Admin Policies pages 1 through 304

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Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted:


Policies and Regulations Eagle County School District Re50J Eagle County, Colorado This manual contains the policies of the Board of Education, the major regulations intended to implement policy, and certain reference or "exhibit" documents that relate to policies and/or regulations. Policy development in a modern, forward-looking school system is a dynamic ongoing process. New problems, issues, and needs give rise to the continuing need to develop new policies or to revise existing ones. This is why the Board employs the loose-leaf format for this manual. It is easy to keep up to date. Each person holding a copy of this manual should make a diligent effort to keep it up to date as new policies, regulations, and exhibits are distributed by the Superintendent's office. Eagle County School District Re50J operates according to policies established by the Board of Education. The Board, which represents the state and local community, develops policies after careful deliberation, and the school administration implements them through specific regulations and procedures. The Board then appraises the effects of its policies and makes revisions as necessary. In the interests of harmony, efficiency, uniformity of interpretation, coordination of effort, and in fairness to all concerned, the Board makes this manual available to all who are affected by its policies. About Policies and Regulations Generally the role of the Board of Education is to set policy and the role of the administration is to implement it through regulations. Here are definitions set forth by the National School Boards Association which provide a distinction between these two types of statements: POLICIES are principles adopted by the Board of Education to chart a course of action. They tell what is wanted and may include why and how much. They are broad enough to indicate a line of action to be taken by the administration in meeting a number of day after day problems; they need to be narrow enough to give the administration clear guidance. REGULATIONS are detailed directions developed by the administration to put policy into practice. They tell how, by whom, where, and when things are to be done. These definitions are serviceable some of the time. They reflect sound theory of governance and administration. But the real world does not always conform. For example: State and federal governments require boards of education to make or officially approve detailed regulations and procedures in certain areas. A board signs contracts and agreement which may contain and interweave of policies, regulations, and procedural details. The public, staff, or board members may demand that the Board itself, not the administration, establish specific regulations and procedures in certain sensitive areas. Notes on Use of the Manual

Dates: Where possible, the original date of adoption/approval/issuance appears immediately following each policy/regulations. In other instances, an approximate date or revision date is used. Legal References: Pertinent legal references are given to tell the reader where in state or federal law (s)he may find certain statutes that relate to a policy. Unless otherwise noted, all references direct the reader to the Colorado Revised Statutes, as revised through the last session of the legislature. Most of the statutes are included in Colorado School Laws published by the Colorado Department of Education. It is important to mention here that other laws and/or court decisions also may be applicable to a particular policy. Cross References: Certain policies/regulations relate to others. Cross references are provided following many statements to help the reader find all of the related information. Order of Precedence: Board of Education policies and regulations must be read and interpreted in light of Colorado Revised Statutes and state regulations. Wherever inconsistencies of interpretation arise, the law and state regulations prevail. It is the hope of the Eagle County School District Re50J Board of Education that this collection of policies and regulations will make greater harmony and efficiency possible in all areas of school operations. This will enable the Board to devote more time to its primary duty--the development of long-range policies and planning for the future of the Eagle County School District. Board of Education 1991 Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Statutory Requirement

File: AA

School District Legal Status The Constitution of Colorado requires the General Assembly to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a thorough and uniform system of free public schools throughout the state and vests in a state Board of Education responsibility for their general supervision. The Constitution also requires that the General Assembly shall, by law, provide for the organization of school districts of convenient size, in each of which shall be established a board of education to have control of instruction in the public schools of the district. This school district is legally designated in the name and service of "Eagle County School District No. Re50 Joint with Garfield and Routt Counties," in the county of Eagle and state of Colorado. As are all school districts in the state, School District Re50J is a body corporate with perpetual existence, and in its name may hold property for any purpose authorized by law, sue and be sued, and be a party to contracts for any purpose authorized by law. LEGAL REFS.:

Constitution of Colorado, Article IX, Sections 1, 2, 15 C.R.S. 22-32-101 C.R.S. 22-32-102


BB, School Board Legal Status

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: AB

The People and Their School District A board of education is the legal entity for conducting a system of public education within the geographic area of a school district. The system was created by and is governed by state statutes. Members of a board are, therefore, state officers chosen by citizens of a district to represent them and the state in the legislative management of public schools. The Board of Education has the dual responsibility for implementing statutory requirements pertaining to public education and local citizens' desires for educating the community's youth. While the Board has an obligation to determine and assess citizens' desires, it is understood that when citizens elect delegates to represent them in the conduct of public education, they at the same time, endow their representatives with the authority to exercise their best judgment in determining policies, making decisions, and approving procedures for carrying out the responsibility. The Board therefore reaffirms and declares its intent to: 1.

Maintain two-way communications with citizens of the District. The public shall be kept informed of the progress and problems of the school district, and citizens shall be urged to bring their aspirations and feelings about their public schools to the attention of this body which they have chosen to represent them in the management of public education.


Establish policies and make decisions on the basis of declared educational philosophy and goals. All decisions made by this Board shall be made with primacy given to the purposes set forth, most crucial of which is the optimal learning of the children enrolled in our schools.


Act as a truly representative body for citizens of the District in matters involving public education. The Board recognizes that ultimate responsibility for public education rests with the State, but individual boards of education have been assigned specific authority through statute. The Board shall relinquish none of this authority since it believes that decisionmaking control over the children's learning should be in the hands of local citizens as much as possible.


C.R.S. 24-10-103 (4)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989) Eagle County School District Re50j, Eagle, Colorado Discrimination Complaint Form (Please make two copies) Name (Last)


Address (Street/PO Box #) (City)


This complaint is filed by: (Initial) ( ) an employee ( ) an applicant ( ) a student ( ) a patron (Zip)

This complaint refers to discrimination based on: ( ) Age ( ) Race ( ) Religion ( ) Sex

File: AC-E1

( ) National Origin ( ) Marital Status ( ) Other Date of Incident Location of Incident

This complaint is in specific regard to: ( ) employment practice ( ) educational practice

Describe in detail the nature of your complaint. Include names of persons involved, if any.

(Your Signature)

(Today's Date)

SEND TO: Title IX Officer P.O. Box 740 Eagle, CO 81631

NOTE: Please send original to: Title IX Officer. Complainant retains the copy.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: AC

Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity The Board is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, sex, religion, national background, marital status, age, and handicaps. Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual shall be paramount in the establishment of all policies by the Board and in the administration of those policies by the administration. In keeping with these statements, the following shall be objectives of this school district: 1.

To promote the rights and responsibilities of all individuals as set forth in the state and federal constitutions, pertinent legislation, and applicable judicial interpretations.


To encourage positive experiences in human values for children and adults who have differing personal and family characteristics or who come from various socio-economic, racial, and ethnic groups.


To carefully consider, in all decisions made which affect the schools, the potential benefits or adverse consequences that those decisions might have on the human relations aspects of all segments of society.


To utilize educational experiences to build each individual's pride in the community in which (s)he lives.


To initiate a process of reviewing all policies and practices of this school district in order to achieve to the greatest extent possible the objectives of this policy.

REGULATIONS: 1. Purpose: The purpose of this procedure shall be to provide a forum for employee and student concerns or grievances related to discriminatory treatment of the complainant by the School District, based or believed to be based on the complainant's race, sex, religion, age, national origin, marital status, or handicapped condition.


Persons Eligible: Any employee, applicant, student, or parent of a student (on behalf of such student) enrolled in the School District shall be eligible to utilize the procedures herein provided to seek review of matters within the scope of the purpose of this procedure. However, this procedure is not available to applicants for employment alleging discrimination on the basis of handicapped condition only.


Initiation of Procedure: In order to bring a complaint under this procedure, the complainant must fill out a copy of Form AC-E1--Discrimination Complaint Form and file it with the Title IX officer. Copies of Form AC-E1 may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of Schools. Any complaint under this procedure must be filed no later than 30 days after the complainant knew or should have known of the action of the School District upon which the complaint is based.


Contents of Complaint: The complaint shall set forth at least the name and address of the complainant, the complainant's affiliation to the School District, and information sufficient to inform the School District of the actions upon which the complaint is based, the nature of the discrimination alleged, and the right, benefit, or privilege denied or affected.


Preliminary Conference: Following filing of the complaint, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall conduct such investigation thereof as appears necessary and shall schedule with the complainant a preliminary conference date. The preliminary conference shall take place not more than 60 days after the filing of the complaint, unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties. The preliminary conference shall take place in the office of the Superintendent of Schools at which time the complainant and a representative of the School District may attend. The preliminary conference shall be an informal proceeding wherein the parties may discuss the complaint and present such documents as they desire. The parties shall not have the right to representation by counsel, to compel attendance of witnesses, or to cross-examine. Not later than ten (10) days after the preliminary conference, the Title IX Officer shall issue a written response to the complainant and provide a copy thereof to the complainant.


Hearing: If the complainant is dissatisfied with the result of the preliminary conference, (s)he may request a hearing by sending written notice of such request to the Board of Education not later than 10 days after the date of issuance of the response. As soon as practicable after receipt of the request for a hearing, the School District shall designate an impartial hearing officer, who may be an employee of the School District, to conduct the hearing. Notification of the designation of the hearing officer shall be provided to the complainant in writing. The hearing officer shall have the authority and duty to establish a hearing date, to make such procedural rules as shall be fair and necessary, and to conduct the hearing. The complainant shall have the right to representation by legal counsel at his/her expense, to present testimony and other evidence at the hearing, to cross-examine witnesses, and to compel the attendance of School District personnel and the production of School District documents which are relevant to the complaint. The hearing shall be conducted in closed session, and no record shall be kept unless the parties agree otherwise. After the close of the hearing, the hearing officer shall prepare a written report containing findings of fact, conclusions and advisory recommendations based on law concerning disposition of the matter. This written report will be provided to the complainant and the

School District no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the hearing. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the report of the hearing officer, each party shall notify the hearing officer and the other party, in writing, of its acceptance or rejection of the recommendations of the report. This shall not preclude the parties from negotiating and agreeing upon the disposition of the matter not recommended by the hearing officer. If either or both parties reject the recommendations of the hearing officer, and if no other disposition of the matter is arrived at, the procedure shall terminate and the parties may seek such other redress to which they may be entitled. Each party shall bear the costs of its own legal counsel. The School District shall be responsible for the compensation of the hearing officer. The cost of recording the proceedings shall be borne equally by the parties, unless otherwise agreed. LEGAL REFS.: Title VI of the Civil Rights Ace of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000d Title VII of the Civil rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. S.S. 2000e Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. Section 1681 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. Section 621 et seq. Sect. 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. Section 701 et seq. C.R.S. 24-34-301 through 24-34-308 C.R.S. 24-34-402 CROSS REF.:

ACA -- Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex ACE -- Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability GBA -- Open Hiring/Equal Opportunity Employment and Affirmative Action

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: ACA

Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex (Compliance with Title IX) A.

Designation of Responsible Employee The Board of Education shall designate an individual as the responsible employee to coordinate School District compliance with Title IX and its administrative regulations. The designee, the District's Title IX compliance officer, shall formulate procedures for carrying out the policies in this statement and shall be responsible for continuing surveillance of District educational programs and activities with regard to compliance with Title IX and its administrative regulations. The designee shall annually notify all students and employees of the District of the name, office, address, and telephone number of the designee. Notification shall be by posting and/or other means sufficient to reasonably advise all students and employees.


Grievance Procedure It is the policy of the Board of Education that any student or employee shall have a ready means of resolving any claim of discrimination on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities of the District. To this end, the following policy is adopted.

In the event a student or employee believes there has been a violation of Title IX or its administrative regulations, (s)he shall mail or deliver to the employee designated as Title IX compliance officer a written statement setting out the alleged violations in specific terms, describing the incident or activity involved, the individual(s) involved, and the dates, times, and locations involved. The Title IX compliance officer shall, if requested, provide the individual filing the written statement an opportunity to discuss the matter personally. The Title IX compliance officer shall make such additional investigation as is necessary to determine the complete facts involved and shall report to the Superintendent of Schools his/her findings and recommendations regarding resolution of the matter. The Superintendent shall take such action as is necessary, in his/her judgment, to resolve the matter. At the next succeeding regular meeting of the Board of Education, the matter shall be reported to the Board for its review and action if it deems further action necessary. If the student or employee submitting the written statement of an alleged violation is not satisfied with the handling of the matter by the Superintendent, (s)he may appear before the Board of Education and present the matter directly to the Board. C.

Dissemination of Policy The Superintendent of Schools shall notify applicants for admission, students, parents of elementary, middle, and high school students, sources of referral of applicants for employment, employees, and applicants for employment that the Eagle County School District does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the educational programs or activities which it operates, and that it is required by Title IX and its administrative regulations not to discriminate in such a manner. The notification shall be made in the form and manner required by law or regulation.


20 U.S.C. SS 1681, 1682 34 C.F.R. Part 106


AC, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity GBA, Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action JB, Equal Education Opportunities JII, Student Concerns, Complaints & Grievances

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 9, 1984 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: ACA-E

Title IX Compliance Officer The Director of Secondary Education has been designated by the Board of Education to receive inquiries concerning the application of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 (sex discrimination). Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: November 11, 1992 Revised: May 22, 1996 Nondiscrimination On The Basis Of Handicap/Disability 1.

Designation of Responsible Employee

File: ACE

The Board of Education shall designate an individual as the responsible employee to coordinate school district compliance with of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and its administrative regulations and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The designee, the district's Section 504 compliance officer, shall formulate procedures for carrying out the policies in this statement and shall be responsible for continuing surveillance of district educational programs and activities with regard to compliance with Section 504 and its administrative regulations. The designee shall, upon adoption of this policy and once each academic year thereafter, notify all employees and students of the district of the name, office, address, and telephone number of the Section 504 compliance officer. Notification shall be by posting and/or other means sufficient to reasonably advise all students and employees. 2.

Grievance Procedure Any student or employee shall have a ready means of resolving any claim of discrimination on the basis of handicap in the educational programs or activities of the district. To this end, the following policy is adopted. In the event a student or employee believes that there has been a violation of Section 504 or its administrative regulations, (s)he shall mail or deliver to the employee designated as the Section 504 compliance officer a written statement setting out the alleged violations in specific terms, describing the incident or activity involved, the individuals involved, and the dates, times, and locations involved. The Section 504 compliance officer shall provide the individual filing the written statement an opportunity to discuss the matter personally, if requested. The Section 504 compliance officer shall make such additional investigation as is necessary to determine the complete facts involved and shall report to the Superintendent of Schools his/her finding and recommendations regarding resolution of the matter. The matter shall be reported to the Board of Education at its next regular meeting for its review and action if it deems further action necessary. If the student or employee submitting the written statement of an alleged violation is not satisfied with the handling of the matter by the Superintendent, (s)he may appear before the Board of Education and present the matter directly to the Board.


Dissemination of Policy The Superintendent of Schools shall notify applicants for admission, students, parents of elementary, middle, and high school students, sources of referral of applicants for admission, employees and applicants for employment that it does not discriminate on the basis of handicap in the educational programs or activities which it operates and that it is required by the Section 504 and its administrative regulations not to discriminate in such a manner. The notification shall be made in the form and manner required by law or regulation.


29 U.S.C.S 701 et seq. (Section 504) 42 U.S.C.S 1201 et seq. (Americans with Disabilities Act) 34 C.F.R. 104 et seq.


AC, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity GBA, Open Hiring/ Equal Employment Opportunity & Affirmative Action GBGA, Staff Health and Safety

JB, Equal Education Opportunities JII, Student Concerns, Complaints & Grievances JLCC, Communicable/Infectious Diseases Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: November 11, 1992 Revised: May 22, 1996

File: ACE-E

Section 504 Compliance Officer The Assistant Superintendent has been designated by the Board of Education to receive inquiries concerning the application of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (disability discrimination). The Assistant Superintendent shall also serve as the complaint officer for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: AD

Eagle County School District Mission Statement And Belief Statements The Eagle County School District mission: Educating Every Student for Success The Eagle County School District Beliefs: 1.

We believe that students succeed when student, staff, families and community accept responsibility and support for each other.


We believe that a positive climate in a safe school environment must exist for student success.


We believe that improvement is a continuous process.


We believe that high expectations, support by appropriate resources, produce quality performance.


We believe that people are our greatest asset.


We believe that valuing diversity contributes to quality education.;


We believe that everything we do must support learning.


We believe that each child is important to our future.


We believe that learning is a life-long process of developing one's potential.


C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (requirement that mission statement reflect safety as a priority)


ADA, School District Goals and Objectives

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: November 15, 1989 (legal references added)

File: ADA

School District Goals and Objectives In accordance with state law, the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District adopts high but achievable goals and objectives for the continued improvement of education in the District. It is the desire of the Board to achieve the following overall goals in the governance and operation of the school system: 1.

To provide an educational program and instructional arrangements which will permit each student to develop to his/her full potential. An accompanying goal shall be the development of an individualized instructional program.


To achieve what is truly a "community school" in services to the adult community.


To provide for the best possible school staff including both professional and support personnel.


To ensure the development of meaningful interpersonal relationships among students, staff, and community.


To ensure that staff, students, and parents are afforded maximum participation in the development and evaluation of programs and policies.


To ensure maximum efficiency in the use of District resources to meet the goals and objectives of the various programs and services.


To provide for an annual re-assessment of District goals and objectives.


C.R.S. 22-2-117 C.R.S. 22-53-207 1 CCR 301-1, Rules 2202-R-3.07 et seq.


AD, Educational Philosophy/School District Mission CBI, Evaluation of the Superintendent GA, Personnel Goals/Priority Objectives IA, Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives IL, Evaluation of Instructional Programs JA, Student Policies Goals/Priority Objectives

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: ADC

Tobacco-Free Schools Tobacco smoke in the school and work environment is not conducive to good health. As an educational organization, a school district should provide both effective educational programs and a positive example to students concerning the use of tobacco. In order to promote the general health, welfare and well being of students and staff, smoking, chewing or any other use of any tobacco products by staff, students and members of the public is banned from all school property.

For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply: 1.

“School property” means all property owned, leased, rented or otherwise used or contracted for by a school including but not limited to the following: •

All indoor facilities and interior portions of any building or other structure used for children under the age of 18 for instruction, educational or library services, routine health care, daycare or early childhood development services, as well as for administration, support services, maintenance or storage. The term does not apply to building used primarily as residences, (i.e., teacherages).

All school grounds over which the school exercises control including areas surrounding any building, playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation areas and parking areas.

All vehicles used by the district for transporting students, staff, visitors or other persons.

2. “Tobacco: includes cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco and all other kinds and forms of tobacco prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing, smoking or both. “Tobacco” includes cloves or any other product packages for smoking. 3. “Use” means lighting, chewing, inhaling or smoking any tobacco product. Signs will be posted in prominent places on all school property to notify the public that smoking or other use of tobacco products is prohibited in accordance with state law and district policy. This policy will be published in all employees and student handbooks, posted on bullet boards and announced in all staff meetings. Any members of the general public considered by the superintendent or designee to be in violation of this policy will be instructed to leave school district property. Employees found to be in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary measures for students who violate this policy may include in-house detention, suspension or revocation of privileges and exclusion from extracurricular activities. Repeated violations will result in suspension from school. In accordance with state law, no student will be expelled solely for tobacco use. Exemptions Requests for exemptions from this policy may be considered if it can be demonstrated that extraordinary circumstances exist to warrant such an exemption and such exemptions do not violate federal law. Requests for exemptions from the general public will be submitted to the person having direct responsibility for control of the building or grounds (building principal, building supervisor or superintendent as applicable). If applicable, the building level accountability committee will review the request and make a recommendation to the appropriate administrator. No exemption granted pursuant to this policy shall be valid on or after July 1, 1999. LEGAL REFS.:

20 U.S.C. 7181 (Pro-Children Act of 2001 contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 prohibits smoking in any indoor facility used to provide educational services to children) C.R.S. 18-13-121 C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(bb) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (20)(a)(VII) (policy required as part of safe schools plan) C.R.S. 25-14-103.5

6 CCR 1010-6, Rule 5-306 CROSS REF.:

IHAMA, Teaching about Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco GBED, Staff/No Smoking KFA, Public Conduct on School Property

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2000 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: ADD

Safe Schools The Board of Education and administration recognizes that effective learning and teaching takes place in a safe, secure and welcoming environment and that safe schools contribute to improved attendance, increased student achievement and community support. To that end, the Board directs the superintendent, following consultation with the school district accountability committee and school accountability committees, parents, teachers, administrators, students and when appropriate, members of the community, to develop a safe schools plan that includes: 1.

Procedures that address the supervision and security of school buildings and grounds.


Procedures that address the safety and supervision of students during school hours and school-sponsored activities.


Procedures that address persons visiting school buildings and attending school-sponsored activities.


Training programs for staff and students in crisis prevention and management.


Training programs for staff and students in emergency response procedures that include practice drills.


Training programs for staff and students in how to recognize and respond to behavior or other information that may indicate impending violence or other safety problems.


Training and support for students that aims to relieve the fear, embarrassment and peer pressure associated with reporting behavior that may indicate impending violence or other safety problems.


Procedures for safe, confidential reporting of security and safety concerns at each school building.


Procedures for regular assessments by school security/safety professionals and law enforcement officers to evaluate the security needs of each school building and to provide recommendations for improvements if necessary.

10. Procedures for regular assessments by school climate professionals to determine whether students feel safe and to provide recommendations for improvements in school climate at each district building. 11.

Procedures to provide for regular communications between district officials, law enforcement officers, fire department officials, city and county officials and local medical personnel to discuss crisis prevention and management strategies, including involvement by these parties in the development and revision of crisis prevention and management plans.


Training programs for staff and students in safety precautions and procedures related to fire prevention, natural disaster response, accident prevention, public health, traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety, environmental hazards, civil defense, classroom and occupational safety, and special hazards associated with athletics and other extracurricular activities.


Procedures for the reporting of criminal activity to law enforcement.

Each building principal shall be responsible for the supervision and implementation of the safe school program at his or her school. The principal shall submit annually, in the manner and by the date specified by the State Board of Education, information pertaining to the learning environment in the school during that school year. The report shall contain, at a minimum, the information required by law. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent or designee to compile the annual safety reports from each principal and submit the compilation to the Board of Education. The Board shall issue a final safety report. The report shall be made available to the public and shall be submitted to the State Board of Education in accordance with state law and regulation. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 9-1-101 through 9-1-106 (construction requirements, fire escapes, etc.) C.R.S. 22-3-101 through 22-3-104 (eye protective devices) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (safe schools plan) C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(k) C.R.S. 22-32-124 (2),(3) (building inspections) C.R.S. 24-10-106.5 (duty of care)


ECA/ECAB, Security/Access to Buildings GBGAA*, Staff Training in Crisis Prevention and Management KDE, Crisis Management KI, Visitors to School

NOTE 1: The state law “encourages” school districts to provide a comprehensive, age-appropriate curriculum that teaches safety in working and interacting on the Internet, as part of the board’s safe school plan. C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (2)(c). Districts are encouraged to incorporate the Internet safety topics into the teaching of the regular classroom curricula, rather than isolating the topics as a separate class. If the district develops a comprehensive curriculum or other approach to teach safety in use of the Internet, then appropriate language could be added to this policy. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2000 Revised:

File: ADD-E

Safe Schools Pursuant to C.R.S. 22-32-109.1(2)(b), the following information shall be included in the annual safe schools report from the principal to the Board of Education for the preceding school year: •

total enrollment for the school

average daily attendance rate at the school

dropout rates for grades seven though twelve, if such grades are taught at the school

average class size for each public elementary, middle school or junior high school, and senior high school calculated as the total number of students enrolled in the school divided by the number of full-time teachers in the school Note: “Full-time” teacher means a person who is licensed or authorized by a letter of authorization to teach, and is primarily engaged in teaching during a substantial majority of the instructional minutes per school day.

number of conduct and discipline code violations, including but not limited to specific information on the number of and the action taken with respect to each of the following types of violations:


carrying, bringing, using, or possessing a dangerous weapon on school grounds, in school vehicles, at school activities, or sanctioned school events without the authorization of the school or the school district

2. use or possession of alcohol on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school activities or sanctioned events 3. use, possession, or sale of a drug or controlled substance on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school activities or sanctioned events 4. use or possession of tobacco products on school grounds, in school vehicles, or at school activities or sanctioned events 5. being willfully disobedient, openly and persistently defiant, or interfering with the orderly flow of information in a classroom 6. commission of an act on school grounds that if committed by an adult would be considered criminal assault, other than third degree assault 7. behavior on or off school property that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel, including behavior that creates a threat of physical harm to the student or to other students 8. willful destruction or defacement of school property 9. repeated interference with the school’s ability to provide a safe environment and educational opportunities for other students 10. commission of an act on school grounds that, if committed by an adult, would be considered robbery 11. other violations of the code of conduct and discipline that resulted in documentation of the conduct in a student’s record For purposes of the report, “action taken” means the specific type of discipline, including but not limited to the following categories of discipline: • • • • • •

in-school suspension out-of-school suspension classroom removal in accordance with board policy expulsion referral to a law enforcement agency any other form of discipline, which shall be officially identified as part of a board policy.

The report shall specifically identify each conduct and discipline code violation and each action taken with respect to the violation by a student with a disability. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2006 Revised: May 1, 2014

File: ADF

School Wellness Pursuant to federal law, the following parties have jointly developed this school wellness policy: parents, teachers, school administrators, director of food services, school nurses, community members knowledgeable about children’s health, and directors of curriculum. The District promotes healthy schools by supporting student wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. Schools contribute to the basic health status of students by facilitating learning through the support and promotion of good nutrition and physical activity. Improved health optimizes student performance potential, as children who eat well-balanced meals and are healthy are more likely to learn in the classroom. The district will establish and maintain a district-wide Nutrition and Physical Activity Advisory Council. The purposes of the council shall be to monitor the implementation of this policy, evaluate the district’s progress on this policy’s goals, serve as a resource to schools, and recommend revisions to this policy as the council deems necessary and/or appropriate. To further the District’s beliefs stated above, the following goals have been adopted: Goal #1. The district will provide a comprehensive learning environment for developing and practicing lifelong wellness behaviors. The entire school environment, not just the classroom, shall be aligned with healthy school goals to positively influence a student’s understanding, beliefs and habits as they relate to good nutrition and regular physical activity. Such learning environments will teach students to use appropriate resources and tools to make informed and educated decisions about lifelong healthy eating habits and beneficial physical activity. The goal of providing a comprehensive learning environment shall be accomplished by: ! The adoption of district content standards for health and nutrition education that teaches students about the effects of nutrition and physical activity on their health. ! The provision of age-appropriate and culturally sensitive instruction to students that teaches them about lifelong healthy eating habits and a healthy level of physical activity (30 – 60 minutes a day). ! The availability of nutrition education in the school cafeteria as well as the classroom. (Posters, etc.) ! Encouragement of teachers to integrate nutrition education into core curriculum areas such as math, science, social studies, technology, and language arts, as applicable. ! The availability of parent educational opportunities to inform them about nutrition and physical activity, including information about healthful foods and beverages to provide to their child and to bring to school activities and events. These educational opportunities may include, but not be limited to, education provided in the form of handouts, postings on the district’s web site, articles and information provided in district or school newsletters, presentations that focus on nutritional value and healthy lifestyles, and through any other appropriate means available for reaching parents. Goal #2. The district will support and promote proper dietary habits contributing to

students’ health status and academic performance. The goal of supporting and promoting proper dietary habits shall be accomplished by: ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A requirement that all students have access to fresh fruits and vegetables during the lunch period. A restriction on student access to vending machines, school stores, and other venues that contain foods of minimal nutritional value. (Minimal nutritional value to be defined by 2007.) A restriction which prohibits the selling of competitive foods on school property during the 45 minutes before or after lunch. An encouragement that schools promote a positive learning environment by providing healthy celebrations that shift the focus from the food to the celebration of the child. Offering healthy snacks that are sold during the lunch period and at the schools during the day. (“Healthy to be defined by 2007. Ex: whole grain, % of sugar and fat.) An encouragement that at any school function (parties, celebrations, receptions. Festivals, sporting events, etc.), healthy food choice options be made available to students. An assurance that the school cafeteria is as pleasant an eating environment as possible, including displays of student art, plants, small tables, and reduced noise, if possible. An encouragement that students be prohibited from leaving the cafeteria until at least 20 minutes after the lunch period begins, regardless of whether students have recess before or after lunch. The encouragement of nonfood fundraisers such as flowers, gift-wrap, sporting events, and family fun runs. A requirement that all students have access to a school facility with a sufficient number of functioning water fountains in accordance with local building codes, or other means, such as personal water bottles, to provide students with sufficient water.

Goal #3: The district will provide more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity. A quality physical education program is an essential component for all students to learn about and participate in physical activity. Physical activity should be included in a school’s daily education program from grades pre-kindergarten through 12. Physical activity should include regular instructional physical education, in accordance with the district’s content standards, as well as cocurricular activities and recess. The goal of providing more opportunities for students to engage in physical activity shall be accomplished by: ! ! ! !


A requirement that all students have access to age-appropriate daily physical activity. (At least 150 minutes per week for elementary, including recess.) Increased opportunities for physical activity through a range of after-school programs including intramurals, interscholastic athletics, and physical activity clubs. Increased opportunities for physical activity during the school day through daily recess periods, elective physical education classes, walking programs, and the integration of physical activity into the academic curriculum. An encouragement that, beginning at an early age, schools introduce developmentally appropriate components of a health-related fitness assessment (i.e. Fitness Gram, Physical Best, or President’s Council) to students to help determine their own level of fitness and create their own fitness goals and plans. The availability of health-promotion activities and incentives for students, parents and staff that encourage regular physical activity, such as speakers, recreational demonstrations, and walking clubs.


Section 204 of P.L. 111-296 (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act)

C.R.S. 22-32-134.5 (healthy beverages requirement) C.R.S. 22-32-136 (policies to improve children’s nutrition and wellness) C.R.S. 22-32-136.3 (trans fat ban) C.R.S. 22-32-136.5(3)(a) and (b) (physical activity requirement) 1 CCR 301-79 (State Board of Education – healthy beverages rules) CROSS REFS.:

EF, Food Services EFC and EFC-R, Free and Reduced-Price Food Services EFEA*, Nutritious Food Choices EFEA*-E, Guidelines for Nutritious Choices in Vending Machines IA, Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives IHAE, Physical Education IHAM and IHAM-R, Health Education IHAMA, Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco IHAMB and IHAMB-R, Family Life/Sex Education

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: AE

Accountability/Commitment To Accomplishment (And District Accountability Program) The Board of Education accepts its ultimate responsibility for all facets of school operations and programs. As required by law, the Board shall adopt and maintain an accountability program to measure the adequacy and efficiency of the educational program. All accountability committee meetings will be open to the public. Meeting notices will be posted in the same place and manner as notice of Board meetings. District accountability committee. The Board of Education shall appoint or create a process for the election of a District Advisory Accountability Committee which shall make recommendations to the Board relative to the program of accountability. The areas of study by the committee shall be determined cooperatively at least annually by the committee and the Board. In addition, the committee, after consulting with school accountability committees, shall make recommendations to the Board relative to priorities for expenditures of district funds. The district’s accountability program shall include: 1.

establishing school and school district goals/objectives and plans to improve educational achievement, maximize graduation rates and increase the ratings for each school's accreditation category.


implementation of a school improvement planning process involving students, parents/families, staff and community members through a representative accountability committee at the school level.


an annual progress report to the community regarding student performance and the results of the school improvement process.


providing consultation to the Board on adoption, revision and implementation of a safe school plan.

All accountability committee meetings will be open to the public. Meeting notices will be posted in the same place and manner as notices of Board meetings and in school buildings, as appropriate, one

week in advance and will be sent to the local news media. School-level accountability committees. The Board is committed to maintaining a strong accountability program in each school. School accountability committees shall serve the purpose and functions stated in law for both the school advisory council and the school accountability committee. School accountability committees shall meet at least quarterly to: 1.

adopt building goals/objectives.


adopt a plan to improve educational achievement and maximize graduation rates and increase the ratings for the school's accreditation category.


discuss the means for determining whether decisions affecting the educational process are advancing or impeding student achievement in the school.


discuss reporting educational performance of the school and providing data for appraising such performance to students, parents, Board members and educators.


prior to the Board's adoption of the annual budget, make recommendations to the Superintendent (with copies of the recommendations sent to the District Accountability Committee and the Board of Education), regarding prioritization of expenditures of district moneys by the school.


make recommendations to the principal regarding expenditure of school grants.


discuss safety issues related to the school environment and develop, revise and implement a safe school plan for the school consistent with the district's safe school plan and policies.

Accreditation indicators By December 1 each year, the Board shall disseminate a report to the taxpayers of the district and to the community regarding progress on district and school accreditation indicators. The report shall be made available to the State Board of Education, the general assembly, the governor and the public at large. Results shall be reported in a way that does not identify individual students. The report shall contain all elements required by the Education Accountability Act, an accreditation summary, other state accreditation indicators and additional indicators which assess progress on local district goals and objectives, as set forth in Colorado State Board of Education Rules and Regulations. Current practice codified: LEGAL REFS.:


C.R.S. 22-2-117 C.R.S. 22-7-101 through 22-7-107 Educational Accountability Act of 1971) C.R.S. 22-7-205 C.R.S. 22-7-207 C.R.S. 22-32-109-1 (2)(b) (Safe school reporting requirements) 1 CCR 301-1, Rules 2202-R-2.01 et seq.

CROSS REFS.: AEA, Standards Based Education AED, School District Accreditation BDF, Advisory Committees BGB, Policy Adoption DBD, Determination of Budget Priorities JIC, Student Conduct, and subcodes JK, Student Discipline, and subcodes KB, Parent Involvement in Education AEE*, Waiver of State Law and Regulation

NOTE: The Board may consider applying to the State Board of Education for a waiver of certain provisions of law or state regulations which in the Board’s discretion it believes necessary to accomplish the purposes of the accountability program. For districts with a funded count of 3,000 or more pupils, such application requires the concurrence of a majority of the appropriate accountability committee and of the affected licensed teachers and administrators. Such a waiver, if granted, will be effective for two years and may be renewed once for an additional two years. See policy AEE* Wavier of State Law and Regulation. NOTE: State law requires two committees at the school level -- the accountability committee and the advisory council. As reflected in this policy, one school level committee can serve the purposes and functions of both the school-level accountability committee and the school advisory council as long as membership includes the legally required persons and the combined committee serves the legally stated purposes and functions of both committees. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 27, 1997 Revised: July 1, 2006 (legal refs.)

File: AEA

Standards Based Education The Board supports a system of education that develops and teaches standards that enable students to achieve the highest level of knowledge and skills. Academic standards will clearly identify what a student should know and be able to do at key points in their school careers. In accordance with state law, the Board has adopted a standards-based education system which focuses on student learning of content standards. It is the intent of the Board that the district’s program of instruction and assessments be aligned with content standards. In standards-based education, courses and units of study are clearly defined, understood by teachers and students and communicated to staff members, families and the community. The district’s standards-based education system will advance equity, promote student learning and reinforce accountability. The superintendent (or his or her designee) shall be responsible for developing a plan to implement content standards that meet or exceed the model state content standards. The plan shall ensure that the educational programs of the district actively address the needs of exceptional student and consciously avoid gender of cultural bias. The plan shall conform with all timelines established by law. The district shall work with educators, parents, students, business persons, members of the community and the district accountability committee to review and revise content standards as necessary to ensure maximum effectiveness. Parents shall be kept informed of student progress in achieving content standards and how such progress will be measured. This information shall also be provided to the district and building advisory accountability committees. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-1-104 (6)(a) (financial assistance to develop and promote programs that address state content standards for civics) C.R.S. 22-7-401 (education reform – obligation to provide a standardsbased system) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1) (r), (t) (duty to comply with state regulations and determine programs)


AE -- Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment

IA -- Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives IG -- Curriculum Development, Adoption and Review, and IL -- Evaluation of Instructional Programs, and subcodes Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2001 Revised: July 1, 2004


File: AECA*

School Accountability Reports The Colorado legislature has determined that giving each public school an accountability report rating its performance and growth in academic achievement and providing overall safety information will assist the general assembly, parents and taxpayers in evaluating whether individual public schools are providing students with an opportunity for a safe and quality education. The state-generated accountability report rates individual schools (except those schools designated as alternative education campuses and granted exemption by the State Board of Education) on their academic performance and growth as determined solely by student test results on the Colorado State Assessment Program. The report also provides information on safety in individual schools by compiling data on safety and discipline incidents, the average daily attendance and the school dropout rate (secondary schools) or time in the classroom (elementary schools). In addition, the state-generated accountability report will report whether subgroups of students are making adequate yearly progress as defined in federal law. The Board of Education acknowledges that the state-generated accountability report serves an important purpose, but believes it does not represent the full measure of a safe and quality education. Therefore, the Board directs the superintendent to develop a program that enables and supports principals of district schools who wish to develop their own school reports for distribution to parents and community members. The school-generated reports could include such information as: • current student performance results related to district academic standards. • a summary of implementation and results of the school improvement plan. • dropout and school completion rates. • at the secondary level, the number or percentage of the school’s total student population completing “advanced” courses, percentage of students taking college aptitudes examinations and their scores, and percentage of graduates entering post-secondary education (where applicable). • conduct and disciplinary actions taken during the school year, including the number and percentage of students suspended and/or expelled. • community satisfaction with student achievement and the learning environment. • accomplishments of the school related to its mission, goals and objectives. • information from the school accountability committee about its accomplishments. • any other information that helps provide parents and community members with a comprehensive view of the school's challenges and achievements. The report shall be provided to the parents/guardians of students in the school, to local media and others interested in the schools, and to members of the public who request it. The report may be included or inserted in the state-generated accountability report as long as the school report does not refute information included in the state-generated report. Because the Board believes that a supportive and involved public is crucial to the safety and achievement of students in district schools, it directs the superintendent to work with the Board to develop and implement a district-wide, year-round communication plan around safety and student achievement that:

• • • • •

includes two-way communication involving both listening and telling activities. has a primary goal of building productive relationships between the district, Board, staff, parents, students and community members. promotes dialogue between the district, Board, staff, parents, students and community members around issues of importance to the community. is targeted to include different messages and different strategies depending on the audience. includes strategies for communicating internally as well as outside the district.

The Board directs each district school to gather and accurately report data required by law to be reported for the state-generated accountability report. The Colorado Department of Education is required by law to deliver the report card to each public school by January 15th each year. Within a reasonable time from receipt of the report card, each school shall distribute the report card to the parents/guardians of each student enrolled in the school and to members of the public who request it. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-7-602 & 604.5 (alternative education campus criteria and exemption from receiving academic rating) C.R.S. 22-7-604.3 (academic growth calculation) C.R.S. 22-7-605 (report card format and data reporting requirements) C.R.S. 22-7-606 (report card delivery) C.R.S. 22-7-609 (school improvement plan or charter required for schools receiving academic rating of "unsatisfactory")


AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment AED, School District Accreditation IKE, Ensuring All Students Meet Standards IL, Evaluation of Instructional Programs ILBA, District Program Assessments ILBB, State Program Assessments

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2001 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: AED

Accreditation The Board of Education believes that its primary responsibility is to provide leadership in the area of student achievement. In order to foster greater accountability and enhance improvement in student achievement in the district, the Board shall accredit the schools within the district, as well as all enter into an accreditation contract with the State Board of Education. District Accreditation The accreditation contract will bind the Board to manage the district and its schools to meet certain standards, goals and requirements over the term of the contract. Accreditation by the State Board of Education means that the district and its schools meet the requirements of the accreditation law and the accreditation indicators set forth in regulations. In conjunction with accreditation, the Board is committed to adopting content standards for student learning, achievement performance levels, systems for measuring student achievement and methods for improving student achievement. To support high student achievement and accountability throughout the district, the Board shall ensure:


community involvement, including processes for involving parents, the business community and other interested citizens.


public disclosure of non-identifying student achievement results for each student in the district.


recognition for schools that meet or exceed accreditation indicators and assistance for schools that fail to meet such indicators.

The Board is also committed to improving each school’s performance through district accreditation in the following areas: 1.

parental and familial involvement.


attainment of local achievement goals that meet or exceed the accreditation indicators.


implementation of district content standards for student learning.


attainment of achievement and proficiency levels.


implementation of systems of measuring student achievement, including methods for improving the scores of students who score below proficient in the statewide assessments.


reduction of consistent patterns of academic achievement discrepancies in student performance related to ethnicity, gender, disability and limited English proficiency.

Each year the Colorado Department of Education will conduct a written assessment review of achievement pursuant to the district’s accreditation contract. During this assessment, the district will report on the following: a. a plan for technology and information literacy that is integrated into the district’s standardsbased educational plan that includes policies and procedures to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material on the internet b.

a plan to recruit, provide staff development for, and retain licensed teachers


changes the school district wishes to make in its existing standards, goals or requirements


a plan for contextual learning


a plan to increase academic achievement and graduation and attendance rates

School Accreditation While the state accredits the school district, the Board of Education accredits the schools within the district. Therefore, the superintendent is directed to develop a school accreditation process for the Board’s input and approval. The school accreditation process shall be developed in consultation with staff, parents, students and community members and shall be closely aligned with the district’s accreditation contract. Reporting The district shall report to the State Board the district’s achievement of the accreditation indicators

disaggregated by school, student year, and student group, including White, Hispanic, Black, Native American/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, economically disadvantaged students, students with disabilities, and English language learners. The district shall also annually report to the State Board the status of high school students who have not graduated in four years and remain enrolled in the district. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-11-101 et seq. (Educational Accreditation Act of 1998) C.R.S. 22-30-105 (school district organization planning process) C.R.S. 22-55-105 and 22-11-201 (plan for use of increased funding pursuant to Sect. 17, Art. IX of Colorado Constitution must be included in accreditation contract) 1 CCR 301-1, Rules 2202-R. 0.00 (accreditation rules)


AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment AE-R, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment-Regulation AE-E, Accountability Process Timeline-Exhibit AEA, Standards Based Education AEC, Accomplishment Reporting to the Public IK, Academic Achievement ILBB, State Program Assessments

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2001 Revised: July 1, 2004

File: AEE*

Waiver of State Law and Regulation The Board of Education believes that many state laws and regulations impede the district's progress toward achieving its mission. Therefore, the Board directs the superintendent to work with district legal counsel, the district accountability committee, and school principals to: 4. Review state laws and regulations for which a waiver application can be filed. 5. Determine which state laws and regulations, if waived, would enhance educational opportunity and quality within the school district and reduce or eliminate costs that are significantly limiting educational opportunity within the district. This determination shall be made on a school-byschool basis and a district-wide basis. 6. Make recommendations to the Board regarding which state laws and regulations the Board should consider for waiver. The Board must consider whether to apply for waivers in a public meeting that includes a public hearing. The Board shall consult with the district accountability committee concerning the intent to seek waivers at least 60 days prior to the scheduled public hearing. In the Board meeting, which includes a public hearing, the Board shall adopt a resolution stating the Board’s intent to apply for waivers and specifying the statutes or rules for which the Board will request waivers. In the waiver application, the Board shall state the manner in which the district will comply with the intent of the waived rule or statute and be accountable to the State Board of Education. The Board shall post notice of the public meeting in three public places within the district not less than 30 days prior to the meeting. The notice shall include a description of the waivers to be considered. If there is a newspaper published in the county, the Board shall also publish notice once a week for four weeks prior to the meeting.


C.R.S. 22-2-117 (state board power to grant waivers)


AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment

NOTE: Districts that have a funded pupil count, of 3,000 or more pupils must demonstrate that an application for waiver has the consent of a majority of the district accountability committee (or the school-level accountability committee if the waiver is sought for only one school), and a majority of the licensed administrators and teachers of the affected school or district. However, these additional requirements do not apply to school districts with 3,000 or more students when the school district has been granted exclusive authority to charter schools within the geographic boundaries of the district, unless the district is asking for a waiver of certain laws pertaining to teachers. NOTE 2: The State Board of Education cannot waive the following state laws: • school accountability reports (22-7-601 et seq.) • state assessments (22-7-409) • duties of board president and vice president (22-32-105) • prohibition of tobacco on school property (22-32-109 (a)(bb)(I)) • establishing program outside state boundaries (22-32-109(2)) • attendance policy (22-33-104(4)) • Public School Finance Act (22-54-101 et seq.) • Exceptional Children's Educational Act (22-20-101 et seq.) • provisions related to fingerprinting and criminal history record checks of personnel (22-32-109.7, 109.8, 109.9, 22-2-119) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Revised: July 1, 2001

File: AE-E1

Accountability Process Timelines After September 15

October 1

Within a reasonable time after receipt of the state accountability report, each school shall distribute the accountability report to parents/ guardians of each student and to members of the public who request it. A school-generated report may be included or inserted in the state accountability report as long as the school report does not refute information included in the state report. (C.R.S. 22-7-606) School-level accountability committee adopts building goals/objectives, and a plan to improve educational achievement, maximize graduation rates and increase the ratings for the school’s accreditation category. (C.R.S. 22-7-205(1))

December 1

After consultation with district accountability committee, Board compiles school building goals/objectives and plans and reports the district’s goals/objectives and the district’s plan to improve educational achievement, maximize graduation rates and increase the ratings for each school’s accreditation category to the public. (C.R.S. 22-7-205(2))

December 1

Board disseminates a written report to the taxpayers and local community regarding progress on district and school accreditation indicators. The report

shall be made available to the State Board of Education, the general assembly, the governor and the public at large. (C.R.S. 22-11-105(2)) 1 CCR 301-1, Rules 2202-R 0.00 March 1

School-level accountability committee makes recommendations to Board, district accountability committee and superintendent relative to prioritization of expenditures of district moneys. (C.R.S. 22-7-207) (C.R.S. 22-7-105)

April 1

Superintendent considers recommendations by school level committees when formulating budget requests presented to Board. (C.R.S. 22-7-207)

June 1

Board considers recommendations prior to adopting budget. (C.R.S. 22-7-105)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979

File: AE-R

Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment District accountability committee The district accountability committee will consist of at least: 1. 2. 3. 4.

one parent one teacher one school administrator one taxpayer from the district

The Board will strive to have a balance of membership consistent with the district’s racial/ethnic proportions. The superintendent or other staff member designated by the Board will serve as a resource person. Members of the district accountability committee will serve basic terms of one year and will be surveyed each spring as to their willingness to serve additional one-year terms. The committee will elect a chair from its membership, establish a schedule of meetings and adopt general rules for its operation. School accountability committees NOTE: If a school can show that prior to January 1, 2000, it had in place a school committee or council that performed the legal duties specified for school advisory councils, it is not required to create a new committee or council or change the membership of that committee or council. However, it is unlikely that a school would have an established committee that was performing the specified duties of a school advisory council. Therefore, as reflected in this policy, we recommend that schools utilize their school accountability committee to satisfy the requirements of both the school accountability committee law and the school advisory council law. In order to meet legal requirements, the combined committee must perform the functions of both the accountability committee law and the school advisory council law and the membership must include the legally required persons for both committees.

The only new person that needs to be added to an existing accountability committee is an adult

member designated by an organization of parents, teachers and students recognized at the school. The other new requirement is that the parents and teachers must be elected. For the first year of any school advisory/accountability committee, the teacher and the two parents/guardians with the highest number of votes will serve terms of three years. Each school accountability committee will consist of at least: • • • • •

three parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school elected by a vote of the parents/guardians of students enrolled in the school one teacher who provides instruction at the school elected by a vote of all licensed professionals who provide instruction at the school or have an office in the school the principal or the principal's designee one business person from the community who is appointed by the principal one adult member designated by an organization of parents, teachers and students recognized at the school

No more than three members may be employed by or be related to employees of the district. "Related" means the person's spouse, son, daughter, sister or brother. Members of the committee may be designated or appointed, except where election is required. If an election would result in more than three district employees or persons related to district employees, only the candidates who receive the highest number of votes that will result in only three persons who are employees or related to employees will become members of the committee. All designations and appointments shall be made by September 1st in odd years. elections shall be conducted on or before October 31st each year.

All required

Members of the committee serve terms of two years. Vacancies shall be filled by majority action of the remaining members of the committee. Except for the principal, no member of the committee shall serve more than two consecutive full terms, plus any balance remaining on an unexpired term if the initial appointment was to fill a vacancy. NOTE: For the district accountability committee, changes required by SB 186 are only necessary if the district did not have a district accountability committee performing its legally-prescribed duties as of January 1, 2000. If the district did not have a district accountability committee as of that date, membership of the committee must be as follows: 5. three parents of students enrolled in district schools who are not employees or related to employees of the district ("related" means the person's spouse, son, daughter, sister or brother) (may be elected) 6. one teacher (may be elected) 7. one school administrator 8. one person from the community who is involved in business

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 1987

File: BAA-E1

BOARD OF EDUCATION EVALUATION In order for you to respond appropriately to each item, carefully consider past performance in each area. The following five-point interval scale will be used in answering the questions on the survey. EVALUATION COMPLETED BY:

__Board Member 0 No opinion 2 Occasionally 4

__ 1 3

Administrator Almost never Usually

Almost always

PLEASE CIRCLE THE MOST APPROPRIATE NUMBER: CONDUCT OF BOARD MEMBERS AT BOARD MEETINGS: The Board of Education: Allows time on its agenda for public participation at its meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Conducts board meetings which are generally not dominated by one or two members.

4 3 2 1 0

Receives adequate information from the Superintendent about agenda items prior to each board meeting.

4 3 2 1 0

Does not call many special meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Has meetings which last longer than 3 hours.

4 3 2 1 0

Has a policy which allows board members the opportunity to place items on the board agenda.

4 3 2 1 0

Takes action on recommendation.


4 3 2 1 0

Make sure that the Superintendent follows up on inquiries made by the public during board meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Makes decisions on the basis on what is best for the students of the district.

4 3 2 1 0

Conducts discussions which are open, relevant, and do not center on personality conflicts.

4 3 2 1 0

Has board members who respect the opinions and concerns of other board members.

4 3 2 1 0

Observes established meeting rules.

4 3 2 1 0

Announces meetings and agenda to the media and to parents.

4 3 2 1 0

Has members who attend all board meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Receives its board packets far enough ahead of meeting times so that each member has an opportunity to study agenda items.

4 3 2 1 0

Has members who are well-prepared for each board meeting.

4 3 2 1 0

Has members who fulfill their terms of office.

4 3 2 1 0






Has a president who demonstrates leadership ability in the following areas. Starts meetings on time.

4 3 2 1 0

Allows board members to express their points of view on issues.

4 3 2 1 0

Closes discussion on an issue when all sides have been presented.

4 3 2 1 0

Summarizes pros and cons of an issue when the issue is not clear.

4 3 2 1 0

Keeps discussions focused on the issue.

4 3 2 1 0

COMMENTS: THE BOARD AND THE COMMUNITY The Board of Education: Functions in a community that has access to information concerning all public actions of the board, board policies, and details of the district's educational and business operations.

4 3 2 1 0

Seeks a positive relationship with members of the media and encourages media coverage of its meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Uses the training and experience of individuals and groups in the community for resources and advice when appropriate.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages staff participation in community affairs.

4 3 2 1 0

Allows the public to use school facilities for educational, civic, and cultural purposes.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages visits by parents and other citizens to its schools and school functions.

4 3 2 1 0

Has established procedures for responding to citizens' questions and complaints and for determining what the community expects from its schools.

4 3 2 1 0

Maintains open lines of communication and cooperation with local governmental authorities.

4 3 2 1 0

Recognizes and encourages citizen attendance at Board meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Represents the entire school community.

4 3 2 1 0

Has members who respect the distinction between their individual viewpoints and board viewpoints and decisions, and who do not commit the board to a position where a board position or policy does not exist.

4 3 2 1 0

Channels community concerns, complaints, and criticisms through the office of the Superintendent for study and recommendation for board action.

4 3 2 1 0

Operates in a community which is satisfied with the operation of its schools and with the actions of the Board of Education.

4 3 2 1 0


BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT POLICIES The Board of Education: Has an up-to-date written policy manual.

4 3 2 1 0

Reviews its policies at least annually.

4 3 2 1 0

Reflects community needs in policy review.

4 3 2 1 0

Sees that the Superintendent develops necessary up-to-date administrative rules and regulations to accompany board policies.

4 3 2 1 0

Has a written District philosophy.

4 3 2 1 0

Develops and reviews an operational job description for the Superintendent.

4 3 2 1 0

COMMENTS: BOARD/SUPERINTENDENT RELATIONS The Board of Education: Follows the recommendations of the Superintendent on personnel regarding the employment or dismissal of school employees.


Actively seeks the advice and recommendations of the Superintendent.

4 3 2 1 0

Evaluates the performance of the Superintendent on an annual basis in a confidential and business-like manner.

4 3 2 1 0

Works cooperatively with the Superintendent in dealing with and to solve community concerns.


4 3 2 1 0

Develops long-and-short-range goals for the district jointly with the Superintendent and the Administrative Team.

4 3 2 1 0

Directs members of the community and school staff to voice their concerns through the proper district channels.

4 3 2 1 0

Has a president who acts as a liaison between the Board and Superintendent.

4 3 2 1 0

Communicates with the Superintendent in a climate of mutual respect and trust.

4 3 2 1 0

Commends the Superintendent when such commendation is earned.

4 3 2 1 0

Has a system for offering the Superintendent constructive criticism when necessary.

4 3 2 1 0

Provides sufficient time and resources for the Superintendent to plan, prepare reports, research information, and develop recommendations.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages the personal growth of the Superintendent through attendance at conferences, conventions, seminars, etc.

4 3 2 1 0

Takes the initiative in maintaining a salary for the Superintendent comparable with those paid for similar positions in and out of profession.

4 3 2 1 0

COMMENTS: PERSONAL GROWTH The Board of Education: Keeps itself informed about trends and concerns in the field of education by reading and attending appropriate workshops, seminars, and conferences.

4 3 2 1 0

Utilizes outside consultants and resources to assist it in solving district problems when appropriate.

4 3 2 1 0

Receives up-to-date information about the legislative process on the local, state, and federal levels and communicates with the CASB and/or its state legislators regarding legislative issues.

4 3 2 1 0

Makes every effort to gain information and understanding about the instructional program and all aspects of district business.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages its members to consider issues and arrive at conclusions independently.

4 3 2 1 0

Shows willingness to hear and consider all sides of controversial questions.

4 3 2 1 0

Provides orientation to newly-elected or appointed board members by the Superintendent and administrative staff.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages loyalty among board members and respect for board decisions.

4 3 2 1 0

Maintains the confidentiality of executive board sessions.

4 3 2 1 0

COMMENTS: FINANCE The Board of Education: Offers board members the opportunity to review the list of bills prior to board meetings.

4 3 2 1 0

Allows members to ask questions to clarify items on the list of bills.

4 3 2 1 0

Ensures that board members know and understand the various funds for which the district levies.

4 3 2 1 0

Advertises, receives, and opens bids according to law and board policy.

4 3 2 1 0

Holds a public hearing after the proposed budget is formulated and prior to final board action.

4 3 2 1 0

Receives input from the public, staff, board members, and Administrative Team in the preparation and implementation of the budget.

4 3 2 1 0

Provides information for its members regarding liability and other insurance matters.

4 3 2 1 0


PERSONNEL AND INSTRUCTIONAL PROGRAM The Board of Education: Develops and adopts sound personnel policies.

4 3 2 1 0

Receives staff input in the development of policies on the following matters: a. A thorough job description for each position

4 3 2 1 0

b. A systematic evaluation program

4 3 2 1 0


4 3 2 1 0

Professional growth and development

d. Adequate salary increments

4 3 2 1 0

e. Appropriate procedures for registering

4 3 2 1 0

Develops educational goals and objectives against which the district's program can be evaluated.

4 3 2 1 0

Devotes time at board meetings for the presentation and discussion of instructional matters.

4 3 2 1 0

Has up-to-date information about programs and policies mandated by regulations of the State Board of Education.

4 3 2 1 0

Provides for a broad educational program that will meet the needs of all students in the district.

4 3 2 1 0

Balances the cost of providing a quality educational program against the ability of the district to support such a program.

4 3 2 1 0

Encourages participation of the professional staff in the development of curriculum.

4 3 2 1 0


Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 12, 1984

File: BAA

Evaluation Of School Board Operational Procedures Members of the Eagle County School District Board of Education willingly take on the difficult but important task of grading themselves and the board on which they serve. While the primary purpose of this assessment is the improvement of school board leadership, the Board recognizes the value of self-evaluation in providing a model for the evaluation policies of the school district. By setting standards and then evaluating itself against those standards, the Board believes that such evaluation will also help to build trust and respect among its members as board skills improve. Evaluation instruments providing for dual evaluation by the Superintendent and members of the Administrative Team, as well as Board members, will be used as one means of providing am meaningful answer to the question, "How well are we doing?" Dual evaluation acknowledges the Board's close working relationship with the administrative staff and the fact that the Board's actions or inaction can significantly affect the effectiveness of the Administrative Team. Guidelines for the Evaluation Process 1. Board members should know the standards against which they will evaluate themselves and should be involved in the development of these standards. 2.

Evaluation should be done in executive session, at a scheduled time and place, with no other items on the agenda, and with all board members present.


The evaluation should be a composite of the individual board members' opinions, but the Board as a whole should meet to discuss the results.


The evaluation should include a discussion of strengths as well as weaknesses.


The evaluation should be made at least once a year.


The Board should not limit itself to those items which appear on the evaluation form. No form or set of guidelines could encompass the totality of a school board's responsibilities.


Each judgment should be supported by as much rational and objective evidence as possible.


When the Board has received the composite profiles from the self-evaluation and staff evaluation, the members will then discuss the results and formulate a series of objectives for the ensuing year.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Statutory

File: BB

SCHOOL BOARD LEGAL STATUS The Constitution of Colorado assigns to locally-elected boards of education control of instruction in the public schools of their respective districts. As charged by the constitution, the General Assembly has provided for the organization of school districts, including the composition of district boards and the election of school directors. Legally, then, local school boards are political subdivisions of the state and derive their power from the state constitution and acts of the General Assembly. They also have the responsibility to the local citizenry they serve and by whom they are elected. There are seven directors on the Board of Education of Eagle County School District Re50J, each of whom is elected for a four-year term. LEGAL REFS.:

Constitution of Colorado, Article IX, Sections 2, 15 C.R.S. 22-31-105 (NOTE: This section provides a district electorate with certain leeway in the number of directors and in the length of the term of office.)


AA, School District Legal Status BBA, School Board Powers and Duties BBBG School Board Elections

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 9, 1994

File: BBA Page 33 of 610

Board Powers and Responsibilities Because all powers of the Board lie in its actions as a group, individual Board members exercise authority over the District affairs only as votes are taken at a legal meeting of the Board. In other instances, an individual Board member has power only when the Board has lawfully delegated authority to him/her. The Board of Education shall be responsible for carrying out the mandatory laws of the state and shall consider, and accept or reject, the provisions of the permissive laws. In all instances where state laws do not provide or prohibit, the Board shall consider itself responsible for establishing and appraising the educational activities. The Board of Education shall have the authority to make its own rules and regulations, subject to the provisions set forth in policy; to organize and maintain a system of preschool, elementary, middle, and high schools; and to exercise sole control over the schools and the property of the district. Retention and Delegation of Authority

While the Board of Education of School District Re50J is charged by the state with the responsibility for providing educational opportunities for the children of its schools and of directing those public school activities which the state entrusts to its care and supervision, a carefully planned pattern of authority is observed by the Board. In fulfilling its obligations, the Board acts similarly in its relationships to the schools as do boards of directors to successful business organizations. That is, it acts through the power of legislation, by the determination of policies, and in the evaluation of results. The direct administration of the school system is delegated to the Superintendent of schools whom the Board appoints to act as executive officer of the Board. The Superintendent is held individually and directly responsible to the Board for the execution of all its policies and its legislation and for such other duties assigned to him/her by the Board of Education. The Board retains full legislative and judicial authority over the schools in accordance with the school laws and the expressed will of the electorate but delegates all executive, supervisory, and instructional authority to its employees as specified in policy. Legislative service under the law implies the power and the obligation to contract for services and materials, the authority to pass judgment upon employees and their work, and the authority to veto acts of any or all employees when the acts are deemed contrary to the rights or obligations of the school district or inconsistent with established Board policies. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109 C.R.S. 22-32-110 C.R.S. 22-9-101 et. seq.


BB, School Board Legal Status

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: BBBA

Board Member Qualifications A candidate for the office of school director shall be: a resident of the school district and a registered voter, as shown on the books of the county clerk and recorder, for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the election 18 years or older by the date of the election a citizen of the United States Eagle County School District Re50J has a director district plan of representation. Therefore, the candidate must be a resident of the director district in which he or she is a candidate. No candidate may run representing a political party. In addition, any person who has been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendere to, or received a deferred judgment or sentence for commission of a sexual offense against a child is ineligible for election to the District's Board of education. Similarly, any Board member who is convicted of, pleads guilty or nolo contendere to, or receives a deferred judgment for a sexual offense against a child while serving on a Board shall become ineligible to serve and a vacancy shall be created. Any person who is the subject of a pending charge of commission of a sexual offense against a child at the time of election is ineligible for election to the District's Board.

It is important that the candidate be sincerely and honestly interested in serving the whole school district for the best interests of all children. Board members shall be nonpartisan in dealing with school matters. The Board does not wish to subordinate the education of children and youth to any partisan principle, group interest or personal ambition. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-31-107 (qualifications and nomination of candidates for school director) C.R.S. 1-2-101,102 (qualification and registration of elections) C.R.S. 1-4-803 (petitions for nominating school directors)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Statutory

File: BBBB

Board Member Oath of Office Each school board member, within 10 days after delivery of his/her certificate of election, is required to take an oath of office that (s)he will faithfully perform the duties of his/her office as required by law and will support the Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of Colorado, and the laws made pursuant thereto. Such oath shall be filed with the County Clerk. LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 22-31-125 Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Statutory


Board Member Resignation/Removal from Office Vacancies may occur on the Board because of a member's resignation, death, his/her moving outside of the District or director district, or other reasons provided by law. Or a member may be recalled or removed from office for such reasons as specified in law. A member's office shall be declared vacant by the Board of Education if (s)he does not attend three consecutive regular meetings of the Board unless the Board, by resolution, approves any additional absence or unless such absences are due to temporary disability or illness. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-31-128 C.R.S. 22-31-129

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Statutory

File: BBBE

Unexpired Term Fulfillment When a vacancy occurs on a board of education, the Board is required by law to appoint a person to fill the vacancy within 60 days. Should the Board not act, the President of the Board makes the appointment. Whether the appointee serves for the remainder of the unexpired term or until the next year or next succeeding election depends on the number of days until the next regular biennial election and the number of years left in the unexpired term. •

If the vacancy occurs more than 60 days before the election and the unexpired term is for

more than two years, the term of appointment is until the next election, when a successor for the remainder of the term is elected. •

If the vacancy occurs within 60 days of the election and the unexpired term is for more than two years, the term of appointment is until the next succeeding election.


Otherwise, the term of appointment is for the remainder of the unexpired term.


C.R.S. 22-31-129 (2), (3), (4)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Revised: September 24, 1997

File: BBBG

Board Elections Registered voters of the District elect directors to the Board of Education at regular school elections held on the first Tuesday of November in each odd-numbered year. At every other biennial election, three directors are elected; at the other biennial election four directors are elected. The Board has adopted, and the District electorate has approved, a director district plan of representation whereby directors are elected from director districts. However, all directors are voted upon at large by electors of the entire school district. Three directors are elected in a biennial election representing respectively, director districts A, C, and D; in the subsequent biennial election, four members are elected from directors districts B, E, F, and G. The county clerk and recorder is responsible for conducting the regular biennial school election. The election shall be conducted pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement between the district and the county clerk and recorder. The agreement shall allocate responsibilities between the county clerk and the district for the preparation and conduct of the election and shall be signed no less than 60 days prior to the election. The Board shall designate a school election official to whom some election responsibilities may be delegated pursuant to the agreement. Candidates are nominated in the manner prescribed by law. Nomination petitions shall be filed prior to 66 days before the election. In accordance with the sate law, candidates for school district directors shall file a candidate affidavit with the county clerk's office and submit reports on contributions and expenditures during the campaign. Any person registered as a district elector may vote. Voter qualifications are the same as those for voting in general elections. The election may be conducted by mail ballot in accordance with state law and rules promulgated by the secretary of state. An implementation plan for conducting the election by mail ballot shall be submitted to the secretary of state no later than 75 days prior to the election. If 25 days before the election, there is only one candidate for each position to be filled, the Board by resolution may instruct the designated election official to cancel the election and declare the candidates elected, pursuant to state law. Established by law and vote of district electorate LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 1-1-101 through 1-23-108 et seq. (Uniform Election Code of 1992) C.R.S. 1-45-101 et seq. (Fair Campaign Practices Act)

C.R.S. 22-31-101 et. seq. CROSS REF.:

BB -- School Board Legal Status

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 1982 Revised: September 5, 2012

File: BBBG-E1

Director District Legal Descriptions Director District A Beginning at the Intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and the centerline of the Terrell and Ford Ditch in Section 4, Township 5 South, Rage 82 West, Colorado State Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of the centerline of Avon Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Avon Road to the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 in Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, Colorado State Meridian; Thence easterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of Interstate 70 in Section 22, Township 5 S., Range 81 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 70; to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence southerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 24 in Section 6 South, Range 81 West, Township 6 South, Range 81 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the U. S. Highway 24 to the intersection of the Eagle County School District Boundary; Thence westerly along the Eagle County School District Boundary to the intersection of the westerly boundary of Section 13, Township 7 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the western boundaries of Sections 13, 7, and 1, Township 13 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the northwest corner of Section 1; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section 1, Township 13 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the southeast corner of Section 35, Township 6 South, 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Section 35, 26, and 24, Township 6 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian, to the intersection of the centerline of West Lake Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Road to the intersection of West Lake Creek; Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Creek to the intersection of Murphy Creek; Thence westerly along the centerline of Murphy Creek to the intersection of West Lake Road; Thence northerly along West Lake Road to the intersection of the southern boundary of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the southern boundary of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the western boundaries of Sections 31, 30, and 19 Township 5 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian to the western corner of Section 19 Township 5 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence west to the center point of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north 755 feet; Thence westerly to a point at the intersection of the western border of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian and the centerline of Squaw Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Squaw Creek Road to the intersection of the northern

boundary of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian to the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north to the intersection then centerline of an unnamed road 1,933 feet north of the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian’ Thence easterly along the centerline of the unnamed road 1,933 feet north of the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of West Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Road to the intersection of the northern boundary of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of the Bert Siddel Ditch; Thence southerly and easterly along the centerline of the Bert Siddel Ditch to the intersection of the western boundary of the White River National Forest; Thence northerly and easterly along the boundary of the White River National Forest to its intersection with the center point of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north-northwest in a straight line to the point of beginning. Director District B Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70 and U.S. Highway 24; Thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 70; to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence southerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 24 in Section 6 South, Range 81 West, Township 6 South, Range 81 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the U. S. Highway 24 to the intersection of the Eagle County School District Boundary; Thence easterly, northerly and westerly along the Eagle County School District Boundary in a counter clockwise direction to the intersection of the Eagle County School District Boundary and the centerline of Box Canyon Creek in Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of Box Canyon Creek to the intersection of an unnamed road in Section 9, Township 3 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of the unnamed road to the intersection of Muddy Pass Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Muddy Pass Road to the centerline of Piney River; Thence easterly along the centerline of Piney River to the intersection of the centerline of South Fork of Piney River; Thence southerly along the centerline of South Fork Piney River to the centerline of South Fork Piney River Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of South Fork Piney River Road to the intersection of the centerline of Red and White Mountain Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Red and White Mountain Road to the intersection of the centerline of Metcalf Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Metcalf Creek to the intersection of the northerly boundary of the town of Avon; Thence easterly and then southerly along the town boundary of Avon to the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to the intersection of the centerline of U.S.

