Star Review digital edition - July 26, 2023

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To commemorate its first year as a K-2 building, gathering outside, each class had the opportunity to share what they have learned about the parts and life cycle of trees, and how important it is to care for them. Then they took turns shoveling dirt

around a set of five tree sprouts.

Each set was marked with a plaque, commemorating that the DDE kindergarten, first grade and second grade classes of 2023 were responsible for the new red oak trees.

DDE Principal Heather Silvia told students that someday they will visit

DDE with their families and show them the trees they had a hand in planting.

The project was made possible through a partnership between the school, the DDE Parent Teacher Organization, and the Liverpool Central School District.

Nashville cat Mark Stuart will play solo set Monday at Johnson Park

Contributing Writer

Mark Stuart is a rock’n’roll road warrior.

The Nashville-based guitarist has toured tirelessly for decades, and he’s currently swinging across the Northeast playing dates in Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey.

At 7 p.m. Monday, July 31, Stuart will perform a free concert at Johnson Park, as part of the 37th edition of the Liverpool Is The Place Summer Concert Series.

Years ago, Stuart played lead guitar in the late Freddy Fender’s band, he also backed up Joan Baez and plugged in with the Long Gone Daddies and Steve Earl e ’s Duke s

While playing with the Dukes, Mark met his future wife, Stacey Earl e , Steve’s younger sister. After the couple married in 1994, Stuart also became Stacey’s accompanist.

Together, they released a double disc called “Must Be Live!”

Mark Stuart’s solo album “Songs from a Corner Stage” was released in 1999 on Steve Earle’s E-Squared label. It features original material such as “Ragged Suitcase,” “Girl From Louisiana,” “Small Photograph” and “Old Money.”

Having taken his music to Europe, Canada and all of the USA, the Nashville native captivates audiences with his songs, his singing and his guitar wizardry.

Whether it be the Cambridge Folk Festival, “The Tonight Show,” MTV, the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, Kerrville Folk Festival, Merlefest or countless smaller festivals and theaters, Stuart’s storytelling, guitar playing, vocals and songs have caught the attention of music lovers across the country.

Defining Stuart’s music it is virtually impossible. He blends rock, blues, folk and country. His

musical toolbox is just as varied as he plays electric, acoustic and even slide guitar. Travis-style, Chicago blues, honky tonk country, fingerstyle folk all are there when you hear him.

His songs, such as “Boss is Watching,” are oftentimes autobiographic pieces, but can be constructed from the viewpoint of a lifelong troubadour who is paying attention to the world he sees around him. He could, at any moment, toss in a tune or two by Paul McCartney or John Fogerty or Woody Guthrie.

Monday’s free concert is sponsored by Sterling Financial Group, LLC which has offices at 913 Old Liverpool Road.

nashville-based guitarist Mark Stuart will tell stories, sing songs and pick some outrageous guitar at 7 p.m. Monday, July 31, at Johnson Park. Admission is free. submitted photo

Volume 131, Number 30 business: Micron to host open house at North Syracuse Jr. High. PAGE 2 The Star-Review is published weekly by Eagle News. Office of Publication: 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206. Periodical Postage Paid at Syracuse, NY 13220, USPS 316060. POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Star-Review , 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206. Home of The Corrigan Family Week of July 26, 2023 Proudly serving liverPool salina north syracuse cicero & clay FREE • eaglestarreview com PENNY SAVER: CNY’S BEST BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY INSIDE! WORK  BUY  SELL  TRADE  GET IT DONE bUSiNeSS 2 CaleNdar 13 ediTOrial 6 events: Free electronics recycling event planned. PAGE 3 hiSTOrY 7 leTTerS 7 PeNNYSaVer 8
submitted photos donlin drive Elementary students recently planted 15 red oak trees in the school’s front circle.
StudEntS PlAnt thEir rootS

Micron to host open house at North Syracuse Junior High

Will discuss environmental review process, seek community input

Micron will hold public open house to learn more about the upcoming environmental review process for the company’s planned New York megafab. The open house is from 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug.


liverpool resident graduates

Fareed Shuhaiber, of Liverpool, graduated from Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences with a bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical science.

1, in the auditorium and exhibit foyer at North Syracuse Junior High School, 5353 W Taft Rd, North Syracuse. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with project staff to ask questions about the megafab’s progress and Micron’s community commitments.

The next step before building the planned megafab is completing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the National Environ -

local resident graduates from William & Mary

Liliana Klemanski, of Cicero, recently graduated from the College of William & Mary with a bachelor of science degree.

mental Policy Act (NEPA) and the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA).

The event will kick off with opening remarks from Micron, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and officials from Onondaga County and Town of Clay. Following a project overview presentation from Micron, the public will have an opportunity to engage directly with Micron staff at various booths and discuss a range of

topics and issues. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will also be available to discuss its program.

Micron has stated that it is committed to engaging the community in conversations that will help inform the project as it progresses. Find more information about the planned megafab and sign up for email updates at

Corrigan named State Manager of the year

Liverpool Central School District Cook Manager Elizabeth Corrigan recently was awarded the 2023 State Manager of the Year Award from the New York School Nutrition Association (NYSNA).

Corrigan was appointed to the cook manager role in 2021 after working both part- and full-time for the LCSD Food Service Department. In 2022, she earned her School Nutrition Specialist credential through the SNA.

Candidates were evaluated using five criteria: cafeteria environment, management and staff development, SNA involvement, school and community outreach and SNA certificate or credential.

Corrigan will be honored during the NYSNA Conference in October.

The Manager of the Year Award is given in honor of Louise Sublette, a leader in school nutrition during the mid-twentieth century.

For more 40 years, Sublette worked in many areas of food service and nutrition, including public schools, colleges,

hospitals and elderly feeding programs. Her name is given to this prestigious award because throughout her life, she emphasized that the success of school nutrition depends upon those professionals who work in school nutrition programs.

2 July 26, 2023 Star review eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source TRICI A H. F ERGERSON The Fergerson Home ~ Since 1826 ~ ~ Serving Families 215 South Main St., N Syracuse, NY 13212 UNERAL HOME, INC. 124270 PROTECT YOUR ASSETS Law Office of Shawn W. Lappin 201 2nd Street, Liverpool, New York 13088 (315) 699-3914 New 2022 Jeep Renegades New 2022 Jeep Gladiator!! New 2022 Jeep Compass 12 IN STOCK All New DIESEL ROUTE 481 315-598-8118 Thank You... Thank You Very Much Tom Gilbo See Entire Inventory At: WWW.PAR-K.COM Get A Quote From The Sponsored by Visit the Eagle Newspaper Facebook page to sign up for our NEW digital edition. Wake up to the Star Review in your inbox every Wednesday morning! NOW ACCEPTING PART-TIME PRE-K REGISTRATION KOALA KARE KOALA KARE Childcare Center & Pre-School Program Where good beginnings last a lifetime. PROGRAMS Part-Time Pre-School: Mon., Tues., Thurs. September - June Ages 3 and 4 years, 9am to 11:30am & 12:30pm to 3pm

Free electronics recycling event planned

submitted photos

the event will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5, in the East Syracuse Minoa Central high School parking lot.

Registration is now open for Sunnking’s summer drive-thru electronics recycling collection event, to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 5, in the East Syracuse Minoa Central High School parking lot.

