Cazenovia Republican digital edition - May 1, 2024

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The Cazenovia Garden Club

(CGC) is planning to hold its spring plant sale on Saturday, June 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Telephone Park, the strip of green along Albany Street in front of Kinney Drugs and Dave’s Diner.

The club will be selling a variety of perennials, silent raffle tickets for items from local businesses, and a wide array of decorative pots filled with annuals. All the perennial plants will be coming from CGC members’ home gardens.

“It’s a wonderful way for the community to benefit from the

In early May, Cazenovia Public Library will be hosting history presen-

tations exploring the local significance of railroads and aviation. On May 7 at 6 p.m., photographer Gene Gissin will share the story of Cazen-

local gardeners who toil over their gardens from year to year,” said CGC member Connie Hasko, who is chairing the spring sale committee. “Many perennials can or need to be divided, and this division allows the CGC to use the plants for the sale. This is a great way for us to keep our

ovia’s historic train depot on William Street and discuss the railroad’s impact on Cazenovia industry.

Constructed in 1894, the former depot is a one-anda-half story, rectangular, gable-roofed, largely clap

board structure. Gissin has owned the building for over 40 years and used it to house his professional photography
Home of the Prior Family Week of May 1, 2024 FREE • Proudly serving Cazenovia sinCe 1808 CazenoviarePubliCan Com PENNY SAVER: CNY’S BEST BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY INSIDE! WORK  BUY  SELL  TRADE  GET IT DONE Volume 214, Number 18 A&E 11 CaleNdar 11 editorial 4 history 5 letters 4 obituaries 12 PeNNysaVer 6 sPorts 10 the Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News office of Publication: 35 albany st second Floor, Cazenovia, Ny 13035 Periodical Postage Paid at Cazenovia, Ny 13035, usPs 095-260 POSTMASTER: send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James st suite 100, syracuse, Ny 13206 Community: Cazenovia celebrates Arbor Day. PaGe 3 sports: Cazenovia tennis continues to dominate foes. PaGe 10 2 Year Old Perennials Growing vibrant plants that thrive in CNY for 25 years! - Begonias - Sunpatiens - Petunias - Coleus (6 var.) - Pansies - Black Eyed Susans See you at: Regional Market - Thursdays and Saturdays Camillus Market - Mondays Fayetteville Market - Thursdays Cazenovia Market - Saturdays Hanging Baskets: Visit Our NEW INDOOR SHOWROOM! Got A Dock? We Do! STARTING @ $29, 950! - $278 MO/ “MAKE CASE YOUR PONTOON PLACE!” Local presentations to explore impact of railroad, WWII aviation stories Garden CluB Plans sPrinG Plant sale Perennials, annuals and raffle tickets to be sold Submitted photoS the Cazenovia Garden Club’s spring plant sale is scheduled for saturday, June 1, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., in Telephone Park. The club is selling perennials from members’ gardens, silent raffle tickets for items from local businesses, and decorative pots filled with annuals. Proceeds will help support the club’s community beautification efforts. Submitted photoS The Cazenovia Public Library is hosting two local history presentations in May. On May 7, Gene Gissin will discuss Cazenovia’s historic train depot and the railroad’s impact on the community. On May 9, Central New York military aviation historian James Coulthart will present “airplane tales: the Homefront edition 1941-1945.” Sale l Page 9 History l Page 9
2 May 1, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource Visit the Eagle Newspaper Facebook page to sign up for our NEW digital edition. Wake up to the Cazenovia Republican in your inbox every Wednesday morning! Concerned About Your Drinking Water? HOURS: Monday-Thursday 9-5 & Fridays Hours Vary, please call Convenient Location On Rt. 20 At The Traffic Light Intersection In the Village of Morrisville, NY NYS DOH ELAP Certified ID#: 11405 A&P Water Testing Personalized Service Residential & Public Water Supplies 315-684-3169 Find us on the Google: Kellish Tire & Auto Service 315-682-8709 • Mon - Fri 9-5 Kellish’s Corner of Route 20 & Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY Over 50 years of service to our friends & neighbors Free County literacy program plans English as a New Language training workshops
On May 21, Literacy Outreach for Madison County, NY (LOMC) is offering two different training workshops focused on English as a New Language (ENL) instruction. Formerly known as English as a Second Language, ENL is an instruction program for students whose first language is not English. The workshops will be held at the Cazenovia Public Library and conducted by trainers from Intercambio, a non-profit organization based in Boulder, Colorado. Since 2001, Intercambio has worked to
English learners and community volunteers together in language classes and gatherings to build skills, confidence, and life-changing connections.”
Literacy Outreach for Madison County, NY (LOMC) is offering two different English as a New Language training workshops on May 21 at the Cazenovia Public Library. LOMC also provides tutoring for those seeking their Ged Pictured: donna schaefer tutoring clients who are working toward obtaining their high school equivalency diploma at the sullivan Free library.
Submitted photoS
Literacy Outreach for Madison County, NY is offering two different English as a New Language training workshops on May 21 at the Cazenovia Public Library. Pictured: Ana, who lived and taught in Puerto Rico all her life, is now a student learning English with the help of Carla Zimmerman at the Cazenovia Public Library.
Submitted photoS
lOMC l Page

Caz celebrates arbor day


had a very

Certified Arborist and charter member Jim Maloney read the official Arbor Day Proclamation, signed by Mayor Kurt Wheeler. Arbor Day began in 1872 in Nebraska and since then is credited with mainstream education pertaining to the importance of trees, environmental protection and

Cazenovia residents Bob and Bobbie Constable were recognized for their vast contributions to the Greater Cazenovia Area and received two Red Sunset maples on village property in front of their residence. One was donated by the village of Cazenovia and the other by the Cazenovia Public Library. Bob Ridler of the American Legion Post 88 praised the Constables for the many ways they have helped that organization. Cazenovia Public Library Director El-

May 1, 2024 3 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource Come in and discover our new services now o ered on the premises by our sta of skilled jewelers. Monday-Saturday 10am - 5pm “Quality, Service, Design” SERVICES INCLUDE OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE BENEDICT
315-439-8326 Call John Benedict 95’ Grappler Saw Crane & 75’ Bucket Truck 18” Chipper Stump Grinders Fully Insured Find us on Facebook!
The village of Cazenovia recently celebrated Both Arbor Day and Earth Day with their annual ceremony and tree planting. In typical fashion, Tree Commission charter member Ted Bartlett read the impressive list of tree donations since the inception of the Tree Commission 17 years ago.
beautifying our
year’s program
special component.
Submitted photo Members of the Village tree Commission, american legion, Cazenovia Public library and close friends of Bob and
Bobbie Constable gathered recently to celebrate arbor day, earth day and to recognize the Constables for their vast contributions to the Cazenovia Community. Arbor Day l Page 9


Go native

Spring and summer present ideal growing conditions for many plants, making these seasons an ideal time to tend to lawns and gardens.

Though it’s easy to succumb to the temptation of exotic plants, avid gardeners and eco-conscious planters recognize the significance of native plants.

Novices may not realize that native plants are much better for a landscape and the local ecosystem it calls home. Recognition of the many benefits of native plants can make for healthier lawns and gardens and a healthier planet as well.

Native plants are built for local climates.

One of the issues gardeners who plant exotic plants run into is keeping those plants thriving when weather turns harsh.

For example, exotic plants may require extra watering in areas that experience drought or even long periods without precipitation in spring and notably summer.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that at least 40 states anticipate water shortages by 2024.

Planting native plants can help to combat those shortages by reducing the need to water plants if conditions become dry in late spring and summer.

It’s also important to note that native plants save homeowners money.

Because they’re capable of thriving in local conditions, native plants tend to require less watering, which can help homeowners reduce their utility costs.

But native plants also require less upkeep, which means homeowners can save on potentially costly, not to mention eco-unfriendly, pesticides and other amendments in order to maintain the look of exotic plants. And though it’s not always the case, exotic plants tend to cost more at nurseries than natives.

In addition to saving money, native plants don’t require as much attention.

Though spring and summer is a great time to be in the yard, it’s also a great time to be out and about. Because native plants thrive in local conditions, gardeners won’t need to spend much of their free time tending to them. Exotics tend to require a lot of extra attention and effort, especially when conditions become harsh. Spending more time outdoors in harsh weather does not appeal to most gardeners.

Native plants blend in with an existing landscape.

Native plants look natural within an existing landscape, adding some instant aesthetic appeal without breaking the bank.

When planting exotics, homeowners may feel a need to redesign their entire gardens to create a certain look (think Japanese garden). That can quickly consume a budget and take up a lot of free time in both the short- and long-term.

Planting season marks a great time to revitalize a landscape. Choosing native plants when doing so pays numerous dividends for homeowners and the planet they call home.

Here COMes tHe sun?

It’s that shoulder season, the time when winter has worn out its welcome and spring is only intermittent thoughts on warmer afternoons. There are the signs. The daffodils are up, as are the first snowdrops. A lonely azalea brightens a corner under the rhododendrons and the rhubarb is poking its first leaves through the winter’s leavings.

But I’m still in winter mode.

I am so looking forward to leaving the house without my winter apparel. Put the heavy coat, the hat, gloves and boots away! As it is every year, the hint of warmth and sun is an annoying tease, hope poking through an off-and-on basis while the windows stay shut to keep out the remaining cold.

You know what it is like on those teasingly-infrequent warm and sunny days. All seems possible. Being comfortably outside, windows open, taking a walk, greeting friends who, like you, have been sequestered for the season, not by pathogens, but by the fear of the slipperiness of ice and maturing feet, knees and hips. So? What to do? Can this

Ramblings from the empty nest ann Ferro

yearning for spring mean more anxiety in a world filled with troubles?

It’s still winter, not by the calendar, but by temperatures. Staying inside is really the best option and willing myself to enjoy the things that are associated with winter’s limits seems right. I’ll make a hearty beef stew with biscuits and maybe, if the energy lasts, an apple pie. I may dream of a lovely, light chicken salad with fresh lettuce accompanied by the sound of ice in glasses filled with sweet tea on the porch, contemplating a visit to the bowling alley for ice cream, but there is nothing wrong with my winterfocused menu and if the sun’s turning continues as it has … there will be time for chicken salad on the porch.

