Eagle’s Nest Camp Information Parents Information for for Parents
81st Season 2008
87th Season 2014
Dear Families, We are very pleased that you are interested in sending your child to Eagle’s Nest Camp or Hante Adventures. Eagle’s Nest is a wonderfully supportive community; we welcome your family as a part of it! This piece is intended to answer many logistical questions: dates for the summer sessions, discounts, deadlines, etc. Additional information (including packing lists and medical forms) will be sent to your family after you register for camp. A great deal of information can also be found on our website. Of course, the best way to find answers to your questions is to speak with a member of the camp leadership team. We welcome your calls. You can reach us at 336-761-1040. Throughout the year and during the summer we will continue to keep our website current. You can refer to the website for information about when we’ll be visiting different cities to give presentations, to view pictures and updates during the summer, and much more.
We encourage you to keep this booklet, as it will continue to be helpful as you prepare for camp.
Session I (14 days) June 7 - June 20 Session II (20 days) June 22 - July 11 Session III (20 days) July 13 - August 1 Session IV (8 days) August 3 - August 10 HANTE DATES Rocks and Rivers June 22 - July 11 *Spain June 22 - July 11 Appalachian Trail Trek: Georgia July 13 - August 1 *John Muir Trail Trek July 13 - August 1 *Select Hantes with early deadlines
Experiential education for young people, promoting the natural world and the betterment of human character. Winter Address: PO Box 5127, Winston-Salem, NC 27113 Summer Address: 43 Hart Road, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768 Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Summer 2014 Registration Procedures
Age and Grouping: Campers are accepted from rising 1st graders through rising high school seniors. Participants are grouped in cabins according to grade to ensure homogeneous maturity. Grades 1-6 comprise the ranks of Junior Program Assistants (JPAs) and Program Assistants (PAs). Grades 7-9 comprise the Counselors in Training (CITs). Those who have completed the 10th or 11th grades may apply to be Junior Counselors (JCs). These camper ranks are designed to establish categories for participation in community life. Tribal Rank: Eagle’s Nest campers are divided into four tribes that facilitate filling the need to belong: Wohelos and Winnesquams (the girls’ tribes) and Natseehos and Migisis (the boys’ tribes). A beginner in each activity is a Papoose. The learning of prescribed skills advances campers to the ranks of Pathfinder, Warrior, Brave and eventually Chief. Each camper enters the advancement program when he or she starts camp and continues in it throughout the years he or she attends Eagle’s Nest.
Stay-Over Campers: There is a special elective stayover program for campers staying for more than one session. The fee for this program is $200. This program is only open to those campers attending more than one session.
Please return the following to P.O. Box 5127, Winston-Salem, NC 27113 You can also use a credit card and register online at www.enf.org
Camp or Hante application complete with parent signatures. Deposit of $450 per session or program ($350 refundable until February 1, 2014). Campers applying for financial aid may send a $150 deposit, along with the Campership application found on our website.
Discounts: $100 discount per returning camper from any previous year if registration postmarked by October 1, 2013 3% Early Bird Registration discount if registration postmarked by October 1, 2013 5% Sibling discount 10% Multi-session discount $50-$150 Referral discount for each new camper recruited (referring family must inform registrar in writing of all recruits) 10% discount off camp or Hante session for Outdoor Academy students attending the summer following OA 50% Transylvania County Residents discount for Sessions I and IV Limited number of 25% Transylvania County Residents discounts for Sessions II and III (Discounts are subtracted from tuition amount consecutively) For more details, visit our website: www.enf.org Deadlines: Junior Counselor application deadline is October 15, 2013 Added Adventure application deadline is November 15, 2013 Hantes with an (*) have an application deadline of November 15, 2013 Deadline for refund of $350 of deposit is February 1, 2014 Hantes with an (*): payment in full is due February 1, 2014 and is nonrefundable Junior Counselor payment in full is due February 1, 2014 and is nonrefundable Financial Aid Request deadlines are December 1, 2013 and February 25, 2014 Payment in full is due March 1, 2014 Additional Payment and Registration Information: All cancellations must be made in writing. Special (*) Hantes and Junior Counselors require a 50% nonrefundable deposit upon acceptance (JCs, Added Adventures and Hantes require selection). Camp will reserve space on a first-come basis upon receipt of application form and deposit. All fees must be paid in U.S. dollars. A $50.00 per transaction fee will be charged for payments received in foreign currency. Bank fees will be charged on all checks returned for insufficient funds. Waiting List: We do maintain waiting lists for campers who apply after the session of their choice or their age/gender group is full. After May 1st, waiting list preference will be given to those who have paid in full. The waiting list is considered ongoing until 3 days before the start of the session for which the camper has applied. If a camper does not receive a place with us, all fees paid, minus $50.00, will be refunded. For waitlisted participants who withdraw before the end of the wait list period, all fees paid, minus $100, will be refunded.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Financial Aid: A limited portion of our camper population receives some sort of financial aid, often in the form of scholarships called Camperships. This funding is given in light of economic status, family need, and the child’s need for camp. All requests for financial assistance should be made to the camp. Please call, write or see our website to request a Campership Application. To register as a financial aid applicant, please complete the Campership Application and Camp or Hante application and return it with a $150 deposit. There are two application deadlines for consideration for financial assistance: Round 1 - applications postmarked by December 1st will be considered for financial aid; awards announced in January. Round 2 - applications postmarked by February 25th, as well as applicants who did not receive financial aid awards during Round 1, will be considered for financial aid; awards announced in March. Applicants who do not accept awarded aid will receive a full refund of fees paid.
Refund: After March 1st and prior to the beginning of the session a camper is registered to attend, there is no refund for early withdrawal, late arrival, or no-show. Special (*) Hante and Junior Counselor fees are nonrefundable once paid. Eagle’s Nest highly recommends the purchase of travel/tuition insurance.
Cancellation and Dismissal: Due to the high cost of programming, all Hante courses and Added Adventures offered are subject to cancellation. If by March 1st a Hante program or Added Adventure does not have adequately enrolled participants to cover costs, it will be cancelled. Fees paid will be returned in full. Participants unable to finish a Hante or Camp program for any reason will be sent home without refund. We strongly recommend travel tuition insurance. Travel insurance information can be found on our website. The camp reserves the right to dismiss, without refund, any camper who breaks camp policies, whose actions are considered undesirable, or who puts him or herself or other campers at risk.
Medical Form and Camper Insurance: In February, medical and release forms will be sent to each registered camper. Medical forms must be returned by April 15th. Eagle’s Nest requires that all campers have up-todate immunization shots and boosters before arrival at camp. Any request for exception to this policy needs to be brought to the camp’s attention at time of application. All campers are required to carry health insurance. Parents certify at the time of arrival that, to their best knowledge, their child has not been previously exposed to any communicable disease. All medicines, including vitamins, which campers bring are kept by the Health Hut staff and dispensed by the Health Hut staff. Our Health Hut is well equipped and staffed with medical personnel who work in conjunction with health professionals in Brevard. In the case of an accident or illness which requires medical care, prescriptions or supplies beyond services provided by our Health Hut, the family’s insurance will be billed. Any co-pays, prescription costs or charges not covered by insurance are the responsibility of the camper’s family.
