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Selected workshops

[d] LUX

Jonny Curtis (UK) / Zahra Taleifeh (UK) The aim of the workshop is to investigate how the boundaries of the physical can be blurred by construction non-physical entities to alter ones visual perception of tangible space. This would be done by deconstructing ([d]) a given spaces resulting in a hyper-real experience of spatially unreal masses using low energy laser beams of light (Lux). Participants would initially engage in various experimental spatial studies in the form of maquettes, challenging their perceptions of what constitutes mass and void within the limitations of a generic room. Individually or in small groups, participants would formalise their own design proposal of hyper-real spatial forms culminating in a finalised group instalations.


Santa Catalina. One of the lower exhibition rooms + EASAsite


Kieran Donellan (IE) / Garrah Breathnach (IE) Avanzada is a constructive workshop concerned with the reinterpretation of the Spanish for typology and of traditional boatmaking craft. Our A1 poster shows sample visualisations but we want the actual result to be process-driven. The tutors will conduct a research into our selected topics and prepare a comprehensive document. This will also include trial designs that will act as case-studies during the EASA. During the event, we will also show our research to the participants and come to a concensus on each of the workshop aspects: 1_We conduct site visites and choose the best following a discussion. This site visit will be both by land and boat!; 2_We discuss the many fort typologies and choose which we wish to explore and how; 3_Using sample details developed beforehand by the tutors, we plan the construction with the participants; 4_We build the pavillion in groups of 4 or 5 people in order to teach skills on a more personal basis. Some experienced participants will become assistant tutors for this process.


Option 1: Residence Gardens. Cadiz City Center Option 2: Genovese Park Option 3: Crusiers Terminal


Natalja Dozdeva (LV) / Zakhar Bogdalov (LV) / / Antonina Bogdalova (LV) CADIZign is an experimental workshop, combining both theoretical lectures, discussions and practice in graphic illustration, focusing on infographics. This is a collaboration between urban planers and graphic designers. The main goal is to apply computer aided design illustrations to portray the strategical architectural development of the city. As a result we’ll produce alternative Cadiz city development strategy booklet, based on supernatural scenario in year 2042. We’ll explore the problems and demands of the city, supernaturaly increase them, deconstruct the existing situation with experimental architectural solutions and document the whole process in diagrams, schems and collages.


Fomento Building+Computers space


Pavle Stamenovic (RS) / Jelena Mitrovic (RS) / / Davor Eres (RS) / We make clouds. The aim is to explore possibilities of ambivalent conditions by producing ephemeral structures. The workshop is structured through three topics which refer to different types of surfaces / the city, the sea and the beach. The shadow is seen as literal (a shape), phenomenal (blur) and pragmatic (a sun shade). Working method is producing ephemeral floating structures which will create specific conditions. We expect the participants to be involved in the whole process- from developing the concept to building structures and documenting and exploring the effects. The expected outcome should be achieved on three levels: physical (objects); perceptive (shape and its projections – shadows – through which we question the notion of borders) and theoretical


EASA site+Different locations around city center


Miguel Setas (PT) / Karolina Konecka (PL) The workshop will focus on investigating masstourism as a phenomenon and life-style issue. What species are the coast-tourists? How do they behave? The aim of the workshop is to trace tourists’ ‘wildlife’ and analyze it, we want to interact with tourists and Cadiz coast landscape by making small-scale public space installations. The workshop will consist of 3 parts. First: short presentation about mass-tourism and on-site investigation in groups: mapping tourists ( by stalking, detective diary, photos, movies, sketches, cartoon, object samples) and collection of ‘object trouve’. Second part will be one- day urban actions in groups – we have prepared a few ideas ( balloon landscape/ rope street/ bringing beach to the city), but we hope to discuss them and shape them with the participants. The last part are temporal interactive installations conducted individually or in small groups. The tourists come for Cadiz, we come for tourists.


EASAsite interior


Pekka Ijas (FI) / Ville Mellin (FI) / Eero Alho (FI) CONCRETEconstruction is a workshop focusing deeply into concrete as a building material. In the workshop the participants will learn all comprehensive features for the use of concrete, from the most basic casting to steel-reinforced concrete, and both metal and plastic fibered concrete, as well as how to make graphic, coloured and patterned concrete objects using diversily shaped molds, pigments, surface retarders etc. In the workshop the goal is to cast designed, high quality objects in small groups around the sandy beaches of Cádiz. Wherease sand is the main ingredient (80%) of concrete, the obvious way to manufacture concrete along the coastlines is to use the local sand, in this case excactly in the beaches. The objects should serve the public with their functionality and ingenuity, The tutors are all specialists in small scale concrete crafting, and have been educated in the usage of concrete as a part of their architectural degree studies in Aalto University.