I’ll do as my neighbor’s cat does and seek out the best environment to luxuriate in what it has to offer. “Sneakers,” the famous cat, at least in our house, whose address is a few

houses away, spends his days chasing the sun on our deck and our porch or hard up to the side of another neighbor’s sunlit basement wall. And, every once in a while, I will surprise Mr. Sneakers with some treats. My old friend Linda Landinez called it “cat crack” or a cat’s delight. My version of Sneakers will be inside. I’ll finish that book I started a month ago, comfortably ensconced in the love seat in the living room … a cup of Red Rose tea by my side. I’ll finish cleaning out my office, divesting myself of the accumulation of years of stuff that I will never use. That, in itself, is like opening a window on a warm day. And, courtesy of the Marcellus Free Library, I will experience my own version of the delight of surprise. I picked up my Book Box this week, but I hadn’t opened it. Today was a good choice for that. And delight it was. Inside my Book Box were lovely unexpected gifts embellishing a theme, this month’s theme being “Loving Local” featuring romance writers from Central New York.

Inside was a book by Oneidabased Jo McNally with a hand crocheted book mark, two pencils joyously decorated with faux flowers and a butterflies, a sweet candle, three chocolates and a tote bag. I was and am charmed by these treasures. So…now I have prompts for other days when the weather is not what I wish, opportunities to explore integrating this swag into my life. Of course, the chocolates will be the first to go, since warm weather can cause it to melt.

I should sign up for the next Book Box, but then there are others who might enjoy a trip to delights whatever the weather.

It goes back again to the idea of doing what you can with where you are and what you have. Makes sense. Did I hear geese flying north?

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

tHe VOiCe wHO was tHere

We all need breaks in life. A day here, a week there – even if we are really good at the occupation of our choosing, getting away recharges us, refreshes us, allows us to still enjoy and love it for a lot longer.

John Sterling did not believe in this. At all. From the time in September 1989 he took the microphone as the new voice of the New York Yankees, he showed up every game, regular season and post-season, until health issues forced him to miss a series. In 2019.

Thirty years and he never missed a game. They talk about and marvel at Cal Ripken Jr. for going 2,632 games in a row. A mere trifle. Counting the playoffs (and there were a lot of playoffs), Sterling’s streak reached 5,060, and he eventually got to 5,631 before announcing his retirement on April 18.

Oh, and that was just the back half of a career that spanned six-plus decades, started in the Eisenhower administration and included memorable stints with the Islanders and Atlanta Braves.

Just as Mel Allen was indelible to Yankee fans of earlier generations, Sterling and his one-of-a-kind baritone is forever linked to the recent glory of the pinstripes, especially that championship era from 1996 to 2000.

Division titles, pennants, World Series, a couple of perfect games, two players that passed 3,000 career hits….Sterling saw and called all of it, giving it a narration no one


Shocked at lack of dialogue

To the Editor:

A Representative to the People’s House, the House of Representative of the Congress of the United States of America, is, by definition, assumed to represent you. And this would further assume that, at the very least, the Representative would be willing to talk to you. It was with this hope and expectation that I drove last night to VVS High School to attend the public town hall of our NY22 Representative, Brandon Williams.

It was a shocking surprise that Representative Williams was not in the least interested in a dialogue of any kind.

Let me explain. Williams stood in front of the VVS auditorium and said that only questions submitted to the offsides moderator would be enter -

com reporter: Jason Klaiber, jklaiber@eaglenewsonline com sports editor: Phil blackwell, ext 348, pblackwell@eaglenewsonline com display ads eB: linda Jabbour, ext 304, ljabbour@eaglenewsonline com

Random Thoughts

else could match, or try to.

More than all the other sports, baseball is tied to its voices, especially those on radio who work close to 200 times a year spinning a long, complex narrative.

Do that well, and you become part of your fans’ lives in a way no one else can.

Sterling was perfect for the Yankees. He didn’t spin marvelous stories like Vin Scully, didn’t have a homespun drawl like Red Barber or Ernie Harwell, didn’t blend into the bleachers the way Harry Caray did in St. Louis and Chicago.

To Sterlnig, it was all a performance. Though he didn’t need it, he always wore a suit and tie, and if he substituted excitement for perfect accuracy, not a single Yankees fan minded.

Besides, the calls were memorable enough.

Home runs…they were high…they were far…they were gone!

Once they were, you never knew if you were going to get a clever play on words or, better yet, Sterling breaking into song.

Yankees fans loved all of it. Opposing fans….well, if Mel Allen in earlier times represented the imperial championship wall in the Bronx, so did Sterling, and he punctuated every victory, even in early April, as if were late October and another banner was going to get added to the other 27.

Most of the great voices are now part of baseball’s past.

A sport so enamored with, and tied to, its history is now described by people who

tained. No verbal questions from the attendees at any time from anyone. The written questions were curated and chosen by the moderator. Even if an attendee wished for clarification of one of his answers, it was neither entertained nor allowed.

What followed was a tedious monologue and an exercise in power and control. Not to mention obfuscation of the actual issues.

Here’s an example of one of his responses. When one of the submitted questions asked about his support for continuing Social Security and Medicare, he claimed that he has always supported it. This is patently false.

As a member of the Republican Study Committee, he endorsed its budget, which includes raising the retirement age and tying it to life expectancy, means-testing high income earners so they would not get their benefits, and

display ads Cr: lori lewis, ext 316, llewis@eaglenewsonline com

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Creative director: Gordon bigelow, ext 331, art@eaglenewsonline com

are unlikely to stir the same kind of emotions, a steep price for progress, media options and shorter attention spans.

What Sterling’s career best represents is the sheer importance of being there Through all the decades, alongside the likes of Michael Kay, Charlie Steiner and especially Suzy Waldman, Sterling did the most respectful thing of all.

Even more than the players he chronicled, Sterling got dressed (up) early, showed up early, picked up all the tidbits in the clubhouse, then went up to the booth and gave his all, and took fans with him on that journey.

Yes, Sterling was fortunate to see a lot of winning.

Yet he also saw the dark times of the early 1990s, the ninth inning of Game 7 in Arizona in 2001, the surrender of the 3-0 lead to the Red Sox in 2004, the 15 years since the last title in 2009.

He saw enough of the game that, when he said “That’s baseball, Suzy”, he meant each of those three words.

Now, with that big-screen TV the club gave him and that commemorative uniform with 5,631 on the back, John Sterling has truly earned a chance to take some time off.

Heaven knows he’s earned it more than others, though if you listen closely, I bet you can still hear him. That voice was impossible to miss, and never to be forgotten.

Phil Blackwell is sports editor at Eagle News. He can be reached at pblackwell@

privatizing Medicare. See pages 108 and 100.

Obviously and verifiably false.

All of the one and a half hours of the town hall was like this. I couldn’t help but remember the town halls of a former NY22 Representative, Anthony Brindisi of Utica. At his town halls, he would take questions directly from the audience and he addressed them on the spot and with respect.

Thinking that Representative Williams might be interested in an alternative format, I approached him at the very end of the event and asked to speak with him briefly. His response: “You’ve had your time.” And he turned his back to me and exited the stage. No handshake. No “Thank you for coming.” I was shocked and stunned. Needless to say, I will not be voting

4 May 1, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource
Eagle News eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer the editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions anonymous letters receive no consideration send letters to letters@eaglenewsonline com or eagle Newspapers, 2501 James st suite 101, syracuse, N�y� 13206 editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a m for the next week’s paper Classified Advertising Deadline: Wednesday at 7 p m for the following week’s paper Legal Advertising Deadline: thursday at 5 p m for the following week’s paper this free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement all free placement is on a space-available basis Copyright: this publication and its entire contents are copyrighted by Community Media Group llC reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written consent all rights reserved LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Call us: (315) 434-8889 email us: cazenoviarepublican@eaglenewsonline com; eaglebulletin@eaglenewsonline com Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m stop in or mail us: 2501 James st suite 101, syracuse, Ny 13206 subscription info: lori Newcomb, ext 333, lnewcomb@eaglenewsonline com
CAN WE HELP? Managing editor: Jennifer Wing, ext 340, jwing@eaglenewsonline com News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext 319, jgabak@eaglenewsonline com reporter: Kate hill , ext 325, khill@eaglenewsonline
Letters l Page 5
Phil blackwell

Modified boat launch process at Cazenovia lakeside Park

Throughout this past winter the Cazenovia Lake Association, the village and town have been working diligently looking at ways to improve the prevention of new invasive species entering the lake. The critical weed that we are concerned with is Hydrilla, which can grow in 30 feet of water and will completely blanket the surface. This weed is significantly worse than Milfoil and currently there is not a herbicide treatment that is as effective as ProcellaCor for its control. This weed is currently in Cayuga Lake, the Connecticut River and a couple of smaller regional lakes. Once established, Hydrilla is virtually impossible to eradicate.

Fragments of Hydrilla and other invasive weeds can potentially be found on trailers, in bilges, transoms, on the deck of the boat and in live wells. Once a fragment enters the water it will reseed and spread. At that point it may be too late to control. Because of this, the town received a grant to purchase a boat cleaning station. The village has modified the launch protocol in order to ensure boats are clean before entering the water. While there is no 100% guaranteed solution for preventing all invasive species this is a significant improvement to help reduce the probability.

The changes to the launch process are as follows:

1. Upon arrival at the launch the boat steward will take some basic information.

2. The boat steward will look for a serialized security tag that connects the boat to the trailer indicating that the last lake the boat was on was Cazenovia. If the security tag is intact, the boat can launch immediately. A security tag can only be attached by the steward and can only be used once; once a tag has been removed, it cannot be reattached.

3. If there is no security tag, the steward closely inspects the boat. If it has organic matter present it has to go to the cleaning station where the owner will clean the boat. If the boat is clean the boat can launch immediately. We therefore

encourage everyone to arrive with their boat and trailer cleaned.

4. Just prior to leaving Lakeside Park, the boater may choose to have the steward install a new security tag which connects the boat to the trailer. This will speed up the launching of the boat if the security tag is still attached upon a later return to Lakeside Park.

The cleaning station is a device that is used to clean the areas of the boat which contain aquatic organic matter. It consists of three main components:

l A very large vacuum cleaner similar to a large shop-vac. This will be used to remove aquatic matter from inside the boat, water from the transom, live wells and if possible the bilge.

l A pressurized blower will enable accessing difficult to reach areas that have organic matter.

l Grabbing tools and a soft bristle brush to be used to get under the boat/ trailer and remove weeds.

Private property owners have much to gain from preventing invasion of Hydrilla. Such owners are encouraged to use the Lakeside Park boat launch and to participate in the cleaning protocol described here.

For more information please visit contact the Parks Commissioner Thomas Tait at 315-657-0473. Additionally, scan the QR code above to see the damage Hydrilla can do to a lake.


