Excellence wk2

Page 1

Roto-rooter expands service offerings

restored: Cazenovia home with a history to be brought back to original beauty. To read more see page 3

Roto-Rooter specializes in 24/7 emergency plumbing, sewer-drain cleaning. To read more see page 3

Excellence in Home, Garden & Energy February 5, 2014

looking ahead: On Feb. 12 read about Excellence in Education and Financial & Professional Services.

2014excellence A supplement to Eagle Newspapers

Don’t let your residence become a reservoir Tips for flood-proofing your home

With the onset of spring after a winter full of snow, runoff can sometimes cause flooding. Sometimes weather can cause a flooding event as well. In 2012, hundreds of miles of coastline along the northeastern United States were battered and decimated due to Hurricane Sandy. More than a year later, many homeowners were still dealing with the consequences of the devastating storm. Hurricane Sandy illustrated just how destructive water can be. Each year, storms across North America have the potential to flood homes or cause water to enter the basement or first floor. According to the National Flood Insurance Program, a mere six inches of water in a 2,000 square foot home can cause around $40,000 in damage. Homeowners looking to avoid such damages can rely on sump pumps and backup emergency systems to keep sublevels dry and safe. Sump pumps are frequently used in homes at risk of flooding or in homes where the water table is above the foundation of the home. Sump pumps remove Central New Yorkers have certainly seen water that has accumulated in a water cola fair amount of snow this winter, and with lecting sump basin built into the foundamore snow in the forecast, homeowners most tion of the home. Water may enter through likely will be facing a big thaw this spring. perimeter drains (French drains) built into Some may experience flooding as a result. the basement or directly through the sump There are ways to protect the home from basin itself. The pump will send the water flooding (see related story) but a good way away from the house through a series of to be protected in case it does happen is to pipes that could drain into a dry well, into purchase flood insurance. a municipal storm drain or at the curb. Just a few inches of water from a flood can Many sump pumps are hard-wired cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. into a home’s electrical system and will From 2008 to 2012, the average residential automatically turn on when the water flood claim amounted to more than $38,000, level in the sump basin has risen enough according to the National Flood Insurance to trigger the pump. A flotation device Program. Flood insurance is the best way to built into the pump will rise enough to protect yourself from devastating financial turn on the pump, which will then dispel loss. the water until the device returns to its Flood insurance is available to homeownregular level. ers, renters, condo owners/renters and comWhen operating correctly, sump mercial owners/renters. Costs vary dependpumps are effective at removing water and ing on how much insurance is purchased, keeping basements and crawl spaces dry. what it covers and the property’s flood risk. However, in the event of a power outage, All policy forms provide coverage for which is common when strong winds acbuildings and contents. However, you might company flooding rains, a sump pump is See FLOODING, page 2 rendered useless unless there is a backup

Are you covered in case of a flood?

See sump pumps, page7

Renovating? Check out your municipality’s permit process By Tami Scott Are you thinking of making some changes to your home? Maybe you want to build a shed, add a sunroom or expand your garage. Maybe the changes you have in mind aren’t that extreme. Depending in which town or village you live, the process for obtaining a permit may vary, but it’s slight. In the town of Lysander, for instance, a building permit is required solely for structural work, not interior work — and it’s pretty basic. Start by going online to the town website, townoflysander.org, to download and complete a permit form, or you can stop by the town hall to pick up at hard copy at 8220 Loop Road in Baldwinsville. Be prepared to present a set of drawings and materials list if it’s a do-it-yourself project, otherwise the town will request your contrac-

tor’s name, proof of insurances and a copy of their survey. If interior changes involve plumbing or fixtures, Code Enforcement Officer Tim Wolsey said residents need to contact Onondaga County Plumbing Control and/or any electrical inspector in the Central New York area, respectively, for separate permits. This applies to all area municipalities. To find an inspector, simply Google CNY electrical inspections or Syracuse electrical

inspections. There are several, Wolsey said, and the town does not recommend any one over another. Additionally, those who are building additions onto their home that don’t meet the town’s specific requirements must go to the Zoning Board of Appeals to apply for a variance.

If residents want to turn basements or garages into living space, there are codes to follow, but a residential permit is not mandatory. The codes are in place to follow egress and ingress fire regulations. In Van Buren, the application process also starts with the codes office. Residents can obtain the form online at townofvanburen.com or by stopping by the town hall, located at 7575 Van Buren Road in Baldwinsville. Like Lysander, the town of Van Buren requires a detailed description of the job, possibly a drawing depending on how intricate the project may be, as well as if electrical or plumbing work will be involved since both require separate permits. You must also provide the name of the contractor and proof of insurance. Code Enforcement Officer Dave Pringle will then review the completed application and, providing all the information is there,

will have the permit ready for pick up within a couple of days. On occasion, the process takes longer if the contractor isn’t initially insured, he said. The permit fee is based on square footage. Residents are not required to obtain a permit for driveways, patios and sidewalks — that type of work is considered “at grade,” Pringle said. Nor do residents need a permit for siding, painting an exterior home or adding shutters. Unlike the town of Lysander, Van Buren requires permits for certain interior work, like renovations that alter a structure such as taking out a wall to make a larger bedroom or dining area. Additionally, residents are encouraged to call the town to get window specifications if they’re looking to upgrade. There is a certain code for window sizes in bedrooms and there’s an energy code that goes along with the winSee permits, page 2



