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The student newspaper at Florida Gulf Coast University
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Taxi plan gives us a lift Student Taxi
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9p JfÔX J_\gXi[ J\e`fi jkX]] ni`k\i Student Government’s Executive Branch is in the process of funding and developing a taxi service for students that goes beyond the shuttles’ boundaries and includes nightlife. “We are still in the planning and development stage of this program, so all of the details have not been ironed out yet,” said Anthony Graziani, Student Body vice president. “However, (we have an) idea and starting point for discussions with a taxi company.” Theoretically, SG will collaborate with a taxi company and initially prepay 1,000 taxi rides for FGCU students. They will decide on a set radius around campus, extending into the Estero area. Each student will receive one free taxi voucher, available for pick-up in the SG Office by presenting his or her Eagle ID. Information about the taxi service will be on the voucher so that the student can call the company for a ride. “If the taxi ride went beyond the radius, then the student would pay the difference,” Graziani said. “Students would also be required to pay the taxi driver gratuity.”
The idea is that students will be able to be picked up or dropped off anywhere within the set radius. Many students seem to like the idea. “I think this would be awesome,” said Dylan Hayek, a freshman majoring in secondary education. “I would definitely use it.” The Executive Board is still waiting to hear back from a taxi company that has been approached before proceeding with negotiations and a set radius. “I’d like it to go to Coconut Point,” said Georgia Cudmore, a freshman and human performance major. Students agree that the service does not need to travel too far out of the FGCU community. “I would like to see it go into the neighborhoods like San Carlos,” said Valerie Voorhest, a freshman majoring in education. “It would also be a good resource for intoxicated people.” According to Graziani, intoxicated students would be able to use the service within reason. “If they were sick and vomiting, then that would not be acceptable,” Graziani said. SG will update the student body as the plan unfolds.
>lcÕ`e\ i\^`jkiXk`fe gifZ\jj Z_Xe^`e^ 9p M\ife`ZX M\cX JkX]] ni`k\i Registering for classes can be a frustrating process. Students begin signing into Gulfline long before midnight that first day of registration, and everyone has a different method of staying signed in and picking their first-choice classes. Some students keep refreshing their login page while others try to go to off-campus locations to use their Wi-Fi. This may no longer be the case, however. Computing Services, the Academic Counsel and the Office of the Registrar have been working on a way to make registration less frustrating for students. The idea is for students to sign up for classes based on credit
hours. For example, degreeseeking graduate students would be allowed to register first, followed by undergraduate students with 110 credit hours, honors students and student athletes. Registration will then continue, broken down by increments of 15. “In breaking the increments down and lengthening registration time, we’re hopeful that this improves the access (to Gulfline),” said Adam Musolino, associate director of new student programs. The idea first came about last fall when representatives from academics and the student data group began discussing ways of improving the method of registration. Research then began on how many students access the server, and the groups gathered to review the data.
No smoke legislation introduced in Senate 9p D\^Xe ?ffc`_Xe 8jj`jkXek E\nj \[`kfi
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Carly Ellsworth, a sophomore majoring in business management, is hoping the new method works since she has waited up to three hours in the past to log in and choose her classes. “I think if it’s done right, these improvements will make for less frustration when students are registering,” she said. Others are more skeptical of the changes and if they will actually be successful. “I tried to log in for a few hours, but after a while it became tedious, so I signed up for my classes a few weeks later. I would just recommend going to the adviser’s office instead,” said Ryan Hendel, a freshman majoring in business management.
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Student Senate introduced a resolution for a smoke-free policy at FGCU to first reading during the outdoor meeting held on the library lawn Tuesday. The resolution states that there is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure, and that the student body supports efforts to make FGCU a smoke-free campus in order to provide a safe and accessible working and learning environment. However, Sen. Joey Russo claims that the bill wrongly assumes the support of a large portion of the student body. “I’ve gotten a lot of interesting feedback, and many people are really against this resolution, especially when it includes housing and not just main campus. The resolution states that ‘the Student Body supports efforts to make FGCU a smoke-free campus,’ but that is not fair to all of the FGCU students when they don’t all have a voice,” he said. “Smokers have no rights when it comes to infringing on the health of others. That’s something that the U.S. courts have already decided on,” said Sen. Rosa Mendoza, an author of the resolution. Aaron Starkman, a senior majoring in forensics, is one of the members of the student body who attended the outdoor meeting in order to see how Senate would address the issue. “I oppose a smoke-free campus because I doubt the ability of it to be enforced. I believe it would be better to relocate the smokers’ stations and focus on enforcing the restrictions,” Starkman said. Amanda Holland, a freshman majoring in communication, is in support of the resolution. “One of the senators mentioned that someone sat and smoked in this tent during the meeting … when we have smokers’ stations now and smokers do not use them, how will moving the stations change anything? I understand that some students are against a smoke-free campus, but most of them seem to be in favor of it,” Holland said. Faculty Senate has already passed a resolution stating their support of a smoke-free campus. If the student Senate resolution is passed, the two resolutions will be brought to the Board of Trustees. Of the members of the gallery that took part in the electronic poll during the meeting, 71 percent were in favor of Senate passing the resolution and 19 percent opposed it. The resolution will be voted on during the next Senate meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 15 in SU 213.
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Business Manager M`Zkfi`X :lee`e^_Xd
businessmanager@eaglenews.org Advertising Manager
D\cXe`\ 8[Xdj
adsales@eaglenews.org News Editor/Asst. Managing Editor JXdXek_X C\X^l\
news@eaglenews.org Assistant News Editor D\^Xe ?ffc`_Xe
mhoolihan@eaglenews.org Asst. Managing Editor D`b\ I`ZZ`
managing@eaglenews.org Production Manager <cc`fk KXpcfi
productionmanager@eaglenews.org Arts and Lifestyle Editor BXk`\ JXikfi`j
Events Susan G. Komen for the Cure: SWFL needs help March 11 and 12. Email info@komenswfl.org or call 239-498-0016. Rotary Club of Estero: Volunteers needed March 12 for BBQ event. Contact Bev at 239-498-0678 or beverlyann@ comcast.net. Alliance for the Arts: Looking for help with kids’ art projects at “Fantasy & Fairytales in Books & Art” on March 17 from 4-6p. Call 239-939-2787 or email education@artinlee.org.
Afj_ J`\^\c
sports@eaglenews.org Opinion Editor JXiX >fkknXcc\j
photoeditor@eaglenews.org Media Editor 8dXi`e :Xeefe
tv@eaglenews.org Webmaster <c` <e[\ij
webmaster@eaglenews.org Distribution Coordinator I`Z_Xi[ :XccX_Xe
Senior staff writers BXk`\ ;fee\ccXe BXk`\ <^Xe JfÔX J_\gXi[
)*0$,0'$..0- 8[m\ik`j`e^ )*0$,0'$.0+, <[`kfi`Xc )*0$,0'$..() DX`e F]ÔZ\ <X^c\ E\nj Df[% + Id (, (''*' =>:L 9cm[% J =fik Dp\ij# =cX% **0-. MISSION STATEMENT: Eagle News, the student media group at Florida Gulf Coast University, represents the diverse voices on campus with fairness. We select content for our publication and our website that is relevant to the student body, faculty and staff. Members are committed to reporting with accuracy and truth. Our purpose is to encourage conversations about issues that concern the on-campus community. Eagle News views every culture with equal respect and believes every person must be treated with dignity.
ABOUT US: Eagle News, founded in 1997, is the student newspaper at Florida Gulf Coast University. The newspaper is the only student produced publication on campus and is entirely student run. Eagle News is published weekly during the fall and spring semesters and monthly in the summer, with the exception of holiday breaks and examination periods. The print edition is free to students and can be found on campus and in the community at Gulf Coast Town Center, Germain Arena and Miromar Outlets.
Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome tutoring program: Looking for someone to be a “buddy.” Help an autistic child with their homework while parents attend a support group meeting. Email Kim Kanefke at specialneeds@ trinitycapecoral.org or call 239209-2541.
Friday, Feb. 25 at 12:27 p.m.: Disabled vehicle was on fire at Ben Hill Griffin and FGCU Lake Parkway West. Towing was called. Vehicle was successfully towed an hour later and traffic flow resumed.
Rookery Bay: Looking for environmental science or biology majors to assist the research department with transferring fisheries data into Excel. You can work from home. Contact Donna at 239417-6310 x412 or donna.young@ dep.state.fl.us
Harry Chapin Food Bank: Help needed selling raffle tickets at a Twins Spring Training game. The shift is 10 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. Choose March 6 or March 28. Contact Marta at 239-3347007 x32 or martahodson@ harrychapinfoodbank.org.
Lee County School District: Help needed for Earth Week. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation for K-5th grade and present in school April 1821. Contact Anji at 239-337-8661 or anjinm@leeschools.net.
Photo Editor KXipe B\iY\i
Thursday, Feb. 24 at 5:33 p.m.: Panic alarm sounded in Building S. Accidental pull.
entertainment@eaglenews.org Sports Editor
services. Contact Hilary Mains at sgenviro@fgcu.edu, 239-5907948 or cell# 239-634-4418.
Gulf Coast Humane Society: The Humane Society is having its inaugural The John Marazzi Dealerships’ The Fast and The Furriest 5K run/1M walk at Coconut Point Mall on March 31. Need racers/walkers. Also could use some volunteers from 5- 9:30 p.m. Contact Julie Cochran at 239-332-0364 x309.
Campus Rec Outdoor Pursuits: OP is looking for an assistant trip leader to assist trip leaders plan and lead trips. For more information contact Stephen Robinson at srobinson@fgcu.edu.
Ongoing opportunities
Information is provided by the Service Learning department. All opportunities are pre-approved. You can find more opportunities on Facebook at “FGCU Service Learning.”
Get Colloquium hours with Recyclemania: Two to 10 volunteers needed daily from Feb. 6-April 2 to record trash depth in dumpsters and foodwaste generated by food
Friday, Feb. 25 at 8:44 p.m.: Student resident came to UPD to report an attempted sexual assault at Coastal Village the previous night. A deputy was dispatched to meet with the victim.
