Cazenovia Republican Digital Edition - June 15, 2022

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Week of June 15, 2022 Home of The Kent Family


Town acknowledges Pride Month, Gun Violence Awareness Month

duncan’s diamond

By kate hill Staff writer

CBSA dedicates field in honor of major donor

Kate Hill

The Cazenovia Baseball Softball Association held its first annual Community Day at Burton Street Park on Saturday, June 11. During the main event, CBSA recognized its players who will age out of Little League and move on to the school programs next year. By Kate Hill Staff Writer On Saturday, June 11, the Cazenovia Baseball Softball Association (CBSA) held its first annual Commu-

nity Day at Burton Street Park. CBSA is a volunteer run organization that provides opportunities for youth participation in baseball and softball. In association with Little


League International, CBSA aims to assist children in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. Field l Page 15

On June 13, the Cazenovia Town Board acknowledged the Month of June both as “Pride Month” and “Gun Violence Awareness Month.” At the beginning of the regular monthly board meeting, Supervisor Bill Zupan read a statement expressing the town’s support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) individuals and its encouragement of diversity and inclusion within the community. He explained that celebrating Pride Month raises awareness of and provides support and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ community. It is also an opportunity to become educated and engaged in dialogue, to strengthen alliances, and to build understanding. Zupan also stated that while “remarkable” progress has been made in terms of acceptance and equality, members of the LGBTQ+ community continue to face discrimination, intolerance, and hate. “We must commit to support and accept LGBTQ+ individuals, in particular our youth, who, compared to their peers, are far more likely to experience violence and bullying at school and to suffer from depression, to struggle with substance abuse, and to have attempted suicide,” he said. “We must remain vigilant in deterring oppression and discrimination against people on the basis of sex, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation. By protecting the rights of every individual, we enhance and strengthen the value of everyone throughout our entire society. [We] affirm our support for the LGBTQ+ residents in our community and stand with them to protect their civil rights and their ability to live openly, equally, and without fear.” The supervisor concluded his statement by encouraging all residents to celebrate Pride Month and to help build a culture of inclusiveness and acceptance during this month and every month. Zupan also remarked on the board’s support of “commonsense” gun laws. “While we all, I think, recognize the second amendment, I think New York State is making great progress at tightening up the gun laws, and we have to keep pushing our representatives at the state and federal level to pass some commonsense laws, because thoughts and prayers just aren’t doing it anymore,” he said. “It’s getting out of hand, and we should feel safe to send our kids to school without police officers patrolling the hallways. I think the board will draw up a statement and send it to our representatives expressing our support for rational gun laws.” Board l Page 4

Local DAR chapter honors American Revolution veteran, former slave By kate Hill Staff Writer


n June 8, the Fayetteville - Owahge na Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) honored Plymouth Freeman, a former slave and Revolutionary War veteran who lived in the Town of Nelson. To memorialize his life and patriotism, the organization dedicated a New York State Historic Marker at 4035 Putnam Road, Nelson. Obtained through a grant from the Syracuse-based William G. Pomeroy Foundation, the roadside marker reads as follows: PLYMOUTH FREEMAN BLACK PATRIOT AWARDED BADGE OF MERIT FOR 6 YEARS

SERVICE WITH THIRD CT REGIMENT IN REVOLUTIONARY WAR. LIVED NEAR HERE CA. 1800 TO 1829. The dedication ceremony included the Cazenovia American Legion Post 88 Color Guard, welcoming remarks by Chapter Regent Donna Wassall, an invocation by Chaplain Elizabeth Thoreck, the Pledge of Allegiance by Karen Christensen, the National Anthem by Susan Taylor, comments by Denise Doring VanBuren, the 45th President General of the National Society DAR, an overview of Freeman’s life by Past Chapter Regent Bonnie Ranieri, and a statement from the Pomeroy Foundation read by Madison County Historian Matthew Urtz. Also in attendance were NYS Vice Regent and Regent Elect Pamela Barrack and the

property owners, Josh and Colleen Fox. Research into Freeman’s life was inspired by Christensen, led by Wassall, and assisted by Urtz and Town of Nelson cohistorian Laine Gilmore. Legend has it that Freeman was born the son of a king in Guinea, Africa, and was abducted by slave traders as a child and brought to America. It has also been said that he was a cook/waiter for General George Washington, who gave him his freedom and his name. While much of Freeman’s story is difficult to prove, the DAR’s research has led to the following conclusions about his life: Freeman enlisted in the Continental Army as “Plymouth Negro” on May 26, 1777, at Windsor, Connecticut, and DAR l Page 17

Kate Hill

On June 8, the Fayetteville-Owahgena Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a New York State Historic Marker in Nelson in honor of Plymouth Freeman, a former slave and Revolutionary War veteran who settled in Madison County. Pictured: Denise Doring VanBuren, the 45th President General of the National Society DAR (left) and Chapter Regent Donna Wassall (right).

Volume 213, Number 24 The Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Publication: 35 Albany St., Second Floor, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Periodical Postage Paid at Cazenovia, NY 13035, USPS 095-260. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206.

community news: Former library director Betsy Kennedy honored.


sports news: Boys tennis competes in state semifinal.


Calendar �������������������� 5 Editorial ��������������������� 6 history ������������������������ 7 letters ������������������������ 6

Obituaries ������������������ 9 PennySaver ���������������� 8 Sports ����������������������� 16

2 June 15, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

Community gathers to celebrate former library director Betsy Kennedy By kate Hill Staff Writer

On Sunday, June 5, the Cazenovia Public Library & Museum (CPL) Board of Trustees hosted a community gathering in celebration of former library director Betsy Kennedy, who retired earlier this year after leading the library since 1983 and serving on its staff since 1979. Held on the library grounds, the retirement party was organized by a committee and sub-committees made up of trustees, Friends of the Library (FOL) board members, staff, and community supporters. Trustees Terri FiumaraDubik and Allyn Stewart chaired the event committee. Nancy Hook, a member of the decoration committee, provided colorful decorations and plant ar-

rangements, and a Cazenovia High School string quartet performed on the side porch. The food committee approached multiple local restaurants to provide a diverse spread of food, most of which was purchased by the board of trustees and FOL board and some of which was donated. The event featured offerings from the Brae Loch Inn, the Brewster Inn, the Lincklaen House, HeartStone Artisan Bakery, the Pewter Spoon, Loka Leaf Tea Lounge, Caz Pizza, Dave’s Dinner, and Kalamata Pita. Beverages were provided by Meier’s Creek Brewing Company, JS Hight & Sons Fine Wines & Spirits, and Owera Vineyards. Kennedy officially passed the baton to CPL’s current director, Alyssa Ali, on March 17. “The library of today

would not be the library it is without Betsy’s effort,” said Elisha Davies, CPL’s assistant director and archives coordinator. “Her dedication, creativity, and leadership has earned the library a well-respected place in the community, and we wanted to publicly acknowledge our gratitude and all that she’s accomplished over four decades. The community has overwhelmingly supported the library, and we knew it would be no different for Betsy’s retirement celebration, so, with the community’s health and safety in mind, we waited until we could enjoy an outdoor gathering.” Davies described the event as “perfect,” highlighting the great weather, food, and community turnout. “We had over 200 people RSVP but welcomed anyone to just stop by,”

she said. Speeches were given by Davies, Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Board of Trustees President Kaleb Wilson, and Carolyn Holmes, a longtime library user who has been a staff member, volunteer, trustee, and FOL board member. “Betsy was not only an amazing library director but also a key contributor to countless other community endeavors,” said Wheeler. “If you wanted someone to help get a new initiative off the ground who was creative, energetic and always had the pulse of the community, Betsy was your first pick.” In honor of Kennedy’s service to CPL and the community, the board of trustees has named the library’s downstairs meeting room “The Betsy Kennedy Community Room.” The room’s entrance will be marked with a plaque that reads as follows: THEBETSYKENNEDY COMMUNITY ROOM HONORINGHERDEDICATION ANDYEARSOFSERVICE TO THE CAZENOVIA PUBLIC LIBRARY JUNE 5, 2022 “The board of trustees felt it was extremely important to recognize Betsy Kennedy for her lifelong service, loyalty, and dedication to not only the Cazenovia Public Library but to the Cazenovia community as a whole,” said Wilson. “We voted to name the community room after

Betsy permanently so that

so many people that have

Scott Phillips

On Sunday, June 5, the Cazenovia Public Library & Museum (CPL) hosted a gathering in celebration of former library director Betsy Kennedy who served the library for over 40 years. everyone in the community and everyone in the future will understand how important Betsy was to bringing our community together.” The board of trustees also commissioned a painting of the library by local artist Wayne Daniels. The plaque and painting were both presented to Kennedy during the event. “It was wonderful to see

contributed to the library’s success over the years and [have] an opportunity to thank them,” said Kennedy. “I was grateful and humbled by all the attention. I feel so fortunate to have had a rewarding career that I loved. It was a very memorable day.” To learn more about CPL, visit

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June 15, 2022 3

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Clear Path celebrates canine program Clear Path for Veterans hosted a commencement celebration for the Canine Program’s 2022 graduating class of 10 veterans and their service dogs on June 4. This year’s commencement marks the first graduating class of Clear Path’s new Puppy Development Program, specializing in raising and training purpose-bred service dogs from partnering breeders all over the nation. The Canine Program places fully-trained service dogs with veterans impacted by their time in service. According to Clear Path this would not be possible without the incredible support of so many in the community who have helped make this day possible. The training for each service dog is extensive, takes an average of two years, and costs more than $25,000 -- all at no cost to the veteran. But the

positive impact a service dog can have on a veteran’s quality of life is priceless. Cazenovia Mayor Kurt Wheeler served as the commencement speaker for the ceremony, including a leash transition ceremony from the Canine Guardian to the veteran and a dinner for all the graduates and their guests, trainers, staff, and volunteers, prepared in-house by Clear Path’s Chef Mike Sheets. The Canine Program at Clear Path for Veterans was established in 2011. A decade later, the program continues to place service dogs with veterans diagnosed with posttraumatic stress (PTS) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) -- allowing veterans to connect with their canine companions on a mutually beneficial level. This evidence-based training has proven successful in

mitigating symptoms related to PTS and increasing selfcompassion. Clear Path for Veterans Canine Program is a Candidate Program for Assistance Dogs International (ADI), a governing body of providers ensuring best practices and high standards in the industry. Clear Path anticipates accreditation this year once the application process is complete. As the program continues to grow, preparations are underway to eventually welcome veterans from the national landscape and beyond the borders of New York. Inspiring communities at the national level to invest in the well-being of military members, veterans, and their families is a core part of Clear Path’s mission, shown by the Canine Program’s expansion efforts to reach as many veterans as pos-

Submitted photo

Clear Path for Veterans recently celebrated a commencement of it Canine Program. sible. who arrived in April and have commit to raising a puppy for As Clear Path celebrated begun the process of training a period of up to 18 months, the accomplishment of these to become service dogs for vet- teaching manners, and attending weekly training veterans and their service erans. dogs, the Canine Program is The Canine Program relies sessions with the help and also getting ready to welcome a on Canine Guardian volun- support of the Canine Team. new group of puppies into the teers to help raise, train, and as- Service dogs in training often Puppy Development Program sist future service dogs on their accompany their guardians later this month. These pup- path to help those who served. to stores, restaurants, and pies will join a group of four During that time, guardians gyms.

Juneteenth programs planned in Peterboro next weekend ment for the Humanities. The film will explain the history of June 19, 1865 and the new federal holiday. At 7 p.m. the film Songs of Slavery and Emancipation will debut at NAHOF at the same time of its debut at the People’s Forum at 320 West 37th St. New York NY. Musician, author, songwriter, activist, and music producer Mat Callahan of Bern, Switzerland, brought a videographer to Peterboro to record for the film. Callahan had recently discovered songs composed by enslaved people and longlost songs of the abolition movement. “In 2015 I discovered a song composed and sung by slaves preparing an insurrection in South Carolina in 1813,” he said. “The lyrics were explicitly revolutionary and unlike

any other Negro Spiritual I’d ever heard. I realized immediately that this song posed many questions: What if there were more songs like this? Why hadn’t we heard or heard of them before? If slaves were planning an insurrection in 1813, what other revolts were there? And why wouldn’t there be songs about these revolts or rebellions? These questions inspired the search that led to the discovery of more such songs and the making of Songs of Slavery and Emancipation.” The Gerrit Smith Estate will open at 1 p.m. on Sunday, June 19 with exhibits on Black Americans in Peterboro, the Underground Railroad, the abolition activities of the Smith family, and other displays. At 2 p.m. Norman K. Dann will present The Underground Railroad as a Moral State-

ment. Dann will describe the existence of the Underground Railroad as a moral testament about a corrupt nation. By 1830 the abolition movement was heating up because the country had failed to implement its ideals of “freedom and justice for all.” Five dollar admission includes presentations and exhibits at each site. The Gerrit Smith Estate National Historic Landmark is located at 5304 Oxbow Road, Peterboro NY 13134 and the National Abolition Hall of Fame and

Museum is at 5255 Pleasant Valley Road, Peterboro NY 13134. To mitigate Covid spread, masks, proof of at least first two vaccines, and contact information registration may be required. Check the websites for updates as volunteer operations are still evolving after the pandemic. To learn more visit or email info@ or visit or email or call 315-684-3262.

Submitted photo

Programs will be held in Peterboro during Juneteenth Weekend.