Canteen Account:
Each camper has a canteen account ($60.00 per session recommended for two or three weeks, $30.00 for one week). This should cover such expenditures as camp memorabilia, postage, needed toiletries, and spending money for additional outings. JCs may need an additional amount to cover “JC Outing” expenses. We will do our best to ensure campers do not exceed parents’ initial canteen deposit. Charges for shipping trunks and additional medical expenses are also handled through canteen accounts. Any balance above $10.00 that is not picked up at closing will be refunded. Unclaimed Canteen balances of $10.00 or less will be donated to the camp scholarship fund unless otherwise
The American Camp Association accredits Eagle’s Nest Camp and Hante Adventures. Our activities meet or exceed the ACA’s safety standards. The health and safety of campers is of utmost concern in everything that we do.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Hante Adventures 2014 - Step Out and Learn Hante Rocks and Rivers, Session II (grades 9 - 11, $2,900)
Venture through the wilds of the southern Appalachians on this leadership-focused Hante. Participants will spend equal time backpacking, whitewater paddling and rock climbing. While on the Hante they will learn and develop the technical and interpersonal skills necessary to lead groups in the wilderness and beyond. This is an excellent opportunity for teens who are interested in being outdoor leaders or building wilderness skills. Meets at Eagle's Nest Camp. *Hante Spain, Session II (grades 8 - 11, $4,600 + group airfare)
Take a walk through Spanish history! This trip will entail significant cultural immersion, most notably through a lightweight backpacking trek following the famous pilgrimage route on The Camino de Santiago. The adventure will begin in Barcelona where the group will absorb Mediterranean culture and explore Catalan modernism in art and architecture. From Barcelona, participants will travel north west by train to Madrid where they’ll tour some of the Capitol's most famous museums and explore Spain through the ages. The journey continues as the group travels further northwest to begin their pilgrimage on the Camino De Santiago. This ancient pilgrimage has been made for over a thousand years by persons of all races, religions, and spiritual devotions. Participants will walk to Finnesterre, the physical terminus of the Camino. Traveling Spain from coast to coast both by train and foot, the group will glimpse the country through the eyes of its citizens, pilgrims, the spiritual and those hungry for adventure. Meets at the Charlotte, NC (CLT) airport for group flight to Spain. Hante Appalachian Trail Trek: Georgia, Session III (grades 7 - 11, $2,900)
The Hante Adventures program began over 40 years ago with a backpacking trip along the Appalachian Trail. Each year, we continue that tradition, hiking various sections of the AT, working together in our small trail group, and living simply in the woods for several weeks. This summer, Hante AT Trek participants will hike through Georgia at the start of the Appalachian Trail. They will journey approximately 100 miles through the wilderness, learning backpacking skills and making strong friends. If you enjoy the simple joys of hiking, being a part of a tight knit group, working towards a goal and connecting with the natural world, this trip is for you. Meets at Eagle’s Nest Camp. *Hante John Muir Trail Trek, Session III (grades 8 - 11, $3,900)
This three-week backpacking journey on the historical John Muir Trail (JMT) in California is the "next step" for many participants who have previously trekked with Hante Adventures, or for teens who are eager to get out into the wilderness. This Hante will journey 100 miles along the JMT through high passes, glacial lakes, and blooming alpine meadows. At the outset of the trip, participants will acclimatize to the high altitude in Yosemite National Park and spend a day climbing on world renowned granite crags. Then, the group will avoid the crowded parks by hiking south on the JMT through the Ansel Adams and John Muir Wilderness Areas. This Hante will nurture relationships with the natural world through exposure to beauty and through regular conversations about outdoor ethics and environmentalism. Living intentionally, fully and simply on this trip will lead to new experiences, skills, friendships and personal awareness. Meets San Francisco, CA (SFO) airport. *These Hantes have an application and questionnaire deadline of November 15, 2013. To receive the questionnaire, please complete and return the Hante application with the $450 Deposit. If the program is not full by November 15th, applications will be taken on an individual basis. Upon selection, 50% of tuition is due and is nonrefundable. On February 1st the remaining balance is due and is nonrefundable. Due to the high cost of running these special Hantes, there are no early bird discounts for (*) select Hantes. To Apply for Hante: All Hante participants and their parents must complete supplemental questionnaires before the participant can be considered for acceptance on the trip. To receive the questionnaires, please complete and return the application with the $450 deposit.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
2014 Added Adventures Heighten your Eagle’s Nest experience and sign up for one of our Added Adventures! Campers travel to a special destination during the middle week of their camp session to broaden their learning experience. Groups are limited to eight campers and two or three instructors. Added Adventures require supplemental questionnaires from the parent and the camper prior to acceptance. Supplemental questionnaires will be sent to you after we receive the initial Camp application form and $450 deposit. Both the application and questionnaire have a deadline of November 15th. If the program is not full after November 15th, applications will be taken on an individual basis. Appalachian Adventure: Climb, Camp, & Raft, Session I (Grades 6 - 8, $2,940) Start your summer at Eagle's Nest Camp, enjoying all your favorite traditional summer camp activities. Then, join up with your small Added Adventure group and spend five days backpacking, rock climbing and exploring the playground of the Southern Appalachians. Huck Finn Added Adventure, Session II (Grades 5 and 6, $3,990) Have you ever dreamed of floating down a mighty river on a tiny self-built raft