2.12 Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro
12. Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro Numbers 40-500 and the Euro
This section introduces the numbers 40 500 and the Euro. The Common European currency has been used in Germany for all buying and selling since 2002. Pupils will get to know the higher numbers, and the Euro notes and coins. They can do sums using higher numbers, and see and hear how prices are presented in Euros. They will be able to ask prices at a market; to understand when they hear sums of money in Euros; and work out payment and change with Euros. They will also be able to use the numbers 40-59 to tell the time with digital clocks.
DVD: film 12
Numbers 40-500: the animated numbers (40, 50, 60, 70 ,80 ,90, 100, 200, 500) bounce onto a screen showing Freiburg Rathaus with a ‘Bächle’ stream. Numbers are named as they appear.
NEW WORDS AND PHRASES Numbers 40 - 500
Film 12: Animated numbers go up in tens 40-100
40 vierzig 50 fünfzig 60 sechzig 70 siebzig 80 achtzig 90 neunzig 100 hundert 200 zweihundert 500 fünfhundert
PAUSE - part 2, the ‘Numbers Song’ - join in and sing!
Numbers song: the animated numbers dance to the tune (a karaoke version is on the CD): Zehn, zwanzig, dreißig (10, 20, 30); Vierzig, fünfzig, sechzig (40, 50, 60); Siebzig, achtzig, neunzig, hundert (70,80,90, 100); Zwei mal hundert (ist) zweihundert (2x100=200).
More sums (division)
80 geteilt durch 4 ist 20
PAUSE - part 3, sums with higher numbers and division
80 divided by (lit.‘divided through’) 4 is 20 The Euro
Was kostet das? How much is that?
2 Euro, bitte.
2 euros, please (polite request)
2,30€ (zwei Euro dreißig)
2 euros 30 (example price)
thank you
Film 12: Animated sums introduce division in German.
der Euro - the euro der Cent - the cent
Sums: animated sums appear on screen: Fünfzig plus vierzig ist neunzig. (50+40=90) Hundert minus dreißig ist siebzig. (100-30=70)
Flashcards CD 12
Early Start German Pack 2 SG: “Danke schön. Tschüs.” Jan: “Tschüs.” Vegetable stall: Julian is at the vegetable stall. Veg. seller: “Guten Morgen.Was möchtest du?” J: “Hallo. Bitte ein Kilo Spargel.” (asparagas) VS: “Von diesen?” (Some of these?) J: “Ja.” VS: “Kommt sonst noch was dazu?” (Would you like anything else?) J: “Nein.” VS: “Dann macht’s 5 Euro 50 bitte.” (That makes 5,50€, please.) J (hands over a note): “10 Euro.” VS: “Danke schön... und 4,50 zurück.” (Thanks... and 4.50 back.). Und dann gibt’s einen Apfel dazu, ja?” (And I’ll give you an apple as well, OK?) J: “OK. Tschüs.” VS: “Tschüs.”
Zehn mal sechs ist sechzig. (10.6=60 - note German multiplication sign) Achtzig geteilt durch vier ist zwanzig. (80:4=20 - note German division sign)
PAUSE - part 4 shows ‘euros’ - show in another lesson.
Animated euro coins and notes: the front faces ofcoins for 1 and 2 Euro bounce onto the screen, followed by the front sides of notes for 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 Euro - see “talking point” on the design and history of Euros.
Maths lesson: The teacher gives some exercises to his class.
Film 12: Shows denominations of euro coins and notes from 1 to 500 euros.
We don’t expect pupils to follow all that he says in his introduction: ask them what they think he asked the class to do?
You hear each pronounced as it appears. (Cent coins are shown on the Flashcards CD.)
PAUSE - part 6, Maths lesson sequence is for ‘gisting’.
“Gut. Also ich gebe euch jetzt drei Aufgaben... (Good. Now I’ll give you 3 tasks...) ...an die Tafel, und bitte euch die mal zu berechnen. (on the blackboard, and please work them out.)
