of Tibet where it emerges from tropical zones with ftt:>nsoonrains. Climatic stability is upset nore and nore. In biotopes which up to now absorbed sunrays and thus retained the warmth, suddenly SJ'1OWCX)vers stay permanently and reflect the sunrays back into space. According to Kuhle at this point an ice-age starts in this part of the world and comes to its end only after icecovers nearer the poles, which have been formed at a later date, have reached the end of a glacial per iod and themselves melted back. With 00/2 rising raPid~. wn slow system of biosphere
evidence points
to a new ice-age
period approaching
It need The all our courage, joint global activity, the will impact. starting pointknowledge must be and the build-up of the linkage to soils: Man is still the missing link in the re-structuring of the he is in danger of destroying.
Journal articles KUhle, Matthias (1986) Die VergletsCherung Tibets Eiszeiten. Spektrum der Wissenschaft. 9, 42-54. Books and ftt:>nographs Hamaker, John D. and Weaver, Donald A. (1982) Hamaker~eaver Publishers.
und die Entstehung
The Survival
of Civilization.
MINERALRESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Pl'Y. LTD., 36 Bowyer ~d, Wingfield 5913, South Australia, Australia. Phone: 91l 61 8 268 8965. Report on farm results during the early 1979s. Three reports, of 39, are included below. Appendix
SPRING'roN (South Australia)
Improvement in weight gains, fertility, milk production, survival of young, wool production, vigour, docility. Lameness in front legs of sheep very severe in the nonths Oct./Nov. l5-29 in the 199, since using your minerals no sign of lameness. Reduction in tetany, milk fever, scours, mastitis, worms, excessive appetite, calving or lambing difficulties. ~ (West Coast, South Australia) Used minerals on 3, ggg acres of cro~ last year, and my neighbour thought I was mad carting fertilizer 499 miles. All crops in the district were affected by a disease, but there wasn't a sign of it on the 3,999 acres seeded with minerals. My yields are easily the best in the district, and my barley all went malting grade. Crops grown with minerals seem to hang on a lot longer. The dung beetles came like magic. SALISBURY(South Australia) We were experiencing a very high percentage of "no take" when budding on recommenced chemical fertilizers. Now, after complete soil analysis and the subsequent application of "prescription" minerals, we have planted over half a million rose trees in the nursery this year and claim at least 95% "take" of budS1 ours is probably the biggest rose nursery in the Southern Hemisphere and supplies allover Australia. Appendix 12 The Burnley Horticultural College Issued Press Information Data, 1988, Soil Remineralisation for Horticultural/Agricultural/.Forestry APplications. (14 pages, technical, operating information on the necessity for soil remineralizatin with rock dust)
"Identify potential market segments: Broad acres/Forestry significant responses can be aChieved from as little as 599kg/ba.for broad area crops (wheat, barley, disireable sunflowers, sorghum, field peas). Vegetable and Irrigated Crops application rates for vegetable and other irrigated crops are 2999 to 5999 kg/ba. The lower rate may need to be annuallt for a few years." 54