now the year where the EAEA members have started working with it. The manifesto is currently available in Belarussian, Catalan, Dutch, English, Finnish, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Ukrainian. There is also a one-page summary, which is available in Danish, English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and Slovenian.

EAEA would therefore prepare the Year in 2016 and it would then take place in 2017.


Unfortunately, the European Commission decided to put an end to European Years until at least 2018, so it has become necessary to rethink the plan. EAEA therefore proposes the following strategy: Create a Year of Adult Learning Festivals in Europe around the EAEA Manifesto “Adult Learning in the 21st century” – the motto ‘the power and joy of (adult) learning’ remains as the key principle: the power of adult learning to change individual lives and to transform societies for the better; the joy of learning: to acquire new competences, make new friends, to feel better...

One of the key policy developments at the European level will be the launch of a new skills agenda by DG EMPL. We hope that adult education will play a crucial role in this agenda. In order to have a more in-depth analysis of the relationship between adult education and employment through skills, we are planning a workshop in Bratislava in October 2016, followed by a statement.



EAEA invites the membership to present the manifesto to policy-makers and get their support, something EAEA has already started and will continue during 2016 and beyond.


EAEA has been campaigning for a European Year for adult learning highlighting “the Power and Joy of Learning”. With the campaign

festivals to each other and the European level so that we create a sense of a European community.

EAEA wanted to raise awareness on the positive benefits of learning for all adults, and to make the European public and decision makers aware of the importance of adult education. EAEA had developed an advocacy plan and started working on a stakeholders’ cooperation.

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Have a pan-European campaign with the EAEA membership to celebrate and raise awareness on adult education in Europe; Link existing adult learners weeks / festivals and encourage the members who do not have them to organise at least one event to celebrate adult learning / the power and joy of learning; Hook the campaign to the political level (local, national, European) – the Year is meant to advocate for the power and joy of learning and to raise awareness for the issues of the Manifesto; Involve both our members and partners; Highlight and celebrate the work adult education staff are doing at different levels – with refugees, for upskilling, … (linked to the Manifesto); Link these local / regional / national

The General Assembly will take place in Brussels on 28 and 29 June. On the second day, the participants will have the opportunity to participate in three policy debates. The main focus of the General Assembly will be on the preparation of the employment / skills topic and the new concept of the Year of Adult Learning.

8. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION EAEA will maintain its international work by continuing to follow-up the Belem Framework from CONFINTEA VI. EAEA will also continue its cooperation with the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) in order to promote the implementation of the Belem Framework. EAEA is now an associate member in CONCORD.



EAEA will organise another development workshop with stakeholders from different sectors, organisations and institutions. As United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal number 4, “Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning”, is also meant to be implemented in Europe, we propose to discuss more in-depth the impact on adult education in Europe and beyond.


International Council on Adult Education – ICAE is planning, together with UIL, to organise a series of events in order to discuss the UNESCO paper ‘Rethinking Education’. EAEA will organise the European event towards the end of the year in Brussels, preferably during Lifelong Learning Week. EAEA had also applied for a workshop at the European Development Days 2016, as it had done in the last few events, but unfortunately, the workshop was not approved and EAEA is now looking into an advocacy response.

9. INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION Fortunately, the Finnish government through its Ministry of Education and Culture continues to support a staff member of EAEA. This position including the support of the Finnish government has moved to The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation – KVS in Helsinki in 2012, and Helka Repo who is busy as EAEA Communications Officer.

10. LLLP – LIFELONG LEARNING PLATFORM EAEA has been an active member of EUCIS-LLL from the beginning, and its President, David Lopez, is an EAEA Board Member. In 2015, EUCIS LLL celebrated its 10 years anniversary and changed its name to LLLP – Lifelong Learning Platform. The Secretary General Gina Ebner replaced Gerhard Bisovsky on the Steering Committee in 2015 and will run again in 2016. The close cooperation between the two associations will continue. It brings together more than 30 members from different lifelong learning sectors. In 2010, LLLP was recognized as a unique representation by DG EAC and has received funding since then, nevertheless the financial situation continues to pose problems. LLLP provides useful papers, positions and events (e.g. the lifelong learning week at the European Parliament) and represents the lifelong learning sector in a number of bodies.

11. EAEA YOUNGER STAFF TRAINING EAEA has now organised five successful trainings for younger staff in adult education. The participants of the trainings have formed a ‘younger staff network’ and continue to exchange ideas, information and activities, and the project AE-PRO has been developed with the help of the network. EAEA plans to offer another training in late 2016.