Sunday, Feb. 27 at 6:01 a.m.: Complainant stated that subject came knocking on his door. When he opened it, she started hitting, yelling and cussing at him before leaving. Complainant believes she was drunk and violent and wanted to make sure she did not attack anyone else. UPD took the subject back to her dorm. Housing will follow up. The Police Beat is compiled by Eagle News staff from public logs available at the University Police Department. Police Beat is not associated with the UPD. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
EVENTS Steppin Toward Greatness: Fort Myers alumnae chapter of Delta Sigma Theta sorority presents the Mr. Crimson and Cream Pageant on Friday, March 25 at 6:30 p.m. See any Tau Sigma or ASAP step team member for tickets. C.A.R.E.S Suicide Prevention walk: GLBTQ is having a walk for suicide awareness. The walk will be at Lakes Regional Park in Fort Myers on March 26. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the walk starts at 10 a.m. Dayglow: Ultra Nightclub is hosting Dayglow, St. Patrick’s Day edition on Thursday, March 17. Doors open at 9 p.m and go until 2 a.m. The paint party will also have live performances. Buy tickets online. Publix Protest: A carpool of students will gather at 9 a.m. at FGCU to head to Tampa. The group is joining hundreds of farmworkers and their families to call on Publix
to sign a Fair Food accord with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers. For more information email Jordan Buckley at Jordan@interfaithact. org. Catalyst: LeaderShape is hosting a one-day program called Catalyst for Student Leaders. The program is designed to increase your capacity to lead. The program is Saturday, March 19 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom. For more information go to studentservices.fgcu.edu/ CampusInvolvement A face in the crowd: A 1,000 square foot street art photo mural by photographer Michelle Tricca will be presented at 3945 Bayshore Drive in Naples on March 19 and 20. The mural will be on display from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you would like to submit an event, please e-mail managing@eaglenews.org
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New Jersey’s largest university will offer a genderneutral housing program in three dorms that aims to make the campus more inclusive for gay students. Starting this fall, gay, lesbian and transgender students at Rutgers University’s New Brunswick campus can choose either male or female roommates under the pilot program. Heterosexual students will also be permitted to live in rooms with students of the opposite
The mass demonstrations sweeping the Middle East are touching the Palestinian territories, where West Bank and Gaza Strip activists are trying to organize their own “Facebook revolutions.” The Palestinian activists are inspired by the calls for democracy that toppled autocratic leaders in Egypt and Tunisia and threaten longtime rulers in Libya and Bahrain. In recent weeks, activists using Facebook have brought hundreds of people onto streets of the West Bank, waving Palestinian flags and calling for change. Smaller gatherings have taken place in Gaza. The protesters hope to stage a massive demonstration in both areas on March 15. Whether they can succeed is far from certain because of the unique situation of the Palestinians. In contrast to countries where crowds have rallied against a single, despised leader, the Palestinians face a series of intertwined problems, making it harder to rally around
sex. Men and women will share bathrooms. Rutgers drew scrutiny after freshman Tyler Clementi killed himself days after authorities said his dorm roommate used a webcam to record Clementi in an intimate encounter with a man. Rutgers Residence Life director Joan Carbone told The Home News Tribune of East Brunswick that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students found it was difficult to find an accepting roommate.
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a common cause. Palestinians seek an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza, areas wedged on different sides of Israel and ruled by rival governments. The Western-backed Palestinian Authority governs in the West Bank, where Israel’s military still retains overall control. The militant Islamic group Hamas has ruled Gaza since 2007. The Palestinian split has crippled efforts to negotiate an independent state from Israel. Repeated efforts to reconcile, including a Palestinian Authority proposal to hold new elections, have foundered. The Facebook activists have divisions of their own. Some want the rival Palestinian governments to reconcile. Others demand they resign. Still others want to demonstrate against Israel’s occupation. The governments see even the smallest demonstrations as a challenge to their rule. — The Associated Press
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K\ok`e^ n_`c\ [i`m`e^ YXe jk`cc m\ip lec`b\cp 9p D\^Xe ?ffc`_Xe 8jj`jkXek e\nj \[`kfi Texting while driving is a legal offense for all drivers in 30 states, but Florida has yet to lay down the law on this matter. Last year, 17 bills were introduced to address the issue of texting while driving in Florida, but none made it to the governor’s desk. State Rep. Gary Aubuchon from Cape Coral is head of the rules committee and is considered one of the most influential members of the House. He claimed last week the Legislature does not want to “legislate issues that are really matters of personal responsibility” and how “it doesn’t seem likely” that any laws banning texting will make it through the legislative process, according to a report in The News-Press. However, a Senate bill making it a crime to text while driving has been introduced and a lot of people are pushing for it. The “Florida Ban on Texting While Driving Law” passed Senate last year, but did not come to a vote in the House. The bill would consider texting a secondary violation, meaning that drivers cannot be pulled over for texting alone. Last year, the Department of Transportation began to enforce federal guidelines prohibiting drivers of commercial vehicles from texting. Statistics from the National Safety Council claim that more than a quarter of car accidents occur from texting while driving — that calculates to about 200,000 wrecks and 5,500 deaths annually. A study by the Virginia Tech Driving Institute revealed that texting while driving leads an individual to be 23 times more likely to be involved in a car accident. In teens particularly, texting tends to cause erratic driving behavior such as lane weaving and rapidly changing speeds. Liza Cavanaugh, a sophomore majoring in English, believes that the issue of safety outweighs personal responsibility in this case. “I’m all for a law banning texting while driving. People should not do it. I understand the idea of personal responsibility, but if you are personally irresponsible enough to text while driving and endanger people’s lives, than there should be some kind of legal repercussion,” she said. Still, many believe that texting while driving is a matter of personal responsibility. Caleb Shaker, a freshman who has not yet declared his major, takes this stance. “I understand texting while driving can be dangerous, but so are all other sorts of legal distractions. What’s next … shutting down drive-thrus and banning eating while driving? They can’t make a law for everything that people should not do,” he said.
EN ONLINE POLL Check out www.eaglenews.org to vote about whether you think Fla. should ban texting while driving.
Texting while driving: Though 95 percent of drivers surveyed said texting behind the wheel was unsafe, 21 percent admitted to doing it. A comparative study of texting while driving vs. drunk driving statistics published in a leading car magazine in the U.S. revealed that texting and driving is even more dangerous than driving under the influence. Studies reveal that a person who is texting while driving at the speed of 35 miles per hour will cover 25 feet before bringing the car to a complete halt, compared to a distance of 4 feet, which a drunk driver would cover at the same speed. In Georgia, texting while driving can earn you a fine of around $150 and/ or result in a point on the person’s driver’s license.
Their motto is, “Service above self.” They’re new to the club scene on campus, starting last fall with only two members. They are Rotary International and they’re the winners of this semester’s first Reverse Career Fair on Feb. 1. “Winning the Reverse Career Fair was an indication of our success,” said club president Yan Bohyn. “Everyone was really happy.” It’s even rumored that Bohyn, a senior who’s majoring in history, screamed like a little kid when they announced the winner. The Rotary International Club at the university is a branch of Rotary International, the world’s first service club organization, with more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. Since they’re still new, for the time being, Rotary International volunteers at walks and 5K runs, Bohyn said. However, Bohyn says he received a lot of contacts after the Reverse Career Fair
and something is definitely in the works. He also encourages his members to start their own projects and raise awareness for causes they value. Mentorships with professional Rotarians kicked off two weeks ago, said Bohyn. “Rotary International at FGCU provides leadership and professional development,” Bohyn said. “It’s a nice bonding experience.” Bohyn is excited for the future of the club. “It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come,” he said. “We started off with nothing.” The club started off with just two members last fall, and now, one semester later, the club has 30 active members with up to 100 on the email list. The club has a lot of international students in its membership, which adds a nice touch of diversity, Bohyn said. Rotary International meets every other week at 1 p.m. Friday in Sudgen Hall room 111. The next meeting is scheduled for March 18.
FLEXIBLE HOURS A PERSON TO PERSON WORK ENVIRONMENT Call Jim 239‐273‐9228 for more informa3on
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Dorms still bustle over summer, creating revenue 9p Bpc\ 9`c_\`dd\i JkX]] ni`k\i During the fall and spring semesters, North Lake Village may seem like a thriving metropolis, with students as far as the eye can see and an empty dorm room nowhere in sight. But what goes on in this area over the summer, when many students are away for summer break? Surprisingly, the dorm complexes do not just turn into post-apocalyptic wastelands after the spring semester ends, as many might think. In addition to freshman orientation and the small amount of students who stay over the summer, the Office of Housing
and Resident Life actually has many uses for the dorm complexes over the summer. One use that people have been talking about lately is called the Summer Conference Program. When a conference or other multi-day event takes place over the summer, the Office of Housing and Resident Life actually rents out some dorm rooms to attendees. The cost ranges from $20 to $30 per person per night, depending on the service and amenities. “Some will stay one night; some will stay months,” said Brian Fisher, director of university housing. It is also more convenient for conference attendees who would otherwise have to go off-campus and stay at a hotel. Besides the convenience for guests,
the university can generate revenue over the summer through room rentals. “The more revenue we can generate can help us control rental rates,” Fisher said. In addition to the Summer Conference Program, Fisher also points out that there are other events that take place over the summer in which dorm rooms are rented out to attendees, such as athletic events, camps and professor-sponsored events. Bringing in additional revenue during the summer is highly beneficial to students. For starters, it helps offset costs to operate the complex, which means that students won’t have to pay as much during the fall and spring semesters. “This is the first year in six years we haven’t raised rental rates,” Fisher said,
citing the success of the programs. With the additions of South Lake Village and West Lake Village, there is even more revenue potential as housing continues to expand. “We’re looking to grow our summer conference program,” Fisher said. But Fisher emphasizes that even with all of these programs, students who wish to stay in the dorms over the summer always get priority. “We will always meet demand for summer students. We will turn away a conference before turning students away,” he said. These summer programs are among ways the Office of Housing and Resident Life is trying to keeping housing affordable for students each year.
