10 minute read

Session 2



13:30 - 14:30

workshop session 1 - continued


Title: The Role of the Environment in Infectious Diseases The effects of natural and man-made changes in the environment influence the development and transmission of infectious diseases. Water quality, waste management, seasonal and long term climate changes and animal life cycles will be related to emerging infections, epidemics, illness and death in populations. Diseases such as avian influenza, SARs, cholera, schistosomiasis and drug resistance will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to see how this information can be translated to the classroom.


Title: Using Multimedia to enhance Teaching and Learning Students of the digital generation respond much better to multimedia than simple text based resources. The research has shown that because of multimedia stimulation, young people’s brains are literally wired differently. This session will look at first why and then how to produce multimedia resources incorporating video and sound to enhance teaching and learning.


Title: Teaching Scientific Process Skills as Discrete Critical Thinking Skills Target Audience: Teachers of Grades 3 to 8 There is an assumption that students pick up scientific process skills in the course of doing labs on science topics. This workshop disagrees with this assumption and contends that each skill of that process needs to be introduced and developed as a discrete critical thinking skill. As well, many of these thinking skills can be honed in very young students, without using any traditional science topics. provided is a compilation of 50 activities which enable students to gain an enduring understanding of each critical thinking skill of the scientific process.


Title: Breaking the Poster Paradigm: Sharing the Learning with Student Multimedia Target Audience: 3-12 Is creating a poster the best way for the Digital Natives in your class to share their learning? Expand their audience and the power of their message through a digital medium! This session will show you how your students can easily integrate text, audio, photo and video to create a rich, meaningful product. Examples will be given using Apple’s iLife software although the concepts are cross-platform.


Title: The Matrix – An approach to enhance student learning and motivation. Target Audience: Focus on Middle School - can be modified for upper elementary and high school. This workshop will focus on an instructional approach that motivates students and encourages self-directed learning. Coined “The Matrix,” this approach is structured using the Layered Curriculum model that encourages complex thinking and holds students highly accountable for their learning. It is developed using the Understanding by Design (UbD) process and enhanced using Differentiated Instruction. Students of different abilities, interests, or learning needs experience equally appropriate ways to absorb, develop, and present skills and knowledge.


Title: Synthetic phonics: the answer to literacy intervention for early learners? Target Audience: Kindergarten/Grade 1 level An international agreement on the teaching of literacy is something of a rarity. Today the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia concur in certain elements of the teaching of reading in the form of synthetic, systematic phonics. We intend to deliver a practical workshop, citing theory and research data, which demonstrates the ‘new’ way of teaching the ‘old’ phonetical route to all early readers and writers.


Title: Information Literacy and the I-Search Idol Target Audience: 7-10 In the age of bogus web sites and anonymous blogs, information literacy has become an essential skill for 21st century citizens. This workshop focuses on how librarians and English departments can work together to create an in-depth information literacy project based on Ken MacCrorie’s I-Search Paper. This updated version of the project includes an Authenticating Resources lesson plan, a Database Scavenger Hunt, an I-Search Pathfinder, and metacognitive exercises, as well as step by step directions on how to organize and write a major research paper. Multiple grading tools and fun party ideas included!


Title: Radio GooGoo Radio GaGa. Linking MYP Subjects with Radio Theatre Target Audience: Grades 9-11 Teacher will create their own radio theather performance, investing the “Googoo Gaagaa“ sensation of reinforcing student learner across the curriculum. The hour will be full of hands on exposure to this methodology for reaching

job-a-like Session - Box lunch compliments of earcos See page 57 for the room assignments

workshop session 2

Myanmar 3

Brunei 2

Malaysia 2

Brunei 2


Brunei 1



Thursday, March 29, 2007 13:30-14:30 workshop session 2 - continued

TRICIA FRIEDMAN description continued students through the performance forum. Those prone to nightmares involving computer, fear not! The workshop leader thinks cutting and pasting is revolutionary, is she can handle the technology aspect of this concept, so can you! All subject area teachers are welcome. Radio theatre promotes collaboration, creativity, linking subject areas, building confidence, using technology in a meaningful manner, and more.


Title: Progressing towards Sustainability in Community and Service Target Audience: All grade levels This workshop focuses on the ongoing process of establishing and sustaining a community and service program in an international school. Participants will discuss the levels of student participation and come to their own conclusions about what type of program would work in their local environment. The distinction will also be made between what is meant by “community” and what is meant by “service” in regards to projects and how the two can be related.


Title: I Need A Mentor Target Audience: K-12 A discussion of the mentor’s role as a transformational leader in charge of passing on the school culture to new teachers, and the protégé’s role and responsibility of nurturing a mentor/protégé relationship that allows for a rapid adaptation to and a successful negotiation of the new environment. The workshop will discuss strategies and experiences for mentors and protégés to deal with their relationship.


Title: Using Assessment to Guide Instruction: Getting Started With Anecdotal Notes Target Audience: K-5 classroom teachers Anecdotal Notes (AN) as part of Bonnie Campbell Hill’s classroom-based assessment: We’ll discuss using continuums, checklists and AN to evaluate learning and inform instruction. We will look at ways to implement and link AN to mini-lessons and continuums. Partcipants will use Bonnie’s Teacher Rubrics to plan for “next steps”.


