Early Start French 1 - Introduction

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www.earlystartonline.com Early Start Languages


The authors woud like to thank all the children and people of Nord Pas-de-Calais who took part in the films:

In particular:

École Jacques Prévert in Ruitz, near Béthune

École élementaire Léon Jouhaux in Roubaix

École René Clair in Villeneuve d'Ascq

École primaire niveau 2 in Sars Poteries

Lycée Charles de Gaulle, London

This new edition of Early Start French 1, "Salut! Ça va?" has been made possible with the help of:

The Cordonnier family

Karine and Phillipe Cordonnier and their children, Lili and Loïc.

M et Mme Deleglise

Françoise Antit

Published by Early Start Languages

11 Western Road, Deal, Kent CT14 6RX

United Kingdom

Tel: 01304-362569

Fax: 01304-600123


ISBN 978-1-905842-85-8

The Activity Sheets in the Teacher’s Manual may be photocopied for educational use by pupils. These pages are clearly marked and photocopies may be made only for internal use in the purchasing institution.


Producers: Ian Killbery and Ilsa Rowe

Camera: Philip Tuppin, Dudley Darby,

Sound: Geoff Neate, Michael Jenkinson, Lynn Tuppin

Video editing: Ilsa Rowe

Graphics: Emily Skinner

Voice-over: Caroline Crier

Multimedia: Ian Killbery


Course book: Ilsa Rowe and Ian Killbery

Illustrations: Emily Skinner

Teacher’s Manual v.5 © 2018 Early Start Languages Ltd.

Early Start Languages reinvests its income in projects to help young people learn languages and study other cultures, and to promote European understanding.

The rights of Ilsa Rowe and Ian Killbery to be identified as authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

All rights reserved. Except for the permission granted above, no parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any form by any means mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the permission of the copyright holders.

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Optional section: L'alphabet 14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?
section: L'alphabet As-tu des des soeurs? Early Start French 1
“Salut! Ça va?”

Optional section: L'alphabet

14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

Optional 14. As-tu et des Introduction

Contents Introduction 1 Salut! Au revoir! Greetings, goodbyes 2 Ça va? Asking people how they are 3 Comment t'appelles-tu? What's your name? 4 L'alphabet Alphabet 5 Ma famille My family 6 Les nombres de 0 à 12 Numbers 0-12 7 Quel âge as-tu? How old are you? 8 As-tu des frères et des soeurs? Brothers and sisters 9 As-tu un animal? Do you have a pet? 10 Les couleurs Colours 11 Les mois de l'année The months of the year 12 Les nombres de 13 à 31 Numbers 13 - 31 13 Joyeux anniversaire! When's your birthday? 14 Les jours de la semaine Days of the week 15 Quelle est la date aujourd'hui? What's today's date? 16 Quel temps fait-il? Weather 17 Joyeux Noël! Happy Christmas! 18 Consolidation and assessment "Can-do" sheets

“Salut! Ça va?” is the “starter”stage of the complete “Early Start French” online course designed to help the primary classroom teacher introduce young learners to the language and everyday life of France. The emphasis is on laying a solid foundation for further language learning, so that children can start to understand when listening and reading simple language, and work from the outset to be able to speak and write too when the context is familiar. We start with the theme of “You and me”, enabling pupils to use the foreign language to exchange personal information; to talk about themselves and find out about other people.

The course introduces new vocabulary and structures at a deliberately slow, steady pace. It offers plenty of lively and interesting practice through varied activities before progressing to the next step. This way children gain confidence through success at each stage.

“Early Start French” works in a spiral fashion, often revisiting previously learnt language, and reusing it in another context.

Who can teach this course?

“Early Start French” is particularly designed for a mixed-ability primary school or special needs environment, where the class teacher is responsible for delivering the whole curriculum to a group of children who learn together. You already apply your teaching-skills and knowledge of your pupils on a day to day basis as you manage your pupils' learning in a wide range of other subject areas; we offer strategies to adapt those strengths to teaching French. All teachers of young beginners will find these materials useful. Those with specific training in the teaching of foreign languages and who are fluent French speakers will be able to develop their own activities using the films and the teaching ideas as a starting point.