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Local bar confiscates legal Pa. identification 9p JXdXek_X C\X^l\ E\nj \[`kfi& 8jj`jkXek DXeX^`e^ \[`kfi Olympia is cracking down on confiscating fake IDs — as well as confiscating real IDs. On Friday, Feb. 25, Amanda Musselman, 22, and Courtney Lucci, 21, went to Olympia Bar and Sports Grill to enjoy free drinks for ladies night. Unfortunately, they never made it past the front door. “When (Lucci) handed her ID to the bouncer, he said, ‘Oh, you have a Pa. (Pennsylvania) ID, my manager has requested we give them to him to verify them,’” said Musselman, a junior majoring in special education. “I said you might as well take mine too since I have a Pa. ID.” When the manager checked the IDs with a blacklight, he turned to the bouncer and said, “These are both fake; confiscate them.” “He said he knew every state in the country puts a hologram image of the person in the bottom corner and that ours didn’t have
that,” Musselman said. “We kept trying to tell him that Pennsylvania doesn’t do that.” Every state has specific features on licenses to ensure validity. There are also I.D. Checking Guides businesses can purchase to help identify fraudulent IDs. The girls said the manager also told them there was an increase in fake Pa. IDs from a particular website and they had already busted 10 people earlier that week. “He pulled out his own Fla. ID to show us his hologram and why ‘ours are fake…’ He continued to get rude and belligerent with us,” Musselman said. Lucci, a senior majoring in marketing, pulled out her credit card to verify it was from Pennsylvania. “He says, ‘Of course you’d get a credit card that matches your ID,’” Lucci said. By this time, the girls just wanted to leave. But the manager would not return their IDs, even though Musselman said she’d provide her car registration to prove her identification.
“I said I’m not leaving without my license,” Musselman said. “He said I can call the sheriff and he’d tell me it was a felony. So we decided to call the sheriff.” “People in line were making comments to the bouncers … one person said, ‘I think they’re telling the truth — who would’ve put up this much of a fight for a fake ID?’” Lucci said. When the deputy pulled up, the manager told the girls to “come on.” The girls didn’t move because they couldn’t see the sheriff, and the manager said, “Well, you wanted to talk to the cops? He’s here, you want to talk to him.” “As soon as we got in front of the officer, the manager’s attitude changed,” Musselman said. “Suddenly, he was a lot calmer. He also changed his story from saying ‘all 50 states had a hologram’ to saying, ‘the states he was familiar with’ had a hologram.” The manager also told the girls if he was wrong, they’d get top shelf on him for the rest of the night. “It’s 12:40 a.m. (by) now and
they stop serving around 1:15 a.m… Five minutes of top shelf when I would’ve been drinking free anyway? That doesn’t do me any good,” Musselman said. After the deputy verified their identities and returned their IDs, the girls sought out the manager for a final word. “All I want at this point is an apology,” Lucci said. “I have respect for what they do … because if there is underage drinking, it’s their responsibility. But he was just being completely disrespectful — just yelling (at us) and wouldn’t have a conversation (with us). It was completely rude and almost humiliating, yelling at us in front of people, making us seem guilty when we had done nothing wrong.” However, when the manager came out and talked to the deputy, the manager simply beckoned the girls inside saying, “Come on ladies, let’s go.” “I said, ‘No, we’re not going anywhere. We’re leaving,’” Musselman said. “He said, ‘All right, well have a good night,’ and
went inside.” The girls thanked the deputy, returned to their vehicle and spent their night at Ale House. Neither plans on returning to Olympia. “I’m not going to support a business that handles (incidents) that way and finds it OK,” Lucci said. “It made me lose so much respect … you can’t even say sorry?” “I’ve never been treated like that in my entire life by management, anywhere,” Musselman said. “(I’m not going back) as long as he is still working there.” The Lee County Sheriff’s Office has the incident documented, but no official report was filed because the IDs weren’t fraudulent. Several calls were made to Olympia to get a response to the girls’ accusations. A man who identified himself only as Chris finally answered and said he was a manager at Olympia, but would not provide his last name or a comment about this incident.
Eagle News highlights the photography of our readers. Send your best pictures — of events, vacations, scenery, wildlife — whatever you’d like. If your photo is picked, you’ll receive two free tickets to Regal Cinemas in Gulf Coast Town Center. E-mail submissions (with your name, grade, major, phone number and a description of the photo) to photoeditor@eaglenews.org.
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=cfi`[X GXe_Xe[c\ Y\XZ_ YXeb`e^ fe jgi`e^ i\Yfle[ 9p K_\ 8jjfZ`Xk\[ Gi\jj Spring break 2011 T-shirts, beer cozies, thong bikinis and Mardi Gras beads fill the shelves at the Paradise Found store on Panama City Beach. The shop is hiring extra staff and will maintain extended hours through March and April. “Now we are just waiting,” said store manager Dean Chon on a recent sunny afternoon as he folded T-shirts and tended the store’s only customers, a retired couple from the Midwest. Businesses up and down this strip of turquoise Gulf waters and white-sand beach are anxiously waiting, hoping and counting on thousands of teens and twentysomethings to arrive en masse for Spring Break 2011. A strong spring break will be an important sign the area has moved past last year’s BP oil spill, which brought some tar balls and oil-covered debris from the blown-out rig to the once-pristine beach. A weak spring break will be another tough hit for the beach that had high hopes for 2010 with the opening of a new, international airport before the spill ruined summer tourism along a 200-mile swath of Florida’s Panhandle. “Spring break kicks off the whole summer travel season,” said Dan Rowe, president of the Panama City Beach Convention and Visitors’ Bureau. “This March is especially important because it is our first big tourism month since they finally killed the (BP) Deepwater Horizon.” That’s the well off Louisiana that was spilling the oil. Rowe and his staff have made the rounds of colleges in the Midwest, distributing gift cards and promoting convenient flights to the new Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport. They’ve visited the University of Michigan, Ohio State University and the
University of Wisconsin, among other Midwestern campuses. They next plan to visit schools in Georgia and Tennessee with later spring break dates. In the meantime, the local economy has been buoyed by a steady flow of retirees seeking a break from the brutal northern winter. Panama City Beach saw an 8 percent increase in its tourism development tax collections in December over the same month in 2009, Rowe said. The city is offering winter resident appreciation days to lure more of the northern snowbirds, while making the transition to spring with an aggressive online campaign to let college students know that the weather is good and the beach is clean. Businesses are offering deals on the Panama City Beach website for visitors with student IDs on everything from airboat tours and limousine rides to hot wings. The message, Rowe said, is that the beach has moved past the oil spill and is ready for tourists. “We never got any of the really big nasty stuff that they got in some of the areas, just some tar balls here and there and the amount of product they’ve been able to pick up has gone down dramatically in the last several months. The recovery is telling the world that Panama City Beach is here and that it is back to normal,” Rowe said. The marketing blitz appears to be paying off. Southwest Airlines says its flights into Panama City are full the weekends of March 11 and 19 and travel companies are generally reporting solid bookings. Ticket sales on Expedia.com to Panama City Beach for March are up by 156 percent compared to 2010, said Devon Nagle, an Expedia spokesman. “Bookings for April are up as well,” he said, but still too early to give definitive results.
For Best Karma...
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Expedia was offering package deals on flights and a five-night hotel stay in Panama City from locations including Chicago, Dallas and New York. Prices on Thursday ranged from $871 to $1,502 per person. Panama City ranked 45th among Orbitz.com’s spring break destinations in 2010 and fell slightly to 51st this year, said Emily Donohue, a spokeswoman for the website. The top 20 destinations booked on the travel website for spring break are Orlando, Las Vegas, Cancun, Phoenix, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Tampa, New York, Los Angeles and Denver. Minnesota-based Travel Leaders, a leading travel company, said Panama City was not among its top destinations for 2011 in a recent survey. But the survey of the company’s agents found that 62 percent said 2011 bookings to the Gulf Coast were the same or higher than 2010 — a positive sign for
post-spill tourism, she said. Mack Carter and his family have operated Shuckums Oyster Bar & Seafood Grill on Panama City Beach for more than 30 years, 2010 was the toughest because of the oil spill. “We hope the spring break crowd will come back. We have plenty of good, fresh Apalachicola oysters that were not affected by the oil,” he said. As his employees poured buckets of raw oysters into ice containers at the edge of a long bar, Carter said spring break 2011 is important for the local economy and for morale. “We hope we will fill up this whole restaurant,” he said. “I’m anticipating large crowds and lots of good, clean fun.” Daniel Estaffa’s friends opened the Hook’d Bar and Grill that he manages on July 23 — in the middle of the oil spill. Estaffa has had mostly quiet days so far at the
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beach-front grill, which sits at the entrance of the beach’s main fishing pier. He’s heard stories about wild spring break crowds on Panama City Beach, but isn’t sure what to expect this year. “We are more family oriented but we are not opposed to spring break dollars,” he said while pouring a beer for a retiree at the end of his bar. “All dollars are vital for us because most restaurants fold in their first year.” Hotel desk clerk Matthew Flesh is spring break veteran. Flesh works at the beach-front Ambassador Hotel. Flesh rattled off various colleges and their spring break dates between taking reservation calls on a recent afternoon. Most of the calls he answered with a negative “no rooms available for that week.” “It’s been very busy. I’m getting calls from all over the East Coast and we are pretty much full,” he said.
