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Top 3 reasons to use a broker for business insurance
There’s a lot to love about running your own business, but it’s unlikely buying insurance is one of the reasons. As a small business owner, time is money, and the last thing you want to spend your valuable time doing is researching different policy types, insurers and coverages. Enter the insurance broker…
A good broker can help you find a policy that is customised for the common risks of your industry. Here are some of the top reasons to use a broker for your business insurance and how to select the best broker for your business.
Identify the right cover
The best broker is the one who takes the time to understand your industry in as much detail as possible, and thoroughly assesses all the potential risks. A broker should carry out a needs analysis to identify gaps or changes in your requirements (both when taking out insurance, and at each renewal). Your broker may also be able to introduce you to additional services such as workers compensation specialists’ and asset valuation services.
negotiate better deals
Brokers often have access to a panel of insurers, who have been screened to ensure they offer the best coverage and value for your respective sector. The coverage and deal you get is often also impacted by your broker’s relationship with these insurers. A good broker should be comfortable to negotiate with insurers on your behalf to ensure you’re getting the best outcome. A broker can help you manage your claim with the insurer. This not only means managing or helping you with all the paperwork to submit your claim, but may also include lobbying and challenging insurers if the broker believes that a denied claim should in fact be covered.
About Aon
Aon is proud to be the new Platinum Partner of the Real Estate Institute of Victoria. Access a range of competitively priced insurance options arranged by Aon today. We’ll work through your industry’s risk and insurance needs – complex or simple, and scan the market to offer you a solution aimed at offering a superior combination of cover, price and service. Get a quote online or speak to an experienced insurance adviser today. Learn more at aon.com.au/reiv
© 2022 Aon Risk Services Australia Limited Abn 17 000 434 720 AFSL no. 241141 (Aon)
Please note: The information contained in this article is general in nature and should not be relied on as advice (personal or otherwise) because your personal needs, objectives and financial situation have not been considered. Before deciding whether a particular product is right for you, please consider your personal circumstances, as well as the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (if applicable) and full policy terms and conditions available from Aon on request. All representations on this website in relation to the insurance products we arrange are subject to the full terms and conditions of the relevant policy.
Aon has taken care in the production of this document and the information contained in it has been obtained from sources that Aon believes to be reliable. Aon does not make any representation as to the accuracy of the information received from third parties and is unable to accept liability for any loss incurred by anyone who relies on it. The recipient of this document is responsible for their use of it.
Managing claims
insurance goes well beyond simply paying a premium – you often see the true value of it only when something happens. For this reason, if you do have an incident which you need to claim for, you’ll want to make sure you’re accurately portraying the incident and managing all the paperwork without any gaps so you’re getting the most out of your cover. A broker can help you manage your claim with the insurer. This not only means managing or helping you with all the paperwork to submit your claim, but may also include lobbying and challenging insurers if the broker believes that a denied claim should in fact be covered. For this to be possible, your broker not only has to have a detailed understanding of insurance coverage and the exclusions that apply, but also a healthy relationship with insurers. – Aon
Aon is a proud to partner with the REIV to bring members market leading and competitively priced insurance solution. Is your professional indemnity or business insurance due for renewal? Visit aon.com.au/reiv