Highway 6 in Section 17, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, Colorado State Meridian; Thence easterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the point of beginning. Director District C Commencing at intersection of Edwards Access Road, Edwards Village Blvd and U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of Edwards Village Blvd to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Road to the intersection of US Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of west boundary of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the west boundary of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Village Drive; Thence westerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Village Drive to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the intersection of the centerline of U.S Highway 6 in Section 4 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of Beardon Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Beardon Road to the intersection of Hells Pocket Road; Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Hells Pocket Road to the intersection of the centerline of Bear Cat Point Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Bear Cat Point Road to the intersection of the centerline of an unnamed road in Section 7 Township 4 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the centerline of an unnamed road in Section 7 Township 4 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8510 in Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 84 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8510 to its intersection with the centerline of Eby Creek Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eby Creek Road to its intersection with the centerline of Eby Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eby Creek to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8483; Thence southerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8483 to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8480; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8480 to its intersection with the centerline of a tributary of Cottonwood Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of the tributary of Cottonwood Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian to its intersection of the centerline of Cottonwood Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Cottonwood Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Eagle River Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eagle River Road to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the western boundary of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 86 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north along the western boundary of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 86 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to the intersection of the western boundary of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the western boundary of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the western boundary of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian;

Thence southerly along the western boundary of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad to Eagle County School District Boundary; Thence westerly, northerly, and easterly in a clockwise direction around the Eagle County School District Boundary to the intersection of the Eagle County School District Boundary and the centerline of Box Canyon Creek in Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of Box Canyon Creek to the intersection of an unnamed road in Section 9, Township 3 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of the unnamed road to the intersection of Muddy Pass Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Muddy Pass Road to the centerline of Piney River; Thence easterly along the centerline of Piney River to the intersection of the centerline of South Fork of Piney River; Thence southerly along the centerline of South Fork Piney River to the centerline of South Fork Piney River Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of South Fork Piney River Road to the intersection of the centerline of Red and White Mountain Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Red and White Mountain Road to the intersection of the centerline of Metcalf Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Metcalf Creek to the intersection of the northerly boundary of the town of Avon; Thence westerly and southerly along the boundary of the Town of Avon to the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to a point due south of the southwest corner of 235 Longhorn Road in the Berry Creek Ranch Subdivision; Thence northerly along the western boundary of 235 Longhorn Road in the Berry Creek Ranch Subdivision to the intersection of the centerline of Longhorn Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Longhorn Road to the intersection of the centerline of Rawhide Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Rawhide Road to the intersection of the centerline of Berry Creek Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Berry Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline Edwards Access Road; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Edwards Access Road to the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad; Thence easterly along the centerline of the Union Pacific railroad to a point due north of the Miller Development Subdivision; Thence south along the western boundary of the Miller Development Subdivision to the intersection of Millers Circle; Thence westerly along the centerline of Millers Circle to the intersection of the centerline of Reserve Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Reserve Road to the intersection of U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the point of beginning. District D Commencing at the intersection of the centerlines of Sylvan Lake Road and Brush Creek Road; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Brush Creek Road 110 feet to the intersection of the town boundary of Eagle; Thence northeasterly, easterly, northerly along the boundary of the Town of Eagle to the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence easterly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of Beardon Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Beardon Road to the intersection of Hells Pocket Road;

Thence northeasterly along the centerline of Hells Pocket Road to the intersection of the centerline of Bear Cat Point Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Bear Cat Point Road to the intersection of the centerline of an unnamed road in Section 7 Township 4 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the centerline of an unnamed road in Section 7 Township 4 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8510 in Section 4, Township 4 South, Range 84 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8510 to its intersection with the centerline of Eby Creek Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eby Creek Road to its intersection with the centerline of Eby Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eby Creek to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8483; Thence southerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8483 to its intersection with the centerline of US Forest Road 8480; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8480 to its intersection with the centerline of a tributary of Cottonwood Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of the tributary of Cottonwood Creek in the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian to its intersection of the centerline of Cottonwood Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Cottonwood Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Eagle River Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Eagle River Road to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6; Thence easterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of the centerline of an unnamed road located 300 feet west of Brush Creek; Thence southeasterly along the unnamed road to its intersection with the centerline of Green Acres Lane; Thence easterly along the centerline of Green Acres Lane to the intersection of the centerline of Sylvan Lakes Road; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road to the intersection with the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road; Thence southwesterly and then south easterly along the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road to the intersection with the of the centerline of Aldan Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Aldan Road to the intersection with the centerline of Palmer Loop; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Palmer Loop to the intersection of centerline Eagle Ranch Road; Thence easterly along the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road to the intersection of centerline of Abrams Creek; Thence northerly along the centerline of Abrams Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road; Thence easterly along the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road to the point of beginning. District E Commencing at the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 and the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad in the town of Gypsum; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the western boundary of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 86 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north along the western boundary of Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 86 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to the intersection of the western boundary of Section 12. Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the western boundary of Section 12. Township 5 South, Range 87 West,

Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the western boundary of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the western boundary of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 87 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad to Eagle County School District Boundary; Thence southerly and easterly in a counter clockwise direction on the Eagle County School District Boundary to the intersection of the centerline of Red Table Mountain Road in Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the centerline of Red Table Mountain Road to the intersection of the centerline of Red Table Logging Spur Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Red Table Logging Spur Road to the intersection of the centerline of Drill Hole Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Drill Hole Road to its end in Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northeasterly to the headwaters of Sundell Creek; Thence northerly along the centerline of Sundell Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Gypsum Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Gypsum Creek Road to the intersection of the southern boundary of Section 29, Township 5 South, Range 85 West; Thence east along the southern boundaries of Sections 29, 28 to the intersection of the centerline of US Forest Road 8379; Thence easterly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8379 to the intersection of the centerline of US Forest Road 8383; Thence northerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8383 to the intersection of the centerlines of Spring Creek Road and US Forest Road 8382; Thence northerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8382 to the intersection of the northern boundary of the West Eagle Ranch LLC property, Assessor’s Parcel 21091531001; Thence westerly and northerly along the northern boundary of West Eagle Ranch LLC property, Assessor’s Parcel 21091531001 to a point on the northern border of Section 4, Township 5 South, 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian, 861 feet east of the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian, Thence northwest to the centerline of Crocket Court; Thence northerly along the centerline of Crocket Court to the intersection of the centerline of Spring Buck Road; Thence easterly along the centerline of Spring Buck Road, to the intersection of the centerline of Buckhorn Valley Boulevard; Thence northerly along the centerline of Buckhorn Valley Boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Cooley Mesa Road; Thence easterly along the centerline of Cooley Mesa Road to the intersection of the centerline of Alkali Creek; Thence northerly along the centerline of Alkali Creek to the intersection of the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Union Pacific Railroad to the point of beginning.

District F Beginning at the Intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and the centerline of Reserve Road in Section 4, Township 5 South, Rage 82 West, Colorado State Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of Avon Road ; Thence northerly along the centerline of Avon Road to the centerline of Interstate 70; Thence easterly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to the eastern limits of the Town of Avon; Thence northerly, westerly and southerly along the boundary of the Town of Avon in a counter clockwise direction, to the intersection of the centerline of Interstate 70 in Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the centerline of Interstate 70 to a point due south of the southwest corner of 235 Longhorn Road in the Berry Creek Ranch Subdivision; Thence northerly along the western boundary of 235 Longhorn Road in the Berry Creek Ranch Subdivision to the intersection of the centerline of Longhorn Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Longhorn Road to the intersection of the centerline of Rawhide Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Rawhide Road to the intersection of the centerline of Berry Creek Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Berry Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline Edwards Access Road; Thence southwesterly along the centerline of Edwards Access Road to the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad; Thence easterly along the centerline of the Union Pacific railroad to a point due north of the Mill Development Subdivision; Thence south along the western boundary of the Mill Development Subdivision to the intersection of Millers Circle; Thence westerly along the centerline of Millers Circle to the intersection of the centerline of Reserve Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Reserve Road to the intersection of U.S. Highway 6; the point of beginning. District G Commencing at intersection of Edwards Access Road, Edwards Village Blvd and U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of Edwards Village Blvd to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Road to the intersection of US Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of west boundary of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the west boundary of Section 31, Township 4 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Village Drive; Thence westerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Village Drive to the intersection of the centerline of the Eagle River; Thence westerly along the centerline of the Eagle River to the intersection of the Town of Eagle boundary; Thence following the Town of Eagle boundary in a clockwise direction to its intersection with the centerline of Brush Creek Road; Thence northwesterly along the centerline of Brush Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road to the intersection of the centerline of Abrams Creek; Thence southerly along the centerline of Abrams Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road to the intersection of the centerline of

Palmer Loop; Thence northerly along the centerline of Palmer Loop to the intersection of the centerline of Aldan Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Aldan Road to the intersection of the centerline of Eagle Ranch Road; Thence westerly and northerly along Eagle Ranch Road to the intersection of the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Sylvan Lake Road to the intersection of Green Acres Lane; Thence westerly along the centerline of Green Acres Lane and the unnamed road extension to the intersection of the centerline of U.S. Highway 6; Thence westerly along the centerline of U.S. Highway 6 to the intersection of the centerline of Alkali Creek Thence southerly along the centerline of Alkali Creek to the intersection of the centerline of Cooley Mesa Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Cooley Mesa Road to the intersection of Buckhorn Valley Boulevard; Thence southerly along the centerline of Buckhorn Valley Boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Cooley Mesa Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Buckhorn Valley boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Spring Buck Road; Thence westerly along the centerline of Spring Buck Road to the intersection with the centerline of Crocket Court; Thence southerly along the centerline of Crocket Court to it southern end; Thence easterly and southerly along the northern boundary of West Eagle Ranch LLC property, Assessor’s Parcel 21091531001 to a point on the northern border of Section 4, Township 5 South, 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian, 861 feet east of the northwest corner of Section 4, Township 5 South, 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of US Forest Road 8382, Thence southerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8382 to intersection of the centerlines of Spring Creek Road and US Forest Road 8382; Thence southerly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8383 to the intersection of the centerline of US Forest Road 8379; Thence easterly along the centerline of US Forest Road 8379 to the intersection the southern boundary of Section 28, Township 5 South, Range 85 West; Thence west along the southern boundaries of Sections 29, 28 to the intersection of the centerline of US Forest Road 8379 to the intersection of Gypsum Creek Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Gypsum Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline of Sundell Creek; Thence southeasterly along the centerline of Sundell Creek to its headwaters; Thence southeasterly to the centerline of Drill Hole Road in Section 19, Township 5 South, Range 85 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence southerly along the centerline of Drill Hole Road to the intersection centerline of Red Table Logging Spur Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Red Table Logging Spur Road to the intersection of the centerline Red Table Mountain Road; Thence southerly along the centerline of Red Table Mountain Road to the intersection of the south boundary of the Eagle County School District; Thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Eagle County School District to the intersection of the westerly boundary of Section 13, Township 7 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the western boundaries of Sections 13, 7, and 1, Township 13 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the northwest corner of Section 1; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section 1, Township 13 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the southeast corner of Section 35, Township 6 South, 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the eastern boundaries of Section 35, 26, and 24, Township 6 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian, to the intersection of the centerline of West Lake Road;

Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Road to the intersection of West Lake Creek; Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Creek to the intersection of Murphy Creek; Thence westerly along the centerline of Murphy Creek to the intersection of West Lake Road; Thence northerly along West Lake Road to the intersection of the southern boundary of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence westerly along the southern boundary of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian to the southwest corner of Section 31, Township 6 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence northerly along the western boundaries of Sections 31, 30, and 19 Township 5 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian to the western corner of Section 19 Township 5 South, Range 82 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence west to the center point of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north 755 feet; Thence westerly to a point at the intersection of the western border of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian and the centerline of Squaw Creek Road; Thence northern along the centerline of Squaw Creek Road to the intersection of the northern boundary of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian to the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north to the intersection then centerline of an unnamed road 1,933 feet north of the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian’ Thence easterly along the centerline of the unnamed road 1,933 feet north of the northeast corner of Section 24, Township 5 South, Range 83 West Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of West Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of West Lake Creek Road to the intersection of the centerline of Lake Creek Road; Thence northerly along the centerline of Lake Creek Road to the intersection of the northern boundary of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Northwest quarter of Section 8, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian to the intersection of the centerline of the Bert Siddel Ditch; Thence southerly and easterly along the centerline of the Bert Siddel Ditch to the intersection of the western boundary of the White River National Forest; Thence northerly and easterly along the boundary of the White River National Forest to its intersection with the center point of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 82 West, Colorado Base Meridian; Thence north-northwest in a straight line to the point of beginning. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BC

School Board Member Conduct Public office is a trust created by the confidence which the public places in the integrity of its public officers. To preserve this confidence, it is the desire of the Board to operate under the highest ethical standards. In carrying out his/her fiduciary duties, a Board member shall not: 1.

Disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of his/her official duties to further substantially his/her personal financial interests.


Accept a gift of substantial value or substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in his/her position or which (s)he knows or should know is primarily for the purpose of rewarding him/her for official action taken.


Engage in a substantial financial transaction for his/her private business purposes with a person whom (s)he supervises in the course of his/her official duties.


Perform an official act which directly and substantially confers an economic benefit on a business or other undertaking in which (s)he has a substantial financial interest, or in which (s)he is engaged as a counsel, consultant, representative, or agent.

The phrase "economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value" includes a loan at a rate of interest substantially lower than the prevailing commercial rate and compensation received for private services rendered at a rate substantially exceeding the fair market value. It is permissible for a Board member to receive: 1.

An occasional nonpecuniary gift which is insignificant in value.


A nonpecuniary award publicly presented by a nonprofit organization in recognition of public service.


Payment or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for travel and subsistence for attendance at a convention or other meeting at which (s)he is scheduled to participate.


Reimbursement for or acceptance of an opportunity to participate in a social function or meeting which is not extra-ordinary when viewed in light of his/her position.


Items of perishable or nonpermanent value including but not limited to meals, lodging, travel expenses, or tickets to sporting, recreational, educational, or cultural events.


Payment for speeches, debates, or other public events reported as honorariums.


C.R.S. 24-18-104 C.R.S. 24-18-109


BCB, Board Member Conflict of Interest DJG, Vendor Relations

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 10, 1980 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: BCA

Board Member Code of Ethics I.

As a member of my local Board of Education, representing all the citizens of my school district, I recognize 1.

That my fellow citizens have entrusted me with the educational development of the children of this community.


That the public expects my first concern to be the best interest of children without distinction as to who they are or what their backgrounds may be.



That the future welfare of our community, state, and nation depends upon the quality of education we provide in the public schools.


That my fellow board members and I must take the initiative in helping the people of this community to have all the facts about their schools, to the end that they will readily provide a program of quality education.


That legally the authority of the Board is derived from the State of Colorado which ultimately controls the organization and operation of the School District and which determines the degree of discretionary power exercised by the Board and the people of this community.


That I must never neglect my personal obligation to the community and my legal obligation to the State, nor surrender these responsibilities to any other person, group, or organization.

In view of the foregoing consideration, it shall be my constant endeavor 1.

To devote time, thought, and study to the duties and responsibilities of a school board member so that I may render effective and creditable service.


To work with my fellow board members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that arise during debate of points at issue.


To base my decisions upon all available facts; to vote my honest convictions and thereafter, to abide by and uphold the majority decision of the Board.


To remember that as an individual, I have no legal authority outside the meetings of the Board.


To resist pressure to use my position as a school board member to benefit either me or other individuals or agencies apart from the interest of the School District.


To establish policies by which the schools are to be administered, but to leave the administration of the educational program and the conduct of school business to the Superintendent of Schools and his/her staff.


To encourage active participation by citizens, District personnel, community, and organizations with respect to establishing policy.


To strive for effective school board service to our community, in a spirit of teamwork, recognizing that public education is the greatest instrument for the preservation and perpetuation of our representative democracy.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BCA-E1

Code of Ethics for School Board Members As a member of my local board of education, I will strive to improve public education and to that end I will: -

Remember always that my first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the public schools.


Attend all regularly-scheduled Board meetings insofar as possible and become informed concerning the issues to be considered at those meetings.


Recognize that I should endeavor to make policy decisions only after full discussion at publicly held Board meetings.


Render all decisions based on the available facts and my independent judgment and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups.


Encourage the free expression of opinion by all Board members and seek systematic communications between the Board and students, staff, and all elements of the community.


Work with other Board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent.


Communicate to other Board members and the Superintendent expressions of public reaction to Board policies and school programs.


Inform myself about current educational issues by individual study and through participation in programs providing needed information, such as those sponsored by my state and national school boards associations.


Support the employment of those persons best qualified to serve as school staff and insist on a regular and impartial evaluation of all staff.


Avoid being placed in a position of conflict of interest and refrain from using my Board position for personal or partisan gain.


Take no private action that will compromise the Board or administration and respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged under applicable laws.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BCA-E2

School Board Member Ethics According to Colorado Revised Statutes 24-17-105, the following ethical principles for school board members "are intended as guides to conduct and do not constitute violations as such of the public trust of office..." 1.

I "should not acquire or hold an interest in any business or undertaking which I have reason to believe may be directly and substantially affected to its economic benefit by official action to be taken by an agency over which I have substantive authority."


I "should not, within six months following the termination of my office..., obtain employment in which I will take direct advantage, unavailable to others, of matters with which I was directly involved during my term of office. These matters include rules, other than rules of general application, which I actively helped to formulate and applications, claims, or contested cases in the consideration of which I was an active participant."


I "should not perform an official act directly and substantially affecting a business or other undertaking to its economic detriment when I have a substantial financial interest in a competing firm or undertaking."

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006 Revised: June 1, 2013

File: BCB

School Board Member Conflict Of Interest Public office is a trust created in the interest of the common good and for the benefit of the people. A conflict of interest can arise when a public officer is unable to devote himself/herself with complete loyalty and singleness of purpose to the general public interest. It is the intent of this policy to protect the public trust placed in directors of this school district. For purposes of this policy, the Board declares that a conflict of interest is a personal, pecuniary interest that is immediate, definite and demonstrable and which is or may be in conflict with the public interest. A Board member who has a personal or private interest in a matter proposed or pending before the Board shall disclose such interest to the Board, shall not vote on it and shall not attempt to influence the decisions of other Board members in voting on the matter. However, if a Board member has complied with statutory disclosure requirements by notifying the secretary of state of an interest in the matter, the member may vote if participation is necessary to obtain a quorum or otherwise enable the Board to act. If a member votes under these circumstances, that member shall state for the record the fact and summary nature of the potential conflict of interest. The written disclosure to the secretary of state shall list as applicable the amount of the member's financial interest, the purpose and duration of any services rendered, compensation received for services or such other information necessary to describe the interest. The Board considers it a conflict of interest for a Board member to also be employed by the district. Therefore, the Board shall not hire any of its members as an employee of the district nor shall the Board approve any compensation for a member for services rendered to the district as an employee except for services rendered to the Board as provided by law. Therefore, an employee elected to the Board shall be required to relinquish employment with the district prior to taking office. Employees are encouraged to consider this prior to running for the Board. Members may be reimbursed for authorized expenses in carrying out Board duties as provided by law. The Board shall not enter into any contract with any of its members or with a firm or corporation in which a member has a financial interest unless one or more of the following apply: 1. The contract is awarded to the lowest responsible bidder based on competitive bidding procedures. 2. The merchandise is sold to the highest bidder at a public auction. 3. The transaction involves investing or depositing money in a financial institution which is in the business of loaning money or receiving money. 4. If, because of geographic restrictions, the district could not otherwise reasonably afford the

contract because the additional cost to the district would be greater than 10 percent of the contract with the interested member or if the contract is for services that must be performed within a limited time period and no other contractor can perform the services. 5. If the contract is one in which the Board member has disclosed a personal interest and is one on which the member has not voted or has voted as allowed in state law following disclosure to the secretary of state and to the Board. Except as described above, a Board member shall not be a purchaser at any sale or a vendor for any purchase made by the district. A member of the Board may request an advisory opinion from the secretary of state concerning issues relating to his or her conduct and potential conflict of interest.


Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 13 C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(y) C.R.S. 24-18-109 through 24-18-111 C.R.S. 24-18-201 C.R.S. 24-18-202


BCA, Board Member Code of Ethics BC, School Board Member Conduct BEDB, Agenda Preparation and Dissemination BEDF, Voting Method DJE, Bidding Procedures

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 24, 1984 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: BCB-E1

Conflict Of Interest TO:

Secretary of the State of Colorado

I, _________________________________________, may have a potential conflict of interest











_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Amount of the Board member's financial interest: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Purpose and duration of any services rendered: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Compensation received for services: _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ Other information necessary to describe the interest: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Please accept this communication as my identification of that potential Conflict of Interest and attach same to the official Board of Education meeting minutes. Signature: __________________________________ Date and Time: __________________________________ Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 9, 1994

File: BDA

Board Organizational Meeting The Board shall meet in an organizational session at a regular or special meeting for the purpose of selecting officers following the survey of election returns. Within 10 days after the canvass of the vote cast in each regular biennial school election, the Board shall meet in an organizational session for the purpose of electing officers for the following two years. The incumbent president of the Board shall preside until a successor is elected, whereupon the successor will assume the chair. Following the swearing in of the newly-elected Board members, the following officers, in order, shall be elected or appointed: President, Vice President Secretary and Treasurer. Nominations shall be made by the Board, and voting shall be by roll call, or by secret ballot. Should no nominee receive a majority vote of Board members present and voting, the election shall be declared null and void, further nominations may be made the roll call or secret ballot vote shall be retaken. Following election of the officers with exception of the treasurer, the Board shall appoint the staff member who will fill the office of Secretary to the Board. Then such other items of business shall be considered by the Board as are scheduled on the agenda. Officer Resignation Should one or more officers of the Board resign, the Board shall select another member or members to fill the vacant office or offices, as provided by law. A newly-elected officer shall assume his/her duties immediately upon election. Upon his/her acceptance of the nomination and election to the new office, his/her former office shall be declared vacant and another member selected to fill that position. Current practice codified 1979 LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-104 (1), (2), (3), (4) C.R.S. 22-32-108 (6)

Note 1:

The new election law requires the Board 15 days prior to the election to appoint one of its own members and one eligible elector as a board of canvassers to assist the county clerk in surveying election returns. The canvassers are to be meet no later than seven days after the election and issue a statement of results. The Uniform Election Code provides that the terms of nonpartisan officers commence at the next meeting of the governing board but no later than 30 days following the survey of returns and upon the signing of the oath of office. School law still requires the Board to hold its organizational meeting within 10 days after the election. We recommend that boards observe the 10 day organizational deadline to be in strict compliance with the law.

Note 2:

The law permits the election of the President and Vice President by secret ballot.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: December 14, 1995

File: BDB

Board Officers President The President of the Board, in addition to duties prescribed by law, shall exercise such powers as properly pertain to his/her office. In carrying out his/her responsibilities, the President shall: 1.

Preside at all meetings of the Board.


Consult with the Superintendent in planning the Board meeting agenda.


Bring before the Board such matters as in his/her judgment may require the attention of the Board.


Be responsible for the orderly conduct of Board meetings.


Confer with the Superintendent on crucial matters which may occur between Board meetings.


Call special meetings of the Board as necessary.


Appoint special committees, subject to the approval of the Board.


Sign appropriate written contracts to which the School District is a party.


Sign official reports of the District except as otherwise provided by law.


Act as a public spokesperson for the Board.


Authorize his/her facsimile signature to be placed on appropriate checks drawn against the Eagle County School District.

Vice President It shall be the duty of the Vice President to perform the duties of the President during the President's absence. Secretary-Treasurer It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to (NOTE: The Board of Education may assign any or all of the following duties to the Secretary TO the Board or the Treasurer TO the Board)


Ensure that a record is kept of all business transacted by the Board at either regular or special meetings.


Cause written notice to be given to each Board member of all special meetings of the Board.


Be custodian of the seal of the Eagle County School District.


Cause all notices of school elections to be published and posted, and perform such other duties in the conduct of school elections as required by law.


Sign appropriate written contracts to which the School District is a party.


Account for all moneys belonging to the District.


Report to the Board, as required, regarding moneys of the Eagle County School District.


Authorize his/her facsimile signature to be placed on appropriate checks drawn against the Eagle County School District.


Deposit to the credit of the Eagle County School District all moneys belonging to the Eagle County School District in one or more depositories designated by the Board.


Perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Board.

LEGAL REFS.: C.R.S. 22-32-104 (3); 22-32-105 (president and vice president) C.R.S. 22-32-104 (4); 22-32-106 (secretary) C.R.S. 11-10.5-111; 22-32-104 (4); 22-32-107 (treasurer) CROSS REF.: BDC, Appointed Board Officials DG, Depository of Funds DGA, Authorized Signatures DH, Bonded Employees and Officers Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: BDC

Appointed Board Officials It is the practice of the Board of Education of Eagle County School District Re50J to appoint a secretary to the Board of Education. The secretary to the Board shall keep accurate minutes of all proceedings of the Board and perform such other duties the Board may assign or which are ordinarily the function of the SecretaryTreasurer of the Board. Current practice codified 1979 CROSS REF.: ABE - Board Officers

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 25, 1984 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: BDD

Board - Superintendent Relationship The relationship of the Board of Education and the Superintendent is similar to that of boards and executives of business corporations. It is the role of the Board to establish policy and the role of the Superintendent to administer that policy. The establishment of policies for the governing of a school district by the Board of Education and the administration of those policies by the Superintendent of Schools call for a high order of devotion, statesmanship, and integrity. It is of utmost importance for the good of the children in our schools, that the Board and the Superintendent work in an atmosphere of mutual trust and good will. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Board will establish written policies for the operation of the schools as prescribed by law and other policies as may seem advisable.


The Board will select a superintendent of schools who shall be the chief executive officer of the school system and be directly responsible to the Board for the total administration of the school district. The Board will not assume the administrative function, but will vest in the Superintendent executive authority commensurate with responsibility.


The Board of Education will exercise its control over the School District through its power to: set the philosophy of education for the District determine the goals and objectives of the District hire the Superintendent to administer a program to achieve District goals and objectives, and to release a superintendent when it is determined that the Superintendent is not effective set District policy and accompanying administrative regulations determine what educational programs shall be implemented or discontinued determine the annual budget of the District determine if and when additional employment positions will be added in the District.


The Superintendent is responsible for the operation and administration of the District, and the role of the Board of Education is to hold the Superintendent accountable for the achievement of District goals and for the appropriate use of the financial resources of the district.


The provision in the Superintendent's contract which states, "Subject to the Board's approval, the Superintendent shall have the freedom to organize, reorganize, and arrange the administrative and supervisory staff, including instruction and business affairs, in a manner in which his/her judgment best serves the District. Subject to the Board's approval, the responsibility for selection, placement and transfer of personnel shall be vested in the Superintendent," means that the Superintendent is responsible for making personnel decisions and the Board of Education will hold the Superintendent accountable for following Board policies in making his/her own decisions. If the Superintendent has adhered to predetermined district policy, the Board of Education will be expected to confirm the Superintendent's decisions.


The Board will endeavor to give counsel and advice to the Superintendent regarding the administration of schools as it deems necessary or expedient, remembering always that Board members as individuals have no authority, and only policies voted by the Board have force. The Board will adopt policies only after consulting with the Superintendent.


The Board will require of the Superintendent such periodic reports as the Board deems necessary to keep it properly advised on the administration of the school district. The Superintendent should be frank, honest, concise, and complete in reporting to the Board.


The Board will expect recommendations for the improvement of the School District from the Superintendent. The Superintendent's role is to provide leadership for the public schools of the District.


The Board will require that the Superintendent attend all Board meetings, except at those times when the Superintendent's own employment may be under consideration, or when, by mutual consent, his/her absence is authorized by the Board.


The Superintendent, as executive officer and professional advisor to the Board, will endeavor to develop ways and means of serving the community and of keeping parents, patrons, and taxpayers informed of school programs.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: BDF

Advisory Committees The Board of Education of Eagle County School District RE50J encourages the participation of citizens of the district in decision making processes. However, the legal responsibility for decision making in all matters of policy and operation rests with the Board. 1.

Board-appointed advisory committees, both district-wide and at the school level, shall function within organizational frameworks appointed by the Board. A staff member or members will be assigned to each group to help it develop an appropriate constitution and/or bylaws, carry out its functions, and coordinate its work with other advisory and staff groups. Only the Board shall have the authority to dissolve advisory committees it has created.


School- and district-level advisory committees that are required under Federal and State programs shall be formed and shall function in accordance with the requirements pertaining to each specific Federal or State program. The Board shall grant to those bodies the advisory responsibilities relevant to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of such program or project as required by law.


Community groups that are neither appointed by the Board nor formed as required under Federal or State programs are encouraged to offer suggestions and advice to the Board, in order to assist it in the decision making process. The final responsibility for all decisions, however, rests with the Board of Education alone. Appointments of citizens to advisory committees shall be approved by the Board. An advisory committee member shall be removed from office by the Board if (s)he does not attend three consecutive meetings unless the committee, by resolution, approves any additional absences or unless such absences are due to temporary disability or illness. In addition, the committee, by majority vote, may request the removal from office of any

member. Such removal shall require subsequent Board approval. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-7-104 C.R.S. 22-9-107 C.R.S. 22-32-109-1 (2) (community consultation on safe school plan, including conduct and discipline code) C.R.S. 24-6-402


AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Advisory Council BDFB*, Vocational Advisory Council (And Vocational Program Advisory Committees) BEDA, Notification of Board Meetings CBI, Evaluation of Superintendent CFB, Evaluation of Principals/Building Administrators GCFC, Professional Staff Certification & Credentialing Responsibilities GCOAA & GCOAB, Evaluation of Professional Staff GCOC, Evaluation of Administrative Staff JIC, Student Conduct JK, Student Discipline KCB, Community Participation in Decision Making

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BDFA*

District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council The Board of Education shall appoint, pursuant to state law, an advisory school district personnel performance evaluation council which shall, as a minimum, consist of one teacher, one administrator, one principal, one parent, and one person who does not have a child in school. The council may be composed of any other school district committee(s) having membership as defined above. The council shall consult with the Board as to the fairness, effectiveness, credibility, and professional quality of the certificated personnel performance evaluation system and its processes and procedures, and shall conduct a continuous evaluation of the system. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-9-107


BDF, Advisory Committees CBI, Evaluation of the Superintendent CDA, Evaluation of Management Team CFB, Evaluation of Principals/Building Administrators GCOAA, Evaluation of Professional Staff (Probationary Teacher) GCOAB, Evaluation of Professional Staff (Non-Probationary Teacher) GCOC, Evaluation of Administrative Staff

Eagle County School District, Re50J

File: BDFB*

Vocational Advisory Council The Board of Education shall appoint a vocational advisory council which shall assist the Board and administration in overall promotion, planning, coordination and evaluation of all District vocational education programs. The council shall study issues, offer advice, and make recommendations regarding: 1.

Current job needs


Relevance of current training programs


Reduction, deletion, or expansion of programs


Initiation of new programs


Financial and legislative support


Promotion of vocational education in the schools and in the community

The advisory council shall provide for input from vocational program advisory committees. The council shall represent a cross-section of the community in terms of sex, race, age, occupation, socioeconomic status, geographical location and other appropriate factors. The District Accountability Committee may fulfill this function. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 23-8-103 (2)(c) C.R.S. 23-60-303 Rules for Administering State Assistance for Vocational Education, 1984, Section IV


AE, Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment BDF, Advisory Committees

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BDG

School Attorney/Legal Services The Board recognizes that the increasing complexities of School District operations frequently require professional legal services. Therefore, the Board shall retain a competent attorney(s) or legal firm(s) to systematically provide such services. A decision to seek legal advice or assistance from such attorney(s) shall originate from the Board, the Superintendent, or persons specifically authorized by the Board or Superintendent. The Superintendent shall inform the Board prior to requesting unusual types or amounts of legal services.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Approved by the Board: January 8, 2014

File: BEAA

Electronic Participation in School Board Meetings Board members may attend and participate by electronic means in regular or special meetings of the Board in accordance with this policy and state law. For purposes of this policy, “electronic means” shall be defined as attendance via telephone, video or audio conferencing, or other electronic device. Board members may attend and participate by electronic means in a regular or special Board meeting only when extenuating circumstances prevent the Board member from physically attending the meeting. For purposes of this policy, “extenuating circumstances” means the Board member’s job or military service requires the member to be outside of the district at the time of the meeting or inclement weather and/or unsafe driving conditions prevent the Board member from physically attending the meeting. A meeting at which one or more Board members attend and participate by electronic means shall be open to the public, except for periods in which the Board is in executive session. A quorum of the Board shall be physically present at the meeting for a Board member to attend and participate by electronic means. The electronic means used shall allow the public to hear the comments made by the Board member(s) participating by electronic means and allow the Board member(s) to hear the comments made by the public. A Board member participating by electronic means will be included in the recording of the Board meeting. A Board member who seeks to attend and participate by electronic means in a Board meeting shall notify the Board president and superintendent at least three business days prior to the meeting and shall explain the extenuating circumstances that prevent the Board member from physically attending the meeting. If such notification is not possible, the Board member shall notify the Board president and superintendent as soon as is reasonably possible of the request to attend by electronic means. If the request is approved, a Board member who attends and participates by electronic means shall identify the location from which he or she is participating, those present, and the extenuating circumstances that prevented the Board member from physically attending the meeting. If the Board convenes in executive session, the Board member attending and participating by electronic means shall ensure confidentiality during that portion of the meeting. A Board member may attend and participate by electronic means in a maximum of two Board meetings per calendar year. Unless otherwise approved by the Board, additional requests to attend and participate by electronic means will be denied. In accordance with state law, the Board shall declare a vacancy if a Board member fails to attend three consecutive regular Board meetings, unless the Board member’s absence is otherwise excused by the Board. A Board member’s failure to comply with this policy may result in the Board’s refusal to allow the member to participate by electronic means in Board meetings. Adoption: January 8, 2014 LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-31-129 (board vacancies) C.R.S. 22-32-108 (7)(a) (board may adopt policy allowing board members to attend and participate electronically in regular or special board meetings)

C.R.S. 24-6-401 et seq. (open meetings law) CROSS REF.:

BE, School Board Meetings

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17,1977 Revised: July 1, 2006


School Board Meetings All meetings or of three or more members of the Board at which any public business may be discussed or any formal action taken shall be open to the public at all times except for periods in which the Board is in executive session. All such meetings will be properly noticed and minutes will be taken and recorded as required by law. No business may be conducted unless a quorum is present. A quorum shall consist of a simple majority (more than half) of the members serving on the Board. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held in the Board Room of the Administration Building in Eagle, unless otherwise set by action of the Board. Meetings of the Board shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. and 3 p.m. respectively unless otherwise set established by the Board. Whenever a regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, the Board of Education shall establish a suitable date replacing that meeting. Special Meetings Special meetings of the Board may be called by the Board President at any time and/or shall be called by him/her upon the written request of a majority of the members. The Secretary of the Board shall be responsible for giving a written notice of any special meeting to each Board member at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting if mailed, or 24 hours in advance if hand-delivered personally to the member. The notice must contain time, place, and purpose of the meeting and names of the members requesting the meeting. Any member may waive notice of a special meeting at any time before, during, or after such meeting, and attendance thereat shall be deemed to be a waiver. No business other than that stated in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted unless all members are present and agree to consider and transact other business. Work sessions and retreats The Board, as a decision-making body, is confronted with a continuing flow of problems, issues and needs which require action. While the Board is determined to expedite its business, it is also mindful of the importance of planning, brainstorming and thoughtful discussion without action. Therefore, from time to time the Board may schedule work sessions or retreats, which shall be open to the public. No action shall be taken during such sessions. Public notice of the session, including the topics for discussion and study, shall be provided. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-108 C.R.S. 24-6-401 et seq (Colorado Sunshine Act of 1972)


BEDA, Notification of Board Meetings

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: BEC

Executive Sessions All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public except that at any regular or special meeting the Board may proceed into executive session upon affirmative vote of two-thirds of the quorum present. The Board shall not make final policy decisions nor shall any resolution, policy, or regulation be adopted or approved nor shall any formal action of any kind be taken during any executive session. The Board is authorized to approve written minutes of an executive session in executive session, if written minutes are taken. The Board may hold an executive session for the sole purpose of considering any of the following matters: 1.

Purchase, acquisition, lease, transfer or sale of any real, personal or other property. However, no executive session shall be held to conceal the fact that a member of the Board has a personal interest in such property transaction. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(a).


Conferences with an attorney for the purpose of receiving legal advice on specific legal questions. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(b). The mere presence or participation of an attorney at an executive session shall not be sufficient to satisfy this requirement.


Matters required to be kept confidential by federal or state law or regulations. C.R.S. 24-6402(4)(c). An announcement will be made indicating the specific citation to state or federal law which is the reason the matter must remain confidential.


Specialized details of security arrangements or investigations. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(d).


Determination of positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, development of strategy for negotiations, and instruction of negotiators. C.R.S. 24-6402(4)(e).


Personnel matters except if an employee who is the subject of an executive session requests an open meeting. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(f). If the personnel matter involves more than one employee, all of the employees must request an open meeting. Discussion of personnel policies that do not require discussion of matters specific to particular employees are not considered "personnel matters." The Teacher Employment, Compensation, and Dismissal Act shall prevail in teacher dismissal hearings. (It provides that a dismissal hearing shall be open unless either the administration or employees request the hearing be closed.) Discussions concerning a member of the Board, any elected official or the appointment of a Board member are not considered personnel matters.


Consideration of any documents protected under the mandatory nondisclosure provision of the Open Records Act, except that consideration of work product documents and document

subject to the governmental or deliberative process privilege must occur in a public meeting, unless an executive session is otherwise allowed. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(g). 8.

Discussion of individual students where public disclosure would adversely affect the person or persons involved. C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(h)

Prior to convening in executive session, the Board president shall announce the topic of the executive session which shall be reflected in the minutes. The Board shall include the specific citation to statute authorizing it to meet in executive session when it announces the session and identify the particular matter to be discussed in as much detail as possible without compromising the purpose for which the executive session is authorized. Only those persons invited by the Board may be present during any executive session regardless of the topic of the session (including personnel matters). The Board shall cause an electronic recording to be made of the executive session in accordance with applicable law. Such record shall be retained by a custodian designated by the Board for 90 days following the session. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-108 (5) C.R.S. 24-6-402


KDB, Public’s Right to Know/Freedom of Information

NOTE: School districts must make an “electronic recording” of any executive session, which shall include the specific statutory citation to the executive session law that allows the Board to meet in executive session. However, if the executive session is held to discuss an individual student matter, the Board is not required to make an electronic or written record of the executive session. If the executive session is held to receive legal advice from an attorney on a particular matter, an electronic record must be made of the statutory citation to the executive session law that allows the Board to meet in executive session to receive legal advice, but the Board is not required to make an electronic or written record of the discussion that occurs in the executive session, on the basis that it constitutes privileged attorney-client communication. If no electronic recording is made because the discussion constitutes a privileged attorney-client communication, this must be stated on the electronic recording, or the attorney representing the board must provide a signed statement attesting that the portion of the executive session that was not recorded constituted a privileged attorney-client communication. The board should put a procedure in place to assure that the record of any executive session is routinely destroyed once the 90-day deadline expires. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: BEDA

Notification of Board Meetings The Board shall give full and timely notice to the public of any meeting of three or more Board members at which public business may be discussed or any formal action taken, including special, regular and work session meetings and retreats. Dates of regular meetings of the Board shall be provided in annual announcements and made available in printed form to the news media and public. The Board shall annually designate the public place(s) at which notice of all Board meetings shall be posted. In the event that such action is not taken annually, the designated public place(s) used in the previous year shall continue as the

official posting site. At a minimum, the Board shall cause notice of regular and special meetings and work sessions to be posted at the designated public place no less than 24 hours prior to the meeting. This notice shall include specific agenda information where possible. Copies of the agenda shall be available to representatives of the community and staff and others at the District Office upon publication and dissemination to the Board. The district shall maintain a list of persons who, within the previous two years, have requested notification of all meetings or of meetings when certain specified policies will be discussed. These individuals will be provided reasonable advance notification of Board meetings unless the meeting is a special meeting and there is insufficient time prior to the meeting to mail notice to persons on the list. Written notification of all special/rescheduled meetings shall be sent to the news media sufficiently in advance for the public to be notified when feasible. The news media will be telephoned in the event of emergency meetings. Notice to the Board The Superintendent shall mail the agenda, together with meeting materials and the minutes of the last regular meeting, to Board members no later than 72 hours before the next regular meeting. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-108 (2),(3) C.R.S. 24-6-402 (2)(c)


BDF -- Advisory Committees BE/BEA/BEB -- School Board Meetings

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1981 Revised: October 14, 1992

File: BEDB

Agenda To expedite the Board's proceedings and provide a framework for the orderly conduct of business, the Superintendent in cooperation with the Board president shall prepare an agenda outlining the matters to be brought to Board attention at meetings. The Board shall follow the order of business set by the agenda unless the order is altered by the President, or new items are added by vote of the Board during the meeting. The Board may add to or take action on matters not appearing on the printed agenda at regular meetings. Items may be added to the agenda of a special meeting only when all Board members are present and cast a unanimous vote Consent Agenda Items The agenda of all regular Board meetings may contain a consent agenda. Consent agenda items will be determined by the Superintendent following discussion with the Board President at the time agendas are prepared for the regular meetings of the Board of Education. All backup material relating to any consent agenda items will be included in the Board agenda

packets. Consent agenda items may be removed by any member of the Board of Education. Staff or community members may request that an item be removed. Agenda Format The order of business of all regular Board meetings shall be as follows unless changed by the majority vote of the Board. 1.

Call to Order


Approval of Agenda


Approval of Minutes


Citizens' Request to Address the Board


Action and Information Items



A copy of the agenda will be mailed to the President of the organization selected to represent the teachers, in conjunction with Policy HE/HH - District Teacher Rights, Organization, Recognition, and Election Policies and Procedures. LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-108 (4) CROSS REF.: BEDBA, Agenda Preparation and Dissemination Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 11, 1987

File: BEDBA*

Agenda Preparation and Dissemination The Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J believes that the process for generating and disseminating the Board agenda should be systematic and follow an agreed-upon format. The Board of Education also believes that there is a need for Board members to receive pertinent information in a clear and concise manner so that Board members will have the opportunity to study an issue prior to the Board meeting, and that a well-prepared agenda places the Board in a position to make effective and efficient decisions. REGULATIONS: 1. The agenda for meetings of the Board of Education shall be prepared by the Superintendent of Schools in consultation with the President of the Board. A listing of the items to be included on the agenda will be generated and/or discussed at this time. 2.

Items for the Board agenda will be included at the discretion of the Superintendent and/or the President of the Board of Education. Individual Board members may request that the President place an item on the Board agenda.


After the items to be placed on the agenda have been determined, the Superintendent shall be responsible for generating a written agenda for the Board meeting. The agenda that is to

be distributed to the Board of Education and the Administrative Team will include the following: a.

The name/title of the agenda item;


The recommended motion or motions (if applicable);


A statement as to the history of the agenda item and/or a statement of the rationale on which the recommended motion is based;


If an agenda item is not an action item, a brief explanation of the item to be discussed will be included.


A basic outline of the agenda topics, along with a brief explanation of each topic, will be generated for the public and media.


The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall mail the agenda, together with supporting materials (attachments) and the minutes of the last regular meeting, to Board members no later than 72 hours before the next regular meeting. A copy of the agenda shall be available in the Administration Building no later than 72 hours before the regular Board meeting.


Items of business not on the written agenda may be discussed and acted upon if a majority of the Board agrees to consider them.


Copies of the abbreviated agenda shall be made available to the public upon request.


BCB, Board Member Conflicts of Interest BEDB, Agenda Format

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2006


Rules of Order/Suspension of Rules of Order The President of the Board of Education, or in his/her absence, the Vice President, shall serve as chairperson at all regular and special meetings of the Board. The Board of Education shall operate within the parameters set by the state law and Board policies pertaining to its own operating procedures. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised will be used as a guide to the conduct of meetings as those rules can reasonably be applied to the conduct of school board business. The rules of parliamentary procedure may be amended at any meeting or for any agenda item by a majority vote of the Board. In the event of further question, the ruling of the chairperson shall be final. Amendments, alterations, corrections, or repeal of the rules may be made, or their operation may be suspended for the meeting, at any regular or special meeting of this Board, by a vote of a majority of all members of the Board. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 9, 1994

File: BEDF

Voting Method All voting shall be by roll call, with each member present voting "Aye" or "No" alphabetically. However, election of the President and Vice President may be by secret ballot. A member may abstain from voting only if excused by the Board for good cause. Cause for abstention shall be publicly disclosed. A Board member who has a personal or private interest in any proposed or pending matter which presents a conflict of interest in accordance with Board policy shall disclose such interest and shall not vote unless his/her participation is necessary to obtain a quorum or otherwise enable the Board to act. Under such circumstances, the member shall comply with the voluntary disclosure requirements set out in state law. To pass, any motion must be approved by a majority of the members present except as state law or policies of this Board may require a majority of full membership. Current practice codified 1979 LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-104 (3) C.R.S. 22-32-108 (6) C.R.S. 24-18-109 (3) C.R.S. 24-18-110


BCB, Board Member Conflicts of Interest BEDC, Quorum

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: August 28, 1996

File: BEDG

Minutes Minutes of any Board meeting at which the adoption of any policy or formal action occurs or could occur shall be taken and promptly recorded. Such records shall be open to public inspection. The official minutes of the meetings of the Board of Education constitute the written record of all proceedings of the Board. Therefore, the minutes shall include: 1.

The nature of the meeting, whether regular or special; time and place; members present; approval of the minutes of the preceding meeting or meetings.


A record of all actions taken by the Board; the motion, the name of the member making the motion and seconding it; the record of the vote, with the vote of each member recorded. Reports and documents related to a formal motion may be omitted if they are referred to by title and date.


A record of all business that comes before the Board through reports of the Superintendent and others and through communications from staff and the public.


The names of all persons who speak before the Board and the topic of their remarks.


A record that an executive session was held, including the names of those present and the

topic of discussion. 6.

The record of adjournment.

The official minutes will be signed by the Secretary to the Board, and following their approval, the official copy shall also be signed by the President of the Board and the Board Secretary-Treasurer. The official minutes shall be in the custody of the Superintendent and shall be made available to the public at the District office upon request during normal office hours. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-106 C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1) (e) C.R.S. 24-6-401 (2)(d)(II)


KDB, Public's Right to Know/Freedom and Information

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 27, 1988 Revised: August 22, 2001

File: BEDH

Public Participation at Board Meetings All regular and special meetings of the Eagle County School District Board of Education shall be open to the public. Because the Board desires to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the district, and also needs to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner, the Board adopts as policy the following procedures and rules pertaining to public participation at Board meetings. REGULATIONS: 1. Persons wishing to address the Board may do so under the agenda item "Public Participation" or during an appropriate agenda item. Such persons must turn in a "Request to Address the Board" card to the Secretary to the Board prior to the agenda item being introduced. Individuals addressing the Board will be limited to five (5) minutes on consent and non-agenda items. Individuals may speak on any agenda item for 3 minutes at the time of the specific agenda item. Time limits may be modified at the discretion of the Board or the Board President. 2.

If an individual's/group's concerns cannot be addressed in a five-minute time period, they may request the Superintendent or the Board President to place the item on a future Board agenda. This request must be received by the Superintendent or Board President at least ten (10) days prior to the next meeting. This timeline will permit the orderly scheduling of the meeting agenda. Requests shall contain (a) the name of the group/individual, (b) the topic/issue that is to be discussed, (c) the action the group/individual is requesting that the Board take, and (d) the anticipated amount of time desired to address the Board. The Board President or the Board of Education shall have the right to set a time limit on the length of the agenda item. The length of time scheduled for the agenda item shall be stated in the agenda.


The Board President, or the presiding officer, shall be responsible for recognizing and properly identifying all speakers and for the maintaining of proper order and the adherence to any set time limits. The Board President, or presiding officer, shall also have the authority to terminate the remarks of any individual/group when they do not adhere to the rules established above.


Questions asked by the public may be answered immediately by the President or referred to other Board members or staff members present for a reply. Questions requiring investigation may be referred to the Superintendent for study and a later report to the Board of Education.


Deviations from these regulations may be made by a majority vote of the Board of Education.


KE, Public Concerns and Complaints

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BEDK

Reporting Board Meeting Minutes As part of its ongoing effort to keep staff and public fully informed concerning its affairs and actions, the Board instructs the Superintendent to institute and maintain effective and appropriate procedures for the prompt dissemination of information about decisions made at all Board meetings. Releases to the press and brief summaries of Board meeting actions prepared for distribution to staff members and parents are regarded as appropriate media of information for meeting the requirements of this policy. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: BG

School Board Policy Process It is the intent of the Eagle County School District to develop written policies so that they may serve as guidelines for the successful and efficient operation of the Eagle County School District. The District considers policy development one of its chief responsibilities. Proposals regarding policies may originate with a member of the Board, the Superintendent, a staff member, a parent, student, consultant, civic group, or any resident of the district. A careful and orderly process shall be used in examining such proposals prior to action upon them by the District. The District shall take action after providing the opportunity to hear the recommendations of the Superintendent and the viewpoints of persons or groups affected by the policy. The policies of the District are designed and meant to be interpreted in terms of state laws and regulations and other regulatory agencies within our state and federal levels of government. Changes in needs, conditions, purposes, and objectives will require revisions, deletions, and additions to the policies by the District. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1) (a-c), (w), (y) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (specific duties of boards in relation ot safe schools plan) C.R.S. 22-33-104 (4)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: December 9, 1992 Policy Development System

File: BGA

The Board endorses for use in the Eagle County School District the policy development, codification, and dissemination system of the National School Boards Association (EPS/NSBA), as recommended by the Colorado Association of School Boards. This system, while it may be modified to meet local needs, is to serve as a general guideline for such tasks as policy research, the drafting of preliminary policy proposals, reviewing policy drafts with concerned groups, presenting new and revised policies to the Board for consideration and action, policy dissemination, policy evaluation, and the continuous maintenance of the Board policy manual. In an effort to ensure that input on revised or new policies is received prior to the time of adoption, the Board encourages input from the following groups: District Accountability Committee (on policies that relate to students) Policy and Communications Committee (on personnel policies that impact the certified staff) Classified Policy Committee (on personnel policies that impact the classified staff) Administrative Team (on all major policy revisions and/or additions) The Superintendent (or his/her designee) is to be delegated with the responsibility of maintaining the Board's policy reference files, to draft policy proposals as instructed by the Board and/or Superintendent, to maintain the Board policy manual, and to serve as liaison between the Board and sources of policy research information. CROSS REF.:

BGD (CHB), Board Review of Regulations

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: December 9, 1992

File: BGD

Board Review of Regulations The Board reserves the right to review regulations issued by the administration at its discretion, but it shall revise or veto such regulations only when, in the Board's judgment, they are inconsistent with policies and regulations adopted by the Board. The Board will be provided with copies of all districtwide regulations issued by the administration. Regulations will be officially approved by the Board when this is required by state law and when strong community, staff, or student attitudes make it advisable for the regulations to have Board approval. Before issuance, regulations shall be properly titled and coded as appropriate to the policy codification system selected by the Board. CROSS REF.:

BGA, Policy Development System

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Policy Communication/Feedback

File: BGE

The Superintendent (or his/her designee) is directed to establish and maintain an orderly plan for preserving and making accessible the policies adopted by the Board and the rules and regulations needed to put them into effect. Accessibility is to extend to all employees of the School District, to members of the Board of Education, and, insofar as conveniently possible, to all persons in the District. REGULATIONS: 1.

Policy manuals shall remain the property of the Board of Education and shall be considered as "on loan" to anyone, or any organization, in whose possession they might be at any time. They are subject to recall at any time for updating.


The Board's policy manual shall be considered a public record and shall be open for inspection at the District Office.


Copies of approved policies shall be distributed to: a. Each building principal/head teacher b. Each Board member c. Each District Office administrator d. The president of the organization selected to represent teachers e. The school attorney f. District media/press (upon request)


Personnel policies will be published annually in policy booklets for certified and classified employees.


Changes in Board policies should be communicated to the staff through the Board Digest.

LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(c), (w) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: December 9, 1992

File: BGF

Suspension/Repeal of Policies In the event of special circumstances, the operation of any section or sections of Board policies, including those governing its own operating procedures, with the exception of personnel policies, may be temporarily suspended by a majority vote of the Board members present at any regular or special meeting. This, however, does not apply to any section of Board policies that may be established by law or by contract. Policy repeal shall be accomplished in the same manner as policy adoption. CROSS REF.:

BGB, Policy Adoption

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989) Communications with Staff

File: BHC (also GBD)

The Board desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the Superintendent. Staff Communication to the Board All communications or reports to the Board or any Board committee from principals, supervisors, teachers, or other staff members shall be submitted through the Superintendent. This necessary procedure shall not be construed as denying the right of any employee to appeal to the Board from administrative decisions on important matters, provided that the Superintendent shall have been notified of the forthcoming appeal and that it is processed in accordance with the Board's policy on complaints and grievances. Staff members are also reminded that Board meetings are public meetings. As such, they provide an excellent opportunity to observe first-hand the Board's deliberations on problems of staff concern. Board Communications to Staff All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff informed of the Board's problems, concerns, and actions. Visits to Schools Individual Board members interested in visiting schools or classrooms will make arrangements for visitations through the principals of the various schools. Such visits shall be regarded as informal expressions of interest in school affairs and not as "inspections" or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by Board members will be carried on only under Board authorization and with the full knowledge of staff, including the Superintendent, principals, and other supervisors. Social Interaction Staff and Board members share a keen interest in the schools and in education generally, and it is expected that when they meet at social affairs and other functions, they will informally discuss such matters as educational trends, issues, and innovations and general School District problems. However, staff members are reminded that individual Board members have no special authority excepting when they are convened at a legal meeting of the Board or vested with special authority by Board action. Therefore, discussions by either party of personalities or personnel grievances will be considered as evidence of unethical conduct. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 12, 1984 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: BIA

New Board Member Orientation/Handbook The President of the Board and the Superintendent shall assume responsibility for orienting newlyelected or appointed Board members to their duties and responsibilities as director of the school district. New Board members will be provided with the following documents: -

School Board Policy Manual Colorado School Laws Philosophy of the Eagle County School District Goals and Objectives of the current school year with related progress reports Budget and salary schedules for the current fiscal year


Appropriate National School Boards Association publications A listing of the publications and tapes available in the School Board Library

It shall be the responsibility of the new Board member to familiarize him/herself with these materials and to consult with the Superintendent and/or the Board President as necessary, but especially during the first months in office, to discuss special problems or matters under deliberation by the Board as a whole. New Board members are encouraged to attend workshops for new board members that are conducted by the Colorado Department of Education and/or the Colorado Association of Schools Boards. New Board members are also encouraged to attend conferences and workshops conducted on a local, state, and/or national basis. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 12, 1984 Revised: December 9, 1992

File: BIB

Board Member Development Opportunities The school board in modern America faces a difficult set of challenges. It must fashion a quality educational program, must decide complex policy issues, and must oversee the prudent management of school facilities. The public expects its Board members to demonstrate high qualities of leadership as they deal with affairs of the public schools. In turn, the Board expects public support for its efforts to enlarge the horizons and abilities of its members. The Board of Education places a high priority on the importance of a planned and continuing program of in-service education for its members. The central purpose of the program is to enhance the quality and effectiveness of public school governance. The Board shall plan specific in-service activities designed to assist Board members in their efforts to improve their skills as members of a policymaking body; to expand their knowledge about trends, issues, and new ideas affecting the continued welfare of local schools, and to deepen their insights into the nature of leadership in a modern, democratic society. Funds shall be budgeted annually to support the program. Individual Board members shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket costs incurred through participation in approved activities. The Board as a whole shall retain the authority to approve or disapprove the participation of members in planned activities. The public shall be kept informed through the news media about the Board's continuing inservice education and about the programs anticipated for short- and long-range benefits to the schools. The Board regards the following as the kinds of activities and services appropriate for implementing this policy: 1.

Participation in school board conferences, workshops, and conventions held by the state and national school boards associations, and other appropriate education conferences.


District-sponsored training sessions for Board members.


Subscriptions to publications addressed to the concerns of Board members.


The Eagle County School District Board will maintain a membership in the Colorado Association of School Boards.


All Board members will be encouraged to attend all in-state conferences, conventions, and workshops of the Colorado Association of School Boards.


Attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops and/or other meetings to be conducted by the Colorado Association of School Boards will be brought to the Board for action with the primary purpose being representation by the Board at these meetings.


Out-of-state conferences such as the National School Boards Association convention held each year may be attended by representatives of the Board of Education. A rotating schedule will be established to permit two Board members per year to be in attendance. Other requests by Board members to attend out-of-state conferences will be dealt with on a per request basis with a decision made in accordance with any budgetary restraints.


The Superintendent is directed to establish within the budget funds to cover the costs of Board member participation in such conferences, conventions, and workshops as stated above. This will be reviewed annually in the budget presentation.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 12, 1984 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: BIBA

School Board Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops In recognition of the need for continuing in-service training and development for its members, the Board encourages members to participate in meetings and activities of area, state, and national school boards associations, as well as in the activities of other educational groups. Board members are encouraged to study and examine materials received from these organizations as well as publications and tapes available in the Board's own library. To help members develop an understanding of the educational program, the Superintendent shall request members of the professional staff to appear before the Board from time to time to present and discuss new developments in various areas of curriculum and instruction. The Board will review conference attendance in developing the District budget for the succeeding year. Board members attending the state or national conventions may be accompanied by their spouses at Board expense, if the convention participation is approved by the Board as a whole and budget constraints allow. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: Current practice codified 1979 Revised: July 1, 2003


Board Member Compensation and Expenses/Insurance/Liability Board members shall receive no compensation for their services. However, upon submitting vouchers and supporting bills for expenses incurred in carrying out specific services authorized by the Board, Board members may be reimbursed from District funds.

Such expenses may include the cost of attendance at conferences of school boards associations and other professional meetings/visitations when such attendance and expense payment have Board approval. The Board shall purchase liability insurance and errors-and-omissions insurance to protect its members individually and collectively for claims made against them as a result of their membership on the Board. LEGAL REFS:.

C.R.S. 22-12-101 et seq. (Teacher and School Administrator Protection Act also limits liability of school board members) C.R.S. 22-32-104 (5) (board member compensation) C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(n), (u) (power to provide necessary expenses) C.R.S. 24-10-102 et seq. (governmental immunity) C.R.S. 24-18-104 (3)(d),(e) (reimbursements are not considered gifts) 20 USC 2361 through 2368 (Coverdell Teacher Protection Act contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 limits the liability of school board members)


EI, Insurance Management

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: BJ

School Board Legislative Program The Board, as an agent of the State, must operate within the bounds of state and federal law affecting public education. If the Board is to meet its responsibilities to the residents and students of the community, it must work vigorously for the passage of new laws designed to advance the cause of good schools and for the repeal or modification of existing laws that impede this cause. To this end: 1.

The Board of Education will identify legislative issues relevant to the Eagle County School District.


The Board will develop an annual legislative program through conferences with the state and national School Boards Associations.


When appropriate, the Board will work for the achievement of common legislative objectives through the state and national associations and with other concerned groups.


The Board may also seek direct and indirect representation of its position on pending legislation with appropriate state and federal legislators and legislative committees.


The Board of Education will keep in close communication with the state legislators who represent the Eagle County School District and will inform our legislators in writing as to the position the Board of Education would like for them to take when discussing and voting on issues in the state legislature.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 School Board Memberships

File: BK

The Board of Education of the Eagle County School District shall maintain membership in the Colorado Association of School Boards. Through its membership in this organization, the Eagle County School District is an indirect member of the National School Boards Association. The Board and its members shall actively participate in the activities of these organizations insofar as possible. The District shall hold institutional membership in such other educational associations and groups as approved by the Board. Membership of individual Board members in educational, civic, and service organizations is encouraged. LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(n) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CA

Administration Goals/Priority Objectives The purpose of school administration is to help create and foster an environment in which students can learn most effectively. All administrative duties and functions shall be appraised in terms of the contribution that they make to better instruction and to high student motivation and achievement. The Board shall rely on its chief executive officer, the Superintendent, to provide the professional administrative leadership that such a goal demands. The design of the administrative organization shall be such that all departments of the District and all schools are part of a single system subject to the policies set forth by the Board and implemented through the Superintendent. The principals of all schools and administrators of all divisions and departments are expected to administer their units in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulations. However, the mere execution of directives cannot and should not, by itself, be construed as good administration. Vision, initiative, resourcefulness, leadership, and consideration and concern for staff members, students, and parents are essential in effective administration of the schools. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CB

School Superintendent The position of Superintendent of Schools is of great importance to a school district. The educational needs of a community can be met successfully only by a superintendent who has qualities of leadership, vision, and administrative/management skills. It is the policy of the Board of Education that the Superintendent, with the assistance of his/her staff, shall be responsible to provide the professional leadership and skill to translate the will of the Board into administrative action, and (s)he is delegated the authority to carry out that responsibility by the Board. The Superintendent serves as the Board's executive officer and acts as an educational advisor to the School Board. When a matter of policy is involved, the Board expects the Superintendent to offer advice and counsel as to how the matter under discussion would affect the schools. The policies and plans adopted by the Board must be put into effect by the administrator.

The Superintendent shall be the chief executive officer of the Eagle County School District and shall have, under the direction of the Board, general supervision of all of the public schools and of all the personnel and various departments of the school district. The Superintendent is responsible for the management of the schools under the Board's policies and is accountable to the Board. The Superintendent, at his/her discretion, may delegate to other school personnel the exercise of any powers and the discharge of any duties imposed upon the Superintendent by these policies or by vote of the Board. The delegation of power or duty, however, shall not relieve the Superintendent of responsibility for the action taken under such delegation. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: November 11, 1981

File: CBA-E

Qualifications of Superintendent (Job Description) TITLE:

Superintendent of Schools


1. 2. 3. 4.


Board of Education


Directly or indirectly every school district employee


To provide leadership in developing and maintaining the best possible educational programs and services.

Successful experience in teaching and school administration. A master's degree or higher. A valid superintendent's Colorado certificate Such other qualifications as the Board of Education may deem appropriate.


To attend and participate at all meetings of the Board and its committees except when excused by the Board or when his/her own salary or reappointment is being considered.


To keep the Board informed on all school matters.


To prepare the Board agenda for all regular and special meetings.


To prepare or cause to be prepared facts and explanations necessary to assist the Board in making its decisions.


To provide for regular review and to advise the Board on the needs for new and/or revised policies and to see that all policies of the Board are implemented.


To report and interpret the Board policies and administrative procedures to staff, committees, and the public.


To appoint employee committees that may be required for the establishment and execution of educational policies and practices.


In any matter not covered by Board policy, to act at his/her own discretion, if action is necessary, and to report such action to the Board as soon as practicable.


To administer, as chief executive, the development, coordination, and maintenance of a positive education program designed to meet the needs of the student and community.


To represent the schools before the public and to maintain, through cooperative leadership both within and without the schools, such a program of public relations and publicity as may keep the public informed as to the activities, needs, and successes of the schools.


To receive communications from the public concerning school affairs.


To transmit appropriate and pertinent communications from the Board of Education to employees and from employees to the Board.


To recommend to the Board the number and types of positions required to provide proper personnel for the operation of the educational program.


To recommend to the Board the appointment or employment of all employees of the district and to assign, transfer, and recommend for dismissal any and all employees of the district.


To make such temporary assignments and transfers of employees, pending Board action, as are necessary in his/her professional judgment to secure the highest efficiency of the entire staff.


To appraise the quality of teaching by the instructional staff with the view to increasing its effectiveness.


To supervise the preparation of the annual budget, recommend it to the Board for approval, and administer the adopted budget.


To consult with staff on any school or educational program.


To encourage Board members and the District Office staff to visit each school in the district.


To consult with community groups about school-associated activities.


To supervise the effective implementation of all state and federal laws, state and federal regulations, and Board directives.


To represent the school district at national, state, regional, and local conferences. To serve on the advisory group to the Mountain Board of Cooperative Services.


To perform such other tasks as may be assigned by the Board of Education.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 23, 2001 Recruitment of Superintendent

File: CBB

In order to provide the most capable leadership available for the Eagle County School District, the Board shall conduct an active search to find the person it believes can most effectively translate into action the policies of the Board and the aspirations of the community and the professional staff. The Board may seek the advice and counsel of interested individuals or of an advisory committee, or it may employ a consultant to assist in the selection. However, final selection shall rest with the Board after a thorough consideration of qualified applicants. If a consultant is utilized to facilitate the process of selecting a superintendent, at a minimum the following components will be part of a contract between that consultant and the Board of Education: 1. 2. 3.

Responsibilities of the consultant as well as responsibilities of the Board of Education and the Eagle County School District staff. Timelines for all activities required in the selection process. Consultant fees and associated costs.

When the Board conducts a search for the position, the writing or revising of the job description, requirements for applicants, selection procedures and applicable deadlines shall be adopted at a public meeting. Records submitted to the district by an applicant for a superintendent position shall remain confidential until the applicant becomes a finalist for the position. If only three or fewer candidates possess the minimum qualifications for the position, said candidates are all considered finalists. A list of all finalists being considered for the position shall be made public by the Board at least 14 days prior to appointing one of the finalists to fill the position. No offer of appointment shall be made prior to this public notice. When an applicant becomes a finalist, all records submitted by the applicant shall be available for public inspection except that letters of reference or medical, psychological and sociological data shall remain confidential. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(g) (support to employ a CEO) C.R.S. 22-44-115 (4) (administrative contacts) C.R.S. 24-6-402 (3.5) (search committee duties) C.R.S. 24-72-204 (3)(a)(XI)(A) (inspection of public records)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CBE

Superintendent's Salary, Compensation, and Benefits The salary of the Superintendent, additional benefits, vacation entitlement, and other leave shall be determined at the time of his/her appointment or reappointment and shall be part of his/her written contract. Additional benefits such as health and other forms of insurance, annual vacation, holidays, and temporary leaves and absences shall be at least equal to those granted other professional staff members. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Superintendent's Conduct

File: CBF

The Superintendent shall observe rules of conduct established in law which specify that a school employee shall not: 1.

Disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of employment to further substantially his/her personal financial interests.


Accept a gift of substantial value or substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in his/her position or which (s)he knows or should know is primarily for the purpose of rewarding him/her for action taken in which (s)he exercised discretionary authority.


Engage in a substantial financial transaction for his/her private business purposes with a person whom (s)he supervises.


Perform any action in which (s)he has discretionary authority which directly and substantially confers an economic benefit on a business or other undertaking in which (s)he has a substantial financial interest or in which (s)he is engaged as a counsel, consultant, representative, or agent.

The phrase "economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value" includes a loan at a rate of interest substantially lower than the prevailing commercial rate and compensation received for private services rendered at a rate substantially exceeding the fair market value. It is permissible for the Superintendent to receive: 1.

An occasional nonpecuniary gift which is insignificant in value.


A nonpecuniary award publicly presented by a nonprofit organization in recognition of public service.


Payment or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for travel and subsistence for attendance at a convention or other meeting at which (s)he is scheduled to participate.


Reimbursement for or acceptance of an opportunity to participate in a social function or meeting which is not extraordinary when viewed in light of his/her position.


Items of perishable or nonpermanent value including but not limited to meals, lodging, travel expenses, or tickets to sporting, recreational, educational, or cultural events.


Payment for speeches, debates, or other public events reported as honorariums.


C.R.S. 18-8-308 C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (k) C.R.S. 24-18-104 C.R.S. 24-18-109 C.R.S. 24-18-111

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: November 11, 1992 Superintendent's Ethics

File: CBFA*-E1

According to the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-18-105, the following ethical principles for superintendents "are intended as guides to conduct and do not constitute violations as such of the public trust of office..." 1.

A superintendent "should not acquire or hold an interest in any business or undertaking which (s)he has reason to believe may be directly and substantially affected to its economic benefit by official action to be taken by an agency over which (s)he has substantive authority."


A superintendent "should not, within six months following the termination of his/her office..., obtain employment in which (s)he will take direct advantage, unavailable to others, of matters with which (s)he was directly involved during the term of [office]. These matters include rules, other than rules of general application, which (s)he actively helped to formulate and applications, claims, or contested cases in the consideration of which (s)he was an active participant."


A superintendent "should not perform an official act directly and substantially affecting a business or other undertaking to its economic detriment when (s)he has a substantial financial interest in a competing firm or undertaking."