The National Abolition Hall of Fame and Museum (NAHOF) and the Gerrit Smith Estate National Historic Landmark (GSENHL) will present programs during Juneteenth Weekend. NAHOF will open at noon on Saturday, June 18. Besides the Hall of Abolitionists and the Chronology of Abolition from the Colonial Period to Reconstruction exhibits, the Power of the Pen activities developed for the Madison County Anti-Racism Collaborative in May will be available for the public. NAHOF will close at 6:30 for Juneteenth: A Walk Through Galveston, a short video created for 2022 Black History Matters, a program funded, in part, by Humanities New York, with support from the National Endow-

4 June 15, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican

Jazz-N-Caz to honor Syracuse Jazz Fest founder Frank Malfitano The 20th Annual Jazz-N-Caz festival, set for Thursday, Sept. 15 through Saturday, Sept. 17, will honor Syracuse Jazz Fest Founder Frank Malfitano during the Saturday, Sept. 17 performance at the Catherine Cummings Theatre on the Cazenovia College campus. The evening will begin at 7 p.m. with Monk Rowe Family Band followed by Salt City Jazz Collective Big Band. As a guiding force in jazz, pop and soul, nationally, regionally, and in Central New York, Malfitano founded Syracuse Jazz Fest 40 years ago along with the Syracuse Area Music Awards (SAMMYS), the Syracuse Walk of Stars, the Jazz at the Center Series (Civic Center) and the Arts Across Campus Legends of Jazz Series. Serving as the executive director of the longest running and best attended music festival in the region, Malfitano has brought some of the greatest names in jazz and American popular music to Syracuse including such legends as Dizzy Gillespie, Ray Charles, B.B. King, Aretha Franklin, The Dave Brubeck Quartet, The Count Basie Orchestra, The Neville Brothers, Dionne Warwick, Tony Bennett, Nancy Wilson and Sonny Rollins. “As the largest free jazz festival in the

Board l

From page 1

In other news

The board adopted a resolution authorizing the Madison County Planning Department to serve as SEQRA (New York’s State Environmental Quality Review Act) lead agency for the proposed Delphi Falls County Park Improve-

northeast, Syracuse Jazz Fest has drawn more than a million guests, visitors, and tourists from throughout the United States and Canada to Syracuse and Central New York and has received international, national, regional recognition, while generating millions for the local and regional economy,” stated Colleen Prossner, theatre executive director. “It is only fitting that we should thank Frank Malfitano for all he has done in our area for music, arts and culture.” Throughout his career, Malfitano has received numerous awards and honors. Most recently, in 2017, Malfitano was named a “National Jazz Hero” by the Jazz Journalists Association. A Syracuse Mayoral Proclamation and a JAMS Award for Programming Excellence were awarded to Malfitano in 2016. He also received an Honorary Doctoral Degree in Music from State University of New York in 2012. In the past 10 years, Malfitano has also received the Syracuse New Times “Best of Syracuse” Award seven times for Best Music Festival. The Jazz-N-Caz performance schedule: Thursday, Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m., ESP Jazz Band at the Brae Loch

ments project, which includes a loop trail, an ADA falls viewing area, a small parking area (50 spaces), vault restrooms, a pedestrian bridge, and a new visitor center with restrooms. “We had the opportunity to be lead agency, and since it’s a county project, I said ‘No, you might as well be the lead agency,’” noted Zupan. The board adopted a reso-

lution to appoint Daniel Hilts as part-time dog control officer for the Town of Cazenovia. Councilor Kelli Johnson reported on swimming changes at Lakeland Park this summer due to ongoing repairs to the park’s historic stone wall. According to Johnson, there will be no diving at the swim area this year. “I don’t know if that’s ever

Share your milestone celebrations!

Friday, Sept. 16, 5 p.m., Loren & LJ Barrigar at the Brewster Friday, Sept. 16, 7 p.m., Montuno Blues Band at the Catherine Cummings Theatre Friday, Sept. 16, 8:30 p.m., Mark Doyle’s Guitar Noir at the Catherine Cummings Theatre Friday, Sept. 16, 10:30 p.m. Jazz After Hours at Lincklaen House Saturday, Sept. 17, 7 p.m., Monk Rowe Family Band at the Catherine Cummings Theatre Saturday, Sept. 17, 8 p.m., Jazz ‘N Caz honoree award presented to Frank Malfitano Saturday, Sept. 17, 8:30 p.m., Salt City Jazz Collective Big Band at the Catherine Cummings Theatre Saturday, Sept. 17, 10:30 p.m., Jazz After Hours at Lincklaen House Jazz After Hours House Band Friday and Saturday evening is: Tom Witkowski - piano Jason Jeffers - drums Mark Hoffmann - guitar All musicians welcome to join in! For additional event information, visit The Jazz-N-Caz weekend is free and open to the public; how-

happened in my lifetime. . .” she said. “In the end, it will be good because the idea is that they will have a new diving board when everything is fixed. [For now,] there will be a middle swim section with lap lanes and a shallow section because of the construction.” The updated swim hours are Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sunday 12 to 6 p.m. Johnson and Councilor Jimmy Golub reminded the

Submitted photo

Syracuse Jazz Fest Founder Frank Malfitano will be honored during the 20th Annual Jazz-N-Caz festival. ever, a $10 donation is suggested for performances held in the theatre.

board and the public about the ongoing HeatSmart CNY campaign and heat pump promotion. HeatSmart CNY is a nonprofit community campaign to help people more efficiently heat and cool their homes through air sealing, insulation, and heat pump installation. Golub noted that anyone who qualifies for New York State’s Home Energy Assistance Program can “basically get a system for free.”

The affordable answer to

“We just got one and we have air and heat and I never have to cut wood again,” he said. “I’m a happy guy.” Learn more about HeatSmart CNY at The Cazenovia Town Board typically meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. For more information, visit towncazenovia.digitaltowpath. org or call the town office at 315-655-9213.

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June 15, 2022 5

CNY’s Community News Source

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Send your events to Alyssa Dearborn at adearborn@ Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. The deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. on Friday for the following week’s editions.

TUESDAYS THROUGH AUG. 30 Cottage Lawn Farmer’s Market

2 p.m.-6 p.m. Madison County Historical Society, 435 Main st., Oneida. The Madison County Historical Society is hosting its 8th annual Cottage Lawn Farmer’s Market. The market will feature seasonal produce, cheese, eggs, herbs, soaps, maple products, honey, poultry, beef, food trucks, and more. Plans are being made for live entertainment and themed weeks. Other weekly activities include guided house tours and storytelling. For more information or to apply to become a vendor, visit mchsfarmersmarket. org or call 315-363-4136.

WEDNESDAYS JUNE 15, 29, & JULY 6 Introduction to Quilting with Susan Poet

10 a.m-12:30 p.m. The Carpenter’s Barn, Cazenovia. Learn the meanings of piece, sandwich, and bind as they pertain to making quilts. Participants will make four placements using jelly roll strips and go through all the steps of making a full sized quilt on a smaller scale. A kit with all fabric and batting is included in material fee. The class costs $140 plus a $25 material fee. Senior fund is available to those over 65 residing in Madison county. Visit https://cazarts. com/carpenters_barn-classes.html or email lizluriecb@ for more information.

THURSDAYS JUNE 16, 23 & 30

Make Metal Jewelry with Marybeth Fiorentino

6 p.m.-8:30 p.m. The Carpenter’s Barn, Cazenovia. Each week, new skills will be introduced that participants will incorporate into projects. You will start simple with sawing, piercing, and filling to make a number of component sets for future earring and ring designs. The class cost $140 plus a $30 materials fee. Senior fund is available to those over 65 residing in Madison county. Visit https:// or email


Rose Day at Thornden Park

12 p.m.-3 p.m. Thornden Park. Tour the E.M. Mills Memorial Rose Garden. The Syracuse Rose Society will have information about planting roses, identification, pest and disease control, and information about joining the SRS. Enjoy music and light refreshments while there. For more information, call 315-473-4330.

Unveiling of the White Rock

7 p.m. Pompey Historical Society Museum, corner of Rt. 20 and Pompey Center rd. Author Jerr Antill will unveil the White Rock. Hear about his Pompey Hollow books and meet the characters that used to meet at the White Rock. This event is free and open to the public.


6:30 p.m. Meier’s Creek Brewing Co. Join for drag queen BINGO hosted by Anita Buffem. $5 to play and all proceeds benefit Cazenovia Pride. Reserve tickets at SU basketball player autograph signing

SU Basketball Player Joe Girard III will sign autographs and pose for photos from 3 to 5 p.m. at Geddes Federal Manlius Branch, 240 W. Seneca St., Manlius. This is part of the branch’s 10th anniversary celebration. There will also be treats for everyone.

JUNE 17-18

FM Class of ‘82 Reunion

In Fayetteville on Friday, in Skaneateles on Saturday. For more details, please refer to the FM class of 1982 website or contact Kerry Lightcap at


information and to register, call 315-363-4136 or email TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique: Building Digital Worlds with Drones and Geospatial Technology

9:30 a.m. in person at the MOST or on Zoom. Join the Technology Alliance of Central New York for a hybrid discussion with Joseph Segretto. This program is for middle-school students and features discussions with STEM professionals. Students must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is required for both in person and Zoom attendance options. In person attendees can spend the rest of the day at the MOST as TACNY’s guests. Online attendees will receive a family pass to visit the MOST for another time. Cazenovia Pride Fest and Parade

12 p.m. Lakeland Park. The festival starts with a Pride parade on Main st. at noon. The festival at Lakeland Park will be hosted by Anita Buffem and DJ Amanda of We Heart CNY. This event will feature performances, food trucks, lawn games, and more. At 3 p.m. the Amy Bradstreet Ally Award will be presented. Absolute Vodka-sponsored Pride Event

12 p.m. The Brae Loch Inn. Join the Brae Loch Inn on the lawn to celebrate Pride with Absolute Vodka. There will be samples of drinks made with “Absolute Pride.”

Reading with Purpose

Songs of Slavery and Emancipation Film Screening

4:30 p.m. Purpose Coffee Co. Enjoy family friendly storytime that allows families to connect over coffee (or chocolate milk) while the “Brew Crew” reads stories. This event will feature kid-friendly books related to Pride. Storytime is free and open to the public. Baked goods and coffee house drinks will be available for purchase.

7 p.m. National Abolition Hall of Fame, Smithfield Community Center. 5255 Pleasant Valley rd. Peterboro. As a part of Juneteenth Weekend, the National Abolition Hall of Fame presents a screening of Songs of Slavery and Emancipation. $5 admission includes the film screening and access to the museum. To mitigate COVID spread, masks, proof of at least the first two vaccines, and contact information registration are required. For information about the museum, visit For more information about this event, email hahofm1835@ or call 315-684-3262.

Pride Fest Family Kick Off

6 p.m. Madison County Distillery.


Chalk the Walk with Pride

Throughout the day. Albany street. Community members are encouraged to “chalk the walk” with messages of love and pride. Reverse Glass Workshop

9 a.m.-1 p.m. Madison County Historical Society, 435 Main st. Oneida. Join the Madison County Historical Society and reverse glass painting specialist Anne Dimock to create your own glass art. The class is for adults and children ages 13 and older and registration is required. All materials will be provided along with prepackaged snacks and light refreshments. Cost of registration is $25 for Historical Society members and $30 for nonmembers. For more

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“The Underground Railroad as a Moral Statement”

2 p.m. The Garrit Smith Estate National Historic Landmark, 5304 Oxbow rd., Peterboro. Norman K. Dann will describe the existence of the Underground Railroad as a testament about a corrupt nation. The estate will also host exhibits on Black Americans in Peterboro, the Underground Railroad, the abolition activities of the Smith family, and other displays. This event is a part of Juneteenth weekend. Admission is $5. Visit for more information.


Cicero High School’s Class of ‘82 40th Reunion

Cicero High School’s Class of 1982 is holding its 40th high school reunion from 7 to 11pm, at the Spinning Wheel Restaurant, 7384 Thompson Road, North Syracuse. The evening will offer classmates to reunite, share stories, have some laughs and reminisce. The menu includes an amazing pig roast and other catering by the Spinning Wheel. A DJ will feature 80’s music, the venue has outdoor games to enjoy, and classmates can take home raffle prizes and a night full of memories! For more information, follow them on Facebook at ‘ciceroclassofeightytwo’, send a message, or email:

JULY 11-15

Kids’ Summer Art Workshop: Mask Making

1:15 p.m.-4:30 p.m. The Carpenter’s Barn, Cazenovia. This week-long workshop is for ages 6-12. Each week costs $120. TVisit or email for more information.

JULY 15-16

Cazenovia CS Class of 1971 50+1 Reunion

The Cazenovia CS class of 1971 is invited to the 50+1 reunion! Enjoy a school tour, a golf outing, Saturday evening dinner and dancing, and more. For more information about the reunion, call or text Tim McArdle at (585)472-1014. You can also email him at



8 a.m. Pewter Spoon. The Pewter Spoon invites families and friendstocometogethertocelebratePrideandcommunity.Inadditiontotypicalbrunchofferings,thecafewillfeaturecidermimosas from Critz Farms’ Rippleton champagne style cider.

2 p.m. Cazenovia Public Library. Cazenovia Heritage presents a presentation by Carl Stearns. This event is free and open to the public.

