8 13 14 board agenda packet

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District A: District B: District C: District D: District E: District F: District G:

BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Tessa Kirchner Mrs. Kate Cocchiarella, Secretary/Treasurer Mrs. Carrie Benway, Vice-President Mrs. Jeanne McQueeney, President Mrs. Carrie Larson Mr. Patrick Hirn Mrs. Shelly Jarnot

Jason E. Glass, Ed.D., Superintendent

Attachment 08-13-3.1



August 13, 2014.


Strategic Work Around Mission, Vision and Values Work Update.






60 min.


Eagle County Board of Education: Strategic Planning, continued The Board of Education members will continue their work on the strategic plan, reviewing the most recent drafts of:    

Mission Vision Values Strategies and Tactics

The Board of Education members will receive an update on feedback from the Administrative Team (Ad Team) retreat and July planning. A proposed schedule and structure for reporting progress on strategies and tactics to the BOE will be presented for discussion.


Traci Wodlinger

Board of Education Mission, Vision, Values Draft Tenets, July 10, 2014 Ad Team Retreat Feedback August 5, 2014 Overview Generally, Ad Team leaders preferred the positioning line “World Class.” Teams discussed the mission, vision, values, and positioning lines in small groups. As a group they asked clarifying questions and verbalized a few suggestions, mostly having to do with word choice preferences. A tenth of those in attendance shared their comments in writing as notes on handouts, reflected here. Thus: Mission – our primary reason for being In safe environments, we teach the children of Eagle County to have creative and active minds, compassion for others, enthusiasm for lifelong learning, and the courage to act on their dreams. Vision – desired outcomes when our organization operating in an idealized state Internationally competitive graduates. Values – unchanging values at the heart of an organization’s belief system 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Respecting educators Engaging students and improving achievement Preparing a diverse student body with equity Involving the community Having a challenging curriculum

Positioning Line – a simplified expression to our publics that positions us in their mind Eagle County Schools: World Class


Educators – Create a professional model of teaching. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 1: Focus on recruiting teachers from the very best colleges and universities anywhere in the country, if not the world. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 2: Recruit from our own topperforming high school students, creating local systems with world-class standards of excellence to “grow-our-own” talented educators. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 3: Remain incredibly selective about whom we allow to begin or to remain teaching in our schools. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 4: Compensate, recognize, and provide supports for our new and existing teachers so that we are competitive for new teaching talent while retaining our experienced and talented educators. To be competitive, our educators should be among the best compensated in the State of Colorado. (Brian Childress)

Tactic 5: Support and build upon our existing career ladder program (career, mentor, and master teachers) while looking to expand it for more professional options like year-round teachers or specialist teacher-leaders that bring expertise to a key area of student need (like data specialists or language-learning specialists). (Brian Childress)

Tactic 6: Support and value the time of our existing professional learning model, seeking a better balance to further empower our frontline educators. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 7: Support educators with opportunities to enrich their content knowledge and stay abreast of new and emerging best practices in teaching. (Anne Heckman)

Tactic 8: Entrust principals with the responsibility of instilling the practices necessary to achieve the performance goals of their schools. (Brian Childress)

Learners – Develop a system of customized learning. (Heather Eberts)

Tactic 1: At the elementary level: Focus on foundational elements of literacy and numeracy by implementing multi-step, failsafe systems where outcomes are clear, teams of educators closely monitor progress, and student-specific actions are taken at the earliest signs of struggle (Response to Instruction). (Heather Eberts)

Tactic 2: At the secondary level: Create clear and customized pathways to college or careers that include abundant opportunities for experiencing college-level work, earning college credits while in high school, and gaining experience at apprenticeships with local employers and experts. (Mary Ann Stavney)

Tactic 3: Tailor instruction at all age levels for exceptional students, both gifted and special education. For gifted students, we must go beyond just acceleration and offer deeper opportunities for learning and engaging opportunities for self-study and enrichment. Special education students must be provided adapted instruction, tailored to fit their needs, and supported to the same high standards we have for all students. (Chris Madison)

Tactic 4: Leverage and expand online and blended learning opportunities to create an abundance of learning options for students. (Jill Rubinstein)

Tactic 5: Shift toward student progression based on mastery of learning instead of timebased notions of learning (earning credits based on hours of seat time in class). Students advance or receive additional time as they need it and have access to an abundance of experience-based learning opportunities. (Mary Ann Stavney)

Tactic 6: Consider alternate school calendar structures and summer supports that can mitigate the “summer slump” (a decline in academic ability after the summer months), and provide engaging and enriching learning opportunities outside the regular curriculum. (Brian Childress)

Tactic 7: Convert our natural student demographics into an enormous advantage by expanding multi-lingual opportunities across the district with the goal of every student graduating from Eagle County Schools being able to speak multiple languages. (Jessica Martinez)

Tactic 8: Ensure that all English Language Learners have a masterful command of English (i.e., they are able to read, write, speak, and listen across all content areas). (Jessica Martinez)

Tactic 9: Ensure students have a voice in their education. (Brian Childress)

Tactic 10: Achieve demographic balance in schools to ensure high quality, diverse learning environments. (Jason Glass)

Standards – Align curriculum and practices to high standards. (Heather Eberts) Tactic 1: Continue the work of rigorous curriculum design, establishing ongoing cycles to benchmark and align our curriculum in all content areas against the Colorado Academic Standards, internationally benchmarked standards, and internationally competitive systems. A mantra that must burn in the minds of all educators must be: “alignment, alignment, alignment” in thinking about how instructional work aligns to high standards. (Jenna Barclay) Tactic 2: Continue the work of developing curricula in all subject areas that are clearly aligned with the district’s high expectations. Expand the curriculum to include: character education, critical thinking, communication, creativity and collaboration. (Jenna Barclay)

Tactic 3: Provide teachers with clear and evidence-based literacy and numeracy programs district-wide that are aligned with our standards. (Jenna Barclay)

Tactic 4: Continue the district’s work around formative assessment (but work to make this process faster and much more efficient) and the formative assessment process as instructional practice. Also, build capacity of district-wide formative assessments in literacy and numeracy that have a direct impact on classroom instruction and that are clearly aligned to district standards. (Jenna Barclay)


REV. 8/8/14


The Special Role of Technology – Adapt practices to integrate technlogy into the learning process. (Mike Gass)

Tactic 1: Develop media-rich schools. (Barb Romersheuser)

Tactic 2: Provide high-quality, state-of-the-art devices for each student. (Brian Brugger)

Tactic 3: Develop curricula for technology, including accelerated pathways. (Mike Gass)


Wraparound Supports – Provide internal and external supports that remove barriers to learning. (Mike Gass)


Tactic 1: Ensure that buildings and grounds are safe. (Diana Scott)

Tactic 2: Provide safe and reliable transporting students. (Melanie McMichael) Tactic 3: Provide healthy and nutritious meals. (Ray Edel)

Tactic 4: Provide guidance counseling services. (Mike Gass)


Tactic 1: Engage parents and families.

Tactic 2: Engage and leverage community organizations.

Tactic 3: Provide a comprehensive and robust community-wide system around early childhood. (Shelley Smith)


The Special Role of Communications – Relay essential information to foster stakeholder support for the district. (Dan Dougherty)

Tactic 1: Foster teacher-to-parent interpersonal communications as the most common contact method with stakeholders. Schools are open, host open houses, send newsletters to parents, enjoy active PTA/Os, have events to draw parents into schools, and recruit volunteers from individuals and businesses. Tactic 2: Deliver strategic communications directly to parents and staff members related to specific departments. Tactic 3: Engage the larger community of stakeholders with information about the district’s progress, successes and challenges. Tactic 4: Trigger and support grassroots advocacy efforts around state and national public education issues.