EASAsite exterior+Different locations around city center


Ewa Szymczyk (PL) / Gosia Spasiewicz (PL) The workshop is the common creation of a physical space constantly changing in time. The Emerging Space workshop is the attempt to answer the questions about the Cadiz future and possible ways of its development . As we think, the best ways of learning are the action and dialog. We will try to generate a new quality in a selected spot in Cadiz together with its citizens, and see what this encounter brings. The means to achieve it will be experimental installations created in the limited space. Temporary structures, deprived of the burden of long lasting consequence and easily changeable, encourage to daring experiments in which brilliant new ideas may occur. The main building materials will be local and lent – grape harvest cranes or pallets and bags. The








-Part 1. NEGOTIATing -Part 2. TRANSFORMing -Part 3. BUILDing


EASA site interior+Different locations around city center


Tinatin Gurgenidze (GE) / Martin Michette (UK) / / Alkistis Thomidou (GR) / Tobias Schmitt (DE) Our vision is to guide the participants in the design and realisation of a kinetic structure, which by interacting with the wind reminds us of the value and power of the coast’s natural resource in the face of commercially driven speculation. We will use the language of kites as a starting point, tying the sky to the beach. After spending the first few days acclimatising in small groups by observing, cataloging and experimenting with basic designs and prototypes, protokites and small kinetic models, we will together develop a more complex approach with the aim of producing a large group intervention. Through this process we hope to investigate and reaffirm the traditional image of the beach and the symbolism associated with it. The final intervention will be LA COMETA, no longer a classical kite but a new star in the sky over Cadiz. She will carry an important message for the city, she will call out for the messiah with the silent cry of the wind

Thirty-three winters passed since last they saw the true face of the sun, and the gentle folk of Andalucia became restless for reasons they cared not to understand. Their land became flat with the heavy footsteps of concrete giants, as they lazily settled on stolen land. Their view of the blue horizon became obscured by the greedy spread of geometry and artifact, brothers from distant cities who saw only money where others saw beauty. Metal birds fell from the sky and spat out the grotesque followers of the false gods of profit, whilst the false prophets of good sang the praises of three week summer holidays within thirty metres of your hotel, waking up with sunset-red skin every morning, and watching the tequila sunrise sinking every evening. The once empty sands that broke the gentle waves, messengers from the west, became filled with naked flesh and the stench of consumption, flooded by a new tide that came from the land, rather than the sea. Blocked on all sides from their natural escape, refused their freedom to sit at the mercy of the elements, the sands became saturated and withered to dirt. Glorious pasts, sepia-tinted honeymoons, the golden age of moustaches and girls riding ponies, elegant ladies sitting in the surf in their best sunday dress, and boys trying to fly kites made of newspaper, are but a distant memory in the postcards by the ice cream stand, to be laughed at through a filter of rayban and cheap sol beer. As the sweaty day passed into the balmy night the sounds of eurotrash drowned out the calm sea, lasers pierced the sky and the burnt flesh moved into the streets, numbing the pain of twelve hours of wicked sun by dowsing themselves in alcohol. Toxic liquids sold to them at the corners of sin by the same smiling faces that once welcomed the quick dollar of rampant change, their grins frozen by a generation of forced happiness. With the spark of swift love – the kind that climaxes two weeks later when a forgotten message, a garbled intention of the ever-lasting, is found on a cell-phone screen by the curious better half – the flesh becomes one and is set alight in a blaze of devilish glory. Armageddon is complete, only to choke on the vomit of the morning after, when the bodily fluids of the forsaken, the worshippers of this sorry theatre, flood the streets and hotel rooms, the night clubs and taxis of a city banished to limbo, to be cleaned by the servants of this fallen angel, ready to start the charade afresh, for what can only seem like an infinite eternity. One day a calm will rise above this chaos. She will be pure in strength and simple in form, pulling away the facade of concrete with a gentle ease to remind those who forgot they forgot of what they may once have had. She will move swiftly through the sky, but hold the eye of those who dare gaze at her, passing by in a direction foretold many legends ago by men who knew nothing but feared everything. Her face will shine with the brightness of a new star, eclipsing the darkness of this modern Gomarragh. Her tail will lift the hearts of those who dare to dream, and she will carry a message that everyone will understand, even if they cannot know it‘s meaning. People will talk in hushed voices and the false prophets will cover their heads in anguish, sinking to the ground as they see hope return and an ancient strand of destiny reappear. She will call out for the messiah with the silent cry of the wind. She will be known as...


