MINI-DOC 002 Workshops (en)

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EASA [European Architecture Students Assembly] is an international architecture students network that collaborates with architects and investigates today’s architecture and the city. EASA is a platform for the exchange of ideas, experiences and thoughts, a starting point for interactions in the city. EASA was founded on 1981 when students of architecture from Liverpool invited fellow students from all over Europe to come, discuss and propose solutions to the problems that in the city had arised. The meeting gathered 300 students of architecture that constituted the first EASA. From that moment, students of architecture from Europe get together in a different point of the continent with the aim of exchanging ideas and points of view in architecture, and then discuss proposals to certain local demands.


easa011 Spain

23 jul. - 7 ago. 2011

Meeting during incm006 in Moscow

Support EASA Within the architectural realm of Spain, easa011 will be an event of massive scale with almost no precedent. Interest in the event is high, through both our own industry and the natural magnetism of the event itself. The assembly will be watched over with much interest from those not directly involved, and any association with the assembly will offer potential sponsors an opportunity at positive promotion amongst the architectural, construction and artistic societies in Spain. Ultimately EASA is always a very enjoyable event, always remembered fondly by all involved, and to get behind this assembly is to associate yourselves with positive memories amongst literally hundreds of future and budding professionals in what is a highly influencial professional body across Europe. As an organization we have been doing our utmost to promote awareness of the assmbly across the country. Presentations have and will be given to universities located all across the country. Our final exhibition, showcasing the fruits of the assembly as well as promotional information about the sponsors will travel the country. In the months after the event we will create our final report which will be sent out to national contacts in over forty countries, offering your company exposure to students all over Europe. easa011 has already been featured in local and national press. Furthermore, television, architectural press and newspapers will be covering the event in the future. As well a documentary will be produced to be projected in European universities and television, as it has been done over the past editions of EASA. Because of that, we would like to let you know the impact that sponsoring EASA has at a local, national and European level. The easa011 organizers.

Pavillion constructed at easa005, held in Switzerland

easa011 in Spain The organization of easa011, that will take place in the summer of 2011, is being carried out by a group of 10-20 people, students of architecture from diferent schools or architecture in Spain and young architects in coordination with professors interested in the event. Spain has been elected as the host country for the 2011 Assembly, after presenting the candidancy at the INCM [Intermediate National Contact Meeting] to an international committee composed by members of the organization from more than 40 European countries, in October 2009 in Liechtenstein. EASA Spain works from a long time ago with the support of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where it has its headquarters. easa011 will take place in two different cities: Madrid and Cadiz. Madrid will welcome all the participants for three days, and after a journey to Cadiz, all the workshops will take place there during the rest of the days of the assembly. The reason for the division of the event in two comes from the will of the organizing team to provide the participants with a wider understanding of the theme of the event. The theme deals with the deconfiguration of the natural landscape throughout the Spanish coast. However, we understand that the urban proliferation is a phenomena at a national level and because of that the first part will take place in Madrid. The stay in Madrid together with the visits on the way to Cadiz will allow the participants to get a wider picture of the aftermath of the massive urbanization that has taken place in Spain over the last decades. A similar easa format for the Assembly counts with very satisfactory experiences over the last editions, as easa008 celebrated in Dublin and Letterfrack or easa005 celebrated in Zurich and Bergun.