A Fiscally-sound District – Maintain stakeholder trust through transparent management of district finances. (Sandra Mutchler) Tactic 1: Maintain a community-based finance committee to provide additional oversight on audit reports.

Tactic 2: Provide clear communications to stakeholders on fiscal matters. Tactic 3: Develop and maintain a comprehensive, outcomesbased budgeting strategy, including five year planning.

Tactic 4: Identify opportunities to continuously strengthen the District’s financial base.

Tactic 5: Evaluate district programs based on a return on investment analysis.

Tactic 6: Develop a long-range Facilities Master Plan in concert with the academic program.

T F A R D REV. 8/8/14

Attachment 08-13-3.2



August 13, 2014.


Website Preview.






30 min.

PERTINENT FACTS: a. Presentation is “work in progress” – site is mostly completed, but as a “fluid” document (ever-updating) it is ready to take live. b. Current website was designed to leading standards at the time of its development c. New standards (web 2.0) and user habits cause the current site to feel clunky d. The content management system of the current site is difficult and time consuming to use, resulting in fewer updates e. Therefore, we designed a new website to web 2.0 standards with a more intuitive content management system for more efficient updates f. The new site is designed and written from the user’s perspective, not the organization’s perspective i. Organized by service usage instead of departments ii. Fewer main navigation pages iii. Redundancies eliminated iv. Fewer “clicks” to arrive at information desired v. Key public-desired information is front and center vi. Unique propositions of schools help parents understand differences vii. Visual navigation and presentation of video and photography helps take users “into” the school experience g. Phase one has been part migration of data and part translation of data migrated into the new voice and style of presentation h. Phase two will see content updated and refreshed to start fully leveraging the new site’s design and content flexibility i. New oversight protocol: what goes up, must come down – the elimination of outdated content is as important as the addition of fresh content i. The internet and social media = just happened information cycle j. New blog-based architecture designed to spur regular updates, both of which factor into organic search engine optimization formulas to yield higher search rankings k. Phase one.b will be embedding keywords and meta-tags to improve SEO Presentation will be walk through of the new site. STAFF RECOMMENDS THE BOARD CREATES A MOTION TO: ORIGINATOR:

Dan Dougherty


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

Eagle County School District RE 50J BOARD OF EDUCATION Board Room, 757 East Third Street, Eagle Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 3:45 P.M. MINUTES Board Members Present Carrie Benway Kate Cocchiarella Shelly Jarnot Tessa Kirchner Carrie Larson Jeanne McQueeney

Administration Present Heather Eberts Brian Childress Dan Dougherty Mike Gass Jason Glass Chris Madison Traci Wodlinger

Board Members Absent Pat Hirn

Administration Absent

A quorum was present, and due notice had been published. (All Attachments listed are available for review at the District Office.) A.

General Functions The meeting was called to order at 3:48 p.m. 07-09-1 Roll Call. Roll call was taken and all members were present, except Pat Hirn and his absence was excused. 07-09-2 Executive Session. At 3:52 p.m., Jeanne McQueeney moved to into an executive session pursuant to Section 24-6-402(4)(f) C.R.S. for the purpose of discussing a personnel matter, specifically the Superintendent’s goals, Tessa Kirchner seconded the motion and Dr. Glass was asked to attend during the session. All members present voted aye on a roll call vote to adjourn into Executive Session. (6-0) (Motion carried) 07-09-3 Work Session. 1. CASB Breakout Session Topic Discussion. The Board Directors spoke about the topics to consider sharing during a breakout session at the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) annual convention which will be held December 4-7, 2014. CASB is seeking session proposals from school districts, school board members, thought leaders and like-minded organizations that support their theme, Building Better Boards. The Board agreed that they would like to present at this year and Shelly Jarnot will write and submit the proposal for the breakout session. 2. Mission, Vision, Value Work Update. Traci Wodlinger, Chief Strategy Officer spoke about the timeline and picked up where the Board left off at the end of the last work session where they worked on the mission, vision and values. Dan Dougherty, Chief Communications Officer took the conglomeration of notes and ideas and condensed them down to several powerful ideas. Mr. Dougherty spoke about how the Board would take that mission statement pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631

and share it with the staff District wide so that it can empower them to be an integrated part of the whole. Mr. Dougherty went on to share his ideas and reasoning behind the strategy of words. The Board worked on the interpretation of the words used and the direction of the District. After speaking about the language Mr. Dougherty spoke about next steps and the edits that the Directors would like. The Directors worked on the mission and vision to agree upon a the language giving the staff the go ahead to continue the work through the next steps so that something can be in place when administrators and classified staff comes back to begin the new year. 07-09-4 Regular Session. The regular session of the Board was called to order 6:07 p.m. The Board participated in the pledge of allegiance. 07-09-5 Approval of Consent Agenda Items.* 07-09-6* 07-09-7* 07-09-11* 07-09-13*

Approval of Agenda. Minutes from June 11, 2014Board Meeting. Approval of Monitoring Report for Governance Policy EL-19, School Safety. Approval of Personnel List.

Carrie Benway moved to approve the consent agenda with the adjusted minutes Carrie Larson seconded the motion. All members present voted aye on a roll call vote. (6-0) (Motion carried.) 07-09-6* Approval of Agenda. This Agenda Item was approved under the Consent Agenda. 07-09-7* Approval of Minutes. This Agenda Item was approved under the Consent Agenda. B.

Public Participation at Board Meeting. There was no public comment during this meeting.


Report of Superintendent. Dr. Glass led his report with a remembrance for Garrett LaForce, a teacher and coach at Eagle Valley High who tragically died in an automobile accident and will truly be missed. Some of the meetings that Dr. Glass attended or hosted over the last two weeks included Incredible Years Program, Vail Valley Partnership, Walking Mountains, E-f(ec), Vail Valley Youth Foundation/Youth Foundation, TVA Board Chair David Lyle, Middle School Athletics Update, American Heart Association and the Superintendents Meeting Follow up. Dr. Glass gave some highlights from each meeting. Mike Gass, Assistant Superintendent gave a brief of some of the summer improvements that are happening. These projects were possible with the sale of the property next to Battle Mountain High. Dr. Glass and Mike Gass spoke briefly about a fire that happened on some property owned by the District. The fire only did damage to the brush, trees and no damage to any structures. Traci Wodlinger, Chief Strategy Officer shared a bit from the meetings with the Educational Delivery Institute. Under the kindergarten enrollment we are slow over the summer but feel that we may be over our projections by the time school begins in the fall. Wrapping up with the many activities that will get the new school year off to a great start.


Board Reports. Shelly Jarnot attended the E-f(ec) meeting with Dr. Glass. Tessa Kirchner did not have a report to share. Carrie Larson did not have a report to share. Minutes July 9, 2014, Meeting Page 2 of 4

Kate Cocchiarella thanked the principals and staff for the hard work that they are doing to keep our kids safe. Carrie Benway remembered Garrett LaForce and the remarked what a loss the community has suffered. Jeanne McQueeney did not have a report to share but reminded the community about the Rider Cup Golf Tournament coming up this weekend. The proceeds from this go to the breakfast program at some of our schools. E.

General Administration. 07-09-8 New/Old Business.  Input for the next meeting. Jeanne McQueeney, spoke about the upcoming August 13, 2014 meeting and explaining the order of the upcoming meeting.


