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by kAtE HAnzAlik

by kAtE HAnzAlik

The Women of Willowbank meet every Wednesday.

joined WOW. I was readily accepted by these knowledgeable and experienced women and given training to be able to sail. They are caring and generous, and very patient. They are also very accomplished women in the community and tremendous role models.”

In addition to Jasek, one of these

Cazenovia native releases new single

by kAtHrynE rAkowski

Music is in the air once again for Cazenovia native Faith Gara.

Her upcoming single “Still Want It” is set to be released on Aug. 11 on all platforms and is currently available on pre-order through Spotify.

Gara made a name for herself in 2019 with the release of her first single “Ms. Claus,” and then again in 2020 with the release of “Heartbreak Looks Better.”

Since then, she’s contin- ued to create music and has taken some big steps towards advancing her career.

“I know I’m meant to make music,” she said. “It has always been so clear to me, and most importantly, what makes me the most happy.”

Gara attended Cazenovia Central Schools from kindergarten through her sophomore year of high school, after which she and her family moved to New York City.

She attended Gramercy Arts High School for a year and a half before transferring back to Cazenovia to complete her final semester and graduate in June 2017.

While living in Cazenovia, Gara sang in the Syracuse Children’s Chorus for three years, performed in four Syracuse Opera shows, sang in the choirs at school, and participated in local community theater.

A self-taught guitar and piano player, the musician started voice lessons at age eight and began songwriting at age 11.

Since her last single, she

315-663-1167 released a solo track called “Blame” and a six track extended play with her songwriting group Smokelines.

After graduating from Long Island University Brooklyn in June of 2021, she moved across the country to California and is currently obtaining a master’s degree in songwriting remotely from Boston’s Berklee College of Music.

This program has given Gara the opportunity to take part in some exciting intern- accomplished role models is retired emergency doctor Irene Warner.

“I wanted to sail on my own,” she said. “My husband bought me a Sunfish and as soon as I got it out and tried to sail several women invited me to join WOW, and others took me out on their boats when the

JaycEE maSccui ships with record labels such as Warner Records. work on projects for artists I love like Bebe Rexha, The

Single l Page 13 as general fiction. My book was in competition with thrillers, romances, novels, mysteries, chick lit, literary fiction, summer beach books, etc. Winning against such a variety of genres really validates the short story.

I’m self-published, so the win is even sweeter. This is the sixth award distinction for ‘The Trail Back Out,’ and my ninth overall. My long-term hope is that the book awards will convince publishing houses to consider publishing the book I spent the last two years writing.”

Previously Campbell’s book was named a finalist for the 2020 “Best Book” award in the category of fiction anthologies and was also selected as a quarterfinalist in the 2021 ScreenCraft Cinematic Short Story Competition as well as being named a finalist for the 2021 IAN Book of the Year Award (Short Story Collection) by the Independent Author Network, a community of authors who are self-published or published by a small indie press.

Sponsored by American Book Fest, the Best Book competition received 2,000 entries, which were narrowed down to over 400 winners and finalists in over 90 categories.

Awards were presented for titles published in 2018-2020 based on design, content and overall appeal.

According to Campbell, “The Trail Back Out” was the only self-published book in its category.

“[This recognition] means everything,” she said. “I am beyond thrilled. Past winners have included Amy Tan, George Saunders, Clive Barker and Ann Lamott, which puts me in very good company. This is the 17th year these awards have been handed out in the publishing industry. I’m self-published, so being named a finalist is an extra honor.”

The anthology, which features 10 stories, is Campbell’s fourth book.

According to the author, the characters in each story are all trying to make sense of events.

“They are all looking for the trail back out,” she said. “Whether during the upheaval of the last century or the present COVID-19 crisis, each story guides the reader through a labyrinth of questions about how to live and love.”

Campbell graduated from Cazenovia High School in 1975. Although she has lived in Germany for the past 28 years, she continues to attend reunions when possible.

The title story of “The Trail Back Out” takes place on the back trails at Cranberry Lake in the Adirondacks.

“It’s not an accident that [this story] is set in Upstate New York,” she said. “The places and people remain close to my heart.”

The author holds a bachelor of arts degree in English literature from the Honors College of the University of Oregon.

She published her first book, “Broken In: A Novel in Stories,” in 2012. Her second and third novels, “Tsunami

Cowboys” and “Grounded,” followed in 2014 and 2016, respectively.