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CBG

Superintendent's Professional Development Opportunities The Board shall offer the Superintendent encouragement and assistance for his/her own professional development. The Board will encourage the Superintendent to attend educational conferences, seminars, workshops, and other professional meetings; visit other school systems; and use other means to keep abreast of modern educational thought and practices so that (s)he may keep the Board of Education and staff informed of new and promising educational developments. The Superintendent shall notify the Board President of any professional meetings which (s)he will cause him/her to be absent from the District for more than two work days. The Board of Education shall also have the opportunity to control the Superintendent's attendance at conferences through the budgeting process. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CBH

Superintendent's Consulting Activities The Board expects the Superintendent to devote his/her undiminished attention and energy to the concerns of the Eagle County School District. (S)he may not be engaged in any other employment nor in long-term consulting assignments. However, the Board recognizes the Superintendent's obligation to contribute to the profession of school administration and to the cause of public education generally. This policy, therefore, does not prohibit the Superintendent from undertaking occasional consultative work which does not conflict with obligations to the District. Consulting activities of the Superintendent shall be governed by the terms of the Superintendent's written employment contract. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 22, 1986

File: CBI

Revised: April 14, 1986 Evaluation of Superintendent The Board shall institute and maintain a comprehensive program for the evaluation of the Superintendent on a regular basis that is consistent with state law as agreed upon by the Board and the Superintendent. Because of the special nature of the relationship between the Board and the Superintendent, procedures for evaluation of the Superintendent are significantly different than those set out in the evaluation system for evaluation of other certificated personnel. Through evaluation of the Superintendent, the Board shall strive to accomplish the following: 1.

Clarify for the Superintendent his/her role in the school system as seen by the Board by defining objectives that will contribute to achievement of district wide goals.


Clarify for all Board members the role of the Superintendent in view of his/her job description and the immediate priority among his/her responsibilities as agreed upon by the Board and the Superintendent.


Develop positive communication and harmonious working relationships between the Board and Superintendent.


Provide administrative leadership of excellence for the school system including improvement of the instructional program and implementation of curricular programs.


Measure the Superintendent's professional growth and development and level of performance.

The Board shall consult with the Superintendent and the advisory school district personnel performance evaluation council when revising the process for evaluation of the Superintendent. As a precondition to the evaluation process, the Board and the Superintendent shall develop a position description that sets forth expectations for the Superintendent. The Board shall also have a plan setting forth goals for the District. The evaluation of the Superintendent shall be based on criteria that are determined prior to the evaluation. There shall be a clear relationship among these criteria, the position description for the Superintendent and the goals of the district. The Superintendent's performance shall be reviewed at least annually in accordance with the specified goals. Additional objectives shall be established at intervals agreed upon with the Superintendent. The evaluation process shall afford each Board member the opportunity to evaluate the performance of the Superintendent on an individual basis. The evaluation document prepared by the Board shall represent a synthesis of information collected from individual Board members. The evaluation document shall be prepared in writing. The Superintendent shall have an opportunity to review the document with the Board in executive session. The report shall be signed by the Superintendent and the President of the Board. The evaluation document shall contain a written improvement plan, be specific as to performance strengths and weaknesses, and specifically identify data sources and sources of information upon

which the evaluation was based. Nothing in this policy shall be construed to imply in any manner the establishment of any personal rights not explicitly established by statute, Board policy, or contract. All employment decisions remain with the sole and continuing discretion of the Board. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Board of Education will serve as the evaluator for the Superintendent. The process of evaluation will be used as a tool to improve communication and promote a better working relationship between the Board and the Superintendent.


Prior to the evaluation, the Board and Superintendent shall devise a position description that sets forth expectations for the Superintendent. The Board shall develop a plan that establishes goals for the District. The criteria for evaluation of the Superintendent shall be agreed upon in advance of the period under review by the Board and Superintendent. These criteria will relate to the position description for the Superintendent and the goals of the District. The President of the Board of Education (or his/her designee) shall be responsible for assuring that the evaluation of the Superintendent takes place in a timely manner. This evaluation shall be conducted so as to observe the legal and constitutional rights of the Superintendent. The formal evaluation of the Superintendent will take place a minimum of one time per year, and shall be scheduled no later than May 15 of each year. The Board and Superintendent shall determine times in advance for establishing the criteria for review and discussing the performance of the Superintendent in relation to these criteria. The Board of Education may formally evaluate the Superintendent at any time by a majority vote of the Board, but when an evaluation is not the formal annual evaluation, the Superintendent must be notified of the impending evaluation. This notification shall include the concerns necessitating the additional evaluation(s).


The Superintendent will implement a system for the gathering of evaluative data. This system will be shared with the Board of Education in advance of its implementation. At a minimum, the Board should receive perceptions of the Superintendent's performance from the Administrative Team and from individual members of the Board of Education.


The evaluation session with the Superintendent will be held in executive session and may exclude the Superintendent for a portion of that session.


The evaluation instrument must have a high correlation with the Superintendent's job description and/or the goals and objectives of the Eagle County School District.


The evaluation process will result in a written summary of conclusions regarding the Superintendent's performance based upon the information considered in relationship to the agreed-upon criteria. The report shall include, but not be limited to, the following: a. b. c.

Specific information about the strengths and weaknesses of the Superintendent's performance. Documentation showing information collected from individual Board members/Administrative Team members on which the conclusions were based. A written improvement plan that is specific about areas which need improvement

with recommendations for improvement. 7.

The written evaluation of the Superintendent will be signed by the Board President (or his/her designee) and by the Superintendent. Both the Board President (or his/her designee) and the Superintendent will receive a copy of this signed evaluation. The signature of the Superintendent shall not be construed to indicate agreement with the information, but will indicate that the information has been shared with the Superintendent.


One copy of the signed evaluation instrument will be placed in the Superintendent's personnel file. The Superintendent shall be allowed to attach written comments to his/her evaluation.


C.R.S. 22-9-101 et. seq (Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Act)


ADA, School District Goals and Objectives BDF, Advisory Committees BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council CBA-E, Qualifications of Superintendent CBIA*, Public Inspection of Superintendent's Evaluation

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1987 Revised: February 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: CBIA*

Public Inspection of Superintendent's Evaluation Those portions of the Superintendent's written evaluation relating to his/her performance in fulfilling adopted District objectives, fiscal management of the District, District planning responsibilities, and supervision and evaluation of District personnel shall be available for inspection by the public during regular office hours. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-9-109


CBI, Evaluation of the Superintendent GBJ, Personnel Records and Files KDB, Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979

File: CC

Administrative Organization The legal authority of the Board shall be transmitted through the Superintendent along specific paths from person to person as shown in the Board-approved organizational chart of the District. The lines of authority on the chart shall represent direction of authority and responsibility. The Superintendent shall have freedom to reorganize lines of authority and to revise the organizational chart, subject to Board approval of major changes and/or the elimination and creation of positions. The Board expects the Superintendent to keep the administrative structure in line with the needs for supervision and accountability throughout the school system.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: CCB

Lines and Staff Relations The Board desires the Superintendent to establish clear understandings on the part of all personnel of the working relationships in the School District. Lines of direct authority shall be those approved by the Board and shown on District organization charts. Personnel shall be expected to refer matters requiring administrative action to the administrator to whom they are responsible. The administrator shall refer such matters to the next higher administrative authority, when necessary. Additionally, all personnel are expected to keep the person to whom they are immediately responsible informed of their activities by whatever means the person in charge deems appropriate. It is expected that the established lines of authority will serve most purposes; however, all personnel shall have the right to appeal any decision made by an administrative officer through grievance procedures established through Board policy. Additionally, lines of authority do not restrict in any way the cooperative, sensible working together of all staff members at all levels in order to develop the best possible school programs and services. The established lines of authority represent direction of authority and responsibility; when the staff is working together, the lines represent avenues for a two-way flow of ideas to improve the programs and operations of the Eagle County School District. CROSS REF.:

GBK - Staff Concerns/Complaints/Grievances

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 22, 1980 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: CD

Management Team/Senior Staff (Administrative Team) Effective operation of schools in the Eagle County School District requires an organizational structure, effective administrative leadership at every level of responsibility, and decision making at the point in the structure where the decision can most effectively be made. The function of leadership at every level is to examine relevant facts and alternatives and to involve appropriate individuals in the process of reaching a decision. The responsibility of leadership is to provide measures that provide for effective communication. Once decisions are finalized, administrators are responsible for the implementation of decisions and the continuous evaluation of decisions. The Board of Education recognizes and supports the Administrative Team as a major decisionmaking body in the Eagle County Schools, and further recognizes that the Administrative Team includes all levels of administration, from building level to District Office. The team's primary responsibility is to accomplish the following objectives: 1.

To identify processes which will facilitate, or problems which may inhibit, the effective

delivery of educational programs and services to students. 2.

To develop and implement plans which will achieve desired results in the delivery of these programs and services.


To initiate ways and/or means to improve current procedures in the attainment of educational programs and services.


To involve all levels of administration in making those decisions which will ultimately lead to recommendations of policy changes by the Superintendent to the Board of Education.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 2001 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: CD

School Building Administration The Eagle County School District Board of Education believes that school-based management allows for effective decision making and promotes a high degree of motivation. Therefore, the principal shall be responsible for the administration of the educational program in his/her school building. (S)he shall enforce the policies of the Board of Education and administrative rules, and shall have authority to call upon all personnel assigned to his/her building, both instructional and noninstructional, to achieve these ends. (S)he shall be responsible for and shall have authority over the actions of the students, certificated, and classified employees, visitors, and non-professional persons hired to perform special tasks. In the absence of a building principal, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall assume all authority and duties of the principal. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-126 (employment of principals) C.R.S. 22-60.5-301, 306 (licensure reciprocity for out-of-state applicants) C.R.S. 22-63-103 (1.5) (definition of administrator) C.R.S. 22-63-201 (exception to licensure requirement)

CROSS REF.: EC, Buildings/Grounds/Property Management Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 14, 1994

File: CFA

School Building Administration - Additional Support In schools with a single administrator it is helpful to designate an administrator to serve in a leadership role in the absence of the principal. Also, additional support for the administration of the school can be provided by a person in a designated support role. From time to time, teachers in buildings can benefit from an opportunity to provide support to the building administrator. Such a role can provide a valuable experience for professionals considering or planning a career in school administration. The following guidelines apply to schools using the additional administrative support role: 1.

The additional administrative support role will be available only in schools without an

Assistant Principal. 2.

A stipend of $750.00 will be available for additional administrative support performed above and beyond regular job assignments.


Individuals in an additional support role may perform only those duties they are qualified to perform.


Each appointment for additional administrative support shall be for a one (1) year period of time.


Pay will be available only for work performed above and beyond the regular assignment.


Individuals in the administrative support role are expected to fulfill all aspects of their regular assignment.


Individuals serving in the administrative support role will be approved by the Board of Education via an extra pay assignment recommendation.


If unusual circumstances make it necessary to hire a substitute to allow the administrative support person to carry out administrative duties, approval must be obtained from the Superintendent. It is expected that such occurrences would be the exception.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: November 11, 1992

File: CFBA*

Evaluation of Evaluators Provision shall be made for periodic evaluation of evaluators of professional staff to ensure that the total process is being carried out in a fair, professional, and credible manner. All persons who evaluate professional staff members shall possess an administrative certificate issued by the Colorado Department of Education and shall have received education and training in evaluation skills approved by the Department. Issuance or renewal of an administrative certificate requires that the applicant has received such approved education and training in evaluation skills. Evaluation instruments for all professional staff administrators shall include a section dealing with their evaluation skills. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall review all evaluations done by professional staff administrators and when necessary shall discuss with them procedure and form. The Superintendent's evaluation skills shall be part of his/her evaluation by the Board of Education. As part of its ongoing review, the district personnel performance evaluation council shall seek evidence that evaluators are implementing the process in a fair, professional, and credible manner and shall report its findings and recommendations to the Board of Education. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-9-106 (4)


BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council CBD, Superintendent's Contract

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 28, 1993

File: CFD

Revised: July 1, 2001 SHARED DECISION MAKING Shared decision making is a process by which the individuals affected by and/or responsible for implementing the decisions share in making the decisions. Shared decision making is an inclusory process but is not the only method of making decisions. Depending on the circumstances, the supervisor responsible for facilitating the decision making process shall choose the method best suited to yield the most efficient and effective decision. If this method is used, the principal or supervisor should clearly describe the scope of the employees' input and involvement and whether the input will be advisory or binding. The principal or supervisor always maintains the prerogative of requesting the counsel of subordinates while maintaining the responsibility and authority of making one's own individual decision. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CGA

Summer Programs Administration The Board of Education of the Eagle County School District believes that the summer months can be used productively when a summer school program is planned and developed in conjunction with the regular programs of the nine month academic year. The Board of Education encourages the Administrative Team to develop and recommend such programs to the Board which will respond to the varying needs of students in the Eagle County School District. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 23, 1986 Revised: April 27, 1988

File: CGC

Adult Education/Lifelong Learning Programs Administration Many people are forced by circumstances to discontinue their schooling prior to completing high school. For this reason, the Adult Education program is designed for out-of-school persons under the supervision of the Eagle County School District Re50J and in cooperation with Colorado Mountain College for the purpose of obtaining a high school diploma. The immediate objective is to provide people an opportunity to continue their education and to help them acquire the aforementioned diploma. The coordinator of the Adult Education program is the person in the Eagle County School District who has been assigned the specific responsibility of the administration of all adult programs in the District. The coordinator will serve as the chairperson of the Adult Education Council. The Adult Education Council consists of G.E.D. teachers, high school counselors, CMC counselors, a minimum of one high school teacher, the coordinator of adult education, Colorado Mountain College center directors, and a minimum of one representative at large. The Council shall be responsible for recommending District policy concerned with the operation of the Adult Education program. Specifically, the Council will evaluate need, establish programs, and track participation of any student in the Adult Education program. Ultimately, the Council will recommend acceptance or rejection of completed programs to the Eagle County School District Board of Education for its consideration and action.


Persons who are not currently enrolled in a regular School District program and whose class has graduated at least twelve months previously may become eligible to graduate through the Adult Education program (persons may be admitted to the program and begin working toward the fulfillment of the graduation requirements during that year). A class shall be considered to be the class that graduates four years from a person's enrollment into ninth grade.


All credits toward high school completion should be well documented, signed, dated, and explained in the permanent cumulative record stored by the School District. The records shall be maintained in the charge of the Eagle County School District. Additional copies of the records may be maintained by Colorado Mountain College.


All enrollees in the program, regardless of whether or not they have been a student in the Eagle County School District, must successfully complete at least three credits of course work at Colorado Mountain College, the content or course to be determined on an individual basis by a CMC counselor and/or the Adult Education Council. Candidates must have lived in the Eagle County School District for at least one year. Documentation of residency may be required.


The requirements for the high school diploma for adults shall be as follows: a.

Unit requirements One unit equals one class for one year in high school; a three credit CMC course equals one half unit. Each student must fulfill the following requirements: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Three units of English Two units of Social Studies Two units of Mathematics One unit of Science Twelve units in elective areas

A total of 20 units are required. In cases where the student is intellectually handicapped, the above unit requirements may be waived and substituted with an alternative program approved by the Adult Education Council. b.

The General Educational Development (G.E.D.) examination may be applied to the unit requirements above in the following manner: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


A minimum individual test score of forty is required for credit (the state requirement is that when the full battery is taken, there be an average of 45 with no score less than 35) Three units of English or the Reading and Writing Skills Test Two units of Social Studies or the Social Studies Skills Test Two units of Mathematics or the Math Skills Test One unit of Science or the Science Skills Test Twelve additional units in the elective area are also required under the G.E.D. testing method

Units of credit to meet the above requirements may be earned or granted as follows: a. Credits earned in accredited schools b. Military service (not to exceed two credits)

c. d.

Career experiences* Life experiences*


One credit of work experience may be earned on the basis of 6 months of full time employment with the same employer and with good experience recommendations, up to a limit of four credits (24 months). Credit for life experience may be awarded by the Council on the basis of individual circumstances, the combination of the two being limited to six unless approved by two-thirds vote of the Council. Granting of credit in each case shall be based upon a written application.


Acceptance of credit from accredited school: The procedure for acceptance of credits from other schools shall be in accordance with the regular Eagle County School District policy regarding acceptance of credit for entrance of students from other schools. The counselors at the high schools and/or the coordinator of the adult education will be responsible for making this determination.


A maximum of two units of credit may be allowed for basic military training (two years of military service). An additional two units may be granted for educational experience in the military service upon receipt of appropriate documentation. Appropriate documentation shall include the amount of time spent on the educational experience and the type and satisfactory completion of the educational experience.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 22, 1979 Revised: February 9, 1994

File: CH

Policy Implementation The Superintendent has responsibility for carrying out, through administrative regulations, the policies established by the Board. The policies developed by the Board and the administrative regulations developed to implement policy are designed to increase the probability of an effective and efficient school system. Consequently, it is assumed that all Board employees and students will willingly carry them out. Employees shall be responsible for informing their subordinates of existing policies and regulations and for seeing that they are implemented in the spirit intended. Disregard for Board policy and administrative regulations may be interpreted as insubordination and/or willful neglect of duty. In the absence of policy or direction by the Board of Education, the Superintendent shall assume the authority necessary to deal effectively with unforeseen situations suddenly arising. (S)he shall report such action to the Board as soon as practicable, and the action shall be subject to later consideration by the Board at is next regular meeting. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CHA

Development of Regulations Typically, the Board of Education will be responsible for the approval of regulations that accompany Board policies. In those cases where regulations are not part of Board policy, the Board shall delegate to the Superintendent the function of developing regulations and procedures under which the District will be operated in accordance with Board policy.

In the development of administrative regulations, the Superintendent shall (when feasible) involve at the planning stage those who would be affected by such rules, including staff members, students, parents, and the public. (S)he shall weigh with care the counsel given by representatives of staff, student, and community organizations. (S)he shall inform the Board of such counsel in presenting reports of administrative regulations and in presenting any regulations for Board approval. The Board itself shall adopt regulations when specific state or federal laws require the Board to do so, or when the Board or Superintendent consider such adoption desirable. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989


Board Review of Regulations The Board reserves the right to review regulations issued by the administration at its discretion, but it shall revise or veto such regulations only when, in the Board's judgment, they are inconsistent with policies and regulations adopted by the Board. Regulations will be officially approved by the Board when this is required by state law and when strong community, staff, or student attitudes make it advisable for the regulations to have Board approval. Officially approved regulations will be included as part of the appropriate Board policy. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: December 9 ,1992

File: CHCA

Handbooks and Directives In order that pertinent Board policies and important regulations and procedures may be known by all staff members and students affected by them, administrators are granted authority to issue staff and student handbooks as found necessary and desirable. It is essential that the contents of all handbooks conform with district wide policies and regulations. It is also important that all handbooks bearing the name of the Eagle County School District or one of its schools be of a quality that reflects credit on the School District. The Superintendent shall use his/her judgment as to whether specific handbooks need Board approval. However, all handbooks published shall be made available to the Board for informational purposes.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977

File: CHD

Administration in the Absence of Policy In the absence of policy or direction by the Board of Education, the Superintendent shall assume the authority necessary to deal effectively with unforeseen situations suddenly arising. (S)he shall report

such action to the Board as soon as practicable, and the action shall be subject to later consideration by the Board at its next regular meeting. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1979

File: CI

Temporary Administrative Arrangements In any organization, it is important that the responsibility for decision making be clearly delineated. This is particularly true if the Superintendent, for one reason or another, is unavailable. In these cases, there should be a clear line of administrative succession which designates both responsibility and authority. The Superintendent shall make his/her whereabouts known to the District Office staff and/or the Board of Education at all times. If the Superintendent leaves the District, (s)he shall make every effort to communicate his/her itinerary to the Administrative Assistant who, in turn, shall inform others who need to know. In case of a bona fide emergency, every effort will be made to notify the Superintendent of the situation. If the Superintendent is unable to be reached, the responsibility and the authority to act for the District shall fall to the Assistant Superintendent. If, for any reason, the Assistant Superintendent cannot be reached, the responsibility and the authority to act in behalf of the District shall fall to the Superintendent (or his/her designee) unless other specific arrangements have been made by the Superintendent. In the event of serious illness or death to the Superintendent, the Board President and the Assistant Superintendent shall call a special meeting of the Board to determine what course the District should take at that time. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: CK

Administrative Consultants Consultants--whether they are temporary, part-time, or full-time workers--shall exercise no administrative authority over the work of employees in the Eagle County School District, but shall act only as advisers in those fields in which they are qualified to offer expert assistance. All administrative supervision of employees shall be the responsibility of those to whom such responsibility has been specifically delegated. Consultants used in the Eagle County School District shall be required to complete a consultant agreement form (See Exhibit CK-E1) prior to beginning work with the Eagle County School District. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 12, 1984 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: CM

School District Annual Report The Board recognizes the importance of reporting to the community on "the state of the schools." An annual report covering the activities and accomplishments of the school district shall be prepared for the Board and then disseminated publicly by the Superintendent either at the close of the school year or at the beginning of the new school year.

Board members and the Administrative Team may recommend topics to be covered in any given report. A report shall include the topics of standardized test data, the financial status of the District, enrollment data, plans for school facilities, curriculum plans, and other topics of concern to the District's clientele or as are required by state law. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DA

Fiscal Management Goals/ Priority Objectives The Board recognizes that money and money management comprise the foundational support of the whole school program. To make that support as effective as possible, the Board intends: 1.

To require advance planning through the best possible budget procedures.


To explore all practical and legal sources of revenue.


To study and guide the expenditure of funds so as to achieve the greatest educational returns.


To require maximum efficiency in accounting and reporting procedures.


To provide adequate resources to enable all students to meet or exceed state and district standards.

As trustee of community, state and federal funds allocated for use in local education, the Board has the responsibility to protect the funds and use them wisely. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DAB*

Financial Administration With respect to the actual, ongoing financial condition and activities of the district, the Superintendent shall not cause or allow fiscal jeopardy or a material deviation from the annual budget or any budget policies adopted by the Board, or any fiscal condition that is inconsistent with achieving the district’s objectives. Expending district funds The Superintendent shall take reasonable steps to ensure that only funds that have been received in the fiscal year to date are expended, unless authorized by the Board through the use of reserves or unless other revenues become available. Funds shall not be expended in excess of the amount appropriated or in excess of the reasonably projected available resources, whichever is less for a particular fund. Reporting to Board and community • Audits All district funds and accounts shall be audited annually in accordance with state law and Board policy DIE. Timely and appropriate corrective actions shall be taken in accordance with any audit findings. The Board shall receive all audit reports and be informed of all corrective actions taken.

Financial reports The Superintendent or designee shall prepare and submit to the Board a quarterly financial status report of all district funds. The quarterly report shall give details on the district’s major tax and revenue sources, with variance analysis that shows the factors that are affecting revenue inflow. The report shall also show spending for the current quarter, for the year to date and in comparison with the budget. The format and basis for reporting shall be consistent with the adopted budget and the past year’s generally accepted accounting procedures results. The Board shall receive all financial reports in a timely manner and be informed of all corrective actions taken. The Superintendent or designee shall conduct quarterly financial reviews with the Board. The Board may request other financial reports as needed.

• Oral notification The Superintendent shall assure that immediate verbal notification be given to the Board regarding any potential financial problem or any matter that may affect the district’s financial condition or ability to achieve its mission. •

Available to public All financial and audit reports shall be made available to the public.

• Legally-required reports Reports and filings required by state and federal law and agencies shall be accurately and timely filed. Record keeping Complete and accurate financial records shall be kept for all district funds and accounts. Operating losses or deficits The Superintendent, as well as all fund directors, program directors, department heads and school principals, shall take all reasonable steps to identify funds, programs, departments or schools that may end the fiscal year with an operating loss or deficit. A corrective action plan shall be developed and implemented within 30 days of such identification. The Superintendent, as well as all fund directors, program directors, department heads and school principals, shall develop and implement processes whereby variations or deviations in cash flow, revenues or other important financial indicators can be identified and dealt with in a timely manner. Employee reporting The Superintendent shall develop and implement procedures to encourage all district employees to report suspected financial problems or wrongdoing. No adverse employment decisions shall be taken in response to a good faith report by an employee. Contingency planning The Superintendent or designee shall continually be aware of the financial and political landscape both internally and externally and shall develop contingency plans against possible events. CROSS REFS.:

KD, Public Information and Communications

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DB

Annual Budget The annual budget is the financial plan for the operation of the school system. It provides the framework for both expenditures and revenues for the year and future years and translates into financial terms the educational programs and objectives of the district. Five-year budget plan The Superintendent or designee is directed to develop, subject to annual approval by the Board, a five-year budget plan that assures the future financial viability of the district and achievement of the district’s objectives and takes into account future revenue, including tax and non-tax revenue, and future increases in operating expenses. Budget process Public school budgeting is regulated and controlled by statutes and by requirements of the State Board of Education that prescribe the form of district budgets in order to ensure uniformity throughout the state. The budget shall be presented in a summary format that is understandable by any layperson. The budget format shall itemize expenditures of the district by fund and by student. It shall describe the expenditure and show the amount budgeted for the current fiscal year and the amount budgeted for the ensuing fiscal year. The budget also shall disclose planned compliance with spending limitations outlined in Article X, Section 20, of the Colorado constitution. The Board assigns to the Superintendent overall responsibility for annual budget preparation, budget presentation and budget administration. As part of the Superintendent’s budget responsibility, the Superintendent shall cause to be prepared a budget preparation calendar that shall ensure that all deadlines established by law for budget presentation, hearings and adoption and for certification of amounts to be raised by school tax levies are met by the school district. The budget calendar shall take into consideration the possible need to submit a request to raise additional local revenue to a vote by the district’s electorate. The Superintendent shall have authority to delegate portions of his or her budget responsibility to the Director of Finance of the district. The budget prepared and presented by the Superintendent shall be consistent with the budget priorities of the Board as established in policy DBD. Year-end fund balance Maintaining a financial year-end fund balance is a beneficial and sound financial management practice. The Board of Education assigns to the Superintendent or designee the responsibility of accumulating and maintaining a general fund balance amounting to 10% of the district’s current fiscal year adopted budget. This amount will include the emergency reserve required by Article X, Section 20 of the Colorado Constitution (Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights). The 10% year-end fund balance will be used only for an unexpected loss of revenue or an extraordinary expenditure. Expenditures from the year end fund balance shall be reported to the board. If any part of the year-end fund balance is used in any fiscal year to cover an unexpected loss of

revenue or an extraordinary expenditure, those funds will be reallocated to fulfill the 10% required year-end fund balance before any other budget allocations in the subsequent fiscal year, unless the Board of Education approves otherwise. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-7-205 and 207 (school level accountability committee recommendations) C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(b) C.R.S. 22-44-101 through 117 (school district budget law, Board shall cause a proposed budget to be prepared and shall adopt a budget for each fiscal year) C.R.S. 29-1-103 (3) (budget to reflect lease-purchase payment obligations)


DB subcodes, (all relate to the budget)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DBD

Determination of Budget Priorities All resources of the district shall be directed toward ensuring that all students reach their learning potential, including that they meet or exceed state and district content standards. In order to fulfill its trustee obligation with regard to district resources, the Board must know how resources are currently allocated, whether such allocation is effective and what changes should be made to achieve the greatest educational returns. The Superintendent shall develop a comprehensive and ongoing system to collect and analyze resource allocation information. The analysis of this information shall form the basis for the budget prepared by the Superintendent for presentation to the Board. The system shall: 1.

determine how resources are currently allocated by school, grade and program

2. link specific inputs with results for students and determine whether the current allocation of resources is effective in raising student achievement 3. identify ways to better use resources to achieve the district’s educational objectives and improve teaching and learning As part of the budget preparation process, each school-level accountability committee shall make recommendations to the principal relative to priorities for expenditures of district funds by the school. The principal shall consider these recommendations when formulating budget requests to be presented to the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall also consider the accountability committee recommendations when preparing the budget to be presented to the Board of Education. A copy of the school-level accountability recommendations shall be sent to the district accountability committee and to the Board. The district accountability committee shall make recommendations to the Board relative to priorities for expenditures of district funds and provide a copy of the recommendations to the Superintendent. The Board shall consider these priorities when it adopts the annual budget. The Superintendent shall consider the district accountability committee recommendations when preparing the budget to be presented to the Board. Accordingly, the budget prepared and presented by the Superintendent shall:

1. be derived from a five-year plan 2. include contingency plans in the event budget assumptions prove erroneous 3. be in a summary format understandable by a lay person 4. itemize district expenditures by fund 5. include information regarding school-level expenditures 6. adequately describe proposed expenditures 7. show the amount budgeted for the current fiscal year and the amount budgeted for the ensuing fiscal year 8. comply with spending limitations in the state constitution 9. consider recommendations made by each school-level accountability committee relative to priorities for expenditures of district funds 10. contain enough information to enable credible projection of revenue and expenses 11. disclose budget planning assumptions 12. not excessively rely on nonrecurring revenues 13. plan for the expenditure in any fiscal year only of funds that are conservatively projected to be received in that period unless otherwise approved by the Board 14. not reduce without approval of the Board, the current cash reserves at any time to less than the minimum amount required by the spending limitations set forth in the state constitution 15. provide adequate and reasonable budget support for Board development and other governance priorities, including the costs of fiscal audits, Board and committee meetings, Board memberships and district legal fees 16. take into consideration fiscal soundness in future years and plans for the building of organizational capabilities sufficient to achieve the Board’s goals in future years 17. reflect anticipated changes in employee compensation including inflationary adjustments, step increases, performance increases and benefits 18. appropriate any remaining fund balances in all funds 19. comply with state and federal law LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-7-207 (building level accountability committee recommendations) NOTE: If the Board has adopted site-based management, budget policies should be revised to further decentralize the budget process.

Eagle County School District, Re50J

File: DBF

Adopted: February 1, 2004 Budget Hearings and Reviews The Board will conduct one or more public hearings on the proposed budget, at which time any member of the public may comment. If, as a result of the proposed budget review, it should be determined that certain changes in the budget are necessary, these changes will be made before the budget is adopted. Additionally, within ten (10) days of submission of the proposed budget to the Board, a notice shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation within the District that: 1.

The proposed budget is available for inspection by the public at the district office during business hours;

2. The Board will consider the adoption of the proposed budget at a board meeting to be held at the date, time and place specified in the notice; and 3. Any interested taxpayer may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to final adoption of the budget by the Board. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-44-109 C.R.S. 22-44-110

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DBG

Budget Adoption Following consideration of the budget proposal presented by the administration, the Board shall approve a proposed budget and so notify the public. Within 10 days of submission of proposed budget to the Board, a notice shall be published in a newspaper having general circulation within the school district that: 1.

The proposed budget is available for inspection by the public at the central administrative office during business hours.


The Board will consider the adoption of the proposed budget at a hearing to be held at the date, time and place specified in the notice.


Any interested taxpayer may inspect the proposed budget and file or register any objections thereto at any time prior to final adoption of the budget by the Board.

At the budget hearing specified in the notice, the Board will present and explain the proposed budget, inviting questions and discussion from the audience. If the budget is to be adopted at a future meeting, the date, time and place of such meeting shall be entered in the minutes of the hearing. The Board shall officially adopt the budget and an accompanying appropriations resolution prior to the end of the fiscal year.

After adoption of the budget, the Board may review and change the budget with respect to other revenue and expenditures at any time prior to October 15 of the fiscal year for which adopted. After October 15, the Board shall not review or change the budget except as otherwise authorized by state law including declaration of fiscal emergency. If money for a specific purpose other than ad valorem taxes becomes available to met a contingency after October 15, the Board may adopt a supplemental budget for expenditures not to exceed that amount. If the district is authorized to raise and expend additional local property tax revenues at an election, the Board may adopt a supplemental budget and appropriation resolution to cover the remainder of the fiscal year following the election based on the additional dollar amount authorized. The adopted budget and appropriation resolution shall be placed on file in the District Office. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-7-105 C.R.S. 22-44-103 C.R.S. 22-44-107 through 111 C.R.S. 22-44-115 C.R.S. 22-44-115.5


DBF -- Determination of Budget Priorities DBGA -- Budget Referenda DBK* -- Fiscal Emergencies

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2000

File: DBG-E

Deadlines in Budgeting Process Set by Statute Note: The Colorado Department of Education annually notifies each district of critical dates in accordance with statutory requirements below. By December 15 Board of Education must certify to Board of County Commissioners the separate amounts necessary to be raised by taxes for the school district's general, bond redemption, transportation and special building funds [C.R.S. 22-40-102 (1); C.R.S. 39-5-128] By June 1

Proposed budget must be submitted to Board of Education for tentative approval [C.R.S. 22-44108(1)]

Within 10 days of above

Notice of proposed budget must be published; budget must be made available for public inspection [C.R.S. 22-44-109 (1)]

Before final adoption

Public hearings must be held [C.R.S. 22-44-110 (1)]

Before end of fiscal year (June 30)

Board must adopt official budget and appropriations resolution [C.R.S. 22-44-103 (1), 22-44-107 (1), 22-44-110 (4)]

Before October 15

Board may review and change the budget with respect to both revenues and expenditures [C.R.S. 22-44-110 (5)]

Additional deadlines if district seeks authorization to raise additional local revenues at an election: At least 55 days prior to election Ballot question must be delivered to county clerk and recorder [C.R.S. 1-1-110 (3) First Tuesday in November in odd-numbered District may request authorization to raise years; general election date in even-numbered additional local revenues subject to limitations set years forth in law [Colorado Constitution, Article X, Section 20; C.R.S. 22-54-108] Following election

If the district is authorized to raise and spend additional local revenues, Board may adopt a supplemental budget [C.R.S. 22-44-110 (6)]

Additional deadline for districts with a total enrollment of more than 6,000 pupils: By September 30, 2001* District must, as part of the budget process, state how it plans to use the one-percent *By June 30th for years increase in funding from Amendment 23. 2002 through 2010 [C.R.S. 22-32-109.6(3)(a)] Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 28, 1982 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DBI

Budget Implementation The total amount which may be expended during the fiscal year for the operation of the school system will be set forth in the budget approved annually by the Board of Education. The budget will serve as the control on expenditures. The superintendent will be directly responsible to the Board for the overall administration of the annual budget for all funds. Expenditure summary reports can be printed at any time by any budget manager. This report summarizes all accounts which the budget manager is responsible. Each budget manager shall be responsible for ensuring that the total of all accounts by fund for which the budget manager is responsible are not overspent. At the conclusion of each fiscal year, the Business Services Department will determine the net unspent funds for each school. This net amount will be transferred into the school's carryover account in the next fiscal year. This carryover is limited to 10% of the total allocation to the school. If any school's carryover exceeds 10%, a written request must be received by the Business Services Department outlining a plan for the expenditure of the funds. Department balances are not carried over. All expenditures shall be handled in a legal and ethical manner. Expenditures may be made by petty cash, school checking account, purchase orders, purchasing cards or reimbursements in accordance with the respective policy. Each budget manager is responsible to staff their building or department within budgeted staffing

units. A budget manager can purchase additional staff from their expenditure budget. This purchase is executed with a budget transfer. All staff positions not specifically budgeted for must be approved by the Superintendent and presented to the Board of Education in advance of selection and hiring. The Director of Finance shall be responsible for communicating the status of the budget to the Board of Education on a quarterly basis and individual budget manager performance to the Superintendent on an annual basis. Budget managers are responsible to monitor the status of their budget on a monthly basis. CROSS REF.:

DB - Annual Budget

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 12, 1980 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DBJ

Budget Transfers Unencumbered moneys shall not be transferred from one fund to another unless authorized in advance by the Board. When a contingency occurs, the Board of Education by resolution may transfer any unencumbered moneys from the contingency reserve account, which is within the general fund, to any other fund or function. The Board shall not transfer moneys from the capital reserve fund, the insurance reserve fund, the bond redemption fund, the special building fund or transportation fund. By Board resolution, unencumbered moneys may be transferred among between the capital reserve fund and insurance reserve fund or to any other risk management fund as defined in state law. School budget accounts Principals and their designees are responsible for funds budgeted to that school and may transfer moneys between their discretionary accounts. The superintendent and/or Director of Finance shall be notified of such transfers. However, moneys in school staffing salary and benefit accounts cannot be transferred without Director of Finance approval. Program budget accounts Program managers and their designees are responsible for funds budgeted to that program and may transfer discretionary moneys according to procedures established by the program manager. Transfers between programs must have the approval of each program manager’s immediate supervisor. The superintendent and/or Director of Finance shall be notified of such transfers. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-107 C.R.S. 22-44-102 (3) C.R.S. 22-44-112 C.R.S. 22-44-113 C.R.S. 22-45-103 (1)(a)(II) C.R.S. 22-54-105 C.R.S. 24-10-115 NOTE: C.R.S. 22-44-113 permits a board to borrow unencumbered moneys in certain funds to use temporarily for another fund.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DBK*

Fiscal Emergencies If the Board of Education determines during any budget year that the anticipated revenues and amounts appropriated for expenditure in the budget exceed actual revenues available to the district due, in whole or in part, to action of the legislature or governor, the Board may declare a fiscal emergency. Such action shall require the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board. If a fiscal emergency is declared by the Board of Education, the Board may implement a reduction in salaries for all employees of the school district on a proportional basis or may alter the work year of employees. Such reduction in salaries may be made notwithstanding any adopted salary schedule or policy. Prior to taking such action, the Board shall hold at least one public hearing. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-44-115.5 (reduction in salaries or alteration of work year due to fiscal emergency) C.R.S. 22-45-112 (2) (a) (sale of real property if fiscal emergency) C.R.S. 22-54-110 (2) (d) (loans in form of lease-purchase agreements with state treasurer if fiscal emergency)


DEB, Loan Programs GCBA, Instructional Staff Contracts/Compensation/Salary Schedules GCL, Professional Staff Schedules and Calendars GDBA, Support Staff Salary Schedules GCQA, Instructional Staff Reduction in Force

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 14, 1983 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DCA

Management of Capital Reserves The Board of Education wants to assure that all transactions from the Capital Reserve Fund are in compliance with Colorado State Law while, at the same time, retaining all of the flexibility possible from that account. REGULATIONS: 1.

Each Capital Reserve purchase will be identified in the adopted budget that has been approved by the Board of Education.


Each piece of equipment must exceed $750 per item and any capital project must exceed $2,500.


All Capital Reserve expenditures of $5,000 or more will go through the bidding process. An exception to this regulation would be services or equipment that could be obtained only from one vendor or the project work being completed by the District maintenance department. Competitive quotes are encouraged on purchases of less than $5,000.


A Capital Reserve budget for the following year will be submitted to the Board of Education

and approved prior to June 30 of each year. 5.

The fiscal management of Capital Reserve funds, in all cases, will conform to state laws and regulations.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 22, 1992

File: DD

Funding Proposals, Grants and Special Projects The Board is to be kept informed of all possible sources of state, federal, and other special funds outside regular District sources for the support of the schools and/or for the enhancement of educational opportunities in the District. To ensure coordination and to avoid confusion in developing proposals and making applications for specially funded projects, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall establish standard procedures for the preparation of proposals and their review. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall submit all proposals for federal, state, and special grants for approval by the Board if District resources/funding is required as part of the proposal or if required by the granting organization. REGULATIONS: 1. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will review the proposal to determine if the program is consistent with the Eagle County School District philosophy/goals and objectives and to ensure that this program would be an effective and efficient approach to meeting a District need or to solving a District problem. 2.

Permission to apply for special funding must be obtained from the Superintendent (or his/her designee) prior to making application to the funding agency.


The application will be submitted to the Board of Education for final approval if District resources/funding is required as part of the grant proposal or if required by the granting organization. If the Board of Education approves the proposal, the application will be signed by the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and submitted to the appropriate agency.


If the proposal is approved by the funding agency, the director of the program/proposal will meet with the Director of Finance to determine how the program is to be included in the Eagle County School District budget and to determine who shall be responsible for completing all necessary reports.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 9, 1994 Revised: July 1, 2006 (cross refs.)

File: DEA

Funds from Local Tax Sources Mill Levies If the Board of Education is of the opinion that revenues in excess of those provided through equalization program funding are necessary to provide for the needs of the district, the Board may seek authorization at an election to raise additional local property tax revenues. The requested amount shall not exceed 20 percent of the district's total program funding for the budget year in which the limitation was reached or $200,000, whichever is greater.

The Board shall call an election to raise additional local revenues if an initiative petition containing signatures of at least five percent of the registered electors in the district is properly submitted to the Board. An initiative petition shall be submitted at least 90 days prior to the election date in order to be valid. Such elections shall be held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years in conjunction with the regular biennial school election or on general election day in even-numbered years. If other jurisdictions that have overlapping boundaries or the same electors as the school district are conducting an election on the same day, the county clerk and recorder shall conduct the election as a coordinated election to allow voters to vote on all ballot issues at one polling place. The decision whether the election will be conducted as a polling place election or by mail ballot is one which shall be made by the county clerk. The election shall be conducted pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement between the district and the county clerk and recorder for each county in which the district has territory. The agreement shall allocate responsibilities between the county clerk and the district for the preparation and conduct of the election and shall be signed no less than 60 days prior to the election. The Board shall designate a school election official to whom some election responsibilities may be delegated pursuant to the agreement. Transportation mill levies The Board of Education may submit the question of whether to impose a mill levy for the payment of excess transportation costs at an election held in conjunction with the regular biennial election in odd-numbered years or with the general election in even-numbered years. Excess transportation costs are defined as the current operating expenditures for student transportation minus any state reimbursement entitlement based on amounts expended and received in a 12-month period as specified in state law. If the measure passes, the district shall deposit the resulting revenue in the transportation fund. Bonded indebtedness Upon the approval of the electorate, the Board may incur a bonded indebtedness which does not exceed amounts specified by law. The Board may authorize the issuance of debt to achieve the following goals and objectives: 1.

To provide capital improvements which satisfy the district's physical plant needs

2. To provide the capability of financing district equipment needs 3. To refinance existing debt when it is in the best interests of the district To accomplish these goals the Board has developed the following guidelines for managing the district's debt. 1.

The superintendent and a designee shall be responsible for implementing this policy and its procedures.

2. The superintendent and a designee shall serve as the district's liaison with the investment banking community and will keep the Board informed about investment banking activities,

changes in laws which affect the issuance or debt, and any topics which bear on the district's financial activities and needs. 3. When developing the district's financial plan, the superintendent shall analyze the need for financial advisory or investment banking assistance in defining the district's financial goals and objectives, establishing its financial plan and preparing for the issuance of debt or the refinancing of existing debt. Based on that analysis, the superintendent may recommend that the district secure the services of financial advisory and/or investment bankers. 4. The type of financial advisory or investment banking services and the method of selecting the firm or firms to provide such services shall be determined by the Board. 5. All investment banking firms or financial advisors employed by the district shall comply with the provisions and rules of the Municipal Securities Regulatory Board when performing services for the district. 6. The superintendent and Director of Finance officer shall recommend to the Board whether to use a competitive bid or negotiated sale method for each transaction. All financing completed by the district shall be conducted in compliance with state and federal statutes and regulations. LEGAL REF.:


Constitution of Colorado, Article X, Section 20 C.R.S. 1-1-101 through 1-13-108 et seq. (Uniform Election Code of 1992) C.R.S. 1-45-117 (Fair Campaign Practices Act) C.R.S. 22-42-101 et seq. (bonded indebtedness) C.R.S. 22-54-108 DBG, Budget Adoption EEA, Student Transportation FA, Facilities Development Goals/Priority Objectives FB, Facilities Planning FBC*, Prioritization of Facility Improvement FD, Facilities Funding FDA, Bond Campaigns

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DEB

Loan Programs Short-term borrowing The superintendent shall notify the Board when it becomes evident, early in the fiscal year before substantial tax moneys have been received, that cash balances will not meet anticipated obligations. Under such circumstances the Board may negotiate, under the provisions of Colorado statutes, for a loan in such amounts as may be required to meet such obligations. Such a loan may not be obtained without prior approval of the Board. The Board may authorize the president and the secretary to execute promissory notes on behalf of the school district from time to time as such borrowing of funds becomes necessary and may further authorize them to execute any and all other documents necessary or incidental to the borrowing of funds. By law, these short-term loans are liquidated within six months of the close of the fiscal year from moneys received by the district for the general fund.

State interest-free loan program The superintendent shall notify the Board when it becomes evident that a general fund cash deficit will occur in any month. Under such circumstances the Board may elect to participate in an interestfree loan program through the state treasurer’s office by adopting a resolution approving the amount of the loan prior to the loan being made. The loan may not exceed an amount for the month as certified by the district’s Director of Finance and the superintendent. However, the superintendent may not apply for such loan without a resolution of the Board. The state treasurer shall determine the method for calculating cash deficits and appropriate reporting mechanisms. All loans shall be repaid by June 25 of the fiscal year in which they were made or an alternate date determined by the state treasurer. Tax anticipation notes The Board may issue tax anticipation notes without an election if it determines that taxes due the district will not be received in time to pay projected budgeted expenses. Tax anticipation notes shall mature on or before August 31 of the fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year in which the tax anticipation notes were issued. The state treasurer is authorized to issue tax anticipation notes for school districts pursuant to terms and conditions negotiated by the state treasurer and the district. Tax anticipation notes issued by the district shall not exceed 75 percent of the taxes the district expects to receive in the current fiscal year as shown by the current budget. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-40-107 (short term loans) C.R.S. 22-54-110 (loans to alleviate cash flow problems) C.R.S. 29-15-101 et seq. (Tax Anticipation Note Act)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2004 (legal reference only)


Revenues from Investments/Use of Surplus Funds The Board of Education recognizes the importance of prudent and profitable investment of district monies and its responsibility in overseeing this part of the district’s financial program. This policy shall apply to the investment of all financial assets and all funds of the district over which the Board exercises financial control. In order to effectively make use of the district's cash resources, all moneys shall be pooled into one investment account and accounted for separately. The investment income derived from this account with the exception of the building fund, shall be recorded in the General Fund. All district funds allocated to a specific use but temporarily not needed shall be invested by the Director of Finance or designee in accordance with state law and in a manner designed to accomplish the following objectives: 1. ensure the safety of funds 2. ensure that adequate funds are available at all times to meet the financial obligations of the district when due 3. ensure a market rate of return on the funds available for investment throughout the budget cycle 4. ensure that all funds are deposited and invested in accordance with state law

The intent of the district is to support financial institutions located within district boundaries. Investments in institutions located outside of the district will be made when competitive rates or lack of collateral available from local financial institutions make this decision in the best interest of the district or when investment timing requires investment alternatives and short-term yields not conveniently available in the district. If the district is contemplating any investment or deposit outside of the state, the Board shall be notified. The Board shall seek legal advice prior to any such investment or deposit. The Board shall be kept informed of investments and yields through regular quarterly reports. These reports shall be formatted in a manner that allows the Board to evaluate the success of its investment practices in light of its stated objectives. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 11-10.5-101 et seq. C.R.S. 11-47-101 et seq. C.R.S. 22-45-103 (bond redemption fund trustee or escrow requirement) C.R.S. 24-75-601 et seq. C.R.S. 24-75-701 et seq.


DA, Fiscal Management Goals/Priority Objectives DG, Banking Services NOTE: This policy has been adapted from the sample appearing in the CDE Financial Policies and Procedures Handbook.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: June 9, 1982 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DFCA

District Housing Management Because it is difficult to find affordable housing in the Eagle County School District, it is desirable for the District to maintain a number of housing units and/or mobile home spaces to attract and retain new District employees. The District Housing program should not be viewed as a long-term arrangement for any one staff member, but rather should be considered as a planning time so that employees are able to acquire more permanent housing. Therefore, the goals of the District Housing program are as follows: GOALS: 1. To provide affordable housing in order to attract and retain new employees through the maintenance of a number of units presently owned by the District. 2.

To provide mobile home spaces which will allow employees to purchase mobile homes and be assured of a permanent location on which to place their mobile home for the duration of their tenure with the Eagle County School District.


To place the District Housing program on a sound financial basis which will ensure that the program does not detract from the General Fund. Rents are to be set at a rate that will cover all costs of the District Housing Fund.

SUB-GOALS: 1. To ensure a sound management program for District housing (i.e. to be effective and efficient landlords).


To establish and update all Board policies related to the District Housing program on an annual basis.


To maintain and upgrade the houses and apartments presently owned by the District.


To develop and maintain a listing of tenant and District responsibilities (i.e. who is going to do what regarding maintenance, caretaking, and providing materials).


To develop and maintain lease agreements that protect the District's and the tenant's interests.


To maintain a comprehensive file on each District-owned housing unit. This file is to include an updated report of the condition of the unit, maintenance records, present lease agreement, all pertinent financial records, and any other items designated by the Director of Finance.


Any employee who works 20 hours or more per week on a regular basis shall be eligible to lease District Housing according to the provisions of this policy. A temporary employee (one working less than 20 hours a week on a regular or temporary basis) may be granted use of District Housing on a temporary basis if a housing unit is vacant and no one is on the waiting list. A temporary employee will be allowed to lease the housing unit on a month-to-month basis and will be required to vacate such premises within 30 days should a regular employee desire that housing. Employees who resign or are terminated must vacate the District Housing unit within 30 days of their termination, resignation, or at the end of a current lease, whichever comes first. If, on July 1st of a calendar year, there is more than one housing unit vacant and there is no one on the waiting list, the Director of Finance may extend the lease for one year. In order to be eligible to lease District Housing, an employee must have his/her name on a waiting list that is maintained at the District Office. An employee may have his/her name placed on this list by calling Business Services. Priority will be given to first year employees. Depending on availability, other staff will be placed on a waiting list on a first come, first served basis. The name of the employee will be placed on the waiting list the date the call is received in Business Services. The procedures for having one's name removed from the waiting list are outlined in Regulation 14.


The Director of Finance shall be charged with the compiling, administering, and updating of the lease agreement in a timely manner.


Leases between the School District and one or more employees of the District shall be written up so that all employees' names are written into the lease and all employees' names which appear on that lease shall be equally responsible for payment of rents, damage deposits, damages, and any other items which are written into the lease. Utilities and deposits for utilities shall be the responsibility of the tenant(s).


Each lease shall be one year in duration, reviewed annually, and will commence on August 1 and end on July 31.


The damage deposit shall be equal to one month's rent. All damage deposits shall be payable at the time the lease is signed. With prior arrangement, the Director of Finance may allow

the employee to spread the payment of the damage deposit over a period of time not to exceed four months. 6.

No dogs, cats, reptiles, or other animals will be allowed in District Housing or in mobile homes that rent District property.


The amount of rent for each unit will be recommended by the Director of Finance and approved by the Board of Education as pare of the annual budget approval.


Ownership of a residence or livable property within the Eagle County School District boundaries shall disqualify any employee from being placed in School District housing. Extenuating circumstances may cause this policy to be waived after review and consideration of the Director of Finance.


Monthly rent payments will be deducted by the Payroll Office from the employee's regular salary. Employees not receiving regular paychecks (due to leaves, summer breaks, etc.) are responsible for making arrangements for paying rents due to the School District each month on the date specified in the lease. Failure to pay within 10 days of the day the rent is due will be considered default by the employee, and the lease will be considered terminated 30 days from the original due date of the rent.


Responsibilities for Maintenance of properties: a. Lessee will keep property clear of trash and debris. b. Lessee will maintain lawn as required. c. Lessee shall keep sidewalks and driveways clear of snow and prevent snow build-up on the roof. d. Lessor shall provide grass seed, fertilizer, and weedkiller for maintaining the lawn area. e. Lessee shall provide any equipment such as lawn mowers, rakes, shovels, etc. for maintenance of lawn and removal of snow.


Maintenance needs, repairs, and damages shall be reported to the Buildings and Grounds Department immediately by telephone, and that communication shall be documented in writing by the Lessee.


The District retains the right to inspect each housing unit on a semiannual basis. Adequate notice of inspection will be given to the tenant.


A waiting list will be maintained for those employees who wish to have a mobile home space. This list will be first-come, first serve basis.


The Director of Finance or his/her designee may negotiate with an employee whose name is at the top of the list if that employee is single and the housing for which that employee has become eligible is obviously suited for a larger family. The employee, at his/her own approval, may agree to new placement on the District Housing Waiting List in order that the District facilities may be more effectively utilized. However, under no circumstances shall an employee be forced to withdraw his/her name for the dwelling for which (s)he is eligible.


When a District employee chooses to sell a mobile home which is situated on a Districtowned mobile home space, if that mobile home is purchased by another District employee, the mobile home may be left on the District-owned space.


Tenants are required to keep their site neat and clean. No storage of bottles, boxes, appliances, equipment, etc. will be allowed outside of the District Housing unit unless they

are stored in an approved storage locker/shed. Storage lockers/sheds that are acceptable in design and appearance will be allowed only after the tenant has acquired the written permission of the Director of Finance. If it is the intent of the tenant to remove the structure when (s)he leaves, permission to remove that structure must be part of the request for installation. 17.

Two motor vehicles are permitted per home site. If the circumstances require additional vehicles, prior written approval for regular parking must be acquired from the Director of Finance. Tenants will refrain from making major repairs to vehicles or placing vehicles on blocks. All vehicles must be in running condition and must be properly licensed. Junk cars are not permitted and will be towed at the owner's expense. Tenants shall not keep any boats, trailers, motor homes, campers, or other large pieces of recreational equipment on the District Housing site without the prior written permission of the Director of Finance.


No additions, awnings, carports, structures, fences, or other modifications may be built or installed unless first approved in writing by the Director of Finance. If modifications are approved, they may not be removed from the District Housing unit/site without the prior written permission of the Director of Finance. Building permits, when required by the County, shall be the responsibility of the tenant.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 26, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989) Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DFE

Royalties The Eagle County School District Board of Education supports and encourages Eagle County School District staff members to publish or develop materials related to the educational profession and wishes to establish the principal of rewarding creativity by the staff. The Board of Education does not wish to become an entrepreneur in either publishing or manufacturing enterprises, yet if there is a commercial return on the investment of District funds, the Board wishes to receive a return on that investment. 1.

It is suggested that staff members who desire to develop products make such action known to the Superintendent (or his/her designee) prior to the time such work is started so that proper procedures can be established to assure that District interests and the interests of the staff member are protected.


Materials developed by staff on their own time: Rights to copyrights or patents of books, materials, devices, etc. developed by staff members of the Eagle County School District on their own time will be relinquished by the Eagle County School District Board of Education upon request of the staff member provided that the books, materials, devices, etc. were prepared without the use of District data, facilities, and/or equipment.


Materials developed by staff using District facilities: It is the intent of the Eagle County School District Board of Education that all books, materials, devices, or products that result from the paid work time and/or prescribed duties of staff members employed by the Eagle County School District will remain the property of the Eagle County School District and that the District will retain all rights and privileges pertaining to ownership. This regulation shall not apply to those people who produce products while modeling for students (e.g. Industrial Arts, Art, etc.).

In the event that any of these products have commercial appeal, the Superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to secure copyrights, patents, etc. to ensure the ownership of the product by the District. 4.

The Superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to negotiate with appropriate agencies for the production and distribution of products with commercial appeal.

CROSS REF.: EGAD - Copyright Policy Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 25, 2012 (to go into effect July 1, 2012) Revised: June 1, 2013

File: DFG*

Donation of Staffing Funds The Board of Education believes that Donated Funds, when implemented with appropriate precautions, can be used to support district designated staffing. Donated Funds can give a school and the District a greater ability to attract and retain top talent. Donated Funds are for a position or program as opposed to an individual. This is an important distinction for those making the donation and needs to be clear up front. Staffing may be used in any number of ways and directed giving should be for a position, and may or may not be utilized in that manner depending on a school’s needs. Administrators need the freedom to make decisions based on accurately accumulated funds. Principals have complete discretion to determine the use of funds at the end of the fund raising period. The district acknowledges that donors often desire knowledge of how funds will be used, but will continue to support principals in the reality of staffing depending on total accumulated funds available. REGULATIONS: 1.

A Principal of the Eagle County Schools should initiate the desire to purchase staffing by submitting a formal letter of application to the Eagle County Schools Human Resources (HR) Office. The letter of application should include: a. b. c.

a rationale for the request; how the Funding will benefit the student population; the specific FTE needs and objectives to be accomplished by purchasing staffing.

NOTE: The deadline for making application to the Human Resources Office will be August 1. The staffing requests will be reviewed by August 15. 2.

The Donated Funds program is restricted to the Education Foundation of Eagle County (“EFEC”) who has approved bylaws and organization to support ECS. Principals will work with EFEC on funding.


The receiving Principal shall have the authority to direct the Donated Funds. The school Principal is best suited to know the needs of the building. In instances where funds are being directed by a donor and the direction does not agree with the vision/plan for the school building, Principals will be supported by the District to refuse those funds. The Principals

will also have the authority to direct the funds to the necessary position. Funds may fill out a position or create a new position. In the event of creating a new position, Principals shall follow the District hiring protocol, posting for at least 5 days and interviewing candidates. 4.

The District’s Board of Education will make the final decision on personnel filling a position created with Donated Funds. The Board's decision will be included in the consent agenda for personnel actions.


Staffing costs will be paid by EFEC to the district. Costs will be calculated in the following manner: -Support staffing costs will be calculated as follows: Actual Cost of the individual filling the position + 10% to go to an EFEC equity fund. -Certified staffing costs will be calculated as follows: Actual Cost of the individual filling the position + 10% to go to an EFEC equity fund. Staffing costs will be calculated by the District HR Office and communicated to EFEC.


Support staff will be hired at the discretion of the Principal receiving donated funds. a. Probationary teacher placements need to be cleared through the Office of Human Resources. b. Non-probationary teacher placements need to be reviewed and cleared in writing through the Office of the Superintendent. Any teaching position that cannot be supported long-term will be denied at this stage.


In the case where a position less than .5 is increased to greater than .5, the district will consider this a year of service toward non-probationary status.


Use of directed giving as a source of intimidation or leverage to achieve a donor’s individual agenda will not be tolerated.


This donation policy is intended for instructional staffing. In such, directed giving for a single cause such as a bus route, individual class or technology need, will be at the District’s discretion and may not be able to be accommodated.

The administration and the Board of Education are cautioned not to allow a large number of Donated Funding positions in any one school year if these positions might have a negative impact and/or cause disruption to the Eagle County Schools. Donated Funds for Staffing must be considered as temporary funding and thus must not be considered a commitment toward future staffing by any employee in any way. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 13, 1988 Revised: July 1, 2004

File: DG

Banking Services Deposit of Funds, Authorized Signatures and Check Writing All revenue received by the School District shall be deposited in an official bank or banks or savings and loan institutions as designated by the Board. Such financial institution must qualify as an

eligible public depository in accordance with state law. When moneys are withdrawn from the custody of the County Treasurer, such moneys and all other moneys belonging to the District including moneys derived from state and federal sources, food services, rents, damage deposits, and miscellaneous income shall be deposited by the Director of Finance to the credit of the District in the depository(ies) designated by the Board. All checks drawn on District funds, except checks drawn on imprest accounts and the Employee Benefit Trust, shall require the signatures of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer of the Board. The Board may authorize an employee to affix the signature of the President, VicePresident, and Secretary/Treasurer to any warrant, order or check by any device capable of affixing a facsimile signature, but each such officer shall give written consent to the Board for the use of such facsimile signature and written approval of the employee or employees designated to affix his/her facsimile signature. Building level checking accounts also require two live signatures, one of which must be the building principal. Revenues from a tax levy for the purposes of satisfying bonded indebtedness obligations shall be administered by a commercial bank or depository trust company located in Colorado or placed in an escrow account in accordance with the requirements set forth in state law. The treasurer or official custodian shall comply with all requirements of state law regarding the deposit of district funds. All funds received and/or disbursed by any agency or employee of the School District shall be accounted for carefully and accurately, shall conform with good accounting practices, and shall be done in a manner that is easily reviewed and lends itself to auditing. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 11-10.5-101 et seq. (relates to deposits of public funds in banks) C.R.S. 11-47-101 et seq. (relates to deposits of public funds in savings and loan institutions) C.R.S. 22-32-104 (4)(c) C.R.S. 22-32-107 (3),(4),(6) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(g) C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(x) C.R.S. 22-40-104 (relates to County Treasurer) C.R.S. 22-40-105 C.R.S. 22-45-103 (bond redemption fund trustee or escrow requirement) C.R.S. 22-45-104 (relates to collection and deposit of fees and fines)


BDB, Board Officers JJF, Student Activities Funds

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DH

Bonded Employees and Officers All school employees who are responsible for moneys controlled by the Board or who may have more than $50 from such funds in their custody shall be insured at $150,000 per loss with a $100 deductible.

The secretary and treasurer of the Board and any custodian of moneys authorized and appointed by the Board shall, as required by Colorado statute, be individually bonded in the amount of $10,000 with a $100 deductible. The cost of bonding shall be borne by the school district. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-104 (4)(b),(c) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(h) C.R.S. 22-32-121 (3)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DIB

Types of Funds A fund is an independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording the source and use of cash and other financial resources. It contains all related assets, liabilities and residual equities or balances or changes therein. Funds are established to carry on specific activities or attain certain objectives of the school district according to special legislation, regulations or other restrictions for the purposes described. Each year the Board shall approve and appropriate moneys for the following funds within the adopted budget: General Fund The general fund is used to account for all financial resources traditionally associated with the district that are not legally or by sound financial management to be accounted for in another fund. This fund represents the district's ordinary operations financed from property taxes and other general revenue. Preschool Fund accounts for all financial activities associated with the district’s preschool program. Special Revenue Funds These funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditure for specified purposes. Capital Reserve Special Revenue Fund is used to account for the purposes and limitations specified by C.R.S. 22-45-103(1)(c), including the acquisition of sites, buildings, equipment and vehicles. Governmental Designated-Purpose Grant Fund is used to record financial transactions for grants received for designated programs funded by federal, state or local governments. Transportation Fund is used to account for revenues from a tax levied or fee imposed for the purpose of paying excess transportation costs and revenues received from the state. Debt Service Fund This fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general longterm debt principal and interest.

Bond Redemption Fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for and the payment of principal, interest and related expenses on long-term general obligation debt or long-term voter-approved lease-purchase debt. Capital Projects Fund This fund is used to account for financial resources to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities, sites and equipment. Building Fund is used to account for all resources available for acquiring capital sites, buildings and equipment as specified by the related bond issue. Special Building and Technology Fund is used to account for the all resources generated by taxes levied pursuant to C.R.S. 22-45-103(1)(d) for the construction of schools or for the acquisition of instructional computer technology. Capital Reserve Capital Projects Fund is used to account for the purposes and limitations specified by C.R.S. 22-45-103(1)(c), including acquisition of sites, buildings, equipment and vehicles. Enterprise Fund This fund is used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private enterprise, where the intent is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges, or where it has been decided that periodic determination of revenues earned, expenses incurred and/or net income is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, management control, accountability or other purposes. Food Service Fund is used to account for all financial activities associated with the district's school lunch program. District Housing Fund is used to account for all financial activities associated with the district’s employee housing program. Internal Service Fund This fund is used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one department to other departments and schools on a cost-reimbursement basis. Employee Benefits Fund is used to account for the self-insured medical, dental, prescription and vision programs. Trust and Agency Funds These funds are used to account for assets held by the district in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governmental units and/or other funds. These funds include payroll withholding and employee benefit liability accounts and funds held for teacher, parent-teacher and student organizations. Agency Fund is used to account for assets held for other funds, government or individuals and generally serves as a clearing account. Pupil Activity Agency Fund is used to record financial transactions related to schoolsponsored pupil organizations and activities that are self-supporting and do not receive any direct or indirect district support. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-107 C.R.S. 22-42-119

C.R.S. 22-45-103 C.R.S. 24-10-115 Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DID

Inventories The Eagle County School District shall maintain a property inventory system as required by law. The inventory of all real and personal property shall serve both the functions of control and conservation. The Board shall set the threshold cost required for items to be inventoried. The current threshold is $5,000. Equipment permanently fixed in a building such as heaters and lockers shall not be inventoried. This inventory shall be required only with respect to items of property having an original cost at a level as established in State of Colorado Fiscal Rules by the Office of the State Controlled and directives of the state auditor. The assets of enterprise funds, i.e. Food Service and District Housing Fund shall be capitalized at $1,000 and above of original cost, in accordance with standards of the Nutrition Services Department of the Colorado Department of Education. Responsibility for the system shall lie with the Director of Finance. Principal and other administrators shall be accountable for the maintenance of proper inventories in their schools. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 29-1-506 (2)


EDA/EDB, Materials & Equipment Receiving & Warehousing/ Maintenance and Control of Materials/Equipment

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DIE

Audits/Financial Monitoring In accordance with state law, all funds and accounts of the District shall be audited annually, following the close of the fiscal year. The Board shall issue a request for proposal (RFP) or use some other similar process for selection of an independent auditor who is licensed to practice in Colorado and knowledgeable in government accounting to conduct the audit. The independent auditor also shall audit the activities accounts of the District for report to the Board of Education. The audit report shall contain among other information: 1.

Financial statements prepared insofar as possible in conformity with generally accepted governmental accounting principles. (The financial statements are the representation of the District whether prepared by the District or by the auditor.)


Disclosures in accordance with the Financial Policies and Procedures Handbook. The supplemental schedules of receipts and expenditures for each fund shall be in the format

prescribed by the State Board of Education and shall be in agreement with the audited financial statements of the District. 3.

All funds and activities of the School District.


A budget to actual comparison for each fund and activity.


The auditor's opinion in the financial statements. If the opinion is anything other than unqualified, the reason must be explained. The opinion shall include general fixed assets.


Disclosure of all instances of noncompliance with state law, including the Public School Finance Act of 1994, irrespective of materiality.


A supplemental listing of all investments held by the District at the date of the financial statement.


A calculation of the School District's fiscal year spending in accordance with the state constitution.

The auditor shall meet with the Board to discuss the audit report, make recommendations to the Board concerning its accounting records, procedures and related activities as may appear necessary or desirable and shall perform other related services as may be requested by the Board. The audit report must be completed and submitted by the auditor to the School District within five (5) months after the close of the fiscal year unless a request for an extension of time is granted by the state auditor. Within thirty (30) days after receiving the audit, the District shall submit one (1) copy of each to the state auditor and the state commission of education. The Board reserves the right to request an audit at more frequent intervals if desired. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(k) C.R.S. 24-75-601.3

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: DJBA

Establishment of Purchasing Card Purchases The District is authorized to establish a purchasing card to supplement the ordering of supplies of a nominal value. The purpose of the purchasing card is to provide flexibility, convenience and security with small purchases while conducting District business. The District has used various methods to accomplish the purchase of goods and services. These methods, such as purchase orders, have proven to be costly when purchasing small dollar items, and occasionally merchants may require payments in advance. To promote vendor acceptance and operational efficiency, the District may initiate a purchasing card program. Purchase transactions using the purchasing card shall not supersede or conflict with the purchasing policies that have been established by the District. Use of the card is not intended to replace effective procurement planning which enables volume discounts.