Residents are required to register for a dedicated 15-

minute drop-off appointment window at sunnking. com/events

Another CNY e-recycling event is scheduled for Oct. 14 at Great Northern Mall in Clay. Registration is currently open for that event at events, as it will be the area’s last large-scale collec-

tion of the year.

Recyclers who cannot attend the events are encouraged to use Sunnking’s free partner site drop-off locator for year-round collection site availability at Sunnking collects an average of 214,000 pounds of electronics per event.

July 26, 2023 3 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source

Local students help Ronald McDonald House

Meet Prudence

h ey Prudence, come out to play! Prudence is a four year old bulldog mix who came to the shelter as a stray. She weighs a whopping 65 pounds but there’s a gentle heart in that big barrel of a body! Prudence is super sweet and super snorty. w e think she would make a great family dog. Prudence was the shelter ambassador at the Syracuse n ationals and met scores of people, include kids. She loved everyone, and everyone loved her. But Prudence doesn’t want the adulation of crowds; she just wants one special family who she can call her own. Could that be you? For more information about adoption, call 315-454-4479, email , or visit

Share your milestone celebrations!

Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within 24 hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call 315.434.8889 ext. 305.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central New York’s Youth Advisory Board recently hosted a “Chalkfest” event at the CNY Ronald McDonald House in late May.

Several local high school students are members of the Youth Advisory Board. RMHC of CNY Youth Advisory Board Members include Ella Butler, Marcellus High School; Olivia Nocilly, FayettevilleManlius High School; Andrew Nocilly, Fayetteville-Manlius


West Genesee High School; Madeline Massa, Christian Brothers Academy; Annie Gaughan, Bishop Ludden Junior-Senior High School. Made up of high school students from Central New York, the Youth Advisory Board creates projects that educate young people about the value of philanthropy and volunteerism in the community. As a group, the board plans and conducts fundraising events, community events and volunteer activities that raise awareness and funds for RMHC of CNY.


4 July 26, 2023 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source
Ronald D. Frey, 92, of North Syracuse, passed away July 14, 2024. Fergerson Funeral Home, North Syracuse, has arrangements. High School; Patton, Manlius Pebble Hill; Ben Glass, submitted photo Area students serve as ronald Mcdonald house’s youth Advisory Board.
July 26, 2023 5 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source GOT A NEwS TIp? CONTACT uS. •

OuR vOicE

What we can achieve

The summer of 1969 is 54 years ago now, but in the grand scheme of things, 54 years is not a great deal of time, but a lot has happened in those five decades and a great deal was achieved in the years leading up to that summer.

Thinking of this particular point in time, images of events like Woodstock or anti-war protests might be the first images to come to mind.

Others may look at the things taking place on a sociological level and the divide that existed at that time may seem the most obvious from a historical perspective as the country was torn over the issue of American participation in Vietnam among other issues like the civil rights movement

It was a turbulent time, the culmination of a decade that saw the assignation of John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert as well as Martin Luther King Jr.

But in the midst of all that was taking place, there were things that, at least for a few moments, could bring the country together.

July 20 marked the anniversary of first moon landing.

At least for a few fleeting moments, much of the country, if not the world, watched with its collective breath held as Neil Armstrong took those tentative steps down to the lunar surface from Apollo 11.

While there is some debate about what exactly he said and how his words were transferred across hundreds of thousands of miles of space back to Earth, the intent of his words ring true.

The steps he took were small for one person, but the steps represented a monumental leap for the entirety of the human race.

Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin along with all the other members of the previous Apollo missions that orbited the moon and returned home, were farther away from Earth than anyone had every been or has been since.

The space program was gradually taking shape with the Mercury program and by the early ’60s orbits of the planet had been completed, but the moon was still very far off.

In 1962, just nine years before Armstrong took those historic steps, President Kennedy posed a challenge to the scientific community.

As he noted other explorers who went before, crossing oceans, searching for new lands, climbing insurmountable heights and odds in the search for new experiences and new knowledge, Kennedy set forth an aggressive timeline for American space exploration with a goal to land and return from the moon by the end of the decade.

While speaking at Rice University, Kennedy said, “But why, some say, the Moon? Why choose this as our goal? And they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? Why, 35 years ago, fly the Atlantic? ... We choose to go to the Moon. We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills; because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win ...”

There was a lot of learning that had to happen along the way, a lot of creation and discovery. There were also losses as the crew of Apollo 1 lost their lives in a fire.

And there would be challenges after. Most famously Apollo 13.

But through this all there was incredible perseverance that continued to push forward and follow Kennedy’s mandate to seek new knowledge and climb new mountains.

Looking back on that incredible moment of July 20, 1969, it was an amazing feat of human ingenuity accomplished with less computing power than the average cell phone or laptop has these days.

It was because of space exploration that much of the technology, like cell phones and GPS to name a few, have come to be common place.

But more than any of these creations, it represents all that we can accomplish when humans set a goal and work together to achieve even that which may seem impossible.

Salon discussions about growing old

All of the stylists were busy and the waiting area was full. There was no place for me to sit. That was a first. I must have looked quite perplexed because Mary Beth stopped working on her client’s curls and dragged a stool out from under her station.

“This is the best I can do right now, Ann,” she said.

Then one of the women whose coiffeur was coming to completion waved her hand and said, “ I’m sorry; it’s my fault. I was so late today. It was a kind of emergency. My neighbor flagged me down as I was getting in the car and asked for help. She seemed genuinely desperate. What could I do?”

“What was the matter?” A voice from the back room queried.

“Martha is in her late 70s … and I know that is not old , avoiding eye contact with most in the room, “but she told me she bought a computer last week so that she could see one of her grandson’s graduate from college … this afternoon…today and she had no idea how to use the computer to see the ceremony. I’m no computer whiz but I was able to help her … she paused. I understood her anxiety.”

She said she hadn’t seen her neighbor in months.

“I used to see her on her way to a weekly luncheon or going to the hospital where she volunteered, but not anymore,” she said. “I asked her about this, and it’s so sad and so common - the luncheon doesn’t happen anymore. Two of friends died and the other gal is having some financial troubles. She doesn’t go to the hospital anymore because her arthritis makes doing a lot of things she did there

too difficult. And I think her only family lives in California. She was alone and I think, lonely. That computer connection was important to her.”

“Oh my gosh,” was a reply to that sentence. “I just read a note on my medical insurance Part D report that loneliness is an epidemic among the elderly. Loneliness, it said, negatively affects health. They were asking for ideas about how to change that …make people less lonely.”

Sandy, the elder stylist shook her head. “It’s loss that creates loneliness. Loss of people, loss of your capabilities as the culture, the society changes. I remember how I learned what was considered to be a required skill … etiquette ... who to introduce to whom, when to stand when someone enters a room, how to set a table, how to write a thank you note. I don’t need to know these things any more. I need to learn what the current slang is or how to, like your neighbor, use a computer. I sometimes feel like the world is leaving me behind. Sometimes I can’t participate in conversations that include words like venmo, AI, website, clickbait, etc. I have a cell phone, but I only use it to make calls. My grandkids think I’m a cave dweller.”

The salon was now abuzz with thoughts and comments about growing old, loss, isolation and loneliness.

Another client told the group how they had to bring her father across the country to live with them after their mom died. “He was so lonely, he forgot to eat. He was so sad all the time.”

