East Asia Regional Council of Schools – Fifty Years of Direct Support to International Schools and Students Endeavoring to honor two histories written about EARCOS served as a clear reminder that a team of determined professionals in 1958 knew the importance of a “regular system of exchange between overseas schools”. Of course, their commitment and eagerness to provide an annual opportunity to “refresh knowledge and improve ability” led to what we know as the annual EARCOS Leadership Conference. As EARCOS celebrates its 50th anniversary, it recognizes those dedicated professionals whose insight and understanding helped place EARCOS in the most favorable position it currently enjoys among a worldwide group of international education service organizations.
John Hay), and the American Schools of the Philippines who, we are told in the report on the meeting, “invited the international group to hold its conference before and during the third annual meeting of American teachers and school principals in the Philippines.” The report goes on to say that, “The Conference was further aided by a timely and generous grant from the New World Foundation in Chicago.”
“A Brief History of EARCOS” written by Rev Charles W. Mock of Brent International School, aided this undertaking significantly. Compliments go to Rev Mock. It is suggested that the reader access this entire history in the link found at the end of this document. Below Rev. Mock’s history is excerpted, which begins with the founding background (1958-1968) followed by the three sustaining decades (1968- 1990), and concluding with the services expansion and membership growth years (1990-2018).
Pre-War 1. The American School in Japan, founded in 1902 2. Brent School, Baguio, founded in 1909 3. The American School of Manila (currently The International School of Manila), founded in 1920
Founding Background (1958-1968) Introduction There had been an American presence in Southeast Asia since the latter part of the nineteenth century; however, in the wake of World War II and the subsequent dismantling of the European Empires in the region, that presence became particularly significant. English-medium schools had existed in the region since the coming of the British, but the vastly increased military and commercial American presence in the early postwar era saw the birth of a ‘golden age’ of English-medium education which, with the gradual emergence of English as the language of science, industry and commerce, continues to this day. Background As the number of such schools grew, it was not long before the need was felt for some sort of cooperation between the schools in the region. Communications in the 1950’s were a far cry from what they are today, and, given the distances that separated them from their home countries, and the particular problems they faced functioning in a foreign setting, it is hardly surprising that these schools should feel isolated. The first formal move toward a regional organization began in October, 1958, when “The First Conference of International Schools in Asia” was held in Baguio, Philippines. The Conference was sponsored by the International Schools Foundation and co-hosted by the US Air Force, (which provided delegates with lodging at Camp 10 EARCOS Triannual Journal
The eleven schools that participated included some founded before World War II, and others that were established in its aftermath are listed below.
Post-War 4. Taipei American School, founded 1949 5. The International School of Djakarta, (currently Jakarta Inter cultural School) founded in 1951 6. The International School of Bangkok, founded in 1952 7. The International School of Rangoon (currently The Interna tional School of Yangon) founded in 1955 8. Singapore American School, founded in 1956 9. The Civil Air Transport Colony School, Tainan, Taiwan (no longer in existence) 10. Del Monte School, Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. (no longer in existence) 11. The Lincoln Schools of Sumatra (no longer in existence) The Report on this Conference makes for fascinating reading. On the one hand, one is struck by how many of the problems faced by these schools are similar to those that schools of the region face still; on the other, one cannot help but marvel at the changes that have taken place since that time – principally, of course, in the realms of technology and communication but also in the growing internationalization of the English medium education community that has taken place since the late 1950’s. The Conference closed on a high note, resolving, among other things, to move towards closer collaboration in the areas of curriculum, accreditation and inter-school co-operation, as well as to hold a second conference the following year in Bangkok. Whether or not that meeting ever took place cannot be ascertained at this point; if it did, it left no trace either in the files of EARCOS or on the Internet.