EASA site+Different locations around city center EASA_011




Frederik De Smedt (BE) / Alexander – M. Bauer (BE) / / C. Alper Derinbogaz (TR) We propose to build a pavilion for the 200 year anniversary of the writing of the Spanish Constitution which will be celebrated in Cádiz throughout 2012. A versatile pavilion where information can be handed out to domestic and foreign tourists, where guests can be received, where people can hang out, where music can be played, from which you can oversee the city… Balconies and the periscope tower add new vistas to the experience of the visitor: he can detach himself from the castle walls and observe the neighborhood; he can look further than before. He will be protected from the sun but later admire its setting in the sea. We chose the stronghold of Santa Catalina as the site location, not only because of the symbolic value behind it but also because it provides a beautiful panorama on the Caleta bay area with its beach & boardwalk and on the San Sebastian castle. The pavilion will also be visible from the neighborhood street level, turning it into a landmark


Santa Catalina exterior


Roland Dániel Németh (HU) / Anett Farkas (HU) The aim of the workshop is to create a woven mat, which can be applied as a tool of social connection. The intricately woven elastic rubber plane can take many forms, defining more traditional spaces – pergola covered yards, sunshades at the beach, market or grocery store roofs – or adapting to more recent needs – taking the form of festivity tent, party arena, café etc. We will use strips of bicycle tires to create the parasol structure, which will be supported by nearby structures (buildings, walls and other infrastructure), sometimes touching the ground, etc...The pavilion will change its place. We will use the elastic properties of the rubber stripes to change the form of the structure; parts of the mat with more densely woven stripes will be less elastic, parts with less density will be more elastic. The use of recycled plastic stripes will enable us to restructure the surface tensions, according to the to the form of the new function. The pavilion will house a number of different interventions throughout the city. The last 4 days of the workshop are dedicated to holding performances throughout Cadiz (coffee on the less frequented squares, party – tent on the beach) and adapting the prototype mat to the new uses. courage its public use besides transportation.





EASAsite exterior+Different locations city center


Carlos Ferrandis Guillén (ES) / Gerko Kolbach (NL) / / G. Beaudin (US) Cádiz is known worldwide for its watchtowers. They are witness to the trade and prosperity which the city experienced in the 18th century. The more sophisticated a tool gets, the more difficult to understand its basic working principles. Nowadays there are perfect tools to forget how to take a picture. Technology helps to create terrific images but it also prevents from understanding the basic principles of optics and fixing images on a paper. We cannot take pictures anymore without resisting to take a glance to the 2 inch screen. Classic photography with all its middle chemical steps is used to reflect about the speed at which the image of the city is produced nowadays. Our brain translates what our eyes and retina capture. What is the real essence of a place? Can it be fixed on a paper/screen? Can it be fixed at all? Our tool will be the camera: camera obscura / pinhole camera / analog reflex camera /etc... We will be shooting, we will be printing. We will experiment and we will discuss. We will learn about the backgrounds as well as from each other. Our images take a while.

• paranoid tourism •




EASAsite interior


La Femme visible (1930) Salvador Dalí I believe that the moment is at hand when by a paranoid and active advance of the mind, it will be possible to systematize confusion and thus help to discredit completely the world of reality

C a r l o s Fe r r a n d i s G u i l l é n G e r c o Ko l b a ch G. Beaudin


Small, Medium, Large, Extra-Large (1995) Rem Koolhaas and Bruce Mau The generic City 1.2 To the extent that identity is derived from physical substance, from the historical, from context, from the real, we somehow cannot imagine that anything contemporary -made by uscontributes to it. But the fact that human growth is exponential implies that the past will at some point become too “small” to be inhabited and shared by those alive. We ourselves exhaust it. To the extent that history finds its deposit in architecture, present human quantities will inevitably burst and deplete previous substance. Identity conceived as this form of sharing the part is a losing proposition: not only is there – in a stable model of continuous population expansion – proportionally less and less to share, but history also has an invidious half-life- as it is more abused, it becomes less significant – to the point where its diminishing hand-outs become insulting. This thinning is exacerbated by the constantly increasing mass of tourists, an avalanche that, in a perpetual quest for “character”, grinds successful identities down to meaningless dust.

a critical method to discover authentic souvenirs

Delirious New York (1984, new edition) Koolhaas As the name suggests, Dalí's ParanoidCritical Method is a sequence of two consecutive but discrete operations: 1. the synthetic reproduction of the paranoiac's way of seeing the world in a new light – with its rich harvest of unsuspected correspondences, analogies and patterns; and 2. the compression of these gaseous speculations to a critical point where they achieve the density of fact: the critical part of the method consists of the fabrication of objectifying “souvenirs” of the paranoid tourism, of concrete evidence that brings the “discoveries” of those excursions back to the rest of mankind, ideally in forms as obvious and undeniable as snapshots.