Many adult education staff do not have formal training in adult education. EAEA knows from members that there is huge need and interest to learn more about European policies, programmes and other countries’ systems and innovations. We therefore propose an online learning format in order to reach more participants and to make it affordable. An exchange between staff generations, the learning from experts but also peers means a real added value and exploiting existing resources. People can do the whole training (and receive a portfolio), but individual online sessions according to interest & time resources can be accessed, too.

quality of adult education; Adult education organisations and providers will profit from each other´s innovations and knowledge as well as receive better information about European developments, through sharing knowledge and experience with others. The project will give the opportunity to create networks and links to other organisations in Europe, which will promote a European area of adult education and increase the professionalization and quality of adult education staff; Policy-makers will receive better feedback from adult education institutions, based on better knowledge.

Outcomes of the project: • Increase in knowledge about adult education in Europe • Exchange of innovation across Europe • Quality and professionalization of adult education staff and providers The project started to run in April 2015. Over 1000 participants logged in into the learning platform to discover what it offers. The first online session took place on April 14th and introduced the whole course. This first session witnessed an overwhelming interest in the overall training. Over 140 participants joined the training, most of them being adult education staff members. More than 50 further participants said they would follow it offline. Participants came from 37 countries, mostly European countries but also other countries as Egypt, Paraguay, Russia, Philippines, etc. Almost all countries from the European Union were represented and many participants came from neighboring countries as Belarus, Moldova, Macedonia, Serbia, Armenia. 235 participants have already enrolled for the second course to take place Mid-May 2016.

The project will develop a European training for adult education staff with the following components: Online peer-learning platform with cross-national & intergenerational exchange of expertise and EU contents; Mobility platform; Portfolio to complement national certification; Mobility charter for hosts; Network of trainers and experts The project targets: • Adult education staff (especially younger) across Europe – through EAEA and its EAEA younger staff network. We promote the cooperation of adult educators and their innovative potential. They will increase their knowledge, learn from their peers, do a mobility and network. This will have a direct impact on the


Coordinator: EAEA Consortium: Kerigma (Portugal), DAEA (Denmark), RIO (Sweden), LWI (UK), AES (Serbia), KVS (Finland), VHS-Saarland (Germany) and ICAE (Uruguay) Duration: 2014–2016


In 2012, the EU Council approved recommendations on validation. The plan is that member states have validation systems in place by 2018. We have now had 20 years of national and European practice, but it is still very fragmented. Later this year, the European Commission will also publish an updated version of the European Inventory on validation and new Guidelines. However, the partners believe that EU Member States will have to face big challenges (and in some even resistance) while putting in place such systems and thus they should be supported more. A major role could be played by adult education providers and stakeholders, which are often the implementing bodies of the validation systems. By analysing tools and methodologies in different European countries and proposing solutions from the civil society perspective, this project will contribute to reducing the fragmentation on different levels, namely policy and practice. The project should show possible solutions, explore the best practices and strategies for validation for the disadvantaged, contribute to an exchange of tools, procedures and experiences. The two main objectives and themes are: • Contributing to a reduction in the num-

ber of low-skilled adults (re-skilling and up-skilling of adults); Facilitating the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways.

The network will: • draft and promote a survey addressing adult education providers, validation arrangement providers and analyse the collected results; • organise a jour fixe for presenting the results to a wider public (Vienna, Austria, October 2015); • organise an expert seminar for debating the main themes and outcomes of the survey (Oslo, Norway, February 2016), after developing an appropriate methodology for it. • draft an Action Plan providing key messages and actions targeted at both policy makers and adult education organisations; • organise a Policy debate in Brussels and then further disseminate the Action Plan; • produce five article on relevant issues related to the project’s values and aims. The project was officially started in September 2014 and had its internal kick-off meeting in November 2014, in Utrecht. In the first months of the project’s lifespan, the consortium started working on the survey development, which was launched in February 2015. One of the key issues for the impact will be that participants in the project but also the wider adult education community will be able to develop and learn how things could be done. They will learn from others, gain insight into different tools, devel-

Six partners will work to implement the OED principles (i.e. mainly the methodological guidelines) at the provider level. They will adapt them to the training needs in their countries and regions.

op different approaches, propose possible solutions, develop partnerships between systems and sectors and understand existing European tools better. For the individual learners, this project will mean better validation, more quality and better recognition across systems. For policy-makers we will provide more practice-based evidence for better policy-making.