Campbell wrote many of the stories featured in her short story collection during the coronavirus lockdown.

“I had been thinking about collecting my short stories into a full book, [and] I wanted to write some new stories, too,” she said. “Germany went into full lockdown due to COVID19 in March, so it was the perfect time to write – I had no excuses left.”

While “The Trail Back Out” and other works by Campbell have received accolades, the author has kept writing. And she said writers tend to love to talk about their current works as well as their completed and published pieces.

Campbell said her current work is titled “The Taste of Your Name.”

“It’s the first book I’ve set entirely in Europe,” she said. “On the streets here in Germany we heard Arabic when Syrian refugees arrived after 2015. Now we hear Russian and Ukrainian, thanks to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Waves of people fleeing wars keep arriving, and I wanted to write a longer novel that addresses the situation. My new book is the story of an erotic triangle, reclaimed memories, the fates of refugees, and the importance of bread. When you finish reading, nothing will ever taste the same.”

Campbell went on to explain a little more about her new book.

“One of my main characters is Mustafa, a baker from

Pat Hudelson

Celebration of life planned

An informal celebration of life for Pat Hudelson, who passed away on March 21, 2023, will be held at noon on Aug. 19, 2023, at the Stone Quarry Hill Art Park, following a 10 a.m. graveside service at the Evergreen Cemetery. Friends of Pat are invited to attend. The Stone Quarry Hill Art Park is located at 3883 Stone Quarry Road in Cazenovia.

Pat Hudelson

Damascus,” she said. “He’s synesthetic: Mustafa can taste words. I thought it was a wonderful technique to talk about the tastes of fear, and hope, and love. Mustafa’s special gift led me to call the book ‘The Taste of Your Name.’ Another character in the story is an asylum seeker with severe PTSD. Her story is what happens to people who give up everything, including hope. As a massage therapist, I volunteered for several years doing trauma massage work for refugees. It just about broke my heart. And, finally, the book includes an erotic triangle of a German, an American, and an American-German. I’ve lived here for more than 30 years, and can relate to all three of these characters! The triangle however is not based on personal experience.”

With multiple published works, and one book in the process of finding a publisher, Campbell said she finds that she still has plenty of ideas she wants to work on and she draws inspiration and energy from other creative people she associates with.

“I can’t write fast enough to keep up with all the ideas for stories,” Campbell said. “I belong to The Writers in Stuttgart and we meet up to critique each other’s works fiercely and honestly. I also write for NEAT, Stuttgart’s New English American Theater. I’m around talented actors, and singers, and musicians, and playwrights. Writing is a solitary endeavor, and both groups’ energies and creative work definitely inspire me.”

Campbell’s writing covers a variety of topics and characters, but she does hope whatever pieces of her work people may read they can find a common thread.

“That we’re all connected,” she said. “Everyone of us shares the same dreams and humanity. No matter what our age or race or sex or religion or place of origin, I hope my readers recognize themselves in my characters and their dilemmas.”

With readers all around the world, Campbell said it is always exciting when she hears from people back home to who enjoy her work.

“For our last class reunion, I offered to read from my first book as part of the evening’s entertainment program,” Campbell said. “My old classmates were fantastically supportive. A lot of my work is set in upstate New York ‘Tsunami Cowboys,’ the story Carl Possessed from ‘Broken In,’ and the title story of ‘The Trail Back Out.’ When people tell me I got the details right, it feels great. There’s also a very deep satisfaction that my peers – the people who knew me way, way back, when I first said out loud that I wanted to be a writer – read my work and tell me they like it. Cazenovia formed my sensibilities. Those impressionsstillinformmywriting. They always will.”

An excerpt from “The Taste of Your Name” will be appearing soon in the very first issue of EpistemicLiterary,afreeonline magazine. Campbell encourages readers to look for her short story Food is Love.

For more information on Campbell and her work, visit jadicampbell.com.

Vanity projects

To the editor:

Mark Olson appears to be living in the County Executive’s dream world when it comes to the aquarium.

Micron is coming to our community for many reasons: access to energy, plentiful water, cost of living, quality schools and billions in tax breaks. An aquarium for tourists provides no benefit to Micron and actually puts demands on the estimated 48 million gallons of water a day they will need. Let’s be honest, the aquarium is the county executive’s vanity project and stop trying to justify it by shouting Micron!

