Russian-09 pets ol v2

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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

9. What pet do you have? 9. what pet do you have? Кто у тебя есть? Activities

WARM UP ❑ Before watching film 9A1, play one or two quick games from previous chapters which remind the children of how much they can already talk about in Russian. For example, the “stand up sit down” game where pupils jump up when they recognise a statement that is true for them: e.g. “Мне 10 лет” (I’m 10 years old); “Я живу в Лондоне”, (I live in London). You could also include statements which apply to that particular day, e.g. “идет дождь” (it’s raining). The game is more fun if you include statements that are clearly NOT true. ❑ You could also talk with pupils about the pets they have at home. ❑ Watch film 9 A1: “My pets”. Identifying pets We see a variety of pet animals and hear them named: a cat, a dog, a fish, a guinea pig, a rabbit, a hamster, a tortoise, a bird. Saying what pet you have We then see children saying that they have a particular pet: “I have a dog”; “I have a guinea pig”; “I have a fish”; “I have a rabbit”; “I have a Film 9 A1: Sergei has a guinea pig hamster”; “I have a tortoise”; “I have a bird”. Question and answer Children answer questions about their pets: “Do you have a cat or a dog?”; “Do you have a fish or a rabbit?”; “Do you have a rabbit or a fish?” Finally, we hear the names of each animal one more time. GET USED TO THE SOUNDS - online flashcards with sound and optional text

SHOW 09 FLASHCARDS: Pets ❑ Echoing: Show each flashcard with sound and text ON. Pupils echo the words. Remind the children that Russian nouns are not preceded with “the” or “a” - they will remember this from Ch. 6 “My family”. RESPOND WITH UNDERSTANDING ❑ Flashcards: make several copies of the activity sheet and cut out each animal card. Give one picture card to each pupil. When you call out the name of an animal, e.g. “собака”, the pupils with dog pictures hold them up. Vary the pace at which you call out the animals and repeat the same ones several times in a row to try and catch pupils out. Ask them to swap pictures every so often. ❑ Play “true or false” Display the online-flashcards with sound OFF (or show paper flashcards); say the name of an animal as you show each picture, e.g. “кошка”. If you are saying the correct name, pupils echo the words; if you are saying the name of an animal which is different from the one shown on the picture, pupils remain silent.




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Reminder - nouns and gender

In Russian, as with many other languages, each noun is assigned a gender - masculine, feminine or neuter. The big difference, however, is that Russian speakers do not have a word for “the” or “an/a”


❑ Play “find the pet” If you are working in the hall or an area with plenty of space, divide the class into three or four teams. Place a set of animal pictures on a flat surface in front of each team. Call out the name of an animal, e.g. “хомяк”. The person at the front of each team runs to try and be the first to find the picture of the hamster and bring it to you. The pictures are then replaced and the game continues. When a child has had a turn, s/he rejoins his/ her team at the back of the line.

Кто у тебя есть?

What do you have? Literally: Who do you have?

У меня есть... (собака)


I have... (a dog) Literally: I have dog

У тебя есть (кошка) или (собака?)

Do you have a (cat) or a (dog)? хомяк рыба черепаха -

собака кошка кролик морская свинка птица

❑ Play “Splat!” Pin a set of the animal pictures from the activity sheet on the board. Two pupils at a time can play the game; each wielding a rolled-up newspaper or similar Splat!-weapon! Youcalloutthenameofapet,e.g. “рыба”.Thefirst to hit that picture of the fish wins the point. You could play “3 strikes and you’re out!”, i.e. after losing 3 points, that child is replaced.


dog (f) cat (f) rabbit (m) guinea pig (f) bird (f) hamster (m) fish (f) tortoise (f)

- called / named

У меня ест кошка, зовут Мурка I have a cat called Murka

q Play “hide the pet” Pin enlarged copies of a set of animal cards on the wall. Name each of the animals as you point to them. Pupils echo the words. Now cover up one of the pictures. Pupils have to say which animal is missing. When the missing pet has been identified, reveal the picture and say the name of the animal. Repeat by “hiding” a different animal.

Это моя кошка, Мурка This is my cat, Murka

Click the online Teacher Preparation section which presents the pronunciation of all the new words and phrases - together with simple language awareness points.

❑ Echoing: “I have a ...” Show the online-flashcards again with sound OFF. This time, when you show the dog picture, you say, (I have a dog) Pupils echo the words. ❑ You can play any of the previous games using the full phrase, “У меня есть ..." ❑ Question & answer 1: Give each pupil one of the animal pictures from the activity sheet. Hold up one of the pictures (e.g. the cat) so that everyone can see and say. “У меня есть кошка”. Mime stroking the cat! Now move around the class asking different pupils what they have, “Кто

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14. As-tu des frères et des soeurs?

