Syracuse Woman Magazine - December 2021 - The Holiday/Giving Back Edition

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Buying Time The Rev. Dr. Renée Tembeckjian

It all starts so early, doesn’t it? Even in early summer, the “Back to School” specials point us toward September, and we already see paper skeletons and bags of candy signaling Halloween. Before the first autumn leaf shows even hint of color, the marketplace presses us toward December, urging us to hurry our varied holiday preparations – to set the candles, buy the presents, decorate our spaces, play the music, and prepare the special foods of our family and cultural traditions. Meanwhile, so many of us live in a blur of deadlines and activities. Communications constantly fly by text, email, and social media. Information is processed so instantly that we expect all our questions to be answered in a nanosecond (Just Google it). Under such relentless pressure of rate and pace, even the most cherished holiday gatherings might feel like “just another thing” to get through, sometimes accompanied by a sigh of relief when it’s over. Family life, work life, even our inner life, may become so crammed among other things, that we barely remember how to pause for a deep breath, have a deep conversation, or just allow ourselves to daydream. We seem to have mastered the hurry up part of life, but as for the waiting part, well, not so much. Then came the pandemic… and the seemingly endless waiting that came with it, personally, locally, nationally, and globally. As quarantines narrowed our range of movement, what many of missed and most dearly wanted was certainly not more stuff. What we desired was Time. Especially at the holidays, how we longed for in-person time with loved ones, to greet someone with a hug or kiss, to offer a handshake of thanks to a frontline worker, teacher, public servant, or volunteer. How we missed learning in a classroom, cheering at a game, or sharing a meal. And, perhaps most poignantly, we were brokenhearted when we could not be present at the bedside of a dear one who left this life before those doors opened. At the same time, we might give thanks that even in a pandemic, we have discovered some important lessons. We learned that technology cannot replace human presence, but it can help bridge the gap and soften our sense of loneliness. We are hopefully more aware and respectful of the differences in experience and opportunity within the human family. We may better appreciate the importance of self-care, mental health support, and our need to reach out for help and support from the community around us. So, as this 2021 holiday season approaches, let’s not allow the marketplace to define what should matter to us and rush us through it. Instead, let us honor all we have endured and learned thus far by remembering that the most valuable “presence” we can offer is not the stuff of boxes and bows. What makes our holiday celebrations sacred is never how much we buy, but always how much we give…and Time is the most precious gift. May you and yours find new and simpler ways to give “presence” this year, and with that, may your holiday season be ever more deeply blessed.


David Tyler


Andrea Reeves

PHOTOGRAPHERS Alice G. Patterson David Tyler


Briana Goodwin Kate Hill Jason Klaiber Sister Kathleen Osbelt

Heather Shannon Ken Sturtz Rev. Dr. Renee Tembeckjian Jennifer Wing

Cover photo by Alice G. Patterson


Renée Moonan Linda Jabbour 315.657.7690 315.657.0849


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The magazine is published 12 times a year by Community Media Group, LLC and Eagle Publications, 2501 James St., Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13206 Copyright © 2021 Community Media Group, LLC. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or republished without the consent of the publishers. Syracuse Woman Magazine is not responsible for unsolicited submissions, manuscripts, photos or artwork. All such submissions become the property of Community Media Group, LLC and will not be returned.

The Rev. Dr. Renée Tembeckjian is a NY State Licensed Psychologist and Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fayetteville. DECEM BER 2021


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