A Method to Reclaim the Desert, Reduce Desertification and Restore Balance of Ecosystem Components. An Eco-system comprised of Live Biomass will duplicate itself (Hamaker “build enormous per acre tonnages of protoplasm. P.196-7, Dust for Life.) (add SCAN OF PAGE) An Eco-system comprised of LIVE BIOMASS WILL DUPLICATE ITSELF. IT HOLDS MOISTURE, GENERATES BIOTHERMAL HEAT, USES ATMOSPHERIC NUTRIENTS, O2, N, S, ETC TO GROW (MULTIPLY BY CELLULAR DIVISION). IT STABILIZES ATMOSPHERIC CARBON AND STORES IT IN SOLID FORM AS SOIL ORGANIC MATTER (S.O.M.). “Only 3-5% humus will transform lifeless sand into rich loam. It has abilities to both bind sand and granulate clay.” (Edaphos, by Paul Sachs, Newbury, Vt.) Truly, good properties for the soil to have. But we only have short term ‘fertility’, not durable, not sustaining, long term soil fertility. Enter GLACIAL MORAINE ROCK DUST MINERALS (Graefe, Pot Test I & II) has the full range of elements and minerals providing nourishment and catalytic metabolic services for the bottom rung of the food web and recycles repeatedly. This complex menu exists in glacial moraine rock dust formed through the action of receding glacial melt water (a.k.a. ‘mother rock’). Thus, in our ‘ideal’ soil, starting with sand, only a minimum amount of water is present and available. When humic acids and fulvic acids are ADDED, that sand will now HOLD WATER. Microbial life will occur for the time the water remains. Successive colonization by progressively evolved species will be absent due to lack of minerals (nutrition) that support life processes. ADD GLACIAL MORAINE ROCK DUST MINERALS and voila! one has LONG TERM SOIL FERTILITY validated by an immediate BLOOM OF LIFE. With a do-able, authentic and natural method of SOIL RESTOTATION, a ‘right-use’ action/implementation could be forth coming. INNOVATION arises from combining the PORTABLE AND STOREABLE properties of humified grape marc seeds (whole) and OPTIMIZED UTILIZING GLACIAL MORAINE ROCK DUST MINERALS. This blend makes it a product that is ‘sine qua non’ (without which nothing) and ‘ne plus ultra’ (there is nothing better) (Graefe. 1986. Personal communication ). The ‘usage of the heat of fermentation’ for household/enclosed space heat applications and for heating hot water is an integral aspect of the INNOVATION. The blend makes the ‘pile’ slightly hotter and is the recipe for producing quantities, small and large of LIVE BIOMASS WITH THE FULL RANGE OF REQUIRED MINERALS FOR OPTIMUM NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND LONG TERM SOIL FERTILITY.