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THURSDAY | 29 October 2015 15:45-16:45 Room


Using A Design Cycle Approach to Build Middle Leader Capacity Two years ago, ISS International School embarked on a journey to develop a middle level leadership development program that is contextually appropriate to our school environment. Using a design cycle approach to implementation, we have proposed, tested, and reflected upon research supported initiatives to enhance the skillset of our current and aspiring middle level leaders. Please join us to learn more about our challenges, successes, and the learning modules we have developed to better meet the development needs of this critical group of school leaders.


The Life of New Principals: Challenges Faced, Strategies and Tips to Succeed This workshop will provide an overview of the challenges (and surprises!) that new international school principals experience, and offer practical strategies and tips to succeed. The practical recommendations will focus on strategies that positively impact the school culture and, most importantly, teacher and student success. The workshop will also address how the principalship has changed in recent years, especially in relationship to leadership and management responsibilities. Critical workshop concepts will be drawn from The Principal’s Companion (Corwin Press, 2014) and The New Principal’s Fieldbook, (ASCD, 2004), both books coauthored by the presenter.

CHIP BARDER Governance VALLEY 1 & 2

The Board We Deserve: Governance as Leadership for Heads This workshop will examine how heads can be positive, constructive and involved partners in the governance process, and how heads can sometimes be the cause of governance problems they encounter. Building on the two “Governance as Leadership” workshops in Hanoi led by Harvard Professor Richard Chait, the presenter will provide a brief introduction to Chait’s model of governance. Following this, the workshop will delve more deeply into the role of the head of school in this model by reviewing a few practical examples to provoke discussion and hopefully promote understanding and insight into how we might be more supportive of developing the board we all deserve.

CHRIS BETCHER Student Learning / Digital World CHAO PHRAYA

Teaching and Learning in a Digital World (without breaking the law) Working with digital resources is so simple these days that we sometimes need a reminder that just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should. Copyright makes less sense in a world where everything can be easily created, shared, and remixed, but there are still ethical and moral issues to consider around copyrights and intellectual property. This session looks at the use of Creative Commons resources in schools, what they are and how to find them. This session should help school leaders to understand why they need to promote the use of the Commons in their schools, and how teachers can make the most of them.


KATE GRANT / ADAM CAMPBELL / MICHAEL ROURKE / JACQUIE PENDER / SHANEL CATASTI Collaboration for Growth Two years ago, WAB, NIST, YIS, and ISM created Collaboration for Growth—an innovative professional development model that brings together teachers and administrators from like minded schools to engage in deep dialogue, action research and shared practices to improve student learning. Our team would like to share this innovative model with other schools in hopes that others will engage in similar experiences so that the entire region can learn and grow from these wonderful collaborative experiences.


The State of International School Admission: Survey Research Project In 2013, SSATB published a seminal report about the independent school admission industry. EARCOS took note and participated as a research partner to examine admission operations at international schools. In collaboration with international school admission professionals and staff at ISC Research, SSATB developed a first-of-its-kind global admission survey. The objectives of this study include: Define the roles played by admission officers within and across international schools; Gain a better understanding of the admission process and operation within and across international schools; Explore the cost of tuition and the degree of financial aid offered at international schools; Examine the challenges international schools face in terms of recruitment and selection of students; Review key issues relating to governance and decision making; and Assess salary and budgeting practices.


Global Issues Network How does being involved in the Global Issues Network improve student learning? What is a leader’s role? How does hosting a regional, local, or school GIN change your school? Where would you start? Everything from how to dip the toe in, to how to run a large regional conference. The Global Issues Network has as its mission: to help students realize they can make a difference by empowering them to work internationally with their peers to develop solutions for global issues. This workshop provides the organizational tools and planning framework to promote sustainable projects and partnerships. What is the Global Issues Network and how can your school get involved? Open your school to a vast resource of collaborating schools that will network within the region and worldwide.

JENNIFER SPARROW Collaboration MYANMAR 2 Ensuring High Quality Professional Learning Communities - One hallmark of many high-performing schools is the success its teachers have had in creating what is known as a professional learning community. Unfortunately, the skills that are needed to work together to analyze and improve classroom practice are not always present, resulting in teams that co-blab-orate instead of collaborate. This workshop will focus on strategies, tools, and structures that have helped Singapore American School ensure high-quality professional learning communities exist at all levels of the organization.

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