Doffy Weir - IceSpace

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Doffy Weir


created b y E a n n a F re e n e y www.ean n a f re e n e y . c o m eannafre e n e y @ g m a i l . c o m /// www.dof f y w e i r. m y z e n . c o . u k

Doffy Weir an exhibition 02.09.10 - 30.09.10

Pages of Hackney, 70 Lower Clapton Rd, Hackney, E5 0RN

Doffy Weir

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

“The images for IceSpace came out of the last two winters’ freeze. Fantastic ice patterns formed on the canals depending on the directional flow of the water, the wind, the passage of boats and ducks, or the escape of marsh gas. Some tiny areas can appear as huge vistas at times.”

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

“East London and its canals have always been the source of most of my work. I love the thrown away and passed by, drips and streaks of paint, tiny close-ups of ripped posters that resemble a landscape, or a piece of ice that looks like a fish.�

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

Pages of Hackney

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

“I get totally absorbed in floating detritus, playing with light and skewing perspectives to create strange, enigmatic alien worlds, be they made of asphalt or ice.�

Pages of Hackney

Doffy Weir

Pages of Hackney

Pages of Hackney fourteen

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