PAUSE - part 5, buying and selling with Euros.
Paying with euros at the market: “Was kostet das?”
Film 12: Maths lesson - children do sums with euros.
Teacher: “Das sind im Prinzip einfache AdditionsAufgaben in Euro und Cent. (They’re basically easy addition-tasks in Euros and cents.) Und ich schreib’s euch jetzt mal an.. (And I’ll write them for you now...)
Film 12: Jan buys a sausage at a Freiburg market stall.
Fast food stall: Jan buys a sausage at the market which surrounds Freiburg cathedral. Sales girl: “Zwei Euro bitte.” Jan: “OK, bitte.” SG: “Danke. So...und acht zurück.” (...and 8 back) Jan: “Danke.”
Now ask children to listen and watcht for amounts in euros:
Die Aufgabe a) lautet 5 Euro 36 plus 12 Euro 32 plus 9 Euro und 18 Cent ist gleich... (Task a): 5,36€+12,32€+9,18€ is equal to...)
2.12 Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro appreciate the relative value of amounts in Euro. You could also look at the maths of changing money between currencies (see “extension activities”).
Die Aufgabe b) 202,58 plus 58 Euro plus, und jetzt bitte aufpassen auf die Währung, 22ct. (Task b):202,58€+58€+, and please beware of this one, 22 cents.) NB he says the local dialect word ‘zwo’ for 2. Also, aufpassen einmal sind es Euro einmal sind es Cent. (And watch out, one time it’s euros and one time it’s cents). Und die letzte Aufgabe: 99.99 Euro - ganz viele Neuner, aufpassen dabei - (And last task: 99,99€ -watch out for all the 9s there.) 999ct plus 9 Euro plus 9ct.” (99,99€+9 cents.)
Activities 1. Warm up
You could start the lesson with a counting rhyme to revise the numbers 1-9 (see box for text; use the Flashcards CD to introduce it to the class). Have children chant the sequence 1-19 (use the Flashcards CD for this too), and comment on the way numbers are added to “zwanzig” to make 21-29.
1. Numbers 40-500 - new words 2. Numbers Song - sing-along 3. Sums - revision + division 4. Der Euro - introduces notes and coins 5. Was kostet das? - shopping in euros 6. Maths lesson - for gisting 7. Written words Use the skip key on your remote control
Traditional German counting rhyme
Eins, zwei, Polizei 1,2, police 3,4, officer Drei, vier, Offizier Fünf, sechs, alte Hex’ 5,6 old witch 7,8 goodnight! Sieben, acht, gute Nacht! Neun, zehn, 9,10, auf Wiedersehen! goodbye! Flashcards CD 12
Planning your lessons
Revise the patterns of the early numbers, especially 1 to 9, before using the film to introduce the “round numbers” - 40, 50, 60... to 500. We suggest moving on to the euro in a subsequent lesson. Children should soon be confident that the numbers 31 to 100 follow a familiar pattern, with not much extra to learn. You can consolidate their learning by doing sums, familiar from Pack 1 Ch. 1.5, but now with division. You can also do some work with digital clocks, revisiting Ch.2.7. You can then introduce the euro notes and coins. Children need to be aware that other countries have different currencies, and of implications such as currency exchange. They will enjoy playing “shops” so pupils have plenty of practise asking for and giving euro prices. Recognising and handling euros will be good revision of their numeracy work on ‘money’. If your country uses another currency than the euro, you may want to help children
2. Watch film 12, parts 1 and 2
❑ Watch film 12: “Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro” to introduce the numbers and sing the song.
3. Get used to sounds (numbers)
❑ Echoing: Use the Flashcards CD to show the numbers 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or make flashcards. Show each in order; they hear each number as you show it. Pupils echo the number. Ask them to spot the pattern (“~zig”). When they are ready, see if they can say the numbers without hearing them, and if they are jumbled. ❑ Echoing: Everyone stands in a circle with you in the centre. Throw a soft ball to different pupils. As you throw the ball say “40”. The first pupil echoes “40” as s/he throws it back to you. Continue with 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. Repeat several times, then add 100, 200, 500.
