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12/08/09. Greetings Dave Millan, A.S.M.E. Re: Carbon Sequestration STANDARD It was truly a pleasure to talk with you yesterday regarding my sending you documentation details supporting a possible application on behalf of the ‘know-how’ that embraces the universal process of decay/carbon sequestration towards formulating a ‘standard’ for same. There are seven items all pertaining to the core work of the late Herr Gernot Graefe, Director of the Department of Ecosystem Research, Institute for Bioenergetic Research, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria. The remaining items are related support documents. All documents will be sent one-at-a-time.

I. PATENTS, numbers and titles; 4,211,545; Method and Apparatus for Preparing High Grade Fertilizer. 4,311,510;

Method for Producing High-Grade Fertilizer.

4,311,511; Method for Producing High-Grade Fertilizer. 4,343,907; Apparatus for Producing High Grade Fertilizer. All of the above are ON-LINE. There are many dimensions and parameters of relevance because the study for patenting revealed that there is a universal bio-digestive suite of microbes for DECAY. Also, this "know-how" can enable a broad based industrial scale participation in the fundamental process of natural carbon sequestration. II. Herr Dr Graefe's MONOGRAPH on the method, process, design and product at the level of industrial proto-type study. • Title and author: Fertilizer and Energy From Grape Marc; Agricultural Utilization of a Waste Product in a Closed Cycle of Matter, Gernot Graefe, Vienna, 1983, a study ordered by the Federal Ministry For Science and Research, published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

I will send a digital format of this item – ‘Front half monograph.pdf.’ and ‘monograph-backhalf.pdf.’ III. PEER REVIEW STUDY • Title, authors and source: The Microbiological Aspects of Grape Marc Humification, F. Streichsbier, K. Messner, M. Wessely, and M. Rohr; European Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (1982)14:182-186.

This is ON-LINE. I'll send this link, I hope. I’ll ‘google this title and try to send you the link, if not the article itself. IV. PEER EVALUATION of the ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND DESIGN of the subject. • Title, author and origin - Environment and Energy Aspects of Grape Marc Humification, E. Cabella, Austrian Research Center, Seibersdorf, Austria, Sept 1983, OFZS Report No 4247 GF-45/83. The .pdf file for this is CABELA.pdf. V.

GRAEFE’S STATEMENT and CERTIFICATION pertaining to one qualitative condition of the end product, provided by Peter J. Schneider, Ing.; That the condition of the end product is both pathogen free and free of bacteria. I’ll attach a statement to that effect via an email. VI. This item is a published journal article by Dr Graefe discussing the social and environmental context of the subject at hand. Title, author and source: The Missing Links Between Plant Roots and Colloidal Soil Particles, Gernot Graefe. It was published but I don’t have the bibliographic citation. I'll send this as well. Each of these above items will be sent as separate transmission. VII.

This item pertains to the TECHNICAL ANALYSIS of the product – BIOVIN. The information was supplied by Peter J.Schneider, Ing., Managing Director, fa. INTERTREST. This attachment is captioned TECHNICAL ANALYSIS.pdf.

VIII. OPTIMIZATION of the method, process and design by admixing the feedstock with ground glacial rock dust. STATEMENT by Peter J. Schneider, Ing., in German, declaring that this admixture of humus (BIOVIN) and glacial moraine rock dust would be IDEAL. This mixing of the two ‘ingredients’ changes the end product, humus qua ‘soil fertility’ to become ‘long term soil fertility’ better reflecting the natural bio-geo-chemical cycles. As well, Dr. Graefe corroborated the validity of this statement to me in a personal communication, that the admixture of glacial moraine rock dust would be ideal. There has been a commercial operation of the patented process since the early 1980’s. The Managing Director of the business is Peter J. Schneider, Ing., fa. INTERTREST, Mollersdorferstr. 77a, Guntramsdorf, Vienna, tel. 0043 2236 45168

IX. A suggested TECHNICAL ADJUDICATOR, Prof. Dr. techn. Theodor Prey, Vienna University of Technology.

The 5 pages being emailed provides further details on Professor Frey, and his work.

X. TRANSLATION into English of descriptive material provided by Peter J. Schneider, Ing., of the product, its values, its characteristics and uses. This text accompanies the TECHNICAL ANALYSIS.pdf

In conclusion, let me propose the NEED for a STANDARD. The standard will apply to a universal natural process – decay. The process is one of CARBON SEQUESTRATION. The process is comprised of a generic suite of microbes (bacteria, fungi, streptomycetes). It is required that this specific knowledge become universally adopted in order that its replication is as efficient as nature’s process. Culturally, it has been learned ad hoc for millennia and is invariably incomplete. Now it can be OPTIMIZED and COMPLETED.

It will serve the purpose of sequestering atmospheric carbon. As a recognized and established STANDARD, it will promote industrial composting of all raw organic wastes through an optimized and standardized process that has NO EQUAL. I hope this information will be of use in your consideration of the matter. Thank you for your interest. Regards, Respectfully, Richard S. Bennett, Esq., B.A. AFTERWORD I will send to you a recently completed ‘whole systems science’ researched study called ‘An Edaphic Approach to the Three Vaster Partners of the Biosphere’, by Richard S. Bennett. This will provide a deeper analysis of the role of ‘decay/humus/organic acids’ to which this potential STANDARD could apply.

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