3 minute read
President’s report Pages
Adam Docking
REIV President When I started my Real Estate career back in 1991, with my $99 suit and Kmart tie, I never thought that one day I’d be writing in the opening pages of the REIV magazine as the President.
There have been many, many fond memories in the preceding years. Lots of ups, loads of downs and so many teaching moments that have made me the person I am today. It all started in Boronia with a gentleman named Michael B.Philips who was prepared to take Max Docking’s son under his wing. I was put through an ‘intensive’ induction program… ‘Here’s your desk, listing book and the phone. Get to it’.
Even though I am a second-generation Real Estate agent I knew I had a long road ahead of me to learn just what it took to be a professional Real Estate agent. I always spell Real Estate with capital letters because I strongly believe it is an honourable PROFESSION that deserves to be recognised as such.
My journey through Real Estate has always been in the eastern suburbs residential market where my first sale was at the eye-watering amount of $72,500! I had the privilege of working alongside people who I still count as superstars in the industry and have been lucky enough to be both mentored and trained by some of the most wellknown names in our profession. All along my 30-year personal journey I have never stopped learning ways to do my job better.
After 30 years hands-on, day-to-day, in the industry, one thing does stand out –whether you sell, lease, manage, body corp, commercial or residential Real Estate, you’d have to agree we are a very resilient group. We’ve weathered stock market crashes, global financial crises, credit squeezes, market fluctuations and everything in between.
Nobody would have foreseen a global pandemic that all but shut down the industry and the state for months on end. Although it has taken a toll both emotionally and mentally, not to mention financially, on many of us, we have continued to do our jobs and provide property services for the public who so desperately need our assistance. We WILL get through this together as an industry and as a brother and sisterhood. Moreover, we will be stronger and smarter for it.
This is also the time to put some of our competitive ideas on the backburner and make sure we look after each other. Our industry is only as strong as the collective and, if we all strive for the same goal, we will all come through this with a stronger resolve and new methods of performing our jobs. We have ‘pivoted’ to working remotely, selling virtually and transacting via FaceTime, Zoom and digital signing. We have found ways to continue doing what is necessary.
In my journey through the halls of the Institute I certainly feel I have taken away more than I have given, whether it be training, conferences, competitions or some of the many other events the Institute has run over the years. The Institute has given me so much. But I also know that to get the best out, you must also put a lot in. My REIV

journey has taken me through the old sub-branches where, after several years, I was elected to chair of the Waverley Springvale branch. I’ve sat on committees and chapters, including the Auction Chapter where I became chair up until I was elected to the board. I have involved myself in many other areas of Real Estate and Institute affairs.
The REIV is the voice of the industry and is the advocate for all of us working in the property sector. We have a strong voice, and we are listened to, acutely, by government, media and the public. That doesn’t mean you can stay personally silent though. If you see yourself as a professional who is determined to make a career in Real Estate, then decide now to get further involved. It’s as easy as reading the emails that come through from the Institute, then, when you find something you’re passionate about, think of joining a chapter. There is no better and faster way to learn your trade than by immersing yourself in it.
adam Docking REIV President