Early Start German Pack 2 ❑ Play “Read My Lips” (“Lippen lesen”): Practise the numbers 20-29; then you mouth the word and ask children to to say the word, or write it on a mini-whiteboard. Repeat for 30-39 and so on, until children are confident with the pattern. Children can also play this in pairs.
Listen and enjoy copying these typical sounds: where have you heard them before?
as in... Euro,
Heard before in...
4. Respond with understanding (10-100)
vierzig, vierhundert Heard before in... vier
as in...
❑ Give each pupil a flashcard representing one of the following numbers: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. When you call out a number, all the pupils with that number on their cards hold it up for everyone to see. Begin by calling out the numbers in order, starting with 10. Then call them out in order, but starting with a different number. Work towards calling numbers at random.
as in... vierzig,
fünfzig, sechzig, Zahlen as in... einundzwanzig Heard before in... Hund as in...
as in...
Heard before in...Einrad,
5. Numbers 21-99
German numbers follow a pattern from 20 up, so children don’t need to memorize each number from 21 to 99, just the pattern. Give each child cards numbered 1-9, and a ‘3’ for 30. You say numbers between 30 and 39 in random order; ask children to hold up the right cards. As you say each number, emphasize how the word is constructed, e.g. “zwei...und...dreißig”. Emphasize how the ‘d’ is pronouced like ‘t’. Can they remember what is different about 31? (the ‘s’ is dropped from ‘ein(s)unddreißig’). Repeat as necessary with 40-49 and so on.
Heard before in... rechts, Flashcards CD 12
zweite Küche
“talking point”); pupils must choose at least one number which is between 40 and 99. Collect all the duplicate slips. Announce that you are going to phone one of the class. Pick a slip, and as you dial its number on your mobile phone (or mime doing so), say it out aloud, “21” ... “72” ... “10”.... “40”. Make “ringing noises” so everyone knows the phone is ringing. The child who has this number on his/her slip of paper “answers” the phone saying “Hallo” and has a short conversation e.g. “Sarah! Hallo! Wie geht’s?” etc. When pupils are confident with the higher numbers, they can take turns to be the person dialling the number.
6. Respond with understanding (31-99)
❑ Play “Number Tennis” As you say a number, mime batting it to the class. They say the next number, as they mime batting it back to you. They can also play in pairs; you say when they change roles. ❑ Play “jump to the number” Divide the class into two teams. Each team has an identical set of numbered cards. When you call out a number, the pupils holding that particular card try to be first to jump up and call out the number. ❑ Play “telephone numbers” Give everyone two slips of paper. Ask the children to make up an eight digit “telephone” number and write it (in figures) on both slips of paper e.g. 21 72 10 40. German telephone numbers are usually expressed in pairs (see
neunzig. heute, neun
7. Watch part 3 of the film
Show part 3 of film 12, which revises sums (add, subtract, multiply, from Pack 1), and introduces division - see “Cross-curricular activities”
EXTENSION ACTIVITIES 1 Telling the time: digital clocks
Now children know the numbers to 59, you can choose a suitable slot in your planning to re-visit telling the time (see Ch.2.7), and also discuss Continental use of the 24-hour clock, e.g. in shop opening times. They may be familiar
2.12 Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro Continue with other prices and different pupils. Repeat several times.
with digital clocks and watches; you can display a digital time and ask children to read it aloud in German.
10. Reading and writing euros
You could re-visit ‘saying the year in German’ from Ch.2.10 - see ‘Extension activities 3’ at the end of this chapter.
We suggest that young beginners write numbers and Euro values in figures (as they will normally see them), rather than in words. Point out the comma used for a decimal point, and the position of the Euro sign (€) after the amount (see “How German works 1”).
8. Watch parts 4-5 of the film
Show the next parts of film 12: “Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro” to introduce the euro notes and coins, and to see people shopping with euros. Talk with pupils about Germany having different currency (see “talking point”).