“I’m wondering how many older people find themselves lost in today’s culture with few if any friends or acquaintances to call on for help or just a cup of tea,” continued Sandy. “I’ve read about building a small house in your yard for your parents or grandparents to live in. I think they call it a granny pad. But that requires kids who would want this and the money to do it. And … maybe granny would not want to move into something like that.”

Lil, who was having bailage done for a big family get together, noted that a lot of people want to stay in their own home, whether it’s an apartment or a house. “Your home is familiar, full of memories and meaning and is defined by and defines the occupant.”

“What about senior citizen groups?” someone suggested. “There is one in our village that seems to be thriving.”

Being the know-it-all, I said something about people needing help finding someone to share their life like a senior citizen friend dating service. And then it came to me!

“What if they had pets?” I threw that idea out.

There was a silence that ended with observations that a pet could outlive the owner or that senior budgets couldn’t accommodate the additional cost of a cat or dog.

I plunged ahead., “Why not adopt an older pet, one that is at the stage in its life that is the same as the person. When there are pets left after someone dies, they go to a rescue. I’ve read how sad they are, how lonely they are. I don’t know what the cost would be, but the value is obvious for

Village board members divvy up duties

When the Liverpool Village Board of Trustees conducted its annual organizational meeting on July 10, newly elected Mayor Stacey Finney designated the individual responsibilities of the trustees.

Each of the four trustees were assigned to act as the board’s liaison to certain departments.

Melissa Cassidy will focus on finance, codes, the planning board and zoning board of appeals. Rachel Ciotti will act as liaison to personnel and the health insurance and retirement programs.

Matt Devendorf will oversee the justice court, police and the Gleason Center. And Michael LaMontagne, who is deputy mayor, will liaison with the department of public works and serve as the village’s MS4 representative, overseeing our stormwater systems.

i n case of rain…

If wet weather on Monday, July 31 cancels the appearance of Nashville singer-songwriter Mark Stuart here at Johnson Park, the 21st century troubadour is also scheduled to perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3, at Jamesville Community Church, 6300 E. Seneca Turnpike, in Jamesville.

Knowlton’s 50th Picnic Aug. 6 WCNY Classic FM presents Bill Knowlton’s 50th Anniversary Bluegrass Ramble Picnic

from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 6, at Dwyer Memorial Park on Little York Lake in Preble. Admission is free.

Knowlton, who lives in Liverpool, is known as “Mr. Bluegrass of Central New York.” He hosted the first allbluegrass radio show in New York City in 1960. Knowlton arrived in Syracuse as a U.S. Air Force public affairs officer. In 1997, he was named “Broadcast Personality of the Year” by the International Bluegrass Music Association.

Knowlton’s “Bluegrass Ramble” radio program airs Sundays from 9 p.m. to midnight on WCNY-FM 91.3. He’s been producing the show here for a half-century.

n ew deputies welcomed

On July 14, the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office welcomed 16 new deputies to help keep our communities safe. This was Sheriff Toby Shelley’s first graduating class for his administration.

Among the new deputies were a couple local fellows. Luke DiPirro from Cicero who graduated from the Sheriff’s Police Division and Michael Wentling-Raymie of North Syracuse who graduated from the Sheriff’s Custody Division.

le Moyne alum now an AllStar Le Moyne College head

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baseball coach Scott Cassidy, who lives in Liverpool, had to be beaming as he watched the 2023 Major League Baseball All-Star game on TV on July 11. One of the National League’s relief pitchers was 25-year-old Josiah Gray of the Washington Nationals, who –seven years ago – had excelled as a closer for Le Moyne College.

When he pitched here, Gray did so under the direction of Cassidy, who had also been a pretty effective righthanded reliever in the big leagues. At Le Moyne, Gray surely learned some tricks of the trade from Cassidy, who’d spent five years as a majorleague hurler.

At the 2023 All-Star game in Seattle on July 11, Gray threw one perfect inning by retiring three American League hitters, one on a flyout, one on a groundout and one by a strikeout.

Gray’s National League club won the game by a score of 3 to 2. It was the first victory for the Senior Circuit since 2012.

l ast word “I’m known for having the world’s worst collection of pants. For many years I had a quilter who made them, such as plaids that would stand up by themselves if I took the batteries out. I will continue to dazzle in my sartorial style.”

– “Bluegrass Ramble” host Bill Knowlton

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Salon l Page 7
Livin’ in Liverpool russ Tarby Ramblings from the empty nest ann Ferro

Historic Moment: A look at the Thayer House

The original house at (now) 77 E. Genesee St. is on one of the original village lots. The property ran from the rocky shores of the north end of Skaneateles Lake all the way north to Academy Street. In 1802 Norman Leonard bought the property for $200. About 1822 John Legg purchased the property from Leonard. Legg also owned the Stephen Horton property to the immediate west.

One of the earliest merchants in the village, John Legg was a noted carriage maker, blacksmith and business man. It is estimated that he built the Italianate style house around 1830.

Born in Ontario County, New York on July 18, 1812, Joel Thayer came to Skaneateles in 1835. He had little money to invest, but his enterprising nature got him a job as a clerk and superintendent in Legg’s carriage and wagon shop. In a short time, Thayer’s business talents made him and Legg wealthy. The two of them engaged in numerous successful business ventures.

Their relationship became more than business. Shortly after becoming a resident of Skaneateles, he married Legg’s daughter Juliette.

According to Historian E.N. Leslie, “Mr. Thayer was an excellent citizen. He was enterprising and public spirited, and always willingly aided every public project that was brought to his attention. Upright and honest in every deed, he possessed the entire confidence of the community, and often rendered valuable and gratuitous service to those in need of counsel and service.” Speaking of Mrs. Juliette Thayer, Leslie writes, “the life of Mrs. Thayer was of generous and kindly acts, devoted to charity, and strengthening and upholding everything, not only pertaining to the interests of her husband, but to the community at large in which she lived.”

Thayer served as postmaster, founded a library, he brought the railroad to Skaneateles. He owned a distillery, various mills and was the founder and president of The Bank of Skaneateles in 1866.

After Legg’s death in 1857 the Thayer’s took over his estate. They remodeled the house, turning it in to a veritable showpiece. They added a mansard style roof, and much ornate ironwork, cupola, a solarium, aviary, and

Protecting students

This binding document assures that all students within

both the person and the pet. Someone to care for, a reason to get up, etc. … even someone to love or, and I drew a big breath, what about fostering kittens or puppies until they can be adopted?” I was on a roll now. “These are not long-

formal gardens. This renovation was in the “second empire” style of architecture.

The local newspaper said

“ Among the signs of reviving prosperity in our little burgh, we notice that Mr. J. Thayer is making a very great improvement to his elegant residence.... enlarging his garden to nearly double its previous size and opening a fine view of the lake. Across the road he had laid out on the margin of the lake a complete and cozy park, quite in keeping with his magnificent dwelling house, which one would almost pronounce a paradise with its well and tastefully arranged yard. The park, (now known as Thayer Park) and the residence, were a reflection of Joel and Juliette Thayer’s reputation as a truly public-spirited and genial members of the community.”

In the rear west corner of the property was a two story carriage house (barn) that matched the grandeur of the main house.

Built in 1873 with “JT” initials over the main door. It was said to cost over $6,000. The horse stalls had a hand carved oak arch with the name of the horse and were separated by handsome iron grillwork. April 1974 it was torn down. The stalls were carefully removed and purchased by Fred Weber owner of the Wayside Inn in Elbridge. Much of the oak interior was salvaged by a local architect for use in his own residence.