Public Interest Items for Discussion. 07-09-9 Staff Perception Survey Results. Dan Dougherty, Chief Communications Officer presented the Board the survey results. The survey which was given to staff was a version of the community survey completed by Lori Weigel, VP of Public Opinion Strategies per Board direction. Mr. Dougherty shared the common themes in the survey and specific insights into staff perceptions as a means of identifying what we are doing well and what we need to do better. The board asked questions about suggestions to get staff and teachers to engage more in the Altitude Report and District level strategies. The total of the staff to participate in the email survey was about 25%. The Board feels that both community and staff surveys are important and would like to continue into the future. 07-09-10 Approval of the Compliance Letter for Eagle County Charter Academy. Eagle County Charter Academy presented their annual report to the Board of Education on June 25, 2014 and at the end of the presentation Dr. Glass summarized the items which would be included in the letter of compliance after receiving input from the Board Directors. Dr. Glass spoke about the requirements of law and Charter to have a review every year and a written response letter should be sent to the Charter. The items within the letter should be the guide when the Charter is renewed. Once the letter has been approved by the Board it will be sent on to the Charter and attached to the minutes. By statute the Board does not have a time limit in responding and this can be carried over into the next meeting. Kate Cocchiarella felt that Dr. Glass captured the necessary points to the annual report and spoke about building the relationship with the Charter. Tessa Kirchner agreed that this is an obligation of the Board to make sure that the terms of the Charter are met. Dr. Glass shared a draft of the letter and the members went over the letter for input and changes. The Board asked about the reporting going forward and how it could be structured differently so that expectations around the type of reporting to be clearer than in its current state. Dr. Glass spoke about the review process and moving forward any changes to the Charter should be fully vetted and approved by the Board. The Board took ample time to discuss the timeline for the changes that need to be made in order to once again be in compliance with the current Charter. With the agreement from Board Members, Dr. Glass made the requested changes and will have legal counsel review before sending it on to Eagle County Charter Academy. (Attachment 07-09-10) Tessa Kirchner moved to approve the compliance letter as presented with two amendments as presented to us Carrie Benway seconded the motion. All members present voted aye on a roll call vote. (6-0) (Motion carried.)

Minutes July 9, 2014, Meeting Page 3 of 4


Board Policies and Administrative Regulations. 07-09-11* Approval of Monitoring Report for Governance Policy EL-19, School Safety. This Agenda Item was approved under the Consent Agenda. 07-09-12 Approval of Monitoring Report for Governance Policy GP-8, Agenda Planning. Jeanne McQueeney asked if the members could red line the GP-8 on agenda planning at the next meeting since they do more than the policy reflects and come back with the topics that they would like at their next meeting. No motion was made since this item will be brought back at the next meeting.


Employee Relations. 07-09-13* Approval of Personnel List. This Agenda Item was approved under the Consent Agenda.


Discussion Items. 07-09-14 Feedback and Evaluation of Meeting. A. Evaluate Decisions of this Board of Education meeting in terms of Governance Policies. B. Did this meeting advance the goals and mission of the district? i. The members offered input on the meeting. 07-09-15 Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

______________________________ Jeanne McQueeney, President of the Board of Education ______________________________ Kate Cocchiarella, Secretary/Treasurer of the Board of Education ______________________________ Melissa Gerard, Executive Assistant

Minutes July 9, 2014, Meeting Page 4 of 4

Attachment 08-13-8



August 13, 2014.


New/Old Business. • Input for the next meeting.






10 min.


In addition to the new and old business we are asking for input on the work session and other tentative agenda items. Tentative Work Session topics are attached for the Board to review and make any changes. Please note that some items are tentative and are subject to change.

2. Tentative topics for August 27, 2014 Board of Education Meeting include: a. Executive Session i. Personnel – Superintendent Goal Setting b. Work Session – Attached are the upcoming meetings in draft form. i. Community Coalition work will run until 4pm and involves several Board Members. c. Regular Session i. Land Easements and Brush Creek Elementary (if ready) ii. Nordic Trail Agreement with Ski and Snowboard Club Vail iii. Discussion around fall principal visit 3. With those topics in mind please prepare comments around these three questions: a. What do you want to learn? b. What questions do you have? c. Who do you want to hear from? d. Why do you care about this topic?


Jeanne McQueeney

Attachment 08-13-9



August 13, 2014.


Student Perception Survey Update and Discussion.






15 min.

PERTINENT FACTS: With the help of the Colorado Legacy Foundation (now the Colorado Education Initiative) Eagle County Schools began down the road of using a Student Perception Survey Tool. With the dissolution of the relationship with the Foundation and their pulling the funding from the project, ECS did offer the survey to schools. Only one school accepted the offer to administer Student Perception Surveys. In reviewing the data of this small sample, there is no correlation between student perception scores and evaluation scores. There may be many reasons for this lack of correlation, including the volatility of our evaluation tool and the small sample size. Anecdotally, the school’s leadership reports that they do appreciate the data and comments from the survey and use the data in their coaching of teachers.


Brian Childress

Student Perception Survey vs. Evaluation Scores – Data for one school

Attachment 08-13-10



August 13, 2014.


Performance Pay-Out Update.






15 min.

PERTINENT FACTS: ECS once again paid a performance bonus this year. The bonus ranged from 0-4% of a staff members salary and was a performance bonus. Half of the bonus is determined by a staff member’s evaluation and half is determined by an indexed student achievement score. Bonus payments were: Hourly Bonuses total $ 198,898.81 Salaried Bonuses total $ 560,532.83 Entire total $759,431.64 Eagle County Schools continues to be committed to pay for performance, and the principle of rewarding excellence.


Brian Childress


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

Understanding Your Paychecks for August 2014 Eagle County School District, in collaboration with the Eagle County Education Association, remains committed to finding ways to grow compensation of our employees. Through the Negotiations Process, we prioritized this year’s compensation increases in the following manner: The basic formulas are:  

Base Salary x 0-4% = your August bonus Base Salary x 3% plus Base Salary x 0-2% = the increase in your base salary

August “Performance Pay” Awards Guide This guide helps employees understand how the numbers in their checks were determined. We are committed to treating every employee fairly and getting performance pay “right,” so there is an appeal process if you believe there has been an error in your checks. Your August “Performance Pay” Award is based on two main components from the 2013-14 school year: 1. Your evaluation score, and 2. Student assessment results for your school and the district a. just the district if you are a district level employee Your Performance Based Compensation Committee met to define the distribution and cut scores. The bonus range is 0-4%. The basic formula for determining your August Performance Pay Award is: 

Your base pay times your evaluation percentage + base pay times student achievement index

For example: Base annual pay for 2012-13 = Your professional evaluation is commendable = + Your student achievement index = = Your bonus percentage is $50,000 multiplied by 2% =

$50,000 1% 1% 2% $1000

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

Evaluation scores determine awards based on the following tables (Cut Points and Student Achievement): Certified Teacher Evaluation Cut-Points Range Low

Range High

Award %





High Performing




Professional - Commendable




Professional - Meets Expectations




Needs Improvement








Performance Descriptor

Administrator/Certified Exempt/Support Cut-Points Range Low

Range High

Award %





High Performing




Professional- Commendable




Professional- Meets Expectations




Needs Improvement








Performance Descriptor

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

Student Achievement Index

The student achievement part of your formula is determined using several assessments and analysis methods. We believe this approach gives us a more stable and fair measure of how students are doing. The basic formula for determining the assessment component of your August Performance Pay Award is: 

District ACT + District TCAP + Building TCAP + Building NWEA

Components of this formula are defined below: 

 