11.Respond with understanding (euros)
❑ Give each pupil a flashcard representing a euro note or coin. When you call out an amount of money, all the pupils with that note or coin on their cards hold it up for everyone to see. Start by calling out the denominations in order, starting with 1 Euro. Then call them out in order starting with a different number. Work towards calling random numbers.
9. Get used to sounds (euros)
❑ Echoing: Show each of the euro notes and coins from the Flashcards CD on your whiteboard (or make flashcards): it will say the amount as you show it. Pupils echo.
❑ Play “jump to the euro” Divide the class into two teams, each with an identical set of currency cards. When you call out an amount, pupils holding that card try to be first to jump up and call out the value.
You can display either side of the notes and coins, to aid recognition and discuss design features (see “talking point”). When pupils are confident, display a note or coin with sound and text OFF, and ‘Jumbled’ ON; ask pupils to identify it. ❑ Echoing: You write a euro price on the whiteboard/OHP, combining euros and cents, e.g. “4,15€”. Throw a soft ball to a confident pupil. As you throw the ball, say “4 Euro, 15”. The first pupil echoes this as s/he throws it back to you.
❑ Play “swap money” Pupils arrange their chairs in a circle. Each is given a euro-money flashcard. Make sure that there are several children holding cards with the same note or coin. When you call out “50 Euro ”, the children with the card showing “50 €” swap places. As they do so, you run for an empty chair. The pupil left without a chair becomes the caller. ❑ Play “hide the money” Display several flashcards of notes and coins
HOW GERMAN WORKS 1: How to say and write amounts in euros
Germans ALWAYS write ‘Euro’ and ‘Cent’ with a capital, because the words are nouns; however ‘Cent’ is abbreviated to ‘ct’ (see Maths lesson). (In English, you write ‘euro’, ‘pound’ and ‘dollar’ with no capital.) Unlike English, Germans don’t add ‘s’ to the plural; they say: “10 Euro”,“20 Cent”. They usually write a comma ‘ ’ instead of the English decimal point ‘ ’: ‘5,14’ instead of ‘5.14’.
Teacher’s writing on blackboard
When they write an amount in euros, they commonly write the sign AFTER the number, like this: ...but you will quite often see it in front, or with no sign at all (in English, you write ‘€5.14). Amounts in cents-only can be written like 0,18 € or 18ct, or just 0,18.
Market stall prices
Germans sometimes write ‘EUR’ instead of the ‘€’ sign, because many older computers did not have a font with the ‘€’ character - they just showed ‘?’.
Early Start German Pack 2 price should be higher; “weniger” if it should go lower. Use gestures to emphasize “more” or “less”. If a guess is exactly right, you say, “Ja, der Preis ist heiß!” and everyone joins in! To involve pupils more, invite a group to make up price tags. The rest of the class has to guess how much each item costs. The group who made the price tags say “mehr” or “weniger” as appropriate. ❑ Play “Der Preis ist heiß”: team game Put children in teams; each team guesses the price of the object. The nearest guess to the hidden price tag wins a point for their team.
EXTRA WORDS AND PHRASES for game show, ‘The Price is Right’ der Preis ist heiß - the price is ‘hot’
mehr - more weniger - less Was ist der korrekte Preis? What is the right price? Other activities
Was kostet das? How much is that?
der Geldwechsel - (foreign) exchange Flashcards CD 12
on the board. Point to each of the notes/coins, and ask the class to call out their values. Now cover or remove one of the notes or coins. Point to the display again. The class calls out the values including the “missing” one. See how much of the sequence the class can remember as each visual prompt disappears. Eventually no money will be visible. ❑ Play “Was kostet das?” 1: visible prices Select a number of classroom objects and give each a clearly visible price tag, e.g. 1, 50€. Ask pupils, “Was kostet das?” They read out the price tag and tell you how much each item costs, e.g.“ein Euro fünfzig”.
12. Watch part 5 of film 12 again
Show the shopping sequences, part 5 of film 12. Ask children to listen carefully to what is said between stall holders and customers.