“Early Start French” makes it possible for non-specialist teachers of French to develop successful language learning activities with their pupils and to stimulate children's curiosity about another culture.

Unique advantages

Early Start’s films become the first point of reference in your classroom for language, pronunciation and usage. They do not rely on the teacher being a fluent performer herself; everyone in the classroom can benefit from using the native-speaker recordings as a model.

From Chapter 1: “Salut!” - arriving at school

The bonus is that there’s so much more to see in the films: children are fascinated by the everyday details of French children’s lives as captured on screen

If you are a secondary school language specialist working with feeder primary schools, this course will help you work with appropriate primary methodology. In partnership with the class teacher you can realise some of the interesting cross-curricular possibilities opened up when children start learning a foreign language.

The TEACHER’S MANUAL: Planning your course

Within each chapter of the Teacher’s Manual, we describe the language and cultural content, and explain the design of the course. Each chapter suggests activities which centre around the films and e-flashcards. You can select from the activities, and pace what you do to suit your aims, your pupils and time available.

You may have one weekly 30-40 minute session, but if you can choose, many teachers find short daily sessions benefit pupils more. These might last no more than 5-10 minutes.

1. “Core” vocabulary

Each section of the films introduces some new words and phrases; together with the e-flashcards these slowly build up pupils’

14. As-tu des frères
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Optional section: L'alphabet
section: L'alphabet As-tu des des soeurs? Early Start French 1

Optional section: L'alphabet

Optional 14. As-tu et des Introduction

14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

vocabulary and the range of topics about which they can exchange information. New words for each chapter are highlighted in a box.

Extra words and phrases

Some chapters include suggestions for “extra words and phrases” which teachers with more experience of French may like to introduce. These are optional - most activities will work just as well if you choose not to use them

Building confidence Games & activities

You can use the ”Talking Dictionary” for helpful reminders of pronunciation that you can have a quick look at before lessons.

Click to hear the French word(s)

Click for other examples of this phoneme

You can find a summary table of this “core” vocabulary at the end of this introduction.


To help teachers who are refreshing their own French and those who are beginners, we offer simple explanations of “how French works”. These will give you an idea of how and when a particular phrase might be used by native speakers in their own country.


When you listen to film 5 and the talking dictionary, you will hear that there are two different French words for 'my':

ma soeur” (my sister)

mon frère” (my brother).

Children can see that “ma” is used with feminine nouns (mother, sister, etc),

These sections also offer clear explanations of any grammar points which you will need to understand. These are never very complicated: the “core” vocabulary has been carefully chosen to make learning French as straightforward as possible for both pupils and teachers.

Each chapter outlines a variety of activities that you can use to give pupils practice in using new vocabulary in a lively and enjoyable way. Diagram 1 summarises the stages through which pupils move as they master new language. They need time and practice, so start by letting them hear the new words as they are pronounced in the films, with text on the eflashcards and spoken by you in the classroom. The images in the films help pupils understand the meaning without ever translating - part of the important skill they will gradually develop of following the “gist” of what is being said.


Talking Dictionary: quick reminder of pronunciation Grammar - ‘How French works’
HEAR language that is being taught understand respond SAY language they know be understood understand the response HEAR language that includes other words work out the “gist” of what is said “collect” new words respond READ language as they hear and learn it understand talk about... link sounds with spelling 1 4
1: Four stages in the development of pupils' active use of new language
3 2

Optional section: L'alphabet 14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?


”Salut! Ça va?” includes some simple songs where the new words are set to catchy, singalong music. The films show French children singing; your class can join in with a karaoke version with music and optional words. The songs help children enjoy and remember the new words.