Meet arlin

Arlin is a beautiful dog with a beautiful name. the name “arlin” means “noble guardian.” Arlin, who is both beautiful and noble, acquired his name under more pedestrian circumstances; he was found as a stray on arlington Circle. arlin is about three years old and weights 54 pounds. He loves to play tug, he can be vocal, and he knows sit and would love to learn more. He’s been an ambassador at shelter events and has done very well. He also rides nicely in the car and is very sweet. He would make a loving companion for most families. we also think he would do best as the only pet. Meet Arlin for yourself and you’ll see what a special dog he is. In order to adopt, you must fill out an application, pay an adoption fee, and have your pets up to date on their rabies vaccines. all adopted cats and dogs are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and up-to-date on their vaccinations before they go home. the Cny sPCa is located at 5878 east Molloy road, syracuse. For more information about adoption, call 315-454-4479, email frontdesk@ or visit

Years Ago in History

by Madison County on May 2, and will remain out of commission for an estimated five to ten years.

The bridge was built in 1966 as an overpass from Chittenango Creek, and had been monitored closely by the Department of Transportation over the past few years. At the end of April, the bridge was red-flagged by the NYSDOT and determined to be closed for “an indefinite period of time” according to a press release from Madison County Highway Department.

The Clark Street bridge is owned by Madison County. With a lack of funding to finance construction, it could take anywhere from five to 10 years to repair the bridge.

9 years ago – april 29, 2015

The Cazenovia Preservation Foundation and the Great Swamp Conservancy are two of the five land trusts in Central New York and the Mohawk Valley to receive funding through the State’s recent Conservation Partnership Program Grants.

The grant awards are funded through the state’s Environmental Protection Fund.

The Cazenovia Preservation Foundation (CPF), a land trust founded in 1967 that works to protect the historical, agricultural, and natural resources of the Cazenovia School District, received $24,500 that will be used to support new outreach programs and a new part-time Community Coordinator.

“Our walks and events have become increasingly popular, and with this money CPF will be able to expand its free offerings to a wider population,” said Carlos Gavilondo, president of the nonprofit’s board of directors.

7 years ago – May 3, 2017

The Cazenovia Police Department today was recognized as the first police department in New York state to have every member of its department complete an online program to train first responders in natural gas emergencies.

All 16 members of the Cazenovia police department received certification from the company’s free, web based, First Responders Utility Safety program.

National Grid officials presented the Cazenovia Police Department with an award plaque for their commitment to gas safety during a ceremony.

“It is our pleasure to take advantage of National Grid’s online training, which was an excellent, excellent site,” said Cazenovia Chief of Police Michael Hayes.

“We’ll make it a part of the field training for our officers.”

2 years ago – april 28, 2021

Earlier this month, Travis Barr and Alex Altomonte opened H. Grey Supply Co., a modern-day general store and outfitter at 53 Albany St. in Cazenovia.

The store offers a wide range of goods, including clothing, accessories, bath and body products, skincare brands, makeup, pantry items, household necessities and décor and bar supplies.

According to the owners, the store is focused on celebrating inclusivity, positivity and community.

“We made sure to curate small batch makers from all over the U.S., bringing ‘local’ from all over America into Cazenovia,” Altomonte said. “We try to source products (from vendors) that have an eco-conscience spirit behind them and that practice fair wage employment and sustainability.” Barr was born and raised in Cazenovia.


l From page 4

for this non-Representative and will in fact work very hard to ensure that he is not re-elected.

JuditH a. JerOMe SyracuSe

Do more than clean up

To the editor:

Thank you to Jason Gabak for informing readers about the Earth Day cleanup on Onodaga Lake. Lake Onodaga is an inspiring example of how we can fix past mistakes.

Whenever I visit a body of water, I gather trash, most of it plastic, and feel satisfied because I can see the difference I have made.

And yet, I also know that as long as the plastic tap is turned on, more plastic will clog up all bodies of water. We will clean up and clean up and clean up, until our legislators respond to the plastic crisis and turn off the tap.

The New York State assembly is currently considering such a bill.

The Packaging Reduction & Recycling Infrastructure Act (s4246-b/A5322b) will reduce single use plastic in New York state by 50% in twelve years. Less plastic production will mean less plastic trash washing into our lakes. It also means our kids will be exposed to less microplastics in their snacks.

While the bill is popular with New Yorkers and has a majority of co-sponsors in both the senate and the assembly, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Speaker Andrea Stweart-Cousins have not brought the bill to a vote. They are getting lobbied hard because the plastic industry doesn’t want New York to turn off the tap.

It’s time for citizens to demand action. It’s time to do more than clean up (again and again.) It’s time for our legislators to reduce the plastic that is clogging our lakes and streams and trashing our children’s futures.

Let’s pass the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act. sari FOrdHaM manliuS