and experiencing Huck's great adventure? On this adventure, campers venture into Mark Twain’s novel as Jim, the Duke and Huck and float down the French Broad River navigating by the river banks and stars. Participants prepare rafts and learn from communities established on the river. Sea Islands Added Adventure, Session III (Grades 6 - 8, $3,990) Campers start with the traditional Eagle's Nest Camp experience, then head to the Sea Islands - a chain of tidal and barrier islands off the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia - for a week of camping, exploring, and learning about the diverse flora, fauna, and cultures found on the coast. Junior Counselor Program Junior Counselors (JCs) are rising high school juniors and seniors who are interested in learning about being counselors. Twelve JCs are chosen for each camp session – six boys and six girls – to help the counselors supervise campers. While JCs are still considered campers and are expected to follow the rules set forth for campers, they are given extra responsibilities and participate in leadership classes. The Junior Counselor application and questionnaire deadline is October 15, 2013. Complete and return the $450 deposit along with the initial JC application form. We will then send campers and parents the JC and parent questionnaires, which must be completed and returned by October 15th. Applicants are able to apply to be a JC for various session lengths. Upon selection, 50% of tuition is due and is nonrefundable. On February 1st the remaining balance is due and is nonrefundable. Selection for Junior Counselor positions can be competitive given the limited number of spaces available. Please encourage your child to participate in a Hante before applying to be a JC, as Hante and Outdoor Academy alumni have a better chance of being selected. Please see Page 2 for registration procedures. Grades refer to the grade finished prior to the summer of 2014.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
2013 Camper List CALIFORNIA Clara & Mijal Epelman - Hernan Epelman & Elizabeth Gomez Freer, Redwood City Luke & Leo Bianco - Bob & Brooke Bianco, San Francisco Zoe & Charlie Kennedy - Robyn & Michael Kennedy, San Marcos COLORADO DJ Fall - Kimberly Martin & Rick Taylor, Aspen Toviah Bacharach - Rivkah Bacharach, Vishal Khanna, Boulder Clare Shacklette - Justin Shacklette & Sharon Bloom, Boulder Cameron Mellott - Gary & Christina Mellott, Centennial Rachel Griffin - Dana Griffin & Tiffin Vaughn, Fort Collins Jaron Richardson – Laura & Jay Richardson, Fort Collins CONNECTICUT Erik Oswald - Stacy Oswald, Rick Oswald, Bridgeport DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Nathaniel Belman - David Belman & Donna Oetzel, Washington Sam Blumenfeld - Lane & Liz Blumenfeld, Washington Nathan & Tommy Gale - Martha Willcox & John Gale, Washington Anna Knudson - Peggy Knudson, Washington Sam & Rebecca Meroney - Bart & Jane Meroney, Washington Zach Neville - Peter & Kate Neville, Washington Nicholas Pomper - Stephen Pomper & Elizabeth Andersen, Washington Taz Robinson - Sadiyya Rockett, Paul Robinson, Washington Miles Stannard - Gavin & Tracy Stannard, Washington Graham & Ellis Wilder - Aurie Hall & Marcy Wilder, Washington Talia Zitner - Mark Finkelpearl & Rue Zitner, Washington DELAWARE Joseph Gano - JoAnn Shilling & Jason Fodi, Wilmington Noah Van Bramer - Scott Van Bramer & Laura Schwait, Wilmington FLORIDA Matthew & Preston Oswald - Melanie Oswald Stott, Thomas Stott, Apopka Leah & Molly Chepenik - Bart Chepenik & Myra Spindel, Bay Harbor Islands Jake Greenberg - Andy & Susan Greenberg, Boca Raton Lucas & Phillip Souza - Fabio & Meropi Souza, Cape Coral Isabella Aedo - Rolando & Katia Aedo, Coconut Grove Carolina Novy - Christian & Claire Novy, Coconut Grove Jordan Hoffman - Andrew & Arlene Hoffman, Cooper City Rowan & Morgan Mayback - Gregory & Catherine Mayback, Cooper City Miguel, Adrian, & Sophia Botran - Francisco & Cybele Botran, Coral Gables Lauren Helfer - Mitch & AnnMarie Helfer, Coral Gables Nicole Krieger - Jena Krieger, Coral Gables John & Anna Mistele - Tim Mistele & Julie Gagnon, Coral Gables David Tomas - Ada Novak, Herbie Tomas, Davie Joe, Olivia, & Claire Begalla - Peter & Angela Begalla, DeLand Marc Niebla - Alex & Jennifer Niebla, Doral Quil & Brayt Cauchon - Marc & Rose Cauchon, Gainesville Max Tuchman - Stephan & Hilary Tuchman, Gainesville Dane Myers - Keith Myers & Drue Ferrante, Gainesville Sophia & Owen Landy - Keith Landy & Caroline Mitchell, Jacksonville Dylan Gordon - Cliff Gordon & Laura Graves, Jupiter Reese Teklinski - Steve & Gretchen Teklinski, Jupiter Micah Rabb - Robin Rae, James Rabb, Keystone Heights Chris Roberts - Ken & JoAnne Sayers, Kari Roberts, Keystone Heights Livia, Sophia, & Daniel Carr - Danny & Kim Carr, Longwood Jordan Talopau - Savea & Kelley Talopau, Longwood Kate Thomson - Walt & Lisa Thomson, Longwood Mia & Kyle Ferrante - Scott & Dawn Ferrante, Madeira Beach Romy Smith - Roman Riedmueller & Dee Anna Smith, Maitland Adri Baumann - Maria Elena Villar, Oliver Baumann, Miami Camille Farge - Georges Farge, C&ice Farge, Miami Zoey Kambour - Mike & Hillary Kambour, Miami Andrea Nunes - Claudio & Ana Nunes, Miami Abraham Covo - Victor Covo, Miami Nico Parody - Luis Parody & Adriana Ibarra, Miami
Emily Howard - Thomas Howard & Karen Archer-Howard, Miami Beach Francesca Medeiros - Luis Medeiros & Anca Mirescu, Miami Beach Taylor Mayer - Haskel & Jennifer Mayer, Miami Beach Rachel Jones - Jason & Jill Jones, Miami Lakes Leysi Espinel - Lazaro Espinel & Manuel Fadraga, Miramar Kirsten & Kelsey Feeney - Dan & Yuri Feeney, Miramar Daria Kidd - Bill & Andrea Kidd, Miramar Axel Tello - Chris & Natascha Tello, Miramar Tyler & Trent Rice - Jennifer Rice, Jason Rice, Mt. Dora Nick Moore - Jim & Susan Moore, Neptune Beach Samantha & Alex Dorfman - Alan & Paula Dorfman, North Miami Danielle Link - Andres & Amy Link, North Miami Erica White - Jay & Michele White, North Miami Lizzy Williams - Herb Williams & Jenny Salpeter, Ocala Katie Carroll - Dell Carroll, Taylor & Sandra Christensen, Orlando Adam & Patric Wyatt - Chris & Carol Ann Wyatt, Oxford Savannah Waddell - Clay & Jackie Waddell, Palm Beach Gardens David Moreno - Elyse Resnick, Pinecrest Quincy Barnes - Elizabeth Barnes, Carissa Santana, St. Petersburg Ty Whitmire - Paul & LaRhonda Whitmire, Watersound Shan Mirpuri - Harish & Reshma Mirpuri, Windermere GEORGIA Brian Mulroy - Timothy & Michele Mulroy, Alpharetta