Five partners will implement OED on the policy level by informing and training policymakers on the concepts and implementation of OED. This will be achieved by events on the European/national/regional levels.

Coordinator: EAEA Consortium: KERIGMA (PT); Verband Österreichischer Volkshochschulen (AT); Learn for Life – Dutch Platform for International Adult Learning (NL); Asociatia “EUROED” (RO); and Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NO). Duration: 2014–2016

All partners will closely monitor their challenges and successes through impact assessment. As a final product, an instruction manual for implementing OED will be produced that will summarise the learning points, propose concrete solutions on how make outreach, empowerment and diversity a reality for providers and policy-makers and how to transfer the OED products to other sectors and countries.


The project is the follow-up of a Grundtvig network that elaborated guidelines for trainers/staff in adult education and policy recommendations for policy-makers for engaging disadvantaged learners. The partners now want to implement the principles: Outreach, Empowerment, Diversity (OED).

We think we will reach at least 500 stakeholders / multipliers directly and up to 1000 through communication. The long-term strategy is to implement OED across all European countries. There is a real need for comprehensive strategies for engaging new learners and this project aims to work with European, national and regional policy-makers to achieve European and national strategies.

The participation in adult education has stagnated or even decreased in some countries while we do know through the PIAAC survey that large numbers of Europeans lack basic skills. And while participation is low, those who do participate are already better educated. There is a real need across Europe to attract especially low-skilled and disadvantaged adults to education.

Coordinator: EAEA Consortium: DAFNI KEK (GR), LWI (UK), Kerigma (PT), KVS (FI), RIO (SE), La Ligue de l’enseignement (FR), St Patrick’s College (IE), Solidarci (IT), Drom Kotar Mestipen (ES), ENAEA (EE), VHS Wien (AT) Duration: 2016–2018

The partners will work in two clusters: • Implementing OED on the provider level; • Implementing OED on the policy level.



In most European countries, financing (nonformal) adult education remains problematic. In contrast to the formal system, the sources of financing are fragmented. On the side of public authorities, there is a distribution across different ministries, regional and local authorities and communes. Employers obviously play an important role as do public employment services. In many countries, the learners themselves contribute through fees. There are a number of different mechanisms and tools, which can be targeted at learners directly or at providers. Whilst the cost of many learning offers remain an obstacle for many Europeans (especially younger or older people or persons with low educational attainments as highlighted by the Adult Education Survey), funding for adult education has been under increased pressure due to the financial crisis, and even a country like Finland is cutting funds for education. This is in contrast with the clear need to increase participation in lifelong learning. The PIAAC results have shown that at least 20% of Europeans lack basic skills, and the benchmark for participation has decreased in the last few years rather than made progress. There is an urgent need – and recent survey among EAEA members confirms the importance of this – to find answers for questions such as: why do we need to invest in adult education? What are the indicators for funding? Where is investment needed? Which instruments work? Which funding mechanisms can engage (more) new learners?

A working group from the European Commission has been working on the topic. This project is a reaction and follow-up on this work. The consortium believes that there is a need to look into this topic from the point of view of civil society only and to update what has been achieved to make proposals for policy and financing practice that focuses on the providers and learners. Indeed, the partnership believes that there is an urgent need across Europe to: • improve funding of adult education; • improve efficiency of policies and public expenditure to reconcile the need for sound public finance and funding growth-friendly investments from providers and learners points of views; • propose innovative solutions that can help to improve efficiency and the quality of public spending in education and training; • improve the knowledge about funding instruments and how they work and for whom; • to increase our knowledge of why and where to invest and then implement the funding instruments; • continue the debate across Europe about participation in lifelong learning and especially of groups that currently do not participate and how to finance this participation. The objective of the project is to provide a set of analyses and policy recommendations targeted at policy-makers of all levels (European, national, regional, local, communal) and at providers to be used as advocacy tools. The partnership would like to monitor and analyse adult education policies and funding

(AT), Pau Education S.L. (ES), Folksuniversitetet, Kursverksamheten vid Lunds Universitet (SE), Julie Lunt Ltd. (UK), Adpios – Association de Préfiguation de l’Internet of Subjects (FR), Racio human capital development company, Ltd.(SI), Rytmus (CZ), Dia Sport Association (BG), Symbiosis Foundation (HU), ISIS (DE), EAEA Duration: 2014–2016

instruments and make proposals on how to improve them. This knowledge also benefits providers and adult education organisations as they will be able to use the analyses and recommendations in their own work. The partnership believes that this peer learning aspect across Europe will contribute to finding the best solutions for adult education in Europe by drawing on European best practices to establish key indicators for monitoring and evaluating use of resources.


