easa011 bulletin #002

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Nov. 2010

e: info@easa011.es w: www.easa011.es

This is the easa011 bulletin. In it you will find all the information and news related to the XXXIst European Architecture Students Assembly and to the forthcoming events that will be organized on the months previous to the summer Assembly.

Thank you INCM010 organisers! All the easa011 organising team is very thankful to the INCM010 organisers for the fruitful talks held during the week and for all the feedback received in it.

As well we are very happy that our proposals to engage the network into a more active collaboration towards easa011 have been received with great enthusiasm. We believe that a successful event requires from your active participantion, so if you feel you still have any inputs, please let us know!

photo by: Aleksandra Poljanec

There are many issues that have been risen that will help us in a great manner to take future decisions during the following months.



easa011 Cadiz. Madrid part · thank you INCM010 organisers NCs collaboration For those who were not in incm010, · upcoming easa011 events easa011 raffle this bulletin summarises also some · deCOASTruction easa011 final presentations of the topics related to easa011 that · a pinch of history the Spanish Ministry of Culture were discussed there. · easa011 updates · participate!

That is all so far, easa011 organising team



deCOASTruction symposium Where? Polytechnic Architecture School of Valencia When? 16th December 2010. Time tbc.

On 2008 the MEP Margrete Auken prepared a resolution to be approved on the European Parliament for stopping the massive coastal urban developments. Here follows an extract of the text.

A symposium organized by EASA Spain will be held at the ETSAV of the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Five lecturers have been invited to present the state of the Spanish Mediterranean coast analyzing it and discussing solutions towards the last decades’ massive construction effect. easaDAY Where? All around Europe (The organising cities and places will be communicated in the following issues) When? Friday 28th January 2011.

Committee on Petitions Rapporteur: Margrete Auken MOTION FOR A EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT RESOLUTION on the impact of extensive urbanisation in Spain on individual rights of European citizens, on the environment and on the application of EU law, based upon petitions received (2008/2248(INI))

This year, for the first time in the history of EASA, a Europe-wide simultaneous event will take place in every European country with the aim of promoting EASA. The events will be run by the EASA network and the revenues will directly go to easa011. If you are an NC, let us know time and place and we will upload all the info at www.easa011.es

The European Parliament, [...] 1. Calls on the Government of Spain and of the regions concerned to carry out a thorough review and to revise all legislation affecting the rights of individual property owners as a result of massive urbanisation, in order to bring an end to the abuse of rights and obligations enshrined in the EC Treaty, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in the ECHR and in the relevant EU Directives, as well as in other conventions to which the EU is a party; 2. Calls on the Spanish authorities to abolish all legal forms that encourage speculation, such as urbanisation agents; 3. Considers that the competent regional authorities should suspend and review all new urbanisation plans which do not respect the strict criteria of environmental sustainability and social responsibility and which do not guarantee respect for the rightful ownership of legitimately acquired property, and to halt and cancel all existing developments where criteria laid down in EU law, notably as regards the award of urbanisation contracts and compliance with provisions relating to water and the environment, have not been respected or applied;

4. Requests the Spanish authorities to ensure that no administrative act that would oblige a citizen to cede legitimately acquired private property finds its legal base in a law which has been adopted after the date of construction of the property in question, since this would infringe the principle of non-retroactivity of administrative acts which is a general principle of Community law (see the judgment of the Court of Justice of 29 January 1985 in Case 234/83 Gesamthochschule Duisburg [1985] ECR 327) and would undermine guarantees affording citizens legal certainty, confidence and legitimate expectations of protection under EU law; 5. Calls on the Spanish authorities to develop a culture of transparency geared to informing citizens about soil management and fostering effective mechanisms for public information and participation; 6. Urges the Spanish Government to hold a public debate, with the participation of all administrative bodies, that would involve a rigorous study through the setting-up of a working committee on urban development in Spain and that would make it possible to take legislative measures against speculation and unsustainable development; 7. Urges the competent national and regional authorities to establish functioning judicial and administrative mechanisms, involving the regional ombudsmen, which are given the authority to provide ways of speeding up redress and compensation for victims of urbanisation abuse who have suffered as a result of the application of the provisions of existing legislation; Find the complete text on: http://www. europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc. do?pubRef=-//EP//TEXT+REPORT+A62009-0082+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN

A PINCH OF HISTORY Baelo Claudia Baelo Claudia is situated on the northern shore of the Straits of Gibraltar. The town was founded in the end of the 2nd century BC as a result of trade with North Africa (it was a major port for Tangiers, in Morocco, for example). It is possible that Baelo Claudia had some functions of governmental administration, but tuna fishing, salting, and the production of garum were the primary sources of wealth. [1] The city was eventually successful enough to be granted the title of municipium by Emperor Claudius. The life of the inhabitants reached its greatest splendor during the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD. In the middle of the 2nd century, however, the town declined, probably as a result of a major earthquake which wiped out a large part. In addition to such natural disasters, by the 3rd century, the town was beset by hordes of pirates, both Celtic and Barbary. Although it experienced a slight renaissance later in the century, by the 6th century, the town had been abandoned. Excavations have revealed the most comprehensive remains of a Roman town in the whole of the Iberian Peninsula, with extremely interesting monuments such as the basilica, theatre, market, and the temple of Isis. The spectacular setting in the Straits of Gibraltar National Park allows the visitor to see the coast of Morocco. A modern Visitor Centre, designed by Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra and completed in 2007, showcases many artefacts and has a comprehensive introduction to the site.

The archeological site of Baelo Claudia preserves the most representative elements of the typical Roman city. There is a circular protective wall, the main gate, administrative buildings like the curia (local senate), the public archive, the forum, the judicial building, a temple to the Egyptian goddess Isis, as well as temples to Juno, Jupiter, and Minerva. Each god has its own individual temple, instead of one temple dedicated to them collectively; the only other Roman town believed to have a similar arrangement is Sbeitla in Tunisia. In addition, there are remnants of stores, a market, baths, and a theater.

them! If you know a person or a company that could be interested in sponsoring easa011 either with cash or in kind, forward the Sponsorpack to them, talk to them. We will provide you with a list of companies that have agreed on sponsoring easa011 and a list of companies we have already contacted and have either rejected to sponsor or are pending to answer. However we would like to say that many companies, although international, finantialy work at a national level. So don’t worry to reiterate. Sponsorhunting is a long running task. In any case, please don’t forget to tell us periodicaly which companies you have contacted and the answers you have received to the following email: jesus. diaz@easa011.es

EASA011 UPDATES easa011 CADIZ. MADRID PART We would like to thank all the NCs for the feedback received during the discusion session we had at the INCM010. Because of that it has been decided that easa011 is going to be held in Cadiz during the whole lenght of the Assembly. However we are going to work on a 2-3 days pre-easa011 in Madrid where lectures and other activities will be held. This pre-easa011 event will be addressed to Spanish students that won’t be able to attend the two-weeks assembly and open to easa011 participants willing to participate. More information will come in the following months. NCs COLLABORATION For easa011, we want to keep an active collaboration from all the network for making of easa011 the best event possible. Because of that we want you to collaborate with us fund raising for a better event. We have prepared a Sponsorpack in Spanish, English and German. Use

easa011 RAFFLE As told at the incm010, we are holding a one free place at easa011 raffle. We are posting to all NCs raffle tickets so they can sell them in their universities. easa011 FINAL PRESENTATIONS As Frida suggested at the incm010 we will produce invitations for people to attend the ‘easa011 final presentations’, inviting people to donate 10€ for easa011. We would be very happy if you all could distribute these invitations among architects and artists in your countries once we send them to you. THE SPANISH MINISTRY OF CULTURE SUPPORTS easa011 We feel it is important to communicate to you that the Spanish Ministry of Culture, after evaluating our proposal, has agreed on backing the event.

PARTICIPATE! Dear NCs, if you wish to collaborate in these monthly bulletins either with articles, pictures, etc. write to francisco. rodriguez@easa011.es an email with the subject ‘easa011 bulletin‘, an we will be happy to include it in the following issues.

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