Jkl[\ekj ZXe _\cg \[lZXk\ pfle^\i g\\ij k_ifl^_ 8M@; 9p <jcXe[\ ;XdYi\m`c JkX]] ni`k\i There is an excellent opportunity for FGCU students who are interested in careers in education, counseling and childhood development. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a college-readiness system designed to increase the number of students who enroll in four-year colleges. It has been adopted by almost 4,500 schools in 45 states, the District of Columbia and 16 countries. Currently, AVID group discussion leaders are needed at four Collier county public high schools. FGCU student Priscilla Deoliveira, a special needs education major, is an AVID group discussion leader in the Lee County School District. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I really like being involved in the AVID program; itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s fun and exciting,â&#x20AC;? Deoliveira said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Being an AVID group discussion leader has reinforced that I have chosen the right major, and it has also inspired me.â&#x20AC;? The AVID group discussion leader job description consists of facilitating small discussion groups of no more than seven, ninth-grade students. The goals are to utilize inquiry-based methods to lead students to a better understanding of subject matter, to encourage all students in the group to ask questions and take notes, and to assist
students with the organization of their materials and academic resources. Leaders will also work under the supervision of the AVID elective classroom teachers. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The only difficulties I have had were encouraging students to do their homework assignments when they know they might not graduate because they havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t passed the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test â&#x20AC;Ś (and) also when students have notes from a class but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t understand them because the teacher failed to explain it or the student wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t paying attention,â&#x20AC;? Deoliveira said. Discussion leaders work on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for $12 per hour. The times at the Collier schools seeking leaders are 7 a.m.-10 a.m. at Lely High School and Golden Gate High School, 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. at Everglades City School, and 8:45 a.m. -10:45 a.m. at Immokalee High School. Before starting, discussion leaders will have to attend a four-hour paid training session. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I enjoy working with the people around me ... this is an amazing job, and anyone who gets the opportunity should take it,â&#x20AC;? Deoliveira said. If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re interested, you can apply online with Collier County public schools at their main webpage. With your application, submit two references, a cover letter and a copy of your resume to James Briggs at briggsja@collier.k12.fl.us. Briggs is also available by phone at 377-5260.
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Musolino understands that students might be doubtful, but urges them to write their advising offices after registration so they can have feedback. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re not going to know for sure (if these changes will work) until we assess it for the first time,â&#x20AC;? Musolino said. The new changes will begin for the 2011 summer and fall semesters. Also, instead of accessing the dates for student registration under the academic calendar, students will now need to go through the Office of the Registrarâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website and look under the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eagle Registrationâ&#x20AC;? tab.
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At FGCU - Subway: Male, Blonde: Handsome, blonde & fratty. Navy jacket, tan pants & Sperrys. Sitting with a friend in front of the wellness center/subway... Where have you been all my life? t sovi: Male, Brunette: Red hat, cute hair, tan and nikes your soooooooooo cute (: Talk to me please <3 At FGCU Whitaker Hall: Female, Blonde: Super adorable blonde in my math lab, probably around 5’ 3. You sit in the front of the class and you were wearing a blue shirt with white pants. I would love to get to know you
cool things
(503):Held my professor’s hair back while she was puking. I’d better get an A out of this or else the pics are going on Facebook.
(703):the party we were at had security guards carrying paintball guns. that probably should have been the first sign
Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.48)
Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.45)
5 3
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1 3
6 4
Puzzle 1 (Hard, difficulty rating 0.63)
(402):He wants to know how I lost my bra in his pants....id like to know too
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Tue Mar 1 18:43:55 2011 GMT. Enjoy!
(207):My math professor just asked us to draw the graph of the derivative of our drunkenness from friday to sunday. Dear Jesus this looks bad.
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word jumble
word search
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Tue Mar 1 18:44:05 2011 GMT. Enjoy!
dingarl sdtan quonttie pirlla
Generated by http://www.opensky.ca/~jdhildeb/software/sudokugen/ on Tue Mar 1 18:43:59 2011 GMT. Enjoy!
5 1
Arts& Lifestyle
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>\k k_\ dfjk flk f] pfli nfibflk iflk`e\ <dgcfp i\^`d\ej Y\]fi\# [li`e^ Xe[ X]k\i \o\iZ`j\ ]fi k_\ Y\jk i\jlckj 9p :Xifc JZ_e\`[\i :feki`Ylk`e^ ni`k\i Spring break is here, which means summer is right around the corner. There is no better time to start working on that beach body and to feel great about your looks. Eating healthy and exercising are the two key strategies to obtain good results and be physically and mentally confident in yourself. It is time to use that stored energy and hit the gym, play a sport or go for a run. And there are some easy ways to improve the workout experience. However, many people get confused about what is right or wrong while exercising, what to eat before and after, when to stretch, how long to work out, and so on. Janaye Hall, a freshman majoring in psychology, shared her doubts about what makes a good workout routine. “I get really confused about what to eat and drink before and after going to the gym,” Hall said. “I usually go in the mornings and I don’t know if I should go on empty or full stomach.” According to the Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, it is not recommended to
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exercise on an empty stomach; it can cause dizziness, nausea, cramps, stomach discomfort, low energy and you actually burn fewer calories. When working out in the morning, it is definitely good to eat beforehand; if it is a full breakfast, it should be eaten at least an hour before exercising. Eating immediately after isn’t a good idea. If you’re working out right as you wake up, eat a pre-workout snack such as fruit or a granola bar or drink a cup of juice. Before and after a workout, it is preferable to have a carbohydrate because it is the main source of fuel, provides more energy and is also easier to digest. Good options are whole wheat bread or bagels, bananas or other fruits, energy bars or a fresh juice. If you would rather work out in the afternoon or evening, recommendable carbs would be whole wheat pasta, brown rice or baked potatoes. Afterward, the muscles need to be rebuilt and repaired, and protein is critical in this recovery process. Protein shakes are very good for that, but there are many different kinds, which varies from person to person and also in the amount and intensity of workout done. Protein bars
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are also helpful, and they are available in any grocery or convenience store. There are good ones at FGCU’s store located in Howard Hall. If you are done with your workout a couple hours before having lunch or dinner, make sure to grab a snack, fruit or a granola bar along with liquids. Drinking water is essential at any time during the day, but it is especially important when working out. Sweating leads to dehydration, so drinking water while exercising makes you feel less tired and starts the process of hydration. Water after working out is also crucial because the body needs to replace the loss; and according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s website, drinking about 16 to 20 ounces of liquid (not alcohol) right after working out speeds up the process of rebuilding muscles. A very good option is to have a performance drink such as Gatorade or Powerade. Also, don’t forget to stretch a lot before starting playing sports or working out at the gym; it improves athletic performance and decreases the risk of injuries. Stretching after is also very important, and combined with the right eating and enough drinking, there is no reason to be sore, and you will definitely be ready for round two.
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Dljk$j\\ dfm`\j1 Kn`jk \e[`e^j 9p Af\ >`Xeefe\ JkX]] ni`k\i It is very tough to make a film with a good twist ending. Many filmmakers attempt it, but it can either break or make their film. M. Night Shyamalan did it perfectly with “The Sixth Sense,” a film on this list, but he ended up ruining his films “Unbreakable” and “The Village” with their so-called “twist endings.” No matter how you feel about them, they do add a certain amount of suspense to the film, because if you go into a movie aware of a twist ending, then you try to add up the pieces to the puzzle during the run time. These are “must-see” films with the best twist endings. 5. “Shutter Island” “Shutter Island” tells the story of U.S. Marshall Teddy Daniels, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, who goes to an isolated insane asylum on Shutter Island. Things only get stranger from there as Teddy starts to investigate the disappearance of an inmate. It seems as though the nurses and orderlies from the hospital are conniving on imprisoning Teddy at the hospital. It even seems as though Teddy’s partner Chuck, played by Mark Ruffalo, has plans of his own while on Shutter Island. This movie really does its best to emulate the Hitchcockian genre. But, it’s all in the ending; it will move you, rock you, and most importantly, as you watch the film again, it will be an entirely different experience the second time around. 4. “Psycho” (1960) Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense. He created countless films that had people of all ages on the edge of their
seats, and his films still hold that same resonance today. From his movies “North by Northwest” to “The Birds,” his films have a special quality that only few have emulated. “Psycho” is a perfect example of how talented a filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock was. He used music, camera angles, and acting in a way that only he pioneered. He made the first film to feature blood in a gruesome way. He also used music not as a tool for enjoyment, but to make the audience cringe, and to set an uncomfortable feeling of dread and insanity throughout the films run time. This is a horrific film, with an amazing twist ending that is so unexpected, you will watch the movie over again to just catch the suitable hints that Hitchcock lays out for the audience throughout his masterpiece. 3. “The Usual Suspects” Who is Keyser Soze? This is the central question that the audience will be asking themselves throughout the entire film. “The Usual Suspects” is a fascinating film about a group of criminals who have just heisted a truck and are looking for the man they call Keyser Soze. As each man has wronged Keyser Soze in the past, they are killed off one by one, and the police are left with the same question that all of the characters are asking throughout the film: Who actually is Keyser Soze? “The Usual Suspects” is the best film, in my opinion, from director Bryan Singer. No other film of his holds the award for best twist ending like this movie does, because when you find out who Keyser Soze is, you will scream at the television with fiery anger, then hold your breath for a moment to gasp in the genius of what you just witnessed.
2. “The Sixth Sense” Was this film just a fluke? No other film by M. Night Shyamalan has been as good as “The Sixth Sense,” and this filmmaker continues to make bad movies. Maybe “Unbreakable” was good, but no other film blew us away as much as “The Sixth Sense” did. First time viewers of this film have no idea what is in store for the ending. So many movies and television shows have made fun of people ruining the ending of this film for new viewers. “I see dead people” is the perfect line, because no one sees that ending coming. Also, who can’t complain that Bruce Willis was bigger than ever after this movie came out? He rocks. 1. “Memento” What is there to say that hasn’t already been said about this movie? It is told in backwards chronological order, Guy Pearce, the lead actor, is phenomenal in his portrayal of Leonard, and Christopher Nolan in his sophomore effort created a masterpiece as simple as telling a story backwards about a man who cannot make new memories. Chris Nolan’s intensions where to put the audience in the same dilemma with this man who cannot make new memories, by telling the story backwards to keep them as much out of the loop as possible. And that is exactly what Nolan does. The ending to this film is so mind blowing, you will want to watch this film over and over again to see the insanity for a second, third, or even fourth time. “Memento” is talked about, critiqued, analyzed, and dissected in most film classes across the world, and there is a good reason for that. This film is so well done, it begs the question: Why aren’t other films daring enough to tell a story backwards?
