Brainstorming, improving global earthships (for nordic)

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brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Intent of brainstorming: 1. Gather climate data of Montreal

a. determine sun angles for Summer and Winter solstice and Mean (or average b/w solstices)

2. Analyze Global (I1)

a. dissect initial global into two parts: Part 1 (no add-on buffer zone) and Part 2 (add-on buffer zone) b. overlay angles on Part 1 and 2 c. determine/display critical aspects* of design before modification minimum ceiling heights and slopes (roof, glass, and maybe solar panels, solar panels are not the focus of this brainstorm

3. Redesign Proposals

a. possibilities of roof and framing design changes

all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) climate data of Montreal:

Winter solstice = 22º ; don’t block the solstice from reaching where floor & back wall meet. Allows passive heating of mass (floor & walls)

* sun angles from

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Mean angle = 44.5º ; average of summer and winter solstice used for solar panels

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Summer solstice = 68º ; Block (with over hang & greenhouse depth) from living area; critical for passive cooling`


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all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) 2. Analyze Global

Analysis both Part1 and 2

a. dissect initial global into two parts

Ceiling height minimum is at this height (~8ft/2.5M); so don’t lower the tire wall Roof slope keep at this slope or steeper (might require larger scupper bowls as faster runoff will fill them faster) Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone

Part 1 (basic global with no add-on buffer zone)

12 : 1 Analysis both Part1 and 2

Image 1 (image to analyze) (random internet search; not certain of it’s dimension or that it’s to scale)

all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Analysis of Part 1 a. glazing perpendicular to winter rays, optimal gain, reducing reflection from non-perpendicular angles. b. pv cells at mean angle, block keep unwanted solar gain in summer from the living space, while covering all plants c. interior glass higher than needed? d. more analysis needed

reference image




Part 1 (basic global with no add-on buffer zone) PV S




1. apply overlay angles to Part 1 (see image below); appears to be designed for Montreal:



5 4.



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12 : 1 Analysis both Part1 and 2



A1.a Analysis Part1

all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Questions from Analysis

1. apply overlay angles to Part 2 (see image below)

a. How critical is direct sun exposure to all planters?

Analysis of Part 2

b. Is the interior glass being taller due to standard window sizes or is there another benefit (does this create more reflected daylight?)?



Further Analysis (on next page)


to analyze summer sun admitted just below the PVs



b. the pv cells on front face are close to mean angle, they create overhang that keeps unwanted summer solar gain further from living space, but this only gets direct sun exposure to the front planter.

Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone me

a. glazing is not perpendicular to winter rays, reflection created will create less than optimal gain.

reference image


2. Analysis of Part 2



5 4.



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c. interior glass higher than needed for heat gain in winter

Analysis both Part1 and 2

d. initially analyzed with summer rays admittance at same intersection of 22ยบ the winter entry on the outer glazing. Reanalyzed to enter at bottom of the A2.a Analysis Part2 #1 PV cells, which appears to be based on what winterwas and summer blockage intersection intended.

68ยบ all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations)

1. doesn’t appear to affect the winter sun Analysis as the overhang in partA2.b 1 seems to Part2 #2 based summer block admittance.




1. more summer heat gain, charging earth closer to living area, adding heat during a season that you’d like to avoid excess heat (n/a where summers are very moderate, I’m assuming Montreal can get quite warm for at least a month or two, so would assume this not ideal, unless needed for plants)



Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone º) .5 PV

1. more summer sun closer to rear plants, but, still doesn’t reach the rear plants, does this even help the plants?

a. if it’s critical would it be better to lift the PV cells higher or move them to a different location and glaze the front face more? What are the pros and cons of either of these options (affect on insulation, cost for more glazing, etc)

1. Until better understanding, design proposals will be based on summer sun being admitted just below the PV cells. Like depicted on this page.



1. It’s critical to make sure plants are working for grey water filtration to work, so: how critical is direct sun to the inner planter



Summer Sun angle moved further up to enter at bottom of the PV cells differences from the adjustment appear to create Pros, Cons, Neutrals, and Questions:



Further Analysis of Part 2






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b. if not critical to planter, then it’d be better to block more of the front (like last page), which should improve cooling; making the interior space more comfortable. 12 : 1

Analysis both Part1 and 2

22º 68º all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Re-Design Proposal Part 1 This proposal depicts using slightly longer structural beams (Viga/Glue-lam/LVL) and making one plane on the outer glazing wall. This would eliminate the angle for solar panels, reduce the amount of angles and simplify the main structure.

Would need further design to deal with panel placement; possibly: 1. modifying vent/battery boxes to create an angled front wall to house the panels.

reference image

2. move panels to back of the berm like on the phoenix or package models.




Part 1 (basic global with no add-on buffer zone)

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12 : 1 Analysis both Part1 and 2


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22ยบ D1. Re-Design Idea #1 Part1

all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Questions

1. Use longer structural beams (Vigas/ Gluelams/LVLs), eliminating trusses

1. how much is the heat gain affected by not sloping any interior walls?

