MINI-DOC 001 Sponsor opportunities (en)

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Sponsor oportunities

The following pages are a list of sponsorship categories and ways in which an interested party can get involved in a meaningful way. We have separated our requirements into diffreent elements and items available for potential sponsorship. Participating in sponsorship through either large donations or purchasing of specific events or items means that your company will have a very real input into the Assembly, with your support having a meaningful existence. Furthermore it allows us to associate well defined elements of the Assembly with specific sponsors, enabling us to better return the favour within our final reports and exhibitions. This said, the Assembly requires the compromise of sponsors to become into a successful event in terms of workshops, talks, lectures and other activities. This document illustrates possible ways in which a company, institution or individual can support us as we are dedicated to fully supporting any sponsorship we receive.


easa011 Spain

23 jul. - 7 ago. 2011

Meeting during incm006 in Moscow

Support EASA Within the architectural realm of Spain, easa011 will be an event of massive scale with almost no precedent. Interest in the event is high, through both our own industry and the natural magnetism of the event itself. The assembly will be watched over with much interest from those not directly involved, and any association with the assembly will offer potential sponsors an opportunity at positive promotion amongst the architectural, construction and artistic societies in Spain. Ultimately EASA is always a very enjoyable event, always remembered fondly by all involved, and to get behind this assembly is to associate yourselves with positive memories amongst literally hundreds of future and budding professionals in what is a highly influencial professional body across Europe. As an organization we have been doing our utmost to promote awareness of the assmbly across the country. Presentations have and will be given to universities located all across the country. Our final exhibition, showcasing the fruits of the assembly as well as promotional information about the sponsors will travel the country. In the months after the event we will create our final report which will be sent out to national contacts in over forty countries, offering your company exposure to students all over Europe. easa011 has already been featured in local and national press. Furthermore, television, architectural press and newspapers will be covering the event in the future. As well a documentary will be produced to be projected in European universities and television, as it has been done over the past editions of EASA. Because of that, we would like to let you know the impact that sponsoring EASA has at a local, national and European level. The easa011 organizers.

Lecture given by a representative of the Prefecture of WesternAttica, the largest contributor to easa007, held in Greece

Platinum Sponsor


The contribution can be made either in cash or in kind. The Platinum Sponsor is an exclusive sponsorship opportunity to institutions and companies, offering maximum exposure to the public and the participants of the Assembly. By becoming a Principal Sponsor you will we awarded with a permanent presence at easa011 in an international event of 30 years standing. Benefits: 1.- Logo prominent on the easa011 website with link to the sponsors’s website on every page. 2.- Logo prominent on all documents made by easa011 3.- Logo prominent below the microphones on all the lectures and symposiums organized by the easa011 organizing team before the event. 4.- Prominent presence on all email footers sent from 5.- Full page advertisement in the easa programme distributed to all participants. 6.- Two page advertisement in the Final Report which assembles the conclusion og the Assembly and is distributed throughout the EASA network 7.- Logo on application forms, and emails sent in bulk to all participants, before and after the event, with link to the sponsor’s website. 8.- easa011 will distribute any sponsor promotional material to all participants (rulers, usb keys, key rings, etc). 9.- easa011 will distribute any informative booklet / leaflet about sponsor in every participants Welcome Pack. 10.- Advertising posters and banners at the lectures, workshops and cultural events (concerts, exhibitions, projections) areas during the whole length of the Assembly. 11.- Sponsor’s product / activities presentation in the form of advertising spot before key presentations. 12.- Logo displayed on the closing credits roll for the easa011 documentary.