All in this Together Family Brunch

“Architectural Styles, Part II: Late Victorian to Postmodern”

Cicero High School’s Class of ‘82 Plans 40th Reunion Cicero High School’s Class of 1982 is holding its 40th high school reunion on Saturday, July 9th, from 7 to 11pm, at the Spinning Wheel Restaurant, 7384 Thompson Road, North Syracuse. The evening will offer classmates to reunite, share stories, have some laughs and reminisce. The menu includes an amazing pig roast and other catering by the Spinning Wheel. A DJ will feature 80’s music, the venue has outdoor games to enjoy, and classmates can take home raffle prizes and a night full of memories! For more information, follow them on Facebook at ‘ciceroclassofeightytwo’, send a message, or email:

6 June 15, 2022

CNY’s Community News Source

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VIEWPOINTS Waiting room therapy Bat in

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our voice

the house

There are many other creatures we live with, whether we realize it or not and for that matter, whether we like it or not. There are those things that it is nice to step outside and observe such as birds or maybe deer, squirrels, chipmunks and butterflies and fireflies and other species of wildlife. And there those animals we are less enthused to see. For some this can be mice or even the creatures like bees or spiders, species we know serve important functions, but still we do not necessarily enjoy them being around us. Among those animals we know are around but more often than not we don’t really have to give too much consideration to are bats. When we encounter a bat outside, flying through the backyard for example this can be uncomfortable, but more often than not the encounters that inspire the most concern are when a bat gets in the house. The concern is not simply that an animal has gotten into the house but the concern connected with the possibility of rabies, especially when we have been sleeping and can’t be sure one way or the other if we might have been bitten by the winged intruder. We also have to worry about pets who may have encountered the bat and children. In New York State, only about 3% of bats have rabies, however treatment for rabies exposures is highest for situations involving uncaptured bats. On average a savings of $3,000 to $6,000 per person or more may be saved for each exposure when an animal that was available for testing is negative for rabies, avoiding unnecessary treatment, according to the Madison County health department. If it is certain a bat did not bite or scratch a family member, testing may not be necessary, but if there is any concern that a child, elderly individual or other person may have had possible contact with the bat, it is always best to capture the bat rather than letting it go, and contacting your county health department. Test results are typically available in a few days. When a positive rabies result is detected, an individual begins post-exposure treatment soon after. If left untreated, a bite or scratch from a rabies infected animal would be fatal to the person exposed. You cannot get rabies from having contact with an animals stool, blood or urine. The rabies virus can spread to a person when an animal bite breaks skin. Follow these tips to avoid rabies exposures: Keep your pets current on their rabies vaccinations, including indoor house cats that may catch a bat in your home. Teach children never to handle unfamiliar animals, wild or domestic, even if they appear friendly. In the event a bat does get in the house it is recommended that if possible it is captured for testing as this could save a lot of time and trouble for humans. To capture a bat it is recommended that people find a small container like a box or a large can, and a piece of cardboard large enough to cover the opening in the container. Punch small air holes in the cardboard. Put on leather work gloves. Confine the bat in a room. When the bat lands, approach it slowly and place the container over it. Slide the cardboard under the container to trap the bat inside. If you are certain there’s been no contact between the bat and any people or pets, carefully hold the cardboard over the container and take the bat outdoors and release it away from people and pets. If there’s any question about contact between the bat and people or pets, you want to save the bat for testing. Tape the cardboard to the container, securing the bat inside. Rabies exposure is medically urgent but not an emergency. If after-hours, contact your county health department the next day to discuss the situation. Only your county health department may authorize testing and treatment for rabies.

HOW CAN WE HELP? Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us:; Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Stop in or mail us: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 Subscription info: Lori Newcomb, ext. 333,

At the risk of generating a lot of envy, I will tell you that first on my list on Wednesday was a trip to Upstate at Community hospital to have a bone scan. Now, how many can boast that? This is a test where you are first injected (when they can find the vein, if you get my drift) with a radioactive substance. Then, after a few hours during which time you will set off Geiger counters … the substance will have traveled to where it was supposed to go. You then return to have an impressively agile, gigantic machine scan your body for bones. I planned to have no fun at all. But how wrong can you be? First the techs at Community were great and our conversations during and after the test were elevating. Everyone took time to talk with me while I was prone and under an enormous camera that was picking up the gamma rays that were now leaving my body. Afterwards, as I was leaving, smiling that the whole thing was not as awful as I had envisioned, I heard someone call my name. I turned around to see a gal in wheelchair waving at me. She removed her mask and identified herself. I will

use a faux name. “Ann, it’s Linda!” Oh my gosh, it’s been at least three years since I saw Linda. We’ve exchanged bits and pieces on Facebook, but we had no real person-to-person chat. “I’m here for a cat scan,”she said with the tone of someone not well. Linda is one of those people who seemed to have unending energy. She was an “Energizer bunny,” but treatments for her illness have stolen that. I followed her into the waiting room and sat across the aisle (the appropriate six feet) and we began to chat. We caught each other up on family and our various ills and I told her that I had been teaching crocheting at the library. “I used to crochet and knit, read, do puzzles, garden … now, I can’t find interest in anything,” she said with a defeated sadness. I knew that feeling in spades a few years ago after the second hip surgery. Illness is a robber of self. It becomes you, steals the who you are. Beyond the illness is the side effect of its affect on your personality. It takes away more than it should. Instead of having a problem, you become identified with it. Pernicious and evil, medical practitioners need to address this as well as the

disease. “How about if I bring you a hook and some yarn? I suggested. “If you just get started on a project, say for your grandchild, that might be something to stimulate your interest.” She was about to reply when the mustachioed gentleman sitting in the chair to her right, said, “My mother used to make these things with circles of fabric, as he held out the fabric on his right shirt sleeve … didn’t matter what kind of fabric, she would cut these circles, holding his fingers to demonstrate. She’d sew around the edge and then pull the thread tight to make these little …what did she call them? Yo-Yos. Then she’d sew them together to make bedspreads. My sisters would embroider them with flowers or people’s names. She gave the bedspreads away as gifts.” He continued, “It was actually an assembly line. My father brought home some Styrofoam from work. My sisters threaded lots of needles and stuck them in the Styrofoam so that Mom wouldn’t run out of thread to make the yo-yos. Mom recruited all of us to cut out the circles from fabric that she had gotten from just about everywhere. We’d all use templates made from

Ramblings from the empty nest

Ann Ferro

the top of Crisco cans to cut out the fabric. I even helped, and I was working on the farm.” I told the gentleman that my grandmother made these coverlets. I loved them. And then Linda began to ask questions about how to make them and the gentleman turned to better face her to explain in greater detail. It was getting late and I had to go. I excused myself, asked Linda if we could get together soon. As I turned the corner of the room, I noticed that the yo-yo conversation was continuing. Unplanned therapy. So, if you were envious of my bone scan, you should be extra-especially envious of finding such a warm and sweet conversation among people not being defined by their illnesses in a radiology waiting room. Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.


CNY SPCA pet of the week

Sassafras is a bundle of sweetness

Happy 95th Birthday Ruth P. Virgo!

Submitted by Donna Newman Photo by Amy Williams Sassafras is 62 pounds of sweetness and love! This pretty girl was surrendered to the shelter when her family could no longer care for her. She’s only about 18 months old, and she came to the shelter in February. Sassy is a “hidden gem” — she tends to get overlooked, but if you take the time to meet her, you’ll fall in love. Sassy is very affectionate and very easy to be around, and she’s part of our doggy playgroup. She loves her walks, but she’s just as happy to relax at your feet. She’s also extremely affectionate. We think she would do best with respectful kids 8 and up. For information about adoption, email or call 315-454-4479.

Ruth P. Virgo will celebrate her 95th birthday on June 20, 2022. Mother, Grandmother - recalling so many happy, love-filled memories as you celebrate this extra special occasion! With Love - Donna, Darlene, Ken, family & friends


Keeping our curbs To the editor: First let me say that as a collective group of neighbors, we are doing our best to come up with a resolution that is in the best interest

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext. 340, News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext. 319, Reporter: Kate Hill , ext. 325, Reporter: Jason Klaiber, Sports Editor: Phil Blackwell, ext. 348, Display Ads EB: Linda Jabbour, ext. 304,

of everyone. Second, we are researching all of the other projects in town that we all pay for that do not have a direct effect on us. Third, the people that know best, are the ones that this directly affects. We are asking the town to work with us and respect us as taxpayers as we are greatly

Display Ads CR: Lori Lewis, ext. 316, Classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext. 321, Billing questions: Alyssa Dearborn, ext. 305, Legal Advertising: Luba Demkiv, ext. 303, Publisher: David Tyler, ext. 302, Creative Director: Gordon Bigelow, ext. 331,


concerned what this will do to our property down the road. If you don’t live here, then you have little or no knowledge of what this will do and we are asking that you let us voice our concerns in an amicable manner. The curbs are more than just aesthetically appealing. They have served as

a barrier for water making a mucky mess in our yard amongst other issues. Please note that we are doing our due diligence to make sure that we can all agree on a plan before it begins. Oh, and by the way, it’s Jephson not Jepson. Linda Osborne Cazenovia

LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered. Letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long. Only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion. Letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions. Anonymous letters receive no consideration. Send letters to or Eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206. Editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition. Eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate. Refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad. Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a.m. for the next week’s paper. Classified Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 10 a.m. for the following week’s paper. Legal Advertising Deadline: Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week’s paper. This free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy. No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless

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Eagle News

June 15, 2022 7

CNY’s Community News Source


Facing the blame game J

Years Ago in History By Cindy Bell Tobey

80 years ago – June 18, 1942 The Women’s War Savings Committee this Saturday is holding a new kind of flower show – every exhibit containing war stamps in bouquets of either real or artificial flowers. Any type of centerpiece or corsage may be shown. It is surprising what beautiful and interesting effects can be obtained with the stamps of different colors. Exhibitors are asked to bring their entries to the St. Peter’s Parish House at 10 a. m. Saturday, and the show will be open to the public from 11 a.m. to 5 p. m. Blue ribbon prizes will be given to the exhibits receiving the most votes from the public. Instead of a regular admission charge, each adult is to buy one 25 cent war stamp, and each child a 10 cent stamp.

55 years ago – June 14, 1967

Farmer Brown’s dairy trucks are disappearing from Cazenovia streets. After 49 years of serving the local area, Brown’s Dairy of 54 Nelson St. is going to restrict its sales to the wholesale milk market, according to Alfred J. Brown, third generation owner of the business. Brown’s Dairy was founded in December 1918, as a joint venture between Mr. Brown’s uncle, Clarence Brown, his father, Harry M. Brown, and his grandfather, A.J. Brown, who for many years ran a grocery and meat market on the site of the present P&C supermarket. At that time, the Browns owned six cows and 60 acres of farm land. Today, their herd numbers 100 milkers and about 65 young cows. The land they use totals between 300 and 350 acres, of which 150 acres are at the Nelson Street location, with the rest rented neighboring farmland.

40 years ago – June 16, 1982 Cazenovia Central School will celebrate its 50th anniversary

this year and the school’s Alumni Association plans on evening of dining, dancing and celebration at Hubbard Hall, Cazenovia College. “It was in 1931-32 when Green Street became a busy throughfare – a walk way and driveway to education, “Dick Ayer, one of the organizers of the festivities said. “Just think – 50 years! The Class of 1932 will be the foremost celebrants. They were the first class to graduate from the present structure, moving from the old Union School on lower Sullivan Street. They were the ‘new breed’ on the shores of Owahgena.” Other classes that will celebrate their anniversaries are the 45th , 40th and 35th , and the Class of 1982, the 50th graduating class.

20 yeas ago – June 12, 2002 Brynn Gillen-Dennis, of Pompey Center, was selected as this

year’s Dairy Princess at the Onondaga County Dairy Promotion Committee’s annual banquet and princess pageant on June 2. The event was held at the Venture Farm Conference Center located between Tully and Apulia. The county also has seven dairy ambassadors who assist the princess and alternate with dairy production throughout Onondaga County. Gillen-Dennis is the daughter of Craig and Karen Dennis. The Dennis family milks 40 cows and tills 400 acres on their farm in the town of Pompey.

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Phil Blackwell is sports editor at Eagle News. He can be reached at pblackwell@

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ay Monahan better get ready. Ever since he replaced Tim Random Finchem as commissioner of the Thoughts PGA Tour, Monahan has, up until this year, mostly sailed in calm waters, Phil Blackwell watching as his organization grew ever more dominant in the realm of global golf. Then LIV Golf showed up, with hundreds of Saudi millions to throw at Phil Mickelson, Dustin Johnson, etc. The threat to autonomy led Monahan to warn of suspensions, expulsions, plenty of tough talk. Unfazed, LIV started last weekend in London. Where the battle ends is anyone’s guess, but whatever happens, Monahan has to know that either some of the credit will fall on him if the challenge is turned back, or all the arrows will get slung at him if it remains. Such is life as a sports commissioner. No matter what good you might do, any bad turn gets pinned on you even if you had little or nothing to do with the crisis. Roger Goodell knows it. Though little stops the NFL’s popularity, every contentious issue gets dumped on Goodell, from player discipline to horrible ownership in Washington to the lack of Black head coaches. As the NHL’s boss for nearly three decades, Gary Bettman is accustomed to the boos, too, with fans eager to point to him whether the topic is teams in financial trouble, concussions or troubling stories of past abuse, as in Chicago. Don’t even get baseball fans started on Rob Manfred. They finger him for absolutely everything from the recent lockout to rules changes to the game’s glacial pace, and want someone, anyone else to replace him. Even Adam Silver, comparatively in a good place running the NBA, gets grief about the league’s deep ties with China and the social activism of players and coaches who won’t shut up about the issues facing our country and the world. All these issues are complex and difficult, not prone to easy or quick fixes. Yet whenever they arise, the finger (and not always the index finger) gets pointed at the person in charge and when they’re not immediately addressed, the chorus only grows louder and more vitriolic. In that regard, sports more easily reflects politics, where no matter the issue the easy thing to do is blame who’s in office, rather than deal with the source of the problem – like, say, sky-high gas prices. Why bother spotlighting the obvious corporate greed, or the record profits of oil companies, or the war in Ukraine? Those are things. Better to have convenient human scapegoats, which solves nothing. I’ve always believed that a fundamental weakness in our society is leaning too hard on “Great Person Syndrome”, meaning that the only way anything good happens is if a Great Person (capital letters intentional) tackles it and solves it for all to benefit. Sorry, things are not that simple. Whether in sports or in society at large, only a collective mindset where more time is spent addressing the tasks at hand than worrying about who gets credit for it offers a better chance at positive outcomes. The past, good or bad, cannot be changed. Whatever brought us to this situation, it’s vital to channel all our energy toward addressing the issues rather than letting them fester and grow. In the case of the PGA Tour against LIV Golf, perhaps the USGA’s approach works best. When given the chance to uninvite players already qualified for this week’s U.S. Open, it declined, preferring not to further inflame a hot topic that could find itself in the courts soon. If he was paying attention, Jay Monahan may discover, despite having pulled the trigger and suspending all the stars that jumped to LIV, that tough talk and windy statements might work, but strategic silence may have worked better. In other words, sit back, prove that the PGA Tour remains the premier golfing product, and count on LIV and the Saudis to trip up in the way that most upstart sports leagues of the 20 th and early 21 st century have done. Maybe the defectors return. Maybe they don’t. So long as the vast majority of top players remain loyal to the established side, the PGA Tour has a great chance of emerging triumphant. And in those cases, the person in charge always seems to get the glory.


