EARLY START RUSSIAN 4. numbers from 0 - 12 Числа от 0 до 12 You may decide just to learn numbers 1-6 in your first session. Most of the activities will work just as well with 6 numbers as with 12.
WARM UP ❑ Before watching film A1, have a brief “warm up” session to remind pupils of the Russian words and phrases they already know. Play a game from an earlier section.
You could also talk with the class about why it is useful to be able to count in Russian. Ask them to think of situations when they might need to use numbers. ❑ Watch film A1: “Numbers 1 - 6” We see a sequence of animated numbers 1-6 appearing in front of a cartoon Saint Basil’s Cathedral which is a famous landmark in Moscow’s Red Square. We then see a variety of images representing the numbers 1-3. These include children sledging, skipping and turning cartwheels. We then see more images representing numbers 1-4: bouncing a ball and the surreal Russian dolls playing “hide and seek” in a forest. For numbers 1-5 we see more skipping and cartwheels and this time, 5 “dancing” Russian dolls!
Film A1: an animated number 5
This sequence concludes with a walk through a park in the company of “cartoon” numbers 1-6.
Playing a board game We see a group of children playing a board game which involves throwing a die and counting round the board. GET USED TO THE SOUNDS - online flashcards with sound and optional text
SHOW 04 FLASHCARDS: Numbers 1 - 6
❑ Echoing: Select ‘Numbers 1- 6’ on the online flashcards, with sound ON and text ON Show each number and pupils echo the words, e.g. “четыре”. The flashcards can also be displayed in random order by clicking “tick box”. RESPOND WITH UNDERSTANDING ❑ Give each pupil a paper flashcard with a number. You call out “2”, children with that card hold it up for everyone to see, and so on. ❑ Play “jump to the number” Divide the class into two teams. Each team has an identical set of numbered cards. When you call out a number, the pupils holding that particular card try to be the first to jump up and call out the number.
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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?
4. numbers from 0 - 12 NEW WORDS AND PHRASES for parts A and B online Teacher Preparation
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
ноль один два три четыре пять шесть
7 - семь 8 - восемь 9 - девять 10 - десять 11 - одиннадцать 12 - двенадцать
- that's how much? how many?
плюс - plus/add минус - minus Click the online Teacher Preparation section which presents the pronunciation of all the new words and phrases - together with simple language awareness points.
❑ Do a “Mexican wave” with the numbers 1 6. The children form a circle with their chairs. The first person calls out 1, the next 2 and so on. When they reach 6, they start again. To make it more fun, each child jumps up as they say their number then promptly sits down again. If the children normally sit in groups, the wave can take place round each of the class tables. See which table completes the circuit first. To vary the game, start the wave with different numbers or try counting backwards.
HOW RUSSIAN WORKS 1: Two ways of saying “one”
Russian speakers use “один” when they are referring to: ■ the number 1 itself, e.g. “1 plus 5 = 6”. ■ a single object, e.g. “How many brothers do you have?” ... “One”. Russian speakers use “раз” when counting. It literally means “once”. To keep things simple at this early stage of learning Russian, we are only introducing
❑ Play “What’s missing?” Write numbers 1 - 6 randomly on the whiteboard. Pupils call out the numbers as you point to them. Ask them to shut their eyes as you rub out a number. They call out the missing number.
See online Teacher Preparation EXTRA WORDS AND PHRASES for pronunciation.
❑ Watch film A2: “Numbers 0 - 12” We see a sequence of animated numbers 7-12 appearing in front of the cartoon of Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Children skip 7 times. A boy bounces a ball 8 times. 9 Russian dolls appear on screen. 10 squares are highlighted on a playground hopscotch game. Children now skip 11 times. This sequence finishes with a walk in the park in the company of 12 “cartoon” numbers. Classroom sequence We see a numeracy class taking place with some of the younger pupils at the Russian School. The teacher greets the children and asks them how they are. She then asks them simple addition and subtraction sums using the numbers 1-12. She praises them when they give the correct answer. Film A2: a numeracy class: “Сколько?”
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EARLY START RUSSIAN Numbers in reverse order We hear the countdown from 12-0 as a cartoon rocket is about to launch into space. GET USED TO THE SOUNDS - online flashcards with sound and optional text
SHOW 04 FLASHCARDS: Numbers 0 - 12
❑ Echoing: Select ‘Numbers 0 - 12’ on the online flashcards, with sound ON and text ON. Show each number and pupils echo the words. The flashcards can also be displayed in random order by clicking “tick box”. RESPOND WITH UNDERSTANDING ❑ Play any of the games suggested for numbers 1 - 6, e.g. “jump to the number”. ❑ Play “swap numbers” Pupils arrange their chairs in a circle. Give everybody a numbered flashcard, making sure that there are several children holding each number. Choose a number for yourself. When you call out “7” for example, the pupils with the card showing “7” swap places. As they do so, you run for an empty chair. The pupil left without a chair becomes the caller. ❑ Play “splat!” Divide the whiteboard in half. On each side write a selection of numbers from 0 - 12. Make sure you have the same numbers on each side. Invite two pupils to come to the board. They both have something to “splat” with, e.g. a rolled up newspaper. As you call out a number, the children try to be first to “splat” the number! ❑ Working in pairs: when pupils are familiar with the numbers 1-12, they can play “noughts and crosses”. Each pair draws a grid and puts a number in each square. They must say the number before writing an “O” or “X”. ❑ Working in pairs: play dominoes Pupils can play dominoes, calling out the numbers as they match them. They will need to remember the word for zero,“нуль” for this activity. ❑ Watch film A1 and A2 again: Show both films again for reinforcement. Encourage pupils to echo the numbers and to call out the answers to the sums.
❑ Numeracy: whenever you need a pupil to count something out (e.g. books, pencils) encourage them to do it in Russian. If there are twenty or thirty books to count, simply ask the pupil to count in groups of ten). ❑ Numeracy: when pupils are familiar with the Russian numbers 0-12, they can practise them every day in a whole range of ways, e.g. ■ counting backwards ■ counting forwards, starting from a number chosen at random ■ counting backwards, starting from a number chosen at random
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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?
4. numbers from 0 - 12
■ counting forwards and backwards in multiples of two, three and four. ❑ Numeracy: do simple sums in Russian using the numbers 0-12. ❑ PE: Any game involving scoring with numbers 0-12 is a good opportunity to practise counting in Russian. ❑ PE: play “hopscotch” The pupils call out the numbers in Russian. ❑ Music: Make up a tune to sing the numbers to.
online Teacher Preparation
умножается на - multiplied by
13 - тринадцать 14 - четырнадцать 15 - пятнадцать 16 - шестнадцать 17 - семнадцать 18 - восемнадцать 19 - девятнадцать 20 - двадцать
делить на - divided by
раз - another way of saying
“one”- see “How Russian works 1”
REMINDER: you can praise pupils with:
хорошо - good
очень хорошо - very good
Click the online Teacher Preparation section which presents the pronunciation of all the extra words and phrases - together with simple language awareness points.
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