In the village of Bolognola, after the 2016 earthquake, there are 68 uninhabited architectures, 52 ruined structures and only 25 inhabited ones.
For its rebirth, we have highlighted three themes that characterise the Marche region, identifying a 60-km radius in which we have enclosed the main attractions. The first thematic area concerns the area’s culture and history (authentic villages, archaeological parks, Unesco cities, museums and theatres).
The second theme concerns sports and activities in the nature of the reference area (water parks, amusement parks and ski resorts). The third theme concerns the economic and agricultural activities in the target area (leading interior design, clothing and food production companies).
The themes were translated into living experiences that reconnect Bolognola with itself and the surrounding areas. For the development of each experience, we have outlined guidelines. The experiences have been brought back to the area under examination, creating a design composed of three bands: community and common living has been placed where the village rises, physical wellbeing in the part close to the mountains, culture of know-how and sustainable economy, on the other hand, surrounds the Fiastrone river.
YACademy Workshop
tutor: Massimo Alvisi / Alvisi Kirimoto
year: 2019
site: Bolognola, IT
Team: Alviti Eleonora, Andrea Belardinelli, Chiara Buonaiuto, Mariella Tieri, Davide Zanon
top project concept of three experiences
Experience 2
Physical well-being and exploration of the land
Exploring and experiencing nature, immersing oneself in the landscape, creating contemplative places
Experience 1
Collectivity and communal living
Rediscovering and enhancing the village, recovering a sense of belonging, developing new connections
Experience 3
Culture of know-how and circular economy
Integrating local productivity, rediscovering ancient crafts, designing educational and creative activities
Throughout history, the concept of Home has changed as a result of the evolution of man and society.
Since the Industrial Revolution, mass production and the advent of consumerism have led to the emergence of what Zygmunt Bauman calls Homo Consumen.
The home has become a place for the satisfaction of personal needs, increasingly leaving aside the needs of the community. The concept of the Hermit Crab Module combines the environmental duties of the global community with the personal needs of the individual.
The image of the hermit crab, constantly searching for the right living space, inspired us to design this module and to rethink the essential aspects of contemporary living. The ever-expanding city is the backdrop we imagined for this project, which is a possible first housing solution for the ever-increasing number of people moving towards the large metropolises.
The conceptual result of our reflection, are the two fundamental elements of the project. The shell is a constant element for every Hermit Crab Module.
It represents the portion of individual commitment that each of us is called upon to surrender to society, to lead a sustainable life. The body can be modified according to personal needs and culture and represents the intimate home as we know it, made up of everyday needs.
Hypothesis for a sustainable housing organisers: Future Architecture year: 2020
team: Alviti Eleonora, Pietro Romitelli
next page the project inserted within some urban texture
mobile sliding section/ possible solution
The main intent of the project was to preserve, not just the incomplete walls of the church, but the entire surrounding environment and its spiritual identity.
The intervention is therefore characterized by lines that vanish in the surrounding, without ever defining volumes that would contrast with the late sixteenth-century architecture of the church.
The only exception is the bell tower, conceptual fulcrum of the project, conceived as the Pilgrim’s Lighthouse and designed as a light installation, a visual/acoustic landmark in the landscape.
The poetic image that was pursued is that of the pilgrim who, at the end of his journey, finally finds a guide towards which to continue his journey.
The rest of the intervention is characterized by the presence of pigmented reinforced concrete walls, with the aim of matching the colors of the ground and the local stone colours, with the intention of integrating the hypogean part of the intervention.
The Pilgrim Center is organized as a succession of underground rooms, alternated with patios and openings in the ground, with the intent to recreate an intimate and introspective space, where the pilgrim can find rest and meditative pause.