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8 June 15, 2022

CNY’s Community News Source

Eagle News

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid PURPOSE: THE FILING OF REVISED RATES TO P.S.C. NO. 220 ELECTRICITY, P.S.C. NO. 214 STREETLIGHTING, and P.S.C. NO. 219 GAS TARIFFS TO COMPLY WITH THE COMMISSION’S ORDER DATED JANUARY 20, 2022 IN P.S.C. CASES 20-E-0380 AND 20-G-0381. TEXT: Notice is hereby given that Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid has filed revised rates with the Public Service Commission to comply with the Commission’s order dated January 20, 2022. These revised rates become effective July 1, 2022. The tables listed below show a comparison between the Company’s current rates and rates effective July 1, 2022.

Electric Rates

Service Classification No. 1 – Residential

Basic Service Charge

Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh

P.S.C. NO. 214 Current Rates $17.33




Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $30.62



Current Rates $21.02

Distribution Delivery per kWh


Service Classification No. 2 – Demand Small General Service Current Rates $53.57

Distribution Delivery per kW


Service Classification No. 3 – Secondary Large General Service Current Rates $575.00

Distribution Delivery per kW

Rates Effective July 1, 2022

Current Rates $600.00

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $10.30

Service Classification No. 3 – Sub Transmission/Transmission Large General Service Current Rates

Basic Service Charge


Distribution Delivery per kW

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $1,050.00



Basic Service Charge


Distribution Delivery per kW

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $2,750.00



Basic Service Charge


Distribution Delivery per kW

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $3,350.00



Service Classification No. 3 A– Transmission Large General Service Current Rates

Basic Service Charge


Distribution Delivery per kW

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $6,900.00



inspection and can be obtained by writing National Grid, Regulation and Pricing

Department, A-4, 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, New York 13202 or on the Company’s website at:

inspection and can be obtained by writing National Grid, Regulation and Pricing Company’s website at:

Gas Rates

Service Classification No. 1 – Residential Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Over 50 therms, per therm


Next 47 therms, per therm

Service Classification No. 1 – Private Lighting Current Rates

Rates Effective July 1, 2022



Service Classification No. 2/5 – Street Lighting


Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Next 4,720 therms, per therm


Current Rates

Rates Effective July 1, 2022



$0.35900 $0.07717

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $21.40

$0.59964 $0.13003

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $26.00

$0.37571 $0.22641 $0.08077

Service Classification No. 5 – Firm Gas Sales and Transportation Service Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 100 therms or less


Over 100 therms, per therm


Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $684.00


Service Classification No. 6 – Large Volume Interruptible Delivery Service Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 100 therms or less



Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $581.27


Service Classification No. 7 – Small Volume Firm Sales and Transportation Service Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 2,100 therms or less


Next 1,700 therms, per therm


Over 4,200 therms, per therm

$0.34599 $0.10724

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $350.00

$0.38778 $0.29067 $0.11869

Service Classification No. 8 – Gas Sales and Transportation Service with Standby Sales Service Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 100 therms or less


Next 400,000 therms, per therm


Next 99,900 therms, per therm

$0.08438 $0.06853

Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Service Less than 250,000 therms per year Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar)


Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct)

P.S.C. NO. 214

Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh

Copies of the amendments to P.S.C. No. 214 Electricity are available for public

Over 500,000 therms, per therm

Copies of the amendments to P.S.C. No. 220 Electricity are available for public

Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh


Next 400 therms, per therm

Service Classification No. 3 A – Sub Transmission Large General Service Current Rates


Over 100 therms, per therm

Service Classification No. 3 A– Secondary/Primary Large General Service Current Rates

Rates Effective July 1, 2022

Over 5,000 therms, per therm



Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh

Current Rates

Next 277 therms, per therm


Service Classification No. 3 – Primary Large General Service

Distribution Delivery per kW


Service Classification No. 2 – Small General Service



Basic Service Charge

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $53.57


Basic Service Charge

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $21.02


Basic Service Charge


Department, A-4, 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, New York 13202 or on the

Service Classification No. 2 – Non-Demand Small General Service

Basic Service Charge

Rates Effective July 1, 2022

Service Classification No. 4 – Traffiic Controls

Current Rates

Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh

Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh

Current Rates


Service Classification No. 1C – Time of Use Residential

Basic Service Charge

Rates Effective July 1, 2022

Service Classification No. 3/6 – Street Lighting


Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Service Greater than 250,000 but less than 1,000,000 therms per year Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar)


Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct)

Continued on next page Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid


Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $1,600.00 $0.08845 $0.08325 $0.07182

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $200.00

$0.04621 $0.06108

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $500.00

$0.04348 $0.05466

Eagle News

June 15, 2022 9

CNY’s Community News Source

Ward J. Van De Bogart, 69


Stone mason, carpenter

Patricia L. Wertz

Longtime Manlius, Fayetteville resident Patricia L. Wertz passed away on Sunday, May 29, 2022 at Our Lady of Mercy Life Center, Guilderland, N.Y., with her three loving daughters by her side. Born in Westfield, N.Y. on Jan. 6, 1932, Patricia was the daughter of Delwin and Mabel Erickson. She was a longtime resident of Manlius and Fayetteville. Patricia graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Syracuse University, class of 1953. She was a lifelong supporter of her alma mater, maintaining her involvement with the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, and as an avid fan of all Syracuse Orange athletic teams. Patricia served for many years as a volunteer at her church and with the American Cancer Society, where she held numerous leadership positions. Of all her passions, family was the most important. A dedicated daughter, wife, mother and grandmother, she was at the center of all family gatherings, whether it be hosting family holidays, cheering for her children and grandchildren from the sidelines in their athletic endeavors or planning the next travel adventure with her husband and other family members. We will always remember Pat with a smile on her face, making friends wherever she went. Even in the face of adversity, her positive spirit and concern for others prevailed. Patricia was extremely proud of her daughters, Diane Hartman (Wayne) of Scotia, N.Y., Lynne Wertz, of New York

Patricia L. Wertz City, and Janet Scott (Michael) of Davidson, NC. She is also survived by her sister, Betty Jean Zercher, of DeLand, Florida and four grandchildren, Jason Hartman, Timothy Hartman, Zachary Scott and Taylor Scott. Patricia was predeceased by the love of her life, James F. Wertz, in May, 2016. Pat and Jim met as students at Syracuse University and were married for 61 years. A memorial service will be held at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 9, 2022 at DeWitt Community Church, 3600 Erie Blvd. E., DeWitt. Memorial contributions may be made to the DeWitt Community. For guest book, please visit

David W. Hutchings, 88 Retired college professor

Professor David W. Hutchings, 88, of Cazenovia, died on June 6, 2022, after a long illness. He was born on Sept. 26, 1933, and was the second child of Dr. Charles W. and Madeleine G. Hutchings, then residing at Marcy State Hospital, Marcy, N.Y. He attended Syracuse University (SU) after graduation from West Genesee High School in 1952. During his studies at SU, he was a member of the Acacia Fraternity and earned a Bachelor of Science in botany in 1956. At SU, he was a cadet in the Reserve Officer Training Corps and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Army on completing his studies. He trained at the Artillery and Guided Missile School in Fort Sill, OK and served on active duty in the First Division – “Big Red One” – and in the U. S. Army Reserve from 1956 through 1964, retiring with the rank of Captain. Following active duty, Prof. Hutchings earned a Master of Education degree at SU in 1960 and joined the faculty at Cazenovia College where he lectured in botany, biology and ecology while completing further graduate work in botany at SU under Prof. Mildred Faust. During his tenure at Cazenovia College, he visited, photographed and conducted student field trips to botanical areas of interest – fields, swamps, bogs and forests – throughout the Central New York region. In 1974, he accepted an appointment as Professor of Biology at State University of New York (SUNY) Morrisville, where he lectured in basic biology, anatomy and physiology and other courses until his retirement in 1995. With a lifelong interest in the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, he presented evening seminars on Bach’s life and music for many years, as well as slide shows of his photographs accompanied by recordings of Bach’s music. SUNY Morrisville awarded him their Distinguished Teacher Award in 1986 for an outstanding record as a teacher, student advisor, faculty leader and supporter of campus activities. Prof. Hutchings was an avid naturalist, sportsman, scuba diver and photographer. He was a keen observer of nature and loved to teach his children and grandchildren

Ward James Van De Bogart, 69, of Chittenango, passed away Sunday, June 5, 2022. He was born April 25, 1953, in Syracuse to Ward C. and Beverly Gershbacher Van De Bogart and was raised in Cazenovia on Pompey Hollow Road. Ward was a graduate of Cazenovia High School in 1972 and attended Morrisville State College. He was a self-employed stone mason and carpenter, specializing in antique furniture restoration and rehabilitating older homes. Ward was known for spending time in his garden and his love of animals. Ward is survived by his partner of 39 years, Maureen Hull of Chittenango; his sisters, Susan Maxwell of West End, NC, and Debbie Keller of York, PA; his niece, Allyson Bohnert and by his nephews, Phillip and Christopher Maxwell. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his sister, Dorothy Koplow. At Ward’s request, there are no services. Contributions in his memory may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St., Cazenovia, NY

Ward J. Van De Bogart 13035. Condolences for the family may be left at

Joan C. Hastie, 58

Loved taking walks, music Joan Catherine Hastie, 58, of Rome, passed away peacefully at home on Wednesday, June 1, 2022. She was born in Syracuse on Aug. 2, 1963, to Alexander L. and Jean M. Hastie. Joanie had a wonderful presence which captivated most and touched the hearts of all who knew her. She will be fondly remembered for her sense of humor, her contagious smile, her captivating eyes and for blowing her kisses. She loved wearing hats and tall boots, going shopping and spending time one on one with those who cared for her. Her favorite days were spent outside taking walks, listening to others singing to her and listening to music, particularly James Taylor and her favorite song, “Yellow Submarine.” Joanie’s beautiful smile and her tendency to keep watch over all the comings and goings at IRA 2 will be missed by all who knew her. Joan is survived by her siblings, who have fondly expressed their gratitude for all that have cared for her over the years, Andrew (Heidi) Hastie, John (Debra) Hastie, Karen Hookway, Pat (John) Dickerson, Jean Margaret Hastie, Beth (Jeff) Silfer and James Alexander Hastie; several nieces and nephews as well as her extended family at CNYDSO. Calling hours were held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Wednesday, June 8, 2022 with services following at Michael E. Brown Funeral Ser-

Joan C. Hastie vices, 2333 Fenner Road in Cazenovia. Burial was in St. James Cemetery, Cazenovia. Contributions in Joan’s memory may be made to The ARC of Madison Cortland, 701 Lenox Ave., Oneida, NY 13421, online at or to Hospice & Palliative Care, 4277 Middle Settlement Road, New Hartford, NY 13413, online at To leave a message of sympathy for the Hastie family, please visit

Fred A. Marconi, Jr., 71

Engineer, enjoyed playing golf

David W. Hutchings about the multitude of plants and animals encountered on many adventures throughout the countryside and around the family’s camp at Little Long Lake in the Adirondacks. He loved trout fishing in the spring, bass fishing in the summer and ice fishing on Cazenovia Lake in the winter. He particularly enjoyed helping and watching youngsters catch fish. Above all, he loved his wife and family and was devoted to their happiness. Surviving Prof. Hutchings are Joyce L. Hutchings, his wife of 63 years, and his sister, Madeleine Elizabeth Wright of San Diego, CA. He leaves four children: Dr. Charles (Karen) Hutchings of Bradford, N.Y.; Dr. Richard (Kim) Hutchings of Dexter, MI; Bonnie Hutchings, RN of Cazenovia and Nancy Hutchings of Lincoln, MA. His grandchildren include David and Emily Hutchings of Dexter, MI and Andrew Enila of Lincoln, MA. He also leaves many cousins, nieces and nephews throughout the United States and Canada. Prof. Hutchings was a life member of the National Rifle Association and a member of American Legion Post 88 in Cazenovia. A memorial service will be held at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Road in Cazenovia at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 1, 2022. Condolences for the Hutchings family may be left at