Feb. 5, 2014


From the editor

Water, water everywhere

Nobody wants to spend money on repairs. Somehow, having to replace or fix something always seems like throwing money away. In the case of our basement, I am sad to say we had a leak in our water heater, which thoroughly soaked our carpeting and caused a great deal of stress. We have been planning renovations to our house, you see. But not to the basement, which had already been “done” years ago, when the children were mere babies. We (meaning my husband, his father, my father and my brother) put up sheet rock, added light fixtures and, of course, carpeted the entire space. After adding furniture and a coat of paint — voila — done! The perfect play area/ office space for years to come. Then, the “flood” came. When I say flood, I don’t mean the type where you see things floating, or have to wear hip boots to cross the room. I mean the type of sneaky flood that happens when, for instance, your water heater decides it’s time to spring a leak. The result: squishy carpet. Fortunately, there is that wonderful thing called insurance. We made the call,

the adjuster came out and now we have the funds to redo what was already “done.” Not so much fun the second time around, but a necessary evil. Just like, sometimes, paying that insurance premium can seem to be throwing away good money. Trust me. It’s not. It, as well, is necessary. What I experienced is not a “flood” in the true sense, and I certainly don’t mean to minimize what others who have had to deal with the aftermath of a flood have gone through. What we have dealt with pales in comparison to what those who suffered losses in Sandy or other disasters have experienced. But, the bottom line remains: Know what kind of insurance you need, and get it. There is a sidebar to the flooding story below which has a link to a calculator to determine your risk and the cost of a corresponding policy. It’s definitely at least worth the research to know what you would have to pay to be covered. Peace of mind is priceless, as far as I’m concerned.





From page 1

dows, Pringle said. Baldwinsville village residents will find their municipality requirements are similar to both the towns of Lysander and Van Buren. “If it supports people or covers people, it needs a permit,” said Baldwinsville Village Codes Enforcement Officer Gregg Humphrey, on structural changes both inside and outside the home. There are zoning laws for sheds and fences; codes for windows; nothing for shutters, siding and exterior paint; and a permit required for sidewalks. “We want to make sure [sidewalks] are constructed in a certain way and meet specifications,” Humphrey said. The permit fee is based on the cost of construction. Currently, the village charges $50 for the first $1,000 and $6 for each additional $1,000 on existing residential projects. On new homes, the base cost is $75 plus the $6 for each additional $1,000. The building application form, which mirrors the towns for information, may be downloaded from baldwinsvile.org or picked up at village hall on West Genesee Street. Installing a pool this summer? According to Humphrey, the law is statewide and requires homeowners to obtain a permit for all swimming pools capable of holding more than two feet of water. The exceptions are those generally sold in stores like Target or Wal-Mart and fill up less than 24”.

What about east of Syracuse?

Different applications for different projects

From page 1

want to discuss insuring personal property with your agent, since contents coverage is optional. Typically, there is a 30-day waiting period from date of purchase before your policy goes into effect. That means now is the best time to buy flood insurance.

Is flood insurance required?

Under federal law, the purchase of flood insurance is mandatory for all federal or federallyrelated financial assistance for the acquisition and/or construction of buildings in high-risk flood areas (Special Flood Hazard Areas or SFHAs). The amount of flood insurance coverage required by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, as amended by the National Flood Insurance Reform Act of 1994, is the lesser of the following: ✓ The maximum amount of NFIP coverage available for the particular property type, ✓ The outstanding principal balance of the loan, or ✓ The insurable value of the structure. If the property is not in a high-risk area, but instead in a moderate-to-low risk area, federal law does not require flood insurWith the click of a mouse homeownance; however, a lender can still require it. ers can find out how much a typical flood It is also recommended since historically insurance policy would cost for their nearly one-in-four NFIP flood claims ocresidence. cur in these moderate- to low-risk areas! Simply go to floodsmart.gov and enter Note that if during the life of the loan the your address into the one-step flood risk maps are revised and the property is now profile calculator to find to: in the high-risk area, your lender will ✓ Rate your risk notify you that you must purchase flood ✓ Estimate your premiums insurance. ✓ Find an agent Source: floodsmart.gov

Are you at risk?

2014excellence A business and economic forecast.

is a supplement to: Eagle Newspapers 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, N.Y. 13206 Phone: (315) 434-8889

Publisher: David B. Tyler

Managing Editor: Jennifer Wing

Fax: (315) 434-8883

Baldwinsville Messenger

Cazenovia Republican

Eagle Bulletin


Skaneateles Press


Circulation Manager: Lori Newcomb

Cover Design: Jennifer Wing


file photo

There is a wide range of paperwork required with updating your home, depending upon the scope and nature of the project you are planning. By Allie Wenner In the village of East Syracuse, the first step of the process is to fill out a building permit application at the village office. Village clerk Pat Derby said there are several different building applications for different possible additions, including signs, fences and swimming pools. “If it’s something you don’t need a permit for, we’ll tell you,” Derby said. “Residents should fill out the permit app instead of assuming that they don’t need one – assume that you always do.” From there, the application is given to the village’s code enforcement officer, who reviews it to make sure that it’s in compliance with East Syracuse’s code. If the request is not in compliance with village code, the code enforcement officer will contact the resident and explain what has to happen to either bring it into compliance or apply for a variance. “Any time you want to do something that alters from the rules and regulations, you can seek a variance,” Derby said. “But you can only seek a variance for things within our zoning code – you can’t vary laws. For example, we have laws about outdoor storage, and because those are local laws, you can’t vary them.” If a person has to apply for a variance, he or she is required to come before the village’s zoning board of appeals. Derby described the East Syracuse Zoning Board as a “quazi-judicial group” - the board makes its own decisions and its decisions stand, meaning it does not need to seek additional approval from the village board for variances. However, if a resident wishes to build a new house or garage, he or she must appear before the village planning board for site plan review. And something unique to the village of East Syracuse is the fact that the planning board does not have the final say on whether a project can be approved. “Our planning board is not an independent board that acts,” said Derby. “In East Syracuse, it’s a recommending board only – the members review the proposals, make changes, and then bring them to the village board to decide whether they should be approved.” And because the village of East Syracuse is so small – the total area is 1.6 square miles – many residents have an additional step to take. If a project in front of the planning board for site plan review is within 500 feet of a state road or a boundary with another municipality, the proposal must also be sent to Onondaga County to review. “That happens a lot in East Syracuse because we’re so small and our main street [Route 290] is a state road,” Derby said. [Because the village is in the middle of the town of DeWitt,] the majority of projects are going to be 500 feet from the DeWitt boarder.”