The four skills:

(1) listening and speaking

The first activity is echoing as a group. This gives pupils practice in making the sounds of the language as they hear them, imitating you and the native speakers in the films and e-flashcards. We have picked out a range of “key sounds” that children can look out for as their vocabulary grows - sounds that are common in French but not in English. Other activities help them listen and respond physically to the new words and phrases; for example, by pointing, choosing or finding; and through games like “jump to the number”. We suggest ways of helping children to remember new vocabulary, whilst avoiding boring repetition. Starting with teacher-led activities, you can introduce pair and group work as pupils become familiar with the new language, and are ready to make more independent use of it.

The four skills:

(2) reading and writing

The e-flashcards a great tool to hear new French words and phrases whilst seeing the corresponding text at the same time. This addresses the danger that pupils might otherwise follow English sound-spelling relationships when working out how to pronounce a French word they see in writing.

Encourage pupils to learn the spelling of each word at the same time as they learn its sound.

”Listen to the sounds” is one of the activities offered which you can use to gently familiarise pupils with reading French, especially reading aloud. They can play word recognition games, matching words and pictures; as their vocabulary grows, they can look for patterns in how words are pronounced, whilst being alert to exceptions and irregularities.

Reading is also a language-acquisition skill: children can read a bilingual dictionary to find appropriate equivalents. When they find a new French word in a dictionary, they can work out how to pronounce it from other French words they know already, and how their sounds are recorded in spelling.

In Early Start French 2 and 3 there are more specific writing activities. In French 1 we do highlight opportunities for simple writing tasks to reinforce pupils' learning. At this early stage these mostly involve labelling pictures and objects with individual words - making sure that children remember the sounds that go with what they are writing.

Key sounds

Each chapter of the Manual identifies new words where distinctive French “key sounds” occur.

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section: L'alphabet As-tu des des soeurs? Early Start French 1
e-flashcards are a powerful tool Click to hear the French word(s) NOTE: accent: use of ‘mon’ or ‘ma’

These are sounds unfamiliar to English ears: we suggest, for example, that you listen for the soft “j” in “bonjour” - and perhaps compare it with the English sound in words like “banjo”. This sound has its own symbol, “ ”, in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), a standard notation for phonemes (sounds) in any language, so you can read in this Manual, e.g. that the “j” in “bonjour” is the same sound as the “ g ” in “rouge”. You can check it in a dictionary that uses IPA; and with what you hear in the films and e-flashcards.


Phonetic symbol

Examples in French

c in q, à dem ain , lap in mam an , tr en te, bl an c bon j our, j ’ai, â g e, rou g e

merc i , d i x, i l, an i mal

ch at, ch aud, diman ch e

au r evoi r , r ouge, f r è r e

b on jour, on ze, n on

d eu x, n eu f, bl eu , j eu di

fami ll e, mons i eur, sole il

The focus on sounds has distinct advantages in improving pronunciation. You and the children can have fun by practising the words, relishing the “French” sounds and trying to make your pronunciation of French words like “orange” sound really authentic. Young children are natural imitators and will be very receptive to the sounds of French when they hear them spoken by the native speakers on the films. Soon they will be able to spot other instances of the “key sounds” - the recurring activity “Listen to the sounds” will help.

bons oi r, t oi , oi seau

oui , bonne n ui t, h ui t

all ô , au revoir, ois eau

d ou ze, aoû t, s ou ris

salu t , blan c , gri s

e t, z é ro, janvi er , sal u t, t u , tort ue

tr è s bien, e lle, p è re, m ai

l e , d e , au r e voir, vendr e di

cin q , qu el(le), c ouleur

un , l un di

Ar th ur, Th omas

section: L'alphabet 0.7 14. As-tu des frères
soeurs? 0.7 Optional 14. As-tu
et des
et des
Examples of a particular phoneme. Click to hear the French word(s) Compare the same “special sound” in several different words. Click to hear the French words

Early Start French 1

section: L'alphabet As-tu des des soeurs?