Joel Thayer died May 19, 1881. Mary and Eva Webb, granddaughters of Joel were heirs to the estate and lived there for many years. They formally deeded Thayer Park to the village in 1922. In 1930, first cousin Mrs. Helen G. Webb Edgcomb, wife of State Supreme Judge Ernest Edgcomb resided there for about two decades. Mr. and Mrs. A.H. DeRouchie were the next occupants. June 28, 1950 Leonard C. Dell announced the opening of the Dell Funeral Home. His wife, Louise, ran a hair care salon in the southwest corner of the house. Dell operated the funeral home until his death in November of 1967.

In February of 1960 a zoning change was proposed by a local developer for the Dell property. He wanted the “mercantile district” extended easterly by one lot in order to build a home for 30 “well-aged” residents. The plan shows a one story motel style building running off the back wing of the main house, northerly about 400 feet to beyond the existing carriage

the district who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community will be free from harassment and bullying due to their gender identity. The policy also guarantees that these students will be given equal access to all district “programs, facilities, and guidelines.”

Quite simply, the NSCSD BOE endorsed dignified,

term commitments. There are some rescues that will provide the foster household with the equipment and food to support the fosters.”

There are so many kittens, puppies and older pets that need someone and there are a lot of someones who need the companionship that fostering or adoption can bring.

barn, which they indicate that it will be removed. March 15, 1960 it was the unanimous opinion of the village board to deny this request as “it would not be in the best interests of village or its residents to extent the Mercantile Use Zone easterly and northerly into a distinctive and unique residential area.”

Over a period of 100 plus years, many of the intricate, showy details have been removed, probably due weather and for maintenance costs. Gone are the three porthole style windows in mansard roof on the west side. Gone is the elaborate wrought iron trimmed full front porch, Gone is the octagonal aviary on the south west corner. The ironwork on the roof edges is no longer there. The tower and cupola were removed in 1929.

In 1970 the next owner of 77 E. Genesee St. used the property strictly as a private residence. In 1972, B.L. Bush & Sons purchased the property and operated a funeral home until the early 2000s.

The property was sold to two local developers and a local architect in December of 2003. They said that they did everything possible to salvage as much as possible of the old house. “It was a treasure trove of elegant period wood moldings, walnut inlaid floors, bead board paneling, embossed tin ceilings, and imported tile.” Work started on the conversion to four condo style units. In the back two more new buildings were constructed

humane treatment of all LGBTQ+ youth within the district.

The vote to pass this policy was 6-1. The lone dissenting vote was from newly re-elected BOE member Mike Mirizio, who also happens to be a member of the Cicero Town Board.

Mr. Mirizio, a Republican, apparently does not support

The question hung in the air. “How would you go about fostering or adopting a senior pet?” someone asked.

“I’m sure there are a lot of rescues including the ASPCA and the Humane Association that could help,” I said.

I heard, “Friends Forever, the Central New York Cat Coalition, Wanderer’s Rest,

using the architectural features of main house. On the property there are a total of six condo units.

In June of 2005 there were two open house events. The units then were offered between $650,000 and $850,000.

In the early original offering the house was painted a sunflower yellow with a Tuscan red trim. This brought out a lively debate some complaining the colors

the rights of certain marginalized youth in our district, even though nearly 45% of LGBTQ students nationwide have considered committing suicide due to depression.

They also have to deal with societal and political attacks, making their lives even more difficult. I find his vote to be a slap in the face of all citizens

Helping Hounds Dawn of a New Day ….”

Our late-to-the-salon gal said, “Let’s look in the phone book under animal rescues and shelters.” “Wait. Phone book? Who has one of those? Oh, I mean I’ll check my phone. Who knows how to find google on a cell phone?”

were too bold. The Village’s Historical Landmarks Preservation Commission responded back saying that these were the colors specified by Joel Thayer in 1858. The developers, after much discussion, felt that the colors of 100 years ago, don’t match up with the colors of today’s taste. The trim color was changed to an olive green, which it is now.

who respect the rights of others to live as they choose.

Mr. Mirizio has chosen to join the “culture war” instead of protecting students, which should be his duty as a member of the NSCSD Board of Education.

roB SAntuCCi

CiCero demoCrAtiC toWn ChAir

Sandy laughed. “Maybe all the lonely people and pets just need a salon.”

