9 minute read


After reading a little note from NYSEG about saving money by being more frugal with energy usage and several articles in the Post about preparing for a possible recession I thought that it might be time to review what my grandparents and parents taught me about frugality. Their hands-on training came from lives modified by the constraints of the Great Depression and World War II. They passed it on to me.

The following is a piece that I wrote 15 years ago and, with a few tweaks, I could have written it this morning

My sure-fire cure for occasional insomnia is to dip into my college economic text.

Mr. Samuelson’s discourse on what makes the economic world go round sends me, after only a few paragraphs, into blissful, escapist sleep. Yet, the truth of this dismal science that is based on the concept of supply and demand, is something that has particular applicability to my growing concern about purchasing power and its effect on us all.

Personally, I’ve been trying to calculate the point at which the cost of taking the bus to work would be cheaper than driving my tiny car that is supposed to get 40 miles to the gallon. At the rate that the price of gasoline is increasing, the economy of taking the bus is within striking distance if I include the cost of wear and tear on my vehicle in the calculation.

I don’t know what I will do about eggs, though. Right now, as the price of eggs increases, one wonders if they were produced by golden chickens. The explanation for this increase is attributed to, as most price increases are of late, rising fuel costs and the diversion of feed corn into biofuels. I guess I will have to adopt my grandmother’s depression era solution by limiting myself to recipes that call for no more than two eggs.

The worrisome economic state of a possible recession has brought back memories of another time not too far removed from when I was a student with that economics text under my arm.

It reminds me of the time when we were part of a group of young couples, some with college degrees, some not. We all worked hard and practiced the thrift that we had come to learn at our parents’ knees, deferring gratification, saving money, being what we considered

Guns aren’t whole problem

To the editor:

On April 5, 2023, a man climbed over a wall surrounding the playground of a daycare in the city of Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil. He had a hatchet, and he killed four children ranging in age from 4 to 7, three boys and a girl; and he wounded four others, two boys and two girls. Then he went to the police and turned himself in. I don’t know his name; don’t want to know his name. He committed an atrocity and should receive zero publicity for it. And he did it without a gun.

A week before that, a 13-year-old killed a teacher with a knife in São Paulo, and wounded five other people. No gun.

In 2017, a guard at a preschool in the city of Janaúba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, killed nine children, a teacher, and himself, by dousing them all with alcohol and setting them on fire. No gun.

My point is that we need to look at the problem as “violence in our schools” rather than as “gun violence in our schools” (regardless of what country we’re talking about.) If we were able to wave a magic wand and poof all guns permanently out of existence this afternoon, people would find other ways to commit violence. They were doing it for millennia before guns were invented -- having guns just makes it a little easier.

You could say that we took God out of schools and then we’re surprised that our schools are Godless and violent. That’s true, but it’s an oversimplification. The world is Godless and violent, and has been since Cain killed his brother Abel outside the Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose from the grave to give us eternal life in heaven, and we have turned his name into a cuss word, something meaningless to say when we’re startled, upset, or angry.

I don’t have an answer to the problem of violence in schools or in the world. But I do know that the Bible says, “if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

2 Chronicles 7:14 to be responsible adults.

Ramblings from the empty nest ann Ferro

When we, now as “empty nesters” or senior citizens, chat, we note how much the distribution of wealth has changed, how expectations for the accumulation of wealth have risen, how deferred anything is a foreign concept.

The use of credit, the drop in savings, the multinational nature of corporations, the cost of fuel, a growing Asian economy and something called a sense of entitlement have changed how we approach responsible economic life … or so it would seem.

When we first moved to Marcellus, I joined a group of women who met once a month to learn about a wide variety of topics.

Home Bureau was established first for the wives of farmers to spread information through a method called learn and return.

It had, by the 1960’s become, at least in the western suburbs, or what were becoming suburbs, a rationale for social and educational activities for a wider circle of women.

We attacked all kinds of topics from wine tastings that turned out to be hysterically funny, to how to determine the best buy when you purchased a dozen eggs or how to turn a pedestrian chuck roast into both stew meat and rib eye steaks.

We exchanged ideas about how to make your own cleaning solutions, build compost bins and save money on fabric purchases. We were careful with everything from fuel use to growing and canning our own vegetables. It was a different time. We defined our successes in different ways, expecting to live lives that were, by today’s standards, extremely frugal.

Pressures are different today. Young families aren’t focused on the same kind of thrift that we were. The accumulation of what are considered the necessities today rather than the security of savings seems to be the norm.

I say “seem” since I am not young and my sensibilities were grown in a different era. I don’t know what it means to have to provide my children with cell phones, subscribe to all of the cable channels, provide high speed computer access, call waiting and so forth.

My gosh, I still have a rotary dial phone in my bedroom and I have yet to either eat or serve a good steak at any social gathering.