Onondaga County consistently generates over $330 million in sales tax every year. In 2020 when tourism was on hiatus due to the pandemic the county generated $365 million in sales tax. Tourism does not generate sales tax. We the residents of Onondaga County who live, work and shop in our communities are the source.

As for Destiny USA and COR, these businesses continually fail to deliver.

If the success of these businesses are dependent on an aquarium they would be funding it. The City of Syracuse gave this land to COR Development to clean up and develop the land. Yet nothing has been developed and it is still contaminated, but the county purchased this vacant, polluted land for over $1.7 million dollars


l From page 4 information and having caught up on my sleep, I again naively ventured into motherhood eight years later and produced a child who didn’t sleep through the night for four years. Yes, four years!

I was the perfect example of what sleep deprivation can do to a human being. If any remnant of competency lingered, it disappeared completely during this trial by wakefulness. Not a pretty sight at all. Old habits die hard and when the ear, nose and throat doc discovered and repaired the reason for our daughter’s wakefulness, I began to exhibit signs of intelligence again, but only briefly. The children were growing older.

I have come to the conclusion that there is an inverse relationship between a child’s age and a mother’s intelligence. As the years rolled on and each of my offspring grew and flourished, it was their mother who grew less and less knowledgeable.

What did I know about fashion, about computers, about food? I mean, who in their right mind would eat fresh fruit or high fiber bread or vegetables? Were they ashamed of someone who without even an appraisal. Why should we build a 100% taxpayer funded aquarium for COR and Destiny to attract tourists to pad their profits?

An aquarium will not provide for families or protect children. According to the county’s own feasibility study it found that aquariums in the study required private donations to meet their budgets. Instead of providing revenue to their communities an aquarium requires a consistent influx of investment and volunteerism.

If Mark is so concerned with our quality of life and creating jobs he needs to start with fully staffing Onondaga County.

In 2009 there were 4,231 county positions. Last year there were only 2,927. As a county legislature Mark is in a position to bring back these jobs now, not later. Jobs that would bring security to families by performing lead abatement, increase capacity of our Health Department, Children & Family Services and other departments.

Enough of the vanity projects and empty words. This November, vote for Carrie Wood because she will listen to constituents, appropriate our tax dollars to the services our residents need and be a much needed check on the county executive.

ElainE DEnton Manlius l From page zenovia Preservation Foundation, is expected to need $20,000 worth of repairs to fix all three washouts, according to Judy Gianforte, CPF conservation manager.

The storm brought fierce rain and wind that damaged and closed roads, uprooted trees, flooded basements and impacted local events.

The annual CAVAC arts and crafts fair was not only rained out but torn apart by the wind; the Fourth of July fireworks were dampened slightly by swampy viewing conditions in Lakeland Park; and the Lorenzo Driving Competition cancelled its 41 st annual event, scheduled for July 15-16.

Trail Partnership Grant to create an electronic aid designed to make it easier to locate items in Lorenzo State Historic Site’s vast archive of historical photos, maps, letters, posters, and other documents.

The grant, which is sponsored by Parks & Trails New York (PTNY), was announced on July 28.

“The archives are a hidden treasure of information on Cazenovia, Central New York, and the history of the United States” said Lorenzo State Manager Michael Roets in an Aug. 3 press release. “And making the archive more accessible for residents, historians, and others has been a longstanding priority of mine.” had no idea what booting up a computer meant? Who didn’t own an MP3 player? I saw myself though my children’s eyes, a pitiful example of an uninformed, hopelessly needy adult who needed help to set the clock in the VCR. My Phi Beta Kappa key started to corrode and I began to question how I had been able to make it this far in life without a major mishap. From cheering too loudly at soccer games to mentioning in public that one of my offspring had musical ability, to insisting that they wear coats during snowstorms, to thinking that adult children with their own houses would like to take the stuff they left in mine, I have committed just about every maternal faux pas there is and more. Then there is the clueless category that includes all of the current singers, bands and songs as well as 90 percent of the shows on television.

Then came grandchildren. At first, I was fun. Grandma knew things. They asked me questions and believed what I said. Games we played were fun. Coming to visit at our house was something they looked forward to. I tried to keep up, but that old inverse relationship between the age of children and the knowledgeability of adults intervened and, once again, I am the uniformed, clueless one. I guess the fact that I have and use an Amazon Kindle is not the same as having and using a Nintendo Switch. They are polite about it, but the eye rolls and the half-smiles tell the story.

I still have flashes of the old know-it-all persona, but nature has intervened to make some of what I thought I knew, something I no longer know.