Fred A. Marconi, Jr., 71, of Erieville, N.Y., passed away suddenly at home on June 5, 2022. Fred was born in Kane, PA, and was predeceased by his parents, Fred and Hazel; his sister-in-law, Susan Berg; father-in-law, Jack Muthig, and many other relatives and friends. There’s quite a party going on in Heaven as Fred loved to have a good time! He loved to play golf; a passion passed down from his Dad and one he passed on to his sons. We will be reminiscing of the good times and laughter for many years to come. Fred firmly believed in helping others, especially his neighbors around Tuscarora Lake, whether it was launching boats, mowing lawns, snow-blowing driveways or helping his friend Jim Nixdorf with the annual task of getting the well pump running in his camp, Fred was always ready and willing to help. He was an ambulance driver for CAVAC and was so proud to be able to serve them. His generosity and infectious laugh will be fondly remembered by all who knew him. He was a brilliant engineer who had the amazing ability to solve any problem put before him as he loved to have a project to work on. He was the chief mechanical engineer and co-owner of MCM Design Inc., a product development company he managed with Chris and he holds several US patents. Fred’s greatest accomplishment is his family. He was so proud of each of his sons. He loved the home and farm he built with Chris because he created most of it with his own talents, with lots of help from his Dad, sons and good friends. You will be missed Freddie Bear! Fred is survived by his wife of 27 years, Chris; his three sons, Will (Christina), Frank and Jake;

Fred A. Marconi, Jr. his two granddaughters, Sophia and Julia; siblings Ron, Cindy, Judi and Debbie; mother-inlaw, Peg Muthig; brother-in-law, Mark Muthig (Paula) and many friends and relatives. Calling hours were 4 to 6 p.m., Friday, June 10, 2022 at Michael E. Brown Funeral Services, 2333 Fenner Road in Cazenovia. A memorial service was held at the funeral home following the calling hours Friday at 6 p.m. A Celebration of Life was held at the Marconi residence in Erieville on Saturday, June 11, starting at noon. All were welcome to come, grab something to eat and drink and share memories and have some laughs. Contributions in Fred’s memory may be made to CAVAC, 106 Nelson St., Cazenovia, NY 13035 or to a charity of one’s choice. Condolences for the Marconi family may be left at

Continued from previous page

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 1,000,000 but less than 2,500,000 therms per year Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 100 therms or less


Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar)


Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct)

Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct)

Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar)

$0.03790 $0.03250 $0.04125

Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 2,500,000 therms per year Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar)


Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) Demand charge per therm of MPDQ

$0.00773 $0.78991

Service Classification No. 13 – Residential Distributed Generation Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $1,550.00 $0.04006

Monthly usage

Current Rates

First 3 therms or less


Over 3 therms, per therm


Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $28.00



Copies of the amendments to PSC No. 219 Gas are available for public inspection


A-4, 300 Erie Boulevard West, Syracuse, NY 13202 or on the Company’s website at:


and can be obtained by writing National Grid, Regulation and Pricing Department,

Rates Effective July 1, 2022 $1,550.00 $0.00809 $0.01025 $0.82677

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid

10 June 15, 2022


CNY’s Community News Source



Eagle News

Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.





New Digouts, Resurface, Repair or Seal Driveways, Parking Lots, Roads, etc. Free Estimates.

Call Al LaMont 315-481-7248 (cell)


Need to advertise your business? Have a job opening? Rental? We can help you with all of your advertising needs. *Business Ads *Employment ads *Rental Ads *Inserts *Web Advertising *Ad-A-Notes & More!


*Paving *Driveway Sealing *All types of Concrete & Masonry 20yrs exp ~ Free Est.

Call & Save Big $$$.

Call 315-434-8889 TODAY and we can help you be the success you always wanted to be!

We'll beat any Contractors written estimate. Quality doesn't have to cost a lot! Call 315-671-5363




We Save You Time & Money! Our Services: *Appliance Removal *Trash Hauling *Yard Cleanup *Garbage Disposal *Junk Removal *Construction Debris. American Owned ~ Veteran Operated. Contact Us Today for a FREE ESTIMATE 844-GET-JDOG (844-438-5364)

DEMOLITION Great Prices, Fully Ins, Free Est ~50 Years In Business~ Com/Res Fisher Companies 315-652-3773 We Take Down Garages, Pools, Sheds, etc. We also Haul Junk & do Tree Work. Very Reasonable. Free Est. Insured. We are OPEN & are following regulations to be safe!

Call JD Haulers 315-450-2230

Expert Clutter Removal




*REPAIR *RESTORE *REBUILD ALL WORK 100% GUARANTEED! PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED “Hire the man with trowel in hand” Put “Bob” on the Job!

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We clean out your junk, NOT your wallet! Attics, bsmts, garages, yards, almost anything! Call Bruce @ 315-730-6370. Year round service!

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*General Grading *Excavation Digging *Cable & Drainage Trenching *Private Under Ground Cable Locating. NO JOB TOO SMALL

Residential/Commercial Electrician


Driveway * Parking Lot Sealcoating Starting at $150. Driveway Brushed on or Sprayed. Commercial Line Striping. Crack Filling

Frank 315-461-7711



*Excavating *Grading *Dozing *Drainage & Septic Work *Top Soil *Mulch *Stone *Lawn & Driveway Installation & Repair *Demolition *Asbestos *Container Rental.

315-656-DIRT (3478)


Water Damage Specialist, Plaster Walls & Ceilings Repaired. Texture Ceilings. Over 45 years experience





WET BASEMENTS MADE DRY! *Interior/Exterior Drainage Systems *Yard & Gutter Foundation Drainage *Basement Walls Sealed *Housejacking – House, Camp, Garage & Porches *Structural Leveling & Straightening *All Wood Rot Repairs *Support Beams & Floor Joists *Foundation Repairs *Bowed & Cracked Foundations *Interior/Exterior *Wall Repairs/Resurfacing Owners on ALL Projects No Job Too Small! A Family Business *Generations of Quality Work All phases of interior/exterior remodeling and renovations, additions, finish basements & more. *A+ Member of BBB*

~Over 20 yrs. Exp. * Remote Repairs *Any repair/virus removed *Amazon, Alexa & Google Devices Setup *We Come to Your Home or Business *Wireless Networking Apple Support *Smart TV Set-Up....control your home from anywhere in the world.


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SYRACUSE DUMPSTERS *Fast Service *Low Rates *Up-Front Prices.

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Call Sam 315-378-9061

I will beat any written estimate 10% off labor. Available Evenings & Weekends.



Our Trailers will NOT RUIN your driveway! $20 off when you mention this ad. Call 315-884-2135



Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estimate



*Brush Mowing *Land Clearing *Dump Truck Service *Bobcat & Dozer Service *Post Hole Drilling *Septic Designs & Repairs *Demolition Work *Logging *Clean-outs *Junk Hauling *Property Maintenance *Erosion Control Now accepting all major credit cards Insured. 25 Years Experience

“Dusty” Baker (owner) 315-243-0371

BLACKTOP PAVING All Quality Blacktop & Concrete Certified by the BBB. Welcome Front Line Responders, Senior Citizens & Veterans. “Early bird's get the price” Seasons On! Res/Com. We also do: Parking Lots & Sidewalks, Brick, Block, Concrete & Some Carpentry

B&E Paving 315-278-4454 Geneo' *Hire a Local Company* Vietnam Era Vet

Gail's Quality Cleaning. Prompt, Professional Service. Licensed since 2001, Low Rates, Cleanouts, Rental Property, Commercial & Open House. Following CDC Standards 315-877-0427

*Concrete Sidewalks *Patio's *Garage Floors *Driveways *Stamped Concrete *Foundation Repair *Spray Foam Insulation. Free Estimates ~ Fully Insured. Call 315-761-2301 or 315-750-6002

A SMILING DOUG'S ELECTRIC No Job too Big/Small. Ins, Lic.


BARLETTA ELECTRIC, Res Wiring, Lic & Ins Electrician. New Installation & Rewiring. Free Est. Steve Barletta 315-863-1600



No Job too Small. Reasonable Rates, Free Est, Insured.



*New Dig-Outs *Resurface *All Repairs *Driveways *Parking Lots *Basketball Courts. Free Estimate *Fully Insured. WE PAVE...YOU SAVE We Do Concrete & Masonry Work Member BBB.

PLS Construction 315-876-0978


1. Moved quickly 4. Ocean temperature 7. Scholarly book series 12. Irregular 15. Hairstyle 16. Indigestion fixer 18. Special therapy 19. Mock 20. Partner to Pa 21. Strays 24. Swedish currency (abbr.) 27. Desired 30. Soap product 31. Traditional fishing boat 33. No (Scottish) 34. Spy organization 35. Spiritual leader of a Jewish congregation 37. Married woman 39. Blood relation 41. German river 42. Genus of clams 44. Parts of a movie 47. Residue 48. Ethnic group of Laos and Thailand 49. Atomic #77 50. Where wrestlers work 52. Northeast 53. Type of lettuce 56. Abstain 61. Communication between two 63. One who administers medicine 64. Sun up in New York

JD Haulers Junk & Cleanout Service Rates start at $19.00! We Clean Out Attics, Basements, Sheds, Yards, Brush Removal & More! We take down Garages, Sheds, Fences, Pool & More! Make That Junk Go Away! Serving all of CNY



65. Having eight


1. He played “Milton” 2. Elsa’s sister 3. Digital wallet 4. About backbone 5. Type of weapon 6. __ Turner, rock singer 7. Microgram 8. Hair product 9. Health care pro 10. Holy fire 11. Military ID (abbr.) 12. __ the ante 13. Containing nitrogen


Masonry Repairist

Steps, Foundations, Chimneys, Brick & Block, Basements, Stucco, 25yrs Exp. Call Dave 315-395-3041

14. Green citrus fruit 17. Male parent 22. Bring up 23. Murdered 24. Soviet Socialist Republic 25. Supreme ruler Genghis 26. Social media hand gesture 28. Semitic Sun god 29. Land 32. Database management system 36. Similar 38. Nice to look at



Floors Dull & Dirty? Specializing In Floor Care. Com/Res. Clean & Polish Floors, Hardwood, Ceramic & Tile, Carpet Cleaning. Free Est.



PLS Construction 315-876-0978

“I can't believe they are here already”

Job's done within 6-8hrs! Express, Same Day Service! We are OPEN & are following regulations to be safe!

*New & Repairs *Garage Floors *Sidewalks *Foundation Work *Retaining Walls. Member BBB ~We Do Blacktop Paving~ Free Estimate * Fully Insured

FORESTRY MULCHING, Push Back Hedgerows, Land Clearing, Food Plot Clearing, Building Lots, Field & Pasture Restoration. Free Est ~ Insured Call Robert Baxter 315-246-8261

Residential/Commercial 24 Hour Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome Locally Owned & Operated Over 25 Years Experience Insured * Licensed

40. Covered with mud 43. Simple dry fruit 44. Title of respect 45. Type of footwear 46. Most lucid 51. Exam


Ken 315-297-2822

54. Extinct flightless bird of New Zealand 55. “Rule, Britannia” composer 56. Small Eurasian deer 57. “Within”


505 Factory Ave, Syracuse Garage Doors & Openers. Featuring Amarr Garage Doors & Specialty Carriage House Sales, Installations & Service M-F 8-5, Sat by Appt.


58. Insures bank’s depositors 59. A pause for relaxation 60. Social insect 62. Expresses acidity

Eagle News




June 15, 2022 11

CNY’s Community News Source


Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.




Gardens, Lawns, Brush Hog & Post Hole Drilling 315-633-2486


AWESOME HOME SERVICES CNY'S #1 GUTTER CLEANER *Gutter Cleaning & Flush *Deck Wash & Seal *Siding Wash *Window/Screen Cleaning

10% off Gutter Cleaning (exp 6/29/22)

20% off Deck Wash & Sealing (exp 6/29/22)

315-457-0954 315-729-8851

Owner: Rob Preston * Insured


JD Haulers Junk & Cleanout Service Rates start at $19.00! We Clean Out Attics, Basements, Sheds, Yards, Brush Removal & More! We take down Garages, Sheds, Fences, Pool & More! Make That Junk Go Away! Serving all of CNY “I can't believe they are here already”

Job's done within 6-8hrs! Express, Same Day Service! 315-450-2230 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!


Estate Cleanouts. Attic, Basement & Garage Cleanouts. Yard Waste, Construction Debris, Household Cleanouts. Discount Dumpster Rental... You Load or We Load. Serving CNY since 1998. Family Owned & Operated. Free Estimates * Fully Insured.


Schafer's Junk & Cleanout Service

Liverpool Seamless Gutters


315-457-0403 or 315-314-9570 Serving CNY For Over 30 Years. 10 Yr Labor & 20 Yr Material Warranty *Variety of Colors *Leaf Protection *Cleanouts *Fascia/Soffit Replacement & Repairs Free Est, Fullly Ins.

Rates start @ $19.00! We Haul Away: Appliances, Trash & Yard Cleanup, Basement Floods, Sheds, Pools, TV's, Tires, Paint. Same Day Service! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!




Money saving low prices. No job too big or smallI! “Men use Dewalt tools, the boys use the cheap tools” Call JD, any place you live, we go! MC/VI, 7 days a week. Call 315-884-2135 Right now you will receive a free $25 gift card with one of our services.