Call for Ideas
organisers: Reuse Italy
year: 2022
site: San Giovanni in Val di Lago, IT
team: Alviti Eleonora, Pietro Romitelli
beside project axonometry
longitudinal section
“The regeneration of modern culture: investigation into the abandoned space of the Metro Drive-in in Casal Palocco”
The project aims to investigate the abandoned space of what was, in the 1970s, Europe’s largest drive-in. The area under investigation is located in the residential complex of Casal Palocco, between Ostia and the Grande Raccordo Anulare. Adopting the vision of the concept of urban emptiness not as waste but as “carta bianca”, the idea is to capture the identity and memory of the place through the identity and memory of the people who live in the Roman neighbourhood, trying to propose design guidelines for a possible start of a new experience.
Through three project ideas, the aim is a social regeneration derived from participatory actions, increasing awareness of the space that makes up the neighbourhood one lives in, reducing the detachment towards architecture that is often considered ‘brutal’ to the surrounding landscape.
Project of regeneration
year: 2021
site: Drive in, Casalpalocco, Roma, IT
team: Studio +ma
“Conservation and transmission of the contemporary: a possible scenario for the City of Sport in Rome by Santiago Calatrava”.
The work developed deals with the theme of conservation and transmission of contemporary architecture through the case study of the City of Sport, a work designed by Santiago Calatrava in Rome, on the grounds of the University of Tor Vergata, on the occasion of the World Swimming Championships in 2009. An unfinished artefact, now known as ‘the Sail’, whose construction site has been at a standstill since 2011.
Through a morphological, landscape and, above all, historical analysis, the characteristics of the context in which the artefact is located were outlined, an analysis that inevitably led to relate the historical ruins to the unfinished ruins of contemporaneity.
The research shifts radically to the concept of ruin and what it has represented and still represents for mankind.
Starting from a fixed point, that is, that the ruin is such because it is man who has charged it with value, saving it from the status of rubble, the final objective of the research was to interpret Calatrava’s Vela in a retrospective way, allowing the work to pass through time, shaking off the hostile adjectives that have characterised it until now. The project is not intended to define precise results, but only to provide an example of the non-invasive, sometimes temporary and versatile character that could be adopted when faced with unfinished areas.
Master Thesis Project / Polytechnic of Turin
professor: Carla Bartolozzi, Emanuele Romeo year: 2018
site: “La Vela” by Santiago Calatrava, Rome IT
The photographic reportage aims to document the relation that halal Muslim butcher shops have with the city of Turin and their proximity to mosques within the urban fabric.
The project was realised in support of the doctoral thesis developed by Francesco Nurra at the Polytechnic of Turin, course in Urban and Regional Development.
Photographic Reportage
year: 2022
site: Turin, IT
team: Eleonora Alviti, Francesco Nurra
“Cognitive maps and urban spaces in the city of Genoa: characteristics of representations and individual diversities”
Underlying any mental representation is a perceptual process.
Much information arriving from the external environment, which we take in through various sensory channels, is unconsciously encoded and reused by our memory, whatever our interaction with the environment and whatever the purpose of our learning (Baroni, 1998). And if the environment we are relating to is the city we have been living in for many years, some stimuli, especially visual ones, will be repeated over and over again. Such repetitions add, each time, a piece to the image of the city we have in mind and this representation is called a cognitive map. The latter, depending on the degree of knowledge of the surrounding environment, may be more or less accurate and the more familiar an environment is, the more the perceiving subject will be able to move freely within it. The meaning to each stimulus is given by the person receiving it and this implies that each space and each environment takes on a different meaning depending on who is experiencing it. This means that each person explores the environment and learns about it in his or her own way, producing mental representations that are always different.
The aim of this study is to investigate the different mental representations that people have of a familiar environment and whether they can be more or less detailed depending on certain measures of less detailed depending on certain measures of individual differences. Specifically, an attempt was made to answer two main questions. The first is to understand the pure representation of subjects familiar with the city of Genoa and the accuracy with which this city is depicted, while the second objective is to understand whether there is a relationship between their performance and certain individual difference measures. What is expected is that those who show better performance in map drawing is those who have been resident in the city of Genoa for the longest time and who use navigation as a learning method. Furthermore, it is expected that those who work in visual-spatial professions know how to represent the map of the city in which they live, better than those who work in other professions.