Pf^lik DflekX`e g\Xbj `ek\i\jk 9p D\c`jjX 9\cc JkX]] ni`k\i The new craze for Yogurt Mountain has hit town, possibly giving local ice cream shops a run for their money. Yogurt Mountain is a self-serve yogurt store that originated in Alabama and is now open in our Coconut Point mall, next to Zoom Tan and Five Guys. “I started in December, but they have been open for about four months now (opening at this location around October),” said Ana Lucine, a freshman majoring in criminal justice at Rasmussen College and Yogurt Mountain employee. The yogurt may seem like ice cream, but it is actually frozen yogurt with 16 rotating flavors along with 50 toppings to customize each individual’s creation, including fresh fruit. “My favorite combo is the peanut butter yogurt with banana slices, chocolate chips and pretzels,” said Allie Huber, a sophomore resort and hospitality management major. “I like the cheesecake flavor with strawberries or blueberries, or the original tart with fruit too.” The shop has a dry toppings bar consisting of cereals and practically every candy in existence; they change up the dry bar a couple times a month, but the fruit never changes. “If it’s a holiday, they may add different
sweets for that holiday,” Lucine said. “Like for Valentine’s they will add pink hearts, or for St. Patrick’s Day they will put out green gummy bears.” The yogurt stays on the healthy side, being either fat-free or low fat with ingredients to provide protein and calcium. It also contains probiotics that boosts the body’s digestive and immune system. “I don’t care about the health factors,” said Huber. “I mean, it’s better than going to Cold Stone or Marble Slab if you don’t pile on the chocolate toppings.” Employees offer sample cups at the register when customers walk in the door. The price is 45 cents an ounce, excluding the cup and spoon. “I was overwhelmed, though … I didn’t know what to do first,” Huber said. “I was like a kid in a candy store.” Both families and college students alike swarm in to satisfy their sweet tooths. “We had it open till 12 a.m. before, but it started to get slower so we took it back the times to what they are now: Sunday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.,” Lucine said. “High school and college students come at night and during the day its mostly parents and kids.” Yogurt Mountain is the perfect place to go on a date or to grab a bite with friends or even by oneself. Since there are so many places in
Most college students are busy with either school or work, which tends to fill up the majority of their time. After all that hard work, they often have to kiss their paychecks away to bills, groceries and gas. With little money left over to go shopping or to go do new things, it always helps when there is a way to save money. One website known for its super-saving deals is Groupon.com. Groupon is a website that gets people the best deals within local community businesses. To receive the daily deals from Groupon, sign up on the website by filling out the city you live in, your name and e-mail address. From then on, Groupon will send you e-mails about unbeatable prices for that day’s savings deals at restaurants, gyms, salons and other businesses within your city. The site sends out one e-mail a day to make choices simple at an unbeatable low price. The Groupon deals that are sent out to customers
are known for being 50 to 90 percent off of retail prices. “There was a manicure and pedicure that was retailed and would have been $60 and it was only $30,” said Allie O’Grady, a junior majoring in elementary education, about her best Groupon savings. Once the daily coupon is sent out, you have until midnight to make the purchase. If you like the deal and know a friend will enjoy it, too, Groupon allows you to cash in a coupon for that person as well (most deals are limited to only one purchase per person). Since Groupon guarantees a minimum number of customers to businesses who work with the site, if the quota isn’t met for a deal, Groupon will cancel anyone’s purchase that bought the coupon and will not charge them. Lauren Tozzi, a junior majoring in communications, joined Groupon.com two months ago after hearing about the site’s great deals from her dad. Even though she hasn’t purchased any of the deals, yet she knows she will if a coupon strikes her interest. “I just haven’t
featured video of the week
Search “How to Treat a Bee Sting”
Let a physician at FGCU fill you in.
Featured video of the week @dX^\ Zflik\jp f] Pf^likdflekX`e%Zfd
Coconut Point to eat, restaurant-wise, Yogurt Mountain is also a great quick and cheap dessert venue for afterwards. “It gets very busy on the weekends,” Lucine said. “We have tables and chairs in the back that we can bring out, but it hasn’t gotten to that point yet, even though it gets so packed its hard to walk sometimes.” Grab some of the free stickers at the counter when paying; they make great decorations for your car, binder or mini-fridge. And enjoy a frozen yogurt fix at Yogurt Mountain.
Groupon.com deals out regular savings 9p BXpcX Jk`iq\c J\e`fi jkX]] ni`k\i
checked back on it on awhile,” Tozzi explained. Groupon has been around since 2008 and was started in Chicago as being a site that helps people who live in large cities — who have so many options of places to go — to branch out from their normal options of restaurants and businesses and learn about other cool places to try near their home. O’Grady said she found the website while through reading different food blogs. Groupon’s blog describes how they have relied mostly on word-of-mouth advertisement versus television ads. “I’ve seen a lot of advertisements lately online on sidebars,” Tozzi said. You can “like” Groupon.com through Facebook or follow it through their Twitter updates. If you check out the Groupon site, currently there has been a total savings of $1,332,646,290 and 31,542,942 Groupons purchased. Once you sign up and join the site, you will be hooked. The deals offered are for a variety of different attractions, and they will allow you to discover new places that you might never have discovered had you not joined Groupon.com.
Search “Baby trashes bar in Las Palmas”
Talk about a sloppy drunk.
Top 5
Movies of the Weekend 1. “Hall Pass” $13.5 million
2. “Gnomeo and Juliet” $13.4 million
3. ”Unknown” $12.6 million 4. “I Am Number Four“ $11 million
5. “Just Go With It” $10.5 million
These figures are courtesy of boxofficemojo.com.
Opinion www.eaglenews.org
Keep it cool; what’s the name of this club? 9p JXiX >fkknXcc\j Fg`e`fe \[`kfi “I had just moved to Phoenix, and there was this pretty cool bar close to my apartment. I went there a few weekends, and I noticed this really cute girl. “The first weekend I didn’t approach her or do anything. She came alone, met up with friends, and left. The second weekend I saw her dancing and hanging out alone. I thought she was cute, and she wasn’t dressed like a skank who would give me herpes, so I asked her if I could buy her a drink. She agreed, and we started talking, dancing together, and I thought we were hitting it off. “I stepped outside to answer my phone, and when I come back in, the next thing I know, she’s hanging all over some other guy. I walked up to the bar and had the guy put all four of her drinks on her own tab and got the hell out of there. But the bartender laughed and said she does it all the time, but I was the first guy who reversed the drinks back to her. So that made me feel like I had gotten some testosterone back.” If you and your posse are ever bored on a weekend night, tired of the typical Netflix and “name that smell” routine, a bar or club is always a promising scene for entertainment. Depending on what you are looking for, to pass the time, these local watering holes can provide a variety of options. Whether you are looking to have a drink and dance, shoot some pool, scream at your friends over a little loud music, or find a new flame, bars and clubs can accommodate. While finding a one-nighter at a bar or club is more likely than discovering your soulmate, not all intentions are ill or sexual. Women have come to love or despise having a man buy them a drink. It has become more difficult to discern the reasoning behind the act. Is the guy interested in you or just you body? Are you dressed to welcome lolling tongues, or do you look like a sexy-yetconservative librarian with a story? I recently listened to a few female friends discussing bar etiquette for girls. How to dress came up, but how to act if you have a boyfriend did as well. If you are in
a relationship and are not trying to draw attention to yourself, first of all, cover the girls. Secondly, don’t try to stand out from or break away from your group — you are more likely to be approached by an interested onlooker when you are alone. If you are playing the role of a girl simply hanging out with friends, and someone still buys or offers you a drink, thank them and let them know that you are in a relationship in case they want to recant their offer. For safety’s sake, never take a drink from someone other than a server or bartender. Duh, rapies. But this way you’re still being polite and accepting, but you’re not leading someone on. People can become vengeful if their pride is hurt. Sending a drink back could be just as embarrassing to a guy showing off his game to his friends as having the girl he’s eyeing go home to another guy. It will be awkward, and you won’t want to do it, but letting the guy know the drink is never going to get him into your bedroom is the courteous thing to do. Who cares if he is a jerk about it later; take the high road. Make your reason for being at the club or bar visual. If you’re there to drink and hang out with friends, drink and be merry among your group. If you’re looking to meet someone, it’s OK to be flirtatious and dress for a walk on the wild side. Just be careful of what wild attire you pull out of the wardrobe at T-shirt time. If you intend to find a hook-up partner, having your top contain the same thread count as your thong is acceptable. Your message will be read loud and clear. On the other hand, if you’re a female looking for a good time you won’t still gag in self remorse over months later, show some leg, a little cleavage and your personality. Unless you have a hall pass, keep your situation in mind and apparent in your actions. Be safe, keep unwanted drama to a minimum, and get your drink on. Sure, Snooki is a clubbing icon, but she is also impersonated by a hairy Bobby Moynihan on “Saturday Night Live.” What legacy do you want to leave with your fellow club/bar goers?
March celebrates girl power 9p IXj_X` C\\ JkX]] ni`k\i Women are taking over the world, one step at a time. We are no longer a domesticated species. We are getting out in the field and becoming lawyers, doctors, astronauts and politicians. Women are becoming more valuable than gold; in fact, so valuable that we have an entire month dedicated to us. Women’s History Month is observed in March. It began when the Education Task Force of Sonoma County, Calif., promoted the idea of Women’s History Week. In 1978, The ETF selected the week of March 8 as Women’s History Week because International Women’s Day is celebrated March 8. Schools in Sonoma County began to recognize Women’s History Week. A few years later, the county became the center of a Women’s History Week celebration. The town would have parades and programs to honor women. In 1980, the National Women’s History Project (NWHP), a group founded by five women in Santa Rosa, Calif., led a coalition to urge that Women’s History Month be observed in March. In 1987, the NWHP petitioned Congress and it was approved with support from the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate. It is important that this month and its struggle to be recognized is honored, as women have overcome much adversity over the decades. Once upon a time, women were subjected to being the soul homemakers and caretakers for their families. They couldn’t become
professional workers because they were deemed inferior in a male-dominated society. According to roles of the time, women belonged in the home, while men worked outside the home. This wasn’t fair. Men and women may be different, but they are equal. A woman can do anything a man can do, and we can possibly even do it better. A woman can bring home the bacon and fry it in the skillet. We can work 24-hour shifts and not take a break. We can protect our family by any means necessary. We can be president and lead a nation. We have the power to change the world. Many women have proved this true. Rosa Parks took a stand for not only African Americans’ rights, but women’s rights when she didn’t give up her seat in 1955. Dr. Sally K. Ride was the first woman astronaut in 1983, and Mae Jemison made her declaration by becoming the first African American woman to travel into space in 1992. Shirley Chisholm turned heads when she became the first African American woman elected to Congress and the first African American woman to run for the 1972 Democratic presidential nomination. Sandra Day O’Connor became the first female Supreme Court justice in 1981. Eva Peron, Argentina’s former first lady, is well known for her genuine acts of kindness in her community. Rashai is a freshman, majoring in communication. She loves laying on the beach at night, looking at the stars. She is an avid reader and writer who hopes to one day share her words with others. Rashai would like to be a broadcast or print journalist to support her passion for writing and weakness for ice cream.