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

July 26, 2023 7 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source CONTACT Patti Puzzo (315) 434-8889 ext. 321 or email to place your employment openings! Advertise Here! SYRACUSE parent 315.434.8889 x304 or 315.657.0849 Support Your Community SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889 Collision Service Serving CNY For OVER 60 Years. KEN’S 315.638.0285 100 Syracuse St., Baldwinsville M-F 7 to 5:30 You’re Driving Home Our Reputation ! • Complete Frame & Body Shop • Free Estimates • We Work With Your Insurance Co.• Loaner Cars 2002762 Phone 315-635-5951 HARDWARE & GARDEN CENTER BECK’S DRIVEWAY STONE EARLY BIRD SPECIAL $190 3 YARD TRUCKLOAD DELIVERED AND DUMPED 2002760 030033 New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime, (315) 481-7248 cell
To the editor: On June 26, 2023 during Pride Month, The North Syracuse Central School District Board of Education voted to institute Policy 5311.8, also known as the Student Gender Identity Policy.
submitted photo historian Jorge Batlle shares some of the interesting history of the thayer house.
l From page 6 Salon
8 July 26, 2023 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ***Perfe c t for Homeowner s*** 315- 430- 1121 Unlimite d Weight * No Hidde n Fe es DISCOUNT DUMPSTER RENTAL You Load or We Load Famil y Owned & Operated QUICK PI CKUPS TO COMPLETE CLEANO UTS Est ate Cl ea nouts Attic , Ba se ment & Gara ge Clea nouts Yar d Was te, Cons truct ion Debr is, Hous ehold Clea nouts Se rvi ng CNY s inc e 1998 Fa mily Owned & Oper at ed Fr ee Est imate s * Full y Ins ure d 315-430-1121 BLA CKTOP PAVI NG & SEALI NG New Di gouts , Res urf ac e, Re pa ir or Se al Dri ve wa ys Pa rk ing Lots Roa ds , etc F ree Es timat es Call Al LaMont 315-481-7248 (c ell ) KI TCHEN UPGRADES Cabinets Ref aci ng Pa inti ng & Mor e! Fr ee Est imat es Call 315-569- 4335 All Qualit y Blac kt op & Conc ret e Cer tifi ed by the BBB We lcome Fr ont Li ne Res ponders , Seni or Citiz ens & Vet era ns Early bird s ge t the pri ce Se as ons On! Res/ Com We als o do: Pa rki ng Lots & Sidewalk s Bric k Bl oc k Concre te & Some Ca rpe nt ry B&E Pavi ng 315-278 -4454 Geneo Hire a Local Company Vi etnam Era Vet *St amped Conc rete *Conc rete Side wa lk s *Patio s *Gara ge Floors *Drive wa ys *Found at ion Re pa ir *Spr ay F oa m I ns ula tion F ree Es timat es Fully Insur ed Call 315- 761-2301 or 315- 750-6002 BI LL HAR RINGTON HARD WOOD FLOORS, LLC Re pa irs Ins tal lat ion Sand & Fini sh Dust Fr ee Sandi ng Avaia bl e Owner Works Ev er y Job! F ully I ns ure d Call 315-630-8958 BI LL S ELECTRIC No J ob too Small Rea sona ble Rat es F ree Es t Insure d 315-422-6401 www billse lec com “B OB ” PAS CAL CHIM NEY C NY s Oldest Chimney S ervice REPAIR RESTORE REBUILD ALL WORK 100% GUARANTEED! PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED Hire t he ma n with tr owel in hand Put “Bob” on t he Job! 315-729-2544 Al ways ask for “Bob” BOBPASCALCHI MNEY COM Expert Clutter Removal We c lean out y our junk , NOT your wall et ! Attic s bsmt s gar ages ya rds, almos t a nyt hing! Ca ll Bruce @ 315-730-6 370 Yea r roun d se rvi ce! www expert clut ter com MARVIN' S FLO ORS & MORE All Handy Work Cle anouts Lands caping & Mor e! 315-575-5655 ADVERTISIN G BACKHOE/ DU MPTR UCK BAT REM OVAL BLACKTOP PAVING CH IM NEY SER VICES CLEANIN G CLEANIN G CLEAN - OUTS CLUTTER R EMO VAL COM PUTER/ N ETWO RK SER VI CE CON CRETE CONCR ETE/ M ASON RY CONCR ETE/ M ASON RY DEM OLITIO N DR Y WALL D UM PSTER SERVICE ELECTRICA L EXCAVATING FIR EWOO D FLO OR CLEANIN G GARAG E DO OR S & OPEN ER S GU TTER CLEANIN G GU TTERS HAND YM AN HAR DWO OD FLOO RS HO ME IM PRO VEMEN T H OUS E JACKING JU NK HAULIN G JU NK HAULIN G KITCH EN S LAN DSCAPI NG LAWN CA RE MA SON RY Masonry Repairist Ste ps Fo unda tions Chimne ys Brick & Bloc k Base ments Stuc co 25y rs Exp Call Dav e 315- 395- 3041 HOUSE JACKING *House Camp Ga rage & Porc he s *Struct ur al Lev eling & St rai ght ening *ALL WOOD ROT REPAI RS *Support Bea ms & Floor J ois ts *F oundat ion Repai rs *Bowed & Crac ke d Founda tions I nte rior/ Ex t erior *Wa ll Rep air s/Re su rfa ci ng *WATERPROOFING We t Bas ements Ma de Dr y! Int er ior /Ext er ior Dr aina ge Sy ste ms Yar d & Gutte r Fou ndation Dra ina ge Ba se me nt Walls Sea led Owners on ALL Proj ec ts No Job To o Sma ll! A Fami ly Bus ines s *Genera tions of Qua lity Work All phas es of inter ior /e xte rior re mode lin g a nd re nova tions , a ddition s finish bas ements & mor e A+ Member of BBB* Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estim ate A SMI LI NG DOUG S ELECTR IC No Job too Big/Small I ns, Lic 315-487-6177 Gai l s Qual ity Cl eani ng Prompt Pr of ess io na l Ser vic e Lice ns ed s ince 2001, Low Rat es, Cle anouts, Re nta l Pr oper ty Commerc ia l & Open House F oll owi ng CDC St anda rds 315- 877- 0427 Gar y Vona's Lawn Ser vice *Mowing *Tr imming Spring/ Fal l Clea nups Br us h Hog & Yor k Ra king*Ba ck ho e/Dumptr uc k Mul ch & Topsoil, Ex ca vat or Se rvic e (all types of di gging) Commer ica l/Res ide nt ial 315-439-8301 Ex ca vat ing Gra di ng Dozing *Dra ina ge & Septic Work *Top Soil Mul ch Stone La wn & Dri veway Ins tal lat ion & Repai r *Demoli tion *Asbes tos *Conta ine r Rental 315- 656- DIR T (3478) gerber tops oil com Lands ca pe & Mainte na nce , Wee ding Tri mming Edging, Mulching, De corat ive St one , Spr ing & F all Cl eanups Planting Old Bush/Brush Removal Pa tios Wa lk wa ys & Sod Inst all ation Fully I nsure d F ree Est imat es Find us o n Fa ce book Call or Text 315-807-4305 EAGLE NEWS ADVERTI SING Need to adverti se your bus iness ? Have a job opening? Rental? We c an help y ou with a ll of your adve rt ising nee ds *Busine ss Ads *Employ ment Ads Re nt al Ads I ns ert s *We b Adve rtis ing Ad-A-Note s & Mor e! Call 315-434-8889 TODAY and w e can hel p you be the success you al ways w anted to be! IM PER IAL PAVING & MA SONR Y Pavi ng Driv eway Se aling *All t ype s of Concr et e & Mas onry 20y rs e xp F re e Es t Call & Save Bi g $$$ We ll be at a ny Con tra ct or s writ ten es tima te Quali ty does n' t h av e to cost a lot ! Ca ll 315-671-5 363 IMPERI AL MASONRY We do it ALL! Foundati ons, Si dewalks Gar age Floor s Retai ni ng Wall s, St amped Concrete, Pati os Qualit y doesn't hav e to cost a lot! 315-671-5363 NEED JUNK R EMOVED ? We Sa ve You Time & Mone y! Our Se rvic es : *Applia nce Re mova l *Tra sh Ha uling *Yard Clea nu p *Ga rba ge Dis posa l *Junk Remov al Cons truct ion De bri s Americ an Owned Vet eran Operated Conta ct Us Today for a FREE ESTI MATE 844- GET- JDOG ( 844- 438- 5364) jdogjunkr emov al c om JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics , Base ments , She ds, Yar ds Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s Sheds Fe nc es Pool & Mor e! Make That J unk Go Away! Ser vi ng all of CNY I can t believe they are here already Job s done wit hin 6-8hrs ! Ex pr es s Same Day Se rvic e! 315-450-2230 Sc hafer's J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rat es s ta rt @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es, Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds , Po ols , TV s, Ti res , Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 We Tak e Down Gar ag es Pool s Sheds, etc We also Haul Junk & do Tr ee Work Ve ry Rea sona ble Fr ee Est Insured Call JD Haul ers 315-450-2230 USE JD' S JUNK & TRAI LER SERVI CE!!! Our Tr aile rs will NOT RUI N your driv eway ! $20 off when you me nti on t his a d Call 315-884-2135 ATTENTI ON !!! JD S HANDYMAN SERVI CE Money sa ving low p ric es No job too big or s mallI ! “Men us e De wa lt tools , th e boys use the c he ap tools Ca ll J D a ny plac e you live we go! MC/VI, 7 day s a wee k Call 315-884-2135 Right now you will re ce ive a fr ee $2 5 gift ca rd wi th one of our se rvi ces JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics Base ments She ds Yar ds , Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s Sheds Fe nc es Pool & Mor e! Ma ke That Junk Go Away! Se rvi ng all of CNY “I can t believe they are here already” J ob's don e wit hin 6-8hr s! Expres s, Sa me Da y Se rv ice ! 315- 450- 2230 Sc hafer's J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rates start @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es, Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds , Po ols , TV s, Ti res , Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 DEMOLI TI ON Great Prices Full y I ns Free Est 50 Years In Busin ess Com/Res Fi sher Compani es 315- 652- 3773 MILLER ELECTRIC/HVA C Res ide nti al/Comme rci al 24 Hour Emergenc y Ser vic e Small Jobs We lcome Loca lly Owne d & Oper ate d Ov er 25 Ye ars Ex per ience I ns ure d * Lice ns ed Powe red by the Son Ken 315-2 97-2822 ~LEN'S FLOOR CARE~ F loors Dull & Dir ty? 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Avoid t he Fal l Rus h! All Cred it Cards & HEAP Accepte d Cal l or Text 315-668-9663 www nort he rnfir ewood ne t CHI MNEY CLEANING SPECIAL Call 315-453-2909 ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines A Company You Can Count On ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES Chimney Re builds & Repair s *Re taining Wa lls St eps Bri ck, Bloc k & Stuc co *F oundat ion Repai rs Fre e Es tima te s Fu ll y Ins ur ed Se ni or Di scounts 315-453-2909 Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines BAT REMOVAL No i fs and or Bats about i t! 40 Yea rs Exper ience Lic ense d & Insured Ga ur ant ee d in Wri ting! 607-263-5041 PD PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS ~Commer ci al & Resi denti al ~ Specials on Har d Sc apes ! Build Create Des ign your NEW Pati o Deliv er St one, Roc ks & More Law nmow ing St arting at $19 99! Free Est imat es with Senior & Mili tary Di scounts Pdprope rty enha nc e me nt s com 315-766-6135 ALL TYPES OF BLACKTOP PAVING *Ne w Dig-Out s *Res urf ac e *All Re pair s *Driv eway s *Pa rk ing Lot s *Bas ke tba ll Cour ts F ree Es tima te Fully Insured WE PAVE YOU SAVE We Do Conc re te & Ma sonry Wor k Member BBB P LS Constr uction 315-876-0978 *Ne w & Repai rs *Gar age Fl oor s Sidewa lks Founda tion Work *Re taining Wa lls Me mbe r BBB We Do Blac kt op Paving Fr ee Est imate * Fu lly Insured PLS Construction 315- 876- 0978 RAINBOW PAINTI NG & CONTRACTING All Home I mprove ments from A to Z Commer cia l/Res ide nt ial Ba se me nt Mold Remov al *Re mode ling *Wa ter pr oofing *Dry wa ll *Deck s & F ence s *Concr ete Re pai rs *Landsca pi ng *Plumbing *Pre ss ure Was hing *Clea nouts *F loor Tiling *Painting *Tre e Serv ice *Sid ing et c 35 Yea rs Exper ience Lic ense d & Insured Senior /Vete ra n Disc ount EPA Ce rti fie d Call 315-925-1595 All Work Gua ra nte ed R D M CONSTRUCTION Home Re mode ling, Addi tions, Home Re pa irs Pai nt ing Siding Kit chen & Baths Ba se me nts Ele ctr ica l & Pl umbi ng Ov er 25 y rs e xp Fre e Es t 315-289-6524 AWESOME HOME SERVI CES CNY S #1 GUTTER CLEANER Gutte r Clea ning & Flush *De ck Was h & Seal Siding Wa sh *Window/ Sc ree n Cle aning 10% of f Gut ter Cl eani ng (exp 8/12/23) 20% of f Deck Wash & Seali ng (exp 8/12/23) 315-457-0954 315-729-8851 Owner: Rob Pres ton * I ns ure d aweshome11@gmail c om awe some ho mes er vic es c ar rd c o/ Ov er 20 yrs Exp Remote Re pai rs *Any repai r/v irus re mov ed Amaz on, Al exa & Googl e De vic es Set up *We Come to Your Home or Busines s *Wire le ss Networki ng Apple Suppor t *Smar t TV Set -Upcont rol y our home fr om anywhere in the wo rld Cal l Sam 315-378-9061 I will be at a ny writte n es timat e 10% off labor Av aila ble Evenin gs & Week ends www f usi onpcs com M INI- EXCA VATO R SERVICES *Genera l Gr ading *Ex ca vat ion Diggi ng Ca ble & Dra ina ge Tre nching *Priv ate Unde r Ground Cable Lo ca ting NO J OB TOO SMALL 315-662-3062 Please le ave a mess age BARLETTA ELECTRIC Re s Wiring Li c & Ins Ele ctr icia n New Insta llat ion & Rewiring F re e Es t Stev e Barl ett a 315 -863-1600 Super ior Scapes In c Landscaping & Hardscaping Speciali st D esign & Install Brick pav ers Ret ai ning Walls 315-952-1142 vis it us at superiors capes com I ns ure d Res idential/ Comme rc ia l & Re al ty Proper ty * Cle an-Ups Lawn Maint Edging Mulc h & De corat ive Stone Se e our webs ite f or other s erv ic es: www s yr ac us ela wn c om 315-451-1542 KO TARY D RYWALL & PAINTING Wat e r Damage Spec ialis t, Plas ter Wal ls & Ce il ings Re pa ired Tex tur e Cei lings Ove r 45 y ea rs e xp eri ence 315-254-3119 SYRACUSE DUMPSTERS *F as t Se rv ice *L ow Rate s Up- Fr ont Pr ice s 7 Day a Week Delivery 315-629-9050 JUNK – A WA Y We pic k up & haul a ny thing y ou don t want Chea per tha n a ny o ther pric e! 7 day s a we ek Ca ll t oday ! Pi ckup Today! Tras h i s cheap d on't ov er pay! 315-395-0907 A1