DISCOVERY The production of Space (1974) Henri Lefebvre


• wo r k s h o p p r o p o s a l •

A moment comes when people in general leave the space of consumption, with the space of production, and with the space of capital accumulation, with the space of production, and with the space that is produced; this is the space of the market, the space through which flows follow their paths, the space which the state controls – a space, therefore, that is strictly quantified. When people leave this space, they move towards the consumption of space (an unproductive form of consumption). This moment is the moment of departures – the moment of people's holidays, formerly a contingent but now a necessary moment. When this moment arrives, `people`demand a qualitive space. The qualities they seek have names: sun, snow, sea.

Sous le pavé , la plage (under the pavement, beach) Mai'68 Situationist Internation





d e C OA ST r u c t i o n


Ivan Grcic (RS) / Nikola Grabacic (RS/UK) / / Predrag Apostolidis (RS) The concept and the aim of this workshop are based on reconfiguring the traditional insight and the consumer perspective of the coast line use, by artificially changing the isohypse of the land, keeping in mind the concept of „decoastruction“. Focusing on the coast line, Sandsation will take place at the beach itself, observing the impact of wind and water on the sand, as an ever lasting, ever changing natural process. We shall conduct series of experiments, artificially extending, deforming, reconstructing and shape shifting parts of the beach, in order to test the limits of it’s potentials. In this attempt, we exploit sand as an affordable and vastly accessible, natural material, with regard to it’s possible multi-functionality. On the other hand, the substructures of the newly created forms will be made out of cheap and attainable materials like scotch tape, in order to reconcile the two competing entities: ecological awerness and consumerism.



EASAsite exterior+Beach Locations




We need: low tech materials

2 x Solar Panel:

2 x Wind Mill:

- transparent glass 3mm: dim.

- PVC plastic pipe: 1 m;

160 x 80 cm;

used: old pipes of every kinds...

used: old windows, windshield...

- rope: 10 m;

- tank (100lt);

used: old ropes or cables...

used: old boxes...

- Car Battery and Rele;

- plastic or wood (panel case):

- metalic pipes: 3 m;

dim. 200 x 120 cm;

used: old kinds of metalics pipes...

used: electric case, old boxes...

- 4 nails picks;

- plumbing (copper o plastic):

used: big nails or metalic pipes

20 m + 25 joints;

- electric componets.

SMART ENERGY COASTRUCTION Paolo Maselli (IT) / Alper Kurbak (TR) / Urtza Uriarte (ES) / José Ballesteros López (ES)

used: every kinds of pipes... - thermal insulation (rockwool o


polystyrene): 2,5 m²;

- Saw to cut plastic, wood, metals;

used: old insulation, wool pull-

- 50 nails / screws;


- 20 L iron joints;

- rubber band: 10m;

- 2 battery screwdrive;

- water (drinking or not);

- 1 hammer;

- black paint: 3 lt;

- 4 silicon cans;

- whells (optional);

- 1 bridle;

- thermometer (optional).

- 2 brush; - 1 plier.

We do: 1 study, 2 design, 3 built, 4 use!

We make: 2 original solar collectors + 2 different windmills

The workshop aims is to research, design and build up solar collector and windmill, two easy tools to use renewable energy. The first step is to show what the subject covers, how to make it up and work, functionalities of other kinds clean energy generator and different developments. Next step is to let the creativities of the participants to design two originals solar collector and two kinds of windmills. We plan to split in four groups of five students each and follow them, comment and discuss till to come to a final project. Final step will be to find the materials, work, assemble and use it! When the workshop will be finished, all EASA people can use it and then we can give it to the council or other entities that will help us.

SEC1_Smart Energy COASTruction Location Don Quijote: Ehy, what’s that! Sancho, we have a new kind of enemy!? Sancho Panza: Don’t worry boss, this is EASA! Them are just innovating the windmill tradition to use a free energy!

Participant: Finally we can have a hot shower! Dinosaur: When I was young in EASA there was just cold water!! Tutor: and this is just for free! This is the sun power, a renowable energy! Organizer: yes, this will be great if each COASTruction could have one!