The District shall establish procedures for the usage of purchasing cards. A number of unique controls shall be developed for the purchasing card program that does not exist in a traditional credit card environment. Usage shall be limited by transaction amount and total monthly expenditure amount. Type of merchandise allowed for purchase, restrictions of persons authorized to receive the cards, and other procedures may be set at the determination of the Superintendent or his/her designee. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DJC

Petty Cash In order to facilitate small refunds and purchases that do not exceed $25, the Director of Finance shall establish a small petty cash fund in each school and at the District Office. Expenditures against this fund must be carefully itemized by the Principals and submitted to the District Office for reimbursement. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July, 1, 2006

File: DJ/DJA

Purchasing/Purchasing Authority The Board's authority for the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies and services is extended to the superintendent through the detailed listing of such items compiled as part of the budget-making process and approved by the Board through its adoption of the annual operating budget. Except in emergencies or for reasons of economy, the annual purchase of major pieces of equipment such as school buses shall be scheduled so that annual budgetary appropriations for capital purposes will be of similar size or will show a continuous trend without severe fluctuations. The superintendent shall direct the purchase of such books, supplies, equipment and other materials as is required and permitted within the limits of the budget. The purchase of these items shall require no further Board approval except in those instances where Board policy requires certain purchases to be put to bid. However, any single, non-budgeted purchase or expenditure greater than $10,000, shall require advance approval by the Board. In order to receive the greatest value for each dollar expended, it shall be the policy of the school district to obtain comparative prices based on similar quality, to consider a balance between longterm quality and cost, and to purchase in quantity whenever possible and practical. All expenditures made with federal grant dollars shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-87 Cost Principals for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments. In additional all expenditures of federal Head Start grand dollars shall be made in accordance with the provisions of th U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administrative Regulations Section 45 CFR Part 92. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(b)


DJE, Bidding Procedures DK, Payment Procedures

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DJE

Bidding Procedures All contractual services and purchases of supplies, materials, and equipment in the amount of $2,500 (with the exception of Capital Reserve which shall be $5,000) or more shall be put to bid. This shall not apply, however, to professional services or instructional materials. Other purchases may be made in the open market, but shall, when possible, be based on competitive quotations or prices. All contracts and all open market orders shall be awarded to the lowest responsible qualified supplier, taking into consideration the quality of materials or services desired and their contribution to program goals. When bidding procedures are used, bids shall be advertised or bidders otherwise notified by letter when the bidders are limited in number. Suppliers shall be invited to have their names placed on mailing lists to receive invitations to bid. When specifications are prepared, they shall be mailed to all merchants and firms who have indicated an interest in bidding. All bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes, addressed to the Director of Finance or his/her designee and plainly marked with the bid number and the time of the bid opening. Bids shall be opened in public by appropriate district officials or employees at the time specified, and all bidders shall be invited to be present. Eagle County School District reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept that bid which appears to be in the best interest of the District. Any bid received after the time and date specified shall not be considered. Any bid may be withdrawn prior to the time scheduled for the opening of bids. The bidder to whom an award is made shall be required to submit to the district proof of liability insurance and when appropriate, proof of workers’ compensation insurance, and may be required to enter into a written contract with the district. Sole Source Purchases When there is a request to purchase a specific product or to use a specific vendor, the following information is required to justify the purchase. The justification must include specific business reasons stating why the purchase should not be made competitively. • • • •

The unique features of the product requested must be identified. If there are other similar products available, explain the reasons why those products will not meet district needs. If maintenance costs are an issue, evidence must be provided to identify problems or benefits. If service is an issue, evidence must be provided to identify problems or benefits.

Sole source purchases will be made when good reasons are given and approved by the Director of Finance. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1) (b) C.R.S. 24-18-201


BCB, Board Member Conflict of Interest DJB, Purchasing Procedures

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 28, 1985 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DJG

Vendor Relations In an effort to protect the integrity of the Eagle County School District staff, the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District has adopted this policy regarding the relationship between District vendors and employees of the District. Eagle County School District employees are public employees, and therefore, are not expected to use their position to influence others for personal gain or for the personal gain of others. The attitude of a public employee must be different than that of an employee in the private sector in which case it is sometimes considered ethical to use one's position or power to influence others for personal gain. No favoritism shall be extended to any vendor. Each order shall be placed on the basis of quality, price and delivery. Past service shall be a factor if all other considerations are equal. All employees of the district must exercise sound judgment in avoiding conflicts of interest or the appearance of impropriety in dealing with vendors. Gifts or gratuities of other than nominal value or which might obligate a district employee in any manner shall be politely and firmly refused. Any vendor or bidder who offers items in excess or in violation of the spirit of this policy may be disqualified indefinitely. No person officially connected with or employed in the public schools shall be an agent or be in any way pecuniarily or beneficially interested in or receive any compensation or reward of any kind from any vendor for the sale of supplies, material, equipment or services to the district without the express prior written consent of the Board of Education. Suppliers’ representatives shall be promptly acknowledged and interviews granted or not, depending upon the circumstances. The Board shall protect the staff and program against undue invasion of the school day by not allowing any solicitation of employees during the school day. Principals shall not allow material from solicitors to be placed in employee mail boxes or school areas where employees may assemble. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 24-18-104


BC, Board Member Conduct GBEB, Staff Conduct GBEBC, Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DK

Payment Procedures All suppliers must render invoices in duplicate for materials, supplies, services, and equipment after delivery to the school. Invoices accompanied by a signed copy of the delivery receipt should be

mailed to the Eagle County School District Accounts Payable office. In instances of a partial shipment, an invoice for the merchandise that has been delivered and the signed copy of the delivery receipt must be submitted for payment. An invoice to be submitted to the District for approval for payment will quality when the following conditions are met: 1.

It bears the purchase order number, description and price of the items specified on the purchase order, less any allowed discounts.


It is accompanied by the receiving copy of the purchase order bearing the signature of the requisitioner that the item has been received in a satisfactory condition and in the quantity indicated.


All extensions and totals have been checked for accuracy.


Invoices showing no terms of payment shall be considered net 30 days from the date of invoice.


Payment of invoices that have proper documentation and approval shall be made weekly as determined by the Business Services Department.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DKA

Payroll Procedures/Schedules Employees of the District are to receive their salary payments in a timely and consistent manner and in a manner that suits the needs (within legal limits) of the majority of the employees. Employees should receive their salary payments as soon after the pay period as is legally and economically feasible. REGULATIONS 1.

Salary payments for licensed staff members and administrators shall be distributed on the 20th day of the month. If the 20th falls on a weekend or holiday being observed by the District, payroll shall be distributed on the closest workday to the 20th of the month. Summer deposit advices shall be mailed the 20th day of each month unless other arrangements have been made with the Business Services Office.


Hourly and substitute employees including substitute teachers will be paid bi-monthly according to the annual district calendar. All other classified employees will be paid on the 20th. If the 20th falls on a weekend or a holiday being observed by the District, payroll shall be distributed on the closest workday to the 20th of the month.


All payments to employees will be made by direct deposit. A deposit advice will be provided to each employee with the details of their pay. There is a charge of $3.00 for replacement or duplicate deposit advices.


Persons employed in a 9-12 month position will be paid over twelve (12) months in equal installments. This option is not available to hourly employees.


Payments will not be issued to licensed staff members before a valid license of authorization has been registered with the Human Resource Services Office. Any variation from this regulation must be in writing from the Director of Human Resources.


If an error is made in the calculation of an employee’s paycheck, the employee should notify their supervisor of the error immediately. The supervisor is responsible to work with Payroll and/or Human Resource Services to research and correct if necessary, the error. If it has been determined that and error occurred it exceeds $100.00 it will be handled as follows: ! ! !

If the District Office is the source of the error, the error will correct it within 24 hours of it being reported. If the supervisor is the source of the error, the error will be corrected within 3 working days. If the employee is the source of the error, the error will be corrected on the employee's next paycheck.

Any error of less that that $100.00 will be included in the employee's next paycheck. The employee, supervisor, Human Resources Services and Payroll share responsibility for the accuracy and timely processing of payroll information. 7.

In order to facilitate the calculations of the payroll, all time cards and other necessary records must be received by the Payroll Office as noted on the annual district calendar.


In order to facilitate input an wage calculations, all Personnel Action Notices must be received by the Office of Human Resource Services as noted on the annual district calendar.


All supervisors are responsible for notifying the Human Resource Services Office when an employee terminates his/her employment, takes an unauthorized leave, transfers or when any other movement occurs that may effect that employee's pay, leave or benefits.


Hourly employees will record hours worked to the nearest quarter hour (1/4 - .25, etc.) on a daily basis. Any time over 7 minutes should be rounded up to the next quarter hour.


All employees must attend the first scheduled employee orientation upon being hired. This will ensure the timelines of their pay and the completeness of their required paperwork.


W-2’s will be provided to each employee annually by January 31 each year. If an employee needs a replacement or duplicate of any W-2 previously issued, a $15.00 fee will be charged for each W-2 requested.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DKB

Salary Deductions The function of the Business Services and Human Resource Services Departments is to accommodate the needs of the employees within the framework of a sound management system. Staff members should be given the opportunity to understand the system for calculating salaries, for

making deductions, and for paying employees. Salary deductions and calculations should be explained on each check for each pay period. It is the employee's responsibility to notify the Payroll Department in writing should (s)he wish to change deductions. Deductions shall be made or changed only when the proper-signed written authorization is received by the Payroll Department. REGULATIONS: 1. Deductions shall be made from the paychecks of all employees for retirement (Public Employees' Retirement Association), Medicare, and federal and state income tax in keeping with federal and state requirements. 2.

If an employee is leasing District housing (i.e. house, apartment, trailer, or trailer space), the monthly rent will be deducted from the monthly paycheck. If the paycheck to be received is not sufficient to cover the cost of the rent, the employee will be responsible for making payment to the Business Services Department.


When a court order for garnishing an employee's wages is received by the Payroll Office requiring a deduction from that employee's paycheck, the Payroll Office is authorized to deduct that amount. When the Payroll Office receives documentation to deduct this amount, that office will contact the employee in a timely manner to let him/her know the amount that will be deducted and when the first deduction will be made. In no case will the Eagle County School District be liable for deductions that must legally be taken from an employee's paycheck.


If money owed to the District for incidental items (e.g. travel reimbursements) is deducted from an employee's paycheck and that amount is less than $5.00, a total of $5.00 will be deducted from the employee's check for this service. In other words, if the employee owed the District $2.43, $5.00 would be taken from that employee's paycheck.


Salary deductions shall be made for absences not covered by leave policies adopted by the Board of Education. Such deductions shall be calculated on the basis of the employee's work year.


If a certified employee has a deduction from his/her salary for leave without pay that is in excess of three days, (s)he may request that the Business Services Department withhold that amount in two or three consecutive paychecks rather than in one paycheck. This option will only be allowed if the certified employee has accrued more salary than (s)he has been paid.

(Optional Deductions) The following deductions are optional: 7.

Section 125 Cafeteria Plan benefit deductions.


Employees will have the opportunity to enroll in employee-purchased insurance or taxsheltered annuity programs. A minimum of ten (10) employees must be enrolled with any one company in order to qualify for payroll deductions.


Professional dues may be deducted from employee's salaries. Professional dues may be deducted in accordance with the policies of that professional organization.


Employees may choose to enroll in the Public Employees' Retirement Association Survivors' Insurance, Life Insurance, or 401(k) programs.


Those staff members choosing to take part in the health, dental, and/or vision care plan must have the appropriate monthly premiums deducted from their salaries.


Classified employees working fewer than twelve months per year may choose to have their summer months' insurance deducted over the course of their annual employment so as to make the deduction comparable from month to month.


All other deductions shall require permission of the employee.

(Other) 15.

Upon employment, new employees will be required to attend a new employee orientation meeting and complete the salary deduction forms. Continuing employees will need to make the Payroll Office aware of any modifications in their deductions on or before the first of the month if they wish to have that change initiated with the following paycheck.


The Payroll Office shall inform employees as to changes made in any area of mandatory or optional deductions not initiated by the employee. This communication shall take place in a clear and timely manner.

CROSS REF.: GDBD, Classified Staff Fringe Benefits File: DKC-E1 Mileage Chart


149 28 78 53 10 24 32 146 107 33 206 137 139 159 144 9 24

148 27 77 52 9 23 31 145 106 32 205 136 138 158 143 8 23

117 10 102 89 31 14 9 114 69 62 177 175 105 127 112 33 14


140 23 69 61 1 18 27 137 98 40 197 142 130 150 135


110 75 56 173 170 114 123 108 26 8

122 4 87 75 17 4 8 119 82 48 181 159 114 132 117 18


4 95 83 25 8




8 119 82 48 181 159 114 132 117 18 4


17 26 138 99 41 198 143 131 151 136 1 17

122 4 87 75 17


91 79 21 4 4 124 79 52 177 166 110 127 112 23 4

141 21 70 68





Aurora Avon AES Aspen Basalt BCES BCMS/ECCA BMHS/MMES Boulder Buena Vista Carbondale Colorado Springs Craig Denver Denver Int. Airport Denver Tech Center Eagle EVE/EVMS Edwards EES

107 10 102 89 31 14 9 104 74 62 161 175 95 117 102 33 14

Fort Collins Frisco Fruita Glenwood Springs Granby Grand Junction Greeley Gypsum GES/EVHS Gypsum RHES/GCMS Kremmling Lakewood Leadville Longmont Meeker Minturn MMS Northglenn Parachute Pueblo Rangely Rifle Steamboat Springs Vail/RSES

157 36 150 48 113 141 171 27 28 80 97 36 135 119 10 110 99 215 170 78 84 10

181 57 132 31 136 123 191 9 10 100 121 56 155 101 31 134 80 239 151 60 85 31

162 40 146 44 109 137 175 23 24 76 108 40 139 114 14 115 95 220 166 74 80 14

153 33 154 52 117 145 167 31 32 72 93 32 131 123 9 106 103 212 174 82 88 9

162 40 146 44 109 137 175 23 24 76 108 40 139 114 14 115 95 220 166 74 80 14

180 56 131 30 125 122 190 8 9 99 120 55 154 100 33 133 79 238 150 59 84 33

Eagle County Schools District, Re50J Adopted: October 22, 1980 Revised July 1, 2007

188 65 124 23 144 115 199 1 108 129 64 163 93 38 141 88 246 143 52 96 38

189 64 123 22 143 114 198 1 107 128 63 162 92 37 142 87 247 142 51 92 37

157 36 161 58 103 150 171 37 38 70 97 26 134 128 110 109 215 180 88 94 10 File: DKC

Expense Authorization/Reimbursement Eagle County Schools encourages attendance of personnel at local, state, regional, and national meetings as a means of upgrading the instructional program and to assist personnel in remaining current with contemporary educational thought and practice. When authorized and within budget constraints, reasonable remuneration for expenses of employees and consultants shall be made in accordance with the following regulations. REGULATIONS: 1.

General: Travel charged to Eagle County Schools, regardless of funding source, shall be for the benefit of Eagle County Schools and shall be completed using the most economical means available. The employee is responsible for making lodging and travel reservations associated with the trip and to submit a reimbursement request upon return. The reimbursement request must be supported by actual, original, itemized receipts. Summary charge slips are not a valid form of receipt. All expenses are paid on a reimbursement basis only. Travel advances are not provided by the District.

147 26 161 58 93 150 161 37 38 70 87 36 124 128 10 100 109 205 180 88 94

Reimbursement will be made for the following: lodging, meals, transportation, registration fees and business related incidentals. The following regulations will apply: 2. Lodging: The District will pay the actual cost, less Colorado sales tax, per night of lodging if it is considered reasonable for the area. Employees are encouraged to stay at the hotel/motel where the conference is being held. Telephone, fax and internet service for official District purposes will be paid by the District. In-room movies, personal calls, spa costs, recreation services and other personal expenses are not paid by the district. 3. Meals: Meals will be reimbursed based upon the actual cost of the meal, including tip and excluding Colorado sales tax up to the maximum dollar amount per meal as established annually by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Please refer to Exhibit DKC-E2 for the current maximum reimbursement. Breakfast will be reimbursed when the employee leaves the District before 7:00 a.m.; lunch when traveling out of the District between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.; and dinner when returning from out of the District after 7:00 p.m. In the case where meals are a part of the registration fee, an employee will be reimbursed only for the meals that are not part of that fee. Itemized receipts must be submitted to be reimbursed. Summary charge slips and anything submitted not listing specific items eaten will not be considered. Any receipts that include the purchase of alcohol will be unconditionally refused. Generally, employees will not be paid for meals when the employee is in the District. However, at the discretion of the building principal or department manager, meals for employees may be provided from the General Fund for staff training, evening meetings and work-related national recognition days (i.e. Secretaries Day). Meals for employees for celebrations may be paid for from dollars generated from non-student fundraising dollars in the Activity Fund (ie Holiday Parties). These types of expenses should be limited in nature. Meals for students may be paid by the Eagle County Schools with the prior approval of the building principal. 4. Ground Transportation: A District-owned vehicle will be used when available and practical. The Transportation Department will be responsible for approval of the scheduling of District vehicles. Personal car mileage will be reimbursed at the rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. The current rate for mileage reimbursement is shown in Exhibit DKC-E2. Mileage will be calculated either to and from the employee's normal place of employment or based upon actual miles traveled, whichever is less. The authorized mileage schedule (See Exhibit DKC-E1) will be used when applicable. In all instances, both inside and outside of the District, car-pooling is encouraged when possible. Out-of-district mileage will be reimbursed when submitted on a reimbursement form with proof of attendance at the conference or meeting attached. Proof of attendance is limited to a nametag, agenda, booklet or certificate of completion. Proof of payment or registration for the conference is not considered adequate. In-district mileage incurred by employees required to travel from facility to facility during the workday shall be reimbursable. It is the employee's responsibility to travel from home to work and from work to home each day. This shall apply to employees who report to a different facility each day. 5. Air Transportation: Coach air fare shall be the basis for air travel. 6. Miscellaneous Expenses: Miscellaneous items such as parking, taxi fare and baggage handling shall also be reimbursed when submitted on a reimbursement form with the proper receipt

attached. Personal phone calls, parking tickets and traffic tickets shall not be reimbursed by the District. LEGAL REF.: C.R.S. 24-18-104 (3)(d),(e) CROSS REF.: EEBB, Use of Private Vehicles on School Business Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 30, 1985 Revised: January 1, 2013

File: DKC-E2

Expense Reimbursements The following rates have been established for maximum reimbursement for meals. These rates are based upon the maximum rates utilized by the U.S. General Services Administration. Meals: Meal reimbursement shall not exceed; Breakfast $14.00 Lunch $19.00 Dinner $38.00 TOTAL $71.00 per day (including tip) The following rate has been established for allowance for mileage. This rate is based upon the rate allowed by the U.S. General Services Administration. Mileage rate

56.5 cents per mile.

Note: This information can be found at and is subject to change at any time and subject to approval by Eagle County School District. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 1, 2000

File: DLB

Tax-Sheltered Annuities All employees are entitled to take advantage of the provisions of Section 403 (b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, whereby a public school employee may have his pay reduced by an amount which is placed to his account with a firm which will establish this sum as an annuity account. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 1, 2000 Revised: July 1, 2002 Revised: May 21, 2013 Revised: May 23, 2014

File: DLB-R

Tax-Sheltered Annuities Regulations Tax-sheltered annuities (“TSA�) in the form of vendor-provided Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code annuity contracts and/or custodial accounts are available to employees of the District under the following conditions:


Employees may utilize any vendors on the District-approved list. All vendors who are currently providing TSA products to Plan participants can continue to do so, providing that they comply with all District requirements for TSA vendors. New vendors will be added to the approved list when they can demonstrate that 25 or more ECSD employees are willing to purchase plans. Vendors are removed from the list when the number of ECSD clients drops below 25 employees, if at the end of a 90 day grace period, the vendor is not in compliance with the 25-employee requirement, or when a vendor fails to agree to the District’s Standard Vendor Participation Agreement, or when a vendor fails to cooperate with requests for assistance or information from the District.


All employees may enroll in District-sponsored TSA programs by giving written notice to the Payroll Department before the current pay period’s cut-off date. Employees may increase or reduce or cease salary reductions at any time by giving written notice to the Payroll Department no later than the current pay period’s payroll cut-off date. All participating employees must sign the Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan Enrollment and Salary Reduction Agreement.


Employees will be allowed to apply maximum contributions in accordance with IRS regulations and District policy toward any Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code contract and/or the PERA Code §401(k) plan for any year. However, all employee contributions are subject to the following limits: (a) employees must comply with Section 402(g)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, and may utilize any “catch-up” provision under Section 402(g)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code, (b) employees may utilize the age 50+ “catch-up” provision of the Internal Revenue Code, and (c), employees must comply with Section 415(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, and may not utilize any of the options provided under Section 415(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Contributions can only be made from salary. Contributions are not allowed from accrued leave buy-outs or other amounts that may be payable to an employee upon retirement or termination of employment.


Employees participating in the ECSD TSA Plan must provide the District with such information as may be needed to monitor the Plan and assure compliance with all relevant laws, federal and state regulations, and Board Policy and Regulations. The employee agrees, upon request of the District, to instruct his or her TSA vendor to release any information or report that is reasonably required by the District for purposes of compliance with Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. An employee’s failure to comply with the requirements set forth in this paragraph may result in the employee being ineligible for further participation in the Plan.


The District does not endorse any company, vendor, fund group or investment instrument, nor has the District undertaken any investigations regarding the soundness of any company, vendor, fund group, or investment offered. Investments in Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code, and any subsequent IRS approved plans available to District employees are made at the sole risk of the employee and the District assumes no liability of fiduciary responsibility.


The District has full authority and complete discretion to construe, interpret and apply any provision of these regulations, to determine the eligibility of any employee or vendor to participate in the Plan, to determine the allowable amount of salary reduction contributions, and to determine any issue of compliance with the requirements of Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. The District’s determination of any issue that may arise under these regulations or the Plan shall be final and binding on the employee and/or the employee’s TSA vendor.

These regulations and/or the Plan may be amended or modified in whole or in part or terminated by action of the District at any time in a manner which is consistent with the requirements of Section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DM

Cash In School Buildings Moneys collected by school employees will be handled according to good and prudent accounting procedures. All moneys collected will be receipted, accounted for, and directed without delay to the proper location of deposit. In no case shall moneys be left overnight in schools, except in safes provided for safekeeping of valuables. When a large amount of moneys are received, provisions should be made for making banking deposits after regular banking hours in order to avoid leaving money in school overnight. Deposits shall be made a minimum of once a week or when the deposit is over $500, whichever occurs first. Insurance The Board of Education shall procure and maintain insurance, in reasonable amounts, based on the exposure to losses at various locations, and in order to protect against the loss of money, securities, and checks by actual destruction, disappearance, or wrongful abstraction from within all premises and also while off any premises. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: DN

School Properties Disposition The Board may, by resolution duly adopted, sell, convey, dispose, or lease District property which has been determined to have no future value to the District upon such terms and conditions as it may approve, subject to the limitations contained in this policy (regardless of future value). If the property is sold to a state agency or political subdivision of the state, it shall not be necessary to find that the property may not be needed. The Director of Finance shall provide to the Board of Education (up to three times per year) a listing of property that has been determined to have no future value. Real Estate Property The Board may sell real property owned by the District at private sale or at public auction or by sealed bid. Notice of sales at auction or by sealed bid shall be published as hereinafter provided. Other Property The Board may sell property, over the value of $500, owned by the District at auction or by sealed bid. Notice of such sale shall be published as hereinafter provided. Other property having a value of less than $500, as determined by the Superintendent or his/her designee, may be disposed of as deemed applicable after authorization has been procured from the

Board. Leases The Board may negotiate the leasing of property owned by the District, not immediately needed for its purposes, for terms and conditions as allowable in provisions as defined in state statutes governing school districts. Such leases may contain an option to purchase, in which event the provisions of section "Real Estate Property" shall apply. Notice Wherever in this policy a notice is required to be published prior to sale or lease of District property, real or other, such notice shall identify the property to be sold or leased, shall specify the date and time at which the sale is to be held or by which bids are to be received, shall reserve the right to refuse all offers, and shall contain such other terms and conditions attached to the transaction as the Board deems appropriate. Such notice shall be published at least one time in a newspaper of general circulation within the District at least 7 days prior to the proposed sale or bid opening. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (e) C.R.S. 24-18-202


FCB, Closing Schools

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EBCC

Bomb Threats In the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment, the following procedures are recommended: 1.

Immediate evacuation of the school or building(s).


If the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments, immediate notification is required. Both departments should respond.


A search of the building or premises should be conducted only under the direction of the senior officer present from either protective department.


Circumstances will dictate whether any strange or foreign objects should be removed immediately or left for removal by a qualified person.


If a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found, the principal of the school or building should be notified by the senior member of the local protective department that reentry will be permitted.


Investigation of the incident should be made by the local police department assisted by the State Fire Marshal's office, if requested.

Any decision concerning the dismissal of school pupils and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the prerogative of the Superintendent (or his/her designee) or the

Board of Education. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: EBCE

School Closings and Cancellations The Superintendent (and/or his/her designee) is empowered to close the schools or to dismiss them early in event of hazardous weather or other emergencies which threaten the safety, health, or welfare of students or staff members. It is understood that (s)he will take such action only after consultation with appropriate authorities. The Board shall ratify the closing at its next regular meeting. Parents, students, and staff members should be informed early in each school year how they shall be notified in event of emergency closings or early dismissals. All staff members, except for teachers and personnel who work only on teacher work-days or on student days, unless otherwise notified shall be required to report to work as soon as possible on emergency days. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S 22-32-109 (1)(n) C.R.S. 22-33-104 (1)


IC/ICA/ICD, School Year/School Calendar/School Day JLIB, Student Dismissal Precautions

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EC

Buildings/Grounds/Property Management It shall be the policy of the Board of Education to maintain school properties in good physical condition in compliance with State Department of Health standards. School properties shall be as safe, clean, sanitary, comfortable, and convenient as the facilities will permit or the use requires. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall have the general responsibility for the care, custody, and safekeeping of all school property. (S)he shall establish such procedures and employ such means as may be necessary to discharge responsibility. At the building level, the principal shall be responsible for overseeing the school plant and for the proper care of school property by the staff and students. LEGAL REF.:

6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 1-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 2-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 3-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 4-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 5-101 et seq. 6 CCR 1010-6, Rules 10-101 et seq.


CF, School Building Administration


Refer to Department of Health standards and regulations.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: ECAC

Vandalism The District's buildings, grounds and other property are built, purchased and maintained with taxes levied on the communities' taxpayers, and all damage caused must be paid for in the same way. Therefore, every citizen of the District, students, and members of the police department are urged to cooperate in reporting any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the District and the name of the person(s) believed to be responsible. Each employee of the District shall report to the principal of the school every incident of vandalism known to him/her and, if known, the names of those responsible. The Superintendent, the principal, or their designee is authorized to sign a criminal complaint against persons suspected of vandalism against school property. Students who willfully or maliciously destroy school property through vandalism or arson or who create a hazard to the safety of other people on school property may be referred to law enforcement authorities. Vandalism also includes the knowing and unauthorized use, alteration, damage or destruction of any computer, computer system, software, program or computerized data. Students who are caught vandalizing school property may be suspended and/or expelled. It is the intent of the Board of Education to seek damages as permitted by law from students (and/or their parents or guardians) who vandalize school property. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 13-21-107 C.R.S. 19-3-113 C.R.S. 19-3-117


GBGB, Staff Personal Security and Safety JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2000


Security/Access to Buildings Buildings of the Eagle County School District constitute one of its largest investments. It is deemed in the best interest of the District to protect the investment adequately. Security should mean not only maintenance of a secure (locked) building but protection from fire hazards and faulty equipment and safe practices in the use of electrical, plumbing, and heating equipment. The Board requires and encourages close cooperation with local police, fire, and sheriff's departments and with insurance company inspectors. Each school building shall be inspected annually to address removal of hazards and vandalism and any other barriers to safety and supervision. 1.

An adequate key control system shall be established which will limit access to buildings to

authorized personnel and will safeguard against the potential of entrance to buildings by keys in the hands of unauthorized persons. Keys issued by the District remain the property of the School District, and are on loan to employees. a.

Key control shall be the responsibility of the Principal and designated person in charge of keys. All locksmith services (including repair, key or lock changes or replacements, duplicate or replacement keys for existing locks, lock changes and additions within a department) shall be procured only through the established procedures.


Upon termination or transfer, employees shall turn in all keys to the designated person in charge of keys.


Key and lock records shall be considered high security items and shall be safeguarded and secured at all times, except when in actual authorized use.


Master keys will be issued only to authorized individuals on the approval of the Principal.


Personal property is specifically exempt from the provisions of this policy and is the responsibility of the individual employee.


Facilities, as used in this policy, shall include door locks and other methods of access control.


Keys issued in accordance with this key control policy shall not be duplicated by the holder. Keys will be available for inspection on request by School District officials.


Key transfers require both a key turn in and an issue transaction in the Key/Lock Record.


Except as provided herein, duplication of keys is prohibited. Such action will be grounds for disciplinary action.


Procedures (1)

The individual in charge of keys shall maintain the Key/Lock Records. These records will include all facility locks, keys and key holders, and will be considered high security. The records will be maintained at all times. These records will provide the basis for individual key/lock inventory and control.


Keys will only be issued to those individuals demonstrating a need on a continuing basis. Provisions will be made for short-term requirements on a sign-out basis.


Keys and/or locks will be issued to the person in charge of keys when the requestor completes a Key Request Card, obtains the approval of his/her supervisor, and signs the Key Receipt Card. Transactions concerning keys will be recorded in the Key Lock Record and the Key Receipt Card. Transactions concerning keys will be recorded in the Key Lock Record as they occur. Keys will be issued as soon as the Key Receipt Card is signed by the requestor.


In the event of a lost key, the loss should be reported immediately to the

individual's supervisor. The supervisor will subsequently report the loss to the Director of Buildings and Grounds. These individuals, along with the security specialist, will jointly determine if a lock change is necessary. (5)

The cost of keys and the cost of re-keying an area will be the responsibility of the person losing his/her key(s). A maximum "wait period" of two working days will be allowed to provide an opportunity to search for and retrieve lost keys. There will be a cap on the charge to the employee of $300, payable either through arranged payroll deductions or direct payment to the District.


Records and funds shall be kept in a safe place and under lock and key when required.


Protective devices designed to be used as safeguards against illegal entry and vandalism shall be installed when appropriate to the individual situation.


C.R.S. 18-9-112 C.R.S. 18-9-117 C.R.S. 22-32-109-1 (5) (building safety and security policy is required part of school safety plan)


DM, Cash in School Buildings KI, Visitors to School

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: ECAC

Vandalism The District's buildings, grounds and other property are built, purchased and maintained with taxes levied on the communities' taxpayers, and all damage caused must be paid for in the same way. Therefore, every citizen of the District, students, and members of the police department are urged to cooperate in reporting any incidents of vandalism to property belonging to the District and the name of the person(s) believed to be responsible. Each employee of the District shall report to the principal of the school every incident of vandalism known to him/her and, if known, the names of those responsible. The Superintendent, the principal, or their designee is authorized to sign a criminal complaint against persons suspected of vandalism against school property. Students who willfully or maliciously destroy school property through vandalism or arson or who create a hazard to the safety of other people on school property may be referred to law enforcement authorities. Vandalism also includes the knowing and unauthorized use, alteration, damage or destruction of any computer, computer system, software, program or computerized data. Students who are caught vandalizing school property may be suspended and/or expelled. It is the intent of the Board of Education to seek damages as permitted by law from students (and/or their parents or guardians) who vandalize school property. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 13-21-107

C.R.S. 19-3-113 C.R.S. 19-3-117 CROSS REF.:

GBGB, Staff Personal Security and Safety JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2000


Security/Access to Buildings Buildings of the Eagle County School District constitute one of its largest investments. It is deemed in the best interest of the District to protect the investment adequately. Security should mean not only maintenance of a secure (locked) building but protection from fire hazards and faulty equipment and safe practices in the use of electrical, plumbing, and heating equipment. The Board requires and encourages close cooperation with local police, fire, and sheriff's departments and with insurance company inspectors. Each school building shall be inspected annually to address removal of hazards and vandalism and any other barriers to safety and supervision. 1.

An adequate key control system shall be established which will limit access to buildings to authorized personnel and will safeguard against the potential of entrance to buildings by keys in the hands of unauthorized persons. Keys issued by the District remain the property of the School District, and are on loan to employees. a.

Key control shall be the responsibility of the Principal and designated person in charge of keys. All locksmith services (including repair, key or lock changes or replacements, duplicate or replacement keys for existing locks, lock changes and additions within a department) shall be procured only through the established procedures.


Upon termination or transfer, employees shall turn in all keys to the designated person in charge of keys.


Key and lock records shall be considered high security items and shall be safeguarded and secured at all times, except when in actual authorized use.


Master keys will be issued only to authorized individuals on the approval of the Principal.


Personal property is specifically exempt from the provisions of this policy and is the responsibility of the individual employee.


Facilities, as used in this policy, shall include door locks and other methods of access control.


Keys issued in accordance with this key control policy shall not be duplicated by the holder. Keys will be available for inspection on request by School District officials.


Key transfers require both a key turn in and an issue transaction in the Key/Lock

Record. i.

Except as provided herein, duplication of keys is prohibited. Such action will be grounds for disciplinary action.


Procedures (1)

The individual in charge of keys shall maintain the Key/Lock Records. These records will include all facility locks, keys and key holders, and will be considered high security. The records will be maintained at all times. These records will provide the basis for individual key/lock inventory and control.


Keys will only be issued to those individuals demonstrating a need on a continuing basis. Provisions will be made for short-term requirements on a sign-out basis.


Keys and/or locks will be issued to the person in charge of keys when the requestor completes a Key Request Card, obtains the approval of his/her supervisor, and signs the Key Receipt Card. Transactions concerning keys will be recorded in the Key Lock Record and the Key Receipt Card. Transactions concerning keys will be recorded in the Key Lock Record as they occur. Keys will be issued as soon as the Key Receipt Card is signed by the requestor.


In the event of a lost key, the loss should be reported immediately to the individual's supervisor. The supervisor will subsequently report the loss to the Director of Buildings and Grounds. These individuals, along with the security specialist, will jointly determine if a lock change is necessary.


The cost of keys and the cost of re-keying an area will be the responsibility of the person losing his/her key(s). A maximum "wait period" of two working days will be allowed to provide an opportunity to search for and retrieve lost keys. There will be a cap on the charge to the employee of $300, payable either through arranged payroll deductions or direct payment to the District.


Records and funds shall be kept in a safe place and under lock and key when required.


Protective devices designed to be used as safeguards against illegal entry and vandalism shall be installed when appropriate to the individual situation.


C.R.S. 18-9-112 C.R.S. 18-9-117 C.R.S. 22-32-109-1 (5) (building safety and security policy is required part of school safety plan)


DM, Cash in School Buildings KI, Visitors to School

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: ECF

Energy Conservation All school personnel are urged to participate actively in a program of energy conservation by assisting in a serious effort to eliminate the wasteful use of energy in the operation of the School District's physical plants. Cooperation and some sacrifice will be required of each employee and each student to achieve a meaningful energy conservation program that results in a savings and a more efficient use of energy resources. REGULATIONS: 1.

All appliances and lighting should be turned off when not needed. Particular attention should be directed to areas that may have sufficient natural lighting from windows and skylights.


All windows and outside doors should be kept closed when heating or cooling systems are in operation.


The energy conservation program is an important factor to be considered in planning effective use of school facilities, new construction, remodeling or rehabilitation programs, and modernization projects.


Involvement of all staff members and students is essential to a successful program of energy conservation.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: March 22, 1989


Materials and Equipment Receiving and Warehousing/ Maintenance and Control of Materials Equipment The Eagle County School District administration shall implement procedures that ensure that materials are properly received, stored, maintained, and controlled, and that proper records are kept on textbooks, materials, supplies, and equipment owned by the District. Records shall include records of issuance of such items to the various schools, records of issuance within each school to individual staff members, and staff records of issuance to students. REGULATIONS: 1.

Schools, staff members, and students shall be responsible for items that have been issued for their use. When property of the Eagle County School District is loaned to students or any other individual or group, an official receipt must be signed by the borrower. A deposit may be required, as determined by the principal/supervisor, the Director of Finance or the Superintendent.


The building principal/supervisor (or his/her designee) shall develop and implement procedures that provide for the efficient and effective recording of textbooks, materials, supplies, and/or other equipment received in his/her building.


All school-owned equipment for extra-curricular activities, including band instruments and uniforms, shall be issued at the beginning of each season and returned at the end of each season. Complete records shall be kept on all such equipment by the principal (or his/her

designee). 4.

At least once a year, teachers shall make a careful inspection of textbooks and permanent supplies in use by students. They shall impose fines for damages resulting from carelessness and unwarranted use by students, provided that no fines shall be imposed without the approval of the principal.


DID, Inventories JQ, Student Fees, Fines, and Charges

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EDC-E1

Equipment Check-Out Form NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: EQUIPMENT ITEM AND MAKE: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ SERIAL #: DATE ISSUED: _____________________ ISSUED BY: _________________________ CONDITION WHEN CHECKED OUT: _________________________________________ PURPOSE FOR EQUIPMENT USE: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ __________________ CONDITION WHEN CHECKED IN: ___________________________________________ DATE RETURNED: ______________________ RECEIVED BY: ___________________ It is the policy of the Eagle County School District that, when equipment is loaned, it must be returned in the same condition as when it was loaned. That is, the borrower will be liable for any repairs or maintenance necessitated by use of the equipment. Principal/Director of Finance Signature Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: EEA

Student Transportation The School District's transportation program shall be designed to transport students who live outside of walking distance from school or are attending a school other than their assigned school pursuant to the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) choice option and back in an efficient, safe, and economical manner. General responsibility for the transportation system is vested in the Superintendent (or his/her designee). All other people engaged in the transportation program are responsible to the Director of Transportation. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent (or his/her designee) to provide the Board with regular reports and information regarding the efficiency and conduct of the transportation program. The District shall operate its own fleet of buses and other types of vehicles as required. In the event the Board determines that the unreimbursed expenses associated with providing student transportation are impacting the budget for instructional programs, the Board may explore opportunities to offset those costs through imposition of a transportation fee in accordance with state law. Alternatively, the District may submit to the voters the question of whether to impose a mill levy increase for the payment of excess transportation costs in accordance with state law. If the mill levy increase is approved, the revenues shall be deposited in the transportation fund. The District shall waive any transportation fee for any student eligible for reduced price or free lunches as determined by federal regulations. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (a) (hold real property in name of district) C.R.S. 22-32-113 (transportation of pupils and imposition of a fee for excess transportation costs) C.R.S. 22-32-114 (transportation by parents of own children) C.R.S. 22-51-101 et. seq. (Public School Transportation Fund) 20 U.S.C. 1116 (choice options contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001)


DEAA*, Mill Levy Elections EEA subcodes (all relate to the District's transportation program) EFC, Free and Reduced Price Food Services JFBA, Intra-District Choice/Open Enrollment JQ, Student Fees, Fines and Charges LBD*-R, Relations with District Charter Schools

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: September 12, 1979 Revised: July 25, 1989 Revised: July 19, 2013

File: EEAC

Bus Scheduling and Routing Adequate service, safety, and efficient operation shall be the goals in the planning of school bus schedules, routes, and stops. The Director of Transportation shall be responsible for the development of these transportation plans which shall be subject to the approval of the Assistant Superintendent.

School bus routes and schedules will be developed from school bell schedules, projections from previous routes, kindergarten registrations. The Board desires that all students shall be received and discharged from buses as near their homes as possible. Bus stops shall be designed to comply with state law and State Bus operational rules and regulations regarding students' embarking and disembarking on major thoroughfares. REGULATIONS: 1.

School bus routes and schedules will be submitted to the Assistant Superintendent for approval on or before the last of July. Following approval, only minor changes will be made due to unsafe conditions. Minor changes may only be made by the Director of Transportation with the approval of the Assistant Superintendent following written notification to parents/guardians. Public notification of school bus routes shall occur prior to August 15 of each year.


Drivers are to make no changes in routes or receiving and discharging points except in cases where the driver has prior approval from the Director of Transportation (or his/her designee) or when such changes are absolutely required. Drivers are to report unsafe conditions to the Director of Transportation immediately.


Students are always to be received and discharged at the same point and are to ride their assigned bus except when a change is requested by parents/guardians, approved by the principal who has the student in his/her attendance unit, and given to the bus driver. This notification, as approved by the building principal, shall be given in writing or written documentation of a parent/guardian's phone call received at the school.


Students will be expected to be at bus stops five minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. Drivers will not depart from stops prior to the scheduled departure time.


C.R.S. 22-32-113 (2) C.R.S. 42-4-613

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 25, 1989 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: EEAE

Bus Safety Program The safety and welfare of student riders shall be the first consideration in all matters pertaining to transportation. Safety precautions shall include the following: 1.

Students shall be instructed as to the proper procedure for boarding and/or exiting from a school bus and in proper and safe conduct while aboard.


Emergency evacuation drills shall be conducted at least two times a year to acquaint student riders with procedures in emergency situations.


All vehicles used to transport students shall be inspected periodically to see that they meet safety regulations.

A bus driver who observes a vehicle passing the school bus when the signal lights are activated shall

notify the dispatcher of the violation and provide him/her with the basic information required by law. The dispatcher shall convey this information to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The School District shall comply with all state laws and regulations pertaining to the operation of school buses and shall make these requirements known to bus drivers. It also shall cooperate with local safety officials in formulating and accomplishing its school bus safety program. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 42-2-123 C.R.S. 42-4-236 C.R.S. 42-4-238 C.R.S. 42-4-239 C.R.S. 42-4-608 C.R.S. 42-4-612 C.R.S. 42-4-613 C.R.S. 42-4-707 (certain vehicles must stop at railroad grade crossings) 1 CCR 301-26, Rules 4204-R-200 et. seq.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 25, 1989 Revised: April 9, 1997

File: EEAEA*

Bus Driver Requirements, Training and Responsibilities The Eagle County School District Board of Education recognizes the need to maintain a superior quality workforce for the safe transportation of students. School bus drivers are responsible for safety of passengers and the appropriate care of equipment. REGULATIONS: 1.

Each school bus driver will be required to comply with all state and insurance regulations regarding the licensing of an individual for classification of school bus driver.


All school bus drivers--whether full-time, regular part-time, or temporary part-time--shall be required to have an bi-annual physical examination at the cost of the Eagle County School District. The physician chosen to administer the physical examination must be approved in advance by the Superintendent (or his/her designee). If a school bus driver should resign within thirty (30) calendar days of his/her first day of employment, the amount paid for his/her physical will be deducted from his/her final paycheck. All applicants will receive advance notice of this procedure prior to their attendance in the school bus driver training program. The maximum cost of the physical will not exceed $100.


Each school bus driver candidate will be required to successfully complete the standard training program as provided by the School District. This currently consists of 24 hours of classroom time and 56 hours of road training time. Upon the successful completion of training, physical examination, and proof of an acceptable driving history, a candidate selected for school bus driver will be given the status of a substitute driver and will be allowed to apply for any existing route that is currently open. The Director of Transportation has the responsibility of selecting a school bus driver for an open route.


Upon the opening of a new permanent or existing permanent route, all school bus drivers are

eligible to apply for the open route. The Director of Transportation will select the best driver for the route based on driving ability, experience, past performance, and other criteria as established by the Director of Transportation and the Superintendent (or his/her designee). When all other factors are considered equal, the driver with the most experience shall be considered for the position. Upon selection, the Director of Transportation will provide the Superintendent (or his/her designee) with the proper personnel information of the successful candidate. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will have final approval of the candidate. 5. 6.

An extra-duty roster for in-district and over-the-road trips will be established and maintained by the Director of Transportation. School bus drivers will be paid according to the salary schedule adopted by the Board of Education. It shall be the responsibility of the Director of Transportation to ensure that the pay guidelines are being adhered to by all drivers. Any hours not deemed to be part of the normal route operation will require the prior approval of the Superintendent (or his/her designee). Each driver will be given 58 minutes of preparation time per day in addition to their regular route time. This preparation time will be for the purpose of school bus inspection and weekly cleaning of the school bus. Prior to the start of each school year, school bus drivers will be assigned routes. The assignment of any particular route will be the responsibility of the Director of Transportation. If a driver's hours per day changes by more than 15 minutes over the previous school year's hours, a new Personnel Action form and back-up criteria will be submitted by the Director of Transportation to the Superintendent (or his/her designee).


Training will be provided for all existing drivers. This training shall consist of 24 hours of inservice and road training time per school year.


On days when a driver's driving time is reduced due to circumstances beyond the scope of the driver's normal route, the driver will be paid based on actual driver time plus preparation time. Any overtime will require prior approval of the Superintendent (or his/her designee.)


EEBA, School-Owned Vehicles Bus Driver's Handbook

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 8, 1995 Revised: July 1, 2006


Drug and Alcohol Testing The abuse of drugs and alcohol creates a variety of problems in the workplace including increased accidents and injuries, absenteeism, employee morale and productivity and a decline in the quality of services. Therefore, Eagle County School District adopts a policy for drug and alcohol testing of employees and prospective employees who perform safety sensitive functions in compliance with the Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration Rule and Eagle County School District. Applicability: This policy shall apply to all employees, including part-time, temporary, substitute and contract workers, who are required to hold a Colorado commercial driver's license, or who serve in a safety sensitive position. This policy also applies to all applicants for employment in such

positions, including current district employees seeking to transfer into such positions. Testing situations: Testing situations shall include: pre-employment drug testing, random selection, post accident, follow-up/return to duty, reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol and initial testing of current employees for drugs. Procedures: The District shall formulate procedures which set forth prohibited conduct; required conduct; required testing; testing procedures; and information concerning administration, employee training, and confidentiality. Consequences of Non-Compliance: A positive test or tampering with a test, or other incidence of non-compliance with these policies or procedures shall be grounds for refusal to hire a prospective employee. Refusal to submit to a post accident test after a fatal accident will disqualify a driver from driving a commercial motor vehicle for one year. Violation of these rules will subject the driver to civil penalties up to $10,000.00. Employee and Applicant Notification and Training: The District shall provide information and training to all employees subject to the provision of this policy regarding requirements of the policy and related procedures and information regarding controlled substance use and alcohol misuse. The East Transportation Supervisor has been designated as the liaison to answer any questions regarding the requirements of this controlled substance and alcohol testing policy and procedures. Information regarding this policy and related procedures shall also be provided to applicants for employment into safety-sensitive positions, including district employees seeking to transfer into such positions. Regulations All Eagle County School District employees required to possess a commercial vehicle driver's license or who are required to perform safety sensitive functions are subject to the following regulations as a condition of hiring or continued employment. References to tests in these regulations include both drug and alcohol tests unless the context specifies otherwise. The terms drugs and controlled substances are interchangeable and have the same meaning. Drugs refer to marijuana, cocaine, opiates, phencyclidine (PCP) and amphetamines (including methamphetamines). Initial All employees who perform safety sensitive functions and possess a commercial driver's license will be required by the District to be screened the same as for pre-employment. Pre-employment tests Drug tests will be administered before an employee performs any safety sensitive functions for the District. The tests will be required of an applicant only after he/she has been offered the position. Employment with the District is conditional upon the applicant receiving a negative alcohol and drug test result. An employee may be exempt from the pre-employment drug test if he has participated in a drug testing program within 30 days prior to the application for employment and while participating in that program was tested for drugs within the last six months (from the date of application) or participated in a random drug testing program in the previous 12 months, provided that the District has been able to make all verifications required by law. A district employee who has been on an extended leave in excess of six months will be subject to a pre-employment test before returning to duty.

Post-accident tests Alcohol and controlled substance tests will be conducted as soon after an accident as practicable on any employee who: 1.

Was performing safety-sensitive functions with respect to the vehicle if the accident involved loss of human life; or

2. Where any person involved in the accident required immediate medical attention away from the scene and the driver received a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident.; or 3. Where the vehicle required towing from the scene and the driver received a citation for a moving violation. No employee involved in an accident may use alcohol for 8 hours after the accident or until after he/she undergoes a post-accident alcohol test, whichever occurs first. If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours or if a drug test is not administered within 32 hours after the accident, the District will prepare and maintain records explaining why the test was not conducted. Tests conducted by authorized federal, state or local officials will fulfill post-accident testing requirements provided they conform to applicable legal requirements and are obtained by the District. Breath tests will validate only the alcohol test and cannot be used to fulfill controlled substance testing obligations. Before any employee operates a commercial motor vehicle, the District will provide him/her with post-accident procedures that will make it possible to comply with post-accident testing requirements. Random tests Tests will be conducted on a random basis at unannounced times throughout the year. Random tests for alcohol will be conducted just before, during or just after the performance of safety-sensitive functions. Random tests for drugs do not have to be conducted in immediate time proximity to performing safety sensitive functions. Once notified of selection, an employee must proceed to a collection site to provide a urine specimen or breathalyzer sample. Employees will be selected by a scientifically valid random process, and each employee will have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made. The number selected for random testing will be in accordance with federal regulations. If the employee contests the results of the test and requests a second test, the employee will bear the cost of the second test. Reasonable suspicion tests Tests must be conducted when a properly-trained supervisor or district official has reasonable suspicion that the employee has violated the District's alcohol or drug prohibitions. This reasonable suspicion must be based on specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the employee's appearance, behavior, speech or body odors. The observations may include patterns of behavior and indications of chronic and withdrawal effects of controlled substances. Alcohol tests will be authorized for reasonable suspicion only if the required observations are made during, just before or just after the period of the work day when the employee must comply with

alcohol prohibitions. If an alcohol test is not administered within two hours of a determination of reasonable suspicion, the District will prepare and maintain a record explaining why this was not done. Attempts to conduct alcohol tests will terminate after 8 hours. An alcohol test may not be conducted by the person who determines that reasonable suspicion exists to conduct such a test. A supervisor or district official who makes a finding of reasonable suspicion also must make a written record of his/her observations leading to a reasonable suspicion test within 24 hours of the observed behavior or before the results of the test are released, whichever is earlier. Return-to-duty tests A drug or alcohol test will be conducted when an employee who has voluntarily come forward for assistance returns to performing safety sensitive duties. Employees whose conduct involved misuse of drugs may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty drug test produces a verified negative result. Employees whose conduct involved alcohol misuse may not return to duty in a safety-sensitive function until the return-to-duty alcohol test produces a verified result that meets federal and district standards. Follow-up tests An employee who voluntarily comes forward for assistance and is subsequently identified by a substance abuse professional as needing assistance in resolving a drug or alcohol problem will be subject to unannounced follow-up testing as directed by the substance abuse professional accordance with law. Follow-up alcohol testing will be conducted just before, during or just after the time when the employee is performing safety-sensitive functions. Records Employee drug and alcohol test results and records will be maintained under strict confidentiality and released only in accordance with the law. Upon written request, an employee will receive copies of any records pertaining to his/her use of drugs or alcohol, including any records pertaining to his/her drug or alcohol tests. Records will be made available to a subsequent employer or other identified persons only as expressly requested in writing by the employee. Notifications Each employee will receive educational materials that explain the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 49, Part 382, together with a copy of the District's policy and regulations for meeting these requirements. Representatives of employee organizations will be notified of the availability of this information. The information will identify: 1.

The person designated by the District to answer driver questions about the materials.


Categories of employees who are subject to the drug and alcohol testing requirements.


Sufficient information about the safety-sensitive functions performed by employees to make clear for what period of the work day employee compliance is required.


Specific information concerning employee conduct that is prohibited.


Circumstances under which an employee will be tested for drugs and/or alcohol.


Procedures that will be used to test for the presence of drugs and alcohol, protect the employee and the integrity of the testing processes, safeguard the validity of test results and insure that test results are attributed to the correct employee.


The requirement that an employee submit to drug and alcohol tests administered in accordance with federal regulations.


An explanation of what constitutes a refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol test and the attendant consequences.


Consequences for employees found to have violated the drug and alcohol prohibitions including the requirement that the employee be removed immediately from safety-sensitive functions and the procedures for voluntary referral, evaluation and treatment.


Consequences for employees found to have an alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater.


Information concerning the effects of drugs and alcohol on an individual's health, work and personal life, external and internal signs and symptoms of a drug or alcohol problem, and available methods of intervening when a drug or alcohol problem is suspected including confrontation, referral to an employee assistance program and/or referral to administrative officials.

Each employee must sign a statement certifying that he/she has received a copy of the above materials. The District will inform employees before drug and alcohol tests are performed. The District will notify an employee of the results of a pre-employment drug test if the employee requests such results with 60 calendar days of being notified of the disposition of his/her employment application. The District will notify an employee of the results of random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident drug tests if the test results are verified positive. The District also will tell the employee which controlled substances were verified as positive. Employees will inform their supervisors if at any time they are using a controlled substance which their physician has prescribed for therapeutic purposes. Such a substance may be used only if the physician has advised the employee that it will not adversely affect his/her ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle. Enforcement Any CDL driver who refuses to submit to initial, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion or follow-up tests will be terminated. All employees subject to this policy/procedure who believe they may have a problem associated with controlled substance use or alcohol misuses prior to being asked to take a test pursuant to this policy, shall not be subject to termination from their employment with the District merely for disclosing their need for assistance. However, the employee shall be removed from performing safety-sensitive functions immediately, and shall not be allowed to return to a safety-sensitive function until he/she has been evaluated by the substance abuse professional, and a determination has been made by the substance abuse professional that the employee may return to the safety-sensitive function. Employees who voluntarily come forward for assistance shall be subject to return-to-duty and

follow-up testing, as outlined under "required testing." The following procedures should be used when an employee suspects controlled substance use or alcohol misuse by a District employee subject to the requirements of this policy/procedure: A.

The employee must report the suspicions immediately to his/her Supervisor. If the Supervisor is not available, the employee should report the suspicions to his/her immediate supervisor;


The reporting employee shall not discuss the suspicions with other district employees, unless requested to do so by his/her Supervisor or other person to whom the employee has reported in connections with paragraph A;


The Supervisor, or other person listed in paragraph A to whom the report has been made shall take the necessary steps to confront the employee suspected of having the controlled substance or alcohol problem, pursuant to the District policy/ procedure.

Failure to follow this procedure is considered a violation of this policy. including dismissal may be imposed for such violation.

Discipline up to and

An employee who in any other way violates district prohibitions related to drugs and alcohol will receive from the District the names, addresses and telephone numbers of substance abuse professionals and counseling and treatment programs available to evaluate and resolve drug and alcohol-related problems. An employee who tests positive will be put on administrative leave, pending appeal, for 72 hours and upon receiving a positive on the split sample will be terminated. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 42-4-234(12)(a) C.R.S. 391H Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991


Drug-Free Workplace Employee Assistance/Wellness Programs

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 25, 1989 Revised: May 8, 1996


Bus Purchasing and Maintenance The Eagle County School District shall provide for safe and adequate transportation of students and staff. Two important elements of this goal are the proper selection and the proper maintenance of District-owned vehicles. The School District shall establish an ongoing preventive maintenance program for its vehicles. Buses and other vehicle purchases are a very large portion of the annual School District budget. To maintain a reliable fleet and protect any annual budget from an abnormally large vehicle replacement purchase requirement, a five-year fleet rotation plan will be implemented by the Superintendent (or his/her designee). The plan will be updated and maintained in the Business Office. Buses Specifications for buses shall accommodate all federal, state, and Board of Education requirements.

Documentation for specification requirements shall remain on file in the Business Office. The Director of Transportation shall be responsible for initiating the specifications in a timely manner so as to allow adequate time for bidding purposes. The specifications will be presented to the Superintendent (or his/her designee) for approval on or before January 1 of each year. The Superintendent shall review and initial such specifications. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will then present the specifications to the Board of Education no later than the first Board meeting of each calendar year. Buses shall be purchased that meet all current federal and state regulations. Due to the severe weather conditions and environment in the Eagle County School District, buses should be purchased that provide for adequate protection from the climate. Criteria used in selecting buses shall include efficiency, economy, and longevity. While unique circumstances may require early retirement of buses, buses shall be recommended for replacement after 13 years of service and/or 225,000 miles. All school buses purchased shall be equipped with adequate retarders. To maximize the longevity of the bus fleet, the Director of Transportation shall be responsible for implementing a preventive maintenance program. A written schedule of preventive maintenance will remain on file in the Transportation Office. Other Vehicles Vehicles other than buses shall be purchased on an as needed basis. A fleet of passenger cars and utility vehicles shall be provided based on demand and need. Vehicles shall be purchased to provide maximum utilization, safety, efficiency, and economy. While unique circumstances may require early retirement of vehicles, vehicles shall be recommended for replacement after 100,000 miles. To maximize the longevity of the vehicle fleet, the Director of Transportation shall be responsible for implementing a preventive maintenance program. A written schedule of preventive maintenance will remain on file in the Transportation Office. Repair mechanics will be provided to accommodate the maintenance requirements of the District fleet. The mechanics will be required to provide a storage chest and all basic tools necessary for normal fleet requirements. The District recognizes that these tools wear out due to repeated use. Therefore, an annual allowance for tools in an amount determined and recommended by the Director of Transportation and approved by the Assistant Superintendent shall be provided to the mechanics. Tools that are unique to District-owned vehicles as well as equipment exceeding $250 in cost will be provided by the District. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2000

File: EEAEC (Also JICC)

Student Conduct on Buses The privilege of riding a school bus is contingent upon a student’s good behavior and observance of the student code of conduct and established rules for student conduct both at bus stops and on board buses. The driver of a school bus shall be responsible for the safety of the students on his/her bus, both during the ride and while students are entering or leaving the vehicle. The bus driver shall notify the Director of Transportation, the School Principal, and the parents/guardians of any student who persists in violating the established rules of conduct. The driver is in charge and students should obey the driver’s instructions promptly and respectfully.

Sponsors have the primary responsibility to ensure students behave properly and observe the rules of conduct on activity trips. The bus driver will take appropriate action to assist the sponsor in enforcing the rules to ensure the safe operation of bus. After due warning has been given to the student and/or their parents/guardians, the student may be suspended from the bus immediately for conduct detrimental to the safe operation of the bus. The student may be suspended from the bus immediately for conduct detrimental to the safe operation of the bus. The student also may be denied admission to school, suspended or expelled, in accordance with established policies including discipline of habitually disruptive students for flagrant violation of school bus rider conduct regulations or conduct detrimental to the safe operation of the bus. If an offense is minor in nature and if the student responds appropriately to behavior management, then the bus driver will give a verbal warning to the student for the first offense. If the student repeats the misconduct or commits another offense then the bus driver will complete a Bus Conduct Report, contact the parent/guardian, and take the appropriate disciplinary action. The bus driver will determine whether an offense is minor or major. Misconduct considered major will be handled by the Director of Transportation or designee and/or School Principal. Parents will be notified of repeated or serious conduct problems and may be present during the behavior management process. The Director of Transportation will coordinate the meeting with all concerned parties and facilitate the meeting. Bus Conduct Rules 1. Students should be at their designated bus stop 5 minutes prior to their scheduled pick up. 2. Stay off the roadway at all times while waiting for the bus. 3. Wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the road if necessary. Proceed straight across the road no less than 10 feet or more than 15 feet in front of the bus. 4. Wait until the bus stops and the door is opened before attempting to board. 5. No pushing, shoving, or other behavior that endangers others getting on or off the bus. 6. No standing, changing seats, or moving about while the bus is in motion. 7. Keep head, arms, and legs inside the bus and adjust windows only when instructed to do so by the driver. Do not throw things out of the bus. 8. Sit in the seat facing forward with the aisle kept clear at all times. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself and don’t be a nuisance to others. 9. Unacceptable language, rude gestures, or loud noises and talking are not permitted. Complete silence is required at all railroad crossings. Be courteous and respectful. 10. The use of or possession of any tobacco, alcohol, or drugs is not permitted. 11. Large objects, band instruments, or class projects (except glass, heavy metal items, skis, etc.) that can safely be held on a student’s lap and don’t interfere with other passengers can be transported. On a case-by-case basis exceptions can be made if the request has been preapproved by the driver. 12. Animals, weapons, or replicas of weapons, matches or other dangerous items are not permitted. 13. Balls must be in some type of sports bag. 14. Eating or drinking is not allowed (choking may occur). 15. Destruction/vandalism of property is not permitted. 16. Student radios, tape decks, CD players, etc. are not to be played aloud on the bus. 17. Be alert for a danger signal (horn honking, verbal command, etc.) from the driver when leaving the bus or crossing a road. If you hear a signal immediately stop and check with the driver for instructions. 18. Only board or exit the bus at your assigned stop. Students must have a written request from their parent/guardian, approved by the Principal, and presented to the driver in order to get on or off at another stop. 19. Littering is not permitted.

20. 21. 22. 23.

Harassment and fighting is not permitted. Theft or damage of another person’s property is not permitted. Use of aerosol products (hair spray, etc.) is not permitted. Behavior or conduct not listed above, which in the opinion of the driver is either unsafe or detrimental to the well being of other passengers, is not permitted.

The bus driver will take appropriate disciplinary action for minor problems. This could include the following: • • • • •

Verbal warning. Assign student to a seat. Cleaning out the bus. Doing a written assignment. Up to 2 days bus suspension.

For anything other than a verbal warning the bus driver will complete a Bus Conduct Report and send it home with the student. Repeated minor offenses (3 in a 2 month period) and major offenses will be dealt with by the Director of Transportation and/or the School Principal. Discipline could result in suspension of the student from riding all ECSD buses for the remainder of the school year. Before the student can ride the bus again, a parent/guardian must sign the Bus Conduct Report, and a copy given to the driver by the student. If the report is not signed and there is no parent/guardian at home the student will be transported to school but the parent/guardian will have to pick the student up at school at the end of the day (Transportation will contact the parent/guardian). Except in unusual circumstances, if we transport a student to school we will transport the student home, even if they are suspended from the bus that day. If a student does something so bad they need to be taken off the bus immediately, they will be taken back to the school, turned over to the police, or returned home (if a parent or guardian is there). Each student will begin with a clean record at the beginning of each school year, however, any suspensions from the previous school year not fully carried out will be completed at the beginning of the next school year. Video Cameras on School Buses Audiovisual recording devices are installed and used on District buses for the purpose of improving safety and discipline. The following personnel are authorized to view the tapes: • The bus driver making the recording • The student and/or parent/guardian • School Administrators and Transportation staff involved in the disciplinary process • Law enforcement officials Under no conditions will tapes be released to anyone outside the District, except as required by law. They will be treated as protected records under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109.1(2)(A)(III) (discipline of habitually disruptive students is required part of safe schools plan)


JIC, Student Conduct and sub-codes JK Student Discipline and sub-codes JICC, Student Conduct on Buses

Eagle County School District, Re50J

File: EEAEC E-1

Bus Conduct Report Eagle County School District Student’s Name _______________________________School ___________________ Date of Incident __________________ Driver’s Name ___________________________ Route No. __________ Bus No. _________ Activity Trip No. ______________________ Description of Unsafe or Unacceptable Behavior: _________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Verbal Warning(s) Given _____ Yes _____ No Date(S) Given _______________________ Parents contacted _____ Date _____ Time Phone No.: ___________________________ Disciplinary Action Taken _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ____________ DRIVER’S SIGNATURE DATE ______________________________________________________ ____________ DIR. OF TRANSPORTATION’S SIGNATURE DATE ______________________________________________________ ____________ PRINCIPAL’S SIGNATURE DATE Parents/guardians are requested to explain the importance of proper behavior on the bus. They are also expected to support disciplinary actions that are necessary to help the student change his/her behavior. Your child will NOT be allowed to ride the bus until this form is signed and returned to the driver. If you have any questions, contact the Transportation Dept. at 328-1939, or 949-4845. ______________________________________________________ ____________ STUDENT SIGNATURE DATE ______________________________________________________ ____________ PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE Copy to Student, Parent, Principal, Driver, Transportation

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: EEAEC E-2 (Also JICC E-2)

Driver’s Student Discipline Record STUDENT’S NAME ____________________________________________________________ DRIVER’S NAME_________________________________________ BUS #_______________ ROUTE#_____________ TIME___________ NAME(S) OF INDIVIDUAL(S) INVOLVED: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ DATE OF VERBAL WARNING__________________________________________________ DATE ASSIGN SEAT & CONTACT PARENT_______________________________________ DATE SUSPENDED FROM BUS_________________________________________________ Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2006

File: EEAEG*

Use of Wireless Communication Devices by Bus Drivers While the Board of Education believes the use of wireless communication devices by district bus drivers is important to provide instant communication regarding emergencies as well as to convey other important information, bus drivers shall be subject to the following restrictions to ensure safe use. For purposes of this policy, wireless communication device is defined as any device intended to facilitate communication, including but not limited to cell phones, two-way radios, walkie talkies, palm pilots, beepers, pagers, etc. Bus drivers shall not place or receive communications on any personally owned wireless communication device while passengers are loading or unloading from the bus or while the bus is in motion. Under usual circumstances, use of district owned wireless communication devices shall be allowed

when used to assist a driver and/or dispatcher in the necessary communications periodically needed to safely deliver children – home to school, school to school, school to home and on activity trips. Use of such devices while the bus is in motion shall be limited whenever possible. Bus drivers shall under no circumstances place or receive communications unrelated to district business while on duty. Violation of this policy may subject the driver to disciplinary action. LEGAL REF.:

1 CCR 301-26, Rule 4204-R-232.00


EDB, Maintenance and Control of Materials and Equipment EEAE, Bus Safety Program

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 27, 1979 Revised: July 25, 1989


Extracurricular Activity Buses/Field Trips/ Special Events Transportation The Eagle County School District may provide, at District expense or on a cost sharing basis, bus transportation for school-sponsored activities. Field trips which are 3 days or more, which are more than 300 miles (round-trip) from the District, or trips that require students to pay for more than their meals shall require Board approval. Out of state trips will require verification that the state cooperates with Colorado governmental liability immunity laws. The District shall return students participating in extracurricular activities to the appropriate school. The sponsor that participates in the activity shall stay on the bus until all students have been safely discharged. At the request of the principal or sponsor, students may be dropped off at regular bus stops that are on the return trip of the extracurricular activity. Sponsors will be required to adhere to the standard bus driver rules and regulations that pertain to sponsor participation. All student-related trips will require prior approval on a District trip request form. REFERENCE:

Transportation User's Handbook


IJOA (JJH), Field Trips

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 9, 1994


Use of School Buses by Community Groups The general philosophy of the Board of Education is that transportation equipment purchased by the School District is to be used primarily for school purposes and that taxpayers shall not be expected to subsidize busing equipment or personnel not necessary for School District purposes. Nevertheless, it is the policy of the Board of Education to make available for use by appropriate community groups school transportation equipment to the extent that such use does not impinge upon/impair use for

School District purposes. The School District is not authorized to conduct common carrier transportation (i.e. non-school sponsored transportation of staff, parents, or the public). REGULATIONS: 1.

Senior citizen, non-profit community, and non-profit recreational district groups shall be given special consideration regarding community use of school buses, as is required by state statute. As permitted by law, all groups shall be expected to pay the actual costs involved in the use of school transportation equipment.


Non-school use of school transportation equipment shall not interfere with: a. b. c. d. e.

Student transportation to, from, or between schools Student transportation for school activities and functions Emergency transportation for students Time required for maintenance and service of equipment Provision of standby equipment for school purposes


The Assistant Superintendent shall assess all requests for outside transportation and determine feasibility of all such requests as recommended by the Director of Transportation.


The Assistant Superintendent shall be responsible for approving and scheduling in the time available the use of School District transportation equipment by community groups. In approving and scheduling such use, the Business Office shall apply the following criteria: a.

Insurance coverage (provided by the users) shall be in effect during the time of any such use, with coverage similar to and limits not less than the insurance coverage which is in effect while the School District transportation equipment is being used for transportation of pupils.


No use shall be approved which involves travel over roads or distances which are unduly wearing or damaging to the equipment or for which the equipment construction is inappropriate.


District-owned vehicles will be driven only by District employees as approved for that particular vehicle.


Any approval of use shall be subject to cancellation in the event of adverse road, weather, or other conditions which could reasonably present a danger to passengers, drivers, or equipment, or in the event of unexpected or emergency school needs.


Use shall not be approved unless some individual identifies him(her)self as coordinator or leader of the group and agrees to assume the responsibility for collection and remittance to the District of the required reimbursement.


Use shall be approved only when the group requesting such use submits a written request no less than ten (10) days prior to the use, designating the number of riders, the dates and hours of use, the pickup and delivery points, and such other information as the Business Office deems appropriate. Each such request shall be accompanied by a deposit for the approximate amount of reimbursement as determined by the Business Office. Upon final determination of the reimbursement required, the deposit shall be supplemented by the users or a refund made by the District, as is appropriate.


Use shall not be approved if it is for partisan political activity, activity promoting or opposing any sectarian views, activity which is potentially disruptive or dangerous, and/or activity which if uniformly extended would result in uses which would impinge upon school use or activities of a similar nature which are inappropriate for School District participation.


Special consideration shall be given to groups comprised primarily of senior citizens.


Use shall be approved only when the equipment and service available are appropriate to the physical condition of the users.


Use shall be approved only where the group requesting such use is open to all persons who may be reasonably and appropriately included in the group.