Feb. 5, 2014


J.D. Hunter Home restoring and decorating Notleymere Cottage to original stability and beauty By Jason Emerson John David Hunter and Bob Winston, the proprietors of the Albany Street interior design store J.D. Hunter Home, have redesigned and renovated large, historic homes and buildings in countries all over the world — and their latest project will transform one of the most unique and historic homes in Cazenovia back to its original grandeur. Notleymere Cottage, the 8,800-square-foot mansion on East Lake Road that boasts Theodore Roosevelt as a historic visitor and once operated as a bed and breakfast, has a new owner who plans to restore the house to a family summer homestead with architecture and interior design improvements that harken the structure back to its late-19th century origins. “The owners are so excited to be able to find this incredible piece of property and extraordinary home and restore it back to its original stability and beauty,” Winston said. “They hope it will be an inspiration to others to do the same with other properties in Cazenovia because the community deserves it.” Notleymere was built in 1888 in the shingle style by the reverend Frank Norton as his summer home. The mansion on Cazenovia Lake was designed by famous architect Robert Gibson, and is only one of seven such mansions remaining in Madison County. Notleymere is also listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The mansion operated as a bed and breakfast for many years, most recently by Bob and Dianna Slodowitz, who sold Notleymere to the current owners in November 2013. During their ownership, the Slodowitzes undertook a major renovation in 2006, for which they were awarded historic preservation awards from the town of Cazenovia for both the building and the gardens. The three-story Notleymere Cottage is a 8,800-square-foot mansion on East Lake Road that boasts Theodore Roosevelt as a historic visitor and once See J.D. Hunter Home, page 4

operated as a bed and breakfast.

Roto-Rooter expands service offerings Specializes in 24/7 emergency plumbing, sewer-drain cleaning service By Jennifer Wing

What is water jetting?

High-pressure water jetting is an efficient, economical and en-

Christine Bauer Armstrong and her husband Mark Armstrong are part of a proud lineage as the fourth generation running their family business, Roto-Rooter, located at 1911 South Salina St. in Syracuse.

vironmentally safe way to clean drain and sewer pipes. Using state-of-the-art pumps and flexible hoses, ordinary water is propelled under varying amounts of pressure into the sewer line. A special nozzle mounted on the end of a heavy-duty hose has an array of forward and reverse water jets, which direct extremely powerful concentrated streams of water all the way to the pipe walls. Even the toughest blockages and buildup can’t stand up to water jet cutting, which thoroughly cleans pipes. Cable machines are used to remove tree roots and break through solid obstructions. They are, however, less effective in removing softer blockages such as grease, scale and other buildup. Cable machines will bore holes through sludge but they can’t clean and push the debris out of pipes as effectively as water jet machines.

Regular water jet maintenance keeps drain lines flowing

Restaurants and other com-

mercial establishments typically require frequent high-pressure water jetting to remove mineral deposits, grease buildup, sludge and debris that accumulate in the lines. Clogs can cause down time, and down time in any industry means lost customers and revenue. Some businesses may require just one or two cleaning annually, while others benefit from monthly or quarterly cleanings. That’s why many of Roto-Rooter’s customers prefer to set up a scheduled program for water jetting service that keeps their drains flowing freely. A RotoRooter professional can recommend a jetting service schedule that best meets the needs of your business. Water jet machine service means cleaner pipes, which means fewer service calls, less down time, overall cost savings and one less thing for you to worry about.

Video camera sewer line inspection identifies

See roto-rooter, page 8

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Christine Bauer Armstrong and her husband Mark Armstrong are part of a proud lineage as the fourth generation running their family business, Roto-Rooter, which is now more than 126 years old. “We pride ourselves on our company’s history, professionalism and unmatched customer service to all of our customers serving Onondaga County,” Mark said. “We are the oldest Roto-Rooter franchise in the nation.” A passionate sports town and a diverse, multicultural city … there’s a lot to love about living in Syracuse. Unfortunatley, sewer and drain problems are not among them. Roto-Rooter is a full-service plumber in Syracuse that businesses and residents throughout Onondaga County have come to trust. Their highly trained plumbers have the knowledge and experience necessary to handle anything, from a small toilet repair or clogged drain cleaning service to a large plumbing emergency. Since its inception in 1935, Roto-Rooter has maintained their commitment to serving as the chosen plumbing company in the area. To accomplish this, they offer timely services, quality craftsmanship and a dedication to customer satisfaction. They also back all services with a satisfaction guarantee. You can count on them anytime, day or night. Roto-Rooter also attempts to complete all services as soon as the same day so that your plumbing is back to working order in no time. They are also available 24/7 to accommodate any emergency needs that you may have.