General objective of the project is cooperation with institutions and organisations working in the field of literacy both at national and EU levels to promote effective literacy policies.

Coordinator: EAEA Consortium: AONTAS (IE), EARLALL (BE) DAEA (DK), Individual Learning Company (UK), Kerigma (PT), NBEB (DE), VHS (AT) Duration: 2016–2017

Specific objectives: • Organisation of network meetings of all Network Members and Core Members to share knowledge and expertise (as specified under themes A and B), to decide on joint campaigns (as specified under theme C), and to disseminate the Network’s outputs; • Organisation of national and international workshops and seminars focused on particular issues relating to literacy in order to address and commit relevant stakeholders and to support practical change by means of the network’s expertise; • Organisation of (as part of theme C) a central event in Brussels in autumn 2015 around International Literacy Day (8 September) in order to highlight the importance of literacy and to address important stakeholders and possible sponsors for future support; • Organisation of, in close cooperation with the European Commission, one

Projects EAEA is already partner in: Lifelong Learning Programme AEMA – ADULT EDUCATION MADE ACCESSIBLE

The AEMA Network aims at contributing to an increased participation rate of people with disabilities in adult education; increasing the number of adult education providers, who make a visible commitment to increasing accessibility; and spreading good practice and comprehensive information. The AEMA Network therefore sets out an ambitious working programme taking into consideration the perspectives of and addressing people with disabilities, adult education providers and experts on accessibility. Coordinator: Queraum. kultur- & sozialforschung (AT) Consortium: Innovia – Service und Beratung zur Chancengleichheit gem. GmbH


final European Conference to share results of the network with a wider audience. Coordinator: University of Cologne (DE) Consortium: ELINET unifies 78 partner organisations from 28 European countries Duration: 2014–2016


The project aims at planning and developing a learning programme on financial literacy addressed to youth of disadvantaged groups in society to promote entrepreneurship education to build up active citizenship, employability and new business creation, supporting future learning and career paths for individuals in line with their personal and professional development. Results/Impact: • Improved levels of skills of young adults between 18 and 30 in situation of social risk for employability and new business creation • Increased opportunities for their professional development • Increased their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship • More active participation in society Coordinator: Association of participants Àgora Consortium: Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca – Società consortile a responsabilità limitata (IT), The University of Warwick (UK), Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (AT), Amalipe Center za mezhduetnicheski dialog i tolerantnost (BG), Federation of Cultural and Adult Education Associations (ES) Duration: 2014–2016


The project starts from two observations, or needs: • Participation in adult education must be increased across Europe; • New ways of sharing best practices among adult European educators must be found. The project proposes to produce professional-quality short high-definition (HD) videos on adult learning. They will serve as a practical tool both for adult education professionals/teachers and as advocacy tools for adult education advocators. Videos will be produced in five countries for two target groups: for adult educators and for the general public and policy makers. Results/Impact: This project will produce innovative adult education promotional material for the use of adult educators and adult education advocators. It thus aims at bringing positive and long lasting effects to the adult education professionals to support their work and also bring adult education closer to the general public in an understandable and easy-access form. The videos produced will be integrated into project partners’ existing communications and they will be made available for different advocates of adult education throughout Europe. Coordinator: The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation – KVS Consortium: DVV (DE), LWI (UK), DAEA (DK), Kerigma (PT), EAEA Duration of the project: 2014–2016


The project aims at creating an innovative educational methodology to facilitate a conscientious use of the smartphone, which underlines both its potentialities and its risks. The project will also boost a public debate on the role of digital technologies in the construction of social relations of quality among youngsters and between generations.

private life. Namely help them to use smartphones in a correct and constructive way; Spread a collaborative learning culture between the learning and private environment though the cooperation between youth organisations and education stakeholders.

Coordinator: Centro culturale Francesco Luigi Ferrari (IT) Consortium: Solidarci (IT), Fundacion Cibervoluntarios (ES), Rural Women National Association (RO), Ligzda (LV), EAEA Duration: 2015–2017

Smart Generation is based on the Media Education methodology, which will foster the reflection upon new media by supporting citizenship processes in the knowledge society, promoting learning methods and paths which make media both education tool and content.