Today young mothers don’t attend meetings where they are taught about re-cutting a chuck roast or making your own catsup

From The Mailbag

(English Standard Version). lOri kinGstOn minoa

Attend a town hall

To the editor:

It was not surprising to read a derogatory letter describing a town hall event held by CongressmanBrandonWilliams.Ialsoattended a town hall and observed a nice group of polite voters who took the opportunity to meet Mr. Williams and learn about his positions. We listened and learned about Congressman William’s experience, how he came to be our congressman and what he sees as America’s current challenges. He was quick to point out that while we have challenges we still are fortunate to live in the greatest country ever.

Unfortunately a small group, most likely including a previous writer, decided they somehow had a right to be rude and interfere with the town hall. We were specifically there to meet the congressman and hear his positions. Surprise to those who arrogantly assumed they somehow have a monopoly on facts and everyone there cared about their opinion, we didn’t. Your rude outbursts were much more telling of who you are and really accomplished little else, except explaining to the polite group why Congressman Williams cannot conduct a Q&A.

The congressman offered clear ideas, thoughts and hope for our future. I am not surprised you failed to acknowledge any, you were much too busy trying to force your opinions on the majority. Your bully tactics resolved nothing, solved no problems and certainly showed why the congressman’s ideas are widely accepted, he was just elected, and your rude group remains only a fringe.

To anyone in the district, please take an opportunity to attend a town hall with Congressman Williams. You will have a chance to ask questions via cards. Thanks to the rude, you won’t be able to verbalize but you will hear clear answers to current questions and most likely leave saying you are comfortable with our congressman.

CAl niCHOls Cazenovia

(which I never did … there is a limit).

I wonder though, if the fuel situation, the excessive cost of the war in Iraq and China’s impact on the world’s resources, will have a dampening effect on supply and demand of the young families and the not so young families that I know.

I am also remembering something that makes me worry. Once, during the Reagan administration, while I was employed by a large human service agency, I was sent to speak to the families of the air traffic controllers who had lost their jobs after an unsuccessful strike. These were families that, by most standards, had been quite comfortable financially.

Now, without incomes, they had few resources on which to call. The kinds of knowledge that I had accumulated that fell under the rubric of thrift, were outside their experience. What I had to share was so elemental for me, that it seemed almost bizarre to stand in front of those frightened people as an “expert”.

I wasn’t there to tell them how to apply for public assistance, I was there to tell them about things like home gardens, farmer’s markets, thrift stores, how to shop with coupons, how to find medical care without health insurance, using the library and such.

The ripple effect of rising prices, the inevitable cutbacks that accompany increased costs, especially those that affect petroleum prices and all of the things that are affected by petroleum prices, and the resulting drop in consumer demands can have a dramatic effect on the larger economy.

Accumulating those necessities of which I spoke earlier underpins jobs and salaries that affect the jobs and salaries of others.

When we are forced to curtail spending, we negatively affect the economic security of others, who are ultimately linked to our jobs and salaries.

Mr. Samuelson didn’t write a witty, literate book, but right now, his explanation of the role of supply and demand is as cogent and as applicable as ever, generating the possibility of a waking nightmare for a lot more than myself.

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

Mayor’s comments heartfelt, but not quite accurate

To the editor:

In an April 26 article reporting a “recent wave of antisemitic incidents within” Cazenovia and environs, Mayor Wheeler states that the “hateful propaganda” distributed in connection with these incidents “was a clear violation of the community’s beliefs and values.” Having lived in Cazenovia for over 25 years as a proud Jew who doesn’t make a secret of his love for Israel, I’m confident this is largely true. Why the qualifier? Here’s why.

Recently, The Republican published a long article about a Cazenovian who is hosting a Palestinian exchange student from Gaza. This Cazenovian has a history of inviting to Cazenovia speakers who deny Israel’s right to exist, including one, Alison Weir, condemned by the Anti-DefamationLeagueasovertlyanti-semitic. The host exploited the opportunity afforded by the article to deliver herself of a long, completely gratuitous rant vilifying Israel for the defensive measures it takes to isolate Gaza - a territory ruled by Hamas which the U.S., Canada, the European Union, Israel, Japan, Australia, and the United Kingdom designate a terrorist organization. Her rant was gratuitous because it had nothing to do with the substance of the article which was (ostensibly) about the first impressions of the Gazan student.

The student himself had nothing anti-Israel to say - not word one - but confined himself to interesting and perceptive comments about what has impressed him during his time in the U.S. But not his host who just went on and on in the most vitriolic of ways, unedited by The Republican which appeared not to have a problem with giving column inch after column inch to an irrelevant - and hurtful - diatribe.

So thank you, Mayor Wheeler. I’m sure your sentiments are heartfelt. But not quite accurate.

BArry sCHrEiBMAn CAzEnOviA

Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext 340, jwing@eaglenewsonline com

Editor: Jason Gabak, ext 319, jgabak@eaglenewsonline com

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