Feb. 5, 2014

Glider Oil is now on the Web Glideroil.com offers online bill paying, conservation advice By Jennifer Wing When it comes to perGlider Oil sonal service and that 5276 U.S. Route 11 “small town touch,” no Pulaski, NY 13142 one beats Glider Oil. Since Phone: (800) 724-FUEL 1942, Glider Oil has been (3835); 298-2099 serving homes and businesses in Oswego, Jefferson, Onondaga and Lewis counties with quality fuels at competitive prices - and the flexibility to meet your unique comfort needs. As a family-owned company, Glider Oil’s goal is to treat the customer like a member of the family - with prompt, dependable fuel delivery in a courteous and professional manner, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can now explore Glider Oil’s website, www.glideroil.com, to find out how the company’s fuels and services can help your family save energy, money and stress. Launched in June of 2012, the website discusses the benefits of the various home heating fuels and features an online blog with conservation tips and other information valuable to consumers. Glider Oil is always looking for a way to make things simpler for its clients, like offering them the opportunity to pay their bills online. Glider’s price and service sets them apart from other providers, because “we treat all customers old and new the same way,” said Carlie A. Virginia, assistant to controller at Glider Oil. “Another thing that sets us apart from most of our competitors is our propane tanks have gauges, so our customers know how much product they have in their propane tank, thus allowing propane customers the ability to be a will-call customer.” Virginia said. “Glider offers all of our customers will-call and automatic delivery options for both propane and fuel deliveries. The will-call option allows a customer to control how much money they are spending on each delivery, but they will need to pay attention to their inventory so they

Glider Oil Co. is a petroleum products distributor that helps customers in central and northern New York state stay warm and comfortable while saving money on energy. don’t run out of product. Or a customer can choose an automatic delivery option, which allows for no worries about running out of product, but their tank will be filled on each delivery.” Virginia said, in addition, Glider Oil offers to all their all customers a budget plan. This plan helps the customer keep cost under control, by allowing monthly payments to be made. Budget customers are also rewarded with a CAP price for fuel oil and propane and a sales discount of 8 percent APR on credit balances on their account.

About Glider Oil

Glider Oil Co. is a petroleum products distributor that helps

customers in central and northern New York state stay warm and comfortable while saving money on energy. Glider Oil’s service area reaches from Auburn to the St. Lawrence Seaway. Glider Oil delivers a variety of petroleum products for residential and commercial customers, including heating oil, propane, diesel, gasoline and kerosene. Glider’s main office in Pulaski, along with its other offices in Carthage and Glenfield, serves customers in Onondaga, Lewis, Oswego, Jefferson, and parts of Cayuga, Wayne, Oneida, and St. Lawrence counties. For more information visit glideroil.com.

J.D. Hunter Home 2012, have built reputations as acclaimed architectural and interior designers over the past four decades. They work on projects both large and small — entire houses and single rooms — and, in addition to Notleymere, are currently working on many other smaller but equally important projects.

and u o y arm w r e s t u n i t e W L ll a e n i t Valen

Their work has been featured in numerous publications, including Architectural Digest, House Beautiful, House and Garden and New England Home. They were selected to do the Notleymere project after being interviewed by the new owners and, most particularly, after the owners visited their Al-

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bany Street store. “She walked into this store and said, ‘I know you can do our house,’” Hunter said. “And what we’re doing out there is going to be fun.” The exterior of Notleymere needs all new siding, new windows and a new roof; the windows will be modern materials but with histori-

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house contains five guest rooms, each with a private bath, four public rooms and a 1,700-square-foot veranda. “Bob and Dianne really saved the property for this extensive renovation,” Hunter said. Hunter and Winston, who moved to Cazenovia and opened their store in June

From page 3

5276 US Rt. 11 • Pulaski, NY 13142/289

cally correct glass, Winston and Hunter said. The original 1,700-square-foot wraparound porch on the back of the house will remain intact, but will have a new outdoor kitchen attached to the house, and the space will be designed for outdoor living and eating, they said. The interior will stay architecturally exactly the same as it currently is, with the exception of the kitchen, which was previously remade to function as a bed and breakfast kitchen. Hunter and Winston will keep the original kitchen footprint but reconfigure the space to return it back to the original home-style design, they said. The interior design of the rest of the house will be based on the owners’ vision as interpreted by Hunter and Winston. “We work very closely with our clients, and the client’s input is all-important,” Winston said. “We interpret their needs. Comfort was a very strong priority for [Notleymere’s owners] and for us. They want it to be traditional, comfortable, low-key and not fussy.” “We’ve given them suggestions for the feel of every room, and nine times out of 10 she said it was dead-on,” Hunter said. Winston and Hunter have two different area of expertise that complement each other to bring to fruition an entire project. Winston has a vast knowledge of textiles and interior accents, while Hunter is an accomplished architectural and interior designer.

Together they are currently in the process of finding furniture, textiles, hardware, tile and accoutrements for Notleymere, and have recently returned from New York City in their search. One furniture piece they are custom designing and building for the Notleymere project is a dining room table that will seat 12 to 16 people. It is just one of many pieces that are being made-to-order specifically for the project. “We don’t just buy furniture and throw it in there,” Hunter said. “The client and we are very careful that everything is done to perfection.” Hunter and Winston, working with contractor Jason Penoyer, of Penoyer Builders Inc., of Manlius, plan to have Notleymere’s renovations partially done within a few months so the home will be habitable for the summer. The total interior design will not be finished for at least one year, they said. J.D. Hunter Home in Cazenovia is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, and Sunday and Monday by appointment only. For more information about J.D Hunter Home, to view their work or discuss a potential project with them, visit their website at jdhunterhome.com, call the store at 815-4123 or email jdhunter@ hotmail.com. Jason Emerson is editor of the Cazenovia Republican. He can be reached at editor@ cazenoviarepublican.com.