May 1, 2024 5 eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource CONTACT Patti Puzzo (315) 434-8889 ext. 321 or email to place your employment openings! Advertise Here! SYRACUSE parent 315.434.8889 x304 or 315.657.0849 Support Your Community SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889 Personalized Fitness Training Self Defense Training Now Teaching Classes at Caz Fitness Cy Gatewood - Owner/Trainer Iron Grit Fitness Call for a personal consultation: Cazenovia, NY • Large Selection Of Frames • High Quality Personal Service • Fit all Eyeglass Prescriptions • Contact Lenses - All Types • Most Insurance & Union Programs Accepted • Eye Examinations ALFRED RUSSITANO, Optician 174 Canal St., Canastota • 697-3334 CANALOPTICALTOWN Jamesville Hardware 6515 East Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville N.Y. 13078 (315) 469-2888 Pick-up & Delivery • Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-2 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Bob Powell - Owner • Small Engine Repair • Sharpening Service • Screen & Glass Repair • Lamps Re-Wired • Oil Lamps & Supplies • Dietz Lanterns & Parts 030033 New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime, (315) 481-7248 cell Email: Peter Baker Owner 315-289-2170 Excavating, Mini Excavating, Drainage & driveway, trenches, Skid steer work-- post holes augured, power broom, rock hound, bush hogging, Rototilling, Brush Chipper, 6 wheel dump truck loads hauled Catania Chiropractic It’s About the Quality of Your Life Adrien A. Catania, DC Open 5 Days a Week (315) 684-7866 3191 Cole Road, Eaton NY We accept most major insurances
years ago – May 4, 2011 School buses and parents accustomed to crossing the Clark Street bridge while dropping children off at Burton Street Elementary will have to find an alternate route. The bridge, located just before the intersection of Route 13, was closed
6 May 1, 2024 eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY
BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ACROSS 1. Lions do it 5. In favor of 8. Rest here please (abbr.) 11. Pulpits 13. Leisure activity 14. Fertility god 15. Financial obligations 16. When you anticipate getting somewhere 17. Spanish river 18. Sporting events 20. Type of tree 21. Ceased to be 22. Persons 25. Synthetic resin 30. Relates to photochemical reactions 31. Father 32. Former Cowboys coach 33. City in Finland 38. Run batted in 41. Got through 43. They darken skin 45. In a harmful way 48. Form of weaving 49. City of Angels hoopster 50. Caucasian language 55. Syngman __, Korean president 56. Sun up in New York 57. Paddled 59. Fishes 60. Af rmative 61. Nimble 62. Doctor of Education 63. Soviet Socialist Republic 64. A small island DOWN 1. Cool! 2. Hebrew unit of measure 3. Swedish rock group 4. College army 5. Favor over another 6. Called it a career 7. Egg-shaped wind instrument 8. Israeli statesman 9. Hurries 10. Slog 12. Midway between south and southeast 14. Benedictine monk 19. Self-immolation by re ritual 23. Family of regulator genes 24. Surrendering 25. Political action committee 26. S. American plant 27. Long-term memory 28. Bark 29. Breathes in 34. Take hold of 35. Everyone has one 36. Valentine’s Day color 37. Drivers’ licenses and passports 39. Outer walls of castles 40. Enters with force 41. One thousandth of an inch 42. Deceased Chinese politician 44. Sugary secretion of plants 45. Expressed pleasure 46. Shelter 47. Utilizes 48 Forest resident 51. Fashion accessory 52. A sharply directional antenna 53. __ Kristofferson, actor 54. A bad place to end up 58. MLBer Gordon CROSSWORD SUDOKU ***Perfe c t for Homeowner s*** 315- 430- 1121 Unlimite d Weight * No Hidde n Fe es Discount Dumpster Rental In c Perfect for Homeow ners Unl imit ed Weight *No Hidden Fees 315-430-1121 BLA CKTOP PAVI NG & SEALI NG New Di gouts Res urf ac e Re pa ir or Se al Dri ve wa ys , Pa rk ing Lots , Roa ds etc F ree Es timat es Call Al LaMont 315-481-7248 (c ell ) PLUMBI NG, Electr ic al & Carpentry , Ma sonr y Edging Mul ching & Tri mmi ng Over 25 Ye ars Ex p Call Mike 315-726-0673 We ll both be gl ad y ou di d! 4 OF A KI ND Home I mprovements We Welc ome Small Home Re pa irs ! 30 Yrs Exper ience Ca rpe nt ry , Plumbi ng, Ele ctr ica l, Ma sonry and Pa int ing Ser vic e We s till offe r Complet e Kit chen, Ba th Ba se ment Re models Call Mi ke 315- 726- 0673 We' ll both be glad y ou did! *Car pent ry *Home Impr ov ement s Re pai rs No Job Too Small Call 315-420-1060 email: robax e41@gma il c om Refe rence s Ava ila ble All Qualit y Blac kt op & Conc ret e We ca n move the ea rth 1 pa rki ng lot, dr ive wa y side walk at a t ime! Cer tifi ed by the BBB We lcome Fr ont Li ne Res ponders Seni or Citiz ens & Vet era ns “Early bird's ge t the pri ce ” Se as ons On! Res/ Com We als o do: Pa rki ng Lots & Sidewalk s Bric k Bl oc k, Concre te & Some Ca rpe nt ry B&E Pavi ng 315-278 -4454 Geneo' *Hire a Local Company * Vi etnam Era Vet BI LL'S ELECTRIC No J ob too Small Rea sona ble Rat es , F ree Es t, Insure d 315-422-6401 www billse lec com “B OB ” PAS CAL CHIM NEY C NY s Oldest Chimney S ervice *REPAIR *RESTORE *REBUILD ALL WORK 100% GUARANTEED! PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED Hire t he ma n with tr owel in hand Put “Bob” on t he Job! 315-729-2544 Al ways ask for “Bob” BOBPASCALCHI MNEY COM Expert Clutter Removal We c lean out y our junk NOT your wall et ! Attic s, bsmt s, gar ages, ya rds almos t a nyt hing! Ca ll Bruce @ 315-730-6 370 Yea r roun d se rvi ce! www expert clut ter com ADVERTISIN G BLACKTOP PAVING CH IM NEY SER VICES CLEANIN G CLEAN - OUTS CLUTTER R EMO VAL COM PUTER/ N ETWO RK SER VI CE CONCR ETE/ M ASON RY DEM OLITIO N D UM PSTER SERVICE ELECTRICA L FLO OR CLEANIN G GARAG E DO OR S & OPEN ER S GU TTER CLEANIN G GU TTERS HAND YM AN HO ME IM PRO VEMEN T JU NK HAULIN G LAN DSCAPI NG LAWN CA RE Masonry Repairist Ste ps Fo unda tions Chimne ys Brick & Bloc k Base ments Stuc co 25y rs Exp Call Dav e 315- 395- 3041 GREENLAW N MOWING Mul ching, Spring Cle an- ups , Trimming & Landsca pe De sign Profe ss ional & Dependa ble 20 Ye ars Ex p Serv ing All of CNY Low Pri ces a nd I ns 315-516-3127 BESTW AY LAWNCARE For all of y our Mowing & La ndsca pi ng nee ds Mowing Cle an- ups , Mulc hing & La nds ca pe De sign Se rvi ng all of CNY Insured Rea sona bly Pric ed Prof es siona lly Deli ver ed 315-455-5 275 A SMI LI NG DOUG'S ELECTR IC No Job too Big/Small I ns Lic 315-487-6177 Gai l's Qual ity Cl eani ng Prompt Pr of ess io na l Ser vic e Lice ns ed s ince 2001 Low Rat es Cle anouts Re nta l Pr oper ty, Commerc ia l & Open House F oll owi ng CDC St anda rds 315- 877- 0427 Lands ca pe & Mainte na nce Wee ding Tri mming Edging, Mulching, De corat ive St one , Spr ing & F all Cl eanups Planting Old Bush/Brush Removal , Pa tios, Wa lk wa ys & Sod Inst all ation Fully I nsure d F ree Est imat es Find us o n Fa ce book Call or Text 315-807-4305 EAGLE NEWS ADVERTI SING Need to adverti se your bus iness ? Have a job opening? Rental? We c an help y ou with a ll of your adve rt ising nee ds *Busine ss Ads *Employ ment Ads Re nt al Ads I ns ert s *We b Adve rtis ing Ad-A-Note s & Mor e! Call 315-434-8889 TODAY and w e can hel p you be the success you al ways w anted to be! IM PER IAL PAVING & MA SONR Y *Pavi ng * Driv eway Se aling All t ype s of Concr et e & Mas onry 20y rs e xp F re e Es t Call & Save Bi g $$$ We ll be at a ny Con tra ct or s writ ten es tima te Quali ty does n t h av e to cost a lot ! Ca ll 315-671-5 363 Imperial Pav ing & Masonry Need a Garage Floor or Bas ement Floor ? Replac e or Repai r Cal l Now! We are ins tall ing through the wint er mo nths ! Bea t the spr ing rush & the pri ce inc reas e! !! 315-671-5363 NEED JUNK R EMOVED ? We Sa ve You Time & Mone y! Our Se rvic es : *Applia nce Re mova l Tra sh Ha uling Yard Clea nu p *Ga rba ge Dis posa l *Junk Remov al *Cons truct ion De bri s Americ an Owned Vet eran Operated Conta ct Us Today for a FREE ESTI MATE 844- GET- JDOG ( 844- 438- 5364) jdogjunkr emov al c om JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics , Base ments , She ds, Yar ds Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s, Sheds, Fe nc es , Pool & Mor e! Make That J unk Go Away! Ser vi ng all of CNY I can t believe they are here already Job s done wit hin 6-8hrs ! Ex pr es s Same Day Se rvic e! 315-450-2230 Sc hafer s J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rat es s ta rt @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup, Bas eme nt F loo ds , She ds Po ols TV's Ti res Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 We Tak e Down Gar ag es , Pool s, Sheds etc We also Haul Junk & do Tr ee Work Ve ry Rea sona ble Fr ee Est Insured Call JD Haul ers 315-450-2230 USE JD' S JUNK & TRAI LER SERVI CE!!! Our Tr aile rs will NOT RUI N your driv eway ! $20 off when you me nti on t his a d Call 315-884-2135 ATTENTI ON !!! JD'S HANDYMAN SERVI CE Money sa ving low p ric es No job too big or s mallI ! “Men us e De wa lt tools , th e boys use the c he ap tools Ca ll J D a ny plac e you live we go! MC/VI, 7 day s a wee k Call 315-884-2135 Right now you will re ce ive a fr ee $2 5 gift ca rd wi th one of our se rvi ces JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics Base ments She ds Yar ds , Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s Sheds Fe nc es Pool & Mor e! Ma ke That Junk Go Away! Se rvi ng all of CNY “I can t believe they are here already J ob's don e wit hin 6-8hr s! Expres s, Sa me Da y Se rv ice ! 315- 450- 2230 Sc hafer s J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rates start @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds Po ols TV s Ti res Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 LEN'S FLOOR CARE F loors Dull & Dir ty? Spec ializi ng In F loor Ca re Com/Res Cl ean & Polis h Floor s Har dwood Cer amic & Tile Car pe t Cl ea ning F ree Es t 315-433-9536 Liver pool Seam less Gutt er s Serv ing CNY for over 30 Years 10 yr wa rra nt y Va riet y of Col os Ne w Ins tal ls Re pai rs Cle anouts Le af Prote ct ion Soff itt Replac ement & Repair s F ree Es t Fully Ins 315-457-0403 li verpools eamless gutt er s co m L& L HOME IMPROVEMENT Painting Interior and Exte rior, Dry wall, Repair/I nst allation Carpe nt ry Work, Decks , Si ding Repair, Foundation Repa ir, Concrete Work , Po wer Washing, Gutt er Cleaning/Repair Insured Fre e Estimates Cal l 315-391-7739 F or a ll y our La ndsc ape & Ha rdsc ape ne eds Sp ring Cle anup, Edging, We eding Trimming Mul ching Dec or ativ e Stone I nst all ati on, Sod Ins tal lat ion Grad ing Rototill ing La wn Powe r Ra king, Aera tion, Old Bus h/Small Tre es a nd Brush Re mov al Gut ter Cle aning & Repair Power Wa shing Re ta ining Walls Wa lkway s Pa tios F ounda tio n Repai rs 18 Ye ar s Ex pe rie nc e F ree Es tima tes Insure d Cal l Lore nzo 315-391-6554 HAN DYM AN LUKE GRAVES No J ob to Bi g or Small 315- 396- 8570 or 315- 676- 5906 LANDSCAPE DESI GN Stump Gri ndi ng Svc es La wn Mainte na nce / Mowing Seas onal Clea nup, Haul Away Svce s, F ull Tree Ser vic e Full y I ns ure d Follow us on Fa ce book! Ev er gree n Landsc aping 315- 766- 8792 MID-S TATE DOOR, INC 505 F ac tor y Ave Sy rac us e Gar age Doors & Ope ne rs Fe aturi ng Amarr Gar age Door s & Spec ialt y Ca rri age House Sal es I ns ta llat ions & Serv ic e M- F 8-5, Sat by Appt 315-455-5736 CHI MNEY CLEANING SPECIAL Call 315-453-2909 ONONDAGA CHIMNEY & MASONRY SERVI CES Se rv ing Syr acus e for 30 y ea rs We a re ope n & following guidelines RAINBOW PAINTI NG & CONTRACTING Spri ng/Summer Specials ! All Home I mprove ments from A to Z Commer cia l/Res ide nt ial *Ba se me nt Mold Remov al Re mode ling Wa ter pr oofing *Dry wa ll *Deck s & F ence s Concr ete Re pai rs Landsca pi ng *Plumbing/Elec tri cal *Pr ess ur e Wa shing *Cl ea nouts *F loor Tiling *Painting *Tre e Se rvi ce *Siding & More! 35 Ye ars Ex per ie nce Lic ense d & Insured Senior /Vete ra n Disc ount EPA Ce rti fie d for Re mova l of Haza rdous/Lea d Et c Call 315-925-1595 All Work Gua ra nte ed AWESOME HOME SERVI CES CNY'S #1 GUTTER CLEANER *Gutte r Clea ning & Flush *De ck Was h & Seal *Siding Wa sh Window/ Sc ree n Cle aning 10% of f Gut ter Cl eani ng (exp 6/12/24) 20% of f Deck Wash & Seali ng (exp 6/12/24) 315-457-0954 315-729-8851 Owner: Rob Pres ton I ns ure d aweshome11@gmail c om awe some ho mes er vic es c ar rd c o/ Ov er 20 yrs Exp Remote Re pai rs *Any repai r/v irus re mov ed *Amaz on, Al exa & Googl e De vic es Set up *We Come to Your Home or Busines s *Wire le ss Networki ng Apple Suppor t Smar t TV Set -Upcont rol y our home fr om anywhere in the wo rld Cal l Sam 315-378-9061 I will be at a ny writte n es timat e 10% off labor Av aila ble Evenin gs & Week ends www f usi onpcs com BARLETTA ELECTRIC, Re s Wiring, Li c & Ins Ele ctr icia n New Insta llat ion & Rewiring F re e Es t Stev e Barl ett a 315 -863-1600 RP Handyman Servi ce Fir st I d rink the coffe e th en I fix t he things ! Car pe nt ry Ele ctr ic al Plumbing *Ass embl y *Painting *Drywal l La wn Car e Pres su re Was hin g *Clea n Ou ts *And Muc h More ! FREE quot es ! Mention this a d a nd r ece ive $50 of f yo ur f irs t se rv ice ! Cal l/t ex t Matt @315-726-4079 No job to s ma ll I do it all ! Super ior Scapes In c Landscaping & Hardscaping Speciali st D esign & Install , Brick pav ers, Ret ai ning Walls 315-952-1142 vis it us at superiors capes com SYRACUSE DUMPSTERS F as t Se rv ice L ow Rate s *Up- Fr ont Pr ice s 7 Day a Week Delivery 315-629-9050 JUNK – A WA Y We pic k up & haul a ny thing y ou don t want Chea per tha n a ny o ther pric e! 7 day s a we ek Ca ll t oday ! Pi ckup Today! Tras h i s cheap d on't ov er pay! 315-395-0907 A1