Chick-fil-A’s presence ruffles some feathers 9p 8e[i\n =i`\[^\e 8jjk% fg`e`fe \[`kfi
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Chick-fil-A continues to be a source of controversy, and it may retain that stigma when it arrives on campus in the fall. The fast food restaurant has become a buzz phrase as students debate aspects of its policies — particularly the company’s alleged lack of environmental consciousness and connection to the religiousbased organization, Focus on the Family. When I read that Chick-fil-A was given a spot in the future renovated food court in the Student Union, I was rather disillusioned. I guess if someone wants a chicken sandwich, then they should get their chicken sandwich, ethics be damned. It’s not really an issue of the environmentalism, because realistically, fast food chains by nature use more “singleuse” items (plastic silverware, drink cups, etc.), which are often considered the devil of environmentalism. Rather, the real issue is the one that gets everyone’s panties in a wad - the issue of the restaurant chain’s affiliation with Focus on the Family, which has a strong stance for the biblical definition of marriage. Founder James Dobson has made outrageous claims such as “most gays and lesbians do not want to marry each other ... The intention here is to destroy marriage altogether.” This quote can be found on Focus on the Family’s Africa branch website under the title, “Marriage on the ropes.” However, is it really fair to give Chick-fil-A the nasty end of the stick because they support an organization that reflects “Christian right” morals? What
about all the good things Focus on the Family does? Hypothetically, with a choice between Chick-fil A and Restaurant X, where Restaurant X either donates to a secular family-help organization or gives money to no organization, I would hope we would choose Restaurant X. The antihomosexual agenda in this country is completely absurd, and lives heavily through re l i g i o u s means. I’ve never met a secular person who is against homosexuality. I hope this is an issue I hope Generation Y will make null. This feat can be accomplished by stifling the very funds that support anti-homosexual efforts. In our case, Chick-fil-A, which even though it may not sell homophobia-laced waffle fries, is acting unreasonably by funding an organization whose values belong in the 1950s. I hope others join me in refusing to support the restaurant when it arrives. But that hypothetical situation is exactly that — hypothetical — because FGCU has decided to put Chick-fil-A on campus when we easily could have chosen another fast food chain that serves chicken sandwiches (hint: there are many). “Yeah. I’d like one No. 6, and hey, do you think you could tell my wife here to stop whoring herself out? In the meantime I’m going to watch ‘V for Vendetta’ again.” Andrew is a freshman majoring in psychology. He enjoys exploring the concepts of cynicism and optimism side by side. He is also a big fan of new wave/synthpop music.
Mardi Gras sans beads 9p :_\c =i\\dXe JkX]] ni`k\i Like many holidays, college students look forward to, Mardi Gras celebrated mindlessly. French for “Fat Tuesday,” Mardi Gras is a Catholic c e l e b ra t i o n adopted by the masses. Though you may not know its origins, you probably have partaken in revelry on this day. Growing up and attending nine years of Catholic school, I knew full well what Mardi Gras meant: the party before the 40 days of fasting and reflection known as Lent. We would break from classes to celebrate, though there was no drunkenness, chandelier-swinging or toiletpapering the buildings as you might be envisioning. We placed emphasis on what we were about to embark upon, and not the party itself. The secularized version of this is simply to get as drunk as possible and degrade women in exchange for cheap, plastic, bead necklaces. How far have we strayed from the point? Maybe if you’re giving up nudity for 40 days (though I’m not sure how you’d bathe, among other things,) this flashing on your last night of freedom is appropriate. Perhaps you’re
sexist and want to get all of your misogyny out before the big fast. In any event, the point is supposed to be to take an “enjoy it while you can” mentality and then to honestly give it up for the next month. If you’re just offering a farfetched version of your regular nightly antics and using Mardi Gras as an excuse, you probably have some bad karma coming to you. This is not to say you shouldn’t celebrate. Just know your limits and remember when future employers find your embarrassing photos or mug shots, they won’t accept the special occasion excuse or pardon your bad choices. Look online for some alternative ways to honor the day. You may even consider volunteering for Service Learning hours. The following should get that whole underwear fetish out of the way for you: )e[ XeelXc DXi[` 9iXj Boxers benefitting the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life of Cape Coral, March 4 at the Cape Coral Yacht Club. www. mardibrasandboxers.com
Chel is a senior, majoring in communication. She is passionate about human rights, feminism, animals and art in all forms. Chel understands that to keep the peace, we have to be willing to disturb it sometimes.
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Get clued in this election season
SG candidates too fresh?
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Man, earth is a very interesting place to be right now. People everywhere are out protesting and demanding their right to have a say in their governments. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya are the headliners in a peoples’ push for more democratic governments. Meanwhile, here in the U.S., we see exercising of the very voting rights those people fight for. In November 2010, a segment of the population voted to replace “career politicians” with new faces. The voters were frightened by a weak economy, massive job losses and uncertain futures. I was, too. But when people vote out of fear and uncertainty, they latch on to the first guy or girl that promises whatever they can to get elected. That’s becoming more evident as the winners of the 2010 landslide elections get past the pomp and into their jobs. In Wisconsin, the tea party-backed governor is pulling promised state-funded pensions away from state employees who may have taken smaller wages in hopes of more long-term financial security. He wants to replace them with employee-funded pensions while eliminating the collective bargaining rights of unions, a move touted as union busting. I am not a fan of unions, in that bad employees can hide behind their rules and remain employed when they shouldn’t be, but unions do good when it comes to ensuring that members have a voice when it comes to blanket pay rules, such as scheduled pay grades. In “private sector” jobs, such as retail, food/service and even medical, a person can negotiate their starting wages and even subsequent raises and benefits. Public sectors are stuck with whatever “job III” gets paid until a time that they can advance, with no real negotiations. It takes years and/or education in order to get pay raises above cost of living increases, but those may not even be given out if unions didn’t push for them. Wisconsin isn’t alone in doing what it’s doing; Florida has a new, tea party-backed, non-political hot shot running our state, too. Rick Scott ran on a platform of 7-7-7 - 7 steps in 7 years to create 700,000 jobs - but at what expense? In his recently unveiled budget proposals, Scott makes some massive cuts. First, he calls for the elimination of 8,682 positions. So now, he has to create 708,682 jobs to make his promise a reality. The governor wants to cut 1,849 people in the Department of Children and Families, 1,690 in the Department of Corrections, 813 in the state’s Juvenile Justice system and many more in departments of Veteran Affairs, Education, state courts, and the list goes on. He turned down billions for a high speed rail project that could have made travel between Tampa and Orlando much faster and more economical for those of us here in the south to spend our money at the destinations that Central Florida has to offer. Scott wants to cut corporate taxes to nothing,
claiming that busineses in turn will spend their money on hiring and bettering themselves. I don’t think so. I see them buy equipment from the cheapest sources, (not made in the U.S., I’m sure) produce a sub-quality product made by underpaid employees and achieve maximum profits without contributing taxes back to the state. There will also be reduced power, garbage and water bills if Scott has his way, forcing those of us who live here and want to grow old here to foot the bills to keep everything clean and viable so corporation X can hold its profits offshore and not pay any federal taxes, either. I’m not trying to incite fear, but voting without a clear understanding of what you are doing has dire consequences. People elected blindly to control millions of billions of dollars will in one way or another affect you in the future. For example, we have student elections creeping up on us. Student Government controls activity and service fees that are collected with every credit hour paid for. They allocate many of these funds toward enriching the college experience here at FGCU. They recently set aside $14,553 to pay to keep the library open for extended hours to meet student demand. Hopefully, FGCU will work that cost into the operating budget to make those changes permanent. SG spent $22,460 to help start a volleyball club to travel the country and represent FGCU. This money covered 22 uniforms, 12 balls, a ball cart, ball bags, entry fees to UCF, Las Vegas and national tournaments, rooms for those events, airfare and salary for a coach. That must be a great club to join. The women’s lacrosse team got $3,129. But SG also makes sure that students have access to mind-opening civic projects such as Alternative Fall Break, helping to rebuild New Orleans, which received $9,775; and The Hopeline Project, a student-operated suicide prevention program that answers calls from everywhere, that was funded for $6,250. But SG can get spending-happy, like a few semesters ago when they put up the free speech kiosks for $74,664; their new website for $9,550; “Flight School,” which is just a three-day training period for new SG members, for $10,950 instead of using FGCU facilities; and this semester $8,835 for a golf cart to maintain and promote the university’s mission of sustainability, cause we pollute too much when SG and their visitors have to walk. So, take your cues from the billions across the world who can’t vote or know that their votes don’t count, and exercise this right. Exercise it in protecting your future in the state when the next election rolls around, and exercise it now so you know the money you and your parents spend for an education is used responsibly. Mandie is a junior, majoring in secondary education. She has appeared in the Southeast Review Online and “UnspOILed: Writers Speak for Florida’s Coast.” Mandie sits on the board of directors for C.A.R.E.S. Suicide Prevention. She is married with two children.