Feb. 5, 2014


White’s Farm Supply continues to grow By Jennifer Wing With a new store opening last year, White’s Farm Supply has continued its success in providing excellent customer service along with an unmatched variety of products and lines to Central New York. It’s newest location, at 387 Center St. in Franklin, has had a great reception from area residents. “The response has been great,� Art White said. “I love hearing people say that they would go back to the store again.� White took over the location from a competitor last spring, and “kept virtually all the same lines so it was a smooth transition.� Willard and Nettie White founded White’s Farm Supply in 1946 as the Oneida Valley Garage, and the enterprise has been growing strong ever since over more than 65 years of doing business. Willard and Nettie’s sons — Art, Dale and Doug — Canastota now co-own the family-run company based in three 4154 Route 31 locations around Syracuse: Canasota, Lowville and Canastota NY 13032 Waterville. 697-2214 “You have to remember your family is number one,� info@whitesfarmsupply.com White said of working closely with his two brothers. Franklin And at White’s Farm Supply, everyone is treated like family. 387 Center St In fact, he said, customer service is key in all four Franklin NY 13775 of their locations. 607-829-2600 “The biggest thing is that we are working towards info@whitesfarmsupply.com highest levels of service,� White said. And, cumulatively, Lowville the White’s Farm Supply staff accounts for more than 8207 State Route 26 600 years of experience. Lowville NY 13367 “We have a reputation for being the experts in the 376-0300 field and want to give them better service than anyone sales.lowville@whitesfarmsupply.com in CNY has ever experienced,� he said. Waterville Although the staff is thoroughly knowledgeable 962 State Route 12 about White’s lines, services and products, White said Waterville NY 13480 they are always looking to make sure they continue to Phone: 315-841-4181 learn. “We are heavy on training our employees. We 841-4743 spend over $100,000 a year training them.� sales.waterville@whitesfarmsupply.com He said they feature one of the most diverse selections found at any dealership, and White’s Farm Supply also holds awards from many of the companies it represents for top honors in sales. “We offer people more flexibility in the potential to have a good purchase,� White said. “No one else carries multiple brands of tractors and hay tools. We are a top 10 dealer in the country for Meyers, Ferris and Kuhn, and top 25 for Kubota and Cub Cadet.� Whites Farm Supply also carries Case-IH, New Holland, Brillion, Landoll, Sunflower, Anderson, Houle, Troy-Bilt, Kill bros, York, Harley, Westfield, Bush Hog, Kory, FCC, Land Pride and Palladin, among others. And, as their success grows, so does their staff. “We’ll be up to 100 employees this summer,� White said. He credits this growth and success with the community his company serves. “I would like to thank the people of New York state for supporting us and giving us the opportunity to be here,� he said.

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Pictured is White’s Farm Supply Vice President Art White.

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Feb. 5, 2014

Marty’s Barn Cellar offers wide variety of quality furniture Features Amish furniture handmade in America said. “This furniture comparable to some of the Now in its 40th year in business, Marty’s highest-end furniture that can be found here in Barn Cellar, the well-known furniture store in Central New York. You can see the quality with Elbridge, is enjoying continued success with a its fine attention to detail and it is also warranlineup of quality furniture, the ability to craft teed for life.” McLaughlin said the Amish furniture is a pieces to suit the customer’s vision and an growing line that is expandextensive line of Amish furniing. “We have a lot of dining ture handmade in the United Marty’s Barn Cellar room furniture and also States. have dressers and television Route 5 and Kingston Road, Owner Mike McLaughlin consoles. In addition, if a cusElbridge; 689-9927 has had 30 years of experitomer wants something we martysbarncellar.com ence in the furniture business, don’t have, we can order it.” starting decades ago when he In fact, customizing furworked for company founder Dennis Hemniture is something Marty’s Barn Cellar offers ming before taking it over upon Hemming’s to all of its customers. retirement. “Customization comes a lot into play with TV McLaughlin said he works hard to get the consoles, and wall units. For the dining room furniture his customer is looking for. “We have we find people have a certain space and might a large inventory of quality furniture in many different finishes, and can order thousands of need a hutch of a set size. If the customer brings other items as well as have pieces custom made,” in ideas, we will work with them to make their vision a reality.” McLaughlin said. And word of Marty’s continued excellence in Along with an extensive variety of product providing quality furniture and customer service and reputation for excellent customer service, the has gotten out, with the company’s customer base high quality of the inventory has made Marty’s extending much further than the Syracuse area. Barn Cellar the success it is today. “We have customers from all the way up “All of our furniture is made of solid wood,” the lake to Watertown and as far as Buffalo and McLaughlin said. “There is no particle board Albany as well as from Utica and Binghamton. anywhere in this store, which is a statement not We’ve been here for so long that people know many furniture companies can make.” our reputation. ” In addition, Marty’s Barn Cellar is offering a The furniture behind Marty’s Barn Cellar’s line of Amish furniture. “It is all handmade in America,” McLaughlin reputation will soon be featured in an annual

By Jennifer Wing

Recently Marty’s Barn Cellar was congratulated on 40 years in business by the CenterState CEO Ambassadors. Pictured, sitting, are Erin, Colleen and Mike Mclaughlin, Jason Manrow and James Simpson. Pictured standing are Chris Hoffman, Adele Cole-Brown, Dustin Duger and Paul Laurie. event that is a staple when it comes to homebuilding and home furnishings in Central New York: The Parade of Homes this summer. “We are furnishing one of the houses featured at the Parade of Homes,” McLaughlin said. “It will be a lot of work, but fun to do and will be a good way to showcase the furniture. We’re furnishing three bedrooms, the dining room, kitchenette and a console for a TV.”