District ACT – A comparison of the district’s composite score from the two large high schools versus the state average composite score for 11th graders. To get anything, the district composite must at least equal the state composite. District TCAP Catch-Up/Keep-Up – This measure uses state test results in grades 3-10 in Reading, Writing, and Math to arrive at a percentage statistic. This percentage represents the number of students who, if they were proficient or advanced the previous year, remained proficient or advanced in the current year and the number of students, if they were not proficient or advanced the previous year, made at least 1/3 of a performance category growth in the current year. Building TCAP Catch-Up/Keep-Up – This is the same as the aforementioned district statistic, just at the building level. NWEA Value-Added – This measure uses NWEA-MAP tests in grades 3-10 in Reading, Language Usage, and Math. Value-Added is a sophisticated analysis technique that relies on several years of prior test data and individual student demographics to arrive at a prediction of growth. Students, teachers, and schools can then be grouped into three categories: Above Expected Growth; Not Distinguishably Different than Expected Growth (NDD); or Below Expected Growth. Schools get higher results by having more students come in at least at the Not Distinguishably Different level and even more for coming in at the Above Expected Growth level. pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

2013-14 ACT Results In looking at the results for 2013-14, the district continues to improve for our English speaking students and we are having varied results with our second language learners. The district’s composite ACT result for 2013-14 is 20.4. As this was .1 points above the state average composite of 20.3, the index gets 0.25 percentage points for ACT. Great job High Schools! 2013-14 TCAP Results The District TCAP result was .63, which is lower than last year’s .66. This statistic means that 63% of our students that were proficient or advanced stayed proficient or advanced, and those that were not made reasonable progress toward proficiency. The Building TCAP statistic can be interpreted the same way. For example, the .78 result at EVMS indicates that 78% of the kids at that school were meeting our growth and attainment expectations. Way to go EVMS! 2013-14 NWEA Results For the NWEA Value Added results, these building level statistics are measures of how well kids did on the NWEA assessments at meeting or exceeding expected growth projections. This look clearly shows that the teachers at EVES, at .83 and EVMS at .94, are doing a tremendous job, awesome job EVES and EVMS! Contract Days Eligibility for the full bonus depended on working at least 75% of your contract days last year. If you worked more than 75% of your contract days you would get the full bonus. If you worked between 65% and 75% you would have your bonus reduced by 25%. If you worked less than 65% of your annual contract days you are not eligible for a bonus. Salary adjustments take effect on August paychecks for year-round staff and in September for our school-year staff. Appeals Calculations this year are complex and required an employee-by-employee analysis to determine the correct process of payment. If you believe there has been some error in your pay, please complete the attached appeal process sheet and send it to Adele Wilson via any means convenient. This will trigger an audit and review of your performance pay award, bonus, and pay reduction, to determine if any error occurred. While all efforts have been made to prevent errors, it is possible that one occurred. If an error is found, we will take appropriate and timely steps to make sure you receive proper payment.

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

PERFORMANCE PAY APPEAL/CORRECTION FORM Eagle County Schools is committed to arriving at fair and correct performance bonuses and new salary rates for each and every employee. If you believe there has been an error in your bonus or your new pay rate please complete this form. Your case will be reviewed and a decision reached within 10 working days or sooner of receipt of this form by the Office of Human Resources. You will be notified in writing (or email) of the results of this review and any subsequent changes made to your performance award, bonus, and/or new pay rate. Following this review if you still believe the performance pay or new pay rate to be in error, you may schedule a face-to-face meeting with the Director of Human Resources. Following this you may further appeal to the Superintendent and then the Board of Education. Thank you for your patience and consideration in this process – again we are committed to arriving at fair and correct performance bonuses and new pay rates. NAME ________________________________________________________________ 13-14 POSITION(S) ____________________________________________________ Please describe the error you believe exists in your performance pay bonus or new rate of pay. Be as specific as possible and include any relevant documents or information so that we have as complete an understanding of the issue as possible:

Signature _____________________________________________________________

Date Received by HR __________________________________________________

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631



August 13, 2014.


Approval of Designated Election Official.








The County requires that the District have a Designated Election Official for each election year whether we are participating in an election or not.

2. Melissa Gerard will be the Designated Election Official for this year. 3. The following seats of the Board are as follows: District A District B District C District D District E District F District G

Tessa Kirchner Kate Cocchiarella Carrie Benway Jeanne McQueeney Carrie Larson Patrick Hirn Michele Jarnot

Open in November 2015 Elections Open in November 2017 Elections Open in November 2015 Elections Open in November 2015 Elections Open in November 2015 Elections Open in November 2017 Elections Open in November 2017 Elections

4. The Board has agreed at a prior Board meeting not to participate in a bond or mill levy question for the November 2014 election.

RECOMMENDATION/ MOTION: Move to approve Melissa Gerard as the Designated Election Official for this election year. ORIGINATOR:

Jason Glass

Attachment 08-13-12



August 13, 2014.


Approval of Amended FY2014-15 Budget Resolutions 2014-10 and 2014-11.






10 min.

PERTINENT FACTS: It is necessary to amend the 2014-15 Budget Resolution number 2014-10 and 2014-11 to reflect the appropriated amounts to be expended from each fund. The resolution reflects the amounts to be expended from expected revenues and beginning fund balance as required by statute. The only changes to amounts expended are in the Capital Reserve Fund. The increase is necessary to reflect prior board direction and include the following items: $150,000 for Red Hill Elementary Preschool – this was approved for the 13-14 fiscal year however expenditures for the project didn’t begin until the 14-15 fiscal year. The amount budgeted in 13-14 is a carryover into the 14-15 fiscal year. $30,000 for Ground Revitalization – this was approved by the Board of Education however it was not included in the original 14-15 appropriation. $5,000 for Technology - initially $720,000 was approved by the Board of Education however it was only $715,000 was included in the original 14-15 appropriation. $595,000 for Emergency Repairs – this amount is included in the appropriation every year and generally left in fund balance. These funds will only be expended on an as needed basis. It is now clearly identified and appropriated leaving $1,365,000 in the Capital Reserve Fund Balance as unappropriated.

STAFF RECOMMENDS THE BOARD CREATES A MOTION TO: Move to approve the amended resolutions number 2014-15—1 & 2014-15—2 as presented. ORIGINATOR:

Sandy Mutchler


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

RESOLUTION 2014-15--1 WHERE AS, the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J approved Resolution 201410, Adopted Budget beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2105, on June 11, 2014; WHERE AS, there is a need to amend the aforementioned resolution to properly reflect board approved expenditures. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J that the amounts shown in the following schedule be appropriated to each fund as specified in the Adopted Budget for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 and ending June 30, 2015. FUND











Capital Reserve Fund





Charter School Fund





Designated Purpose Grant Fund













Food Service Fund





Student Activity Fund





Transportation Fund










General Fund Bond Redemption Fund

District Housing Fund Employee Benefit Trust Fund


_____________________________________ Jeanne McQueeney, President Board of Education

_____________________________ Kate Cocchiarella, Secretary Board of Education

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner jason.glass@eagleschools.net

RESOLUTION 2014-15--2 AUTHORIZING THE USE OF A PORTION OF BEGINNING FUND BALANCE AS AUTHORIZED BY COLORADO STATUTES WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J approved Resolution 2014-11, Authorizing the Use of a Portion of Beginning Fund Balance as Authorized by Colorado Statutes, on June 11, 2014; WHEREAS, there is a need to amend the aforementioned resolution to properly reflect board approved expenditures. WHEREAS, C.R.S. 22-44-105 states that a budget, duly adopted pursuant to this article, shall not provide for expenditures, interfund transfers, or reserves, in excess of available revenues and beginning fund balance. WHEREAS, the Board of Education may authorize the use of a portion of the beginning fund balance in the budget, stating the amount to be used, the purpose for which the expenditure is needed, and the district’s plan to ensure that the use of the beginning fund balance will not lead to an ongoing deficit. WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined the beginning fund balances in the Capital Reserve Fund and the Employee Benefit Trust Fund are sufficient to allow for the expenditures and the action will not lead to an ongoing deficit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: In accordance with C.R.S. 22-44-105, the Board of Education authorizes the use of a portion of the FY 2014-15 Beginning Fund Balance for the following funds: Fund Capital Reserve Fund Employee Benefit Trust Fund

Amount $2,119,000 $500,000

Purpose of Spending Beginning Fund Balance Facility repair and maintenance projects Fund is being closed

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the use of this portion of the beginning fund balance for the purpose/s set forth above will not lead to an ongoing deficit. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 13th day of August, 2014.