Expected results: • Investigate the universe of the European youngsters and the communication strategies of smartphones, with a particular attention to different cultural aspects in their use; • Elaborate, test and transfer to different European realities the innovative methodology about digital, communication, social and civic skills and competences through the exchange of experiences and good practice; • Motivate to the positive use of smartphone by providing youngsters with the tools needed to understand the huge amount of data and multisensory information which pass through smartphones; • Support young people who live in Europe to develop a critical approach, digital civic sense as well as key competences for the working, educational and

Aims: • Extend the current EuroPeerGuid RVC methodology to more European partners in more countries through having partners belonging to public, semipublic, and private organisations; • Establish Peer Review as a complementation of the usual quality assessment systems in validation of non-formal and informal learning; • Promote the professional development of more VNFIL practitioners; • Enhance the quality and visibility of VNFIL provision. Expected results: • State of the art of report of quality systems in VNFIL; • Update of the European Peer Review VNFIL Website; • Update of the European Peer Review VNFIL Leaflet;


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Test report; Evaluation report; Update of the database of European Peer Review VNFIL peers; Update of the European Peer Review – VNFIL Toolbox, the European Peer Review VNFIL Manual as well as the VNFIL Peer Review training programme.

Coordinator: Commanditaire Vennootschap (CV), Netherlands Consortium: Vigor Transitions BV / EVC Centrum Vigor (NL), Libereaux BV (NL), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien / Center of education / Unit of lifelong learning and continuing education (AT), FST (AT), WBA (AT), AK Salzburg (AT), FAV OÖ (AT), CIBC Bourgogne Sud (FR), LETU (LT), CITEFORMA (PT), ISLA SANTARÉM (PT), NUCZV (SK), EPRA (AT), EAEA Duration: 2015–2018


Expected Outcomes: 1. Mapping of the current scene in relation to local and national strategies, on adult education and their effectiveness. Critical review of the state of the art in adult education; 2. Development of a practical toolkit to facilitate the development, monitoring and assessment of adult education that will include: • Conceptual Framework on effective strategy and policies; • Guidelines and practical tips; • Good examples and cases from the EU; • Online environment to facilitate knowledge exchange; • Monitoring tools and rubrics.

Results: • Detailed review of state of the art; • Meetings and focus groups; • Open consultations with key stakeholders; • Strategic visioning workshops; • Trainings and seminars; • Implementations of project outcomes; • An international conference. Coordinator: Ministry of Education and Culture (CY) Consortium: Centre for Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology (CY), National University of Ireland Maynooth (IE), Andragoski Center Republike Slovenije (SI), Narodny Ustav Celozivotneho Vzdelavania (SK), EAEA Duration: 2015–2017


Aims of the project: Enhance adult educator’s competences through better training and understanding of: • how to coach and train adult education staff in journalistic ways of working; • how to write journalistic articles for print and online media; • how to report about adult education in mass media; • how to adult educators’ competences in writing about adult education for a European audience; • how to write for readers living in an another geographical, cultural, political and educational environment; • how to write articles that are relevant and even necessary for the target groups; • how to write articles that are understandable for the target groups.

Awareness raising for and promoting of Adult Education in Europe through: • developing trainings and tools on how to improve people’s awareness and knowledge on adult learning, which means an increase in the lifelong learning benchmark through journalistic activities; • reaching and informing a wider European audience about adult education through journalistic means.

Projects not yet approved (the contract will depend on the approval by the relevant agencies): Project applications with EAEA as a partner: Erasmus+, KA1 ODESEA – ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR STRENGHTENING EUROPEAN ADULT EDUCATION

Professionalization of adult education staff on journalistic ways of working by: • providing incentives and expertise for the adult education community to initiate more journalistic activities on adult learning; • awareness raising measures about the high numbers of persons with low literacy levels (through for example simulation games).

The aim of the project is to develop relevant skills and improve the knowledge of staff members from three European organisations working in the field of adult education and lifelong learning. The project will give the staff opportunities to develop their skills through workshops in presentation skills, communication skills, teamwork, etc. and knowledge by doing job-shadowing at EAEA member organisations in Germany, Ireland and Spain.

Improvement of the level of key competences and transversal skills of adult education staff by: • Enhancing ICT uptake in work of the adult education ; • Informing about and motivating national, regional and local policy makers to invest in lifelong learning.