HANDYMAN LUKE GRAVES No Job to Big or Small 315-396-8570 or 315-676-5906


A/C or No Heat Service Call Starting At $75 or A/C or Furnace Tune Up $75. 43 Years Experience. Licensed, Bonded & Insured. MC 24 HR Service. BBB Member With A+ Rating 315-458-2653



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Call 315-925-1595 All Work Guaranteed

Gary Vona's Lawn Service *Mowing *Trimming *Spring/Fall Cleanups *Backhoe/Dumptruck, Brush Hogging, Mulch & Topsoil, Excavator Service (all types of digging)




Don't let your Yard get over-grown.. Beautify it! Call Now is How! Quality Service at Fair Rates Spring/Fall Clean-ups Weeding – Mulching & More! Free Estimates *Fully Insured Senior Discounts Serving Manlius, Fayetteville, Dewitt & Syracuse “Your Family Company” 15% off every Landscaping Job (Limited time offer)

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*LANDSCAPING *Mowing*Bobcat Service *Mulching *Pavers *Spring/Fall Cleanups *Power Washing * Property Maintenance *Planting *Gutter Cleaning *Deck Power Washing & Staining. Residential/Commercial, Reasonable Rates, Fully Insured


Insured * Residential/Commercial & Realty Property * Clean-Ups *Lawn Maint * Edging * Mulch & Decorative Stone. See our website for other services:


LANDSCAPE DESIGN, Stump Grinding Svces, Seasonal Clean Haul Away Svces, Full Tree Service. Fully Insured. Follow us on Facebook! Evergreen Landscaping 315-766-8792


*House, Camp, Garage & Porches *Structural Leveling & Straightening *ALL WOOD ROT REPAIRS *Support Beams & Floor Joists *Foundation Repairs *Bowed & Cracked Foundations *Interior/Exterior *Wall Repairs/Resurfacing *WATERPROOFING Wet Basements Made Dry! Interior/Exterior Drainage Systems *Yard & Gutter Foundation Drainage Basement Walls Sealed Owners on ALL Projects No Job Too Small! A Family Business *Generations of Quality Work All phases of interior/exterior remodeling and renovations, additions, finish basements & more. *A+ Member of BBB*


*Mowing *Spring/Fall Clean-ups *Mulch *Fertilizer Reasonable Rates, 30 Years Exp References Avail * Free Estimates

Call 315-678-1695

Serving L'pool & B'ville Only

Lorenzo's Landscaping

Mowing Services, Syracuse, Mattydale, Dewitt, Fayetteville, East Syracuse & Jamesville. Free Estimates & Fully Insured. Call or Text Lorenzo @ 315-391-6554

SPECIALIZING In Structural Leveling, Straightening & Jacking. Camps, Houses, Barns, Garages, Sheds, Porches & More. Beam Replacement, Floor Joist Replacement, Concrete Foundation Repair & Flatwork. 30 Years Exp. 10% Senior Discount. Call Art @ 315-675-3270 or 315-345-6120



We pick up & haul anything you don't want. Cheaper than any other price! 7 days a week. Call today! Pickup Today! Trash is cheap...don't overpay!


Int/Ext Painting, Drywall, General Repairs & Power Washing. Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Senior Discounts. Over 30 Years Experience. OSHA Certified. We Accept MC/VI. David Lalonde 315-751-0370 or 315-455-5860


MILLER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Plumbing/HVAC Residential/Commercial 24 Hour Emergency Service Small Jobs Welcome Locally Owned & Operated Over 25 Years Experience Insured * Licensed

A Company You Can Count On ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVICES *Chimney Rebuilds & Repairs *Retaining Walls *Steps *Brick, Block & Stucco *Foundation Repairs Free Estimates *Fully Insured Senior Discounts

Let the Pro's Install New or Repair Your Steps Now! *Custom Steps *Re-pointing done *New Treads Installed *Repairs Done Have Beautiful Steps Built Free Estimate * Insured *References Other Masonry Done For Your Home

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Driveway / Drainage

Landscape / Sand / Stone Dust Hard Fill / Clean Fill Landscaping – Geotextile – Fabric (By the Roll or Sheet) Delivery Available 315-457-2394


DECKS, FENCES, HOUSES Quick Service * Reasonable Rates

Call John @ 315-458-5132 to discuss your job.



Serving Syracuse for 30 years We are open & following guidelines


Call 315-434-8889

Residential * Commercial Complete tree & stump removal Certified Climber 315-672-3398 Sen & Military Discounts Fully Ins, Free Est


Eager to clear your TREE problems?


Parge Foundations, Walls, Chimney's & Cellar Walls (inside & out), Cracked Floor Joist's Replaced. 30 Years Exp, Ins, Free Est. Senior Discount Call Gary 315-675-9762 or


MOVING SERVICES JEFF & LAUREN'S Residential Moving Service. Load, Unload, Paking Services, Small or Big. Also, Cleanouts.

$$$ Saving Prices Same Day Express Service. “A Household name You Can Trust..JD Haulers” 315-450-2230




Commercial & Residential Roofing & Siding Also Specializing In Repair, Restoration of Flat Roofs *Residential Roofing *Leaks & Repairs *Siding *Fullly Insured *Senior Discount. Free Estimates, Quality Work. Over 30 years Experience, A+ Rating BBB.



Best Prices in CNY! Lifetime Shingles & Workmanship Ins~Free Est~Sen Citizen Discount

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Interior/Exterior * A+ BBB Rating Licensed & Insured Neat/Clean Artist Quality Painting Will Beat any written estimate (10% off Early Booking) Call 315-575-6953 For Free Est. WWW.AJFPAINTING.COM facebook

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Call Charlie 315-478-1894

*Specialize in Hard-to-Get Areas *Certified Climber & Aerial Lift Service. Serving Skaneateles, Otisco & Marcellus 315-720-0020


Big Take Downs, Experienced Landscaping, Shrubs & Stump Removal. Free Estimate OSHA Certified. We Accept MC/VI David Lalonde 315-751-0370 or 315-455-5860 STEVEN LASHOMB'S TREE SERVICE Bucket Truck, Climber, Stump Grinding, Fully Ins, Sen Discount 315-516-9020




BIG OR SMALL..WE DO EM ALL Family Owned & Operated Complete Tree Removal Serving CNY *Residential *Commercial *Municipality *Bucket Truck *Storm Damage Restoration *Spring/Fall Debris Clean Up. Fully Insured ~ Free Estimates 315-466-2858 (leave a message) or 315-750-6002.

TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP Rates Starting at $49.


ROOF MAN – We Stop Leaks!



JOHN DELAND Roofing Consultant/Roof Repairs $0 Down, 12 months no interest FREE ESTIMATES*FULLY INSURED

*Interior & Exterior Painting *Floor Installations *Sheetrock Installations *Exterior Foundation Repairs *Powerwash & Gutter Cleaning Fully Insured ~ Free Estimates Call or Text 315-807-4305


LAKE EFFECT Tree Service

We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!

Al's Painting

For all of your Mowing & Landscaping needs. Mowing, Clean-ups, Mulching & Landscape Design Serving all of CNY. Insured. Reasonably Priced, Professionally Delivered. 315-455-5275

Onondaga Steps Above the Rest


Interior / Exterior Unbeatable Prices! Free Est, Insured





*Lawncare *Mulching *Hedge Trimming *Weeding *Spring & Fall Cleanup. Contact by email or call 607-351-4190 email: Visit our website: We service Geneva, Waterloo, Seneca Falls & Auburn


Roots Removed. Fits through 36” gate. Fast, Reliable, Affordable. We Show Up! Call David 315-516-0241

visit us at

Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estimate




Landscaping & Hardscaping Specialist. Design & Install, Brickpavers, Retaining Walls. 315-952-1142


Ken 315-297-2822

Spring Cleanups *Landscaping *Lighting *Mowing *Mulching *Patio's *Walkways

Superior Scapes Inc.

Interior Painting - Any Size Job Free Estimates - Fully Insured


*P: 315-633-2081 *C: 315-427-6070

35 Years Experience

Albert Home Products

117 E. Manlius St, E. Syracuse

*All Interiors -1 Room to Full House *Ceilings *Trim & Walls *Dependable & Clean. Excellent References. 315-263-1541

Joe 315-463-5611

WE MAKE & Repair Most Screens! Also, New & Insulated Glass & Repairs! Porch Enclosures. We have Aluminum Combination Storm & Screen Windows & Vinyl Replacement Windows.

Interior/Exterior Painting & Cabinet Refinishing Free Est, Insured, References


Senior Discounts & Free Estimates. Spring & Fall Clean-ups


Mulching, Spring Clean-ups, Trimming & Landscape Design. Professinal & Dependable. 20 Years Exp. Serving All of CNY. Low Prices and Ins. 315-516-3127


*Spring Cleanup *Edging *Mulching *Trimming *Weeding *Flower Beds *Planting *Decorative Stone *Sod Installation *Bush & Brush Removal *Retaining Walls *Walkways *Patios *New Landscape Design & Installations. Free Estimates * Fully Insured. Call or Text Lorenzo or Juan 315-391-6554

Interior / Exterior *Deck Staining *Power Washing. Com/Res, Free Estimate, Insured. 315-452-0538

Serving Syracuse & Surrounding Suburbs. Residential & Commercial Roofing Specialist. *Shingle Roofs/ 25 & 30 Yr Shingles *Slate & Tile Repairs *Flat Roof Repairs *Porches *Dormers *Garages *Rubber Roof Repairs *New Roofs *ReRoofs *Leak Repairs *Rotted Plywood Replaced *Ice, Snow & Wind Storm Damage. All Work Guaranteed! Warranty 5, 10, 30 Years. Compare prices- You'll be glad you did! Fully Insured, Free Estimates Insurance Claims, Senior Citizen Discounts 315-430-9903

We take down trees, yard cleaups, brush removal, Trees Removed, Land Clearing. Same Day Service. Call JD Haulers 315-450-2230 We are Open & we are following regulations to be safe!


Certified Climber, Bucket Trucks, Arial Lifts, Stump Grinding. Specialized in Hazardous Tree Removals. Senior Citizen Discount. Free Est, Fully Ins.


vicing wholesale and retail customers. Assist customers in person and over the phone by determining If you've got what it takes to be a needs and presenting appropriate troubleshooter, marketer, trainer, products andEagle servicesNews systems analyst, creative problem Ensuring that sales transactions solver, strategist, and an all-enare completed accurately, maincompassing leader of the pack, taining precise work order files you could be part of the Sherwinand formulas, pulling appropriate Williams' team. Our Trainee Assisproducts from the sales Program ext. is designed ortant callManager 315-434-8889, 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at floor 7pm.or warehouse, and tinting and mixto provide you with all the skills ing them to customer specificaneeded to build a successful career tions in management and/or outside Assist in sourcing professional sales. JOBS JOBS products required by customers that are not available in the store and, upon The Trainee Assistant Manager approval, place order and follow Program includes self-study modup as necessary. ules, structured on-the-job trainBe responsible for opening and ing, classroom instruction at our closing the store, making bank regional training facilities, as well deposits, stocking shelves and as ongoing education throughout setting up displays, cleaning store your career. Your training will enequipment, and loading and uncompass all aspects of store manloading trucks. agement, including paint and assoAdditional Comments - External ciated products, customer service, Our Must Haves - These are our professional sales and marketing, Basic Qualifications, hit apply if credit and accounts receivable you meet all of them! management, human resources management, profit and loss and 18 years of age or older merchandising management. Legally authorized to work in country of employment without After you complete the trainee prorequiring sponsorship for emgram, you'll be able to progress ployment visa status, now or in into paint store management posithe future tions. Our Assistant Store ManAbility to distinguish the differagers and Store Managers oversee ence between colors, a skill used a million-dollar business, providwhen color matching or tinting ing leadership and insight into the paint, with or without reasonable development and strategy of their accommodation store. Be able to operate a computer and communicate via the telephone, Many Trainees choose a path that with or without reasonable acleads to a career in professional commodation sales. In this role, they grow the Ability to retrieve material from company's market share by selling shelves and floor stacks and lift to large, commercial users such as and carry up to 50 lbs., with or painting contractors, purchasing without reasonable accommodaagents, manufacturers, and other tion commercial users who need large Operate material handling equipvolumes of our high-quality prodment (e.g. hand truck, pallet jack, ucts. Generally, sales representaforklift, etc.) safely once trained, tives apply their trade in specific with or without reasonable acregions or territories. Trainees are commodation eligible for professional sales posiExtras to Help you Stand Out * tions once a track record of sucThese are not required for you to cess within the stores has been esbe eligible to apply. tablished. WELCOME WILLIAMS

12 June 15, 2022


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* Must be legally authorized to work in country of employment without sponsorship for employment visa status. * Must be able to retrieve material from shelves and floor stacks and lift and carry up to 50 lbs. * Must be able to tint paint, therefore, must be able to distinguish the difference between colors. * Must be able to operate a computer and communicate via the telephone.


Visit to apply

* High school diploma or comparable certification (e.g. GED) PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: * Associate's Degree, preferably in a Business and/or Marketing field. Sherwin-Williams is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

* Must be legally authorized to work in country of employment without sponsorship for employment visa status.

F/T CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSOCIATE Sherwin Williams has several opportunities for Full Time Associates at many of our stores.

* Must be able to retrieve material from shelves and floor stacks and lift and carry up to 50 lbs.

How You'll Perform the Role

* Must be able to tint paint, therefore, must be able to distinguish the difference between colors. * Must be able to operate a computer and communicate via the telephone. * High school diploma or comparable certification (e.g. GED) PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: * Associate's Degree, preferably in a Business and/or Marketing field. Sherwin-Williams is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Visit to apply

Support the sales efforts at a Sherwin-Williams paint store, servicing wholesale and retail customers. Assist customers in person and over the phone by determining needs and presenting appropriate products and services Ensuring that sales transactions are completed accurately, maintaining precise work order files and formulas, pulling appropriate products from the sales floor or warehouse, and tinting and mixing them to customer specifications Assist in sourcing products required by customers that are not available in the store and, upon approval, place order and follow up as necessary. Be responsible for opening and closing the store, making bank deposits, stocking shelves and setting up displays, cleaning store equipment, and loading and unloading trucks. Additional Comments - External Our Must Haves - These are our Basic Qualifications, hit apply if you meet all of them! 18 years of age or older Legally authorized to work in country of employment without requiring sponsorship for employment visa status, now or in the future Ability to distinguish the difference between colors, a skill used when color matching or tinting paint, with or without reasonable accommodation Be able to operate a computer and communicate via the telephone, with or without reasonable accommodation Ability to retrieve material from shelves and floor stacks and lift and carry up to 50 lbs., with or without reasonable accommodation Operate material handling equipment (e.g. hand truck, pallet jack, forklift, etc.) safely once trained, with or without reasonable accommodation Extras to Help you Stand Out * These are not required for you to be eligible to apply.

