Legal Procedures Madrid

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09 LEGAL ASPECTS AND Procedures APPLICATION FOR NON-EU STUDENT RESIDENCE VISA IN THE COUNTRY OF ORIGIN To apply for the student visa, the person must go to the Spanish Consulate in the country of origin to find out what documents they need to present and the procedure they must follow. Here we will set forth some of the documents required by the Spanish Consulate, which can vary depending on the country and the specific case of the person in question. • Requirements: - Original valid passport. - Certificate of enrollment (in our case at EAE). - Medical certificate issued by the official authorities in your home country. - Three passport photos in colour. - Proof of economic resources to cover the entire stay. This can be done by depositing the funds in a Spanish bank account, traveller’s cheques in the name of the applicant, a document certifying that the student is the beneficiary of a grant or student loan, a letter stating that the parents, family members or someone else will be financially supporting the student for the entire stay or in another way expressed by the consulate. - Consular charges for each country.

Note: The requirements can vary depending on the country in which the process is carried out and on each particular case, therefore it is very important to find out the requirements of the Spanish consulate in your own country. Important: Procedures carried out at Spanish consulates are slow and in many cases the person will have to go to the consulate more than once. We suggest therefore that you find out the requirements and the procedure and if you need to make an appointment you should give yourself plenty of time (at least five months in advance).


More information on: First Steps for Non-EU Students (Students from outside of Spain and the EU):

EU AND NON-EU STUDENT RESIDENCE PERMIT EU student residence permit According to the latest Spanish regulations relating to Immigration Law all foreigners that come to Spain must apply for a registration certificate as an EU resident or a residence card in the case of a family member of an EU citizen. You must request an appointment beforehand at: A continuación, enunciamos algunos de los requisitos que puede pedir el consulado español y que varían dependiendo del país y del caso particular del interesado.

Steps to apply for a visitor student permit in the home country of a non-EU student. To apply for a student visa, the person must go to the Spanish consulate in their home country to find out what documents they will need to present and the procedure they should follow. Here is a list of some of the requirements that may be asked of you at the Spanish consulate, which will vary depending on the country and the particular case of the person in question. - Original valid Passport. - Certificate of enrollment (in our case at EAE). - Medical certificate issued by the official authorities in your home country. - Three passport photos in colour.

-2- Valid passport or national identity document from your country of origin (Original and Photocopy).

Proof of economic resources to cover the entire stay. This can be done by depositing the funds in a Spanish bank account, traveller’s cheques in the name of the applicant, a document certifying that the student is the beneficiary of a grant or student loan, a letter stating that the parents, family members or someone else will be financially supporting the student for the entire stay or in another way expressed by the consulate.

- 3- Application form EX18 (Original and Photocopy).

On the day of your appointment you present the documentation at: C/Padre Piquer, 18 28024 Madrid -1- Proof of appointment.

Consular charges for each country.

- 4- “Empadronamiento” certificate. -5- Tax form 790 (Code 12) 10,20 paid at any bank. This taxi s collected at the office at Avda. Padre Piquer, 18 (metro: Campamento, line 10). EU student residence permit A foreigner that wishes to study in Spain must apply for the appropriate visa (type D) beforehand at the Spanish Diplomatic Mission or Consulate in their country. To do this you will need to bring your academic documentation to show what studies you have completed and your certificate of enrollment at EAE (among other documents that they may request, which will vary depending on the country), which is one of the requirements to obtain the student resident permit.

Note: The requirements can vary depending on the country in which the process is carried out and on each particular case, therefore it is very important to find out the requirements of the Spanish consulate in your own country. Important: Procedures carried out at Spanish consulates are slow and in many cases the person will have to go to the consulate more than once. We suggest therefore that you find out the requirements and the procedure and if you need to make an appointment you should give yourself plenty of time (at least five months in advance) Procedure to get student card in Spain

You must go to the “Brigada de Extranjeria y Documentacion” (Foreigners and Documentation Office) located at Avda. De los Poblados s/n, (Metro Aluche), open between 09,00 and 13,00. Ask for an appointment, which usually takes about a week. Once you have your appointment you must present the following on the day. a. EX00 document (original and copy) b. Original EAE enrollment certificate c. Photocopy of passport d. Photocopy of visa The same documents are required from those students who live with their partner or children, except instead of the enrollment certificate they must present the marriage certificate and birth certificate respectively.

Renewal of student residence card:

This is a similar procedure that can also be carried out by the Foreign Office. It is dealt with in the same way as the first time the card is applied for, except that you must present all of the documentation 40 days before the expiry of the current card and you must be able to demonstrate your progress (grades or diploma awarded) and the reason why you want the renewal (this can be for any course with a duration of more than six months). To download the necessary documents, click on the following link: Important: The “Tarjeta de Estudiante”, issued by the Spanish government through their offices in the Autonomous Communities, is the only document that proves that you are legally entitled to be in Spain for more than 90 days. It is important to point out that breach of any immigration regulations and Spanish laws by a student excuses EAE from any financial, civil, penal, academic or any other type of responsibility as well as the consequences that may arise from the same.

Within 30 days you must request an appointment at the police station to begin the process of obtaining your NIE student card.


10 Registration What is the “padron”? It is a registry of people living in Spain and their corresponding addresses. All people living in a town, whether national or foreign, must register themselves, even those foreigners who are not living here legally.

Registering yourself is a Right Registering yourself is a Right that automatically involves other rights. All those registered on the Padron of a town are recorded as inhabitants. In the case of non-EU students, it is a way of proving your habitual residence in a specific town.

11 EAE CONTACTS OF INTEREST Areas and Services




IT Support EAE Students Email

Ricard Hortigüela Miquel Hernández

Barcelona and Madrid



Miquel Hernández

Barcelona and Madrid



Mª Ángeles Roy

Barcelona and Madrid

Floor 1

Student Assistance

Sonia Pereira


Floor 2

Professional Careers

Lidia Bonvehí


Floor 3

File Management

Cristina Andrés Nuria González



Customer Care

Mª Ángeles Martos

Barcelona and Madrid

Oficina Virtual

Ana Sorolla

Barcelona and Madrid


Necessary documentation for “empadronamiento” - Identity document of the person in question: Passport, identity card from country of origin, residence card. - Document proving address: purchase contract of the property, rental contract or the latest utility bill (water, electricity, etc.) on which the name and address of the person applying for empadronamiento appears. These documents must be original; copies are not accepted. -In the case where the applicant is not the owner or the tenant of a property and they want to record it as their residence, they will need a signed authorisation from the owner of the property and a photocopy of their DNI, passport or any other personal identity document. For more information about empadronamiento please call 010. By giving your address, they will indicate to you the town hall corresponding to where you can register yourself. 8a521ecd08a0c/?vgnextoid=23ccdd9d6baed010VgnVCM2000000c205a0aRCR D&vgnextchannel=23a99c5ffb020310Vg




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