2. slope only the outermost wall for optimal heat gain in the first planter

2. are larger scupper/bowls needed for faster rain flow, if so, how much?

reference image

3. make all internal walls vertical (for lower cost and simplified labor)


Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone me

1. cheaper glass wall costs; a. labor one less sloping wall* b. long term window costs, due to loss of warranty on sloped glazing * *compared to reference image (above)


4. increase pitch on roof


Re-Design Proposal #1 Part 2

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2. high roof cost a. financial and environmental costs are higher than truss


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Analysis both Part1 and 2


22ยบ D2.a Re-Design Idea #1 Part2 semi- optimal heat gain VIGAS (only outer glass sloped optimally)

68ยบ all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Re-Design Proposal #2 Part 2

3. make all internal walls vertical (for lower cost and simplified labor)

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2. high roof cost a. like in proposal #1; compared to truss (financial and environmental costs are higher)


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1. highest glass wall costs; a. labor on more sloping walls* b. long term window costs, due to loss of warranty on more sloped glazing * * compared to proposal #1

Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone


4. increase pitch on roof



2. slope two outermost walls for more optimal heat gain in the first both planter

reference image


1. Use longer structural beams (Vigas/ Gluelams/LVLs), eliminating trusses

3. More structural analysis of the beam in the farthest forward roof needed (to check if large span will have structural integrity with only support by outermost sloped wall).


NOTE: Slight differences from proposal #1 changes underlined or struck-through

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D2.a Re-Design Idea #2 Part2 optimal heat gain (max sloped glass) VIGAS


2. are larger scupper/bowls needed for faster rain flow, if so, how much?


1. how much more is the heat gain by sloping the additional wall ?

Analysis both Part1 and 2

22ยบ 68ยบ

all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Re-Design Proposal #3 Part 2

NOTE: Completely different from proposals #1 and #2 (all truss no vigas); no strike-through and all bold is just for emphasis not slight changes 1. Use only Trusses, eliminating structural beams 2. sloped two outermost walls for most optimal heat gain of all design proposals

2. low roof cost a. financial and environmental costs are lower than structural beams (esp vigas)

reference image Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone

Additional ideas 1. truss modification (and moving of insulation) would be easy, if more direct summer sun to interior planter desired.


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4. increase pitch on roof

1. highest glass wall costs; a. labor on more sloping walls* b. long term window costs, due to loss of warranty on more sloped glazing * * comparable to proposal #2


3. redesigned trusses to make vent boxes and PV mounting integral (might save labor, material, and cost).



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Analysis both Part1 and 2



1. how much more is the heat gain by sloping the two walls ? 2. are larger scupper/bowls needed for faster rain flow, if so, how much?

D2.b Re-Design Idea #3 Part2 Most optimal heat gain double max sloped glass trusses

22ยบ 68ยบ all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Re-Design Proposal #4 Part 2

NOTE: differences from proposals #3 strikethrough or bold-ed to show changes 1. Use only Trusses, eliminating structural beams 2. sloped two outermost wall only for less optimal heat gain than proposal #3 3. redesigned trusses to make vent boxes and PV mounting integral (might save labor, material, and cost).

1. lower glass wall costs; a. labor on one less sloping wall* b. long term window costs, due to loss of warranty on more sloped glazing * * comparable to proposal #3 2. low roof cost a. financial and environmental costs are lower than structural beams (esp vigas)

reference image Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone

Additional ideas Opt

4. increase pitch on roof



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1. truss modification (and moving of insulation) would be easy, if more direct summer sun to interior planter desired.


D2.b Re-Design Idea #4 Part2 optimal heat gain outer sloped glass trusses


2. are larger scupper/bowls needed for faster rain flow, if so, how much?

Analysis both Part1 and 2


1. how much more is the heat gain is lost by sloping only one wall?


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22ยบ 68ยบ all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

brainstorming: simplify global earthship roof for added greenhouse (Nordic Locations) Re-Design Proposal #5 Part 2


1. Use only Trusses, eliminating structural beams

1. lowest glass wall costs; a. labor on no sloping wall* b. no long term window costs, due to loss of warranty on more sloped glazing * * comparable to proposal #3

NOTE: differences from proposals #4 strikethrough or bold-ed to show changes, facade most like simple survival

2. no sloped wall (except mean for PV); less optimal heat gain than all other proposals 3. redesigned trusses to make vent boxes and PV mounting integral (might save labor, material, and cost).

2. low roof cost a. financial and environmental costs are lower than structural beams (esp vigas)

reference image Part 2 - add-on greenhouse buffer zone

Additional ideas 1. truss modification (and moving of insulation) would be easy, if more direct summer sun to interior planter desired.

4. increase pitch on roof


12 : 1

Analysis both Part1 and 2

1. how much more is the heat gain is lost by having no sloping walls? 2. are larger scupper/bowls needed for faster rain flow, if so, how much?


D2.c Re-Design Idea #5 Part2 -- face like simple survival not optimal heat gain least sloped glass (mean only) trusses


all work accomplished by Earl Schrader, Fall 13 Earthship Academy Student and Bachelor of Architecture

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