Charlie Whitehead - Kenneth & Karen Whitehead, Alpharetta Auggie & Owen Austin-Totty - Tucker Austin, Jay Totty, Athens Avery & Josey Allen - Jamie Allen, Michelle Allen, Atlanta Connor Baldwin - Krista & Tom Baldwin, Atlanta Max Barker - Eric Barker & Lucia Persiani, Atlanta Gracie Bernstein - Robert & Lois Bernstein, Atlanta Joe Billips - Matt & Virginia Billips, Atlanta Willem Carter - Carolyn Carter & Els Van den Eynde, Atlanta Ava Carubia - Mark Carubia & Katherine Hester, Atlanta Ethan, Paris, & Alexander Davey - Ripp & Liz Davey, Atlanta Emily Dean - Andrew Dean & Lynne Goldsman, Atlanta Aidan Downey - John & Cathy Downey, Atlanta Eve Ettema - Kristofor & Tania Peterson, Atlanta Journey Falco - John & Rebecca Falco, Atlanta Elanor Finlayson - Leigh & Teresa Finlayson, Atlanta Cal & Ruby Forde - Brandon & Nicole Forde, Atlanta Crispin Gambill - Art Gambill & Lauren Waits, Atlanta Ethan & Daisy Gould - Mark & Pam Gould, Atlanta Harrison & Oliver Gray - Vicki Gray, David Gray, Atlanta Sam Halpern - Betsy Halpern, Atlanta Russell Kirkland - Paula Ward & Gail Kirkland, Atlanta Jake Landgraff - Frank & Gillian Landgraff, Atlanta Sandy Leach - Brian & Marcy Leach, Atlanta George & Henry Lefkowicz - Peter Lefkowicz & Mary-Campbell Jenkins, Atlanta Sammy & Sophie Lettes - Louis & Amy Lettes, Atlanta David Long - William & Mary Long, Atlanta Ethan & Emma Lowry - Tom & Elise Lowry, Atlanta Margo Lyman - Michael Lyman & Cathy Amoroso, Atlanta Lila & Alana Morrison - Marc & Katherine Morrison, Atlanta Francis & Levitt Mosley - Marc Mosley & Christianna McCaleb, Atlanta Santi Naylor - Nicole Naylor, Atlanta Grayson & Justus Nour - David & Wendy Nour, Atlanta Ellie, Jane, & Mitch Owen - Nick Owen & Alison Mayer, Atlanta Davi & Braden Pressman - Adam & Melissa Pressman, Atlanta Julia & Alex Ross - Peter & Stephanie Ross, Atlanta Alba Sanders - Danette Haser, Atlanta Carl Schwartz - Paul & Charlotte Schwartz, Atlanta Anna Slaton - Robert & Jennifer Slaton, Atlanta Kevin Tantillo - Tony & Eileen Tantillo, Atlanta Cash Taylor - Alex Taylor & Elizabeth Strickler, Atlanta Mack Thompson - Matt & Merrell Thompson, Atlanta Rowen Valrie - Stephen & Trena Valrie, Atlanta Joe Vatalaro - Kristian Vatalaro & Rachel Flood, Atlanta Spencer Waterbury - David Waterbury & Cynthia Hoadley, Atlanta
Page 7 GEORGIA (continued) Asher Wawerna - Michael & Annette Wawerna, Atlanta Max Wenner - Kurt Wenner & Ruth Dusseault, Atlanta Robert Harvey - Donald Harvey & Christine Kempton, Avondale Estates William King - William & Hilary King, Avondale Estates Sage Arnold - Mark & Rosalind Arnold, Decatur Isabel Gerondelis - John & Ann Gerondelis, Decatur Ella Harris - Wilson Harris & Jill Hanson, Decatur Katherine Langford - David & Leslie Langford, Decatur Dinah & Juno Rogers - Tom & Hannah Rogers, Decatur Gabriel Kay - Steve Kay & Jennifer Weissman, Decatur, Lee Curry - Valerie Curry, Midge Sweet, Duluth Dawn Jones - Carl Jones & Shannon Miller Jones, Duluth Abby Vogelsang - Sara Vogelsang, Jake Vogelsang, Dunwoody Emma, Eli, & Isaac Presberg - Leonard Presberg & Elizabeth Moore, Fayetteville Hannah Helmey - Hannah Helmey, Lilburn Adia Brown - Adriane Brown, Marietta Michael Nelson - Rex & Viki Nelson, Marietta Emma Storch - Bob & Liz Helgesen, Marietta Sarah & Emma Baker - Rich & Liz Baker, Norcross Myles Schwartz - Donna Schwartz, Norcross Elliot Robinson - Gigi Gill, Lee Robinson, Roswell Rachel Zeigler - Paul & Emily Zeigler, Roswell Charlie Davenport - Robert & Elizabeth Davenport, Savannah Randy Ngo - Nhu-Hai Nguyen, Stone Mountain ILLINOIS Andie & Alex Billingsley - Marty Billingsley, Chicago Elena Graziani - Andrea Morris, Carlo Graziani, Chicago Brendan Platt - Casey & Beverly Platt, Chicago Fin, Milo, & Floria Buatti - John Buatti & Julia Finalyson, Evanston Hannah Campbell - Jenny Keyser, Shawn Campbell, Evanston Nate, Nicholas, & Claire Perkoski - Joe & Nancy Perkoski, Evanston Clara & Aidan Siebert - Christopher & Danielle Siebert, Evanston Merritt Wooldridge - Michael & Gretchen Wooldridge, Morton Grove Kyle Mirkovic - Srdjan & Jill Mirkovic, Northfield KENTUCKY Reed Crocker - Ben & Cyndi Crocker, Bowling Green Claire Strysick - Michael Strysick & Karen Roper, Danville LOUISIANA Hailey Hood - Angela Hood, Hyatt Hood, Hammond Caitlyn Redfearn - Charles & Dede Redfearn, Metairie Casey Carr - Charles Carr & Susan Taylor, New Orleans Miles Katzen - Hirsch Katzen & Melissa Marshall, New Orleans Clara & Mary Zervigon - Luis & Regina Zervigon, New Orleans Avery Stout - Celia & Scotland Lewis-Stout, Ruston MAINE Chloe Fisher - Diane Fisher, Falmouth MARYLAND Leah Greenberg - Sarah Greenberg, Jeff Greenberg, Bethesda Zack DeParle - Jason & Nancy-Ann DeParle, Chevy Chase Kat McNeill - Rob McNeill & Julie Billingsley, Chevy Chase Maria Cannon - Bryan Cannon & Alix Beatty, Chevy Chase Moses, Mollie, & Max Milchberg - Howard & Rena Milchberg, Potomac Izzy Young - Joseph & Melissa Young, Rockville Ethan Shurberg - Jon Shurberg, Silver Spring MISSISSIPPI Sam & Cordelia Capps - Charlie & Cordelia Capps, Cleveland Hartmann Marble-Wright - Renee Marble, Crystal Springs Victoria Wiseman - Chris & Courtney Wiseman, Madison Mia Sinha - Hans Sinha & Sharon Andrews, Oxford Laurel Tollison - Farish Percy, Gray Tollison, Oxford NEW JERSEY Sadie Lerman - Anita & Elycia Lerman, Lambertville
Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents NEW YORK Adrian Van Alterman - Mary Van Vilet, Anton Alterman, Brooklyn Daniel Nerenhausen - Mark & Martha Nerenhausen, Fayetteville Levi, Griffin, & Riley DeMatteo - Darci DeMatteo, Joseph DeMatteo, Irvington Laura Gallagher - Mark Gallagher & Mary Connor, New York NORTH CAROLINA Nathan Bailey - Alison McKinney, Wayne Bailey, Apex Liza & Alison Bunce - Dean & Gail Bunce, Apex Daniel & Nathan Wellish - Karen Wellish, Apex John Bridges - Byron & Mary Kelton Bridges, Asheville Lena Burgdorf - Kimberly Strobel, Daniel Strobel, Asheville Fin Carter - Carrie & Bryan Allen, Asheville Clare, Patrick, & Abbey Ende - John & Amy Ende, Asheville Solomon Hartman - Brody & Meggan Hartman, Asheville Ben Hicks - Scott & Colleen Hicks, Asheville Morgan Hunneke - Virginia Hunneke, Asheville Annabelle Jones - Anne-Fitten Glenn, Andrew Jones, Asheville Kelly Jones - Brandon & Ingrid Jones, Asheville Katie Kelischek - Robert Zieber & Sabine Kelischek, Asheville Cornelia Mackie - Tom & Liesbeth Mackie, Asheville Lia Messersmith - Ann Messersmith, Asheville Rebecca Molaro - Beth Molaro, Asheville