❑ Play “Der Preis ist heiß”: guess the price
(Literally “the price is hot”; it’s a German TV game-show, based on the American original, “The Price is Right” - which has been adapted in UK and many other countries).
Film 12: Weighing vegetables in the market.
❑ German market Pupils could turn a corner of the classroom into a Markt, where, of course, they only need to speak German! For stock, they could use plastic or real food items. Alternatively, they could collect authentic German packets from families that have visited Germany, or by asking your exchange school to post you a parcel of product labels, lightweight (clean) empty packets, etc. All the items in stock need euro price tags. To be “customers”, pupils ask the prices of the items they want: If they don’t know the German word for the item, they can point to it or pick it up and ask, “Was kostet das, bitte?” Encourage pupils to be polite: staff and customer would often start by exchanging “Guten Tag!”. The “assistant” thanks the “customer” for the
You could play this first with the whole class, using the examples on the Flashcards CD.
Price tag is hidden until you click to see and hear it.
Children guess the price. If you use real objects, or paper flashcards, select one item, and give it a price, positioned so pupils cannot see it. You start the game by saying the catch-phrase from the German TV version: “Was ist der korrekte Preis? (What is the right price?) After each child’s guess, say “mehr” if their
2.12 Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro money, and says goodbye: “Danke schön! Auf Wiedersehen” or “Tschüs”.
hold it up for you to see. Repeat with other examples. ❑ Number sums: In the style of the German teacher, write euro sums on the board, Ask children to work out the result and say it aloud to you in German. Start with very simple examples!
15. Working in pairs
❑ Pupils can play “German market” in pairs, using their notes and coins from the activity sheets. Pupil 1 is a stall holder and asks for a sum of money, eg “4 Euro 70, bitte”. Pupil 2 hands over the right combination of notes and coins, which pupil 1 checks. They then swap places.
Children can use EURO play-money in activities
The pupil operating the stall adds up the cost, and tells the customer how much to pay, e.g. “6,50€” (sechs Euro, fünfzig) - see “How German works 1” which looks at how German people refer to Euro and Cent in everyday speech. Pupils pay using the notes and coins on the activity sheets - see www.earlystart.co.uk for sources of play notes and coins.
16. Watch the whole film again
❑ Show film 12: “Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro” again for reinforcement. In many of the sequences there are pauses for pupils to call out the currency values after the native speakers have said them.
13. Watch film 12, part 6: gisting
Part 6 of film 12 shows a Maths teacher setting three tasks, doing sums with euros. Before you start, ask children to listen carefully to the Euro amounts and watch out for how they are written. You could pause after each of the three tasks.
❑ Numeracy, money sums: Do money sums in German using Euro and Cent. Follow the examples in film 12; these involve addition, subtraction, multiplication (which children have previously done in German, but with smaller numbers), and now also division.
14. Gisting (euros)
❑ Number dictation: Read out an amount children have just seen in the film, e.g. ‘5 Euro 36’; ask each children to write it in figures on a piece of paper (or mini-whiteboard), then
SONG: “Numbers Song” C
Zehn, zwan-zig, drei-ßig, vier-zig, fünf-zig, sech-zig, sieb-zig,
Zwei mal
zwei hun-dert
neun- zig, hun-dert
zwei mal hun-dert ist
zwei hun-dert
Zehn, zwanzig, dreißig, vierzig, fünfzig, sechzig, siebzig, achtzig, neunzig, hundert. Zwei mal hundert, zwei hundert, zwei mal hundert ist zwei hundert.