For the Second Level Master thesis
I analysed the mental maps of 38 participants by subjecting them to orientation and spatial cognition questionnaires, recall exercises, positioning exercises and pointing tests.
Second Level Master Thesis / University of Padua professor: Chiara Meneghetti year: 2022
site: Genoa, IT
top concentration map created with gis software, the busiest and most easily located areas of the city of Genoa are highlighted
top/beside four of the 38 mental maps of the city of Genoa made by participants
“The housing heritage of Italian Cities. Towards a permanent atlas of Italy in contraction”
Focusing on Turin and its metropolitan area, the aim of the research was to verify whether the proposed housing supply actually corresponded to the needs of the inhabitants, both with regard to the sale and the rental of private properties. I studied, in particular, a sample of the population distinguished by low to middle income with the objective of verifying the affordability of housing and, if it was guaranteed, what kind of housing (in terms of area, location, neighborhood quality) people could aspire to.
The research method was set up on the basis of data collection through webscrapig of the main Italian real estate buying and selling websites. The properties were then georeferenced using QGIS software and, with the data collected, thematic maps were produced through which the results obtained were analyzed, with the intention of mapping the housing options on the market and studying their position in relation to the city layout.
Research project / Polytechnic of Turin
professor: Francesco Chiodelli
year: 2022
site: Turin, IT
team: Eleonora Alviti, Martina Gentili (TU Delft)
Distribuzione degli annunci di a tto nella città di Torino e nella sua area Metropolitana
40 mq
- 15%
renting <400 €
of rent listing <400€
Let’s take any city, in any part of the world, now, following the advice of Leonardo, who said that to know all the “clothes” of the onion just cut it in the middle, let’s section it with endless plans, what will we see? We will see, in section, the envelope of a building, its skin, a dress that is transparent, opaque, shiny, technological; later we will see the inside of it, beating heart of the building, and finally again its envelope. Continuing on the line of section we will see, then, the dynamic bodies that live the city, also sectioned, their epidermal cover, the organs, the liver, the brain, the stomach and then again their skin. Buildings, like bodies, are made up of individual elements enclosed under a single mantle: the skin. It enriches, characterises, distin-
guishes and produces different sensations: “skin” sensations, emotional, non-analytical and superficial perceptions that do not go beyond the skin. A relationship is established between the skin of the building and the human skin, a correspondence made up of infinite, naive sensations that in turn create an atmosphere, and the city, whether historical, newly built, poor, rich, deserted, chaotic, is a set of atmospheric islands given by the continuous sensations between the human skin and the built skin. (...)The city communicates, speaks, expresses itself through atmospheres and in the human being it is enough that there is emptiness to leave space for perception, to make its own and interpret the skin of the city.
Abstract of my contribution for Alviti E., Skin feeling. The power of naive sensations, in AA.VV., Urban Corporis - The city and the skin, Italy: I.U.V.A.S, Firenze, 2020. pp 116-125
The project for the new judicial citadel at Piazzale Clodio includes the rearrangement of the buildings in a fluid way with the aim of restoring the connection between the city of Rome and the Monte Mario hill. The forms used are those of ancient Rome mixed with the dreamlike and wild figures of Henrie Russeau’s paintings to recreate a solid but at the same time wild city in contact with nature by connecting the plateau, the architecture and the river.
Workshop SPAMLAB
tutor: Peluffo&Partners architettura, Ernesta Caviola
anno: 2019
sito: cittadella giudiziara piazzale clodio
team: Eleonora Alviti, Flavia Di Donfrancesco, Agnese Marcigliano, Arianna Totta, Flavio Venturini, Andrea Zaghini.
Officine Norma
Via Portuense 201, Roma (RM), Italy
+39 34058003575
Aires Mateus e Associados
Rua Cecílio de Sousa 52, 1200-102, Lisboa, Portugal
+351 21 381 56 50
Studio +ma
Via Gropallo 4/8 Genova (GE), Italy
+39 34058003575