7 minute read
9:45 - 11:00 MICK AMUNDSEN-GEISEL Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 10 Elements of Effective Intervention for School Problems - A live demonstration, followed by presentation of key elements. Participants will then have a chance to try out the process with colleagues. Resources and an effective behavior improvement plan will be discussed and provided.
EMMA BARNES Counseling (for all delegates) MS ROSE GARDEN Mindset Matters: Guerilla Tactics for Student Success and Happiness! - Do your students have a fixed mindset, or a growth mindset? Why does it matter so much? Based on the research of Dr. Carol Dweck, this workshop will help counselors answer these questions and more! Through interactive activities and video clips, we will explore the concept of mindset, and ways that we can promote the positive growth mindset that will help students, and all of us succeed academically and flourish personally at school and beyond.
LORI BOLL SENIA / Open to All MS MEETING ROOM 1 Is There a Cure for the Teenage Brain? - Are you the parent or teacher of a teenager? Do the words exasperated, frustrated, or fed up come to mind when dealing with them? If so, then this is the session for you. Come find out why teenagers act the way they do. Hint: It all has to do with their brain and its executive functioning. Yes, our teenagers have different brains than we do. Is there a cure? No. But, we can work with them on improving their executive functioning skills and providing the structures for their success.
JILL BROMENSCHENKEL ELL MS MEETING ROOM 6 Let’s Talk: Cooperative Learning & Content Area Conversations - For EAL (and all) students to scale up academic language use and the discourse of our disciplines, we must design and frame even more opportunities for expression, interaction, and critical thinking. We’ll explore strategies for increased student voice and participation in and out of the classroom, including: discussion protocols, academic vocabulary application, critical thinking experiences. language access and acquisition strategies, and collaborative language production.
MATTHEW GLOVER Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS FUNCTION ROOM 10 Using Mentor Texts In Writing Workshop - At any age, writers need to have a vision for what they are making. In writing workshop published mentor texts provide this vision. During this session participants will look at how mentor texts are used at three different points in writing workshop: when designing a unit, in mini-lessons, and during conferences.
DOUG GOODKIN Early Childhood Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 8 Children’s Games from around the World - Education best begins meeting children in their world. Children’s games—partner claps, beat-passing games, ring plays—are the perfect vehicle for bringing children to musical understanding, technical proficiency, community and cultural appreciation. Come play!
JOSEPH JASINA General Education PS FUNCTION ROOM 4 Assessment for Learning in the Secondary English Classroom - This workshop is a synthesis of the work of Grant Wiggins, Jay McTighe, Dylan Wiliam, and John Hattie with a focus on applying formative assessment strategies and targeted feedback in the English language arts classroom. The focus will be on pragmatic strategies for the explicit teaching of reading and writing techniques, the coconstruction of success criteria, the use of exemplar texts, and the use of timely verbal, written, and peer feedback.
DOUG JOHNSON Library MS MEETING ROOM 5 Libraries in the Cloud - Discover how libraries can benefit by moving to the cloud and what role librarians can play when staff and student applications become hosted. What are the advantages of moving to a “hosted” school library catalog and circulation system? How can school librarians themselves take advantage of GoogleApps and similar cloud-based productivity tools? And what roles can the school librarian play when a school adopts a program like GoogleApps for Education? https://dougjohnson.wikispaces.com/ Libraries+in+the+Cloud+workshop
JON NORDMEYER ELL MS MEETING ROOM 3 Collaboration: Co-teaching, Co-planning and Co-assessing English Language Learners - EAL and content teachers need to work together to support the academic success of English Language Learners. Collaboration is a skill that teachers need to learn, not only to support English language learners but to promote reciprocal professional learning. Without specific models and structures, co-teaching often defaults to EAL teacher as the “language whisperer” or teaching assistant. In this interactive session, you will learn specific ways to initiate collaborative partnerships and strategies for getting the most out of co-planning, co-teaching and co-assessing ELLs.
STEVI QUATE Literacy (Writing/Reading) PS FUNCTION ROOM 1 Putting Muscle into Argument: Strengthening the Counterclaim - One difference between robust arguments and less effective ones is attention to the counterclaim. The Structured Controversy is an engaging instructional strategy that develops the skill of finding and attending to the counterclaim. In this highly interactive workshop, participants will experience a Structured Controversy and then reflect on how they can use this tool in their classroom. Designed for teachers of all content areas who teach argument, this workshop promises to be practical and relevant.
9:45 - 11:00 STEPHEN SHORE SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 9 Senses and Sensibilities: An Inside View on Sensory Issues—Practical Solutions - Variation in sensory processing for persons with autism and other disabilities often cause great discomfort and unreliable perception. This presentation will enable susceptible individuals and those supporting them to minimize sensory overload through easy-to-implement solutions, thereby enabling those with sensory issues to lead fulfilling and productive lives. Participatns will: 1. experience what sensory overload may feel like for a susceptible individual, 2. list at least three situations that might indicate that a sensory issue is present, 3. learn how to develop and implement accommodations for sensory issues, and 4. become familiar with instruments for assessing for sensory issues.
BONNIE SINGER SENIA / Open to All PS FUNCTION ROOM 7 Supporting Students With Working Memory Limitations: Suggestions for Teachers - Working memory is known to influence academic functioning to a greater extent than IQ. Students who struggle with working memory are particularly challenged in the classroom. This workshop will define the different types of memory and present research-based strategies teachers can use to support students who struggle with memory.
JAMES STRONGE Assessment PS BALLROOM 1 West Meets East: What Great Teachers Do in the U.S. and China - How do the behaviors, skills, and dispositions of effective teachers compare between teachers in the United States and China? This presentation presents a review of findings from a three-year international study investigating national award-winning U.S. and China teachers, specifically related to planning and instructional skills. Participants will explore specific ideas and teacher effectiveness strategies gleaned from these national award-winning teachers and will feature findings from the ASCD book, West Meets East: Best Practices of Teachers in the U.S. and China (Grant, Stronge, & Others, 2014).
DANA SPECKER WATTS Technology MS MEETING ROOM 2 Infusing Creativity with iPads - This workshop is ideal for teachers who already have experience using iPads with students and are looking to take things to the next level. Participants will dive deeper into ways iPads can transform learning through creative applications and formative assessment to fully embrace the mobile classroom environment. Participants will: —explore opportunities to apply and create meaningful ways to integrate iPads into their curriculum with specific attention to the IB learner profile. —examine cross curricular applications and explore a multitude of curriculum specific applications. —experience and share a multitude of mobile learning strategies during their learning activities designed to increase creativity in student assessment of learning.
DOUGLAS WILLIAMSON Counseling (for all delegates) MS MEETING ROOM 4 Read All about It: Parent Education through Guided Book Groups - Parenting education can be more dynamic than pre-packaged programs and scripts! Using small group activity and lecture, this workshop will familiarize counselors with how to organize, structure, facilitate, and market a guided book group for parents. Various activities to be used with parents will be shared as well as suggested titles to get started.
JOHN WOOD PS BALLROOM 2 & 3 Follow Up of Keynote Address - During his keynote, John will have reflected on the “ten lessons he’s learned on the way to reaching ten million children.” This breakout session has been designed as a way for those attendees interested in “drilling down” on those lessons to engage in a lively Q&A with John in a less formal setting. John will also use those questions as a departure point for other thoughts he’s had about leadership and growing organisations during his 15 years at the helm of Room to Read.
11:00 - 11:15 TRAVEL TIME
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