Cazenovia Republican digital edition - June 19, 2024

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Romagnoli joins Wrestling Hall of Fame

Last fall, Cazenovia resident and former Cazenovia High School coach Jack Romagnoli was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame (NWHOF). His achievement was celebrated on Sept. 24, 2023, during the Upstate New York Chapter of the NWHOF Induction Ceremony in East Syracuse. Romagnoli was also named a recipient of the Outstanding American Award, which recog-

nizes former wrestlers who are highly successful and use the disciplines learned in wrestling in their profession.

The New York State Senate recognized Romagnoli’s significant achievements in and contributions to wrestling with a State of New York Legislative Resolution.

“I was totally blindsided by the phone call,” Romagnoli said about the news of the recognition. “Wrestling has always been a part of my life and as such,

Wrestling l Page 12

sports: Cazenovia athletes have special

Submitted photoS the fourth annual Cazenovia Pride Fest was held at lorenzo State Historic Site on June 15 with the support of a new partner, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. the well-attended event included the traditional Pride parade followed by a music and vendor fair on the lorenzo grounds. Pride Fest is aimed at empowering lGBtQ+ youth and creating an atmosphere of love, acceptance, and inclusion. the theme of this year’s event was “love Out loud!”

BOE votes down tennis court resurfacing district pursues grant

On June 17, the Cazenovia Central School District Board of Education (CCSD BOE) unanimously voted down a resolution to approve a $62,100 bid proposal for the resurfacing of the tennis courts at the Emory Avenue Complex.

The bid, which was the only one received in response to CCSD’s request for proposals, was submitted by Okie Court Systems, Inc.

The BOE’s decision to reject the proposed resolution does not necessarily mean the project is off the table permanently.

The resolution was initially put before the board during its May 21 regular meeting as CCSD residents were casting their ballots in the annual school budget vote down the hall.

The May 21 meeting minutes state that Superintendent Chris DiFulvio informed the board that he spoke with the varsity tennis coach about the current state of the courts and the impact on the program. According to DiFulvio, resurfacing the playing surfaces was the recommendation he was given.

DiFulvio also stated that the project is estimated to extend the life of the courts by seven years and that it would only be done if CCSD had the funds available at the end of the fiscal year.

During the BOE’s discussion, Ron Luteran said he believed the district should return as much fund

and match for proposed project

balance as possible considering how much had been appropriated and the cuts already incurred, including the copy center and summer theater camp.

Judith Hight commented that the district has fallen behind on the upkeep of facilities over the years.

According to the meeting minutes, Dave Mehlbaum said he did not want to approve the resolution until the district’s spending freeze was lifted, and he suggested the project be approved by a capital vote rather than using money from the operating budget.

Mehlbaum also pointed out that the outcome of the annual budget vote was unknown at that time. He said he had nothing against the tennis program, but he thought that if the voters rejected the proposed budget, it would not be a good look for the district to spend $62,100 on its courts. He suggested tabling the vote on the tennis court resurfacing.

Jan Woodworth and Jennifer Parmalee agreed with his sentiment. Ultimately, the BOE voted to table its decision on the resolution until its next meeting.

During the June 17 meeting, BOE President JoAnne Race reintroduced the topic by commenting that Mehlbaum’s suggestion to table the vote was wise since the voters ultimately rejected the district’s $38,826,826 budget proposal by 34 votes.

DiFulvio reported that he met with New York State Assemblyman Al Stirpe and requested money for

the tennis courts, “Hazel’s Path,” reading, and an instructional coach.

According to DiFulvio, the district will receive $75,000 in bullet aid.

“A small amount of it is going to go to summer reading,” he said. “Beyond that, I’ll have discussions with the board about how it’s spent. . . . My recommendation on those funds right now would be to sit for a little bit. Obviously, it’s great. I thank the senator for the bullet aid, but I asked for four different things, and he gave me enough money to only really pay for one of them. So, I think taking the tennis courts off makes sense.”

DiFulvio also informed the board that the district’s grant writer is looking into a match for a grant that could be used for the tennis court resurfacing.

“An advantage to possibly tabling this [again] is that if we get this grant and there is a match involved, that could make a lot of sense for us to do the tennis courts,” he said. “[It] could be a great way to pay for the resurfacing. We will see what happens with that grant and where we end up.”

The superintendent noted that the grant is not a regular NYS Education Department (NYSED) grant.

“Typically, we don’t qualify for most of those [NYSED] grants because of our free and reduced lunch rates and our high wealth ratio,” he said. “With this one, I think we will have a good shot at it because [these BOE l Page 2

Home of The Schug Family Week of June 19, 2024 FREE • Proudly serving Cazenovia sinCe 1808 CazenoviarePubliCan Com PENNY SAVER: CNY’S BEST BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY INSIDE! WORK  BUY  SELL  TRADE  GET IT DONE Volume 214, Number 25 CaleNdar 12 editorial 4 HiStorY 5 letterS 4 obituarieS 12 PeNNYSaVer 6 SPortS 2 the Cazenovia Republican is published weekly by Eagle News office of Publication: 35 albany St , Second Floor, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Periodical Postage Paid at Cazenovia, NY 13035, uSPS 095-260 POSTMASTER: Send change of address to Cazenovia Republican, 2501 James St , Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206
opinion: Is it ’09? Not so fast. PAGE 5
2023-24 season. PAGE 2
Submitted photo On Sept. 24, 2023, Cazenovia resident Jack Romagnoli was inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame as a recipient of the Outstanding American Award.

Caz athletes have special season

Every school year is unique for its own reasons, and for Cazenovia High School 2023-24 had plenty of special challenges to face and met them, especially in sports. It was year where football and track and field teams won big despite not having a single home contest due the process of rebuilding and resurfacing Buckley-Volo Field. And it concluded with

the boys tennis Lakers again making the coveted trip to the USTA-Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in New York City to vie for a state championship. For the third year in a row, Cazenovia made this trip, having gone unbeaten in the regular season and rolling to both the Section III Class C and regional Division II championships. Even though Bronx-

are] the community’s tennis courts.”

Race responded to the update by pointing out that if a grant and matching funds are introduced, changes would have to be made to the court resurfacing resolution. Therefore, she suggested that the BOE vote down the current resolution and reintroduce an amended version at a future meeting if the funding is secured and the board decides to take on the project. in other news

At the beginning of the meeting, the BOE was introduced to the district’s new mission and vision statements.

The mission statement reads: “We nurture, inspire, and empower students to make a positive impact in our world by building healthy relationships in a safe, diverse, and welcoming environment that encourages learning and growth for ALL.”

The vision statement reads: “Discovering Tomorrow Together.”

An approximately 20-person group, which included students, teachers, parents, and administrators, developed the statements over two full workdays as part of the district’s strategic plan.

During his report, DiFulvio thanked Mehlbaum on behalf of CCSD for his nine years on the BOE, his leadership as a past board president, and his dedicated work on the facilities committee.

“I think it’s really important that people

understand that your efforts as a board member greatly improved our facilities for students, and your vision and hard work will leave a lasting impact on our school and community,” DiFulvio said. “We are deeply appreciative of your nine years of service.”

Race and Kevin Linck, the assistant superintendent of instruction, equity & personnel, also recognized Mehlbaum’s service to CCSD.

Mehlbaum thanked all his fellow BOE members throughout the years.

“This is a team effort, and I am proud of what we have accomplished over the nine years that I have been on the board,” he said. “. . . I’d like to thank all the administration, teachers, support staff, bus drivers. If I forgot anybody in that grouping, I apologize because they are the people that do everything every day, not us. I’m just proud to have volunteered on this board. Even though I’m not from here, I am proud to be associated with the Cazenovia Central School District.”

Mehlbaum’s seat will be filled by Travis Barr-Longo, who was elected to the board on May 21.

The Class of 2024 Commencement is scheduled for Saturday, June 22 at 10 a.m. at the high school.

“I just want to take a moment this time of year to congratulate our seniors,” Race said during her report. “Everything we do at Caz is ultimately centered around the celebration of our students’ achievements, and graduation is the culmination of that. . . . The senior class

is a wonderful role model for students. They get into amazing schools each year, they earn college credits, or they do other great things of their choosing. Last week, over $1 million in scholarships was awarded to Caz juniors and seniors at a ceremony. The senior accomplishments are an inspiration to all Cazenovia students.”

CCSD will hold a public information session on mergers on Thursday, June 20 at 6 p.m. in the high school auditorium.

The event was organized in response to Morrisville-Eaton Central School District’s (MECS) request that CCSD consider a merger study following updated financial incentives from New York State.

Cornell University professor and researcher John Sipple, Ph.D. will present during the event. Sipple studies how public schools and communities adapt to state and federal policy changes and challenges.

According to a CCSD message to the district community, Sipple will break down what a merger can look like for a district, outlining the benefits and challenges using easy-to-use data tools. He will look at possible incentives for all neighboring districts, not just MECS, and address potential impacts on school buildings and departments, such as transportation and the BOE. Frequently asked questions about mergers will also be answered.

“The school district and the board of education would be irresponsible if we didn’t do our due diligence to explore what’s involved with a merger and review all of the advantages

and disadvantages for taxpayers and students, especially given the financial challenges we have faced developing the 2024-25 school budget and that the district is projected to face a $1.6 million deficit for the 2025-26 school year,” DiFulvio said in the district message. “At this time, the district has made no decisions regarding a merger. We are simply doing our background work to better understand the process and educate ourselves. . . . MorrisvilleEaton has informed us that they are in talks with other districts so we want to be able to let them know in a timely manner if merging is something Cazenovia would consider.”

The board encouraged eligible voters to go to the polls the following day to weigh in on a revised 2024-25 school budget proposal.

The new $38,427,222 spending plan carries an estimated 4.02 percent tax levy increase and represents a 5.19 percent increase over the 2023-24 budget.

BOE meetings are open to the public and community members are encouraged to attend. Meeting dates are listed on the district website and the school calendar. For more information, visit To contact the entire board of education, email boe@caz.

Anyone not directly affiliated with CCSD can also sign up for the ParentSquare Community Group to receive newsletters and other information. Sign up at community_signups/94dc9c19-0570-4ecdbd7a-868cb499bc46/new.