Sophie & Nick Murphy - Katherine Murphy, Asheville Mary & Charlie Schilling - Jeffrey & Linda Schilling, Asheville Clay Spector - David & Jennipher Spector, Asheville Lauren Umberger - Charles & Winslow Umberger, Biltmore Lake Sadye Franklin - Jarrett Franklin & Joanna Weintraub, Boone Sydney Morrison - Trey & Courtney Morrison, Boone Ruby Pond - Casey & Nancee Pond, Boone Zetta Halter-MacInnes - Daryl MacInnes, Francie Cashman, Brevard Kidia Harris - Laura Minerd, Prince Harris, Brevard Broden Houghton - Ryan & Perry Houghton, Brevard Garland & Corrine Joseph - Barthell & Margaret Joseph, Brevard Kai Newsome - Peter & Kelley Newsome, Brevard Cedar Ann Skeen - Rob & Kim Skeen, Brevard Michael & Angel Solano - Miguel Solano & Alejandra Gonzalez, Brevard Olivia Tiner - Tara McDonald, Jubal Tiner, Brevard Connor Conklin - Steven & Connie Conklin, Burlington Lesly Gonzalez - S&ra M. Polanco, Edy Gonzalez, Burlington Lillian Menkens-Weiler - Anne Menkens, Jonathan Weiler, Carrboro Jeremy Lonnman - Barbara Lonnman, Cary Kara & Ian Williams - Bryan & Cathy Williams, Cary Silas Akers - Kateri Carver-Akers, Chapel Hill Gavin Clark - Will & Danielle Clark, Chapel Hill Didac Garcia-Grau - Diego Garcia & Maria Grau, Chapel Hill Amy Hansen - Jan Hansen & Susan Blackford, Chapel Hill Annabel Hinkle - David & Christina Hinkle, Chapel Hill Hallie Huls - Robert Huls & David Parker, Chapel Hill Leah Hurwitz - Shepard & Margretta Hurwitz, Chapel Hill Ian Jensen - Christopher & Elizabeth Jensen, Chapel Hill Coby Koehler - Dan & Alice Koehler, Chapel Hill Reese & Rachel Krome - Sara Krome, Jonathan Krome, Chapel Hill Mia Lindsey - Tony & Julie Lindsey, Chapel Hill Clara Ruth Logan - Beth Tillman, Tobin Logan, Chapel Hill Shomya Mitra - Shankha & Deirdre Mitra, Chapel Hill Tommy Mozier - David & Jill Mozier, Chapel Hill Daphne Munn - Michael & Susan Munn, Chapel Hill Henry Platt-Brannon - Michael Platt & Elizabeth Brannon, Chapel Hill Erika Shelton - Gene & Anne Shelton, Chapel Hill Maya Shuler - Jack Shuler & Barbara Hawk, Chapel Hill Miriam Guzzardi - Peter Guzzardi & Isabel Geffner, Chapel Hill Dean Merritt - Jason & Shannon Merritt, Chapel Hill Ariana Carrothers - Israel Shankle & Amia Carrothers, Charlotte Nate Conrow - Kevin Scott & Cynthia Conrow, Charlotte Reese Cowley - Takisha Cowley, Barbara West, Charlotte De'Ja' Deas - Bradshaw & Melinda Simpson, Charlotte Luc Eklou - Kossi P. Eklou, Aku Tassime, Charlotte Savannah & Oliver Faircloth - Justin & Sarah Faircloth, Charlotte Eric Glenn - Eric Glenn, Sr. & Delores Williams, Charlotte Zyaniaa Hill - Crystal Thompson, Vonquize Dixon, Charlotte
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
2013 Camper List (continued) NORTH CAROLINA (continued) Jonathan Lawson - Pam Turner & Reginald Lawson, Charlotte Malik Mahatha - Sylvia Martin, Charlotte Sara Marashi - Amir & Armita Marashi, Charlotte Bless Mc Linnahan - Clara Epps, Charlotte Finley Melnikoff - Paige McThenia, Kirk Melnikoff, Charlotte Sam Niles - Brad & Linda Niles, Charlotte Emily Norman - Forrest Norman III & Amy Vaughn-Norman, Charlotte Kara Reid - Rochelle McLean, Charlotte Christopher Sanchez - Carmelo Sanchez & Rosina Jarquin, Charlotte Foard & Jack Scott - John Scott, Charlotte Casey Thomsen - Bryant Thomsen & Amber Allison, Charlotte Raylan Wylie - Lolita Ballard, Kaylan Wylie Sr., Charlotte Christian & Jayden Cohen - Lenny & Jennifer Cohen, Clemmons Olivia Santos - Renato Santos & Sharon Castellino, Clemmons Erin Shu - Jeffrey & Lisa Shu, Clemmons Penelope & Alexia Seymour - Russell Seymour, Jr. & Vilma Perdomo-Seymour, Concord Audrey & Drew Gibbs - Paul & Beth Gibbs, Davidson Malini Jhaveri - Ravi Jhaveri & Caren Mangarelli, Durham George, Kathryn, & William Linney - George & Kristen Linney, Durham Allison & Caroline Lundby - Kyle Lundby & Catriona Moore, Durham Christopher Latham - Bryan & Janet Latham, Elon Daisy, Dustin, & Dariyan Salazar - Russ & Jena Salazar, Fayetteville Mireille Soss - Jeff & Marian Soss, Flat Rock Parrish Hunt - Roger & Allison Hunt, Greensboro Zora VanderVeen - Bert & Rebecka VanderVeen, Greensboro Jessica & Wesley Bolin - Paul & Linda Bolin, Greenville Hayley & Jayme Goldman - Ken & Sue Goldman, Greenville Grant & Janie Irons - Thomas & Paige Irons, Greenville Ryan & Alex Nease - Matthew & Lori Nease, Greenville Natalie Valentine - Patricia Valentine, Greenville Lucy Meyer-Braun - Mark & Lisa Meyer-Braun, High Point Maddie Popelars - Craig Popelars & Tanya King, Hillsborough Victoria Powell - Jeff & Trish Powell, King Van & Wren Garrison - Paul & Janet Garrison, Lewisville Eliza Stevenson - David & Ceevah Stevenson, Mars Hill Ian Marks - Elliott & Kathleen Marks, Mebane Nora Cornelison - Bettye Dorn, Itha Trantham, Mills River Jessica & Georgia Kryssing - George & Danielle Kryssing, Moorseville Reed, Ryan, & Kyle Amundarain - Jose Amundarain & Hilary Hafeken, Morrisville Davin, Darim, & Dana Kim - Yu-Seon & James Kim, Morrisville Paul Cabin - Bob Cabin & Anne Meijers, Penrose Noah Brown - Michael Brown & Susan Daily, Pisgah Forest Stro & Mary Ella Hastings - Rick Hastings & Salli Lewis, Pisgah Forest Ijah Powell - Ashton Powell & Jessica Neese, Pisgah Forest Marinne Frey - Melissa Frey, Pittsboro Ashley & Olivia Burnette - Hunter & Nicole Burnette, Raleigh Theo Egan - Laurie Cone, Bob Egan, Raleigh Erin Timmerberg - Carla Timmerberg, Raleigh Natalie Warren - Eric & Leigh Warren, Raleigh Zoe Parsons - Rob Parsons & Alison Heston, Saluda Noah Huntley - John & Blakley Huntley, Southport Ben & Josh Fuhrman - Mike & Amy Fuhrman, Statesville Elise, Isaac, & Heidi Kauffman - Jeremy & Karen Kauffman, Statesville Sophie, Oliver, & Veda Pippin - Chuck & Jodi John Pippin, Statesville Jacob Schlesinger - Michael & Stacey Schlesinger, Statesville Lily & Will Spears - Kent & Amy Spears, Statesville London Steeb - Chris & Casey Steeb, Statesville, Daisy & Ella Nichols - Bucky & Sara Nichols, Summerfield Isa Satake - Akira Satake & Cynthia Pierce, Swannanoa Deena Wykle - Bob Wykle & Leslie Poole, Tobaccoville Sophia Fireman - Brian Fireman & Meghan Heibach Pauley, Tryon Allessandre Ponzini - Taylor & Sandra Christiansen, Tryon James Torry - Andrew & Tracy Torry, Wake Forest Rowan MacKie - Robert MacKie & Alaina Gimbert, Walkertown Stanton & Knox Lamar - Heston & Savana Lamar, Wilmington Mary Gretchen Turner - Todd & Michelle Turner, Wilmington Kate & Will Betz - Scott & Eden Betz, Winston-Salem Anna Brown - Patrick & Laurie Brown, Winston-Salem Madeline & Ethan Conley - Kevin & Susan Conley, Winston-Salem