All use shall be subject to the availability of appropriate equipment and personnel. The Director of Transportation may impose such requirements as are deemed necessary relative to supervisory personnel accompanying any group utilizing transportation equipment.


Any group availing itself of use pursuant to these regulations shall agree to and shall reimburse the School District for all of the expenses for operation of such motor vehicle as determined by the School District's estimated cost per mile for use of that vehicle, upon approval of the auditor. Incidental costs such as, but not limited to, alternative transportation in the event of a breakdown, feeding and housing of users, and similar costs shall be the responsibility of the group using the equipment.



C.R.S. 22-32-128 C.R.S. 39-27-102 C.R.S. 40-10-116(1)(b) C.R.S. 40-116-101 (1.5) C.R.S. 40-16-104 (1)(d)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 27, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: EEAG

Student Transportation in Private Vehicles It is the Board of Education's intent to utilize District transportation equipment for all student transportation. However, when a school chooses to use privately owned vehicles in lieu of District transportation for field trips and other activities, a staff member, community member, or parent may transport a student or group of students in his/her own car for school-related purposes if (s)he has special permission covering the specific trip. Any use of privately owned automobiles by students, parents and other non-staff members must be approved by the principal of the school attended by the students involved. All passengers must have seat belts. The driver shall be advised to comply with the Colorado seat belt law. Personnel authorized to use their own vehicle for transporting students must carry liability insurance coverage in compliance with state law. Any person having standing authorization or special authorization to transport students by privately owned automobile for school sponsored activities shall be required to carry liability insurance on the vehicle being used in the amount of: $100,000 per person and $300,000 per occurrence for personal injury and $50,000 per person for property

damage. A record of such coverage shall be placed on file with either the building principal or the Director of Transportation prior to the authorization of the trip. Current law states that drivers are obligated to carry personal liability insurance which will be the primary insurance party in the event of an accident. The Eagle County School District shall also require that a copy of the prospective driver's record be obtained, submitted and placed on file along with the insurance verification. The principal shall have the authority to approve or to withhold approval of the prospective driver based on the driver records. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-113 (4) C.R.S. 42-1-102 (88) (definition of school bus; private vehicles can be regulated as school buses in certain circumstances) C.R.S. 42-7-101 et. seq. (Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility Act)


EEBB, Use of Private Vehicles on School Business IJOA (JJH), Field Trips

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 14, 1983 Revised: July 25, 1989

File: EEAGA*

Type C Contracts The Board of Education desires to be as cost effective as possible in providing student transportation to and from school. Because it is at times difficult to operate a bus in specific areas, the Board of Education is supportive of offering Type C contracts in accordance with Colorado State Law C.R.S. 22-32-114 to parents who live in areas inaccessible to buses or who live in areas that are sparsely populated and a long distance from a bus stop. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Business Office will be responsible for the administration of student transportation and Type C contracts.


No parent/guardian will receive compensation for a Type C contract unless a contract has been signed and is on file in the Business Office.


A valid drivers' license will be required before a parent/guardian is eligible for a Type C contract if that parent/guardian is transporting his/her own child(ren). The parent/guardian will provide his/her name, date of birth, and a valid drivers' license number to the Director of Transportation prior to the beginning of each school year. Parents/guardians will only be authorized by and receive reimbursement from the School District to transport their own student(s).


Type C contracts will be offered for transportation that is beyond walking distance (as defined in Policy EEAA) to and from the nearest bus stop.


Reimbursement for Type C contracts will be at the mileage rate set for School District employee expense reimbursements. Parents/guardians eligible for Type C reimbursements must submit an invoice to the Business Office at the end of each quarter. a. Type C payments will only be paid to a parent/guardian for his/her own child(ren).

Type C reimbursements will only be made for mileage to and from a bus stop for the regular school day in which the child(ren) actually ride the bus. (i.e. mileage will not be paid to and from a stop for extracurricular activities, special school activities, summer school, etc.). Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 14, 1983 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: EEBA

School Owned Vehicles (Including Use of Seat Belts) The District recognizes the need to provide transportation to designated District Office administrators and the staff of the Eagle County School District under certain circumstances. The geography of the District requires travel that would not normally be expected of an employee in a typical school district. Decisions made regarding the use of District vehicles should be based upon (1) cost effectiveness and (2) effective use of a staff member's time. In most cases, it will be more cost effective for the District to provide certain staff members with a vehicle for transportation. When that it is not possible, mileage should be paid for the number of miles driven in a personal vehicle while on official school business during the regular school day or while on official school business that is approved by the supervisor(s) if the hours are not within the school day. REGULATIONS: 1. Driver Qualifications: The use of District vehicles by employees is a privilege that requires the employee's utmost respect and courtesy while driving. All laws governing motor vehicles must be adhered to at all times. No District vehicle shall be operated by a driver who is under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or controlled substances. Persons driving a District vehicle must be 18 years of age or older and must possess a valid Colorado driver's license. In addition, employees are required to be properly licensed for the type of vehicle they will be driving and/or must meet state requirements for operating that vehicle. 2.

Employees shall be required to give permission to the Director of Transportation to obtain a current motor vehicle report that lists any outstanding license violations. Those employees who have outstanding violations will have School District vehicle-driving privileges suspended until the violation(s) is/are resolved.


All costs for traffic violations incurred through the use of a District-owned vehicle will be the financial responsibility of the employee.


Specialized training will be provided regarding the operation of a District vehicle if deemed necessary by the employer.


If, in the opinion of the Superintendent, an employee does not comply with rules governing highways and the safety of the vehicle and/or passengers, the employee's privilege regarding future use of a District vehicle may be removed.


The use of a District vehicle by the Superintendent will be governed by the Superintendent's contract.


The use of a District vehicle by the Assistant Superintendent will be governed by the contract of the Assistant Superintendent.


Use of District vehicles or mileage reimbursements will not be allowed for employees going to and from their normal place of work.


The number one priority for a District-owned vehicle will be out-of-district travel by a District employee. The second priority will be in-district travel by an employee.


The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will have the authority to allow District employees use of District vehicles outside of these policy guidelines on a short-term basis. Three or fewer occasions per month shall be considered as short term.


All vehicles will be housed at either the East or West Bus Barn when not in official use. However, in an emergency situation, the employee's supervisor may grant an employee the option of housing a vehicle outside of these guidelines.


Members of the Board of Education will have the use of District vehicles while participating in activities related to their role as a Board member when a vehicle is available. Board members may make arrangements for securing a vehicle by contacting the office of the Director of Transportation or the Transportation Dispatcher.


No District vehicle will be used by any person other than the Superintendent, the Assistant Superintendent, the full-time transportation staff, or the maintenance staff without the completion of a transportation request form.


The use of tobacco will not be allowed in a District-Owned vehicle.


The use of seat belts in District-owned vehicles is mandatory for the driver and all passengers using vehicles that are equipped with seat belts.


Drivers of all District vehicles (except school buses) shall be responsible for ensuring that all student passengers use safety belts. The driver shall not begin to move the vehicle until the seat belts of the driver and all student passengers are in use.


As a general rule, a District-owned vehicle will be eligible for replacement when it is either 5 years old or has been driven in excess of 100,000 miles.


C.R.S. 42-4-236


EEAEA, Bus Driver Requirements, Training & Responsibilities

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: EF

Food Services The Eagle County School District food service program is part of the educational plan, contributing to the all-around development of students, which is the very purpose of schools and education. The lunchrooms shall operate in accordance with Board of Education policies. The Superintendent of Schools shall be the interpreter of the policies.

The Board of Education shall enter into an agreement with the Colorado Department of Education wherein the local school district agrees to: 1.

Provide adequate facilities.


Operate the program on a non-profit basis.


Discourage the sale of foods or drinks in competition with the National School Lunch Program.


Serve free or reduced-price meals to students unable to pay the full price, without discrimination (in accordance with the National School Lunch Program guidelines).


Serve meals that meet the Type A standards and requirements (in accordance with the National School Lunch Program guidelines).


Use any funds accruing from the operation of the program only for the purpose of reducing price of meals to students, improving quality of meals, and purchase and maintenance of supplies, services, and equipment.


Keep records and file claim for monthly reimbursement.


Accept and use donated commodities in reasonable amounts (in accordance with the National School Lunch Program guidelines).


Operate the program in accordance with both state and federal statutes and regulations applicable to the program.

The Board of Education shall approve the prices set for meals and for the price of milk. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-120

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EFA

Food Purchasing/Selection The Director of Food Services shall be designated as the person authorized to purchase food and supplies for all food services under his/her direction. The purchase of equipment and services from vendors shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and the Director of Food Services. Contracts for milk and ice cream products shall be awarded annually by action of the Board of Education after advertisement for bids. In order to properly discharge authorized purchasing functions, the Director of Food Services shall prepare any necessary bids, engage in cooperative bidding where determined to be advisable, and open and analyze bids. When purchases are made through the bidding procedure, the Director of Food Services shall recommend bid awards that are determined to be in the best interest of the School District. These recommendations are to be acted upon by the Board of Education. The Director of Food Services shall consider government commodities and also quantity purchasing where these considerations are advantageous to the School District.

The Director of Food Services is responsible for maintaining all necessary records pertaining to the Food Service program. The Director of Food Services will be expected to adhere to appropriate accounting principles in the purchasing, reporting, budgeting, and coding of food service purchases. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EFAA

Use of Commodities The Eagle County School District Board of Education supports the use of U.S.D.A. commodities as part of its food service program when the use of those commodities is beneficial to the functioning of the food service program. Acquisition and utilization of U.S.D.A. commodities will be governed by the procedures and regulations of the National School Lunch Program. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: January 1, 2000

File: EFC

Free and Reduced Price Food Service The District shall take part, as feasible, in the National School Lunch and other food programs which may become available to assure that all students in the District receiver proper nourishment. The administration shall establish rules, regulations, and procedures which conform with state and federal (or other) requirements regarding participation in programs for free and reduced price meals and supplementary food. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Director of Food Services has been designated as the official to determine which individual students are eligible for a reduced price or free meal.


The District will provide forms annually to parents or guardians on which application for consideration or eligibility of their children for reduced price or free lunches can be made.


The District will provide a free or reduced price lunch to the students upon approval of the application. Parents/guardians of students who were approved for free or reduced price lunches during the previous school year will have 30 days following the start of the school year to submit an application for free or reduced price meals. Those students will receive a free or reduced price lunch until the end of the 30-day period OR until the application is approved, whichever comes first.


The District will abide by the income poverty guidelines based on the U.S. Office of Management and Budget guidelines as adjusted by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Students receiving reduced price meals will not be required as a condition of receiving such meals to use a separate lunchroom or section of the lunchroom, to go through a separate serving line, to enter the lunchroom through a different entrance, to work for their meals, to

use a different medium of exchange, or to eat lunch at a different time from paying students. The names will not be made public but shall be confidential information. 6.

The Director of Food Services shall develop procedures to randomly verify the accuracy of the income of the recipients of free and reduced price lunches. The Director of Food Services shall verify a minimum of 3% of the total applications on file as of October 31. Verification must be completed no later than December 15. The method used for randomly selecting applications to be verified shall be in accordance with guidelines from the National School Lunch Program and/or the Colorado Department of Education.


42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. (National School Lunch Act) C.R.S. 22-32-120


EEA, Student Transportation JQ, Student Fees, Fines and Charges

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EFE

Competitive Food Sales/Vending Machines Vending machines are often promoted as a revenue-producing source for the school activity fund. Vending machines dispensing nutritious food and/or beverages to students are permitted in high schools at the discretion of the principal. Vending program management, to include financial management and product selection, shall be the responsibility of the principal (or his/her designee). In no case shall vending machines be operated in the building during the period of time 1/2 hour prior to the first lunch/breakfast period to 1/2 hour after the last scheduled lunch/breakfast period. Beverage vending machines for use after school hours, at athletic events, or at special events, are authorized at the discretion of the principal. Vending machines are authorized in teachers' lounges subject to the approval and management direction of the principal.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1987

File: EGAD

Copyright Compliance In recognition of Public Law 94-553 and Public Law 96-517, an amendment to Public Law 94-553, the Eagle County School District Re50J will take the necessary steps to ensure that the guidelines established by Congress for "fair use" by educational institutions are followed. In accordance with this policy, it shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent (or his/her designee) to inform the District staff of the law and these guidelines. The principal of each school site is responsible for establishing practices for the building which will enforce this policy at the building level. Any person violating copyright laws and/or established guidelines shall personally assume the responsibility by virtue of this School District policy.


Eagle County School District employees may reproduce copyrighted materials under the provisions of the copyright laws currently in force under Title 17 of the United States Code.


Any reproduction of copyrighted materials will be done either with the written permission of the copyright holder or within the bounds of "Fair Use" guidelines provided in the Copyright Act; otherwise, the individual responsible for reproduction may be liable for infringing the copyright under existing laws.


A willful infringement of the law by an Eagle County School District employee may result in disciplinary action. In the case of a court action for damages, a finding of willful infringement would preclude the Eagle County School District paying any judgment rendered against the employee, paying any attorney's fees or costs which the employee would incur in conjunction with a lawsuit, and may render the employee liable to the School District for any damages which the School District is liable to pay.


The Eagle County School District reserves the right to copyright educational materials developed by District employees who are paid to conduct a specific project or given release time at District expense to conduct a specific project. Non-District employees who are paid by the District to develop materials are also covered by this policy. Educational materials shall include but are not limited to written, audio visual, or manipulative materials intended for use by administrators, teachers, or students.


In no case shall any District employee or student use District equipment for duplication which would prevent or circumvent the sale of copyrighted materials.


Congressional Record, 97th Congress, October 14, 1981, Vol. 127, No. 145, pp. E4750-4752 The Copyright Game Resource Guide, Second Edition, Gary H. Becker, 1986

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1987

File: EGAD-E1

Internal Request for Authorization To Duplicate Copyrighted Material Eagle County School District Box 740 Eagle, CO 81631 DATE: TO:

____________________________________________ (Firm) (Address)

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

(School) (Phone No.)

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________




We are requesting authorization to duplicate the following copyrighted materials: Title Author Subject Medium Rationale

____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Number of copies: ____________________________________________ Copy medium: ____________________________________________ Use of copies: ____________________________________________ Anticipated date of first use: ______________________________________ Distribution of copies: ______________________________________ PRODUCER REPLY: Permission:



Details/Restrictions: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Signature ______________________________________________________________ Title _________________________ Date ________________________________

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1987

File: EGAD-E2

Copyright Release for District-Developed Materials The Eagle County School District has retained you to prepare or assist in the preparation of the following educational materials: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ It is understood and voluntarily agreed that the Eagle County School District retains all rights to copyright these educational materials unless it agrees otherwise in writing. _________________________________ (Employee's Signature)

_________________________________ (Date) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 28, 1987 Revised: April 26, 1989

File: EGAD-E3

Off-Air Recording Statement This tape was recorded _____________________________________________________ (by myself/at my request) on ____________________________. (date) The 10th consecutive school day from the recording date is ______________________. (date) I will not use this recording more than once in relevant activities. I will not repeat it more than once for reinforcement. The 45th day after the recording date will be __________________. (date) I understand that I may use this recording from the 11th to the 45th day for evaluation only. It will not be used for student exhibition during this time unless authorization is obtained from the copyright holder. _______ copies have been made of this recording. Each one bears a copy of this statement. This/these recording(s) will be _______________________________________________ (erased/destroyed) no later than the 45th day as indicated above.

_____________________________________ Staff member signature _____________________________________ Media staff signature Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 9, 1997 Revised: July 1, 2003


Electronic Mail Electronic mail is an electronic message that is transmitted between two or more computers or electronic terminals, whether or not the message is converted to hard copy format after receipt and whether or not the message is viewed upon transmission or stored for later retrieval. Electronic mail

includes all electronic messages that are transmitted through a local, regional, or global computer network. All district electronic mail systems are owned by the district and are intended for the purpose of conducting official district business. Employees should have no expectation of privacy when using the electronic mail systems. Users of district e-mail systems are responsible for their appropriate use. All illegal and improper uses of the electronic mail system, including but not limited to pornography, obscenity, harassment, solicitation, gambling and violating copyright or intellectual property rights are prohibited. Use of the electronic mail system for which the district will incur an expense without expressed permission of a supervisor is prohibited. Electronic messages for private or confidential matters should be handled carefully because there is no guarantee of privacy or confidentiality. Care should be taken when forwarding an electronic mail message. If the sender of an electronic mail message does not intend for the mail to be forwarded, the sender should clearly mark the message “Do Not Forward”. In order to keep district electronic mail systems secure, users may not leave the terminal “signed on” when unattended and may not leave their password available in an obvious place near the terminal or share their password with anyone except the electronic mail system administrator. The district retains the right to review, store and disclose all information sent over the district electronic mail systems for any legally permissible reason, including but not limited to determining whether the information is a public record, whether it contains information discoverable in litigation and to access district information in the employee’s absence. Except as provided herein, district employees are prohibited from accessing another employee’s electronic mail without the express consent of the employee. All district employees should be aware that electronic mail messages can be retrieved even if they have been deleted and that statements made in electronic mail communications can form the basis of various legal claims against the individual author or the district. Electronic mail sent or received by the Board, the district or the district’s employees may be considered a public record subject to public disclosure or inspection under the Colorado Open Records Act. All Board and district electronic mail communications will be monitored in accordance with the attached regulation to ensure that all public electronic mail records are retained, archived and destroyed in compliance with state law. The custodian of records for the district will assist the public in locating any specific public electronic mail record requested and will ensure public access to public electronic mail records without unreasonable delay or cost. The District employees will be subject to disciplinary action for violation of this policy and regulation. The superintendent will ensure that all district employees have notice of this policy and regulation and that each district employee is given an acknowledgment form to sign stating they have received and read the policy and regulation. The form will be maintained in the employee’s personnel file. LEGAL REF.:

CRS 24-6-401 et seq. (Colorado Sunshine Act) CRS 24-72-201 et seq. (Colorado Open Records Act CRS 24-80-101 et seq. (State Archives and Public Records)


JRA/JRC, Student Records/Release of Information on Students JRA/JRC-E, Notification to Parents

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 9, 1997 Revised: July 1, 2003


Monitoring Public Electronic Mail Records Upon sending or receiving electronic mail, all users will segregate or store public electronic mail records. Public electronic mail records are those that evidence the district’s functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations or other activities of the district or that contain valuable district data. Segregation/storage may be accomplished by creating a separate storage location for public electronic mail on the hard drive of the recipient’s computer or terminal, by saving public electronic mail to a disk or similar storage apparatus or by printing the electronic mail on paper and deleting it from the electronic mail system. If the electronic mail is printed on paper, that document will be located with other documents having similar retention characteristics and will be treated like any other public record of the district. If a separate storage location or disk is used, it must be clearly identified as “public electronic mail”. All district public electronic mail records that have not previously been printed on paper will be retained by the recipient for a period of 90 days. Prior to expiration of the 90-day period, the recipient will notify the custodian of records for the district. The custodian will review the electronic mail records and determine whether in his or her judgment the records are public electronic mail records. All electronic mail determined to be public will be archived by the district in a manner that does not require proprietary software to retrieve the electronic mail and will be treated like any other public record of the district. Electronic mail records determined not to be public records will be destroyed. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989

File: EH

Data Management The Superintendent is designated as the custodian of all records, documents, writings, letters, memoranda, or other written, typed, copied, or developed materials possessed, assembled, or maintained by the Eagle County School District. 1.

All requests for public information shall be forwarded to the Superintendent (or his/her designee) upon receipt. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall make a determination as to whether or not the information requested is public in nature.


If the Superintendent (or his/her designee) determines that the information is public in nature, (s)he shall direct that it be released for reproduction on the premises. The party requesting the information shall be charged the cost of reproduction and any other expenses entailed in locating and/or retrieving the information. If the information is in active use or otherwise unavailable, the party requesting the information will be notified upon its becoming available.


If the Superintendent (or his/her designee) finds the information not to be public in nature,

(s)he shall inform the requesting party and shall not release the information. 4.

If the Superintendent (or his/her designee) is unable to ascertain whether or not the information requested is public in nature, (s)he is authorized to request, on behalf of the Board of Education, an opinion from the Eagle County School District school attorney.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 11, 1988 Revised: July 1, 2002


Data/Records Retention (Records Retention/Management Policy) The District supports a policy that provides for a systematic, routine process for the retention and/or disposal of District records. The District supports a process that: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Provides for an effective and efficient accounting of pertinent school records; Provides for the destruction of appropriate District records in a legal manner; Provides for the retention/destruction of appropriate District records in accordance with state requirements; Reduces the amount/cost of available storage space; Reduces personnel costs involved in the retrieval of District records.

The purpose of this process is to ensure accessibility, reduce the risk of premature disposition, and preserve records of permanent (archival) value. The following policy is established for the disposition of district records stored on optical disk. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall serve as the records coordinator for the District.


The records coordinator shall be responsible for the following: a.

Preparing an inventory of all agency records and annually updating same. The inventory shall include, but not be limited to, the record title; a description of the record; the status of the record (current or obsolete); time span of records (earliest to latest dates); arrangement of records (alphabetical, chronological, numerical); whether or not duplicate information is available elsewhere, and if so, where it is located; record format (bound, unbound, microfilm, optical disks); frequency of use; condition of records; whether or not any records are missing; quantity of records in cubic feet; action recommended (destruction, microfilm optical disks, etc.); and the recommended retention period.


Appraising district records and establishing recommended minimum retention periods for approval by the State Archivist and, Attorney General,. and endorsement by the State Auditor. In determining retention periods, the records coordinator should consider: (1) (2) (3) (4)

The function of the record; How often and for what the record is used; Whether or not the record can be found somewhere else; What would happen if the information were not available when requested;

(5) (6)

Whether or not the record protects the rights of the state or of citizens; How easily the record could be assembled again if it were needed.

The ultimate disposition of records depends on the value that record may have at any given time. Values can be classified into four major types: (1)

Administrative value: Records have administrative value as long as they assist the District in performing either current or future work. The administrative value of most records is exhausted when the transactions to which they relate have been completed.


Legal value: Records have legal value if they contain evidence of legally enforceable rights or obligations of the, district Examples: legal decisions/opinions, leases, deeds, title insurance policies and contracts.


Fiscal value: Records of fiscal value are those which pertain to the financial transactions of the district, such as budgets, ledgers, allotments, payrolls, and vouchers. After records have served their basic administrative functions, they may still have sufficient value to justify their retention in storage for a time to protect the District against court action, to account for the expenditure of funds, or to comply fiscal audit requirements.


Historical value: Some records have enduring value because they document the historical development of the district. They contain precedents for policies and can be used as guides in solving present problems similar to those dealt with in the past. They are valuable to the district, students, researchers, and historians as historical documentation.

It should be noted that some records will have more than one value, and all values must be considered in appraising the records. c.

Establishing procedures to assure that disposition action is taken in accordance with approved schedules authorized by the State Archivist and Attorney General. A records disposition schedule can be used as authority for the disposition of records only if the following conditions are met: (1) (2) (3)


The appropriate form must be signed by the State Archivist, Attorney General, and the District records coordinator. All records having fiscal value must have been officially submitted to a complete and approved audit. Authorization for the destruction of original records after microfilming, optical scanning, (or other records retention procedure) shall be in effect only if the district has verified scanned documents (or otherwise retained documents) for legibility and completeness disk (or other record storage device) and has determined and certified that the record storage device) meets the minimum standards established by the State Archivist. There have been no statutory or other changes that have occurred.


Determining the format in which permanent records shall be retained (e.g. microfiche, microfilm, optical scanning, original format, etc.).


Ensuring that all records are stored in an efficient and cost effective manner that provides for easy access/retrieval.

f. 3.

Informing appropriate staff members management/retrieval/storage procedures.





District officials can maintain non-permanent public records with an established retention of more that ten years in an optical disk system and dispose of the originals provided they: (1) maintain security copies of the disks and indexes in off-site storage; (2) either migrate and convert both the working and security copies of the disks and indexes if optical systems are up-graded or changed in a way that prevents access to the contents of the disks created by the old system or recopy to new disks very ten years, whichever occurs first; (3) sample both the working and security copies of the disks and indexes at least once a year to make sure the data is readable and recopy to new disks immediately if any loss of information is detected; (4) obtain an authorization for disposal in advance from the State Archives.

The records retention schedules that adequately describe the records and define the period for their retention and manner of disposition must be approved by the State Archives. 4.

The records coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that records are retained/scanned/destroyed on an annual basis. The retention/scanned//destruction of records shall be done in accordance with the rules and regulations of the State Archives office.


The District will apply procedures that protect restricted records from unauthorized access and allow access to open records. Only those employees who work with these records shall have access to them using password security to gain access.


To maintain system documentation that will assure continuous access to records the District will keep full documentation of: Hardware and software, including brand names, version numbers and dates of installation, upgrades, replacements, and conversions. ! Data structure and content, including the file layout and data dictionaries. ! “Enhancement� algorithms. ! Operating procedures, including methods for scanning or entering data; revising, updating, or expunging records; indexing; backing up disks, tapes, microfilm, etc.; testing the readability of records; applying safeguards to prevent tampering and unauthorized access to protected information; and carrying out the disposition of originals records. In addition, to provide audit trails, procedures for logging and tracking should be documented. To maintain the quality and integrity of the electronically stored materials, they shall be verified and visually inspected, appropriate by index, labeled, backed-up and stored, refreshed as necessary, supported by migration and conversion plans and managed for any risk. !



C.R.S, Section 24-80-101-111.


EHB/JRA-E1 - Records Inventory Sheet EHB/JRA-E2 - Student Record Information Procedur

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 11, 1988 Revised: January 10, 1996

File: EHB/JRA-E2

Student Record Information/Procedures 1.

Student records will be maintained by the school counselor and/or the school secretary. The school nurse will maintain health-related student records.


Student Folder a. Student records should be kept in a file folder with a label that includes: (1) (2) (3) (4)

Student's name (last, first, and middle). Student's date of birth. Student's Social Security number. Files of students who graduate, transfer, or withdraw should be marked with a "G", "T", or "W" respectively.


The label on the file folder should be typed.


Student files should contain the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

(8) (9) (10)

Grades (entered on appropriate card -- elementary, middle, or high school). Unless necessary, report cards should not be included in the permanent student file once grades have been entered on the grade card. Attendance record (may be included on grade card if space is provided). Test scores (stickers should be placed on the back of grade card). Date entered/withdrawn/graduated (include on grade card). Copy of birth certificate (if available). Special education records (should be maintained separately, but not purged from student files). Special education files will be forwarded to Mountain BOCES by the District Office. Student health record and immunization card (to be included in file when file in transferred to another school or once student graduates). The original immunization card should be given to students who graduate, with a copy being placed in the permanent file that states that the original was given to the student. Class rank and grade point average of students who graduate from the Eagle County School District. Picture of students (if available). Other items (as deemed appropriate by the counselor) that should be included as part of the student's permanent file.


Duplicate information should be removed from the student file prior to forwarding to another school or to the District Office.


All staples should be removed prior to forwarding to another school or to the District Office.


Any items included in the permanent student file should be typewritten or written with black ink.


Items that do not need to be part of a student's permanent file that may be necessary

for a period of time (e.g. report cards, writing assessments, reading assessments, etc.) may be placed in a separate folder within the permanent folder. However, those items included by the elementary school should be purged by the middle school prior to the time the record is sent to the high school, and those items included by the middle school and high school should be purged by the high school prior to the time the permanent record is sent to the District Office for records retention. 3.

Transfer of Files a.

All records for graduates and withdrawals will be kept in the individual buildings for one academic year. After one academic year, all student files from students who have withdrawn, transferred, or graduated should be sent to the District Office for records retention. Students who graduate should be informed that they can obtain copies of their transcripts from the building they graduated from for up to one academic year. After that, graduates should be instructed to contact the District Office for their transcripts. All requests for transcripts must be made in writing.


Files of students who are being promoted to a new school (e.g. elementary to middle school) should be forwarded to that school prior to the time the counselor/secretary leaves for the summer. All information that should not be a part of the permanent file should either be purged or placed into a folder within the student folder as described in 2.g.


Student health records should be included in the permanent file before the record is forwarded to another school or the District Office.

d. Special education files of students who have transferred, graduated, or withdrawn should be forwarded to the District Office separately and should be marked as special education files. These student files will be forwarded to Mountain BOCES by the District Office. e.


Only copies of items in a student's permanent file should be sent to another school district. The original file should be sent to the District Office for records retention after one academic year.

New Students a.

The records of students who have withdrawn from Eagle County School District and return before one academic year will be at the school withdrawn from. The records of students who have withdrawn from Eagle County School District and return after one academic year will be at the District Office. The school should contact the District Office for the records of that individual so that it can be included in the student's file at the school.


C.R.S. 24-80-101-111


EHB/JRA - Data/Records Retention Policy EHB/JRA-E1 - Records Inventory Sheet

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 24, 1979 Revised: January 11, 1995

File: EI

Insurance Program/Risk Management The Board has the responsibility for maintaining an adequate insurance program coverings its buildings and grounds, fleet of school buses and vehicles, and employees carrying out official duties for the district. The Board also may authorize and participate in insurance programs for employees and students. The insurance program shall be administered by the Director of Finance under the general supervision of the Superintendent. The administration shall make every effort to obtain insurance at the best available rates - consistent with required coverage and service - through obtaining quotations or bids. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 8-44-110 C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(s),(t),(u),(v) C.R.S 22-45-103 (1)(c),(e) C.R.S. 22-54-105 (2) C.R.S. 24-10-115 C.R.S. 24-10-115.5 C.R.S. 29-13-101 et seq.


BID/BIE, Board Member Compensation and Expenses/Insurance/Liability


This policy may be altered to meet local circumstances since a board is no longer obligated to buy its insurance coverage from specific insurance companies. It may specify self-insurance, pooling and/or company-covered risks or a mix of these.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: March 22, 1989

File: EIB

Liability Insurance Eagle County School District Re50J shall provide liability insurance for all employees against bodily injury or property damage for which the employee may become liable in the course of his/her duties for the School District. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(u)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: EID

Compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The Board of Education directs the superintendent or designee to take steps to ensure compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Compliance activities

shall include conducting an audit to determine applicability of HIPAA to district operations, recommending policies and regulations to be adopted by the Board, adoption or revision of administrative policies and procedures and implementation of same, including record keeping procedures, preparation of necessary documents, employee training, and all other activities necessary to ensure compliance. LEGAL REFS.:

P.L. 104-191 (1996); 42 U.S.C. 1320dd-1320d-8 65 Fed. Reg. 50312-50372 65 Fed. Reg. 82462-82829 63 Fed. Reg. 43242-43280 67 Fed. Reg. 53182-53273


GBJ, Personnel Records and Files GCBD, Professional Staff Fringe Benefits GDBD, Support Staff Fringe Benefits JLA, Student Insurance Programs JLC, Student Health Services and Records JLCEA*, Students with Special Health Needs JLCG*, Medicaid Reimbursement JRA/JRC, Students Records/Release of Information on Students

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: FA

Facilities Development Goals/Priority Objectives We believe that a quality educational program is affected to a great extent by the environment within which it functions. The development of a quality educational program and school facilities which promote the implementation of the program go hand in hand. Therefore, it is the goal of the Board to provide and maintain the number of facilities needed for the enrollment and the types of facilities supportive of the educational program. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: FB

Facilities Planning The Board believes that facilities are an integral part of instruction. Facilities represent a major investment for the district and facilities’ planning is an essential component of instructional planning. It is the Board's goal to plan facilities that will: 1.

Efficiently house students and staff in permanent facilities that are conducive to optimal teaching and learning

2. Be appropriately located to provide optimal use during the life of the facility 3. Provide equity in instructional opportunities for all students 4. Reflect the value placed on instruction by the school district community LEGAL REFS:

C.R.S. 22-30.5-401 et seq. (Charter School Capital Facilities Financing Act) C.R.S. 22-41-110 (payment of bonds)

C.R.S. 22-41.5-101 et seq. (weakening of debt limitations) C.R.S. 22-42-101 et seq. (bonded indebtedness) C.R.S. 22-45-103 (1)(b) and (d) (bond redemption and special building and technology funds) C.R.S. 29-14-101 et seq. (Bond Anticipation Note Act) CROSS REF.:

LBDA*, Facilities Planning and Funding for Charter Schools

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: FBC

Prioritization of Facility Improvements The Board recognizes that not all facility improvement needs have the same level of importance. Therefore the Board directs the Superintendent to develop a process to prioritize the relative importance of each facility improvement need. The four following priority groups shall be used in prioritizing capital improvements: 1.

Priority Group 1 – Critical projects 1.

Priority Group 2 – Necessary projects

2. Priority Group 3 – Deferrable necessary projects 3. Priority Group 4 – Desirable projects Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: FBC-R

Prioritization of Facility Improvements Regulations Priority Group 1 - Critical Projects This group includes those projects that are deemed to be of utmost importance. For this reason, projects in this group need to be accomplished as soon as feasible and preferably within a year, subject to the availability of funds. The following are the types of projects that are included in priority Group 1. 12. Projects involving health and safety (water supply that may become contaminated, poor traffic patterns that endanger pupil safety, potential structural failures, installation of emergency systems, etc.) 13. Projects mandated by law (Americans with Disabilities Act, EPA regulations, state/local health department regulations, code revisions, etc.) 14. Projects necessary to avoid a building or facility being temporarily closed (leaking boiler, cracked combustion chamber in a furnace, etc.) 15. Projects that are necessary to prevent other damage to a building or site (extensive roof leaks that can cause interior damage, severe erosion along foundations and footings, etc.) 16. Projects which retard deterioration or which will cause an inordinate increase in scope or cost if delayed beyond one year (roof deterioration that will impact other building components such as deck, insulation, electrical, flooring, wall finishes, if not corrected,

extensive deterioration in pavement that could adversely affect subgrade conditions or that creates a safety hazard if not repaired, etc.) 17. Projects which provide permanent additional capacity housing for students (when current enrollment at a school is greater than 125% of permanent program capacity, permanent facilities or other alternatives for housing students should be provided unless projections indicate a declining enrollment trend) Priority Group 2 - Necessary Projects This group includes those projects that are essential to support the facilities' mission and purpose. Although they are important in nature, they are not as critical and urgent as those projects in Group 1. Group 2 projects should be accomplished within the next five years, subject to availability of funds. Examples include: •

Necessary preventative repairs and improvements to maintain the integrity of and keep in operation a building or facility (replacement of equipment and systems that have served their useful life, including boilers, electrical panels, roofs, floor replacement, pavement overlay, etc.) b. Projects which provide permanent housing for students (new schools and additions required to permanently house current or projected enrollment not exceeding 125% of permanent program capacity, etc.) c.

Projects which support existing instructional/auxiliary service programs (additions, renovation of open space classrooms, acoustical treatment in instructional areas, renovation of older schools to meet current program standards, renovation to provide functional facilities, etc.)

d. Projects which support the expansion of or changes in instructional/auxiliary service programs (computer classrooms, modular technical education laboratories and similar improvements) e. Projects which provide operational efficiencies and economies (energy conservation projects, pavement sealing/overlays, ditch water irrigation systems, HVAC control automation and automated irrigation systems, and projects that provide a substantial cost avoidance or return on investment) A large number of capital improvement needs are usually identified as Group 2 priorities. Therefore this priority group is divided into six sub-groups as follows: Priority Group 2A Necessary repairs and improvements to maintain the safety and integrity of the building and avoid imminent failure of a building system that would cause the facility to be shut down and/or result in a substantial loss (roof replacement, boiler replacement, heating pipe and domestic water pipe replacement, etc.) Priority Group 2B Projects required to house students in permanent facilities on a regular single track schedule (new schools or additions to existing schools where the projected five year future enrollment, based on the most current enrollment projection report, exceeds the permanent program capacity by 20% or more) Priority Group 2C Projects which support existing instructional/auxiliary service programs and will provide a

substantial return on investment, including acoustical improvements, renovation of classroom facilities and renovation/upgrade of facilities 35 years old and older that have had no major remodeling during the last ten years, including mechanical, electrical, core facility and flooring improvements as required Priority Group 2D Projects which support existing instructional/auxiliary upgrade of facilities 30 years old and older that have had last ten years and site improvement projects required to facilities, including mechanical, electrical, core facility required.

service programs, renovation/ no major remodeling during the provide safe and functional site and flooring improvements as

Priority Group 2E Projects which support existing instructional/auxiliary service programs, renovation/upgrade of facilities 25 years old and older that have had no major improvements during the last 10 years, including mechanical, electrical, core facility and flooring improvements as required Priority Group 2F Necessary maintenance or repairs to maintain the site facilities (pavement, drainage and other projects which provide operational efficiencies and economies) and projects that support the expansion of instructional/auxiliary service programs (computer labs, modular technical education laboratories, etc.) Priority Group 3 - Deferrable Necessary Projects Projects in this group are identical to those in Group 2 except they may be deferred beyond five years. Priority Group 4 - Desirable Projects Desirable projects are those that improve the environmental qualities of a building or site above adopted district standards (installation of plantings and shrubs, carpet replacement for esthetic reasons, etc.) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: FB-R

Facilities Planning Regulations The Board recognizes that facility planning is an ongoing process that requires resources to carry out short and long-range facility planning responsibilities. The superintendent shall establish a facilities planning process that includes: 1. Coordinating a process to identify, evaluate, validate, and document capital improvement needs, including the capital needs of charter schools 2. Maintaining and updating a comprehensive list of capital improvement needs. 3. Maintaining complete and current educational and technical specifications. 4. Providing facility needs data and background information for development of short and longrange capital improvement programs. 5. Maintaining permanent facility project record documents and providing facility record

information. 6. Conducting a thorough technical evaluation of proposed school sites. 7. Providing consultation, research, and information on facility matters. 8. Keeping abreast of educational program changes/trends and their facility impact. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: FD

Facilities Funding The Board of Education may submit to the registered qualified electors of the school district, at any regular school election or at a special election called for the purpose, the question of contracting a bonded indebtedness for any of the following purposes. 1.

Acquiring or purchasing buildings or grounds.


Enlarging, improving, remodeling, repairing or making additions to any school building.


Constructing or erecting school buildings.


Equipping or furnishing any school building, but only in conjunction with a construction project for a new building or for an addition to an existing building or in conjunction with a project for substantial remodeling, improvement or repair of an existing building.


Improving school grounds.


Funding floating indebtedness.

Before such a bond election, the specific needs for facilities shall be made clear to the general public, and careful estimates will be made as to the amounts required for the sites, buildings and equipment. Following approval by the voters, the bonds to be issued will be advertised in newspapers and national financial journals, the date of issue being coordinated with tax collection dates, payments on bonds already outstanding and favorable market conditions. Disposition of the bonds then shall be accomplished by public sale on the basis of sealed bids. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Bond Redemption Fund of the district comes directly and solely out of the levy of taxes initiated by the successful bond election. In anticipation of interest and principal payments, the Board will adopt annual resolutions authorizing the withdrawal from the Bond Redemption Fund of the amounts needed to meet the payments due and the deposit of such moneys with the depository for honoring the bonds and interest coupons presented for payment. The Building Fund is the fund authorized by the approval of the bond issue. The initial receipts from the sale of bonds are deposited in this fund, and actual expenditures for sites, buildings and equipment are made from it. The Board of Education will adopt an annual budget resolution authorizing the withdrawal from the fund of the amounts needed to meet the payments due architects, contractors and other individuals or firms. The Board shall receive periodic reports on the expenditures made from this fund as compared with the original appropriations for the various

projects included. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-30.5-401 et seq. (Charter School Capital Facilities Financing Act) C.R.S. 22-41-110 (payment of bonds) C.R.S. 22-41.5-101 et seq. (weakening of debt limitations) C.R.S. 22-42-101 et seq. (bonded indebtedness) C.R.S. 22-45-103 (1)(b) and (d) (bond redemption and special building and technology funds) C.R.S. 29-14-101 et seq. (Bond Anticipation Note Act)


FDA -- Bond Campaigns

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: September 10, 1986 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: FDA

Bond Campaigns Any special election to authorize bonded indebtedness shall be held on the first Tuesday in November in odd-numbered years in conjunction with the regular biennial school election or on general election day in even-numbered years. If other jurisdictions that have overlapping boundaries or the same electors as the school district are conducting an election on the same day, the county clerk and recorder shall conduct the election as a coordinated election to allow voters to vote on all ballot issues at one polling place. The decision whether the election will be conducted as a polling place election or by mail ballot is one which shall be made by the county clerk. The election shall be conducted pursuant to an intergovernmental agreement between the district and the county clerk and recorder. The agreement shall allocate responsibilities between the county clerk and the district for the preparation and conduct of the election and shall be signed no less than 60 days prior to the election. The Board shall designate a school election official to whom some election responsibilities may be delegated pursuant to the agreement. Expenditures of any School District funds or in kind services to otherwise inform voters about an election issue must be specifically authorized by the Board. The District may dispense a factual summary which includes arguments both for and against the proposal without any conclusion or opinions in favor of or against any particular issue addressed by the summary. LEGAL REFS.:

Constitution of Colorado, Article X, Section 20 C.R.S. 1-1-101 through 1-13-108 (Uniform Election Code of 1992) C.R.S. 1-45-116 (Fair Campaign Practices Act) C.R.S. 22-41.5-010 et. seq. C.R.S. 22-42-101 et seq. C.R.S. 22-54-108

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 22, 1980 Revised: February 22, 1989

File: FEB

Architect/Engineer/Construction Manager The Board shall employ a registered architect to design the plans of each proposed building, building

addition, or extensive renovation. In selecting architects, the following criteria will be considered: 1.

Experience in school construction;


Experience in energy conservation/savings;


Experience in preparing a facility to meet Handicap Law 504 Provisions;


Creative design ability;


Technical knowledge to control the design so that the best results are obtained for the least amount of money;


Executive and business ability to oversee the proper performance of contracts;


Proven ability in all of the major phases of planning and construction; pre-design planning, schematic design, design development; bidding, and construction;


Ability and temperament to work cooperatively with others; willingness to consult with staff on educational specifications;


Extent and experience of architectural staff in relation to the scope of the planned project.

The Board shall contact its school attorney to review the contract with the architect prior to entering into that contract. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 12-4-101 C.R.S. 12-4-102

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 24, 1979 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: FEGB

Contractor's Affidavits and Guarantees Construction contractors doing business with the School District shall be required to provide the District with such bonds or other acceptable surety as the law or the Board may require equal to the amount of the contract when the construction project cost exceeds $50,000 or lasts more than 6 months.. Such bonds shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract and also shall provide that if the contractor or his/her subcontractor fails to pay for any labor, materials, or other supplies used in performance of the work, the surety bond will pay for the same in an amount not exceeding the sum specified together with interest as provided by law. All construction contracts shall provide for retention of at least 10 percent of any progress or partial payments pending completion of the project or projects involved on such terms and conditions as approved by the Board and authorized by law. A certified or cashier's check or bank money order made payable to the Eagle County School District may be accepted in lieu of a bond.


C.R.S. 24-91-102 through 24-91-110 Construction Contracts with Public Education) C.R.S. 38-26-101 C.R.S. 38-26-105 C.R.S. 38-26-106

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised: February 1, 2004

File: FEH

Supervision of Construction The Board of Education shall require from personnel employed and directly responsible to the School District a review of the architect's activities in his/her supervision of building construction. This review shall include adequacy of field inspection of the contractor's operations, administrative activities of the architect relating to construction, and any other matters relating to the interest of the School District. The District's representative shall make periodic reports certifying by his/her personal knowledge that the work of the construction contractor and the architect is being performed in accordance with plans, specifications, and contracts. The Director of Finance will review all change orders to determine whether or not it is a matter for Board consideration. If the Director of Finance decides Board consideration is not necessary, then the signature of the Director of Finance, shall be considered Board action. Upon completion of the building construction and a final inspection of all its aspects by the architect, contractors, and school officials, a recommendation for its acceptance shall be presented to the Board. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 22, 1989 Revised and approved May 11, 2011

File: FF

Naming New Facilities Schools shall be named by location whenever possible. Names may be presented by petition, by chosen committees, or by other representative groups in the area. The Board of Education shall make the final decision in the naming of a school. The Board shall officially name a school on or before the bid is let for construction of the school. Dedication or naming of facilities or portions of buildings (not entire schools): Facilities are defined as indoor and outdoor District owned properties including but not limited to: structures adjacent to buildings or areas within a building, such as athletic stadia and gymnasiums, libraries, and auditoriums. Individual classrooms may not be dedicated or named. If a facility is owned by another entity but is on district land, any naming of that facility must be approved by the Board of Education. If a facility is owned by the District on property owned by another entity, any naming approved by the Board of Education shall also be approved by the landowner.

Any facilities which were named prior to the adoption of this policy may remain named. Naming of any facility or building that is related to sponsorships or donations shall be handled through a sponsorship policy. The decision to name or dedicate facilities or portions of buildings resides with the Board of Education. The Principal of the building shall bring recommendations for naming or dedicating to the Board of Education. As appropriate, from time to time, some form of recognition or memorial in honor of an individual may be made part of a particular facility but shall not supplant the facility’s name. Facilities may be dedicated to individual persons who have been outstanding in educational endeavors or who have furthered the cause for better schools and educational programs. It is preferred that facilities be dedicated to distinguished persons, no longer active in their careers. Personal prejudice or favoritism, political pressure, or temporary popularity should not be an influence in dedicating a facility. The name should lend dignity and stature to the facility. In addition to societal contributions, the moral character of the individual must be considered. In the rare case that moral character becomes an issue after dedication, the Board of Education has sole discretion to remove the dedication. The Board of Education must approve in advance all markers, plaques and portraits before they are placed inside or outside of district buildings or facilities. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 21, 1982 (to go into effect on July 1, 1982)

File: GA

Personnel Policies Goals/Priority Objectives The Board of Education recognizes that a dynamic and effective staff dedicated to quality education is necessary to maintain a quality educational program. The Board is interested in its personnel as individuals, and it recognizes its responsibility for promoting the general welfare of the staff. The Board's specific personnel goals are: --

to recruit, select, and employ the most qualified and effective personnel to staff the school system.


to provide compensation and benefit programs necessary to attract and retain qualified employees.


to provide a staff development program for all employees in order to facilitate professional growth, to qualify the staff for in-district promotions, and to promote a stimulating working climate.


to conduct an employee evaluation program that will contribute to the continuous improvement of staff performance.


to assign personnel so as to ensure that they are utilized as effectively as possible.


to develop the quality of human relationships necessary to obtain maximum staff performance and satisfaction and to maintain and improve the working climate.

CROSS REF.: ADA, School District Goals and Objectives Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 1977 Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: GBA

Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action The Board of Education of Eagle County School District Re50J subscribes to the fullest extent to the principles of the dignity of all people and of their labors. It also recognizes that it is both culturally and educationally sound to have persons of diverse backgrounds on the School District's staff. Therefore, it shall be the policy of the District to provide for equal opportunity in recruitment, selection, promotion, and dismissal of all personnel. Commitment on the part of the District toward equal employment opportunity will apply to all people without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, marital status, sex, age, or handicap. Care will be taken to assure that the District does not discriminate in any area of employment, including job advertising, pre-employment requirements, recruitment, compensation, fringe benefits, job classifications, promotion, and termination. LEGAL REFS.:

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. section 2000d Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. section 2000e Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. section 621 et. seq. 29 U.S.C. section 701 et. seq. (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 U.S.C. section 1681 Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 U.S.C., section 201 et. seq. C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(k) C.R.S. 22-61-101 C.R.S. 24-34-301 through 24-34-308 C.R.S. 24-34-402


AC, Nondiscrimination ACA, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex ACE, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability GBGA, Staff Health and Safety GCE/GCF, Recruiting and Hiring

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 22, 1989 Revised: July 1, 1999

File: GBAA (JBB) – E1

Sexual Harassment of Employees Complaint Form I, _____________________________________________________________________ of (address) ____________________________________________________________________ have initiated a Sexual Harassment complaint against _________________________________ , through (Assistant Superintendent), _________________________________________________ on the following date: ___________________________________________________________ Date of the Incident(s): : _________________________________________________________ Name(s) of Person(s) Involved in Incident(s): _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Written description of incident(s): _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Description of what employee did to discourage the incident(s): _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Name of any witnesses to incident(s): _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ Acceptable solution: _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________



NOTE: Upon completion of this form, one copy should be mailed or delivered the Assistant Superintendent Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 22, 1985 (to go into effect July 1, 1985) Revised: July 1, 2000

File: GBAA

Sexual Discrimination and Harassment It is the policy of the District to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from sexual harassment. It shall be a violation of this policy for any member of the district staff or student body to harass another staff member or student through conduct or communications of a sexual nature as defined below. Sexual harassment shall be defined as conduct involving any unwelcome sexual advances or requests for sexual favors, or comments of a sexual nature when: 1.

Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment or education; or


Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as a basis for academic or employment decisions affecting such individual; or


Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.


The supervisor of an employee must take action if he/she knows of an alleged sexual harassment. The person notified or aware of a sexual harassment incident or complaint will

take prompt and appropriate action to investigate and take corrective and/or disciplinary action against staff members or students found to have violated this policy. 2.

The appropriate law enforcement officials will be notified if and when the charges warrant this action.


Persons who file a complaint and persons acting as witnesses to a complaint shall be free from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, and/or reprisal in seeking resolution of the complaint.


If a student or employee is charged with sexual harassment, he/she will be entitled to respond to those charges.

HEARING PROCEDURES It should be noted that the intent of the hearing process is to resolve the situation to the satisfaction of the complainant in as timely a manner as possible. Step 1 - Informal Procedure 1.

When appropriate, the complainant should inform the offender, either in writing or in front of witnesses, that the behavior is not condoned by the complainant, and that the complainant demands that such behavior stop. When appropriate, it is preferred to have the problem confronted and resolved by the parties involved.

Step 2 - Formal Procedure 1.

If the complainant has chosen not to resolve the situation by letting the offender know that he/she would like the behavior to stop, he/she should promptly contact his/her immediate supervisor, building principal, or the Assistant Superintendent. If the complaint is against the complainant's supervisor, he/she may contact the Assistant Superintendent. The person who receives the complaint will be known as the "third party" for the purpose of this policy. The third party should ensure that any alleged violations and corrective actions taken are documented in writing.


The complainant will be required to complete a written form that will include the following (Form GBAA-E1): ·

Complainant's name and address


Date(s) of the incident(s)


Written description of the incident(s)


Name(s) of the person(s) involved in incident(s)


What the employee did to discourage the incident(s)


Name of any witness(es) to the incident(s)


Satisfactory resolution to the complaint

One (1) copy of this complaint form will be mailed or delivered to the employee's immediate supervisor and one (1) copy will be mailed or delivered to the Assistant Superintendent. 3.

A hearing will be conducted to allow for the third party to gather data regarding the alleged harassment from the complainant and the alleged offender. The third party will promptly investigate and take appropriate action regarding the complaint, and will render a decision to the complainant and the alleged offender in writing within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the complaint form.

Step 2B - Formal Procedure - Appeal 1.


If either party involved in Step 2A does not consider the decision rendered in Step 2A to be satisfactory, he/she may appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools. This appeal must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the third party's decision. This appeal must include the following: 路

the original complaint form

a copy of the decision from the third party

a written statement as to the reason for the appeal

The Superintendent shall have a period of fourteen (14) calendar days to study the information submitted, investigate the circumstances, and respond in writing to the appeal. At the discretion of the Superintendent, this appeal process may or may not include a conference with those parties involved. The Superintendent should ensure that any violations or corrective actions that are taken are documented in writing.

Step 3 - Formal Procedure - Board 1.

If either party is not satisfied with the decision rendered in Step 2B, he/she may request a hearing with the Board. This hearing will be in executive session and will not be open to the public.


The request for hearing must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Board within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the Superintendent's response. The hearing will be scheduled within thirty (30) calendar days from the complainant's request. The Superintendent will notify the complainant and the alleged offender in writing of the time and date of the scheduled hearing.


The Board will review the alleged complaint and will render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days of the hearing. The Board should ensure that any violations or corrective actions that are taken are documented in writing.

Step 4 - Outside Agency 1.

If either party is not satisfied with the decision of the Board, he/she will have the right to pursue any other remedy(ies) provided by law.

Communication of Policy to Students. It will be the responsibility of the middle and high school principals to communicate to the students the existence of the sexual harassment policy and

the contents thereof. It will be the responsibility of the elementary principals to alert parents as to the existence and contents of the sexual harassment policy. LEGAL REFS.:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000 et seq. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, U.S.C. Section 1681 et seq. C.R.S. 24-34-401 et. seq.


JII, Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances ACA, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex (compliance with Title IX)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 22, 1985 (to go into effect July 1, 1985) Revised: July 1, 1999

File: GBAA-R

Sexual Harassment (Grievance Procedure) REGULATIONS: 1.

Employees who believe they have been subject to sexual harassment will report the incident to the Assistant Superintendent who will be referred to as the grievance officer. If the alleged harasser is the person designated as the grievance officer (Assistant Superintendent), the employee will report directly to the Superintendent who will appoint an alternate grievance officer to investigate the matter.


Upon receiving a report, the grievance officer will confer with the employee, who has allegedly been harassed as soon as is reasonably possible, but in no event more than 2 days from receiving the report, in order to obtain a clear understanding of the basis of the complaint and to discuss what action the employee is seeking.


At the initial meeting with the employee, the grievance officer will explain the avenues for action and provide a description of the complaint procedure. The grievance officer will also explain that whether or not the employee files a formal complaint or otherwise requests action, the District is required by law to take steps to correct the harassment and to prevent recurring harassment or retaliation against anyone who makes a harassment report or participates in an investigation. The grievance officer will also explain to the employee that any request for confidentiality will be honored so long as doing so does not preclude the District from responding effectively to the harassment and preventing future harassment.


Following the initial meeting with the employee, the grievance officer will attempt to meet with the alleged harasser in order to obtain a response to the reported harassment and will investigate the matter in accordance with policy GBAA. The grievance officer will complete the investigation within (14) fourteen calendar days of the initial meeting with the employee.


Within (7) seven calendar days of completing the investigation, the grievance officer will determine whether the matter should proceed formally or informally. On the basis of the grievance officer’s investigation and if the employee requests that the matter be resolved in an informal manner and the grievance officer agrees that the matter is suitable for such

resolution, the grievance officer may attempt to resolve the matter informally through conciliation. 6.

If informal conciliation is not possible, the grievance officer will announce any sanctions or other action deemed appropriate, including recommendations to the Board for disciplinary or other action.


Whether or not a formal grievance is filed, the District will take all steps necessary to end the harassment, to make the victim whole, to prevent harassment from recurring and to prevent retaliation against anyone who reports sexual harassment or participates in a harassment investigation.


Parties will be notified by the grievance officer of the final outcome of the investigation and all steps taken by the District.

Step 1 Formal Hearing Procedures: 1.

The complainant will be required to complete a written complaint form that will include the following (Form GBAA -E1): -

Complainant's name and address


Date(s) of the incident(s)


Written description of the incident(s)


Name(s) of the person(s) involved in incident(s)


What the employee did to discourage the incident(s)


Name of any witness(es) to the incident(s)


Satisfactory resolution to the complaint

One copy of this complaint form will be mailed or delivered to the grievance officer. 2.

A hearing will be conducted to allow the grievance officer to gather data regarding the alleged harassment from the complainant and the alleged offender. The grievance officer will promptly investigate and take appropriate action regarding the complaint, and will render a decision to the complainant and the alleged offender in writing within seven (7) calendar days of receipt of the complaint form. Step 2- Appeal


If either party involved in Step 1 does not consider the decision rendered in Step 1 to be satisfactory, (s)he may appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools. This appeal must be submitted in writing to the Superintendent within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the grievance officer’s decision. This appeal must include the following: -

the original complaint form


a copy of the decision from the grievance officer


a written statement as to the reason for the appeal

The Superintendent shall have a period of (14) fourteen calendar days to study the information submitted, investigate the circumstances, and respond in writing to the appeal. At the discretion of the Superintendent, this appeal process may or may not include a conference with those parties involved. The Superintendent should ensure that any violations or corrective actions that are taken are documented in writing.

Step 3- Board of Education 1.

If either party is not satisfied with the decision rendered in Step 2, (s)he may request a hearing with the Board of Education. This hearing will be in executive session and will not be open to the public.


The request for hearing must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Board of Education within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the Superintendent's response. The hearing will be scheduled within thirty (30) calendar days from the complainant's request. The Superintendent will notify the complainant and the alleged offender in writing of the time and date of the scheduled hearing.


The Board will review the alleged complaint and will render a decision within thirty (30) calendar days of the hearing. The Board should ensure that any violations or corrective actions that are taken are documented in writing.

Step 4 -- Outside Agency ! If either party is not satisfied with the decision of the Board of Education, (s)he will have the right to pursue any other remedy(ies) provided by law. LEGAL REFS.:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Section 2000e et seq. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, U.S.C. Section 1681 et seq. C.R.S. 24-34-401 et. seq.


JII, Student Concerns, Complaints, and Grievances ACA, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex (compliance with Title IX)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: GBB

Staff Involvement in Decision Making The Board of Education encourages employee participation in decision making for the school district in regard to the following: Staff Advisory Functions In the development of rules, regulations, and arrangements for the operation of the school system, the Superintendent shall include at the planning stage whenever feasible, those employees who will be affected by such provisions. Principals will establish a process for staff members to voice

questions, concerns, and comments regarding procedures/systems which are not included in the Licensed and/or Support Staff Personnel policy book. The Superintendent shall develop effective channels of communication for the sharing of the ideas and feelings of the certified and classified staffs in regard to the operation of the schools and the school system. The Superintendent shall weigh with care the counsel given by employees, especially that given by groups designed to represent large segments of the staff, and shall inform the Board of all such counsel in presenting reports of administrative action and recommendations for Board action. The staff shall be included on the Calendar Committee which shall meet as early as December and make its recommendation to the Board of Education by spring vacation. The Committee shall be composed of representatives of teachers, parents, community members and administrators. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: GBD (Also BHC)

Communications with Staff The Board desires to maintain open channels of communication between itself and the staff. The basic line of communication will, however, be through the Superintendent. Staff Communication to the Board All communications or reports to the Board or any Board committee from principals, supervisors, teachers, or other staff members shall be submitted through the Superintendent. This necessary procedure shall not be construed as denying the right of any employee to appeal to the Board from administrative decisions on important matters, provided that the Superintendent shall have been notified of the forthcoming appeal and that it is processed in accordance with the Board's policy on complaints and grievances. Staff members are also reminded that Board meetings are public meetings. As such, they provide an excellent opportunity to observe first hand the Board's deliberations on problems of staff concern. Board Communications to Staff All official communications, policies, and directives of staff interest and concern will be communicated to staff members through the Superintendent, and the Superintendent will employ such media as are appropriate to keep the staff informed of the Board's problems, concerns, and actions. Visits to Schools Individual Board members interested in visiting schools or classrooms will make arrangements for visitations through the principals of the various schools. Such visits shall be regarded as informal expressions of interest in school affairs and not as "inspections" or visits for supervisory or administrative purposes. Official visits by Board members will be carried on only under Board authorization and with the full knowledge of staff, including the Superintendent, principals, and other supervisors.

Social Interaction Staff and Board members share a keen interest in the schools and in education generally, and it is expected that when they meet at social affairs and other functions, they will informally discuss such matters as educational trends, issues, and innovations and general School District problems. However, staff members are reminded that individual Board members have no special authority excepting when they are convened at a legal meeting of the Board or vested with special authority by Board action. Therefore, discussions by either party of personalities or personnel grievances will be considered as evidence of unethical conduct. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: April 26, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: GBEA

Staff Ethics/Conflict of Interest Staff Ethics According to the Colorado Revised Statutes 24-17-105, the following ethical principles for school district employees "are intended as guides to conduct and do not constitute violations as such of the public trust of office or employment..." 1.

An employee "should not acquire or hold an interest in any business or undertaking which (s)he has reason to believe may be directly and substantially affected to its economic benefit by official action to be taken by an agency over which (s)he has substantive authority."

2. An employee "should not, within six months following the termination of his/her employment, obtain employment in which (s)he will take direct advantage, unavailable to others, of matters with which (s)he was directly involved during his/her term of employment. These matters include rules, other than rules of general application, which (s)he actively helped to formulate and applications, claims, or contested cases in the consideration of which (s)he was an active participant." 3. An employee "should not perform an official act directly and substantially affecting a business or other undertaking to its economic detriment when (s)he has a substantial financial interest in a competing firm or undertaking." Staff Conflicts of Interest No employee of the Eagle County School District shall engage in or have a financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any activity that conflicts or raises a reasonable question of conflict with his/her duties and responsibilities in the school district. Employees shall not engage in work of any type where information concerning customer, client, or employer originates from any information available to them through school sources. An employee shall not sell any books, instructional supplies, musical instruments, equipment, or other school supplies to any student or to the parents/guardian of a student who attends the school served by the employee unless prior approval has been obtained from the Superintendent.

There should be no conflict of interest in the supervision and/or evaluation of employees. In no situation should a supervisor/administrator be responsible for the supervision or evaluation of a family member without having first received written permission from the Superintendent to act in that capacity. The written permission of the Superintendent will be for a specific duration of time. LEGAL REF.:

Constitution of Colorado, Article X, Section 13 C.R.S. 18-8-308 C.R.S. 22-63-204 C.R.S. 24-34-402 (1)


GBCB, Staff Conduct

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2004

File: GBEB

Staff Conduct (And Responsibilities) All staff members have a responsibility to make themselves familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State as these laws affect their work, the policies of the Board, and the regulations designed to implement them. REGULATIONS: 1.

Adopted administrative policies and Board of Education Governance policies will be distributed by the office of the Superintendent to each building principal. Each principal will maintain an up-to-date copy of both sets of policies in his/her office and direct employees to the district website, ( where they are available for reference.


For employees who do not work in a specific school, these policies will also be available in the Superintendent's office or the office of Human Resource Services.


Rules of Conduct Each staff member shall observe rules of conduct established by statute which specifies that a school employee shall not: a.

Disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of his/her employment to substantially further his/her personal financial interests.


Accept a gift of substantial value or substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in his/her position or which (s)he knows or should know is primarily for the purpose of rewarding him/her for action taken in which (s)he exercised discretionary authority.


Engage in a substantial financial transaction for his/her private business purposes with a person whom (s)he supervises.


Perform any action in which (s)he has discretionary authority which directly and substantially confers an economic benefit on a business or other undertaking in which (s)he has a substantial financial interest or in which (s)he is engaged as a counsel, consultant, representative, or agent.

The phrase "economic benefit tantamount to a gift of substantial value" includes a loan at a rate of interest substantially lower than the prevailing commercial rate or compensation received for private services rendered at a rate substantially exceeding the fair market value. It is permissible for an employee to receive: a.

A nonpecuniary award publicly presented by a nonprofit organization in recognition of public service.


Payment or reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for travel and subsistence for attendance at a convention or other meeting at which (s)he is scheduled to participate.


Reimbursement for or acceptance of an opportunity to participate in a social function or meeting which is not extraordinary when viewed in light of his/her position.


Payment for speeches, debates, or other public events reported as honorariums.

All staff members shall be expected to carry out their assigned responsibilities with conscientious concern. It shall not be considered a breach of conduct for a staff member to: a.

Use school facilities and equipment to communicate with patrons, family members, or professional associates on an occasional basis.

Essential to the success of ongoing school operations and the instructional program are the following specific responsibilities which shall be required of all personnel: a.

Faithfulness and promptness in attendance at work.


Support and enforcement of all policies and regulations in regard to students.


Diligence in submitting required reports promptly at the times specified.


Care and protection of school property.


Concern and attention toward their own and the school system's legal responsibility for the safety and welfare of students including the need to ensure that students are supervised at all times.

A staff member may request an advisory opinion from the Secretary of State concerning issues relating to conduct that is proscribed by state law. Reasons for Dismissal

According to state statue, “a teacher may be dismissed for physical or mental disability, incompetence, neglect of duty, immorality, unsatisfactory performance, insubordination, the conviction of a felony or the acceptance of a guilty plea, a plea of nolo contendere, or a deferred sentence for a felony or other good and just cause”. In the above quote that has been taken directly from Colorado State Statue, insubordination is defined by the State and by the District as a willful failure or refusal to obey reasonable orders of a superior who is entitled to give such orders. Insubordination is grounds for dismissal for all licensed staff members and does not require a showing that a teacher specifically intended to violate the directions of superiors. Proof of insubordination merely requires intentional conduct, where there is evidence that a willful refusal to obey reasonable orders of a superior who is entitled to give such orders has occurred. Felony/Misdemeanor Convictions If the District has good cause to believe that any staff member has been convicted of any felony or misdemeanor (not including misdemeanor traffic offenses or infractions) the district shall make inquiries to the department of education for purposes of screening the employee. In addition, the district shall require the employee to submit a complete set of fingerprints taken by a qualified law enforcement agency. Fingerprints shall be submitted within 20 days of receipt of written notification. The fingerprints shall be forwarded to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history record check utilizing the records of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Disciplinary action, which could include dismissal from employment, may be taken against personnel if the results of fingerprint processing provide relevant information. Employees shall not be charged fees for processing fingerprinting under these circumstances. Unlawful Behavior Involving Children The Board may make an inquiry with the Department of Education or the Colorado Department of Investigation concerning whether any current employee of the District has been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to, or received a deferred sentence or deferred prosecution for a felony or misdemeanor crime involving unlawful sexual behavior or unlawful behavior involving children. Disciplinary action, including termination, may be taken if the inquiry disclosed information relevant to the employee’s fitness for employment. Child Abuse Pursuant to Section 19-3-308 (5.7), C.R.S., the Superintendent is authorized to conduct an internal investigation or to take any other necessary steps if (s)he receives information from a county department of social services or a law enforcement agency that a suspected child abuse perpetrator is a district employee. Such information shall remain confidential except that the Superintendent shall notify the Colorado Department of Education of the child abuse investigation.