9. What pet do you have? у тебя есть?” Pupils show their picture and say which animal they have, e.g. “У меня есть черепаха” (I have a tortoise). ❑ Question & answer 2: Give each pupil one of the animal pictures from the activity sheet. This time you ask, for example, “У тебя есть кошка или собака?” (Do you have a cat or a dog?) A pupil holding the cat picture replies, “У меня есть кошка”. ❑ Working in pairs: play “snap” Give each pupil a copy of the animals activity sheets and ask them to colour and cut out the animals. In pairs, pupils use a minimum of two sets to play ”snap”. When two matching animals appear, the pupil who first names the animal correctly collects the pile. In pairs, pupils use a minimum of two sets to play ”snap”. When two matching animals appear, the pupil who first names the animal correctly collects the pile. ❑ Working in pairs: play “two of a kind” Using a minimum of two sets of animal pictures, pupils arrange them at random and face down on a flat surface. The first player turns over a picture and says the name of the animal that is revealed. S/he then turns over another picture. If this is a different animal, s/he says the name of the animal and turns both pictures face down again. The second player now turns up a card and says the name of that animal. The aim of the game is to remember where the different animals are positioned and to name them correctly. If a pupil turns up two identical animals consecutively (and names them correctly), s/ he keeps the cards and has another turn. ❑ Watch film 9 A2: “Pets’ names” Saying the pet's name We see children saying what pet they have and what the pet is called. Some of the children use the structure "I have ... " e.g. "I have a cat. It's called Murka". Other children use the structure, "This is ... " e.g. "This is my cat. It's called Lapka". “Gisting” sequence

Film 9 A2: Two girls introduce their toy cats by name.

Pupils are not expected to understand all the words spoken in this sequence, but they should be able to work out the gist of what is being said whilst recognising the key names of the pets. The children’s mother offers lots of words of praise which should also be familiar to pupils.

We see a small boy, his sister and mother looking at an animal picture book. The mother asks the little boy to point to different pets as she names them. She asks his big sister to demonstrate the sounds the animals make. Film 9 A2: Looking at a Russian animal book.

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EARLY START RUSSIAN ❑ Echoing: “This is my... “ Show a picture of a pet - either using the online flashcards or the paper pictures. You say, e.g. “Это моя кошка, зовут Мурка” (This is my cat, called Murka). The children echo the phrase. Continue with the other pets. n Pets’ names: You could choose Russian names such as Белка (Belka) or Стрелка (Strelka); familiar names from Ch. 3 “What’s your name?” e.g. Саша (Sasha) or Маша (Masha); pets could be named after famous Russian people - or children may prefer to use the English names of their real pets.


HOW RUSSIAN WORKS 2: Reminder - nouns and gender

In Russian, there are different words for “my”:

моя кошка (my cat) мой хомяк (my hamster) “моя” is used with feminine nouns, whilst “мой” is used with masculine. Most feminine nouns end with “-a” or “-я”. Masculine nouns

end with a consonant. There is another word for “my” which is used with neuter nouns - but we do not need this at these early stages.

❑ Play “Who’s this? 1” Show a picture of a pet. You ask, “Кто это?” You then name the animal and make up a name for it, e.g. “Это моя собака, зовут Белка” (This is my dog, called Belka). If you are showing the dog picture, pupils echo the sentence. If you are showing another animal, they remain silent. ❑ Play “Who’s this? 2” Give everyone an animal picture. You ask, “Кто это?” Each child takes it in turns to introduce their “pet”. e.g. “Это мой кролик, зовут Толсто́й” (This is my rabbit, called Tolstoy)

Note: If a child uses “моя” instead of “мой” you can praise the fact that the child has remembered the word for rabbit, “кролик” - and gently correct the “error” by reinforcing the right version of “my”.

❑ You can also play both the above games using the question “Кто у тебя есть?” (What do you have?) and the reply, “У меня ест собака, зовут Белка” (I have a dog called Belka).



❑ Art and design: Pupils can draw pictures of their pets. These can be used to practise introducing pets by name as the Russian children do in film 9 A2.

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Кто это? Это собака What’s this? Is it a dog?

❑ Art and design: Pupils can make animal puppets to add to their collection of Russianspeaking characters.

Это собака или кошка? Is it a dog or a cat?

У тебя есть кошка и собака. Молодец !

❑ Drama: “Who am I? Pupils take it in turns to pretend to be a particular pet animal. The rest of the class has to guess which animal they are impersonating. You may find it helpful to look again at the sequence in film 9 A2, where the family are looking at the animal book and the sister is making animal noises.

You have a cat and a dog. Well done!

Click the online Teacher Preparation section which presents the pronunciation of all the new words and phrases - together with simple language awareness points.

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❑ Drama: “What’s my pet? Pupils mime a scene where they are interacting with their pet. The class must guess what pet they have.

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