We need your help to continue the great tradition of July 4th fireworks. Last summer, the community really pitched in. More than 500 families contributed to the Fireworks Fund! The results were spectacular - our most exciting fireworks ever! Again this year We are counting on your help. Like last year, your contributions will be used exclusively to cover the cost of the fireworks show. In short, it’s up to you! We need support from your family to keep alive the great tradition of July 4th fireworks! Fireworks Fund, P.O. Box 83 Cazenovia, NY 13035

All Contributors Will Be Printed in the Cazenovia Republican

2 June 19, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
Eagle Newspaper Facebook page to sign up for our NEW digital edition. Wake up to the Cazenovia Republican in your inbox every Wednesday morning!
Cazenovia NY Lions Club Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization Cazenovia Community July 4 Fireworks Needs You! LIONS CLUB Patriot Stars & Stripes Red, White & Blue Citizen $250 $100 $50  Yes! We want to Continue the Tradition Return to: Fireworks Fund P.O. Box 83, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Make Checks Payable to: Cazenovia NY Lions Club Foundation Name: Ph: Address: any amount Donations can also be made via Venmo at @CazLionsFoundation or through the PayPal QR code below. 2 Year Old Perennials Growing vibrant plants that thrive in CNY for 25 years! See you at: Regional Market - Thurs & Sat Camillus Market - Mon Fayetteville Market - Thurs Cazenovia Market - Sat Hanging Baskets: Many Varieties! 8 Varieties of Vines -Clematis -Sweet Pea -Trumpet -Honeysuckle
Athletes l Page 3
Cazenovia high school seniors signing college letters of intent are, front row (from left): Taven Reilley (Brockport State, baseball), Lucy Hagan (Utica University, field hockey), Dinah Gifford (soccer, Brockport State). Back row: Christian Schug (football, Morrisville State), Kate Millson (swimming, Nazareth College), Rachel Molloy (tennis, Geneseo State).
l From page 1 BOE
Cazenovia High School seniors Claire Marris and Ethan Camp were honored early last week at the Section iii Scholar-Athlete Awards banquet held at SRC Arena.

ville defeated the Lakers in the June 7 state semifinal, it still could not spoil what a group of players like Traian Cherciu, Garret Lounsbury, Gabe Reagan, Cy Lurie, Ethan Camp, Evan Molloy, Max Reger and Robbie Dorus put together.

There was also the dominance of Cazenovia’s boys and girls track teams, who roared to the indoor and outdoor sectional Class B-2 championships, the girls Lakers doing so in Kurt Wheeler’s final season as head coach.

No one stood out more on the track than Susie Pittman, who constantly broke her own record in

the girls pole vault until she topped 11 feet in the NYPSHSAA championships to finish second among Division II (small school) competitors.

As if this wasn’t enough, Pittman also helped the Lakers’ 4x100 (50.03 seconds) and 4x400 (4:01.87) each register fourth-place finishes for medals, with Claire Marris, Meghan Mehlbaum, Reid McMurtrie, Izzy Stromer-Galley and Audie Spring helping out.

All this was part of a spring where there was also a revival for Cazenovia softball. A young Lakers team made it all the way to the sectional Class B semifinals before taking a defeat to eventual champion Marcellus.

Back in the fall, Ca -

zenovia football played home games at Fayetteville-Manlius and Morrisville State and won each of them in an 8-0 regular season, only to get upset in the first round of the sectional playoffs by Adirondack.

No individual did more for Cazenovia this year than Jack Donlin, who returned to football last fall and was an offensive and defensive standout, but that was just the beginning.

In ice hockey, Donlin’s 26 goals and 19 assists led the Lakers to a 13-7-1 record.

In addition, Donlin was named the section’s Division I Player of the Year.

Then, on the baseball diamond in the spring,

Town of Nelson Highway Department

Notice of Open Position – Full Time Laborer

Town of Nelson Highway – Joe Deyo 315-662-7942

This is a full-time position for a laborer to be paid $18.00 per hour that may be responsible for any of the following:

May assist in the maintenance or construction of roads,

• streets, utility and drainage systems by digging and backfilling trenches, spreading asphalt, sand and gravel;

May assist in the maintenance or minor construction of

• hydraulic, mechanical or electrical systems;

May operate power driven tools and equipment such as saws,

• compressors, drills, mixers, pumps, mowers and snow blowers;

Uses hand tools such as pliers, hammers, wrenches,

• screwdrivers and crow bars in systems maintenance work;

Uses hand tools such as shovels, scythes, forks and rakes in

• grounds maintenance and beautification work;

Loads and unloads trucks, stacks materials and supplies and

• delivers materials and supplies to their point of use;

May act as flagman on highway jobs, directs trucks at loading

• and unloading sites;

May assist in erecting snow fences and barricades. picnic

• tables and recreation equipment

Performs general clean-up work such as removing debris, raking

• leaves, cutting grass and weeds;

• Dusts desks, woodwork, furniture and other equipment;

Mops, sweeps and washes floors, stairs, hallways and restrooms;

• Collects ad disposes of trash and garbage, empties waste

• baskets and separates recyclable material

MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Must have a valid New York State

Driver’s License.

All applicants are subject to a background check, license check and drug testing immediately upon hire. Applications are available at the Nelson Town Office, 4085 Nelson Road and Nelson Highway Department, 3985 Dugway Road, Applications must be received by the Town Clerk or Highway Superintendent by 1 p.m. on June 27th, 2024

Donlin hit .520 with five home runs and 18 RBIs while also pitching 56 1/3 innings and striking out 109, a single-season program record.

Again, Cazenovia athletes were part of the girls and boys swim teams at Fayetteville-Manlius, with senior Kate Millson a key contributor to the Hornets’ seventh consecutive sectional Class A title.

Over at Chittenango, one big story was having the boys volleyball team go a perfect 21-0 during the winter, capped by a

dramatic five-set victory over Ichabod Crane in the regional finals.

The Bears dropped just two sets all season prior to that regional match, Cole Thomas accumulating 532 assists from the back line and earning 71 aces, too as Jackson Blaszkow (146 kills), Ryan Thousand (133 kills) and Rodger Mulholland (124 kills) led the Chittenango front line.

As this went on, in boys basketball junior Ryan Moesch put up some big numbers for Chittenango, scor -

ing more than half his team’s points and averaging nearly 35 points per game, including 55 against Jamesville-DeWitt, before announcing he would transfer to a prep school in Masachusetts so he can reclassify for the Class of 2026.

Above all, the big local story was seeing Cazenovia athletes move on to the new upper turf field, with lacrosse, baseball and softball games all part of a busy spring slate. Much more is to follow.

June 19, 2024 3 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
BENEDICT TREE REMOVAL 315-439-8326 Call John Benedict 95’ Grappler Saw Crane & 75’ Bucket Truck 18” Chipper Stump Grinders Fully Insured Find us on Facebook! Summer Plant Sale TUESDAY JUNE 18TH THRU SUNDAY JUNE 30TH ALL FLOWER, HERB & VEGETABLE PACKS AND SINGLE POTS -BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE! 6905 Route 80, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 WE DO NOT ACCEPT CREDIT OR DEBIT CARDS “We Grow Our Own” Quality Annuals, Perennials, Vegetable Plants, eraniums, Herbs & Hanging Baskets We Still Have A Great Selection Of Vegetable Plants & Herbs Hours: Open Tuesdays thru Saturdays 10am - 5pm, Sundays 10am - 4pm Closed Mondays. Please Note: We will be closed for the month of July. l From page 2 Athletes

Shifting gears

For many people there is noth ing like the feeling of fresh air and the freedom of the open road, especially as experienced from a motorcycle.

May was Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and AAA Western and Central New York reminded both drivers and bikers of key safety tips as biking season shifts into gear.

For some enthusiasts even the cold temperatures of winter did not deter them from riding and other drivers likely saw at least a few motorcycles braving the frigid temperatures leading up to spring.

But now that we are nearing summer and the warmer weather it is likely we will be seeing more and more riders out enjoying the local roads.

When we are on the road, whether in a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or walking, we all have obligations to be aware of for our safety and the safety of others.

Unlike other motor vehicles, motorcycle riders are particularly exposed with nothing enclosing them from the outside and an accident on a motorcycle can be particularly dangerous.

According to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) fatal motorcycle crashes are on the rise and 6,218 motorcyclists were killed in crashes in 2022, the highest number since 1975, up from 5,932 in 2021.

The data goes on to show that motorcycle fatalities increased 5% in 2022 compared to 2021 and fatal motorcycle crashes accounted for 15% of all crashes in 2022 and according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), the number of on-road motorcycles registered in the U.S. has risen over the last 10 years, more than doubling from 4.3 million in 2002 to 8.8 million in 2023.

There are measures everyone on the road can take to help ensure safety for all involved.

According to AAA as a driver we should check mirrors and blind spots for motorcyclists before entering or leaving lanes of traffic and at intersections. Most multivehicle motorcycle crashes occur when drivers simply didn’t see the motorcyclist.

Signal before changing lanes or merging with traffic. Even when signaling, allow enough time to determine a motorcyclist’s intention before you proceed.

Increase following distance behind motorcycles and provide time to maneuver or stop in an emergency. Never try to share a lane with motorcycles – they have the same right to lanes as any other vehicle.

As a motorcyclist before you ride, check tire pressure and tread depth. Make sure brakes, headlights, and signal indicators are in working order.

Make sure any cargo is secure/ balanced, adjust suspension and tire pressure to accommodate extra weight.

Always ride with a helmet that meets the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard –look for the “DOT” symbol on the back. Helmets save lives and are required in New York State.

Wear other protective gear, such as gloves, a jacket, and pants.

Make yourself visible. Keep your lights on, wear bright colors and use reflective tape, even during the daytime. Position yourself in the lane where drivers can see you.

Follow traffic laws, always use turn signals, and combine hand signals with turn signals when you can to make your intentions even more clear.

Never ride impaired – 28 percent of fatal motorcycle crashes in 2022 involved

StEAltHily tOxiC

When did I notice that our yard had become dotted with black walnut pods? Maybe five years ago? Where did they come from? A neighbor’s tree?

No. The tree grew here, behind the honeysuckle … for years without as much as a thought. Last fall we had to take boxes of black walnuts to the dump. Last spring I paid my grandsons a handsome sum to divest the garden of hundreds of tiny black walnut saplings. That is what happens when you aren’t paying attention.

While this tree, with its beautiful wood, was growing behind the honeysuckle, it was also stealthily wreaking havoc on my much-loved garden.

I am a gardener, not a fantastic gardener, but one who finds peace, solitude, creativity and beauty in working with the soil, planting and arranging flowers and most times, if I am honest, finding delight in what happens when you don’t pull out those invasive plants. Even when I had a full-time job, was an active volunteer and had children at home, I could always find time for the garden. Yes, sometimes the weeds got ahead of me, but weeds are plants. Aren’t they?