EASAsite exterior

Tutor: Anybody want to recharge the mobile? Participant: Yes me! The EASA jacks are always full! Dinosaur: In my first EASA nobody had a cellular Organizer: When EASA will be finish we can give this to the city council!

Tutors: Partecipants: Supports:

Paolo Maselli (IT) Alper Kurbak (TR) Urtza Uriarte (ES) Jose Ballesteros (ES) 8 - 20 Rafael Serra_UPC Barcelona Tech - Department of Architectural Technology I Demet Irkli_ITU Istanbul Technical University - Department of Architectural Design


Julian Grossman (DE) / Malte Wittenberg (DE)

Small Interventions 011 Extreme Contextualism by Minimal Architecture

Para-Site the spacial experience

Process Goal of the workshop is the development and realisation of identity concentrators. These elements will give the inhabitants the possibility to extend and change their perception of specific spaces inside their city. For this purpose we will create small interventions, based on the group members visions of the places. The interventions shall be specific, usable, discrete, design and user orientated. They are based on the space chosen and on the personal story the participants develop; they will softly change the meaning of a space. The other parts of the workshop will be excursions inside the city forest, a discussion every morning and the work on the objects which will be put in place at the last days of easa.




Understand the identity of a place and build your object SPONSORPACK


The objects shall be useful, in a smooth, elaborated design. We do not want purely artistic or nonsense interventions but objects for every days life (examples from the previous workshops can be provided). The interventions to do shall be lowtech objects, easy for everyone to produce by themselves.




The purpose of the workshop is the design and one-to-one realisation of small but useful interventions (small objects), based on the group members’ vision of places inside the communal area. Goal is the transformation of public space into personalised space – to add new assets to a place and a new, personal layer which allows the inhabitants to adapt a place to their own story and to use a space different. The objects shall be created out of the story inside a spatial condition – the specific imprint a space has.


EASAsite interior+exterior+Different locations city center


Denis Adnet (BE) / Arnaud Kinnaer (BE) / Charly Fortis (FR) / Pierre-Luc Filion (CA) Construction of 3 elements able to offer a disconnection, for the tourist as well as the inhabitant: One box on the beach or in a busy part of the coast; 3,5m high, 4m large, 5m long, built with pallets. Within this box there is a volume of 2x2x3 where the visitors can take a seat and see the framed view of the sea without the beach and other people. // The second element is also a box, built with crates and straps, however covered inside with white isolation foam. The floor is equally covered with 40cm of foam flecks. The foam blocks the sounds off, creating a diffuse white luminosity and calls to mind, the idea of snow. // The third intervention is a forest of cardboard tubes, perceived in different colours according to the orientation of the spectator. This is a space of 5x10m where you can be “lost” for a second, although knowing that you are 2 meteres away from the city. -After building these 3 elements and fine tuning them we propose to build an inflatable transparent globe that incapsulates urban furniture. This object wants to put into evidence the duality and stereotype representations of the tourist/inhabitant relationship and the game of observing and being observed.









EASAsite exterior+Different locations city center+EASAsite patio+Economics University Patio


Hana Draskovic (RS) / Stefan Jovicic (RS) / Jurij Lozic (SI) Global trends in urban culture spread to the amount that nothing is any more outrageously taking our breath away. This year we will try to introduce something new. Through a fresh smell, fresh feeling, fresh speed, idea and easy handling of adhesive tapes, we will be street guerilla in persuit of the silhouette – the outline of the streets and public spaces of Cadiz. We will map, we will abstract and finally: we will STICK IT But let us return to the beginning – what exactly is a tape art? Tape art is also known as “sticky art”. Conventional brush and paint is replaced by masking tape. Tape art is more than just another stamp. It is not permanent for it can be easily removed. Our intention is not to leave an everlasting signature, but merely make a temporary point by tuning up or down what our trained eye notices. Tape art is more than just street art. Tape art works also as a means of communication. Simple and fun!


EASAsite interior+Different locations city center





Francisco García Triviño (ES) / Katerina Psegiannaki (GR) / Ricardo Paternina Soberón (ES) There are conflicts that due to traditions, protocol, or culture we have got to a point of not perceiving them. By habit we adjust ourselves to certain situations that we believe are logical, but if we could see them from another point of view, would not be. This phenomenon occurs in our daily lives, our relationships, our schools, jobs, houses, cities. Why is the orientation of classrooms usually frontal? Why are there so many street names of generals? Why roads are gray? Why don’t we have public sockets? What do these decisions mean, and why do we accept them without questioning or thinking about them? Do they meet our current needs? Our team wishes to reflect whether a change on these generally accepted convictions is possible, and what the change constitutes. Is the change always tangible or may it be a simple transformation of our perception of the facts?