July 26, 2023 9 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source AJF PAINTING COMPANY CICERO NY I nte rior/ Ex te rior A+ BBB Ra ting Lice ns ed & I ns ur ed Nea t/Clea n Art ist Qua lity Painting Will Be at any writt en es timat e (10% of f Early Book ing Int/Ext ) Cal l 315-575-6953 For F re e Es t WWW AJF PAINTI NG COM f ace book Al's Painting Int er ior / Ex ter ior Unbeat able Price s! Fre e Es t, I ns ure d 315-380-0312 TREE REMOVAL TREE TRIMMING HEDGE TRI MMING, LOT CLEARING, STUMP GRINDI NG BRUSH MOWI NG *SERVING CNY * FULLY I NSURED *FREE ESTIMATES Seni or Citi zen & Mil it ar y Dis counts Driveway / Drainag e Landscape / Sand / Stone Dust Hard Fill / Clean Fill Landscaping – Geotext ile – Fabric (By t he Roll or Sheet) Deliv er y Av aila ble 315-457-2 394 BAR GAI N TREE SERVIC E Re sidential * Commer cia l Complet e tre e & s tump re mova l Ce rt ifie d Climber 315-672- 3398 Se n & Milita ry Dis count s F ully I ns , Fr ee Est www bar ga int re es er vic e ne t Amis h Owned & Operat ed “ Your Sa tis fac tion i s our Gua rante e! We Spe cia lize in Me tal & Aspha lt Roofing Pole Bar ns & Power Wa shing Ins * Fr ee E st 607- 342- 0062 MA SON RY M OVI NG SERVICES PAINTIN G PAINTIN G PLUM BING PRINTIN G ROO FING ROO FING STO NE STU MP R EM OVA L TREE SERVIC E TREE SERVIC E A KING OF THE JUNGLE PAI NTING & CONTRACTING Int/ Ex t Painting Drywa ll Ge ner al Re pa irs & Power Wa shing Fr ee Est imat es Rea sonable Rat es Senior Di scounts Ove r 30 Ye ar s Ex pe rien ce OSHA Ce rti fie d We Acc ept MC/VI Dav id Lalonde 315- 751- 0370 or 315- 455- 5860 QUALITY TREE SERVICE Big Tak e Downs Experi ence d Lands caping Shr ub s & St ump Re mova l F ree Es timat e OSHA Cert ifie d We Ac ce pt MC/ VI Dav id Lalonde 315- 751- 0370 or 315- 455- 5860 P AINTING INT/EX T Smal l Wall Repai rs Fair P rices Q ual ity Work Free Est Ins C all 315-744-7198 DONIGAN PAI NTI NG Int/ Ex t, Drywall, Car pe ntr y & Genera l Re pa irs Kit chen Cabinet Re surfa ci ng 20 Ye ar Wa rr ant y o n Ex t Wor k 30 Yr s in CNY Lice ns ed *In sured & *Fr ee Es t 315-313- 3254 EXP ERT CONTRACTING 315- 420- 7600 Commer ci al & Re sidentia l Roofing & Siding Als o Spec iali zing In Repair, Re stora tion of Flat Roofs *Resi denti al Roof ing *Leaks & Repai rs *Siding *Fulll y I ns ur ed *Senior Disc ount Fr ee Est imates , Qualit y Work Ov er 30 year s Ex perienc e, A+ Rat ing BBB IMMANUEL ENTERPRI SE I NC Roofing & Sidi ng Spe cia list Hone st & Affordable Rat es Insure d 3 15- 240-0887 Lev el ing & Stabil izi ng of Camps, She ds Traile rs & House s Bea ms & Fl oor Joists Re pla ce d F oundati ons & Cell ar Wall s Re pai red & Par ge d Senior Disc ounts Cal l Gary 315-675-9762 or 315-396-1442 GMS PAI NTI NG Inte rior / Ext erio r De ck Sta ining *Powe r Wa shing Com/Re s Fre e Es tima te Insure d 315-452-0538 DAMIANI' S PAINTING Inter ior & Ex te rior Pa int ing Stai n Deck s, She etr oc k I ns tall ati on, Ex te rior F ounda tio n Repair s Power Wa shing, Gutt er & Roo f Cle ani ng Fully In s Fr ee Est ima te s Call or Text 315-807- 4305 EAGLE NEWS DES IGN * PRINT *DELIV ER Cal l 315-434-8889 JEFF & LAUREN' S Residenti al Moving Servic e Load Unload Pak ing Ser vic es Smal l or Big Als o, Clea nouts $$$ Saving Pric es Same Day Express Servi ce A House hold name You Ca n Trus t JD Haul ers ” 315-450-2230 TREE REMOVAL & CLEANUP Rates St arting at $49 We ta ke d own tr ee s, yar d cle aups , br us h re mova l Tre es Removed Land Cle ar ing Sa me Day Se rvi ce Ca ll JD Haulers 315-450-2230 A Tree Company li ke no other STEVENS TREE SERVICE, BIG OR SMALL WE DO EM ALL Fa mi ly Owne d & Oper ate d Comple te Tre e Re mov al Se rvi ng CNY *Re sident ial *Comme rc ial Munic ipa lity Buc ket Truck *Storm Damage Res tora tion Spring/F al l Debris Cl ean Up Ful ly Insured Fr ee Est ima te s 315- 466- 2858 ( lea ve a mess age) or 315- 75 0-6002 jody835@gmail c om JOHN DELAND Roofing Cons ulta nt/ Roof Repai rs 315- 683- 5671 MILLER CONS TRUCTION S ERV IC ES Plumbing/ HVAC Res ide nti al/Comme rci al 24 Hour Emergenc y Ser vic e Small Jobs We lcome Loca lly Owne d & Oper ate d Ov er 25 Ye ars Ex per ience I ns ure d * Lice ns ed Ken 315-2 97-2822 Exper t Tree Remova l Trimming & Pr uning, St ump Grinding & More ! *Aff or da bl e *I ns ure d *Re liabl e Sa fe & Profe ssi ona l Si nce 1992 Call 315-415-9679 L& L PAINTI NG ~I nt er ior/ Ex t eri or Dr ywall Re pa ir & Inst alla tion Car pe nt ry F ree Es tima tes * Insured 315-391-7739 ROO F MA N – We Stop Leaks ! Serv ing Sy rac us e & Surr ound ing Suburbs Res idential & Commerci al Roof ing Spec ialis t *Shi ngl e Roofs / 25 & 30 Yr Shingl es Slat e & Tile Repairs Fla t Roof Repair s *Por che s *Dormer s Ga ra ges Rubbe r Roof Repair s *Ne w Roofs *ReRoofs *Lea k Re pa irs *Rotte d Plywood Repl ac ed *I ce, Snow & Wi nd St orm Damage All Work Guaranteed! War rant y 5, 10, 30 Year s Compa re p ric es - Yo u'll be gla d you did! Fully Insured , F re e Es tima tes Insuranc e Cl aims Senior Citi zen Disc ounts 315- 430- 9903 ROOF LEAK S & REP AIRS NEW ROOFS www murta ughre stora ti ons co m $0 Down 12 mont hs no interest FREE ESTI MATES F ULLY INSURED 315-432-5600 LAKE EFFECT Tree Serv ice Spe ciali ze in Ha rd- to- Ge t Ar eas *Certi fie d Cli mber & Aer ial Li ft Serv ice Serv ing Sk aneat ele s Ot isc o & Mar cel lus 315-720-0020 TRIM-A LIMB TREE SERVICE Cer tifi ed Climbe r Buc ke t Tr uc ks Arial Li fts , Stump Gri ndi ng Speci aliz ed in Haz ar dous Tre e Re mova ls Se nior Cit ize n Dis count F re e Es t, F ully I ns 315-468-1211 PD PROPERTY ENHANCEMENTS Commerc ial & Res ident ial FULL SERVICE TREE COMPANY *TR IMMING & REMOVAL *STUMP GRI NDING & LOT CLEARING Cal l t o see how to get $500 off your t ree job Fully Insured with Workmans Compens at ion Free Esti mate with Senior & Mili tary Di scounts pdproper ty enha nc ement s com 315-766-6135 STEVE LASHOMB S TREE SERVI CE Total Take Downs Tr imming St ump Gri nding, Topsoil & Seeding, Landscaping & Mulc h! No Job to Bi g or Small 30 Yrs Exp, Fully Ins 315- 516- 9020 *All I nt eriors -1 Room to F ull Hous e *Ce ili ngs *Tri m & Walls Dependable & Clean Excellent References 315- 263- 1541 A RO OFI NG COMPANY YOU CAN COUNT ON Best Pr ic es in CNY! Lif et ime Warr anty on Shingl es & Lif eti me Guarant ee on Work mans hip Ins Fr ee Est Sen Citi zen Dis count 315-391-0998 Best Roofi ng Company Ev er!!! Ne w Roofs * Roof Repairs (al l ty pe s) Gables * Fla ts *40 y rs Exp Re fe re nc es *Fu lly Insure d Call Toda y! !! Re sponse Today! !! Lif etime Roof The La st Roof you will eve r buy! Call Charli e 315-4 78-1894 A2PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ACROSS 1. Bonus materials 7. Formal names 13. Free from restraints 14. One who scrapes away 16. Type of device 17. Skin cancers 19. The Show Me State 20. Plate glasses 22. Red-brown sea bream 23. Small (Fr.) 25. Flightless Australian birds 26. High IQ group 28. Stiff structures 29. Revolutions per minute 30. Where a bachelor lives 31. Licensed for Wall Street 33. A place to park 34. Energy, style and enthusiasm 36. An important creed in Catholic Church 38. 18-year astronomical period 40. Furies 41. Removes from the record 43. Noted child psychiatrist 44. Feline 45. High schoolers’ test 47. Not happy 48. They __ 51. On top 53. Precious stones unit of weight 55. Moved quickly 56. Seagulls 58. A seed with hooks or teeth 59. Partner to “oohed” 60. Exclamation of surprise 61. Most unpleasant 64. Organization help service members 65. Type of cockatoo 67. Humorous criticisms 69. Went through and organized 70. Wakes up DOWN 1. Settle in tents 2. Big 3. Books 4. Masses of eggs in sh 5. Language 6. Not standing 7. Chinese philosophy 8. Computer giant 9. A device to catch 10. Emits coherent radiation 11. Actor O’Neill 12. Smallest interval in western music 13. Not lower 15. Revolves 18. Leavened bread 21. Number above the line in a fraction 24. Cable 26. Adult male 27. Airborne (abbr.) 30. Bull ghting maneuvers 32. Broadcast 35. __ Angeles 37. Vehicle 38. Not religious 39. North American peoples 42. A baglike structure 43. Body art (slang) 46. Picked for a role 47. Actress Tomei 49. Former hoopster “Big Country” 50. Icelandic poems 52. More pleasant 54. It can add avor to meat 55. Self-immolation by re rituals 57. Expression of annoyance 59. __ Spumante (Italian wine) 62. Consumed 63. Body part 66. Thus 68. In reply (abbr.)
SUDOKU PENNY SAVER GENERAL Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.