First it was the roses, my lovely pale pink climber that was so strong that it grew up over the roof of the shed and followed the wire that we installed from shed roof to the roof of our house…. we had roses everywhere. I have pictures. Beautiful! Then, they were gone. Dead. It was sad, but wearily I attributed it to the life cycle of climbing roses. What did I know? I planted


D-Day reflection

To the editor:

another climber that didn’t do well either. It lasted less than a season. The delphiniums, my showy, gorgeous “delfies,” disappeared. I thought, they had come to the end of their cycle. And then it was the foxglove, the hollyhocks, the purple salvia and my rhubarb, the transplants from what was my grandmother’s rhubarb … all gone. All that grew was ajuga and some hostas. What could be causing this? Covid? Deer? Slugs? Fungus? Climate change? Bad karma? Was it something I inadvertently did? Some addition that I got from the internet? The celandine that had returned to the yard with its mysterious orange sap were a sign that something was going on. Was it something in the bag of mulch that was leaning up against the shed… something sinister that leaked out?

I was pretty sure that I had done something awful. But what? I went over my gardening for the past year. I bought good plants. I added compost. I watered with Miracle Grow. I put out plates of beer to kill slugs .. and the worst part was that I had no idea where to find the answer.

My master gardener sister drove four hours with plants and enriched soil to remedy the issue. The plants looked great for a month. They died too - an awful, mushy demise. Even more shocking, the bed of mint that had grown next to the house across from the shed for 20 years was showing signs of ill health as were the iris and the bed of oregano.

It wasn’t until one morn-

Although D-Day has passed but not forgotten, I would like to share a note presented to me after my tour of duty was completed:

Support the Fighters

Admire the Survivors Honor the Taken And Never, Ever give up Hope THOMAS DOBBELAERE U.S. ARMY (RETiRED) manliuS

Thanks for your support

To the editor:

On behalf of the Cazenovia Garden Club, I want to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to our amazing community. Our annual plant sale on June 1 was a great success! Funds generated from the sale will support our programs and keep our downtown in bloom and beautiful.

Local businesses generously contributed to the silent raffle, garden enthusiasts shopped our wide variety of perennials, and our members shared their gardening knowledge and tidbits. The weather was perfect and we all had a great time.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible - we have such a vibrant and supportive community. How lucky we are.

Garden Club

Take action

To the editor:

Recently, I received my Village of Fayetteville tax bill. Looking at it I went “WHOA!”

The taxes went up quite a bit from the prior year. Investigating this further it went up 17%from the prior year, clearly a WHOA, and 27% over two years a double WHOA!

Looking at my neighborhood levies (on the Onondaga County tax site) all went up 13-19%.

So how can the Village of Fayetteville raise my taxes 17% when their budget only went up 1.7%?

In contacting the mayor and one trustee, then attending a board meeting

Klaiber, jklaiber@eaglenewsonline com Sports Editor: Phil blackwell, ext 348, pblackwell@eaglenewsonline com Display Ads EB: linda Jabbour, ext 304, ljabbour@eaglenewsonline com

ing in April as I was wandering around the beginnings of spring that I really noticed how big the walnut tree had grown. Come to think of it, I never actually paid attention to the tree, kind of erasing it out of existence as I contemplated the other growing things that needed attention. Didn’t I read somewhere that black walnuts secrete a poison that kills or stunts most other plants near it? Google confirmed that.

There it was. Juglone… death by black walnut. The internet gave me some answers to what was especially sensitive to the juglone and what was not. I searched for the list entitled “Anything that Ann Ferro planted that cost money.” Failing that, I made a list of what might grow where I once had a thriving garden in the sun. But I also asked the question about remediation and the answers to that ran the gamut from “not much - give up” to a cheery recommendation to add high organic compost so that the bacteria therein will digest and eliminate the toxins from the tree.

Google also listed plants that tolerate the venom: Shasta daisies.

“But,” I yelled at Google, “they died, as did the astilbe,” also identified as resistant to the onslaught of walnut venom. And my lovely climbing roses don’t have a chance. The robustly-healthy ajuga and cone flowers were a clue about what might come next since they are among the few flowering plants that can withstand the walnut tree’s chemical assault. Hostas are

last Monday night where I complained in person (only citizens present so I was one on seven), they blamed my rising taxes on my rising tax assessment and individual budget items. Also, said well there were several years where we had only marginal tax increases (2019 to 2021). What does that have to do with 2024?

This rising assessment should not give them justification to raise taxes to this extent. They needed to adjust the “tax rate” down so as not to give us an excessive increase which they neglected to do (what oversight is there when no one attends the meeting).

This is clearly disrespectful to the taxpayers, and absolutely an absurd tax increase.

It would really be great if some citizen with an accounting background could dive into this budget, especially the sacred cow fire department.

I urge all village taxpayers to take action. Look up your taxes including past years on the Onondaga county real property tax page ( use receipts tab for past years).

Contact the village board members and mayor to convey your opinion.

BOB WEBBER fayetteville

Not surprised

To the editor:

I was not surprised to see that Congressman Brandon Williams ranks near the bottom of bipartisan members of Congress, according to the annual Lugar Center Bipartisan Index. In his voting record, he even out-partisans our former Congress member, Claudia Tenney. She ranks 135th. He ranks 327. Even Elise Stefanik ranks 165th.

Plenty of Democrats rank very high on partisanship, too. However, none of them is trying to navigate Central New York politics disguised as a moderate.

Rep. Williams is not moderate in any position he takes, whether that be on energy policy, education, reproductive freedom, or foreign affairs. In his immoderate voting record, he is thumbing his nose at a majority of his constituents in NY22. He has proved that he does not intend to represent Central New York but rather to represent his own interests and those of his richest donors.

Display Ads CR: lori lewis, ext 316, llewis@eaglenewsonline com

Classified Advertising: Patti Puzzo, ext 321, ppuzzo@eaglenewsonline com

Billing questions: alyssa dearborn, ext 305, adearborn@eaglenewsonline com

Legal Advertising: luba demkiv, ext 303, ldemkiv@eaglenewsonline com

Publisher: david tyler, ext 302, dtyler@eaglenewsonline com

Creative Director: Gordon bigelow, ext 331, art@eaglenewsonline com

also immune, at least so my computer tells me.

And so, with the very short list of resistant perennials, I will begin to reconstruct what might be my garden. But now, even without a job or any volunteer responsibilities and children that now have their own children, the sweet time on my knees is a ship that has sailed. To garden I will need help, and there lies the rub. This is my garden, my creation, as benignly neglected as it often was… it was mine, my hands-on creation … alone.

Just recently I read an article that said that when a holly is being eaten by rabbits, it changes the shape of its leaves from smooth to prickly. In fact, the type of holly tree cited had the ability to make four different kinds of leaves as the means of protecting itself from marauders. The black walnut has evolved a chemical defender to protect itself, not from enemies, but rather from plants that will stress its food sources. It’s kind of like some people I’ve known who will stab anyone who tries to eat off their plates.

So, today, it is me against the big tree that I didn’t notice, understanding that the results of my efforts will be different from what went before. Whatever, it will be me, Google and the compost vs. the toxic tree that I didn’t see.

Ann Ferro is a mother, a grandmother and a retired social studies teacher. While still figuring out what she wants to be when she grows up, she lives in Marcellus with lots of books, a spouse and a large orange cat.

I encourage all Central New Yorkers to pay attention to the Congressional primary on June 25 and to support the winner of that primary in November. We need a representative who actually represents us.

ElizABEtH A. MOORE Cazenovia

At what cost?

To the editor:

On Wednesday, June 26, at 6:30 p.m., the Manlius Town Council will hold a hearing to determine if 7.82 acres of land on N. Burdick St. should be purchased at a cost of $2,800,000 to town taxpayers. How would this purchase benefit the 32,000+ residents of the town? Here are some questions that should be addressed:

The parcels located at 5240 and 5424 N. Burdick St. have a current assessed value of $337,800. Why would the town council tender an offer to pay $2,800,000, +$2,467,200 over the assessed value for this property?

The seller, Twin Shores, will donate 62 acres of adjacent property, primarily wetlands, to the Town if the asking price is met. It has been suggested that this acreage could be used as a park. Consider the cost of building park facilities and maintenance personnel. Does the Town of Manlius need another park?

The town plans to construct a 40,000 sq.ft. complex on the site to consolidate offices and the police department. Are there other options for addressing these needs?

Building a new town hall complex will be a major expense for Manlius taxpayers, especially at current interest rates and construction costs. How much would a project like this cost taxpayers?

Should a project of this magnitude be presented to voters for approval before moving ahead?

If you are concerned about this purchase, make your voice heard by attending the hearing or by writing a letter addressed to the Office of the Town Clerk cgrevelding@ townofmanlius,org and copying the council members on correspondence townboard@

MARy kARPiNSki manliuS

4 June 19, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
Eagle News eagle News welcomes letters to the editor, and reserves the right to edit for space, clarification or to avoid obscenity, but ideas will not be altered letters should be legible and no more than 500 words long only one letter per month will be allowed by the same writer the editorial board reserves the right to accept or reject submitted letters based on its discretion letters used do not necessarily reflect the newspaper’s opinions anonymous letters receive no consideration Send letters to letters@eaglenewsonline com or eagle Newspapers, 2501 James St , Suite 101, Syracuse, N Y 13206 editorial deadline is noon each Friday for the following week’s edition eagle News reserves the right to reject any advertising it does not deem appropriate refunds for errors and omissions in advertising are limited to the cost of the original ad Display Advertising Deadline: Friday at 10 a m for the next week’s paper Classified Advertising Deadline: Wednesday at 7 p m for the following week’s paper Legal Advertising Deadline: thursday at 5 p m for the following week’s paper this free community newspaper exists to serve the informational needs of the community and to stimulate a robust local economy No press release, brief, or calendar item can be guaranteed for placement in the paper, nor run for multiple weeks, unless it is a paid announcement all free placement is on a space-available basis Copyright: this publication and its entire contents are copyrighted by Community Media Group llC reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written consent all rights reserved LETTER & ADVERTISING POLICY Call us: (315) 434-8889 Email us: cazenoviarepublican@eaglenewsonline com; eaglebulletin@eaglenewsonline com Office hours: M-F, 8:30 a m - 4:30 p m Stop in or mail us: 2501 James St Suite 101, Syracuse, NY 13206 Subscription info: lori Newcomb, ext 333, lnewcomb@eaglenewsonline com HOW CAN WE HELP? Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing, ext 340, jwing@eaglenewsonline com News Editor: Jason Gabak, ext 319, jgabak@eaglenewsonline com Reporter: Kate Hill , ext 325, khill@eaglenewsonline com Reporter: Jason
Ramblings from the empty nest ann Ferro

Is it ’09 again? Not so fast


Okay, it’s easy to imagine

Late October, perhaps a chill in the air, a whole day to get pumped followed by an evening at the ballpark, either in South Philly or in the Bronx, packed to the brim with noise and tumult all around.

Given that we’ve just about reached the midway point of the Major League Baseball season and these two teams have proven the most dominant clubs so far, a YankeesPhillies World Series seems more probable than just possible.