Having spend five years at the helm of Marty’s Barn Center, McLaughlin said, “has been a great, positive experience, and I am looking forward to continuing to have the business grow while it continues to provide what our customers want most: quality and service.” The store is located at Route 5 and Kingston Road in Elbridge. For more information call 689-9927 or visit martysbarncellar.com.

California Closets can design, build organizational systems for all areas of the home Visit DeWitt showroom or schedule a complimentary in-home consulation The showroom at 3210 Erie Blvd. East in Dewitt is home to the California Closets for Central New York. It’s worth a trip to this beautiful showroom to see what they can do. Their numerous displays include storage systems for closets, home office, kitchen pantry, mudroom, garage, entertainment/ media center, etc. California Closets can design and build organizational systems for just about any area of the home that requires storage. California Closets created the custom home storage industry in 1984 and remains the leader today.

‘Elegant’ is the word to describe this stunning walk-in closet system.

Sty le Set a new standard of


with fine natural wood furnishings for every room in your home.

If customers can’t get to the showroom, they can call or go online to get started by setting up a complimentary in-home consultation. During this appointment, a California Closets design consultant will measure the space, discuss the clients’ needs and wants, and then create a realistic computer generated design with special California Closets software. This allows the customer to see exactly what they could do with their space. California Closets also works with many area builders, interior designers, and individuals who are building/renovating their homes. They can begin working with floor plans or dimensions at any point in the building process. It’s never too early to get started on planning the storage spaces. The home buyer has the benefit of a full California Closets showroom to come to, in order to make their selections. Something that people may not know is that California Closets custom designs, builds and installs everything themselves. All manufacturing and installation is done by their own team of employees, nothing is subcontracted. They professionally handle the entire project, from start to finish. California Closets strives to make sure that everyone comes away with a unique and positive experience when working with them. This means that from the first phone call to the final installation, the customers’ wants and needs are always the first priority. To learn more about California Closets products it’s a great idea to stop in the showroom at 3210 Erie Blvd. East in Dewitt. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. through 3 p.m. Saturdays. You can also call 701-4382 or visit californiaclosets.com/ syracuse.

February Special

Custom Amish Finished!

MARTY ’S B ARN CELLAR (315) 689-9927 •

www.martysbarncellar.com Route 5 & Kingston Road, Elbridge

Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-5, Thurs. & Fri. 10-7, Sat. 10-5 and Sun. 11-4


You WON’T find particle board at Marty’s!

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15% OFF

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Kitchen Islands

Now Thru March 3, 2014 Excludes prior sales

Pictured is a walk-in closet, classic system finished in Milano Grey.


Sump pumps

Feb. 5, 2014 From page 1

battery attached to the sump pump. Having a battery hooked up to a sump pump, or a backup sump pump that is battery-powered, can give homeowners peace of mind in any storm. A backup plan ensures the pump will still be able to remove water for a certain period of time until electricity is restored to the home. Another option is to make sure the sump pump is connected to a power generator should the main power supply go out. As long as the generator is running, the sump pump will Cleaning gutters and downspouts is one way to prevent homes from flooding. expel the water. Water damage to a home can cost thousands of dollars in repairs, particularly when it is not covered by standard home insurance policies. Sump pumps can help keep homes dry and safe.

Wet basement?

Few things can cause more damage to a home than water. Leaks and flooding can cause various structural insufficiencies and may lead to unsafe conditions in a home. Panic often sets in when water enters a home. Some homeowners live in areas where a high water table inevitably forces groundwater up and into subterranean living spaces. Others may live close to coastal areas or rivers and streams that can overflow and cause home flooding. Still others who may not have had a water problem before learn that a heavy rainfall, and perhaps inadequate drainage outdoors, can cause water damage to a home. Compounding these issues is the fact that very often a home’s utility systems are located out of the way in basements, or these spaces may be finished to create additional living space. Moisture or several inches of water in a basement is nothing to take lightly. Furnaces and water heaters damaged by water can be costly to replace. Wires that come in contact with water can become hazards and cause an electrical fire, and water in a basement may be a harbinger for bacteria and viruses, creating unsanitary living conditions in the home. Mold spores that have developed in a damp basement can spread to other areas of the home thanks to a heating and cooling forced air system. And a cool, damp spot can be the perfect habitat for insects. When a basement develops a water problem, it is best to call in a professional. Although it might not be cheap, calling a professional can help you to remedy the situation faster than if you try several methods to fix the water problem yourself. When looking for a waterproofing company, seek recommendations from people you trust. Only do business with licensed professional contractors who are willing to give you a free estimate. You also can check out businesses by contacting consumer advocacy groups. You may be able to read up on their business practices and learn if there have been any complaints lodged against a company in the past. Hydrostatic pressure, poor foundations and cracks can each cause water to enter the house. Each situation is different, and a combination of exterior and interior changes may need to be made. In order to alleviate some water problems, certain modifications must be made. While the following solutions may not be applicable in each situation, they are some of the more common modifications plumbers suggest when fixing flooded basements. ✓ Sump pump (described earlier in story) ✓ Vapor barriers: Vinyl, plastic and paint encapsulation systems may be applied to the interior of foundation walls to serve as a barrier system. This prevents water or condensation from reaching the interior of the house. A vapor barrier may extend below the foundation to direct water runoff into a drainage system. ✓ Exterior fixes: There are many ways to address flooding from outside the home. These include using outdoor vapor barriers and paints, having grading issues corrected so water will flow away from the home, digging of a swale to catch water away from the basement, exterior drainage systems, and utilizing specialized rain gutters and downspouts to direct water further away from the home during rainstorms. ✓ Plumbing repairs: Sometimes water issues may be the result of a pipe backup or a faulty appliance and not necessarily an outdoor water issue. In these cases, repairing the source of the leak may be all that's needed.