May 1, 2024 7 eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. LAND FOR SA LE: 15 44 A cres of Residential Land for Sale on 60 Rd in Bal dwi nsvi ll e NY l ocated wi thi n the P UD of the Radisson C ommuni ty C al l Qui nn Hubbard @ 315-47 9-3208 or emai l quinn hub bard@ esd ny gov for more informati on or to make an offer www brzostek com Aucti ons Real Estate & Personal P roperty for Top Cash Price C all for Free, No Obligation C onsultation! No Commissi on to S el lers on Real Estate! 315-678-2000 NEWLY BUILD C ABIN ON 15 ACRES Tucked in on 15 05 acres (2989 Potter Rd - REDFIELD, N Y) this cabi n offers great seclusion but is al so close to area amenit ies Enter through a screened porch whi ch offers a comfortabl e spot to enjoy your morning coffee or evening cocktail Cabi n has kitchen di ni ng living room combo with vaul ted ceil ings and wood stove to keep you warm on those chi lly ni ghts Loft area for sl eepi ng Main floor does have a room current ly bei ng used for st orage t hat can be convert ed i nto a bathroom Gravel driveway & par king area has been installed along wi th pathway to outhouse Hop on your ATV or Snowmobile and enjoy- al so the Salmon Ri ver Reservoi r is only 7 mi ns away! Contact Ci ndy Mears 315-4087366 ASA P for a showing GARAG E SALE ES TATE S ALE ES TATE S ALE AUC TIONS MISCELLANEOUS FOR SA LE HOMES LAND FCP NY FCP NY FCP NY ELEC TRI CAL HOME IMPROV EMENTS LAWN CA RE DIRECTV Sports Pack - 3 Months on Us! Watch pro and college sports LIV E P lus over 40 regi onal and speci al ty networks included NFL C oll ege Football MLB , NBA , NHL, Golf and more S ome restrictions apply C al l DIRECTV 1-888-534-6918 DIV ORCE $389 - Uncontested divorce papers prepared Onl y one signature requi red Poor person A pplication i ncluded i f appl icable S eparatio n agreements C ustody and support pet itions 518-2740380 Get DI SH Satell ite TV + Internet! Free Instal l Free HD- DVR Upgrade 80, 000 On-Demand Movies, P lus Limited Time Up To $60 0 In Gi ft Cards Call Today! 1-866-7824069 S AVE ON Y OUR TRAV EL PLA NS! Up to 75% More than 500 A IRLINES and 300,000 HOTELS across the w orld Let us do the research for you for FR EE! C all: 877 988 7 277 A ttention: VI AGRA and CIA LIS US ERS ! A cheaper al ternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pi ll S peci al - Only $99! 100% guaranteed CA LL NOW: 1-855-399-2 582 INJURED IN A N AC CIDENT? Don t A ccept the insuran ce compan y s f irst offer Many i njured parties are entitl ed to maj or cash settlements Get a free evaluati on to see what your case i s reall y worth 100% Free Eval uation C al l Now: 1-888-454 -4717 Be ready wi th your zip code to connect with the closest provi der A FFORDAB LE TV & INTER NET If you are overpaying for your service cal l now f or a f ree quote and see how much you can save! 1855-399-2 803 B EA UTIFUL BA TH UP DATES i n as l ittl e as ONE DAY ! S uperi or quali ty bath and shower systems at A FFORDABLE P RICES! Lifetime warranty & professional installs C al l Now! 1-855399-2076 Do you need a Roof or Energy Efficient Window s & Hel p payi ng for i t? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUGH NEW RELIEF PROGRA MS (800) 944- 9393 or vi si t NY ProgramFundi ng org to quali fy Approved appli cations wi ll have the work completed by a repai r crew provi ded by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING Not affil iated wi th State or Gov P rograms Get Boost Infinite! Unlimit ed Talk Text and Data For Just $25/mo! The Power Of 3 5G Networks One Low Price! Cal l Today and Get The L atest iPhone Every Year On Us! 844-329-939 1 P ES T CONTRO L: PRO TECT YOUR HOME from pests safely and affordabl y R oaches B ed B ugs Rodent Termi te Spi ders and ot her pests Locally owned and aff ordabl e C al l for servi ce or an i nspecti on today! 1-866-448 -8311 Have zip code of property ready when cal li ng! NOPL BARN SA LE May 3 10am-5pm Used f urni ture/fixtures: benches chai rs tabl es desks shelves & more (no books) Everythi ng sol d as is”/ You load you haul Cash or check only/No holds P roceeds benefi t the NOPL General Fund Northern Onondaga Publ ic Library 8686 Knowl edge Ln Cicero NY 13039 Don t Miss! A TTENTION OX YGEN T HERA PY USERS! Discover Oxygen Therapy That Moves w ith You with Inogen P ortable Oxygen Concentrators FREE i nformation ki t Call 888-514-3044 ATTENTION: OXY GEN USERS! Gain freedom wi th a portable Oxygen Co ncentrato r! No more heavy tanks and refil ls! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxygen Concentrat or Store: 1-855-839 -1738 BATH & S HO WER UPD ATES in as l ittl e as ONE DA Y! Affordabl e prices - No payments for 18 months! Lifetime warranty & professi onal i nstal ls Senior & Mi litary Discounts avail able Call: 866-393- 3636 B EST SA TELLITE TV with 2 Y ear P rice Guarantee! $ 59 99/mo with 190 channels and 3 months free premium movie channel s! Free next day i nst al lation! Call 888-570-0887 DEN TA L INSURA NCE from Physicians Mutual Insurance Company Coverage for 350 plus procedures Real dental insurance - NOT just a discount plan Do not wai t! C all now! Get your FREE Dental Information Kit with all the detai ls! 1-855-434 -9221 www dental50plus com/44 #6258 DIREC TV S ports Pack - 3 Months on Us! Watch pro and coll ege sports LIV E P lus over 40 regi onal and specialty net works included NFL, C oll ege Football , MLB, NB A, NHL Gol f and more Some restrictions apply Call DIRECTV 1-888-534 -6918 DIREC TV S ports Pack - 3 Months on Us! Watch pro and coll ege sports LIV E P lus over 40 regi onal and specialty net works included NFL, C oll ege Football , MLB, NB A, NHL, Gol f and more Some restrictions apply Call DIRECTV 1-888-534 -6918 DISH Network $59 99 for 190 C hannel s! Bl azing Fast Internet $19 99/mo (where avai lable ) Switch & Get a FRE E $100 V isa Gift Card FREE V oi ce Remote FREE HD DVR FREE Streami ng on ALL Devi ces Call today! 1-866-713-1595 DIV ORCE $ 389 – Uncontested di vorce papers prepared Only one signat ure required Poor person Appli cati on i ncluded if appl icable Separati on agreements Custody and support petit ions 518-274-0380 Do you need a Roof or Energ y Efficient Windows & Hel p paying for it? YOU MAY QUALIFY THROUG H NEW RELIEF PROGRAMS (800) 944- 9393 or visit NY ProgramFundi ng or g to qual ify Approved appli cations will have the work compl et ed by a repai r crew provided by: HOMEOWNER FUNDING Not affili at ed wi th State or Gov Programs Don t Pay For Covered Home Repai rs Agai n! Ameri can Residenti al Warranty covers ALL MAJOR SY STEMS AND AP PLIANC ES 30 DA Y RISK FREE/$100 OFF POPULA R P LAN S 833-928-1051 DONATE YOUR CA R TO C HARITY Receive maxi mum value of write off for your taxes Runni ng or not ! 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Fisherman s paradise family atmosphere Rentals for cottages campsites boats pontoons and kayaks Pecksl ake com or peckslake@f ronti ernet net 518-725-1294 V IAGRA and C IALI S USERS! 50 P il ls S PECIA L $99 00 FREE Shi pping! 100% guaranteed C ALL NOW! 855-413-9574 ANNU AL AWES OME YARD SA LE May 10 & 11, 8am-4pm 615 FIRST STR EET (Village of Liverpool) C entury Heavy Bag with S tand Make-Up V anity Dresser Ryobi 10 Tabl e Saw Hand Tool s B asebal l Cards Boyd s Y esterday Fi gur ines El vis Items B ooks P LUS SO MUCH MORE!!! BILL PINDLE ELECTRIC If Electricit y Fl ows Through It I Do It! Resident ial /Commercial A ll Types 20 Y ear's Experi ence S erving E Syr Mi noa Manli us & F vill e areas C all 315-633-9333 ESTATE SA LE Sat May 4 and S un May 5 9-5 at 133 Stanwood Lane Manlius (off of S weet Road) Oriental rugs man y quilt s many primitives Ethan All en Geo rgian Court din ingroom t abl e & 6 chairs Ethan Al len Cl assic Manor hut ch and matching server 2 Et han All en P embroke dropleaf side tabl es 2 Nichols & Stone l adderback chairs, dropleaf tabl e, sofa, antique side tables, steamer tr unk, blanket chest library table pharmacy mor tar & pest le coll ection king bed and 3 single beds (all with headboards) 2 dressers anti que caned sid e chai rs corner curio shelf china cabin et Harden uphol stered swivel rocker 2 Woodmark French open arm chai rs st erli ng S taffordshire foo dogs, oil lamps wi th ref lectors & brackets, mantle cl ocks, 96-inch ol d oak pew from IC C hurch in Fayettevi lle S axony spinni ng wheel old sewing box r are Chi nese water bucket ant ique doll s ol d books S yracuse C hina Rosali e Federal fi ne china set for 12 Sango Splash stoneware set i ronstone dishes flow bl ue plates Hei sey, Fostori a and Ti ff in glass, pewter, Triptych Itali an Florentine i con Reed & Barton Dresden Rose and 1847 R ogers Eternall y Yours 100 h anniversary f latware sets computer desk and chai r wal l mi rrors Revere pots pi ng pong tabl e deck gl ider Ri dgid 16- gal shop vacuum floor stereo record player LP records exercise weights set Opti onal sign-up list starting 6 p m Friday, May 3, sign and leave Numbers at 8:30 a m Saturday Cash or N Y checks only S al e by Larry R ich ardson Questi ons: (315) 4 47-8066 ESTATE SA LE Sat May 4 and S un May 5 9-5 at 133 Stanwood Lane Manlius (off of S weet Road) Oriental rugs man y quilt s many primitives Ethan All en Geo rgian Court din ingroom t abl e & 6 chairs Ethan Al len Cl assic Manor hut ch and matching server, 2 Et han All en P embroke dropleaf side tabl es 2 Nichols & Stone l adderback chairs dropleaf tabl e sofa antique side tables steamer tr unk blanket chest library table pharmacy mor tar & pest le coll ection king bed and 3 single beds (all with headboards) 2 dressers anti que caned sid e chai rs, corner curio shelf, china cabin et, Harden uphol stered swivel rocker, 2 Woodmark French open arm chai rs st erli ng S taffordshire foo dogs oil lamps wi th ref lectors & brackets mantle cl ocks 96-inch ol d oak pew from IC C hurch in Fayettevi lle S axony spinni ng wheel old sewing box r are Chi nese water bucket ant ique doll s ol d books S yracuse C hina Rosali e Federal fi ne china set for 12, Sango Splash stoneware set, i ronstone dishes flow bl ue plates Hei sey Fostori a and Ti ff in glass pewter Triptych Itali an Florentine i con Reed & Barton Dresden Rose and 1847 R ogers Eternall y Yours 100th anniversary f latware sets computer desk and chai r wal l mi rrors Revere pots pi ng pong tabl e, deck gl ider, Ri dgid 16- gal shop vacuum, floor stereo record player LP records exercise weights set Opti onal sign-up list starting 6 p m Friday May 3 sign and leave Numbers at 8:30 a m Saturday Cash or N Y checks only S al e by Larry R ich ardson Questi ons: (315) 4 47-8066 RETIRED LANDS CAP ER Availabl e for small j obs 315-427-607 0 A1 Call Us 437-6173 Need to Advertise it? Do You Have A Position to Fill ? Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or Advertise Here!
8 May 1, 2024 eagle News CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. PENNY SAVER EMPLOYMENT Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. The Elbridge Town Board is now seeking letters of interest for the position of Assessor’s Clerk. Annual salary may range between $32,000-$36,000, based on experience. Town/Village residents preferred, but not required. Please send letters of interest to the Elbridge Town Clerk, PO Box 568, Jordan, NY 13080, or drop in person at the Town Clerk’s Office 5 Route 31, Jordan, NY by May 3. 2024 Assessor’s Clerk Not A Subscriber? Home delivery is free and signing up is easy. Visit or call 315.434.8889 ext. 333Eagle Bulletin DeWitt considers constable, local laws-------St. Matthew’s plans to zoning board SCOUTS HONOR VETERANS Hearing Estate plansmakes pla--‘DISNEY’S DESC NTS’ rns with Days Christmas’ BOE transition------------------------Breakfast With Sa-HAVE A BLAST Final figures Trustees fund police program––----blasterarena R-------– f-----CELEBRATING THE SEASON nnual Turkey Santa coming to Sunshine ights,treelighting-A----Christmas begins30thyear announces zoning immunity Village, town sign inter-municipal security-