Why not? In one set of navy blue pinstripes there’s the power of Aaron Judge, Juan Soto and Giancarlo Stanton plus the pitching of Luis Gil, Nestor Cortes and (once he’s back) Gerrit Cole.

Clad in the other set of red pinstripes there’s Bryce Harper and Kyle Schwarber hitting moon shots while Ranger Suarez has emerged as an ace and Zack Wheeler isn’t too bad, either.

It all seems like 2009 redux, when the Phillies were the defending champs and cruised to the Fall Classic with much the same cast as won it all in ’08, only to get upended by a Yankees side getting one more championship run out of Jeter, Rivera and the rest of the late 1990s-early 2000s dynasty.

Instead of its own dynasty, Philadelphia saw its window gradually close over the ensuing two years. But at least it got back to the Series in 2022. The Yankees haven’t returned at all, as you might have heard.

With two tremendous teams boosted by two tremendously loud fan bases in locales where, well, they like to talk about sports on the air a lot, you can be forgiven to think that everyone else should just step aside for the rest of 2024.

Ah, we never learn.

Especially in an era where even the best teams have

Years Ago in History

130 years Ago – June 21, 1894

Much needed repairs have been made to the Lincklaen House during the past week.

The front piazza has been entirely remodeled.

The long steps that reached across the front have been removed, and narrow ones leading up to the main entrance will take their place.

The tower frame work, the floor, the columns, and the ceiling are all new.

The balcony about the piazza will remain the same. This change will leave the sidewalk wider in front of the hotel by nearly the depth of the old steps, and add greatly to the attractiveness of the house.

The hotel office is also being thoroughly renovated and newly decorated in a neat and stylish manner.

100 years Ago – June 19, 1924

The J. A. Loyster Machine shop has recently received an order for a bottle cap printing machine, two paraffining machines, and two tubing machines to go to a firm in London, England.

This makes four complete outfits that the firm has ordered of the Loyster Machine Shop.

80 years Ago – June 22, 1944

The establishment of a memorial community center in honor of their boys in the U. S. Armed Service, is the noteworthy answer of Pompey Center School District No. 10 to the question of what disposal should be made of their school property now that they are a part of the Cazenovia District No. 1 centralization.

Meeting on Friday evening, the entire voting community save one family absent owning to illness, expressed the unanimous decision “to establish a Pompey Center Memorial Association for the purpose of maintaining the school building in honor of our boys in the service and for use of our own people.”

Charles Maxwell, supervisor of the Town of Pompey, served as chairman of the meeting.

The plan is generally regarded as an excellent expression of community interest and spirit.

60 years Ago – June 18, 1964

Our Train Ride – by Jimmy Briars - The Second Grade went for a ride on the train to Rome last Thursday.

When we first got on the train, Monica Keator saw a lever by the side of the seat.

She pulled the lever, and she found out it made the back of the seat go down when she pushed on it. Then everybody started to do it. And I found out when I leaned forward the seat would come back.

Then the teacher came and told us not to do it anymore. Also there were these sort of rectangular bars that had rubber wrapped around them, and when you pulled them they would come down again. They were for putting your feet on when you wanted to rest.

Dale Vibbert and Roy Perkins sat behind Debby Bellamy and me, and Dale and I kept talking.

Sometimes he told me when a bridge was coming. We saw two trains go past us on the other track.

When we got to Rome, there was a small train station near us. Really the station was underground. It looked small because it had just a top sticking out of the ground. After we got off