________________________________ Jeanne McQueeney, President Board of Education

_________________________________ Kate Cocchiarella, Secretary Board of Education

pho: 970 328-6321 fax: 970 328-1024

myapp.is/EagleSchools • web: eagleschools.net • twitter: @eagleCOschools • facebook: eagle.schools • 948 Chambers Ave • PO Box 740 • Eagle, CO 81631



August 13, 2014.


Approval of Monitoring Report for Governance Policy EL-6, Staff Evaluation.








This annual report documents current and future activity relating to our district’s personnel evaluation system as it complies with state laws and measures performance in terms of the district's commitments, vision, mission statement and achieving the goals of the Board.

STAFF RECOMMENDS THE BOARD CREATES A MOTION TO: Move to approve monitoring of policy EL-s, Staff Evaluation as presented. ORIGINATOR:

Brian Childress

Annual Monitoring Report Governing Policy EL-6, Staff Evaluations

As part of the Board’s monitoring process, this report on Executive Limitation policy (EL-6) Staff Evaluation, is provided as requested by policy B/SR-5, monitoring the Performance of the Superintendent. This report is done annually to document current and future activities relating to the district’s support staff, licensed and administrative evaluation systems as well as the achievement of the goals set by the Board of Education. I certify this information to be accurate as of the close of business, July 1, 2014. The support staff, licensed and administrative evaluation systems used in our district are in compliance with all applicable state laws.  The administrator/support staff, licensed and principal evaluation systems are designed to support teachers’ focus on our district’s mission of “educating every student for success,” as the work of each individual employee in our district directly or indirectly impacts the success of our students.  The support staff, licensed and administrative evaluation systems measure performance and have a direct correlation to our District’s vision and to the goals of the Board. The Licensed Evaluation System  This system supports the development of skills and knowledge to improve instruction. Teacher evaluation is also designed to include a collaborative, supportive and coaching relationship between the evaluators and the teacher being evaluated in order to meet the goal of improved instruction.  This system provides training, support and guidance for new and experienced teachers, focusing on student achievement and contains specific core competencies for all teachers.  This system contains multiple measures of performance.  The scores earned by licensed staff members as part of the licensed evaluation process are directly linked to ongoing salary increases. The Administrative/Support Staff Evaluation System  Our administrative/support staff evaluation system provides the opportunity for each support staff member to be evaluated by his or her supervisor a minimum of one time per year based on the essential job elements of their position.  The scores earned as part of the process are directly linked to increases in his/her hourly rate/annual salary for the following year as part of our district’s performance-based pay plan and compensation philosophy.  This system was significantly revised in 2008-09 in an effort to better identify elite performance. The Principal Evaluation System  Our Principal evaluation system provides the opportunity for each administrator to be evaluated by his or her supervisors multiple times a year based on the State Principal rubric and benchmark activities they are responsible for in their position.  The Principal evaluation system contains a performance pay component that measures performance and determines the following years’ compensation through achieving the goals of the district/Board.  The scores earned as part of the process are directly linked to increases in his/her annual salary as part of our district’s performance-based pay plan and compensation philosophy.


August 13, 2014.


Approval of Monitoring of Governance Policy GP-7, Committee Structure.






10 min.

PERTINENT FACTS: This policy establishes the relationship between the Board of Education and the committees, which assist the Board in its work. This monitoring report includes information on the 8 standing board committees that receive their charge of responsibility from the Board itself. Many other committees make meaningful contributions to the work of the District but they do not serve in an advisory capacity to the Board. This is the distinguishing factor between these committees and these 8 advisory committees, which continue their work from year to year and work within the parameters specifically listed in this policy. They provide information to the Board and the Board acts on that information. This policy was revised in January 2014 to state that this policy would annually be monitored in August of a nonelection year, otherwise be monitored following an election where Board Directors would change. 2014 is a nonelection year. Attached is GP-7 for you to consider all committees available to the Board to be represented on and if you would like to make a shift in committees that you currently participate on.

STAFF RECOMMENDS THE BOARD CREATES A MOTION TO: Move to approve the Monitoring Report of Governance Policy GP-7, Committee Structure. ORIGINATOR:

Jeanne McQueeney

GP-7 Page 1 of 8 Policy Type: Governance Process Committee Structure A. Definition of a Board Committee: A committee is a Board committee only if its existence and charge come from the Board, whether or not Board members sit on the committee. The only standing Board committees are those which are set forth in this policy. Unless otherwise stated, a committee ceases to exist as soon as its task is complete. The Board of Education as the publicly elected body is responsible to the community for financing and assuring the quality of education provided by the District. As such, the Board has the full authority to establish the parameters of committees which promote these purposes and which are advisory to the Board. In all matters affecting the operations of the District, the Board must and will retain the responsibility to set goals, and to make final decisions on matters of finance and the educational program. While Colorado statute does not require the Board to enter into a collective bargaining agreement with its teachers, the Board nevertheless desires to reaffirm the process to establish practices which affect salary, benefits and working conditions of licensed staff. This process is reaffirmed through the interest-based bargaining of the negotiations team as the Eagle County Education Association (ECEA) and the School District have historically negotiated on an annual basis as described in Administrative Policy HD and will continue to do so in the future. The Board cannot delegate its responsibility and accountability to the taxpayer and parents of Eagle County in matters involving school finance and the educational program of the schools. In addition, the Board describes the parameters of operation of these committees. If changes in such salary, benefits or policy wording are to be made, the Board of Education shall       

Identify the goals of the committee Establish the working parameters within which the committee must operate Charge the appropriate committee to change the process or structure to obtain the goal Establish a date certain when the committee work must be completed Request the committee to periodically review its work with the Board Review and approve the committee’s work before it can go into effect Remand the committee’s work for adjustment if it fails to satisfactorily achieve the goal intended or if it fails to stay within the parameters described.