If the Superintendent (or designee) determines that there is reasonable cause to believe that the life or health of the student victim or other students is in imminent danger because of continued contact between the district employee and a student, such employee shall be temporarily suspended with pay, or shall be reassigned to other duties which would remove the risk of harm to the student. Such employee shall be afforded and may exercise due process rights, including notice of the proposed suspension and an opportunity to be heard. Possession of Deadly Weapons The provisions of Policy KFA regarding public possession of deadly weapons on school property or in school buildings also shall apply to employees of the District. However, the restrictions shall not apply to employees who are required to carry or use deadly weapons in order to perform their necessary duties and functions. Personnel Addressing Health Care Treatment for Behavior Issues School personnel are prohibited under state law from recommending or requiring the use of psychotropic drugs for students. They are also prohibited from testing or requiring testing for a student’s behavior without giving notice to the parent/guardian describing the recommended testing and how any test results will be used and obtaining prior written permission from the student or from the student’s parent/guardian. School personnel are encouraged to discuss concerns about a student’s behavior with the parent/guardian and such discussions may include a suggestion that the parent/guardian speak with an appropriate health care professional regarding any behavior concerns school personnel may have. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 18-12-105.5 C.R.S. 18-12-214 (3)(b) (school security officers may carry concealed handgun pursuant to valid permit) C.R.S. 19-3-308 (5.7) C.R.S. 22-32-109(1)(ee) (duty to adopt policy prohibiting personnel from recommending certain drugs for students or ordering behavior tests without parent permission) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (8) (policy requiring inquiries upon good cause to department of education for purpose of screening employees is required part of safe schools plan) C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 C.R.S. 22-32-109.8 (6) C.R.S. 22-32-109.8 (10) C.R.S. 22-32-109.9 C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(k) C.R.S. 24-18-104 C.R.S. 24-18-109


JLC, Student Health Services and Records JLDAC, Screening/Testing of Students JLF, Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection KFA, Public Conduct on School Property

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2001


Staff Dress Code Teachers and other staff members project an image to the community and to students about the professionalism of the district. During the workday and at all work-related activities, employees shall adhere to a professional standard of dress and shall be neat and clean in appearance. Examples of professional attire include, but are not limited to, collared shirts, dress slacks, ties, dresses and coordinated separates. The principal has the final authority to decide what is professional attire. Unacceptable items The following items are deemed disruptive to the classroom environment or to the maintenance of a safe and orderly school and are not acceptable in school buildings, on school grounds, or at school activities: • Shorts, dresses, skirts or other similar clothing shorter than mid-thigh length • Sunglasses and/or hats worn inside the building • Inappropriately sheer, tight or low-cut clothing (e.g., midriffs, halter tops, backless clothing, tube tops, garments made of fishnet, mesh or similar material, muscle tops, etc.) that bare or expose traditionally private parts of the body including, but not limited to, the stomach, buttocks, back and breasts • Tank tops or other similar clothing with straps narrower than 1.5 inches in width • Any clothing, paraphernalia, grooming, jewelry, hair coloring, accessories, or body adornments that are or contain any advertisement, symbols, words, slogans, patches, or pictures that: • Refer to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, or weapons • Are of a sexual nature • By virtue of color, arrangement, trademark, or other attribute denote membership in gangs which advocate drug use, violence, or disruptive behavior • Are obscene, profane, vulgar, lewd, or legally libelous • Threaten the safety or welfare of any person • Promote any activity prohibited by the student code of conduct • Otherwise disrupt the teaching-learning process Exceptions

Appropriate athletic clothing may be worn when teaching or assisting with physical education classes, or when coaching athletic activities. Building principals in conjunction with the school accountability committee may develop and adopt school-specific dress codes that are consistent with this policy. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(cc) (districts required to have staff dress code)


GBEB, Staff Conduct (and Responsibilities) JICA, Student Dress Code

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 9, 1997


Staff Conduct with Students The Board accepts the principle that the relationship between the faculty, staff member and the student should be one of cooperation, understanding, and mutual respect. As the director of learning experiences within the classroom, the teacher is expected to exercise good interpersonal relationships with the students, to accept each as an individual, and to extend a feeling of friendship to all. Taking a sincere professional interest in an individual student is commendable, provided partiality and the appearance of partiality is avoided. The teacher who inspires, guides, and helps can have lasting influence on a student throughout his/her life. But such teacher-student friendships must be on a teacher-student basis. Teachers and students should interact with each other on a warm, open, and positive fashion. However, there must be maintained a certain distance in order to preserve the businesslike atmosphere that is necessary to achieve the educational mission of the school. Excessive informal and social involvement with individual students and “pal-like� relationships give rise to charges of excessive personal involvement and unethical conduct. Such friendships are not compatible with professional ethics. CROSS REF.: GBEB - Staff Conduct (And Responsibilities)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)


Gifts to and Solicitations by Staff The Board of Education recognizes at times there is value in students earning money through community projects. However, the tax structure for the State of Colorado and for Eagle County has allowed for the purchase of educational necessities. It is, therefore, the position of the Board of Education that teachers shall not solicit school patrons for the purchase of books or other school

materials. This policy is not meant to preclude fund raising activities for the purpose of promoting student educational activities (e.g. field trips, student recreational activities, etc.). REGULATIONS: 1.

Any solicitation of the public in any manner by a staff member or school organization must have the approval of the building principal.


An accurate financial accounting of all fund raising activities should be made available to the building principal during the fund raising activity and/or at the completion of the activity.


C.R.S. 24-18-104


DJG, Vendor Relations GBEB, Staff Conduct JP, Student Donations and Gifts KHA/KHB, Public Solicitations/Advertising in Schools

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 8, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GBEC

Drug-Free Workplace (Drug and Alcohol Use by Staff Members) The Eagle County School District Re50J is committed to assisting staff members make appropriate decisions regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. The District supports a policy that prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of alcohol or a controlled substance in the work setting. REGULATIONS: 1.

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcohol or a controlled substance is prohibited in the Eagle County School District. This policy shall apply to all District employees. For purposes of this policy, controlled substances include but are not limited to narcotic drugs, hallucinogenic or mind-altering drugs or substances, amphetamines, barbiturates, stimulants, depressants, marijuana, anabolic steroids, any other controlled substances as defined in law, or any prescription or nonprescription drug, medicine, vitamin or other chemical substances not taken in accordance with the Board policy and regulations. A controlled substance shall not include a medication that has been prescribed by a licensed Colorado prescriber and that is taken in accordance with that prescriber's directions concerning duration, dosage, etc.


Observance of this policy is a condition of employment. A violation shall subject the employee to appropriate disciplinary action which may include: (a) participation in an approved drug or alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program in appropriate circumstances in accordance with the Board of Education's Employee Assistance policy (Policy GBGC), or (b) suspension with pay and/or dismissal procedures as established by law.



An employee's supervisor will take prompt and appropriate action to investigate and will recommend to the Superintendent corrective and/or disciplinary action against an employee immediately after his/her arrest for possession or for being under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance if such use or possession is: a.

On school grounds, whether or not school is in session.


At any school-sponsored or sanctioned activity or event off school property.


Enroute to work or school-sponsored or sanctioned activity on or off school property.

The Superintendent may reinstate a suspended employee. The matter shall be reported in full to the Board of Education. If the investigation causes the Superintendent to continue the suspension in excess of 10 work days, the employee may request a hearing by the Superintendent (or his/her designee) to be conducted in a manner to ensure that the employee suspended receives a fair, impartial hearing.



The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall establish an awareness program to inform employees about: a.

The dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.


The Board's commitment to maintaining a drug-free workplace.


Available drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs.


Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug and alcohol abuse violations occurring in the workplace.


A copy of Policy GBEC will be provided for each new employee.


Each employee will acknowledge receipt of Policy GBEC by completing the acknowledgment form (GBEC-E1).

Pursuant to law, any employee who is convicted or pleads nolo contendere (no contest) under any criminal drug statute for a violation occurring in the workplace shall notify the Superintendent no later than 5 calendar days after the conviction. The District has an obligation under federal law to notify the appropriate federal agency within 10 calendar days after receiving notice of such conviction if there is a relationship between federal funds received by the District and the convicted employee's work site.


20 U.S.C. Section 7117 (Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1994) 21 U.S.C. 812 (definition of controlled substance)

41 U.S.C. Subsection 701 and 702 CROSS REF.:

EEAEAA*, Drug and Alcohol Testing For Bus Drivers GCQF, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members GDQD, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Classified Staff Members JICH, Drug and Alcohol Use by Students KFA, Public Conduct on School Property

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 8, 1990

File: GBEC-E1

Employee Acknowledgment Form Drug-Free Workplace Policy Statement I, THE UNDERSIGNED EMPLOYEE OF THE Eagle County School District Re50J, have received a copy of the Drug-Free Workplace policy (Policy GBEC).

______________________________________ Employee Name (typed or printed) ______________________________________ Employee Signature _______________________________________ Date Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: February 25, 1998

File: GBED

Staff Smoking/No Smoking Staff members shall not be allowed to use tobacco in District buildings (exclusive of District-owned housing), on District grounds (exclusive of District-owned housing), or in school-owned vehicles at any time. (C.R.S. 25-14-103.5) LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 25-14-102 (3) C.R.S. 25-14-103 (1) (f), (3) 6 CCR 1010-6, Rule 5-306


ADC, Tobacco-Free Schools

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2002

File: GBEE* Page 199 of 610

Staff Use of the Internet and Electronic Communications The Internet, a global computer network referred to as the World Wide Web, and electronic communications (e-mail, chat rooms and other forms of electronic communication) have vast potential to support curriculum and learning. The District believes they should be used in schools as a learning resource to educate and to inform. The District supports the use of the Internet and electronic communications by staff to improve teaching and learning through interpersonal communication, access to information, research, training and collaboration and dissemination of successful educational practices, methods and materials. The District believes the educational opportunities inherent in these tools far outweigh the possibility that users may procure material not consistent with the education goals of the district. However, the Internet and electronic communications are fluid environments in which users may access materials and information from many sources. Staff members shall take responsibility for their own use of district computers and computer systems to avoid contact with material or information that violates this policy. Blocking or filtering obscene, pornographic and harmful information To protect students from material and information that is obscene, child pornography or otherwise harmful to minors, as defined by the District, software that blocks or filters such material and information has been installed on all district computers having Internet or electronic communications access. Blocking or filtering software may be disabled by a supervising teacher or school administrator, as necessary, for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted by staff members over the age of 18. No expectation of privacy District computers and computer systems are owned by the district and are intended for educational purposes and district business at all times. Staff members shall have no expectation of privacy when using the Internet or electronic communications. The district reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store (at any time and without prior notice) all usage of district computers and computer systems, including all Internet and electronic communications access and transmission/receipt of materials and information. All material and information accessed/received through district computers and computer systems shall remain the property of the school district. Unauthorized and unacceptable uses Staff members shall use district computers and computer systems in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. Because technology and ways of using technology are constantly evolving, every unacceptable use of district computers and computers systems cannot be specifically described in policy. Therefore, examples of unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following. No staff member shall access, create, transmit, retransmit or forward material or information: •

that promotes violence or advocates destruction of property including, but not limited to, access to information concerning the manufacturing or purchasing of destructive devices or weapons

that is not related to district education objectives

that contains pornographic, obscene or other sexually oriented materials, either as pictures or writings, that are intended to stimulate erotic feelings or appeal to prurient interests in nudity, sex or excretion

that harasses, threatens, demeans, or promotes violence or hatred against another person or group of persons with regard to race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability or handicap

for personal profit, financial gain, advertising, commercial transaction or political purposes

that plagiarizes the work of another without express consent

that uses inappropriate or profane language likely to be offensive to others in the school community

that is knowingly false or could be construed as intending to purposely damage another person's reputation

in violation of any federal or state law, including but not limited to copyrighted material and material protected by trade secret

that contains personal information about themselves or others, including information protected by confidentiality laws

using another individual’s Internet or electronic communications account without written permission from that individual

that impersonates another or transmits through an anonymous remailer

that accesses fee services without specific permission from the system administrator

Security Security on district computer systems is a high priority. Staff members who identify a security problem while using the Internet or electronic communications must immediately notify a system administrator. Staff members should not demonstrate the problem to other users. Logging on to the Internet or electronic communications as a system administrator is prohibited. Staff members shall not: • use another person's password or any other identifier •

gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to district computers or computers systems

read, alter, delete or copy, or attempt to do so, electronic communications of other system users

Any staff member identified as a security risk, or as having a history of problems with other computer systems, may be denied access to the Internet and electronic communications. Confidentiality

Staff members shall not access, receive, transmit or retransmit material regarding students, parents/guardians or district employees that is protected by confidentiality laws. If material is not legally protected but is of a confidential or sensitive nature, great care shall be taken to ensure that only those with a “need to know� are allowed access to the material. Staff members shall handle all employee, student and district records in accordance with policies GBJ (Personnel Records and Files), JRA/JRC (Student Records/Release of Information on Students) and EGAEA (Public Electronic Mail Records). Vandalism Vandalism will result in cancellation of privileges and may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal action. Vandalism is defined as any malicious or intentional attempt to harm, destroy, modify, abuse or disrupt operation of any network within the school district or any network connected to the Internet, operation of any form of electronic communications, the data contained on any network or electronic communications, the data of another user, usage by another user, or district-owned software or hardware. This includes, but is not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses and the use of encryption software. Unauthorized software Staff members are prohibited from using or possessing any software that has been downloaded or is otherwise in the user's possession without appropriate registration and payment of any fees owed to the software owner. Staff member use is a privilege Use of the Internet and electronic communications demands personal responsibility and an understanding of the acceptable and unacceptable uses of such tools. Staff member use of the Internet and electronic communications is a privilege, not a right. Failure to follow the use procedures contained in this policy will result in the loss of the privilege to use these tools and may result in school disciplinary action and/or legal action. The school district may deny, revoke or suspend access to district technology or close accounts at any time. Staff members shall be required to sign the district's Acceptable Use Agreement annually before Internet or electronic communications accounts shall be issues or access shall be allowed. School district makes no warranties The school district makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, related to the use of district computers and computer systems, including access to the Internet and electronic communications services. Providing access to these services does not imply endorsement by the district of the content, nor does the district make any guarantee as to the accuracy or quality of information received. The School District shall not be responsible for any damages, losses or costs a staff member suffers in using the Internet and electronic communications. This includes loss of data and service interruptions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet and electronic communications is at the staff member's own risk. LEGAL REFS.:

47 U.S.C. 254(h) (Children's Internet Protection Act of 2000) 47 U.S.C. 231 (Child Online Protection Act of 1998) 20 U.S.C. 6801 et seq. (Elementary and Secondary Education Act)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004 Liability of School Personnel/Staff Protection

File: GBG

Protection from lawsuits In order to provide teachers, principals and other school professionals the tools they need to maintain order, discipline and an appropriate environment, state and federal law provide certain liability protections. The federal liability protections preempt state law to the extent state law is inconsistent, but do not preempt state law that is consistent and provides additional protection from liability. Applicability of state and federal liability protections to specific circumstances shall be made on a case-by-case basis. Exceptions stated in state and federal law may reduce or preclude liability protection. Immunity for enforcement of discipline code and other actions An act of a teacher or other employee shall not be considered child abuse if the act was performed in good faith and in compliance with Board policy and procedures. A teacher or any other person acting in good faith and in compliance with state and federal law and regulation, the discipline code adopted by the Board and other policies, regulations, rules and procedures of the district shall be immune from civil liability, unless the person acted willfully or wantonly, for: 1.

taking action regarding the supervision, grading, suspension, expulsion or discipline of a student

2. making a report consistent with federal law to the appropriate law enforcement authorities or officials of a school or school district if the employee had reasonable grounds to suspect that the student was: •

under the influence of or in possession of alcohol or a controlled substance not lawfully prescribed to the student

in possession of a firearm

involved in the illegal solicitation, sale or distribution of alcohol, a controlled substance not lawfully prescribed to the student or a firearm

It is an affirmative defense in any criminal action that a person is acting in good faith and in compliance with the discipline code. A teacher shall not be subject to any disciplinary proceeding including dismissal for actions that were in good faith and in compliance with the district’s discipline code, nor shall a contract nonrenewal be based on such lawful actions. Disciplinary information to school personnel In accordance with state law, the principal or designee is required to communicate disciplinary information concerning any student enrolled in the school to any teacher who has direct contact with the student in the classroom and to any counselor who has direct contact with the student. The purpose of this requirement is to keep school personnel apprised of situations that could pose a risk to the safety and welfare of others. For purposes of this policy, “disciplinary information” means confidential records maintained by or in possession of the principal or designee on an individual student which indicate the student has committed an overt and willful act which constitutes a violation of the district’s code of student conduct and/or there is reasonable cause to believe, through information provided to the principal

from another credible source, that the student could pose a threat to the health and safety of other students and school personnel based on prior misbehavior. “Disciplinary information” is intended to include only that information of a serious nature that is not otherwise available to teachers and counselors as part of the education records maintained on students or other reports of disciplinary actions. It is appropriate for instructional staff members to request disciplinary information from the principal or designee on students in their classrooms if there is concern that the student poses a threat to the safety of other students or school officials. Any teacher or counselor to whom disciplinary information is reported shall maintain the confidentiality of the information and shall not communicate it to any other person. The principal or designee is required to inform the student and the student’s parent/guardian when disciplinary information is communicated and to provide a copy of the disciplinary information. The student and/or the student’s parent/ guardian may challenge the accuracy of disciplinary information through the administrative regulations that accompany this policy. False reports against employees State law provides criminal penalties for certain persons, including students at least ten years of age, who intentionally make false accusations of criminal activity against school district employees. LEGAL REFS:

C.R.S. 22-12-101 et seq. (Teacher and School Administrator Protection Act) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (9) (immunity provisions in safe schools law) C.R.S. 22-32-126 (5) (disciplinary information to staff) C.R.S. 24-10-102 et seq. (governmental immunity) 20 U.S.C. 2361 through 2368 (Coverdell Teacher Protection Act contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 limits the liability of school personnel)


GCQF, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff JK, Student Discipline and subcodes

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: July 12, 1995

File: GBGA

Staff Health (And Physical and Mental Health Examination Requirements) Through its overall safety program and various policies pertaining to school personnel, the Board shall seek to ensure the safety of employees during working hours. REGULATIONS: 1.

All bus drivers--whether full-time, regular part-time, or temporary part-time--shall be required to have a physical examination prior to employment and every 2 years thereafter at the cost of the Eagle County School District.

If a bus driver should resign within ninety (90) calendar days of his/her first day of employment, the amount paid for his/her physical will be deducted from his/her final paycheck. 2.

The Board of Education may request additional physical examinations and/or mental health examinations of any employee at any time to determine if a person is fit to continue on the job. The person conducting such an examination shall be selected by the School District. The costs of such examination shall be paid by the District.


All District employees should be knowledgeable in the clean-up routine and standard procedure used after a student or employee has an accident or injury. Blood or other body fluids emanating from any student/employee, including ones known to have AIDS/ARC, should be treated cautiously. Gloves should be worn when cleaning up blood spills. These "spills" should be disinfected with either bleach or another disinfectant, and persons coming in contact with them should wash their hands afterwards. Blood-soaked items should be placed in leakproof bags for washing or further disposition. Similar procedures are recommended for dealing with vomitus and fecal or urinary incontinence in any student/employee. Handwashing after contact with a student/employee is routinely recommended if physical contact has been made with the student's employee's blood or body fluids, including saliva.


29 U.S.C. Subsection 794 (1983) (Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) C.R.S. 8-2-118 C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(k) C.R.S. 22-63-301 C.R.S. 24-34-401 et seq. C.R.S. 25-4-101 et seq. 1 CCR 301-26, Rules 4204-R-210


ACE, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap/Disability (Compliance with Section 504) EBBA, Prevention of Disease/Infection Transmission GBA, Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action GBJ, Personnel Records and Files GCCAA/GCCBA, Instructional/Administrative Staff Sick Leave GCQF, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Professional Staff Members GDCA, Classified Staff Sick Leave GDQD, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Classified Staff Members

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2001

File: GBGAA*

Staff Training in Crisis Prevention and Management In order to support the district’s efforts to prevent and manage crisis, the Board directs the superintendent to provide a comprehensive staff training program that at a minimum trains staff to: 1.

Recognize and effectively address student behavior and other indicators that signal possible violence or other impending crisis.


Know when to report student behavior and other indicators to parents, other persons within the school community and law enforcement.


Function with awareness of applicable district policies and guidelines about student discipline and student civil rights.


Involve the help of psychological and other experts when needed to address student behavior.


Practice physical security methods for self and others.


Teach and model nonviolent conflict resolution techniques.


Share safety information with parents in order to spread the responsibility for safety and engage parents as partners in crisis prevention.


Foster moral reasoning and self-control in students’ behavior.


Teach and model tolerance of others.


Help design and implement crisis prevention and management plans.


Effectively manage various types of crisis.


Involve psychological specialists as appropriate to manage debriefing and grieving of staff and students after traumatic loss.


C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(k) (professional inservice training)


JIH, Student Interrogations, Searches and Arrests JIHB, Parking Lot Searches JIHC, Use of Metal Detectors JLIA, Security and Supervision of Students KDE, Crisis Prevention and Management KLG, Relations with Law Enforcement Authorities

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 30, 1988 (to go into effect on July 1, 1988)

File: GBGA-R

AIDS Policy (Staff) Medical research indicates that AIDS and milder immune deficient syndromes associated with the AIDS virus infection (e.g. ARC) are transmitted through intimate sexual contact or blood contact, and that employees with either AIDS or ARC should not pose a health risk to students or other employees. Based on this research, the Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J supports a policy that provides support to staff members who have contracted AIDS/ARC. In some cases, this may mean that the Board of Education will have to waive specific policies that may be in conflict with an agreement that is made between the Board and the infected staff member. Current medical evidence regarding AIDS or ARC shall be the basis for decisions made regarding employees who contract AIDS/ARC. Should current information change, this policy will be updated to correspond to medical or legal support for such changes.


Upon learning that an employee has or may have AIDS/ARC, the supervisor will notify the Superintendent. If, in the judgment of the Superintendent, there is reasonable cause to believe that a staff member has AIDS/ARC, the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and/or the employee's supervisor may conduct a confidential meeting with the staff member to discuss the situation and to discuss alternative courses of action if it is confirmed that the employee does have AIDS/ARC.


A staff member who has contracted AIDS/ARC will be allowed to remain in his/her present position as long as the risk of transmission is non-existent and the performance of the staff member is acceptable.


The District should respect the right to privacy of the individual. Therefore, knowledge that an employee has AIDS/ARC should be confined to those persons with a direct need to know (e.g. Superintendent, supervisor, and employees with whom this person is in regular contact). Those persons with a direct need to know should be provided with appropriate information concerning such precautions as may be necessary and should be aware of confidentiality requirements.


When a staff member with AIDS/ARC is identified, a conference between the employee, the employee's supervisor, the School District medical advisor, and the Superintendent (or his/her designee) will be conducted in an expedient manner to determine (a) the risk of transmission, and (b) the appropriate course of action. Circumstances may suggest that the Superintendent and/or his/her designee will include other persons in this decision making process.


If it is determined that an employee with AIDS/ARC cannot continue to work in his/her present positions because of physical limitations, strong consideration will be given to a position change within the District.


Because of the nature and severity of AIDS/ARC, the District may choose to provide psychological and/or employment counseling beyond that provided in the Employee Assistance program.


All District employees should be knowledgeable in the clean-up routine and standard procedures used after a student or employee has an accident or injury. Blood or other body fluids emanating from any student/employee, including ones known to have AIDS/ARC, should be treated cautiously. Gloves should be worn when cleaning up blood spills. These "spills" should be disinfected with either bleach or another disinfectant, and persons coming in contact with them should wash their hands afterwards. Blood-soaked items should be placed in leakproof bags for washing or further disposition. Similar procedures are recommended for dealing with vomitus and fecal or urinary incontinence in any student/employee. Handwashing after contact with a student/employee is routinely recommended if physical contact has been made with the student's/employee's blood or body fluids, including saliva.


Nothing in this policy shall be construed to negate or supersede District policies regarding evaluation, District policies regarding suspension/dismissal, or other policies that may relate

to an employee with AIDS/ARC. However, if requested by an employee, the Board of Education may agree to waive all or a portion of one or more of these policies. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 24, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: GBGB

Staff Personal Security and Safety The Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J believes that it is very important to protect all employees from physical and/or psychological abuse or frivolous or false allegations of wrong doing or inappropriate activities. REGULATIONS: 1.

The School District shall protect its employees through a comprehensive liability insurance program, and the School District shall defend any District employee from claims for damages caused or alleged to have been caused in whole or in part by that employee while performing assigned duties as an employee of the District under the provisions of the District's liability policy, whether or not that person is employed by the District at the time the claim is made, provided that the District shall not be obligated to assume any costs or judgments entered against the employee when such damages are proved to be due to the employee's willful negligence, violation of law, or criminal act as determined by a court of law. This Administrative policy is not intended to supersede other policies regarding staff selection and/or dismissal.


The following procedures shall be followed in instances of assault upon, disorderly conduct toward, harassment of, the making knowingly of a false allegation of child abuse against, or any alleged offense under the “Colorado Criminal Code” by a student or other employee directed toward a teacher or school employee. These same procedures shall be followed in instances of damage by a student or another employee to the personal property of a teacher or school employee occurring on School District premises. These also apply to the employee’s reputation and ability to carry out one’s responsibilities effectively. a.

The teacher or employee shall file a written complaint with the building principal/supervisor and the Superintendent.


The principal/supervisor or Superintendent, after receipt both of the complaint and adequate proof of the charges, shall suspend the student for three days in accordance with established procedures or shall investigate the allegation against the employee and take appropriate disciplinary action.


The Superintendent shall initiate procedures for the further suspension or expulsion of the student when injury, property damage, or defamation of character has occurred and follow up accordingly any similar alleged criminal activity by another employee.


The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall report the incident to the district attorney or the appropriate local law enforcement agency or officer who shall then

investigate the student’s actions to determine the appropriateness of filing criminal charges or initiating delinquency proceedings. e.

Principals/supervisors and staff members are to be made aware of this policy, and a written copy of this policy shall be distributed to each student and posted in each school building.

Immunity for enforcement of discipline code An act of a teacher or other employee shall not be considered child abuse if the act was performed in good faith and in compliance with Board policy and procedures. A teacher or any other person acting in good faith and in compliance with the discipline code adopted by the Board shall be immune from civil liability unless the person is acting willfully or wantonly. It is an affirmative defense in any criminal action that a person is acting in good faith and in compliance with the discipline code. A teacher shall not be subject to any disciplinary proceeding including dismissal for actions that were taken in good faith and in compliance with the District’s discipline code, nor shall a contract nonrenewal be based on such lawful actions. Communication of disciplinary information In accordance with state law, the principal or designee is required to communicate disciplinary information concerning any student enrolled in the school to any teacher who has direct contact with the student in the classroom and to any counselor who has direct contact with the student. The purpose of this requirement is to keep school personnel apprised of situations that could pose a risk to the safety and welfare of others. For purposes of this policy, “disciplinary information” means confidential records maintained by or in possession of the principal or designee on an individual student which indicate the student has committed an overt and willful act which constitutes a violation of the District’s code of student conduct and/or there is reasonable cause to believe, through information provided to the principal from another credible source, that the student could pose a threat to the health and safety of other students and school personnel based on prior misbehavior. “Disciplinary information” is intended to include only that information of a serious nature that is not otherwise available to teachers and counselors as part of the education records maintained on students or other reports of disciplinary actions. It is appropriate for instructional staff members to request disciplinary information from the principal or designee on students in their classrooms if there is concern that the student poses a threat to the safety of other students or school officials. Any teacher or counselor to whom disciplinary information is reported shall maintain the confidentiality of the information and shall not communicate it to any other person. The principal or designee is required to inform the student and the student’s parent/guardian when disciplinary information is communicated and to provide a copy of the disciplinary information. The student and/or the student’s parent/ guardian may challenge the accuracy of disciplinary information through the administrative regulations that accompany this policy. Any teacher or counselor who is provided this information shall maintain its confidentiality and shall not communicate it to any other person.


C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (3) (policy required as part of safe schools plan) C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (9) (immunity provisions in safe schools law) C.R.S. 22-32-126 (5)(a) (communication of disciplinary information)


ECAC, Vandalism JK, Student Discipline JKD/JKE, Suspension/Expulsion of Students

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 10, 1985 Revised: February 25, 1998

File: GBGC Page 209 of 610

Employee Assistance/Wellness Programs The Eagle County School District recognizes that a wide range of problems not directly associated with one's job function can have a negative impact on an employee's job performance. The School District also recognizes that most human problems can be successfully resolved provided they are identified in the early stages and referral is made to an appropriate caregiver whether the problem is one of physical illness, mental or emotional illness, finances, marital or family distress, alcoholism, drug abuse, legal problems, or other concerns. In most cases, employees can overcome such personal problems independently and the effect on job performance is negligible. However, in some cases, assistance for an employee can serve either as motivation or guidance by which such problems can be resolved so the employee's job performance will return to a satisfactory level. Any employee who has a problem which (s)he thinks may affect work performance is encouraged to voluntarily seek counseling. The Eagle County School District believes it is in the best interest of an employee and the employee's family that the School District provides an employee service which deals with persistent problems. The purpose of the Eagle County School District Employee Assistance program is to assure employees that if such personal problems are the cause of unsatisfactory job performance and if assistance is requested, they will receive careful consideration and an offer of assistance to help resolve such problems in an effective and confidential manner. Because employee work performance can be affected by the problems of an employee's spouse or other dependents, the program shall be available to the families of School District employees as well. This policy is intended to encourage employees to use the Employee Assistance program before the problem is apparent to others. This policy and its accompanying regulations shall in no way be construed as making the District liable for any actions that are not required by state or federal law. REGULATIONS: Definitions Supervisor - an employee who evaluates the work performance of other employees

Diagnostician - agency assuming responsibility for determination of problem as distinguished from a specific person.

Caregiver - agency who administers treatment, counseling, etc.


The following is an explanation of the steps to be followed regarding the Employee Assistance program. Following the diagram is an explanation of each step:



By Staff Member

By Supervisor



Employee informed of action to be taken if work performance remains unsatisfactory Diagnostician identified by District at District expense (maximum of 2 visits per family per fiscal year) Employee informed of action to be taken if work performance remains unsatisfactory TREATMENT








Problem Identification: A problem can be identified in one of two ways. An employee can voluntarily admit the problem and seek assistance, or a supervisor can confront the employee regarding a problem and request that the employee seek assistance. Employees referred through the program by their supervisor may be requested by the School District to secure professional services necessary to resolve their problem(s). The employee will be informed that if the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved, the matter will proceed under the employment policies of the School District.


Identification of Diagnostician: The Eagle County School District will identify a professional or professionals to diagnose an employee's problem. This diagnostician will be responsible for determining the individual's problem. The cost of a maximum of two sessions per family in a given fiscal year with this diagnostician will be paid by the Eagle County School District. If an employee chooses to utilize a diagnostician other than the one identified by the Eagle County School District, the employee shall be responsible for the cost of the session(s).


Treatment: The employee will be responsible for any expenses incurred beyond the two initial sessions paid for by the Eagle County School District. The employee will again be informed that if the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved, disposition of the matter will proceed under the employment practices of the School District.


Employees will be assured by the School District that their job and reputation will not be jeopardized by utilizing this program.


In instances where it is necessary, sick leave shall be granted for treatment or rehabilitation on the same basis as is granted for ordinary health problems (refer to Policy GCCAA/GCCBA - Instructional/Administrative Staff Sick Leave and Policy GDCA - Classified Staff Sick Leave). In most cases, if an employee requests a leave of absence without pay for the purpose of receiving a treatment or therapy, up to a year may be granted at the discretion of the Board of Education. In accordance with Policies GCCAA/GCCBA and GDCA (Sick Leave), an employee may receive compensation for the duration of the treatment and/or rehabilitation.


The School District will not require any employee to take part in counseling nor will the School District terminate an employee for not having counseling when the problem is not affecting the job performance of the employee. However, an employee may request help or assistance for a problem even though the problem may not be affecting his/her work.


Record of contact, referral, or treatment with any caregiver, will not be recorded or included in any form on employee permanent personnel records or files or used in disciplinary actions. All contacts, referrals, and/or treatments will be recorded only by the diagnostician and will not be made available to the Eagle County School District.


Employees will be informed of the service provider(s) on an annual basis. Any employee wishing to take advantage of this policy may then contact one of the designated service provider(s) for a maximum of two visits per family per fiscal year. The service provider will bill the District for these initial visits, will be informed to bill the District for the number of visits made to him/her, and will be informed to not identify the names of those employees that utilized the services.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 21, 1982 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: GBGD

Workers' Compensation The Board is committed to compliance with the Workers' Compensation Act. The District makes payments to a carrier licensed by the state in accordance with a formula based upon the salary of each employee and the nature of his/her job. In general terms, Workers' Compensation provides payments for medical expenses, rehabilitation, and for a partial salary while an employee is disabled. Employees in need of a detailed explanation of the law and application procedures should contact the Business Services Office. Coverage begins with the first day of work for an employee. REGULATIONS: 1.

Accident reports must be filed with the carrier within ten (10) days, and notice should be given immediately in the event of fatality.

Due to the fact that the District has its own insurance carrier for work-related injuries/illnesses, employees should file a report and submit all related bills directly to the Payroll Office. Employee's Responsibility What should the employee do when injured on the job? a.

Notify the supervisor/manager IMMEDIATELY.


Employees must complete the Employees On-the-Job Injury/Illness Incident Report within four (4) working days of the injury/illness.


If the employee is physically or mentally unable to complete the form, the employee's supervisor/manager (or any such person) shall submit a written notice to the employer.


The employee may lose up to one day's compensation for each day (s)he fails to report the illness or injury.


Employees are still required to complete the notice, even if late. This is to be noted on the form.


Employees have two (2) years from the date of injury (or up to three (3) years with reasonable cause) to file with the Division of Labor.


Employees must go to a designated medical provider listed below: Colorado Mountain Medical, P.C. 181 West Meadow Drive, #200 Vail, CO


Colorado Mountain Medical 320 Beard Creek Road Edwards, CO


Colorado Mountain Medical 71 Beaver Creek Place Avon, CO


Doctors on Call 142 Beaver Creek Place, Suite 112 P.O. Box 2819 Avon, CO 81620


949-0376 Fax

Glenwood Medical Associates 1905 Blake Street P.O. Box 908 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601


945-0253 Fax

Medical Center of Eagle 232 Broadway Eagle, CO 81631


328-6590 Fax


If an employee feels the treatment is not necessary or appropriate, the employee may request permission to change physicians by writing a letter to the insurance carrier with a copy to the Division of Labor and Employers Unity, Inc. The adjuster must give the employee a decision within twenty (20) days. If not, the employee can go to the physician/chiropractor requested. EMPLOYEES ARE ASKED TO NOT CHANGE PHYSICIANS UNLESS REQUESTING PERMISSION IN WRITING TO AVOID PAYING FOR MEDICAL BILLS THAT ARE UNAUTHORIZED.


Employees are requested to provide managers with the Return to Work Release and any job restrictions that may apply. Leaves of absences are to be kept current, and the employee is to comply with the personnel/labor contract guidelines.


Employees are asked to cooperate with the medical treatments, physical therapy.


If the employee fails to appear at an appointment with the authorized attending physician, the insurer or employer shall notify the employee by certified mail that temporary total benefits may be suspended.


Benefits are reduced by 50% if: a. The injury was the result of the employee's failure to use safety devices provided by the employer. b. The injury was the result of the employee's failure to obey reasonable rules adopted by the employer for the safety of the employee. c. The injury was the result of the employee being intoxicated.


Workers' Compensation provides for payment to the employee for loss of salary after the third day. However, if this employee is not working due to a work-related illness or injury for more than 14 days, Workers' Compensation will pay for the loss of salary for those first three days. An employee who is not able to work for less than 14 calendar days will be entitled to use accrued sick leave for the first three days that (s)he does not receive Workers' Compensation benefits. If the employee's illness/injury causes him/her to not work beyond fourteen days, (s)he will be required to reimburse the District for any sick leave used as a result of the threeday waiting period. This may be done as follows: a.

The employee will reimburse the District for his/her daily rate for the three days of sick leave used. If this is done, the employee will have those sick leave days used added back into his/her sick leave records.


The employee will reimburse the District for the amount received from Workers' Compensation for the three days which the employee received sick leave. However, in this case, the sick leave days will not be added back into the employee's sick leave record.

With the exception of the three-day waiting period as explained above, the District will not charge any earned vacation leave, accrued sick leave, or other similar benefits to the employee. The sole compensation to the employee during such period of disability shall be the District's Workers' compensation leave payment provided for by this insurance policy.


Benefits are paid at two-thirds of the employee's weekly wage up to a maximum amount which is reviewed annually. Benefits are non-taxable.


If an employee is not working because of a work-related illness/injury for more than fifteen (15) calendar days during his/her work month, (s)he will be required to pay the District's share and the employee's share (if applicable) for his/her health insurance if (s)he wishes the insurance coverage to continue. In the case of certified staff, this regulation would only apply to the time that falls during the employee's work year.


The Payroll Office is directed to notify the Division of Labor of any employee benefiting from this policy in order that the District may be properly reimbursed by the Workers' Compensation Act.


C.R.S. 8-42-124

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 1, 2004

File: GBGL*

Staff Victim Leave Any staff member who has been employed with the district for at least 12 months and is the victim of certain crimes/actions (listed below) may request and shall be granted up to three working days of leave during any 12-month period, “with pay” or “without pay” (depending on the accumulated leave available to the employee) for any of the following purposes: 1.

to seek a civil restraining order to prevent domestic abuse as it is defined in state law

2. to obtain medical care or mental health counseling or both for the employee or his or her children to address related physical or psychological injuries 3. to make his or her home secure from the perpetrator or to seek new housing to escape from the perpetrator 4. to seek legal assistance to address related issues and attend and prepare for court-related proceedings Except in cases of imminent danger to the health or safety of the employee, an employee seeking victim leave shall provide as much advance notice to the district as possible, as well as appropriate documentation requested by the employee’s supervisor . The employee must exhaust all other applicable leave prior to being granted this type of leave All information related to the employee’s leave shall be kept confidential and copies of any related documents retained by the district shall be marked confidential and stored in a secure location separate from routine personnel documents. This leave applies to the following crimes/actions as defined in state law: 1.

domestic abuse

2. stalking 3. sexual assault 4. any other crime where a court finds that the underlying factual basis includes an act of domestic violence LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 24-34-402.7 (unlawful action against employees seeking protection)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: April 26, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)

File: GBH

Staff Participation in Community Activities Members of the Eagle County School District staff shall be encouraged to take an active part in the affairs of the Eagle County School District. The school and the community should not be considered separate and apart, but as working as a unified whole in the educative progress. Through dynamic leadership, many avenues may be opened for building community support. The Superintendent is urged to identify (him)herself personally with the many facets of community life, providing opportunities for all citizens--including nonparents--to experience relationships with the schools. The principal, as the leader of his/her school, is encouraged to be an active and leading member of the school community. The teacher, or the degree to which the teacher is known and accepted as a citizen of the community, has a direct relationship with the degree of understanding and goodwill flowing from the community to the schools. The classified staff provides an integral communication link between the School District and the community. Classified employees are encouraged to take an active and leading role as members of the community. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 12, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2007

File: GBJ

Personnel Records and Files The Superintendent is authorized and directed to develop and implement a comprehensive and efficient system of personnel records under the following guidelines. 1.

A personnel folder for each employee, licensed or classified, shall be accurately maintained in the Office of Human Resource Services. Personnel records shall include home addresses and telephone numbers, financial information, and other information maintained because of the employer-employee relationship. The personnel file/folder maintained in the Office of Human Resource Services is the only “official� personnel file/folder for an employee.


In addition to the application for employment and references, such folders shall contain records and information relative to compensation, payroll deductions, evaluations, and such other information as may be considered pertinent.


The following information in personnel records and files shall be available for public inspection: a.

Applications of past or current employees


Employment agreements


Any amount paid or benefit provided incident to termination of employment


Any compensation including expense allowances and benefits


In order to assist the District in making an accurate determination of the information which is requested, and to assist the District in keeping records of requests, all requests shall be made in writing with the district form, GBJ-E, attached, and submitted to the Office of Human Resource Services. Anyone requesting a release of information should be sent a copy of the request form (GBJ-E) and a copy of this regulation.


A person who has the right to inspect a public record also has the right to request that he/she be furnished a copy of the record. The fee for copying public records will be $1.25 per page unless actual costs exceed that amount.


If the release of records pertains to specific employees, the District will notify these current or former employees of the district that a specific person or entity has requested information from their personnel records and files. This notification will contain the name, address and phone number of the person or entity making the request. Form GBJ-E solicits a basis for the request.


Under reasonable circumstances, no more than 3 business days, shall be allowed for compiling, copying, handling, and mailing of the requested materials by district personnel, unless extenuating circumstances exist.


The following shall have the right to place an item into an employee's personnel file or to have access to an employee's personnel file: the employee, the employee's supervisors, the supervisor's supervisor(s), Assistant Superintendent, Superintendent and/or members of the Board of Education, and Human Resource Services Office staff.


Each employee shall have the right, upon request, to review the contents of his/her own personnel file, with the exception of the Gallup Organization’s Teacher Perceiver Interview scores and references and recommendations provided to the District on a confidential basis by universities, colleges, or persons not connected with the District.


No material which is derogatory to an employee's conduct, service, character, or personality shall be placed in his/her personnel file unless the employee has had an opportunity to review the materials. This does not apply to confidential evaluations and credentials secured in the process of employment nor does it apply to the Gallup Interview. The employee shall acknowledge that (s)he has had the opportunity to review such material by affixing his/her

signature to the copy to be filed. Signing of the form by the employee shall not imply agreement with the contents of the document, but merely indicates that the concerns of the document were discussed. The employee shall also have the right to submit a written answer to such material, and his/her answer shall be reviewed by the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and attached to the file copy. 11.

Upon the recommendation of an employee's supervisor AND approval of the Superintendent of Schools, non-criminal derogatory remarks may be removed from an employee's personnel file after two years following the date that the item was placed in the individual's personnel file. An employee wishing to have an item removed from his/her personnel file will utilize the following process: a.

The employee must make written application to his/her supervisor to have the noncriminal derogatory remark considered for removal from the personnel file.


The supervisor will review the request of the employee to remove the item(s) from the employee's personnel file.


If the supervisor agrees that the item can be deleted from the personnel file, the supervisor will forward a written recommendation to the Superintendent of Schools within 21 calendar days after receiving the request from the employee. If the supervisor does not agree that the item(s) should be removed from the employee's personnel file, the supervisor will inform the employee in writing of his/her decision. In the case where the supervisor denies the request, the employee will have the right to appeal the decision to the Superintendent of Schools.


The Superintendent will review the recommendation from the supervisor or appeal from the employee and will respond in writing to the supervisor and to the employee within 21 days after receiving the recommendation or appeal. The Superintendent will notify the employee, the supervisor, and the Human Resource Services Office of his/her recommendation.


The evaluation report of licensed personnel, with the exception of the superintendent and all public records used in preparing the evaluation report, shall be confidential and available only to the evaluatee, to the administrators who supervise the employee’s work, and to a hearing officer conducting a dismissal hearing or a court reviewing a dismissal decision.


A written evaluation or any other personnel record shall not reflect any good faith actions of any employee which were in compliance with the district's student discipline code.


List of district employees' names, addresses and phone numbers shall not be released for general public use.

Each school district receiving Title I funds must notify parents of their right to know the qualifications of their child’s teacher. Upon written request from the parent, the district will provide information about the teacher’s qualifications. This information must not violate any confidentiality rights of the teachers, (i.e. official transcripts would be inappropriate for parents to view).

A letter informing parents that their child’s teacher does not meet the federal definition of highly qualified teacher must be sent if a student is instructed by a teacher for more than four weeks. This letter must be sent in a timely manner to the parents of the children in the classroom. The Director of Finance or Superintendent has the ability to request an audit of personnel records with approval from the Board. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-9-109 C.R.S. 22-32-109.1 (9) (immunity provisions in safe schools law) C.R.S. 24-19-108 (1)(c) C.R.S. 24-72-202 (1.3) and (4.5) C.R.S. 24-72-204


CBB, Recruitment of Superintendent CBIA*, Public Inspection of Superintendent's Evaluation GCE/GCF Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring GBGA, Staff Health and Safety JK, Student Discipline KDB, Public's Right to Know/Freedom of Information

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2000 Revised: July 1, 2001

File: GBJA

Disclosure of Information to Prospective Employers Pursuant to state law, the District shall, upon request, disclose to another school district or school, the reasons for a teacher’s separation from employment with the District any pertinent performance or disciplinary record of the teacher that specifically relates to any negligent action of the teacher that was found to endanger the safety and security of a student, and any disciplinary records that relate to behavior by the teacher that was found to have contributed to a student's violation of the school district's conduct and discipline code. This information shall only be disclosed to personnel authorized to review the personnel file in the requesting district and the person applying for a position as a teacher. With regard to all other former or current district employees, the District shall disclose to a prospective employer information relative to the employee’s suitability for reemployment, including his or her work-related skills, abilities and habits. In the case of a former employee, the District shall also disclose the reason for the employee’s separation. The District, and its employees, agents and representatives authorized by the District to make such disclosures, shall be immune from civil liability for disclosing such information unless the District knew or should have reasonably known that the information was false. When the District provides written information about a current or former employee to a prospective employer, it shall send a copy of that information to the employee upon request. The District shall also make such written information available to the former or current employee upon request during normal business hours. A fair and reasonable price shall be charged by the District for any copies of the written information requested by the employee. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 8-2-114 (2), (3), and (5) C.R.S. 22-63-202


GCE/GCF, Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring GDE/GDF, Support Staff Recruiting/Hiring

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2002

File: GBK

Staff Concerns/Complaints/Grievances It is the Board's desire that procedures for settling differences provide for prompt and equitable resolution at the lowest possible administrative level, and that each employee be assured an opportunity for orderly presentation and review of complaints without fear of reprisal. The grievance process should not be viewed as a negative situation in which one party wins and one party loses, but rather should be viewed as an effective problem-solving process, and should be treated in a confidential manner. Definitions 1.

A "grievance" shall mean a complaint by a staff member employed by the Eagle County School District that there has been a violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable application of any of the existing Board of Education policies. This shall not apply to any matter for which (1) the method of review is prescribed by law, or (2) the Board is without authority to act.


An "aggrieved person" is a staff member asserting a grievance.


The term "days," except where otherwise provided in this policy, shall refer to calendar days.


The term "reprisal" shall be defined as punishment or negative feedback arising from participation in a grievance process.

Principles 1.

The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible administrative level, equitable solutions to the problems which may arise from time to time.


The proceedings under this procedure will be kept as informal and confidential as may be appropriate at any level of the procedure.


Regardless of status (probationary or non-probationary), no staff member who files, participates in, or is a witness to a grievance will experience reprisal.

Timelines 1.

Since it is important grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the number of work days indicated at each step should be considered as a maximum, and reasonable efforts should be made to expedite the process. The time limit specified may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.


In the event that a time period provided in the grievance procedure expires during a vacation period occurring during the school year or during summer vacation, the time limit shall be extended to and shall include the next regularly-scheduled working day.


If a grievance is filed which cannot be finally resolved under the time limits set forth herein prior to the end of the school year, and which if left unresolved until the beginning of the following school year could result in irreparable harm to an aggrieved person or a party in interest, the time limits set forth herein will be reduced so that the grievance procedure may be concluded prior to the end of the school year, or as soon thereafter as is practicable.


No grievance shall be recognized unless it shall have been presented at the appropriate level within twenty-one (21) days (to include Step 1A - Informal Procedures and Step 1B, Formal Procedures, Steps 1 through 4,) after the aggrieved person knew, or should have known, of the act or condition on which the grievance is based, and if not so presented, the grievance will be considered as waived.

Recording/Monitoring When a formal grievance is filed, form GBK-E1 will be sent to the Superintendent. The form includes the name of the person filing the grievance, the party against whom the grievance is filed, the name of the immediate supervisor, the date the grievance is being filed, the policy/practice being grieved, and the relief sought. This action is necessary so that there can be an official record of all formal grievances. GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE: Step 1A - Informal Procedure 1.

If a staff member has a grievance, (s)he should first discuss the matter with his/her immediately involved supervisor in an effort to resolve the problem informally. The grievance need not be in writing and neither party shall have representation however this effort made to resolve the problem should be identified by the employee as the informal procedures. (Step 1A).

Step 1B - Formal Procedure 1.

If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of the grievance through informal procedures, (s)he may submit the problem as a formal written grievance to his/her supervisor.


This written statement will include but not be limited to the following information. a.

The date of the alleged grievance.


The time of the alleged grievance, if applicable


The person(s) perpetrating the grievance situation


A detailed narrative of the circumstances that led to the filing of the grievance


The policy/practice being grieved


Relief sought


A staff member who is not directly responsible to a first-line supervisor may submit the formal written grievance directly to the person who is being grieved with the alleged misinterpretation, violation, or inequitable application of any of the existing Board policies. If a grievance is filed by a staff member and is directed against a District Office administrator, Step 1A need not be completed.


The aggrieved person may discuss the grievance personally or may request that a representative accompany him/her and/or act on his/her behalf at all levels of the grievance procedure. Such representation would require the written consent of the aggrieved person.


The supervisor shall within seven (7) days, render a decision in writing to the aggrieved person.


In the event that the response to Step 1B is not considered satisfactory by the staff member, an appeal will be made to the Superintendent. This appeal will be made in writing within ten (10) working days.


The appeal must include the following:



The original grievance statement


A copy of the response of the immediate supervisor (if applicable)


A statement indicating the reason for an appeal to the Superintendent

The Superintendent has a period of fourteen (14) working days to study the material submitted, investigate the circumstances, review the District policies, and respond to the grievance. The Superintendent's response will be presented to the individual in writing. It may include a conference with those parties involved, if considered necessary.

STEP 3 - Formal Procedure, HEARING OFFICER (Optional) (Support Staff Employees go directly from Step 2 to Step 4) 1.

In the event that the response to Step 2 is not considered satisfactory by the staff member, an appeal may be filed in writing with the Executive Board of the organization selected to represent teachers. This appeal will be made in writing within seven (7) days of the decision made by the Superintendent in Step 2, and a copy of the appeal will be sent to the Superintendent.


The organization selected to represent teachers will review and study the case and make a formal written decision within seven (7) working days as to whether or not it wishes to provide the resources necessary to pay for one-half of the cost of contracting with a hearing officer. This formal written decision will be shared with the staff member and with the Superintendent. Costs for the services of the hearing officer shall include consultation fees, per diem expenses, actual and necessary travel expenses, and subsistence.


The proposed budget/costs (supplied by the chosen hearing officer) of the hearing process must be approved in advance of final acceptance of the contract.


If the organization selected to represent teachers chooses not to support the grievance, the aggrieved party has the option of going directly to Step 4 or the option of paying for all costs necessary to implement Step 3, Hearing Officer.


An aggrieved person may choose to go directly from Step 2 to Step 4 (i.e. to not consider the Hearing Officer, but instead to go directly from the decision of the Superintendent to a final decision by the Board of Education).


The organization selected to represent teachers and the Eagle County School District Superintendent will generate a list of not less than five (5) potential hearing officers. The names of the hearing officers will be placed in order of call by a draw conducted by the president of the organization selected to represent teachers and the Superintendent. The name placed at the top of the list shall be the officer used for the Step 3 hearing. If the person at the top of the list is not available to serve as the Hearing Officer, the second person on the list will be contacted. If that person is not available, the third person on the list will be contacted and so on. When a Hearing Officer has been utilized by the Eagle County School District, his/her name will be placed at the bottom of the list. This list will be generated/revised as needed.


The format of the hearing will be left to the discretion of the Hearing Officer. Objective decisions, based upon comprehensive data, will be expected.


The Hearing Officer must issue a report within fifteen (15) days after the date of the close of the hearings. Decisions and recommendations made by the Hearing Officer will be advisory to the Board of Education. The Board of Education will receive a report from the Hearing Officer not later than the next regular Board meeting and will make a final decision not later than one month from the date of receiving the recommendations of the Hearing Officer.

STEP 4 - Board of Education NOTE: This step applies only to staff members who have chosen to bypass Step 3. 1.

In the event that the response to Step 2 is not considered satisfactory by the staff member, he/she may request the Superintendent to schedule a hearing with the Board of Education to review the filed grievance. Such request shall be made in writing within ten (10) days of the decision made in the appeal to the Superintendent in Step 2. The hearing with the Board will be in executive session and not open to the public.


The hearing with the Board will be scheduled to enable the Board to review the material provided them by the Superintendent. The executive session will be scheduled for a regular Board meeting, but in no case more than (30) working days from the request for the Board hearing. The Superintendent will notify the staff member in writing of the time and date of the scheduled executive session in which the grievance will be acted upon.


The Board of Education has the final ruling on the disposition of the filed grievance within the structure of the School District.


A decision will be made by the next regular Board meeting, but in no case more than 30 working days after the executive session with the Board of Education.


CCB, Line and Staff Relations

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 25, 1984 (to go into effect on July 1, 1984) Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GBK-E1

Eagle County School District Re50J Office of the Superintendent Eagle, Colorado GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE COMPLAINT FORM


, have initiated a Grievance Procedure against__________

through my immediate supervisor,

on the following date.

Policy being grieved (Please identify and explain):______________________________ ___


Relief sought:________________________________________________________________ __




In the event an alleged Grievance is filed, please fill out the above information and send it to the Superintendent of Schools.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2013

File: GC

Professional Staff 1.

Teacher. Teacher means any person who holds an initial or professional teacher’s license and who is employed to instruct, direct or supervise an instructional program. “Teacher” does not include persons holding letters of authorization or the superintendent.


Alternative teacher. A person who is participating in an alternative teacher license program provided by a designated agency and who holds an alternative teacher’s license.


Probationary teacher. A teacher on an annual contract who has not completed three full years of continuous and uninterrupted employment in the district and who has not been reemployed for the fourth year. A year of required service for probationary teachers is defined as

a full school year if the period of continuous and uninterrupted employment includes the last 120 school days of the academic year. 4.

Substitute teacher. A teacher who performs services for a district for four hours or more during each regular school day, but works on one continuous assignment for a total of less than 90 regular school days, or for less than one semester or equivalent time as determined by the annual school year calendar of the district. Substitute teacher does not include a nonprobationary or probationary teacher who is assigned as a permanent substitute teacher within a school district.


Interim Teacher. An itinerant teacher who is employed by a district on a day to day or similar short-term basis as a replacement teacher for a non-probationary teacher, a probationary teacher or a part-time teacher who is absent or otherwise unavailable (no limit on the number of days worked). An itinerant teacher is considered a substitute teacher.


Part-time Teacher. A teacher who normally works less than eight hours per day.


C.R.S. 22-9-103 (1.5) (definition of licensed personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(f) (board duty to employ personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 (specific board duties regarding personnel) C.R.S. 22-60.5-111 (types of authorizations, including military spouse interim authorization) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201 (types of teacher licenses) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201(3)(b) (licensure reciprocity for out-of-state applicants) C.R.S. 22-60.5-207 (alternative teacher contracts) C.R.S. 22-63-103 (definitions in Teacher Employment Act) C.R.S. 22-63-201(2) (hiring of person who holds an alternative teacher license) C.R.S. 22-63-203(2)(a)(II) (definition of probationary teacher) 20 U.S.C. 6319(definition of highly qualified teacher contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) 34 C.F.R. 200.55 (federal regulations regarding highly qualified teachers)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 12, 1982 Revised: July 1, 2005

File: GC

Professional Staff -- Policy and Communications Committee The Board of Education is responsible for determining the policies of the District and retains the legal right to do so. However, inasmuch as the personnel policies of the District have a direct effect on the welfare and the attitude of the professional staff, the Board recognizes the need to gather systematic and representative input from the staff prior to making personnel policy decisions that affect the licensed staff of the District. A working group called the Policy and Communications Committee will be selected annually to serve the purpose of recommending administrative policies and for the purpose of communicating with the

staff regarding policy formulation. All changes of personnel policies will be brought from the Policy and Communications Committee or Negotiating Team unless policies are generated directly by the Board of Education or are required by law. In accordance with Policy HE/HH - District Teacher Rights, Organization, Recognition, and Election Policies and Procedures, Part IX, the Policy and Communications Committee will be selected and will function as outlined in the following regulations. REGULATIONS: 1.

The Policy and Communications Committee will be made up of three teachers, two building level administrators, the president of the organization selected to represent teachers (see Policy HE/HH) (or his/her designee), and the Director of Human Resources.

2. The selection of the teacher committee members will be made in a manner determined by the organization selected to represent teachers. Teachers who are not members of the organization representing them may participate in the selection process. Selection of the administrator committee members will be made in a manner determined by the administrators. The process should allow for maximum staff representation and ensure that each professional staff member has a link with the Policy and Communications Committee. 3. The Policy and Communications Committee will begin its discussions on or after October 15 and will conclude its work as early in the school year as possible. 4. The Director of Human Resource Services will be responsible for facilitating the Policy and Communications Committee meetings. 5. The teachers selected to serve on the Committee will be responsible for gaining input and for communicating decisions of the Policy and Communications Committee to those teachers whom they represent. In the interest of maintaining the Committee as a working group, the size of the Policy and Communications Committee does not allow for each school to have a teacher on the Committee. Those schools not directly represented by a teacher will have an opportunity for input and will be kept informed through a teacher contact from the building, selected by the representative person from each level. That representative will be responsible for selecting a representative/contact person from the other school(s) at that same level (i.e. elementary, middle, or high school) and will communicate with them regarding the Policy and Communications Committee. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-201 (3)(b) (licensure reciprocity for out-of-state applicants)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCA

Professional Staff Positions All certificated, administrative, and supervisory positions in the School District shall be established initially by the Board. All changes in the title and/or responsibilities of administrative and supervisory positions shall be approved by the Superintendent.

In each case, the Board shall approve the broad purpose and function of the position in harmony with state and federal laws and regulations and approve a statement of job requirements as recommended by the Superintendent. The Board delegates to the Superintendent the task of writing and approving job descriptions which must include any physical capabilities required for specific positions. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-101 et seq. (teacher licensure law) C.R.S. 22-63-101 et seq. (teacher employment law C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1)(h) (Board power to terminate employment) 20 U.S.C. 1119 (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) 34 C.F.R. 200.55 (federal regulations regarding highly qualified teachers) NOTE: Job descriptions for all personnel are filed in the District's job description manual which is available in the Personnel Office.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2003

File: GCAA*

Highly Qualified Teachers Pursuant to federal law, teachers of core academic subjects (English, reading or language arts, mathematics, science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts, history, and geography) must be highly qualified as defined by the State of Colorado, as follows: Elementary School (K-6) Teacher A highly qualified elementary school teacher is an elementary school teacher who holds at least a Colorado Provisional Teacher License, with an endorsement in “Elementary Education.” To qualify for such a license the highly qualified elementary teacher must: 1.

possess a Bachelor’s degree


have completed an approved regular or alternative teacher education preparation program in elementary education


have passed the Colorado state education content area test

Secondary School Teacher (teaching only in his/her academic major field) A highly qualified secondary school teacher is a teacher who holds at least a Colorado Provisional Teacher License, with an endorsement in a field consistent with his/her academic major. To qualify for such a license the highly qualified secondary teacher must: 1.

possess a Bachelor’s degree


have completed an approved regular or alternative teacher education preparation program in secondary education have passed the Colorado state content area test in his/her major teaching area


Secondary School (7-12) Teacher (teaching in more than one field)

A highly qualified secondary teacher who teaches in more than one field, must in addition to the qualifications listed above, have at least 24 semester hours of specific college preparation in each field or subject area in which he/she teaches or have passed the Colorado state teacher content area test in each of the fields in which he/she teaches. Alternatively-prepared teachers A highly qualified alternatively-prepared (alternative or teacher in residence program) elementary or secondary teacher will be considered highly qualified while in the alternative program if the teacher: 1.

receives high quality professional development that is sustained, intensive, and classroomfocused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction, before and while teaching; and


participates in a program of intensive supervision that consists of structured guidance and regular ongoing support for teachers or in a teacher mentoring program; and


participates in a program that does not exceed three years in duration; and


demonstrates satisfactory progress towards full licensure.


20 U.S.C. 1119 (definition of highly qualified teacher contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) 34 C.F.R. 200.55 (federal regulations regarding highly qualified teachers)


GCE/GCF, Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring GCA, Professional Staff Positions

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 25, 1994 (to go into effect on July 1, 1994) Revised: July 1, 2013

File: GCB

Professional Staff Contracts and Compensation All instructional personnel, except substitutes, shall be employed on the basis of a written contract. All employment contracts, except for the employment of the Superintendent shall extend for a period of one year or the remainder of the year. Interim teachers shall receive contracts clearly marked "Interim" and "Nonrenewable". Newly hired teachers to Eagle County Schools will receive a “preliminary offer of employment” letter from Human Resources. This letter is intended to communicate with the employee that the District is interested in hiring the employee contingent upon the following items: •

A determination being made by the Office of Human Resource Services that the potential employee is “highly qualified” under Colorado’s definition of a highly qualified teacher for the position that s/he has been preliminarily offered.

Backgrounds check being cleared by the Colorado Department of Education/Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

Approval by the Board of Education.

Receipt of completed application materials and the required pre employment and post employment paperwork.

Telephone reference checks.

Verification and submission of appropriate licensure issued by the Colorado Department of Education.

Master teacher(s) will be on a three-year renewable contract. Each year, the master teacher must requalify for his/her position. Every three years, the position will be automatically re-opened and the selection process will then be utilized to then fill the open position. The master teacher who has previously held the position will be eligible to re-applying at the discretion of the principal. If the current master teacher does not successfully re-qualify during the three year renewable contract, the position will be re-opened. Master teachers will be scheduled to work up to an additional 20 days beyond the regular teacher contract according to the current year’s District calendar. The Mentor teacher will be on a one-year renewable contract. Each year, the mentor teacher must requalify for his/her position each year. The mentor teacher who previously held the position will be eligible to interview at the discretion of the principal. Mentor teachers will be scheduled to work up to an additional 10 days beyond the regular teacher contract according to the current year’s District calendar. The salary of a teacher who has received additional compensation for the performance of additional duties may be reduced if the teacher has been relieved of the additional duties. Over and Underpayments. If the District or the employee becomes aware of an apparent overpayment or underpayment, the other party shall be given immediate written notification of such fact. Within 30 days of the District's receipt of written notification from the employee that the employee has been underpaid, the District shall pay the employee the amount owing to the employee on the next scheduled payroll date for that employee except those payments in accordance with policy GCBA. Within 30 days of the employee's receipt of written notification from the District that the District has overpaid the employee, the employee shall repay the amount owed to the District, without interest. If the employee fails to repay the District, the District shall have the right to withhold the amount due the District from any monies which the District owes the employee. In no event shall any claim by the employee or the District for overpayment or underpayment be recognized more than 12 months after the date on which such overpayment or underpayment occurred. Eligibility for Performance Pay: 1.

Teachers working 138 to 183+ days are eligible for 100% of the total performance award available (pro rated based on FTE) and the award will be calculated as follows: •

12.5% Building NWEA

12.5% Building Wide TCAP

12.5% District Wide TCAP Aggregate Score

12.5% ACT

50% Evaluation – Teacher Skills and Knowledge

2. Teachers working between 120 and 137 days are eligible for 70% of the total performance award (pro rated based on FTE). The student achievement portion of the performance award for our high school teachers will be determined by building wide NWEA, TCAP, District wide TCAP and ACT scores at a percentage of 12.5% each. 3. Teachers working 119 days or less are not eligible for performance pay. 4. Master teachers are scheduled for 20 days beyond the regular teacher contract. The eligibility for performance pay based on days worked is therefore, figured based on 203 days instead of 183 days. This is because the 20 additional days are intended to off set the requirements of the District for Master teachers to attend District meetings and District Staff Development activities. 5. Mentor teachers are scheduled for 10 days beyond the regular teacher contract. The eligibility for performance pay based on days worked is therefore, figured based on 193 days instead of 183 days. This is because the 10 additional days are intended to off set the requirements of the District for mentor teachers to attend District meetings and District Staff Development activities. 6. Should the number of days that the District is requiring master and mentor teachers to be out of the building to attend District meetings and Staff Development activities exceed the 20 days that are provided to master teacher and/or the 10 days provided to mentor teachers, these days will not negatively impact the teacher’s eligibility for performance pay based on days worked. Rationale: 1.

To influence student learning, a teacher must teach a minimum of 75% of the time or 138 days. Therefore, teachers must teach at least 138 days to be eligible for 100% of the performance award.

2. A teacher who instructs for 120 to 137 days has a lesser impact on the student academic growth of a student. If a teacher works between 120 and 137 days, they have been responsible for the instruction of the children in his/her class for approximately 70% of the year and therefore, they are eligible for 70% of the performance award. 3. A teacher working 119 days or less will not be eligible for a performance award as they were not responsible for a majority of the instruction (less than 75%) provided to the students in the class. This means that consist with existing policy, this teacher will not receive a salary increase for the following school year.

4. Upon the birth of a child, a female employee is considered “sick” for a total of 6 weeks for a regular delivery and 8 weeks for a c-section. Therefore, a teacher can be absent for a total of 45 days or 9 weeks for maternity leave or any other type of leave that is consistent with district policy and will not be disqualified from receiving 100% of the performance award. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-32-110 (5) (agreement with employee group cannot exceed one year term, unless subject to reopener on salaries and benefits) C.R.S. 22-44-115.5 (2) (reductions in salary or alteration of work year due to fiscal emergency) C.R.S. 22-60.5-110 (renewal of teacher license) C.R.S. 22-63-401 through 403 (teacher compensation laws)

CROSS REFS.: Administration policies: DBK*, Fiscal Emergencies GCQA, Instructional Staff Reduction in Force GCHA/GCHB, Mentor Teachers/Administrators Board policies: EL-4, Staff Treatment EL-5, Staff Compensation Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 26, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989) Revised: July 1, 2004


District In-Service Credit In an effort to expand the professional growth opportunities for its employees, the District has developed a District In-service Credit process which allows credit to be earned through participation in district-sponsored in-service workshops, classes, and activities. Units of credit earned in this manner may be used for license renewal. DEFINITIONS CDE Certificate Renewal Credit through District Sponsored In-Services The District has received Colorado Department of Education (CDE) approval to offer Teacher License Renewal Credit for District-sponsored in-services that target increased student achievement and curriculum implementation related to the Colorado State Model Content Standards. All courses within the District offered for CDE credit must be approved by the Directors of Elementary and Secondary Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development. · 15 contact hours = ..................................................................... 1 hour of CDE license renewal credit · 7.5 contact hours = ................................................................ .5 hour of CDE license renewal credit Up to 4 semester hours can be obtained through district in-services for renewal of a license. REGULATIONS 1.

District-sponsored in-service workshops, classes, and activities must: a. Meet for a minimum of fifteen (15) supervised contact hours for each unit of district inservice credit.

b. Support the stated goals of the District, the school, or the classroom goals related to student outcomes. c.

Emphasize professional and/or personal growth and development.

d. Attend to instructional skill development of those for whom it was designed, and the activity itself should model quality instructional methods. e. Incorporate sound principles of adult learning. f.

Relate theory, research, and application in a practical way that may be put into practice in the classroom.

g. Provide opportunities for supervisors or colleagues to observe and evaluate what was learned in a classroom setting. h. Provide an assurance that participants in the proposed activity lack the skill that is to be addressed in the in-service activity. i.

Be scheduled outside of the regular school day.

2. Other activities/projects that may be approved for District In-service Credit are: a. Approved curriculum development projects (projects or committees) for which no payment is received, and the service is not performed during regular working hours. b. Approved Red Cross or emergency medical training in first aid. c. Articles accepted for publication in state or nationally-recognized educational journals and publications (career maximum of 2 units). d. Supervision of a student teacher, intern, or resident teacher: One (1) unit of District In-service Credit may be earned for each supervision period (generally, 12 weeks). The maximum career credit under this provision is three (3) units. Cooperating teachers are not to be compensated in any way by the college/university. Criteria for the successful completion of the supervision of a student or resident teacher include, but are not limited to, the following: •

The mutual development of goals and objectives for the student teaching experience

The mutual development of weekly lesson plans.

The submitting of at least two written progress reports for the student prior to his/her final evaluation.

Assignment of student/resident/intern teachers will be jointly agreed to by the cooperating teacher, the building principal, and the Assistant Superintendent.

Additional criteria as may be established by the building administrator and cooperating teacher.

All activities need not be organized to meet for fifteen (15) contact hours. Participants will be able to accumulate contact hours from various activities until they reach fifteen (15), at which time, one (1) unit of District renewal credit will have been earned. In-service activities proposed for District In-service Credit must be submitted for approval to the Directors of Elementary and Secondary Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development. In-District CDE Renewal Credits are contingent upon final approval of the Colorado Department of Education. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-110 (renewal of teacher license)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 9, 1985 (to go into effect January 1, 1985) Revised: July 1, 2006


Licensed Staff Contracts/Salary Schedules The District recognizes the link between the educational preparation of its licensed staff and the ability of teachers to respond to the educational and psychological needs of the students. In order to promote the welfare of both the students and the staff, the District has adopted the following salary policy which recognizes the relationship between professional development and the ability to respond to students' needs. This policy will reward educational attainment that advances the staff member toward an educational goal stated in a salary schedule advancement plan. There shall be no discrimination in salary because of race, color, or sex. REGULATIONS: 1. All teachers will be classified at the beginning of the school year for the purpose of placement on the salary schedule. Initial placement on the schedule will be at a level warranted by position, education, and experience. In calculating experience, two full semesters of full-time teaching shall be counted as one year's experience. 2. It is the responsibility of the teacher to maintain an appropriate Colorado license and endorsement. Licenses must be registered in the Human Resource Services Office. Failure to maintain and renew one’s license will be considered breach of contract. A statement of the next year’s salary will communicate probationary or non-probationary status. 3.

A full year of employment will be credited in the District if the employee works at least the last 120 days of the academic year in a continuous assignment for at least 20 hours per week.