10 July 26, 2023 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source
items have been taken to our warehouse, located at 4563 Jordan Road, Skaneateles Falls, New York for convenience of the sale. (With selected additions - Including items from St. Patrick’s Church and St. Paul’s Church) FRIDAY AUGUST 4th - 6:00 PM HELD COMPLETELY ONLINE !! (WITH IN-PERSON PREVIEWS AT THE WAREHOUSE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY) Catalog Available ONLINE NOW! GO TO: ESTATECONSULTANTS123.HIBID.COM EVERYTHING STARTS AT JUST $5.00……WHERE IT ENDS……YOU DECIDE !! The former owners, a retired NYS Chief Justice and a noted Architect, amassed an amazing collection ! This is a large and diverse auction ! We will be selling more than 500 lots ! Including a large amount of Fine Art with Original Paintings & Artist Signed Prints, Mid-Century / Modern Furniture and Accessories, Oriental Rugs, Antique Furniture, Estate Gold & Silver Jewelry, Sterling, Antique Solid 14K Gold & Plated Pocket Watches & Fobs (including HEAVY Masonic 14K), Antique Clocks, Coins, Firearms (including Civil War era Springfield Musket), Objects of Virtue (Including a MONUMENTAL antique Pan Scale, Large 18th century Bible with Vellum Cover), Art Pottery, a Group of more than 50 Incredible Studio Art Tiles relating to the sufferings of Women (artist not yet identified), Antique Iron Garden Bench & other Outdoor Items, Antique Toys & Advertising, Quality Contemporary Furniture (Leather Club Chair, Sofas, Beds, Desks, Chairs, Futon, 3 piece Regency Style Carved & Upholstered Parlor Set, etc.), NOTE: As an added incentive to participate in this auction…..All of the uncatalogued items from this home will be available for outright purchase to those who were successful buyers at the auction portion of the sale. These items will be priced VERY INEXPENSIVELY (CHEAP)! These items include furniture, construction materials, lawn & garden items, general household items, etc. You will have the opportunity to peruse & purchase these items when you come to COLLECT your auction WINNINGS - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ! APPOINTMENTS WILL BE MADE ON A “FIRST-COME-FIRST-SERVED” BASIS AFTER THE LAST ITEM SELLS ON AUGUST 4th ! CATALOG ONLINE NOW !! GO TO: ESTATECONSULTANTS123.HIBID.COM Conducted by: ESTATE CONSULTANTS Central New Yorks Antiques & Fine Arts Experts Tel. - (315)-727-6115 Email: Visit : ESTATECONSULTANTS123.COM To advertise in the PennySaver contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or PENNY SAVER GENERAL Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.