If the committee's work is not completed within the requisite timeframe, the Board will determine the resolution of the issue or the process to bring resolution to the matter. The work of the Board and these committees will be performed on an annual cycle unless specifically charged by the Board to complete its work on a more specific schedule. The Board will not change salary, benefits or the policy wording of any human resources policy pertaining to teachers during the contract year without notification of and consultation with the appropriate committee. BOARD COMMITTEES: BOCES Meets: Varies Purpose: To advise the Executive Director of the Mountain BOCES area on issues pertaining to ECSD. This committee consists of Superintendents and Board members from the nine districts that make of the Mountain BOCES. Board Member: Carrie Larson

GP-7 Page 2 of 8 CASB Delegate & Legislative Network Representative Meets: At least Twice Annually (October & December) Purpose: To stay abreast of legislative issues and to communicate with the Board about them as well as keeping CASB informed of any legislative issues and concerns the ECSD Board may have. Board Member: Tessa Kirchner District Accountability Committee Meets: First Thursday of Every Month (October through April) Purpose: To measure adequacy of ECSD programs and make recommendations to the BOE regarding the improvement of educational achievement and prioritization of expenditures. Board Member: Shelly Jarnot Membership (appointed by the Board): The Board will strive to have a balance of membership on the committee consistent with the district’s racial/ethnic proportions as follows: 1) At least three parents of students enrolled in a public school that are not employees of or related to employees of the district. 2) One teacher 3) One school administrator 4) One community business representative from the district 5) One Board member appointed by the Board District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council Meets: First Tuesday of Every Month Purpose: To consult with the Board as to the fairness, effectiveness, credibility and professional quality of the licensed/certificated personnel performance evaluation system and its processes and procedures, in accordance with state law. To also conduct a continuous evaluation of the personnel performance evaluation system and its processes and procedures. Board Member: None Membership (appointed by the Superintendent or Designee): 1) As a minimum, one teacher, one administrator, one principal, one parent and one person who does not have a child in school 2) The council may be composed of any other school district committee having membership as defined above Finance Committee Meets: Quarterly Purpose: To review quarterly financial reports and annual audits Board Member: Tessa Kirchner Membership: 1) Chief Financial Officer 2) Manager of Accounting 3) Two citizens with financial experience 4) Optional Board Member Fundraising/Sponsorship Committee Meets: TBD Purpose: To stay abreast of fundraising and sponsorship activities and plans. To communicate with the Board and suggest policy changes if needed. Board Member: Shelly Jarnot and Tessa Kirchner Membership: 1) Superintendent 2) Executive Director of Student Services 3) Two Board Members – Shelly Jarnot and Tessa Kirchner 4) Other persons as designated by the Superintendent

GP-7 Page 3 of 8 Head Start Policy Council Meets: Head Start Policy Council will meet on the First Tuesday of each month from 6:00-8:00 pm. Location will rotate monthly between June Creek and Brush Creek. The date, time, location of meetings are determined by the council members at the start of each year. Purpose: The Head Start Policy Council is required to participate in the decision making process about the nature and operation of the ECSD Head Start Program in accordance with the Federal Head Start guidelines. The Head Start Policy Council is responsible for developing and approving, or disapproving, Head Start Goals, funding applications, program plans, budgets and staffing decisions. Board Member: Kate Cocchiarella Membership The Head Start Policy Council shall consist of the following: Parent Representatives: a) Up to two Head Start parents from each Head Start site elected by their Parent Committee. b) One alternate Head Start Parent representative from each Parent Committee will be elected. These alternates will attend HS Policy Council meetings, but may not vote unless the primary representative is absent. Community Representatives: a) At least two (2) and no more than four (4) community representatives may be elected each year. These members will be selected from a slate of community representatives presented by the Director and recommended by the ECSD Board of Education. b) Community Representatives may never exceed 49% of the total HS Policy Council membership. Land Use Committee Meets: First Wednesday of Every Month Purpose: To ensure the best use of the district’s assets (land) and to plan for the future regarding school locations. Board Member: Pat Hirn and Tessa Kirchner

B. Definition of a Non-Board Committee: The Non-Board Committees existence and charge does not come from the Board; however they are committees on which a Board Member serves as a representative. NON-BOARD COMMITTEES: Employee Benefits Trust Committee Meets: Second Tuesday of Each Month Purpose: To study, evaluate and make recommendations regarding insurance benefits for district staff members. To annually review the benefits and effectiveness of the insurance program and to determine when this annual assessment needs to include input from the full membership. Board Member: None Membership: 1) Chief Financial Officer 2) Director of Human Resource Services 3) Benefits Specialist 4) Three licensed staff members including two members of the Negotiating Team 5) Classified staff members

GP-7 Page 4 of 8 Facilities Committee Meets: TBD Purpose: To maintain the value of the districts assets (buildings, parking lots, etc.) Board Member: Pat Hirn Negotiations Team Meets: Begins to Meet Late January or Early February Purpose: To identify monetary issues of common concern to teachers, administrators and Board of Education. To make recommendations pertaining to compensation and district personnel policies and to develop common understanding of district finances, policies and procedures as a basis for reaching consensus on improvements which will address teacher and district needs. Board Member: None Membership: 1) Five teachers (selected by Eagle County Education Association, ECEA) 2) Four administrators Policy and Communications Committee Meets: TBD Purpose: To gather systematic and representative input from the staff prior to making personnel policy decisions that affects the licensed staff of the District. Board Member: None Membership: 1) Three teachers (selected in a manner determined by the ECEA) 2) Two building level administrators 3) President of the ECEA 4) Director of Human Resources Colorado Preschool Program Advisory Board Meets: The council should meet a minimum of six times per year meeting on the odd months throughout the year. Purpose: This district advisory council insures that decisions about the program are made locally and that major stakeholders have opportunity for input. The local school board has final responsibility for the application to participate in CPP, and for operation and maintenance of CPP within the school district. No action taken by the council is final until approved by the school board. Board Member: Kate Cocchiarella Membership (appointed by the CEO): The Superintendent of the district appoints members to the district advisory council according to statutory requirements. Required Membership of the District Advisory Council: Appointed members of the district advisory council must include: • two parents of preschool children in the district preschool program • two members of the business community • a representative from the health department • a representative from the department of social services • a representative from the county agency involved in job services and training • a representative from publicly funded early childhood education agencies located in the school district • a representative from a privately funded child care center located in the school district School Based Health Clinic Advisory Group Meets: Twice a year Purpose: To guide and make recommendations for design and implementation of the School Based Health Clinic site. Board Member: Kate Cocchiarella

GP-7 Page 5 of 8 Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) Meets: First Wednesday of the Month (September through May) Purpose: To ensure that children with special needs receive an appropriate education. Board Member: Carrie Benway Wayfinder Advisory Group Meets: Twice a year Purpose: To guide and make recommendations for design and implementation of the Single Point of Entry site. Board Member: Jeanne McQueeney Wellness Committee Meets: TBD Purpose: This committee is a new committee required as a result of the 2005 legislative session. This committee will develop policies and goals surrounding wellness of our students. Board Member: Kate Cocchiarella

OTHER COMMITTEES: Partnership for Education Board of Directors – 2-3 members Meets: Per the Intergovernmental Agreement this group is to meet quarterly and the number of members changes every three year. Phil Onofrio is currently in discussion with the County to determine the schedule and number of members. Purpose: To determine the use of the 16 acre parcel on Miller Ranch where CMC is currently built. Board Members: Carrie Benway

GP-7 Page 6 of 8


SUPERINTENDENT OR STAFF COMMITTEE Employee Benefits Trust Committee ^

BOCES *^ CASB Delegate & Legislative Representative *

Facility Committee

District Accountability Committee ^

Negotiations Team ^

District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council (1338 Committee) ^

Policy & Communications Committee

Finance Committee

Preschool Council ^

Fundraising Committee *

Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)^

Head Start Policy Council *^

School Based Health Clinic

Land Use Committee *

Wayfinder Advisory Group Wellness Committee ^


^ = Committee Existence is Required * = Designated Board of Education Member Must Participate

Adopted: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised: Revised:

July 8, 1998 September 9, 1998 September 12, 2001 May 14, 2003 November 12, 2003 October 28, 2009 November 11, 2009 January 12, 2011 November 09, 2011 October 24, 2012 December 12, 2012 June 12, 2013 January 8, 2014


Partnership for Education of Board Directors *

GP-7 Page 7 of 8


C.R.S. 22-2-117 (Board may apply for waivers) C.R.S. 22-7-104 (Board is required to adopt a district accountability program) C.R.S. 22-9-106 and 107 (district personnel performance evaluation councils) C.R.S. 22-11-101 et seq. (state accreditation) C.R.S. 22-28-105 (district preschool program council)

Monitoring Method: Monitoring Frequency:

Board self-assessment Annually in August and/or in November following an Election Year

EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-50J, EAGLE, COLORADO Adapted from John Carver’s “Boards That Make A Difference”



August 13, 2014.