The Mickey Vendetti Goodtime Experience Playing & Singing songs from the 30’s, 40’s & 50’s The Best Solo Show in Upstate New York

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What is the Process to get Started? Step 1 - Online Application Find the role(s) that interest you on our Careers page: Set aside 15 minutes to create your profile by entering or importing your details from one of our job board partners.

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Step 2 - Digital Interview


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* Must have a valid Driver's License.

Many Trainees choose a path that leads to a career in professional sales. In this role, they grow the company's market share by selling to large, commercial users such as painting contractors, purchasing agents, manufacturers, and other commercial users who need large volumes of our high-quality products. Generally, sales representatives apply their trade in specific regions or territories. Trainees are eligible for professional sales positions once a track record of success within the stores has been established.

* Must have a valid Driver's License.

Live Music of Your Life with a personal touch


Experience in a delivery, retail sales or customer service position Ability to speak more than one language: preferably Spanish Possess a High school diploma or comparable certification (e.g. GED) Valid driver's license What is the Process to get Started? Step 1 - Online Application Find the role(s) that interest you on our Careers page: Set aside 15 minutes to create your profile by entering or importing your details from one of our job board partners. Step 2 - Digital Interview Step 3 - In-Store Interview Sherwin-Williams is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. HELP WANTED CLEANING PERSON Needed for Apartment Complex, Buildings & Apts. Hourly Wage. 7300 Cedarpost Rd. Call 315-451-5011 John Mezzalingua Associates LLC d/b/a JMA Wireless (Liverpool, NY) seeks Sr Lead 5G RF Test Engineer to ovrsee prdct test backlog for all prjcts & ensre quality that meets prdct test engg needs for all stakehldrs. Dvlp/asst in prod test of wireless prdcts, such as base stations, DAS unts, & CPEs. Wrk closely w/ 5G, RF, sftwre, & FPGA teams to dvlp & test apps before prdcts are dployed. Specfy, dsgn & implmt tests for functnlty & behvrs of sub-systms. Trblesht & reslve probs in lab settng. Prep tchncl anlys/rviews & recmmnd engg mthds & prcesses that meet dsgn objctves on new or imprvd prdcts &/or prcesses. Eval & monitr manufactrng & test data to idntfy dfct trends & wrk w/ prcess & manufactrng engg to rsolve any issues. Wrk w/ intrl & extrnl stakehldrs to define dsgn targts & exec on delvrbles. Intrface w/ dsgn, test, mechncl, firmwre & sftwre teams. Prep prdct for FCC cert & wrk w/ FCC lab to get prdct certfied. Reqs MS in CompSci or Elctrcl Engg +2yrs exp in pos offrd or Test Engnr pos. All reqd exp mustve incld condctng testng & charactrzatn of RF compnents for 5G apps usng analog, digtl & RF knwldge; codng w/ Pythn & C; prfmng lab & hands-on dbuggng; leadng tchncl actvties for engg teams prfmng prdct testng; readng & undrstndng electrcl schemtcs; prfmng hrdwre bringup. Telecommutng accptble from any location in US. E-mail res to LIFEGUARDS Needed for Liverpool Apt. Complex. Must be certified, $15/hr. Call 315-451-3110 or 315-451-5011, Pinecrest Manor, 7300 Cedarpost Rd Looking for a neat, organized person capable of running a job and maintaining a clean job site. Good pay, steady work. Painters and painters helpers wanted. Experienced painters with tools and transportation for immediate hire. Experienced in interior, exterior and power washing. New construction and re paints. Painters helpers, we will train. Busy Skaneateles/Syracuse painting company. Weekends on or off it's up to you. Looking to add to our great team. Please call 315-685-1062 MAINTENANCE PERSON Live on Site. Inculdes a 1bdrm apt + hourly wage & benefits. Apply in person @ 7300 Cedar Post Rd, Liverpool, NY 315-451-5011 NEED A DRIVER? Will drive for a small fee to help you run errands and to provide transportation when needed. Dr. appts, casino, shopping, etc. Caz, DeWitt, Fayetteville, Manlius, E. Syr. Great references. Call Tom 315-560-2363 WANTED: Someone to keep my garden neat; trimming & weeding, no mowing. $15/hr. Manlius area. Call 315-256-2347 CAREER TRAINING COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to become a Computer & Help Desk Professional now! Grants and Scholarships available for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! (844)947-0192 (M-F 8am-6pm ET)

Step 3 - In-Store Interview


Sherwin-Williams is proud to be an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

Catskill Mts. Fishing/hunting club seeks long-term couple to manage facilities, meal services. Benefits include: Housing, IRA contribution, Health Insurance Forward Cover Letter and Resume to


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June 15, 2022 13

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The Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. (Never known to fail) O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea, help me and show me where you are my Mother. OHoly Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Show me herein you are Mother. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3x) O Holy Mary, Sweet Mother I place this cause in your hands. (3x) Thank you for your mercy to me and mine. Amen Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and after 3 days your request will be granted and the prayer must be published. Thank you! M.W.

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The Prayer to the Blessed Virgin. (Never known to fail) Omost beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. O star of the sea, help me and show me where you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity. There are none that can withstand your power. Show me herein you are Mother. O Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3x) O Holy Mary, Sweet Mother I place this cause in your hands. (3x) Thank you for your mercy to me and mine. Amen. Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and after 3 days your request will be granted and the prayer must be published. Thank you! M.M.D

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14 June 15, 2022

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Cazenovia Republican



June 15, 2022 15

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

From page 1

According to CBSA President Brian Gardner, the goal of the event was to celebrate the park’s two newly improved youth baseball/ softball fields and the CBSA community. The organization also wanted to publicly thank its sponsors and donors, the Town and Village of Cazenovia, and the local community. “We did a lot of work over the last year and none of it would have been possible without their support and contribution,” said Gardner. CBSA’s recently completed field improvement project involved replacing the stone dust infields with dirt infields. Both fields were also regraded and shaped to fill in low areas and help control runoff when the fields are wet. Additionally, a new mound was built on the main field, new scoreboards were installed on both fields, and the fences between the two fields were separated to improve access to both sides. The project was a combined effort of CBSA and the Village of Cazenovia, which owns the Burton Street Fields. “The village has been very grateful for the wonderful partnership with CBSA,” said Mayor Kurt Wheeler. “Their active involvement in terms of expert input on what improvements are most needed and their assistance with marshalling resources to do the work have both been invaluable. With their help we have been able to make great strides in improving the facilities for all the youth of the greater Cazenovia area in a way that is fair to village taxpayers.” According to Gardner, the feedback from players, families, spectators, and community members has been positive. “Our players are finding it easier to slide, field balls, and develop their skills,” he said. “We have had several softball games at the Burton Street Park on Field 2 this year, which was not possible in previous years. . . We have ongoing talks with the village to continue to improve the park and maintain all that has been done. We will prioritize goals every year for further growth with the support of the village and community.” During Community Day’s main event, CBSA thanked its sponsors and donors, including the Redmond/Garay family, who made a sizeable donation to the organization in memory of Duncan John Redmond, who was stillborn a week before his due date in August 2016. To honor Duncan’s memory, his family launched Duncan’s Dash, a fun run designed to provide children with opportunities to engage in recreation and physical activity. Pre-COVID, the event was held each August for three years in partnership with the village and Project CAFÉ, whose student members made popcorn and cotton candy, ran with the kids, and helped set up. Project CAFE, Inc. also acted as the non-profit recipient of the donations on behalf of Duncan’s Dash. A portion of the proceeds from the events was put toward the purchase of baby swings that are now located at Lakeside Park. The remaining funds were combined with donations from Duncan’s parents, Jessica Garay and Garrett Redmond, and his grandparents, Ken and Pat Garay and Gerard and Gigi Redmond, to contribute $5,000 to CBSA. Jessica, Garrett, and their two sons, Graham and Jordan, presented the check to Gardner on behalf of Duncan’s Dash on Oct.


TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Board of Appeals Notice is hereby given that a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Cazenovia will be held on June 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM, at the Town Office Building, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia, to consider the application of Douglas & Leslie Brackett. Property is located at 5090 Lakewood Way, Cazenovia, NY. Tax Map Number 76.13-1-9. Zoned Lake Watershed. ZBA File # 22-1423. Proposed area variance 6'8” of south side yard setback relief for the construction of an attached garage. All interested parties wishing to appear at

TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICIAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Zoning Board of Appeals Notice is hereby given that a public hearing before the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Cazenovia will be held on June 27, 2022 at 7:30 PM, at the Town Office Building, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia, to consider the application of Douglas & Leslie Brackett. Property is located at 5090 Lakewood Way, Cazenovia, NY. Tax Map Number 76.13-1-9. Zoned Lake Watershed. ZBA File # 22-1423. Proposed area variance 6'8” of LEGALS south side yard setback relief for the construction of an attached garage. All interested parties wishing to appear at said hearing may do so in person or by other representative. Communications in writing relating thereto may be filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals prior to, or at said hearing. Copies of the application of Area Variance are available for public inspection at the Town Offices during business hours. Thomas Pratt, Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Town of Cazenovia Dated: May 23, 2022 CR-290795

Kate Hill

The Cazenovia Baseball Softball Association (CBSA) held its first annual Community Day at Burton Street Park on Saturday, June 11. During the main event, CBSA recognized its players who will age out of Little League and move on to the school programs next year. 2, 2021. Wheeler and Project CAFÉ President Hannora Race also attended the presentation. The family’s donation helped CBSA to exceed its $25,000 fundraising goal to support the field improvements. To recognize the contribution and memorialize Duncan, CBSA has named Field 1 “Duncan’s Diamond.” On Community Day, a new sign was unveiled on the backstop, and Duncan’s brother Graham threw the first pitch to dedicate the new field. “We are thrilled to support the CBSA and the great work they do to provide baseball and softball opportunities for children in the Cazenovia community,” said Jessica. “It is really touching to have the field named in memory of our son, Duncan. We will always remember him, and now his name will be there every time we watch our older son, Graham, play.” CBSA also recognized its players who will age out of Little League and move on to the school programs next year. Ruby Gillis, a sixth-grade softball player, sang the National Anthem to open the ceremony. Community Day also featured baseball and softball league games throughout the day; raffles of local goods and services; apparel for sale; coffee, donuts, and breakfast pizza in the morning; snacks and drinks all day; and food from the Tubesteaks Food Truck. In lieu of a monetary admission charge, CBSA requested “admission” in the form of an item to donate to Caz Cares food pantry and clothing closet. In addition to launching its annual Community Day, CBSA has also started a tradition of formally dedicating the spring season to an individual who has contributed to and helped improve the organization over the years.

LEGALS Notice of Formation of BURGHARDT'S PROPERTY GROUP, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 4/27/22.Office location: Madison SSNY desg. as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY mail process to 1366 Kinderhook Rd, Chittenango, NY 13037. Any lawful purpose. CR-289268 Notice of Formation of CHUCK'S WOODCHUCKS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/25/2022. Office location Madison. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served SSNY mail process to 3877 THOMAS ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose.