EASAsite interior

James Brazil Cesar Daoud Brian Miller Natalija Boljsakov

URBAN BODY TRANS*PLANT * trans [from Latin trāns across, through, beyond]

newOrion New Orion (Aust) Developments Pty Ltd

THE BLURRY LINE The massive urbanization and densification created by tourism is creating a physical and psychological pressure on the coast line of Cadiz and Spain. The aim of this workshop is to question the boundaries and the characteristics of this line - what defines it?, could it be extended, to take off the pressure?,, could it be blurred? Is the urban condition finally some sort of prison that we need to escape? ...Where is the limit?


At the beginning of the workshop, the students will be divided in groups of 3-5 people. The work will consist in a series of public space performances in different city sites, and at different hours, in a manner of a quick construction or delimitation of a parasite space that will somehow affect the host space. This performances will have as a target a study of the contrasts of the city by transplanting and mixing up its "body" pieces: the old/new, sea/land, linhabitante/site, plaza/ways... through the idea of cohabitation ....How are the spatial,psychological and statutory limits of these opposites expressed and defined?

preliminary performance in situ “tracking the dead zones” - Paris 2006 short movie: “wire” 9’ - dy César DAOUD


Different preconceived kit-tools will be given to each group, that will help them to “draw” their performative space: ropes, fabrics, LED light stripes, sand, pre-fabricated doors with a modular construction system.

CONCLUSIONS The second part of the workshop will consist in analyzing the results of these performances and making conclusions that will take shape in a final instalation that will summarize the whole experience for the final exhibition of the workshop.

The final installation will be a final “performative construction”. A playground will be created, where each project will be plugged. It will be made with the same tools given at the beginning. This playground will be the place of interactions, offered to the public, a space to co-habitate with. It will symbolically take place inside of the old prison (Santa Catalina Stronghold).




Natalja Boljsakov (RS) / James Brazil (AU) / / Cesar Daoud (LB/FR) At the beginning of the workshop, the students will be divided in groups of 3-5 people. The work will consist in a series of public space performances in different city sites, and at different hours. In a manner of a quick construction or delimitation of a parasite space, that will somehow affect the host space, the transplant. –For this purpose, different preconceived toolkits will be given to each group (ropes, fabrics, LED lights, pre-fabricated doors with its own modular construction system) to begin this dialogue between the body and the urban fabric- immediately transplanting parts of the city through performance/installation. –The second part of the workshop will consist in analyzing the results of these performances. Making conclusions and evolving the performance through the workshop. –The final installation will be a final “performative construction”. A playground will be created in the site of the jail. each project study will be plugged in this playground. this installation, as final presentation, will be the occasion to offer a space of interaction to the visitors; a space to co-habitate have a backup, working mat-version to be realized should the participants have trouble finding a realizable mat layout.


EASAsite interior+Santa Catalina(last day)+City Center

easa workshops EASA_011




Teambuilding & concept


Darkroom: getting to know each other in perfect darkness

LECTURE 1 recording basics, microphones

WANNA PLAY? first steps: experimenting with voice, sound, recording

HEAR IT? exposure: presenting the experiments, getting feedback


We 27

theory of sound / the voice / recording I / journalism I

LECTURE 5 contentual concepts


team building: gathering around common interests


easa fm

aproaching program: conceptual development of a radioshow


radio in film: good morning vietnam, the boat that rocked,...

Th 28

recording II / editing / journalism II


aproaching program: conceptual development of emmisions


exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback


radio in film: good morning vietnam, the boat that rocked,...



breath the night crying grandmother typewriter timide laughing

destruction of a building

pavle stamenkovic

breaking waves

catarpilar the loudest sound you can find in cadiz

swedish, italian and serbian laughing


By analyzing existing radio emssion concepts we understand the basic principials of the medium. In the next step we team around them. Then the concepts are to be deconstructed and redeveloped to function in the special situation of our EASA community.

Simple Talk: 1 to 2 min, live; what music. what time, what event whatever; where? who? why? welcoming the people to the radioday

The music: max. 3min, from record; transporting a welcoming positive mood, light but not easy, energetic, like caribou, devendra banhart,...

Information: max. 2 min, recorded; a message from the organizers

Teaser: max 30 seconds per teaser; what‘s happening during the radioday? previews, teaser, audiotrailers,...


exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback


first steps: production of sample clips, does my concept work?