Approval of Monitoring Report for Governance Policy GP-8, Agenda Planning.






20 min.


The Board will discuss priorities and topics for future work sessions.

2. Attached is a working draft of the 2014-15 meeting dates and topics which the Board has already requested. 3.

Also, attached is the most recent revised copy of policy GP-8 for you to review and make any necessary changes, so that the policy reflects the current way the agenda planning takes place.

4. The future agenda planning topic will also allow Board Directors the opportunity to discuss the current meeting structure and other possible ideas to meet the needs of our volunteering Directors.

STAFF RECOMMENDS THE BOARD CREATES A MOTION TO: Move to approve the monitoring report for Governance Policy GP-8, Agenda Planning as presented. ORIGINATOR:

Jeanne McQueeney

Meeting Date

Work Session Topics

July 9, 2014

1. CASB Break Out Session Topic Discussion 2. Mission, Vision, Value Work Update

August 13, 2014

1. Strategic Work Around Mission, Vision and Values

August 27, 2014

1. FYI- Community Coalition Work 9-4

September 10, 2014

1. FYI- Community Coalition Work 9-4

September 24, 2014

1. Calendar Survey Questions

October 8, 2014

October 22, 2014

November 12, 2014


1. Online Enrollment Process Update 2. School Boundary Review

1. Eagle County Commissioners 2. Kids Count Colorado

Meeting Date

Work Session Topics

December 4, 2014 CASB Retreat

December 17, 2014

January 14, 2015

January 28, 2015

February 11, 2015

February 25, 2015

March 11, 2015

March 25, 2015


1. Students – college and career readiness 2. Debrief the CASB Retreat and Convention

Meeting Date April 8, 2015

April 22, 2015

May 13, 2015

May 27, 2015

June 10, 2015

June 24, 2015

July 8, 2015


Work Session Topics

Meeting Date

Work Session Topics

Other Engagements:

Town of Vail – August 5 or 19, Time TBD, Vail Town Council Chambers, 75 S. Frontage Road, Vail

Other Topics to Consider:

Town Councils


GP-8 Page 1 of 2

Policy Type: Governance Process Agenda Planning To accomplish its stated objectives, the Board will follow a proactive annual agenda which explores Goals policies. The Board will continually improve its performance through education and stakeholder input and deliberation. Accordingly: 1. The planning cycle will conclude each year on or about July 31 in order that administrative decision-making and budgeting can be based on accomplishing a one year segment of the Board’s most recent statement of long term goals 2.

The planning cycle will start with the Board’s development of its agenda for the next year a. Methods of obtaining input, including consultations with selected groups and persons, will be determined and arranged in the first quarter of the planning cycle, to be held during the balance of the year b. Governance education, including orientation of new Board members in the Board’s governance process and periodic Board discussion of process improvement, will be determined and arranged in the first quarter of the planning cycle, to be held during the balance of the year c. Education related to goals determination (e.g. presentations by futurists, demographers, advocacy groups, staff, etc.) will be arranged in the first quarter of the planning cycle, to be held during the balance of the year


Throughout the year the Board will attend to consent agenda items as expeditiously as possible


If an individual Board member would wish to add an item that does not relate specifically to a governing policy to an agenda of a regular Board meeting, the Board member should contact the Superintendent and Board President to determine if it might be appropriate for consideration by the entire Board. If it is not added to the agenda, the Board member may request the reasons for not including it.


If the matter remains unresolved at that point, the Board member may call for a vote of the whole Board under New and Old Business to include the item on the next agenda. a. Among the criteria which the Superintendent and Board President will use to determine if the non-policy item is board work or staff work will be the following: Board Work “big picture” information strategic decision policy work monitoring work


Staff Work small details tactical decision advice and information (when requested) tracking and reporting information direction details to support the direction

Monitoring will be included on the agenda if monitoring reports show policy violations or if policy provisions are to be debated

GP-8 Page 2 of 2 Adopted: Revised: Revised:

July 8, 1998 August 25, 1999 January 12, 2000

Monitoring Method: Board self-assessment Monitoring Frequency: Annually in July

EAGLE COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-50J, EAGLE, COLORADO Adapted from John Carver’s “Boards That Make A Difference”


Jason E. Glass, Ed.D. Superintendent and Chief Learner


Attachment 8-13-16* Governance Policy: EL-4(2) Personnel List August 13, 2014 NEW HIRES: Name Allinger, Andrea Black, Ian Buntin, Allison Camino, Carla Chamberlin, Stephanie Chavez, Emily Diaz, Maida Fackler, Janine Gallegos, Jennifer Gonzalez, Maria Guerra, Maria Kirby, Sarah Mata, Gabriela Mindrup, Joy Mizwicki, Samantha Montes, Ilce Orsen, Jason Schmidt, Annie Villegas, Cristina Walls, Crystal Wild, Lisa

Position Interim ELL Teacher Interim STEM Teacher 3rd Grade Teacher Interim Bilingual Kindergarten Teacher Guest Teacher Special Education Paraprofessional Special Education Paraprofessional Secretary Interim Nurse Cook Registrar/Receptionist Guest Teacher Preschool Assistant Bus Driver Trainee Guest Teacher Cook Interim Band/Music Teacher 2nd Grade Teacher 0.5 Preschool Assistant Preschool Assistant/Moderate Needs Paraprofessional Interim Supervising Nurse

ADDITIONAL POSITIONS: Name Foster, Meredith Garnsey, Nicole Hawkins, Amanda

Position Special Services Provider Mentor Special Services Provider Mentor 0.5 Technology Teacher

REHIRES: Name Garlow, Megan Hofsess, Lisa Lightfoot, Monica Muller, Steven

Position Moderate Needs Teacher 0.59 Interim Literacy Support Specialist ELL Teacher Language Arts Teacher (6th Grade)

Myslewski, Jason Pompa Gonzalez, Sandra Ward, Casie Whittaker, Kris

Interim Mathematics/Technology Teacher Cafeteria Manager Guest Teacher Guest Teacher

TRANSFERS: Name Casaletto, Sarah Cefalo, Anthony

From Moderate Needs Teacher - BMHS Language Arts Teacher - GCMS

School/ Department GCMS EVHS GES AES District Wide GCMS GCMS ECE Health Services AES ECE District Wide RHES Transportation District Wide BCMS GCMS BCES RHES

Type of Allocation Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted

BCES Health Services

Budgeted Budgeted

School/ Department ESS ESS GCMS

Type of Allocation Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted

School/Department HPS JCES BCES HPS EVHS AES District Wide District Wide

To Language Arts Teacher - BMHS Language Arts Teacher - BMHS

Effective Date 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/19/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/18/2014 8/7/2014 8/14/2014 8/18/2014 8/19/2014 8/11/2014 7/28/2014 8/19/2014 8/14/2014 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/11/2014 8/11/2014 8/1/2014

Effective Date 8/5/2014 8/5/2014 8/7/2014

Effective Date 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/7/2014 8/12/2014 8/7/2014 8/14/2014 8/19/2014 8/19/2014