LOMC is a non-profit literacy service that trains volunteer tutors and recruits adult learners ages 18 and older who are seeking assistance in reaching their literacy goals.

The program, which is run through libraries throughout Madison County, helps with everything from improving English language skills to earning a high school equivalency diploma or finding a new job. Learners receive free, weekly one-on-one sessions. All instruction materials are provided, and scheduling is flexible.

LOMC provides training for all volunteers and works to match each tutor with a learner who will benefit most from their strengths. All necessary materials are provided. Becoming a tutor is a two-hour commitment once a week.

According to LOMC Director Tara Truett, who manages the tutoring program at all the libraries, her position is funded by the Central New York Community Foundation.

“Resources, rent, office supplies, tutor

and custom framing business. He also uses the space to showcase a collection of historical photographs, antique lanterns, signal signs, maps, and other railroad-related items. On the depot’s front lawn sits a decommissioned caboose that Gissin purchased in Reading, Pennsylvania, and meticulously restored.

“There is a lot of neat history here,” said Gissin. “[For example,] President Theodore Roosevelt stopped at the depot for 10 minutes in 1900 on a whistle stop.”

The depot was built for the Elmira, Cortland & Northern Railroad and was later a stop on the Lehigh Valley Railroad.

The building stands on the site of a larger train station that was constructed for the original rail line, the Canastota & Cazenovia Railroad (C&C RR).

C&C RR began offering regular trips between Cazenovia and Canastota in 1870. Cazenovia’s second railroad, the Syracuse & Chenango Valley Railroad, did not start running until a few years later. It transported thousands of visitors to Cazenovia and helped define the community as a tourist destination.

“In 1868 or so, Cazenovia had a lot of in-

prices down.”

CGC has not offered annuals at its spring sale for a few years, primarily because it is challenging to compete with major retailers.

According to Hasko, the idea of selling annuals in pots and planters this year was inspired by a collection of unique pots that was donated by one of the club’s members.

“We thought this would be a great way for those members who don’t have perennials to share, to contribute in another way,” Hasko said. “They can select one of the available pots or planters, fill it with plants, and then donate that to the club for the sale. These containers are amazing — brass, copper, ceramic. [There are] really cool options.”

For over 70 years, the non-profit CGC has been working, often behind the scenes, to beautify the Cazen-

training, and incidentals are funded by the money left from the dissolution of the Literacy Coalition in Madison County some years back, as well as smaller grants [that are] applied for on a needs basis,” said Truett. “The following libraries provide a stipend for local coordinators, as well as the space and publicity, [for] LOMC: Cazenovia, Canastota, Chittenango, Bridgeport, and Hamilton. Library support is integral to running this program, and we would not be successful without their support.”

According to Carla Zimmerman, literacy coordinator for LOMC and Cazenovia Public Library, LOMC has used Intercambio resources for its students at Mid-York libraries for more than 10 years. Over 700 organizations across the United States also use Intercambio’s learning materials and curriculum.

“LOMC has seen an influx of English language learners over the past few years,” said Zimmerman. “For example, we are tutoring students from Mexico, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Iraq, Brazil, Ukraine, Guatemala, France, and Puerto Rico. The Cazenovia school district has two ENL teachers who work with

dustry,” said Gissin. “You don’t think about it, but there was a sash factory, there was a canning factory, there was a clock factory, there was a foundry. All that stuff was here, and the roads were garbage. At this point, the businesspeople decided, ‘Let’s go to Canastota with the railroad.’ Railroading was relatively new at that point. Why did they go there?

Because the New York Central Railroad was there and the Erie Canal. Now, they could take their supplies [on a train] instead of on a [wagon] down a dirt road. That’s why the railroad actually came here. It didn’t come here as a tourist attraction, and it didn’t come here to get from one part of the country to the other; it was to get to Canastota, the hub.”

Periodically facing bankruptcy and reorganization, the railroad changed names multiple times as it developed.

“The railroad was not very profitable,” noted Gissin.

In 1967, the Lehigh Valley Railroad abandoned its Cazenovia depot.

According to Gissin, the death of the railroad was largely a consequence of competition from interstate highways.

He explained that the rise of automobile travel led to the end of passenger train service on most railroads.

“Americans don’t like time schedules; they

ovia community and bring together people with mutual interests in home gardens and civic improvement. Proceeds from the 2024 spring sale will help fund CGC’s village beautification efforts, including its spring/ summer plantings and winter holiday garlands, wreaths, and window boxes.

“You may have seen us out there in the last week cleaning up the south end of Cazenovia Lake for Earth Day and planting pansies throughout the village,” said Hasko.

CGC is a member of both the VI District of the Federated Garden Clubs of New York State, Inc. and the Central Atlantic Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc.

Founded in 1949 and federated in 1960, the club aims to stimulate interest in horticulture, develop skills in the beautification of home and community, create an awareness of national and local conservation problems, inspire a desire to serve in these

students from all different countries. When I started in 2011, I believe our school district had one ENL teacher. Empowering newcomers to our area by offering ENL services is important. The adults we teach are all interested in participating and working in our communities. We have helped many of our students prepare for the American citizenship exam. They are the new Americans.”

LOMC is organizing the May 21 programs to provide additional training to current ENL tutors, attract new tutors, and bring awareness of Intercambio’s resources to area organizations that focus on ENL.

The morning workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is a training session for people interested in becoming ENL tutors, as well as current tutors hoping to gain new skills.

The event will feature presentations, modeling, and interactive discussions about topics such as adult learning theory, cultural humility, confidence and motivation, teaching pronunciation and grammar, providing corrections, and giving feedback.

The afternoon session will run from 2 to 4

want to go on their own time,” he said. “The railroad came in and they still drove. [The trains] weren’t getting passenger service. The freight service wasn’t bad, but most of these companies were gone by that point. Ridership was down, funds were down, so they closed. That’s the sad part, but [the railroad] did put Cazenovia on the map.”

Gissin said that before he purchased the former Lehigh Valley Railroad depot, it was owned by Cazenovia Lumber Company and then by the Cazenovia Preservation Foundation, which completed some initial work on the building. Its uses included a youth center and an alternative education center.

During his upcoming presentation, Gissin will provide further insight into the railroad’s impact on Cazenovia, share the story of how he ended up buying the property, and discuss the years of work he has dedicated to restoring and preserving the depot, which was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991.

“airplane tales”

On May 9 at 6 p.m., James Coulthart will present “Airplane Tales: The Homefront Edition 1941-1945.”

Coulthart is a Central New York military aviation historian who gives talks on local military and commercial aviation to local li-

areas, and further the goals and objectives of the regional and national organizations to which it belongs.

According to Hasko, CGC currently has 72 members and is always accepting more.

“We greatly value the fresh perspectives and contributions of our members,” she said.

Hasko, who is an avid gardener, also stated that before joining the club, she was impressed by how wonderful the village looked throughout the year.

“Once I retired, I thought [joining] would be a great way for me to become involved in the community and make a contribution,” she said. “That was a great decision; the club has wonderful members who are generous with their knowledge. It’s quite a gem.”

To learn more about getting involved with CGC and the many ways it contributes to the community, visit

p.m. and is targeted at administrators, directors, and coordinators of ENL programs, as well as workforce management. According to Truett, the workshop will cover Intercambio’s resources and how they can help strengthen any group’s interactions with English language learners.

“If you are looking for efficient and effective English language fluency assistance for your teachers, aides, and employees, please plan on attending [this workshop],” Truett said. “Literacy Outreach for Madison County, NY has worked with ENL clients for twenty years and has been using the new ‘Confidence and Connections’ resources from Intercambio with great success. Veteran and newly trained tutors are finding this series easy to use with limited training.”

To register for the workshops, email by May 14. Light refreshments will be provided.

For more information on LOMC, visit

To learn more about Intercambio, visit

braries and historical societies.

He is a lifelong resident of Oneida and a retired professional executive who spent 43 years working for non-profit agencies throughout the Northeast.

In the spring and fall, he is an adjunct instructor of business at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica.

Coulthart, who has been interested in aviation history since he was a child, has curated 11 PowerPoint presentations about World War II aviation histories and commercial regional airlines.

According to Coulthart, his upcoming presentation contains stories he discovered while researching other programs.

“Included are tales of domestic life in a time of rationing food, gasoline, and other materials,” Coulthart said. “Air raid wardens, air raid lookouts, and women in the manufacturing war industries are covered. Likewise, the mobilization of many area manufacturers [is] mentioned. The last portion of the presentation will reveal details of a failed Nazi sabotage plot and clues to the unrecovered money involved.”