What’s in your water?

Did you know that a lot of everyday municipal drinking water supplies contain VOCs? A volatile organic compound, commonly referred to as a VOC, is a combination of chlorinated solvents and fuel components. Chlorinated solvents are widely used in industry and common household products, but they’re also found in groundwater and have occasionally been traced back to municipal landfills, hazardous waste dumps and industrial facilities. VOCs are also formed when chlorine reacts with compounds in the plumbing system that brings water to your house. Since we can’t see, smell or taste VOCs the only real way to tell if they are in your water is to have it tested. Specialist, Mike Franey from H2AHH Water, your local authorized Kinetico dealer talks about ways people can eliminate VOCs in their water by the use of certain water treatment systems. “The great thing about our water treatment system is that it actually shuts down when the filter needs to be changed. Essentially, it meters the water usage,” Franey said. Treatment systems vary and are normally classified under drinking water and working water. A drinking water system works specifically to remove heavy metals and salts from your drinking water and a working water system works with water for your entire house including the effects it has on laundry, mildew on shower curtains, toilets and other cleaning purposes. With a water treatment system, you can remove harmful chemicals from your home’s drinking water, stop worrying about “boil water” advisories and be confident that your family and home aren’t being harmed by your water. The Kinetico system has the most certifications to remove water contaminants of any product on the market and requires little maintenance once installed. “The system itself is designed by some serious engineering. It’s more technically advanced than other systems out there. There’s no electricity, there’s no timers, the system is totally dependent on itself. So it’s really hands-off for the customer,” Franey said. The problem of unhealthy home water is growing all over the country, and Franey said his company alone has installed more than 3,500 water treatment systems over the last 12 years in the region. H2AHH is a division of Auchinachie Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Water and Air Purification. Auchinachie has been family-owned since 1906 and is based in the Binghamton area. H2AHH, has technicians around the region including the Syracuse area. Households interested in having the Kinetico system installed can contact H2AHH to set up a consultation in their home that typically takes about half an hour, Franey said. In the consultation, homeowners will get a chance to learn about the benefits of having a Kinetico system installed, get a price estimate for installation at their home and get to participate in a taste test and other demonstrations that show the advantages of the system. Take control of what you’re drinking, know what’s in your water. To talk to a professional from H2AHH today and set up a consultation, call, toll-free, 888-551-5100.

Homeowners know no home is perfect. While the notion of a dream house is nice, every home eventually experiences a problem or two. Many problems are bound to occur sooner or later, but there are a few that diligent homeowners can prevent. ✓ Do some preventive landscaping. If the ground around the home's foundation slopes toward the house, make some grading changes so that the ground slopes away from the home. ✓ Insulate the heating ducts. Some home heating ducts are under the basement floor. In such homes, homeowners should make sure these ducts are properly insulated and watertight. ✓ Make sure the vents all lead outside the home. Weather can cause moisture issues, but some moisture problems can come from inside the home as well. Clothes dryers and bathrooms are both internal moisture sources, and these sources should always be vented outside the home. ✓ Clean gutters and downspouts. Gutters and downspouts should be cleaned to ensure water is effectively being diverted away from the home. Clean gutters and downspouts in the spring after a long winter, and do so again in the fall to keep fallen leaves from blocking the flow of water. Downspouts should extend four feet from the outside wall of the house. ✓ Inspect the home at least once a year. Before buying a home, buyers often hire a professional inspector to ensure the home is safe and sound. But the inspections should not stop once buyers sign on the dotted line. To prevent flooding, homeowners should inspect their home's foundation for cracks once a year. If the home has a chimney and fireplace, check for cracks there as well. If any cracks are discovered, consult a professional immediately. ✓ Clean out basement drains. Basement drains should be cleaned annually from the house to the street. If the drains are still slow after cleaning, then clean them more than once a year. ✓ When leaving the home for an extended period of time, turn the water valve off. Homeowners worried about flooding can calm those fears when going on vacation or another long trip by turn the water valve off at the source. This ensures that, should a line break while no one is home, water will not pump into the house.