Makita y DeWALT, some of the sponsors for tools to easa010 y easa007

Gold Sponsor


The contribution can be made either in cash or in kind. Gold sponsor status affords a high level of visibility to professionals and students coming from all over the continent. While not at the level of Principal Sponsor, becoming a Major Sponsor also provides several benefits. Benefits: 1.- Logo on the easa011 website 2.- An article in our distributed newsletter 3.- Logo in the easa programme distributed to all participants. 4.- One page advertisement in the Final Report which assembles the conclusion of the Assembly and is distributed throughout the EASA network. 5.- easa011 will distribute any sponsor promotional material to all participants (rulers, usb keys, key rings, etc). 6.- Advertising posters and banners at the lectures, workshops and cultural events (concerts, exhibitions, projections, etc.) areas at all times during the Assembly. 7.- easa011 will distribute informative booklet / leaflet about sponsor in every participants Welcome Pack.

PERI & HP, easa006 sponsors

Silver Sponsor


The contribution can be made either in cash or in kind. Silver sponsorship represents an important promotional opportunity inside the event contributing with a small amount. This sponsorship category allows the contributor to positionate itself inside one of the three most visible sponsorship groups in the Assembly. Benefits: 1.- Logo on the easa011 website 2.- Logo in the easa programme distributed to all participants 3.- Half page advertisement in the Final Report which assembles the conclusion of the Assembly and is distributed throughout the EASA network. 4.- easa011 will distribute any sponsor promotional material to all participants (rulers, usb keys, key rings, etc). 5.- easa011 will distribute informative booklet / leaflet about sponsor in every participants Welcome Pack.

Union of the Chambers of Cyprus Turkish Engineers and Architects & DIT university, contributors to incm008 & easa010

Basic Sponsor The different contributions can be made either in cash or in kind. In addition to Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsorship opportunities, there are a number of individual packages available for sponsorship. These represent an effective way to target a specific element within the Assembly’s broad appeal. Website Link - 500€ A clickable link to your website in our website. Promotional Material included in Welcome Pack - 500€ Leaflets / Brochures or items (rulers, usb keys, key rings, etc) Excursion 1000€ Mention in all realted material produced by easa011 and banner advertising during the day of the excursion. Wristband Sponsorship - 1500€ Your logo on all 400 wristbands worn by all for two weeks. On site banner advertising - 500€-2000€ (size depending) For either the main easa011 site or another of our sites in the city. Advert in final report 2 pages 1000€ 1 page - 500€ 1/2 page - 250€ The final report assembles the conclusion of the Assembly and is distributed throughout the network and architecture schools in Europe. Workshop - 2000€ Sponsor one of the selected workshops for easa011. Sponsoring will include promotion through media and publicity channels involved with your chosen workshop. Banner advertising and distribution of material is also included.

Boario water, one of the sponsors to easa009 Italy

Basic Sponsor (continued) Symposium - 1000-3000€ Banner advertising on the night and promotional literature. The symposium will gather some of the most relevant Spanish architects and professionals related the event and them of the Assembly. Competition workshops - 3000€ _ naming rights negotiable easa011 will announce a series of intenational workshops for the construction of some of the flagship workshops with a major visibility in the Assembly. The call for proposals will be open during the first months of 2011 through the EASA network and through the architectural media. Lecture/Demostration and Q&A session - 3000€ easa011 offers a unique opportunity of direct access to over 400 young professionals from all over the continent. Talking to them about your company/products allows face to face communication on an otherwise unreachable level. easaDAY 3000€ (exclusivity negotiable) Banner advertising on the easaDAY and promotional literature for exhibition locations. The final day of easa011 will see the climax of two weeks hard work from over 400 people. The work will be produced and exhibited around city centre locations by all 20-25 workshops. The event will be directly exposed to up to 100.000 people between citizens and tourists. This level of direct exposure to such a large audience is very rarely available anywhere, and will be a unique experince in the city this summer. As a sponsor you will share in our direct dialogue with the general public, and enjoy a level of access and reach unobtainable at most events.

Contacts More infomation Address EASA Spain ETS de arquitectura de Valencia UPV, Camino de la Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (España) Phone +34 620304618 (Francisco) +34 667623965 (Jesús) Web

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