(Bought out A Very Large Estate)

FRI. SAT. SUN. July 21-23 & FRI. SAT. SUN. July 28-30

9 am – 5 pm

Selling @7809 Plainville Rd. Plainville, NY 13137

Building #21 (The Former Plainville Turkey Farm)

Tons of NEW and used merchandise: Oneida flatware sets, Oneida silver pieces, riding JD & other lawn mowers, garden equipment, rototillers, snowblowers, hand & power tools, furniture (inc. some Vict.), living room, sofas, beds dressers, small kitchen appliances, Coco-cola and other advertisings, army backpacks, All Kinds Of: Christmas & other Holiday décor, kids’ toys & games, glassware, knickknacks, antiques, primitives, etc. 15,000 sq. ft.+

Everything must go. Priced to sell.

Cash, Check, Visa Master Card & Discover

July 26, 2023 11 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source / PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS/ GENERAL
our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.

Beer, bikes and barges on the Erie Canal

The Erie Canal Museum recently announced a collaboration with cultural sites and breweries across the state.

The museum invites the community to join us at “Beers, Bikes, and Barges,” a captivating, summerlong cycling series along the historic Erie Canal.

This engaging initiative aims to showcase the rich history of the Erie Canal, the Empire State Trail, and the diverse breweries found throughout New York State.


Taking place

at 6 pm, each event in the series offers participants an immersive 90-minute guided cycling tour of the featured community, followed by a delightful drink at a partner brewery.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a cycling aficionado, or simply looking for an exciting way to spend your summer evenings, this series offers something for everyone.

Registration costs $25 and covers the first drink at the partnering brewery. Registration also supports both the Erie Canal Muse -

um and the cultural organization associated with that week’s highlighted community.

By participating in “Beers, Bikes, and Barges,” attendees not only embark on an adventure but also contribute to the preservation and promotion of local heritage and culture.

Please note that helmets are required for all participants to ensure their safety throughout the cycling tours.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to ex-

plore the Erie Canal’s vibrant history, revel in the beauty of the Empire State Trail, and savor the flavors of Upstate New York’s renowned breweries.

Mark your calendars for July 13th and join us at Talking Cursive Brewery for an unforgettable evening of entertainment and community engagement.

For more information and to register for the event, visit /

submitted photo

the Erie Canal Museum will host Beer, Bikes and Barges thursdays this summer.

Tops partners with local law enforcement


12 July 26, 2023 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source
Cicero PD, Dewitt PD, Jordan PD, Manlius PD, New York State Police, Skaneateles PD, and Syracuse PD at
DeWitt, Elbridge,
submitted photo Area law enforcement and tops stores partnered June 24 for tops and Cops Care.
Saturday June 24, local police agencies and associates from Tops Friendly Markets collaborated on a community engagement event called Tops and Cops Care. Police officers from eight departments partnered with Tops employees at 10 out 12 stores in Onondaga County to greet customers and engage them in conversation. Tops Friendly Markets furnished reusable grocery bags that were given away free of charge to those who visited between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. The following agencies participated:
located in Baldwinsville, Camillus,
Fayetteville, Manlius and Skaneateles, among other loations.
14 July 26, 2023 Star review eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

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