Optional section: L'alphabet 14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

Where have they heard the “ an ” sound in “blanc” before? As their “ear” for French sounds develops, pupils can distinguish this sound in words where it is spelt differently, e.g. in “vendredi”. This will develop their listening and speaking skills and help them associate the written word with how it is pronounced.

Young beginners do not need to learn about IPA, or see the symbols - which are used by few (if any) children’s dictionaries.

Teaching in the target language

In your French lessons, you can help children get used to responding to French by using, for example, French words of praise.

Without translating, you can make your meaning clear by how you say it.

Most chapters of the Teacher’s Manual and the online “Talking Dictionary” suggest ways in which you can begin to use the foreign language to manage games and activities. This includes simple phrases for teacher instructions, and vocabulary that will enable pupils to interact with each other and respond to you in French when taking part in language activities. This is simple but authentic language which can be used in many different classroom situations. These are starting points to help get started interacting in the classroom in French.

Talking points: Cultural awareness

This course is about France and French people as well as their language. Each chapter includes some “talking points” with background information about French life and culture.

This one on Louis Pasteur prompts discussion on rabies vaccination, and why Britain kept pets in quarantine when they had been abroad.

These are stimulated by the films and also the online presentations

Ch.1.9 on “Pets” looks at how France dealt with rabies. “Talking points” are designed to develop pupils’ awareness of similarities and differences between their own lives and those of their French counterparts. We bear in mind that young learners are just getting to know their local community and people outside their immediate family.

Many teachers naturally approach this kind of topic starting with the children's own experience. On this principle, we include activities where pupils look at the language they and their friends and family use in different contextsand at language used by other people in their community. This has particular richness in a multi-cultural locality.

These activities help draw out notions of how social conventions work and help children become aware that people might think differently about similar things - even something simple like greeting people you meet.

We aim to open children’s eyes to how much they share a common culture with their counterparts in modern France by discussing what is polite and accepted in their own society before talking about France.

We suggest how you might exploit the “talking points”, ranging from class discussions through to more in-depth project work.

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Optional 14. As-tu et des Introduction

Using the films

Each film focuses on a small amount of new “core vocabulary”.

It gives pupils the chance to hear native French speakers using these key words, phrases and questions in a range of contexts. The film sections are paced so that pupils have plenty of time to listen to the sounds of the French language and to absorb the information visually presented on screen. There are opportunities for active viewing. Many sequences are timed so that pupils can join in and call out key words after they have heard them pronounced on the film.

Cross curricular activities

The primary school class teacher can more easily bring the language into children's work in other subjects; this is a major advantage of an early start to foreign language learning. Each chapter includes suggestions for activities which reinforce pupils' learning of French through other areas of the curriculum and give openings for real communication in French.

The idea is that foreign language learning does not have to be a discrete and separate part of an already full and demanding timetable. There are many ways in which the foreign language can be practised through subjects such as numeracy, data handling, PE, music and drama. Pupils' exploration of the similarities and differences between cultures can be enhanced through work in literacy, ICT, history, geography, art and design.

From the start, we also suggest you can include a small amount of French in the execution of daily routines. A little bit of reinforcement every day becomes part of a familiar ritual.

Question time

We recommend that you regularly make available a small amount of time for a “question time” - 5 to 10 minutes in which pupils can ask anything connected with their French lessons that they are not sure of. If children know that it is “safe” to ask about absolutely anything without worrying about whether their question sounds silly, you will gain valuable insights into how well they are progressing. Pupils will enjoy their French les-

sons all the more if any “mysteries” are cleared up at an early stage, before they have a chance to inhibit further progress.


Chapter 18 of the Teacher’s Manual offers ideas for informal and enjoyable ways in which you can monitor pupils’ progress. It includes a set of photocopiable self-assessment sheets for pupils. These will help you and your pupils see how much progress they have made and identify areas which may need revisiting.