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Student Government elections season has arrived at FGCU. It is time to bring some changes and fresh faces to our SG. Fresh faces may be a strategic move, but it depends on how “fresh” hopeful candidates are. Freshmen students, I commend your desire to run for Student Government, and for putting yourselves and your ideals out there for the campus body to review and analyze. Sophomore students, you also deserve a pat on the back. Yet, do underclassmen feel they know the issues and possess the leadership qualities it takes to run this campus? It is common for freshmen to want to bring some new ideas to campus and get themselves involved in its governing. However, speaking as a freshman, have we been on campus long enough to determine what needs to be changed and what doesn’t? As we come close to finishing our first year, we often feel we are on a roll, we are used to the swing of things and are capable enough of understanding how offices and systems work to recommend alterations. Wrong! Things are changing as we speak. Sophomores, you have a little more experience. Yet, there is one
Concealed weapons could increase campus safety 9p :_i`jkfg_\i QXbif]] ?`jkfip# j\e`fi Allowing concealed carry permit holders to bring their firearms on campus would enhance the safety of our university. On too many occasions the vulnerability of America’s universities has been made clear in the most tragic ways. Ideally, law enforcement would protect us in the event of an attack, but in reality help is unlikely to arrive until after the violence has run its course. The only people in position to stop a shooting are the students and faculty of FGCU; however, current Florida law keeps the tools to ensure our safety out of their hands. An individual who has made the awful decision to take the lives of others has little concern for prohibitions against firearms on campus. Allowing concealed carry on our campus makes us all safer. Our fellow students and faculty would hopefully be able to quickly stop an act of violence, saving lives.
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Chelsea is a freshman, majoring in elementary education. She believes writing is a true and creative way of expression. Chelsea loves being opinionated and respects others who share this passion.
Also, knowing that the intended victims can fight back is a powerful disincentive to potential attackers. The claim that students would accidentally or intentionally shoot each other is simply false. A person must be 21 years of age to receive a concealed carry permit. It is also important to note that concealed carry means the weapon remains hidden. Anyone openly handling a firearm on campus would be violating the law. Concealed carry permit holders do not commit gun crimes. Allowing them to bring their firearms on campus would in no way increase the chances of gun violence at FGCU; rather, it would help to prevent such a tragedy from ever occurring at our school. I ask you to help keep our campus free from violence. Please write to your state legislators and let them know that you support Senate Bill 234 and House Bill 517. You can find your legislators at http://www. flsenate.gov/senators/find & http://www.myfloridahouse.gov.
Idle hands with dangerous tools to commit crime
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thing that we still do not know how to handle: our own schedules. Multitasking will become a big part of the elected students’ lives. Freshmen are just now starting to learn the basics. We already stress over making it to our classes and going to work, so how are the underclassmen going to handle the SG meetings, hearings, and events on top of having an average of five classes, plus work? Sophomores have gained a bit more skill with experience, but still, they generally fall short of the upperclassmen who know how to handle schedule conflicts and deal with them in an appropriate manner. I am by no means making these comments toward the majority of underclassmen; just about 75 percent of us. Start out small before going straight for the big time. Try being an Resident Assistant first. If we want good leadership on campus, we must be able to lay trust in the hands of those who wish to keep FGCU as a top priority. So, if you think you’ve got it, prove it. Don’t forget to put on your political game face.
The front cover of last issue’s Eagle News greatly disturbed me! To imagine extremely dangerous tools with which crimes can be committed and serious bodily harm can be wrought — in the hands of us young, hopelessly inept FGCU students! I don’t own one and I believe it’s my right to tell others they shouldn’t either; obviously, there should be more control of them at the state level. Only the most basic of competency testing and background checks stand in the way of the government granting the cheap plastic card that permits the use of these things.
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And why do students even need them on campus? Someone could get hurt if these things are allowed on school grounds, particularly if someone irresponsible gets a hold of one and has a bad day. Is the risk really worth it? Clearly, we should discard critical thought and unanimously support the ban on anything that can add muscle to human stupidity and be misused to this degree. I’m glad we’re all in agreement on the reasoning on this one. Because I was talking about cars. We’re coming together to ban them from campus after we’re finished denouncing guns, right?
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Sports B6
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Nfd\eËj YXjb\kYXcc \Xiej 8$Jle k`kc\# NE@K Y`[ 9p BXk`\ ;fee\ccXe J\e`fi jkX]] ni`k\i The Greek-filled student section in Alico Arena chanted Steam’s “Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye” as the clock ticked down Thursday night at the Florida Gulf Coast University women’s basketball game. They waved their “Protect the Nest” noodles at the floundering Dolphins. The Eagles (24-3. 17-3 A-Sun) topped Jacksonville University (812, 13-16) 64-59. With the win, FGCU secured an automatic bid to the Women’s National Invitation Tournament. It is the fourth time FGCU has earned a WNIT berth since moving to Division I four years ago.
The Eagles’ main goal for the JU game, however, was to clinch a piece of first place in the Atlantic Sun Conference regular-season title by winning. When the final buzzer sounded, the FGCU bench charged the on-court players, screaming and cheering. “We are the Champions” streamed from the arena speakers as the players reveled in their moment. Only East Tennessee State University stood in the way for sole possession of first place in the A-Sun. “It’s amazing,” said Sarah Hansen, a newly minted second team All-Atlantic Sun and AllFreshman selection. “Nobody expected us to have the season we
had. Everybody thought this was going to be a rebuilding year, but we showed them we can play.” Approximately 10 minutes after the game, junior Courtney Chihil sprinted up to senior All-Atlantic Sun first teamer Shannon Murphy. “We won everything!” Chihil said. “Oh my gosh. Give me some,” said Murphy, and they high-fived in excitement. ETSU lost to Campbell University 60-57, knocking them out of first-place contention and putting the Eagles in the top spot— alone. “It’s a great feeling. You work so hard from day one when school starts in August. There are days you don’t want to be there,” Murphy said. “It’s moments like
this that make all those days worth it.” It marks the second time FGCU has won the A-Sun title since moving to the Division I conference. This is the last year of postseason probation for all FGCU teams; therefore, women’s basketball can’t compete in the NCAA tournament. The Eagles have three games remaining on the schedule, hosting the FGCU Tournament, to prepare for their WNIT appearance. Wrapping up the title early has its benefits. “We’re definitely going to be using our bench more over the next few games to develop (it),” said Karl Smesko, A-Sun Coach of the Year.
Murphy, Kelsey Jacobson and Chihil have averaged above 30 minutes per game, with Hansen and Eglah Griffin just less than that figure. “I understand people will get upset if it costs us a game, but I would rather have healthy kids for the WNIT than wear these kids out any more,” Smesko said. “They’ve put in a lot.” During the last busy two months, Smesko said they have only had about 10 “real” practices. He knows they have to “refocus to get some things cleaned up” and get players back to 100 percent health. The Eagles’ WNIT opponent will be announced on March 14. And as Hansen said, “The WNIT has always been our goal.”
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9p Afe >XcXdXp JkX]] ni`k\i The good morning stretch is a great stress reliever for athletes and coaches traveling home from road games, student’s cramming for tests at the library or even professors grading papers into the night. “Most people maintain a slouched, hunchbacked posture when doing most activities nowadays,” said Jamie Bartholomew, director of basketball operations for FGCU men’s basketball. It is common for people to be in a slouched position when seated in front of desks and computers. People even maintain this position while driving. “Just try to maintain a good posture. It’s amazing how much better you feel when sitting upright,” Bartholomew said. In this age of computers
and technology, it remains almost impossible for people to keep a good upright posture. Taking breaks in between these bouts of postural deficiencies is necessary to keep your body aligned and well. Deep breaths along with a proper stretching exercise will help de-stress your body and mind. The good morning stretch may be performed either seated or standing. When performing the good morning stretch, first clasp both hands behind your head, keeping your arms closed in near your ears. While keeping your hands behind your head, rotate or open both elbows out to the side while looking up towards the ceiling. Make sure to bring your shoulder blades together. Hold the stretch for 10 to 20 seconds while breathing deeply between counts.
<X^c\j dfm\ fe X]k\i cfj`e^ knf gcXp\ij cXk\ `e j\Xjfe 9p Afj_ J`\^\c Jgfikj \[`kfi When the Florida Gulf Coast University women’s basketball team prepares for the WNIT, they will be doing it without Kiara Bomben and Nancy Aguilar, just as they have for the past few weeks. A redshirt freshman forward from Australia, Bomben departed from the team in mid-February. Aguilar, a junior forward, left to tend to family issues back home in El Paso, Texas. She could return to FGCU before the season ends, but coach Karl Smesko called it “not a high probability at this point.” FGCU now has nine active
players. Bomben, a native of Australia who redshirted with a knee injury last season before appearing in 19 games this season to average 2.4 points and 1.8 rebounds in 7.3 minutes, didn’t tell Smesko why she left. 9fdY\e “There was no reason given why she (Bomben) left,” Smesko said. “She just didn’t want to play here anymore and she wasn’t playing a whole lot.
“I still think she has great potential. Sarah Hansen has played exceptional and Courtney Chihill is great at the other inside position so there weren’t a lot of minutes available.” B o m b e n refused to comment for this story. Aguilar was unavailable for comment. Because he sticks to a 8^l`cXi seven- or eightplayer rotation, relying heavily on the starters, Smesko says the losses haven’t had much impact in game situations.
The lack of bodies has had the biggest effect on the practice court. “The big thing where the losses (of Bomben and Aguilar) affect us is with our preparation,” Smesko said. “It’s nice to have competition in practice. We’ve been compensating that with male players.” Bomben and Aguilar follow true freshmen Katlyn Payne and Jordan LaDuke, who both left the team before the season started, as Eagles out the door. Smekso believes the lack of local players on the roster — Eglah Griffin is the only active Eagle from Florida — explains the flood of departures.
“We’ve had more people leave than you’d like to have, but we’re not a traditional team,” Smesko said. “We don’t have a lot of local kids, meaning when they come here they are far away from home. So there’s not much of a support system there.” Smesko runs a notoriously demanding and competitive program that isn’t for everybody. As players compete for precious playing time, someone is bound to be left behind. “We run a very demanding, successful program,” Smesko said. “It’d be a bigger concern if kids who play heavy minutes were leaving. It’s hard to keep people happy.”