Other ways to flood-proof your home



Feb. 5, 2014

Colonial Laundromats opens 35th location in CNY If it seems that there is a Colonial Laundromat on every corner. That might be an exaggeration, but you will find 35 locations in Central New York. Colonial is synonymous with laundromats, established by father-son team Jerry and Tim O’Connell in 1983 when they opened their first location at the corner of James and Townsend streets in Syracuse. Fast forward to 2014, when they have opened number 35 in Nedrow. The O’Connells have grown from a laundry equipment distributor business to Central New York’s No. 1 laundromat. Tim O’Connell says the main difference between his laundromats and the competition is cleanliness. “We put cleanliness and safety above all else in our laundromats,� said O’Connell. All Colonial Laundromats are well-lit, safe and open 24 hours a day to meet the needs of their customers. An attendant is almost always on duty, primarily to keep the store clean, but also to answer questions and be helpful. Colonial Laundromats are becoming popular with people who want to save money on their water, gas and electric bills. “People do eight, nine, ten loads at home and

it takes all day,� said O’Connell. “Now they come here, use our 80-pound capacity washers that are environmentally friendly and get all their laundry done in an hour. And look at the savings on their water, gas and electric bills. A top loader at home, with 20-pound capacity, will use 28 gallons of water; Colonials uses 24 gallons for the whole cycle, and that’s good for the environment. More and more people are thinking like that. Come here, and for $10 you can do a lot of laundry. We have more and more men coming in and helping with the family laundry. They like to get it done fast – and they can do that with these large capacity washers.� About 55 different self-serve washers are available at each location. Sizes range from standard front-loader machines to 35, 55 and monster 80-pound washing machines to meet any laundry challenge you may have. Prices range from $2.50 to $4.50 to $7.50 for the 75-pound machine, ideal for comforters and quilts. Need something to keep you entertained while you wait? Colonial has you covered with a wide range of newspapers and other reading materials, a better alternative than watching your whites endure the spin cycle. Colonial Laundromats are located in Auburn,

Colonial Laundromat’s newest location at 6131 South Salina St. in Nedrow. Baldwinsville, Bridgeport, Cicero, Cortland, East Syracuse, Fairmount, Fulton, Geddes Street, Geneva, Gouveneur, James Street, Liverpool, Mattydale, Manlius, Massey Street, Minoa, Nedrow, North Syracuse, Oneida, Oswego, Rome, South

Roto-Rooter Think about the last time you had a clogged drain, and how frustrating it was to not have the capability to see with your own eyes what was causing the backup. This is a common household problem, but thanks to specially made sewer inspection video cameras, Roto-Rooter Plumbing and Drain Service professionals near you can perform video camera line inspections of your sewer pipe. These special, waterproof snake cameras allow for real time visual inspection of underground sewer lines and other drainpipes to determine the condition on the inside of the pipe that you wouldn’t otherwise

From page 3 be able to see. The cameras take the guess work out of the sewer diagnosis. Another benefit to video camera line inspection is that radio transmitters record the depth and location from the surface so that obstructions and defects can be quickly found and corrected efficiently and cost effectively.

Drain cleaning products

Better and stronger than over-the-counter products, Roto-Rooter offers a complete line of drain care products for residential and commercial applications. These preventive maintenance products are designed to help keep clogs from forming. All products are environmentally safe and


satisfaction is guaranteed. Contact Roto-Rooter to purchase any products.

About Roto-Rooter

Roto-Rooter offers an ever-expanding variety of repair and maintenance services to both homeowners and businesses. Their goal is to be the premier provider of repair and maintenance services. As always, they will continue to listen to customers and expand service offerings to meet and exceed their changing expectations. Roto-Rooter operates businesses in more than 100 company-owned branch and contractor territories and approximately 500 franchise operations, serving approximately 90

percent of the U.S. population and parts of Canada. Master franchise operations have been established in Japan, Philippines, Mexico, United Kingdom, Hong Kong/China and Indonesia/Singapore. Roto-Rooter is located at 1911 South Salina St. in Syracuse. For more information call (315)4754444, visit roto-rooter-syracuse.com or view their Facebook page at facebook.com/rotorootersyracuse for additional promotions and savings. Mark said, “We would like to say thank you to all of our customers for allowing us to be the company of choice.�


pipe problems

Avenue, South Salina, State Street, Thompson Road, Tipperary Hill, Trumansburg, Utica, Watkins Glen, Wolf Street and Ilion. For more information and a map of all locations visit coloniallaundromats.com.

LAUNDROMAT Our Newest Location In Nedrow

6131 S. Salina St. Nedrow, NY


Immaculately Clean Laundromats Your Big Quilts & Blankets are No Problem Huge 80lb. Capacity Washers Save Time & Money Make This Year Your Best Year Plenty Of Dryers - No Waiting!




35 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER 4 4BMJOB 4USFFU t /FESPX /: ............................ 5FM )FOEFSTPO 4U BU $MJOUPO 4U t /: .JMMT /: .............. 5FM / .BJO 4USFFU t /PSUI 4ZSBDVTF /: .................... 5FM -FOPY "WFOVF $PSOFS PG / 8JMMPX 4U t 0OFJEB /: .. 5FM & #SJEHF 4USFFU 3PVUF t 0TXFHP /: ................ 5FM #MBDL 3JWFS #MWE / t 3PNF /: ........................... 5FM 4PVUI "WFOVF t 4ZSBDVTF /: ............................ 5FM 4 4BMJOB 4USFFU t 4ZSBDVTF /: ........................... 5FM 4UBUF 4USFFU t 8BUFSUPXO /: ............................ 5FM 5IPNQTPO 3E t 4ZSBDVTF /: ............................. 5FM 8FTU (FOFTFF 4U t 4ZSBDVTF /: ........................ 5FM & .BJO 4USFFU t 5SVNBOTCVSH /: ......................... 5FM (FOFTFF 4USFFU t 6UJDB /: ................................ 5FM & 'PVSUI 4USFFU t 8BULJOT (MFO /: ..................... 5FM 8PMG 4USFFU t 4ZSBDVTF /: ................................... 5FM $FOUSBM "WF t *MMJPO /: .......................................... 5FM 7FMBTLP 3E t 8FTUFSO -JHIUT .......................................... 5FM



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