The “can-do” statements can be completed by pupils asthey-go, or when they pass different milestones in the course. Some of the activities are for when pupils have worked through the complete pack; others will work just as effectively earlier in the course. We are particularly impressed with the potential of using video to record children’s progress in language-learning, reinforce their confidence by controlled playback - and have fun with creative cross-curricular projects that use their language for genuine communication.

Optional section: L'alphabet
14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?


Early Start French 1

section: L'alphabet As-tu des des soeurs?

Optional section: L'alphabet 14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

Core vocabulary

salut bonjour allô bonsoir bonjour monsieur /..madame / ..mademoiselle / ..les enfants au revoir à demain merci bonne nuit bonne journée

ça va ça va bien ça ne va pas oui non

French boys' and girls' names l’appel présent / presente absent /absente

The alphabet A-Z

mon père ma mère mon frère / ma soeur mon grand-père ma grand-mère ma famille papa maman papi mamie le/la le bébé

un deux trois quatre cinq six sept huit neuf dix onze douze zéro plus /et fois

revisit numbers 1-12

un frère deux frères une soeur deux soeurs

un chat un chien un hamster un lapin un oiseau un cochon d'Inde un poisson un cheval un serpent une souris une gerbille une tortue

rouge blanc bleu noir jaune vert orange rose gris marron violet

janvier février mars avril mai juin juillet août septembre octobre novembre décembre le mois

treize quatorze quinze

seize dix-sept dix-huit

dix-neuf vingt vingt-et-un

vingt-deux vingt-trois vingt-quatre

vingt-cinq vingt-six vingt-sept

vingt-huit vingt-neuf trente

trente-et-un bingo

Joyeux anniversaire le premier revisit numbers 1-31

Je m'appelle ... Voici ... C’est ...

Ça va? ..et toi?

Comment t'appelles-tu? Qui est là? Qui est-ce?

Il/elle s’appelle ... Il/elle s’appelle? Ca fait ...

C'est combien?

J’ai ..(8) ans Il/elle a .. (8) ans

J’ai un(e) ... Je n'ai pas de ...

C’est un(e) ...

Quel âge as-tu?

Quel âge a-t-il? / ..elle?

As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

As-tu un animal?

Qu’est-ce que c’est?

Quelle couleur?

Quel mois sommesnous?

Mon anniversaire est le ...

Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?

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structures questions new words section
8 9 10 11 1 2 3

Optional section: L'alphabet

Optional 14. As-tu et des Introduction

14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

Core vocabulary

structures questions new words section

lundi mardi mercredi jeudi vendredi samedi dimanche 14

15 revisit numbers 1-31, months and days

16 il fait beau / mauvais / chaud / froid / gris il pleut /neige il y a du soleil / du vent

17 le marché de Noël les décorations la crèche le sapin de Noël le père Noël Saint Nicolas les huitres les escargots la bûche de Noël la galette des Rois Joyeux Noël Bonne année

Where was it filmed?

We filmed in the Nord Pas-de-Calais * region of northern France.

We visited schools and families in the Béthune area (a former coal-field), the new town of Villeneuve d’Ascq on the outskirts of Lille, the old industrial town of Roubaix, also near Lille, the village of Sars Potteries and the historic market town of Saint Omer

Aujourd'hui c'est ... Quel jour sommes-nous?

Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?

Il fait ... Il y a ...

Quel temps fait-il (aujourd’hui)?

Est-ce qu’il (neige)?

Est-ce qu’il fait (gris)? Est-ce qu’il y du (vent)?

Beach scenes were filmed in Boulogne and the nearby seaside town of Wimereux . Festivals featuring the giants of Nord Pas-de-Calais took place in Cassel and Aire-sur-la-Lys

* Hear how these place names are pronounced with the “Talking Dictionary”.

A primary school in Béthune. There are no actors; all the people featured are local inhabitants going about their everyday lives. The children who appear in every section of the film are pupils at local primary schools. They are seen in their school environment and out and about in the towns.

Enjoying Christmas lunch.



The giants of Cassel.

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