ALMOST ON AIR preparation: presenting the first results, getting feedback


Sa 30

individual tutoring for every team


going on air / recording / editing

HEAR IT? exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback PRODUCTION

first steps: production of sample clips, does my concept work?


Su 31

individual tutoring for every team


going on air / recording / editing


exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback


going on air / recording / editing

Mo 1



In a playful and experimental way we will discover the medium radio and develope special emission concepts to function within the EASA community.

individual tutoring for every team


first steps: production of sample clips, does my concept work?


As participation is key we are trying to develope a framework that allows maxium freedom and experiment by respecting the core of what makes EASA. An overview:


Fr 29



first steps: production of sample clips, does my concept work?

a workshop as a social experiment





Tu 26


From 4 to 6 we will send you with our music into fantastic dream worlds.


Good morning EASA will be our informativ, happy with creativ jingles and good music radio show, for the perfect start in the EASA day. Every day another team will provide with their best morning voice a fine equipped show. Workshop radio will bring the latest trends of the easas workshops. good music will motivate the brave easa workers. Energy will be floating through the speakers directly into your ears.

waking up: good mood music, information for the day

12 14 16

WORKSHOP RADIO lets move: energetic and motivating music, little talking

SIESTA SIESTA bonne appetit: relaxed music, little interviews, stories

WORKSHOP RADIO lets move: even more: energetic and motivating music

18 20

DINNER ME! music even better than the food:





Delicious music for hungry stomachs that is siesta siesta. short stories about live and the whole wide world will make your food even more tasty. The afternoon workshop radio, now we need the power! So one more time the music will blast your ear and your body will work to the perfect beats of workshopradio. Having dinner with your favourite radio station. Good talking, workshop interviews, latest news what happend during the day and what will happen during hot spanish nights. The space for ideas. Live concerts in our radiolounge they will be provided for everyones ear, its a possibility to connect with easa‘s music talents and cadiz music bands Hot music mixes will enter your body and move to the dancefloor. So turn up the volume!

We understand this station as a platform. A platform for everybody who wants to share something personal with the EASA community. A place for personal emotions and ideas. A place to exchange. Everyone is invited to design the stations identity, everyone is invited to put something on air. We put a lot of effort and thought into the conception of a system, as open and non-determined as possible that allows people to participate and collaborate.

individual tutoring for every team

HEAR IT? exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback We 3


individual tutoring for every team


going on air / recording / editing


exposure: presenting the first results, getting feedback


For your information this is only a suggested concept! The participants will design and create the radioprogram as described above!


Our basic aim is not only to set up a radio station but to gather a community that brings it to live.


going on air / recording / editing


06 08

Clemens Conditt (AT) / Thomas Klein (AT) / / Jakob Braun (DE)


Tu 2




02 Party

easa fm _ A workshop proposal by Clemens Conditt, Thomas Klein, Jakob Braun, Verena Theil // +43 699 1907 1505

In order most of the emissions will be created by our workshop members under the supportive guidance of our tutoring team. In the conception phase we will encourage our team to develope emissions that are strongly related to the EASA community, creating a strong dialogue between the medium and its listeners. Every Easian though is invited to join us in the studio at any time – maybe with a mixtape from your country’s music or just to drop a short message for the EASA community.


EASAsite interior


Andreas Nordström (SE) EASA.TV is about EASAs participants, tutors, helpers, organizers, friends, family and guests. EASA.TV is about the context, the theme and the country. EASA.TV is about EASA. EASA.TV tries to cover as much of the assembly as possible and the material is then edited, screened on site at the assembly and uploaded to YouTube. The participants will learn how to plan episodes, write scripts, draw storyboards, record with DSLR cameras and edit and export with software such as Premier Pro and Final Cut. But most of all they will get the chance to document the very essence of EASA, the EASA spirit.


EASAsite interior


Ümit Mesci (TR) / Zeynep Bacinoglu (TR) / / Stef Bogaerds (NL) / Tomas Dirrix (NL) / / Marten Dashorst (NL) The easa011 organising team has decided to accept two received proposals related to the culinary art by joining them into one single workshop where all the 5 tutors work together. The tutors will be contacted soon to set up the joint workshop.


EASAsite Kitchen


Yvonne Michel (CH) / Alex Maxwell (UK) UMBRELLA has been the longest existing EASA workshop, being there every summer and producing a newspaper with fresh news, experiences, insights every day during a Summer Assembly. The printed paper consists interviews, workshop reviews, daily routine examining, presenting participants, organizers and tutors, and of course the fun part – party flashbacks, galleries, gossip. We will include some lectures for our participants, and anybody else, on writing for print, a successful article, and publication design so that everybody is involved and to ensure quality. We want to introduce RADIOeasa which will probably be formed of a series of podcasts and get people involved in recording, mixing, of voice news. We want to induce a discussion about the issues facing us as young architects, the movements in architecture that we affect, and that effect us.