June 19, 2024 5 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source 030033 New digouts, resurface, repair or seal driveways, parking lots, roads, etc. Free estimates. Call Al LaMont, anytime, (315) 481-7248 cell CONTACT TONY: 315-416-0885 Bair Mechanical LLC Plumbing & Heating Service Based in Cazenovia • Over 35 Years Experience Licensed & Insured Cazenovia Chamber of Commerce Member Email: 125228 Handy Man, Home Improvements, Additions, Garages, Replacement Windows, Siding, Electrical, Brush Chipper, Kitchen/Bath and Basement Remodeling. Peter Baker Owner 315-289-2170 • Large Selection Of Frames • High Quality Personal Service • Fit all Eyeglass Prescriptions • Contact Lenses - All Types • Most Insurance & Union Programs Accepted • Eye Examinations ALFRED RUSSITANO, Optician 174 Canal St., Canastota • 697-3334 CANALOPTICALTOWN CONTACT Patti Puzzo (315) 434-8889 ext. 321 or email to place your employment openings! Advertise Here! SYRACUSE parent 315.434.8889 x304 or 315.657.0849 Support Your Community SHOP LOCAL! To Advertise Call 315-434-8889 Personalized Fitness Training Self Defense Training Now Teaching Classes at Caz Fitness Cy Gatewood Owner/Trainer Iron Grit Fitness Call for a personal consultation: Cazenovia, NY Jamesville Hardware 6515 East Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville N.Y. 13078 (315) 469-2888 Pick-up & Delivery • Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat 9-2 All Major Credit Cards Accepted Bob Powell - Owner • Small Engine Repair • Sharpening Service • Screen & Glass Repair • Lamps Re-Wired • Oil Lamps & Supplies • Dietz Lanterns & Parts ACROSS 1. Breezed through 5. Supervises interstate commerce 8. Unruly group 11. Backs away from 13. Expression of understanding 14. Have concern for 15. Monetary units 16. Congressman (abbr.) 17. Iranian city 18. Eating houses 20. 2,000 lbs. 21. Grandmother 22. They include North, South and Central 25. In an early way 30. Foes 31. Shuttered British entertainment magazine DOWN 1. Sign language 2. In style 3. Helsinki neighborhood 4. Unable to hear 5. More rapid 6. An idea accepted as a demonstrable truth 7. In a cagey way 8. Kate and Rooney are two 9. Algerian port 10. Community in Ladakh 12. Midway between south and southeast 14. Town in Galilee 19. Satisfy 23. Italian impressionist painter 24. Brass instrument 25. Chest muscle (slang) 26. Transmits genetic information from DNA to the cytoplasm 27. Records electric currents generated by the brain 32. One who unloads cages 33. Another term for sesame 38. Formally forbid 41. Make clear 43. Inaccessible 45. Get through 47. Ancient kingdom near Dead Sea 49. Decameter 50. Type of sword 55. Actor Idris 56. Af rmative (slang) 57. Af icted 59. One point north of northeast 60. Born of 61. Arabic name 62. Traditional Hong Kong street food: _ pai dong 63. Termination point 64. Email function 28. Woman (French) 29. Aircraft designed to carry lots of passengers 34. Baseball stat 35. Pointed end of a pen 36. Popular sports league 37. Body part 39. Unlikely to provoke dissent 40. Yellowish cotton cloth 41. Domesticated house pet 42. Untruths 44. Set out to attract 45. Spiritual leader 46. Abba _, Israeli politician 47. Repair 48. Genus of owering plants 51. Swiss river 52. Prejudice 53. River in central Europe 54. Harness 58. Father CROSSWORD SUDOKU
Baseball l Page 9 History l Page 9 Random Thoughts Phil blackwell OPINION
6 June 19, 2024 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source PENNY
BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. ***Perfe c t for Homeowner s*** 315- 430- 1121 Unlimite d Weight * No Hidde n Fe es Discount Dumpster Rental In c Perfect for Homeow ners Unl imit ed Weight *No Hidden Fees 315-430-1121 BLA CKTOP PAVI NG & SEALI NG New Di gouts , Res urf ac e, Re pa ir or Se al Dri ve wa ys Pa rk ing Lots Roa ds etc F ree Es timat es Call Al LaMont 315-481-7248 (c ell ) PLUMBI NG Electr ic al & Carpentry Ma sonr y, Edging, Mul ching & Tri mmi ng Over 25 Ye ars Ex p Call Mike 315-726-0673 We ll both be gl ad y ou di d! 4 OF A KI ND Home I mprovements We Welc ome Small Home Re pa irs ! 30 Yrs Exper ience Ca rpe nt ry , Plumbi ng, Ele ctr ica l, Ma sonry and Pa int ing Ser vic e We s till offe r Complet e Kit chen Ba th, Ba se ment Re models Call Mi ke 315- 726- 0673 We ll both be glad y ou did! All Qualit y Blac kt op & Conc ret e We ca n move the ea rth 1 pa rki ng lot, dr ive wa y side walk at a t ime! Cer tifi ed by the BBB We lcome Fr ont Li ne Res ponders Seni or Citiz ens & Vet era ns “Early bird's ge t the pri ce ” Se as ons On! Res/ Com We als o do: Pa rki ng Lots & Sidewalk s Bric k Bl oc k, Concre te & Some Ca rpe nt ry B&E Pavi ng 315-278 -4454 Geneo' *Hire a Local Company * Vi etnam Era Vet BI LL S ELECTRIC No J ob too Small Rea sona ble Rat es F ree Es t Insure d 315-422-6401 www billse lec com “B OB ” PAS CAL CHIM NEY C NY s Oldest Chimney S ervice *REPAIR *RESTORE *REBUILD ALL WORK 100% GUARANTEED! PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED Hire t he ma n with tr owel in hand” Put “Bob” on t he Job! 315-729-2544 Al ways ask for Bob BOBPASCALCHI MNEY COM Expert Clutter Removal We c lean out y our junk , NOT your wall et ! Attic s bsmt s gar ages ya rds, almos t a nyt hing! Ca ll Bruce @ 315-730-6 370 Yea r roun d se rvi ce! www expert clut ter com ADVERTISIN G BASEMEN T WATERPR OO FI NG BLACKTOP PAVING CH IM NEY SER VICES CLEANIN G CLEAN - OUTS CLUTTER R EMO VAL COM PUTER/ N ETWO RK SER VI CE CON CRETE CONCR ETE/ M ASON RY CONCR ETE/ M ASON RY DECKS DEM OLITIO N DR Y WALL D UM PSTER SERVICE ELECTRICA L FLO OR CLEANIN G FO UND ATION S GARAG E DO OR S & OPEN ER S GU TTER CLEANIN G GU TTERS HAND YM AN HO ME IM PRO VEMEN T H OUS E JACKING JU NK HAULIN G JU NK HAULIN G LAN DSCAPI NG LAWN CA RE MA SON RY M OVI NG SERVICES PAINTIN G A KING OF THE JUNGLE PAI NTING & CONTRACTING Int/ Ex t Painting, Drywa ll, Ge ner al Re pa irs & Power Wa shing Fr ee Est imat es , Rea sonable Rat es, Senior Di scounts Ove r 30 Ye ar s Ex pe rien ce OSHA Ce rti fie d We Acc ept MC/VI Dav id Lalonde 315- 751- 0370 or 315- 455- 5860 Masonry Repairist Ste ps Fo unda tions Chimne ys Brick & Bloc k Base ments Stuc co 25y rs Exp Call Dav e 315- 395- 3041 GREENLAW N MOWING Mul ching Spring Cle an- ups Trimming & Landsca pe De sign Profe ss ional & Dependa ble 20 Ye ars Ex p Serv ing All of CNY Low Pri ces a nd I ns 315-516-3127 BESTW AY LAWNCARE For all of y our Mowing & La ndsca pi ng nee ds Mowing Cle an- ups Mulc hing & La nds ca pe De sign Se rvi ng all of CNY Insured Rea sona bly Pric ed Prof es siona lly Deli ver ed 315-455-5 275 *BASEM ENT WA TER PRO OFING * WET BASEMENTS MADE DRY! Inte rior/ Ex ter ior Drai na ge Syst ems *Yar d & Gutte r Fou ndation Dra ina ge Ba se ment Wall s Sea led *Hous ejack ing – House Camp Ga rage & Porc he s *Struct ur al Lev eling & St rai ght ening *All Wood Rot Repairs Support Bea ms & Floor J ois ts *F oundat ion Repai rs Bowed & Crac ke d Founda tions *I nte rior/ Ex t erior Wa ll Rep air s/Re su rfa ci ng Owners on ALL Proj ec ts No Job To o Sma ll! A Fami ly Bus ines s *Genera tions of Qua lity Work All phas es of inter ior /e xte rior re mode lin g a nd re nova tions a ddition s, finish bas ements & mor e *A+ Member of BBB* Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estim ate HOUSE JACKING *House Camp Ga rage & Porc he s *Struct ur al Lev eling & St rai ght ening *ALL WOOD ROT REPAI RS *Support Bea ms & Floor J ois ts F oundat ion Repai rs *Bowed & Crac ke d Founda tions *I nte rior/ Ex t erior *Wa ll Rep air s/Re su rfa ci ng *WATERPROOFING We t Bas ements Ma de Dr y! Int er ior /Ext er ior Dr aina ge Sy ste ms *Yar d & Gutte r Fou ndation Dra ina ge Ba se me nt Walls Sea led Owners on ALL Proj ec ts No Job To o Sma ll! A Fami ly Bus ines s Genera tions of Qua lity Work All phas es of inter ior /e xte rior re mode lin g a nd re nova tions a ddition s finish bas ements & mor e *A+ Member of BBB* Call Doug 315-727-8900 For a FREE Estim ate A SMI LI NG DOUG'S ELECTR IC No Job too Big/Small I ns Lic 315-487-6177 Gai l's Qual ity Cl eani ng Prompt Pr of ess io na l Ser vic e Lice ns ed s ince 2001 Low Rat es Cle anouts Re nta l Pr oper ty Commerc ia l & Open House F oll owi ng CDC St anda rds 315- 877- 0427 Gar y Vona's Lawn Ser vice 45 Year s in Bus ines s Mowi ng *Trimming *Spring/F al l Cl ea nups *All Types of Dig ging & Grading St one, Topsoil & Mulch Deli ver ed Commer ica l/Res ide nt ial 315-439-8301 Lands ca pe & Mainte na nce , Mowing Wee ding T rimming Edging, Mulching, De corat ive St one , Spr ing & F all Cl eanups Planting Old Bush/Brush Removal Pa tios Wa lk wa ys & Sod Inst all ation Fully I nsure d F ree Est imat es Find us o n Fa ce book Call or Text 315-807-4305 A Deck i s a Deck i s a Deck Wood or T rex wi th a color fu l s ele ct ion of surfa c es Pr es sur e Tr eat ed fra ming sy ste ms f or l ong te rm dura bili ty Ga zebos & Ca tios , F air & Hones t Lic ense d & I ns ure d 315- 450- 2495 REMODELI NG, BASEMENTS, Kitc he n Cabinet s Wood & Refi nishing, Bathrooms , Shee troc k & Pai nti ng Outside Struct ur es F air & Hones t Lice ns ed & I ns ur ed 315- 450- 2495 EAGLE NEWS ADVERTI SING Need to adverti se your bus iness ? Have a job opening? Rental? We c an help y ou with a ll of your adve rt ising nee ds *Busine ss Ads *Employ ment Ads Re nt al Ads I ns ert s *We b Adve rtis ing Ad-A-Note s & Mor e! Call 315-434-8889 TODAY and w e can hel p you be the success you al ways w anted to be! IM PER IAL PAVING & MA SONR Y *Pavi ng * Driv eway Se aling All t ype s of Concr et e & Mas onry 20y rs e xp F re e Es t Call & Save Bi g $$$ We ll be at a ny Con tra ct or s writ ten es tima te Quali ty does n t h av e to cost a lot ! Ca ll 315-671-5 363 Imperial Pav ing & Masonry Need a Garage Floor or Bas ement Floor ? Replac e or Repai r Cal l Now! We are ins tall ing through the 4258wint er mont hs ! Beat the s pr ing rush & the pri ce inc reas e! !! 315-671-5363 NEED JUNK R EMOVED ? We Sa ve You Time & Mone y! Our Se rvic es : *Applia nce Re mova l *Tra sh Ha uling *Yard Clea nu p *Ga rba ge Dis posa l *Junk Remov al *Cons truct ion De bri s Americ an Owned Vet eran Operated Conta ct Us Today for a FREE ESTI MATE 844- GET- JDOG ( 844- 438- 5364) jdogjunkr emov al c om JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics Base ments She ds Yar ds , Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s, Sheds, Fe nc es , Pool & Mor e! Make That J unk Go Away! Ser vi ng all of CNY I can' t believe they are here already” Job s done wit hin 6-8hrs ! Ex pr es s, Same Day Se rvic e! 315-450-2230 Sc hafer's J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rat es s ta rt @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es, Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds , Po ols , TV s, Ti res , Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 CONCRETE & Al l Masonr y Se rv ice s Stamped Concre te , Bas ement Wa te rproofi ng Founda tion Repair s F ree Est I f we get the job, you get a $50 Gift Car d! 315-884-2135 We Tak e Down Gar ag es Pool s Sheds, etc We also Haul Junk & do Tr ee Work Ve ry Rea sona ble Fr ee Est Insured Call JD Haul ers 315-450-2230 USE JD' S JUNK & TRAI LER SERVI CE!!! Our Tr aile rs will NOT RUI N your driv eway ! $20 off when you me nti on t his a d Call 315-884-2135 ATTENTI ON !!! JD S HANDYMAN SERVI CE Money sa ving low p ric es No job too big or s mallI ! Men us e De wa lt tools th e boys use the c he ap tools” Ca ll J D a ny plac e you live we go! MC/VI 7 day s a wee k Call 315-884-2135 Right now you will re ce ive a fr ee $2 5 gift ca rd wi th one of our se rvi ces JD Haule rs J unk & Cl eanout Serv ic e Rates sta rt at $19 00! We Cl ea n Out Att ics Base ments She ds Yar ds Br us h Remov al & Mor e! We ta ke down Gar age s, Sheds, Fe nc es , Pool & Mor e! Ma ke That Junk Go Away! Se rvi ng all of CNY I can t believe they are here already” J ob s don e wit hin 6-8hr s! Expres s Sa me Da y Se rv ice ! 315- 450- 2230 Sc hafer s J unk & Cleanout Serv ic e WE DO CLEANOUTS Rates start @ $19 00! We Ha ul Away : Applia nc es Tra sh & Ya rd Clea nup Bas eme nt F loo ds She ds Po ols TV s Ti res Pa int Sa me Da y Se rvi ce ! We Go ANYWHERE! 315-884-2135 JEFF & LAUREN' S Residenti al Moving Servic e Load Unload Pak ing Ser vic es Smal l or Big Als o, Clea nouts $$$ Saving Pric es Same Day Express Servi ce A House hold name You Ca n Trus t JD Haul ers ” 315-450-2230 LEN'S FLOOR CARE F loors Dull & Dir ty? 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All Home I mprove ments from A to Z Commer cia l/Res ide nt ial Ba se me nt Mold Remov al *Re mode ling *Wa ter pr oofing Dry wa ll Deck s & F ence s *Concr ete Re pai rs *Landsca pi ng *Plumbing/Elec tri cal *Pr ess ur e Wa shing *Cl ea nouts *F loor Tiling *Painting *Tre e Se rvi ce *Siding & More! 35 Ye ars Ex per ie nce Li cense d & Insure d Fre e Es tima te s Senior /Vete ra n Disc ount EPA Ce rti fie d for Re mova l of Haza rdous/Lea d, Et c Call 315-925-1595 All Work Gua ra nte ed AWESOME HOME SERVI CES CNY'S #1 GUTTER CLEANER *Gutte r Clea ning & Flush *De ck Was h & Seal Siding Wa sh *Window/ Sc ree n Cle aning 10% of f Gut ter Cl eani ng (exp 9/11/24) 20% of f Deck Wash & Seali ng (exp 9/11/24) 315-457-0954 315-729-8851 Owner: Rob Pres ton * I ns ure d aweshome11@gmail c om awe some ho mes er vic es c ar rd c o/ Ov er 20 yrs Exp * Remote Re pai rs *Any repai r/v irus re mov ed *Amaz on Al exa & Googl e De vic es Set up *We Come to Your Home or Busines s Wire le ss Networki ng Apple Suppor t *Smar t TV Set -Upcont rol y our home fr om anywhere in the wo rld Cal l Sam 315-378-9061 I will be at a ny writte n es timat e 10% off labor Av aila ble Evenin gs & Week ends www f usi onpcs com SMOLA CONCRETE St ampe d Concr ete Concr ete Floor s Si dewal ks Pa tios & More ! 20+ Yea rs Experie nc e Ser vin g Centr al NY F ree Es t ~ Cal l Toda y! Bob or Becky @ 917 -213-0429 BARLETTA ELECTRIC Re s Wiring Li c & Ins Ele ctr icia n New Insta llat ion & Rewiring F re e Es t Stev e Barl ett a 315 -863-1600 Super ior Scapes In c Landscaping & Hardscaping Speciali st D esign & Install Brick pav ers, Ret ai ning Walls 315-952-1142 vis it us at superiors capes com KO TARY D RYWALL & PAINTING Wat e r Damage Spec ialis t Plas ter Wal ls & Ce il ings Re pa ired Tex tur e Cei lings Ove r 45 y ea rs e xp eri ence 315-254-3119 SYRACUSE DUMPSTERS *F as t Se rv ice *L ow Rate s *Up- Fr ont Pr ice s 7 Day a Week Delivery 315-629-9050 JUNK – A WA Y We pic k up & haul a ny thing y ou don t want Chea per tha n a ny o ther pric e! 7 day s a we ek Ca ll t oday ! Pi ckup Today! Tras h i s cheap d on't ov er pay! 315-395-0907 A1
June 19, 2024 7 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source
BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Call Patti @ 315-434-8889, ext. 321 to get your ad in. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. LAND FOR SA LE: 15 44 A cres of Residential Land for Sale on 60 Rd in Bal dwi nsvi ll e NY l ocated wi thi n the P UD of the Radisson C ommuni ty C al l An drea Burdi ck @ 315-47 9-3208 or emai l andrea burdick@ esd ny gov for more informati on or to make an offer FOR SALE: 5-22 Bi cycles l ike new $25 each C all 315-218 -7827 BUY ING ANY THING OLD! Mi lit ary Tool s jew elry/gold/silver/ coins beer it ems, toys, glassware, attic/basement/garage conten ts, Syr acuse China/Hi storical /SU items Musical Instruments Postcards kni ves swords helmets Comi cs Christmas Halloween metal signs & displays old photos i ron cookware coll ections Free Cl eanouts! S erving C NY for 40yrs 315-458-4649 www brzostek com Aucti ons Real Estate & Personal P roperty for Top Cash Price C all for Free, No Obligation C onsultation! No Commissi on to S el lers on Real Estate! 315-678-2000 GARAG E SALE AUC TIONS COMMUNITY SALE HELP WA NTED HELP WA NTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SA LE FOR SA LE WA NTED TO B UY LAND FCP NY FCP NY FCP NY ELEC TRI CAL HOME IMPROV EMENTS LAWN CA RE V INTA GE B ARB IE DOLL C ol lect ions Pre 1970 s only Doll s clothi ng & accessori es P lease call Di ane 315-657-5589 MOVI NG S ALE Sat 6/22 Sun 6/23 9-5 Queen full twin beds dressers night stand couch chairs tv s� lights desks vi ntage furnit ure deck pi eces treadmil l weight equi pment cub cadet ri ding l awnmower, pool table, washer, dryer, snare drum wi th stand, student bell kit El ectric gui tar boots an d coats 1004 Overlo ok Terrace Caz DIRECTV- All your entertainment Nothi ng on your roof! 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Resident ial /Commercial A ll Types 20 Y ear s Experi ence S erving E Syr Mi noa Manli us & F'vill e areas C all 315-633-9333 STA BLE HAN D Experi enced horse person to feed muck stalls turn horses out groomi ng and general farm chores C ome be part of the Sundman Stabl es team located in Marcel lus, NY B eauti ful facili ty, wel lmannered horses fun professi onal at mosphere P art-t ime posit ion One afternoon and one weekend morning Approximately 10 15 hours a week Must have references and experience with horses Non-smoker a must Emai l csund3@ yahoo com RETIRED LANDS CAP ER Availabl e for small j obs 315-427-607 0 V ill age Of East S yracuse C ommunity Garage Sale S aturday June 22 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm 119 K inne S t 208 West Ell is St 303 S ilver S t 240 K inne S t 723 West Manlius St 308 East Ave 205 East El li s St 6677 Manli us Center Rd A nderson Retractable S creen Door new i n box right or left openi ng, fits 32”/36” wi de, 80” high $100 Call 315-685-357 6 A1 PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. PENNY SAVER GENERAL Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm.
8 June 19, 2024 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source PENNY SAVER CLASSIFIEDS Visit our self-service site at or call 315-434-8889, ext. 321. Deadline: Wednesdays at 7pm. Contact Patti Puzzo at 315-434-8889 ext. 321 or Advertise Here! Not A Subscriber? Home delivery is free and signing up is easy. Visit subscribe or call 315.434.8889 ext. 333 Eagle Bulletin SAVER SERVICE SCOUTS HONOR VETERANS Fayetteville makes progress with senior cottage plans PENNY RY ‘DISNEY’S DESCENDANTS’ Local students to perform in Syracuse Children’s Theatre music BOE updated on electric bus transition------BEST IRECTORY Breakfast With Santa Sunday, December 10th, 9-11am 652-4242 children! HAVE A BLAST Trustees fund police program exipol will accreditation and provide wellness services Young entrepreneur opens ’s first gel blaster arena R--Destiny BEST CELEBRATING THE SEASON Kiwanis host 55th Annual Turkey Trot Parade of Lights, tree lighting held PENNY SAVER JORDAN MARCELLUS Dickens Christmas begins 30th year Town announces zoning immunity-031098 IMPORTANT AUCTION SELLING THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH C. “RED” HAMEL With selected additions Friday June 21st at 6:00 PM EST, 8544 South Street, In Port Byron, NY 13140 ONLINE ONLY!! (IN PERSON PREVIEWS BY APPOINTMENT BEGINNING JUNE 14th) EVERYTHING STARTS AT JUST $5!! WHERE IT ENDS …YOU DECIDE!! Catalog online at Auction including Huge Coin Collection with Antique & 20th century Gold, Silver, Morgans, Commemoratives Etc. (GRADED AS HIGH AS MS65), 2009 Chevy Impala LT with 62,510 miles & Leather Seats, Dozens of Dicast Collector Cars, Vintage Gas Pumps, Collectibles including “Lenox – Village” Porcelain, Collection of Lighthouses, Collection of Elephants, “Thomas Kinkade”, China & Glass, Paintings & Prints, Furniture incl Solid Oak Extension Table, Set of 8 Oak Arrow-Back Chairs, Iron Patio Furniture, Adirondack Chairs, Metal Shelving, Kitchen Items, Tools, General Household and MORE NOTE: THIS HOUSE IS SOLD - WITH A CLOSING EMMINENT! HOUSE MUST BE EMPTIED BY JULY 1st CONDUCTED BY: ESTATE CONSULTANTS CENTRAL NEW YORKS MOST EXPERIENCED ANTIQUES & ART APPRAISERS / AUCTIONEERS Text or Phone (315)-727-6115 Email:


Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid


Notice is hereby given that Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid (Company) has filed with the New York State Public Service Commission (PSC) proposed tariff amendments to its PSC No. 220 and 214 Electric and 219 Gas tariffs. e Company is proposing an increase in base electric delivery rates of approximately $525 million and an increase in base gas delivery rates of approximately $148 million. e Company has filed for an effective date of July 3, 2024; however, the Company’s proposal is subject to suspension and review by the PSC. After suspension and review, the Company expects the base delivery increase to become effective on May 1, 2025.

Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Less than 250,000 therms per year

Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 250,000 but less than 1,000,000 therms per year

usage Current Rates Proposed First 3 therms or less $500.00 $575.00

3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.05012 $0.07859

Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.06001 $0.08381

Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 1,000,000 but less than 2,500,000

10 June 19, 2024 eagle News CNY’s Community News Source
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid P.S.C. NO. 214 Service Classification No. 1 – Private Lighting Current Rates Proposed Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.09886 $0.13715 Service Classification No. 2/5 – Street Lighting Current Rates Proposed Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.09886 $0.13715 Service Classification No. 3 - Street Lighting Current Rates Proposed Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.06787 $0.08857 Service Classification No. 4 – Traffic Controls Current Rates Proposed Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.01234 $0.01961 Current
are based on Stayout Period, Case 20-E-0380, Appendix 2, Schedule 2.1, page 6 For more information, visit Gas Rates Current rates are based on Post Stayout, Case 20-G-0381, Appendix 3, Schedule 2.1 Service Classification No. 1 – Residential Non-Heat and Heat Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 3 therms or less $21.40 $26.00 Next 47 therms, per therm $0.71722 $0.92253 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.15553 $0.27230 Service Classification No. 2 – Small General Service Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 3 therms or less $26.00 $29.90 Next 277 therms, per therm $0.42349 $0.50236 Next 4,720 therms, per therm $0.25520 $0.35263 Over 5,000 therms, per therm $0.09107 $0.17227 Service Classification No. 5 – Firm Gas Sales and Transportation Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 100 therms or less $718.00 $825.70 Over 100 therms, per therm $0.09562 $0.13184 Service Classification
– Large Volume Interruptible Transportation Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 100 therms or less $581.27 $668.50 Over 100 therms, per therm $0.04732 $0.04873 Service Classification
– Small Volume Firm Gas Sales and Transportation Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 2,100 therms or less $350.00 $402.50 Next 400 therms $0.45479 $0.46487 Next 1,700 therms, per therm $0.33923 $0.37628 Over 4,200 therms, per therm $0.13790 $0.21895 Service
Gas Sales and Transportation Service with Standby Sales Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 100 therms or less $1,650.00 $1,897.50 Next 99,900 therms, per therm $0.09712 $0.12556 Next 400,000 therms, per therm $0.09141 $0.11817 Over 500,000 therms, per therm $0.07887 $0.10195
First 3 therms or less $200.00 $230.00 Over 3 therms, per therm
to Oct) $0.05165
therms, per therm
Mar) $0.06735
No. 6
No. 7
Classification No. 8 –
usage Current Rates Proposed
(Nov to
therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 100 therms or less $1,550.00 $1,782.50 Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.04562 $0.06844 Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.05595 $0.07814 Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.03912 $0.05869 Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.04797 $0.06700 Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 2,500,000 therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 3 therms or less $1,550.00 $1,782.50 Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.00892 $0.01420 Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.01123 $0.01569 Demand charge per therm of MPDQ $0.91222 $1.27522 Service Classification No. 13 – Residential Distributed Generation Monthly usage Current Rates Proposed First 3 therms or less $28.00 $32.20 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.11458 $0.22790 Electric Rates Service Classification No. 1 – Residential Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $17.33 $19.00 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.07576 $0.10355 Service Classification No. 1C – Time of Use Residential Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $30.62 $35.00 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.04068 $0.04090 Service Classification No. 2 – Non-Demand Small General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $21.02 $25.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $0.08685 $0.11849 Service Classification No. 2 – Demand Small General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $53.57 $65.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $14.85 $19.90 Service Classification No. 3 – Secondary Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $675.00 $675.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $12.35 $16.70 Service Classification No. 3 – Primary Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $700.00 $800.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $11.18 $14.84 Service Classification No. 3 – Sub Transmission/Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $1,150.00 $1,250.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $3.46 $4.75 Service Classification No. 3 A– Secondary/Primary Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $12.39 $16.36 Service Classification No. 3 A – Sub Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $3,700.00 $3,800.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $4.32 $4.77 Service Classification No. 3 A– Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Proposed Basic Service Charge $7,500.00 $8,000.00 Distribution Delivery per kWh $4.28 $4.80 For more information, visit

Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid

e tables listed below show a comparison between the Company’s current rates and rates effective July 1, 2024. PURPOSE:


Notice is hereby given that Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid has filed revised rates with the Public Service Commission to comply with the Commission’s order dated January 20, 2022. ese revised rates become effective July 1, 2024.