Flashcards CD 12
Early Start German Pack 2 ❑ PE: Play “run to the money l” Attach money cards (e.g. 5€, 10€, 50 Cent) to plastic bollards or rounders posts on the school field, to apparatus in the hall, or place them inside plastic hoops on the ground. Call out a value in German and the pupils run to the corresponding denomination. ❑ Drama: Market role-play/puppets Pupils can develop the improvised drama element at the “Markt”, either themselves or with German-speaking puppets. For example, customers and shopkeepers could be in a hurry; be very bad-tempered; be jolly and happy; be forgetful; have a nasty cold. You could let pupils choose characteristics for themselves or give them slips of paper naming the characteristic they should portray. They could prepare their dialogues in pairs and perform them to the rest of the class who guess the different characteristics.
than they will buy at, they usually charge commission, e.g. 1% of the money changed each time would have cost you another £2! The actual exchange rates can and do change at any time, depending on the market (whether more people are buying or selling Euro and other currencies). People who make a profit on these changes in exchange rates are called “currency speculators”. See the website for current exchange rates between your currency and 1 Euro.
❑ Art: Use some real German Euro coins for pupils to try coin rubbing.
The Euro was intended as a common currency for all the countries of the European Union (EU), but so far not all have switched to using it. The name “Euro” was chosen by the European Council - a meeting of all the Community’s political leaders - in Madrid in 1995. Expansion of the ‘Euro-zone’ On 1 January 2002, new euro bank notes and coins replaced the old money in twelve EU countries, called the ‘Euro-zone’. The countries that agreed to take part in this historic changeover were: France, Austria, Belgium, Spain, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Portugal. Since 2002, more EU countries (Slovenia, Cyprus, Malta, Cyprus and Slovakia) have joined the Euro. The United Kingdom (UK) is also in the EU, but decided to delay taking part in the Euro “until later”, while leaving the option open. The old currencies Each country used to have its own money: Germany had “Marks” and “Pfennigs” . These notes and coins were accepted only in Germany; to buy things in France, German people had to change their “Marks” for “francs”; in Spain they needed “pesetas”, and so on. History of the Mark The Mark had been the currency of Germany
Recording and assessment
Children can record their achievements to date with “can-do” statements” (after Ch. 2.18). They could include the completed sheet in their Language Portfolio.
Talking point
When you travel to a country which uses a different currency, you need to change some of your usual money. For example, if you use UK pounds where you live, you need to buy some Euros to use if you are going to Germany.
Exchange rates
How many Euro do you get for 1 unit of your currency? Money changers like banks tell you at what price you can buy one currency with another, e.g.
£1 : 1,10€ (£1 buys 1.10 euros) and when you come back from Europe:
1€ : £0.90 (1 euro buys 90p)
This ratio means that, if you give the bank clerk £1, they will exchange it for 1,10€ . For £100, you will receive in Euro:
£100 x 1.10 = 110€ If you come back with all the 110€, they will give you, in pounds:
110€ x 0.90 = £99 You have lost £1, and the money changers have made a profit. On top of selling at a higher price
2.12 Zahlen 40-500 und der Euro since unification in 1871. Before that Germany was divided into various small states, each of which had their own currency. The Mark was initially known as the Goldmark because it’s value was based on the price of gold. However, high inflation in the early 20th. century caused the German government to re-issue the currency several times. After the Second World War, Germany was again suffering from inflation, and a black market developed. To try to solve these problems, the Mark was reissued in 1948 by the allied powers controlling western Germany (USA, Britain and France). The new currency was called the Deutsche Mark (DM) , known internationally by non-German speakers as the “Deutschmark”. In eastern Germany, the Communists also reformed the currency and introduced an East German Mark. In 1990 the West German Mark became the official currency of both West and East Germany, playing an important role in reunification. Organising the change-over Banks and companies in the participating countries had three years to prepare for changing from the old currencies. (1) Electronic money The first stage was when the euro officially became legal currency - on 1st January 1999. At this point they could open euro bank accounts, and make payments by electronic bank transfers, cheques and credit cards - but there were no notes and coins. They had to change all their computerised accounting and pay-roll systems and the people who operated these systems had to be trained. (2) Public information campaigns The public needed information about the euro. Television campaigns were launched, together with education programmes in schools and colleges. From 1999 onwards, shops began to show prices on till receipts in euros as well as the national currency.