Coordinator: LLLP (BE) Consortium: EARLALL (BE), EAEA Duration: 2016–2017


The project will collect, compare and further develop the life skills approach for adults, which is a more comprehensive provision of basic skills that takes the life situation and wider needs of low-skilled people into account. That way, the provision becomes most effective as it is combined with highly relevant issues such as health, family, intercultural competencies, democracy etc. This also means that the basic skills offer is extended to high quality learning opportunities which are transferable across Europe.

Coordinator: KEB Deutschland e.V. (DE) Consortium: Akademie Klausenhof GmbH (DE), DAEA (DK), KVS (FI), Caixa de Mitos Lda (PT), Asociatia EUROED (RO), CONEDU (AT), NVL (NO), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE), EAEA Duration: 2015–2018


By comparing and further developing existing approaches, the quality can be increased even further and by disseminating the approach, we will encourage a further uptake across Europe. The same is true for the lifelong learning perspective: as the life skills idea combines offers from different areas (basic skills, democracy, family learning, vocational skills, health literacy etc.), this perspective will be important to improve and develop further. The results can be exploited for both lowskilled people in the relevant countries but also refugees and migrants. Coordinator: EAEA (DAEA (DK) is the applicant organisation) Consortium: DAEA, LWI (UK), DAFNI KEK (GR), Andragoski Center Republike Slovenije (SL) Duration: 2016–2018


The project proposes the design and development of an inclusive, interactive and user-friendly digital toolkit for the elder European population (over 50) which will include online training modules for digital and health literacy, peer to peer support tools, basic health terms glossary, country-specific health access info, which will also be available through mobile platforms/applications. The project will contribute to malke care more patient centred, with more focus on prevention, early diagnosis and chronic conditions and to make patients feel empowered to integrate ICT-products and services for ageing in their private lives and professional practice.

ICT can contribute by providing European citizens with better and cheaper services for health and ageing well. The introduction of ICT alone is estimated to improve efficiency of health care by 20%. Moreover, ICT empowers users of every age to better manage their health. Additionally, we can achieve a triple win: a better quality of life for European citizens, innovation and growth for a competitive EU industry and more sustainable healthcare systems for society.

skills in tghe process of explaining how we learn and if we can succeed. The system of points, badges, rewards and leaderboards featured in most multiplayer games can be replicated in an educational context, experts say, to account for people’s different motivations and needs for interaction or selfexpression. The consortium believes that certain aspects of learning can be made as effective in creating persistence and involvement as observed in game players.

Coordinator: EDEX (CY) Consortium: Institute of preventive medicine environmental and occupational health (CY), Cardet (CY), Best institut for berufsbezogene weiterbildung und personaltraining GMBH (AT), CSV Marche (IT), Kentro merimnas oikogeneias kai paidiou (GR), Academish ziekenhuis groningen (NL) Duration: 2016–2018

The result is a teaching programme that incorporates the features of games with educational content to obtain a high rate of learning through rapid and focused repetition as well as motivational excitement and involvement. Thanks to this tool, trainers will gain new perspectives upon learning and be able to make use of the broader defined expectations of an individual in terms of personal achievements and life strategies.


The aim of the project is to create a new training module that will support adult education centers to develop competences for the re-activation of individuals - especially people with a disadvantaged background through the redefinition of their identity and role in society. Although early life development and early formative experiences within the family, at school, etc. have a major role in shaping us as adults, personal development can still contribute to make people better aware of their potential, skills and qualities and should be considered as a lifelong process. The rationale behind the TanGO project is that games help us to develop non-cognitive skills, which are as fundamental as cognitive

lenges like social integration of migrants, demographic and structural changes are demanding for municipal cooperation, especially in rural areas. The solution to deal with this challenges is an active engagement and participation in society. There is a skills gap to qualify active citizens in developing and implementing participatory projects and managing the change by themselves. “Lebensqualität durch Nähe” is a comprehensive qualification and training program developed and implemented with citizens in order to participate in their community. This LQN process actively encourages people to jointly shape their local community. Through a consistent design of trainings and curricula for professional facilitators and engaged citizens, through a competence check and the implemented trainings in 12 model communities in Austria, Germany and Italy, citizens will be empowered to play an active role in their community and to implement participatory projects by themselves. The LQN process focuses on best practice models, know how transfer and improves the qualification offer for active citizenship through combining methodical competence and practical oriented implementation support.