=i\j_dXeËj gli\ Xk_c\k`Z`jd Zfeki`Ylk\j `e knf jgfikj 9p QXZ_ >`YYfej JkX]] ni`k\i Being a freshman athlete can be tough enough, but trying, and succeeding, at being a two-sport athlete can be even harder. That is exactly what Jessica Barnes is: a successful two-sport athlete in both volleyball and softball. This fall, she completed her first season as an outside hitter with the Florida Gulf Coast University volleyball team. Now, she plays both the infield and the outfield for the FGCU softball team, leading the squad in runs scored (10) and triples (three), while sharing the team lead in RBI (seven) so far in this young season. Barnes was a three-sport athlete at Haines City High School <E g_fkf& KXipe B\iY\i near Winter Haven. =i\j_dXe jf]kYXcc gcXp\i A\jj`ZX In 2009 she participated in 9Xie\j Xcjf gcXpj mfcc\pYXcc ]fi the state tournament in tennis, =>:L% was the Class 4A District Player of the Year in volleyball, and was
also named to the All-Area softball team. In the FGCU volleyball season this past fall, she finished the season with 211 total attacks and one assist. Most recently, she was one of the standouts in softball’s Moe’s Blue and Green Invitational held at FGCU this past weekend. In the first game of the invite against the Iowa Hawkeyes, Barnes hit a home run. In the team’s second game against Albany, she managed to blast a triple to right center. Softball coach David Deiros has been very pleased with Barnes so far. “I think she’s doing a great job,” Deiros said. “She started playing later than everybody else, because she was playing volleyball in the fall. She just stepped right in and really took charge in our scrimmages that we had. She’s really put herself in a good position on our team.” Barnes decided to play both
volleyball and softball at FGCU for one reason: her equal passion for both sports. “I’m in love with both of the sports,” Barnes said. I don’t think that I could really give up either one of them. Coach Deiros just gave me the opportunity from the get go and I ran with it.” Though volleyball and softball may be vastly different, Deiros and Barnes agree that there are a few similarities. “The biggest thing Jessica brings to the table is athleticism,” Deiros said. “She runs real well, she has really good body control and she has really good hand-eye coordination. You need those things in both sports, so she’s able to go ahead and incorporate them both into volleyball and softball.” Barnes says that reacting to the speed of a volleyball and a softball coming at you requires good fasttwitch muscles. “You have to be pretty fast in volleyball when it comes to the ball coming hard at you, trying to get
it up in the air,” Barnes said. “In softball you’ve got pitchers that can throw like 60 miles per hour.” Deiros has not been the only one to take notice of Barnes. Senior Courtney Platt, a preseason all-conference selection, noticed Barnes’ superior athleticism right off the bat. “The kid’s an athlete,” Platt said. “I mean she came in straight from volleyball and she’s willing to work. She swings the bat and she’s not scared. It’s been a blast so far.” Platt appreciates Barnes’ no fear, aggressive approach at the plate. “You can’t bust her (Barnes’) confidence,” Platt said. “As a batter she’s willing to go after everything and if she struggles she’ll come right in and say ‘I’m ready for the next one,’” Platt said. So far Jessica Barnes has proven to be a successful twosport athlete Hopefully she will continue to grow in both sports during her time here at FGCU.
Sports ENSPORTS weekly recap
Men’s tennis
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Fell to UCF 7-0 on Sunday. Next up for the Eagles is a Thursday match against Campbell at the FGCU Tennis Complex. FGCU will also face USC Upstate on Saturday.
Women’s tennis Opening the A-Sun Conference portion of the spring schedule, the FGCU women’s tennis team fell to Stetson 6-1 on Saturday. Sophomore Morgan Bechtel picked up the lone singles victory for the Eagles.
Swimming & diving
Achieved Scholar AllAmerican status for the fall 2010 semester with a 3.29 grade-point average as announced by the Coastal Swimming Coaches Association of America.
Men’s golf
After closing the 11th annual Rice Intercollegiate with back-to-back rounds of 3-under par 69 en route to a second-place finish, FGCU junior Brandon Pena was named Atlantic Sun Golfer of the Week last week.
Men’s soccer FGCU assistant men’s soccer coach Aaron Slusher will be instructing high school players at the EXACT Soccer National Player Development Camp this weekend. The camp allows players to showcase mental readiness and on-field skill.
Dennis Jones slowly walked back down the steps to find his usual front-and-center seat at Alico Arena. Jones, a Florida Gulf Coast University basketball season ticket holder, had just seen the Atlantic Sun women’s basketball champs win again earlier in the evening, and he debated not coming back to watch the men in the nightcap. He stayed not because he wanted to, but because he felt he had to. In its final home game in the last season of the Division 1 transition, FGCU men’s basketball fell to North Florida (13-18, 10-10 A-Sun) 53-51 on Saturday night, snapping the Eagles’ season-best three-game winning streak. FGCU A-Sun all-freshman guard Christophe Varidel, who hit a buzzer-beating game winner two days earlier, clanked a deep jumper as time expired. Varidel’s miss came after Eagles’ coach Dave Balza called timeout with 6.7 seconds left, setting up a short jumper for sophomore guard Sherwood Brown, whose shot was blocked with 1.1 seconds remaining. On Monday night, the Eagles came back to beat USC Upstate 81-62 at the Hodge Center in South Carolina to close out the 2010-11 season at 10-20 overall, 7-13 A-Sun. The close loss on Saturday and the recent hot stretch did little to extinguish the concerns of fans and critics who wonder about the direction of an FGCU men’s basketball program that has gone 39-82 in almost four years of D1 play. “If they don’t get a successful team in the next two to three years, it’s going to be difficult for FGCU
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to retain fans and create a lasting fanbase,” Jones said. “The women’s team is what keeps me coming back to Alico. I stay and watch the men only because I support the university.” Next year represents a breaking point for the Eagles. Coaching in the last season of his contract, Balza, the only coach in men’s basketball’s nine-year history, looks to show he can transition the program into its first post-seasoneligible season.
“Down the stretch, our effort has been great,” Balza said. “In past years, maybe you could question the approaches of our guys at the end of the season, but now our guys are working hard for next year.” The men’s basketball team’s struggles are amplified by the fact that many of its FGCU athletics peers have found success quickly— the Eagles share first place with UNF in the A-Sun all-sports race, which rewards the most winning programs in the conference.
Ryan Sutton, a FGCU senior who calls himself an avid follower of the men’s basketball program, says it’s wrong to compare across sports. “What happened is that all of these sports got really good really fast, and men’s basketball got the bad end of the stick,” Sutton said. “It’s nobody’s fault. It’s a transient program that will take time to build. The depth of the sport makes it hard to find immediate success.” Sutton points to A-Sun mainstay Kennesaw State, the 2003-04 DII national champs who won seven games the following season — their first in D1 — as evidence to the challenge of advancing divisions. FGCU sophomore All-Conference forward Anthony Banks always knew he’d only get to experience post-season basketball in the backend of his career. After all, he signed up for it. So Banks understands the importance of going out in this final year of postseason ineligibility and ingraining a positive, winning image in the mind of future FGCU recruits. Fueled by a resurgence on the defensive end, where the Eagles held their last five Alico Arena opponents under 60 points, limiting teams to 35 percent shooting in that span, and the rise of young players such as Varidel and Brown, Banks feels the program is making strides. “We know that ending on a strong note builds momentum for next year,” Banks said. “All great teams play great defense, and we’re building that foundation here. “Guys like (Christophe) Varidel struggled early on and made it through. We have a great opportunity here.”
BASEBALL =i\j_d\e kf Y\ b\p `e j_fn[fne mj% D`Z_`^Xe 9p ;Xipc JZfg`ef JkX]] ni`k\i With the 2011 season under way, Florida Gulf Coast University’s baseball team (3-4) has had some tough games against big name schools. FGCU has already played the Central Michigan Chippewas (35), with whom they split a fourgame series; and the University of Illinois Fighting Illini (3-3), to whom they avoided being swept in the series with a win on Sunday. Next up is a high-profile, midweek showdown with the University of Michigan (0-6) at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at Swanson Stadium. For FGCU, the season so far has been marked by the immediate impact of young freshman talent. The tough schedule has ensured that the young players got their feet we immediately. FGCU was not hesitant to start the 2011 season off with a bang by playing these big-name schools. “The tougher schedule you play, the more prepared you’ll be for the regular season,” said Coach <E g_fkf& KXipe B\iY\i Dave Tollett, who is in his eighth season as head coach of FGCU =>:L ]XZ\j k_\ Le`m\ij`kp f] D`Z_`^Xe Xk -1*' g%d% N\[e\j[Xp Xk JnXejfe JkX[`ld% K_\ <X^c\j Xi\ gcXp`e^ k_\`i j\Zfe[ 9`^ K\e k\Xd k_`j j\Xjfe% baseball. “We hope that the tough schedule early on will pay dividends Dwyer, with a team-high 6 RBI, is a lot to the Eagles’ success with for Wednesday night’s game for us later in the season.” also playing well this season. two RBI against the fighting Illini against Michigan, the FGCU The baseball season for the The rest of the young players Sunday afternoon. athletic department is blocking Eagles consists of 55 games in a are improving and getting better “It feels amazing to be back,” off 200 reserved seats for students span of four months, so they have each day as the season continues. Greene said. “I’ve been so eager to with room for additional seats, if time to see their young players “College baseball is played at a get back out here and play.” available. improve. much faster pace than high school Greene will get his most Tickets will be provided on So far, according to Tollett, ball,” Tollett said. “It takes about challenging shot Wednesday night a first-come while supplies last, freshman infielder Brandon a year to fully adjust to the pace of vs. Michigan. including a limited number of Bednar, who is batting .364, is the game at the college level.” Tollett won’t be afraid to throw standing-room-only tickets. having a great start to the season Another storyline of the 2011 young guys into the mix. Students are encouraged to with the bat. season is the return of FGCU’s “Expect a lot of young arms on arrive no later than 30 minutes Freshman pitcher Brandon redshirt senior catcher, Robert the mound,” Tollett said. prior to game time. All students Bixler has started fast as well, with Greene of Cape Coral. Greene says FGCU fans can are admitted free with an Eagle ID a 2.08 earned run average in two Greene missed most of 2010 due expect “a win” on Wednesday card. starts. to a season-ending injury. night. Freshman outfielder Sean Already, Greene is contributing With a large crowd expected