Nicholas Emken - Robert & Lynne Emken, Winston-Salem Levi & Aubrey Emmett - Richard Emmett & Kimberly Lawson, Winston-Salem Ethan & Charlotte Flowers - Marty & Alexandra Flowers, Winston-Salem Kate & Cyrus Garretson - Kory & Lori Garretson, Winston-Salem Emma Glen - Mark Glen & Ann Urban, Winston-Salem Max Henneberg - Robert & Lluvia Henneberg, Winston-Salem Lane & Dickinson Holmes - James & Susan Holmes, Winston-Salem Millie Johnston - John & Jayne Johnston, Winston-Salem Ruby Jones - Chris & Amy Jones, Winston-Salem Rohan & Kiran Kapileshwari - Rajesh Kapileshwari & Stephanie Pellet, Winston-Salem Jillian Laurienti - Paul & Denise Laurienti, Winston-Salem Noah & Ben LeFevre - Brian LeFevre & Julia Toone, Winston-Salem Josh & Isabella Lenchik - Leon & Jennifer Lenchik, Winston-Salem Finn & Posey Lester-Niles - Andy & Paige Lester-Niles, Winston-Salem Lily MacLachlan - Angus MacLachlan & Jennifer Snowhite, Winston-Salem Riley Meehan - Patrick & Sally Meehan, Winston-Salem Audrey & Reece Nelson - Dawn Nelson, Winston-Salem Alex Nunley - Kevin & Julee Nunley, Winston-Salem Pen Oldham - Chris & Jane Oldham, Winston-Salem Hattie Pass - Linda Pass, Winston-Salem Sylvia Randall - Rick & Andi Randall, Winston-Salem Johnathan Schirillo - Cheryl Schirillo, Jim Schirillo, Winston-Salem Liam & Riley Sherman - Blane Sherman & Tanya Marsh, Winston-Salem Ben & Harry Smith - Barbara Lentz & Michael Smith, Winston-Salem Austin Smith - Max Smith & Wendy Parker, Winston-Salem Jimmy, Robert, & Dean Toole - Jim & Christine Toole, Winston-Salem Eleanor Tyson - Michael Tyson, Winston-Salem Sophie Vaughn - Bob & Marcia Vaughn, Winston-Salem Gabriel & Maya Whitaker - Jarrod & Nicole Whitaker, Winston-Salem Colin & Julia Whiting-Bryant - T. Taylor Bryant, Cristin Whiting, Winston-Salem Una Wilson - Eric Wilson & Sandi Hamilton, Winston-Salem OHIO Alex Misick - Lofton & Carolyn Misick, Bellbrook Zeke Lloyd & Aquila Simmons - Ric Simmons & Angie Lloyd, Columbus Ben Ross - Bryan & Betsy Ross, Columbus Parrish Gebhart - Gale & Becky Gebhart, Cridersville OREGON Miles & Lulu Guy - Brian A. Guy, Katherine Logan, Eugene PENNSYLVANIA Kate McDowell - Niel & Alison McDowell, Philadelphia Gabe & Josh Beckerman - Anita Heriot, Mark Beckerman, Wyndmoor SOUTH CAROLINA Zoe Keller - George & Linda Keller, Bluffton Flora Boatwright - David Boatwright & Molly Boren, Charleston Margaret Gibson - Reggie & Maryellen Gibson, Charleston Lia Melvin - Jim Melvin & Jeanne Malmgren Melvin, Clemson Christopher Rubel - Chris Rubel, Andrea Atkinson, Greer Emily & Hannah Wells - Marion & Jan Wells, Lexington Eamon Espey - Jae & Molly Espey, Six Mile Ilan, Jerome, & Ruben Falcon - Daniel & Jori Falcon, Spartanburg Jesseca & Ian Kusher - David Kusher & Michelle Carney, Spartanburg Jayden Jackson - Kurtis & Tanya Jackson, Waterloo TENNESSEE Sophie Workinger - Andrew Workinger & Catherine Colby, Chattanooga Joel Brickman - Jeanalice Brickman & Jane Wittenmyer, Franklin Cole Benedict - Jeff & Amy Benedict, Gray Samantha Dessauer - Mark & Gina Dessauer, Kingsport Lexie Jones - Tommy & Lisa Bernard, Kingston Springs Sebastian & Diana Grandas - Oscar & Jill Grandas, Knoxville Ruby Blackman - Amy Blackman, Bill Blackman, Nashville Luke Dinger - Kristen & Jason Dinger, Nashville Lena, Louisa, & Geofrey Friedman - David & Kathy Friedman, Nashville Ryan Ghertner - Steve & Patty Ghertner, Nashville Amelia Hahn - Amy Harkness, Curt Hahn, Nashville Lucy Mauries - James Mauries & Jennifer Lightsey, Nashville
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
TENNESSEE (continued) Zoe Rosenblum - Jay & Jessie Rosenblum, Nashville Andrew Steed - David Steed & Maria Frexes, Nashville Joseph & Eve Stewart - Mike & Ruth Stewart, Nashville TEXAS Maddie Matthews - James & Mary Clare Matthews, Austin UTAH Kenobi Clapper - Evan Clapper & Maureen Zanky, Moab VERMONT Mikiya Malone - Mike Malone, Lynn Ariyadej, Burlington Felix Kreis - Jennifer Keller, Donald Kries, Norwich VIRGINIA Ryan Alam - Faisal & Tuba Alam, Sterling INTERNATIONAL Alejandro Ricaurte - Jorge Ricaurte & Carolina Ballesteros – COLOMBIA Ana Vargas - Jorge Vargas & Marianella Quesada - COSTA RICA Katy Welch - Paul & Gigi Welch - ENGLAND Frederik Beitinger - Bernhard & Dorothea Beitinger - GERMANY Sage Farrer - James & Gracia Farrer - JAPAN Ana & Isabel Gomez Galvarriato - Mario & Paulina Gomez Galvarriato - MEXICO Emiliano & Mario Hernandez Gomez - Cesar Hernandez & Aurora Gomez Galvarriato - MEXICO Natalia Neuber - Alexander & Beata Neuber – POLAND
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Eagle’s Nest Foundation Board of Trustees 2013 Will Abberger, MA Associate Director The Trust for Public Land Tallahassee, FL Amos Barclay, JD Attorney Hunton & Williams, LLP New York, NY Gail Bunce, AAS Community Volunteer Apex, NC Cissy Kelton Byrd, BA Teacher Westminster Day School (ret.) Spartanburg, SC Jean Cohen, MSW Psychotherapist Washington, DC Cain Cox, BA Realtor Asheville, NC Alexandra Flowers, BA Owner, Dinners on the Porch Winston-Salem, NC
Lyne Gamble, BA Principal, Gamble Squared Raleigh, NC Shelley Gaynes, MBA Founder, Gee Wiz, LLC Atlanta, GA
Elen Knott, MLS Reference Chief Z. Smith Reynolds Library (Ret.) Wake Forest University Winston-Salem, NC Jamey Lowdermilk, MS Presidential Management Fellow US Forest Service Helena, MT
Jonatha Gibaud, PhD Clinical Psychologist Pisgah Forest, NC
Richard O'Hara, MEd President The John Carroll School Bel Air, MD
David Gilbert, MAT Academic Dean Greensboro Day School Greensboro, NC Heather Goodling, MA SVP; Market Information Manager Bank of America Atlantic Beach, FL Bruce Grob, PhD Executive Director Susan G. Komen of NE Florida Jacksonville, FL
Edee Waite Robinson Realtor Mt. Dora, FL Tom Rogers, PhD Asst. Professor of History Emory University Decatur, GA Moseley Waite, PhD Professor Emeritus Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston- Salem, NC Trustees Emeriti:
Rich Orland, MD Care Management Director St. Thomas Health Nashville, TN
John D’Albora, Jr. President J.V. D’Albora Co. Cocoa, FL
Michael Perling, CPA Birnbrey, Minsk, Minsk & Perling LLC Atlanta, GA
Jay Skyler, MD Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, and Psychology University of Miami Key Biscane, FL
Steve Robins, MA Head of High School University School of Nashville Nashville, TN