Up to ten complete years of experience in a public PreK-12 school district, fully accredited private school, college or university, or relevant clinical/vocational setting that directly pertains to the individual's assignment in the District shall be recognized for initial placement on the salary schedule. Teachers with these related experiences will be granted experience credit for the years employed at least 20 hours per week under regular contract while holding appropriate credential endorsements. To qualify for non-


probationary status the teacher must work at least four (4) hours per day on a continuous basis for three (3) successive years. Out-of-district experience will not count towards attaining non-probationary status in the District. Licensed employees returning to the District after a break in service (as defined by a separation of employment where the licensed employee is not present due to a resignation on his/her scheduled work and/or contract days) will be placed on the salary schedule either as a new employee to the district or they will be placed with the salary that they were earning at the time of their separation whichever is greater. Licensed employees returning to the district will receive credit for experience as follows: Full credit will be allowed for all teaching experience (in or out of district) up to ten years. Experience above ten years will be calculated at a 2-to-1 ratio for those years of experience in the District to a maximum of 15 years. Years of experience between 10 and 15 will be calculated based on the difference between year 9 and 10 on the licensed salary range. Example: A teacher with a total of eighteen years of experience (8 from another district and 10 from the Eagle County School District) would be placed with 13 years of experience on the salary schedule eight years of experience is allowed for full credit for out-of-district service and the 10 years of in-district experience are calculated at onehalf). Decisions regarding initial placement on the salary schedule will be made by the Director of Human Resources when the initial contract is tendered. Salary decisions will be based upon documentation of experience and transcripts available at the time the initial contract is offered.


In order to be compensated for obtaining on a Masters degree or 36 semester hours, the degree or semester hours must be an area of District priority according to the District Academic Achievement Plan (Reading, Writing, Math), ELA, Special Education or Science.


Upon completion of a degree or 36 semester hours, an official transcript must be on file in the Human Resource Services Office on the first day of each month to receive payment on the 20th of that same month. Only official transcripts will be kept on file and used for degree advancement on the salary schedule. Direct pay consists of salary schedule pay. Direct pay is prorated based upon the percentage of full time equivalent (FTE) employment.


Items not covered in this policy that arise will be left to the discretion of the Superintendent or his/her designee.


Placement on the salary schedule shall be in accordance with prudent and appropriate administrative procedures and all applicable statutory provisions.


Degrees earned for the purpose of gaining a teacher or administrator license prior to employment will not be compensated.


C.R.S. 22-32-110 (5) C.R.S. 22-60.5-110 (renewal of teacher license) C.R.S. 22-63-401 through 403 C.R.S. 22-66-101 et. seq.


GCI, Professional Staff Development Opportunities GDM, Classified Staff Career Development GCBAA, District Inservice Credit

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 2013

File: GCBA-R

Instructional Staff Salary Schedules Individual salaries for each academic year shall be calculated by September 5. A notice of personal action will be sent to each employee on or before the first payroll date of the year. If an error in salary is brought to attention of either party within 12 months, it will be corrected in the next pay period and paid retroactively to the first day of the contract year. When mid-year changes to the salary schedule are made, a notice of personal action will be sent to each employee prior to the first payroll date after the effective date. The following provisions will apply to instructional staff salary schedules: 1.

All teachers will be classified upon entry into the District for the purpose of placement on the salary schedule. Initial placement on the schedule will be at a level warranted by position, education and experience. In calculating experience, two full semesters of full-time teaching shall be counted as one year's experience. Salary progress beyond initial placement will be based on pay for performance awards earned yearly.


It is the responsibility of the teacher to maintain an appropriate Colorado license and endorsement. Licenses must be registered in the human resource services office. Failure to maintain and renew one’s license will be considered breach of contract.


A full year of employment will be credited in the District if the employee works at least the last 120 days of the academic year in a continuous assignment for at least 20 hours per week.


Up to fifteen complete years of experience in a public Pre-K-12 school district, fully accredited private school, college or university or relevant clinical/vocational setting that directly pertains to the individual's assignment in the District shall be recognized for initial placement on the salary schedule. Teachers with these related experiences will be granted experience credit for the years employed at least 20 hours per week under regular contract while holding

appropriate credential endorsements. To qualify for non-probationary status the teacher must work at least four hours per day on a continuous basis for three successive years, and begin the first day of a fourth year of teaching. 5.

Out-of-District experience will not count towards attaining non-probationary status in the District. Unless a teacher can document two years of effective teaching in another Colorado district. Licensed employees returning to the District after a break in service (as defined by a separation of employment where the licensed employee is not present due to a resignation on his or her scheduled work and/or contract days) will be placed on the salary schedule either as a new employee to the District or they will be placed with the salary that they were earning at the time of their separation, whichever is greater. Licensed employees returning to the District will receive credit for experience as follows: •

Full credit will be allowed for all teaching experience (in or out of District) up to fifteen years.


Decisions regarding initial placement on the salary schedule will be made by the director of human resources when the initial contract is tendered. Salary decisions will be based upon documentation of experience and transcripts available at the time the initial contract is offered.


In order to be compensated for obtaining on a Master’s degree or 36 semester hours, the degree or semester hours must be an area of District priority according to the district academic achievement plan (reading, writing, math), ELA, special education or science.


Upon completion of a degree or 36 semester hours, an official transcript must be on file in the human resource services office on the first day of each month to receive payment on the 20th of that same month. Only official transcripts will be kept on file and used for degree advancement on the salary schedule. Direct pay consists of salary schedule pay. Direct pay is prorated based upon the percentage of full time equivalent (FTE) employment.


Items not covered in this policy that arise will be left to the discretion of the superintendent or designee.


Placement on the salary schedule shall be in accordance with prudent and appropriate administrative procedures and all applicable statutory provisions.


Degrees earned for the purpose of gaining a teacher or administrator license prior to employment will not be compensated.

Over and underpayments If the District or the employee becomes aware of an apparent overpayment or underpayment, the other party shall be given immediate written notification of such fact. Within 30 days of the District's receipt of written notification from the employee that the employee has been underpaid, the District shall pay the employee the amount owing to the employee on the next scheduled payroll date for that employee except those payments in accordance with policy GCBA. Within 30 days of

the employee's receipt of written notification from the District that the District has overpaid the employee, the employee shall repay the amount owed to the District, without interest. If the employee fails to repay the District, the District shall have the right to withhold the amount due the District from any moneys which the District owes the employee. In no event shall any claim by the employee or the District for overpayment or underpayment be recognized more than 12 months after the date on which such overpayment or underpayment occurred. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCBC

Licensed Staff Supplementary Pay Plans Extra-curricular activities are an important part of the educational experiences offered to our students. Music, athletics, publications, etc., are activities which have a significant and positive impact on the development of children and young adults. Activities and services that make minor demands on the teacher’s time shall be part of each teacher's basic assignment (See Policy GCM - Professional Staff Work Load). However, teachers who are regularly assigned to duties which require extra time or responsibilities over and above their basic contractual obligations, shall receive extra compensation in accordance with the Supplementary Pay Plan (see Exhibit GCBC-E1). REGULATIONS: 1.

The District shall reserve the right to make supplementary pay assignments. If funds are available to allow for non-assigned supplemental pay positions, such funds will be distributed among all schools according to a formula determined by the Negotiating Team.


Whenever possible, supplementary pay assignments will be assigned to the district’s licensed staff members. However, arrangements may be made to unlicensed persons whose qualifications and experience would clearly benefit the extra-curricular or co-curricular program.


Payment for supplementary pay contracts will be made in one lump sum payment at the conclusion of the supplementary pay assignment . An exception to this regulation will be payment for a responsibility that requires a full school year or most of a school year, such as drama. In these cases, if a person has completed a portion of his/her responsibilities at by January 15th, (s)he will be eligible to be paid for that portion of the total compensation. In no case should payment be made prior to services having been rendered.

Payment for supplementary pay contracts will only be processed by the Office of Human Resource Services upon the following items being received upon completion of the assignment. •

Change of Status Notice

Performance Evaluation

A reasonable Assurance Questionnaire


Principals will authorize the Human Resource Services Office to make payment only when all records and inventories have been completed to their satisfaction.


Teachers who supervise more than 3.0 of a Full-time Support Staff Equivalent Employee qualify for an annual $500 stipend if the following provisions are met.



The teacher serves in the capacity of “primary evaluator” of the support employee.

As such, the teacher must sign the support employee’s appraisal form.

The supervisor – supervisee relationship with this employee is such that the employee under supervision knows and identifies his/her supervisor as the “primary evaluator”.

The employees supervised can be full-time or part-time.

Any fraction of a Full-time Equivalent Employee over 4.0 qualifies the teacher for the stipend. It is not necessary to supervise 5 employees.

The supervising teacher carries his/her part of the responsibility to recruit, select, appraise and discipline the employee.

The teacher’s supervisor initiates the Change of Status form for payment of the supplementary pay at the conclusion of their assignment. The change of status form must be received in the Office of Human Resource Services accompanied by a coaching evaluation by the 1st of the month in order for payment to be made on the 20th of the same month. All newly hired coaches and sponsors must attend a new employee orientation prior to beginning work and will be compensated on the monthly payroll.


C.R.S. 22-63-2069 (3)


JJIB/JJIC, Interscholastic Sports/Standards for Participation

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: January 9, 1991 (to go into effect with the 1991-92 school year) Revised: July 1, 2007

File: GCBC-E1


The request for payment must be accompanied by the required documentation and must be received in the Office of Human Resource Services by the first of the month in order for the payment to be made on the 20th of that same month. Payments will be processed only upon completion of the assignment. Required documentation for coaches and sponsors includes the Coaching or Sponsor Performance Evaluation, (for levels 1-4 only) documentation of completed hours (for levels 3, 4 and 5 only), the Notice of Personnel Action and all relevant payroll and human resources paperwork.

Teachers who serve on district-level curriculum committees that meet outside of the school day shall be compensated at the rate of $25/hour.

The steps on the following schedule represent years of experience as a Head Coach or Assistant Coach in a sport or Sponsor in the same assignment, including up to 6 years credit outside of the District. PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR IN-DISTRICT COACHES AND SPONSORS Yrs. Exp.

Level 1

Level lA

Level 2

Level 2A

Level 4

Level 5


Level 3 $1100
















































































Level 1 $2400

Level lA $2000

Level 2 $1300

Level 2A $1150

Level 3 $1000

Level 4 $400

Level 5 $150

































































20+ Level 1: Level 1A: Level 2: Level 2A: Level 3:

Level 4:

Level 5:








Head coaches of football, basketball, wrestling and hockey at the high school level. Head coaches of volleyball, skiing, soccer, track, softball, and baseball at the high school level. Assistant coaches of football, high school athletic director basketball and wrestling at the high school level and the head coaches of cross country and golf at the high school level. High school Speech/Forensics Coach. All high school assistant coaches with the exception of the football, basketball and wrestling assistant coaches, which are included in Level 2. Non-athletic events sponsored events in this level must meet a minimum of 75 hours of student contact outside of one’s regular working hours before payment will be made. All head coaches for middle school sports. Other positions in this level include high school band sponsor (3 productions), high school musical director and assistant musical director, high school student council sponsor, high school choir director (3 productions), high school FBLA sponsor, GEO sponsor, LULAC sponsor, DADD sponsor and high school head coach for cheerleading (per season). Non-athletic events sponsored events in this level must meet a minimum of 50 hours of student contact outside of one’s regular working hours before payment will be made. All assistant coaches for middle school sports. Other positions in this level include the following high school sponsors: drama (2 productions), yearbook sponsor with a class, newspaper sponsor with a class, marching band and assistant speech coach. Other positions in this level include the following middle school sponsors: band, yearbook and student council. Non-athletic events sponsored events in this level must meet a minimum of 35 hours of student contact outside of one’s regular working hours before payment will be made.

The rigor factors used in “leveling” the sports and sponsorships are 1) the number of participants, 2) crowds/attendance, 3) length of season and 4) number of contests. ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS: Teachers and other persons (excluding district administrators) employed for extracurricular duties will be paid at $10.00 per hour when services are performed such as ticket taking, crowd control, time keeping, score keeping, or other workers as deemed necessary by the school administration, if they are not otherwise compensated. COACHING POSITIONS ASSIGNED BY SPORT, SCHOOL AND LEVEL SPORT BASEBALL BASKETBALL: BOYS BASKETBALL: GIRLS CROSS COUNTRY FOOTBALL GOLF: BOYS GOLF: GIRLS SKIING-ALPINE SKIING-NORDIC

EAGLE VALLEY H. S. HEAD ASSISTANT 1 2 1 2 1 2 NA NA 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

BATTLE MOUNTAIN H.S. HEAD ASSISTANT 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 1 4 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 1


1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 2 1

1 1 0 1 1 1 1

2 1 0 1 1 2 1




1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

An ASSISTANT COACH will be added when sport reaches this number of players and at multiples of this number. 20 15 15 No assistant 25 15 25 25 20 ( or 20 if alpine and nordic teams are combined) 20 25 25 20 25

1 1

15 15




2 2 2 2 2 2

An ASSISTANT COACH will be added when sport reaches this number of players and at multiples of this number. 30 30 20 40 30 35


BMHS 1 1 1 1

EVHS 1 1 0 0


1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1

0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1





1 1 1

1 1 1

1 1 1

Cap of 3 positions at each middle school Notes: (1) High school athletic directors will be compensated on level 2 based on years of experience as an athletic director. This payment will be paid at the completion of each season (3 seasons). No additional days will be funded by building staffing units to compensate an individual for their duties as an athletic director. (2) A middle school athletic director will be compensated on level 4 based on years of experience as an athletic director as long as the responsibility is not in his/her job description. If two or more planning periods are provided, the middle school athletic director will receive one payment at the completion of the school year. If less than two planning periods are provided, the middle school athletic director will receive one payment in December and one at the completion of the school year. (3) Coaches of high school sports will receive an additional one twelfth (1/12) of their extra-duty pay for each week beyond the regular season. (4) The position of high school “weight training/strength and conditioning coach� will be paid $15.00 per hour and the total number of hours is not to exceed sixty (60) hours. (5) Teachers supervising more than 4 employees will receive a $500 annual stipend. (6) Teachers serving as the designated principal in the principals absence will receive a $750 annual stipend. (7) A teacher that serves as the Eagle County League (ECL) president will receive an annual stipend from the ECL in the amount of $600.00. Recognition of Previous Coaching Experience One year of paid high school or collegiate coaching experience will be equivalent to one year of experience for the purpose of placement on the Supplementary Pay Schedule. Middle school or elementary coaching experience should be equivalent to .6 year experience for the purpose of placement on the Supplementary Pay Schedule. Odd numbers will be rounded up if .5 or more and rounded down if less than .5. Paid or unpaid club coaching experience that is commensurate with high school or collegiate coaching experience will also be recognized for purposes of placement on the Supplementary Pay Schedule. Support Staff Members as Coaches/Sponsors Support staff members hired as a coach and/or sponsor are required to record their time in the Eagle County Schools time clock system and will be compensated at an hourly rate of $10.00 per

the salary schedule. All overtime provisions will pertain, taking into account the sponsor and/or coaching job and the support staff member’s regular job. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 24, 1979

File: GCBD

LICENSED STAFF BENEFITS Benefits, in addition to the basic salary, are recognized by the Board as an important part of the total compensation plan for staff members. The benefits extended to the staff shall be designed to promote the present and future economic security of employees and to provide incentives for remaining with the District. 1.

District employees shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement Association, in which both the employee and the District make monthly contributions, unless the employee is exempt from the statutory requirements for PERA membership.


To receive benefits, a staff member must be assigned and work in one or more jobs that result in the licensed employee working at least 20 hours per week. (i.e. temporary or substitute employees are not eligible for benefits). To be eligible for paid leave specifically, the, a licensed employee must be working at least 20 hours per week. If an employee drops below 20 hours per week, they become ineligible for this benefit which means they will lose any accumulated leave that they may have and they will not be eligible to accumulate additional leave.


District benefits are as follows:



Paid Leave (one day for every 18 days worked)


Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA)


Health and Dental Insurance


Workers' Compensation


Sick Leave Bank (see policy GDCAA)


Tax-Sheltered Annuity Programs and PERA 401 (k)


Vacation (see policy GDD)

A licensed employee who is on extended leave will not be eligible for benefits during the time (s)he is not employed. Health insurance benefits and other insurance payments that are deducted from the employee's paycheck may be continued during the extended leave if that employee pays the total cost (district and/or employee share) of the benefit/deduction. Payments for the continuation of these benefits must be received by the Payroll Office on or before the first of each month. If an employee chooses to drop a program during an extended leave, it will be the responsibility of the employee to reinstate the benefit, should (s)he desire to do so.


The District will pay the benefit portion of the single health insurance premium. The employee will pay the remainder of the premium. The health insurance benefit will be effective the first of the month following 30 calendar days of employment with the District.


Employees who resign from or are terminated from the Eagle County School District will automatically receive from the Payroll and Benefits Office; information regarding continued health insurance coverage available as a result of Federal COBRA laws and regulations. If the employee resigns or is terminated after working 15 calendar days or more in any month they are eligible for benefits, the employee will receive the insurance benefit and coverage for that month. If the employee resigns or is terminated before 15 calendar days, the district insurance benefit will be discontinued effective the first of that month.


A committee called the Employee Benefits Trust will be responsible for studying, evaluating, and making recommendations regarding insurance benefits for District staff members. The membership of this committee will include the Director of Human Resources, the Assistant Superintendent in charge of Finance, the Payroll Benefits Specialist, three licensed staff members including two members of the Negotiating Team, and three support staff members. The Assistant Superintendent in charge of Finance appoints staff members for 2 year rotating terms. This committee will annually review the benefits and effectiveness of the insurance program. This committee will determine when this annual assessment needs to include input from the full membership. The members of the committee will be communicated to all employees annually. Employees are encouraged to provide input regarding benefits and effectiveness of the insurance program.


C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (j) C.R.S. 24-51-101 et seq (Public Employees' Retirement Association) C.R.S. 8-40-101 et seq through 8-47-101 et seq Workmen's Compensation Act of Colorado

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2003

File: GCC

Family and Medical Leave Provisions The Board shall provide a plan for leaves and absences designed to help members of the certificated staff maintain their physical and mental health, take care of family and other personal emergencies, improve professionally, and discharge important and necessary obligations. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) certain essential requirements prevail. Such leaves and absences shall be granted in accordance with the law and Board policies pertaining to specific types of leaves. Employees may request leave in writing stating one of the reasons listed below, duration of leave, and any special circumstances to consider.

Federally-Mandated Family Leave The provisions of this section shall apply to all family, physical or mental medical leaves of absence except to the extent that paid leaves are covered under other Board policies for any part of the 12 weeks of leave to which the employee is entitled. Some leaves may be used simultaneously. If an employee is entitled to paid leave under another policy, the employee must take all of the paid leave available to them first. If the employee desires more than 12 weeks of leave, Policy GCCAG/GCCCBA, Instructional/Administrator Staff Extended Leaves, applies. The total cap of permissible Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave is fifty-two (52) weeks, which may include twelve (12) weeks of designated FMLA leave. To be eligible for leave under this policy, an employee shall have been employed for at least 12 months and shall have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the commencement of the leave. An eligible employee shall be entitled to a combined total of 12 weeks' leave per year under particular circumstances that are critical to the life of a family. Leave may be taken upon the birth and for the first-year care of the employee's child; upon the placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care; when the employee is needed to care for a child, spouse or parent who has a serious health condition; or when the employee is unable to perform the functions of his position because of a serious health condition. Spouses who are both employed by the District shall be entitled to a total of 12 weeks for leave (rather than 12 weeks each) for the birth or adoption of a child or for family illness. Entitlement for childcare leave shall end after the child reaches age one or 12 months after adoption of foster placement. Leave to care for a child shall include leave for a stepparent or person in loco parentis. Requests for intermittent FMLA leave for care of a well child will not be granted If medically necessary for a serious condition of the employee or the employee's spouse, child or parent, leave may be taken on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule subject to certain conditions which pertain to instructional employees. The district may require the employee to transfer temporarily to an alternative position which better accommodates recurring periods of absence or a part-time schedule provided that the position has equivalent pay and benefits. When a health condition is identified as being covered by FMLA, leave may be applied retroactively but under specific condition that the employee is out on paid leave when the FMLA qualifications are discovered. When an employee knows of an impending absence he/she should put in the necessary time to create a plan for how the work should be handled. If the employee carries the District group health insurance, the District shall maintain coverage under the plan for any employee who is granted an approved leave of absence under this policy for the duration of the leave (up to 12 weeks). Such coverage shall be maintained at the same level and under the same conditions as coverage would have been provided if the employee were not on leave. The district reserves the right to seek reimbursement for this benefit in the event that an employee elects not to return to work, as allowed by law. If an employee uses sick days sporadically, the employee’s physician will need to complete a medical certification to ascertain whether the illness is due to a serious medical condition and counted as

FMLA Leave. Employees on leave should communicate with District personnel officials on a monthly basis. Reinstatement shall be to a comparable position or, if possible, to the same position. If the employee on leave is a salaried employee and is among the highest paid 10 percent of district employees and keeping the job open for the employee would result in substantial economic injury to the District, the employee may be denied reinstatement provided the District notifies the employee of its intent to deny reinstatement at the time economic hardship occurs and the employee elects not to return to work after receiving the notice. A fitness-for-duty examination or release to return to work may be required based on the nature of the illness or its duration. The Superintendent is directed to develop procedures to require appropriate medical certifications, notification and reporting which are consistent with law. Any absence provided through FMLA, whether paid or unpaid (including absences paid by worker's compensation or short-term disability). Will automatically count against the employee's 12 week FMLA allowance that is provided to them in a 12 month period. If an employee has any questions regarding their eligibility for leave under the FMLA, they should contact the Office of Human Resource Services. LEGAL REF:

P.L. 103-3 (Family Medical Leave Act) Note: This law provides that the District shall not be in violation of other federal laws such as those governing the District's responsibility to educate handicapped children solely as the result of an eligible employee taking family medical leave.


GCCAA, Instructional Staff Sick Leave GCCAB, Instructional Staff/Personal/Emergency/Legal/Religious Leave GCCAC, Instructional Staff Maternity/Paternity/Parental Leave GCCB, Administrative Staff Personal/Emergency/Legal/Religious Leave GCCBC, Administrative Staff/Maternity/Paternity/Parental Leave

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 10, 1985 (to go into effect July 1, 1985) Revised: July 1, 2003


Physician's Statement Regarding Continued Disability NOTE: This form is only used when a request is being made for an absence of three or more consecutive working days (regardless of the number of hours absent each day) due to illness/injury/surgery. Eagle County School District policy requires that if the disability continues and the staff member is requesting sick leave, this form must be completed on a weekly basis. If an employee is unable to have this form completed/signed because (s)he is unable to make an office call, a phone call to the Personnel Office from the physician will suffice until such time that the form

can be completed/signed. A copy of the complete sick leave policy is included for the physician's reference. Date: ________________________________

Patient's Name: __________________________________________________

This is to certify that the above patient is still temporarily disabled as a result of ___________ ________________________________________________ (explain) and is unable to perform his/her normal work duties. It is my professional opinion that this disability will continue commencing _______________________ and ending on ___________________________ (not to exceed 7 calendar days).

__________________________________ Physician's Name __________________________________ Physician's Signature __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Physician's Address __________________________________ Physician's Phone Number

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 1999 Revised: July 1, 2002


Employee Leave Day Donation Form LICENSED STAFF: (Please print.) Refer to Licensed Staff Policy GCCAA/GCCBA. The employee who wishes to donate leave days must initiate and complete this form and send it to Human Resources. In order for the donation to be

approved the recipient must have exhausted all paid leave available to him/her and must be faced with a medical or emergency situation. Employee Donating Leave Day: Name____________________________________ Social Security #____________________________ Annual Salary______________________ # of Days Contracted for Year _________________________ I, __________________________________________, request that the value of _______ (insert number Signature of days) of my leave days be given to _______________________________ (insert the name of the person to whom the leave day(s) are being donated). Each day donated carries the value of donor’s daily rate. This dollar amount must pay the daily rate of the recipient plus the cost of his/her substitute teacher. The additional cost of the substitute will generally require more days to be donated than the recipient will receive in order to keep this plan cost neutral. The dollar value of the donation is expressed by this formula: Donor’s annual salary Contracted Days

x Number of Days Donated = Value of Donation

SUPPORT STAFF: (Please print.) Refer to Support Staff Policy GDCA. The employee who wishes to donate leave days must initiate and complete this form and send it to Human Resources. In order for the donation to be approved the recipient must have exhausted all paid leave available to him/her and must be faced with a medical or emergency situation. Employee Donating Leave Day: Name____________________________________ Social Security #____________________________ Hourly wage ________________________ Number of hours worked per week ____________________ Number of days worked for year __________________________________________________________ I, __________________________________________, request that the value of _______ (insert number Signature of hours) of my leave be given to _______________________________ (insert the name of the person to whom the leave hours are being donated). Each day donated carries the value of donor’s daily rate. The dollar amount must pay the daily rate of the recipient. The dollar value of the donation is expressed by this formula:

Hourly Rate x Hours Donated = Value of Donation Please initial this box if you do not authorize the Office of Human Resource Services to release your name as an individual donating a day(s) to the above-mentioned person. Eagle County Schools District, Re50J Adopted: October 11, 1978 Revised: July 1, 2007


Licensed/Administrative Staff Paid Leave All leave besides Maternity/Paternity, Military, Jury Duty and Professional leave shall be known as “Paid Leave". Teachers and administrators may use “Paid Leave” days for any absence from school including religious holidays; however, to maximize student learning “Paid Leave” must not be used for recreational purposes, vacation or to extend a vacation. (as defined by the days school is not in session or that all buildings are closed on the school year calendar) unless it is being used for an illness or bereavement. Teachers and administrators are encouraged to not use Paid Leave for those activities that can be scheduled outside of the school day. Paid Leave days are prorated for part time employees. REGULATIONS: 1. Paid leave may be used for illness/disability of the teacher or administrator, the dental work to the teacher or administrator, adoption (not to exceed six weeks), illness or death in the immediate family or household, religious holidays, employee’s business, or other personal reasons. Immediate family includes spouse, children, foster children, mother, or father, significant other, or siblings. Requests due to extenuating circumstances of illness in the immediate family may be approved at the discretion of his/her building principal or supervisor. (i.e.: using paid leave for extremely serious/life threatening situations/illnesses for extended family such as in-laws). 2. Paid leave shall be available for all licensed employees working on a regular basis (i.e. temporary or substitute employees are not eligible for paid leave). One day of paid leave shall be credited for each 18 days worked proportionate to days/hours worked. If any paid leave days/hours are left at the end of the year, they are automatically rolled into sick leave for the following year. Employees are then credited with the annual number of paid leave days for the current year. Sick leave may only be used after all paid leave has been exhausted and is then only used for illness or bereavement, (see #1 under regulations). The annual number of leave days will be credited to an individual's record on the first day of employment and on August 1st of each year after that. 3. Paid leave time shall be used in 1/4 (one quarter) hour increments. 4. A teacher or administrator taking paid leave days for a reason other than personal illness, family emergency or bereavement may take only two (2) scheduled work days consecutively. a. In significant, extenuating circumstances, the building principal/supervisor may approve the use of paid leave in excess of two (2) days. b. While Eagle County Schools encourages employees to make appointments outside the regular working hours whenever possible, upon pre-approved by the building principal/supervisor, Paid leave may be used for doctor appointments. The District also

encourages licensed employees to schedule medical appointments that do not extend holidays or vacation periods. c.

Up to five (5) paid leave days may be used for bereavement of immediate family members. No more than three days of paid leave can be taken for non-family members. Exceptions to this regulation or extenuating circumstances having to do with it may be approved by the building principal/supervisor.

d. Leave for religious purposes may be processed as paid leave. Prior to taking leave for religious purposes, the employee shall have the leave pre approved by his/her building principal/supervisor. e. Paid leave can be used if the child of a staff member is participating in a school event on a day which extends a vacation as long as a qualified substitute can be provided. 5. A building principal/supervisor may, at any time, inquire as to the nature or reason for any and all paid leave requested by an employee, including requiring appropriate documentation. 6. If a substitute cannot be accessed, it is possible that the request for the paid leave days may not be honored. Leave granted is generally based on the order in which requests are made and submitted to the principal/supervisor, however, exceptions may be made by the principal/supervisor. 7. The approval of his/her building principal/supervisor prior to the reporting of an absence to SAM is required in order to authorize the employee to be out of the building or department. This approval process is monitored at the building or department and does not supercede the application of this policy. 8. Once approved, all types of leave must be reported to the Substitute Absence Management (SAM) system prior to the start of the leave. Instances where the teacher/administrator has not been responsible in the reporting or cancellation of his/her absence, the leave will be processed as leave without pay unless extenuating circumstances are provided by the building principal/supervisor. 9. If an employee has used more paid leave than (s)he has earned at the time of termination or resignation, the unearned amount (exclusive of Sick Leave Bank days that have been awarded) will be deducted from his/her final paycheck. 10. If a teacher or administrator meets the eligibility criteria and conditions for retirement after twenty (20) years of continuous employment in the District, (effective at the end of the contract year), (s)he will be eligible for up to 100 days of unused leave at the current daily rate of a substitute teacher. This payment is not PERA includable. Payment will be payable on the employee's final paycheck. In the event of a retiree’s death prior to having received full payment of his/her unused leave, the employee’s designated beneficiary will receive payment for unused sick leave up to 100 days. The employee must notify the Office of Human Resource Services in writing indicating they would like to have their eligibility for this option reviewed. 11. Employees may at their discretion donate from their current year’s allocation of paid leave days to another employee who has exhausted his/her paid days and sick bank days for documented medical circumstances. In order to make this a benefit to employees that is also cost-neutral to the District (except for the cost of additional administration through payroll), the following is

the formula used. A donation form (GCCAA/GCCBA-E2) may be requested from the Human Resource Services Office. •

Licensed Employee Donating Unused Leave: Annual Salary ÷ # Days Contracted for Year = Daily Rate Credit Toward Total Need = Daily Rate X # of Days Being Donated from Current Year

Licensed Employee with the Need Donor’s annual salary ÷ Teacher Rate x number of days donated for the year = value of donation

Please reference Policy GCCAAA, Volunteer Sick Leave Bank for additional information regarding donating days. CROSS REF.:

GBGA, Staff Health and Safety GCQC/GCQD, Resignation of Staff GCQE, Retirement of Professional Staff

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 22, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2003


Volunteer Sick Leave Bank The purpose of the volunteer sick leave bank is to provide a source of paid leave for an employee (not a family member) who sustains a serious illness or accident and does not have sufficient paid leave accumulated to cover the period of time when (s)he is unable to work, or for the new employee who likewise sustains a serious illness or accident and has not had the opportunity to accumulate adequate leave. The sick leave bank is not intended to cover all types of absences for which an employee has insufficient leave or for absences provided through Worker’s Compensation. REGULATIONS: 1. Any employee who is entitled to paid leave may donate one day of paid leave to the bank and thereby become a member. If the balance in the bank drops below 45 days, the employees who are members will be asked to donate an additional day to retain their membership and eligibility for this benefit. 2.

Forty days is the maximum sick leave granted to any member from the bank for any one illness/injury. Employees will only be eligible for the number of days they have in their individual leave account as of the first of the school year, or the first day of employment if an employee is hired after the beginning of the school year (i.e. a first year teacher would receive 10.3 days of paid leave. By donating one day, that first year teacher would be eligible for another 10.3 days from the sick leave bank should (s)he meet all other requirements. An individual with thirty days of accumulated leave as of the beginning of the school year would be eligible for an additional thirty days from the sick leave bank, etc.)


To become eligible to use the volunteer sick leave bank, the staff member must have used all of his/her accumulated paid leave and sick leave and must have been on leave without pay for a minimum of six (6) consecutive days (related to a specific illness) during a contract year (i.e. July 1 through June 30). Members are then eligible to make written application to the

Human Resource Services Office to activate the sick leave bank on their behalf. 4.

Intermittent leave for the same illness can also draw from the sick leave bank if intermittent treatment is prescribed by physician letter for life threatening illness. The staff member must have used all of his/her accumulated paid leave and must have been on leave without pay for minimum of six (6) days during a contract year.


Requests for use must be accompanied by a letter from the attending physician, on the physician's official stationery, stating the individual is not able to perform the normal duties, the duration and seriousness of the illness, and when the employee may be expected to return to work.


At the discretion of the Human Resource Services Office, the applicant may be asked to submit to a physical examination by a physician chosen by the Superintendent (or his/her designee). If required, the examination will be at the expense of the School District.


The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will, in written form, notify the applicant of the action taken on the request to utilize the sick leave bank.


A member employee withdrawing from the sick leave bank or terminating employment may not withdraw contributed day(s).


Open enrollment in the bank is limited to the first month of employment or between September 15 and October 1 of each year.


Staff members receiving or eligible to receive Worker's Compensation or long-term disability benefits, will not be eligible to make application to the Sick Leave Bank.


The following disabilities are excluded from utilization of the Sick Leave Bank: a. b. c. d. e.

intentionally self-inflicted injury while sane; alcoholism or narcotics and drug addiction unless such drugs were administered on the advice of a physician; commission of a felony; elective or cosmetic surgery; accident or sickness arising out of and in the course of any occupation for wage or profit.

12. Licensed employees may at their discretion donate from their current year's allocation of paid leave days to another employee who has exhausted his/her sick days and sick bank days. The employee who wants to donate one or more days may request a Sick Leave Bank Donation Request form from the Human Resource Services Office or access the form on the District's website, The formula for donating unused sick leave is as follows: - Annual Salary divided by number of contract days for the year equals daily rate. Credit toward need of employee with need equals daily rate multiplied by the number of days being donated from the current year. The credit is applied to another employee against that person's need. The need is established through the following formula: - Hour rate of pay multiplied by number of hours worked during a day plus cost of base pay for temporary replacement multiplied by number of days required total need.

13. Donated days must be received in the Office of Human Resource Services within 30 calendar days after the commencement of when the donated days would be utilized. Donated days received after this timeframe will not be processed. 14. District employees may donate days that they have accumulated only in the current school year (July 1st through June 30th). 15. If the employee receiving the donated days was not enrolled in the sick leave bank, the employee is required to take 6 days of leave without pay prior to utilizing any days donated to them. 16. If a separation of employment occurs or if an employee has used their leave days themselves, that employee is not eligible to donate their accumulated days to another employee. 17. Days can be donated for maternity leave only in instances where it is determined and documented by a physician to be medically necessary. 18. Days can be donated to individuals that must be absent due to their own documented illness, the documented illness of an immediate family member (spouse or child) or the documented illness of an individual that the employee has documented legal guardianship of. 19. One employee may have a maximum of 60 days donated to them. 20. Days can only be donated in the current school year and cannot be carried into the next school year (excluding employees scheduled to work 261 days per year). CROSS REF:

GCCAC/GCCBC Instructional/Administrative Staff Maternity/Paternity/Child Care Leave

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 12, 1982 (to go into effect on July 1, 1982) Revised: July 1, 2001


Licensed/Administrative Staff Legal Leave The Board of Education recognizes the importance of the jury system in a democracy and the obligation of all citizens to serve as jurors under appropriate circumstances. When a School District employee is subpoenaed to testify in court in a case in which (s)he is not a party (unless the case is related to his/her position with the Eagle County School District) or is summoned to serve on a jury, (s)he will be granted leave when such subpoena or summons is verified with no jeopardy to his/her employment or compensation. During any such absence, such employee shall be entitled to receive his/her regular salary and all benefits (s)he would normally receive as long as they submit a Juror Service Certificate (needs to be obtained from the Clerk of the Court) to the payroll office in addition to their leave request. 1.

All fees received for each court appearance or services, up to but not in excess of the employee's rate of pay, shall be remitted to the District.


Requests for court witness or jury duty leave should be requested on the leave Request Form and designated as “Jury Duty�. A copy of the jury summons or subpoena must accompany leave requests.


Substitutes, when necessary, for employees shall be obtained in the usual manner and paid by the District.


The Superintendent shall have the authority to request that an employee be excused from service or his/her service delayed provided the special nature of the employee's qualifications would make it difficult to secure an adequate substitute or if the timing of the proposed jury service affords a threat to the welfare of the school or the students concerned.


Employees who are released from jury or court witness duty prior to the end of their regular workday shall return to their work assignment.


C.R.S. 13-71-119 C.R.S. 13-71-126 C.R.S. 13-71-129 C.R.S. 13-71-132 through 13-71-134

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 26, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2003


Licensed/Administrative Staff Maternity/Paternity/Child Care Leave Maternity Leave 1. Maternity leave is leave granted to a female certified employee during the period of her pregnancy and/or for the period of time a female employee is temporarily disabled caused by or contributed to by her pregnancy, miscarriage, medically necessary abortion, adoption, or childbirth. Maternity leave can not exceed twelve (12) calendar weeks (including all breaks). Maternity leave may be paid or unpaid leave in accordance with the provisions set forth in the regulations below. Adoptive parents may choose to take some of their Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) entitlement as paid or unpaid leave. A female employee is considered temporarily disabled or sick for up to 6 weeks for a vaginal delivery and for up to 8 weeks for a c-section. Policy GCCAAA, Volunteer Sick Leave Bank may be accessed by the female employee during the specified period of time that has been identified as being temporarily disabled or sick for each type of delivery. The amount of personal paid leave and sick leave that the employee has accumulated may be accessed according to Policy GCCAA/GCCBA, Licensed/Administrative Staff Paid Leave for up to a total of twelve (12) calendar weeks. 2. Maternity leaves of absence shall be granted subject to the following conditions: Upon written request, a pregnant certified employee shall be granted maternity leave, with or without pay as outlined in this policy at the employee's option, to begin at any time after the commencement of pregnancy and to end on the date the temporary disability caused by or contributed to by the pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, or childbirth ceases. Except in cases of extreme emergency, the employee shall give her principal written notice of her intention to take such leave no later than the fifth month of pregnancy. The notice shall also include the expected duration of the leave, as well as a physician's statement certifying the pregnancy (utilize form GCCAC/GCCBC-E1, which is available from the District Office).

3. If, at the commencement of maternity leave, the employee's physician certifies in writing that the employee's absence is the result of a temporary disability caused by or contributed to by the pregnancy, miscarriage, or childbirth, the employee may elect to be paid for the number of paid leave days which she has accumulated while such temporary disability exists. A physician's statement verifying the continuing conditions of temporary disability will also be necessary. 4. An employee on approved FMLA leave with pay will continue to receive the same level of health benefits that they received prior to their approved leave for a maximum total of twelve (12) calendar weeks. 5. An employee wishing to extend maternity leave beyond twelve (12) weeks of leave should refer to Policy GCCAG/GCCBG, Extended Leaves or Policy GCC, Family Medical Leave. Paternity Leave 1. Paternity leave may be granted to a male certified employee during the time his spouse/mate has given birth or has had a miscarriage or abortion. Paternity leave may also be granted for adoption. Paternity leave may be paid or unpaid as provided in the regulations below: a.

Paternity leave requested solely for the purpose of baby-sitting (well child care) shall be unpaid.


Accumulated paid leave days may be used for paid Paternity leave. For a request of over five (5) consecutive days of Paternity Leave a physician’s statement, certifying to the need for the father to be at home is required.

2. An employee wishing to extend maternity or paternity leave beyond the time that can be deducted from paid leave should refer to Policy GCCAG/GCCBG, Extended Leaves or Policy GCC, Family Medical Leave. 3. No credit toward experience increments will occur during the period of unpaid leave that lasts longer than 90 contract days. CROSS REFS:

GCCAAA, Volunteer Sick Leave Bank GCC, Professional/Staff Leaves and Absences GCCAG/GCCBG, Extended Leaves

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 10, 1985 Revised: July 1, 2002

File: GCCAC-E1

Physician's Statement Regarding Pregnancy This is to notify the Eagle County School District that ___________________________ (Patient's Name) is pregnant. The approximate date of delivery is _________________________, and it is my opinion that if the pregnancy is normal, ______________________________ will not (Patient's Name) physically be able to work _______ (No.) days prior to delivery and ______ (No.) days following delivery (these figures should NOT take into consideration bonding, etc., but

should only consider the temporary physical disability caused by or contributed to by her pregnancy). __________________________________ Physician's Name __________________________________ Physician's Signature __________________________________ Date __________________________________ Physician's Address __________________________________ Physician's Phone Number __________________________________ Patient's Signature I would like to activate the sick leave bank if I meet the requirements to do so as defined in Policy GCCAAA, Volunteer Sick Leave Bank. (Please initial) NOTE: Please refer to Policy GDCA - Sick Leave Policy Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 10, 1985 (to go into effect July 1, 1985) Revised: July 1, 2002

File: GCCAC-E2

Physician's Statement Regarding Continued Disability Related to Pregnancy, Childbirth, or Miscarriage NOTE: This form is only to used when a request is being made for an extension of the thirty days normally allowed following pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage. Eagle County School District policy requires that if the disability continues and the staff member is requesting sick leave, this form must be completed on a weekly basis. A copy of the complete sick leave policy is included for the physician's reference. Patient's Name: _______________________________

Date: ___________

This is to certify that the above patient is still temporarily disabled as a result of pregnancy/ childbirth/miscarriage (circle one) and is unable to perform her normal work duties. It is my professional opinion that this disability will continue commencing _________________________________and ending on ___________________________ (not to exceed 7 calendar days). Please include a brief statement as to why this person's disability has continued beyond the normally allowed thirty days, which was caused or contributed to by pregnancy, childbirth, or miscarriage: _____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________ __________________________________ Physician's Name

______ Date

__________________________________ Physician's Signature

______ Date

__________________________________ Physician's Address __________________________________ Physician's Phone Number __________________________________ Patient's Signature

______ Date

I would like to activate the sick leave bank if I meet the requirements to do so as defined in Policy GCCAAA, Volunteer Sick Leave Bank. (Please initial) Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 25, 1987 (to go into effect July 1, 1987) Revised: March 22, 1989 (to go into effect on July 1, 1989)


Military Leave The Eagle County School District Board of Education supports a policy that allows employees to participate in a military reserve program. REGULATIONS: 1. Employees who need to be absent from their regular duties because of military reserve service shall be allowed to: a. b. c. 2.

Use their accrued vacation for military leave (if applicable). Take leave without pay for the military leave. Take a combination of accrued vacation time and leave without pay (if applicable).

Employees who are activated for military service during their term of employment shall be entitled to the following: a. b.

Leave from their duties without pay and/or use of accrued vacation days (if applicable). The right to their job or a comparable job upon return for military service.


Employees who are absent from their regular duties because of military reserve alt


Employees who participate in a military reserve program shall be guaranteed time off for military service provided that a leave request is completed and signed by the appropriate people. Employees are encouraged to communicate to their supervisor(s) the dates of military leave as early as possible.


38 U.S.C. Subsection 2021, Veterans Re-employment Rights Act

C.R.S. 28-3-601 et seq. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2003


Instructional/Administrative Staff Conferences/Training/Workshops (Professional Leave) The Eagle County School District Re50J Board of Education encourages staff members to continue their professional growth and desires to reflect this value in its policies and procedures. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) may grant leaves for employees to attend conferences, workshops, conventions, etc., related to the employee's work. With prior approval of the principal/supervisor and the Superintendent (or his/her designee) professional leave related to the employee's work may be granted without payroll deductions. REGULATIONS: 1. When feasible, professional growth activities should be scheduled at a time when school is not in session, so as to minimize classroom disruption. 2.

Request for professional leave should be submitted to one's supervisor utilizing the District's leave request form (i.e. Travel and Trip Report and Professional/Field Trip Justification Report).


Decisions regarding professional leave requests will be approved by the supervisor and by the Assistant Superintendent on an individual basis. Decisions should focus on the school philosophy, school goals and objectives, and individual needs. Consideration should also be given to prior utilization of professional leave and membership in the sponsoring organization. The Administrative Team will design a system to help prevent an excessive number of staff members going to a single conference.


Budgetary balances and/or constraints may limit professional leave opportunities.


Employees of the Eagle County School District will not be granted professional leave to engage in activities for which they will be remunerated unless the activity is clearly associated with the educational profession. Officiating athletic events shall not be considered to constitute "professionally related activities." The final determination of what constitutes professionally-related activities shall be made by the Assistant Superintendent.


If an event is scheduled on a day which extends a vacation, a coach or activity sponsor may request professional leave if students attend as participants or spectators and their supervision is required.


If an event is scheduled on a day which extends a vacation, a coach or activity sponsor may request professional leave as a spectator if he/she prepares a plan which documents the experience and new learning which the professional experience will provide. The plan must have the supervisor’s approval noted on the Leave Request within an agreed upon time the coach/sponsor will provide the proof of attendance along with the completed plan.


The Eagle County School District has the right to pay all expenses necessitated by a professional growth experience, to pay part of the expenses, or to pay none of the expenses.

The amount of expenses to be paid by the District should be agreed to in conjunction with the professional leave approval. 9.

At the discretion of the Superintendent, professional leave may be used to defend a dissertation as it is related to obtaining a Doctoral Degree.


At the beginning of the school year, the organization selected to represent teachers shall be credited with four (4) days to be used by their officers or their designees. Such use shall be agreed upon by the president of the organization selected to represent teachers and the Superintendent. The organization selected to represent teachers agrees to notify the Superintendent and the building administrator(s) affected by the leave not less than 48 hours prior to the date for intended use of such leave. As a general rule, no more than two persons from the same building shall be granted leave concurrently. However, under unique circumstances, the Superintendent may grant leaves to more than two people from the same building simultaneously. At the request of the organization selected to represent teachers, two (2) additional days may be granted as agreed upon by the president of the organization selected to represent teachers and the Superintendent. Payroll deductions will not be made for this professional leave, but the organization selected to represent teachers will be responsible for payment of substitute teachers.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 26, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2004


Instructional/Administrative Staff Extended Leaves Decisions regarding extended leave requests should be made in a manner that ensures that the leave supports the District's needs and will not have a negative impact on students. Leave requests will not be granted or there may be a limit as to the duration of the leave if there is a concern that a suitable replacement cannot be employed. The leaves granted for a full school year will include only those teachers who have gained non probationary status and have successfully completed five consecutive years of teaching in the District. Serious consideration will be given to requests for extended leaves for the following reasons (this list is in general order of priority): 1.

Requests for an extended leave to accommodate physical or mental health needs, or leaves to accommodate pregnancy, family emergencies, parental leave, or adoption.


Requests for an extended leave to provide the opportunity to continue formal education.


Requests for an extended leave to take part in a foreign teacher exchange or to teach in a foreign country may submit their requests as dictated by the timelines of the foreign exchange program.


Requests for an extended leave to allow foreign travel related to the staff member's present position with the District.


Requests for extended leaves that do not fall into one of the above categories will be considered on an individual basis based on the recommendation of the supervisor(s).

The teacher making a request for an extended leave shall state in writing which of these reasons apply. If the reason changes during the course of the leave, employment may be terminated. Requests for an extended leave to seek other employment or to enter into a contractual relationship with another district will not be granted without the approval of the Director of Human Resource Services. If the district confirms that an employee on extended leave from the district is employed elsewhere without the approval of the Director of Human Resources, that unauthorized employment may be grounds for termination based on the individual circumstances of each case. REGULATIONS: 1. Requests for extended leave must be in writing and must have the approval of the Director of Human Resources who shall consult with the staff member's supervisor(s) prior to making a decision. In cases of an emergency however, the request for leave of absence must be submitted at least thirty (30) days prior to the date upon which the leave is requested to begin. 2. Staff members who are requesting a leave of absence for a full school year should make their request by March 1 during the school year proceeding the year in which the leave is desired. 3. Leaves of absence that are requested for a full school year will be granted for only one (1) school calendar year in length. The status of all leave requests will be determined by April 15th. Additional years may be granted in documented situations where a licensed staff member has an immediate family (as defined by the Federal FMLA Act) that is gravely ill. 4. Requests for extended leave of absences will not be granted or there may be a limit as to the duration of the leave if there is a concern that a suitable replacement cannot be employed. 5. Extended leaves of absence are granted without salary, benefits or other district benefits for the duration of their leave. Those granted extended leaves may choose to pay the premiums necessary to remain in the district health and dental insurance program through COBRA. Payments for continuation of these benefits must be received by the Payroll Office on or before the first of each month. 6. Employees returning to the District after an extended leave may return to the same position upon their return or they may be reassigned the most comparable job available in the building they left for which (s)he is qualified unless Policy GCQA/GCQB (Reduction in Force) applies. If returning to the building (s)he left is not an option from the building perspective, (s)he will be placed elsewhere in the District. If the date of return from an extended leave is the beginning of a school year, the assignment shall be assured provided the staff member notifies both their supervisor and the Director of Human Resource on or before March 1 of the preceding year of his/her intention to return. Extended leave for a portion of the school year will be filled, when possible, with a replacement who is given an interim contract. 7. Staff members who are approved for an extended leave will not receive credit for a year of experience on the salary schedule upon their return unless that person's leave consists of a concentrated year of documented comparable teaching experience that had prior approval by the Director of Human Resource Services.

8. Those granted leaves will retain their accumulated paid or sick leave, but will not be awarded additional paid or sick leave during the term of the extended leave. A teacher/administrator who does not return to service in the District after an extended leave will not be paid for accumulated paid or sick leave even if a resignation is submitted prior to March 1st. 9. Prior to returning from an extended leave of absence that was granted due to health reasons, the Director of Human Resource Services may require the staff member to present a statement from a physician that he/she is physically and/or mentally able to resume the normal duties required of his/her assignment. If requested, confirmation of the physician's statement by another physician selected by the Director of Human Resource Services may be required at the expense of the District. 10. In the case of parental leave in which the parents decide that one parent should spend a period of time not to exceed one (1) year providing child care, it will be left to the discretion of the family as to whether that person will be the father or the mother (refer to Policy GCCAA/GCCBA Professional Staff Leave, regarding utilization of sick leave for maternity leave). 11. Extended leaves of absence, unless filled with a transfer, will, when possible, be filled by a replacement who is given an interim contract. 12. Extended leaves are considered a break in service when applying the district policies regarding retirement. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 25, 1994 (to go into effect on July 1, 1994)

File: GCC-E

Certification of Physician or Practitioner (Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Employee's name Patient's name Diagnosis Date condition commenced Probable duration of condition Regimen of treatment to be prescribed. Indicate number of visits, general nature and duration of treatment including referral to other providers of health services. Include schedule of visits or treatment if it is medically necessary for the employee to be off work on an intermittent basis or to work less than the employee's normal schedule of hours per day or days per week. a. b.

By physician or practitioner By another provider of health services if referred by physician or practitioner.

If this certification relates to care for the employee's seriously ill family member, skip items 7, 8 and 9 and proceed to items 10 through 14. Otherwise continue below. Circle Yes or No below as appropriate.






Is in-patient hospitalization of the employee required?




Is employee able to perform work of any kind? If "no" skip item 9.




Is employee able to perform the functions of employee's position? Answer after reviewing statement from employer of essential functions of employee's position or if none provided after discussing with employee.

For certification relating to care for the employee's seriously ill family member, complete items 10 through 14 below as they apply to the family member and proceed to item 17. Yes





Is in-patient hospitalization of the family member (patient) required?




Does or will the patient require assistance for basic medical needs, hygiene, nutritional needs, safety or transportation?




After review of the employee's signed statement (item 14 below), is the employee's presence necessary or would it be beneficial for the care of the patient? This may include psychological comfort.

13. 14. 15.

Estimate the period of time care is needed or the employee's presence would be beneficial. Signature of physician or practitioner Date


Type of practice (field of specialization, if any)

Item 17 is to be completed by the employee needing family leave. 17.

When family leave is needed to care for a seriously ill family member, the employee must state the care he will provide and an estimate of the time period during which this care will be provided including a schedule if leave is to be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave schedule.

Employee signature Date

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 25, 1994 (to go into effect on July 1, 1994) Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCC-R

Professional Staff Leaves and Absence (Federally-mandated Family Leave) Notification and reporting When the need for leave for the birth or adoption of a child or for planned medical treatment is foreseeable, the employee must provide at least 30 days prior notice unless circumstances dictate otherwise. With respect to foreseeable treatments of an employee's family members, the employee must make a reasonable effort to schedule treatment so as not to disturb district operations.

In cases of illness, the employee is required to report periodically on his leave status and intention to return to work. Intermittent or reduced leave When instructional employees seek intermittent leave in connection with a family or personal illness and when such leave would constitute at least 20 percent of the total number of working days in the period during which the leave would extend, the district may require the employee to take leave in a block (not intermittently) for the entire period or to transfer to an available alternative position with the school system, that is equivalent in pay, for which the employee is qualified and which better accommodates the intermittent situation. Basic conditions The district will require medical certification to support a claim for leave for an employee's own serious health condition or to care for a seriously ill child, spouse or parent. The basic certification will be sufficient if it contains the date on which the condition commenced, the duration of the condition and any appropriate medical information. For an employee's own medical leave, the certification also must include a statement that the employee is unable to perform the functions of his position. For leave to care a seriously ill child, spouse or parent, the certification must include an estimate of the amount of time the employee is needed to provide care. In its discretion, the district may require a second medical opinion and periodic recertification at its own expense. If the first and second opinions differ, the district at its own expense may require the binding opinion of a third health care provider approved jointly by the district and the employee. Certification for intermittent leave must indicate the dates on which treatment is expected to be given and the duration of the treatment. For leave to care for a seriously ill child, spouse or parent, the certification must include a statement that the employee's intermittent leave is necessary to care for the family member and the expected duration and schedule of treatment. For the employee's own intermittent leave, the certification must contain a statement indicating the medical necessity of the intermittent treatment and its expected duration. A "Request for Family and Medical Leave of Absence Form" must be originated by the employee. This form should be completed in detail, signed by the employee, submitted to the immediate supervisor for proper approval, and forwarded to the personnel department. If possible, the form should be submitted 30 days in advance of the effective date of the leave. All medical information provided to the district through this process shall be treated as confidential. Reinstatement Because the end of the trimester is a critical time for both teachers and students, the following conditions will apply to requests from teachers seeking to return from leave within the last three weeks of the trimester: 1.

If the employee begins any category of family and medical leave five or more weeks prior to the end of the trimester and the leave is for more than three weeks, the district may require the employee seeking to return within the last three weeks to wait until the next trimester.


If the employee begins any category of family and medical leave except personal sick leave less than five weeks before the end of the trimester and the period of leave is greater than two weeks, the district may require the employee seeking to return within the last two weeks to wait until the next trimester.


If the employee begins any category of family and medical leave expect personal sick leave three or fewer weeks before the end of the trimester and the period of leave is greater than five working days, the district may require the employee to wait until the next trimester.

Employees who have taken leave due to a personal health condition will be required to provide certification by their physician that the employee is able to resume work, [optional language - unless otherwise provided in a negotiated agreement]. In addition, the district reserves the right to consult with a public health official if there is any question about possible transmission of a disease in the school setting. Repayment of benefits In the event that an employee elects not to return to work upon completion of an approved unpaid leave of absence, the district may recover from the employee the cost of any payments made to maintain the employee's group health insurance coverage unless the failure to return to work was due to a continuation, recurrence or onset of a serious health condition as certified by a physician that entitles the employee to leave or for other reasons beyond the employee's control. Benefit entitlement based upon length of service will be calculated as of the last paid work day prior to the start of the unpaid leave of absence. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 17, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2005

File: GCD

Administrative Staff Vacations and Holidays Administrative employees who are employed on a 12-month basis for 261 days shall receive at least 15 working days vacation with pay annually. Vacation days shall be cumulative up to the number of days that can be earned in 18 months. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-1-112

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: September 28, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCEC

Posting Of Staff Vacancies Employees should have the opportunity to grow professionally and to acquire more responsibility while remaining with the District. Therefore, personnel currently employed by the District will be notified of vacancies within the District prior to or simultaneous with the advertising of the position. REGULATIONS: 1.

Notification of vacancies will be made to the staff via a written announcement sent to each facility and posted in the District Office and available on our website,


During the summer, when school is not in session, vacancy notices shall be posted in the District Office, on the District’s website and a copy will be sent to the president of the organization selected to represent teachers for distribution.


Principals/head teachers/supervisors are expected to post all District vacancy announcements.


Vacancies will be posted for a minimum of 5 days before the position is offered. Vacancies being filled based on administrative transfers are not required to be posted for 5 days.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 1997

File: GCEF

Weapons in the Workplace The Board of Education determines that possession and/or use of a weapon by employees is detrimental to the welfare and safety of the students and school personnel within the District. Carrying, bringing, using or possessing any dangerous or deadly weapon in any school building, on school grounds, in any school vehicle or at any school-sponsored activity without the prior written authorization of the principal or the District Assistant Superintendent is prohibited. Such weapons as defined below include but are not limited to any pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, air gun or spring gun; slingshot; bludgeon; brass knuckles or artificial knuckles of any kind; knife having a blade of longer than three inches; any knife the blades of which can be opened by a flick of a button or pressure on the handle; or any pocket knife where the blade is carried in a partially-opened position. The foregoing definition of a “dangerous or deadly weapon� shall not include any knife or tool which an employee normally uses in performing his or her duties as a district employee; for example, a kitchen knife which a food service employee uses on the job. Possession of a dangerous or deadly weapon, as defined in this policy, on school property or in school buildings will be considered a violation of this policy unless the person falls within one of the following categories: A. He/she is carrying out duties for the school district which require the use of a deadly weapon. B.

He/she is a peace officer on duty.

This policy is applicable to all District employees even if such employee has been issued a weapons permit by a law enforcement agency. Violation of this policy shall require that proceedings for the discipline or termination of the employee involved shall be initiated immediately by the superintendent. In addition to being a violation of this policy, a District employee commits a class 2 misdemeanor if he/she knowingly or unlawfully: 1.

Carries a knife concealed on or about his/her person, or


Carries a firearm concealed on or about his/her person, or

3. Without legal authority carries, brings, or has in his/her possession a weapon in or about the property, grounds, or buildings, of the Eagle County School District. Infractions of federal, state, or local laws will automatically be reported to appropriate law enforcement authorities. In all cases due process shall be afforded. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 18-1-901 (3)(e) C.R.S. 18-12-101 C.R.S. 18-12-105.5 C.R.S. 18-12-108 (2)

18 U.S.C. Subsection 921 (A)(3) (Federal definition of “firearm”) CROSS REFS.:

GCJ, Professional Staff Employment, Compensation and Dismissal GDQD, Discipline, Suspension and Dismissal of Classified Staff

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 24, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2006 (legal refs)


Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring Recruiting The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will develop and maintain a recruitment program designed to attract and retain the best possible licensed personnel, who are highly qualified as defined by the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB), in the district's schools. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent, with the assistance of other administrators, to determine the personnel needs of the District and of each individual school and to locate suitable candidates to recommend to the Board for employment. Recruitment procedures shall not overlook the talents and potential of individuals already employed in the district schools. Any present employee of the District may apply for a position for which (s)he has a license, is highly qualified and appropriate endorsement and for which (s)he meets the other stated requirements. The Superintendent may choose to promote/transfer candidates from within the District without opening the position to an external search. When a decision has been made to open a position both inside and outside of the District, the search for teachers and other licensed personnel shall extend to a wide variety of educational institutions and geographical areas. It shall take into consideration the diverse characteristics of the school system and the need for licensed staff members of various backgrounds. Background Checks The Colorado Department of Education and/or the Colorado Bureau of Investigation will determine if there is any information on record indicating the applicant has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor involving unlawful sexual behavior or unlawful sexual behavior involving children or a misdemeanor crime that involves domestic violence. These records will indicate if the applicant has been convicted of, pled nolo contendere to or received a deferred sentence or deferred prosecution for such crimes. The Colorado Department of Education will provide any available information to indicate whether the applicant has been dismissed by or resigned from a school district as a result of an allegation of unlawful behavior involving a child, including unlawful sexual behavior which was supported by a preponderance of evidence according to information provided to the department by a school district and confirmed by the department in accordance with state law. Information of this type that is learned from a different source shall be reported to the Human Resource Services Office. The department will not disclose any information reported by a school district unless and until the department confirms that the allegations resulted in the person’s name being placed on the state central registry of child protection. Contact a minimum of at least three previous employers of the applicant to obtain information or recommendations relevant to the applicant’s fitness for employment.

Although an applicant may be conditionally employed prior to receiving the results, he or she may be terminated if the results are inconsistent with the information provided on the form. Credit Reports The Human Resource Services Office will not obtain a credit report on an applicant unless the office has first notified the individual in writing, in a document consisting solely of the notice, that the District would like to obtain a credit report and is requesting the individual’s written authorization to obtain the report. A credit report will only be requested when the applicant submits a written authorization. The Human Resource Services Office will not rely on a credit report in denying an application unless the office has first supplied the applicant with a disclosure that includes a copy of the credit report and a summary of the applicant’s rights. If an application for employment is denied because of the credit report, the Human Resource Services Office will give the applicant notice that the action has been taken, as well as: A.

the name, address and phone number of the credit bureau supplying the report;


a statement that the credit bureau was not involved in the decision to deny the application; and


a notice of the individual’s right to dispute the information in the report.

All applicants recommended for a position in the District shall submit a set of fingerprints and a notarized form with information about felony or misdemeanor convictions as required by law. (This requirement shall not apply to any student currently enrolled in the District applying for a job.) Applicants may be conditionally employed prior to receiving the fingerprint results. The Board shall officially appoint all employees upon the Superintendent’s recommendation; however, temporary appointments may be made pending Board action. Upon hiring of any employee child support information required by federal and state law will be forwarded by the District to the appropriate state agency. Applications Records submitted to the district applicants for professional staff positions shall remain confidential until the applicant becomes a finalist for the position if so requested in writing by the applicant when submitting the records. When an applicant becomes a finalist, all records submitted by the applicant shall be available for public inspection except that letters of reference or medical, psychological and sociological data shall remain confidential. An applicant shall become a finalist when (s)he is chosen for an interview or when he still is being considered for the position 21 days prior to the Board’s selection of a person to fill the position, whichever comes first. However, if there are six or fewer applicants competing for the position, all shall be considered finalists. The Board directs that recruitment procedures will give preference to candidates who meet the NCLB definition of highly qualified. Selection There shall be no discrimination in the hiring process on the basis of age, handicap, sex, creed, race, color, national origin, or marital status.

All candidates shall be considered on the basis of their merits, qualifications, and the needs of the District. All interviewing and selection procedures shall ensure that the administrator directly responsible for the work of a staff member has an opportunity to aid in the selection. However, the final selection for nomination shall be made by the Superintendent. In the selection of athletic coaches, the principal and director of athletics will interview the qualified applicants, and the decision regarding selection will be made by the principal and the director of athletics. In the selection of assistant athletic coaches, the head coach of that sport may be involved in the interview process. In the hiring of Head Start funded positions, consistent with federal Head Start regulations, first consideration will be given to current or former qualified parents of children that have been enrolled in the Head Start program. Appointment of Candidates Employment recommendations shall be made at regular or special meetings of the Board of Education. Recommendations of candidates who are not highly qualified, as defined by the NCLB, will be accompanied with an explanation as to why a highly qualified candidate was not hired for the position. The vote of a majority of the Board shall be necessary to approve the appointment of teachers, administrators, or any other employee of the District. If there is a negative vote by the Board, the Superintendent shall submit a new recommendation to the Board for approval. Information Report to State 1. Upon the appointment of any employee to the District, in accordance with federal and state law information required by the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act will be forwarded to the appropriate state agency. The personnel office will report the name, address and social security number of every new employee to Child Support Enforcement, 1375 Sherman Street, Denver, Colorado 80203. This report, due within 20 days of the date of the hire or on the first payroll after the 20 days have expired, shall be submitted even if the employee quits or is terminated before the report is due. Upon receiving a Notice of Wage assignment, the district shall remit the designated payment within 7 days of withholding the income according to instructions contained in the Notice. Child support withholding takes priority over other legal actions against the same wages. REGULATIONS: 1. All applicants should be directed to the district Human Resource Services Office. 2. All applicants must submit written applications, transcripts, credentials, and a resume to the Human Resource Services Office. 3. Selected applicants will be interviewed by the supervisor. The interviewer will keep a record of all candidates that are interviewed for each position. This record will be kept at the building. 4. Staff and public participation in the interviewing process may be utilized when appropriate. 5. Applicants will be selected based on the best qualifications for the position, giving due consideration to the district's goals for hiring.

6. The choice of the candidate to be accepted to fill the position will be made by mutual agreement between the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and the supervisor. Special consideration will be given to the supervisor's recommendation. When agreement between the Superintendent (or his/her designee) and the supervisor cannot be reached as to the best candidate, the Superintendent will be responsible for making the recommendation to the Board of Education. 7. Successful and unsuccessful candidates who have been interviewed will be notified of the final decision regarding a vacancy. This notification will be the responsibility of the supervisor/principal. 8. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will submit the recommendation for hire to the Board of Education for approval. 9. All hiring, resignations and terminations of personnel supervised by the Director of Early Childhood must be approved by the Board of Education. The approval of the Board of Education is contingent upon the approval of the Head Start Policy Council. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 14-14-111.5 (Child Support Enforcement procedures) C.R.S.22-2-119 (duty to make inquiries prior to hiring) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(f) (Board duty to employ personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 (duty to make inquiries prior to hiring) C.R.S. 22-32-126 C.R.S. 22-60.5-114 (3) (State Board can waive some requirements for initial license applicants upon request of school district) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201 (licensure reciprocity for out-of-state applicants) C.R.S. 22-61-101 C.R.S. 22-61-103 C.R.S. 22-63-201 C.R.S. 22-63-202 C.R.S. 24-34-402 (1) (discriminatory and unfair employment practices) C.R.S. 24-72-202 (4.5) (definition of personnel file in open records law) 42 U.S.C. 653 (a) (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act) 15 U.S.C. 1681 et seq. (Fair Credit Reporting Act) 20 U.S.C. 1119 (No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) 34 C.F.R. 200.55 (federal regulations regarding highly qualified teachers)


GBA, Open Hiring/Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action GCAA*, Highly Qualified Teachers

NOTE 2: In districts with fewer than 4,500 students, the Board may adopt a resolution declaring a critical shortage of licensed teachers. C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(f)(III). Prior to doing this, the district must have posted the vacancy for a teaching position for at least one month and advertised in a widely distributed newspaper or with teacher education programs. Following adoption of the resolution, the Board may hire PERA retirees as teachers or principals. The retiree will be eligible to receive a salary from the district without a reduction in PERA benefits.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 25, 1987 (to go into effect on July 1, 1987) Revised: July 1, 2001

File: GCFC Page 268 of 610

Professional Licensure and Credentialing Requirements The Board of Education of the Eagle County School District Re50J believes that the primary responsibility for maintaining and renewing proper certification rests with the individual employee/administrator. However, the Board also believes that assisting the individual in obtaining certification can benefit both the individual and the Eagle County School District. REGULATIONS: 1. No payment for services as a certified employee in the Eagle County School District shall be paid to an employee unless such employee holds a valid certificate, letter of authorization, or written authorization from the Colorado Department of Education. Such certificate or letter shall be duly registered with the Personnel Office of the Eagle County School District. A certified employee shall hold a valid certificate or letter of authorization during all periods of his/her employment by the Eagle County School District. Any certified person performing services as a teacher/administrator without possessing a valid certificate or letter of authorization shall forfeit all claim to compensation out of School District moneys for the time during which his/her services are performed without such certificate, letter, or written authorization. A vocational credential issued by the State Board of Community Colleges and Occupational Education without appropriate certification does not meet the requirements set forth in state law. A non-probationary teacher who allows a certificate to expire forfeits all associated rights. 2.

Re-licensure is the sole responsibility of the employee/administrator. This responsibility includes the formulation of a re- licensure plan, earning of the required credits, obtaining transcripts, making formal application, and registering his/her certificate with the Office of Human Resources Services.


Applications for certificate renewal shall be made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Teacher Certification Unit of the Colorado Department of Education.


Nothing in this policy or any plan developed pursuant to this policy shall be construed to affect the sole and continuing discretion of the Board of Education to make employment decisions.


C.R.S. 22-60-107 (repealed effective September 1, 1988) C.R.S. 22-60-107.1 1 CCR 301-15, Rules 2260-R-15.00 et. seq.


GCOC-E1, Evaluation of Instructional Staff BDF, Advisory Committees

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: October 22, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCG Page 269 of 610

Licensed Staff The District believes that, as much as possible, the quality of instruction in the classroom should continue even when the regular teacher is absent. Therefore, the District further believes that a cadre of qualified and competent substitute teachers is very important.

