easa011 bulletin #003

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Dec. 2010

e: info@easa011.es w: www.easa011.es

This is the easa011 bulletin. In it you will find all the information and news related to the XXXIst European Architecture Students Assembly and to the forthcoming events that will be organized on the months previous to the summer Assembly.

Dear easians, Last 19th December we released the easa011 Tutorpack. The tutorpack is a basic guideline containing information about EASA itself, the theme for the following Assembly, the cultural and geographical frames and the instructions for submitting a successful proposal. We believe that the whole text, divided in clear sections, provides a basic and easyto-read document with all the necessary information a tutor should know before starting a workshop proposal. In addition, further information is provided through the ‘Bibliography’ section. However we understand certain workshop proposals could need further information regarding location, the theme or cultural backgrounds. If this is your particular case, contact us! We will be happy to help you in your research. Another one of the points we feel is important to remark is ‘Interaction’. We are working on this issue from different perspectives, and one of them is encouraging tutors to work in the city. A wide list of places is given in the document and organisers will work with the future tutors to get the perfect location for each one of them. Happy Christmas, hope to see many of you in Porto for New Year’s Eve and good luck!


IN THIS ISSUE · the easa011 tutorpack is out · upcoming events · deCOASTruction · a pinch of history · easa011 updates SPONSORS


Months previous to easa011 Sponsorship collaboration deCOASTruction symposium

· participate!



UPCOMING EVENTS easaDAY Where? All around Europe (The organising cities and places will be communicated in the following issues) When? Friday 28th January 2011. This year, for the first time in the history of EASA, a Europe-wide simultaneous event will take place in every European country with the aim of promoting EASA. The events will be run by the EASA network and the revenues will directly go to easa011. If you are an NC, let us know time and place and we will upload all the info at www.easa011.es/easaday/

New Year’s Eve Celebration in Porto Where? Porto When? From 27th Dec. until 2nd Jan. The Portuguese NCs have prepared a series of activities for the last week of December: a workhop, visits and other events with local taste. Some people are arriving through Madrid and then driving there. If that is your case, there might still be free places in the car. Contact any of the easa011 organising team to get more info.

deCOASTruction Destruction at all co(a)sts Greenpeace report 2008 In Cadiz, as well as in the neighboring town of Huelva, urban planning and infrastructure have been primed in the last decade with the stretches of coast that had survived relatively isolated from the construction boom. Sadly, during the last decade the Cadiz coast has starred a long list of irregularities, urban sprawl over its territory associated in most of cases with urban corruption. For instance, Chiclana, in 2007, overpassed Marbella in number of illegal housing construction (40,000). In Chipiona, the former mayor and three council members were charged with illegal licensing of public land. Urban pressure on the Protected Natural Area of the Bay of Cadiz has shattered many of its wetlands. Municipalities such as Puerto de Santa Maria accumulate dozens of lawsuits against outlawed developments but, despite the lawsuit, the town has continued building development projects. Only in 2007, 28,000 new homes were projected. Furthermore, and in this bay, in 2009 the Supreme Court stopped the destruction of the Las Aletas marshes in Puerto Real, a project which had the approval of the State Board and the region of AndalucĂ­a, and Greenpeace began to report in 2006. That same year, the City of San Fernando allowed the construction of three 16-storey towers on La Caseria beach. Barbate has been urbanizing the Cape

Trafalgar for years and in 2009 the City Council of Vejer has resumed its historic plan to destroy El Palmar coast with the construction of a large resort. Between Tarifa and Zahara de los Atunes, year after year, coastal dunes and pine forests are getting destroyed, ruining large areas of virgin coast. The Atlanterra beach, in Zahara, has been welcoming more and more constructions. Indeed, in 2002 the Grand Atlanterra Hotel was demolished, fact that the former Minister of Environment, Jaume Matas, considered a milestone in the recovery of areas of maritime-terrestrial public domain. However, as Greenpeace denounced a decade ago, this measure was totally ineffective, since in 2006, 2,000 new homes and a golf course were projected in this beach.

A PINCH OF HISTORY Sherry Jerez has been a center of viniculture since wine-making was introduced to Spain by the Phoenicians in 1100 BC. The practice was carried on by the Romans when they took control of Iberia around 200 BC. The Moors conquered the region in AD 711 and introduced distillation, which led to the development of brandy and fortified wine. During the Moorish period, the town was called Sherish (a transliteration of the Arabic), from which both Sherry and Jerez are derived. Wines similar in style to sherry have traditionally been made in the city of Shiraz in midsouthern Iran, but it is thought unlikely that the name derives from there. In 1264 Alfonso X of Castile took the city and it was renamed Xeres. (Over time the spelling was adjusted to Xerez, and finally Jerez). From this point on, the production of Sherry and its export throughout Europe increased significantly. By the end of the 16th century, sherry had a reputation in Europe as the world’s finest wine. Christopher Columbus brought sherry on his voyage to the New World and when Ferdinand Magellan prepared to sail around the world in 1519, he spent more on Sherry than on weapons. Sherry wine became very popular in Great Britain, especially after Francis Drake sacked Cadiz in 1587. At that time Cadiz was one of the most important Spanish sea ports, and Spain was preparing an armada there to invade England. Among the spoils Drake brought back after destroying the fleet were 2,900 barrels of sherry that had been on shore waiting to be loaded aboard Spanish ships. This helped to popularize sherry in British Islands Because sherry was a major wine export to the United Kingdom, many English companies and styles developed. Many of the Jerez cellars were founded by British families. Wine and architecture have been over the last centuries two concepts closely relat-

ed to each other in the province of Cadiz. The wealth brought by wine trading made of cities as Jerez, a focus for the bourgeoisie. In this context many architects came to Jerez to build wineries for the main companies. People as Gustave Eiffel built an iron shell to provide shelther to specific barrels for one of the wine producers in the XIXth century and national architects as Eduardo Torroja did the same already in XXth century.

deCOASTruction symposium Last 16th December we organised at the Technical University of Valencia a symposium on the easa011 theme inviting 5 lecturers from different regions in Spain to explain the phenomenon of the massive construcction on the Spanish coast over the last decades. We feel very interesting issues were risen and many examples were given in order to illustrate what the scale of the coast destruction has been. Because of that we are preparing some extra material to accompaign the tutorpack as an extra apendix in the form of videos. As well a presentation of easa011 was made and many interested students showed up for that.

EASA011 UPDATES Months previous to easa011 Over the next months a series of events will take place in Valencia, Madrid and Seville. The idea comes from not having only a previous event in Madrid, but having different events, that can allow students to hear about EASA and get involved in it. These pre-easa011 events will take place during the spring and will consist on short series of lectures followed by a promotional party. They all will be properly announced in our website, and if you wish to come, let us know! Sponsorship collaboration Dear NCs, as talked during the INCM010, we want to encourage you to contact potential sponsors. We are finishing a list of already contacted companies so you can help out contacting others you may have connections with. As well, we will publish very soon the so awaited easa011 sponsorpack in German. Many thanks to Thomas and Franziska for that!

PARTICIPATE! Dear NCs, if you wish to collaborate in these monthly bulletins either with articles, pictures, etc. write to francisco. rodriguez@easa011.es an email with the subject ‘easa011 bulletin‘, an we will be happy to include it in the following issues.

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