Effective Date 8/12/2014 8/12/2014

Jones, Natasha McNeely, Audrey Moses, Hope O'Neill, Allison Tiltz, Laura ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFERS: Name NA RESIGNATIONS: Name Bradford, Lynn Cavataio, Kathleen

Permanent Substitute Teacher - HPS Guest Teacher - District Wide Language Arts Teacher - BMHS Moderate Needs Teacher/Child Find Coordinator - VSSA/ESS Preschool Specialist - AES


Physical Education Teacher/Adventure Coordinator - HPS 0.86 Health Assistant - HPS Language Arts Teacher - GCMS

8/7/2014 8/18/2014 8/12/2014

Moderate Needs Teacher - BMHS Preschool Teacher - JCES

8/12/2014 8/7/2014

Effective Date


Position Cognitive Needs Teacher Building Paraprofessional Cognitive Needs Paraprofessional/Substitute Small Vehicle Driver Moderate Needs Teacher Cook Health Assistant Cook

School/Department JCES GCMS

Effective Date 6/2/2014 5/29/2014

JCES/Transportation HPS BMHS HPS/Health Services HPS

5/29/2014 6/2/2014 5/30/2014 5/29/2014 5/30/2014




Effective Date




Effective Date

Position Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher

School/Department District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide

Effective Date 5/30/2014 8/29/2011 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 7/1/2011 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 6/1/2010 6/7/2012 6/8/2011 6/6/2012 5/30/2013 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/30/2014 5/24/2006

Drobny, Kaitlin Martin, Elise Miramontes, Carolina Ring, Erica Sarmientos, Martha

TERMINATIONS: Name Botkin, Sara Buzbee, Tamara Chase, Linda Clark, Alexandra Clarke, Jessica Converse, Tamra Cuno, Lori Ewing, Janet Falch, Rebecca Fields, Eric Granke Gagnon, Brooke Geist, Robin Greenfield, Shawn Haire, Brandon Halvorson, Peter Hostetter, Christina Hurd, Norma Kravitz, Patricia Lash-Doyle, Shelly Lengel, Edie Logan, Susan Manula, Kym Marcaccio, Renee McClurg, Stephanie McGaughey, Louise

Moriarty, Kelly Morrissey, Michael O'Hare, Cathlene Ozaneaux, Sophie Puppe, Brian Preston, Kaitlin Purfield-Wollert, Kathleen Pylman, Sara Reese, Megan Sanders Ann Marie Seaman, Sonya Sprincz, Lynne Squyres, George Stiebel, Jennifer Strubi, Nicki Thomas, Susan Trzaskoma, Rachel Von Tempske, Nicole Wilhelm, Susan Wood, Sharon Zamora, Camryn Zoller, Bradley FMLA/MEDICAL ONLY/ ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVES: Name NA FMLA/MEDICAL ONLY/ ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVES: Name NA EXTENDED LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Name NA DISTRICT VACANCY LIST: Name

Guest Teacher Permanent Substitute Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Permanent Substitute Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher Guest Teacher

District Wide GES District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide GCMS District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide District Wide

12/7/2007 5/29/2014 6/8/2011 6/3/2010 5/30/2013 5/30/2013 5/25/2005 6/8/2011 6/3/2010 5/30/2014 5/30/2013 6/6/2012 5/29/2014 6/6/2012 5/30/2014 5/30/2013 6/6/2012 5/30/2013 6/8/2011 6/3/2010 5/30/2014 6/6/2012



Date From

Date To



Date From

Date To



Date From

Date To

Professional/Support Position

Type of Allocation


Posted Date

Support Staff Support Staff Support Staff Support Staff Support Staff Support Staff

Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted

L. Tiltz New Allocation C. Menendez New Allocation C. Menendez K. Lovato

Business Services No Openings District Office No Openings Early Childhood Education Preschool Specialist - AES Preschool Assistant - AES Preschool Assistant - JCES Preschool Assistant (2 full-time) - RHES Preschool Assistant - JCES 0.5 Preschool Assistant - EVES Educator Quality No Openings English Language Learner Programs No Openings

7/22/2014 7/29/2014 8/6/2014 5/13/2014 6/2/2014 5/23/2014

Exceptional Student Services Instructional Coach - Gifted Education Child Find Coordinator/Moderate Needs Teacher - ESS/VSSA Interpreter Deaf and Hard of Hearing (2 positions) Transition Paraprofessional (Bilingual)



J. Martines





Professional Support Staff

Budgeted Budgeted

A. O'Neill K. Schneider & New Allocation New Allocation

Support Staff


S. Beaumont


Support Staff


M. Sarmientos & C. Miramontes


Avon Elementary Bilingual Teacher (2nd Grade) Building Paraprofessional

Professional Support Staff

Budgeted Budgeted

L. Campusano Reallocation

8/4/2014 8/4/2014

Brush Creek Elementary Special Education Teacher ELL Teacher

Professional Professional

Budgeted Budgeted

C. Ryan M. Thomas

8/1/2014 6/30/2014


New Allocation



L. Marquez



Health Services Health Assistant - EVMS

5/21/2014 5/8/2014

Human Resources No Openings Nutritional Services Cook (2 positions, BMHS & HPS) Maintenance No Openings Superintendent's Office No Openings Technology No Openings Transportation No Openings

Eagle Valley Elementary No Openings Edwards Elementary 0.25 Interim Counselor (Anticipated) Professional Long-term Substitute Teacher (1st Grade Spanish 8/29/2014 - 12/1/2014) Professional Gypsum Elementary Permanent Substitute Teacher



M. Morrissey

June Creek Elementary Special Education Paraprofessional Health Assistant

Support Staff Support Staff

Budgeted Budgeted

K. Drobny D. Bankert

8/4/2014 8/6/2014

Support Staff

EFEC Allocation

E. Hecklau


Red Hill Elementary No Openings Red Sandstone Elementary Building Paraprofessional

Moderate Needs Paraprofessional

Support Staff


E. George


New Allocation


Budgeted Budgeted

New Allocation C. Barrera

8/1/2014 7/29/2014

Berry Creek Middle Long-term Substitute Teacher (6th Grade Language Arts Teacher 9/6/2014 11/21/2014) Professional


AVID Tutors (10 positions)

Support Staff


A. McElduff Volunteer Positions

Assistant Boys Basketball Coach

Support Staff


Assistant Volleyball Coach

Support Staff


Coaching Allocation Coaching Allocation

Gypsum Creek Middle Permanent Substitute Teacher Physical Education Paraprofessional Special Education Paraprofessional

Professional Support Staff Support Staff

Budgeted Budgeted Budgeted

G. Squyres K. Cavataio New Allocation

Battle Mountain High Cognitive Needs Paraprofessional

Support Staff


E. Velasco


Red Canyon High Long-term Substitute Teacher (0.91 Mathematics Teacher from August 19 November 11, 2014) Professional Long-term Substitute Teacher (Science Teacher from September 24 - October 20, 2014) Professional


E. Woods



K. Kirkman


Budgeted Budgeted

Reallocation Reallocation

8/4/2014 8/5/2014


K. Bangston


Homestake Peak School Building Paraprofessional Support Staff Special Education Paraprofessional (Sign Language) Support Staff Custodian Support Staff


8/1/2014 7/18/2014

Eagle Valley Middle 7/29/2014 7/29/2014

8/4/2014 8/1/2014 5/29/2014

Eagle Valley High No Openings

World Academy No Openings Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy 0.5 Language Arts/Social Studies Teacher Professional 0.5 Mathematics/Science Teacher Professional Long-term Substitute Teacher (Science/Mathematics Teacher from August 12 - October 1, 2014) Professional Eagle County Charter Academy No Openings

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