EASAsite interior


Marko Vukovic (RS) / Milos Zivkovic (RS) / / Janko Tadic (RS) The main goal of the workshop is to transform the everyday environment into a creative interactive space using VJ-ing (video jockey) in combination with everyday party. The main goal is to have an everyday (or at least every two days) presentational workshop which will contribute to the flow and the atmosphere of the event by making sure that everything is set up and animating the spaces by video/photography/light installations. We as tutors are offering our architectural knowledge and experience as logistics in organizing and setting up the space of accommodation as much as any space that will be used during the event. Our vision is that this workshop will work as a part of the organization responsible for activating everyone on EASA, wherever they are so it is in our interest that every space gets prepared for the function it is supposed to accommodate since wi will be intervening in it. The main goal is to activate a side of the “on the go” creativity in our participants and have fun while doing it…


EASAsite interior


Chris Maloney (UK) / Donnchadha Gallagher (IE) Part one (tide comes in) Starting with the deconstruction of every day objects [shipping pallets, sofas, discarded objects] the workshop will engage with questions raised from Cedric Price onwards about reexamining the issue of permanence and consumer culture. The participants will then use the component part to produce objects of varying scales to be used throughout the EASA site. The deconstruction will be supervised to be almost surgeon like, the emphasis to extract the components in an undamaged form, rather than a smash and grab. Part two (tide goes out) The workshop will work on a deeper meaning of deconstruction. Throughout part one a lot of time will be focused on identifying the processes, routines and rituals of EASA. This will enable the participants to construct useful, considered and relevant interventions, but it will also feed into deconstructing EASA. Just as with the physical objects in part one, the participants will deconstruct our workshop and re-configure it in a new form.


EASAsite interior

pending workshops


Lukas Lenher (CH) / Leopold Banchini (CH) / Noura Al-Sayeh (FR) /

50 hours later...

A Worshop presented by Noura Al Sayeh, Lukas Lenherr and Leopold banchini

The workshop will be an examination and exploration into the theme of ‘an architecture of survival’an exploration into the architecture of the necessary. The workshop will be structured in two different parts. During the first leg of the workshop, participants will work towards the construction of a self-sufficient floating raft/ platform structure. This structure, much like a modern day Noah’s Ark, echoes the unfortunate fate of many migration movements towards Cadiz, one of the gateways to Europe. Evidently, this structure will need to accommodate only the necessary and will be constructed primarily out of scavenged and recycled materials found in and around the peripheries of the city. The second part of the workshop is a double fold documentation exercise. On the one hand, it is a documentation through several mediums of the survival experience, and of the adequacy of the structure to meet the participants’ basic needs. On the other hand, the relative distance and isolation, offered by the device, gives a change of viewpoint towards the shore- one that is rarely considered when thinking and planning the coast. It gives the participants, the opportunity to have a voyeuristic look on the users of the coast, enabling them to evolve their understanding of this public space.


Close to the Beach


Jeroen Jonckheere (BE) / Marie Vanderghote (BE) / / Hanne Vermeiren (BE ) / Jose Alfonso Ortiz (CHL) Nowadays sustainable buildings are a hot topic. Even the internet has a lot of ‘do it yourself’s for building a self sustainable house. We wondered if it really is that easy... As a challenge we want to realize one in two weeks with our participants, using a sea-container as a starting point. We would like to present an easy-made and quick solution. This contains an advanced design for creating a favorable atmosphere inside, the provision for water and electricity. Therefore we need to install a rainwater harvesting system, exploit solar and wind-energy and find an interesting way to insulate the container depending on the environment. We realize this is a big challenge, but we are convinced this makes the project even more interesting and all of us are sure that the participants will have an instructive two weeks, by making and learning more about self sustaining systems.


Option 1: EASA Site Option 2: Port

CREDITOS: Fotografía: Sándor Lilienberg Bojana Boranieva Leyla Ibrahimova Piotr Maciaszek Roland Dániel Németh Diseño: Javier Díaz Garrido Texto: Francisco J. Rodríguez Perez Jesús Díaz Osuna Edición: Jesús Díaz Osuna

CONTACTO EASA Spain ETS de arquitectura de Valencia UPV, Camino de la Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (España) m:+34 620 304 618 (Francisco) m:+34 667 623 965 (Jesús) e:

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