Notice of Formation of CHUCK'S WOODCHUCKS, LLC. Arts. Of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/25/2022. Office location Madison. SSNY desg. As agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be LEGALS served SSNY mail process to 3877 THOMAS ROAD, CAZENOVIA, NY, 13035. Any lawful purpose. CR-291612 Notice of Formation of Henneberg Home Inspections, LLC, a Domestic Limited Liability Company (LLC). Articles of Organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on March 23, 2022. Office location: County of Madison. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to: 5451 Oxbow Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Purpose: any lawful purpose. CR-290274

The 2021 season is dedicated to Dominic Paglia, a former CBSA and Cazenovia baseball player who passed away tragically in October 2021. “Even after moving on from CBSA, he was involved in helping with clinics and volunteering at events for the younger players throughout his baseball career in Cazenovia,” said Gardner. “We know he is greatly missed by his friends, family, former teammates, and coaches.” CBSA dedicated the Spring 2022 season to Terry Damon, who was one of the first CBSA board members and served as league director,

LEGALS Notice of Formation KOESTER SWAMP LLC PROPERTIES, (“LLC”) filed Articles of Organization with the NY Sec. of State (�SSNY�) on 5/4/22. Office location: Madison County. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail a copy of process to 2119 Conley Road, Chittenango, NY 13037. Purpose: any lawful activity. CR-290768 Notice of Formation of Lollman Auto Repair, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/05/22. Office location: Madison County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to:

Notice of Formation of Lollman Auto Repair, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 04/05/22. Office location: LEGALSMadison County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: 2439 NYS 12B, Hamilton, NY 13346. Purpose: any lawful activities. CR-290604 NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York

president, fundraising director, coach, and mentor to players and volunteers. Damon passed away in February of this year. “We hope to honor all that he did for those who knew him and for all future players to know of him,” said Gardner. During the ceremony, Cazenovia Lakers Baseball Head Coach Tim Mascari spoke about Paglia’s ongoing support of Little League, and longtime CBSA board member Roger Cook remarked on Damon’s character and innumerable contributions to CBSA. To learn, visit

NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The LEGALS full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035 for review by all interested parties during regular business hours. ABSTRACT The Town of Nelson Town Board has approved a resolution authorizing the conveyance to the State of New York/Department of Environmental Conservation, of an approximately 7.512+ acre parcel of property, located in the Town of Nelson Tax Map No.: 96.00-1-26.14, which was formerly used as a swamp trail and which is no longer needed by the Town and further authorizing the conveyance of an access easement associated with the same. June 9, 2022 Deborah J. Costello

NOTICE OF ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION SUBJECT TO PERMISSIVE REFERENDUM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a regular meeting, held on June 9, 2022, the Town Board of the Town of Nelson duly adopted a resolution, an abstract of which follows, which resolution is subject to a permissive referendum pursuant to Article 7 of the New York State Town Law. The full resolution is on file in the office of the Town of Nelson Town Clerk 4085 Nelson Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035 for review by all interested parties during regular business hours. ABSTRACT The Town of Nelson Town Board has approved a resolution authorizing the conveyance to the State of New York/Department of Environmental Conservation, of an approximately 7.512+ acre parcel of property, located in the Town of Nelson Tax Map No.: 96.00-1-26.14, which was formerly used as a swamp trail and which is no longer needed by the Town and further LEGALS authorizing the conveyance of an access easement associated with the same. June 9, 2022 Deborah J. Costello Town Clerk, Town of Nelson CR-291764 Notice of Formation of: RW3 DEPOT 2 LLC. Articles of Organization were filed with the Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on 04/18/2022. Office is located in the County of Madison. SSNY is designated as agent of LLC upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 6474 Route 20, Bouckville, NY 13310. Purpose is any lawful purpose. EB-289979

16 June 15, 2022

Eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

Cazenovia Republican


Phil Blackwell | Sports Editor | 434-8889 ext. 348 |

Girls track season ends at state qualifier by Kurt Wheeler


he Cazenovia girls track and field team concluded its stellar 2022 campaign with a series of season best performances at last Thursday’s Section III state qualifying meet at Cicero-North Syracuse’s Bragman Stadium.. Seventeen members of the squad advanced to the elite event as competitors or alternates one week after winning the Section III class B-2 championship. The 4x800 meter relay led off the competition for Cazenovia, finishing third among all Division II teams. For the New York State Public High School Athletic Association meet, schools are divided into two categories: Division 1 (enrollment of 600 or more) and Division 2 (under 600). Among the 100 schools in Section III, 21 are Division 1 and 79 are Division II, creating fierce competition among the many small schools to advance as only the top individual or relay qualifies in each event. Senior Claire Braaten led off the 4x800 with a strong 2:32.83 leg before passing the baton to Faith Wheeler, who ran her fastest 800 of the season in 2:31.21. Senior Nadia Segall kept the Lakers in a strong position with a 2:38.12 leg before handing off to Dinah Gifford who finished with a 2:33.25 effort to cap Cazenovia’s best overall time of 2022 at 10:15.38. The 4x100 team also ran their fastest time of the spring with seniors Melanie Michael and Katie Whitney starting and finishing the face and juniors Grace Dolan and Corinne Albicker running the middle legs. The foursome executed three perfect exchanges to earn a time of 51.88 and to finish in fourth place in Division II. The Laker 4x400 team also put on their best performance of the season to post their fastest time of 4:16.05

and earn third place in Division II Ironically, their time would have put them first among the larger Division 1 teams as West Genesee won that race in 4:16.83. Grace Dolan led of the relay with her fastest time of the season in 1:01.2 before passing to senior Mary Williams, who also achieved a personal best time during her leg at 1:06.3. Olivia Ruddy ran an outstanding third leg in 1:04.4, just a fraction of second from her all-time best before passing to anchor Meghan Mehlbaum who saved .2 off her best time to finish in 1:03.6. Gifford returned to compete individually for the Lakers in the 2,000meter steeplechase, her signature event during the season. She earned fourth place among all Division 2 athletes with an excellent time of 8:11.94, just off her season best of 8:03.0. Susie Pittman led the Lakers’ field event athletes, competing in the pole vault one week after tying the school record in that event at 9 feet 6 inches. She was just off her record-setting height at the qualifier, clearing nine feet to earn fourth place in her division. Captain Katie Whitney closed out the Lakers’ 2022 campaign with strong performances in both the semis and finals of the 100-meter dash. She earned her way into the finals with a 13.16 effort in the semifinals and capped her distinguished career with a 13.15 effort to earn fifth place among all small school sprinters at the competition. The series of outstanding performances was a fitting conclusion for Cazenovia’s season which saw them complete an undefeated run to capture the regular season league title and achieve first place finishes at the Onondaga and Clinton Invitationals and impressive wins at both the OHSL Liberty and sectional meets.

DETERMINED RUN: Cazenovia girls track and field runner Mary Williams ran a personalbest leg of one minute, 6.3 seconds during the 4x400 relay in the June 2 Section III state qualifying meet at Cicero-North Syracuse.

Lakers’ Kent is NYSPHSAA 400-meter champion by Mike Millson

No one in the New York State Public High School Athletic Association Division II ranks ran the boys 400-meter dash better than Cazenovia’s Andrew Kent. Capping a tremendous senior season, Kent claimed that top honor during last Friday’s NYPSHSAA championships at Cicero-North Syracuse’s Bragman Stadium and, in doing so, became the firstever Entered in two sprints, the 400 and 200, Kent knew there was more pressure in the 400 since that was a single race, unlike the 200, which had openinground heats leading to finals. Fighting both the field and gusty winds, Kent finished in 50.14 seconds as he tumbled across the finish line. Overall, that put him second behind Bishop Loughlin’s Wesley Noble, who won in 49.53. However, since Noble was not in the NYSPHSAA field, Kent was victorious in that division, his closest pursuer Cobleskill-Richmondville’s Charlie Foote, who finished in 50.27. Moving to the 200-meter dash, Kent went 22.84 seconds in the opening round, the eighth-fastest time, just enough to advance to the final round on Saturday. Picking up his pace, Kent went 22.45 seconds here, putting him fifth overall, and not far from the winning 21.92 from Newark’s Norwood Hughes, who edged Johnson City’s Dayzin Legare by seventhousandths of a second. Saturday was also when the Lakers’ 4x800 relay team of Brandon McColm, Cooper Hughes, Michael Senehi and Cassidy Gilmore raced, with Will Austin and Faham Murad as alternates. In a time of eight minutes, 17.65 seconds, the Lakers broke its own school record by more than two seconds and finished fifth in Division II, fourth in NYSPHSAA. East Aurora won in 7:50.88.

Boys tennis competes in state semifinal by Phil Blackwell

Mark evans

Cazenovia boys track and field senior Andrew Kent won the program’s first-ever New York State Public High School Athletic Association championship last Friday when he ran the 400-meter dash in 50.14 seconds. Back in the state qualifier on June 2, the Lakers’ 4x800 team surprised everyone, running 12 seconds faster than at sectionals, to take first place in a school record time of 8:20.06. Gilmore ran an incredible 2:00.73 anchor leg, quicker than the 2:00.82 anchor he would do at the state meet. Kent won both the 200 and 400, even as he was challenged in the 400 for perhaps the first time this season and responding well. Tully freshman Ryan Rauber made a race of it, but Kent won convincingly with a time of 49.36 seconds, breaking

a school record held by Ric Thomas since 1986. Kent was not challenged in the 200, though, and won with a time of 22.59 seconds. Conor Frisbie set a personal record in the pentathlon, scoring 2,453 points to take seventh place, while the 4x400 meter relay team of Dan Millson, Thomas Insel, Jaden Kaplan, and Gilmore had a fifth place finish with a time of 3:37.93. To round out its work in the relays, the Lakers’ 4x100 meter relay team of Millson, J.P. Hoak, Elijah Clement and Andrew Lee came in sixth place with a time of 46.17 seconds.

On a wet Thursday morning, the Cazenovia boys tennis team boarded a charter bus in front of its high school, sent off by well-wishing parents, community members and fellow students. The Lakers’ destination was none other than the USTA-Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, annual home of the U.S. Open and the New York State Public High School Athletic Association championships. Cazenovia was part of a brand-new state team tournament, having already defeated Maple Hill (Section II) and Plattsburgh (Section VII) to make it to last Friday’s state final four. In the semifinal round, the Lakers challenged the Long Island champions, Wheatley, with the winner to get to the final later that day against Byram Hills or East Aurora. Unable to get points from singles players Traian Cherciu, Garret Lounsbury and Jake Wardell, along with the doubles teams of Cy LurieCarter Ruddy and Andrew FalsoGabe Reagan, Cazenovia lost, 5-0, to Wheatley. If it was any consolation, Wheatley would go on and, after Byram Hills beat East Aurora 4-1, claim the championship match by a 3-2 margin. Mamaroneck beat Commack 5-2 for the state Division I team title, Commack having edged Bethlehem 4-3 in the semifinals, the Eagles having taken out Fayetteville-Manlius earlier in the state tournament.

Cazenovia Republican l

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was assigned to a Connecticut Regiment. Much of his time in service was spent as a waiter to the general. “Plymouth would have been required to go everywhere with the general and be at his service at all times,” said Ranieri. “According to George Washington’s orders, all waiters or servants were required to be exercised in military drill and ready to take up arms at any time.” Muster rolls dated from 1777 until 1782 show Plymouth Negro on duty with General Jedediah Huntington during many notable events and battles. For example, his assignment as waiter to Huntington would have brought him to Valley Forge during the winter encampment of 17771778 and to the Battle of Monmouth Court House in June 1778. He also would have likely accompanied the general on assignment to the court martial of General Charles Lee, as well as to the trial and execution of British Major John André. In January 1783, Plymouth Negro is no longer documented in the muster rolls or military records. Instead, a private named Plymouth Freeman begins to appear — no longer a servant, now a soldier. Freeman was discharged on June 8, 1783. Signed by Washington, his discharge papers credit him with six years of faithful service for which he was awarded the Badge of Military Merit. Eventually, he also received a 100-acre land bounty and a government Revolutionary War pension for his contribution to the fight for independence. In the 1800s, Freeman found his way to Cazenovia. He lived in Cazenovia and in Nelson in what was then the area of Jackson’s Corners. He worked as a farmer, traded goods, raised his son, Jeremiah, and made his life in Madison County until his death in 1829. According to the DAR, the exact site of Freeman’s Nelson residence is unknown, but it was likely right around the location of the roadside marker. “The truth of Plymouth’s time in the Con-

tinental Army is even more interesting [than the legend],” said Ranieri. “His role, like the role of thousands of others, was critical in obtaining our freedom. We can be certain that Plymouth knew the deep, innate desire for freedom, more so than any of us can imagine. He sought freedom and sacrificed for freedom. He served faithfully and honorably, earning the respect and admiration and appreciation of his commanding officers. This is a fact, and for this we will be forever grateful to Plymouth Freeman.” During her remarks, VanBuren highlighted DAR’s national “E Pluribus Unum Educational Initiative,” a five-year effort launched in 2020 to increase awareness of often underrepresented Revolutionary War patriots, including those who were African American, Native American, and female. “Just as today we are melting pot as a nation, so was the Continental Army and, in fact, the entire movement to win America’s independence,” she said. “All too often, the stories of patriots of color, female patriots, foreign born patriots, Native American patriots have been left out of the traditional history books. [The initiative] includes funding a PhD fellow at our headquarters who is helping us to identify more patriots of color [and] helping us to find better ways to tell the stories of these men and women in an effort to hopefully, as we approach America’s 250th anniversary, find a way to illustrate that there is more that unites us than separates us and divides us.” Jason Emerson, an independent historian from Cazenovia, has also researched Freeman’s life and military service. In a Feb. 24, 2019 article for the New York Almanack website, titled “Plymouth Freeman: American Revolution Veteran, Former Slave,” Emerson provides insights into Freeman’s life and military service. The full article can be accessed online at The William G. Pomeroy Foundation is committed to supporting the celebration and pres-

Kate Hill

The Cazenovia Baseball Softball Association (CBSA) held its first annual Community Day at Burton Street Park on Saturday, June 11. The goal of the event was to celebrate the CBSA community and the park’s two newly improved youth baseball and softball fields, and to publicly thank CBSA’s sponsors and donors, the Town and Village of Cazenovia, and the local community. ervation of community history and working to improve the probability of finding appropriate donor matches or other life-saving treatments for blood cancer patients. The foundation’s New York State Historic Roadside Marker Grant Program commemorates historic people, places, things, or events within the time frame of 17401922. Since 2006, when Bill Pomeroy established the foundation’s first marker program, the organization has awarded close to 1,800 grants for roadside markers and plaques nationwide. For more information on the Pomeroy Foundation, visit Founded in 1890, the DAR is a non-profit, nonpolitical volunteer women’s service organization dedicated to promoting patriotism, preserving American history, and securing America’s future through better education for children. The Fayetteville Chapter of the National Society DAR was organized by Clara Folsom on February 4, 1921. Cazenovia’s Owahgena Chapter was organized by Amanda Dows on March 5, 1896. The merger of the two chapters was approved by the New York State Board on October 15, 1994. To learn more about the DAR, visit

Kate Hill

On June 8, the Fayetteville-Owahgena Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution dedicated a New York State Historic Marker in Nelson in honor of Plymouth Freeman, a former slave and Revolutionary War veteran who settled in Madison County. Pictured: Denise Doring VanBuren, the 45th President General of the National Society DAR (left) and Chapter Regent Donna Wassall (right). 680916


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18 June 15, 2022

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