Eagle’s Nest Camp Representatives Camp Representatives are parents who have sent their children to Camp and/or Hante in the past and have agreed to serve as “ambassadors” from their local areas. They are available to speak with you about Eagle’s Nest and answer questions you may have. They also put together parties, during which an Eagle’s Nest administrator will give a presentation about Eagle’s Nest and answer questions for prospective participants. This is a great opportunity to meet local Eagle’s Nest families as well as other families interested in ENC and Hante Adventures. Upcoming camp parties are posted on our website. Please call our office to locate a camp representative in your area. If you are interested in becoming a representative, please call us or email us at info@enf.org.
Membership Eagle’s Nest Camp is a private, independent, nonprofit camp within Eagle’s Nest Foundation. The membership of Eagle’s Nest is a community of campers, parents, and friends. Eagle’s Nest is an equal opportunity recreational / educational provider that does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disabling condition or sexual orientation. We include people of all abilities on an individual basis with regard to our wilderness programs in rugged terrain. Our program does not repeat itself over the summer. We offer a variety of session lengths to help accommodate family needs. Each session length has benefits, and in each we work to enable our campers to participate in the full program of camper selected activities to develop skills and friendships essential to his or her individual growth.
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Our Staff Eagle’s Nest Camp was founded by educators interested in the development and education of the Whole Child. In keeping with the principles upon which Eagle’s Nest was founded, our current staff members do an outstanding job of caring for, nurturing, and educating our campers. We take great pride in the quality of the camp counselors who work at Eagle’s Nest. They are some of the most creative, hard working and kind people we know! Our counselors are also a lot of fun, and serve as exceptional role models for our campers. In keeping with the fundamental idea of education for the Whole Child, a large percentage of our summer staff members are in school studying education or have already established themselves as educators. Many are also long time campers who have grown up at Eagle’s Nest and are eager to share Camp with the next generation. Most importantly, our counselors have a deep love for working with young people and making the world a better place.
Teaching and Counseling Staff 2013 *Justin Baker: Climbing Director; B.S., Appalachian State University; Apex, NC Sam Barge: Guitar, Musical; UNC-Chapel Hill: Atlanta, GA *Nick Barnette: X-Craft, Ceramics Head; Appalachian State University; Jacksonville, FL +Byron Benter: Campcraft, Ceramics; Colorado State University; Longmont, CO Noah Goetsch Berch: Best of the Nest; Rhode Island School of Design; Atlanta, GA Sharon Bloom: Best of the Nest, Campcraft; M.A., CU-Boulder; Boulder, CO +Cybele Botran: Basketry, Costuming; M.Ed, UCLA; Coral Gables, FL Ayana Brown: Basketball, Ceramics; Valdosta State University; Atlanta, GA *Byron Browne: Packout House, Photography; B.F.A., Photography, UNCAsheville; Norfolk, VA Darren Davis: Soccer, Guitar, Wide World of Sports; Dublin, Ireland *Marga deJong: Basketry, Songwriting; Whitman College; New Orleans, LA *Michael DeMarco: Green Woodworking, Walks and Waterfalls; Appalachian State University; Charlotte, NC Talia Dessel: Musical, Improv; University of Chicago; Ann Arbor, MI *Josh Doherty: Soccer, Wide World of Sports; Filton College; Bristol, England +Ellen Fox: JC Coordinator, Arts and Crafts Head; University of South Carolina; Winston-Salem, NC *Julia Fuster: Rock Climbing, Ultimate; B.S., Biology, University of Georgia; Atlanta, GA *Alex Gallagher: Waterfront Director, Sea Islands Added Adventure; B.S. , Biology, Boston College; New York, NY +Beaver Goodling: Ceramics, Arts and Crafts; B.A., University of Florida, Arts Education; Atlantic Beach, FL *Indigo Grady: Canoeing; Elon University; Winston-Salem, NC +Carly Greenberg: Initiatives, Improv, Musical; New College; Boca Raton, FL *Chris Griffith: Archery, Campcraft; Appalachian State University; Charlotte, NC +Jonny Grove: Tennis, Swimming; Saint Mary’s College; Manchester, England Sam Helmey: Gardening, Strings and Things; University of Georgia; Stone Mountain Georgia *Sam Ingbar: Canoeing, Boyz in the Woods; Wesleyan University; Minneapolis, MN *Derek Jacobs: Health Hut Staff, EMT; Gautier, MS +Cara Kidd: Arts and Crafts, Yoga; University of Central Florida; Pembroke Pines, FL *Bridget Kranz: Canoeing, Best of the Nest; Bowdoin College; Saint Paul, MN *Mary Krome: Explorers, Initiatives, Indian Lore; University of Redlands; Gainesville, FL *Tom Krome: Rock Climbing, Guitar; Lewis and Clark College; Gainesville, FL *Cecilia Kucera: Riding Director; Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem, NC *Anna Lauria: Rock Climbing, Horseback Riding; Barnard College; Clemson, SC *+Andy Lester-Niles: AT Trek; M.Ed, UNC-Greensboro; Winston-Salem, NC +George Linney: Paddling, Campcraft; M.Div., Duke University; Durham, NC *Sarah Mackey: Canoeing, Asst. Program Director, Huck Finn; B.S., Colorado College; Bradenton, FL *Anita Mitchell: Woodworking Head, Mountain Girls; Christchurch, NZ
*Andrew Nelson: Ultimate, Appalachian Adventure, Rock Climbing; College of Charleston; Marietta, GA *Patrick Nelson: Huck Finn, Boyz in the Woods; B.A., UNC-Chapel Hill; Marietta, GA Sharon Nouwens: Horseback Riding; Manchester Metropolitan University; Maarssen, Netherlands *Kelly Ockwell: JC Coordinator, Asst. Program Director, Archery; New Zealand Institute of Sport; Christchurch, NZ *Lanier Olsson: Swimming; Brown University; West Point, VA *Micah Parsons: Batik, Walks and Waterfalls, Ultimate; American University; Saluda, NC *Anna Perling: Best of the Nest, Batik, Appalachian Adventure; Reed College; Atlanta, GA *+Evelina Pierce: AT Trek; B.A., Wesleyan University; Pisgah Forest, NC Clay Pittman: Guitar, Ultimate; BS, Political Science; NC State University; Raleigh, NC Mackie Price: JC Coordinator, Basketball, Archery; B.S., UNC-Chapel Hill; WinstonSalem, NC *Edee Robinson: Swimming, Best of the Nest; Mount Dora, FL *Hannah Blue Rose: AT Trek, Explorers; Earlham College; Asheville, NC *Blake Ross: Walks and Waterfalls, Ceramics; Warren Wilson College; Swannanoa, NC *Lyssa Scott: Canoeing, Mountain