The ultimate goal of TanGO is to help adults to overcome the barriers that prevent them from taking control of their life by making positive choices and setting realistic but ambitious objectives. Coordinator: DAFNI KEK (GR) Consortium: La Ligue (FR), Solidarci (IT), Cardet (CY), Synthetis centre for research and education (CY), Cyclis (GR), Fundació Privada Prat (ES), EAEA Duration: 2016–2018

Coordinator: SPES GmbH (AT) Consortium: SPES e.V. (AT), K-Punkt Ländliche Entwicklung im Kloster Heiligkreuztal (DE), Bildungshaus Schloss Goldrain (IT), Bildungshaus Kloster Neustift (IT), EAEA Duration: 2016–2019


Erasmus+, KA2 RE-LINK

It is essential to be aware of the importance of adult education for a successful inclusion of refugees. Non-formal adult education is flexible enough to react very fast and very

Today municipalities are looking for solutions to handle the profound changes in the social and civic landscape as well as activating their citizens in participating projects. Chal-


much adapted to the needs of refugees settled in the communities. “RE-LINK: Refugees linked with community” is a project to promote the inclusion of refugees into the local community through participation in different activities. It is also a project promoting democratic values, human rights, social inclusion, non-discrimination and active citizenship. Partners from eight European countries will gather to exchange their know-how and experiences and to collect best practices from their countries. We will do research into innovative approaches and organize local activities together with refugees and locals. These best practices will be published as a free epublication in English and disseminated all over Europe to reach adult educators, volunteers, general public and also policy makers. The aim of the local activities is to bring the local community and refugees together. Through different activities refugees will be able to learn the language in everyday life and learn about culture, traditions and values of the community. Coordinator: Castle Retzhof (AT) Consortium: Arbeit und Leben (DE), Judska Univerza Ptuj, Cyclisis (GR), Pancyprios Politistikos Kai Ekpedeftikos Syndesmos “Evropolitismos” (CY), Solidarci (IT), KVS (FI), EAEA Duration: 2016–2018


Europe has experienced a large movement of refugees during the past year. This project aims at providing refugees a way to express themselves through the medium of art, cartoons and collect the experiences of refugees in Europe. The cartoons tell the stories about refugees, migration and inclusion

through the eyes and experiences of the refugees themselves. The refugees will be active subjects in the project, instead of merely objects of integration activities. The project will organise workshops (eg. in refugee reception centers, community centers, folk high schools or equivalent) where refugees can learn to create a cartoon themselves or work together with a cartoonist to create a cartoon of his/her story regarding the life as a refugee in Europe. National/international cartoonists will work as trainers in the workshops. The cartoons created in these workshops will be collected to a comic book that will be available as an online version (and in print). Additionally, the workshops will be videoed to document the process and to be used as a pedagogical tool. As a result, a curriculum of an easy-access cartoon workshop especially tailored for refugees will be created and disseminated throughout Europe to folk high schools and adult education centers. These institutions can then take the workshop as part of their curriculum. This way the project creates an innovation that will live on and possibly be integrated into the integration activities of adult education providers in Europe.The project is a cross-sectoral project combining the expertise on media, cultural and arts education/methods, adult education and civil society actors. Coordinator: KVS (FI) Consortium: KVS, EAEA, Landesverband Saarland (DE), Comic Strip Museum (BE) Duration: 2016–2018

mission’s Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). EAEA continues to be very active in project work, too. Unfortunately, we lost the sub-contract with European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), followed by the loss of our Office Manager, Valentina Chanina, who started working as an employee of EfVET. This means that the loss in income from that source has to be compensated by project financing.

Project applications with EAEA as a subcontracted partner Asylum, migration and integration fund (FAMI), Italy O.P.E.N. TO EUROPE (OPPORTUNITÀ, POLITICHE ED ESPERIENZE NAZIONALI A CONFRONTO CON L’EUROPA)

The project stimulates the comparison and exchange amongst different European practices in the field of the integration policies of citizens extra-EU Nationals operating in tight linkage with their respective National Authorities. Its final aim is to elaborate an integrated intervention model encompassing various aspects and sub-policies.

EAEA, together with LLLP, has therefore started to lobby for an increase in the operating grant for the next period.


EAEA will contribute to the project through the following tasks and activities: • organising and hosting two workshops in Brussels at a European level; • participating to the thematic and comparative action/research making available data and practices at a European level.

Raffaela Kihrer continues as Membership and Events Officer and is therefore responsible for the strategy. The services for members have been further improved. Thereby, we hope to make EAEA more attractive for existing and potential members.