The “know-it-all” has been chastened by the life’s circle’s turnings. Truth be told, there are so many things that I once knew that have gone the way of forgetting. Last week I couldn’t remember what the former name of Tanzania was. Words slip away … they come back, but where do they go when I want them? I’ve mellowed. Why there are even days when I simply agree with someone rather than point out that I am, of course, right and they are, well … not.

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.


Years ago –aug. 11, 2021

The Friends of Lorenzo (FOL) recently won a $43,000 Park and

When I can’t answer an intriguing question about golf, I will spend all day trying to find the answer. I did! This is what I found out.

I didn’t realize there were “16” different types of golfers, and that each of them reveals a players specific approaches to the mental game and how they achieve “peak performance” on the golf course. Furthermore, MGT says, when you do understand your Mental Golf Type you can, “dramatically increase your ability to consistently perform at a high level, learn how to effectively overcome stress on the course and maximize your level of enjoyment in each round”. MGT believes we are all “hard wired” at birth and it will not change throughout our lives. Our “personalities determine our behavior and our behavior determines our performance”. GET YOUR PENCILS OUT and answer the following questions…

1. On the golf course, I am naturally more…A. Talkative? or B. Quiet? 2. My mind works best on the golf course when I am…A. Talking about shots out loud or B. Thinking through shots in my head? 3. When I am playing my best, I would say that I am…A. More engaged and expressive? or B. More self absorbed in my game? 4. Playing golf by myself is something…A. I rarely do? or B. I enjoy doing? 5. I am more…A. Socially proactive? or B. Socially reactive? 6. My playing partners would say I tend to be…A. Expressive on the golf course or B. Reserved on the golf course? 7. When I need to recharge my energy, I would rather…A. Go do something with friends? or B. Get away from golf? 8. I like to be…A. The center of attention? or B. More low key? 9. When I get paired up with new players, I tend to…A. Introduce myself right away? or B. Wait for others to introduce themselves? 10. When I think about success in golf…A. I recall positive moments in the past? or B. Think about future possibilities? 11. When learning something new, I prefer to..A. Know the specifics for clarity? or B. Understand the concept first & necessary details? 12. I am a player who prefers to…A. Master the things I already know? or B. Discover new ways of using what I know? 13. I like to…A. Know the traditional way of doing things? or B. Create my own unique way of doing things? 14. I am a player who likes to: A. Stay grounded in the facts. or B. Use my imagination? 15. When I am struggling on the course, I tend to…A. Worry about what will go wrong? or B. Rehash my mistakes? 16. When reviewing a good round, I focus on…A. Specific things that occurred in round? or B. Patterns and trends during round?

Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee

17. The ideal golf plan for me would be…A. A proven approach? B. An innovative approach? 18. I tend to be more…A. Detailed? or B. General? 19. When I struggle on the course…A. I worry too much about outcomes? or B. I get bogged down in swing mechanics? 20. I base my decisions on…A. The pros & cons of the shot? or B. How confident I feel about the shot? 21. When golf is challenging I need…A. Effective analysis of what I am doing wrong? B. Positive affirmation that I can do it? 22. For it to be a great round of golf, I believe…A. Good stats is most important? or B. Playing with confidence is key? 23. It is easier to accept a poor shot when…A. I look for objective feedback? or B. I stay positive with myself? 24. I prefer…A. Fixing what is wrong? or B. Building on what is working?

You have completed only 62% of the questions to find out your Mental Golf Type. I don’t have enough space to list all of the questions. You must admit, these are interesting questions we should be able to answer about ourselves. If you are serious about learning your MGT, you can go to…mentalgolftype.com to complete the questionnaire. I did, and found out my MGT was “COMPETITIVE TEACHER”.

The following are the “16” Mental Golf Types: Optimist Manifester, Strategic Competitor, Competitive Teacher, Inventive Competitor, On Stage Performer, Friendly Competitor, Thrill Seeker, Competent Competitor, Free Flowing Competitor, Peaceful Warrior, Course Strategist, Tactical Mastermind, Serious Competitor, Expert Coach, Precision Machine and Adaptive Technician.

I believe Tiger Woods MGT was a “On Stage Performer”. Jack Nicklaus was a “Strategic Competitor”. Arnold Palmer…was an “Inventive Competitor”. Some of you will be able to identify your MGT from the above list before you complete the entire questionnaire. Who do you think you are?


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