For more information, visit or the PSC’s website:

June 19, 2024 11 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
TEXT: Continued on next page Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid Street Lighting Rates Service Classification No. 1 – Private Lighting Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.09414 $0.09886 Service Classification No. 2/5 – Street Lighting Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $$0.09414 $0.09886 Street Lighting Rates Service Classification No. 4 – Traffiic Controls Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.01175 $0.01234 Gas Rates Service Classification No. 1 – Residential Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $21.40 $21.40 Next 47 therms, per therm $0.64616 $0.67731 Over 50 therms, per therm $0.14012 $0.14687 Service Classification No. 2 – Small General Service Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $26.00 $26.00 Next 277 therms, per therm $0.39434 $0.39822 Next 4,720 therms, per therm $0.23763 $0.23997 Over 5,000 therms, per therm $0.08480 $0.08564 Service Classification No. 5 – Firm Gas Sales and Transportation Service Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 100 therms or less $718.00 $718.00 Over 100 therms, per therm $ 0.08930 $ 0.09120 Service Classification No. 6 – Large Volume Interruptible Delivery Service Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 100 therms or less $581.27 $581.27 (no change) Over 100 therms, per therm $0.04732 $0.04732 (no change) Service Classification No. 7 – Small Volume Firm Sales and Transportation Service Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 2,100 therms or less $350.00 $350.00 Next 400 therms, per therm $0.43298 $0.45375 Next 1,700 therms, per therm $0.32296 $0.33845 Over 4,200 therms, per therm $0.13129 $0.13758 Service Classification No. 8 – Gas Sales and Transportation Service with Standby Sales Service Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 100 therms or less $1,650.00 $1,650.00 Next 99,900 therms, per therm $0.09270 $0.09106 Next 400,000 therms, per therm $0.08725 $0.08570 Over 500,000 therms, per therm $0.07528 $0.07395 Classification
Distributed Generation Service Less than 250,000 therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $200.00 $200.00 Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.04809 $0.04711 Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.06463 $0.06546 Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Service Greater than 250,000 but less than 1,000,000 therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $500.00 $500.00 Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.04606 $0.04589 Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.05760 $0.05778 Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 1,000,000 but less than 2,500,000 therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 100 therms or less $1,550.00 $1,550.00 Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.04234 $0.04182 Next 499,900 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.05382 $0.05404 Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.03630 $0.03586 Over 500,000 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.04614 $0.04633 For more information, visit or the PSC’s website: Electric Rates Service Classification No. 1 – Residential Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $17.33 $17.33 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.07104 $0.07576 Service Classification No. 1C – Time of Use Residential Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $30.62 $30.62 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.03795 $0.04068 Service Classification No. 2 – Non-Demand Small General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $21.02 $21.02 Distribution Delivery per kWh $0.08035 $0.08685 Service Classification No. 2 – Demand Small General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $53.57 $53.57 Distribution Delivery per kW $14.01 $14.85 Service Classification No. 3 – Secondary Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $675.00 $675.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $11.66 $12.35 Service Classification No. 3 – Primary Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $700.00 $700.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $10.62 $11.18 Service Classification No. 3 – Sub Transmission/Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Basic Service Charge $1,150.00 $1,150.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $3.27 $3.46 Service Classification No. 3 A– Secondary/Primary Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2023 Basic Service Charge $3,000.00 $3,000.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $11.84 $12.39 Service Classification No. 3 A – Sub Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2023 Basic Service Charge $3,700.00 $3,700.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $4.12 $4.32 Service Classification No. 3 A– Transmission Large General Service Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2023 Basic Service Charge $7,500.00 $7,500.00 Distribution Delivery per kW $4.20 $4.28
Classification No. 3/6 – Street Lighting Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 Distribution Delivery Charge per kWh $0.06463 $0.06787

Send your events to Alyssa Dearborn at adearborn@ Notices must have the date, time and location of the event. The deadline for submissions is 10 a.m. on Friday for the following week’s editions.


Juneteenth Reflection and Celebration

7:30 p.m. Smithfield Community Center, 5255 Pleasant Valley Rd., Petersboro. Reflect with video presentations and guest speakers. Free.


Unified Basketball Team Senior Night

4:30 p.m. Cazenovia High School gymnasium. Come and support the team!


Watercolor: Focus on Architecture

1 p.m.-4 p.m. Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. Adults of all skill levels welcome. $50.


Shutter Savvy Photography with Cameras and Smartphones

6 p.m.-9 p.m. Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. Adults of all levels welcome. $75.


Watercolor and Gouache: Painting Skies

1 p.m.-4 p.m. Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. Adults of all skill levels welcome. $75.

JULY 8-12

Op Art Week

1 p.m.-4 p.m. Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. For ages 6 -12. $120 plus $10 materials fee.

JULY 15-19 Making Musical Instruments Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. For ages 6-12. $120 plus $10 materials fee.

JULY 22-26

Paper Mache Week

1 p.m.-4 p.m. For ages 6-12. $120 plus $10 materials fee.

JULY 29-AUG. 2 Fashion Week

1 p.m.-4 p.m. Carpenters Barn, Cazenovia. For ages 6-12. $120 plus $10 materials fee. www.

[I] never [expected] to be recognized for something that is so intrinsic to the pathways my life has taken.”

NYS Senator Joseph Griffo sent the Senate resolution to Romagnoli with a letter of congratulations dated Jan. 12, 2024.

“Please accept my best wishes for continued success in all of your future endeavors,” Griffo wrote. “Thank you for your service to area youths and your community, and congratulations on your athletic accomplishments.”

Romagnoli was motivated to start wrestling after an eighth-grade incident with the class bully in the school hallway. The altercation landed both students in the principal’s office. According to the resolution, the principal suggested that Romagnoli join the wrestling team in lieu of receiving detention for his involvement.

Romagnoli made junior varsity and then wrestled on the varsity team at Canastota High School from 1968-1972.

“When Jack Romagnoli joined wrestling, Section Ill dominated the sport with 80 schools participating,” the senate resolution states. “This talented young man won the league’s title and placed in the section’s tournaments twice.”

Romagnoli continued wrestling in college at St. Lawrence University, where he was a four-year starter for the Saints.

“Each wrestler’s journey is unique and the moments that stand out as highlights are often deeply personal and meaning-

AUG. 5-9

Cardboard Creation Week

1 p.m.-4 p.m. Carpenters Barn. For ages 6-12. $120 plus $10 materials fee.


Pigeon Forge and Smoky Mountains Show Trip

$950 due August 14. Price includes transportation, lodging, three shows, tour of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, admission to Dollywood, and more.



Story Time

11-11:30 a.m. East Syracuse Free Library, 4990

James St. Enjoy stories, music, and crafts.

Mindfulness and Meditation with Ava

12 p.m.-1 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans. This workshop will provide participants the opportunity to destress and learn about different techniques and skills.

Dungeons & Dragons

6 p.m. New Woodstock Free Library.


Toddler Storytime

10:30 a.m. Manlius Library, 1 Arkie Albanese Ave.

Continue to support your toddler’s language and social development with storytime with Miss Karen. Intended for ages 0-3.

Baby Storytime

10:30 a.m. Story Garden, Cazenovia Library, 100

Albany St. Bring your baby for a lapsit story time! Features interactive movement and singing. Children under 3 only.


Weekly Woodcarving for Veterans

9 a.m.-12 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango. Meet in the woodshop for woodcarving and camaraderie overseen by a volunteer.

Canteen Luncheon

11 a.m.-1 p.m. Clear Path for Veterans, Chittenango. Join the Clear Path family for lunch! Menu changes every week. Complementary, no registration required.

ful to them,” Romagnoli said. “My most memorable experiences as a wrestler have always been overcoming a challenging opponent, leading to a sense of accomplishment and pride in one’s abilities. More importantly, the friendships I developed with teammates, opponents, and coaches over the years have been truly incredible. Winning championships were special at a certain time, but wrestling buddies are invaluable throughout one’s lifetime.”

He graduated from St. Lawrence University in 1976. He later obtained a master’s degree in business administration from Syracuse University in 1993.

Romagnoli began coaching in 1977 as an assistant varsity coach at Cazenovia High School.

In 1981, he served as the head modified coach at Canastota, and from 1982-1988, he was the high school’s varsity co-head coach, producing one NYS champion, three state place winners, and seven Section III champions. His Red Raiders teams also won two Section III team championships.

The resolution states that Romagnoli was instrumental in placing three Canastota High School wrestlers at St. Lawrence University; two were named AllAmericans and one participated on the St. Lawrence University Wrestling National Championship Team in 1988.

Romagnoli contributed to the inception of Jamesville-Dewitt’s youth wrestling program and the resurrection of the varsity programs at Jamesville-Dewitt High


Catherine dorrance, 92

Wife, mother, grandmother

Catherine Dorrance, 92, passed away on March 26, 2023, after a brief illness, where she was constantly surrounded by her family. She was born in 1930 Watervale, N.Y., the middle child of the late Daniel L. and Anna Quirk Costello.

Kate graduated from Cazenovia High School, and worked at the Brae Loch Inn, Mulligans and General Electric. Kate was married in 1957 to Robert Dorrance, starting in Philmont, N.Y., then to Cazenovia while he taught at Cazenovia High School and Colgate University; they eventually made their home in Herkimer, N.Y., where Kate worked at St. Francis de Sales School as the secretary.

She enjoyed spending time with her family, hiking, birding, gardening, sewing, baking and was an avid sports fan. Kate could knit a mitten while they watched baseball.

She is survived by their three girls, Anne Dorrance (Thomas Tierney), Laurie Warshofsky and Jean Beckerle as well as eight grandchildren Hannah Tierney (David

inez R. Huftalen, 102 lifelong educator

Inez Rhodes Huftalen, 102, died peacefully surrounded by family on June 5, 2024, at Carolina Village in Hendersonville, NC.

She was predeceased by her parents Ervin and Bertha Rhodes, sisters Genevieve and Carolyn, brother Richard, and her loving husband of 69 years, James Huftalen.

Inez and Jim were high school sweethearts from Franklin, N.Y. They raised their family first in Syracuse before settling in Cazenovia.

Glick), Forrest Tierney, Megan, Emma and Sarah Warshofsky, Patrick, Daniel and Catherine Beckerle. She is also survived by one sister-in-law, Margaret Costello and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her husband Robert, her parents and her six lovely brothers and their wives, Leo and Nancy, Paul, Eileen and Rita, Vincent, Francis and Penny, Edward and Beverly and James. A memorial service will be held 11 a.m., Saturday, June 29, 2024, at St. James Church, 6 Green Street in Cazenovia followed by burial of her remains in St. James Cemetery. Kate donated her body to the Anatomical Gift Program at Upstate Medical University. Condolences for the Dorrance family may be left at

A lifelong educator, Inez taught elementary school in Meridale, Walden, Geneva and Cazenovia, and was the founder and director of a thriving Montessori school in Cazenovia.