Work in progress. easa005, easa004 & easa009

Theme Every year, EASA takes place in a different city in Europe and the organizers select a relevant theme that will provide the connecting thread to guide all the acts during the Assembly. The theme also provides inspiration for the workshops and is reinforced along with lectures, excursions and events that will help to all the participants to deeply understand the context. For easa011, the Spanish organizing team has developed the theme under the name ‘deCOASTruction’. The made up word, although short, gathers in a simple way the theoretical and geographic principles we would like to deal with: the deconstruction in the coast. With this deconstruction in the coast we want to express and show in depth the participants coming from all around the continent the reality that takes place in our country. We want to provide an urban, architectonic and objective perspective about the development experienced in Spain after the 1960’s due to turism and the implementation of the welfare society in the country; and the consecuences that this fact has produced in our coasts. We understand ‘deconstruction in the coast‘ as an urban phenomenon with landscape consecuences. There has happened a deconfiguartin of the original land, by creating touristic centers infrastructurally dependent from other urban cores causing legal conflicts or, in the less of the cases, punctual developments with a special care towards the surroundints. Because of that, the workshops will be focused in this reality, providing theoretical and practical proposals performed by all the participants. However EASA will not start in the coast, but in Madrid. The reason for that comes by the will of the organizing team to show the participants a global perspective of the construction as a nationwide phenomenon. Through visits, lectures and meeting we will show the attendees the decisive facts that have lead to the urban changes experienced, and the participants will respond with punctual answeres to the specific demands of the city and land through the workshops.

Wooden and cane structures. Bridge (easa005) and temporary structure (easa009)

Workshops The workshops organize throughout the two-week-event constitute the central activity of the Assembly. Through them, proposals to certain local problems or necessities are drawn up; and in this process it is usual that some elements and constructions are produced to remain in the host city as an EASA footprint, always aiming for a dialogue with the them and the surroundings. This will be achieved in this edition through the 5 workshops group. With them we intend to provide a good understanding of the theme and surroundings a to the future tutors. This five divisions are proposed as principles or abstract conditions that eventually will push forward the creativity of tutors and participants. These five subdivisions are: -PARA-SITES: These workshops will deal with the concept of parasiting and its different form and scales. It is intended that some theoretical and constructive activities will arise, exposing exposing realities reflecting the assembly itself and the city. Moreover the double meaning of the word is aimed to encourage different understanings: parasites and para-sites -TRADITIONAL INNOVATIONS: This subtopic intends to encourage a fresh perspective to the concept of tradition and innovation, as a key concept for a logic and sustainable development. We aim this workshops to work on concepts as identity, tradition, culture evolution, gastronomy, traditional systems (irrigation channels, aqueducts, clay works), etc. -DELIRIOUS SPAIN: Paraphrasing one of the most influential XXth century architecture books, we want to count with workshops with a strong relation with Spanish traditions, that frequently are well known outside our borders. We propose some inputs to guide the thoughts we want to promote in this group: ways of living (timetables and habits), Marina d’Or, Spain as a melting pot of cultures, city as layers of history, decontextualiziation of cultural elements.

Interactive exhibitions with light (easa008), water pavillion (easa009), Luchbox (easa008) & Zauna (easa008)

Workshops (continued) -WORKING ON THE EDGE: We propose this category using the concept of limit coming from the geographic location of the event: limit of the peninsula, but also limit of Europe; a phisic and a psichologic limit that comes along with phenomenons that are inherent to the idea of urban and architectonic limits: expansion and contraction, horizontal and vertical limits, frontier, limit, coast, intersection, laws, etc -OCCUPATION: Inside this subtheme, we intend to gather everything linked to locating the Assembly in a precise place occupying a non permanet location. At the same time, we want to work in the city to detect deficits in it proposing solutions of reuse, habitation, openess to the city, temporary or spontaneous spaces, local actions or abbandoned buildings, etc.

Some of the constructions built during easa008, in Ireland

Competitions Over the last years, during the previous months to EASA, some architecture competitions have been released, related with the event’s them. The final decision is always taken by a pannel of architects, professors and EASA members. From all the received entries, the winner proposal is revised by a team of architects and is built during the Assembly. In easa011 Spain, with the objective of atracting bright students and young architects as tutors and to push forward the relation with the theme, we will open five contests. All of them in relation with each one of the Assembly subthemes.

Contacts More infomation Address EASA Spain ETS de arquitectura de Valencia UPV, Camino de la Vera s/n 46022 Valencia (España) Phone +34 620304618 (Francisco) +34 667623965 (Jesús) Web

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