Teachers shall be in one of these classifications for purposes of the Colorado Teacher Employment, Compensation and Dismissal Act according to the terms of their employment. The definitions of Part-time Teacher and Substitute Teacher are mutually exclusive. “Part-time Teacher” means a teacher who normally performs services as an employee of the District in an amount of time less than four hours during each regular school day. 1.

Teacher. Teacher means any person who holds a license issued by the Colorado Department of Education that permits them to be a teacher and who is employed to instruct, direct or supervise an instructional program. “Teacher” does not include persons holding letters of authorization or the superintendent.

2. Teacher-in-residence. A person who does not have a teacher’s license but holds a teacher in residence authorization, who is hired to teach pursuant to a teacher-in-residence program implemented by the district. A resident teacher is considered a probationary teacher when he or she begins the second year of continuous and uninterrupted employment in the teacherin-residence program. 3. Probationary teacher. A teacher on an annual contract who is working towards completing three full years of continuous and uninterrupted employment in the District and who has not been re-employed for the fourth year. A year of service for probationary teachers towards non probationary status is defined as a full school year if includes the last 120 days of the academic year and more than 4 hour per day on continuous and uninterrupted service. A probationary teacher attains non probationary status on the first day of employment on the fourth year. 4. Long Term Substitute/Itinerant Teacher – An employee that has a minimum of a substitute authorization issued by the Colorado Department of Education and has been employed in the same position for more than 5 consecutive days. 5. Permanent Substitute – An employee that has a minimum of a substitute authorization issued by the Colorado Department of Education. This employee is on an interim contract and is considered a full-time employee guaranteed employment for 40 hours per week (or pro-rated on FTE’s) on all student contact days. Permanent substitutes do not earn a year towards non probationary status. 6. Itinerant Teacher/Substitute Teacher - An itinerant teacher who is employed by a district on a day to day or similar short-term basis as a replacement teacher for a nonprobationary teacher, or a probationary teacher who is absent or otherwise unavailable (no limit on the number of days worked). 7. Part-time teacher - A teacher who is contracted to work less than four hours per day. 8. Interim teacher – A teacher who has agreed too and signed a one-year nonrenewable contract. This employee is considered a full-tine employee guaranteed employment for 40 hours per week (pro-rated on FTE’s) according to the annual school year calendar. This teacher will earn a year towards non probationary status upon being rehired the following year as long as their employment under the nonrenewable contract includes the last 120 days of the academic year and they are schedule to work 4 or more hours per day. REGULATIONS: 1. The District’s Substitute Absence Management System (SAM) shall maintain an authorized list of personnel to be used for substitute/itinerant employment. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) shall notify and direct persons on the list to perform such services for the

District as may be required on a temporary basis. Principals/head teachers shall notify and direct persons on the list to perform as substitute or itinerant teachers on a temporary basis as needed by utilizing the Substitute Absence Management System (SAM). Additions to the list will be approved by the Board of Education during the school year. 2. The authorized list of personnel to be used for part-time, substitute and itinerant teacher employment shall include only the names of the people who meet the requirements set forth by state law. The District will use the authorized list of substitute teachers to be employed by the District during the designated school year. The name of any individual authorized to serve as a substitute or itinerant teacher may be deleted from the authorized list upon request of the District, the teacher or the Colorado Department of Education. 3. The hourly substitute rate will be determined each year. A substitute will receive the current year’s hourly rate based on the hours of the position they accept through SAM. A substitute or itinerant teacher who has worked for the District may make application to the Office of Human Resource Services to be paid $.88 more than the hourly rate for substitute teachers. Approval of this increase will be granted only if (a) the employee has worked for three years as a substitute or itinerant teacher in the District, or (b) if the employee has worked 100 or more days as a substitute or itinerant teacher in the District, and (c) if the substitute or itinerant teacher receives a positive evaluation from a building principal under whose supervision one is frequently employed. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to make application for this increase. Retroactive payment will not be made. After five (5) consecutive days in the same teaching assignment, a substitute or itinerant teacher may be considered as a long-term substitute. A long-term substitute who possesses an active Colorado teaching license will be paid 100% of the base daily rate for a teacher for the remaining days in the same assignment, providing that all regular duties are assumed including, but not limited to, duties outside the classroom, lesson plans, grading, parent-teacher conferences, and such other duties as assigned by the principal. A long term substitute who possesses a substitute authorization shall be paid at seventy-five percent (75%) of the base daily rate for a teacher for the remaining days in the same assignment, providing that all regular duties are assumed including, but not limited to, duties outside the classroom, lesson plans, grading, parentteacher conferences, and such other duties as assigned by the principal. 4. Authorization by the Board of Education to pay personnel performing services on a temporary basis shall constitute employment by the Board for services provided during the period of time covered by such payment. Such payment shall not constitute any assurance or offer of continuing employment without specific Board action. Substitute and itinerant teachers do not acquire non-probationary status. 5. Permanent substitutes will be evaluated using the District’s designated Permanent substitute evaluation form a minimum of one time per year and this evaluation will be on or before May 1st. 6. Permanent substitutes may participate in cluster groups as determined by the building principal. Permanent substitutes are not eligible for performance pay. 7. Permanent substitutes will not earn a year towards non probationary status. Permanent substitutes will not earn a year of experience towards placement according to the regular

license salary schedule unless they possess a valid teaching certificate or authorization (not including a 1-5 year substitute authorization) through the Colorado Department of Education indicating that then have met all of the requirements of the state to be a teacher in Colorado. The certificate or authorization of the permanent substitute must be valid throughout the duration of the year in order to qualify the individual for the item specified in this provision. 8. A permanent substitute may elect to be a long term substitute if this opportunity presents itself. In such event, the permanent substitute shall resign as a permanent substitute and will received instead long term substitute pay but no district benefits. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-9-103 (1.5) (definition of licensed personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(f) (board duty to employ personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 (specific board duties regarding personnel) C.R.S. 22-32-110.3 (teacher in residence programs) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201 (types of teacher licenses) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201(3)(b) (licensure reciprocity for out-of-state applicants) C.R.S. 22-63-103 C.R.S. 22-63-210(2) (hiring of person in teacher-in-residence program) C.R.S. 22-63-203(2)(a)(II) (definition of probationary teacher) 20 U.S.C. 1119 (definition of highly qualified teacher contained in No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) 34 C.F.R. 200.55 (federal regulations regarding highly qualified teachers)


GCE/GCF, Professional Staff Recruiting/Hiring GCOA and subcodes, Evaluation of Instructional Staff GDE/GDF, Classified Staff Recruiting/Hiring

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 1, 1982 Revised: May 21, 2013


GUEST TEACHER PERFORMANCE REPORT Timely submission of this form to the Office of Human Resource Services is important. The general guideline is no more than five days from the date of occurrence. Name of guest teacher: _____________________________________________________________________ School: ________________________________________ Date(s) worked: __________________________ Name of classroom teacher: _____________________________________________________________________ Note to teacher/administrator completing this form: This form will be shared with the guest teacher that is named above. Inappropriate performance encountered: _____ Late arrival or early departure

Exemplary performance encountered: _____ Executed duties or lesson plans beyond expectations

_____ Failure to follow lesson plans

_____ Positive attitude and interactions with:

_____ Failure to complete required duties

_____ Students

_____ Inappropriate interaction with student’s

_____ Staff

_____ Inappropriate dress or language

_____ Professional demeanor & conduct

_____ Unprofessional conduct _____ Other

_____ Other

Explanation of circumstances (Attach supporting documentation when appropriate). _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ (If additional space is needed, use back of form or attach a separate page). Signature of person providing above information: ________________________________ Date ____________ __ We prefer to not have this guest teacher return for this teacher as a result of inappropriate performance as noted above. __ We prefer to not have this guest teacher return to our building as a result of inappropriate performance as noted above. __ Date administrator talked to the guest teacher regarding performance encountered. _________________________________________ Signature of Administrator/Teacher



Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: December 9, 1981




Instructions: Circle one number for each criteria. Comment where appropriate. (1 = Unsatisfactory to 7 = Satisfactory) 1. Teaching Techniques 1 2 3 4 5 6 (Inappropriate/unskilled) (Appropriate/Skilled) 2.





Rapport with kids 1 2 (Poor Rapport)




6 (Excellent Rapport)


Knowledge of Subject Matter 1 2 (Inadequate)




6 (Superior)


Classroom Control 1 2 (Not in Control)




6 (Positive Control)


Organization 1 2 3 (Unreliable to complete all necessary tasks)


5 6 7 (Completes all necessary tasks)

Employee Signature


Supervisor Signature


Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 31, 2013

File: GCG-R

Part-Time and Substitute Professional Staff Employment/Qualifications of Substitute The Board of Education or their designee shall maintain an authorized list of personnel to be used for substitute teachers or part-time employment. Prior to adding a person’s name to the list, a background check shall be carried out in accordance with State law. The Board authorizes the superintendent or his/her designee to notify and direct persons on the list to perform such service for the District as may be required on a temporary basis. The Board authorizes principals to notify and direct persons on the list to perform as substitute teachers on a temporary, day to day basis as needed. Such payment shall not constitute any assurance or offer of continuing employment without specific Board action.

Every person placed on the authorized list shall be given a copy of this policy prior to performing services pursuant to this policy. 1.

Substitute Teacher Qualifications, substitute teachers are expected to follow designated lesson plans, and exercise professional responsibilities, knowledge, classroom management and teaching skills in the delivery of courses of studies which will be rewarding to students and support the District curriculum. Specific qualifications to be eligible for a substitute teacher position include the following; • •

• • •

A valid 1, 3 or 5 year substitute authorization or license issued by CDE Must be ‘Highly Qualified” according to Colorado’s definition of a “Highly Qualified” teacher under the NO Child Left Behind Act (effective January 1, 2004) for long term positions Effective communication and interpersonal skills Effective time management and organizational skills Documented successful experience with kids

2. Substitute teacher employment, substitute teachers are employed by the School District on an as needed basis for individual temporary assignments and may make themselves unavailable for assignments at any time. In addition: •

• •

There is no contractual agreement for employment between a substitute teacher and the Eagle County School District beyond the day’s assignment for which s/he is called and for which s/he agrees to work. To be of the most value and have a mutually beneficial employer/employee relationship, substitute teachers are expected to work a minimum of 10 days during the school year to be eligible for employment as a substitute teacher the following school year. Substitute teachers that do not work a minimum of 10 days per school year will result in a voluntary separation of employment. The District may determine a substitute teacher’s ineligibility to participate in the substitute teacher pool at any time based on the violation of any District policy or for any performance, behavior or availability reason which deems inconsistent with District policies, procedures, mission or goals.

3. Long term substitute teacher qualifications, positions in the same teaching assignment lasting 6 or more consecutive days may be considered long-term. Additional details regarding long term guest teaching positions include the following: • • • •

Long-term substitute teaching positions are posted on the Eagle County Schools website at www. To be considered for a long-term guest teaching position, please apply online. Building Principals are responsible for determining the best possible long-term substitute teacher for positions within the school/department they supervise. A break in continuous substitute assignments occurs when a substitute teacher is absent three or more days from a continuous assignment.

The hourly substitute rate will be determined each year. A substitute will receive the current year’s hourly rate based on the hours of the position they accept through SAM.

Dependent upon the current District financial status and methodology for all employee compensation a substitute teacher or itinerant teacher who has worked for the District may make application to the Office of Human Resource Services to be paid $.75 more than the hourly rate for substitute teachers. Approval of this increase will be granted only if (a) the employee has worked for three years as a substitute or itinerant teacher in the District, or (b) if the employee has worked 100 or more days as a substitute or itinerant teacher in the District, and (c) if the substitute or itinerant teacher receives a positive evaluation from a building principal under whose supervision one is frequently employed. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to make application for this increase. Retroactive payment will not be made. 4. Long term licensed position compensation, after five (5) consecutive days in the same teaching assignment, a substitute or itinerant teacher may be considered as a long-term substitute. A long-term substitute who possesses an active Colorado teaching license will be paid 100% of the base daily rate for a teacher for the remaining days in the same assignment, providing that all regular duties are assumed including, but not limited to, duties outside the classroom, lesson plans, grading, parent-teacher conferences, and such other duties as assigned by the principal. A long term substitute who possesses a substitute authorization shall be paid at seventy-five percent (75%) of the base daily rate for a teacher for the remaining days in the same assignment, providing that all regular duties are assumed including, but not limited to, duties outside the classroom, lesson plans, grading, parentteacher conferences, and such other duties as assigned by the principal. 5. Long term support staff position compensation, substitute teachers filling long term support staff positions such as preschool, exceptional student services and paraprofessionals will be compensated at the substitute hourly rate for that position and required to use the District time keeping system. 6. Performances, formal performance evaluations for substitute teachers are not routinely conducted; however, a principal or designated administrator is encouraged to submit an anecdotal performance report at any time. If an administrator expresses concern about a substitute teacher’s performance or behavior, the following steps may be taken. 1. The substitute teacher is notified of the concern by the supervising Principal. 2. A Principal shall complete the form ‘Substitute Teacher Performance Report’, GCG/GCGA-E1 and forwarded to the Director of Human Resources or their designee requesting that a substitute teacher not return to a specific school site or classroom. 3. Upon mutual agreement of the Principal and the Director of Human Resources or their designee the substitute teacher may be blocked from that specific school site or classroom. 4. Depending on the details of the concern/complaint, the Director of Human Resources or their designee may arrange a conference with the substitute teacher.

Eligibility for Rehire, depending on the circumstances and /or manner in which a substitute teacher ended their previous guest teaching employment with the District, Eagle County School District reserves the right to determine if an applicant is eligible for rehire. A substitute teacher who wishes to be considered for rehire should complete an online application. All substitute teachers who are rehired must complete new hire paperwork and provide proof of a valid Substitute Authorization or licensure issued by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE). If the substitute teacher is inactive as an employee for any period of time, s/he may be asked to attend the substitute teacher orientation before being rehired. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 12, 1982 (to go into effect on July 1, 1982) Revised: April 9, 1997

File: GCH

Professional Staff Orientation and Training The Board of Education believes that employees are more effective if and when they have accurate expectations as to their employment. A proper orientation to the Eagle County School District should have the effect of minimizing anxieties and of minimizing wasted efforts. New employees should be given ample information regarding the Eagle County School District, its goals, its policies, and its norms. New teachers to the system will be expected to report for duty the number of working days determined annually without pay prior to the first contract day for returning teachers. REGULATIONS: 1. There shall be a District orientation to include, but not limited to: a. The District philosophy b. The District goals and objectives c. The completion of all payroll/personnel employment forms d. The personnel services and other services available from the District Office e. Presentation of the goals and services of the organization selected to represent teachers through Policy HE/HH. 2.

There shall be a building-level orientation to include, but not limited to: a. The building level goals b. A review of relevant District policies c. The District mail service d. A tour of the building and discussion of the make-up of the total District e. A discussion of the student handbook and the teacher handbook f. The identification of the District curriculum relative to that teacher’s assignment(s).


Each building principal shall write and distribute a teacher handbook that will include an outline of building level regulations and an outline of the teacher’s responsibility to the District curriculum. High school and middle school teacher handbooks will include (a) student academic requirements, (b) the master schedule and (c) a listing of the curriculum/course offerings of the school.

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: September 10, 1997


Revised: July 1, 2006

Mentor Teachers/Administrators The Directors of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development will work with building principals in selecting mentors to work with initial licensees in the District’s induction program. Educators selected as mentors shall model outstanding professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes required of the mentor role and who have demonstrated outstanding exemplary skills on the district’s evaluation rubric. These mentors, along with master teachers, will provide the guidance and leadership for the mentee through the school level clusters, classroom visitations and feedback. The mentor-inductee match will be based on grade-level/department as part of the Teacher Advancement Program. The inductee will attend a minimum of 120 minutes of cluster groups per week as outlined in their job descriptions. In these clusters, and in the classroom, inductees will learn and apply the steps for effective learning in order to continually increase their teaching skills in order to increase student achievement. The mentor shall be responsible for long-term orientation of the mentee as the individual prepares for professional licensure. The mentor shall maintain a log of contact time and activities completed by the mentor and mentee as part of the cluster plan. Principals/administrators Mentors for principals and other administrators may be selected from a variety of sources including school district personnel, personnel from other districts and retired administrators. Mentors selected for principals and administrators with initial licenses shall be: • Experienced administrators or principals. • Perceived by colleagues as effective. • Selected to match the experience of the inductee. Mentors must: • Have demonstrated effective communication skills including problem solving and written communication. • Have demonstrated skills in questioning and giving feedback. • Be committed to ongoing professional growth. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-102(12), (13), (14), (15)


GCHC* - Professional Staff Induction Program

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 1, 1997 Revised: July 1, 2006

File: GCHC*

Professional Staff Induction Program In accordance with law, the District shall provide an induction program for the continuing professional development of teachers, special service providers, principals and administrators with initial licenses just entering the profession and new to the District. The purpose of the induction program under the educator licensing law shall be to promote purposeful learning by inductees rather than learning about the District and teaching through trial

and error. The goal of the District’s program is to enhance the job satisfaction of its educators by providing a collegial atmosphere for teaching and learning. The induction program shall provide for supervision by the Elementary and Secondary Directors of Curriculum, Instruction and Staff Development as well as a building level instructional leadership team that will include a minimum of master teacher(s), mentor teacher(s) and an administrator. Ongoing professional development and training will be provided and will include ethics and performance evaluations in accordance with the District’s performance evaluation system. The District’s induction program shall include four major components: •

Orientation of newcomers to new professional roles

Socialization and transition problems normally faced by newcomers to organizations

Technical skill refinement and development including ethics

Performance assessment

Weekly cluster group meetings

Through the induction program, inductees shall be provided information about Board of Education policies and regulations, local district goals, content standards, and educator roles and responsibilities. A mentor shall be selected for each inductee to model the professionalism of the teaching staff employed by the District. The inductee will participate in weekly cluster group meetings that will include a minimum of a mentor teacher and peers of the inductee. It is recognized that the content and experience needed by an inductee will vary, based on each individual’s previous experiences prior to receiving an initial license. The District shall establish criteria to evaluate an inductee who has successfully completed the program. Among the important criteria shall be completion of activities listed in the inductee’s IGP and any plans that have been included in the evaluation process for the inductee, evidence in the inductee’s portfolio of meeting or exceeding the professional educator standards and satisfactory summative evaluation by the supervisor and/or other evaluators. The Directors of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development shall make a recommendation to the Superintendent regarding the completion of the induction program. The Directors of Curriculum, Instruction, and Staff Development shall be responsible for issuing a certificate of completion that can be sent to the state recommending the inductee for a professional license. Nothing in this policy nor in the induction program itself shall be construed to imply in any manner the establishment of any property rights or expectancy or entitlement to continued employment. A favorable recommendation that an inductee receive a professional teaching license at the conclusion of the induction program is a decision separate and distinct from any decision about continued employment in the District. All employment decisions remain within the sole and continuing discretion of the Board of Education.

District personnel shall establish a process to evaluate the District’s induction program so that it fits within the comprehensive district-wide professional growth plan for District personnel. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-102 (7) C.R.S. 22-60.5-114 (2) C.R.S. 22-60.5-201 (1)(c)(B); C.R.S. 22-60.5-204 (teachers) C.R.S. 22-60.5-210 (1)(b)(I)(B); C.R.S. 22-60.5-213 (special service providers) C.R.S. 22-60-5-301 (1)(b)(I)(C); C.R.S. 22-60.5-304 (principals) C.R.S. 22060.5-306 (1)(b)(I)(C); C.R.S. 22-60.5-309 (administrators)


GCHA/GCHB -- Mentor Teachers/Administrators

NOTE 1: By law, all initial license holders (teachers, special service providers, principals and administrators) are required to complete an approved induction program prior to professional licensure. School districts may develop their own induction program or work in cooperation with other district, BOCES or institutions of higher education. The program must be approved by the State Board of Education. NOTE 2:The State Board of Education may grant a waiver of the induction program upon a sufficient showing that implementation would cause extreme hardship to the District. The District’s application for waiver of the induction program requirement must include a plan for support, assistance and training of initially licensed educators. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 25, 1987 (to go into effect on July 1, 1987) Revised: July 1, 2001

File: GCI

Professional Staff Development The Board shall strive to provide school personnel with opportunities for professional growth on an ongoing basis to improve their professional skills and knowledge, which in turn will enhance school quality and student achievement. The purpose of the staff development program is to enable staff to learn, practice and evaluate new approaches to instruction, curriculum, assessment and the use of technology in the classroom. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall provide a program of inservice education for teachers, administrators and other employees. The Superintendent or designee may nominate consultants and lecturers, work with colleges and universities in developing staff programs, provide professional libraries, recommend temporary leaves for conferences or study, and design other plans to help employees carry out their responsibilities and work with students, one another and parents more effectively. The Office of Staff Development shall coordinate professional development programs. It shall identify needs, including priority needs, of the school system for staff training, provide training and assist schools in doing so, and evaluate the effectiveness of training. The dates of all inservice programs shall be included in the District or individual school calendar.

Identification of priority needs for training shall take into consideration the Board’s priority goals for the District and standards for student learning, new curricula that has been or will be instituted, the Board’s graduation and promotion requirements, and student needs as shown by competency tests. The Office of Staff Development also shall attempt to provide the particular inservice programs identified as needed by administrators, teachers and citizen advisory groups. Inservice programs may be required of teachers and administrators. Other programs shall be offered on a voluntary basis. REGULATIONS: Staff Development Advisory Council 1.

A Staff Development Advisory Council (SDAC) will be elected to represent all employees within the School District. The purpose of this council will be to suggest staff development activities for staff members of the Eagle County School District.


This council will be made up of one certified representative from each main administrative unit, one principal, The Director of Curriculum/Instruction/Staff Development, and the Director of Technology.


Certified representatives will be elected in the fall of each year and will serve a twoyear term.


Administrative representatives will be appointed by the Director of Curriculum/Staff Development and will serve two-year terms.


Course work may be approved at any time. Course work taken by a teacher without prior approval of the principal or supervisor will not be approved retroactively for salary advancement.


C.R.S. 22-7-207 (2)(e) C.R.S. 22-32-109 (1)(n),(z) C.R.S. 22-32-110 (1) (k) C.R.S. 22-60.5-110 (3) (b) 1 CCR 301-1, Rule 2202-R-2.05 (2)


ADA -- School District Goals and Objectives AE -- Accountability/Commitment to Accomplishment AEA -- Standards Based Education IA -- Instructional Goals and Learning Objectives

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: September 28, 1977 Revised: July 1, 2013

File: GCKA

Licensed Staff Assignments and Transfers The Assignment of licensed staff members and their transfer to positions in the various schools and departments of the District is determined by the Superintendent. Transfer and assignment decisions will be based on student and District needs and will only be considered instances where the teacher is highly qualified for the position s/he would be transferred to.

At all times, principals shall be expected to notify one another of potential transfers and inquires prior to talking with the licensed staff member expressing the interest in a transfer. This notification must come in the form of a signed statement from the principal of the school that from which the licensed staff member is to transfer from. This signed statement is the hiring principals’ only indication that the potential transfer is authorized. REGULATIONS: DEFINITIONS: Assignments:The duties assigned to a staff member by his/her supervisor within an administrative unit (e.g. the position or the class schedule of a staff member or teacher). Transfer:

When a staff member's assignment is voluntarily or involuntarily changed from one administrative unit to another administrative unit.

ASSIGNMENTS: 1. The assignment of a staff member must be in compliance Colorado Department of Education. 2. In accordance with CDE, the assignment of a staff member shall be the prerogative of the building principal. 3. Probationary teachers are not authorized to transfer at the beginning of their second year or at the beginning of their third year without a written statement signed by both administrators and the Office of Human Resources. 4. Assignment decisions will be communicated to the individual staff member(s) when the reassignment is made if that assignment is known at that time. When assignments are not known at the time the re-assignment is made or if an assignment is subsequently changed, that assignment will be communicated to the individual(s) as soon as that decision has been made. 5. A staff member so notified of his/her assignment may request that the Director of Human Resources review that assignment. TRANSFERS: 6. ADMINISTRATIVELY-INITIATED TRANSFERS: a. The staff member(s) involved will be provided with a rationale for the transfer decision. The Superintendent (or his/her designee) will communicate with the party or parties involved regarding the transfer as soon as a relatively strong possibility is known to exist. b. First consideration for transfers will always be based upon student needs; however, when possible, voluntary transfer requests will be considered as a means of making staff assignments prior to requiring administratively-initiated transfers. The principal's evaluation and opinion will be sought and considered prior to the final staff assignment. The opportunity for the professional growth of the staff member should also be considered. For transfers involving non probationary teachers, the non probationary teacher will be offered a minimum contract in the new position equivalent to or above the FTE of the contract held in the previous position. The exact FTE will be determined by the principal and

Director of Human Resources. 7. TEACHER-INITIATED TRANSFERS a. Voluntary transfer requests shall be made in writing to the Human Resource Services Office with a copy sent to the principal of the building in which the teacher is presently working. A copy of the transfer request to a posted position will be sent by the teacher within the 5-day posting period to the principal of the school to which (s)he wishes to transfer. b. A general request to be considered for a transfer should be provided by February 1. Transfer requests will remain in effect for a one-year period, unless accommodated or withdrawn. After a one-year period, teachers still desiring to be transferred shall renew their requests with the Human Resource Services Office. c.

All teachers officially requesting transfers as outlined in provision 7a above will be granted an interview by the Principal of the school to which the teacher is requesting a transfer.

7. In situations where a new facility is being opened or a facility is being closed, the employee can request to be transferred or not to be transferred. Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 26, 1992 (to go into effect July 1, 1992) Revised: July 1, 2004

File: GCKB

Administrative Staff Assignments and Transfers A teacher who holds an administrative position may be assigned to another position for which (s)he is qualified if a vacancy exists in such a position and, if so assigned, with a salary corresponding to the position. The District may consider the years of service accumulated while the teacher was occupying the administrative position when the District determines where to place the teacher on the salary schedule. The three school years of continuous employment required for the probationary period shall not be deemed to be interrupted if a probationary teacher accepts the superintendency, but the period of time service in such capacity shall not be included in computing the probationary period. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-63-203 (2)(b)(IV) C.R.S. 22-63-206

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: April 9, 1980 Revised: July 1, 2004


Licensed Staff Work Load/Planning Time/Extra Duty The administration shall be the final authority regarding the equitable distribution of work among the staff.

Salaries on the salary schedule are based on a teaching contract year. Dividing the salary on the schedule by the number of contract days, determines an individual teacher's daily rate of pay. If any contract is for more or less than the regular teacher contract, the correct salary is computed by adding or subtracting the difference. The normal professional workweek shall consist of 40 hours (inclusive of lunch) on student contact days with starting and ending times to be set by the principal. The professional workday shall consist of 8 hours (inclusive of lunch) on days when students are not in attendance (i.e. teacher work/inservice days). A variation from this can be made from time to time by mutual consent of the supervisor and supervisee. Activities and services which make minor demands on the teacher's time shall be part of each teacher's basic assignment. Building business in whatever frequency it is scheduled by the building principal, shall not exceed two hours per month beyond the normal professional workweek. Building business will be considered part of a teacher’s normal professional work obligation, not withstanding the fact that it may also be necessary on occasion to call an emergency faculty meeting in addition to the two hours. Minor demands made in excess of the 40 hour workweek should be incidental but part of a teacher’s primary responsibility, as one would consider the obligation to attend Open House or special evening programs. Parent/Teacher conferences are a job expectation that will be scheduled biannually by the school principal and staff members at each individual school. If a flexible schedule is used, it should not exceed the 40-hour workweek without a bi-lateral agreement between the staff and building principal. The purpose of this time is to meet the staff development needs of the building and the District and its part of Eagle County School District teacher’s professional responsibility to attend. Teachers who, because of their assignments, must travel from one building to another, shall have workloads, planning time, and duty assignments consistent with other full-time teachers. That is, if a teacher is teaching half time in one building and half-time in another, the principals should consult on schedules and duty assignments to ensure that the teacher is not assigned to more duties than other full-time teachers. A teacher's primary duty is to teach, and every responsible effort shall be made to confine teachers' activities to this primary responsibility. All teachers will participate in a minimum of 120 minutes per week of cluster time as staff development which does not include department meetings, staff meetings or curricular planning time with colleagues. REGULATIONS 1. The following guidelines shall be utilized for determining maximum class size: Kindergarten, First Grade - 20 students per class Second and Third Grade - 23 students per class Grades Four through Six - 25 students per class Grades Seven through Twelve - A school average of 25 students per class (The nature of a departmentalized school is that some classes will be larger than others) When balancing classes, consideration should be given to the even distribution of children with exceptional needs (e.g. those identified by the District as exceptional children, those with limited language skills, or those who have been identified by the District as having behavioral problems). 2.

During the regular 40 hour work week all teachers will receive a minimum of 225 minutes per week that is free from his/her teaching assignment.

3. The minimum plan time of 225 minutes per week will be scheduled in no less than 30 minute blocks. 4. A teacher who is asked to supervise another teacher's class during his/her preparation period has the option of accepting or declining. A teacher who covers another teacher’s class during his/her preparation period will be paid the rate of $10/hour. These hours will be recorded by the Office Manager who will submit the hours on June first of each year to the Office of Human Resource Services for payment on June 20th of each year. The elementary teacher's load shall be adjusted in a manner that will make his/her load equitable to that of secondary teachers when possible. 5. Master teachers will be scheduled with one planning period (a minimum of 225 minutes per week) and a minimum of 70% of their time without students, designated to perform the responsibilities and duties described in the job description of Master teacher. 6. Mentor teachers will be scheduled with one planning period (a minimum of 225 minutes per week) and one period must be without students, designated to perform the responsibilities and duties described in the job description of a mentor teacher. 7. Part-time employees will be expected to participate in their proportionate share of all school activities/duties in which an employee in that position would normally participate. A "proportionate share" shall be determined by agreement between the supervisor(s) and the employee(s). Duty responsibilities of each individual will be defined and delegated by the supervisor(s). Although the employee will be assigned certain primary responsibilities, each employee will be available for other responsibilities in order to assure a coordinated program. It is suggested that this agreement be developed as early in the school year as possible. CROSS REF.:

GCBC - Professional Staff Supplementary Pay Plans/Overtime

Eagle County School District, Re50J Revised: July 1, 2008

File: GCOAA – Addendum #1

Evaluation of Licensed Staff Probationary/Non Probationary Teachers in Instructional Roles PURPOSE The basic purposes of the Evaluation of Professional Staff policy are: • The improvement of instruction; • Enhancement of the implementation of curriculum; • Measurement of professional growth and development of personnel; • Measurement of the level of performance of individual employees; • Measurement of satisfactory performance for individual licensed personnel; • Documentation for an unsatisfactory performance dismissal proceeding; and • Defining the appeals process for evaluations. PROCESS AND REGULATIONS 1. All teachers will be evaluated a total of three times over the course of the year with a minimum of three different lessons being observed and evaluated. The evaluation cycle is defined as a series of 3 evaluations, the Mentor, the Master, and the Principal. 2. The schedule for evaluation is as follows: ! The Mentor Teacher evaluation must be completed by October 31st.


After and only after the Mentor evaluation is complete, there shall be two additional evaluations, one by the Principal and one by the Master Teacher. One of these evaluations must be complete by January 15th. The second of these evaluations must occur after January 15th and before May 1.

3. This Mentor Teacher Evaluation is announced and is not used in calculating a final evaluation score but is for coaching purposes. The evaluator performing the Mentor Teacher evaluation may or may not be the mentor teacher that is assigned to the licensed staff member being evaluated. 4. The Master Teacher evaluation is announced and shall be used in calculating a final evaluation score and shall be weighted at 35%. 5. The Principal Evaluation is unannounced and shall be used in calculating a final evaluation score and shall be weighted at 65%. 6. The Principal will be the only evaluator that will score the “Responsibilities” and “Self Reflection” portions of the rubric. They may obtain input from master and mentor teachers in making this determination. 7. Formal observations will cover one complete instructional lesson and a minimum of 30 minutes. 8. Each licensed staff member will have access to a copy of the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric at the start of each school year. 9. All evaluators of licensed staff members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the evaluations s/he conducts. 10. The Board of Education shall appoint an advisory school Personnel Performance Evaluation Council which shall have the purpose of assisting in the districts compliance with state law regarding licensed staff evaluations. This council will not evaluate the performance of employees, but rather will review the evaluation system a minimum of once every two years to determine if, in its judgment, the system meets the intent of state legislation and to provide appropriate recommendations to the Board and Superintendent as to any needed improvements. The licensed staff members will be provided the opportunity to submit recommendations regarding the refinement or improvement of the evaluation system. 11. Evaluation shall be conducted so as to observe the legal and constitutional rights of teachers. 12. The principal is ultimately responsible for approving the final score on each individual evaluation as well as on the overall annual score. The final overall evaluation document for a teacher shall contain the supervisor’s recommendation for continued employment, nonrenewal or dismissal. 13. Teachers will go through the complete evaluation cycle regardless of FTE unless they are hired after the school year has begun. 14. Teachers hired after the school year has begun, but who begin working on or before October 31st, shall be evaluated with a complete evaluation set (Mentor, Master, Principal). Teachers who begin work after October 31st shall be evaluated by their Master Teacher and Principal.

15. For teachers who are split between schools, the principals will coordinate the number of evaluations that will take place at each building. A minimum of one evaluation (Mentor, Master, or Principal) must occur in each building. 16. Evaluations may use formal and informal sources to determine whether criteria have been met. When input from data sources other than the mentor/master teacher or the direct supervisor is used, they must be validated, weighed and placed into perspective at the discretion of the trained evaluator. Techniques for input from anyone other than the mentor/master teacher or the direct supervisor may include face-to-face contact between the parties involved or a written and signed statement. Input from parents and students gained from standardized surveys or assessments may be included. If information used in the evaluation is gathered by electronic devices, the staff member must give consent. 17. All announced observations (the Mentor and Master) shall include a pre- and postconference. 18. Unannounced observations (the Principal) shall include a post-conference. 19. Post conferences will be a minimum of 20 minutes. 20. Upon completion of each evaluation, the licensed staff member being evaluated will receive a copy of the evaluation scores and comments. Hard copies of this information should be kept on file at the building for a minimum of one year and scores should be stored electronically in a system provided for such purpose by the district. 21. The written evaluation process shall include, but not be limited to: ! identification of dates and times of each observation preceding the evaluation; ! identification of criteria where the teacher is determined to be performing in the exemplary, professional, or unsatisfactory levels using the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric; ! identification of the source of data used in the evaluation if the evaluator uses information other than direct observation or artifact; ! a reference to the source of data used in the evaluation when other than the evaluator or artifact reviewed by the evaluator if that source is used in the scoring determination. 22. After completion of the evaluation cycle, the scores of the Master Teacher and Principal evaluation will be weighted and averaged in order to give one overall score that will be considered the licensed staff member’s annual evaluation score. The annual evaluation score will be calculated to the nearest hundredth and will be used to determine the performance award earned by the teacher. The method of calculating this score shall be uniform for all teacher classes and determined by the district. Technology and Human Resources will combine the earned evaluation scores of the Master Teacher and Principal evaluations onto one summary page, and provide for printed copies to the schools. HR will permanently file the combined information at the end of each school year in the personnel file of each licensed staff member. 23. The evaluation process includes two optional forms that can be used by the administrator/principal. !

Recommendation for a Professional Plan for Improvement. The Professional Plan for Improvement, which is directed by the principal, means that the employee meets the district standards for satisfactory “professional� performance but needs improvement in one or more of the Performance Indicators and/or performance


domains. (cf. 22-9-106[3][b] and [3.5] for specifications). A Professional Plan for Improvement may also be utilized in instances where the principal believes that based on written documentation to an individual’s performance, his/her performance needs to be addressed even if it is outside the performance indicators/domains as specified on the evaluation tool. A Notice of Deficiency including a recommendation for a Remediation Plan. A Notice of Deficiency and the subsequent development of a Remediation Plan ocurs when the teacher does not meet the performance indicators for satisfactory “professional” performance. The determination to include a Notice of Deficiency and subsequent Remediation Plan may include items on the licensed performance appraisal form, results from standardized testing, or other criteria as determined by the supervisor. A Remediation Plan may be utilized in instances where the evaluator believes that based on documentation pertaining to an individual’s performance, that his/her performance needs to be addressed even if it is outside the performance indicators/domains as specified on the evaluation tool. The Remediation Plan shall be developed by the supervisor and the teacher. The teacher shall be given a reasonable period of time for remediation of those deficiencies and the teacher shall receive a statement of the resources and assistance available for the purposes of correcting the teacher’s performance or deficiencies. A reasonable period of time will be defined based on the timeline in the Remediation Plan that is established by the teacher and the principal.

24. Teachers shall be given the opportunity to sign each evaluation indicating they have received the information. The signature of the teacher shall not be construed to indicate agreement with the information contained in the report. If the teacher refuses to place his/her signature on an evaluation, that refusal will be witnessed and documented by an adult witness other than the evaluator and the documentation will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources. 25. If a teacher disagrees with his/her evaluation, (s)he shall have thirty (30) days from the date (s)he receives the written evaluation to have his/her perception of the evaluation placed in his/her evaluation file in the Office of Human Resources. 26. The Superintendent may recommend to the Board of Education that the Board not renew the employment contract of a probationary teacher for any reason that the Superintendent deems sufficient. The teaching performance of a probationary teacher having been evaluated as being satisfactory does not imply that such teacher’s employment will be renewed. The successful implementation of a Professional Plan for Improvement or a Remediation Plan by a teacher does not imply that such teacher’s employment will be renewed. 27. A probationary teacher who has been non-renewed may ask the Superintendent for the reason (s) he/she was non-renewed. This request must be submitted in writing within 14 calendar days of the non-renewal by the Board of Education. The explanation by the Superintendent to the non-renewed probationary teacher of the reason(s) for the nonrenewal in no way implies a property right. 28. Nothing contained in this policy shall be interpreted as placing any restrictions upon or establishing conditions precedent to the Board's right to dismiss a probationary or nonprobationary teacher during the term of the contract pursuant to C.R.S. 22-63-101. PERFORMANCE 29. The term “Professional” on the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric is substantially equivalent to the term “satisfactory” as defined by state law.

30. Performance categories for certified teaching staff in instructional roles exist as follows, but shall be open to change annually by the Personnel Performance Evaluation Council before Performance Pay calculations are determined. ! “Exceptional” performance shall be defined as earning between 4.5 and 5.0 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score. ! “High Performing” performance shall be defined as earning between 4.0 and 4.49 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score. ! “Satisfactory or Professional Performance” shall be defined as earning between 3.0 and 3.99 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score. ! “Needs Improvement” shall be defined as earning between 2.0 and 2.99 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score. ! “Unacceptable Performance” is defined as one or more of the following: 1. Demonstrating substantial deficiency in one or more of the performance indicators or domains by earning a weighted average aggregate evaluation score of less than 2.0 pertaining to the licensed performance appraisal form; OR 2. Being placed on a remediation plan for two consecutive years for the same reason(s) or criteria; OR 3. Being placed on three remediation plans in any three year period. 31. Unacceptable Performance or the average score of a 2.0 or less overall require the development of an Improvement or Remediation plan. An average score of 2.0 or less in any domain may result in the development of an Improvement or Remediation plan. 32. When a teacher is placed on a Remediation plan or Improvement Plan, a meeting will occur between the principal and the teacher. The teacher may choose to have a representative present, and the principal may choose to have a representative present. 33. The evaluation process and procedures should be reviewed with each new teacher at either the district probationary teacher orientation or at the school’s teacher orientation. This presentation shall include, but may not be limited to: ! the nature of the evaluation process ! the criteria used in the evaluation process ! the procedures used in the evaluation process ! the responsibilities of the individuals involved in this process 34. Evaluators shall be provided opportunities for ongoing staff development to develop or improve their critical evaluation skills. APPEALS PROCESS 35. The teacher shall have the right to grieve any alleged violation of any of the procedures outlined in this policy but cannot grieve the professional judgment and/or conclusion(s) reached by the evaluator. 36. While the professional opinion of an evaluator may not be appealed or grieved, a teacher may appeal the final over-all performance rating on his or her Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric within five (5) working days after receiving written notification of the final rating based only on an inconsistent application of the evaluation process. 37. The appeal must be in writing and must be presented to the evaluator and building principal. 38. The appeal must specifically identify which element of the evaluation process was inconsistently applied.

39. The principal and all other evaluators will meet with the teacher to review the total evaluation within 10 working days after receiving the written appeal. 40. Upon completion of the reassessment, the following results are possible: ! Original rating stands. ! The rating is adjusted either up or down and the discretion of the principal. 41. The teacher will be notified of the decision within 5 working days of the reassessment meeting. 42. If the teacher is not satisfied with the result of the reassessment, the decision may be appealed a second time (based on the criterion listed above) by submitting a request in writing to the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education (as appropriate) and/or Director of Human Resources. 43. The Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resource Services will meet as necessary with the teacher and involved parties to review the process/information used to determine the final rating. 44. The evaluation can only be changed if the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resource Services determines the process not to be fair and/or impartial or does not follow the process outlined in this policy. 45. Decisions made by the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resources are FINAL and will be made within 5 working days after the meeting with the teacher. 46. Regardless of the outcome of the appeals process, the teacher does have the opportunity to include a written statement as an addendum to the evaluation explaining their disagreement with any individual observation rating or the over-all final evaluation score so long as this is submitted to the building administrator within 30 days of receipt of the written evaluation. LEGAL REFS.:

C.R.S. 22-9-101 et seq. (Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Act) C.R.S. 22-63-301 C.R.S. 22-63-302 (8)

CROSS REF.: BDF, Advisory Committees BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council GCQF, Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff (And Contract Nonrenewal)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: August 22, 1979 Revised: July 1, 2008


Evaluation of Licensed Staff Probationary/Non Probationary Teachers in Instructional Roles PURPOSE The basic purposes of the Evaluation of Professional Staff policy are:

The improvement of instruction;

Enhancement of the implementation of curriculum;

Measurement of professional growth and development of personnel;

Measurement of the level of performance of individual employees;

Measurement of satisfactory performance for individual licensed personnel;

Documentation for an unsatisfactory performance dismissal proceeding; and

Defining the appeals process for evaluations.

PROCESS AND REGULATIONS 1. All teachers will be evaluated a total of three times over the course of the year with a minimum of three different lessons being observed and evaluated. The evaluation cycle is defined as a series of 3 evaluations, the Mentor, the Master, and the Principal. 2.

The schedule for evaluation is as follows: !

The Mentor Teacher evaluation must be completed by October 31st.


After and only after the Mentor evaluation is complete, there shall be two additional evaluations, one by the Principal and one by the Master Teacher. One of these evaluations must be complete by January 15th. The second of these evaluations must occur after January 15th and before May 1.


This Mentor Teacher Evaluation is announced and is not used in calculating a final evaluation score but is for coaching purposes. The evaluator performing the Mentor Teacher evaluation may or may not be the mentor teacher that is assigned to the licensed staff member being evaluated.


The Master Teacher evaluation is announced and shall be used in calculating a final evaluation score and shall be weighted at 35%.


The Principal Evaluation is unannounced and shall be used in calculating a final evaluation score and shall be weighted at 65%.


The Principal will be the only evaluator that will score the “Responsibilities” and “Self Reflection” portions of the rubric. They may obtain input from master and mentor teachers in making this determination.


Formal observations will cover one complete instructional lesson and a minimum of 30 minutes.


Each licensed staff member will have access to a copy of the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric at the start of each school year.


All evaluators of licensed staff members are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the evaluations s/he conducts.


The Board of Education shall appoint an advisory school Personnel Performance Evaluation Council which shall have the purpose of assisting in the districts compliance with state law regarding licensed staff evaluations. This council will not evaluate the performance of employees, but rather will review the evaluation system a minimum of once every two years to determine if, in its judgment, the system meets the intent of state legislation and to provide appropriate recommendations to the Board and Superintendent as to any needed improvements. The licensed staff members will be provided the opportunity to submit recommendations regarding the refinement or improvement of the evaluation system.


Evaluation shall be conducted so as to observe the legal and constitutional rights of teachers.


The principal is ultimately responsible for approving the final score on each individual evaluation as well as on the overall annual score. The final overall evaluation document for a teacher shall contain the supervisor’s recommendation for continued employment, nonrenewal or dismissal.


Teachers will go through the complete evaluation cycle regardless of FTE unless they are hired after the school year has begun.


Teachers hired after the school year has begun, but who begin working on or before October 31st, shall be evaluated with a complete evaluation set (Mentor, Master, Principal). Teachers who begin work after October 31st shall be evaluated by their Master Teacher and Principal.


For teachers who are split between schools, the principals will coordinate the number of evaluations that will take place at each building. A minimum of one evaluation (Mentor, Master, or Principal) must occur in each building.


Evaluations may use formal and informal sources to determine whether criteria have been met. When input from data sources other than the mentor/master teacher or the direct supervisor is used, they must be validated, weighed and placed into perspective at the discretion of the trained evaluator. Techniques for input from anyone other than the mentor/master teacher or the direct supervisor may include face-to-face contact between the parties involved or a written and signed statement. Input from parents and students gained from standardized surveys or assessments may be included. If information used in the evaluation is gathered by electronic devices, the staff member must give consent.


All announced observations (the Mentor and Master) shall include a pre- and post-conference.


Unannounced observations (the Principal) shall include a post-conference.


Post conferences will be a minimum of 20 minutes.


Upon completion of each evaluation, the licensed staff member being evaluated will receive a copy of the evaluation scores and comments. Hard copies of this information should be kept on file at the building for a minimum of one year and scores should be stored electronically in a system provided for such purpose by the district.


The written evaluation process shall include, but not be limited to: !

identification of dates and times of each observation preceding the evaluation;


identification of criteria where the teacher is determined to be performing in the exemplary, professional, or unsatisfactory levels using the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric;


identification of the source of data used in the evaluation if the evaluator uses information other than direct observation or artifact;


a reference to the source of data used in the evaluation when other than the evaluator or artifact reviewed by the evaluator if that source is used in the scoring determination.


After completion of the evaluation cycle, the scores of the Master Teacher and Principal evaluation will be weighted and averaged in order to give one overall score that will be considered the licensed staff member’s annual evaluation score. The annual evaluation score will be calculated to the nearest hundredth and will be used to determine the performance award earned by the teacher. The method of calculating this score shall be uniform for all teacher classes and determined by the district. Technology and Human Resources will combine the earned evaluation scores of the Master Teacher and Principal evaluations onto one summary page, and provide for printed copies to the schools. HR will permanently file the combined information at the end of each school year in the personnel file of each licensed staff member.


The evaluation process administrator/principal.












Recommendation for a Professional Plan for Improvement. The Professional Plan for Improvement, which is directed by the principal, means that the employee meets the district standards for satisfactory “professional” performance but needs improvement in one or more of the Performance Indicators and/or performance domains. (cf. 22-9106[3][b] and [3.5] for specifications). A Professional Plan for Improvement may also be utilized in instances where the principal believes that based on written documentation to an individual’s performance, his/her performance needs to be addressed even if it is outside the performance indicators/domains as specified on the evaluation tool.


A Notice of Deficiency including a recommendation for a Remediation Plan. A Notice of Deficiency and the subsequent development of a Remediation Plan occurs when the teacher does not meet the performance indicators for satisfactory “professional” performance. The determination to include a Notice of Deficiency and subsequent Remediation Plan may include items on the licensed performance appraisal form, results from standardized testing, or other criteria as determined by the supervisor. A Remediation Plan may be utilized in instances where the evaluator believes that based on documentation pertaining to an individual’s performance, that his/her performance needs to be addressed even if it is outside the performance indicators/domains as specified on the evaluation tool. The Remediation Plan shall be developed by the supervisor and the teacher. The teacher shall be given a reasonable period of time for remediation of those

deficiencies and the teacher shall receive a statement of the resources and assistance available for the purposes of correcting the teacher’s performance or deficiencies. A reasonable period of time will be defined based on the timeline in the Remediation Plan that is established by the teacher and the principal. 24.

Teachers shall be given the opportunity to sign each evaluation indicating they have received the information. The signature of the teacher shall not be construed to indicate agreement with the information contained in the report. If the teacher refuses to place his/her signature on an evaluation, that refusal will be witnessed and documented by an adult witness other than the evaluator and the documentation will be forwarded to the Office of Human Resources.


If a teacher disagrees with his/her evaluation, (s)he shall have thirty (30) days from the date (s)he receives the written evaluation to have his/her perception of the evaluation placed in his/her evaluation file in the Office of Human Resources.


The Superintendent may recommend to the Board of Education that the Board not renew the employment contract of a probationary teacher for any reason that the Superintendent deems sufficient. The teaching performance of a probationary teacher having been evaluated as being satisfactory does not imply that such teacher’s employment will be renewed. The successful implementation of a Professional Plan for Improvement or a Remediation Plan by a teacher does not imply that such teacher’s employment will be renewed.


A probationary teacher who has been non-renewed may ask the Superintendent for the reason (s) he/she was non-renewed. This request must be submitted in writing within 14 calendar days of the non-renewal by the Board of Education. The explanation by the Superintendent to the non-renewed probationary teacher of the reason(s) for the non-renewal in no way implies a property right.


Nothing contained in this policy shall be interpreted as placing any restrictions upon or establishing conditions precedent to the Board's right to dismiss a probationary or nonprobationary teacher during the term of the contract pursuant to C.R.S. 22-63-101.

PERFORMANCE 29. The term “Professional” on the Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric is substantially equivalent to the term “satisfactory” as defined by state law. 30.

Performance categories for certified teaching staff in instructional roles exist as follows, but shall be open to change annually by the Personnel Performance Evaluation Council before Performance Pay calculations are determined. !

“Exceptional” performance shall be defined as earning between 4.5 and 5.0 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score.


“High Performing” performance shall be defined as earning between 4.0 and 4.49 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score.


“Satisfactory or Professional Performance” shall be defined as earning between 3.0 and 3.99 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score.


“Needs Improvement” shall be defined as earning between 2.0 and 2.99 as a weighted average aggregate evaluation score.


“Unacceptable Performance” is defined as one or more of the following: 1.

Demonstrating substantial deficiency in one or more of the performance indicators or domains by earning a weighted average aggregate evaluation score of less than 2.0 pertaining to the licensed performance appraisal form; OR

2. Being placed on a remediation plan for two consecutive years for the same reason(s) or criteria; OR 3. Being placed on three remediation plans in any three year period. 31.

Unacceptable Performance or the average score of a 2.0 or less overall require the development of an Improvement or Remediation plan. An average score of 2.0 or less in any domain may result in the development of an Improvement or Remediation plan.


When a teacher is placed on a Remediation plan or Improvement Plan, a meeting will occur between the principal and the teacher. The teacher may choose to have a representative present, and the principal may choose to have a representative present.


The evaluation process and procedures should be reviewed with each new teacher at either the district probationary teacher orientation or at the school’s teacher orientation. This presentation shall include, but may not be limited to:



the nature of the evaluation process


the criteria used in the evaluation process


the procedures used in the evaluation process


the responsibilities of the individuals involved in this process

Evaluators shall be provided opportunities for ongoing staff development to develop or improve their critical evaluation skills.

APPEALS PROCESS 35. The teacher shall have the right to grieve any alleged violation of any of the procedures outlined in this policy but cannot grieve the professional judgment and/or conclusion(s) reached by the evaluator. 36.

While the professional opinion of an evaluator may not be appealed or grieved, a teacher may appeal the final over-all performance rating on his or her Professional Practices for Licensed Staff rubric within five (5) working days after receiving written notification of the final rating based only on an inconsistent application of the evaluation process.


The appeal must be in writing and must be presented to the evaluator and building principal.


The appeal must specifically identify which element of the evaluation process was inconsistently applied.


The principal and all other evaluators will meet with the teacher to review the total evaluation within 10 working days after receiving the written appeal.


Upon completion of the reassessment, the following results are possible: !

Original rating stands.


The rating is adjusted either up or down and the discretion of the principal.


The teacher will be notified of the decision within 5 working days of the reassessment meeting.


If the teacher is not satisfied with the result of the reassessment, the decision may be appealed a second time (based on the criterion listed above) by submitting a request in writing to the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education (as appropriate) and/or Director of Human Resources.


The Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resource Services will meet as necessary with the teacher and involved parties to review the process/information used to determine the final rating.


The evaluation can only be changed if the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resource Services determines the process not to be fair and/or impartial or does not follow the process outlined in this policy.


Decisions made by the Executive Director of Elementary or Secondary Education and/or the Director of Human Resources are FINAL and will be made within 5 working days after the meeting with the teacher.


Regardless of the outcome of the appeals process, the teacher does have the opportunity to include a written statement as an addendum to the evaluation explaining their disagreement with any individual observation rating or the over-all final evaluation score so long as this is submitted to the building administrator within 30 days of receipt of the written evaluation.


C.R.S. 22-9-101 et seq. (Certificated Personnel Performance Evaluation Act) C.R.S. 22-63-301 C.R.S. 22-63-302 (8)


BDF, Advisory Committees BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council GCQF, Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff (And Contract Nonrenewal)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: March 12, 1986 Revised: December 1, 2012

File: GCOC

Evaluation of Professional Staff (Administrator) PURPOSE The basic purposes of the Eagle County School District Evaluation of Professional Staff policy are: 1) to maintain the focus on results -- student achievement, personal, professional 2) to improve instruction and the implementation of district curriculum; 3) to measure professional growth and skill development; 4) to measure the level of performance of individual employees; 5) to document all levels of performance performance. DEFINITIONS Administrator: For the purpose of this policy, an administrator shall include those individuals who hold an administrator or principal license and (or) who carry the label of administrator in the payroll system. AT-WILL EMPLOYMENT The Administrator will at all times be an AT-WILL employee. The Administrator contract may terminate at any time with or without cause and with or without notice. EVALUATION Administrators will be evaluated in accordance with the District Administrator Evaluation Process Guide. Final Evaluations will be completed on or before May 1st. All artifacts for consideration and finalization of the Evaluation shall occur on or before May 15th of each year. TERMINATION If the Administrator currently holds a valid Colorado teaching license, then pursuant to § 22-63202(3), C.R.S., the administrative contract may be cancelled during the contractual period when there is a justifiable decrease in the number of teaching positions as may be determined by the District’s Board of Education. In such event, the procedures for non-renewal and/or termination shall be in accordance with such statute and with the applicable policies and procedures of the District. Nothing in this policy shall amend the at-will status of all administrators, nor place any constraint or restriction on the Board of Education from termination of an administrator. CROSS REF:

BDF, Advisory Committees BDFA*, District Personnel Performance Evaluation Council GCBAB, Professional Staff Certification and Credentialing Requirements GCQF, Discipline, Suspension, and Dismissal of Professional Staff (and Contract Nonrenewal)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: May 14, 1980 Revised: December 14, 2011


ECS Re-50J Staff Reduction in Force The Board of Education may implement a Reduction in Force (RIF) in the case of a declared financial emergency. The Board may cancel the employment contracts of non-probationary teachers without penalty of the District when the Board determines that there has been a justifiable decrease in the

number of teaching positions. The RIF process will be managed building by building by identifying programming that is in the best interest of students. Years of service in Eagle County Schools will be considered as a part of this process. A reduction in force (RIF) is reducing the FTE allocation for a position and cancelation of teacher contracts because of financial limitations or Board of Education declared financial emergency for the District. This language defines that both a person and a position can be part of a RIF. This process is separate and different from displacement. When the District has determined that a justifiable decrease in the number of teaching positions within the district is necessary, the district will rely on the past year’s evaluation score as the evaluation score for the RIF. The only exception will be Teachers returning from a leave of absence and those teachers will use their most recent evaluation score prior to taking a leave of absence, as their evaluation score for the reduction in force. Teachers returning from leave will participate in the reduction in force if they choose to return to the district. In the event of a financial emergency first year teachers will have their jobs automatically cancelled at the end of the school year, unless a first year teacher is in a “hard to fill” position. Hard to fill positions are defined as Special Education, English as a Second Language, Math, Science and Bilingual positions. All other positions are not considered hard to fill by the district. First year teachers in hard to fill positions are still held accountable for performance through the evaluation system and can be non-renewed for performance. Years of service within Eagle County Schools will be included within the decision making process. The District values consistency and longevity and those qualities are considered to be in the best interest of students by the district. As described in the process section below, teachers will be organized by seniority within the evaluation bands. Some teachers within Eagle County Schools, for various reasons, will have been evaluated on the Certified/Exempt Staff Rubric. This system yields a score on a 4 point scale. Should a teacher have been evaluated on this rubric, the district will accurately translate this score to a 5 point scale so that it is comparable with scores from the Professional Practices Rubric. Teachers that are on a leave of absence and returning to the district will be included in the following RIF process. The district will also consider teachers with multiple certifications and their flexibility of placement within a building. Process 1. The District, with input from the building and the Board of Education, will decide on programming which will define the number of teaching positions available to best meet students’ needs in each building. a. Elementary school level will consider classroom teaching positions at primary and intermediate levels, licensed support and specials positions separately. b. Middle school level will consider core classroom, licensed support and elective positions separately. c. High school level will consider core departments, licensed support staff and electives separately. 2. The Principal, with input from the District, will fill positions within the building programs starting with the highest evaluation in each area within each building. The district is under no obligation to backfill the FTE balance of a position that has been reduced from the RIF. 3. The balance of teacher contracts not offered a position shall be cancelled. Process Flow Step 1. The district Principals with input from the District and the Board of Education will identify the numbers of positions to be reduced in different programs at different levels. Elementary Middle High

Step 2. First Year Teachers’ jobs will be cancelled except those in Hard to Fill positions. The reduction in force will be done by last year’s evaluation and because first year teachers have no evaluation they will be the first group to have contracts cancelled. First year teachers in hard to fill positions, are still held accountable for performance through the evaluation system and can be non-renewed for performance. Step 3. Programs will be filled in each building by last year’s evaluation. Positions will be filled starting with the highest evaluation to the lowest for highly qualified teachers in each program, within each building. Teachers will be placed into bands by the district and then arranged by years of service within each band. Evaluation Bands A. Exceptional (4.5-5.0) Teachers will be B. High Performing (4.0-4.49) organized by years C. Satisfactory/Proficient Performance (3.0-3.99) of service within each D. Needs Improvement (2.0-2.99) Evaluation Band, jobs E. Unacceptable (1.99 or less) will be assigned from longest serving to most recently hired Step 4. Teachers not offered a position in their building will have their jobs cancelled in the District RIF process. Reapplication Employees that have had their positions cancelled shall be able to reapply for any positions for which they are highly qualified if positions come open due to attrition or changes in financial situation or program. All benefits which a non-probationary teacher had earned at the time his/her employment contract was cancelled, including unused accumulated annual leave (unless the leave has been paid out at the time of termination-employees with 20+years of service) and continuing employment schedule placement will be restored to such teacher upon his/her reemployment if they are reemployed within twelve (12) calendar months of the Reduction in Force. In effect this will not be treated as a break in service. However, any teacher applying for and receiving a position in the district outside the 12 month time period will have made a break in service and will be given credit for their teaching experience up to 15 years on the salary schedule placement in accordance with district policy. The district shall prepare and maintain the list of teachers impacted by a RIF. A copy of the RIF list

and subsequent revisions shall be furnished to the Eagle County Education Association upon request. Appeals The District shall use the grievance procedure for all appeals. This procedure is outlined in district policy GBK. Complaints shall be judged on the following criteria: 1. Whether there was a rational basis for the district’s determination that justifiable decrease in the number of teaching positions was required, and/or, 2. Whether the decision to cancel the teaching contract of a particular teacher was arbitrary or capricious LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-60.5-101 et seq. (teacher licensure law) C.R.S. 22-63-202 (3)

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: July 21, 1982 Revised: July 1, 2007


Resignation of Staff Instructional and Administrative In order to ensure that the District and the employees have common expectations, and in order to have an official record of employment decisions, the Board of Education requires that employees make written notification to the Personnel Office of their intent to resign from any position within the District. If an employee does not submit a written resignation, the District will make reasonable attempts to receive a written resignation from the employee. In the event that the employee resigns, but does not provide a written resignation, the District’s written communication to the employee confirming the resignation shall constitute the employee’s written resignation. In accordance with state statutes, a licensed staff member may terminate a contract prior to the beginning of an academic year by giving written notice no later than 30 days prior to the start of the academic year, during an academic year by giving at least 30 days' written notice, or at any time by mutual agreement with the District Administrators The Director of Human Resource Services is authorized to immediately accept the resignation of a support staff member and to initiate the procedures to find a qualified replacement. Such resignation will be reported to the Board of Education at its next regularly scheduled meeting; however, the resignation will be effective upon its acceptance by the Director of Human Resources A teacher or certificated/licensed administrator who fails to honor a contract, except in accordance with the statutes shall be held responsible for the ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in securing a replacement, not to exceed 1/12th of his annual salary. In addition, the teacher's or administrator's certificate/license may be suspended. A teacher or certificate/licensed administrator who resigns during the term of his contract shall be paid the prorated amount of his annual salary for each day he has been on duty. A resignation shall be considered a break in service or a separation from employment. If an employee is re-hired after s/he has resigned (regardless of the amount of time between the resignation and the re-hire), the employees years of consecutive service as well as their years towards non probationary status shall begin as of the re-hire date. REGULATIONS:


As soon as an employee has made a final decision to terminate his/her employment with the Eagle County School District, (s)he should deliver a written letter of resignation to the Personnel Office by April 1 or as soon thereafter as possible. A copy of the letter of resignation should be mailed or delivered to the employee's immediate supervisor.


The written letter of resignation should include the requested date of termination, and the position from which the person is terminating, and should be signed by the employee.


The employee shall schedule and take part in an exit survey with the Personnel Office. Pertinent information included in the exit survey may be shared with district office administrators and/or the employee’s supervisor as indicated on the exit survey.


Employees who resign from or are terminated from the Eagle County School District will automatically receive from the Payroll and Benefits Office; information regarding continued health insurance coverage available as a result of Federal COBRA laws and regulations.


An interim teacher who is rehired by the last Board meeting in May would continue as a regular employee with continued insurance benefits. If an interim teacher is not rehired by the last Board meeting in May, (s)he would be terminated and benefits would stop in August.


Any teacher or administrator who is ineligible for retirement will not be paid for any unused sick leave. Employees who resign should refer to other personnel policies regarding payment for sick and vacation leave.


Any teacher who is interested in working under PERA’s 110-day rule, must notify the Office of Human Resource Services on or before May 1st. The hiring supervisor will make the final determination regarding re-hiring the retired employee under the PERA’s 110-day rule. The Office of Human Resource Services will support the decision made by the hiring supervisor. Please note that this provision does not apply to the Board’s declaration of a critical shortage.

Mandatory reporting requirements 8. If an employee resigns as a result of an allegation of unlawful behavior involving a child, including unlawful sexual behavior, which is supported by a preponderance of evidence, the Superintendent is delegated the responsibility for immediately notifying the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and for providing any information requested by the department concerning the circumstances of the resignation. The District also shall notify the employee that information concerning his/her resignation is being forwarded to CDE unless such notice would conflict with the confidentiality requirements of the Child Protection Act. The Superintendent shall notify CDE whenever a licensed/certificated employee resigns for any of the following reasons: a. The employee has been determined by a court to be mentally incompetent. b. The employee is convicted, pleads nolo contendere or receives a deferred sentence for sexual offenses against a child as specifically set forth in the state board rules. c.

The individual pleads guilty or nolo contendere or is found guilty of a felony which renders the person unfit to be a licensed professional including but not limited to drug

possession, felonies involving the use of firearms or deadly weapons, theft or fraud, child exploitations or pornography. d. When the county department of social services or the local law enforcement agency reasonably believes that an incident of child abuse or neglect has occurred and the school employee is the suspected perpetrator and was acting in his official capacity as an employee of the district. e. When the Board reasonably believes that an employee is guilty of unethical behavior or professional incompetence. LEGAL REF.:

C.R.S. 22-32-109.7 C.R.S. 22-63-202 1 CCR 301-37, Rules 2202-R-15.05


GCCAA/GCCBA - Professional Staff Sick Leave

Eagle County School District, Re50J Adopted: February 26, 1997 (to go into effect on July 1, 1997) Revised: July 1, 2006


Transitional Retirement Policy for Professional Staff The transitional retirement option is available for employees who meet the criteria in the regulations below and who have been approved to work up to 110 days in the following school year. The transitional retirement option would occur in the same year in which the employee was approved to work up to 110 days. Employees who apply and are accepted into the districts transitional retirement program may not have already participated in the career longevity program nor may they participate in the career longevity program in the future. State laws governing the Public Employees’ Retirement Association (P.E.R.A.) allow the employee to retire with P.E.R.A. and receive the P.E.R.A. benefit while working for the District after retirement. The P.E.R.A. retiree may work up to 110 days per calendar year for any P.E.R.A. affiliated employer after P.E.R.A. retirement. This employment must be limited to a maximum of 110 days per year over 2 calendar years (end of one calendar year and the beginning of the next calendar year). P.E.R.A. will impose a penalty of 5 percent per day if the 110 day limit is exceeded in any calendar year, along with loss of the next annual P.E.R.A. cost of living increase. The parameters outlined in this policy are subject to State Law. REGULATIONS: 1.

To be eligible for participation in the Eagle County School District Transitional Retirement Plan, an employee must meet all of the following eligibility criteria: a.

The employee must be employed as a full-time certified employee (working on a regular basis 20 or more hours per week) by the District;


A resignation shall be considered as a break in service, making the employee ineligible until an additional twenty (20) full years have been served. Approved leaves of absence shall not be considered as a break in service; however, the time the employee was on leave will not be calculated as part of the twenty (20

year minimum). c. 2.

An employee may exercise the provisions of this policy only once.

The employee must notify his/her supervisor AND the Personnel Office in writing no later than April 1 of the school year prior to termination of employment at the end of the current school year. a.

The P.E.R.A. retirement date will be determined according to P.E.R.A. regulations. The employee and the District will agree on the last physical day of employment and the effective date of termination.


The employee and District will agree on the date of the end of the 110 day period and/or the 220 day period of working after retirement.


The Letter of Intent to retire shall identify the P.E.R.A. retirement date and the final day of work after retirement. The Director of Human Resources shall approve the dates and the designated salary prior to approval by the Board of Education.


During the period of work after P.E.R.A. retirement the eligible employee (an eligible employee will have 20 years of continuous service in the Eagle County School District) will receive: a. the daily rate of salary determined by the existing salary schedule had the P.E.R.A. retirement not occurred. b.

an additional compensation equal to 20% of the employee’s final salary (exclusive of extra duty pay) from the District paid in twelve equal payments or a lump sum with the final paycheck.


Life, health and dental benefits will be continued during the period on the same basis as a regular employee subject to applicable policies.


Transitional Retirement is not available to employees paid concurrently with disability benefits and/or unemployment benefits.


Each individual case of rehire after the 110 day period or 220 day period will be treated as a new hire by the Personnel Department. There is no obligation on the District’s part to rehire the person.


Substitute teaching in the Eagle County School District shall not constitute re-employment by the District.


Professional staff who participate in this transitional retirement plan are not eligible to also participate in the Career Longevity Policy.


The filing of an application by an eligible employee in no way limits, restricts, or alters the right of the Board of Education to dismiss an employee for cause. If, for any reason, an eligible employee who has applied for Transitional Retirement is dismissed or fails to complete his/her current annual contract with the District, any application filed by the qualified employee shall be void and of no effect whatsoever.


The Board of Education shall have the sole discretion to alter the form, procedures, or substance of the Transitional Retirement Policy in any manner at any time. In such case, the discontinuance or alteration shall not be applied retroactively to affect any retired employee

receiving benefits from the program. CROSS REFS.:

Policy GCCAA/GCCBA -- Professional Staff Sick Leave Policy GCQF -- Suspension & Dismissal of Professional Staff Members


Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 U.S.C. 621 et. seq. C.R.S. 24-51-101 et. seq. (Public Employees’ Retirement Act) C.R.S. 24-34-402 Older Worker’s Benefit Protection Act (1990)

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