Girls; Jacksonville State University; Birmingham, AL *Anna Shugoll: Soccer, Walks and Waterfalls; Oberlin College; Louisville, KY *+Marlin Sill: Asst. Program Director, Sea Islands, Rock Climbing; B.A., Florida State; Asheville, NC *+Becca Spiegel: Swimming; B.S., Colorado College; Wilmington, DE *Brady Sutton: Canoeing Director; B.S., Harvey Mudd College; Lafayette, IN *Nate Sutton: Hante Colorado; B.S., Vassar College; Knoxville, TN *Johan Taljaard: Fishing, Boyz in the Woods; Pretoria, South Africa +*Maggie Thomsen: Head Counselor, Garden Head; B.A., University of Vermont; Atlanta, GA *Tess Tumarkin: Arts and Crafts, Sea Islands Added Adventure; Reed College; Gainesville, FL *+Diane Ulmer: Canoeing, Huck Finn; M.A., University of Denver; Denver, CO *+Rodrigo Vargas: Hante Spain; B.S., University of Costa Rica; Brevard, NC +*Josie Whelan: Horseback Riding; UNC-Asheville; Louisa, KY +Nicole Whitaker: Basketry, Cooking; M.S., UNC-Greensboro; Winston-Salem, NC *Luke Wofford: Walks and Waterfalls, African Drum and Dance; Appalachian State University; Clemmons, NC Madalyn Wofford: Arts and Crafts, Ironwood; B.A., Warren Wilson College; Asheville, NC
+ Indicates professional educator * Indicates staff member with Lifeguard, Wilderness First Aid, Wilderness First Responder or higher certification
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Eagle’s Nest Camp Information for Parents
Daily Schedule* 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 9:00 9:30 10:40 12:00 12:30 1:30 2:30 3:40 5:00 5:30 6:30 8:00
Rising Bell Table Setting Flag Raising Breakfast Cabin Clean-Up or Bread Making Class Period 1 Class Period 2 Cabin Time before lunch Lunch and singing Rest Period Class Period 3 Class Period 4 Cabin Time before dinner Dinner Free Choice Time Goodnight Circle and Snack
Evening Schedule K-3rd grade: Activity Time: 8:00—8:30 Lights Out: 9:00 4th-6th grade: Activity Time: 8:00—9:00 Lights Out: 9:30 7th-9th grade: Activity Time: 8:00—9:30 Lights Out: 10:00 *Varies for Session IV
Eagle’s Nest Camp Leadership 2013-2014* Noni Waite-Kucera: Executive Director; B.A., Anthropology; Wake Forest University. Noni grew up at Eagle’s Nest and has worked in fulltime leadership at ENC for over 25 years. She has directed the swimming and canoeing programs and led Hantes. Paige Lester-Niles: Camp Director; B.A., English, Salem College. Paige began working at Eagle’s Nest as a counselor in the summer of 1990. She has taught numerous classes at ENC and has led 6 Hantes. She has been the Camp Director since 2003. Lucas Newton: Hante Coordinator; M.Ed., Outdoor Education Administration, Georgia College & State University, B.A., Electronic Media, University of Northern Iowa; Lucas has spent years as a field instructor and adventure coordinator for programs across the Southeast. Liz Snyder: Assistant Camp Director-Promotions; B.S., Recreation Management, Appalachian State University. Liz has worked in the field of outdoor education for several years and has been the Asst. Camp Director since 2009. She enjoys numerous outdoor activities including canoeing, mountain biking, and running. Caroline Toy: Assistant Camp Director-Program; M.Ed., Outdoor Education Administration, Georgia College & State University, B.A., Williams College. Caroline has spent many years in the field of outdoor education working with schools and non-profits. She worked as a counselor at Eagle’s Nest for several years and has also led several Hantes. Krista White: Winston-Salem Administrative Assistant: B.S., Recreation Management, Appalachian State University. Krista has a long history of and love for working at summer camp. She handles all aspects of camper registration and teaches classes in the summer. Bonnie Lance: Pisgah Forest Office Manager/OA Registrar; North Georgia College. Bonnie loves the mountains and helping people. She has worked at Eagle’s Nest for many years. Throughout the summer she is the cheerful voice we hear when we call camp. Ashton Powell: Kitchen Manager; A.A., Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts. Ashton attended Eagle’s Nest as a camper, Hante participant and Outdoor Academy student. In his early twenties he worked as a member of the kitchen staff as a cook and Head Cook before becoming a chef. Ashton also enjoys cooking with garden fresh food. *Please see our website for more information about the great people that work throughout the year to support Eagle’s Nest Camp, The Outdoor Academy and Eagle’s Nest Foundation.
Telephone and Visiting When the camper leaves home, he or she needs to be allowed the space to develop independently. Therefore, we discourage phone and visitation interruptions. Parents are encouraged to call and check in with administrators, but we request that they communicate with campers through letters.
Mail Mail and non-food packages are delivered to campers daily. Send mail to the camper’s attention at 43 Hart Road, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768.
What to Bring A complete list of what to bring is listed on the website and in packets sent to registered campers. Winter Contact: 336-761-1040
Directions To Eagle’s Nest 43 Hart Road Pisgah Forest, NC 28768
Directions to Eagle’s Nest from several different locations are available on our website. Eagle’s Nest is conveniently located off of Hwy 64 and is easily reached from I-26 or I-40.
Travel and Shipping Campers may travel to camp by plane or car. Those campers traveling by plane should be ticketed to and from Asheville, NC or Greenville, SC (extra fees apply for Greenville pick up, which is a little over an hour away). Following airline regulations, campers may need to purchase round-trip unaccompanied minor service from the airline. Please check with your airline for age requirements and flight restrictions. All arriving campers are met at the airport by members of the camp staff. Participants are encouraged to wear a camp tshirt on the plane. Eagle’s Nest requests that all campers, including those traveling by plane, arrive and depart between 9:00 am and 11:00 am on the designated arrival and departure days. Campers can ship luggage to and from camp via United Parcel Service (UPS) or FedEx in the camper’s name. Please notify camp of all travel plans at least two weeks in advance. The February mailing includes a form for this notification. Campers should not arrive or depart on days other than the opening and closing days of the session. Summer Contact: 828-877-4349