Both events will be held in the Betsy Kennedy Community Room and are free and open to the public.


l From page 3

isha Davies and Board of Director’s President Kaleb Wilson both spoke about the profound impact the Constables have made on the library.

Village of Cazenovia Trustee and Tree Commissioner Tom Tait also spoke about the Constables’ revered status as residents.

“There is no precedent for this recognition and frankly, that is appropriate. Bob and Bobbie Constable’s contributions and involvement is unprecedented,” Tait said. “Their unique, kind, selfless and generous spirit has helped so many organizations, projects and individuals throughout the decades, in good times and bad”. Tait added “your legacy is indelible and enduring.”

Tait also noted that the Red Sunset maple is renowned for its many favorable attributes including strength and beauty.

“It is not by chance this variety was selected as it mirrors your wonderful qualities and beauty,” he said. “These trees will be forever known as the Constable maples.”

May 1, 2024 9 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource PENNY SAVER REAL ESTATE Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. Call Us 437-6173 Need to Advertise it? HAVING A GARAGE SALE?
l From page 2 LOMC l From page 1 History
l From page 1


Phil Blackwell | Sports Editor | 434-8889 ext. 348 |


By PHil BlaCkwell

Even with half its lineup out due to the start of spring break, the Cazenovia girls track and field team made a strong showing at the Onondaga Central Invitational on April 19.

Amassing 110 points, the Lakers topped the other 17 Class B/C/D teams in the field. Only Class A power Jamesville-DeWitt edged Cazenovia by four points for the overall title.

Reid McMurtrie and Izzy Stromer-Galley led the team with three scores each, including individual wins in their signature events.

McMurtrie won the 800 meter run with a season best time of 2:29.26 and returned to run a leg on the Lakers’ winning 4x100 meter relay. Stromer-Galley captured the 200 in her best time of the spring, 27.35 seconds, and anchored the 4x100 to victory. Both runners also contributed to the team’s second-place finish in the 4x400.

Audie Spring and Claire Marris ran the other legs on Cazenovia’s victorious 4x100 as it crossed the line in an exceptional time of 51.64 seconds. Alyssa Wardell and Lily Kogut also helped the 4x400 to its silver medal time of 4:24.16.

Spring also had two outstanding individual performances, long jumping to a state qualifier eligible distance of 16 feet 5 ¼ inches to earn second place and dashing to second in the 100 meter in 13.70.

Marris was also impressive, running personal best, state qualifier times in both hurdle events for a pair of second-place finishes. Her 100 meter hurdle time of 15.92 was among the top 25 in the state this spring while her 400 meter hurdle effort of 1:10.97 was among the top 50 in New York so far this season according to MileSplit. com.

Wardell was also a triple threat, adding a third

place finish in the 400 meter run in 1:04.76 and a sixth-place 15’3” in the long jump to her relay success, all season best performances.

Kogut was impressive in the 1,500, racing to a third place time of 5:19.43 in her first attempt at the event. Zoey Gagne was just one place back, clocking a season-best 5:27.33. The Lakers also picked up two scores in the 3,000 as Dinah Gifford (11:54.52 for fourth) and Haylee Stearns (12:26.04 for sixth) both ran season-best times.

Delanie Dowling, Raeny Thompson, Ellie Morgan and Becca Brooks capped off the Lakers’ scoring on the track as all four ran personal best legs to help the team to a fourth place 11:26.34 finish in the 4x800.

Maddy Rothfeld led the team in the throws once again, earning third in the shot at 28’3 1/2” and fifth in the discus at 80’1”. Eleanor Mongeau led the team in the triple jump, earning fifth place with a sectional-qualifying leap of 30’3”, while Sofie Reger was tops in the pole vault with a fourth place height of 7’6”.

A week later, in last Friday’s Onondaga Invitational, Kogut provided the big highlight when, in the general-field one-mile run, Kogut went 5:37.97 to prevail by more than three seconds over East Syracuse Minoa’s Rachael Burt (5:42.12).

McMurtrie finished fourth in the 800 in a season-best 2:28.54 and helped Kogut, StromerGalley and Wardell go 10:36.93 for fourth place in the 4x800. Wardell went 14’7” for sixth place in the long jump and Becca Brooks had a seventh-place discus throw of 78’8”

The Lakers return to league competition at Jordan-Elbridge Wednesday as it strives to remain undefeated.

girls track and field senior

ous in the 800-meter run and helped the

during the april 19 Onondaga Central invitational.

Cazenovia boys tennis team continues to dominate foes

Through its first five matches of the season, the Cazenovia boys tennis team has not surrendered a single point, a key point of strength going into Monday’s key clash with Manlius Pebble Hill.

The Lakers’ fifth consecutive shut-

out took place last Monday afternoon against LaFayette, a 5-0 decision where, again, there was little real resistance. Two matches were forfeited, and in doubles Traian Cherciu and Garret Lounsbury did not give up a game to the Lancers’ duo of Darren Benjamin and Ian Colburn 8-0.

Meanwhile, in singles play Evan Molloy turned back Hudson Borchert 6-0, 6-0, while by those same scores Godfred Assante got a victory over Logan Hazeltine.

Other than this match, both the Lakers and Chittenango rested during the week. Cazenovia has matches with Liver-

pool and Phoenix before it faces the Bears Thursday and Marcellus on Friday. This same busy slate awaits Chittenango, who besides from its match with the Lakers would play Phoenix, MPH and Skaneateles on consecutive days and then go to Homer on Friday afternoon.

Cazenovia girls lacrosse gains win over J-E, 10-8

Having only gone 2-6 in the first half of the regular season, the Cazenovia girls lacrosse team was in need of any kind of victory.

The way the Lakers got it last Tuesday had to instill some confidence as, trailing JordanElbridge at halftime on the Eagles’ home turf, it roared back, went out in front and stayed there to prevail by a score of 10-8.

One storyline going into the game was seeing whether senior Charlie Prior would reach the rare milestone of winning 300 career draws. She did so, ultimately claiming eight draws.

A tightly played first half saw J-E inch out in front, 7-6, but Cazenovia made sure it didn’t stay that way, fighting back and playing strong defense the rest of the way, limiting the Eagles to just two goals as Eliza Smith ran her total to seven saves.

Prior, the Lakers’ top goal scorer, added five more to give her 36 for the season, and

she had enough help, too, as Sally Hughes scored twice and Madison DeAngelis got a pair of assists. Hayden Bubble, Izzy Stromer-Galley and Tara Pratt had one goal apiece.

Now Cazenovia would rest for a week before a crucial stretch of three consecutive road games starting Tuesday at Cortland, continuing Thursday at Central Square and concluding Saturday at Oswego.

As the girls rested, the boys Lakers returned to action twice at home, starting on Thursday when it faced Whitesboro and, battling all the way to the final whistle, pulled out an 8-7 victory to climb back to the .500 mark at 4-4.

Whitesboro out-shot Cazenovia, but Tucker Ives made 16 saves, six more than his counterpart, Anthony Badolato, and all the work Ives did gave his teammates a shot of confidence.

The Lakers produced just enough on the other end, with Paul Mitchell earning

his first three-goal hat trick in varsity play to match the three goals from Alex Kuper. D.B. Falge added a goal and two assists, with Owen Porter earning a goal and Finn Hagan getting an assist.

Then LaFayette/Onondaga showed up at the new turf complex on Saturday afternoon, beginning the second half of Cazenovia’s regular season, and the Lancers would again get the best of the Lakers 10-5.

Having lost 8-5 when the two sides met just nine days earlier, Cazenovia could not turn it around, only getting three goals from Kuper and two goals from Mitchell as Falge was held to one assist. Ives got 11 saves, but four different LaFayette/Onondaga players – River Porter, Bruce Benedict, Brennan Hill and Carter Chapman – had two goals apiece.

Cazenovia’s boys would host Cortland Monday and go to Whitney Point on Wednesday, while the girls Lakers have

three straight road games at Cortland, Central Square and Oswego over a five-day span.

Having already played half its regularseason schedule, the Chittenango girls lacrosse team rested during most of the school break.

The boys Bears visited Oswego last Monday night, it just could not produce on a consistent basis to keep up with the Buccaneers, who gradually pulled away to prevail 14-7.

Chittenango managed just one goal in both the second and third quarters, which helped Oswego extend its margin to 11-5 led by Tanner Defren and Cooper Fitzgerald, who gained five goals apiece.

Brendon Barnard, who had three goals and three assists, was the only Chittenango player to score more than once. Single goals were credited to Norm Coomer, Kole Smith, Henry Miller and Cole Dawkins as Connor Bradbury recorded 16 saves.

Cazenovia baseball has close games in Myrtle Beach

Armed with a 2-2 early-season record, the Cazenovia baseball team made its way back to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where over the course of the spring break it would meet both local opposition and fellow Section III travelers.

The traveling sides included reigning sectional Class AA champion Liverpool, who engaged in a back-and-forth classic with the Lakers last Monday afternoon before the Warriors emerged to prevail 7-6.

Mostly thanks to a three-run fourth inning, the Lakers were up 4-1 before Liverpool struck for five runs in the bottom of the fifth off Cazenovia pitcher Izaak Gilbert.

The Lakers tied it, 6-6, in the top of the sixth, but a run in the bottom of the sixth gave the Warriors the lead for good and Jameson Stevens, pitching 2 1/3 innings in relief of Chris Baker, got the final outs. Tyler Vivacqua earned three hits as Austin Burch and Dylan Wiggins drove in two runs apiece.

Robby Livingston singled and drove in two runs. Joey Awald got two hits and an RBI, with Jack Donlin, Danny Bliss and Jake Hightchew also getting RBIs as Tyler Vivacqua’s three hits paced Liverpool.

More excitement followed in Tuesday’s game against Elmira Notre Dame, only here the Lakers were the ones emerging victorious, prevailing 7-6 in eight innings.

They traded runs until the bottom of the sixth, when Cazenovia scored twice to break out of a 2-2 tie, only to have Elmira Notre Dame get four runs in the top of the seventh and chase Donlin, who to that point had earned 11 strikeouts.

But the Lakers fought back and, in the bottom of the seventh, tied it 6-6. Then, with two out in the bottom of the eighth, Bliss, who had pitched a scoreless frame to keep it tied, won it with a single that scored Nico Segall.

Taven Reilley had got things going with an inside-the-park home run in the bottom of the first as he added two other hits. Hightchew went three-for-four and joined

Awald in the RBI column.