As the year 2002 came near, shops began to display prices at points of sale in both the national currency and euros. (3) Supplying new notes and coins On 1st January 2002, 12 billion euro notes and 80 billion coins were ready in banks throughout Europe for everyone to start replacing their old notes and coins. German people had two months to spend or exchange their old Mark notes and coins. By the end of February 2002 the national currency was no longer valid for everyday use. The new money could be spent in any of the 12 countries. Soon people had coins from many different euro countries all mixed up in their pockets; all could be used in their local shops. What to put in the Euro designs? The old national notes and coins were designed to reflect that country’s history, symbols and famous people. The designers of the new euro currency had a difficult job coming up with new designs that would be acceptable throughout Europe. Designs of the euro coins There are eight euro coins: 1 and 2 euros; 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Cents; you can see all the designs on the Flashcards CD. The common European face All the coins have a common European side, which represents a map of the European Union over a background of vertical lines attached to the stars of the European Union. The map changes slightly: on 1 and 2 euro coins Europe has no frontiers; the 10, 20 and 50 Cent coins show the Union as a gathering of nations; the 1, 2 and 5 Cent coins emphasise Europe’s place in the world. The national side on German coins On the reverse side, coins carry national symbols. 1 (1) The German 1, 2 and 5 Cent coins show the oak twig, which was used on the old Pfennig coins. (2) The 10, 20 and 50 Cent coins show the Brandenburg Gate, which once separated East and
Early Start German Pack 2 2
West Berlin, but is now regarded as a symbol of German unity. (3) The German 1 and 2 euro coins show the German eagle, a symbol of German sovereignty. Around the edge is the German national motto, “Einigkeit und (Unity Recht und Freiheit” and Justice and Freedom). This is also the first line of the German national anthem. 3 Austria has also adopted the Euro, and has images of flowers, buildings or famous Austrians on the national sides of its coins. Switzerland, however, is not in the EU and uses the Swiss franc. See www.earlystart.co.uk for images of the national faces of the coins in Germany and Austria. Designs of the Europe-wide notes The same seven notes (500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros) are used throughout the Euro area; unlike the coins they have no national side. Symbolic designs The designs do not represent any actual buildings or monuments; instead they are symbolic of Europe’s architectural heritage.
EURO reverse sides show bridges.
The backs feature bridges typical of each age of European cultural development, from early construction to modern suspension bridges. They represent communication among the peoples of Europe and between Europe and the rest of the world. Writing and talking about euros The EU has no official Europe-wide rule about whether a full stop or a comma should be used when writing a price that shows both Euro and Cent. In Germany people use a comma, see “How German works 1” box. You will see examples in film 12 of how people in Germany refer to amounts in Euro and Cent (e.g. in the maths lesson and in the market).
Cultural awareness
❑ Pupils can use the Euro notes and coins from the activity sheets on the next page to buy and sell items in a class “market”. ❑ Pupils can design Euro coins that Britain might use if the time comes to join the European Monetary Union. - see www.earlystart.co.uk for some ideas.
EURO fronts show windows and archways.
EXTENSION ACTIVITIES 3 Saying the year in German
The fronts of the notes show windows and gateways to represent the spirit of openness and cooperation in the EU. They show the architectural styles of seven periods in Europe’s cultural history: classical Greek and Roman, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, the age of iron and glass, and modern 20th century architecture (see the Activity sheet or the Flashcards CD).
Re-visit film 10 part 4, to look at saying the year using the higher numbers covered in this chapter - see Ch.2.10 for some activities.
Film 10: New Year's Eve: "Heute ist der 1. Januar 2011"
Der Euro
Ich heiĂ&#x;e ...........................
1 Cent
2 Cent
5 Cent
10 Cent
20 Cent
50 Cent
1 Euro
2 Euro
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Š 2010 Early Start Languages
100 Euro
500 Euro
Ich heiĂ&#x;e...................
200 Euro
20 Euro
5 Euro
50 Euro
10 Euro
Der Euro
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Š2010 Early Start Languages