Coordinator: Fondazione mondo digitale (IT) Consortium: Associazione Solidarci (IT), Aretés società cooperativa (IT), Università degli Studi “Suor Orsola Benincasa” (IT), CPIA n. 5 di Roma (IT), Comune di Formigine (IT), Comunità Montana Sirentina (IT), Leonardo società cooperativa (IT). Duration: Approximately from January 2017 to June 2018

EAEA is keen to involve its members more in its work. The AE-PRO webinar series in 2016 offers an excellent opportunity for the members to discuss the new Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century, a crucial policy document for EAEA’s advocacy work.


By further improving the services for members (e.g. by a stronger support of the members with their work, dedicated member pages, a bi-weekly newsletter for members, buddy system for new members, etc.), we hope to make EAEA more attractive for exist-

13. FINANCES EAEA is now in the second year of its threeyear framework contract with Europan Com-


ing, new and potential members, especially in the newly defined target regions (Southern and Eastern Europe). The bi-weekly EAEA Member News have proven successful since their introduction in mid-2014. Sending out the member newsletter in a new format using MailChimp mass emailing programme since the beginning of 2015 now also allows for a monitoring of the opening rates of the newsletter. The EAEA Member News have maintained a readership of around 30 percent of all the recipients in the member mailing list. In addition to the EAEA members, the member newsletter is also sent to the candidate members. The candidate members that sometimes have to wait for many months between their approval as a new member by the EAEA Board and the approval by the EAEA General Assembly, welcome this initiative very much. Of the candidate mailing list, around 60 percent of the recipients open the newsletter, which is a comparatively high number for a regularly sent newsletter. In addition to a direct mail campaign that informs about the advantages of becoming an EAEA member, the EAEA Membership and Events Officer now also sends e-mails informing about initiatives as the AE-PRO trainings and the EAEA Grundtvig Award to potential member organisations. By directly experiencing the benefits of a membership, adult education providers and organisations that are not part of the network yet are informed about the work and services that EAEA provides and may be attracted to become new members.


An annual membership survey, introduced in 2013, monitors the satisfaction of the EAEA members with EAEA’s work and services and collects input for improvement. The membership surveys show that the satisfaction rate, especially of “very satisfied” members, has increased throughout the last years. According to the EAEA Member Survey 2016, 94 percent of the respondents stated to be “very satisfied” and “satisfied” in the overall satisfaction rate. Almost all respondents were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with EAEA’s provision of up-to-date information on EU policy development about adult education in 2015, and an equally high number was “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with EAEA’s advocacy work on the European level for non-formal adult education and lifelong learning. In comparison to the survey in 2015, the satisfaction with EAEA’s cooperation with EU institutions and international and national NGOs as well as the dissemination of project information and results from the adult education sector increased from four fifth of the participants to over 86 percent. As already indicated in the analyses of the previous surveys, some services as the project partner search could still be improved. However, services like these are time intensive and their improvement largely depend on the availability of free resources within EAEA. According to the results of the survey in 2016, the EAEA members also do not perceive the help with project partner search as a main task of EAEA. The EAEA members perceive EAEA’s advocacy work and being part of a network as the most important key selling points of a membership with EAEA. With regard to the level of impact of EAEA’s work, the European level


is seen as the most important one, followed by the organisation’s level.

EAEA will continue (and continue to improve) many of its strategies: advocacy, information and communication, membership etc.

EAEA will continue working closely with its members and improving all member services on a continuous basis.


We hope to implement our plan for the Year of Adult Learners Festivals in 2017.

Currently, the following staff members work for the EAEA.

We will continue the interest group in the European Parliament and the country reports.


As the theme for 2017 we propose ‘engaging new learners’ which should also contribute to the new skills agenda.

Gina Ebner Secretary General (90%) Tania Berman Policy Officer Francesca Operti Project Officer Raffaela Kihrer Membership and Events Officer Aleksandra Kozyra Junior Project Officer (until September 2016, with an ‘immersion pro fessionelle’ contract)


Helka Repo

Communication Officer

16. MEETINGS OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD The meetings of the Executive Board are necessary for the decision-making of EAEA. Additionally, the meetings are held in different countries, which enable the Executive Board to meet with policy makers and (potential) member organisations in order to learn more about the situation, challenges and needs of adult education organisations in the respective countries. In 2016, meetings will be held in Ljubljana, Dublin, Brussels, Bratislava, (the last meeting of the year will be confirmed after the next board meeting).


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