The week ended with Cazenovia taking a 15-0 defeat to Cherry Hill West (New Jersey), who used a 10-run third inning to get away. Donlin’s first-inning triple was the lone Lakers hit.

One of the best players in Cazenovia history, Jack Byrnes, is continuing his success at Hobart College, where he was just named Liberty League Rookie of the Week, hitting .429 in three starts and having two scoreless stints on the mound as the Statesmen won four of five games to move above the .500 mark to 15-12.

Chittenango played twice last Monday at Gutchess Field in Cortland, finally getting into the win column while splitting a pair of close contests.

The Bears edged the Solvay Bearcats 5-4, and it required a comeback. All of Solvay’s runs came in the first innings, and it still led 4-1 when Chitenango turned it around.

Two runs in the sixth cut the margin to 4-3, and the Bears added the tying and

winning runs in the seventh. Andrew Kielbasa led the comeback with a single, double and two RBIs, while A.J. Valente and Micah Schiralli also drove in runs. Kyle Peryer pitched and shut out Solvay over the course of the last five innings, earning nine strikeouts. It looked like the Bears would get the sweep when it led East Syracuse Minoa 7-1 through four innings, only to see the Spartans make it all the way back and prevail 8-7. Two runs in the fifth, a run in the sixth and a four-run rally in the top of the seventh erased Chittenango’s lead built up by two hits from Eli Lefort and two RBIs from Mason Corlis. Valente, Drew Thomas and Evan Tianello also drove in runs. Then Chittenango ran into Mexico on Wednesday and were no-hit by Tigers sophomore ace Carson Race. In the 5-0 defeat, Cooper Smith drew a pair of walks and Schiralli also walked, but Race contained the Bears otherwise, striking out six.

10 May 1, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource
Cazenovia captaion Reid McMurtrie was victori- lakers prevail in the 4x100 relay

COMMUNITY CALENDAR Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. The deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. on Friday for the following week’s editions.


Memory Care Corral

$10 per person. This program provides the community with therapeutic equine assisted services for individuals with memory loss. Registration required:


Cazenovia Heritage: LEGOnovia

1 p.m.-3 p.m. Burton School Gym. Children are invited to recreate a historic Cazenovia building! Limited space. to register.


Erieville Nelson Historical Society Meeting

6 p.m. Erieville Fire Department. Join for the annual potluck dinner. Bring a dish to pass and enjoy historical show and tell.



Mindfulness and Meditation with Ava

12 p.m.-1 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans. This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to destress and learn about different techniques and skills.


Baby Storytime

10:30 a.m. Story Garden, Cazenovia Library, 100 Albany St. Bring your baby for a lapsit story time! Features interactive movement and singing. Children under 3 only.


Weekly Woodcarving for Veterans

9 a.m.-12 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango. Meet in the woodshop for woodcarving and camaraderie overseen by a volunteer. Canteen Luncheon

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango. Join the Clear Path family for lunch! Menu changes every week. Complementary, no registration required.

Family Storytime

10:30 a.m. Cazenovia Library. Join Ms. Jenna for stories, songs, and fun!

MONDAY-FRIDAY Electronic Recycling

8 a.m.-3 p.m. LOJO Technology, 634 Birchwood

Dr., Oneida. Free, year round electronic recycling. No appointment needed. Madison County residents only.

THURSDAYS Preschool Story Hour

1 p.m. Cazenovia Library. Join Ms. Debora in reading books for preschoolers, with activities and a new theme each week.

FRIDAYS Friday Night Fire

4:30 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans. Join for a complimentary dinner and family friendly activities. No registration required. Open for the public.

Project Healing Waters 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango. Learn the basics of fly tying and fly fishing. All instruction overseen by volunteers.

FriYAY! Make it Day 11 a.m to 12:30 p.m. New Woodstock Free Library, 2106 Main St. Create make-andtake projects like sand bottles, Cricut crafts, and more. All are welcome. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Community Memorial to hold celebration

The Community Memorial Foundation will host a formal celebration event at 6 p.m. Friday, June 14, in Hamilton.

The celebratory affair will be held at the Hall of Presidents on the Colgate University campus. The evening celebration will bring together organization leaders, medical staff, community members and supporters to highlight the accomplishment of the first phase of the hospital’s transformation project and share what’s to come for the organization in the second phase. With construction set to resume in the immediate future, Phase II will include an expanded and relocated radiology department featuring a dedicated women’s imaging suite, a state-of-the-art laboratory department, an expanded rehabilitation department and a brand new main entrance for patients and visitors alike.

“We’re excited to partner with Colgate University as lead supporters of Community Memorial and host this event to celebrate our success and showcase the promising future of the hospital,” said Jeff Coakley, president and CEO. “A night of celebration for our hospital will bring together community members in a fun and formal setting. We look forward to welcoming guests.”

With dinner and dancing to music provided by the band Grand Central Station, the evening is sure to offer an exciting opportunity for attendees to socialize and gain deeper insights into the upcoming physical transformation of the hospital.

“Celebrating the success of the completed inpatient wing and all-new Emergency Department while bringing our community members and supporters together is our collective initiative,” said Coakley.

Caz artisans present work of jeweler

Cazenovia Artisans Visiting Artist Program will present jeweler Jean Zofia Edwards: “Color Stories” through May 31 at 39 Albany Street, Cazenovia.

Jewelry designed with semi-precious gemstones, handmade lampwork beads, fresh water pearls, sterling silver and other assorted beads are the hallmarks of Edwards’ jewelry.

Her earliest experience designing jewelry was in college in Boston. A trip to Africa in 1985 plunged her into the exciting world of handmade beads and Earth’s treasures of semi-precious gems from all over the world.

Edwards’ interests are varied with works in painting, ceramics and photography, but designing and creating jewelry is her passion. Her design process starts with color. It also includes a strong sense of texture, but she always starts with color first. “Transforming raw material provided by our generous Earth

e Top Senior male and female golfers and legends in CNY will be hosted, recognized and honored at the “BREAK THE BANK SHOOTOUT” at the Lakeshore Yacht & Country Club on June 24, 2024. Seven-time Guinness World Record Holder, Bob Kurtz (golf’s o cial Ironman), will be the featured speaker at the awards dinner following the event to talk about his life experiences including, his days at ESPN, PGA Tour Champions, setting Guinness World Records in Golf and his passion…helping those less fortunate, especially children and families facing homelessness. One of Bob’s records that will be very di cult to beat is playing 1,850 holes of golf…”IN ONE WEEK”! Do the math! at’s an average of just over 264 holes a day. e other record Bob believes will be tough to beat is shooting his age 7 times…IN ONE DAY! He said it took him ten - 18 hole rounds to do it. Bob will conduct an exhibition of his skills on the 1st tee at Lakeshore before the competition begins and take questions from the players and spectators in attendance. He will also be sharing the podium that evening with yours truly, as Master of Ceremonies, to present the Bill Noun “Humanitarian” Award to a very special, well known and respected leader in CNY.

‘Invitation’ only event will be a great addition to our schedule for many years to come”.

From: Bob Kurtz, “Golf’s Ironman”

“I’m honored to be asked to present the Bill Noun Humanitarian Award. Bill was a great and caring guy with a big heart. Even more, he made everyone he met feel special. He was an example for us all”.

From: Jonny Petrin, Head Golf Professional, Lakeshore Yacht & Country Club

“Campaign Co-Chairs Mary Brundage and Dr. Bob Delorme will welcome guests to the evening of celebration, and we look forward to entering the next phase of our project.”

The event is sponsored by The Hayner Hoyt Corporation, WG Critical Care, The Kinney Drugs Foundation and Excellus BlueCross BlueShield. Guests interested in attending this event are invited to purchase tickets online at communitymemorial. org/celebration by June 10, 2024. For questions on the event or to learn more about featured sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch with the Foundation office at 315-824-7037.

For more information on the transformation project, which at completion will update over half of the facility that opened its doors for patient care in 1952, please visit

e “BREAK THE BANK SHOOTOUT” is an “Invitational” that will be the rst of its kind in CNY because, it will o er the Senior amateurs the opportunity to play for CASH. As you probably know, the United States Golf Association (USGA) now allows amateurs to accept, “any prize, including cash, up to a limit of $1,000 in value, per competition, as long as it is a ‘scratch’ competition (without using a handicap)”. e tournament will absolutely be played at “scratch”. Approximately 60 players will be competing for several thousand dollars in cash and prizes. e exact amount will be disclosed on or before June 1, 2024. Invitations for the golfers will be sent out early in May.

A er months of planning to prepare for this event, let’s hear from those who have been working “behind the scenes” with me to make this distinctive and unique event informative and fun for the spectators and nancially pro table for the “Top 60” senior male a female golfers in CNY.

From: Don Christian and Ken Bodley, CoChair., CNYSG

“We are pleased to announce the addition of the new and exciting Break e Bank Shootout to the CNYSG schedule. is special

“We are extremely excited to be hosting the inaugural Break e Bank Shootout at Lakeshore Yacht and Country. is unique format is a great opportunity for the best senior male and female players in the area to gather and compete. Our sta at Lakeshore is looking forward to putting on an unforgettable, rst class event”.

From: Dr. Holly Noun and Heather (my daughters)

“Dad, Heather and I are looking forward to coming to Lakeshore with our colleagues Sue Cotta, physical therapist and crainiosacral therapist and Dr. Stephen Weschier, a highly respected local CNY chiropractor to share a wellness and golf performance secret…you have been using for over a year…with the players and others attending your fun and very special tournament. Also, we are certain Uncle Bill will be sharing the day with us”. Joe Convertino Jr., President, CH Insurance

“We are delighted to be part of the 1st Annual Break the Bank Shootout. Perry has been supportive of local and regional golf for 25 years in CNY and being part of his vision for this unique senior event has been special and exciting for me and CH Insurance.

I wish to express a special thank you to Don Christian and Ken Bodley

May 1, 2024 11 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNy’s Community News s ource
a piece of wearable art
an awesome process.”
balance, beauty,
Her designs
her desire for
An artist reception will be held from 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, May 4. The reception is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served. For more information visit or call 315-655-2225.
who have added the “Break e Bank Shootout” to their regular schedule to recognize both male and female golfers in CNY for their excellence in golf. Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM. The “Top Guns” and “Golf’s Ironman”… Are coming on Monday, June 24 Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within 24 hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call 315.434.8889
305. Share your milestone celebrations! ‘Color
The work of Jean Zofia Edwards will be o display through May 31. Submitted photo Send your events to Alyssa Dearborn at adearborn@
Submitted photo The new Emergency Department of Community Memorial, remodeled and expanded as part of Phase i of the current transformation project.

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