In her retirement, Inez was an ace bridge player, and loved to read, knit, play piano and spend time with her extensive family.

She is survived by her six children, Jean Holmberg (Paul) of Moore, SC, James Huf-

School and Christian Brothers Academy. He also coordinated youth wrestling programs throughout Central New York.

“Overall, getting young people involved in wrestling is important to me because I believe in the transformative power of the sport and the positive impact it can have on the lives of young athletes,” Romagnoli said. “The intense physicality of wrestling challenges athletes both physically and mentally, pushing them to their limits and helping them develop resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Life lessons abound in the sport of wrestling, as [evidenced] by the many successful careers former wrestlers embark upon.”

Outside of wrestling, Romagnoli is a co-founder of Abscope Environmental, Inc., a national environmental remediation company, and CCI Companies, Inc., a major highway and bridge construction company. The companies collectively employ more than 200 people, including some former Central New York wrestlers.

Romagnoli has volunteered for, supported, and served on the boards of numerous organizations, including the Madison County Industrial Development Agency, the Rescue Mission, the Canastota Booster Club, the Jamesville-Dewitt Youth Athletic Association, the Friends of Section Ill Booster Club, and the Big Brothers Big Sisters Utica Chapter. He is also a member of the Section III Wrestling Hall of Fame.

His wife of 30 years, MaryBeth, is an accomplished athlete in her own right; in 2011, she qualified for and competed in the

talen (Veronica) of Cazenovia, David

(Kathleen) of Orlean, VA, Judith Wolfe

in) of Syracuse, Richard Huftalen

of Chicago, IL, and Susan Yaguda (Mark) of Charlotte, NC. She leaves behind 16 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

The Huftalen family is especially grateful for the loving and compassionate care Inez received in the last few years at Carolina Village. A burial and celebration of life will take place in Franklin, N.Y., later this summer. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Inez’s memory to the Four Seasons Foundation, 211 N. Main St., Hendersonville, NC 28792.

Ironman Championship in Kona, Hawaii. She currently owns and operates Windridge Estate, a wedding venue on Route 20 in Cazenovia. The couple’s two sons, JT and Andrew, are also athletes. JT is a three-time Section III wrestling champion, and both sons received scholarships to play lacrosse for the University of Delaware.

“Throughout his life, Jack Romagnoli has graciously given countless hours of his time and energy to the residents of his community, respected for his ability to develop potential into excellence,” the Senate resolution concludes. “His legacy will endure the passage of time at the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Stillwater, Oklahoma, where his image and biography will be consecrated and treasured for generations to come. . . . It is the sense of this legislative body that when individuals of such outstanding athletic accomplishments are brought to our attention, they should be recognized by all the citizens of this great Empire State.”

The Upstate New York Chapter of the NWHOF is dedicated to the main goals of the NWHOF, which are recognizing excellence in wrestling in Upstate New York, preserving the rich and colorful history of wrestling in NYS, and inspiring future generations of New Yorkers to participate in one of the oldest sports in the world.

To learn more about the chapter, visit

12 June 19, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid Service Classification No. 12 – Distributed Generation Greater than 2,500,000 therms per year Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $1,550.00 $1,550.00 Over 3 therms, per therm (Apr to Oct) $0.00847 $0.00844 Over 3 therms, per therm (Nov to Mar) $0.01073 $0.01078 Demand charge per therm of MPDQ $0.86610 $0.86312 For more information, visit or the PSC’s website: Service Classification No. 13 – Residential Distributed Generation Monthly usage Current Rates Rates Effective July 1, 2024 First 3 therms or less $28.00 $28.00 Over 3 therms, per therm $0.09234 $0.11458
Continued from previous page
Huftalen (Kev- (Cindy)
l From page 1 Wrestling
Catherine dorrance inez R. Huftalen

American Legion swears in new officers

American Legion Post

88 swore in its 2024-25 slate of officers at its monthly meeting on June 3 at its post home located at 26 Chenango St.

The new officers include Tony Hart - Commander, Charlene Longo - service officer, Tom Kalsuga - first vice commander, Joe Demato - 2nd vice commander, Barbara Morris - adjutant, Robert Lipp - treasurer, Kevin Markowski - membership chair/historian, Robert Ridler - judge advocate, Rick Allen – chaplain

and Scott Philips - sergeant at arms. Hart is a retired Army Reserve Officer and a veteran of combat service in both Afghanistan and Iraq. During the coming year he plans to continue to support the many programs

The public is invited…

If you are looking for something to do on Monday, June 24, 2024, I suggest you take a look at the itinerary below that describes an agenda of activities that is, at the very least, worthy of your consideration. ere will be something interesting to watch or participate in for everyone who attends this exciting and unique event. We are calling it the..”BREAK THE BANK SHOOTOUT”. e purpose of this event is to recognize and honor some of the top senior male and female golfers in CNY based on their contributions to…and support of the game of golf, including their evidence of merit in competitions.

e venue will be the beautiful Lakeshore Yacht & Country Club on the shore of Oneida Lake on Lakeshore Dr. in Cicero, NY. To the best of my knowledge, it will be the rst time amateur golfers in CNY will have the opportunity to play golf in a sanctioned competitive event for “CASH”. For example, the amateurs will earn $10 for every par, $30 for every birdie, and $50 for every eagle they make during the 18 hole competition. ey will also earn $500 for every hole-in-one they make on all “ ve” par three’s and $25 for closet to the pin on all “ ve” par threes for all four divisions based on age and gender. A $20 gi certi cate for Pro Shop merchandise is part of their “treasure chest” for the day. Incidentally, the total “CASH” available for the amateurs in this event is $10,000. Yep, I said $10,000 and we hope the players “BREAK THE BANK”!

is event would not be possible without the nancial support of Joe Convertino Jr. of CH Insurance and Joe Vitalie, President, of Seneca Savings and Laurie Ucher, Sr. VP for Retail Banking. I will make sure they receive the recognition they deserve at the awards ceremony a er dinner.

e agenda for activities on the 24th includes the following…

10:00AM - 10:40AM… A Bemer ”Golf Performance and Recovery Seminar”

Presenters: Susan Cotta, MSPT, CST-D

Dr. Holly Noun, Ed.D

Dr. Stephen Wechsler, Dc, CNY

Jack Conger, “4” time CNY PGA Teacher of the Year

Heather Noun

Perry Noun

* All players are entitled to a 8 minute BEMER session before the Shotgun start.

* Fred Funk, PGA Tour Champions is the o cial spoksperson for BEMER.

* e General Public can schedule a session

anytime between 10:45AM - 5PM

10:45AM - Player Registration…Lakeshore Clubhouse Foyer

11:00AM - 11:30AM…Golf Exhibition At First Tee.

Special Guest - Bob Kurtz, Golf’s Ironman and “7” Time Guinness World Record Holder

Records Include - Playing 1850 holes of golf in “7” days and shooting his age 7 times in one day

11:30AM - 12 NOON…Putting Clinic (Aim Point)

Special Guest - Jack Conger, “4” time Teacher of the Year, CNY PGA

12:20PM - All players are expected to be at their carts for announcements and Rules of Play.


5:00PM - Reception…Lakeshore Ballroom in Clubhouse (Jackets required)

5:25PM - Opening Remarks - Perry Noun… Master of Ceremonies

Joe Convertino Jr. and 5:30PM - Dinner…Invocation - Paster Bob Kurtz

6:00PM - Awards Ceremony

Recognition: Special Guests, Players and Legends

Featured Speaker: Bob Kurtz

Bill Noun Award: Bob Kurtz, Presenter and Perry Noun

6:00PM - Distribution of CASH Awards…Perry Noun, Joe Convertino Jr. and Joe Vitale


I am proud to be part of this event and wish to thank both Don Christian and Ken Bodley of CNYSG for putting this event on their annual schedule and CH Insurance and Seneca Savings for underwriting this distinctive event.


Post 88 sponsors for both area veterans and for the Cazenovia community. Additionally, he plans to recruit younger veterans who have served our nation since Sept. 11, 2001 to join Post 88.

Hart encourages military veterans who would like to find out both generally about the American Legion and specifically about Post 88 to review the Post 88 website at

Hart also encourages veterans who are interested in exploring membership in Post 88 to contact membership chair Kevin Markowski at email: windyhillkm@ for further information.

Eagle Newspapers is here to help readers share their milestone celebrations, including birth announcements, engagements, weddings, anniversaries and milestone birthdays. The deadline to submit an announcement is 10 a.m. the Friday before publication. Announcements of up to 250 words with a photo cost just $50, with an additional 15 cents per word over 250 words. Announcements will be posted to within

hours of receipt of payment. To submit a milestone announcement, email Alyssa Dearborn at, or call

June 19, 2024 13 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source
Perry Noun is the former executive director of the Northeastern NY PGA as well as a competitive amateur golfer and winner of the New York State Super Senior Amateur Championship. Perry Noun can be heard on “Tee Time With The Pronoun” on... News Radio 570 WSYR and 106.9FM.
Share your milestone celebrations! 125265 Tel: (315) 655-8101 Did you know That any prearranged or prepaid funerals may be transferred to another funeral home at any time? Call us if you have any questions. Ice Cream Shop Open! 7 Days a Week Walk up window: Mon. - Fri. 4pm-9:30pm, Sat. Noon-9:30pm, Sun. Noon-8:00pm Order at the window or come in to order if you want to get out of the weather! You can order inside or at the window! Cones and dishes available starting at noon every day! Canastota Dairy Soft Queensboro Mix and Gilligans Hard Ice Creams All sorts of Sundaes! Behind Tops in Cazenovia (Route 20) • 315-655-3000 Open Bowling Mon - Thurs 11am-11pm Fri & Sat 11am-Midnight, Sun Noon-8pm Open for Lunch & Dinner Mon - Sat 11am-10pm, Sun Noon- 7pm Take Out Available • Daily Specials Full Menu • Fish Fry Every Day! SENIOR & MILITARY DISCOUNTS! PROMPT FRIENDLY SERVICE! 681523 • Sales • Service • Installation • Wholesale $5000 o Any New Garage Door With this coupon. Not valid with other o ers or prior purchases. Free Keyless Entry or Extra Remote With a new garage door opener installed With this coupon. Not valid with other o ers or prior purchases. Family Owned & Operated For Over 50 Years Feeling stuck and overwhelmed? Take control and thrive! Nancy can help you: Nancy Mitchell Certified Professional Life Coach Atwell Mill, Cazenovia Suite U-2 • Gain Clarity & Confidence • Set Meaningful Goals • Cultivate Positive Habits • Develop Effective Strategies 201-618-2580 • •
315.434.8889 ext. 305.
photo The American Legion post 88 swore in its officers for 2024-25.
14 June 19, 2024 Cazenovia republican eagle News • CNY’s Community News Source

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