Title. “Barriers to Differentiation: Identify, Strategize, Overcome!” Target Audience: All levels Intensely personal and eminently practical, “Barriers to Differentiation” is a workshop designed to guide, inspire, and connect teachers who struggle in the design and implementation of differentiation strategies. Even with awareness or personal desire, teachers and administrators wrestle with formidable opponents – some personal and many professional – as each seeks to improve his/her practice. Participants in this workshop will reflect on their personal practice, strategize with colleagues, and write a plan for overcoming existing barriers to differentiation.


Title: Visual Literacy: A Must for the 21st Century Target Audience: Middle School, High School, Art, English, Social Studies The current generation has been labeled as the “visual” generation; this assumes a minimal literacy in the visual. Yet, who in secondary education is acknowledging the reality of 21st century acquisition of knowledge and educating students about this acquisition? This workshop will provide teachers with strategies and specific lessons to teach students how to be visually literate in a world where we acquire almost half our knowledge visually.


Title: Becoming a Strengths Quest Target Audience: High School, Counselors, and Administrators. Teachers Welcome. StrengthsQuest is a personal development tool from Gallup. We will explore the program in the context of a grade 9-12 career and college program continuum. Participants will look at a variety of tools and resources (many free) of what make a quality guidance program.


Title: Plan a Field Trip to Ecological Destinations in Asia Target Audience: 9-12 grade science students This session will focus on planning a science field trip to a place that is ecologically interesting, safe, and affordable and where learning about the cultural aspect of the country will increase the diversity of what the student will learn on the trip. Participants will come away with templates for all aspects for planning the trip, clear guidelines for planning for unknowns and lesson plans for fieldwork.


Title: Good Living Target Audience: Early Years Plus Exploring three stations: 1) Introducing a new ‘Good Living’ story & picture book series by the author, Jodi Jeannine. 2) Take a ‘resource walk’ to view a variety of activities/ideas & add new ideas of your own. 3) Review children’s quotes/scenarios related to the ‘Good Living’ characteristics & PYP profile words, as well as, putting them into practice.



Indonesia 2

Malaysia 1

Myanmar 1

Myanmar 2

Ballroom 3


Ballroom 2



14:30 - 22:00

workshop session 2 - continued


Title: TCGORS - Finding MAKING Time to Learn the Host Country’s Language Target Audience: All We all want to learn the language of the country we find ourselves living in, but with our hectic schedules, where do we find the time? This workshop will show you the ‘how, when, where, what, who and why’ of learning a language EFFECTIVLEY as an expat !


Title: Differentiating for student readiness through the use of tiered assessments Target Audience: Middle School Tired of teaching to the middle? Anne and Dave will share a system that encourages students to work at their own “learning maximizing” level by giving them the opportunity to select from a range of assessment options depending on the student’s own sense of readiness and desire for challenge.


Title: Effective Classroom Volunteer Programs Target Audience: Kindergarten – Grade 3 Having parents in our classrooms in the lower primary grades is just part of the job, but learning how to use them effectively is hardly ever addressed in teacher training or workshops. As a fellow teacher I have heard countless conversations about parents and their effect on the classroom environment. Often teachers find themselves wondering if having parents volunteer is beneficial for our students at all. If you are interested in learning how to effectively use parents in your classroom then join this session. You will walk away from this workshop with some new ides and some resources to get you started!


Title: Podcasting, How to Get Started Target Audience: K-12 educators, technology teachers What is a wiki and how can I use it? Will be the main Question we will tackle during this presentation. We will look at wikis used by other educators and participants will walk away with a greater understanding of how to use them in their classroom.


Title: Co-Teaching in the Everyday Classroom Target Audience: K-12 teachers who are currently in or will be in co-teaching partners. Are you in or going to be in a co-teaching? This workshop will focus on different models of co-teaching. Participants will be determine how these models are relevant in scaffolding content in order to reach ELL, special needs, and mainstream students. Participants will follow two teachers through their co-teaching cycle of planning, implememtation, and assessment.


Title: Infusing and Using Music in the General Elementary Classroom Target Audience: K-5 General Classroom Teachers Learn fun, easy-to-use games, songs, and activities that promote the learning of mathematics, language arts, science, and social studies through music in the general elementary classroom. Content will involve movement, body percussion, and the use of instruments to facilitate learning in those subject areas.


Title: The Development of Oral Language through the use of Classroom Based Games and Activities Target Audience: ES Teachers, Educators This workshop will be a hands on, practical presentation that focuses on the benefits of small group work in developing the oral language of all learners and especially ESL learners within the homeroom. The major emphasis will be on oral language games and activities that can be adapted and used by the classroom teacher to assist in the language development of all students.


Title: Apply Authentic Materials in Teaching Languages Target Audience: Second/Foreign Language Instructors Grades 8 – 12 How can students apply the textbook language into some practical real-world scenarios? What authentic materials can do to help them enhance their language skills? Does it provide them with a rich-cultural context? How to develop their interpretive and presentational skills through authentic materials? This workshop will provide you with good practices and rich resources.

coffee break

Performance: Patana Ensemble, Bangkok Patana School thai craft fair

“Your Source of Fair Trade Craft Products in Thailand” ThaiCraft brings to you exquisite handicraft products from village communities all over the Thai countryside.


Chiangmai 2

Myanmar 3

Ballroom 1

Chiangmai 1



Indonesia 1

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